path: root/src/python/pcp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/python/pcp/')
1 files changed, 1866 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/pcp/ b/src/python/pcp/
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index 0000000..b558f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/pcp/
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+# pylint: disable=C0103
+""" Wrapper module for LIBPCP - the core Performace Co-Pilot API """
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Red Hat
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Michael T. Werner
+# This file is part of the "pcp" module, the python interfaces for the
+# Performance Co-Pilot toolkit.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# Additional Information:
+# Performance Co-Pilot Web Site
+# Performance Co-Pilot Programmer's Guide
+# cf. Chapter 3. PMAPI - The Performance Metrics API
+ from pcp import pmapi
+ import cpmapi as c_api
+ # Create a pcp class
+ context = pmapi.pmContext(c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST, "local:")
+ # Get ids for number cpus and load metrics
+ metric_ids = context.pmLookupName(("hinv.ncpu","kernel.all.load"))
+ # Get the description of the metrics
+ descs = context.pmLookupDescs(metric_ids)
+ # Fetch the current value for number cpus
+ results = context.pmFetch(metric_ids)
+ # Extract the value into a scalar value
+ atom = context.pmExtractValue(results.contents.get_valfmt(0),
+ results.contents.get_vlist(0, 0),
+ descs[0].contents.type,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_U32)
+ print "#cpus=", atom.ul
+ # Get the instance ids for kernel.all.load
+ inst1 = context.pmLookupInDom(descs[1], "1 minute")
+ inst5 = context.pmLookupInDom(descs[1], "5 minute")
+ # Loop through the metric ids
+ for i in xrange(results.contents.numpmid):
+ # Is this the kernel.all.load id?
+ if (results.contents.get_pmid(i) != metric_ids[1]):
+ continue
+ # Extract the kernel.all.load instance
+ for j in xrange(results.contents.get_numval(i) - 1):
+ atom = context.pmExtractValue(results.contents.get_valfmt(i),
+ results.contents.get_vlist(i, j),
+ descs[i].contents.type,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT)
+ value = atom.f
+ if results.contents.get_inst(i, j) == inst1:
+ print "load average 1=",atom.f
+ elif results.contents.get_inst(i, j) == inst5:
+ print "load average 5=",atom.f
+# for reporting on times from pmLocaltime function
+from time import mktime
+# constants adapted from C header file <pcp/pmapi.h>
+import cpmapi as c_api
+# for interfacing with LIBPCP - the client-side C API
+import ctypes
+from ctypes import c_char, c_int, c_uint, c_long, c_char_p, c_void_p
+from ctypes import c_longlong, c_ulonglong, c_float, c_double
+from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, CFUNCTYPE, Structure, Union
+from ctypes import addressof, pointer, sizeof, cast, byref
+from ctypes import create_string_buffer, memmove
+from ctypes.util import find_library
+# dynamic library loads
+LIBPCP = CDLL(find_library("pcp"))
+LIBC = CDLL(find_library("c"))
+# definition of exception classes
+class pmErr(Exception):
+ def __str__(self):
+ errSym = None
+ try:
+ errSym = c_api.pmErrSymDict[self.args[0]]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if errSym == None:
+ return self.message()
+ return "%s %s" % (errSym, self.message())
+ def message(self):
+ errStr = create_string_buffer(c_api.PM_MAXERRMSGLEN)
+ errStr = LIBPCP.pmErrStr_r(self.args[0], errStr, c_api.PM_MAXERRMSGLEN)
+ for index in range(1, len(self.args)):
+ errStr += " " + str(self.args[index])
+ return errStr
+ def progname(self):
+ return c_char_p.in_dll(LIBPCP, "pmProgname").value
+class pmUsageErr(Exception):
+ def message(self):
+ return c_api.pmUsageMessage()
+# definition of structures used by libpcp, derived from <pcp/pmapi.h>
+# This section defines the data structures for accessing and manuiplating
+# metric information and values. Detailed information about these data
+# structures can be found in:
+# Performance Co-Pilot Programmer's Guide
+# Section 3.4 - Performance Metric Descriptions
+# Section 3.5 - Performance Metric Values
+# these hardcoded decls should be derived from <sys/time.h>
+class timeval(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("tv_sec", c_long),
+ ("tv_usec", c_long)]
+ def __init__(self, sec = 0, usec = 0):
+ Structure.__init__(self)
+ self.tv_sec = sec
+ self.tv_usec = usec
+ @classmethod
+ def fromInterval(builder, interval):
+ """ Construct timeval from a string using pmParseInterval """
+ tvp = builder()
+ errmsg = c_char_p()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmParseInterval(interval, byref(tvp), byref(errmsg))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status, errmsg)
+ return tvp
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%.3f" % c_api.pmtimevalToReal(self.tv_sec, self.tv_usec)
+ def __float__(self):
+ return float(c_api.pmtimevalToReal(self.tv_sec, self.tv_usec))
+ def __long__(self):
+ return long(self.tv_sec)
+ def __int__(self):
+ return int(self.tv_sec)
+ def sleep(self):
+ """ Delay for the amount of time specified by this timeval. """
+ c_api.pmtimevalSleep(self.tv_sec, self.tv_usec)
+ return None
+class tm(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("tm_sec", c_int),
+ ("tm_min", c_int),
+ ("tm_hour", c_int),
+ ("tm_mday", c_int),
+ ("tm_mon", c_int),
+ ("tm_year", c_int),
+ ("tm_wday", c_int),
+ ("tm_yday", c_int),
+ ("tm_isdst", c_int),
+ ("tm_gmtoff", c_long), # glibc/bsd extension
+ ("tm_zone", c_char_p)] # glibc/bsd extension
+ def __str__(self):
+ timetuple = (self.tm_year+1900, self.tm_mon, self.tm_mday,
+ self.tm_hour, self.tm_min, self.tm_sec,
+ self.tm_wday, self.tm_yday, self.tm_isdst)
+ inseconds = 0.0
+ try:
+ inseconds = mktime(timetuple)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return "%s %s" % (inseconds.__str__(), timetuple)
+class pmAtomValue(Union):
+ """Union used for unpacking metric values according to type
+ Constants for specifying metric types are defined in module pmapi
+ """
+ _fields_ = [("l", c_int),
+ ("ul", c_uint),
+ ("ll", c_longlong),
+ ("ull", c_ulonglong),
+ ("f", c_float),
+ ("d", c_double),
+ ("cp", c_char_p),
+ ("vp", c_void_p)]
+ _atomDrefD = {c_api.PM_TYPE_32 : lambda x: x.l,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_U32 : lambda x: x.ul,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_64 : lambda x: x.ll,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_U64 : lambda x: x.ull,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT : lambda x: x.f,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_DOUBLE : lambda x: x.d,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_STRING : lambda x: x.cp,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE : lambda x: None,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE_STATIC : lambda x: None,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_NOSUPPORT : lambda x: None,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_UNKNOWN : lambda x: None
+ }
+ def dref(self, typed):
+ return self._atomDrefD[typed](self)
+class pmUnits(Structure):
+ """
+ Compiler-specific bitfields specifying scale and dimension of metric values
+ Constants for specifying metric units are defined in module pmapi
+ IRIX => HAVE_BITFIELDS_LTOR, gcc => not so much
+ """
+ _fields_ = [("dimSpace", c_int, 4),
+ ("dimTime", c_int, 4),
+ ("dimCount", c_int, 4),
+ ("scaleSpace", c_int, 4),
+ ("scaleTime", c_int, 4),
+ ("scaleCount", c_int, 4),
+ ("pad", c_int, 8)]
+ else:
+ _fields_ = [("pad", c_int, 8),
+ ("scaleCount", c_int, 4),
+ ("scaleTime", c_int, 4),
+ ("scaleSpace", c_int, 4),
+ ("dimCount", c_int, 4),
+ ("dimTime", c_int, 4),
+ ("dimSpace", c_int, 4)]
+ def __init__(self, dimS=0, dimT=0, dimC=0, scaleS=0, scaleT=0, scaleC=0):
+ Structure.__init__(self)
+ self.dimSpace = dimS
+ self.dimTime = dimT
+ self.dimCount = dimC
+ self.scaleSpace = scaleS
+ self.scaleTime = scaleT
+ self.scaleCount = scaleC
+ self.pad = 0
+ def __str__(self):
+ unitstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(64)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmUnitsStr_r(self, unitstr, 64))
+class pmValueBlock(Structure):
+ """Value block bitfields for different compilers
+ A value block holds the value of an instance of a metric
+ pointed to by the pmValue structure, when that value is
+ too large (> 32 bits) to fit in the pmValue structure
+ """
+ _fields_ = [("vtype", c_uint, 8),
+ ("vlen", c_uint, 24),
+ ("vbuf", c_char * 1)]
+ else: # Linux (gcc)
+ _fields_ = [("vlen", c_uint, 24),
+ ("vtype", c_uint, 8),
+ ("vbuf", c_char * 1)]
+class valueDref(Union):
+ """Union in pmValue for dereferencing the value of an instance of a metric
+ For small items, e.g. a 32-bit number, the union contains the actual value
+ For large items, e.g. a text string, the union points to a pmValueBlock
+ """
+ _fields_ = [("pval", POINTER(pmValueBlock)),
+ ("lval", c_int)]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "value=%#lx" % (self.lval)
+class pmValue(Structure):
+ """Structure holding the value of a metric instance """
+ _fields_ = [("inst", c_int),
+ ("value", valueDref)]
+ def __str__(self):
+ vstr = str(self.value)
+ return "pmValue@%#lx inst=%d " % (addressof(self), self.inst) + vstr
+class pmValueSet(Structure):
+ """Structure holding a metric's list of instance values
+ A performance metric may contain one or more instance values, one for each
+ item that the metric concerns. For example, a metric measuring filesystem
+ free space would contain one instance value for each filesystem that exists
+ on the target machine. Whereas, a metric measuring free memory would have
+ only one instance value, representing the total amount of free memory on
+ the target system.
+ """
+ _fields_ = [("pmid", c_uint),
+ ("numval", c_int),
+ ("valfmt", c_int),
+ ("vlist", (pmValue * 1))]
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.valfmt == 0:
+ vals = xrange(self.numval)
+ vstr = str([" %s" % str(self.vlist[i]) for i in vals])
+ vset = (addressof(self), self.pmid, self.numval, self.valfmt)
+ return "pmValueSet@%#lx id=%#lx numval=%d valfmt=%d" % vset + vstr
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def vlist_read(self):
+ return pointer(self._vlist[0])
+ vlist = property(vlist_read, None, None, None)
+pmValueSetPtr = POINTER(pmValueSet)
+pmValueSetPtr.pmid = property(lambda x: x.contents.pmid, None, None, None)
+pmValueSetPtr.numval = property(lambda x: x.contents.numval, None, None, None)
+pmValueSetPtr.valfmt = property(lambda x: x.contents.valfmt, None, None, None)
+pmValueSetPtr.vlist = property(lambda x: x.contents.vlist, None, None, None)
+class pmResult(Structure):
+ """Structure returned by pmFetch, with a value set for each metric queried
+ The vset is defined with a "fake" array bounds of 1, which can give runtime
+ array bounds complaints. The getter methods are array bounds agnostic.
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ("timestamp", timeval),
+ ("numpmid", c_int),
+ # array N of pointer to pmValueSet
+ ("vset", (POINTER(pmValueSet)) * 1) ]
+ def __init__(self):
+ Structure.__init__(self)
+ self.numpmid = 0
+ def __str__(self):
+ vals = xrange(self.numpmid)
+ vstr = str([" %s" % str(self.vset[i].contents) for i in vals])
+ return "pmResult@%#lx id#=%d " % (addressof(self), self.numpmid) + vstr
+ def get_pmid(self, vset_idx):
+ """ Return the pmid of vset[vset_idx] """
+ vsetptr = cast(self.vset, POINTER(pmValueSetPtr))
+ return vsetptr[vset_idx].contents.pmid
+ def get_valfmt(self, vset_idx):
+ """ Return the valfmt of vset[vset_idx] """
+ vsetptr = cast(self.vset, POINTER(POINTER(pmValueSet)))
+ return vsetptr[vset_idx].contents.valfmt
+ def get_numval(self, vset_idx):
+ """ Return the numval of vset[vset_idx] """
+ vsetptr = cast(self.vset, POINTER(POINTER(pmValueSet)))
+ return vsetptr[vset_idx].contents.numval
+ def get_vset(self, vset_idx):
+ """ Return the vset[vset_idx] """
+ vsetptr = cast(self.vset, POINTER(POINTER(pmValueSet)))
+ return vsetptr[vset_idx]
+ def get_vlist(self, vset_idx, vlist_idx):
+ """ Return the vlist[vlist_idx] of vset[vset_idx] """
+ listptr = cast(self.get_vset(vset_idx).contents.vlist, POINTER(pmValue))
+ return listptr[vlist_idx]
+ def get_inst(self, vset_idx, vlist_idx):
+ """ Return the inst for vlist[vlist_idx] of vset[vset_idx] """
+ return self.get_vlist(vset_idx, vlist_idx).inst
+pmID = c_uint
+pmInDom = c_uint
+class pmDesc(Structure):
+ """Structure describing a metric
+ """
+ _fields_ = [("pmid", c_uint),
+ ("type", c_int),
+ ("indom", c_uint),
+ ("sem", c_int),
+ ("units", pmUnits) ]
+ def __str__(self):
+ fields = (addressof(self), self.pmid, self.type)
+ return "pmDesc@%#lx id=%#lx type=%d" % fields
+pmDescPtr = POINTER(pmDesc)
+pmDescPtr.sem = property(lambda x: x.contents.sem, None, None, None)
+pmDescPtr.type = property(lambda x: x.contents.type, None, None, None)
+def get_indom(pmdesc):
+ """Internal function to extract an indom from a pmdesc
+ Allow functions requiring an indom to be passed a pmDesc* instead
+ """
+ class Value(Union):
+ _fields_ = [ ("pval", POINTER(pmDesc)),
+ ("lval", c_uint) ]
+ if type(pmdesc) == POINTER(pmDesc):
+ return pmdesc.contents.indom
+ else: # raw indom
+ # Goodness, there must be a simpler way to do this
+ value = Value()
+ value.pval = pmdesc
+ return value.lval
+class pmMetricSpec(Structure):
+ """Structure describing a metric's specification
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ("isarch", c_int),
+ ("source", c_char_p),
+ ("metric", c_char_p),
+ ("ninst", c_int),
+ ("inst", POINTER(c_char_p)) ]
+ def __str__(self):
+ insts = map(lambda x: str(self.inst[x]), range(self.ninst))
+ fields = (addressof(self), self.isarch, self.source, insts)
+ return "pmMetricSpec@%#lx src=%s metric=%s insts=" % fields
+ @classmethod
+ def fromString(builder, string, isarch = 0, source = ''):
+ result = POINTER(builder)()
+ errmsg = c_char_p()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmParseMetricSpec(string, isarch, source,
+ byref(result), byref(errmsg))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status, errmsg)
+ return result
+class pmLogLabel(Structure):
+ """Label record at the start of every log file
+ """
+ _fields_ = [ ("magic", c_int),
+ ("pid_t", c_int),
+ ("start", timeval),
+ ("hostname", c_char * c_api.PM_LOG_MAXHOSTLEN),
+ ("tz", c_char * c_api.PM_TZ_MAXLEN) ]
+# PMAPI function prototypes
+# PMAPI Name Space Services
+LIBPCP.pmGetChildren.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmGetChildren.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p))]
+LIBPCP.pmGetChildrenStatus.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmGetChildrenStatus.argtypes = [
+ c_char_p, POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p)), POINTER(POINTER(c_int))]
+LIBPCP.pmGetPMNSLocation.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmGetPMNSLocation.argtypes = []
+LIBPCP.pmLoadNameSpace.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmLoadNameSpace.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmLookupName.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmLookupName.argtypes = [c_int, (c_char_p * 1), POINTER(c_uint)]
+LIBPCP.pmNameAll.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmNameAll.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p))]
+LIBPCP.pmNameID.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmNameID.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_char_p)]
+traverseCB_type = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_char_p)
+LIBPCP.pmTraversePMNS.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmTraversePMNS.argtypes = [c_char_p, traverseCB_type]
+LIBPCP.pmUnloadNameSpace.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmUnloadNameSpace.argtypes = []
+LIBPCP.pmRegisterDerived.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmRegisterDerived.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmLoadDerivedConfig.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmLoadDerivedConfig.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmDerivedErrStr.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmDerivedErrStr.argtypes = []
+# PMAPI Metrics Description Services
+LIBPCP.pmLookupDesc.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmLookupDesc.argtypes = [c_uint, POINTER(pmDesc)]
+LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomText.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomText.argtypes = [c_uint, c_int, POINTER(c_char_p)]
+LIBPCP.pmLookupText.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmLookupText.argtypes = [c_uint, c_int, POINTER(c_char_p)]
+# PMAPI Instance Domain Services
+LIBPCP.pmGetInDom.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmGetInDom.argtypes = [
+ c_uint, POINTER(POINTER(c_int)), POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p))]
+LIBPCP.pmLookupInDom.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmLookupInDom.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmNameInDom.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmNameInDom.argtypes = [c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_char_p)]
+# PMAPI Context Services
+LIBPCP.pmNewContext.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmNewContext.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmDestroyContext.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmDestroyContext.argtypes = [c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmDupContext.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmDupContext.argtypes = []
+LIBPCP.pmUseContext.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmUseContext.argtypes = [c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmWhichContext.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmWhichContext.argtypes = []
+LIBPCP.pmAddProfile.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmAddProfile.argtypes = [c_uint, c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
+LIBPCP.pmDelProfile.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmDelProfile.argtypes = [c_uint, c_int, POINTER(c_int)]
+LIBPCP.pmSetMode.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmSetMode.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(timeval), c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext.argtypes = [c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmGetContextHostName_r.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmGetContextHostName_r.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
+# PMAPI Timezone Services
+LIBPCP.pmNewContextZone.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmNewContextZone.argtypes = []
+LIBPCP.pmNewZone.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmNewZone.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmUseZone.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmUseZone.argtypes = [c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmWhichZone.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmWhichZone.argtypes = [POINTER(c_char_p)]
+LIBPCP.pmLocaltime.restype = POINTER(tm)
+LIBPCP.pmLocaltime.argtypes = [POINTER(c_long), POINTER(tm)]
+LIBPCP.pmCtime.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmCtime.argtypes = [POINTER(c_long), c_char_p]
+# PMAPI Metrics Services
+LIBPCP.pmFetch.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmFetch.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(POINTER(pmResult))]
+LIBPCP.pmFreeResult.restype = None
+LIBPCP.pmFreeResult.argtypes = [POINTER(pmResult)]
+LIBPCP.pmStore.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmStore.argtypes = [POINTER(pmResult)]
+# PMAPI Archive-Specific Services
+LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveLabel.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveLabel.argtypes = [POINTER(pmLogLabel)]
+LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveEnd.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveEnd.argtypes = [POINTER(timeval)]
+LIBPCP.pmGetInDomArchive.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmGetInDomArchive.argtypes = [
+ c_uint, POINTER(POINTER(c_int)), POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p)) ]
+LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomArchive.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmLookupInDom.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomArchive.argtypes = [pmInDom, c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmNameInDomArchive.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmNameInDomArchive.argtypes = [pmInDom, c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmFetchArchive.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmFetchArchive.argtypes = [POINTER(POINTER(pmResult))]
+# PMAPI Ancilliary Support Services
+LIBPCP.pmGetConfig.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmGetConfig.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmErrStr_r.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmErrStr_r.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmExtractValue.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmExtractValue.argtypes = [
+ c_int, POINTER(pmValue), c_int, POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_int ]
+LIBPCP.pmConvScale.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmConvScale.argtypes = [
+ c_int, POINTER(pmAtomValue), POINTER(pmUnits), POINTER(pmAtomValue),
+ POINTER(pmUnits)]
+LIBPCP.pmUnitsStr_r.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmUnitsStr_r.argtypes = [POINTER(pmUnits), c_char_p, c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmNumberStr_r.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmNumberStr_r.argtypes = [c_double, c_char_p, c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmIDStr_r.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmIDStr_r.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmInDomStr_r.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmInDomStr_r.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmTypeStr_r.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmTypeStr_r.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmAtomStr_r.restype = c_char_p
+LIBPCP.pmAtomStr_r.argtypes = [POINTER(pmAtomValue), c_int, c_char_p, c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmPrintValue.restype = None
+LIBPCP.pmPrintValue.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, c_int, POINTER(pmValue), c_int]
+LIBPCP.pmParseInterval.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmParseInterval.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(timeval),
+ POINTER(c_char_p)]
+LIBPCP.pmParseMetricSpec.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmParseMetricSpec.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p,
+ POINTER(POINTER(pmMetricSpec)), POINTER(c_char_p)]
+LIBPCP.pmflush.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmflush.argtypes = []
+LIBPCP.pmprintf.restype = c_int
+LIBPCP.pmprintf.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+LIBPCP.pmSortInstances.restype = None
+LIBPCP.pmSortInstances.argtypes = [POINTER(pmResult)]
+ctypes.pythonapi.PyFile_AsFile.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
+ctypes.pythonapi.PyFile_AsFile.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object]
+# class pmOptions
+# This class wraps the PMAPI pmGetOptions functionality and can be used
+# to assist with automatic construction of a PMAPI context based on the
+# command line options used.
+class pmOptions(object):
+ """ Command line option parsing for short and long form arguments
+ Passed into pmGetOptions, pmGetContextOptions, pmUsageMessage.
+ """
+ ##
+ # property read methods
+ def _R_mode(self):
+ return self._mode
+ def _R_delta(self):
+ return self._delta
+ ##
+ # property definitions
+ mode = property(_R_mode, None, None, None)
+ delta = property(_R_delta, None, None, None)
+ ##
+ # creation and destruction
+ def __init__(self, short_options = None, short_usage = None, flags = 0):
+ c_api.pmResetAllOptions()
+ if (short_options != None):
+ c_api.pmSetShortOptions(short_options)
+ if short_usage != None:
+ c_api.pmSetShortUsage(short_usage)
+ if flags != 0:
+ c_api.pmSetOptionFlags(flags)
+ else: # good default for scripts - always evaluating log bounds
+ c_api.pmSetOptionFlags(c_api.PM_OPTFLAG_BOUNDARIES)
+ self._delta = 1 # default archive pmSetMode delta
+ self._mode = c_api.PM_MODE_INTERP # default pmSetMode access mode
+ def __del__(self):
+ c_api.pmResetAllOptions()
+ ##
+ # general command line option access and manipulation
+ def pmGetOptionFlags(self):
+ return c_api.pmGetOptionFlags()
+ def pmSetOptionFlags(self, flags):
+ return c_api.pmSetOptionFlags(flags)
+ def pmGetOptionErrors(self):
+ return c_api.pmGetOptionErrors()
+ def pmSetOptionErrors(self):
+ errors = c_api.pmGetOptionErrors() + 1
+ return c_api.pmSetOptionErrors(errors)
+ def pmSetShortUsage(self, short_usage):
+ return c_api.pmSetShortUsage(short_usage)
+ def pmSetShortOptions(self, short_options):
+ return c_api.pmSetShortOptions(short_options)
+ def pmSetOptionSamples(self, count):
+ """ Set sample count (converts string to integer) """
+ return c_api.pmSetOptionSamples(count)
+ def pmSetOptionInterval(self, interval):
+ """ Set sampling interval (pmParseInterval string) """
+ return c_api.pmSetOptionInterval(interval)
+ def pmNonOptionsFromList(self, argv):
+ return c_api.pmGetNonOptionsFromList(argv)
+ def pmSetCallbackObject(self, them):
+ """ When options are being parsed from within an object, the
+ caller will want the "self" of the other object ("them")
+ passed as the first parameter to the callback function.
+ """
+ return c_api.pmSetCallbackObject(them)
+ def pmSetOptionCallback(self, func):
+ """ Handle individual command line options, outside of the PCP
+ "standard" set (or overridden).
+ For every non-standard or overridden option, this callback
+ will be called with the short option character (as an int)
+ or zero for long-option only, and the usual getopts global
+ state (optind, opterr, optopt, optarg, and index - all int
+ except optarg which is a str).
+ """
+ return c_api.pmSetOptionCallback(func)
+ def pmSetOverrideCallback(self, func):
+ """ Allow a "standard" PCP option to be overridden.
+ For every option parsed, this callback is called and it may
+ return zero, meaning continue with processing the option in
+ the standard way, or non-zero, meaning the caller wishes to
+ override and interpret the option differently.
+ Callback input: int, output: int
+ """
+ return c_api.pmSetOverrideCallback(func)
+ def pmSetLongOption(self, long_opt, has_arg, short_opt, argname, message):
+ """ Add long option into the set of supported long options
+ Pass in the option name (str), whether it takes an argument (int),
+ its short option form (int), and two usage message hints (argname
+ (str) and message (str) - see pmGetOptions(3) for details).
+ """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOption(long_opt, has_arg, short_opt, argname, message)
+ def pmSetLongOptionHeader(self, heading):
+ """ Add a new section heading into the long option usage message """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHeader(heading)
+ def pmSetLongOptionText(self, text):
+ """ Add some descriptive text into the long option usage message """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionText(text)
+ def pmSetLongOptionAlign(self):
+ """ Add support for -A/--align into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionAlign()
+ def pmSetLongOptionArchive(self):
+ """ Add support for -a/--archive into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionArchive()
+ def pmSetLongOptionDebug(self):
+ """ Add support for -D/--debug into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionDebug()
+ def pmSetLongOptionGuiMode(self):
+ """ Add support for -g/--guimode into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionGuiMode()
+ def pmSetLongOptionHost(self):
+ """ Add support for -h/--host into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHost()
+ def pmSetLongOptionHostsFile(self):
+ """ Add support for -H/--hostsfile into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHostsFile()
+ def pmSetLongOptionSpecLocal(self):
+ """ Add support for -K/--spec-local into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionSpecLocal()
+ def pmSetLongOptionLocalPMDA(self):
+ """ Add support for -L/--local-PMDA into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionLocalPMDA()
+ def pmSetLongOptionOrigin(self):
+ """ Add support for -O/--origin into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionOrigin()
+ def pmSetLongOptionGuiPort(self):
+ """ Add support for -p/--guiport into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionGuiPort()
+ def pmSetLongOptionStart(self):
+ """ Add support for -S/--start into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionStart()
+ def pmSetLongOptionSamples(self):
+ """ Add support for -s/--samples into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionSamples()
+ def pmSetLongOptionFinish(self):
+ """ Add support for -T/--finish into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionFinish()
+ def pmSetLongOptionInterval(self):
+ """ Add support for -t/--interval into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionInterval()
+ def pmSetLongOptionVersion(self):
+ """ Add support for -V/--version into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionVersion()
+ def pmSetLongOptionTimeZone(self):
+ """ Add support for -Z/--timezone into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionTimeZone()
+ def pmSetLongOptionHostZone(self):
+ """ Add support for -z/--hostzone into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHostZone()
+ def pmSetLongOptionHelp(self):
+ """ Add support for -?/--help into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHelp()
+ def pmSetLongOptionArchiveList(self):
+ """ Add support for --archive-list into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionArchiveList()
+ def pmSetLongOptionArchiveFolio(self):
+ """ Add support for --archive-folio into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionArchiveFolio()
+ def pmSetLongOptionHostList(self):
+ """ Add support for --host-list into PMAPI monitor tool """
+ return c_api.pmSetLongOptionHostList()
+ def pmGetOptionContext(self): # int (typed)
+ return c_api.pmGetOptionContext()
+ def pmGetOptionHosts(self): # str list
+ return c_api.pmGetOptionHosts()
+ def pmGetOptionArchives(self): # str list
+ return c_api.pmGetOptionArchives()
+ def pmGetOptionAlignment(self): # timeval
+ sec = c_api.pmGetOptionAlignment_sec()
+ if sec == None:
+ return None
+ return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionAlignment_sec())
+ def pmGetOptionStart(self): # timeval
+ sec = c_api.pmGetOptionStart_sec()
+ if sec == None:
+ return None
+ return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionStart_usec())
+ def pmGetOptionFinishOptarg(self): # string
+ return c_api.pmGetOptionFinish_optarg()
+ def pmGetOptionFinish(self): # timeval
+ sec = c_api.pmGetOptionFinish_sec()
+ if sec == None:
+ return None
+ return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionFinish_usec())
+ def pmGetOptionOrigin(self): # timeval
+ sec = c_api.pmGetOptionOrigin_sec()
+ if sec == None:
+ return None
+ return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionOrigin_usec())
+ def pmGetOptionInterval(self): # timeval
+ sec = c_api.pmGetOptionInterval_sec()
+ if sec == None:
+ return None
+ return timeval(sec, c_api.pmGetOptionInterval_usec())
+ def pmGetOptionSamples(self): # int
+ return c_api.pmGetOptionSamples()
+ def pmGetOptionTimezone(self): # str
+ return c_api.pmGetOptionTimezone()
+ def pmSetOptionArchiveList(self, archives): # str
+ return c_api.pmSetOptionArchiveList(archives)
+ def pmSetOptionArchiveFolio(self, folio): # str
+ return c_api.pmSetOptionArchiveFolio(folio)
+ def pmSetOptionHostList(self, hosts): # str
+ return c_api.pmSetOptionHostList(hosts)
+# class pmContext
+# This class wraps the PMAPI library functions
+class pmContext(object):
+ """Defines a metrics source context (e.g. host, archive, etc) to operate on
+ pmContext(c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST,"local:")
+ This object defines a PMAPI context, and its methods wrap calls to PMAPI
+ library functions. Detailled information about those C library functions
+ can be found in the following document.
+ SGI Document: 007-3434-005
+ Performance Co-Pilot Programmer's Guide
+ Section 3.7 - PMAPI Procedural Interface, pp. 67
+ Detailed information about the underlying data structures can be found
+ in the same document.
+ Section 3.4 - Performance Metric Descriptions, pp. 59
+ Section 3.5 - Performance Metric Values, pp. 62
+ """
+ ##
+ # class attributes
+ ##
+ # property read methods
+ def _R_type(self):
+ return self._type
+ def _R_target(self):
+ return self._target
+ def _R_ctx(self):
+ return self._ctx
+ ##
+ # property definitions
+ type = property(_R_type, None, None, None)
+ target = property(_R_target, None, None, None)
+ ctx = property(_R_ctx, None, None, None)
+ ##
+ # creation and destruction
+ def __init__(self, typed = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST, target = "local:"):
+ self._type = typed # the context type
+ self._target = target # the context target
+ self._ctx = c_api.PM_ERR_NOCONTEXT # init'd pre-connect
+ self._ctx = LIBPCP.pmNewContext(typed, target) # the context handle
+ if self._ctx < 0:
+ raise pmErr(self._ctx, [target])
+ def __del__(self):
+ if LIBPCP and self._ctx != c_api.PM_ERR_NOCONTEXT:
+ LIBPCP.pmDestroyContext(self._ctx)
+ @classmethod
+ def fromOptions(builder, options, argv, typed = 0, index = 0):
+ """ Helper interface, simple PCP monitor argument parsing.
+ Take argv list, create a context using pmGetOptions(3)
+ and standard options default values like local: etc
+ based on the contents of the list.
+ Caller should have already registered any options of
+ interest using the option family of interfaces, i.e.
+ pmSetShortOptions, pmSetLongOption*, pmSetOptionFlags,
+ pmSetOptionCallback, and pmSetOptionOverrideCallback.
+ When the MULTI/MIXED pmGetOptions flags are being used,
+ the typed/index parameters can be used to setup several
+ contexts based on the given command line parameters.
+ """
+ if (typed <= 0):
+ if c_api.pmGetOptionsFromList(argv):
+ raise pmUsageErr
+ typed = options.pmGetOptionContext()
+ if typed == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_ARCHIVE:
+ archives = options.pmGetOptionArchives()
+ source = archives[index]
+ elif typed == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST:
+ hosts = options.pmGetOptionHosts()
+ source = hosts[index]
+ elif typed == c_api.PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL:
+ source = None
+ else:
+ typed = c_api.PM_CONTEXT_HOST
+ source = "local:"
+ # core work done here - constructs the new pmContext
+ context = builder(typed, source)
+ # finish time windows, timezones, archive access mode
+ if c_api.pmSetContextOptions(context.ctx, options.mode,
+ raise pmUsageErr
+ return context
+ ##
+ # PMAPI Name Space Services
+ #
+ def pmGetChildren(self, name):
+ """PMAPI - Return names of children of the given PMNS node NAME
+ tuple names = pmGetChildren("kernel")
+ """
+ offspring = POINTER(c_char_p)()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmGetChildren(name, byref(offspring))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ if status > 0:
+ childL = map(lambda x: str(offspring[x]), range(status))
+ else:
+ return None
+ return childL
+ def pmGetChildrenStatus(self, name):
+ """PMAPI - Return names and status of children of the given metric NAME
+ (tuple names,tuple status) = pmGetChildrenStatus("kernel")
+ """
+ offspring = POINTER(c_char_p)()
+ childstat = POINTER(c_int)()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmGetChildrenStatus(name,
+ byref(offspring), byref(childstat))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ if status > 0:
+ childL = map(lambda x: str(offspring[x]), range(status))
+ statL = map(lambda x: int(childstat[x]), range(status))
+ else:
+ return None, None
+ return childL, statL
+ def pmGetPMNSLocation(self):
+ """PMAPI - Return the namespace location type
+ loc = pmGetPMNSLocation()
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmGetPMNSLocation()
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmLoadNameSpace(self, filename):
+ """PMAPI - Load a local namespace
+ status = pmLoadNameSpace("filename")
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLoadNameSpace(filename)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmLookupName(self, nameA, relaxed = 0):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup pmIDs from a list of metric names nameA
+ c_uint pmid [] = pmLookupName("MetricName")
+ c_uint pmid [] = pmLookupName(("MetricName1", "MetricName2", ...))
+ """
+ if type(nameA) == type(""):
+ n = 1
+ else:
+ n = len(nameA)
+ names = (c_char_p * n)()
+ if type(nameA) == type(""):
+ names[0] = c_char_p(nameA)
+ else:
+ for i in xrange(len(nameA)):
+ names[i] = c_char_p(nameA[i])
+ pmidA = (c_uint * n)()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ LIBPCP.pmLookupName.argtypes = [c_int, (c_char_p * n), POINTER(c_uint)]
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLookupName(n, names, pmidA)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status, pmidA)
+ elif relaxed == 0 and status != n:
+ badL = [name for (name, pmid) in zip(nameA, pmidA) \
+ if pmid == c_api.PM_ID_NULL]
+ raise pmErr(c_api.PM_ERR_NAME, badL)
+ return pmidA
+ def pmNameAll(self, pmid):
+ """PMAPI - Return list of all metric names having this identical PMID
+ tuple names = pmNameAll(metric_id)
+ """
+ nameA_p = POINTER(c_char_p)()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmNameAll(pmid, byref(nameA_p))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ nameL = map(lambda x: str(nameA_p[x]), range(status))
+ nameA_p )
+ return nameL
+ def pmNameID(self, pmid):
+ """PMAPI - Return a metric name from a PMID
+ name = pmNameID(self.metric_id)
+ """
+ k = c_char_p()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmNameID(pmid, byref(k))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ name = k.value
+ k )
+ return name
+ def pmTraversePMNS(self, name, callback):
+ """PMAPI - Scan namespace, depth first, run CALLBACK at each node
+ status = pmTraversePMNS("kernel", traverse_callback)
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ cb = traverseCB_type(callback)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmTraversePMNS(name, cb)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ def pmUnLoadNameSpace(self):
+ """PMAPI - Unloads a local PMNS, if one was previously loaded
+ pm.pmUnLoadNameSpace("NameSpace")
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUnloadNameSpace()
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ def pmRegisterDerived(self, name, expr):
+ """PMAPI - Register a derived metric name and definition
+ pm.pmRegisterDerived("MetricName", "MetricName Expression")
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmRegisterDerived(name, expr)
+ if status != 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ def pmLoadDerivedConfig(self, f):
+ """PMAPI - Register derived metric names and definitions from a file
+ pm.pmLoadDerivedConfig("FileName")
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLoadDerivedConfig(f)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmDerivedErrStr():
+ """PMAPI - Return an error message if the pmRegisterDerived metric
+ definition cannot be parsed
+ pm.pmRegisterDerived()
+ """
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmDerivedErrStr())
+ ##
+ # PMAPI Metrics Description Services
+ def pmLookupDesc(self, pmid_p):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup a metric description structure from a pmID
+ pmDesc* pmdesc = pmLookupDesc(c_uint pmid)
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ descbuf = create_string_buffer(sizeof(pmDesc))
+ desc = cast(descbuf, POINTER(pmDesc))
+ pmid = c_uint(pmid_p)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLookupDesc(pmid, desc)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return desc
+ def pmLookupDescs(self, pmids_p):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup metric description structures from pmIDs
+ (pmDesc* pmdesc)[] = pmLookupDesc(c_uint pmid[N])
+ (pmDesc* pmdesc)[] = pmLookupDesc(c_uint pmid)
+ """
+ if type(pmids_p) == type(int(0)) or type(pmids_p) == type(long(0)):
+ n = 1
+ else:
+ n = len(pmids_p)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ desc = (POINTER(pmDesc) * n)()
+ for i in xrange(n):
+ descbuf = create_string_buffer(sizeof(pmDesc))
+ desc[i] = cast(descbuf, POINTER(pmDesc))
+ if type(pmids_p) == type(int()) or type(pmids_p) == type(long()):
+ pmids = c_uint(pmids_p)
+ else:
+ pmids = c_uint(pmids_p[i])
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLookupDesc(pmids, desc[i])
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return desc
+ def pmLookupInDomText(self, pmdesc, kind = c_api.PM_TEXT_ONELINE):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup the description of a metric's instance domain
+ "instance" = pmLookupInDomText(pmDesc pmdesc)
+ """
+ buf = c_char_p()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomText(get_indom(pmdesc), kind, byref(buf))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ text = str(buf.value)
+ return text
+ def pmLookupText(self, pmid, kind = c_api.PM_TEXT_ONELINE):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup the description of a metric from its pmID
+ "desc" = pmLookupText(pmid)
+ """
+ buf = c_char_p()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLookupText(pmid, kind, byref(buf))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ text = buf.value
+ return text
+ ##
+ # PMAPI Instance Domain Services
+ def pmGetInDom(self, pmdescp):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup the list of instances from an instance domain PMDESCP
+ ([instance1, instance2...] [name1, name2...]) pmGetInDom(pmDesc pmdesc)
+ """
+ instA_p = POINTER(c_int)()
+ nameA_p = POINTER(c_char_p)()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmGetInDom(get_indom(pmdescp),
+ byref(instA_p), byref(nameA_p))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ if status > 0:
+ nameL = map(lambda x: str(nameA_p[x]), range(status))
+ instL = map(lambda x: int(instA_p[x]), range(status))
+ else:
+ instL = None
+ nameL = None
+ return instL, nameL
+ def pmLookupInDom(self, pmdesc, name):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup the instance id with the given NAME in the indom
+ c_uint instid = pmLookupInDom(pmDesc pmdesc, "Instance")
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLookupInDom(get_indom(pmdesc), name)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmNameInDom(self, pmdesc, instval):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup the text name of an instance in an instance domain
+ "string" = pmNameInDom(pmDesc pmdesc, c_uint instid)
+ """
+ if instval == c_api.PM_IN_NULL:
+ return "PM_IN_NULL"
+ name_p = c_char_p()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmNameInDom(get_indom(pmdesc), instval, byref(name_p))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ outName = str(name_p.value)
+ return outName
+ ##
+ # PMAPI Context Services
+ def pmNewContext(self, typed, name):
+ """PMAPI - NOOP - Establish a new PMAPI context (done in constructor)
+ This is unimplemented. A new context is established when a pmContext
+ object is created.
+ """
+ pass
+ def pmDestroyContext(self, handle):
+ """PMAPI - NOOP - Destroy a PMAPI context (done in destructor)
+ This is unimplemented. The context is destroyed when the pmContext
+ object is destroyed.
+ """
+ pass
+ def pmDupContext(self):
+ """PMAPI - Duplicate the current PMAPI Context
+ This supports copying a pmContext object
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmDupContext()
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmUseContext(self, handle):
+ """PMAPI - NOOP - Set the PMAPI context to that identified by handle
+ This is unimplemented. Context changes are handled by the individual
+ methods in a pmContext class instance.
+ """
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmWhichContext():
+ """PMAPI - Returns the handle of the current PMAPI context
+ context = pmWhichContext()
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmWhichContext()
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmAddProfile(self, pmdesc, instL):
+ """PMAPI - add instances to list that will be collected from indom
+ status = pmAddProfile(pmDesc pmdesc, c_uint instid)
+ """
+ if type(instL) == type(0):
+ numinst = 1
+ instA = (c_int * numinst)()
+ instA[0] = instL
+ elif instL == None or len(instL) == 0:
+ numinst = 0
+ instA = POINTER(c_int)()
+ else:
+ numinst = len(instL)
+ instA = (c_int * numinst)()
+ for index, value in enumerate(instL):
+ instA[index] = value
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmAddProfile(get_indom(pmdesc), numinst, instA)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmDelProfile(self, pmdesc, instL):
+ """PMAPI - delete instances from list to be collected from indom
+ status = pmDelProfile(pmDesc pmdesc, c_uint inst)
+ status = pmDelProfile(pmDesc pmdesc, [c_uint inst])
+ """
+ if instL == None or len(instL) == 0:
+ numinst = 0
+ instA = POINTER(c_int)()
+ else:
+ numinst = len(instL)
+ instA = (c_int * numinst)()
+ for index, value in enumerate(instL):
+ instA[index] = value
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmDelProfile(get_indom(pmdesc), numinst, instA)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmSetMode(self, mode, timeVal, delta):
+ """PMAPI - set interpolation mode for reading archive files
+ code = pmSetMode(c_api.PM_MODE_INTERP, timeval, 0)
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmSetMode(mode, pointer(timeVal), delta)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmReconnectContext(self):
+ """PMAPI - Reestablish the context connection
+ Unlike the underlying PMAPI function, this method takes no parameter.
+ This method simply attempts to reestablish the the context belonging
+ to its pmContext instance object.
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmReconnectContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmGetContextHostName(self):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup the hostname for the given context
+ This method simply returns the hostname for the context belonging to
+ its pmContext instance object.
+ "hostname" = pmGetContextHostName()
+ """
+ buflen = c_api.PM_LOG_MAXHOSTLEN
+ buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buflen)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmGetContextHostName_r(self.ctx, buffer, buflen))
+ ##
+ # PMAPI Timezone Services
+ def pmNewContextZone(self):
+ """PMAPI - Query and set the current reporting timezone """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmNewContextZone()
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmNewZone(tz):
+ """PMAPI - Create new zone handle and set reporting timezone """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmNewZone(tz)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmUseZone(tz_handle):
+ """PMAPI - Sets the current reporting timezone """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseZone(tz_handle)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmWhichZone():
+ """PMAPI - Query the current reporting timezone """
+ tz_p = c_char_p()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmWhichZone(byref(tz_p))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ tz = str(tz_p.value)
+ return tz
+ def pmLocaltime(self, seconds):
+ """PMAPI - convert the date and time for a reporting timezone """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ result = (tm)()
+ timetp = c_long(long(seconds))
+ LIBPCP.pmLocaltime(byref(timetp), byref(result))
+ return result
+ def pmCtime(self, seconds):
+ """PMAPI - format the date and time for a reporting timezone """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ result = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
+ timetp = c_long(long(seconds))
+ LIBPCP.pmCtime(byref(timetp), result)
+ return str(result.value)
+ ##
+ # PMAPI Metrics Services
+ def pmFetch(self, pmidA):
+ """PMAPI - Fetch pmResult from the target source
+ pmResult* pmresult = pmFetch(c_uint pmid[])
+ """
+ result_p = POINTER(pmResult)()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmFetch(len(pmidA), pmidA, byref(result_p))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return result_p
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmFreeResult(result_p):
+ """PMAPI - Free a result previously allocated by pmFetch
+ pmFreeResult(pmResult* pmresult)
+ """
+ LIBPCP.pmFreeResult(result_p)
+ def pmStore(self, result):
+ """PMAPI - Set values on target source, inverse of pmFetch
+ pmresult = pmStore(pmResult* pmresult)
+ """
+ LIBPCP.pmStore.argtypes = [(type(result))]
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmStore(result)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return result
+ ##
+ # PMAPI Archive-Specific Services
+ def pmGetArchiveLabel(self):
+ """PMAPI - Get the label record from the archive
+ loglabel = pmGetArchiveLabel()
+ """
+ loglabel = pmLogLabel()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveLabel(byref(loglabel))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return loglabel
+ def pmGetArchiveEnd(self):
+ """PMAPI - Get the last recorded timestamp from the archive
+ """
+ tvp = timeval()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmGetArchiveEnd(byref(tvp))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return tvp
+ def pmGetInDomArchive(self, pmdescp):
+ """PMAPI - Get the instance IDs and names for an instance domain
+ ((instance1, instance2...) (name1, name2...)) pmGetInDom(pmDesc pmdesc)
+ """
+ instA_p = POINTER(c_int)()
+ nameA_p = POINTER(c_char_p)()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ indom = get_indom(pmdescp)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmGetInDomArchive(indom, byref(instA_p), byref(nameA_p))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ if status > 0:
+ nameL = map(lambda x: str(nameA_p[x]), range(status))
+ instL = map(lambda x: int(instA_p[x]), range(status))
+ else:
+ instL = None
+ nameL = None
+ return instL, nameL
+ def pmLookupInDomArchive(self, pmdesc, name):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup the instance id with the given name in the indom
+ c_uint instid = pmLookupInDomArchive(pmDesc pmdesc, "Instance")
+ """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmLookupInDomArchive(get_indom(pmdesc), name)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ def pmNameInDomArchive(self, pmdesc, inst):
+ """PMAPI - Lookup the text name of an instance in an instance domain
+ "string" = pmNameInDomArchive(pmDesc pmdesc, c_uint instid)
+ """
+ name_p = c_char_p()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ indom = get_indom(pmdesc)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmNameInDomArchive(indom, inst, byref(name_p))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ outName = str(name_p.value)
+ return outName
+ def pmFetchArchive(self):
+ """PMAPI - Fetch measurements from the target source
+ pmResult* pmresult = pmFetch()
+ """
+ result_p = POINTER(pmResult)()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmUseContext(self.ctx)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ status = LIBPCP.pmFetchArchive(byref(result_p))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return result_p
+ ##
+ # PMAPI Ancilliary Support Services
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmGetConfig(variable):
+ """PMAPI - Return value from environment or pcp config file """
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmGetConfig(variable))
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmErrStr(code):
+ """PMAPI - Return value from environment or pcp config file """
+ errstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(c_api.PM_MAXERRMSGLEN)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmErrStr_r(code, errstr, c_api.PM_MAXERRMSGLEN))
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmExtractValue(valfmt, vlist, intype, outtype):
+ """PMAPI - Extract a value from a pmValue struct and convert its type
+ pmAtomValue = pmExtractValue(results.contents.get_valfmt(i),
+ results.contents.get_vlist(i, 0),
+ descs[i].contents.type,
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT)
+ """
+ outAtom = pmAtomValue()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmExtractValue(valfmt, vlist, intype,
+ byref(outAtom), outtype)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ if outtype == c_api.PM_TYPE_STRING:
+ # Get pointer to C string
+ c_str = c_char_p()
+ memmove(byref(c_str), addressof(outAtom) + pmAtomValue.cp.offset,
+ sizeof(c_char_p))
+ # Convert to a python string and have result point to it
+ outAtom.cp = outAtom.cp
+ # Free the C string
+ return outAtom
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmConvScale(inType, inAtom, desc, metric_idx, outUnits):
+ """PMAPI - Convert a value to a different scale
+ pmAtomValue = pmConvScale(c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT, pmAtomValue,
+ pmDesc*, 3, c_api.PM_SPACE_MBYTE)
+ """
+ if type(outUnits) == type(int()):
+ pmunits = pmUnits()
+ pmunits.dimSpace = 1
+ pmunits.scaleSpace = outUnits
+ else:
+ pmunits = outUnits
+ outAtom = pmAtomValue()
+ status = LIBPCP.pmConvScale(inType, byref(inAtom),
+ byref(desc[metric_idx].contents.units),
+ byref(outAtom), byref(pmunits))
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return outAtom
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmUnitsStr(units):
+ """PMAPI - Convert units struct to a readable string """
+ unitstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(64)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmUnitsStr_r(units, unitstr, 64))
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmNumberStr(value):
+ """PMAPI - Convert double value to fixed-width string """
+ numstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(8)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmNumberStr_r(value, numstr, 8))
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmIDStr(pmid):
+ """PMAPI - Convert a pmID to a readable string """
+ pmidstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmIDStr_r(pmid, pmidstr, 32))
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmInDomStr(pmdescp):
+ """PMAPI - Convert an instance domain ID to a readable string
+ "indom" = pmGetInDom(pmDesc pmdesc)
+ """
+ indomstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmInDomStr_r(get_indom(pmdescp), indomstr, 32))
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmTypeStr(typed):
+ """PMAPI - Convert a performance metric type to a readable string
+ "type" = pmTypeStr(c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT)
+ """
+ typestr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(32)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmTypeStr_r(typed, typestr, 32))
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmAtomStr(atom, typed):
+ """PMAPI - Convert a value atom to a readable string
+ "value" = pmAtomStr(atom, c_api.PM_TYPE_U32)
+ """
+ atomstr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(96)
+ return str(LIBPCP.pmAtomStr(byref(atom), typed, atomstr, 96))
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmPrintValue(fileObj, result, ptype, vset_idx, vlist_idx, min_width):
+ """PMAPI - Print the value of a metric
+ pmPrintValue(file, value, pmdesc, vset_index, vlist_index, min_width)
+ """
+ LIBPCP.pmPrintValue(ctypes.pythonapi.PyFile_AsFile(fileObj),
+ c_int(result.contents.vset[vset_idx].contents.valfmt),
+ c_int(ptype.contents.type),
+ byref(result.contents.vset[vset_idx].contents.vlist[vlist_idx]),
+ min_width)
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmflush():
+ """PMAPI - flush the internal buffer shared with pmprintf """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmflush()
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ return status
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmprintf(fmt, *args):
+ """PMAPI - append message to internal buffer for later printing """
+ status = LIBPCP.pmprintf(fmt, *args)
+ if status < 0:
+ raise pmErr(status)
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmSortInstances(result_p):
+ """PMAPI - sort all metric instances in result returned by pmFetch """
+ LIBPCP.pmSortInstances(result_p)
+ return None
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmParseInterval(interval):
+ """PMAPI - parse a textual time interval into a timeval struct
+ (timeval_ctype, '') = pmParseInterval("time string")
+ """
+ return (timeval.fromInterval(interval), '')
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmParseMetricSpec(string, isarch = 0, source = ''):
+ """PMAPI - parse a textual metric specification into a struct
+ (result, '') = pmParseMetricSpec("hinv.ncpu", 0, "localhost")
+ """
+ return (pmMetricSpec.fromString(string, isarch, source), '')
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmtimevalSleep(tvp):
+ """ Delay for a specified amount of time (timeval).
+ Useful for implementing tools that do metric sampling.
+ Single arg is timeval in tuple returned from pmParseInterval().
+ """
+ return tvp.sleep()