path: root/src/sheet2pcp/sheet2pcp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sheet2pcp/sheet2pcp')
1 files changed, 843 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sheet2pcp/sheet2pcp b/src/sheet2pcp/sheet2pcp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..554f647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sheet2pcp/sheet2pcp
@@ -0,0 +1,843 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Ken McDonell. All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use XML::TokeParser;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Date::Parse;
+use Date::Format;
+use PCP::LogImport;
+# Spreadsheet::Read is not include in some distros, so we give some
+# hints here, rather than dying with
+# Can't locate Spreadsheet/Read in @INC ...
+ require Spreadsheet::Read;
+ Spreadsheet::Read->import();
+if ($@) {
+ # failed
+ die "Error: Perl module Spreadsheet::Read needs to be installed either from\nyour distro or downloaded and installed from CPAN\n";
+my $skip_rows = 0; # N from <sheet heading="N">
+my $in_metric = 0; # XML parser context state ... in <metric> element
+my $in_data = 0; # XML parser context state ... in <data> element
+my $idx = -1; # index into columns of spreadsheet
+my $stamp_idx = -1; # column containing the datetime info
+my %indom_map = (); # key=metricname value=indom
+my %inst_map = (); # key=indom value=last_inst_assigned, and
+ # key=indom.instance value=inst
+my @handle = (); # pmi* handles, one per metric-instance pair
+my $sheet;
+my $zone = "UTC"; # default timezone
+my $label_zone;
+my $datefmt = "DMY"; # default order of date fields
+my %options; # for command line arguments
+sub dodate($)
+ # convert datetime format DD[/-]MM[/-]YY[YY] HH:MM[:SS] from spreadsheet
+ # parsers into the ISO-8601 dates that Date::Parse
+ # seems to be able to parse correctly ... this would appear to
+ # have to be YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000000 and then pass the timezone
+ # as the second parameter to str2time()
+ #
+ my ($datetime) = @_;
+ # date separators may be - or /, space separates date from time, time
+ # separators are :
+ my @field = split(/[ :\/-]/, $datetime);
+ my $mm;
+ my $yy;
+ my $dd;
+ if ($#field == 4) {
+ # assume :SS is missing, set seconds to 00
+ push(@field, "00");
+ }
+ if ($#field != 5) {
+ print "dodate: bad datetime format: \"$datetime\" => ";
+ foreach (@field) { print " $_"; }
+ print "\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ($datefmt eq "DMY") {
+ $dd = $field[0]; $mm = $field[1]; $yy = $field[2];
+ }
+ elsif ($datefmt eq "MDY") {
+ $mm = $field[0]; $dd = $field[1]; $yy = $field[2];
+ }
+ elsif ($datefmt eq "YMD") {
+ $yy = $field[0]; $mm = $field[1]; $dd = $field[2];
+ }
+ # get into cannonical DD, MM and YYYY format
+ if ($dd < 10 && $dd !~ /^0/) { $dd .= "0" }; # add leading zero
+ if ($mm < 10 && $mm !~ /^0/) { $mm .= "0" }; # add leading zero
+ if ($yy < 100) {
+ # terrible Y2K hack ... will stop working in 2080
+ if ($yy <= 80) { $yy += 2000; }
+ else { $yy += 1900; }
+ }
+ return $yy . "-" . $mm . "-" . $dd . "T" . $field[3] . ":" . $field[4] . ":" . $field[5];
+# process the mapfile and set up the metadata and handles needed
+# by the main loop
+sub domap($)
+ my ($mapfile) = @_;
+ my $sts = 0;
+ my $pmid;
+ my $indom;
+ my $units;
+ my $type;
+ my $sem;
+ my $name;
+ my $instance;
+ my $lsts;
+ my $parser = XML::TokeParser->new($mapfile, Noempty => 1);
+ if (!defined($parser)) {
+ print "sheet2pcp: Failed to open mapfile \"$mapfile\"\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ while (defined(my $token = $parser->get_token())) {
+ if ($token->is_start_tag) {
+ if ($token->tag eq "sheet") {
+ foreach my $a (keys %{$token->attr}) {
+ if ($a eq "heading") {
+ $skip_rows = $token->attr->{heading};
+ }
+ elsif ($a eq "hostname") {
+ if (pmiSetHostname($token->attr->{hostname}) < 0) {
+ print "Mapfile Warning: failed to set hostname " . $token->attr->{hostname} . ": " . pmiErrStr(-1) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($a eq "timezone") {
+ $zone = $token->attr->{timezone};
+ }
+ elsif ($a eq "datefmt") {
+ if ($token->attr->{datefmt} eq "DMY" ||
+ $token->attr->{datefmt} eq "MDY" ||
+ $token->attr->{datefmt} eq "YMD") {
+ $datefmt = $token->attr->{datefmt};
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: bad format for attribute datefmt=\"" . $token->attr->{datefmt} . "\"\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: attribute $a=\"" . $token->attr->{$a} . "\" not expected for <sheet> tag\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($token->tag eq "metric") {
+ $in_metric = 1;
+ # defaults ...
+ $pmid = PM_ID_NULL;
+ $indom = PM_INDOM_NULL;
+ $units = pmiUnits(0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ $type = PM_TYPE_FLOAT;
+ $sem = PM_SEM_INSTANT;
+ $name = undef;
+ $lsts = $sts;
+ foreach my $a (keys %{$token->attr}) {
+ if ($a eq "pmid") {
+ my $value = $token->attr->{pmid};
+ if ($value =~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ ||
+ $value =~ /^PMI_DOMAIN\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/) {
+ # expected N.N.N or PMI_DOMAIN.N.N format
+ my @args = split(/\./, $value);
+ $args[0] = PMI_DOMAIN if $args[0] eq "PMI_DOMAIN";
+ $pmid = pmid_build($args[0],$args[1],$args[2]);
+ }
+ elsif ($value eq "PM_ID_NULL") {
+ # accept literal default value
+ $pmid = PM_ID_NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: bad format for attribute pmid=\"$value\"\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($a eq "indom") {
+ my $value = $token->attr->{indom};
+ if ($value =~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ ||
+ $value =~ /^PMI_DOMAIN\.[0-9]+$/) {
+ # expected N.N or PMI_DOMAIN.N format
+ my @args = split(/\./, $value);
+ $args[0] = PMI_DOMAIN if $args[0] eq "PMI_DOMAIN";
+ $indom = pmInDom_build($args[0],$args[1]);
+ }
+ elsif ($value eq "PM_INDOM_NULL") {
+ # accept literal default value
+ $indom = PM_INDOM_NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: bad format for attribute indom=\"$value\"\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($a eq "units") {
+ my $value = $token->attr->{units};
+ my @args = split(/,/, $value);
+ if ($#args != 5) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: bad format for attribute units=\"$value\"\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
+ $_ = eval($args[$i]);
+ if (!defined($_)) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: bad component ($args[$i]) for attribute units=\"$value\"\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $args[$i] = $_;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($sts == 0) {
+ $units = pmiUnits($args[0], $args[1], $args[2],
+ $args[3], $args[4], $args[5]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($a eq "type") {
+ my $value = $token->attr->{type};
+ $_ = eval($value);
+ if (!defined($_)) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: bad value for attribute type=\"$value\"\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $type = $_;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($a eq "sem") {
+ my $value = $token->attr->{sem};
+ $_ = eval($value);
+ if (!defined($_)) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: bad value for attribute sem=\"$value\"\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $sem = $_;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: attribute $a=\"" . $token->attr->{$a} . "\" not expected for <metric> tag\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($token->tag eq "data") {
+ $in_data = 1;
+ $idx++;
+ $name = undef;
+ $instance = undef;
+ $lsts = $sts;
+ foreach my $a (keys %{$token->attr}) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: attribute $a=\"" . $token->attr->{$a} . "\" not expected for <data> tag\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($token->tag eq "datetime") {
+ $idx++;
+ $stamp_idx = $idx;
+ foreach my $a (keys %{$token->attr}) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: attribute $a=\"" . $token->attr->{$a} . "\" not expected for <datetime> tag\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($token->tag eq "skip") {
+ $idx++;
+ foreach my $a (keys %{$token->attr}) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: attribute $a=\"" . $token->attr->{$a} . "\" not expected for <skip> tag\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: unexpected start tag " . $token->raw . "\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($token->is_end_tag) {
+ if ($token->tag eq "sheet") {
+ if ($stamp_idx == -1) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: missing <datetime> element\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ elsif ($idx < 1) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: no <data> element\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ # all finished, nothing more to be done
+ }
+ elsif ($token->tag eq "metric") {
+ if (defined($name)) {
+ if ($lsts == $sts) {
+ # no errors in this <metric ...>name</metric> element
+ if (pmiAddMetric($name, $pmid, $type, $indom, $sem, $units) < 0) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: failed to define metric $name: " . pmiErrStr(-1) . "\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ else {
+ # need metric name => indom for <data> later
+ #
+ $indom_map{$name} = $indom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: missing metric name in <metric> element\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ $in_metric = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($token->tag eq "data") {
+ if (defined($name)) {
+ if ($lsts == $sts) {
+ # no errors in this <data ...>metricspec</data> element
+ $indom = $indom_map{$name};
+ if (defined($indom)) {
+ if (defined($instance)) {
+ if (!defined($inst_map{$indom . $instance})) {
+ # first time for this instance and indom
+ my $inst;
+ if (defined($inst_map{$indom})) {
+ $inst_map{$indom}++;
+ $inst = $inst_map{$indom};
+ }
+ else {
+ # first time for this indom
+ $inst_map{$indom} = 0;
+ $inst = 0;
+ }
+ if (pmiAddInstance($indom, $instance, $inst) < 0) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: failed to define instance \"$instance\" ($inst) for metric $name: " . pmiErrStr(-1) . "\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ else {
+ # add new instance for indom
+ $inst_map{$indom . $instance} = $inst;
+ }
+ }
+ my $h = pmiGetHandle($name, $instance);
+ if ($h < 0) {
+ die "pmiGetHandle: failed to create handle for metricspec $name" . "[" . $instance . "]: " . pmiErrStr($sts) . "\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@handle, $h);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $h = pmiGetHandle($name, "");
+ if ($h < 0) {
+ die "pmiGetHandle: failed to create handle for metricspec $name: " . pmiErrStr($sts) . "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@handle, $h);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: metric name ($name) in <data> element not defined in earlier <metric> element\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: missing metricspec in <data> element\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ $in_data = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($token->tag eq "datetime" || $token->tag eq "skip") {
+ # -1 flags this a column to be skipped
+ push(@handle, -1);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: unexpected end tag " . $token->raw . "\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($token->is_text) {
+ if ($in_metric || $in_data) {
+ $name = $token->text;
+ $name =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $name =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ($in_data) {
+ my @field = split(/\[/, $name);
+ if ($#field > 1) {
+ print "Mapfile Error: extra [ in metricspec \"" . $token->text . "\" in <data> element\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (defined($field[1])) {
+ $name = $field[0];
+ $instance = $field[1];
+ if ($instance =~ /]$/) {
+ $instance =~ s/]$//;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: missing ] in metricspec \"" . $token->text . "\" in <data> element\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Mapfile Error: unexpected text \"" . $token->text . "\"\n";
+ $sts++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($token->is_comment) {
+ # <!--pmiDump--> is special, silently ignore other comments
+ pmiDump() if $token->text eq "pmiDump";
+ }
+ elsif ($token->is_pi) {
+ print "Mapfile Warning: unexpected process instruction (ignored) " . $token->raw . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($sts != 0) {
+ print "Abandoned after $sts mapfile error";
+ print "s" if $sts > 1;
+ print "\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+my $sts = getopts('h:Z:', \%options);
+if (!defined($sts) || $#ARGV != 2) {
+ print "Usage: sheet2pcp [-h host] [-Z timezone] infile mapfile outfile\n";
+ exit(1);
+if (exists($options{Z})) {
+ $zone = $options{Z};
+ if ($zone !~ /^[-+][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) {
+ print "sheet2pcp: Illegal -Z value, must be +NNNN or -NNNN\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+# initialize the output archive so we can add the metadata from the mapfile
+pmiStart($ARGV[2], 0);
+if (exists($options{h})) {
+ if (pmiSetHostname($options{h}) < 0) {
+ print "sheet2pcp: Warning: failed to set hostname from -h " . $options{h} . ": " . pmiErrStr(-1) . "\n";
+ }
+# all the hard work is done here ...
+# Serious strangeness here ...
+# the Perl Date::Parse and Date::Format routines appear to
+# only work with timezones of the format +NNNN or -NNNN
+# ("UTC" is an exception)
+# PCP expects a $TZ style timezone in the archive label, so
+# we have to make up a PCP-xx:xx timezone ... note this
+# invloves a sign reversal!
+$label_zone = $zone;
+if ($zone =~ /^[-+][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/) {
+ $label_zone =~ s/^\+/PCP-/;
+ $label_zone =~ s/^-/PCP+/;
+ $label_zone =~ s/(..)$/:$1/;
+elsif ($zone ne "UTC") {
+ print "sheet2pcp: Warning: unexpected timezone ($zone), reverting to UTC\n";
+ $zone = "UTC";
+ $label_zone = "UTC";
+if (pmiSetTimezone($label_zone) < 0) {
+ print "Mapfile Warning: failed to set timezone \"" . $label_zone . "\": " . pmiErrStr(-1) . "\n";
+if ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.csv$/) {
+ system("perl -MText::CSV_XS -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or
+ die "Perl Text::CSV_XS module not installed";
+ $sheet = ReadData($ARGV[0]);
+elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.ods$/ || $ARGV[0] =~ /\.sxc$/) {
+ system("perl -MArchive::Zip -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or
+ die "Perl Archive::Zip module not installed";
+ system("perl -MSpreadsheet::ReadSXC -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or
+ die "Perl Spreadsheet::ReadSXC module not installed";
+ $sheet = ReadData($ARGV[0], dtfmt => "yyyy-mm-dd");
+elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.xls$/) {
+ system("perl -MOLE::Storage_Lite -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or
+ die "Perl OLE::Storage_Lite module not installed";
+ system("perl -MSpreadsheet::ParseExcel -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or
+ die "Perl Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module not installed";
+ $sheet = ReadData($ARGV[0], dtfmt => "yyyy-mm-dd");
+elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.xlsx$/) {
+ system("perl -MOLE::Storage_Lite -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or
+ die "Perl OLE::Storage_Lite module not installed";
+ system("perl -MSpreadsheet::ParseExcel -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or
+ die "Perl Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module not installed";
+ system("perl -MSpreadsheet::XLSX -e 1 >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or
+ die "Perl Spreadsheet::XLSX module not installed";
+ $sheet = ReadData($ARGV[0], dtfmt => "yyyy-mm-dd");
+else {
+ print "sheet2pcp: Error: No clue how to deduce format of spreadsheet $ARGV[0]\n";
+ exit(1);
+if (!defined($sheet)) {
+ print "sheet2pcp: Failed to open spreadsheet \"$ARGV[0]\"\n";
+ exit(1);
+#debug# print "maxrow=$sheet->[1]{maxrow} maxcol=$sheet->[1]{maxcol}\n";
+#debug# print "mapfile " . ($idx+1) . " columns, timestamp @ column " . $stamp_idx . "\n";
+if ($sheet->[1]{maxcol} != $idx+1) {
+ print "sheet2pcp: Warning: columns from mapfile (" . ($idx+1) . ") not equal to columns from spreadsheet (" . $sheet->[1]{maxcol} . "), some data will not be exported\n";
+for (my $row = 1; $row <= $sheet->[1]{maxrow}; $row++) {
+ my $stamp = undef;
+ if ($skip_rows) {
+ $skip_rows--;
+ next;
+ }
+ for (my $col = 1; $col <= $sheet->[1]{maxcol}; $col++) {
+ my $cell = cr2cell($col, $row);
+ # ignore columns after last one in mapfile
+ next if ($col > $idx+1);
+ #debug# print "$cell = $sheet->[1]{$cell}\n"
+ if (!defined($handle[$col-1])) {
+ pmiDump();
+ die "No handle[] entry for cell[" . $cell . "]. Check Handles in dump above.\n";
+ }
+ if (!defined($sheet->[1]{$cell})) {
+ print "Warning: cell[" . $cell . "] empty, but data expected\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($col == $stamp_idx+1) {
+ $stamp = dodate($sheet->[1]{$cell});
+ #debug# print $sheet->[1]{$cell} . " -> " . $stamp . "\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($handle[$col-1] != -1) {
+ pmiPutValueHandle($handle[$col-1], $sheet->[1]{$cell}) >= 0
+ or die "pmiPutValueHandle: failed at cell[" . $cell . "]: " . pmiErrStr(-1) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined($stamp)) {
+ die "Error: no datetime at row[ " . $row . "]";
+ }
+ pmiWrite(str2time($stamp, $zone), 0) >= 0
+ or die "pmiWrite: at row[ ". $row . "] ($stamp): " . pmiErrStr(-1) . "\n";
+=head1 NAME
+sheet2pcp - Import spreadsheet data and create a PCP archive
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<sheet2pcp> [B<-h> I<host>] [B<-Z> I<timezone>] I<infile> I<mapfile> I<outfile>
+B<sheet2pcp> is intended to read a data spreadsheet (I<infile>)
+translate this into a Performance
+Co-Pilot (PCP) archive with the basename I<outfile>.
+The input spreadsheet can be in any of the common formats, provided
+the appropriate Perl modules have been installed (see the B<CAVEATS>
+section below). The spreadsheet must be E<quot>normalizedE<quot>
+so that each row contains data for the same time interval, and one
+of the columns contains the date and time for the data in each
+The resultant PCP archive may be used with all the PCP client tools
+to graph subsets of the data using B<pmchart>(1),
+perform data reduction and reporting, filter with
+the PCP inference engine B<pmie>(1), etc.
+The I<mapfile> controls the import process and defines the data
+mapping from the spreadsheet columns onto the PCP data model. The file
+is written in XML and conforms to the syntax defined in the
+A series of physical files will be created with the prefix I<outfile>.
+These are I<outfile>B<.0> (the performance data),
+I<outfile>B<.meta> (the metadata that describes the performance data) and
+I<outfile>B<.index> (a temporal index to improve efficiency of replay
+operations for the archive). If any of these files exists already,
+then B<sheet2pcp> will B<not> overwrite them and will exit with an error
+The B<-h> option is an alternate to the
+B<hostname> attribute of the B<E<lt>sheetE<gt>> element in I<mapfile>
+described below. If both are specified, the value from I<mapfile> is
+The B<-Z> option is an alternate to the
+B<timezone> attribute of the B<E<lt>sheetE<gt>> element in I<mapfile>
+described below. If both are specified, the value from I<mapfile> is
+B<sheet2pcp> is a Perl script that uses the PCP::LogImport Perl wrapper
+around the PCP I<libpcp_import>
+library, and as such could be used as an example to develop new
+tools to import other types of performance data and create PCP archives.
+The I<mapfile> contains specifications in standard XML format.
+The whole specification is wrapped in a B<E<lt>sheetE<gt>> ... B<E<lt>/sheetE<gt>>
+The B<sheet> tag supports the following optional attributes:
+=over 10
+=item B<heading>
+Specifies the number of
+heading rows to skip at the start of the spreadsheet before processing data.
+Example: heading="1".
+=item B<hostname>
+Set the source hostname in the PCP archive (the
+default is to use the hostname of the local host).
+Example: hostname="".
+=item B<timezone>
+Set the source timezone in the PCP archive (the
+default is to use UTC). The timezone must have the
+format +HHMM (for hours and minutes East of UTC) or -HHMM (for hours
+and minutes West of UTC). Note in particular that B<neither> the B<zoneinfo>
+(aka Olson) format, e.g. Europe/Paris, nor the Posix B<TZ> format, e.g.
+EST+5 is allowed.
+Example: timezone="+1100".
+=item B<datefmt>
+The format of the date imported from the spreadsheet may be specified
+as a concatenation of
+values that specify the
+order of the year (B<Y>), month (B<M>) and day (B<D>) fields in a date.
+The supported variants are B<DMY> (the default),
+B<MDY> and B<YMD>.
+Example: datefmt="YMD".
+A B<E<lt>sheetE<gt>> element contains
+one or more metric specifications of
+the form B<E<lt>metricE<gt>>I<metricname>B<E<lt>/metricE<gt>>. The B<metric>
+tag supports the following optional attributes:
+=over 10
+=item B<pmid>
+The Performance Metrics Identifier (PMID), specified as 3 numbers
+separated by a periods (.) to
+set the B<domain>, B<cluster> and B<item> fields of the PMID, see B<PMNS>(4)
+for more details of PMIDs. If omitted, the PMID will be automatically
+assigned by B<pmiAddMetric>(3).
+The value B<PM_ID_NULL> may be used to explicitly nominate
+the default behaviour.
+Examples: pmid="60.0.2", pmid="PM_ID_NULL".
+=item B<indom>
+Each metric may have one or more values. If a metric B<always>
+has one value, it is singular and the Instance Domain should be set to
+Otherwise B<indom> should be specified as 2 numbers separated by a period (.)
+to set the B<domain> and B<ordinal> fields of the Instance Domain, see
+the B<__pmInDom_int> typedef in I<E<lt>pcp/impl.hE<gt>>.
+Examples: indom="PM_INDOM_NULL", indom="60.3", indom="PMI_DOMAIN.4".
+More than
+one metric can share the same Instance Domain when the metrics have defined
+values over similar sets of instances, e.g. all the metrics for each network
+interface. It is standard practice for the B<domain> field to be the
+same for the B<pmid> and the B<indom>; if the B<pmid> attribute is missing,
+then the B<domain> field for the B<indom> should be the reserved domain
+If the B<indom> attribute is omitted then the default Instance Domain for
+the metric is B<PM_INDOM_NULL>.
+=item B<units>
+The scale and dimension of the metric values along the axes of space, time
+and count (events, messages, packets, etc.) is specified with a 6-tuple.
+These values are passed to the B<pmiUnits>(3) function to generate a
+I<pmUnits> structure. Refer to B<pmLookupDesc>(3) for a full description
+of all the fields of this structure.
+The default is to assign no scale or dimension to the metric, i.e. units="0,0,0,0,0,0".
+Examples: units="0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0" (milliseconds),
+units="1,-1,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,PM_TIME_SEC,0" (Mbytes/sec),
+units="0,1,-1,0,PM_TIME_USEC,PM_COUNT_ONE" (microseconds/event).
+=item B<type>
+Defines the data type for the metric.
+Refer to B<pmLookupDesc>(3) for a full description
+of the possible type values; the default is B<PM_TYPE_FLOAT>.
+Examples: type="PM_TYPE_32", type="PM_TYPE_U64", type="PM_TYPE_STRING".
+=item B<sem>
+Defines the semantics of the metric.
+Refer to B<pmLookupDesc>(3) for a full description
+of the possible values; the default is B<PM_SEM_INSTANT>.
+Examples: sem="PM_SEM_COUNTER", type="PM_SEM_DISCRETE".
+The remaining specifications define the data columns B<in order> using
+B<exactly> one B<E<lt>datetimeE<gt>>B<E<lt>/datetimeE<gt>> element,
+one or more B<E<lt>dataE<gt>>I<metricspec>B<E<lt>/dataE<gt>> elements
+one or more B<E<lt>skipE<gt>>B<E<lt>/skipE<gt>> elements.
+The B<E<lt>datetimeE<gt>> element defines the column in which a date and time will
+be found to form the timestamp in the PCP archive for all the data in
+each row of the PCP archive.
+For the B<E<lt>dataE<gt>> element,
+a I<metricspec>
+consists of a metric name (as defined in an earlier B<E<lt>metricE<gt>>
+element), optionally followed by an instance name that is enclosed by square brackets,
+e.g. <data>hinv.ncpu</data>, <data>kernel.all.load[1 minute]</data>.
+The B<skip> tag defines the column that should be skipped when preparing
+data for the PCP archive.
+The order of the B<E<lt>datetimeE<gt>>, B<E<lt>dataE<gt>> and
+B<E<lt>skipE<gt>> elements matches the order of columns in the
+spreadsheet. If the number of elements is not the same as the number
+of columns a warning is issued, and the extra elements or columns
+generate no metric values in the output archive.
+=head2 EXAMPLE
+The I<mapfile> ...
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <sheet heading="1">
+ <!-- simple example -->
+ <metric pmid="60.0.2" indom="60.0" units="0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0"
+ type="PM_TYPE_U64" sem="PM_SEM_COUNTER">
+ kernel.percpu.cpu.sys</metric>
+ <datetime></datetime>
+ <skip></skip>
+ <data>kernel.percpu.cpu.sys[cpu0]</data>
+ <data>kernel.percpu.cpu.sys[cpu1]</data>
+ </sheet>
+could be used for a spreadsheet in which the first few rows are ...
+ Date;"Status";"SysTime - 0";"SysTime - 1";
+ 26/01/2001 14:05:22;"Some Busy";0.750;0.133
+ 26/01/2001 14:05:37;"OK";0.150;0.273
+ 26/01/2001 14:05:52;"All Busy";0.733;0.653
+=head1 CAVEATS
+Only the first sheet from I<infile> will be processed.
+Additional Perl modules must be installed for the various spreadsheet formats,
+although these are checked for ar run-time so only the modules required for
+the specific types of spreadsheets you wish to process need be installed:
+=over 6
+=item B<*.csv>
+Spreadsheets in the Comma Separated Values (CSV) format require B<Text::CSV_XS>(3pm).
+=item B<*.sxc> or B<*.ods>
+OpenOffice documents require B<Spreadsheet::ReadSXC>(3pm), which in turn
+requires B<Archive::Zip>(3pm).
+=item B<*.xls>
+Classical Microsoft Office documents require B<Spreadsheet::ParseExcel>(3pm),
+which in turn requires B<OLE::Storage_Lite>(3pm).
+=item B<*.xlsx>
+Microsoft OpenXML documents require B<Spreadsheet::XLSX>(3pm). B<sheet2pcp>
+does not appear to work with OpenXML documents saved from OpenOffice.
+=head1 SEE ALSO