path: root/perl/manager/
diff options
authorHideki Yamane <>2014-03-30 19:38:48 +0900
committerHideki Yamane <>2014-03-30 19:38:48 +0900
commit7769a9595c3da9a35f31b42451b1f6c3ed4004fa (patch)
tree009bf8fd68af6bb1129e07dd8c1ed205010d81f8 /perl/manager/
parent2e7891b0311204e0ecd5dc4a4334df01f3a6a1b4 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 5.7.2~dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'perl/manager/')
1 files changed, 628 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perl/manager/ b/perl/manager/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eceacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+# displaytable(TABLENAME, CONFIG...):
+# stolen from sqltohtml in the ucd-snmp package
+package NetSNMP::manager::displaytable;
+use POSIX (isprint);
+ use Exporter ();
+ use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK $tableparms $headerparms);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT=qw(&displaytable &displaygraph);
+ require DBI;
+ require CGI;
+ use GD::Graph();
+ use GD::Graph::lines();
+ use GD::Graph::bars();
+ use GD::Graph::points();
+ use GD::Graph::linespoints();
+ use GD::Graph::area();
+ use GD::Graph::pie();
+$tableparms="border=1 bgcolor=\"#c0c0e0\"";
+$headerparms="border=1 bgcolor=\"#b0e0b0\"";
+sub displaygraph {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $tablename = shift;
+ my %config = @_;
+ my $type = $config{'-type'} || "lines";
+ my $x = $config{'-x'} || "640";
+ my $y = $config{'-y'} || "480";
+ my $bgcolor = $config{'-bgcolor'} || "white";
+ my $datecol = $config{'-xcol'} || "updated";
+ my $xtickevery = $config{'-xtickevery'} || 50;
+ my ($thetable);
+# print STDERR join(",",@_),"\n";
+ return -1 if (!defined($dbh) || !defined($tablename) ||
+ !defined ($config{'-columns'}) ||
+ ref($config{'-columns'}) ne "ARRAY" ||
+ !defined ($config{'-indexes'}) ||
+ ref($config{'-indexes'}) ne "ARRAY");
+ my $cmd = "SELECT " .
+ join(",",@{$config{'-columns'}},
+ @{$config{'-indexes'}}, $datecol) .
+ " FROM $tablename $config{'-clauses'}";
+ ( $thetable = $dbh->prepare($cmd))
+ or return -1;
+ ( $thetable->execute )
+ or return -1;
+ my %data;
+ my $count = 0;
+ while( $row = $thetable->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
+ # XXX: multiple indexe columns -> unique name
+ # save all the row's data based on the index column(s)
+ foreach my $j (@{$config{'-columns'}}) {
+ if ($config{'-difference'} || $config{'-rate'}) {
+ if (defined($lastval{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$j}{'value'})) {
+ $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j}=
+ $row->{$j} -
+ $lastval{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$j}{'value'};
+ #
+ # convert to a rate if desired.
+ #
+ if ($config{'-rate'}) {
+ if (($row->{$datecol} - $lastval{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$j}{'index'})) {
+ $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j} = $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j}*$config{'-rate'}/($row->{$datecol} - $lastval{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$j}{'index'});
+ } else {
+ $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j} = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $lastval{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$j}{'value'} = $row->{$j};
+ $lastval{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$j}{'index'} = $row->{$datecol};
+ } else {
+ $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j} = $row->{$j};
+ }
+ #
+ # limit the data to a vertical range.
+ #
+ if (defined($config{'-max'}) &&
+ $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j} >
+ $config{'-max'}) {
+ # set to max value
+ $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j} =
+ $config{'-max'};
+ }
+ if (defined($config{'-min'}) &&
+ $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j} <
+ $config{'-min'}) {
+ # set to min value
+ $data{$row->{$config{'-indexes'}[0]}}{$row->{$datecol}}{$j} =
+ $config{'-min'};
+ }
+ }
+ push @xdata,$row->{$datecol};
+ }
+ my @pngdata;
+ if (defined($config{'-createdata'})) {
+ &{$config{'-createdata'}}(\@pngdata, \@xdata, \%data);
+ } else {
+ push @pngdata, \@xdata;
+ my @datakeys = keys(%data);
+# open(O,">/tmp/data");
+ foreach my $i (@datakeys) {
+ foreach my $j (@{$config{'-columns'}}) {
+ my @newrow;
+ foreach my $k (@xdata) {
+# print O "i=$i k=$k j=$j :: $data{$i}{$k}{$j}\n";
+ push @newrow, ($data{$i}{$k}{$j} || 0);
+ }
+ push @pngdata,\@newrow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# close O;
+ if ($#pngdata > 0) {
+ # create the graph itself
+ my $graph = new GD::Graph::lines($x, $y);
+ $graph->set('bgclr' => $bgcolor);
+# print STDERR "columns: ", join(",",@{$config{'-columns'}}), "\n";
+ if (defined($config{'-legend'})) {
+# print STDERR "legend: ", join(",",@{$config{'-legend'}}), "\n";
+ $graph->set_legend(@{$config{'-legend'}});
+ } else {
+ my @legend;
+ foreach my $xxx (@{$config{'-columns'}}) {
+ push @legend, "$xxx = $config{'-indexes'}[0]";
+ }
+ $graph->set_legend(@legend);
+ }
+ foreach my $i (qw(title x_label_skip x_labels_vertical x_tick_number x_number_format y_number_format x_min_value x_max_value y_min_value y_max_value)) {
+# print STDERR "setting $i from -$i = " . $config{"-$i"} . "\n";
+ $graph->set("$i" => $config{"-$i"}) if ($config{"-$i"});
+ }
+ if ($config{'-pngparms'}) {
+ $graph->set(@{$config{'-pngparms'}});
+ }
+ print $graph->plot(\@pngdata);
+ return $#{$pngdata[0]};
+ }
+ return -1;
+sub displaytable {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $tablename = shift;
+ my %config = @_;
+ my $clauses = $config{'-clauses'};
+ my $dolink = $config{'-dolink'};
+ my $datalink = $config{'-datalink'};
+ my $beginhook = $config{'-beginhook'};
+ my $modifiedhook = $config{'-modifiedhook'};
+ my $endhook = $config{'-endhook'};
+ my $selectwhat = $config{'-select'};
+# my $printonly = $config{'-printonly'};
+ $selectwhat = "*" if (!defined($selectwhat));
+ my $tableparms = $config{'-tableparms'} || $displaytable::tableparms;
+ my $headerparms = $config{'-headerparms'} || $displaytable::headerparms;
+ my ($thetable, $data, $ref, $prefs, $xlattable);
+ if ($config{'-dontdisplaycol'}) {
+ ($prefs = $dbh->prepare($config{'-dontdisplaycol'}) )
+ or die "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
+ }
+ # get a list of data from the table we want to display
+ ( $thetable = $dbh->prepare("SELECT $selectwhat FROM $tablename $clauses"))
+ or return -1;
+ ( $thetable->execute )
+ or return -1;
+ # get a list of data from the table we want to display
+ if ($config{'-xlat'}) {
+ ( $xlattable =
+ $dbh->prepare("SELECT newname FROM $config{'-xlat'} where oldname = ?"))
+ or die "\nnot ok: $DBI::errstr\n";
+ }
+ # editable/markable setup
+ my $edited = 0;
+ my $editable = 0;
+ my $markable = 0;
+ my (@indexkeys, @valuekeys, $uph, %indexhash, $q);
+ if (defined($config{'-editable'})) {
+ $editable = 1;
+ }
+ if (defined($config{'-mark'}) || defined($config{'-onmarked'})) {
+ $markable = 1;
+ }
+ if (defined($config{'-CGI'}) && ref($config{'-CGI'}) eq "CGI") {
+ $q = $config{'-CGI'};
+ }
+ if (($editable || $markable)) {
+ if (ref($config{'-indexes'}) eq ARRAY && defined($q)) {
+ @indexkeys = @{$config{'-indexes'}};
+ foreach my $kk (@indexkeys) {
+ $indexhash{$kk} = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $editable = $markable = 0;
+ print STDERR "displaytable error: no -indexes option specified or -CGI not specified\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (($editable || $markable) &&
+ $q->param('edited_' . toalpha($tablename))) {
+ $edited = 1;
+ }
+ # table header
+ my $doheader = 1;
+ my @keys;
+ my $rowcount = 0;
+ $thetable->execute();
+ if ($editable || $markable) {
+ print "<input type=hidden name=\"edited_" . toalpha($tablename) . "\" value=1>\n";
+ }
+ while( $data = $thetable->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
+ $rowcount++;
+ if ($edited && $editable && !defined($uph)) {
+ foreach my $kk (keys(%$data)) {
+ push (@valuekeys, maybe_from_hex($kk)) if (!defined($indexhash{$kk}));
+ }
+ my $cmd = "update $tablename set " .
+ join(" = ?, ",@valuekeys) .
+ " = ? where " .
+ join(" = ? and ",@indexkeys) .
+ " = ?";
+ $uph = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
+# print STDERR "setting up: $cmd<br>\n";
+ }
+ if ($doheader) {
+ if ($config{'-selectorder'} &&
+ ref($config{'-selectorder'}) eq "ARRAY") {
+ @keys = @{$config{'-selectorder'}};
+ } elsif ($config{'-selectorder'}) {
+ $_ = $selectwhat;
+ @keys = split(/, */);
+ } else {
+ @keys = (sort keys(%$data));
+ }
+ if (defined($config{'-title'})) {
+ print "<br><b>$config{'-title'}</b>\n";
+ } elsif (!defined($config{'-notitle'})) {
+ print "<br><b>";
+ print "<a href=\"$ref\">" if (defined($dolink) &&
+ defined($ref = &$dolink($tablename)));
+ if ($config{'-xlat'}) {
+ my $toval = $xlattable->execute($tablename);
+ if ($toval > 0) {
+ print $xlattable->fetchrow_array;
+ } else {
+ print "$tablename";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "$tablename";
+ }
+ print "</a>" if (defined($ref));
+ print "</b>\n";
+ }
+ print "<br>\n";
+ print "<table $tableparms>\n";
+ if (!$config{'-noheaders'}) {
+ print "<tr $headerparms>";
+ }
+ if (defined($beginhook)) {
+ &$beginhook($dbh, $tablename);
+ }
+ if (!$config{'-noheaders'}) {
+ if ($markable) {
+ my $ukey = to_unique_key($key, $data, @indexkeys);
+ print "<td>Mark</td>\n";
+ }
+ foreach $l (@keys) {
+ if (!defined($prefs) ||
+ $prefs->execute($tablename, $l) eq "0E0") {
+ print "<th>";
+ print "<a href=\"$ref\">" if (defined($dolink) &&
+ defined($ref = &$dolink($l)));
+ if ($config{'-xlat'}) {
+ my $toval = $xlattable->execute($l);
+ if ($toval > 0) {
+ print $xlattable->fetchrow_array;
+ } else {
+ print "$l";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "$l";
+ }
+ print "</a>" if (defined($ref));
+ print "</th>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($endhook)) {
+ &$endhook($dbh, $tablename);
+ }
+ if (!$config{'-noheaders'}) {
+ print "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ $doheader = 0;
+ }
+ print "<tr>";
+ if (defined($beginhook)) {
+ &$beginhook($dbh, $tablename, $data);
+ }
+ if ($edited && $editable) {
+ my @indexvalues = getvalues($data, @indexkeys);
+ if ($modifiedhook) {
+ foreach my $valkey (@valuekeys) {
+ my ($value) = getquery($q, $data, \@indexkeys, $valkey);
+ if ($value ne $data->{$valkey}) {
+ &$modifiedhook($dbh, $tablename, $valkey,
+ $data, @indexvalues);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $ret = $uph->execute(getquery($q, $data, \@indexkeys, @valuekeys),
+ @indexvalues);
+ foreach my $x (@indexkeys) {
+ next if (defined($indexhash{$x}));
+ $data->{$x} = $q->param(to_unique_key($x, $data, @indexkeys));
+ }
+# print "ret: $ret, $DBI::errstr<br>\n";
+ }
+ if ($markable) {
+ my $ukey = to_unique_key("mark", $data, @indexkeys);
+ print "<td><input type=checkbox value=Y name=\"$ukey\"" .
+ (($q->param($ukey) eq "Y") ? " checked" : "") . "></td>\n";
+ if ($q->param($ukey) eq "Y" && $config{'-onmarked'}) {
+ &{$config{'-onmarked'}}($dbh, $tablename, $data);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $key (@keys) {
+ if (!defined($prefs) ||
+ $prefs->execute($tablename, $key) eq "0E0") {
+ print "<td>";
+ print "<a href=\"$ref\">" if (defined($datalink) &&
+ defined($ref = &$datalink($key, $data->{$key})));
+ if ($editable && !defined($indexhash{$key})) {
+ my $ukey = to_unique_key($key, $data, @indexkeys);
+ my $sz;
+ if ($config{'-sizehash'}) {
+ $sz = "size=" . $config{'-sizehash'}{$key};
+ }
+ if (!$sz && $config{'-inputsize'}) {
+ $sz = "size=" . $config{'-inputsize'};
+ }
+ print STDERR "size $key: $sz from $config{'-sizehash'}{$key} / $config{'-inputsize'}\n";
+ print "<input type=text name=\"$ukey\" value=\"" .
+ maybe_to_hex($data->{$key}) . "\" $sz>";
+ } else {
+ if ($config{'-printer'}) {
+ &{$config{'-printer'}}($key, $data->{$key}, $data);
+ } elsif ($data->{$key} ne "") {
+ print $data->{$key};
+ } else {
+ print "&nbsp";
+ }
+ }
+ print "</a>" if (defined($ref));
+ print "</td>";
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($endhook)) {
+ &$endhook($dbh, $tablename, $data);
+ }
+ print "</tr>\n";
+ last if (defined($config{'-maxrows'}) &&
+ $rowcount >= $config{'-maxrows'});
+ }
+ if ($rowcount > 0) {
+ print "</table>\n";
+ }
+ return $rowcount;
+sub to_unique_key {
+ my $ret = shift;
+ $ret .= "_";
+ my $data = shift;
+ if (!defined($data)) {
+ $ret .= join("_",@_);
+ } else {
+ foreach my $i (@_) {
+ $ret .= "_" . $data->{$i};
+ }
+ }
+ return toalpha($ret);
+sub toalpha {
+ my $ret = join("",@_);
+ $ret =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_])/ord($1)/eg;
+ return $ret;
+sub getvalues {
+ my $hash = shift;
+ my @ret;
+ foreach my $i (@_) {
+ push @ret, maybe_from_hex($hash->{$i});
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub getquery {
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $data = shift;
+ my $keys = shift;
+ my @ret;
+ foreach my $i (@_) {
+ push @ret, maybe_from_hex($q->param(to_unique_key($i, $data, @$keys)));
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub maybe_to_hex {
+ my $str = shift;
+ if (!isprint($str)) {
+ $str = "0x" . (unpack("H*", $str))[0];
+ }
+ $str =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
+ return $str;
+sub maybe_from_hex {
+ my $str = shift;
+ if (substr($str,0,2) eq "0x") {
+ ($str) = pack("H*", substr($str,2));
+ }
+ return $str;
+=head1 NAME
+SNMP - The Perl5 'SNMP' Extension Module v3.1.0 for the UCD SNMPv3 Library
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBI;
+ use displaytable;
+ $dbh = DBI->connect(...);
+ $numshown = displaytable($dbh, 'tablename', [options]);
+The displaytable and displaygraph functions format the output of a DBI
+database query into an html or graph output.
+=over 4
+=item -select => VALUE
+Selects a set of columns, or functions to be displayed in the resulting table.
+Example: -select => 'column1, column2'
+Default: *
+=item -title => VALUE
+Use VALUE as the title of the table.
+=item -notitle => 1
+Don't print a title for the table.
+=item -noheaders => 1
+Don't print a header row at the top of the table.
+=item -selectorder => 1
+=item -selectorder => [qw(column1 column2)]
+Defines the order of the columns. A value of 1 will use the order of
+the -select statement by textually parsing it's comma seperated list.
+If an array is passed containing the column names, that order will be
+ -select => distinct(column1) as foo, -selectorder => [qw(foo)]
+=item -maxrows => NUM
+Limits the number of display lines to NUM.
+=item -tableparms => PARAMS
+=item -headerparms => PARAMS
+The parameters to be used for formating the table contents and the
+header contents.
+ -tableparms => "border=1 bgcolor='#c0c0e0'"
+ -headerparms => "border=1 bgcolor='#b0e0b0'"
+=item -dolink => \&FUNC
+If passed, FUNC(name) will be called on the tablename or header. The
+function should return a web url that the header/table name should be
+linked to.
+=item -datalink => \&FUNC
+Identical to -dolink, but called for the data portion of the table.
+Arguments are the column name and the data element for that column.
+=item -printer => \&FUNC
+Calls FUNC(COLUMNNAME, COLUMNDATA, DATA) to print the data from each
+column. COLUMNDATA is the data itself, and DATA is a reference to the
+hash for the entire row (IE, COLUMNDATA = $DATA->{$COLUMNNAME}).
+=item -beginhook => \&FUNC
+=item -endhook => \&FUNC
+displaytable will call these functions at the beginning and end of the
+printing of a row. Useful for inserting new columns at the beginning
+or end of the table. When the headers to the table are being printed,
+they will be called like FUNC($dbh, TABLENAME). When the data is
+being printed, they will be called like FUNC($dbh, TABLENAME, DATA),
+which DATA is a reference to the hash containing the row data.
+ -endhook => sub {
+ my ($d, $t, $data) = @_;
+ if (defined($data)) {
+ print "<td>",(100 * $data->{'column1'} / $data->{'column2'}),"</td>";
+ } else {
+ print "<td>Percentage</td>";
+ }
+ }
+=item -clauses => sql_clauses
+Adds clauses to the sql expression.
+Example: -clauses => "where column1 = 'value' limit 10 order by column2"
+=item -xlat => xlattable
+Translates column headers and the table name by looking in a table for
+the appropriate translation. Essentially uses:
+ SELECT newname FROM xlattable where oldname = ?
+to translate everything.
+=item -editable => 1
+=item -indexes => [qw(INDEX_COLUMNS)]
+If both of these are passed as arguments, the table is printed in
+editable format. The INDEX_COLUMNS should be a list of columns that
+can be used to uniquely identify a row. They will be the non-editable
+columns shown in the table. Everything else will be editable. The
+form and the submit button written by the rest of the script must loop
+back to the same displaytable clause for the edits to be committed to
+the database. CGI_REFERENCE should be a reference to the CGI object
+used to query web parameters from ($CGI_REFERENCE = new CGI);
+=item -mark => 1
+=item -indexes => [qw(INDEX_COLUMNS)]
+=item -onmarked => \&FUNC
+When the first three of these are specified, the left hand most column
+will be a check box that allows users to mark the row for future work.
+FUNC($dbh, TABLENAME, DATA) will be called for each marked entry when
+a submission data has been processed. $DATA is a hash reference to
+the rows dataset. See -editable above for more information.
+-onmarked => \&FUNC implies -mark => 1.
+=head1 Author