path: root/testing/RUNFULLTESTS
diff options
authorHideki Yamane <>2014-03-30 19:38:48 +0900
committerHideki Yamane <>2014-03-30 19:38:48 +0900
commit7769a9595c3da9a35f31b42451b1f6c3ed4004fa (patch)
tree009bf8fd68af6bb1129e07dd8c1ed205010d81f8 /testing/RUNFULLTESTS
parent2e7891b0311204e0ecd5dc4a4334df01f3a6a1b4 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 5.7.2~dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/RUNFULLTESTS')
1 files changed, 813 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/RUNFULLTESTS b/testing/RUNFULLTESTS
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f60157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/RUNFULLTESTS
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use Getopt::Long;
+#use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Basename;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use strict;
+# Globals and Command Line options
+my %opts = ('groups' => 'default',
+ 'master-directory' => 'fulltests',
+ 'srcdir' => dirname("$0") . "/..",
+ 'builddir' => '..',
+ 'failed-file' => 'failed_tests',
+ );
+ "verbose",
+ "help|?",
+ "quiet|q",
+ "groups|g=s",
+ "r=s",
+ "debug",
+ "srcdir|D=s",
+ "builddir|d=s",
+ "f",
+ "F",
+ "failed-file=s",
+ "master-directory=s",
+ ) || ++$opts{'help'};
+# Change srcdir and builddir to absolute paths
+$opts{'srcdir'} = abs_path($opts{'srcdir'});
+$opts{'builddir'} = abs_path($opts{'builddir'});
+# Set exeext.
+$opts{'exeext'} = join(readpipe($opts{'builddir'} . '/net-snmp-config --exeext'));
+usage() if ($opts{'help'});
+# Build the harness object
+my %args = (
+ verbosity => ($opts{'verbose'} ? 1 : ($opts{'quiet'} ? -1 : 0)),
+ exec => \&decide_exec,
+ # this option is *really* weird in how it works
+ failures => ($opts{'quiet'} ? 0 : ($opts{'verbose'} ? 0 : 1)),
+ errors => ($opts{'quiet'} ? 0 : 1),
+ );
+# list of support infrastructure components
+my %support;
+my %sources;
+# if the -d option was specified, pass on the source root directory to all apps
+if (exists($opts{'master-directory'})) {
+ $ENV{'NETSNMPSRCDIR'} = $opts{'master-directory'};
+} else {
+# pass srcdir and builddir to all apps
+$ENV{'srcdir'} = $opts{'srcdir'};
+$ENV{'builddir'} = $opts{'builddir'};
+# set up MIBDIRS to refer to the src directory
+if (!$ENV{'MIBDIRS'}) {
+ $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = "$opts{srcdir}/mibs";
+# Protection measures
+$ENV{'SNMPCONFPATH'} = "/dev/null";
+# create the testing harness infrastructure
+my $harness;
+if (eval { require TAP::Harness; } ) {
+ import TAP::Harness;
+ $harness = TAP::Harness->new(\%args);
+} else {
+ require Test::Harness;
+ import Test::Harness;
+ if ($opts{'groups'} ne 'default') {
+ print STDERR "
+ERROR: I can not find the perl TAP::Harness module. We support the
+more common Test::Harness module but only for the default test group.
+ 1) run only the default tests (i.e., just \"make test\")
+ 2) install the TAP::Harness perl module
+ exit 1;
+ }
+# gather the tests
+my @tests;
+DEBUG("Gathering and building tests:\n");
+if ($opts{'f'}) {
+ DIE("The -f and -g options can not be both specified\n")
+ if ($opts{'groups'} ne 'default');
+ DIE("The -f and -r options can not be both specified\n") if ($opts{'r'});
+ DIE("No $opts{'failed-file'} file was found to read failed state from\n")
+ if (! -f $opts{'failed-file'});
+ open(F, $opts{'failed-file'});
+ while (<F>) {
+ chomp;
+ push @tests, build_test($_);
+ }
+} else {
+ @tests = gather_tests($opts{'groups'}, $opts{'r'});
+# rename them to remove parent dirs
+@tests = rename_tests(@tests);
+# run the tests
+DEBUG("Running tests:\n");
+DEBUG("-" x 78, "\n");
+my $results;
+if ($harness) {
+ $results = $harness->runtests(@tests);
+} else {
+ # minimal backwards compat with Test::Harness
+ run_older_perl_tests(@tests);
+my @failed = $results->failed();
+if (!$opts{'q'} && $#failed > -1) {
+ print "\nWe failed these ", (1 + $#failed), " tests:\n";
+ my @lines = @failed;
+ map { if (exists($sources{$_})) { $_ = "$_ ( $sources{$_} )"} } @lines;
+ print " ", join("\n ",@lines), "\n";
+if (!$opts{'F'}) {
+ open(F,">$opts{'failed-file'}");
+ if ($#failed > -1) {
+ print F join("\n", get_sources(@failed)) . "\n";
+ }
+ close(F);
+exit($results->all_passed() ? 0 : 1);
+# Infrastructure
+# decides how we should execute a test
+sub decide_exec {
+ my ( $harness, $testfile ) = @_;
+ # 1) Parse the $testfile argument.
+ my ($dirname, $groupname, $basename, $app_extension, $file_extension) =
+ ($testfile =~ /([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)_([^\/_]+)\.*([^\/\.]*)$/);
+ $app_extension =~ s/$opts{'exeext'}\$//;
+ # 2) we have a RUN_TYPE file in the same directory
+ if (exists($support{'run'}{$app_extension}{$groupname})) {
+ return [$support{'run'}{$app_extension}{$groupname}, $testfile];
+ }
+ # 3) return a generic run script
+ if (exists($support{'run'}{$app_extension}{'generic'})) {
+ return [$support{'run'}{$app_extension}{'generic'}, $testfile];
+ }
+ # 4) give up and let the test harness decide itself
+ return undef;
+sub gather_tests {
+ my ( $groups, $regexp ) = @_;
+ my @groups;
+ # figure out the list of groups we need to search through
+ if ($groups eq 'all') {
+ # find every group we can
+ # we exclude:
+ # - things not a directory
+ # - anything with "template" in the name
+ @groups =
+ grep { !/(template|support)/ &&
+ -d $_ && s/$opts{'srcdir'}\/testing\/$opts{'master-directory'}.// } glob("$opts{'srcdir'}/testing/$opts{'master-directory'}/*");
+ } else {
+ # they specified a comma separated list
+ @groups = split(/,\s*/, $groups);
+ }
+ DEBUG("Checking groups: ", join(", ", @groups), "\n");
+ my @tests;
+ foreach my $group (@groups) {
+ my @files;
+ DEBUG("checking group $group\n");
+ if (! -d "$opts{'srcdir'}/testing/$opts{'master-directory'}/$group") {
+ ERROR("group '$group' is not a directory under '$opts{'srcdir'}/testing/$opts{'master-directory'}'; ignoring\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ # push on all files that start with T[NUM]*
+ push_or_skip(\@tests, $regexp, glob("$opts{'srcdir'}/testing/$opts{'master-directory'}/$group/T[0-9]*"));
+ }
+ return @tests;
+sub push_or_skip {
+ my ($array, $regexp, @files) = @_;
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ next if ($file =~ /.(bak|old|orig|rej)$/);
+ next if ($file =~ /~$/);
+ next if (defined($regexp) && $file !~ /$regexp/i);
+ DEBUG(" Adding file $file\n");
+ push @$array, build_test($file);
+ }
+# rename all the tests to remove the top subdir to help readability
+sub rename_tests {
+ my (@tests) = @_;
+ my @newtests;
+ # yes, I could have used map. But I didn't.
+ foreach my $file (@tests) {
+ my $title = "$file";
+ my $foundheader = 0;
+ $title = $sources{$file} if (exists($sources{$file}));
+ open(SRC, $title);
+ while (<SRC>) {
+ if (/(HEADER|TITLE)\s+['"]*(.*)/) {
+ $title = $2;
+ $title =~ s/\s*\*\/.*//;
+ $title =~ s/['"]$//;
+ $foundheader = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(SRC);
+ if (! $foundheader) {
+ $title =~ s/^$opts{'srcdir'}\/testing\///;
+ $title =~ s/$opts{'master-directory'}.//;
+ }
+ $sources{$title} = $sources{$file} || $file;
+ push @newtests, [$file, $title];
+ }
+ return @newtests;
+# called to possibly manipluate the list of tests to run by building some
+sub build_tests {
+ my (@tests) = @_;
+ my @newtests;
+ foreach my $test (@tests) {
+ my $title;
+ my $built = build_test($test);
+ if (ref($built) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push @newtests, @$built;
+ } elsif ($built ne "") {
+ push @newtests, $built;
+ }
+ }
+ return @newtests;
+# Finds scripts that are used to build and run actual commands
+sub find_builders {
+ $support{'build'} = {};
+ find_scripts('build', $support{'build'});
+sub find_runners {
+ $support{'run'} = {};
+ find_scripts('run', $support{'run'});
+sub find_support {
+ find_builders();
+ find_runners();
+sub find_scripts {
+ my ($buildname, $hashref) = @_;
+ my $count;
+ DEBUG("looking for $buildname scripts\n");
+ foreach my $builder (glob("$opts{'srcdir'}/testing/$opts{'master-directory'}/*/*_${buildname}")) {
+ next if ($builder =~ /~$/);
+ next if ($builder =~ /.(bak|orig|rej|old)$/);
+ my ($group, $type) = ($builder =~ /([^\/]+)\/([^\/]*)_${buildname}/);
+ # save this as a certain group builder
+ $hashref->{$type}{$group} = $builder;
+ # save this as a generic builder if there isn't a better
+ # generic one, such as one that exists in the support
+ # directory.
+ if (!exists($hashref->{$type}{'generic'}) || $group eq 'support') {
+ $hashref->{$type}{'generic'} = $builder;
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ DEBUG(" found $count\n");
+# called to build a test from a registerd builder
+sub build_test {
+ my ($testfile) = @_;
+ my ($dirname, $groupname, $basename, $app_extension, $file_extension) =
+ ($testfile =~ /([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)_([^\/_]+)\.([^\/\.]+)$/);
+ # is this even a buildable type recipe?
+ if (!$dirname || !$basename || !$app_extension || !$file_extension) {
+ return $testfile;
+ }
+ DEBUG("found: $testfile => $dirname, $basename, $app_extension, $file_extension\n");
+ # choices:
+ # 1) we have a registered subroutine to build an extension from
+ # XXX
+ # 2) we have a BUILD_TYPE file in the same directory
+ if (exists($support{'build'}{$app_extension}{$dirname})) {
+ return
+ call_build_script($support{'build'}{$app_extension}{$dirname}, $testfile);
+ }
+ # 3) return a generic build script
+ if (exists($support{'build'}{$app_extension}{'generic'})) {
+ return
+ call_build_script($support{'build'}{$app_extension}{'generic'}, $testfile);
+ }
+ # 4) we assume it's fine as is
+ return $testfile;
+sub call_build_script {
+ my ($scriptname, $filename) = @_;
+ my $maybenewfile = $filename;
+ $maybenewfile =~ s/.[^\.]+$/$opts{'exeext'}/;
+ $maybenewfile =~ s/T([^\/]+)$/B$1/; # change prefix to B for 'Built'
+ $maybenewfile =~ s/^$opts{'srcdir'}\///;
+ my $newpath = $maybenewfile;
+ $newpath =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
+ if (! -d $newpath) {
+ DEBUG("making directory $newpath\n");
+ system("$opts{'srcdir'}/mkinstalldirs $newpath");
+ }
+ my $lastline;
+ DEBUG("BUILDING: $scriptname $filename $maybenewfile\n");
+ open(B,"$scriptname $filename $maybenewfile|");
+ while (<B>) {
+ $lastline = $_;
+ }
+ chomp($lastline);
+ DEBUG(" result: $lastline\n");
+ return undef if ($lastline eq 'fail');
+ return undef if ($lastline eq 'skip');
+ return $filename if ($lastline eq '');
+ $sources{$lastline} = $filename; # remember where we came from
+ return $lastline;
+sub get_sources {
+ my (@names) = @_;
+ map { if (exists($sources{$_})) { $_ = $sources{$_} } } @names;
+ return @names;
+sub run_older_perl_tests {
+ #
+ # Older versions of perl used a different test suite called Test::Harness
+ # It is much more limited than TAP::Harness;
+ #
+ # Here we massage our older tests into something that will work under
+ # Test::Harness too.
+ #
+ my @tests = @_;
+ # create the temporary files
+ my @tempfiles;
+ if (! -d "$opts{'master-directory'}") {
+ mkdir("$opts{'master-directory'}", 0777);
+ }
+ if (! -d "$opts{'master-directory'}/temptests") {
+ mkdir("$opts{'master-directory'}/temptests", 0777);
+ }
+ foreach my $test (@tests) {
+ my $tempfile = "$test->[0].t";
+ $tempfile =~ s#^$opts{'srcdir'}#$opts{'builddir'}#;
+ $tempfile =~ s#$opts{'master-directory'}/default/#$opts{'master-directory'}/temptests/#;
+ open(T, ">$tempfile") || die("$tempfile: $!");
+ print T "# functionally perl\n\nsystem(\"$opts{'srcdir'}/testing/fulltests/support/simple_run $test->[0]\");\n";
+ close(T);
+ chmod(0755, $tempfile);
+ push @tempfiles, $tempfile;
+ }
+ $results = runtests(@tempfiles);
+ unlink(@tempfiles) || die("$@ $!");
+ exit;
+# usage output
+sub usage {
+ print "$0 [OPTIONS]\n";
+ print "\nOPTIONS:\n";
+ print " -v\t\t\tRuns in verbose mode; dumping all test output\n";
+ print " --verbose\n";
+ print " -q\t\t\tRuns in quieter mode; dumps less test output\n";
+ print " --quiet\n";
+ print " -g GROUP\t\tRuns the group of specified tests (default = 'default')\n";
+ print " --group GROUP\n";
+ print "\t\t\t(use 'all' to run all tests)\n";
+ print " -r REGEXP\t\tOnly run test files matching this regexp\n";
+ print " -f\t\t\tRun only the failed tests from the last run\n";
+ print " -F\t\t\tDon't create the failed_tests file\n";
+ print " --failed-file FILE\tThe location of the failed state file\n";
+ print " -D PATH\t\tSource directory\n";
+ print " --srcdir PATH\n";
+ print " (currently '$opts{'srcdir'}')\n";
+ print " -d PATH\t\tBuild directory to be tested\n";
+ print " --builddir PATH\n";
+ print " (currently '$opts{'builddir'}')\n";
+ print " --master-directory DIRNAME\n";
+ print " (default = 'fulltests')\n";
+ print " -h\t\t\tThis help output\n";
+ print " --help\n";
+ print " --debug\t\tDebugging output\n\n";
+ exit;
+sub DEBUG {
+ return if (!$opts{'debug'});
+ print @_;
+sub ERROR {
+ print STDERR "Error:", @_;
+sub DIE {
+ ERROR(@_);
+ exit 1;
+=head1 NAME
+runfulltests - the Net-SNMP test suite coordinator
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+runfulltests [OPTIONS]
+# ./RUNFULLTESTS -g all
+B<RUNFULLTESTS> is a TAP (see below) output aggregator and test suite
+management program. It runs groups of tests that it can find in the
+I<fulltests> sub-directory. It defaults to running a basic set of
+high-level Net-SNMP tests found in the fulltests/default directory.
+To run a different set of tests see the -g flag.
+It is able to keep state and remember which tests failed so that
+during development you can simply re-run only the "last failed tests"
+using the -f switch.
+=head2 Perl Requirements
+Ideally it should be run under a fairly modern version of perl (eg,
+5.10) but minmial support is provided for older versions of perl as
+If no perl is available on the system, there is also a fall-back
+"RUNTESTS" suite which merely executes the default scripts for testing
+compliance of the high-level applications.
+=head2 Important Notes About Writing New Tests
+When designing new tests it is strongly encouraged that some
+conventions are followed:
+ - Design the test files so they can be build/run without them
+ needing to be build/run within a testing harness like this one
+ (B<RUNFULLTESTS>). IE, you should be able to run them directly by
+ hand for debugging purposes without requiring them to be invoked
+ within this or any other testing harness.
+ - Name them beginning with TNNN where NNN is a 3 digit number
+The rational behind these rules follows in the sections below
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item -g GROUP
+=item --group GROUP
+By default the "default" group of tests is run. Which is really just
+everything that B<RUNFULLTESTS> can find from the I<fulltests/default>
+sub-directory. The -g switch can be used to specify other
+sub-directories of tests to run. The argument is a comma-separated
+list of subdirectories to use.
+The special keyword I<all> can be used to run every test in every
+subdirectory of the I<fulltests> directory.
+=item -r REGEXP
+Only run test files that match the I<REGEXP> regular expression.
+To run only tests of a certain file name you might combine this with
+'-g all'. E.G., -g all -r snmpv3 will run all snmpv3 (named) tests
+that B<RUNFULLTESTS> can find.
+=item -f
+Only run the tests that failed from the last run.
+=item --failed-file FILE
+Where to store the state of which tests have failed.
+=item -F
+Don't save state to the failed-file.
+=item -D PATH
+=item --srcdir PATH
+If RUNFULLTESTS is being executed from a build directory other than
+where the source files are located, this flag can be used to specify
+where the Net-SNMP root source directory is found.
+=item -d PATH
+=item --builddir PATH
+Specifies the root of the build directory.
+=item --master-directory DIRNAME
+Specifies an alternate master directory. The default is "fulltests"
+=item -v
+=item --verbose
+Turns on verbose output mode.
+=item -q
+=item --quiet
+Turns on quiet output mode.
+=item --debug
+Turns on debugging output (which primarily shows how B<RUNFULLTESTS>
+is collecting tests to run, etc).
+=item -h
+=item --help
+Command line usage help output.
+=head2 TAP output
+TAP stands for "Test Anything Protocol". TAP was originally
+perl-specific but has been turning out to be a generic protocol for
+testing just about anything. It's heavily documented at:
+We're using TAP because it's highly flexible and separates the
+invidual tests from the "collect and report" aspect. RUNFULLTESTS is
+simply a perl-based implementation for collecting and summarizing the
+test results. Other collection agents could be used instead of this
+one, and any sort of test or language could be used for the individual
+tests as well (in fact the default suite has some that are SH-based,
+C-based, ...).
+It may be that eventually the TAP protocol actually makes it into the
+The syntax of TAP is very simple. See the above web page for a
+complete description, but this will provide you a minimal "getting
+started" example and shows the output of 5 sub-tests run from a single
+test application.
+ 1..5
+ ok 1 - Yay
+ ok 2 - Second part succeeded
+ not ok 3 - Oh no... A problem occurred.
+ not ok 4 - The computer thought 2+2 was 5
+ ok 5 - All is well that ends well
+That's it. Output from a test tool like that is auto-summarized by
+this application in success/fail reports.
+=head2 Testing Phases
+The testing process goes through the following phases:
+ - Test and Infrastructure Collection
+ - Test Execution
+ - Build if needed
+ - Run
+=head2 Test Collection
+B<RUNFULLTESTS> will search all the requested groups for files that
+begin with the letter 'T'. They are executed in alphabetical order
+within their group. Convention is to number test files with a three
+digit (zero-padded) number after the 'T' letter to ensure ordering is
+as expected.
+Files to be collected by B<RUNFULLTESTS> are made up of a number of
+components to support a flexible build and execution system (discussed
+in detail in the following sections). They are structured as follows:
+ NNN: Is the 3 digit number mentioned above.
+ NAME: The filename of the test describing what it's about
+ TYPE: The internal "type" of the test, which is used later in building
+ and execution (see below).
+ .SUFFIX: An optional file-type suffix
+ fulltests/default/T001snmpv1get_simple
+ fulltests/snmpv3/T040keymanagetest_capp.c
+Any other files are ignored in terms of tests and may be supplimental
+to the above build systems. (Supporting files, by convention, begin
+with a capital 'S').
+=head3 Full Title
+Within the file there may be a line containing "HEADER ..." that will
+be examined for a better title of the test. Anything before "HEADER"
+will be ignored, and the special "*/" will be replaced as well. For
+example, these are valid header source lines:
+ # HEADER A cool test
+ /* HEADER A cool test from my C-based source file */
+=head2 Infrastructure Collection
+In addition to test files, I<infrastructure> files are searched for
+and remembered for later use (again, see below). These files will be
+of the form:
+ TYPE: The type name matching the file to support.
+ USAGE: How this file should be used. Currently should be either
+ I<build> or I<run> as described below.
+Example files
+ fulltests/support/clib_build
+ fulltests/support/simple_run
+Infrastructure files may exist in the source directory of where they're
+expected to be run (ie, parallel to the test files) or they may exist
+in the special "support" directory if they're expected to be
+generically used across multilpe test group types.
+=head2 Test Execution
+Tests are run in two phases using the following pseudo-algorithm:
+ + for each test file
+ + if an appropriate TYPE_build file exists for a test {
+ + run "TYPE_build TESTFILE"
+ + record the last line as the new TESTFILE to run
+ }
+ + if an apporpriate TYPE_run file exists for a test {
+ + run "TYPE_run TESTFILE"
+ + collect it's output as the TAP output
+ } else {
+ + run "TESTFILE"
+ + collect it's output as the TAP output
+ }
+For example, if the following files existed:
+ fulltests/examplres/T001testing_examp
+ fulltests/examplres/examp_build
+ fulltests/examplres/examp_run
+Then the following would be the rough execution:
+ newfile = `fulltests/examplres/examp_build \
+ fulltests/examplres/T001testing_examp | tail -1`
+ fulltests/examplres/examp_run $newfile
+=head1 TEST TYPES
+Net-SNMP testing comes with a number of test suite "builders" and
+"runners" that are useful for developing new tests. These are
+documented here:
+=item simple
+I<simple> test files are simple sh-shell-script files used to test
+high-level functionality of Net-SNMP tools. They're easy to write and
+should generally contain the following sort of structure:
+ . ../support/
+ HEADER my name
+ CAPTURE "snmpget..."
+ CHECK "for this string"
+Example file: fulltests/default/T001snmpv1get_simple
+=item capp
+I<capp> files are fundamentally full C-source-code applications that
+are built and linked against the libnetsnmp library. Thus, a file
+named I<T001mytest_capp.c> is compiled using the same compiler used to
+compile Net-SNMP and linked against the required libraries for a basic
+Net-SNMP application. It should, of course, produce TAP output after
+it's compiled and run.
+Example file: fulltests/snmpv3/T010scapitest_capp.c
+=item clib
+I<clib> files are simple C-source-code files that are wrapped into a
+main() application with appropriate #include files, etc. I<clib>
+files are designed primarly to write quick unit-tests for the Net-SNMP
+core library.
+Example file: fulltests/unit-tests/T001defaultstore_clib.c
+=item Write your own!
+This test system is designed to be flexible and expandable if the
+basic architecture is followed. The goal is to make it easy to create
+very simple test suites or complex unit-tests or anything in between.
+If the individual tests are designed well, you should be able to
+re-run individual tests outside of the B<RUNFULLTESTS> aggregation
+environment using the appropriate _build and _run scripts as needed.
+Test writers are encouraged to output comments in their TAP output to
+help users debug the results.
+=head1 Author
+Original architecture: Wes Hardaker <>