path: root/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-access-container-cached-defines.m2i
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Diffstat (limited to 'local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-access-container-cached-defines.m2i')
1 files changed, 576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-access-container-cached-defines.m2i b/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-access-container-cached-defines.m2i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f774720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-access-container-cached-defines.m2i
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+###generic include for XXX. Do not use directly.
+### $Id: mfd-access-container-cached-defines.m2i 14170 2006-01-26 17:02:48Z dts12 $
+@if $m2c_mark_boundary == 1@
+/** START code generated by $RCSfile$ $Revision: 14170 $ */
+@if $m2c_processing_type eq 'h'@
+@ if $m2c_data_cache != 1@
+void ${context}_container_init(netsnmp_container **container_ptr_ptr);
+@ else@
+ /*
+ * TODO:180:o: Review ${context} cache timeout.
+ * The number of seconds before the cache times out
+ */
+#define $context.uc_CACHE_TIMEOUT 60
+void ${context}_container_init(netsnmp_container **container_ptr_ptr,
+ netsnmp_cache *cache);
+@ end@ # data cache
+void ${context}_container_shutdown(netsnmp_container *container_ptr);
+int ${context}_container_load(netsnmp_container *container);
+void ${context}_container_free(netsnmp_container *container);
+@ if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+int ${context}_cache_load(netsnmp_container *container);
+void ${context}_cache_free(netsnmp_container *container);
+@ end@
+@ if $m2c_include_examples == 1@
+/* *********************************************************************
+ * Since we have no idea how you really access your data, we'll go with
+ * a worst case example: a flat text file.
+ */
+#define MAX_LINE_SIZE 256
+@ end@ // example
+@end@ // m2c_processing_type eq 'h'
+@if $m2c_processing_type eq 'c'@
+ * container overview
+ *
+ */
+ * container initialization
+ *
+ * @param container_ptr_ptr A pointer to a container pointer. If you
+ * create a custom container, use this parameter to return it
+ * to the MFD helper. If set to NULL, the MFD helper will
+ * allocate a container for you.
+@ if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+ * @param cache A pointer to a cache structure. You can set the timeout
+ * and other cache flags using this pointer.
+@ end@
+ *
+ * This function is called at startup to allow you to customize certain
+ * aspects of the access method. For the most part, it is for advanced
+ * users. The default code should suffice for most cases. If no custom
+ * container is allocated, the MFD code will create one for your.
+ *
+@ if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+ * This is also the place to set up cache behavior. The default, to
+ * simply set the cache timeout, will work well with the default
+ * container. If you are using a custom container, you may want to
+ * look at the cache helper documentation to see if there are any
+ * flags you want to set.
+ *
+@ end@
+ * @remark
+ * This would also be a good place to do any initialization needed
+ * for you data source. For example, opening a connection to another
+ * process that will supply the data, opening a database, etc.
+ */
+@ if $m2c_data_cache != 1@
+${context}_container_init(netsnmp_container **container_ptr_ptr)
+@ else@
+${context}_container_init(netsnmp_container **container_ptr_ptr,
+ netsnmp_cache *cache)
+@ end@
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:${context}:${context}_container_init","called\n"));
+ if (NULL == container_ptr_ptr) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"bad container param to ${context}_container_init\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * For advanced users, you can use a custom container. If you
+ * do not create one, one will be created for you.
+ */
+ *container_ptr_ptr = NULL;
+@if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+ if (NULL == cache) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"bad cache param to ${context}_container_init\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * TODO:345:A: Set up $context cache properties.
+ *
+ * Also for advanced users, you can set parameters for the
+ * cache. Do not change the magic pointer, as it is used
+ * by the MFD helper. To completely disable caching, set
+ * cache->enabled to 0.
+ */
+ cache->timeout = $context.uc_CACHE_TIMEOUT; /* seconds */
+} /* ${context}_container_init */
+ * container shutdown
+ *
+ * @param container_ptr A pointer to the container.
+ *
+ * This function is called at shutdown to allow you to customize certain
+ * aspects of the access method. For the most part, it is for advanced
+ * users. The default code should suffice for most cases.
+ *
+ * This function is called before ${context}_container_free().
+ *
+ * @remark
+ * This would also be a good place to do any cleanup needed
+ * for you data source. For example, closing a connection to another
+ * process that supplied the data, closing a database, etc.
+ */
+${context}_container_shutdown(netsnmp_container *container_ptr)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:${context}:${context}_container_shutdown","called\n"));
+ if (NULL == container_ptr) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"bad params to ${context}_container_shutdown\n");
+ return;
+ }
+} /* ${context}_container_shutdown */
+ * load initial data
+ *
+ * TODO:350:M: Implement $context data load
+@ if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+ * This function will also be called by the cache helper to load
+ * the container again (after the container free function has been
+ * called to free the previous contents).
+@ end@
+ *
+ * @param container container to which items should be inserted
+ *
+ * @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
+ * @retval MFD_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE : Can't access data source
+ * @retval MFD_ERROR : other error.
+ *
+ * This function is called to load the index(es) (and data, optionally)
+ * for the every row in the data set.
+ *
+ * @remark
+ * While loading the data, the only important thing is the indexes.
+ * If access to your data is cheap/fast (e.g. you have a pointer to a
+ * structure in memory), it would make sense to update the data here.
+ * If, however, the accessing the data invovles more work (e.g. parsing
+ * some other existing data, or peforming calculations to derive the data),
+ * then you can limit yourself to setting the indexes and saving any
+ * information you will need later. Then use the saved information in
+ * ${context}_row_prep() for populating data.
+ *
+ * @note
+ * If you need consistency between rows (like you want statistics
+ * for each row to be from the same time frame), you should set all
+ * data here.
+ *
+ */
+${context}_container_load(netsnmp_container *container)
+ ${context}_rowreq_ctx *rowreq_ctx;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ /*
+ * temporary storage for index values
+ */
+@ foreach $node index@
+@ include m2c_setup_node.m2i@
+ /*
+ * $m2c_node_summary
+ */
+@ if $m2c_node_needlength == 1@
+@ eval $m2c_gi_maxlen = (126 - $node.oidlength - $m2c_gi_others)@
+@ if $m2c_node_maxlen > $m2c_gi_maxlen@
+@ eval $m2c_node_maxlen = $m2c_gi_maxlen@
+ /** 128 - 1(entry) - 1(col) - $m2c_gi_others(other indexes) = $m2c_node_maxlen */
+@ end@
+@ end@ # needlength
+@ include node-storage.m2i@
+@ end@ // foreach
+@if $m2c_include_examples == 1@
+ /*
+ * this example code is based on a data source that is a
+ * text file to be read and parsed.
+ */
+ FILE *filep;
+ char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
+@end@ // examples
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:${context}:${context}_container_load","called\n"));
+@if $m2c_include_examples == 1@
+ /*
+ * open our data file.
+ */
+ filep = fopen("/etc/dummy.conf", "r");
+ if(NULL == filep) {
+ }
+@end@ // example
+ /*
+ * TODO:351:M: |-> Load/update data in the $context container.
+ * loop over your $context data, allocate a rowreq context,
+ * set the index(es) [and data, optionally] and insert into
+ * the container.
+ */
+ while( 1 ) {
+@ if $m2c_include_examples == 0@
+ /*
+ * check for end of data; bail out if there is no more data
+ */
+ if( 1 )
+ break;
+@ else@
+ /*
+ * get a line (skip blank lines)
+ */
+ do {
+ if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), filep)) {
+ /* we're done */
+ fclose(filep);
+ filep = NULL;
+ }
+ } while (filep && (line[0] == '\n'));
+ /*
+ * check for end of data
+ */
+ if(NULL == filep)
+ break;
+ /*
+ * parse line into variables
+ */
+@ end@ # example
+ /*
+ * TODO:352:M: | |-> set indexes in new $context rowreq context.
+@ eval $m2c_tmp = ""@
+@ if ($m2c_data_allocate == 1) || ($m2c_data_init == 1)@
+@ eval $m2c_tmp = "NULL"@
+@ if ($m2c_data_allocate == 1) && ($m2c_data_init == 1)@
+@ eval $m2c_tmp = "$m2c_tmp, NULL"@
+ * data context will be set from the first param (unless NULL,
+ * in which case a new data context will be allocated)
+ * the second param will be passed, with the row context, to
+ * ${context}rowreq_ctx_init.
+@ else@
+ * data context will be set from the param (unless NULL,
+ * in which case a new data context will be allocated)
+@ @end@
+@ end@
+ */
+ rowreq_ctx = ${context}_allocate_rowreq_ctx($m2c_tmp);
+ if (NULL == rowreq_ctx) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "memory allocation failed\n");
+ }
+ if(MFD_SUCCESS != ${context}_indexes_set(rowreq_ctx
+@ foreach $node index@
+@ include m2c_setup_node.m2i@
+@ if $m2c_node_needlength == 1@
+ , $node, ${node}_len
+@ else@
+ , $node
+@ end@
+@ end@ # foreach index
+ )) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"error setting index while loading "
+ "${context} data.\n");
+ ${context}_release_rowreq_ctx(rowreq_ctx);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * TODO:352:r: | |-> populate $context data context.
+ * Populate data context here. (optionally, delay until row prep)
+ */
+@if $m2c_data_transient == 0@ # persistent
+ /* non-TRANSIENT data: no need to copy. set pointer to data */
+ /*
+ * TRANSIENT or semi-TRANSIENT data:
+ * copy data or save any info needed to do it in row_prep.
+ */
+@ foreach $node nonindex@
+@ include m2c_setup_node.m2i@
+ /*
+ * setup/save data for $node
+ * $m2c_node_summary
+ */
+@ if "$m2c_data_context" eq "generated"@
+@ eval $m2c_ctx_lh = "$m2c_ctx_rh"@
+@ eval $m2c_ctx_lhs = "$m2c_ctx_rhs"@
+@ eval $m2c_ctx_rh = "$node"@
+@ eval $m2c_ctx_rhs = "${node}_len"@
+@ include generic-value-map.m2i@
+@ end@ # data_context ! generated
+@ end@ // for each
+@end@ # transient
+ /*
+ * insert into table container
+ */
+ CONTAINER_INSERT(container, rowreq_ctx);
+ ++count;
+ }
+@if $m2c_include_examples == 1@
+ if(NULL != filep)
+ fclose(filep);
+@end@ # example
+ DEBUGMSGT(("verbose:${context}:${context}_container_load",
+ "inserted %d records\n", count));
+ return MFD_SUCCESS;
+} /* ${context}_container_load */
+ * container clean up
+ *
+ * @param container container with all current items
+ *
+ * This optional callback is called prior to all
+ * item's being removed from the container. If you
+ * need to do any processing before that, do it here.
+ *
+ * @note
+ * The MFD helper will take care of releasing all the row contexts.
+@ if ($m2c_data_allocate == 1) && ($m2c_data_transient == 0)@
+ * If you did not pass a data context pointer when allocating
+ * the rowreq context, the one that was allocated will be deleted.
+ * If you did pass one in, it will not be deleted and that memory
+ * is your responsibility.
+@ end@
+ *
+ */
+${context}_container_free(netsnmp_container *container)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:${context}:${context}_container_free","called\n"));
+ /*
+ * TODO:380:M: Free $context container data.
+ */
+} /* ${context}_container_free */
+@end@ // m2c_processing_type eq 'c'
+@if $m2c_processing_type eq 'i'@
+@ if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+static void _container_free(netsnmp_container *container);
+ * @internal
+ */
+static int
+_cache_load(netsnmp_cache *cache, void *vmagic)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("internal:${context}:_cache_load","called\n"));
+ if((NULL == cache) || (NULL == cache->magic)) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "invalid cache for ${context}_cache_load\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /** should only be called for an invalid or expired cache */
+ netsnmp_assert((0 == cache->valid) || (1 == cache->expired));
+ /*
+ * call user code
+ */
+ return ${context}_container_load((netsnmp_container*)cache->magic);
+} /* _cache_load */
+ * @internal
+ */
+static void
+_cache_free(netsnmp_cache *cache, void *magic)
+ netsnmp_container *container;
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("internal:${context}:_cache_free","called\n"));
+ if((NULL == cache) || (NULL == cache->magic)) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "invalid cache in ${context}_cache_free\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ container = (netsnmp_container*)cache->magic;
+ _container_free(container);
+} /* _cache_free */
+@ end@ # cache
+ * @internal
+ */
+static void
+_container_item_free(${context}_rowreq_ctx *rowreq_ctx, void *context)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("internal:${context}:_container_item_free","called\n"));
+ if(NULL == rowreq_ctx)
+ return;
+ ${context}_release_rowreq_ctx(rowreq_ctx);
+} /* _container_item_free */
+ * @internal
+ */
+static void
+_container_free(netsnmp_container *container)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("internal:${context}:_container_free","called\n"));
+ if (NULL == container) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "invalid container in ${context}_container_free\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * call user code
+ */
+ ${context}_container_free(container);
+ /*
+ * free all items. inefficient, but easy.
+ */
+ CONTAINER_CLEAR(container,
+ (netsnmp_container_obj_func *)_container_item_free,
+ NULL);
+} /* _container_free */
+ * @internal
+ * initialize the container with functions or wrappers
+ */
+_${context}_container_init(${context}_interface_ctx *if_ctx)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("internal:${context}:_${context}_container_init","called\n"));
+@ if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+ /*
+ * cache init
+ */
+@ if 0@
+ if_ctx->cache =
+ netsnmp_cache_find_by_oid(PARTNER_oid, OID_LENGTH(PARTNER_oid));
+@ else@
+ if_ctx->cache = netsnmp_cache_create(30, /* timeout in seconds */
+ _cache_load, _cache_free,
+ ${context}_oid,
+ ${context}_oid_size);
+@ end@ // shared cache
+ if(NULL == if_ctx->cache) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "error creating cache for ${context}\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if_ctx->cache->flags = NETSNMP_CACHE_DONT_INVALIDATE_ON_SET;
+ ${context}_container_init(&if_ctx->container, if_ctx->cache);
+@ else@
+ /*
+ * container init
+ */
+ ${context}_container_init(&if_ctx->container);
+@ end@ data cache
+ if(NULL == if_ctx->container)
+ if_ctx->container = netsnmp_container_find("${context}:table_container");
+ if(NULL == if_ctx->container) {
+ snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"error creating container in "
+ "${context}_container_init\n");
+ return;
+ }
+@ if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+ if (NULL != if_ctx->cache)
+ if_ctx->cache->magic = (void*)if_ctx->container;
+@ end@
+} /* _${context}_container_init */
+ * @internal
+ * shutdown the container with functions or wrappers
+ */
+_${context}_container_shutdown(${context}_interface_ctx *if_ctx)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("internal:${context}:_${context}_container_shutdown","called\n"));
+ ${context}_container_shutdown(if_ctx->container);
+ _container_free(if_ctx->container);
+} /* _${context}_container_shutdown */
+@end@ // m2c_processing_type eq 'i'
+@if $m2c_processing_type eq 'r'@
+ container summary
+ ------------------------
+ The container data access code is for cases when you want to
+ store your data in the agent/sub-agent.
+ ... to be continued...
+@ if $m2c_data_cache == 1@
+ cache summary
+ ------------------------
+ The container-cached data access code is for cases when you want to
+ cache your data in the agent/sub-agent.
+ ... to be continued...
+@ end@
+@end@ // m2c_processing_type eq 'r'
+@if $m2c_mark_boundary == 1@
+/** END code generated by $RCSfile$ $Revision: 14170 $ */