path: root/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/fmtbcd.pp
diff options
authorAbou Al Montacir <>2014-03-18 22:20:03 +0100
committerAbou Al Montacir <>2014-03-18 22:20:03 +0100
commit5ab39e9b3a56ede3238ddabf7e4a8c1e43eb70d1 (patch)
treec32d1ad79a81a307a054118064ed55b549cf7a29 /fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/fmtbcd.pp
parente613d5c357aebc41ca83e7e3beea3441e61299af (diff)
Imported Upstream version 2.6.4+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/fmtbcd.pp')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/fmtbcd.pp b/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/fmtbcd.pp
index c0673324..fc1e1e98 100644
--- a/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/fmtbcd.pp
+++ b/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/fmtbcd.pp
@@ -1813,9 +1813,11 @@ IMPLEMENTATION
function BCDToCurr ( const BCD : tBCD;
var Curr : currency ) : Boolean;
+ const
+ MaxCurr: array[boolean] of QWord = (QWord($7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), QWord($8000000000000000));
bh : tBCD_helper;
- res : int64;
+ res : QWord;
c : currency absolute res;
i : {$ifopt r+} low ( bh.FDig )..4 {$else} Integer {$endif};
@@ -1824,7 +1826,9 @@ IMPLEMENTATION
- BCDToCurr := True;
+ BCDToCurr := False;
+ if BCDPrecision(BCD) - BCDScale(BCD) > 15 then
+ Exit;
unpack_BCD ( BCD, bh );
res := 0;
WITH bh do
@@ -1835,10 +1839,16 @@ IMPLEMENTATION
if Singles[5] > 4
then Inc ( res );
- if Neg
- then Curr := -c
- else Curr := +c;
- end;
+ if res > MaxCurr[Neg] then
+ Exit;
+ if Neg then
+ begin
+ res := not res;
+ inc(res);
+ end;
+ Curr := c;
+ BCDToCurr := True;
+ end;
procedure BCDAdd ( const BCDin1,
@@ -2461,10 +2471,10 @@ writeln ( '> ', i4, ' ', bh.Singles[i4], ' ', Add );
Negative: boolean;
DS, TS: char;
- procedure RoundDecimalDigits(const D: integer);
+ procedure RoundDecimalDigits(const d: integer);
var i,j: integer;
- j:=P+D;
+ j:=P+d;
if (Length(Result) > j) and (Result[j+1] >= '5') then
for i:=j downto 1+ord(Negative) do
@@ -2484,20 +2494,25 @@ writeln ( '> ', i4, ' ', bh.Singles[i4], ' ', Add );
+ if d = 0 then dec(j); // if decimal separator is last char then do not copy them
Result := copy(Result, 1, j);
- procedure AddDecimalDigits;
- var n,d: integer;
+ procedure AddDecimalDigits(d: integer);
+ var n: integer;
- if Digits < 0 then d := 2 else d := Digits;
+ if P > Length(Result) then // there isn't decimal separator
+ if d = 0 then
+ Exit
+ else
+ Result := Result + DS;
n := d + P - Length(Result);
- if n > 0 then
- Result := Result + StringOfChar('0', n)
- else if n < 0 then
- RoundDecimalDigits(d);
+ if n > 0 then
+ Result := Result + StringOfChar('0', n)
+ else if n < 0 then
+ RoundDecimalDigits(d);
procedure AddThousandSeparators;
@@ -2521,18 +2536,14 @@ writeln ( '> ', i4, ' ', bh.Singles[i4], ' ', Add );
Negative := Result[1] = '-';
P := Pos(DS, Result);
if P = 0 then
- begin
P := Length(Result) + 1;
- if Digits <> 0 then
- Result := Result + DS;
- end;
Case Format Of
E := P - 2 - ord(Negative);
- if (E = 0) and (Result[P-1] = '0') then
+ if (E = 0) and (Result[P-1] = '0') then // 0.###
until (Length(Result) <= P-E) or (Result[P-E] <> '0');
@@ -2544,7 +2555,7 @@ writeln ( '> ', i4, ' ', bh.Singles[i4], ' ', Add );
Insert(DS, Result, P);
- RoundDecimalDigits(Precision-1);
+ AddDecimalDigits(Precision-1);
if E < 0 then
@@ -2557,12 +2568,12 @@ writeln ( '> ', i4, ' ', bh.Singles[i4], ' ', Add );
- AddDecimalDigits;
+ AddDecimalDigits(Digits);
- AddDecimalDigits;
+ AddDecimalDigits(Digits);
@@ -2571,7 +2582,7 @@ writeln ( '> ', i4, ' ', bh.Singles[i4], ' ', Add );
//implementation based on FloatToStrFIntl()
if Negative then System.Delete(Result, 1, 1);
- AddDecimalDigits;
+ AddDecimalDigits(Digits);
If Not Negative Then
@@ -2606,11 +2617,253 @@ writeln ( '> ', i4, ' ', bh.Singles[i4], ' ', Add );
function FormatBCD ( const Format : string;
BCD : tBCD ) : FmtBCDStringtype;
+ // Tests: tests/test/units/fmtbcd/
+ type
+ TSection=record
+ FmtStart, FmtEnd, // positions in Format string,
+ Fmt1Dig, // position of 1st digit placeholder,
+ FmtDS: PChar; // position of decimal point
+ Digits: integer; // number of all digit placeholders
+ DigDS: integer; // number of digit placeholders after decimal separator
+ HasTS, HasDS: boolean; // has thousand or decimal separator?
+ end;
+ var
+ PFmt: PChar;
+ i, j, j1, je, ReqSec, Sec, Scale: integer;
+ Section: TSection;
+ FF: TFloatFormat;
+ BCDStr: string; // BCDToStrF of given BCD parameter
+ Buf: array [0..85] of char; // output buffer
+ // Parses Format parameter, their sections (positive;negative;zero) and
+ // builds Section information for requested section
+ procedure ParseFormat;
+ var C,Q: Char;
+ PFmtEnd: PChar;
+ Section1: TSection;
+ begin
+ PFmt:=@Format[1];
+ PFmtEnd:=PFmt+length(Format);
+ Section.FmtStart:=PFmt;
+ Section.Fmt1Dig:=nil;
+ Section.Digits:=0;
+ Section.HasTS:=false; // has thousand separator?
+ Section.HasDS:=false; // has decimal separator?
+ Sec:=1;
+ while true do begin
+ if PFmt>=PFmtEnd then
+ C:=#0 // hack if short strings used
+ else
+ C:=PFmt^;
+ case C of
+ '''', '"':
+ begin
+ Q:=PFmt^;
+ inc(PFmt);
+ while (PFmt<PFmtEnd-1) and (PFmt^<>Q) do
+ inc(PFmt);
+ end;
+ #0, ';': // end of Format string or end of section
+ begin
+ if Sec > 1 then
+ Section.FmtStart:=Section.FmtEnd+1;
+ Section.FmtEnd:=PFmt;
+ if not assigned(Section.Fmt1Dig) then
+ Section.Fmt1Dig:=Section.FmtEnd;
+ if not Section.HasDS then
+ begin
+ Section.FmtDS := Section.FmtEnd;
+ Section.DigDS := 0;
+ end;
+ if Sec = 1 then
+ Section1 := Section;
+ if (C = #0) or (Sec=ReqSec) then
+ break;
+ Section.Fmt1Dig:=nil;
+ Section.Digits:=0;
+ Section.HasTS:=false;
+ Section.HasDS:=false;
+ inc(Sec);
+ end;
+ '.': // decimal point
+ begin
+ Section.HasDS:=true;
+ Section.FmtDS:=PFmt;
+ Section.DigDS:=0;
+ end;
+ ',': // thousand separator
+ Section.HasTS:=true;
+ '0','#': // digits placeholders
+ begin
+ if not assigned(Section.Fmt1Dig) then Section.Fmt1Dig:=PFmt;
+ inc(Section.Digits);
+ inc(Section.DigDS);
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(PFmt);
+ end;
+ // if requested section does not exists or is empty use first section
+ if (ReqSec > Sec) or (Section.FmtStart=Section.FmtEnd) then
+ begin
+ Section := Section1;
+ Sec := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure PutFmtDigit(var AFmt: PChar; var iBCDStr, iBuf: integer; MoveBy: integer);
+ var ADig, Q: Char;
- not_implemented;
- result:='';
+ if (iBuf < low(Buf)) or (iBuf > high(Buf)) then
+ raise eBCDOverflowException.Create ( 'in FormatBCD' );
+ if (iBCDStr < 1) or (iBCDStr > length(BCDStr)) then
+ ADig:=#0
+ else
+ ADig:=BCDStr[iBCDStr];
+ // write remaining leading part of BCDStr if there are no more digit placeholders in Format string
+ if ((AFmt < Section.Fmt1Dig) and (AFmt < Section.FmtDS) and (ADig <> #0)) or
+ (ADig = DefaultFormatSettings.ThousandSeparator) then
+ begin
+ Buf[iBuf] := BCDStr[iBCDStr];
+ inc(iBCDStr, MoveBy);
+ inc(iBuf, MoveBy);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ case AFmt^ of
+ '''','"':
+ begin
+ Q:=AFmt^;
+ inc(AFmt, MoveBy);
+ // write all characters between quotes
+ while (AFmt>Section.FmtStart) and (AFmt<Section.FmtEnd) and (AFmt^ <> Q) do
+ begin
+ Buf[iBuf] := AFmt^;
+ inc(AFmt, MoveBy);
+ inc(iBuf, MoveBy);
+ end;
+ end;
+ '0','.':
+ begin
+ if AFmt^ = '.' then
+ Buf[iBuf] := DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator
+ else if ADig = #0 then
+ Buf[iBuf] := '0'
+ else
+ Buf[iBuf] := ADig;
+ inc(AFmt, MoveBy);
+ inc(iBCDStr, MoveBy);
+ inc(iBuf, MoveBy);
+ end;
+ '#':
+ begin
+ if ADig = #0 then
+ inc(AFmt, MoveBy)
+ else if (ADig = '0') and (iBCDStr = 1) then // skip leading zero
+ begin
+ inc(AFmt, MoveBy);
+ inc(iBCDStr, MoveBy);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Buf[iBuf] := ADig;
+ inc(AFmt, MoveBy);
+ inc(iBCDStr, MoveBy);
+ inc(iBuf, MoveBy);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ',':
+ begin
+ inc(AFmt, MoveBy); // thousand separators are already in BCDStr
+ end;
+ else // write character what is in Format as is
+ begin
+ Buf[iBuf] := AFmt^;
+ inc(AFmt, MoveBy);
+ inc(iBuf, MoveBy);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case BCDCompare(BCD, NullBCD) of
+ 1: ReqSec := 1;
+ 0: ReqSec := 3;
+ -1: ReqSec := 2;
+ // remove sign for negative value
+ if ReqSec = 2 then
+ BCDNegate(BCD);
+ // parse Format into Section
+ ParseFormat;
+ if Section.FmtStart=Section.FmtEnd then // empty section
+ FF := ffGeneral
+ else if Section.HasTS then
+ FF := ffNumber
+ else
+ FF := ffFixed;
+ Scale := BCDScale(BCD);
+ if (FF <> ffGeneral) and (Scale > Section.DigDS) then // we need rounding
+ Scale := Section.DigDS;
+ BCDStr := BCDToStrF(BCD, FF, 64, Scale);
+ if (FF = ffGeneral) then
+ begin
+ Result:=BCDStr;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // write to output buffer
+ j1 := high(Buf); // position of 1st number before decimal point in output buffer
+ je := length(Buf); // position after last digit in output buffer
+ // output decimal part of BCDStr
+ if Section.HasDS and (Section.FmtEnd-Section.FmtDS>1) then // is there something after decimal point?
+ begin
+ PFmt := Section.FmtDS; // start from decimal point until end
+ i := length(BCDStr) - Scale + ord(Scale=0);
+ dec(j1, Section.FmtEnd-Section.FmtDS);
+ j := j1 + 1;
+ while PFmt < Section.FmtEnd do
+ PutFmtDigit(PFmt, i, j, 1);
+ je := j; // store position after last decimal digit
+ end;
+ // output whole number part of BCDStr
+ PFmt := Section.FmtDS - 1;
+ i := length(BCDStr) - Scale - ord(Scale<>0);
+ j := j1;
+ while (i>0) and (j>0) do
+ PutFmtDigit(PFmt, i, j, -1);
+ // output leading '0' (f.e. '001.23')
+ while (PFmt >= Section.FmtStart) and (PFmt^ = '0') do
+ PutFmtDigit(PFmt, i, j, -1);
+ // output sign (-), if value is negative, and does not exists 2nd section
+ if (ReqSec = 2) and (Sec = 1) then
+ begin
+ Buf[j]:='-';
+ dec(j);
+ end;
+ // output remaining chars from begining of Format (f.e. 'abc' if given Format is 'abc0.00')
+ while PFmt >= Section.FmtStart do
+ PutFmtDigit(PFmt, i, j, -1);
+ inc(j);
+ if j > high(Buf) then
+ Result := ''
+ else
+ SetString(Result, @Buf[j], je-j);
+ end;
{$ifdef additional_routines}
function CurrToBCD ( const Curr : currency ) : tBCD; Inline;