path: root/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/freebidi.pp
diff options
authorAbou Al Montacir <>2013-10-14 18:34:04 +0200
committerAbou Al Montacir <>2013-10-14 18:34:04 +0200
commite613d5c357aebc41ca83e7e3beea3441e61299af (patch)
treed75f294045eb040eda0a17671995bd6492a4e37a /fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/freebidi.pp
parente36b5ea6c1e2551c5bad449e6b729d8ee195d62d (diff)
Imported Upstream version 2.6.2upstream/2.6.2
Diffstat (limited to 'fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/freebidi.pp')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/freebidi.pp b/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/freebidi.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df36376d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/freebidi.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+Author Mazen NEIFER
+Licence LGPL
+unit FreeBIDI;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ TCharacter = WideChar;
+ TString = WideString;
+ TDirection=(
+ drNONE,
+ drRTL,
+ drLTR
+ );
+ TVisualToLogical = Array[Byte]Of Byte;
+ TFontInfoPtr = Pointer;
+ TCharWidthRoutine = function(Character:TCharacter;FontInfo:TFontInfoPtr):Integer;
+ FontInfoPtr:TFontInfoPtr;
+ CharWidth:TCharWidthRoutine;
+{****************************Logical aspects***********************************}
+{Returns the number of logical characters}
+function LLength(const Src:TString):Cardinal;
+{Converts visual position to logical position}
+function LPos(const Src:TString; vp:Integer; pDir:TDirection):Cardinal;
+{****************************Visual aspects************************************}
+{Returns the number of visual characters}
+function VLength(const Src:TString; pDir:TDirection):Cardinal;
+{Converts a logical position to a visual position}
+function VPos(const Src:TString; lp:Integer; pDir, cDir:TDirection):Cardinal;
+function VPos(UTF8Char:PChar; Len:integer; BytePos:integer):Cardinal;
+{Returns character at a given visual position according to paragraph direction}
+function VCharOf(Src:TString; vp:Integer; dir:TDirection):TCharacter;
+{Inserts a string into another paying attention of RTL/LTR direction}
+procedure VInsert(const Src:TString; var Dest:TString; vp:Integer; pDir:TDirection);
+{Deletes a string into another paying attention of RTL/LTR direction}
+procedure VDelete(var str:TString; vp, len:Integer; pDir:TDirection);
+{Resturns a sub string of source string}
+//function VCopy(const Src:TString; vStart, vWidth:Integer):TString;
+{Resturns the visual image of current string}
+function VStr(const Src:TString; pDir:TDirection):TString;
+{****************************Helper routines***********************************}
+{Returns direction of a character}
+function DirectionOf(Character:TCharacter):TDirection;
+{Returns contextual direction of caracter in a string}
+function DirectionOf(Src:TString; lp:Integer; pDir:TDirection):TDirection;
+{Inserts a char as if it was typed using keyboard in the most user friendly way.
+Returns the new cursor position after insersion depending on the new visual text}
+function InsertChar(Src:TCharacter; var Dest:TString; vp:Integer; pDir:TDirection):Integer;
+{Returns a table mapping each visual position to its logical position in an UTF8*
+function VisualToLogical(const Src:TString; pDir:TDirection):TVisualToLogical;
+function DefaultCharWidth(Character:TCharacter; FontInfoPtr:TFontInfoPtr):Integer;
+ case Character of
+ #9:
+ Result := 8;
+ else
+ Result := 1;
+ end;
+function DumpStr(const Src:TString):String;
+ i:Integer;
+ Result := '';
+ for i:= 1 to Length(Src) do
+ case Src[i] of
+ #0..#127:
+ Result := Result + Src[i];
+ else
+ Result := Result + '$' + HexStr(Ord(Src[i]),4);
+ end;
+function ComputeCharLength(p:PChar):Cardinal;
+ if ord(p^)<%11000000
+ then
+{regular single byte character (#0 is a normal char, this is UTF8Charascal ;)}
+ Result:=1
+ else if ((ord(p^) and %11100000) = %11000000)
+ then
+ if (ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000 then
+ Result:=2
+ else
+ Result:=1
+ else if ((ord(p^) and %11110000) = %11100000)
+ then
+ if ((ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
+ and ((ord(p[2]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
+ then
+ Result:=3
+ else
+ Result:=1
+ else if ((ord(p^) and %11111000) = %11110000)
+ then
+ if ((ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
+ and ((ord(p[2]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
+ and ((ord(p[3]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
+ then
+ Result:=4
+ else
+ Result:=1
+ else
+ Result:=1
+{****************************Logical aspects***********************************}
+function LLength(const Src:TString):Cardinal;
+ Result := Length(Src);
+function LPos(const Src:TString; vp:Integer; pDir:TDirection):Cardinal;
+ v2l:TVisualToLogical;
+ i:integer;
+ v2l := VisualToLogical(Src, pDir);
+ if vp <= v2l[0]
+ then
+ Result := v2l[vp]
+ else
+ Result := Length(Src) + 1;
+{****************************Visual aspects************************************}
+function VLength(const Src:TString; pDir:TDirection):Cardinal;
+ Count:Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ Count := Length(Src);
+ while (Count > 0) do
+ begin
+ Result := Result + CharWidth(Src[Count], FontInfoPtr);
+ Count := Count - 1;
+ end;
+function VPos(const Src:TString; lp:Integer; pDir, cDir:TDirection):Cardinal;
+ v2l:TVisualToLogical;
+ vp:Integer;
+ v2l := VisualToLogical(Src, pDir);
+ for vp := 1 to v2l[0] do
+ if lp = v2l[vp]
+ then
+ begin
+ Exit(vp);
+ end;
+ Result := v2l[0];
+function VPos(UTF8Char:PChar; Len:integer; BytePos:integer):Cardinal;
+function VCharOf(Src:TString; vp:Integer; dir:TDirection):TCharacter;
+ CharLen: LongInt;
+ Result := Src[LPos(Src, vp, dir)];
+{****************************Helper routines***********************************}
+function DirectionOf(Character:TCharacter):TDirection;
+ case Character of
+ #9,#32,
+ '/',
+ '{','}',
+ '[',']',
+ '(',')':
+ Result := drNONE;
+ #$0590..#$05FF, //Hebrew
+ #$0600..#$06FF: //Arabic
+ Result := drRTL;
+ else
+ Result := drLTR;
+ end;
+function DirectionOf(Src:TString; lp:Integer; pDir:TDirection):TDirection;
+ c:TCharacter;
+ lDir,rDir:TDirection;
+ p:Integer;
+ if(lp <= 0)
+ then
+ lp := 1;
+{Seek for proper character direction}
+ c := Src[lp];
+ lDir := DirectionOf(c);
+{Seek for left character direction if it is neutral}
+ p := lp;
+ while(p > 1) and (lDir = drNONE)do
+ begin
+ c := Src[p - 1];
+ lDir := DirectionOf(c);
+ p := p - Length(c);
+ end;
+{Seek for right character direction if it is neutral}
+ p := lp;
+ repeat
+ c := Src[p];
+ rDir := DirectionOf(c);
+ p := p + Length(c);
+ until(p > Length(Src)) or (rDir <> drNONE);
+ if(lDir = rDir)
+ then
+ Result := rDir
+ else
+ Result := pDir;
+function VisualToLogical(const Src:TString; pDir:TDirection):TVisualToLogical;
+ procedure Insert(value:Byte; var v2l:TVisualToLogical; InsPos:Byte);
+ var
+ l:Byte;
+ begin
+ if v2l[0] < 255
+ then
+ Inc(InsPos);
+ if InsPos > v2l[0]
+ then
+ InsPos := v2l[0];
+ for l := v2l[0] downto InsPos do
+ v2l[l] := v2l[l-1];
+ v2l[InsPos] := Value;
+ end;
+ lp, vp : Integer;
+ cDir,lDir:TDirection;
+ Character:TCharacter;
+ Result[0] := 0;
+ lp := 1;
+ vp := 1;
+ lDir := drNONE;
+ while lp <= Length(Src) do
+ begin
+ Character := Src[lp];
+ cDir := DirectionOf(Src, lp, pDir);
+ Inc(Result[0]);
+ case cDir of
+ drRTL:
+ begin
+ lDir := drRTL;
+ end;
+ drLTR:
+ begin
+ lDir := drLTR;
+ vp := Result[0];
+ end;
+ else
+ vp := Result[0];
+ end;
+ Insert(lp, Result, vp);
+ lp := lp + 1;
+ end;
+function InsertChar(Src:TCharacter; var Dest:TString; vp:Integer; pDir:TDirection):Integer;
+ vSrc,vDest:TString;
+ vSrc := VStr(Src,pDir);
+ vDest := VStr(Dest,pDir);
+ Insert(vSrc, vDest, vp);
+ Dest := VStr(vDest, pDir);
+ case DirectionOf(Src) of
+ drRTL:
+ Result := vp;
+ drLTR:
+ Result := vp + 1;
+ else
+ if(vp < Length(vDest)) and (DirectionOf(vDest[vp + 1]) = drRTL)
+ then
+ Result := vp
+ else
+ Result := vp + 1;
+ end;
+procedure VInsert(const Src:TString;var Dest:TString; vp:Integer; pDir:TDirection);
+ vSrc,vDest:TString;
+ vSrc := VStr(Src,pDir);
+ vDest := VStr(Dest,pDir);
+ Insert(vSrc, vDest, vp);
+ Dest := VStr(vDest, pDir);
+procedure VDelete(var str:TString; vp, len:Integer; pDir:TDirection);
+ v2l:TVisualToLogical;
+ i:Integer;
+ v2l := VisualToLogical(str, pDir);
+ for i := 1 to v2l[0] do
+ if(v2l[i] >= vp) and (v2l[i] < vp + len)
+ then
+ Delete(str, v2l[i], 1);
+function VStr(const Src:TString; pDir:TDirection):TString;
+ v2lSrc:TVisualToLogical;
+ vp:Integer;
+ v2lSrc := VisualToLogical(Src,pDir);
+ SetLength(Result, v2lSrc[0]);
+ for vp := 1 to v2lSrc[0] do
+ Result[vp] := Src[v2lSrc[vp]];
+ CharWidth := @DefaultCharWidth;