path: root/UPGRADING
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Diffstat (limited to 'UPGRADING')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 412 deletions
index 43e4118b2..8f83b5110 100755
@@ -1,486 +1,164 @@
-1. Backward Incompatible Changes
-2. New Features
-2. Changes in SAPI modules
-3. Deprecated Functionality
-4. Changed Functions
-5. New Functions
-6. New Classes and Interfaces
-7. Removed Extensions
-8. Other Changes to Extensions
-9. New Global Constants
+1. Backward Incompatible Changes
+2. New Features
+2. Changes in SAPI modules
+3. Deprecated Functionality
+4. Changed Functions
+5. New Functions
+6. New Classes and Interfaces
+7. Removed Extensions
+8. Other Changes to Extensions
+9. New Global Constants
10. Changes to INI File Handling
-11. Windows Support
-12. Other Changes
+11. Other Changes
1. Backward Incompatible Changes
-- Dropped Windows XP and 2003 support. (Pierre)
-- All internal case insensitivity handling for class, function and constant
- names is done according to ASCII rules. Current locale settings are ignored.
-- self, parent & static keywords now are always case-insensitive (see bug
- #60833).
-- Removed Logo GUIDs: php_logo_guid(), php_egg_logo_guid(),
- php_real_logo_guid() and zend_logo_guid()
+- JSON:
+ json_decode() no longer accepts non-lowercase variants of lone JSON true,
+ false or null values. For example, True or FALSE will now cause json_decode to
+ return NULL and set an error value you can fetch with json_last_error().
+ This affects JSON texts consisting solely of true, false or null. Text
+ containing non-lowercase values inside JSON arrays or objects has never been
+ accepted.
2. New Features
-- Support list in foreach. (Laruence)
- (,
-- Support "finally" keyword. (Laruence)
- (,
+- Added constant scalar expressions syntax
+ (
-- Support constant array/string dereferencing. (Laruence)
- (,
+- Added dedicated syntax for variadic functions.
+ (
-- Add support for using empty() on the result of function calls and
- other expressions. Thus it is now possible to write empty(getArray()),
- for example. (,
+- Added support for argument unpacking to complement the variadic syntax.
+ (
-- Added generators.
- (,
+- The php://input stream is now re-usable and can be used concurrently with
+ enable_post_data_reading=0.
-- ClassName::class syntax returning full class name for a class as a
- string constant. (,
+- Added gost-crypto (CryptoPro S-box) hash algo.
-- Added support for non-scalar Iterator keys in foreach.
- (,
+- Added openssl certificate fingerprint support (inclusive stream context
+ option).
-- Bundled Zend OPcache extension to improve performance
- (,
+- Added openssl crypto method stream context option.
-- Added a simplified password hashing API
- (,
+- Added use function and use const.
+ (
2. Changes in SAPI modules
-- Support for changing the process's title in CLI/CLI-Server
- SAPIs. (Keyur)
- (,
-- Support for systemd in php-fpm: Add --with-fpm-systemd option to
- report health to systemd, and add systemd_interval option to
- configure this. The service can now use Type=notify in the systemd
- unit file. (Remi)
+- Added phpdbg sapi.
+ (
3. Deprecated Functionality
-- The original MySQL extension is now deprecated and will generate
- deprecation warnings when connecting to a database through
- mysql_connect(), mysql_pconnect() or by establishing an implicit
- connection. Use MySQLi or PDO instead.
-- The preg_replace /e modifier is now deprecated. Use
- preg_replace_callback instead.
- (
-- IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID() and datefmt_set_timezone_id() are
- deprecated. Use IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() or
- datefmt_set_timezone() instead.
-- mcrypt_ecb(), mcrypt_cbc(), mcrypt_cfb() and mcrypt_ofb() now throw
- E_DEPRECATED. Their use was already previously discouraged in the
- documentation, but that predated the existence of E_DEPRECATED.
+- Incompatible context calls:
+ Instance calls from an incompatible context are now deprecated and issue
+ E_DEPRECATED instead of E_STRICT. See
4. Changed Functions
-- pack()/unpack() had the following changes, which bring it more in
- line with Perl's behavior: - Implemented format character "Z": NULL
- padded string, with trailing NULL bytes removed. - Changed format
- character "a": this no longer removes trailing NULL bytes. -
- Changed format character "A": all trailing ASCII whitespace is now
- removed (defined as spaces, tabs, \r, \n and NULL).
-- MessageFormatter::format() and related functions now accepted named
- arguments and mixed numeric/named arguments in ICU 4.8+.
-- MessageFormatter::format() and related functions now don't error out
- when an insufficient argument count is provided. Instead, the
- placeholders will remain unsubstituted.
-- MessageFormatter::parse() and MessageFormat::format() (and their
- static equivalents) now don't throw away better than second
- precision in the arguments.
-- IntlDateFormatter::__construct and datefmt_create() now accept for
- the $timezone argument time zone identifiers, IntlTimeZone objects,
- DateTimeZone objects and NULL. It used to accept only time zone
- identifiers and NULL. Invalid time zone identifiers are no longer
- accepted. Empty strings are no longer accepted.
-- The default time zone used in IntlDateFormatter::__construct and
- datefmt_create() (when the corresponding argument is not passed or
- NULL is passed) is now the one given by date_default_timezone_get(),
- not the default ICU time zone.
-- The time zone passed to the IntlDateFormatter is ignored if it is
- NULL and if the calendar passed is an IntlCalendar object -- in this
- case, the IntlCalendar's time zone will be used instead. Otherwise,
- the time zone specified in the $timezone argument is used
- instead. This does not affect old code, as IntlCalendar was
- introduced in this version.
-- IntlDateFormatter::__construct and datefmt_create() now accept for
- the $calendar argument also IntlCalendar objects.
-- IntlDateFormatter::getCalendar() and datefmt_get_calendar() return
- false if the IntlDateFormatter was set up with an IntlCalendar
- instead of the constants
- IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN/TRADITIONAL. IntlCalendar did not exist
- before this version.
-- IntlDateFormatter::setCalendar() and datefmt_set_calendar() now also
- accept an IntlCalendar object, in which case its time zone is
- taken. Passing a constant is still allowed, and still keeps the time
- zone.
-- IntlDateFormatter::format() and datefmt_format() now also accept an
- IntlCalendar object for formatting.
-- set_error_handler(NULL) can now be used to reset the error handler.
- Furthermore both set_error_handler(NULL) and
- set_exception_handler(NULL) will now return the previously defined
- error/exception handler. Previously bool(true) was returned.
-- setcookie(), setrawcookie() and ext/session now send Max-Age headers
- alongside Expires headers. (see
-- curl_setopt now accepts new option CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD and CURLFile
- object for safer file uploads (see
-- Functions in the socket extension now do not emit warnings when the
-- Since 5.5.2, spl_autoload_functions() returns different names for
- different lambda functions registered via spl_autoload_register().
-- Since 5.5.3, DOMDocument::schemaValidateSource() and
- DOMDocument::schemaValidate() accept flag parameter. Only flag
- available now is LIBXML_SCHEMA_CREATE. Default is 0.
-- Since 5.5.4, fputcsv() has fifth parameter escape_char, allowing to
- specify escape char.
+- cURL:
+ CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD is now turned on by default and uploads with @file
+ do not work unless it is explicitly set to false.
+- Crypt:
+ crypt() will now raise an E_NOTICE error if the salt parameter is omitted.
+ See:
+- XMLReader:
+ XMLReader::getAttributeNs and XMLReader::getAttributeNo now return NULL if
+ the attribute could not be found, just like XMLReader::getAttribute.
5. New Functions
-- Core:
- - array_column()
- - boolval()
- - password_get_info()
- - password_hash()
- - password_needs_rehash()
- - password_verify()
+- GMP:
+ Added gmp_root($a, $nth) and gmp_rootrem($a, $nth) for calculating nth roots.
-- cURL:
- - curl_file_create
-- GD
- - imageflip
- - imagecrop
- - imagecropauto
- - imagesetinterpolation
- - imageaffine
- - imageaffinematrixget
- - imageaffinematrixconcat
- - imagescale
-- Hash:
- - hash_pbkdf2()
-- Intl:
- - datefmt_format_object()
- - datefmt_get_calendar_object()
- - datefmt_get_timezone()
- - datefmt_set_timezone()
- - datefmt_get_calendar_object()
- - intlcal_create_instance()
- - intlcal_get_keyword_values_for_locale()
- - intlcal_get_now()
- - intlcal_get_available_locales()
- - intlcal_get()
- - intlcal_get_time()
- - intlcal_set_time()
- - intlcal_add()
- - intlcal_set_time_zone()
- - intlcal_after()
- - intlcal_before()
- - intlcal_set()
- - intlcal_roll()
- - intlcal_clear()
- - intlcal_field_difference()
- - intlcal_get_actual_maximum()
- - intlcal_get_actual_minimum()
- - intlcal_get_day_of_week_type()
- - intlcal_get_first_day_of_week()
- - intlcal_get_greatest_minimum()
- - intlcal_get_least_maximum()
- - intlcal_get_locale()
- - intlcal_get_maximum()
- - intlcal_get_minimal_days_in_first_week()
- - intlcal_get_minimum()
- - intlcal_get_time_zone()
- - intlcal_get_type()
- - intlcal_get_weekend_transition()
- - intlcal_in_daylight_time()
- - intlcal_is_equivalent_to()
- - intlcal_is_lenient()
- - intlcal_is_set()
- - intlcal_is_weekend()
- - intlcal_set_first_day_of_week()
- - intlcal_set_lenient()
- - intlcal_equals()
- - intlcal_get_repeated_wall_time_option()
- - intlcal_get_skipped_wall_time_option()
- - intlcal_set_repeated_wall_time_option()
- - intlcal_set_skipped_wall_time_option()
- - intlcal_from_date_time()
- - intlcal_to_date_time()
- - intlcal_get_error_code()
- - intlcal_get_error_message()
- - intlgregcal_create_instance()
- - intlgregcal_set_gregorian_change()
- - intlgregcal_get_gregorian_change()
- - intlgregcal_is_leap_year()
- - intltz_create_time_zone()
- - intltz_create_default()
- - intltz_get_id()
- - intltz_get_gmt()
- - intltz_get_unknown()
- - intltz_create_enumeration()
- - intltz_count_equivalent_ids()
- - intltz_create_time_zone_id_enumeration()
- - intltz_get_canonical_id()
- - intltz_get_region()
- - intltz_get_tz_data_version()
- - intltz_get_equivalent_id()
- - intltz_use_daylight_time()
- - intltz_get_offset()
- - intltz_get_raw_offset()
- - intltz_has_same_rules()
- - intltz_get_display_name()
- - intltz_get_dst_savings()
- - intltz_from_date_time_zone()
- - intltz_to_date_time_zone()
- - intltz_get_error_code()
- - intltz_get_error_message()
- - IntlDateFormatter::formatObject()
- - IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject()
- - IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone()
- - IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone()
-- Sockets:
- - socket_sendmsg()
- - socket_recvmsg()
- - socket_cmsg_space()
-- SPL:
- - SplFixedArray::__wakeup()
- - SplDoublyLinkedList::add()
- - RecursiveTreeIterator::getPostfix() (5.5.2)
- - RecursiveTreeIterator::setPostfix() (5.5.2)
-- Zend OPcache:
- - opcache_get_configuration()
- - opcache_get_status()
- - opcache_reset()
+- Openssl:
+ Added string openssl_x509_fingerprint($x509, $type, $binary).
+- LDAP:
+ Added ldap_escape($value, $ignore = "", $flags = 0).
+- Zip:
+ Added ZipArchive::setPassword($password)
6. New Classes and Interfaces
-- Intl:
- - IntlCalendar
- - IntlGregorianCalendar
- - IntlTimeZone
- - IntlBreakIterator
- - IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator
- - IntlCodePointBreakIterator
- - UConverter
-- cURL:
- - CURLFile
7. Removed Extensions
8. Other Changes to Extensions
-- Intl:
- - This extension now requires ICU 4.0+.
-- Phar:
- - Added ability of resolving alias created by Phar::map
+- GMP:
+ The GMP extension now uses objects as the underlying data structure, rather
+ than resources. GMP instances now support dumping, serialization, cloning,
+ casts to primitive types and have overloaded operators.
+ (RFC:
+- OCI8:
+ - Added Implicit Result Set support for Oracle Database 12c with a
+ new oci_get_implicit_resultset() function.
+ - Using 'oci_execute($s, OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT)' for a SELECT no longer
+ unnecessarily initiates an internal ROLLBACK during connection
+ close.
+ - Added DTrace probes enabled with PHP's generic --enable-dtrace
+ - The oci_internal_debug() function is now a no-op.
+ - The phpinfo() output format for OCI8 has changed.
9. New Global Constants
-- mysqli:
- - Added MYSQLI_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY constant to be used with mysqli_options()
-- cURL:
- - Added CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD to be used with curl_setopt().
- - Added CURL_WRAPPERS_ENABLED to reflect --with-curlwrappers.
-- GD
- - Added constants for imageflip:
- - Added constants for imagecrop
- - Added constants for imagesetinterpolation, used by imagescale
- imagerotate and imageaffine:
- - Added constants for imageaffinematrixget
+- LDAP:
10. Changes to INI File Handling
- Core:
- - Added sys_temp_dir INI directive, for specifying temporary
- directory.
-- Intl:
- - Added intl.use_exceptions INI directive, which controls what
- happens when global errors are set together with intl.error_level.
- - mssql.compatability_mode renamed to mssql.compatibility_mode in 5.5.2,
- old directive still supported for BC reasons.
-- mysqlnd:
- - Added mysqlnd.sha256_server_public_key INI PERDIR setting that
- affects all APIs which use(are built) for mysqlnd. This allows
- ext/mysqli to be used with the new auth protocol, although at
- coarser level.
-- Sessions:
- - Added session.use_strict_mode in 5.5.3, which prevents session
- fixation attacks and session collisions.
- See also
-- Zend OPcache (See
- - Added the following directives:
- - opcache.enable (default "1")
- - opcache.memory_consumption (default "64")
- - opcache.interned_strings_buffer (default "4")
- - opcache.max_accelerated_files (default "2000")
- - opcache.max_wasted_percentage (default "5")
- - opcache.use_cwd (default "1")
- - opcache.validate_timestamps (default "1")
- - opcache.revalidate_freq (default "2")
- - opcache.revalidate_path (default "0")
- - opcache.save_comments (default "1")
- - opcache.load_comments (default "1")
- - opcache.fast_shutdown (default "0")
- - opcache.enable_file_override (default "0")
- - opcache.optimization_level (default "0xffffffff")
- - opcache.inherited_hack (default "1")
- - opcache.blacklist_filename (default "")
- - opcache.max_file_size (default "0")
- - opcache.consistency_checks (default "0")
- - opcache.force_restart_timeout (default "180")
- - opcache.error_log (default "" which means stderr)
- - opcache.log_verbosity_level (default "1")
- - opcache.preferred_memory_model (default "")
- - opcache.protect_memory (default "0")
- - opcache.mmap_base (Windows-only)
-11. Windows Support
-- The Apache 2.4 handler is supported as of PHP 5.5.0
-- OPcache: Errors like 'unable to reattach to base address' could
- happen in many common setups. It is due to some technical and
- design restriction in the engine and could not be fixed easily
- before 5.5.0 was released.
- A possible fix is to tweak the opcache.mmap_base INI setting by
- forcing the first address to be tried.
- For x86 version, the following addreses can be tried:
- . 0x20000000, 0x21000000, 0x30000000, 0x31000000, 0x50000000
- and for x64 (still experimental):
- . 0x0000100000000000, 0x0000200000000000, 0x0000300000000000, 0x0000700000000000
+ Changed always_populate_raw_post_data to throw a deprecation warning when
+ enabled and to recognize ohe value -1 for never populating the global
+ $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable, which will be default in future PHP versions.
-12. Other Changes
+11. Other Changes
-- If the APC or WinCache user cache APIs were used before, consider
- these alternatives for PHP 5.5:
+- File upload:
+ Uploads equal or greater than 2GB in size are now accepted.
- - APCu
- - all supported OSes:
- - Windows:
+- HTTP stream wrapper:
+ HTTP 1.1 requests now include a Connection: close header unless explicitly
+ overridden by setting a Connection header via the header context option.
- - WinCache, Windows only:
+- Zip:
+ New --with-libzip option allow to use system libzip. Version > 0.11 required,
+ Version >= 0.11.2 recommended for all features.