path: root/debian
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Diffstat (limited to 'debian')
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index d8a602b..0fc504f 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ rsyslog (7.6.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Drop useless "exit 0" from maintainer scripts.
* Enable and install the mmutf8fix, mmpstrucdata and mmsequence message
modification modules.
+ * Stop installing debian/sample.conf. Upstream ships a more up-to-date
+ example configuration file.
-- Michael Biebl <> Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:07:48 +0100
diff --git a/debian/rsyslog-doc.examples b/debian/rsyslog-doc.examples
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca2e48..0000000
--- a/debian/rsyslog-doc.examples
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/sample.conf b/debian/sample.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a27de0c..0000000
--- a/debian/sample.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-# This is a sample configuation file for rsyslogd. See the
-# doc/manual.html for details. If you can not find the
-# manual set, please visit
-# to obtain it online.
-# WARNING: We do NOT keep the comments in this file always
-# up to date. Be sure to consult the doc set that
-# came with your package, especially the file on
-# rsyslog.conf - it probably has some better information
-# than is provided here in comments. The main purpose
-# of sample.conf is to show you some actual directives,
-# not to be the authorative doc source.
-# Please note that rsyslogd by default
-# reads /etc/rsyslogd.conf (and NOT /etc/syslogd.conf!).
-# A commented sample configuration. More a man page than a real
-# sample ;)
-# We try to keep things as consistent with existing syslog implementation
-# as possible. We use "$" to start lines that contain new directives.
-# We limit who can send us messages:
-$AllowedSender UDP,, # all machines in 192.0.2 as well as
-$AllowedSender TCP, # for TCP, we allow only
-# remove the AllowedSender directives if you do not want to limit
-# who can send rsyslogd messages (not recommended)
-# Templates are a key feature of rsyslog. They allow to specify any
-# format a user might want. Every output in rsyslog uses templates - this
-# holds true for files, user messages and so on. The database writer
-# expects its template to be a proper SQL statement - so this is highly
-# customizable too. You might ask how does all of this work when no templates
-# at all are specified. Good question ;) The answer is simple, though. Templates
-# compatible with the stock syslogd formats are hardcoded into rsyslog. So if
-# no template is specified, we use one of these hardcoded templates. Search for
-# "template_" in syslogd.c and you will find the hardcoded ones.
-# A template consists of a template directive, a name, the actual template text
-# and optional options. A sample is:
-# $template MyTemplateName,"\7Text %property% some more text\n",<options>
-# The "$template" is the template directive. It tells rsyslog that this
-# line contains a template.
-# "MyTemplateName" is the template name. All other config lines refer to
-# this name.
-# The text within quotes is the actual template text. The backslash is
-# a escape character, much as in C. It does all these "cool" things. For
-# example, \7 rings the bell (this is an ASCII value), \n is a new line.
-# C programmers and perl coders have the advantage of knowing this, but the
-# set in rsyslog is a bit restricted currently. All text in the template
-# is used literally, except for things within percent signs. These are
-# properties and allow you access to the contents of the syslog message.
-# Properties are accessed via the property replacer (nice name, huh) and
-# it can do cool things, too. For example, it can pick a substring or
-# do date-specific formatting. More on this is below, on some lines of the
-# property replacer.
-# The <options> part is optional. It carries options that influence the
-# template as whole. Details are below. Be sure NOT to mistake template
-# options with property options - the later ones are processed by the
-# property replacer and apply to a SINGLE property, only (and not the
-# whole template).
-# Template options are case-insensitive. Currently defined are:
-# sql - format the string suitable for a SQL statement. This will replace single
-# quotes ("'") by two single quotes ("''") inside each field. This option MUST
-# be specified when a template is used for writing to a database, otherwise SQL
-# injection might occur.
-# Please note that the database writer *checks* that the sql option is
-# present in the template. If it is not present, the write database action
-# is disabled. This is to guard you against accidential forgetting it and
-# then becoming vulnerable for SQL injection.
-# The sql option can also be useful with files - especially if you want
-# to run them on another machine for performance reasons. However, do NOT
-# use it if you do not have a real need for it - among others, it takes
-# some toll on the processing time. Not much, but on a really busy system
-# you might notice it ;)
-# To escape:
-# % = \%
-# \ = \\
-# --> '\' is used to escape (as in C)
-#$template TraditionalFormat,%timegenerated% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg%\n"
-# Properties can be accessed by the property replacer. They are accessed
-# inside the template by putting them between percent signs. Properties
-# can be modifed by the property replacer. The full syntax is as follows:
-# %propname:fromChar:toChar:options%
-# propname is the name of the property to access. This IS case-sensitive!
-# Currently supported are:
-# msg the MSG part of the message (aka "the message" ;))
-# rawmsg the message excactly as it was received from the
-# socket. Should be useful for debugging.
-# UxTradMsg will disappear soon - do NOT use!
-# HOSTNAME hostname from the message
-# source alias for HOSTNAME
-# syslogtag TAG from the message
-# PRI PRI part of the message - undecoded (single value)
-# IUT the monitorware InfoUnitType - used when talking to a
-# MonitorWare backend (also for phpLogCon)
-# syslogfacility the facility from the message - in numerical form
-# syslogpriority the priority (actully severity!) from the
-# message - in numerical form
-# timegenerated timestamp when the message was RECEIVED. Always in high
-# resolution
-# timereported timestamp from the message. Resolution depends on what
-# was provided in the message (in most cases, only seconds)
-# TIMESTAMP alias for timereported
-# Other properties might be available at the time you read this. Be sure
-# to consult the property replacer documentation in the doc set for all
-# properties.
-# FromChar and toChar are used to build substrings. They specify the
-# offset within the string that should be copied. Offset counting
-# starts at 1, so if you need to obtain the first 2 characters of the
-# message text, you can use this syntax: "%msg:1:2%".
-# If you do not whish to specify from and to, but you want to
-# specify options, you still need to include the colons. For example,
-# if you would like to convert the full message text to lower case
-# only, use "%msg:::lowercase%".
-# property options are case-insensitive, currently defined are:
-# uppercase convert property to lowercase only
-# lowercase convert property text to uppercase only
-# drop-last-lf The last LF in the message (if any), is dropped.
-# Especially useful for PIX.
-# date-mysql format as mysql date
-# date-rfc3164 format as RFC 3164 date
-# date-rfc3339 format as RFC 3339 date
-# escape-cc NOT yet implemented
-# Below find some samples of what a template can do. Have a good
-# time finding out what they do [or just tun them] ;)
-# A template that resambles traditional syslogd file output:
-$template TraditionalFormat,"%timegenerated% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::drop-last-lf%\n"
-# a template useful for debugging format issues
-$template DEBUG,"Debug line with all properties:\nFROMHOST: '%FROMHOST%', HOSTNAME: '%HOSTNAME%', PRI: %PRI%,\nsyslogtag '%syslogtag%', programname: '%programname%', APP-NAME: '%APP-NAME%', PROCID: '%PROCID%', MSGID: '%MSGID%',\nTIMESTAMP: '%TIMESTAMP%', STRUCTURED-DATA: '%STRUCTURED-DATA%',\nmsg: '%msg%'\nescaped msg: '%msg:::drop-cc%'\nrawmsg: '%rawmsg%'\n\n"
-# A template that resembles RFC 3164 on-the-wire format:
-# (yes, there is NO space betwen syslogtag and msg! that's important!)
-$template RFC3164fmt,"<%PRI%>%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg%"
-# a template resembling traditional wallmessage format:
-$template wallmsg,"\r\n\7Message from syslogd@%HOSTNAME% at %timegenerated% ...\r\n %syslogtag%%msg%\n\r"
-# The template below emulates winsyslog format, but we need to check the time
-# stamps used. for now, it is good enough ;) This format works best with
-# other members of the MonitorWare product family. It is also a good sample
-# where you can see the property replacer in action.
-$template WinSyslogFmt,"%HOSTNAME%,%timegenerated:1:10:date-rfc3339%,%timegenerated:12:19:date-rfc3339%,%timegenerated:1:10:date-rfc3339%,%timegenerated:12:19:date-rfc3339%,%syslogfacility%,%syslogpriority%,%syslogtag%%msg%\n"
-# A template used for database writing (notice it *is* an actual
-# sql-statement):
-$template dbFormat,"insert into SystemEvents (Message, Facility,FromHost, Priority, DeviceReportedTime, ReceivedAt, InfoUnitID, SysLogTag) values ('%msg%', %syslogfacility%, '%HOSTNAME%',%syslogpriority%, '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%timegenerated:::date-mysql%', %iut%, '%syslogtag%')",sql
-# Selector lines are somewhat different from stock syslogd. With
-# rsyslog, you can add a semicolon ";" after the target and then
-# the template name. That will assign this template to the respective
-# action. If no template name is given, a hardcoded template is used.
-# If a template name is given, but the template was not defined, the
-# selector line is DEACTIVATED.
-# #############
-# #############
-# Templates MUST be defined BEFORE they are used! It is OK to
-# intermix template definitions and selector lines within the
-# config file, but each template MUST be defined before it is
-# used the first time!
-# We have some very rough samples here - This sample file focusses
-# on the new syntax, so we do NOT describe all possible selections.
-# Use the syslog.conf if you are interested to see how to select
-# based on facility and severits (aka priority).
-*.* /var/log/winsyslog-like.log;WinSyslogFmt
-# A selector using the traditional format defined above:
-*.* /var/log/traditionalfile.log;TraditionalFormat
-# And another one using the hardcoded traditional format:
-*.* /var/log/anothertraditionalfile.log
-# Templates are also fully supportd for forwarding:
-*.* @;RFC3164fmt
-# And this finally is a database action
-# The semicolon at the end is not necessary,
-# but some previous versions of rsyslogd had a bug that
-# made them abort if it were missing. As Dennis Olvany
-# pointed out, it would be extremely nice to have this
-# semicolon in the sample conf - so we did in a previous
-# version and it still sticks around ;)
-*.* >hostname,dbname,userid,password;
-# It uses the default schema (MonitorWare format). The parameters
-# should be self-explanatory.
-# And this one uses the template defined above:
-*.* >hostname,dbname,userid,password;dbFormat
-# Rsyslog supports TCP-based syslog. To enable receiving TCP messages,
-# use the -t <port> command line option (where port is the port it
-# shall listen to. To forward messages to the remote host, you must
-# specify a forwarding action and include the host and port. TCP
-# and UDP-based forwarding has basically the same syntax, except that
-# TCP delivery is triggered by specifying a second at-sign (@) in the
-# message.
-# This is UDP forwarding to port 514:
-*.* @
-# This is UDP forwarding to port 1514:
-*.* @
-# This is TCP forwarding to port 1514:
-*.* @@
-# The second @-sign is all you need (except, of course, a tcp-capable
-# syslogd like rsyslogd ;)).
-# Of course, you can also specify a template with TCP:
-*.* @@;RFC3164Fmt
-# There are also some options you can select. These come between
-# paranthesis. Available are:
-# z<number> - turn on compression, number is compression mode 0 - none, 9 max
-# o - (tcp only) use octet counting for framing EXPERIMENTAL
-# Forward via TCP with maximum compression and octet couting framing:
-*.* @@(z9,o);RFC3164Fmt
-# Forward via UDP with maximum compression to port 1514
-*.* @(z9)
-# We also support property-based filters, which allow for nice
-# things. Let's for example assume that you receive a lot of
-# nonsense messages with "ID-4711" in the message text. You know
-# that you will never need these messages. So you simply discard them
-:msg, contains, "ID-4711" ~
-# or you would like to store messages from a specific host to
-# a different file:
-:FROMHOST, isequal,"" /var/log/myhost.log
-# everyting that does not contain "error" should also be
-# discarded
-:msg, !contains, "error" ~
-# and the rest go to a seperate file
-*.* /var/log/error
-# (keep in mind that the two directives shown immediately
-# above must be kept in that order to actually work)
-# you can also execute a script. Let's assume, for example, you need
-# to execute "turn-diesel-generator-on" when "power failed" is contained
-# in a message... ;)
-:msg, contains, "power failed" ^turn-diesel-generator-on
-# (The script is passed the syslog message as first and only parameter.
-# Other parameters can currently not be specified.)
-# Note that boolean operations (other than not [!]) are not
-# currently supported. As such, you can not filter out different
-# facilities from different machines - hopefully later ;)
-# A final world. rsyslog is considered a part of Adiscon's MonitorWare product line.
-# As such, you can find current information as well as information on the
-# other product line members on Please be warned, there
-# are a number of closed-source commercial Windows applications among these products ;)
-# You might want to check the GPL'ed phpLogCon (
-# as a web-based front-end to a syslog message database.
-# I hope this work is useful.
-# 2005-09-27 Rainer Gerhards <>