path: root/debian/local/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/local/')
1 files changed, 1084 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/local/ b/debian/local/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab1893c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/local/
@@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Sendmail:,v 8.14.2 2007-11-02 22:20:56 cowboy Exp $
+# Parse Sendmail config for databases
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Richard Nelson. All Rights Reserved.
+# Notes (to all):
+# * for "define(xxx,...)"; "define(xxx," must be on same line, but the
+# rest may be split across multiple lines
+# * assumes makemap dbtype /etc/mail/database < /etc/mail/database
+# Notes (to self):
+# * changes made herein *must* be reflected in
+# parse_mc,update_mk,update_db,debian.m4
+# * userdb can also have multiple databases and then a forward!
+# * undefine support
+# * include support (also for OSTYPE, DOMAIN, SITE, etc)
+# * F and K lines
+# Package/Module declaration
+package Parse_mc;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+#@EXPORT = qw(read_mc write_dbs read_dbs);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(read_mc write_dbs read_dbs
+ names_dbs restart_dbs entry_dbs format_dbs);
+$VERSION = '2.0002';
+# Initialization of the perl environment
+use strict; # be kosher
+#use warnings; # Not needed here
+use Cwd; # provide cwd()
+use Env; # A few environmental references
+use integer; # Peformance
+use Sys::Hostname; # make sure we have a valid hostname
+use Getopt::Long; # parameter handling
+use FileHandle; # I/O
+# Version of this program
+#($main::MYNAME = $main::0) =~ s|.*/||;
+#$main::Author = "Richard Nelson";
+#$main::AuthorMail = "cowboy\";
+#$main::Version = '$Revision: 2.00 $ ';
+$Parse_mc::program_name = '';
+$Parse_mc::program_version = '8.14.2';
+$Parse_mc::program_date = '2007-11-02 22:20:56 cowboy';
+$Parse_mc::debug = 0;
+my $interp_pgm = "$^X";
+my $interp_vrm = $];
+$interp_vrm = ("$^V" | '000') if (defined $^V);
+my $current_time = scalar localtime;
+my $user = getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[$[] || "Unknown!!";
+my $hostname = hostname();
+my $directory = getcwd();
+$Parse_mc::Conffile = "/etc/mail/databases";
+$Parse_mc::input_files = "/etc/mail/";
+$Parse_mc::database_file = "/etc/mail/databases";
+my $debug;
+# List of FEATURE()s, and their default file names (in path ${smdb_loc})
+my %smdb_features = (
+ access_db => 'access'
+ ,authinfo => 'authinfo'
+ ,bitdomain => 'bitdomain'
+ ,domaintable => 'domaintable'
+ ,genericstable => 'genericstable'
+ ,mailertable => 'mailertable'
+ ,use_cw_file => 'use_cw_file'
+ ,use_ct_file => 'use_ct_file'
+ ,uucpdomain => 'uudomain'
+ ,virtusertable => 'virtusertable'
+ );
+# List of classes, and a flag to note if it is reasonable to parse it
+my %smdb_classes = (
+ '' => 1 # Default, no class
+ ,'-' => 1 # ditto
+ ,bestmx => 0 # Lookup best MX record for host
+ ,btree => 1 # NEWDB
+ ,dbm => 1 # NDBM
+ ,dequote => 0 # Remove quotes
+ ,dnsmap => 0 # DNSMAP
+ ,hash => 1 # NEWDB
+ ,hesiod => 1 # HESIOD
+ ,host => 0 # Internal hostname lookup
+ ,implicit => 0 # Search for alias database
+ ,ldap => 0 # LDAPMAP
+ ,nis => 1 # NIS
+ ,nisplus => 1 # NISPLUS
+ ,null => 0 # Always returns false
+ ,program => 1 # Run an external program
+ ,sequence => 0 # Search a series of maps
+ ,stab => 0 # Internal alias
+ ,switch => 0 # Internal alias auto-build
+ ,text => 1 # Lookup in flat text file
+ ,userdb => 1 # Lookup in userdb
+ ,user => 1 # lookup passwd
+ ,newaliases => 1 # for internal usage (of this script)
+ );
+# Prefill entries based upon Sendmail/Debian defaults
+# Yeah, this is long winded, but it needs to be said...
+my $smdb_loc = "/etc/mail/";
+my $smdb_type = 'hash';
+my %smdb_hash = (
+# ----------- Database defaults
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}"],'-']
+ ["${smdb_type}",'-',['-'],'-']
+# ----------- General stuff
+ ,'' =>
+ ['m4','-',["${smdb_loc}"],'-']
+ ,'ALIAS_FILE' =>
+ ['newaliases','-',["${smdb_loc}aliases"],'-']
+# ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}canonify_domains"],'%[^\\#]']
+# ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}exposed_users"],'%[^\\#]']
+ ,'HELP_FILE' =>
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}helpfile"],'-']
+# ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}generic-domains"],'%[^\\#]']
+# ['-,'-',["${smdb_loc}masquerade-domains"],'%[^\\#]']
+ ['-','-',["/var/lib/sendmail/"],'-']
+ ['-','-',["/var/spool/mqueue-client"],'-']
+ ,'QUEUE_DIR' =>
+ ['-','-',["/var/spool/mqueue"],'-']
+# ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}relay-domains"],'%[^\\#]']
+ ['-','-',["/var/lib/sendmail/"],'-']
+# ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}virtual-domains"],'%[^\\#]']
+ ['-','-',["/var/run/sendmail/smcontrol"],'-']
+ ,'confCR_FILE' =>
+ ['-','-o',["${smdb_loc}relay-domains"],'%[^\\#]']
+ ,'confCT_FILE' =>
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}trusted-users"],'%[^\\#]']
+ ,'confCW_FILE' =>
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}local-host-names"],'%[^\\#]']
+ ,'confDEAD_LETTER_DROP' =>
+ ['-','-',["/var/lib/sendmail/dead.letter"],'-']
+# ,'confDEF_AUTH_INFO' => # Deprecated, use authinfo rules instead
+# ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}default-auth-info"],'-']
+ ,'confEBINDIR' =>
+ ['-','-',["/usr/lib/sm.bin"],'-']
+# ,'confERROR_MESSAGE' => # No default
+# ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}error-header"],'-']
+ ,'confHOSTS_FILE' =>
+ ['-','-',["/etc/hosts"],'-']
+ ['-','-',["/var/lib/sendmail/host_status"],'-']
+ ,'confPID_FILE' =>
+ ['-','-',["/var/run/sendmail/mta/"],'-']
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}service.switch"],'-']
+# ,'confUSERDB_SPEC' =>
+# ['btree','-o',["${smdb_loc}userdb"],'-']
+# ----------- STARTTLS
+ ,'confTO_STARTTLS' =>
+ ['-','-',["2m"],'-']
+ ,'confCACERT' =>
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}tls/sendmail-server.crt"],'-']
+ ,'confCACERT_PATH' =>
+ ['-','-',["/etc/ssl/certs"],'-']
+ ,'confCRL' =>
+ ['-','-',[""],'-']
+ ,'confCLIENT_CERT' =>
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}tls/sendmail-client.crt"],'-']
+ ,'confCLIENT_KEY' =>
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}tls/sendmail-common.key"],'-']
+ ,'confSERVER_CERT' =>
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}tls/sendmail-server.crt"],'-']
+ ,'confSERVER_KEY' =>
+ ['-','-',["${smdb_loc}tls/sendmail-common.key"],'-']
+ ,'confTLS_SRV_OPTIONS' =>
+ ['-','-',["V"],'-']
+# ----------- SMTP AUTH (SASL)
+ ,'confTO_AUTH' =>
+ ['-','-',["2m"],'-']
+ ['-','-',["DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 NTLM LOGIN PLAIN"],"-"]
+ ['-','-',["DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 NTLM LOGIN PLAIN"],"-"]
+ ,'confAUTH_REALM' =>
+ ['-','-',[""],'-']
+ ,
+ );
+# Private entries
+$smdb_hash{'databases'} = ['parse_mc','-',["${smdb_loc}"],'-'];
+$smdb_hash{'Makefile'} = ['update_mk','-',["${smdb_loc}databases"],'-'];
+$smdb_hash{'crontab'} = ['update_conf','-',["${smdb_loc}sendmail.conf"],'-'];
+$smdb_hash{'auth'} = ['update_auth','-',["${smdb_loc}sasl/sasl.m4"],'-'];
+$smdb_hash{'tls'} = ['update_tls','-',["${smdb_loc}tls/starttls.m4"],'-'];
+$smdb_hash{'include'} = ['-','-',[""],'-'];
+# Conditional entries
+if ( -s "${smdb_loc}" ) {
+ $smdb_hash{''} = ['m4','-',["${smdb_loc}"],'-'];
+ };
+# Databases/files that require a sendmail restart when modified:
+my %smdb_restart = (
+ ,'confCR_FILE' => 1
+ ,'use_ct_file' => 1
+ ,'use_cw_file' => 1
+ ,'crontab' => 1
+ );
+$smdb_restart{''} = 1;
+if ( -s "${smdb_loc}" ) {
+ $smdb_restart{''} = 1; };
+# Variables used in parsing lines
+my $smdb_state_looking = 0;
+my $smdb_state_start = 1;
+my $smdb_state_done = 2;
+my $smdb_state = $smdb_state_looking;
+my $smdb_string = '';
+my @smdb_entry = ();
+my $smdb_name = '';
+my $smdb_class = '';
+my @smdb_file = ();
+my $smdb_flags = '';
+my $smdb_options = '';
+my $smdb_default = '';
+my $QUEUE_GROUPS = 0;
+my $INCLUDES = 0;
+# Finally, some code (almost)
+1; # return (true);
+# Read *.mc/*.m4 files
+sub read_mc {
+ my ($input_files) = @_;
+ my $ifh = new FileHandle;
+ $input_files = $input_files || $Parse_mc::input_files;
+ $Parse_mc::input_files = $input_files;
+ $debug = $main::debug || '';
+ unless ( open($ifh, "<$input_files") ) {
+ warn("Could not open $input_files($!)\n");
+ return;
+ };
+#print "Reading files:",$input_files,"\n";
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Main loop, iterate over all input lines
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------
+ line: while (<$ifh>) {
+ next line if /^#/; # skip comments
+ next line if /^$/; # skip empty lines
+ chomp; # drop tailing \n
+ if (s/\\$//) {
+ $_ .= <>;
+ redo unless eof();
+ };
+#print "=>",$_,"\n";
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for default database location
+ # define(MAIL_SETTINGS_DIR, /etc/mail/)dnl # comment
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (/^\s*`?define\(\s*`?MAIL_SETTINGS_DIR/ ..
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'define');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ $smdb_loc = $smdb_file[$[];
+ $smdb_class = '-';
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'define');
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for default database type
+ # define(DATABASE_MAP_TYPE, hash)dnl # comment
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ elsif (/^\s*define\(\s*`?DATABASE_MAP_TYPE/ ..
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'define');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ $smdb_type = $smdb_file[$[];
+ @smdb_file = ( $smdb_loc );
+ $smdb_class = $smdb_type;
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'define');
+ }
+ #
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for define(confUSERDB specifications
+ # define(confUSERDB_SPEC, /etc/mail/users.db)dnl # comment
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ elsif (/^\s*`?define\(\s*`?confUSERDB_SPEC/ ..
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'define');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ $smdb_flags = '-o';
+ $smdb_class = 'btree';
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'define');
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for all define(confC._FILE specifications
+ # define(confCR_FILE, -o /etc/mail/relay-domains %[^\#])dnl
+ # define(confCT_FILE, -o /etc/mail/sendmail.ct %[^\#])dnl
+ # define(confCW_FILE, -o /etc/mail/ %[^\#])dnl
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ elsif (/^\s*`?define\(\s*`?confC[RTW]_FILE/ ..
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'define');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'define');
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for all *_FILE( specifications
+ # EXPOSED_USER_FILE(/etc/mail/exposed-users %[^\#])dnl
+ # GENERICS_DOMAIN_FILE(/etc/mail/generic-domains %[^\#])dnl
+ # RELAY_DOMAIN_FILE(/etc/mail/relay-domains %[^\#])dnl
+ # VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE(/etc/mail/virtual-domains %[^\#])dnl
+ # MASQUERADE_DOMAIN_FILE(/etc/mail/masquerade-domains %[^\#])dnl
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, '(');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ &put_entry($ARGV, '');
+ }
+ #
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for all define(conf* specifications
+ # define(confCONTROL_SOCKET_NAME,/var/run/sendmail/smcontrol)dnl
+ # define(confERROR_MESSAGE, MAIL_SETTINGS_DIRerror-header)dnl
+ # define(confSERVICE_SWITCH_FILE,/etc/mail/service.switch)dnl
+ # define(confPID_FILE, /var/run/sendmail/
+ # define(confHOSTS_FILE, /etc/hosts)dnl
+ # define(confDEF_AUTH_INFO, /etc/mail/auth-info)dnl
+ # define(confDEAD_LETTER_DROP,/var/lib/sendmail/dead.letter)dnl
+ # define(confHOST_STATUS_DIRECTORY,/var/lib/sendmail/host_status)dnl
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'define');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'define');
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for all define(*_FILE specifications (No options here)
+ # define(ALIAS_FILE, /etc/mail/aliases.private,...)dnl
+ # define(HELP_FILE, /etc/mail/helpfile)dnl
+ # define(STATUS_FILE, /var/lib/sendmail/
+ # define(QUEUE_DIR, /var/spool/mqueue/main*)dnl
+ # define(MSP_QUEUE_DIR, /var/spool/mqueue-client)dnl
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ elsif (/^\s*`?define\(\s*`?((ALIAS|HELP|STATUS)_FILE)|(MSP_)?QUEUE_DIR/ ..
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'define');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'define');
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for all queue definition specifications
+ # define(QUEUE_GROUP, ...)dnl
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ elsif (/^\s*`?QUEUE_GROUP\(/ .. /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, '(');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ $smdb_string =~ /\s*([\w_]+).*P[^=]*=([^\*,\)]*).*/;
+ $smdb_name = 'QUEUE_GROUP';
+ $smdb_class = '-'; # $1
+ $smdb_flags = '-';
+ @smdb_file = ($2);
+ $smdb_options = '-'; # Pull out other options?
+ if ( $QUEUE_GROUPS == 0 ) {
+ &put_entry($ARGV, '', 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ &put_entry($ARGV, '', 1);
+ };
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for all AUTH specifications
+ # define(confAUTH_MECHANISMS ...)dnl
+ # define(confAUTH_REALM ...)dnl
+ # TRUST_AUTH_MECH( ...)dnl
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ elsif (/^\s*`?define\(\s*`?confAUTH_(MECHANISMS|REALM)/ ..
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'define');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ next line if ($smdb_string =~ /.*defn\(/);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ push(@smdb_file, split(' ',$smdb_options))
+ if ($smdb_options ne '-');
+ $smdb_options = '-';
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'define');
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*`?TRUST_AUTH_MECH\(/ ..
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, '(');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ next line if ($smdb_string eq ' EXTERNAL');
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ push(@smdb_file, split(' ',$smdb_options));
+ $smdb_options = '-';
+ &put_entry($ARGV, '');
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Look for all TLS specifications
+ # define(confCACERT, ...)dnl
+ # define(confCACERT_PATH, ...)dnl
+ # define(confCRL, ...)dnl
+ # define(confCLIENT_CERT, ...)dnl
+ # define(confCLIENT_KEY, ...)dnl
+ # define(confSERVER_CERT, ...)dnl
+ # define(confSERVER_KEY, ...)dnl
+ # define(confTLS_SRV_OPTIONS, ...)dnl
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ elsif (/^\s*`?define\(\s*`?conf(TO_STARTTLS|CACERT|CRL|((SERVER|CLIENT)_(KEY|CERT))|TLS_SRV_OPTIONS)/ ..
+ /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'define');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'define');
+ }
+ #
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Locate all non-commented FEATURE macros
+ # FEATURE(name[, [type [flags] file][, ...]...])dnl #comment
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------
+ elsif (/^\s*`?FEATURE\(/ .. /[^\)]*\)/) {
+ &parse_string($_, 'FEATURE');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ # ignore non-db features
+ next line if ( ! exists($smdb_features{$smdb_name}) );
+ &get_flags_name_opts;
+ if ($smdb_name eq 'use_ct_file') {
+ &get_entry('confCT_FILE');
+ }
+ elsif ($smdb_name eq 'use_cw_file') {
+ &get_entry('confCW_FILE');
+ }
+ else {
+ @smdb_file =
+ ("${smdb_loc}$smdb_features{$smdb_name}")
+ if ($smdb_file[$[] eq '-'
+ and $smdb_class ne 'ldap');
+ $smdb_class = $smdb_type
+ if ($smdb_class eq '-');
+ };
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'FEATURE');
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*`?(OSTYPE|DOMAIN|include)\(/ .. /[^\)]*/) {
+ &parse_string($_, '(');
+ next line if ($smdb_state != $smdb_state_done);
+ next line if ($smdb_name eq 'include'
+ and $smdb_string =~ /^\s*`?_CF_DIR/);
+ $smdb_string =~ /\s*`?([^'\)\s]+)/;
+ $smdb_string = $1;
+ if ($smdb_name eq 'OSTYPE') {
+ $smdb_string =
+ "/usr/share/sendmail/cf/ostype/$smdb_string.m4";
+ }
+ elsif ($smdb_name eq 'DOMAIN') {
+ $smdb_string =
+ "/usr/share/sendmail/cf/domain/$smdb_string.m4";
+ };
+ $smdb_name = 'include';
+ $smdb_class = '-'; # $1
+ $smdb_flags = '-';
+ @smdb_file = ($smdb_string);
+ $smdb_options = '-'; # Pull out other options?
+ if ($INCLUDES == 0) {
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'include', 0);
+ $INCLUDES = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ &put_entry($ARGV, 'include', 1);
+ };
+ &read_mc("$smdb_string");
+ };
+ };
+ };
+# Write out the accumulated information to a flat database file
+sub write_dbs {
+ my ($database_file, $input_files) = @_;
+ my $ofh = new FileHandle;
+ $database_file = $database_file || $Parse_mc::database_file;
+ $Parse_mc::database_file = $database_file;
+ my $caller = "$main::program_name" if ($main::program_name);
+ $caller .= " $main::program_version" if ($main::program_version);
+ $caller .= " $main::program_date" if ($main::program_date);
+ $debug = $main::debug || '';
+ $database_file = '&STDOUT' if ($database_file eq '-');
+ unless ( open($ofh, ">$database_file") ) {
+ warn("Could not open $database_file($!), using STDOUT.\n");
+ open($ofh, ">&STDOUT");
+ };
+ $database_file = '-' if ($database_file eq '&STDOUT');
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+##### This file is automatically generated -- edit at your own risk
+##### Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Richard Nelson. All Rights Reserved.
+##### file: ${database_file}
+##### generated via: (${interp_pgm} ${interp_vrm})
+##### ${caller}
+##### ${Parse_mc::program_name} ${Parse_mc::program_version} ${Parse_mc::program_date}
+##### by: ${user}\@${hostname}
+##### on: ${current_time}
+##### in: ${directory}
+##### input files:
+ foreach my $file ( split(' ', $Parse_mc::input_files) ) {
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+##### ${file}
+ }
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+##### Used by:
+##### update_{db,mk}
+##### The following databases are used by Debian Sendmail
+##### Format:
+##### <df>:<map>:<flags>:<file>:<opts>:
+##### Where:
+##### <df> = define or FEATURE name
+##### <map> = map type (-,text,btree,hash, etc.)
+##### <flags> = map flags (-o for optional, etc.)
+##### <file> = file name
+##### <opts> = map options (%[^\\#] for sprintf, etc.)
+ #
+ # delete unneeded elements
+ #delete $smdb_hash{"MAIL_SETTINGS_DIR"};
+ #delete $smdb_hash{"DATABASE_MAP_TYPE"};
+ #delete $smdb_hash{"confCT_FILE"};
+ #delete $smdb_hash{"confCW_FILE"};
+ # print define(/FEATURE(/xxx( items
+ foreach $smdb_name (sort keys %smdb_hash) {
+ &get_entry($smdb_name);
+ foreach my $file ( @smdb_file ) {
+ print $ofh join(':',
+ $smdb_name
+ ,$smdb_class
+ ,$smdb_flags
+ ,$file
+ ,$smdb_options
+ ,''
+ ), "\n";
+ };
+ };
+ close($ofh);
+ if ($database_file eq $Parse_mc::Conffile) {
+ chown '0', '0', "$database_file";
+ chmod 0644, "$database_file";
+ };
+ };
+# Read in the accumulated information from a flat database file
+sub read_dbs {
+ my ($database_file, $input_files) = @_;
+ my $ifh = new FileHandle;
+ my $name = '';
+ my @entry;
+ $database_file = $database_file || $Parse_mc::database_file;
+ $Parse_mc::database_file = $database_file;
+ $debug = $main::debug || '';
+ unless ( open($ifh, "<$database_file") ) {
+ warn("Could not open $database_file($!), creating it.\n");
+ &read_mc($input_files);
+ &write_dbs($database_file, $input_files);
+ # At this point, we have the data, don't need to re-read it...
+ return;
+ };
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Main loop, iterate over all input lines
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------
+ line: while (<$ifh>) {
+ next line if /^#/; # skip comments
+ next line if /^$/; # skip empty lines
+ chomp; # drop tailing \n
+ @entry = split(':', $_);
+ # Accumulate file names and enter when complete
+ if ($name eq $entry[$[]) {
+ push @smdb_file, $entry[3];
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($name ne '') {
+ &put_entry('', '');
+ };
+ $name = $entry[$[];
+ $smdb_name = $entry[$[];
+ $smdb_class = $entry[1];
+ $smdb_flags = $entry[2];
+ @smdb_file = $entry[3];
+ $smdb_options = $entry[4];
+ };
+ };
+ # enter any remaining data
+ if ($name ne '') {
+ &put_entry('', '');
+ };
+ close($ifh);
+ };
+# Obtain the list of names in smdb_hash (in an ordered manor)
+sub names_dbs {
+ # We need a partial ordering here (psuedo dependancies)
+ my @names;
+ my %dbs = ();
+ foreach my $entry ('databases', 'Makefile', 'crontab', 'QUEUE_GROUP',
+ '', '') {
+ if (exists($smdb_hash{$entry})) {
+ $dbs{$entry} = '';
+ push @names, $entry;
+ };
+ };
+ # Now, add any remaining databases to the list (except aliases)
+ foreach my $entry (sort keys %smdb_hash) {
+ next if ($entry eq 'ALIAS_FILE');
+ push @names, $entry
+ if (! exists($dbs{$entry}));
+ $dbs{$entry} = '';
+ };
+ # Finally, add aliases...
+ my $entry = 'ALIAS_FILE';
+ if (exists($smdb_hash{$entry})) {
+ push @names, $entry
+ if (! exists($dbs{$entry}));
+ $dbs{$entry} = '';
+ };
+ return(@names);
+ };
+# Obtain the list of names that require a sendmail restart
+sub restart_dbs {
+ return(keys %smdb_restart);
+ };
+# Obtain an individual database entry (returning a copy)
+sub entry_dbs {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ $smdb_name = $name;
+ &get_entry($smdb_name);
+ # Return a local copy - so they can't change *MY* data...
+ my @entry = @smdb_entry;
+ return (@entry);
+ };
+# Save the results of the database entry and reset the state
+sub put_entry {
+ my ($file, $type, $multi_file) = @_;
+ # Create entry record from data pieces/parts
+ if ($multi_file and exists($smdb_hash{$smdb_name})) {
+ @smdb_entry = @{$smdb_hash{$smdb_name}};
+ }
+ else {
+ @smdb_entry = ('-', '-', [], '-');
+ };
+ $smdb_entry[$[] = $smdb_class;
+ $smdb_entry[1] = $smdb_flags;
+ push @{$smdb_entry[2]}, @smdb_file;
+ $smdb_entry[3] = $smdb_options;
+ # Save lastmost entry
+ @{$smdb_hash{$smdb_name}} = @smdb_entry;
+ # Minimal debugging
+ if ($debug) {
+ print STDERR "PUT: ";
+ if ($type ne '') { print STDERR "$type($smdb_name)" }
+ else { print STDERR "$smdb_name()" };
+ print STDERR " => ", join(':'
+ , $smdb_class
+ , join(',', @{$smdb_entry[2]})
+ , $smdb_options
+ , ''
+ ), "\n";
+ };
+ # reset state
+ $smdb_state = $smdb_state_looking;
+ };
+# Retrieve a database entry
+sub get_entry {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ if (exists($smdb_hash{$name}) ) {
+ @smdb_entry = @{$smdb_hash{$name}};
+ }
+ else {
+ @smdb_entry = ('-', '-', ['-'], '-');
+ };
+ $smdb_class = $smdb_entry[$[];
+ $smdb_flags = $smdb_entry[1];
+ @smdb_file = @{$smdb_entry[2]};
+ $smdb_options = $smdb_entry[3];
+ # Minimal debugging
+ if ($debug) {
+ print STDERR "GET: ",
+ "$name",
+ " => ", join(':'
+ , $smdb_class
+ , join(',', @{$smdb_entry[2]})
+ , $smdb_options
+ , ''
+ ), "\n";
+ };
+ };
+sub format_dbs {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $string = '';
+ &get_entry($name);
+ $string .= " $smdb_class"
+ if ($smdb_class ne '-' and $smdb_class ne ' ');
+ $string .= " $smdb_flags"
+ if ($smdb_flags ne '-' and $smdb_flags ne ' ');
+ $string .= join(',', @smdb_file);
+ $string .= " $smdb_options"
+ if ($smdb_options ne '-' and $smdb_options ne ' ');
+ return $string;
+ };
+# This function does most of the work in parsing a series of lines to
+# construct a database entry - it manages the state machine and assorted
+# global variables
+sub parse_string {
+ my ($str, $type) = @_;
+ my $count = -1;
+ my @entry = '';
+ my $pending_state = 0;
+ # Strip trailing '?\)(dnl)?.*$ from string
+ if ($str =~ /\s*'?\s*\)/) {
+ $str =~ s/\s*'?\s*\)\s*(dnl)?.*$//;
+ $pending_state = $smdb_state_done;
+ };
+ # Strip trailing 'dnl .*' from string
+ if ($str =~ /dnl(\s+.*)?$/) {
+ $str =~ s/dnl(\s+.*)?$//;
+ };
+ # Strip leading `?define\(\s*`? from string
+ if (($type eq 'define') and
+ ($str =~ /^\s*`?define\(/)) {
+ $str =~ s/^\s*`?define\(\s*`?//;
+ $str =~ s/,/ /;
+ $smdb_state = $pending_state || $smdb_state_start;
+ $smdb_string = '';
+ $count = (@entry = split(' ', $str));
+ ($smdb_name = $entry[$[]) =~ tr/'//d;
+ shift(@entry);
+ $str = join(' ', @entry);
+ }
+ # Strip leading `?FEATURE\(\s*`? from string
+ elsif (($type eq 'FEATURE') and
+ ($str =~ /^\s*`?FEATURE\(/)) {
+ $str =~ s/^\s*`?FEATURE\(\s*`?//;
+ $str =~ s/,/ /;
+ $smdb_state = $pending_state || $smdb_state_start;
+ $smdb_string = '';
+ $count = (@entry = split(' ', $str));
+ ($smdb_name = $entry[$[]) =~ tr/'//d;
+ shift(@entry);
+ $str = join(' ', @entry);
+ }
+ # Strip leading `?[\w_]+\(\s*`? from string
+ elsif (($type eq '(') and
+ ($str =~ /^\s*`?[\w_]+\(/)) {
+ $str =~ s/\(/ /;
+ $smdb_state = $pending_state || $smdb_state_start;
+ $smdb_string = '';
+ $count = (@entry = split(' ', $str));
+ ($smdb_name = $entry[$[]) =~ tr/`'//d;
+ shift(@entry);
+ $str = join(' ', @entry);
+ }
+ else {
+ $smdb_state = $pending_state || $smdb_state;
+ };
+ #
+ # Strip quotes (` and ') from string
+ $str =~ tr/`'//d;
+ # FEATURE( is the only one allowed to have only one argument
+ if ( ($type ne 'FEATURE'
+ and $type ne '(')
+ and $count == 1) {
+ $str = '';
+ };
+ # Change imbedded MAIL_SETTINGS_DIR to $smdb_loc
+ if ($smdb_name ne 'MAIL_SETTINGS_DIR') {
+ $str =~ s/MAIL_SETTINGS_DIR/$smdb_loc/g
+ };
+ # Change imbedded DATABASE_MAP_TYPE to $smdb_type
+ if ($smdb_name ne 'DATABASE_MAP_TYPE') {
+ $str =~ s/DATABASE_MAP_TYPE/$smdb_type/g
+ };
+ # concatentate this string with any prior information
+ $smdb_string .= ' ' . $str unless($smdb_state == $smdb_state_looking);
+ # Return
+ return;
+ };
+# This function parses a line into flags (-o, etc.), name, options
+sub get_flags_name_opts {
+ my @entry;
+ my $class = '';
+ my $rest = '';
+ my $multi_names = 0;
+ $smdb_class = '';
+ $smdb_flags = '';
+ @smdb_file = ();
+ $smdb_options = '';
+ @entry = split(' ', $smdb_string);
+ # Pull off any leading flags (including database type/class)
+ # Class specification: "[mapkey]@mapclass:mapspec"
+ # (&(objectClass=virtHosts)(host=*)) -v host')dnl
+ # FEATURE(`genericstable', `LDAP')dnl
+ # FEATURE(`genericstable', `nis:realnames.by2mail')dnl
+ # define(`ALIAS_FILE', `ldap:')dnl
+ # define(`ALIAS_FILE', `ldap:-k
+ # (&(objectClass=mailGroup)(mail=%0)) -v mgrpRFC822MailMember')dnl
+ # but only if there are flags *and* a name...
+ if (@entry) {
+ ($class = lc($entry[$[])) =~ s/:.*//;
+ ($rest = $entry[$[]) =~ s/.*://;
+ $rest = '' if (lc($rest) eq 'ldap');
+ if ($class =~ /^.*@/) {
+ $class =~ s/^.*@//;
+ if (exists($smdb_classes{$class})) {
+ $smdb_class = $class;
+ shift (@entry);
+ };
+ }
+ elsif (exists($smdb_classes{$class})) {
+ $smdb_class = $class;
+ $rest = '' if ($rest eq $class);
+ shift (@entry);
+ @entry = split(' ', join(' ',$rest,@entry) );
+ $#entry = -1 if ($smdb_class eq 'ldap');
+ };
+ FLAG_LOOP: while (@entry) {
+ if (substr($entry[$[], 0, 1) eq '-') {
+ if ($smdb_flags eq '') {
+ $smdb_flags = $entry[$[];
+ }
+ else {
+ $smdb_flags .= ' ' . $entry[$[];
+ };
+ shift (@entry);
+ }
+ else {
+ last FLAG_LOOP;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+#print STDERR "$class($rest) ::= ",scalar @entry,join(' ','',@entry,''),"\n";
+ $smdb_flags = $smdb_flags || '-';
+ $smdb_class = $smdb_class || '-';
+ #
+ # A few special cases...
+ if ($smdb_name eq 'ALIAS_FILE' and $smdb_class eq '-') {
+ $smdb_class = 'newaliases';
+ @entry = (join('',@entry));
+ $multi_names = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($smdb_name eq 'confUSERDB_SPEC') {
+ @entry = (join('',@entry));
+ $multi_names = 1;
+ };
+ # Handle multi-files specially
+ if ( $multi_names == 1 ) {
+ @smdb_file = split(',', $entry[$[]);
+ $smdb_options = '-';
+ }
+ else {
+ # Whats left should be a filename (or somesuch) and options
+ if (@entry >= 1) { # file name, possible options if /,/
+ if ($smdb_classes{$smdb_class} != 1) {
+ @smdb_file = '-';
+ }
+ else {
+ @smdb_file = $entry[$[];
+ shift(@entry);
+ };
+ if (@entry >= 1) {
+ $entry[$[] =~ s/^,//;
+ foreach my $ndx ($[ .. $#entry) {
+ $smdb_options .= ' '
+ if ($ndx != 0
+ and substr($entry[$ndx], 0, 1) ne ',');
+ $smdb_options .= $entry[$ndx];
+ }
+ }
+ $#entry = -1;
+ };
+ # Check for possible options caught in the filename slot
+ if (@smdb_file >= 1 and index($smdb_file[$[], ',') != -1) {
+ @entry = split(/,/, $smdb_file[$[]);
+ @smdb_file = ( $entry[$[] );
+ if (@entry >= 2) {
+ $smdb_options = join('', @entry[1..$#entry],
+ $smdb_options);
+ $#entry = -1;
+ };
+ };
+ $smdb_file[$[] = $smdb_file[$[] || '-';
+ $smdb_file[$[] =~ s/\.db//;
+ $smdb_options = $smdb_options || '-';
+ };
+ # Return
+ return;
+ };