path: root/src/tspi/daa/daa_issuer/keypair_generator.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tspi/daa/daa_issuer/keypair_generator.c')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tspi/daa/daa_issuer/keypair_generator.c b/src/tspi/daa/daa_issuer/keypair_generator.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a67254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tspi/daa/daa_issuer/keypair_generator.c
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ *
+ * trousers - An open source TCG Software Stack
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2006
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "bi.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "daa_structs.h"
+#include "daa_parameter.h"
+#include "issuer.h"
+static const int ELEMENT = 0;
+static const int EXPONENT = 1;
+extern void prime_init();
+extern void compute_safe_prime(bi_ptr result, int bit_length, int prime_certainty);
+compute_random_number_star( bi_ptr result, const bi_ptr element)
+ bi_t bi_tmp;
+ bi_new(bi_tmp);
+ do {
+ compute_random_number(result, element);
+ } while (!bi_equals_si(bi_gcd(bi_tmp, result, element), 1));
+ bi_free(bi_tmp);
+ return result;
+/* Compute a generator of the group of quadratic residue modulo n. The
+ * generator will not be part of the subgroup of size 2.
+ * n: modulus */
+compute_generator_quadratic_residue(bi_t qr, bi_t n)
+ bi_t bi_tmp, bi_tmp1;
+ bi_new(bi_tmp);
+ bi_new(bi_tmp1);
+ do {
+ compute_random_number(qr, n);
+ // qr = (qr ^ bi_2) % n
+ bi_mod_exp(qr, qr, bi_2, n);
+ } while (bi_cmp_si(qr, 1) == 0 ||
+ bi_cmp_si(bi_gcd(bi_tmp, n, bi_sub_si(bi_tmp1, qr, 1)), 1) != 0);
+ bi_free(bi_tmp);
+ bi_free(bi_tmp1);
+compute_group_element(bi_ptr result[],
+ bi_ptr generator,
+ bi_ptr product_PQprime,
+ bi_ptr n)
+ bi_t bi_tmp;
+ bi_new(bi_tmp);
+ compute_random_number(bi_tmp, product_PQprime);
+ // bi_tmp++
+ bi_inc(bi_tmp);
+ // result[ELEMENT] := (generator ^ bi_tmp) mod n
+ bi_mod_exp(result[ELEMENT], generator, bi_tmp, n);
+ bi_set(result[EXPONENT], bi_tmp);
+ bi_free(bi_tmp);
+generate_key_pair(UINT32 num_attributes_issuer,
+ UINT32 num_attributes_receiver,
+ UINT32 base_nameLength,
+ BYTE* base_name,
+ KEY_PAIR_WITH_PROOF_internal** key_pair_with_proof)
+ int length_mod = DAA_PARAM_SIZE_RSA_MODULUS;
+ int length;
+ int i;
+ TSS_DAA_PK_internal *public_key = NULL;
+ BYTE *buffer = NULL;
+ bi_ptr pPrime = NULL;
+ bi_ptr qPrime = NULL;
+ bi_ptr n = NULL;
+ bi_ptr p = NULL;
+ bi_ptr q = NULL;
+ bi_ptr capital_s = NULL;
+ bi_ptr capital_z = NULL;
+ bi_ptr product_PQprime = NULL;
+ bi_ptr pair[2] = {NULL, NULL};
+ bi_ptr xz = NULL;
+ bi_ptr capital_r0 = NULL;
+ bi_ptr x0 = NULL;
+ bi_ptr capital_r1 = NULL;
+ bi_ptr x1 = NULL;
+ bi_array_ptr x = NULL;
+ bi_array_ptr capital_r = NULL;
+ bi_array_ptr capitalRReceiver = NULL;
+ bi_array_ptr capitalRIssuer = NULL;
+ bi_ptr gamma = NULL;
+ bi_ptr capital_gamma = NULL;
+ bi_ptr rho = NULL;
+ bi_ptr r = NULL;
+ bi_ptr rho_double = NULL;
+ bi_t bi_tmp, bi_tmp1, bi_tmp2;
+ bi_new(bi_tmp);
+ bi_new(bi_tmp1);
+ bi_new(bi_tmp2);
+ *key_pair_with_proof = NULL;
+ // STEP 1
+ LogDebug("Step 1 of 8 - compute modulus n (please wait: long process)\n");
+ prime_init();
+ p = bi_new_ptr();
+ q = bi_new_ptr();
+ n = bi_new_ptr();
+ do {
+ /* compute_safe_prime( p, length_mod / 2);
+ do {
+ compute_safe_prime( q,
+ length_mod - (length_mod >> 1));
+ } while( bi_cmp( p, q) ==0);
+ } else */
+ {
+ bi_generate_safe_prime(p, length_mod / 2);
+ bi_generate_safe_prime(q, length_mod - (length_mod / 2));
+ LogDebug(".");
+ }
+ // n = p*q
+ bi_mul(n, p, q);
+ } while(bi_length(n) != length_mod);
+ pPrime = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_sub(pPrime, p, bi_1);
+ // pPrime = (p - 1) >> 1
+ bi_shift_right(pPrime, pPrime, 1);
+ qPrime = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_sub(qPrime, q, bi_1);
+ // qPrime = (q - 1) >> 1
+ bi_shift_right( qPrime, qPrime, 1);
+ if (bi_is_probable_prime(pPrime) == 0) {
+ LogError("!! pPrime not a prime number: %s", bi_2_hex_char(pPrime));
+ goto close;
+ }
+ if (bi_is_probable_prime(qPrime) == 0) {
+ LogError("!! qPrime not a prime number: %s", bi_2_hex_char(qPrime));
+ goto close;
+ }
+ LogDebug("p=%s", bi_2_hex_char(p));
+ LogDebug("q=%s", bi_2_hex_char(q));
+ LogDebug("n=%s", bi_2_hex_char(n));
+ // STEP 2
+ LogDebug("Step 2 - choose random generator of QR_n");
+ capital_s = bi_new_ptr();
+ compute_generator_quadratic_residue(capital_s, n);
+ LogDebug("capital_s=%s", bi_2_hex_char(capital_s));
+ // STEP 3 & 4
+ LogDebug("Step 3 & 4 - compute group elements");
+ product_PQprime = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_mul( product_PQprime, pPrime, qPrime);
+ pair[ELEMENT] = bi_new_ptr();
+ pair[EXPONENT] = bi_new_ptr();
+ LogDebug("product_PQprime=%s [%ld]", bi_2_hex_char(product_PQprime),
+ bi_nbin_size(product_PQprime));
+ compute_group_element(pair, capital_s, product_PQprime, n);
+ capital_z = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_set(capital_z, pair[ELEMENT]);
+ xz = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_set(xz, pair[EXPONENT]);
+ // attributes bases
+ compute_group_element(pair, capital_s, product_PQprime, n);
+ capital_r0 = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_set(capital_r0, pair[ELEMENT]);
+ x0 = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_set(x0, pair[EXPONENT]);
+ compute_group_element(pair, capital_s, product_PQprime, n);
+ capital_r1 = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_set(capital_r1, pair[ELEMENT]);
+ x1 = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_set(x1, pair[EXPONENT]);
+ // additional attribute bases
+ length = num_attributes_issuer + num_attributes_receiver;
+ bi_new_array(x, length);
+ capital_r = ALLOC_BI_ARRAY();
+ bi_new_array(capital_r, length);
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ compute_group_element(pair, capital_s, product_PQprime, n);
+ bi_set(capital_r->array[i], pair[ELEMENT]);
+ bi_set(x->array[i], pair[EXPONENT]);
+ }
+ // split capitalR into Receiver and Issuer part
+ capitalRReceiver = ALLOC_BI_ARRAY();
+ bi_new_array2(capitalRReceiver, num_attributes_receiver);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_attributes_receiver; i++)
+ capitalRReceiver->array[i] = capital_r->array[i];
+ capitalRIssuer = ALLOC_BI_ARRAY();
+ bi_new_array2(capitalRIssuer, num_attributes_issuer);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_attributes_issuer; i++)
+ capitalRIssuer->array[i] = capital_r->array[i + num_attributes_receiver];
+ // STEP 6a
+ LogDebug("Step 6");
+ gamma = bi_new_ptr();
+ capital_gamma = bi_new_ptr();
+ rho = bi_new_ptr();
+ r = bi_new_ptr();
+ rho_double = bi_new_ptr();
+ bi_generate_prime(rho, DAA_PARAM_SIZE_RHO);
+ if (bi_length(rho) != DAA_PARAM_SIZE_RHO) {
+ LogError("rho bit length=%ld", bi_length(rho));
+ goto close;
+ }
+ do {
+ do {
+ bi_urandom(r, length);
+ } while(bi_length(r) != length || bi_equals_si(bi_mod(bi_tmp, r, rho), 0));
+ // rho is not a dividor of r
+ bi_mul( capital_gamma, rho, r);
+ // capital_gamma ++
+ bi_inc( capital_gamma);
+#ifdef DAA_DEBUG
+ if (bi_length(capital_gamma) != DAA_PARAM_SIZE_MODULUS_GAMMA) {
+ printf("|"); fflush(stdout);
+ } else {
+ printf("."); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ } while (bi_length(capital_gamma) != DAA_PARAM_SIZE_MODULUS_GAMMA ||
+ bi_is_probable_prime(capital_gamma) == 0 );
+ // STEP 6b
+ if (bi_equals(bi_sub_si(bi_tmp, capital_gamma, 1),
+ bi_mod(bi_tmp1, bi_mul(bi_tmp2, rho, r), n)) == 0) {
+ LogWarn("capital_gamma-1 != (rho * r) mod n tmp=%s tmp1=%s",
+ bi_2_hex_char(bi_tmp), bi_2_hex_char(bi_tmp1));
+ }
+ if (bi_equals(bi_div(bi_tmp, bi_sub_si(bi_tmp1, capital_gamma, 1), rho), r ) == 0) {
+ LogWarn("( capital_gamma - 1)/rho != r");
+ }
+ LogDebug("capital_gamma=%s\n", bi_2_hex_char(capital_gamma));
+ do {
+ compute_random_number_star(gamma, capital_gamma);
+ // gamma = (gamma ^ r) mod capital_gamma
+ bi_mod_exp(gamma, gamma, r, capital_gamma);
+ } while (bi_equals(gamma, bi_1));
+ // STEP 7
+ buffer = (BYTE *)malloc(base_nameLength);
+ if (buffer == NULL) {
+ LogError("malloc of %u bytes failed", base_nameLength);
+ goto close;
+ }
+ memcpy(buffer, base_name, base_nameLength);
+ // all fields are linked to the struct with direct reference
+ public_key = create_DAA_PK(n, capital_s, capital_z, capital_r0, capital_r1, gamma,
+ capital_gamma, rho, capitalRReceiver, capitalRIssuer,
+ base_nameLength, buffer);
+ // STEP 8
+ // TODO dynamically load DAAKeyCorrectnessProof
+ LogDebug("Step 8: generate proof (please wait: long process)");
+ TSS_DAA_PK_PROOF_internal *correctness_proof = generate_proof(product_PQprime, public_key,
+ xz, x0, x1, x);
+ if (correctness_proof == NULL) {
+ LogError("creation of correctness_proof failed");
+ goto close;
+ }
+ *key_pair_with_proof = (KEY_PAIR_WITH_PROOF_internal *)
+ malloc(sizeof(KEY_PAIR_WITH_PROOF_internal));
+ if (*key_pair_with_proof == NULL) {
+ LogError("malloc of %zd bytes failed", sizeof(KEY_PAIR_WITH_PROOF_internal));
+ goto close;
+ }
+ (*key_pair_with_proof)->pk = public_key;
+ (*key_pair_with_proof)->proof = correctness_proof;
+ // all fields are linked to the struct with direct reference
+ (*key_pair_with_proof)->private_key = create_TSS_DAA_PRIVATE_KEY(pPrime, qPrime);
+ if (result != TSS_SUCCESS) {
+ // remove everything, even numbers that should be stored in a struct
+ FREE_BI(pPrime); // kept if no error
+ FREE_BI(qPrime); // kept if no error
+ FREE_BI(n); // kept if no error
+ // FREE_BI( p);
+ // FREE_BI( q);
+ FREE_BI(capital_s); // kept if no error
+ FREE_BI(capital_z); // kept if no error
+ // FREE_BI(product_PQprime);
+ // FREE_BI(pair[ELEMENT]);
+ // FREE_BI(pair[EXPONENT]);
+ // FREE_BI(xz);
+ FREE_BI(capital_r0); // kept if no error
+ // FREE_BI(x0);
+ FREE_BI(capital_r1); // kept if no error
+ // FREE_BI( x1);
+ // bi_array_ptr x = NULL;
+ // bi_array_ptr capital_r = NULL;
+ // bi_array_ptr capitalRReceiver = NULL;
+ // bi_array_ptr capitalRIssuer = NULL;
+ FREE_BI( gamma); // kept if no error
+ FREE_BI( capital_gamma); // kept if no error
+ FREE_BI( rho); // kept if no error
+ // FREE_BI( r);
+ // FREE_BI( rho_double);
+ if (buffer!=NULL)
+ free(buffer);
+ if (public_key != NULL)
+ free(public_key);
+ if (*key_pair_with_proof != NULL)
+ free(*key_pair_with_proof);
+ }
+ /*
+ Fields kept by structures
+ capital_s
+ capital_z
+ capital_r0
+ capital_r1
+ gamma
+ capital_gamma
+ rho
+ capitalRReceiver
+ capitalRIssuer
+ base_nameLength
+ buffer
+ pPrime
+ qPrime
+ */
+ bi_free(bi_tmp);
+ bi_free(bi_tmp1);
+ bi_free(bi_tmp2);
+ FREE_BI(p);
+ FREE_BI(q);
+ FREE_BI(product_PQprime);
+ FREE_BI(xz);
+ FREE_BI(x0);
+ FREE_BI(x0);
+ // bi_array_ptr x = NULL;
+ // bi_array_ptr capital_r = NULL;
+ // bi_array_ptr capitalRReceiver = NULL;
+ // bi_array_ptr capitalRIssuer = NULL;
+ FREE_BI(r);
+ FREE_BI(rho_double);
+ return result;