path: root/ipl/gprogs
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <>2013-01-27 23:51:56 +0000
committerIgor Pashev <>2013-01-27 23:51:56 +0000
commit6ab0c0f5bf14ed9c15370407b9ee7e0b4b089ae1 (patch)
tree926065cf45450116098db664e3c61dced9e1f21a /ipl/gprogs
Initial upstream version 9.4.3upstream/9.4.3
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gprogs')
173 files changed, 30874 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/autotile.icn b/ipl/gprogs/autotile.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..631e9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/autotile.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# File: autotile.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce tile from XBM image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 3, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program creates a tile of a specified size by processing an
+# XBM image file. The tile grid is "laid over" the image to form squares.
+# The non-white pixels in each square of the image are counted. If the
+# percentage of non-white pixels exceeds a specified threshold, the
+# corresponding bit in the tile is set.
+# The supported options are:
+# -h i tile height, default 32
+# -w i tile width, default 32
+# -t r threshold, default 0.50
+# Links: options, patutils
+link options
+link patutils
+global pixmap
+procedure main(args)
+ local x, y, pixels, i, j, size, rows, wcell, hcell
+ local opts, input, w, h, t, xoff, yoff
+ opts := options(args, "t.h+w+")
+ input := open(args[1]) | stop("*** cannot open input file")
+ pixmap := [] # image array
+ every put(pixmap, xbm2rows(input))
+ w := \opts["w"] | 32
+ h := \opts["h"] | 32
+ t := \opts["t"] | 0.50
+ wcell := *pixmap[1] / w
+ hcell := *pixmap / h
+ size := real(wcell * hcell)
+ rows := list(h, repl("0", w)) # tile
+ x := 0
+ every i := 1 to w do {
+ y := 0
+ every j := 1 to h do {
+ pixels := 0
+ xoff := x + 1
+ every 1 to wcell do {
+ yoff := y + 1
+ every 1 to hcell do {
+ every pixels +:= pixmap[yoff, xoff]
+ yoff +:= 1
+ }
+ xoff +:= 1
+ }
+ if pixels / size > t then rows[j, i] := "1"
+ y +:= hcell
+ }
+ x +:= wcell
+ }
+ write(rows2pat(rows))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/binpack.icn b/ipl/gprogs/binpack.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc066d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/binpack.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+# File: binpack.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate some bin packing algorithms
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: June 23, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: binpack [window options]
+# Binpack illustrates several approximation algorithms for solving the
+# one-dimensional bin packing problem.
+# For references, see the "info" screen.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: numbers, graphics, random, vsetup
+link numbers
+link graphics
+link random
+link vsetup
+$define Version "Binpack, Version 1.0 (September, 1993)"
+$define MAXK 250 # max value of `k' allowed
+$define FULL 61261200 # value representing a full bin
+ # (least common multiple of {1 to 18, 20, and 25})
+$define X0 120 # left edge of bin display
+$define DY 165 # vertical spacing
+$define YSCALE 155 # scaling for one display
+$define BX1 10 # x-coord for first button column
+$define BX2 60 # x-coord for second button column
+$define BWIDTH 40 # button width
+$define BHEIGHT 16 # button height
+$define BSPACE 16 # button spacing
+# parameter values
+global maxsize # maximum piece size
+global nreload # number of pieces on a reload
+global kvalue # constant `k' used in some algorithms
+# current source set
+global pieces # list of piece sizes
+global dx # distance between bins
+global bwidth # bin width
+global cdiv # divisor for converting size to color index
+# current output parameters
+global bin # list of current bin sizes
+global nfilled # number of bins (partially) filled
+global xll, yll # lower left corner of display area
+# miscellany
+global width # window width
+global color # array of GCs of different colors
+global glossary # list of explanations
+# Future possibilities:
+# better layout -- critical controls are too crowded
+# add artificial delays for better visualization
+# implement O(n log n) algs as such instead of O(n^2)
+# n.b. this may not help because can't use Icon's native data structs
+######################### main program #########################
+procedure main(args)
+ local v, r, c, gc
+ randomize() # set irreproducible mode
+ v := ui(args) # open window, set up vib-built vidgets
+ r := v["root"]
+ glossary := []
+ addbutton(r, "BF", bestfit, "Best Fit", "picks the fullest possible bin")
+ addbutton(r, "WF", worstfit, "Worst Fit", "picks the emptiest bin")
+ addbutton(r, "AWF",nearworst,"Almost Worst Fit", "picks second-emptiest bin")
+ addbutton(r, "FF", firstfit, "First Fit", "picks the oldest possible bin")
+ addbutton(r, "LF", lastfit, "Last Fit", "picks the newest possible bin")
+ addbutton(r, "NF", nextfit, "Next Fit", "tries only the current bin")
+ addbutton(r, "N(k)", nextk, "Next-k Fit", "tries the k newest bins")
+ addbutton(r, "H(k)", harmonic, "Harmonic Algorithm",
+ "classifies into {1/1,1/2,...,1/k}")
+ addbutton(r, "G(k)", gxfit, "Group-X Fit", "groups into k equal classes")
+ VResize(r)
+ # workaround freeing of gray highlight color seen with "binpack -Bwhite"
+ BevelReset() # work around color freeing bug
+ color := []
+ if WAttrib("depth") = 1 then
+ put(color, &window)
+ else {
+ # make a set of colors for different bin heights
+ # note that exactly half are reds/yellows and half are blues & darker
+ every c := Blend(
+ "black", 1, "deep purple-magenta", 10, "cyan-blue",
+ 1, "reddish-yellow", 11, "orange-red") do {
+ gc := Clone(&window)
+ Shade(gc, c)
+ put(color, gc)
+ }
+ color := copy(color) # ensure contiguous
+ }
+ # keep the following initializations in sync with initial slider positionm
+ setmax(v["max"], 20) # set maximum bin value
+ setbins(v["bins"], -100) # set number of bins
+ setk(v["kval"], -10) # set constant `k' value
+ reload() # initialize random bins
+ status("") # display bin count
+ &error := 1
+ WAttrib("resize=on")
+ &error := 0
+ r.V.event := 1 # disable screen erase on resize
+ GetEvents(r, leftover) # enter event loop
+# addbutton -- add a button (and a D variant) on every shelf
+procedure addbutton(r, label, proc, name, defn)
+ local v, n, y
+ static yoff
+ initial yoff := 0
+ y := yoff +:= BSPACE
+ while (y +:= DY) < WAttrib("height") do {
+ Vbutton(r, BX1, y,, label, pack, proc, V_RECT, BWIDTH, BHEIGHT)
+ Vbutton(r, BX2, y,, label||"D", pack, proc, V_RECT, BWIDTH, BHEIGHT)
+ }
+ put(glossary, left(label, 6) || left(name, 20) || defn)
+ return
+######################### parameter setting #########################
+# These routines are called during initialization and in response to
+# slider movement.
+# setk(v, n) -- set value of constant `k', based on 1 - 100 slider scale
+procedure setk(v, n)
+ if n >= 0 then # if slider call
+ n := integer(MAXK ^ ((n / 100.0) ^ 0.70)) # convert nonlinearly
+ else
+ n := -n # initial call
+ kvalue := roundoff(n)
+ GotoXY(, v.ay + v.ah + 14)
+ WWrites(left("k=" || kvalue, 8))
+ return
+# setmax(v, n) -- set maxsize, based on 1 - 20 slider scale.
+procedure setmax(v, n)
+ local fract
+ fract := n / 20.0
+ maxsize := integer(fract * FULL)
+ GotoXY(, v.ay + v.ah + 14)
+ WWrites(" max size ", ((fract || "00") ? move(4)))
+ return
+# setbins(v, n) -- set number of bins, based on 1 - 100 slider scale
+procedure setbins(v, n)
+ local s, max
+ max := WAttrib("width") - 40 - X0 # max that will fit on screen
+ if &shift then # allow more if shifted
+ max /:= 1.1 * (maxsize / (2.0 * FULL))
+ if n >= 0 then # if slider call
+ n := integer(max ^ ((n / 100.0) ^ 0.40)) # convert nonlinearly
+ else
+ n := -n # initial call
+ n <:= 5
+ n := roundoff(n, 5) # convert to round number
+ nreload := n
+ s := center(nreload, 5)
+ GotoXY( + ( - TextWidth(s)) / 2, v.ay + v.ah + 17)
+ WWrites(s)
+ return
+# roundoff(n) -- truncate n to a nice number divisible by m (at least)
+procedure roundoff(n, m)
+ local d
+ if n > 1000 then {
+ if n > 10000 then
+ d := 1000
+ else if n > 5000 then
+ d := 500
+ else
+ d := 100
+ }
+ else if n > 500 then
+ d := 50
+ else if n > 100 then
+ d := 10
+ else if n > 50 then
+ d := 5
+ n -:= n % \d
+ n -:= n % \m
+ return n
+######################### bin packing primitives #########################
+# empty(n) -- empty shelf n
+procedure empty(n)
+ bin := list(*pieces, 0)
+ nfilled := 0
+ xll := X0
+ yll := n * DY
+ EraseArea(xll, yll - DY + 1, , DY)
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ return
+# place(p, b) -- add a piece of size p to bin b
+procedure place(p, b)
+ local o, t, x, y0, y1
+ static invfull
+ initial invfull := 1.0 / FULL
+ o := bin[b] | fail
+ if (t := o + p) > FULL then
+ fail
+ bin[b] := t
+ nfilled <:= b
+ if (x := xll + (b - 1) * dx) < width then {
+ y0 := integer(yll - YSCALE * o * invfull)
+ y1 := integer(yll - YSCALE * t * invfull) + 1
+ FillRectangle(color[p / cdiv + 1], x, y1, bwidth, 0 < (y0 - y1))
+ }
+ return
+# status(s) -- write string s and shelf population at end of output shelf
+procedure status(s)
+ local x
+ x := xll + nfilled * dx + 4
+ x >:= width - 40
+ GotoXY(x, yll - 15)
+ WWrites(s)
+ GotoXY(x, yll)
+ WWrites(nfilled)
+ return
+######################### source set manipulation #########################
+# reload() -- reload first shelf with random-sized pieces.
+procedure reload()
+ local i, j, z, p
+ pieces := list(nreload)
+ empty(1)
+ dx := (width - 40 - X0) / nreload
+ dx <:= 1
+ dx >:= 20
+ bwidth := 4 * dx / 5
+ bwidth <:= 1
+ cdiv := (maxsize + *color - 1) / *color
+ every place(pieces[i := 1 to *pieces] := ?maxsize, i)
+ status("new")
+ return
+# mix() -- randomly reorder the first shelf.
+# if shifted, place equally-spaced using golden ratio
+procedure mix()
+ local i, n, p
+ if &shift then {
+ n := integer(*pieces / &phi + 1)
+ while gcd(*pieces, n) > 1 do
+ n -:= 1
+ i := 0
+ every p := !sort(pieces) do {
+ i := (i + n) % *pieces
+ pieces[i + 1] := p
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ every i := *pieces to 2 by -1 do
+ pieces[?i] :=: pieces[i]
+ empty(1)
+ every place(pieces[i := 1 to *pieces], i)
+ status("mix")
+ return
+# order() -- sort the first shelf in descending order
+# if shifted, sort ascending
+procedure order()
+ local i
+ pieces := sort(pieces)
+ if not &shift then
+ every i := 1 to *pieces / 2 do # change from ascending to descending
+ pieces[i] :=: pieces[-i]
+ empty(1)
+ every place(pieces[i := 1 to *pieces], i)
+ status("sort")
+ return
+######################### packing algorithms #########################
+# pack(x, v) -- execute packing algorithm connected with button x
+procedure pack(x, v)
+ local l, n, s, i
+ if = BX2 then {
+ l := sort(pieces) # if second-column button, sort first
+ every i := 1 to *l/2 do # change from ascending to descending
+ l[i] :=: l[-i]
+ }
+ else
+ l := copy(pieces)
+ n := x.ay / DY + 1 # compute shelf number
+ empty(n) # clear the shelf
+ s := # call packing algorithm
+ status(\s | x.s) # display status
+ return
+# nextfit(l) -- pack using next-fit algorithm
+procedure nextfit(l)
+ local p
+ every p := !l do
+ place(p, nfilled | nfilled + 1)
+ return
+# nextk(l) -- pack using next-k-fit algorithm
+procedure nextk(l)
+ local p
+ every p := !l do
+ if nfilled <= kvalue then
+ place(p, 1 to nfilled + 1)
+ else
+ place(p, nfilled - kvalue + 1 to nfilled + 1)
+ return "N" || kvalue
+# firstfit(l) -- pack using first-fit algorithm
+procedure firstfit(l)
+ local p
+ every p := !l do
+ place(p, 1 to nfilled + 1)
+ return
+# lastfit(l) -- pack using last-fit algorithm
+procedure lastfit(l)
+ local p
+ every p := !l do
+ place(p, (nfilled to 1 by -1) | (nfilled + 1))
+ return
+# bestfit(l) -- pack using best-fit algorithm
+procedure bestfit(l)
+ local p, b, i, max, found
+ every p := !l do {
+ max := FULL - p # fullest acceptable bin size
+ found := 0 # size of best bin found so far
+ b := nfilled + 1 # index of where found
+ every i := 1 to nfilled do
+ if found <:= (max >= bin[i]) then
+ b := i
+ place(p, b) # place in best bin found
+ }
+ return
+# worstfit(l, n) -- pack using worst-fit algorithm
+procedure worstfit(l, n)
+ local p, b, i, found
+ every p := !l do {
+ found := FULL - p # size of best bin found so far
+ b := nfilled + 1 # index of where found
+ every i := 1 to nfilled do
+ if found >:= bin[i] then
+ b := i
+ place(p, b) # place in best bin found
+ }
+ return
+# nearworst(l, n) -- pack using almost-worst-fit algorithm
+procedure nearworst(l, n)
+ local p, a, b, i, found
+ every p := !l do {
+ found := FULL - p # size of best bin found so far
+ a := b := &null
+ every i := 1 to nfilled do
+ if found >:= bin[i] then {
+ a := b
+ b := i
+ }
+ place(p, \a | \b | (nfilled + 1)) # place in second-best bin found
+ }
+ return
+# harmonic(l, n) -- pack using (unmodified) harmonic algorithm
+procedure harmonic(l, n)
+ local curr, maxv, i, p, b
+ curr := list(kvalue) # current bin for each class
+ maxv := list(kvalue) # maximum for each class
+ every i := 1 to kvalue do
+ maxv[i] := FULL / (kvalue - i + 1)
+ every p := !l do {
+ p <= maxv[i := 1 to kvalue] # find class index i
+ b := curr[i]
+ if /b | (bin[b] + p > FULL) then
+ place(p, curr[i] := nfilled + 1)
+ else
+ place(p, b)
+ }
+ return "H" || kvalue
+# gxfit(l, n) -- pack using group-x(k)-fit algorithm
+procedure gxfit(l, n)
+ local stk, maxv, i, s, p, b, d
+ stk := [] # stacks of bins, one for each group
+ maxv := [] # maximum for each group
+ # make k equally sized groups
+ d := FULL / kvalue
+ every i := 1 to kvalue do {
+ put(stk, [])
+ put(maxv, i * d - 1)
+ }
+ every p := !l do {
+ # find group index i for piece
+ (p <= maxv[i := (1 to kvalue) | 0]) & (*stk[i] > 0)
+ b := pop(stk[i]) | (nfilled + 1)
+ place(p, b)
+ # now put bin back on a stack, if not too full
+ if (FULL - bin[b]) >= maxv[i := (kvalue - 1 to 1 by -1)] then
+ push(stk[i], b)
+ }
+ return "G" || kvalue
+######################### event miscellany #########################
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:lucidasanstypewriter-bold-12::0,0,860,675:Bin Packing",],
+ ["bins:Slider:h::10,48,100,15:0,100,40",setbins],
+ ["infob:Button:regular::10,111,40,17:info",info],
+ ["kval:Slider:h::10,135,100,15:0,100,30",setk],
+ ["max:Slider:h::10,10,100,15:1,20,20",setmax],
+ ["mix:Button:regular::10,68,30,17:mix",mix],
+ ["new:Button:regular::80,68,30,17:new",reload],
+ ["quit:Button:regular::70,110,40,17:quit",quit],
+ ["sort:Button:regular::10,87,35,17:sort",order],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
+# leftover() -- handle events that fall outside the vidgets
+# Exits when certain keys are pressed and ignores other events.
+procedure leftover(e)
+ case e of {
+ QuitEvents(): exit()
+ &meta & !"nN": reload()
+ &meta & !"mM": mix()
+ &meta & !"sS": order()
+ &meta & !"iI": info()
+ }
+ return
+# quit() -- handle "quit" button press
+procedure quit(x, v)
+ exit()
+# info() -- handle "info" button press
+procedure info(x, v)
+ static text
+ initial {
+ text := ["",
+ Version,
+ "by Gregg Townsend, The University of Arizona",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "Glossary:",
+ ""]
+ every put(text, " " || !glossary)
+ put(text,
+ "",
+ "A `D' suffix indicates a variation where the input is sorted",
+ "in descending order before applying the algorithm.",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "For more information about bin packing algorithms, see:",
+ "",
+ " `Approximation Algorithms for Bin-Packing -- An Updated Survey'",
+ " by E.G. Coffman, Jr., M.R. Garey, and D.S. Johnson, in",
+ " Algorithm Design for Computer System Design, ed. by",
+ " Ausiello, Lucertini, and Serafini, Springer-Verlag, 1984",
+ "",
+ " `Fast Algorithms for Bin Packing' by David S. Johnson,",
+ " Journal of Computer and System Sciences 8, 272-314 (1974)",
+ "")
+ }
+ Notice ! text
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/bitdemo.icn b/ipl/gprogs/bitdemo.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66802b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/bitdemo.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# File: bitdemo.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate bitplanes
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: November 14, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# bitdemo illustrates some of the techniques made available by the
+# bitplane package in the program library.
+# The upper rectangle is drawn using three bitplanes, reserving
+# one plane for each of the primary colors. After clicking one of
+# the "draw" or "erase" buttons, you can draw or erase any one of
+# the bitplanes independently of the others. Notice what happens
+# when the colors overlap.
+# Drawing is not constrained to the rectangle so that you can see
+# some of the possible consequences of using the bitplane routines
+# improperly.
+# The lower rectangle is drawn using four other bitplanes, one each
+# for the four types of objects. Click once on a button to bring the
+# objects of that type to the front. Click a second time to make them
+# invisible.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: button, evmux, bitplane, graphics
+link button
+link evmux
+link bitplane
+link graphics
+$define BevelWidth 2
+$define WindowMargin 10
+global bitwin, rgbbase, panebase, panecolor
+procedure main(args)
+ local win, m, b, w, h, i
+ local px, py, pw, ph, x, y, d, a
+ local bw, bh
+ local colors
+ # get options and open window
+ win := Window("size=800,600", "font=Helvetica,bold,14", args)
+ # ensure that we can get the color map entries we will need
+ bitwin := Clone(win)
+ panebase := AlcPlane(bitwin, 4) | stop("can't get 4 planes")
+ rgbbase := AlcPlane(bitwin, 3) | stop("can't get 3 planes")
+ # get window geometry
+ m := WindowMargin # margins
+ b := BevelWidth
+ w := WAttrib("width") - 2 * m # usable width
+ h := WAttrib("height") - 2 * m # usable height
+ bw := 80 # button width
+ bh := 24 # button height
+ # establish global sensors; override later with buttons etc. in some areas
+ sensor(win, &lpress, drag)
+ sensor(win, &ldrag, drag)
+ quitsensor(win)
+ button(win, "quit", argless, exit, m, m + h - bh, bw, bh)
+ # build drawing window and initialize with overlapping circles
+ BevelRectangle(win, m + 100, m, w - 100, 250, -b)
+ colors := [
+ Bg(win), "red", "yellow", "red-yellow",
+ "blue", "purple-magenta", "dark green", "dark brown"]
+ every i := 0 to 7 do
+ Color(bitwin, rgbbase + i, colors[i + 1])
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, rgbbase, "copy")
+ FillRectangle(bitwin, m + 100 + b, m + b, w - 100 - 2 * b, 250 - 2 * b)
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, rgbbase+4, "set"); FillArc(bitwin, w/2-25, 100, 100, 100)
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, rgbbase+2, "set"); FillArc(bitwin, w/2, 50, 100, 100)
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, rgbbase+1, "set"); FillArc(bitwin, w/2+25, 100, 100, 100)
+ Deplane(bitwin)
+ # set up related buttons
+ buttonrow(win, m, m, bw, bh, 0, bh + m,
+ "draw red", draw, 1,
+ "draw yel", draw, 2,
+ "draw blu", draw, 4,
+ &null, &null, &null,
+ "erase red", erase, 1,
+ "erase yel", erase, 2,
+ "erase blu", erase, 4,
+ )
+ # set up structure for pane demo
+ panecolor := table()
+ panecolor[0] := Bg(win)
+ px := m + 100
+ py := m + 250 + 2 * m
+ pw := m + w - px
+ ph := m + h - py
+ Fg(bitwin, panebase)
+ FillRectangle(bitwin, px, py, pw, ph)
+ BevelRectangle(win, px, py, pw, ph, -b)
+ Clip(bitwin, px + b, py + b, pw - 2 * b, ph - 2 * b)
+ buttonrow(win, m, py, bw, bh, 0, bh + m,
+ "visible:", &null, &null,
+ "grid", mvplane, 1,
+ "curves", mvplane, 8,
+ "squares", mvplane, 2,
+ "circles", mvplane, 4,
+ )
+ # draw grid on plane 1
+ FrontPlane(bitwin, panebase + 1, panecolor[1] := "light gray")
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, panebase + 1, "set")
+ every x := 20 to pw - 1 by 40 do
+ FillRectangle(bitwin, px + x, py + b, 3, ph - 2 * b)
+ every y := 20 to ph - 1 by 40 do
+ FillRectangle(bitwin, px + b, py + y, pw - 2 * b, 3)
+ # draw curves on plane 8
+ FrontPlane(bitwin, panebase + 8, panecolor[8] := "dark blue")
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, panebase + 8, "set")
+ every y := 20 to ph-40 by 30 do {
+ a := [bitwin]
+ every put(a, px + (0 to pw+24 by 25)) do
+ put(a, py + y + ?20)
+ every 1 to 3 do {
+ DrawCurve ! a
+ every a[3 to *a by 2] +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ # draw squares on plane 2
+ FrontPlane(bitwin, panebase + 2, panecolor[2] := "dark brown")
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, panebase + 2, "set")
+ d := 20
+ every 1 to 50 do
+ FillRectangle(bitwin, px + ?(pw - d), py + ?(ph - d), d, d)
+ # draw circles on plane 4
+ FrontPlane(bitwin, panebase + 4, panecolor[4] := "dark moderate green")
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, panebase + 4, "set")
+ every 1 to 50 do {
+ d := 20 + ?10
+ FillArc(bitwin, px + ?(pw - d), py + ?(ph - d), d, d)
+ }
+ # enter event loop
+ Clip(bitwin)
+ evmux(win)
+## draw(w, v) -- set plane and drawing op in response to "draw" button
+procedure draw(w, v)
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, rgbbase + v, "set")
+## erase(w, v) -- set plane and drawing op in response to "erase" button
+procedure erase(w, v)
+ PlaneOp(bitwin, rgbbase + v, "clear")
+## drag(w, dummy, x, y) -- handle mouse drag by drawing (or erasing) on window
+procedure drag(w, dummy, x, y)
+ FillRectangle(bitwin, x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10)
+## mvplane(w, v, x, y) -- handle click on visibility buttons
+# first click moves to front
+# second click makes invisible
+procedure mvplane(w, v, x, y)
+ static prev, rep
+ initial prev := rep := 0
+ if prev ~=:= v then
+ rep := 0 # this is a new button
+ else
+ rep := (rep + 1) % 2 # repeat count for old button
+ case rep of {
+ 0: FrontPlane(bitwin, panebase + v, panecolor[v])
+ 1: BackPlane(bitwin, panebase + v, panecolor[0])
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/blp2grid.icn b/ipl/gprogs/blp2grid.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7114168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/blp2grid.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# File: blp2grid.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert BLP drawdown to grid image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 26, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -s i size of cells; default 5
+# -c s color for filling cells; default black
+# Also handles row files.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, cells, convert, options, patutils, wopen
+link basename
+link cells
+link convert
+link options
+link patutils
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local rows, panel, input, line, name, opts, size, file, color
+ opts := options(args, "s+c:")
+ size := \opts["s"] | 5
+ color := \opts["c"] | "black"
+ while file := get(args) do {
+ input := open(file) | stop("*** cannot open pattern file")
+ rows := []
+ line := read(input) | stop("empty file")
+ if upto("#", line) then rows := pat2rows(line)
+ else {
+ rows := [line]
+ while put(rows, read(input)) # read in row pattern
+ }
+ panel := matrixpanel(rows, size)
+ fill_cells(panel, rows, color)
+ name := basename(file, ".blp")
+ name := basename(name, ".rows")
+ WriteImage(panel.window, name || "_grid.gif")
+ WClose(panel.window)
+ close(input)
+ }
+procedure fill_cells(panel, rows, cellcolor)
+ local i, j, color
+ every i := 1 to *rows do {
+ every j := 1 to *rows[1] do {
+ color := if rows[i, j] == "1" then cellcolor else "white"
+ colorcell(panel, j, i, color)
+ }
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/blp2rows.icn b/ipl/gprogs/blp2rows.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a8825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/blp2rows.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# File: blp2rows.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert bi-level pattern to row file
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: October 30, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: patutils
+link patutils
+procedure main()
+ local rows
+ rows := pat2rows(read())
+ every write(!rows)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/bme.icn b/ipl/gprogs/bme.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2131a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/bme.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# File: bme.icn
+# Subject: Program to edit bitmap
+# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 2.0
+# A bitmap editor. This is really the PixMap editor
+# pme.icn with colors set to black and white, and color changes disabled.
+# Left and right mouse buttons draw black and white.
+# Press q or ESC to quit; press s to save. Capital "S" prompts for
+# and saves under a new filename.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen, xcompat
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+global colors, colorbinds
+procedure main(argv)
+ local i, f, s, xpos, ypos, i8, j, j8, j8Plus, e, x, y
+ colors := [ "black", "white", "white" ]
+ i := 1
+ XBM := ".xbm"
+ WIDTH := 32
+ HEIGHT := 32
+ if *argv>0 & argv[1][1:5]=="-geo" then {
+ i +:= 1
+ if *argv>1 then argv[2] ? {
+ WIDTH := integer(tab(many(&digits))) | stop("geo syntax")
+ ="x" | stop("geo syntax")
+ HEIGHT := integer(tab(0)) | stop("geo syntax")
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ if LMARGIN < 65 then LMARGIN := 65
+ if (*argv >= i) & (f := open(s := (argv[i] | (argv[i]||XBM)))) then {
+ close(f)
+ w:= WOpen("label=BitMap", "image="||s, "cursor=off") |
+ stop("cannot open window")
+ WIDTH <:= WAttrib(w, "width")
+ HEIGHT <:= WAttrib(w, "height")
+ pos := WAttrib(w, "pos")
+ pos ? {
+ xpos := tab(many(&digits)) | stop(image(pos))
+ =","
+ ypos := tab(0)
+ }
+ WAttrib(w, "posx="||xpos, "posy="||ypos,
+ "width="||(WIDTH*8+LMARGIN+5), "height="||(HEIGHT*8))
+ Event(w)
+ every i := 0 to HEIGHT-1 do {
+ i8 := i*8
+ every j := 0 to WIDTH-1 do {
+ j8 := j*8
+ j8Plus := j8 + LMARGIN + 5
+ CopyArea(w, w, j, i, 1, 1, j8Plus, i8)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j, i, 1, 1, j8Plus+1, i8)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 2, 1, j8Plus+2,i8)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 4, 1, j8Plus+4, i8)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 8, 1, j8Plus, i8+1)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 8, 2, j8Plus, i8+2)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 8, 4, j8Plus, i8+4)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ w:= WOpen("label=BitMap", "cursor=off", "width="||(LMARGIN+WIDTH*8+5),
+ "height="||(HEIGHT*8+5)) |
+ stop("cannot open window")
+ }
+ colorbinds := [ XBind(w,"fg="||colors[1]),
+ XBind(w,"fg="||colors[2]),
+ XBind(w,"fg="||colors[3]) ]
+ every i := 1 to 3 do {
+ XDrawArc(w, 4+i*10, HEIGHT+68, 7, 22)
+ XFillArc(colorbinds[i], 5+i*10, HEIGHT+70, 5, 20)
+ }
+ DrawRectangle(w, 5, HEIGHT+55, 45, 60)
+ DrawRectangle(w, 25, HEIGHT+50, 5, 5)
+ DrawCurve(w, 27, HEIGHT+50,
+ 27, HEIGHT+47,
+ 15, HEIGHT+39,
+ 40, HEIGHT+20,
+ 25, HEIGHT+5)
+ Fg(w, "black")
+ every i := 0 to HEIGHT-1 do
+ every j := 0 to WIDTH-1 do
+ DrawRectangle(w, j*8+LMARGIN+5, i*8, 8, 8)
+ DrawLine(w, 0, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, 0)
+ repeat {
+ case e := Event(w) of {
+ "q"|"\e": return
+ "s"|"S": {
+ if /s | (e=="S") then s := getfilename()
+ write("saving image ", s, " with width ", image(WIDTH),
+ " height ", image(HEIGHT))
+ WriteImage(w, s, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ }
+ &lpress | &ldrag | &mpress | &mdrag | &rpress | &rdrag : {
+ x := (&x - LMARGIN - 5) / 8
+ y := &y / 8
+ if (y < 0) | (y > HEIGHT-1) | (x > WIDTH) then next
+ if (x < 0) then {
+# if &x < 21 then getacolor(1, "left")
+# else if &x < 31 then getacolor(2, "middle")
+# else getacolor(3, "right")
+# until Event(w) === (&mrelease | &lrelease | &rrelease)
+ }
+ else dot(x, y, (-e-1)%3)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#procedure getacolor(n, s)
+# wtmp := WOpen("label=" || labelimage(s||" button: "), "lines=1") |
+# stop("can't open temp window")
+# writes(wtmp,"[",colors[n],"] ")
+# theColor := read(wtmp) | stop("read fails")
+# close(wtmp)
+# wtmp := colorbinds[n] | stop("colorbinds[n] fails")
+# Fg(wtmp, theColor) | write("XFG(", theColor, ") fails")
+# XFillArc(wtmp, 5+n*10, HEIGHT+70, 5, 20)
+# colors[n] := theColor
+procedure dot(x, y, color)
+ if (x|y) < 0 then fail
+ FillRectangle(colorbinds[color+1], x*8+LMARGIN+5, y*8, 8, 8)
+ DrawPoint(colorbinds[color+1], x, y)
+ DrawRectangle(w, x*8+LMARGIN+5, y*8, 8, 8)
+procedure getfilename()
+ local s, pos, wprompt, rv
+ pos := "pos="
+ every s := QueryPointer() do pos||:= (s-10)||","
+ wprompt := WOpen("lable=Enter a filename to save the pixmap",
+ "font=12x24", "lines=1", pos[1:-1]) | stop("can't xprompt")
+ rv := read(wprompt)
+ close(wprompt)
+ if not find(XBM, rv) then rv ||:= XBM
+ return rv
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/bpack.icn b/ipl/gprogs/bpack.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a01764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/bpack.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+# File: bpack.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate some bin packing algorithms
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: August 7, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: bpack [window options]
+# Bpack illustrates several approximation algorithms for solving the
+# one-dimensional bin packing problem.
+# For a discussion of this program, see
+# For references, see the "about" screen.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: numbers, graphics, random, vsetup
+link numbers
+link graphics
+link random
+link vsetup
+$define Version "Binpack Lite (November, 1997)"
+$define FULL 61261200 # value representing a full bin
+ # (least common multiple of {1 to 18, 20, and 25})
+$define PieceWidth 6 # width of one piece
+$define BinWidth 7 # width of one bin
+# pieces
+global pieces # list of piece sizes
+# current output parameters
+global xll, yll # display origin
+global bin # list of current bin sizes
+global nfilled # number of bins (partially) filled
+# colors
+global color # array of GCs of different colors
+global cscale # conversion from piece size to color index
+# display regions
+global shelf1 # input segments
+global shelf2 # packed bins
+######################### main program #########################
+procedure main(args)
+ local v, r, c, gc
+ randomize() # set irreproducible mode
+ v := ui(args) # open window, set up vib-built vidgets
+ r := v["root"]
+ shelf1 := v["shelf1"]
+ shelf2 := v["shelf2"]
+ if shelf1.uw ~= shelf2.uw | shelf1.uw ~= shelf2.uw then
+ runerr(500, "inconsistent layout")
+ # make a set of colors for different bin heights
+ # note that exactly half are reds/yellows and half are blues & darker
+ color := []
+ every c := Blend(
+ "black", 1, "deep purple-magenta", 10, "cyan-blue",
+ 1, "reddish-yellow", 11, "orange-red") do {
+ gc := Clone(&window)
+ Fg(gc, c)
+ put(color, gc)
+ }
+ color := copy(color) # ensure contiguous array
+ cscale := *color / real(FULL + 1)
+ reload() # initialize random bins
+ GetEvents(r) # enter event loop
+######################### bin packing primitives #########################
+# prepare(v) -- prepare shelf v for placing pieces
+procedure prepare(v)
+ xll := v.ux
+ yll := + v.uh
+ bin := list(*pieces, 0)
+ nfilled := 0
+ EraseArea(v.ux,, v.uw, v.uh)
+ return
+# place(p, b) -- add a piece of size p to bin b
+procedure place(p, b)
+ local o, t, x, y0, y1
+ static m
+ initial m := shelf1.uh / real(FULL)
+ o := bin[b] | fail
+ if (t := o + p) > FULL then
+ fail
+ bin[b] := t
+ nfilled <:= b
+ x := xll + (b - 1) * (PieceWidth + 1)
+ y0 := integer(yll - m * o)
+ y1 := integer(yll - m * t) + 1
+ FillRectangle(color[cscale * p + 1], x, y1, PieceWidth, 0 < (y0 - y1))
+ return
+# status(s) -- write string s and shelf population at end of output shelf
+procedure status(s)
+ local x
+ x := xll + nfilled * BinWidth + 4
+ x >:= xll + shelf1.uw - TextWidth("000 ")
+ GotoXY(x, yll - WAttrib("leading") - WAttrib("descent"))
+ WWrites(s)
+ GotoXY(x, yll - WAttrib("descent"))
+ WWrites(nfilled)
+ return
+######################### source set manipulation #########################
+# reload() -- reload first shelf with random-sized pieces.
+procedure reload()
+ local i, j, z, p
+ pieces := list(shelf1.uw / BinWidth)
+ prepare(shelf1)
+ every place(pieces[i := 1 to *pieces] := ?FULL, i)
+ status("")
+ return
+# mix() -- randomly reorder the first shelf.
+procedure mix()
+ local i
+ every i := *pieces to 2 by -1 do
+ pieces[?i] :=: pieces[i]
+ prepare(shelf1)
+ every place(pieces[i := 1 to *pieces], i)
+ status("")
+ return
+# regular() -- place equally-spaced using golden ratio
+procedure regular()
+ local i, n, p
+ n := integer(*pieces / &phi + 1)
+ while gcd(*pieces, n) > 1 do
+ n -:= 1
+ i := 0
+ every p := !sort(pieces) do {
+ i := (i + n) % *pieces
+ pieces[i + 1] := p
+ }
+ prepare(shelf1)
+ every place(pieces[i := 1 to *pieces], i)
+ status("")
+ return
+# ascending() -- sort the first shelf in ascending order
+procedure ascending()
+ local i
+ pieces := sort(pieces)
+ prepare(shelf1)
+ every place(pieces[i := 1 to *pieces], i)
+ status("")
+ return
+# descending() -- sort the first shelf in descending order
+procedure descending()
+ local i
+ pieces := sort(pieces)
+ every i := 1 to *pieces / 2 do # change from ascending to descending
+ pieces[i] :=: pieces[-i]
+ prepare(shelf1)
+ every place(pieces[i := 1 to *pieces], i)
+ status("")
+ return
+######################### packing algorithms #########################
+# nextfit(l) -- pack using next-fit algorithm
+procedure nextfit(l)
+ local p
+ every p := !l do
+ place(p, nfilled | nfilled + 1)
+ return
+# firstfit(l) -- pack using first-fit algorithm
+procedure firstfit(l)
+ local p
+ every p := !l do
+ place(p, 1 to nfilled + 1)
+ return
+# lastfit(l) -- pack using last-fit algorithm
+procedure lastfit(l)
+ local p
+ every p := !l do
+ place(p, (nfilled to 1 by -1) | (nfilled + 1))
+ return
+# bestfit(l) -- pack using best-fit algorithm
+procedure bestfit(l)
+ local p, b, i, max, found
+ every p := !l do {
+ max := FULL - p # fullest acceptable bin size
+ found := 0 # size of best bin found so far
+ b := nfilled + 1 # index of where found
+ every i := 1 to nfilled do
+ if found <:= (max >= bin[i]) then
+ b := i
+ place(p, b) # place in best bin found
+ }
+ return
+# worstfit(l, n) -- pack using worst-fit algorithm
+procedure worstfit(l, n)
+ local p, b, i, found
+ every p := !l do {
+ found := FULL - p # size of best bin found so far
+ b := nfilled + 1 # index of where found
+ every i := 1 to nfilled do
+ if found >:= bin[i] then
+ b := i
+ place(p, b) # place in best bin found
+ }
+ return
+# nearworst(l, n) -- pack using almost-worst-fit algorithm
+procedure nearworst(l, n)
+ local p, a, b, i, found
+ every p := !l do {
+ found := FULL - p # size of best bin found so far
+ a := b := &null
+ every i := 1 to nfilled do
+ if found >:= bin[i] then {
+ a := b
+ b := i
+ }
+ place(p, \a | \b | (nfilled + 1)) # place in second-best bin found
+ }
+ return
+######################### event handling #########################
+# menu_cb(v, a) -- File and Reorder menu callback
+procedure menu_cb(v, a)
+ case a[1] of {
+ "About": about()
+ "New": reload()
+ "Quit": exit()
+ "Random": mix()
+ "Regular": regular()
+ "Ascending": ascending()
+ "Descending": descending()
+ }
+# pack_cb(v, a) -- Pack menu callback
+procedure pack_cb(v, a)
+ local s, p
+ a[1] ? {
+ s := tab(upto(' ')) # get 2- or 3-letter name
+ }
+ prepare(shelf2) # clear the shelf
+ p := copy(pieces)
+ case s of {
+ "FF": firstfit(p)
+ "LF": lastfit(p)
+ "NF": nextfit(p)
+ "BF": bestfit(p)
+ "WF": worstfit(p)
+ "AWF": nearworst(p)
+ }
+ status(s)
+ return
+# about() -- handle "about" menu entry
+procedure about(x, v)
+ static text
+ initial text := ["",
+ Version,
+ "by Gregg Townsend, The University of Arizona",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "BF Best Fit picks the fullest possible bin",
+ "WF Worst Fit picks the emptiest bin",
+ "AWF Almost Worst Fit picks second-emptiest bin",
+ "FF First Fit picks the oldest possible bin",
+ "LF Last Fit picks the newest possible bin",
+ "NF Next Fit tries only the current bin",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "For more information about bin packing algorithms, see:",
+ "",
+ " `Approximation Algorithms for Bin-Packing -- An Updated Survey'",
+ " by E.G. Coffman, Jr., M.R. Garey, and D.S. Johnson, in",
+ " Algorithm Design for Computer System Design, ed. by",
+ " Ausiello, Lucertini, and Serafini, Springer-Verlag, 1984",
+ "",
+ " `Fast Algorithms for Bin Packing' by David S. Johnson,",
+ " Journal of Computer and System Sciences 8, 272-314 (1974)",
+ ""]
+ Notice ! text
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=600,400", "bg=pale gray", "label=Bin Packer"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,600,400:Bin Packer",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,0,36,21:File",menu_cb,
+ ["About","New","Quit"]],
+ ["line:Line:::0,22,599,22:",],
+ ["pack:Menu:pull::93,0,36,21:Pack",pack_cb,
+ ["FF first fit","LF last fit","NF next fit","BF best fit","WF worst fit",
+ "AWF almost worst"]],
+ ["reorder:Menu:pull::36,0,57,21:Reorder",menu_cb,
+ ["Random","Regular","Ascending","Descending"]],
+ ["shelf1:Rect:sunken::12,34,576,170:",],
+ ["shelf2:Rect:sunken::12,217,576,170:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/breakout.icn b/ipl/gprogs/breakout.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28559f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/breakout.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+# File: breakout.icn
+# Subject: Program for Breakout game
+# Author: Nathan J. Ranks
+# Date: September 3, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Breakout game
+# Infinite balls, Left or Right click to start or restart after losing ball
+# 9 levels - can select any level when not active using 1-9
+# 1 hit, 2 hit, 3 hit, and invincible blocks can be used for levels
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics
+link graphics
+global sphere, blank #sphere and blank sphere
+global X, Y #coordinates of sphere
+global block_positions #string of whether or not position has block
+global path, angle #direction of sphere travel
+global wait #pause interval used with delay()
+global level #current level
+global hit #sphere and block contact flag
+global blockclr1, blockclr2, blockclr3, invincclr
+procedure main()
+ local e
+ blockclr1 := "dark blue" #default 1 hit block color
+ blockclr2 := "dark red" #default 2 hit block color
+ blockclr3 := "dark green" #default 3 hit block color
+ invincclr := "black" #default invincible block color
+ WOpen("size=293,320") | stop("can't open window")
+ sphere := "3,g16,~0~_
+ 000_
+ ~0~" #black sphere
+ blank := "3,g16,~F~_
+ FFF_
+ ~F~" #white sphere to erase
+ level := 1 #default start level
+ create_blocks() #as the name suggests
+ Fg("black") #default pad color
+ DrawLine(124,310,158,310) #default pad position
+ DrawImage(140, 304, sphere) #default sphere position
+ X := 140 #default x position
+ Y := 304 #default y position
+ path := "up_left" #default sphere direction
+ angle := 60 #default sphere angle
+ hit := 0
+repeat {
+ if e := Event() then {
+ if ( e === &lpress ) then {
+ Fg("black")
+ DrawLine(124,310,158,310) #reset default
+ DrawImage(140, 304, sphere) #reset default
+ Y := 304 #reset default
+ path := "up_left" #reset default
+ angle := 60 #reset default
+ hit := 0
+ X := &x
+ DrawImage(140, 304, blank)
+ move_pad()
+ move_sphere()
+ }
+ if ( e === &rpress ) then {
+ Fg("black")
+ DrawLine(124,310,158,310) #reset default
+ DrawImage(140, 304, sphere) #reset default
+ Y := 304 #reset default
+ path := "up_right" #reset default
+ angle := 60 #reset default
+ hit := 0
+ X := &x
+ DrawImage(140, 304, blank)
+ move_pad()
+ move_sphere()
+ }
+ if ( e === "1" ) then { #change to level 1
+ level := 1
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ if ( e === "2" ) then { #change to level 2
+ level := 2
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ if ( e === "3" ) then { #change to level 3
+ level := 3
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ if ( e === "4" ) then { #change to level 4
+ level := 4
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ if ( e === "5" ) then { #change to level 5
+ level := 5
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ if ( e === "6" ) then { #change to level 6
+ level := 6
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ if ( e === "7" ) then { #change to level 7
+ level := 7
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ if ( e === "8" ) then { #change to level 8
+ level := 8
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ if ( e === "9" ) then { #change to level 9
+ level := 9
+ create_blocks()
+ }
+ }
+#this keeps track of where the pad should be according
+#to where the mouse pointer is
+procedure move_pad()
+ &x := image(WAttrib("pointerx")) #get pointer position
+ &y := image(WAttrib("pointery")) #get pointer position
+ EraseArea(0,310,293,310) #erease old pad
+ Fg("black") #make sure color is correct
+ DrawLine(&x-12,310,&x+12,310) #draw new pad
+#this keeps track of sphere location and movement within the window.
+#hits on walls will change direction
+#hit on pad will change direction and possibly angle
+procedure move_sphere()
+wait := 9
+while ( Y < 312 ) do {
+ if ( path == "up_right" ) then {
+ delay(wait)
+ move_pad()
+ hit := 0
+ if ( X > 285 ) then {
+ path := "up_left"
+ }
+ if ( Y < 0 ) then {
+ path := "down_right"
+ }
+ }
+ if ( path == "up_left" ) then {
+ delay(wait)
+ move_pad()
+ hit := 0
+ if ( X < 0 ) then {
+ path := "up_right"
+ }
+ if ( Y < 0 ) then {
+ path := "down_left"
+ }
+ }
+ if ( path == "down_right" ) then {
+ delay(wait)
+ move_pad()
+ hit := 0
+ if ( X > 285 ) then {
+ path := "down_left"
+ }
+ if ( (Y = 303) | (Y = 304) | (Y = 305) ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1) < &x+13) & ((X+1) > &x-13) ) then {
+ path := "up_right"
+ if ( (X+1) > &x-13 ) then {
+ angle := 30
+ }
+ if ( (X+1) > &x-6 ) then {
+ angle := 60
+ }
+ if ( (X+1) > &x+6 ) then {
+ angle := 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( path == "down_left" ) then {
+ delay(wait)
+ move_pad()
+ hit := 0
+ if ( X < 0 ) then {
+ path := "down_right"
+ }
+ if ( (Y = 303) | (Y = 304) | (Y = 305) ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1) < &x+13) & ((X+1) > &x-13) ) then {
+ path := "up_left"
+ if ( (X+1) > &x-13 ) then {
+ angle := 30
+ }
+ if ( (X+1) > &x-6 ) then {
+ angle := 60
+ }
+ if ( (X+1) > &x+6 ) then {
+ angle := 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#these next 4 procedures move the sphere
+#and then check for block contact
+procedure GO_UP_RIGHT()
+ if ( angle = 30 ) then {
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if ( angle = 60 ) then {
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+procedure GO_UP_LEFT()
+ if ( angle = 30 ) then {
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if ( angle = 60 ) then {
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+procedure GO_DOWN_RIGHT()
+ if ( angle = 30 ) then {
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if ( angle = 60 ) then {
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+procedure GO_DOWN_LEFT()
+ if ( angle = 30 ) then {
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if ( angle = 60 ) then {
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ Y := Y + 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+ X := X - 1
+ DrawImage(X, Y, sphere)
+ block_check()
+ if ( hit = 1 ) then {
+ fix_blocks()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+#this draws the play fields according to what the levels
+#are defined as
+procedure create_blocks()
+ local x, y, z
+ if ( level > 9 ) then {
+ level := 1
+ }
+ #different play fields go here
+ if ( level = 1 ) then { #icon-squared
+ block_positions := "000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000110100110111000001010010101110101101110101000000000000000111000001110010100000101001110000011100000000000000010101110110101110101001010000011101100101100000000100000000000000000000000000"
+ }
+ if ( level = 2 ) then { #alternate rows
+ block_positions := "111111111111100000000000001111111111111000000000000011111111111110000000000000111111111111100000000000001111111111111000000000000011111111111110000000000000111111111111100000000000001111111111111000000000000011111111111110000000000000"
+ }
+ if ( level = 3 ) then { #alternating columns
+ block_positions := "101010101010110101010101011010101010101101010101010110101010101011010101010101101010101010110101010101011010101010101101010101010110101010101011010101010101101010101010110101010101011010101010101101010101010110101010101011010101010101"
+ }
+ if ( level = 4 ) then { #heart
+ block_positions := "000100000100000101000101000100010100010010001010001001000101000100100001000010010000100001000100000001000010000000100001000000010000010000010000001000001000000010001000000000101000000000001000000000000100000000000010000000000000000000"
+ }
+ if ( level = 5 ) then { #checker board
+ block_positions := "101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010"
+ }
+ if ( level = 6 ) then { #filled up
+ block_positions := "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
+ }
+ if ( level = 7 ) then { #diamond and a half
+ block_positions := "000001110000000001111100000001111111000001111111110001111111111101111111111111011111111111000111111111000001111111000000011111000000000111000000000001000000000001110000000001111100000001111111000001111111110001111111111101111111111111"
+ }
+ if ( level = 8 ) then { #misc multiple hits
+ block_positions := "11111111111111111111111111313131313131311111111111112121212121212X3X2X3X2X3X2X111111111111111111111111113131313131313111111111111112121212121213X2X3X2X3X2X31111111111111111111111111131313131313132121212121212X3X2X3X2X3X2X1111111111111"
+ }
+ if ( level = 9 ) then { #throw-rug
+ block_positions := "21111111111121211111111121112111111121111121111121111111211121111211112121111212111121111211121123211211111223X322111111223X32211111211232112111211112111121211112121111211112111211111112111112111112111111121112111111111212111111111112"
+ }
+ z := 1
+ y := 10
+ x := 10
+ while not ( y = 208 ) do {
+ while not ( x = 283 ) do {
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "0" ) then {
+ Fg("white")
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "1" ) then {
+ Fg(blockclr1)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "2" ) then {
+ Fg(blockclr2)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "3" ) then {
+ Fg(blockclr3)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "X" ) then {
+ Fg(invincclr)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ z := z + 1
+ x := x + 21
+ }
+ x := 10
+ y := y + 11
+ }
+#this checks to see if the sphere contacts an edge
+#of a block, if so, it erases the block and changes
+#the sphere's direction accordingly
+#it also checks if level is finished
+procedure block_check()
+ local x, y, z, temp, temp2
+ z := 1
+ y := 10
+ x := 10
+ while not ( y = 208 ) do {
+ while not ( x = 283 ) do {
+ if ( (((X+1)>(x-1))&((X+1)<(x+21)))&(((Y+1)>(y-1))&((Y+1)<(y+11))) ) then {
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "X" ) then {
+ hit := 1
+ Fg(invincclr)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ if ( path == "up_right" ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1)=x) ) then { #side hit
+ path := "up_left"
+ }
+ if ( ((Y+1)=(y+10)) ) then { #bottom hit
+ path := "down_right"
+ }
+ if ( ((X+1)=x)&((Y+1)=(y+10)) ) then { #diagonal hit
+ path := "down_left"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( path == "up_left" ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1)=(x+20)) ) then { #side hit
+ path := "up_right"
+ }
+ if ( ((Y+1)=(y+10)) ) then { #bottom hit
+ path := "down_left"
+ }
+ if ( ((X+1)=(x+20))&((Y+1)=(y+10)) ) then { #diagonal hit
+ path := "down_right"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( path == "down_left" ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1)=(x+20)) ) then { #side hit
+ path := "down_right"
+ }
+ if ( ((Y+1)=y) ) then { #top hit
+ path := "up_left"
+ }
+ if ( ((X+1)=(x+20))&((Y+1)=y) ) then { #diagonal hit
+ path := "up_right"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( path == "down_right" ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1)=x) ) then { #side hit
+ path := "down_left"
+ }
+ if ( ((Y+1)=y) ) then { #top hit
+ path := "up_right"
+ }
+ if ( ((X+1)=x)&((Y+1)=y) ) then { #diagonal hit
+ path := "up_left"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (block_positions[z] == "1") |
+ (block_positions[z] == "2") |
+ (block_positions[z] == "3") ) then {
+ hit := 1
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "1" ) then {
+ Fg("white")
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ block_positions[z] := "0"
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "2" ) then {
+ Fg(blockclr1)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ block_positions[z] := "1"
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "3" ) then {
+ Fg(blockclr2)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ block_positions[z] := "2"
+ }
+ if ( path == "up_right" ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1)=x) ) then { #side hit
+ path := "up_left"
+ }
+ if ( ((Y+1)=(y+10)) ) then { #bottom hit
+ path := "down_right"
+ }
+ if ( ((X+1)=x)&((Y+1)=(y+10)) ) then { #diagonal hit
+ path := "down_left"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( path == "up_left" ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1)=(x+20)) ) then { #side hit
+ path := "up_right"
+ }
+ if ( ((Y+1)=(y+10)) ) then { #bottom hit
+ path := "down_left"
+ }
+ if ( ((X+1)=(x+20))&((Y+1)=(y+10)) ) then { #diagonal hit
+ path := "down_right"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( path == "down_left" ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1)=(x+20)) ) then { #side hit
+ path := "down_right"
+ }
+ if ( ((Y+1)=y) ) then { #top hit
+ path := "up_left"
+ }
+ if ( ((X+1)=(x+20))&((Y+1)=y) ) then { #diagonal hit
+ path := "up_right"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( path == "down_right" ) then {
+ if ( ((X+1)=x) ) then { #side hit
+ path := "down_left"
+ }
+ if ( ((Y+1)=y) ) then { #top hit
+ path := "up_right"
+ }
+ if ( ((X+1)=x)&((Y+1)=y) ) then { #diagonal hit
+ path := "up_left"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #check to see if field is clear for next level
+ #reset sphere back to below block height
+ temp := 1
+ temp2 := 0
+ while ( temp < 244 ) do {
+ if ( (block_positions[temp] == "1") |
+ (block_positions[temp] == "2") |
+ (block_positions[temp] == "3") ) then {
+ temp2 := 1
+ temp := 243
+ }
+ temp := temp + 1
+ }
+ if ( temp2 = 0 ) then {
+ level := level + 1
+ create_blocks()
+ DrawImage(X,Y,blank)
+ DrawImage(140, 304, sphere)
+ X := 140
+ Y := 304
+ path := "up_right"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ z := z + 1
+ x := x + 21
+ }
+ x := 10
+ y := y + 11
+ }
+#this is an extra check to make sure the blocks stay completely filled
+#when the sphere moves out of a block, the DrawImage(X, Y, blank)
+#will draw a white sphere over the old sphere, this fixes blocks
+#periodically by being called every block hit in the 4 move sphere procedures
+procedure fix_blocks()
+ local x, y, z
+ z := 1
+ y := 10
+ x := 10
+ while not ( y = 208 ) do {
+ while not ( x = 283 ) do {
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "1" ) then {
+ Fg(blockclr1)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "2" ) then {
+ Fg(blockclr2)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "3" ) then {
+ Fg(blockclr3)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ if ( block_positions[z] == "X" ) then {
+ Fg(invincclr)
+ FillRectangle(x,y,20,10)
+ }
+ z := z + 1
+ x := x + 21
+ }
+ x := 10
+ y := y + 11
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/browser.icn b/ipl/gprogs/browser.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..691f418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/browser.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# File: browser.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate file-navigation "dialog"
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 10, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: navitrix, vsetup
+link navitrix
+link vsetup
+global pat_window
+global vidgets
+$define LineLength 75
+$define FileLength 500
+procedure main()
+ local root, root_cur
+ nav_init()
+ vidgets := ui()
+ pat_window := &window
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ repeat {
+ root_cur := case Active() of {
+ pat_window : root
+ nav_window : nav_root
+ }
+ ProcessEvent(root_cur, , shortcuts)
+ case nav_state of {
+ &null : next
+ "Okay" : process_file()
+ }
+ nav_state := &null
+ }
+procedure process_file()
+ local input, file_list
+ static list_vidget
+ initial list_vidget := vidgets["list"]
+ if nav_file[-1] == "/" then { # directory
+ chdir(nav_file)
+ nav_refresh()
+ }
+ else { # "plain" file
+ input := open(nav_file) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open " || image(nav_file) || ".")
+ fail
+ }
+ file_list := []
+ every put(file_list, left(entab(!input), LineLength)) \ FileLength
+ VSetItems(list_vidget, file_list)
+ close(input)
+ WAttrib(nav_window, "canvas=hidden")
+ }
+ return
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "find @F" : find_file()
+ "quit @Q" : exit()
+ }
+ return
+procedure list_cb(vidget, value)
+ if /value then return # deselection; no action
+ return
+procedure find_file()
+ WAttrib(nav_window, "canvas=normal")
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of {
+ "f" : find_file()
+ "q" : exit()
+ }
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=587,402", "bg=pale gray", "label=Browser"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,587,402:Browser",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,3,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["find @F","quit @Q"]],
+ ["list:List:r::17,44,557,343:",list_cb],
+ ["menubar:Line:::0,26,585,26:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/ca21.icn b/ipl/gprogs/ca21.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aded56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/ca21.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# File: ca21.icn
+# Subject: Program to investigate cellular automata
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays the time-sequence development on one-dimensional
+# cellular automata in which the state of a cell depends only on the
+# two cells adjacent to it -- 2,1 automata.
+# See "Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata", Stephan Wolfram,
+# World Scientific, 1986 for an explanation for the method and rule
+# encoding.
+# The options supported are:
+# -r i rule i, default 110
+# -w i width (number of cells), default 200
+# -h i height (number of time steps), default width
+# -s seed first row at random with <= width / 2 cells
+# -R randomize the run
+# -e s initialize first row with seeds at positions generated
+# by Icon expression e.
+# -i s save final image in file named s; default no image
+# -H use hidden window; if no image file specified, ca21.gif
+# is used
+# The -e option is powerful but somewhat strange. For example, to
+# seed every other cell in the first row, use
+# -e 'seq(1,2')
+# which generates 1, 3, 5, 7, ... and seeds those cells (cells are
+# numbered starting at 1).
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics; system(), pipes, /tmp for -e option
+# Links: evallist, genrfncs, options, convert, random, wopen
+link evallist
+link genrfncs
+link options
+link convert
+link random
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, rule, bits, binary, i, j, phi, width, height, v, old, new
+ local ilist, name, canvas
+ opts := options(args, "w+h+r+sRe:i:H")
+ width := \opts["w"] | 200
+ height := \opts["h"] | width
+ rule := \opts["r"] | 110
+ if \opts["R"] then randomize()
+ name := \opts["i"]
+ if \opts["H"] then {
+ canvas := "canvas=hidden"
+ /name := "ca21.gif"
+ }
+ else canvas := "canvas=normal"
+ WOpen(canvas, "width=" || width, "height=" || height) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ bits := create !right(exbase10(rule, 2), 8, "0")
+ binary := create ("1" | "0") || ("1" | "0") || ("1" | "0")
+ phi := table()
+ while phi[@binary] := @bits
+ new := repl("0", width)
+ if \opts["e"] then {
+ ilist := evallist(opts["e"], width, "seqfncs") |
+ stop("invalid initialization expression")
+ every i := !ilist do {
+ new[i] := "1"
+ DrawPoint(i- 1, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ else if \opts["s"] then { # random, scattered seeds
+ every 1 to width / 2 do {
+ new[i := ?width] := "1"
+ DrawPoint(i - 1, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ new[width / 2] := "1" # single, centered seed
+ DrawPoint(width / 2 - 1, 0)
+ }
+ every j := 2 to height do {
+ old := new
+ new := repl("0", width)
+ every i := 2 to width - 1 do {
+ new[i] := v := phi[old[i - 1 : i + 2]]
+ if v == "1" then DrawPoint(i - 1, j - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ WriteImage(\name)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/calib.icn b/ipl/gprogs/calib.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c97694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/calib.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# File: calib.icn
+# Subject: Program to calibrate color monitor
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 31, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# The nonlinearity of a color display is often characterized by a
+# "gamma correction" value; calib provides a crude method for determining
+# this value for a particular monitor. It displays two rectangles: one
+# formed of alternating black and white scanlines and one formed of a
+# single, solid color. Move the slider until they match; the number
+# displayed above the slider is the gamma-correction factor.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: button, evmux, graphics, options, optwindw, slider
+link button
+link evmux
+link graphics
+link options
+link optwindw
+link slider
+record boxdata(win, color, button)
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, w, h, m, boxwidth, sliderwidth, textheight
+ local win, box, boxwin, boxcolor, y
+ local mingamma, defaultgamma, maxgamma
+ opts := options(args, winoptions())
+ /opts["W"] := 500
+ /opts["H"] := 400
+ /opts["M"] := -1
+ win := optwindow(opts, "cursor=off", "echo=off")
+ w := opts["W"]
+ h := opts["H"]
+ m := opts["M"]
+ textheight := 20
+ sliderwidth := 20
+ boxwidth := (w - 3 * m) / 2
+ if (h + 1) % 2 = 1 then
+ h -:= 1
+ mingamma := 1.0
+ defaultgamma := WAttrib(win, "gamma")
+ maxgamma := 5.0
+ boxwin := Clone(win)
+ Fg(boxwin, "black")
+ Bg(boxwin, "white")
+ EraseArea(boxwin, m, m, boxwidth, h)
+ every y := m to h + m by 2 do
+ DrawLine(boxwin, m, y, m + boxwidth, y)
+ boxcolor := NewColor(boxwin) | stop("can't allocate a mutable color")
+ # we use a do-nothing button for displaying the gamma value (!)
+ box := boxdata(boxwin, boxcolor,
+ button(win, "", &null, 0, m+w-sliderwidth, m, sliderwidth, textheight))
+ setgamma(win, box, defaultgamma)
+ Fg(boxwin, boxcolor)
+ FillRectangle(boxwin, m + boxwidth, m, boxwidth, h)
+ quitsensor(win)
+ slider(win, setgamma, box,
+ m + w - sliderwidth, 2 * m + textheight, sliderwidth, h - textheight - m,
+ mingamma, defaultgamma, maxgamma)
+ evmux(win)
+procedure setgamma(win, box, gamma)
+ local v
+ buttonlabel(box.button, left(gamma + .05, 3))
+ WAttrib(, "gamma=" || gamma)
+ Color(, box.color, "gray")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/cameleon.icn b/ipl/gprogs/cameleon.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e616d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/cameleon.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+# File: cameleon.icn
+# Subject: Program to allow user to change colors in an image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 19, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This application allows the user to change selected color in an image.
+# The colors are displayed in a palette on the application window.
+# Clicking on one brings up a color dialog in which the color can be
+# adjusted.
+# The keyboard shortcuts are:
+# @O open image File menu
+# @Q quit the application File menu
+# @R revert to original colors Colors menu
+# @S save image File menu
+# Note: "cameleon" is a variant spelling of "chameleon".
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and mutable colors.
+# Links: graphics, interact, numbers, tables
+link graphics
+link interact
+link numbers
+link tables
+global cellsize # size of palette cell
+global colors # mutable color list
+global count # table of pixel counts
+global image_window # window for user image
+global mutant # image with mutable colors
+global orig_colors # list of original colors
+global palette # color selection palette
+global panel # palette window
+global pixels # number of pixels in image window
+global x_pos # target location for mutant window
+global y_pos
+$define ColorRows 8 # number of palette rows
+$define ColorCols 16 # number of palette columns
+procedure main()
+ local atts, vidgets
+ atts := ui_atts()
+ put(atts, "posx=0", "posy=0")
+ (WOpen ! atts) | stop("*** cannot open application window")
+ vidgets := ui()
+ x_pos := WAttrib("width") + 3 * WAttrib("posx")
+ y_pos := WAttrib("posy")
+ palette := vidgets["palette"]
+ cellsize := palette.uw / ColorCols
+ panel := Clone("bg=black", "dx=" || palette.ux, "dy=" ||
+ Clip(panel, 0, 0, palette.uw, palette.uh)
+ clear_palette()
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+# Set up empty palette grid
+procedure clear_palette()
+ local x, y
+ Fg(panel, "black")
+ EraseArea(panel)
+ WAttrib(panel, "fillstyle=textured")
+ Pattern(panel, "checkers")
+ Bg(panel, "very dark gray")
+ every x := 1 + (0 to ColorCols) * cellsize do
+ every y := 1 + (0 to ColorRows) * cellsize do
+ FillRectangle(panel, x, y, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ WAttrib(panel, "fillstyle=solid")
+ Bg(panel, "black")
+ return
+# Handle File menu
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "open @O" : image_open()
+ "quit @Q" : quit()
+ "revert @R" : image_revert()
+ "save @S" : snapshot(mutant)
+ }
+ return
+# Open new image
+procedure image_open()
+ local i, x, y
+ WClose(\image_window)
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog("Open image:") == "Cancel" then fail
+ image_window := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open image.")
+ next
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ mutate(image_window) | fail
+ Raise() # bring application window to front
+ colors := vallist(copy(orig_colors))
+ clear_palette()
+ i := 0
+ every y := 1 + (0 to ColorRows - 1) * cellsize do
+ every x := 1 + (0 to ColorCols - 1) * cellsize do {
+ Fg(panel, colors[i +:= 1]) | break break
+ FillRectangle(panel, x, y, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ return
+# Save current image
+procedure image_save()
+ snapshot(\mutant)
+ return
+# Restore original image colors
+procedure image_revert()
+ local old, color
+ every old := key(orig_colors) do {
+ color := orig_colors[old]
+ Color(panel, color, old)
+ }
+ return
+# Get mutable colors and window from image
+procedure mutate()
+ local c, width, height, n, x, y
+ WClose(\mutant)
+ orig_colors := table()
+ count := table(0)
+ width := WAttrib(image_window, "width")
+ height := WAttrib(image_window, "height")
+ pixels := width * height
+ mutant := WOpen("width=" || width, "height=" || height,
+ "posx=" || x_pos, "posy=" || y_pos) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open image_window for mutant colors.")
+ fail
+ }
+ every y := 0 to height - 1 do {
+ x := 0
+ every c := Pixel(image_window, 0, y, width, 1) do {
+ if not(n := \orig_colors[c]) then {
+ orig_colors[c] := n := NewColor(c) | {
+ Notice("Cannot get mutable color.")
+ WClose(mutant)
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ count[n] +:= 1
+ Fg(mutant, n)
+ DrawPoint(mutant, x, y)
+ x +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Handle callbacks on palette
+procedure palette_cb(vidget, e, x, y)
+ local color, new
+ if e === (&lpress | &mpress | &rpress) then {
+ color := Pixel(x, y, 1, 1) # get pixel color
+ if not integer(color) then fail # not a mutable color
+ new := Color(panel, color) # get color specification
+ if ColorDialog(
+ "Adjust color (" || count[color] || " pixels, " ||
+ frn((100.0 * count[color]) / pixels, , 2) || "%):",
+ Color(panel, color),
+ track,
+ color
+ ) == "Okay" then new := dialog_value
+ Color(panel, color, new)
+ Color(mutant, color, new)
+ }
+ return
+# Quit the application
+procedure quit()
+ snapshot(\mutant)
+ exit()
+# Handle keyboard shortcuts
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case(map(e)) of {
+ "o" : image_open()
+ "q" : quit()
+ "r" : image_revert()
+ "s" : image_save()
+ }
+ return
+# Track the color in the color dialog
+procedure track(color, s)
+ Color(panel, color, s)
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=355,225", "bg=pale gray", "label=chameleon"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,355,225:chameleon",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::1,0,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["open @O","save @S","revert @R","quit @Q"]],
+ ["menubar:Line:::0,21,357,21:",],
+ ["palette:Rect:invisible::19,41,320,160:",palette_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/chernoff.icn b/ipl/gprogs/chernoff.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27810ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/chernoff.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# File: chernoff.icn
+# Subject: Program to imitate a Chernoff face
+# Author: Jon Lipp
+# Date: August 14, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays a Chernoff face.
+# Links: options, vidgets, vscroll, vbuttons, wopen, xcompat
+link options
+link vidgets, vscroll, vbuttons
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+global FH
+procedure main(args)
+local opts, font, wid, h
+local root, win, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5
+ opts := options(args, "f:wh")
+ font := \opts["f"]
+ wid := \opts["w"]
+ h := \opts["h"]
+ win := WOpen("label=popup dialogs demo",
+ "size=" || (\wid | 425) || "," || (\h | 325)) |
+ stop("*** can't open window")
+ root := Vroot_frame(win)
+ FH := WAttrib(win, "fheight")
+ s1 := Vhoriz_scrollbar(root, 0, 50, win, eyes, 1, 90, , 10, 99, 1)
+ s2 := Vhoriz_scrollbar(root, 0, 100, win, pupils, 2, 90, , 10, 99, 1)
+ s3 := Vhoriz_scrollbar(root, 0, 150, win, nose, 2, 90, , 0, 25, 1)
+ s4 := Vhoriz_scrollbar(root, 0, 200, win, smile, 2, 90, , 47, 32, 1)
+ s5 := Vhoriz_scrollbar(root, 0, 250, win, face, 2, 90, , 250, 300, 1)
+# Vpane(root, 100, 10, win, , , 200, 200)
+ VResize(root)
+ put_label(root, s1, "eyes")
+ put_label(root, s2, "pupils")
+ put_label(root, s3, "nose")
+ put_label(root, s4, "smile")
+ put_label(root, s5, "face")
+ eyes(s1.thumb, s1.callback.value)
+ pupils(s2.thumb, s2.callback.value)
+ nose(s3.thumb, s3.callback.value)
+ smile(s4.thumb, s4.callback.value)
+ face(s5.thumb, s5.callback.value)
+ GetEvents(root, quit)
+procedure quit(e)
+ if e === "q" then stop()
+procedure write_val(vid, val)
+ GotoXY(,, vid.ay-5)
+ writes(, val||" ")
+procedure put_label(root, sc, str)
+ local x, l
+ l := TextWidth(, str)
+ x :=
+ VDraw(Vmessage(root, x, sc.ay-5-FH,, str))
+procedure face(vid, val)
+ local x1, y, x
+ static faceval, ox1, oy
+ write_val(vid, val)
+ x1 := 250 - val/2
+ y := 150 - val/2
+ rev_on(
+ XDrawArc(, \ox1, \oy, \faceval, \faceval)
+ rev_off(
+ XDrawArc(, x1, y, val, val)
+ faceval := val
+ ox1 := x1; oy := y
+procedure eyes(vid, val)
+ local x1, x2, y
+ static eyeval, ox1, ox2, oy
+ write_val(vid, val)
+ x1 := 200 - val/2
+ x2 := 300 - val/2
+ y := 100 - val/2
+ rev_on(
+ XDrawArc(, \ox1, \oy, \eyeval, \eyeval)
+ XDrawArc(, \ox2, \oy, \eyeval, \eyeval)
+ rev_off(
+ XDrawArc(, x1, y, val, val)
+ XDrawArc(, x2, y, val, val)
+ eyeval := val
+ ox1 := x1; ox2 := x2; oy := y
+procedure pupils(vid, val)
+ local x1, x2, y
+ static pupilval, ox1, ox2, oy
+ write_val(vid, val)
+ x1 := 200 - val/2
+ x2 := 300 - val/2
+ y := 100 - val/2
+ rev_on(
+ XFillArc(, \ox1, \oy, \pupilval, \pupilval)
+ XFillArc(, \ox2, \oy, \pupilval, \pupilval)
+ rev_off(
+ XFillArc(, x1, y, val, val)
+ XFillArc(, x2, y, val, val)
+ pupilval := val
+ ox1 := x1; ox2 := x2; oy := y
+procedure smile(vid, val)
+ static oldsmile
+ write_val(vid, val)
+ rev_on(
+ XDrawArc(, 185, 190, 130, 40, \oldsmile*360, (48-\oldsmile)*2*360)
+ rev_off(
+ XDrawArc(, 185, 190, 130, 40, val*360, (48-val)*2*360)
+ oldsmile := val
+procedure nose(vid, val)
+ static oldnose
+ write_val(vid, val)
+ rev_on(
+ DrawLine(, 250, 140, 275, 180+\oldnose, 250, 190)
+ rev_off(
+ DrawLine(, 250, 140, 275, 180+val, 250, 190)
+ oldnose := val
+procedure rev_on(win)
+ WAttrib(win, "reverse=on", "linewidth=3")
+procedure rev_off(win)
+ WAttrib(win, "reverse=off", "linewidth=1")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/clrs2pdb.icn b/ipl/gprogs/clrs2pdb.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e798f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/clrs2pdb.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# File: clrs2pdb.icn
+# Subject: Program to create custom palettes from color lists
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: October 29, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program builds a palette database from color lists.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, palettes, xcode
+link basename
+link palettes
+link xcode
+global PDB_
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, input, clist, line, name
+ every file := !args do {
+ input := open(file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", image(file))
+ next
+ }
+ name := basename(file, ".clr")
+ clist := []
+ while line := read(input) do {
+ line ?:= tab(upto('\t'))
+ put(clist, line)
+ }
+ close(input)
+ makepalette(name, clist) |
+ write(&errout, "*** could not make palette from ", image(file))
+ }
+ xencode(PDB_, &output)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/coloralc.icn b/ipl/gprogs/coloralc.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f76a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/coloralc.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# File: coloralc.icn
+# Subject: Program to test color allocation
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: February 6, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# coloralc tests how many fixed and/or mutable colors can be allocated.
+# The two sets of pushbuttons allocate 1, 8, or 32 randomly chosen colors
+# of the selected type. New colors are arrayed on the display using
+# squares for fixed colors and discs for mutable colors. When no more
+# colors can be created, no more squares or discs will appear.
+# Clicking on a color with the left mouse button selects it as the
+# current color; the current color can be drawn on the screen by moving
+# the mouse with the left button down.
+# Clicking on a mutable color (a disc) with the right mouse mutton
+# changes it to a new random color. There is also a pushbutton that
+# changes all mutable colors simultaneously.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, optwindw, button, evmux, random, graphics
+link options
+link optwindw
+link button
+link evmux
+link random
+link graphics
+record square(x, y, w, p, n) # a color square (or disc)
+global win, opts, m, w, h, s, bw, bh # main window and dimensions
+global sq, nw, nh # square list and layout counts
+global brushwin, brushproc # current drawing window and procedure
+# main program
+procedure main(args)
+ nw := 16 # number of squares wide
+ nh := 16 # number of squares high
+ s := 32 # square size
+ m := 4 # margin (gap)
+ bw := 68 # button width
+ bh := 20 # button height
+ opts := options(args, winoptions())
+ /opts["W"] := nw * (m + s) + bw
+ /opts["H"] := nh * (m + s) - m
+ /opts["M"] := m
+ win := optwindow(opts, "cursor=off", "echo=off")
+ m := opts["M"] # get obtained window dimensions
+ h := opts["H"]
+ w := opts["W"]
+ s := (w - bw - nw * m) / nw # calc size of each square
+ s <:= (h - (nh - 1) * m) / nh
+ quitsensor(win) # set up sensors
+ sensor(win, &lpress, dobrush)
+ sensor(win, &ldrag, dobrush)
+ sensor(win, 'f', fixc, 1)
+ sensor(win, 'F', fixc, 8)
+ sensor(win, 'm', mutc, 1)
+ sensor(win, 'M', mutc, 8)
+ sensor(win, 'Aa', mutall)
+ buttonrow(win, m, m, bw, bh, 0, m + bh,
+ "1 fixed", fixc, 1,
+ "8 fixed", fixc, 8,
+ "32 fixed", fixc, 32,
+ )
+ buttonrow(win, m, m + 4 * (bh + m), bw, bh, 0, m + bh,
+ "1 mutable", mutc, 1,
+ "8 mutable", mutc, 8,
+ "32 mutable", mutc, 32,
+ )
+ buttonrow(win, m, m + 8 * (bh + m), bw, bh, 0, m + bh,
+ "mutate all", mutall, 0,
+ "quit", argless, exit,
+ )
+ sq := [] # init square list and procs
+ brushwin := win
+ brushproc := DrawRectangle
+ randomize()
+ evmux(win) # loop processing events
+# fixc(w, n) -- allocate n new fixed colors
+procedure fixc(w, n)
+ local q
+ every 1 to n do {
+ q := newsquare(w, FillRectangle) | fail
+ Fg(q.w, ?65535 || "," || ?65535 || "," || ?65535) | {pull(sq); fail}
+ FillRectangle(q.w, q.x, q.y, s, s) # interior (random new color)
+ DrawRectangle(win, q.x, q.y, s, s) # outline (standard)
+ sensor(win, &lpress, setbrush, q, q.x, q.y, s, s)
+ }
+ return
+# mutc(w, n) -- allocate n new mutable colors
+procedure mutc(w, n)
+ local q
+ every 1 to n do {
+ q := newsquare(w, FillArc) | fail
+ q.n := NewColor(q.w, ?65535 || "," || ?65535 || "," || ?65535) |
+ {pull(sq); fail}
+ Fg(q.w, q.n)
+ FillArc(q.w, q.x, q.y, s, s)
+ DrawArc(win, q.x, q.y, s, s)
+ sensor(win, &lpress, setbrush, q, q.x, q.y, s, s)
+ sensor(win, &rpress, randmut, q, q.x, q.y, s, s)
+ }
+ return
+# newsquare(w, p) -- alc next square, init for proc p, return record
+procedure newsquare(w, p)
+ local x, y, q
+ *sq < nw * nh | fail
+ x := m + bw + m + (m + s) * (*sq % nw)
+ y := m + (m + s) * (*sq / nw)
+ q := square(x, y, Clone(w), p) | fail
+ put(sq, q)
+ return q
+# randmut(w, q) -- randomly mutate square q to a new color
+procedure randmut(w, q)
+ Color(q.w, \q.n, ?65535 || "," || ?65535 || "," || ?65535)
+ return
+# mutall(w) -- randomly mutate *all* the squares
+procedure mutall(w)
+ local args
+ args := [w]
+ every put(args, \(!sq).n) do
+ put(args, ?65535 || "," || ?65535 || "," || ?65535)
+ if *args > 1 then
+ Color ! args
+# setbrush(w, q) -- set the paintbrush to the values for square q
+procedure setbrush(w, q)
+ brushwin := q.w
+ brushproc := q.p
+ return
+# dobrush(w, dummy, x, y) -- call the brush procedure at location (x, y)
+procedure dobrush(w, dummy, x, y)
+ brushproc(brushwin, x - s / 4, y - s / 4, s / 2, s / 2)
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/colormap.icn b/ipl/gprogs/colormap.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..076abbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/colormap.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# File: colormap.icn
+# Subject: Program to display palette from color list
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 17, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program shows the colors given color list files given on the
+# command line.
+# colormap will display color lists with more than 256 entries but,
+# of course, it cannot display more than 256 different colors (if that
+# many).
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: colrlist, drawcolr, interact, io, vsetup
+$define CellWidth 20
+$define Cells 16
+link colrlist
+link drawcolr
+link interact
+link io
+link vsetup
+global colors
+procedure main()
+ local vidgets
+ vidgets := ui()
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+procedure file_cb(vidgets, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "load @L": load_colors()
+ "snapshot @S": snapshot(colors)
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ }
+ return
+procedure reload_cb()
+ return
+procedure load_colors()
+ local clist
+ static file
+ initial file := ""
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog("Specify color list file:", file) == "Cancel" then fail
+ clist := colrlist(dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Cannot process color list " || image(dialog_value) || ".")
+ next
+ }
+ WClose(\colors)
+ colors := draw_colors(clist)
+ Raise()
+ return
+ }
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of {
+ "l": load_colors()
+ "q": exit()
+ "r": reload_cb()
+ "s": snapshot()
+ }
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=197,288", "bg=gray-white"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,197,288:",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::1,0,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["load @L","snapshot @S","quit @Q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,24,197,24:",],
+ ["reload:Button:regular::26,56,49,20:reload",reload_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/colorup.icn b/ipl/gprogs/colorup.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a58ce4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/colorup.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# File: colorup.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce a weave structure from unravel data
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: April 18, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Input is expected to be the output of unravel -r.
+# This program takes information from a image solved by unravel.icn to
+# produce a draft.
+# The option -o i determines how optional choices at intersections are
+# handled:
+# 0 random (default)
+# 1 warp
+# 2 weft
+# 3 alternating
+# Links: numbers, options, weavutil, patxform, patutils, xcode
+link numbers
+link options
+link patutils
+link patxform
+link weavutil
+link xcode
+link ximage
+procedure main(args)
+ local warp, weft, pattern, rows, i, j, count, opts
+ local threading, treadling, color_list, colors, choice
+ local symbols, symbol, drawdown, draft, warp_colors, weft_colors, pixels
+ opts := options(args, "o+")
+ choice := opts["o"] | 0
+ (warp := read() & weft := read() & pattern := read()) |
+ stop("*** short file")
+ pixels := real(*pattern)
+ colors := warp ++ weft
+ color_list := []
+ every put(color_list, PaletteColor("c1", !colors))
+ warp_colors := []
+ every put(warp_colors, upto(!warp, colors))
+ weft_colors := []
+ every put(weft_colors, upto(!weft, colors))
+ drawdown := []
+ pattern ? {
+ while put(drawdown, move(*warp))
+ }
+ count := 0
+ every i := 1 to *weft do { # row
+ every j := 1 to *warp do { # column
+ if weft[i] == warp[j] then { # option point
+ count +:= 1
+ drawdown[i, j] := case choice of {
+ 0 : ?2 - 1 # random
+ 1 : "1" # warp
+ 2 : "0" # weft
+ 3 : if count % 2 = 0 then "1" else "2" # alternative
+ }
+ }
+ else if drawdown[i, j] == weft[i] then drawdown[i, j] := "0"
+ else drawdown[i, j] := "1"
+ }
+ }
+ treadling := analyze(drawdown)
+ drawdown := protate(drawdown, "cw")
+ threading := analyze(drawdown)
+ symbols := table("")
+ every pattern := !treadling.patterns do {
+ symbol := treadling.rows[pattern]
+ symbols[symbol] := repl("0", *threading.rows)
+ pattern ? {
+ every i := upto('1') do
+ symbols[symbol][threading.sequence[i]] := "1"
+ }
+ }
+ symbols := sort(symbols, 3)
+ rows := []
+ while get(symbols) do
+ put(rows, get(symbols))
+ draft := isd()
+ := "colorup"
+ draft.threading := threading.sequence
+ draft.treadling := treadling.sequence
+ draft.warp_colors := warp_colors
+ draft.weft_colors := weft_colors
+ draft.color_list := color_list
+ draft.shafts := *threading.rows
+ draft.treadles := *treadling.rows
+ draft.tieup := rows
+ xencode(draft, &output)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/colorwif.icn b/ipl/gprogs/colorwif.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24d1f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/colorwif.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# File: colorwif.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce a WIF from unravel data
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: April 24, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Input is expected to be the output of unravel -r.
+# This program takes information from a image solved by unravel.icn to
+# produce a draft.
+# The option -o i determines how optional choices at intersections are
+# handled:
+# 0 random (default)
+# 1 warp
+# 2 weft
+# 3 alternating
+# Links: numbers, options, weavutil, patxform, patutils
+link numbers
+link options
+link patutils
+link patxform
+record analysis(rows, sequence, patterns)
+procedure main(args)
+ local warp, weft, pattern, rows, i, j, count, opts
+ local threading, treadling, color_list, colors, choice
+ local symbols, symbol, drawdown, draft, warp_colors, weft_colors, pixels
+ opts := options(args, "o+")
+ choice := opts["o"] | 0
+ (warp := read() & weft := read() & pattern := read()) |
+ stop("*** short file")
+ pixels := real(*pattern)
+ colors := warp ++ weft
+ color_list := []
+ every put(color_list, PaletteColor("c1", !colors))
+ warp_colors := []
+ every put(warp_colors, upto(!warp, colors))
+ weft_colors := []
+ every put(weft_colors, upto(!weft, colors))
+ drawdown := []
+ pattern ? {
+ while put(drawdown, move(*warp))
+ }
+ count := 0
+ every i := 1 to *weft do { # row
+ every j := 1 to *warp do { # column
+ if weft[i] == warp[j] then { # option point
+ count +:= 1
+ drawdown[i, j] := case choice of {
+ 0 : ?2 - 1 # random
+ 1 : "1" # warp
+ 2 : "0" # weft
+ 3 : if count % 2 = 0 then "1" else "2" # alternative
+ }
+ }
+ else if drawdown[i, j] == weft[i] then drawdown[i, j] := "0"
+ else drawdown[i, j] := "1"
+ }
+ }
+ treadling := analyze(drawdown)
+ drawdown := protate(drawdown, "cw")
+ threading := analyze(drawdown)
+ symbols := table("")
+ every pattern := !treadling.patterns do {
+ symbol := treadling.rows[pattern]
+ symbols[symbol] := repl("0", *threading.rows)
+ pattern ? {
+ every i := upto('1') do
+ symbols[symbol][threading.sequence[i]] := "1"
+ }
+ }
+ symbols := sort(symbols, 3)
+ rows := []
+ while get(symbols) do
+ put(rows, get(symbols))
+ # Now output the WIF.
+ write("[WIF]")
+ write("Version=1.1")
+ write("Date=" || &dateline)
+ write("")
+ write("Source Program=colorwif.icn")
+ write("[CONTENTS]")
+ write("Color Palette=yes")
+ write("Text=yes")
+ write("Weaving=yes")
+ write("Tieup=yes")
+ write("Color Table=yes")
+ write("Threading=yes")
+ write("Treadling=yes")
+ write("Warp colors=yes")
+ write("Weft colors=yes")
+ write("Warp=yes")
+ write("Weft=yes")
+ write("[COLOR PALETTE]")
+ write("Entries=", *color_list)
+ write("Form=RGB")
+ write("Range=0," || 2 ^ 16 - 1)
+ write("[TEXT]")
+ write("Title=example")
+ write("Author=Ralph E. Griswold")
+ write("Address=5302 E. 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85711-2304")
+ write("")
+ write("Telephone=520-881-1470")
+ write("FAX=520-325-3948")
+ write("[WEAVING]")
+ write("Shafts=", *threading.rows)
+ write("Treadles=", *treadling.rows)
+ write("Rising shed=yes")
+ write("[WARP]")
+ write("Threads=", *threading.sequence)
+ write("Units=Decipoints")
+ write("Thickness=10")
+ write("[WEFT]")
+ write("Threads=", *treadling.sequence)
+ write("Units=Decipoints")
+ write("Thickness=10")
+ # These are provided to produce better initial configurations when
+ # WIFs are imported to some weaving programs.
+ write("[WARP THICKNESS]")
+ write("[WEFT THICKNESS]")
+ write("[COLOR TABLE]")
+ every i := 1 to *color_list do
+ write(i, "=", ColorValue(color_list[i]))
+ write("[WARP COLORS]")
+ every i := 1 to *warp_colors do
+ write(i, "=", warp_colors[i])
+ write("[WEFT COLORS]")
+ every i := 1 to *weft_colors do
+ write(i, "=", weft_colors[i])
+ write("[THREADING]")
+ every i := 1 to *threading.sequence do
+ write(i, "=", threading.sequence[i])
+ write("[TREADLING]")
+ every i := 1 to *treadling.sequence do
+ write(i, "=", treadling.sequence[i])
+ write("[TIEUP]")
+ every i := 1 to *rows do
+ write(i, "=", tromp(rows[i]))
+procedure tromp(treadle)
+ local result
+ result := ""
+ treadle ? {
+ every result ||:= upto("1") || ","
+ }
+ return result[1:-1]
+procedure analyze(drawdown)
+ local sequence, rows, row, count, patterns
+ sequence := []
+ patterns := []
+ rows := table()
+ count := 0
+ every row := !drawdown do {
+ if /rows[row] then {
+ rows[row] := count +:= 1
+ put(patterns, row)
+ }
+ put(sequence, rows[row])
+ }
+ return analysis(rows, sequence, patterns)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/colrbook.icn b/ipl/gprogs/colrbook.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01313ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/colrbook.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# File: colrbook.icn
+# Subject: Program to show the named colors
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: December 1, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# colrbook is a mouse-driven program for choosing named colors.
+# Along the left are 24 equally spaced hues plus black, gray, white,
+# brown, violet, and pink. Click on any of these to see the twenty
+# colors that are possible by adding lightness and saturation
+# modifiers to the particular hue.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: button, evmux, graphics
+link button
+link evmux
+link graphics
+$define BevelWidth 2
+$define WindowMargin 10
+$define HEADER 20 # height of header area (not incl. margin)
+$define FOOTER 20 # height of footer area (not incl. margin)
+$define TSIZ 12 # hue triangle size
+$define HUEW 20 # hue width
+$define HGAP 1 # hue gap
+$define LEFT (m+TSIZ+HUEW+labw) # total space to left of grid and its margin
+global cwin, huelist, sats, lgts, colrs, fillargs
+global labw, leftx, w, h, m
+procedure main(args)
+ local x, y, dx, dy, cw, ch
+ local i, j, ij, hue, r
+ lgts := ["pale", "light", "medium", "dark", "deep"]
+ sats := ["weak", "moderate", "strong", "vivid"]
+ colrs := table()
+ fillargs := table()
+ Window("size=500,350", "font=Helvetica,bold,12", args)
+ cwin := Clone()
+ m := WindowMargin
+ w := WAttrib("width") - 2 * m
+ h := WAttrib("height") - 2 * m
+ labw := TextWidth("medium") + 3 * m # label area width
+ leftx := m + TSIZ + HUEW + labw # space to left of grid and its margin
+ dx := (w - leftx + m) / *sats
+ dy := (h - HEADER - FOOTER + m) / *lgts
+ cw := dx - m
+ ch := dy - m
+ inithues()
+ every i := 1 to *sats do
+ every j := 1 to *lgts do {
+ ij := i || j
+ x := leftx + dx * i - cw
+ y := HEADER + dy * j - ch
+ BevelRectangle(x, y, cw, ch, -BevelWidth)
+ fillargs[ij] := [cwin, x + BevelWidth, y + BevelWidth,
+ cw - 2 * BevelWidth, ch - 2 * BevelWidth]
+ if Fg(cwin, colrs[ij] := NewColor("gray")) then # may fail
+ FillRectangle ! fillargs[ij]
+ }
+ every i := 1 to *sats do {
+ GrooveRectangle(leftx + m + dx * (i - 1), m / 2, dx - m, HEADER)
+ CenterString(leftx + dx * i - cw / 2, m / 2 + HEADER / 2, sats[i])
+ }
+ every j := 1 to *lgts do {
+ GrooveRectangle(leftx, HEADER + dy*j - ch/2 - HEADER/2, -labw + m, HEADER)
+ RightString(leftx - m, HEADER + dy*j - ch/2, lgts[j])
+ }
+ # define sensors
+ button(&window, "QUIT", argless, exit, m+TSIZ+HUEW+m, m, labw-2*m, HEADER)
+ sensor(&window, &lpress, hueclick, r, m, m, TSIZ + HUEW, h)
+ quitsensor(&window)
+ # initialize to "gray" hues using an artificial event
+ Enqueue(&lrelease)
+ hueclick(&window, 0, m, m + integer((*huelist - 4.5) / *huelist * h))
+ # enter event loop
+ evmux(&window)
+procedure hueclick(win, arg, x, y)
+ local hue, e, n, i, j
+ e := &ldrag
+ while e ~=== &lrelease do {
+ if e === &ldrag then {
+ n := (*huelist * (y - m + HGAP / 2)) / h + 1
+ if 0 < n <= *huelist then {
+ hue := huelist[n]
+ EraseArea(m, m - TSIZ / 2, TSIZ + 1, h + TSIZ)
+ y := m - HGAP + integer((n - 0.5) * (h + HGAP) / *huelist)
+ BevelTriangle(m + TSIZ / 2, y, TSIZ / 2, "e")
+ setcolor(hue)
+ EraseArea(LEFT, m + h - FOOTER, w, FOOTER + m)
+ CenterString(LEFT + (w - LEFT + m)/2, m + h + m/2 - FOOTER/2, hue)
+ }
+ }
+ e := Event(win)
+ y := &y
+ }
+ return
+procedure setcolor(hue)
+ local i, j, ij, prefix
+ static prev
+ every i := 1 to *sats do
+ every j := 1 to *lgts do {
+ ij := i || j
+ prefix := lgts[j] || " " || sats[i] || " "
+ if not Color(cwin, \colrs[ij], prefix || hue) then {
+ # no mutable color was allocated;
+ # free old static color, preserving grays (used for decoration)
+ # also preserving labeling colors ("medium vivid")
+ if \prev ~== "black" & \prev ~== "gray" & \prev ~== "white" then
+ FreeColor(cwin, ("medium vivid " ~== prefix) || \prev)
+ Fg(cwin, prefix || hue)
+ FillRectangle ! fillargs[ij]
+ }
+ }
+ prev := hue
+ return
+procedure inithues()
+ local i, y1, y2, dy, win
+ huelist := [
+ "red", "orange", "red-yellow", "reddish yellow",
+ "yellow", "greenish yellow", "yellow-green", "yellowish green",
+ "green", "cyanish green", "cyan-green", "greenish cyan",
+ "cyan", "bluish cyan", "blue-cyan", "cyanish blue",
+ "blue", "blue-purple", "purple", "purple-magenta",
+ "magenta", "reddish magenta", "magenta-red", "magentaish red",
+ "black", "gray", "white",
+ "brown", "violet", "pink"
+ ]
+ dy := real(h + HGAP) / *huelist
+ win := Clone(&window)
+ every i := 1 to *huelist do {
+ y1 := integer(dy * (i - 1))
+ y2 := integer(dy * i)
+ Fg(win, huelist[i])
+ FillRectangle(win, m + TSIZ + 1, m + y1, HUEW - 1, y2 - y1 - HGAP)
+ }
+ Uncouple(win)
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/colrname.icn b/ipl/gprogs/colrname.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ff4259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/colrname.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# File: colrname.icn
+# Subject: Program to browse color names
+# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Date: August 3, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 1.1
+# Extension to output color specification added by Ralph E. Griswold
+# An X color name browser.
+# Click on a colorname to change the window's background color.
+# Not very interesting on a monochrome server.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics with mutable colors and X.
+# Links: sort, wopen
+link sort
+link wopen
+global w, L, startcols, rows, theBackGround
+procedure drawit()
+ local curcol, i, maxcol
+ curcol := 1
+ i := 0
+ startcols := [1]
+ maxcol := 0
+ every name := !L do {
+ maxcol <:= *name
+ GotoRC(i % rows + 1,curcol)
+ writes(&window,name)
+ i +:= 1
+ if (i>0) & (i % rows = 0) then {
+ curcol +:= maxcol + 2
+ maxcol := 0
+ put(startcols,curcol)
+ }
+ }
+procedure doevents()
+ local e, varcol, lastvarcol, lastrow
+ repeat {
+ Active()
+ while Pending()[1] do {
+ e := Event()
+ case e of {
+ "o": write(ColorValue(\name))
+ "q"|"\e": exit(0)
+ &lpress|&mpress|&rpress|&ldrag|&mdrag|&rdrag: {
+ varcol := 0
+ every &col >= !startcols do varcol +:= 1
+ if varcol === lastvarcol & &row===lastrow then next
+ lastvarcol := varcol
+ lastrow := &row
+ name := L[(varcol-1)*rows+&row]
+ Color(theBackGround,name)
+ WAttrib("label=Color Names: " || name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure main(av)
+ local filename, f, i, t, max, line, t2, r, g, b, rgb
+ filename := av[1] | "/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt"
+ WOpen("label=Color Names","x","cursor=on","lines=50","columns=175") |
+ stop("no window")
+ rows := WAttrib("lines")
+ f := open(filename) | stop("no rgb.txt")
+ theBackGround := NewColor("white")
+ Bg(theBackGround)
+ EraseArea()
+ i := 1
+ t := set()
+ t2 := table() # skip redundant colors by storing their rgb
+ max := 0
+ every line := !f do {
+ line ? {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ r := tab(many(&digits))
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ g := tab(many(&digits))
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ b := tab(many(&digits))
+ rgb := ishift(r,16)+ishift(g,8)+b
+ name := (tab(upto(&letters)) & tab(0))
+ if /t2[rgb] := name then {
+ insert(t,name)
+ max <:= *name
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ L := isort(t)
+ drawit()
+ doevents()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/colrpick.icn b/ipl/gprogs/colrpick.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c90f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/colrpick.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# File: colrpick.icn
+# Subject: Program to pick RGB or HLS colors
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: February 27, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# colrpick provides a command-level interface to the ColorDialog
+# procedure. The ColorValue() of the selected color is written to
+# standard output when the Okay button is pressed. If the Cancel
+# button is pressed, colorpick exits with an error by calling stop().
+# A default color can be specified by one or more command arguments,
+# for example "colrpick deep green".
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, vsetup
+link graphics
+link vsetup
+procedure main(args)
+ local dflt
+ Window ! put(ui_atts(), "canvas=hidden", args)
+ ui() # just to get standard VIB font
+ if *args > 0 then {
+ dflt := ""
+ every dflt ||:= " " || !args
+ if not ColorValue(dflt) then {
+ write(&errout, " illegal default color: ", dflt)
+ dflt := &null
+ }
+ }
+ case ColorDialog(, dflt) of {
+ "Okay": write(dialog_value)
+ "Cancel": stop()
+ }
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=340,320", "bg=pale gray"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,340,320:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/concen.icn b/ipl/gprogs/concen.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b00f9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/concen.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# File: concen.icn
+# Subject: Program to play solitaire card game Concentration
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: December 4, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# usage: concen [winoptions] [ncards]
+# Concentration, as presented here, is a simple solitaire game.
+# When the program starts, there are 52 playing cards, face down.
+# They may be turned over by clicking on them with the mouse. Only
+# two cards may be face up at a time; if they are the same rank
+# (e.g. two sevens), they are removed. The object is to clear the
+# table.
+# (For an interesting discussion of two-person Concentration, see
+# Ian Stewart's "Mathematical Recreations" column in the October,
+# 1991, edition of Scientific American, entitled "Concentration:
+# A Winning Strategy".)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: drawcard, options, optwindw, random, graphics
+link drawcard
+link options
+link optwindw
+link random
+link graphics
+global deck # full deck of cards
+global nleft # number of cards left
+global nup # number of cards face up
+global uprank # rank of upturned cards, if all same
+global ncols, nrows # number of columns and rows
+global cardw, cardh # card width and height
+global margin, gap # outside margin, gap between cards
+global mono # GC for pattern, iff mono screen
+global cd # card record, indexed by position
+record cdrec(
+ label, # member of &letters as per Icon book
+ status) # status flag
+global VACANT, DOWN, UP # status flag values
+# main program.
+procedure main(args)
+ local i, j, e
+ initialize(args)
+ newgame()
+ while e := Event() do {
+ if e === QuitEvents() then
+ break
+ if e === (&lrelease | &mrelease | &rrelease) then {
+ i := (&y - margin + gap/2) / (cardh + gap)
+ j := (&x - margin + gap/2) / (cardw + gap)
+ click(i, j)
+ }
+ }
+# initialize(args) -- process options, initialize globals, open window
+procedure initialize(args)
+ local opts, ncards
+ cardw := 80
+ cardh := 124
+ VACANT := 0
+ DOWN := 1
+ UP := 2
+ opts := options(args, winoptions()) # get command options
+ ncards := integer(args[1]) | 52 # get size of deck
+ ncards -:= ncards % 2 # ensure even
+ ncards <:= 2 # ensure at least 2 cards
+ ncards >:= 52 # ensure at most 52 cards
+ deck :=
+ ("aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ" ? move(ncards))
+ if ncards <= 10 then
+ nrows := 2
+ else if ncards <= 21 then
+ nrows := 3
+ else if ncards <= 36 then
+ nrows := 4
+ else
+ nrows := 5
+ ncols := (ncards + nrows - 1) / nrows
+ /opts["M"] := 20
+ margin := opts["M"]
+ gap := margin / 2
+ /opts["W"] := ncols * cardw + (ncols - 1) * gap
+ /opts["H"] := nrows * cardh + (nrows - 1) * gap
+ /opts["B"] := "deep moderate green"
+ &window := optwindow(opts)
+ if WAttrib("depth") = 1 then {
+ mono := Clone(&window, "fg=white", "bg=black", "fillstyle=textured")
+ Pattern(mono, "4,2,8,2,8")
+ FillRectangle(mono, 0, 0, 2 * margin + opts["W"], 2 * margin + opts["H"])
+ }
+ randomize()
+ return
+# newgame() -- lay out cards, face down, for a new game
+procedure newgame()
+ local i, j, s
+ nleft := *deck
+ nup := 0
+ cd := []
+ every put(cd, cdrec(!deck, DOWN))
+ every i := *cd to 2 by -1 do
+ cd[?i] :=: cd[i]
+ every i := 0 to nrows-1 do
+ every j := 0 to ncols-1 do
+ if cardno(i, j) then
+ setcard(i, j, "-")
+ return
+# click(i, j) -- process a click on the card in row i, column j
+procedure click(i, j)
+ local c
+ case nup of { # action depends on the number of cards already face up
+ 0: {
+ # no cards are face up. turn this one up.
+ c := cd[cardno(i, j)] | fail
+ if c.status = DOWN then {
+ setcard(i, j, c.label)
+ c.status := UP
+ nup := 1
+ uprank := crank(c.label)
+ }
+ }
+ 1: {
+ # one is face up. it might be the one clicked.
+ c := cd[cardno(i, j)] | fail
+ if c.status = UP then {
+ setcard(i, j, "-")
+ c.status := DOWN
+ nup := 0
+ }
+ else if c.status = DOWN then {
+ setcard(i, j, c.label)
+ c.status := UP
+ nup := 2
+ if uprank ~= crank(c.label) then
+ uprank := &null
+ }
+ }
+ 2: {
+ # two are face up. it doesn't matter what card was clicked.
+ # remove the two up-cards if they match, or turn back over if not.
+ every i := 0 to nrows-1 do
+ every j := 0 to ncols-1 do
+ if c := cd[cardno(i, j)] then
+ if c.status = UP then {
+ if \uprank then {
+ setcard(i, j, &null)
+ c.status := VACANT
+ nleft -:= 1
+ }
+ else {
+ setcard(i, j, "-")
+ c.status := DOWN
+ }
+ nup -:= 1
+ }
+ # if no cards are left, the game is won.
+ # show all cards face up as a reward.
+ if nleft = 0 then
+ every i := 0 to nrows-1 do
+ every j := 0 to ncols-1 do
+ if c := cd[cardno(i, j)] then {
+ setcard(i, j, c.label)
+ c.status := UP
+ nup +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ # presumably there are 52 cards face up after a win.
+ # start a new game with this new click.
+ newgame()
+ }
+ return
+# setcard(i, j, c) -- redraw card c at location (i,j), or background if /c
+procedure setcard(i, j, c)
+ local x, y
+ x := margin + j * (cardw + gap)
+ y := margin + i * (cardh + gap)
+ drawcard(x, y, \c) |
+ FillRectangle(\mono, x, y, cardw, cardh) |
+ EraseArea(x, y, cardw, cardh)
+ return
+# cardno(i, j) -- return index (1 to 52) if location is valid
+procedure cardno(i, j)
+ return (0 <= i) & (0 <= j < ncols) & *deck >= (ncols * i + j + 1)
+# crank(label) -- return rank (1 to 13) of card with given label
+procedure crank(label)
+ static fulldeck
+ initial fulldeck := string(&letters)
+ return fulldeck ? find(label) % 13
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/cquilts.icn b/ipl/gprogs/cquilts.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..633315f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/cquilts.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# File: cquilts.icn
+# Subject: Program to create "chaotic square quilts"
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: March 14, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program creates square quilting patterns as described in
+# "Symmetry in Chaos", Michael Field and Martin Golubitsky, Oxford
+# University Press, 1992.
+# Instead of plotting an image, the values are computed and saved
+# in "numerical carpets" for off-line plotting.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -i i Save carpet files every i iterations; default 100000
+# -p s Prefix for carpet file names, default q_
+# -t i Terminate execution after i iterations; default no limit
+# Warning: This program takes a long time to go through enough iterations
+# to produce nice results.
+# Note: This is an unfinished work, supplied for interest only.
+# There are several sections of parameter values below. All but one
+# is commented out. Change this to get other patterns.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: matrix, options, writecpt
+link matrix
+link options
+link writecpt
+global pi_2
+global pi_4
+global pi_6
+$define Size 200
+procedure main(args)
+ local x, y, xnew, ynew, lambda, alpha, beta, gamma, omega, ma, shift
+ local mcount, sx, sy, xp, yp, max, min, i
+ local count, prefix, iter, opts, interval, limit
+ pi_2 := 2 * &pi
+ pi_4 := 4 * &pi
+ pi_6 := 6 * &pi
+ iter := 0
+ count := -1
+ opts := options(args, "i+p:t+")
+ interval := \opts["i"] | 100000
+ prefix := \opts["p"] | "q_"
+ limit := \opts["t"]
+ xnew := x := 0.1
+ ynew := y := 0.334
+# Sugar and Spice
+# lambda := -0.59
+# alpha := 0.2
+# beta := 0.1
+# gamma := -0.27
+# omega := 0.0
+# ma := 0.0
+# shift := 0.5
+# Emerald Mosaic
+# lambda := -0.59
+# alpha := 0.2
+# beta := 0.1
+# gamma := -0.33
+# omega := 0.0
+# ma := 2.0
+# shift := 0.0
+# Sicilian Tile
+# lambda := -0.2
+# alpha := -0.1
+# beta := 0.1
+# gamma := -0.25
+# omega := 0.0
+# ma := 0.0
+# shift := 0.0
+# Roses
+# lambda := 0.25
+# alpha := -0.3
+# beta := 0.2
+# gamma := 0.3
+# omega := 0.0
+# ma := 1.0
+# shift := 0.0
+# Wagon Wheels
+# lambda := -0.28
+# alpha := 0.25
+# beta := 0.05
+# gamma := -0.24
+# omega := 0.0
+# shift := 0.0
+# ma := -1.0
+# Victorian Tiles
+# lambda := -0.12
+# alpha := -0.36
+# beta := 0.18
+# gamma := -0.14
+# omega := 0.0
+# shift := 0.5
+# ma := 1.0
+# Mosque
+# lambda := 0.1
+# alpha := 0.2
+# beta := 0.1
+# gamma := 0.39
+# omega := 0.0
+# shift := 0.0
+# ma := -1.0
+# Red Tiles
+# lambda := -0.589
+# alpha := 0.2
+# beta := 0.04
+# gamma := -0.2
+# omega := 0.0
+# shift := 0.5
+# ma := 0.0
+# Cathedral Attractor
+# lambda := -0.28
+# alpha := 0.08
+# beta := 0.45
+# gamma := -0.05
+# omega := 0.0
+# shift := 0.5
+# ma := 0.0
+# Gyroscopes
+# lambda := -0.59
+# alpha := 0.2
+# beta := 0.2
+# gamma := 0.3
+# omega := 0.0
+# shift := 0.0
+# ma := 2.0
+# Cats Eyes
+# lambda := -0.28
+# alpha := 0.25
+# beta := 0.05
+# gamma := -0.24
+# omega := 0.0
+# shift := 0.5
+# ma := -1.0
+# Flowers with Ribbons
+ lambda := -0.11
+ alpha := -0.26
+ beta := 0.19
+ gamma := -0.059
+ omega := 0.07
+ shift := 0.5
+ ma := 2.0
+ mcount := create_matrix(Size, Size, 0)
+ repeat {
+ # iterate
+ sx := sin(pi_2 * x)
+ sy := sin(pi_2 * y)
+ xnew := (lambda + alpha * cos(pi_2 * y)) * sx - omega * sy + beta *
+ sin(pi_4 * x) + gamma * sin(pi_6 * x) * cos(pi_4 * y) + ma *
+ x + shift
+ ynew := (lambda + alpha * cos(pi_2 * x)) * sy + omega * sx + beta *
+ sin(pi_4 * y) + gamma * sin(pi_6 * y) * cos(pi_4 * x) + ma *
+ y + shift
+ if xnew > 1.0 then xnew -:= integer(xnew)
+ else if xnew < 0.0 then xnew +:= integer(-xnew) + 1
+ if ynew > 1.0 then ynew -:= integer(ynew)
+ else if ynew < 0.0 then ynew +:= integer(-ynew) + 1
+ x := xnew
+ y := ynew
+ xp := integer(Size * x)
+ yp := integer(Size * y)
+ mcount[xp + 1, yp + 1] +:= 1
+ iter +:= 1
+ if iter % \interval = 0 then {
+ max := 0
+ min := 2 ^ 31
+ every i := mcount[1 to Size, 1 to Size] do {
+ max <:= i
+ min >:= i
+ }
+ if min < 0 then min := 0
+ write_cpt(prefix || right(count +:= 1, 3, "0") || ".cpt",
+ mcount, min, max)
+ }
+ if iter >= \limit then exit()
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/cw.icn b/ipl/gprogs/cw.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34cd851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/cw.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# File: cw.icn
+# Subject: Program to manipulate color ways
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 19, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# See colorway.icn for documentation
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: colorway
+link colorway
+procedure main()
+ cw_init()
+ cw := colorway(table()) # initial color way
+ cw.table["white"] := "white"
+ cw.table["black"] := "black"
+ cw_file := ""
+ win_cw()
+ expose(cw_interface)
+ repeat {
+ if \cw_active then edit_cw()
+ else ProcessEvent(cw_root, , shortcuts)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/dd2draft.icn b/ipl/gprogs/dd2draft.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98c247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/dd2draft.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# File: dd2draft.icn
+# Subject: Program to create draft information from drawdown
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 16, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reads a drawdown in terms of rows of zeros and ones from
+# standard input and outputs draft information in textual form.
+# It also accepts BLPs as input.
+# Links: patutils. patxform
+link patutils
+link patxform
+record analysis(rows, sequence, patterns)
+procedure main()
+ local threading, treadling, rows, columns, pattern, i
+ local symbols, symbol, tieup, line
+ line := read() | stop("empty file")
+ if upto("#", line) then rows := pat2rows(line)
+ else {
+ rows := [line]
+ while put(rows, read()) # read in row pattern
+ }
+ write("Drawdown:")
+ write()
+ every write(!rows)
+ write()
+ treadling := analyze(rows)
+ write("Treadling:")
+ write()
+ every writes(!treadling.sequence, ", ")
+ write()
+ write()
+ columns := protate(rows) # rotate 90 degrees
+ threading := analyze(columns)
+ write("Threading:")
+ write()
+ every writes(!threading.sequence, ", ")
+ write()
+ write()
+ # Now do the tie-up.
+ symbols := table("")
+ every pattern := !treadling.patterns do {
+ symbol := treadling.rows[pattern]
+ symbols[symbol] := repl("0", *threading.rows)
+ pattern ? {
+ every i := upto('1') do
+ symbols[symbol][threading.sequence[i]] := "1"
+ }
+ }
+ symbols := sort(symbols, 3)
+ tieup := []
+ while get(symbols) do
+ put(tieup, get(symbols))
+ write("Tie-up:")
+ write()
+ every write(!tieup)
+procedure analyze(drawdown)
+ local sequence, rows, row, count, patterns
+ sequence := []
+ patterns := []
+ rows := table()
+ count := 0
+ every row := !drawdown do {
+ if /rows[row] then {
+ rows[row] := count +:= 1
+ put(patterns, row)
+ }
+ put(sequence, rows[row])
+ }
+ return analysis(rows, sequence, patterns)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/dd2res.icn b/ipl/gprogs/dd2res.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..785c8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/dd2res.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# File: dd2res.icn
+# Subject: Program to compute loom resources needed from drawdown
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 8, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reads a pattern in row or BLP format.
+# The number of shafts and treadles required is written to standard
+# output.
+# Links: pattread, patutils, patxform
+link pattread
+link patutils
+link patxform
+procedure main()
+ local rows, row
+ rows := pattread()
+ write(*set(protate(rows)), "x", *set(rows))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/dd2unit.icn b/ipl/gprogs/dd2unit.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c2d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/dd2unit.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# File: dd2unit.icn
+# Subject: Program to get dimensions of unit motif of pattern
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 12, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# The following command line option is supported:
+# -p assume partial repeats may occur at edges of pattern;
+# default complete repeats
+# Links: options, patutils, seqops
+link options
+link patutils
+link seqops
+global switch
+procedure main(args)
+ local rows, opts
+ opts := options(args, "p")
+ switch := opts["p"]
+ rows := unit(pat2rows(read()))
+ write(*rows[1], "x", *rows)
+procedure rot90(rows) # rotate pattern 90 degrees clockwise
+ local columns, i, j
+ columns := list(*rows[1], "")
+ every i := 1 to *rows do
+ every j := 1 to *columns do
+ columns[j] ||:= rows[i][j]
+ return columns
+procedure unit(grid)
+ grid := grepeat(grid)
+ grid := grepeat(rot90(grid))
+ return rot90(grid)
+procedure grepeat(grid) #: reduce grid to smallest repeat
+ local periods, i, width
+ grid := copy(grid)
+ periods := []
+ width := *grid[1]
+ every i := 1 to *grid do
+ put(periods, speriod(str2lst(grid[i]), switch) | width)
+ width >:= lcml ! periods
+ every i := 1 to *grid do
+ grid[i] := left(grid[i], width)
+ return grid
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/dd2wif.icn b/ipl/gprogs/dd2wif.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51a7c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/dd2wif.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# File: dd2wif.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce a WIF from drawdown
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 4, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reads BLPs that represent drawdowns. The names of BLP
+# files are given on the command line. WIF files are output.
+# The following option is supported:
+# -w make Web page; default don't
+# If Web pages are being produced, the extension "html" is used; otherwise
+# "wif".
+# Links: basename, options, pattread, patutils
+link basename
+link options
+link pattread
+link patutils
+procedure main(args)
+ local rows, cols, treadling, threading, count, tieup, line, opts, lt, ext
+ local shafts, treadles, i, tie_line, row, treadle, draft, title, web
+ local name, input, output
+ opts := options(args, "w")
+ title := \opts["t"] | "example"
+ web := \opts["w"]
+ if \web then { # make Web page
+ lt := "<BR>"
+ ext := ".html"
+ }
+ else ext := ".wif"
+ every name := !args do {
+ input := open(name) | stop("Cannot open ", name)
+ rows := pattread(input)
+ close(input)
+ output := open(basename(name, ".blp") || ext, "w") |
+ stop("Cannot open file for writing.")
+ write(output, "<HTML>")
+ write(output, "<BODY>")
+ cols := rot(rows) # rotate to get columns
+ treadles := examine(rows) # get treadles
+ shafts := examine(cols) # get shafts
+ treadling := [] # construct treadling sequence
+ every put(treadling, treadles[!rows])
+ threading := [] # construct threading sequence
+ every put(threading, shafts[!cols])
+ tieup := table()
+ every row := key(treadles) do { # get unique rows
+ treadle := treadles[row] # assigned treadle number
+ tie_line := repl("0", *shafts) # blank tie-up line
+ every i := 1 to *row do # go through row
+ if row[i] == "1" then # if warp on top
+ tie_line[threading[i]] := "1" # mark shaft position
+ tieup[treadle] := tie_line # add line to tie-up
+ }
+ write(output, "[WIF]", lt)
+ write(output, "Version=1.1", lt)
+ write(output, "Date=" || &dateline, lt)
+ write(output, "", lt)
+ write(output, "Source Program=dd2wif.icn", lt)
+ write(output, "[CONTENTS]", lt)
+ write(output, "Color Palette=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Text=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Weaving=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Tieup=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Color Table=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Threading=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Treadling=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Warp colors=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Weft colors=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Warp=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "Weft=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "[COLOR PALETTE]", lt)
+ write(output, "Entries=2", lt)
+ write(output, "Form=RGB", lt)
+ write(output, "Range=0," || 2 ^ 16 - 1, lt)
+ write(output, "[TEXT]", lt)
+ write(output, "Title=", basename(name, ".blp"), lt)
+ write(output, "Author=Ralph E. Griswold", lt)
+ write(output, "Address=5302 E. 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85711-2304", lt)
+ write(output, "", lt)
+ write(output, "Telephone=520-881-1470", lt)
+ write(output, "FAX=520-325-3948", lt)
+ write(output, "[WEAVING]", lt)
+ write(output, "Shafts=", *shafts, lt)
+ write(output, "Treadles=", *treadles, lt)
+ write(output, "Rising shed=yes", lt)
+ write(output, "[WARP]", lt)
+ write(output, "Threads=", *threading, lt)
+ write(output, "Units=Decipoints", lt)
+ write(output, "Thickness=10", lt)
+ write(output, "Color=1", lt)
+ write(output, "[WEFT]", lt)
+ write(output, "Threads=", *treadling, lt)
+ write(output, "Units=Decipoints", lt)
+ write(output, "Thickness=10", lt)
+ write(output, "Color=2", lt)
+ write(output, "[WARP THICKNESS]", lt)
+ write(output, "[WEFT THICKNESS]", lt)
+ write(output, "[COLOR TABLE]", lt)
+ write(output, "1=0,0,0", lt)
+ write(output, "2=65535,65535,65535", lt)
+ write(output, "[THREADING]", lt)
+ every i := 1 to *threading do
+ write(output, i, "=", threading[i], lt)
+ write(output, "[TREADLING]", lt)
+ every i := 1 to *treadling do
+ write(output, i, "=", treadling[i], lt)
+ write(output, "[TIEUP]", lt)
+ every i := 1 to *tieup do
+ write(output, i, "=", tromp(tieup[i]), lt)
+ if \web then {
+ write(output, "</BODY>")
+ write(output, "</HTML>")
+ }
+ close(output)
+ }
+procedure tromp(treadle)
+ local result
+ result := ""
+ treadle ? {
+ every result ||:= upto("1") || ","
+ }
+ return result[1:-1]
+procedure examine(array)
+ local count, lines, line
+ lines := table() # table to be keyed by line patterns
+ count := 0
+ every line := !array do # process lines
+ /lines[line] := (count +:= 1) # if new line, insert with new number
+ return lines
+procedure rot(rows)
+ local cols, row, grid, i
+ cols := list(*rows[1], "")
+ every row := !rows do {
+ i := 0
+ every grid := !row do
+ cols[i +:= 1] := grid || cols[i]
+ }
+ return cols
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/ddextend.icn b/ipl/gprogs/ddextend.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f590e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/ddextend.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# File: ddextend.icn
+# Subject: Program to extend pattern to a minimum size
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 11, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reads a drawdown from standard input in the form of
+# rows of zeros and ones, in which ones indicate places where the
+# warp thread is on top and zeros where the weft thread is on top.
+# It also accepts a BLP as input.
+# At present, the minimum size is 16, built in. This should be changed
+# to a value that could be specified as an option.
+# It outputs a BLP.
+# Links: patutils, patxform
+link patutils
+link patxform
+$define Minimum 16
+procedure main()
+ local line, rows, q, r, new_rows
+ rows := []
+ line := read() | stop("empty file")
+ if upto("#", line) then rows := pat2rows(line)
+ else {
+ rows := [line]
+ while put(rows, read()) # read in row pattern
+ }
+ while put(rows, read())
+ # extend width if necessary
+ if *rows[1] < Minimum then {
+ q := Minimum / *rows[1]
+ r := Minimum % *rows[1]
+ if r ~= 0 then q +:= 1 # extension factor
+ new_rows := copy(rows)
+ every 2 to q do
+ new_rows := pcaten(new_rows, rows, "h")
+ rows := new_rows
+ }
+ # extend height if necessary
+ if *rows < Minimum then {
+ q := Minimum / *rows
+ r := Minimum % *rows
+ if r ~= 0 then q +:= 1 # extension factor
+ new_rows := copy(rows)
+ every 2 to q do
+ new_rows := pcaten(new_rows, rows, "v")
+ rows := new_rows
+ }
+ write(rows2pat(rows))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/design1.icn b/ipl/gprogs/design1.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..825c5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/design1.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# File: design1.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw spokes design
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: February 17, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This is just an example of an interesting graphic design. It can
+# easily be modified to produce other designs.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(argl)
+ local i, j, k, angle, incr, xpoint, ypoint, size, radius, xc, yc
+ i := integer(argl[1]) | 20
+ size := 300
+ radius := size / 4
+ xc := yc := size / 2
+ WOpen("label=design", "width=" || size, "height=" || size) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ angle := 0.0
+ incr := 2 * &pi / i
+ every j := 1 to i do {
+ spokes(xc + radius * cos(angle), yc + radius * sin(angle),
+ radius, i, angle)
+ angle +:= incr
+ }
+ Event()
+procedure spokes(x, y, r, i, angle)
+ local incr, j
+ incr := 2 * &pi / i
+ every j := 1 to i do {
+ DrawLine(x, y, x + r * cos(angle), y + r * sin(angle))
+ angle +:= incr
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/design2.icn b/ipl/gprogs/design2.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ee72ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/design2.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# File: design2.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw circular design
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: February 17, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws a design in which i points around a circle are
+# all connected to each other. The number of points is given as
+# a command-line argument (default 20). Values larger than 30 produce
+# results that are too dense to be interesting.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: gobject, joinpair, wopen
+link gobject
+link joinpair
+link wopen
+procedure main(argl)
+ local i, j, k, angle, incr, size, radius, xc, yc, points
+ i := integer(argl[1]) | 20
+ size := 300
+ radius := size / 2
+ xc := yc := size / 2
+ WOpen("label=mandala", "width=" || size, "height=" || size) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ points := list(i)
+ angle := 0.0
+ incr := 2 * &pi / i
+ every j := 1 to i do {
+ points[j] := Point(xc + radius * cos(angle), yc + radius * sin(angle))
+ angle +:= incr
+ }
+ joinpair(points, points)
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/design3.icn b/ipl/gprogs/design3.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e31dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/design3.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# File: design3.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw square design
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: February 17, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws a design in which i points around a square are
+# all connected to each other. The number of points along a side
+# (default 10) and the distance between them (default 40) are given as
+# command-line arguments.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: gobject, joinpair, wopen
+link gobject
+link joinpair
+link wopen
+procedure main(argl)
+ local i, j, k, d, extent, points, x, y
+ i := integer(argl[1]) | 10
+ d := integer(argl[2]) | 40
+ extent := i * d
+ WOpen("label=mandala", "width=" || extent, "height=" || extent) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ points := []
+ every x := 0 to extent by d do { # x direction, with corners
+ put(points, Point(x, 0)) # top
+ put(points, Point(x, extent)) # bottom
+ }
+ every y := d to extent - d by d do { # y direction, without corners
+ put(points, Point(0, y)) # left side
+ put(points, Point(extent, y)) # right side
+ }
+ joinpair(points, points)
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/dlgvu.icn b/ipl/gprogs/dlgvu.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63a933d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/dlgvu.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,1900 @@
+# File: dlgvu.icn
+# Subject: Program to display USGS DLG map files
+# Authors: Gregg M. Townsend and William S. Evans
+# Date: October 2, 2005
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Contributor: Frank Glandorf
+# Dlgvu displays and prints USGS digital map data.
+# usage: dlgvu [options] file...
+# Each file argument is one of:
+# a directory containing DLG files in SDTS format
+# a ZIP format archive of such files (requires "unzip" utility)
+# a text file containing coordinates of paths and features
+# All interaction is via mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts.
+# The display window may be resized as desired.
+# Command options:
+# -c display coverage map only, without loading data
+# -d print some debugging data
+# -n no display; just report statistics, and then quit
+# (this still requires X-Windows, unfortunately)
+# -p use slower, more precise coordinate conversion
+# -q quiet mode: no commentary to stdout
+# -t load only maps traversed by paths, ignoring others
+# -o logfile specify output log to use instead of standard output
+# -l abcd display only layers a, b, c, d
+# -x abcd exclude layers a, b, c, d
+# For -l and -x, the following layer codes are used.
+# (USGS equivalents are given in parentheses.)
+# b boundaries (BD: boundaries)
+# c contour lines (HP: hypsography)
+# d sand, gravel, lava (NV: nonvegetative features)
+# f feature labels read from text files
+# g GPS paths read from text files
+# l land sections (PL: public lands)
+# m markers (SM: survey markers)
+# n file names
+# o other unknown layers from non-DLG data
+# r roads (RD: roads)
+# s structures (MS: manmade structures)
+# t train tracks (RR: railroads)
+# u utilities (MT: miscellaneous transportation)
+# v vegetation (SC: surface cover)
+# w water (HY: hydrology)
+# Additionally, the standard Window() options are accepted;
+# in particular, "-F fgcolor" sets the color used for drawing
+# unrecognized ("other") layers, as from USGS "National Atlas"
+# digital files, and "-G 800x500" sets the initial window size.
+# Typical usage is simply
+# dlgvu dir1 [dir2 ...]
+# to display one or more adjacent maps. The -x option can speed
+# things up by excluding unwanted layers; the contour layer is
+# especially slow.
+# A ZIP archive can replace a directory name if Icon can open
+# the unzip program via a pipe. For example:
+# dlgvu
+# Mouse actions:
+# To zoom to a particular region, sweep out the region using the
+# left mouse button. To cancel a sweep, reduce its width or height
+# to fewer than ten pixels.
+# If nothing appears to be happening after zooming in, the program
+# is probably drawing offscreen. It's not smart about that. Be
+# patient, and it will soon display the visible region.
+# To display the latitude / longitude of a location, and a scale bar,
+# hold down the right mouse button.
+# To record a labeled feature, shift-click the left mouse button.
+# Enter a name in the pop-up dialog box. The location and name are
+# written to the log file and added to the feature layer of the map.
+# To record an anonymous location to the log file, shift-click with
+# the right mouse button instead. No dialog box appears. A sequence
+# of anonymous locations can be read as a path by a subsequent
+# program run.
+# Keyboard actions:
+# + or = zoom in
+# - or _ zoom out
+# 0 or Home zoom to initial view
+# arrow keys pan the display (hold Shift key for smaller pan)
+# b, c, d, etc. toggle display of specified layer
+# a display all loaded layers including n (file names)
+# x display no layers (just an empty window)
+# Esc stop drawing (any unrecognized key does this)
+# space or Enter redraw screen (e.g. after inadvertent interrupt)
+# q quit
+# p or PrntScrn print visible portion to PostScript file
+# The file produced by PrntScrn is an Encapsulated PostScript file
+# suitable either for direct printing ("lpr") or for import
+# into another document.
+# Input files:
+# In directories and archives, only files with names ending in .ddf
+# or .DDF are read; others are ignored. These files must be in SDTS
+# (Spatial Data Transfer Standard) format, which is used by the USGS
+# for all new DLG files.
+# Text files supply coordinates for features or paths. GPS receivers
+# are one possible source for such data. A text file can supply
+# paths, features, or both.
+# Paths are specified by sequences of lines that end with two decimal
+# values. The values are interpreted as latitude and longitude, in
+# that order. An interruption in the sequence (such as a blank line)
+# indicates a break between paths.
+# Features, or waypoints, are given by lines that *begin* with two
+# decimal values. The rest of the line is taken as a label, which
+# must not be empty and must not end with two decimal values.
+# Any other line in a text file breaks a path sequence but is
+# otherwise ignored.
+# About DLG files:
+# Dlgvu was written to display digitized topographic maps produced
+# by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The current file
+# format is based on the Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS).
+# Some older files are available in other formats (including
+# "standard" and "optional") not supported by this program.
+# DLG files are available free from the USGS at this web page:
+# Coverage is incomplete. 24K maps, the most detailed, are available
+# for only some areas, and many maps lack some of the data layers.
+# Each map is represented by a collection of gzipped tar files
+# (one for each map layer) that are unpacked for display. Multiple
+# files versions may be available, and not all layers are available
+# for all maps.
+# IMPORTANT: Do not blindly unpack all the tar files of a map into
+# the same directory; due to the use of duplicate file names in the
+# transportation layers, some files will be overwritten. Instead,
+# unpack the roads, railroads, and miscellaneous transportation
+# layers separately, each time renaming the TR*.DDF files to RD*.DDF,
+# RR*.DDF, and MT*.DDF respectively.
+# Dlgvu has mainly been tested and tuned using "large scale" DLG
+# files (1:24000 scale, covering 7.5 minute quadrangles). Other
+# scales produce less attractive displays, partly due to different
+# encodings: For example, the same residential streets may be encoded
+# as "Class 3 Roads" in 24K files but "Class 4 Roads" in 100K files.
+# Dlgvu does not presume to understand ISO 8211, DDF, STDS, and TVP
+# in their full complexity and generality. Undoubtedly it is making
+# some unwarranted assumptions based on observed practice. The file
+# renaming recommended above is contrary to specification but allows
+# a complete map to be stored in a single flat directory.
+# For more information, and some sample data files, visit:
+# Displayed features:
+# DLG files are rich in detail. Dlgvu displays only some of this
+# encoded data.
+# Put simply, dlgvu understands point and line features but not
+# area features. It draws a small square for a structure location,
+# or draws the outline of a large building, but it does not color in
+# an "urban area" in which individual structures are not plotted.
+# It displays the shoreline of a river, and any islands, but does
+# not understand enough to color the river area itself blue.
+# Dlgvu recognizes some line features for special display. For
+# example, major roads are drawn with wide lines, and trails are
+# drawn with dashed red lines. Lines with unrecognized attributes,
+# or no attributes, are drawn in a default style. Point features
+# ("school", "windmill", etc.) are not distinguished.
+# Area features are drawn only in outline. The most obvious of
+# these are vegetated areas and urban areas. Land section and
+# civil boundaries also delimit area features.
+# Colors are assigned as follows (with layer codes on the left):
+# b boundaries gold
+# c contour lines tan
+# f feature labels black
+# g GPS path bold pink over "highlighter"
+# l land sections pale red
+# m survey markers blue
+# n file names green
+# o other data brown (can override with -F option)
+# r roads, class 1-3 black or dark gray
+# r roads, class 4-5 dashed dark gray
+# r trails dashed red
+# s structures brownish gray
+# t railroads rust
+# t rapid transit rails dark blue
+# u pipelines dashed purple
+# u power lines purple
+# u airport runways gray
+# v vegetation light green
+# w water light blue
+# x sand, gravel, lava greenish gray
+# Dlgvu uses a simple rectangular projection that is satisfactory
+# for small areas like 24K quadrangles but less suitable for large
+# areas such as whole states.
+# The loading process:
+# Data is loaded in two phases. A quick preloading phase determines
+# the available layers and the geographic areas covered. A status
+# line is output for each file. For example:
+# bcl-r-tu-w N27 15 C66 42a 93a ia/ames-w
+# The first field shows which layers were found. N27 declares that
+# coordinates use the NAD 1927 geodetic datum; N83 for NAD 1983 is
+# the other likely value. 15 is the UTM zone number; state maps with
+# latitude/longitude data show "LL" here. C66 means that the data
+# appears to have been projected using the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid; the
+# other likely value is "G80" for the GRS 1980 ellipsoid. Dlgvu uses
+# this to infer the datum, because the declared datum value is a less
+# reliable indicator.
+# "42a 93a" gives the coordinates of the southeast corner of the map,
+# in degrees North and West, with letters "a" through "h" indicating
+# fractions from 0/8 through 7/8. The final field is the file name.
+# If the layers in a file are inconsistent (for example, in the
+# inferred ellipsoid), multiple lines appear with a "*" prefix.
+# If display of a file is suppressed by the "-t" option, an X
+# prefixes the line.
+# For text files, a notation such as "3:489+0" replaces layer
+# indicators, counting continuous segments, total points, and
+# feature labels. Coordinate values are assumed to use the
+# WGS 1984 ("W84") datum and ellipsoid.
+# The display appears during the longer second loading phase. For
+# each layer of each input file, bounds are drawn and a progress bar
+# changes as data is read. The color of the label indicates the
+# layer being loaded.
+# Tiling multiple maps:
+# Multiple maps are displayed in proper relation. To quickly see
+# how the maps of a set will join, use "dlgvu -c".
+# Small gaps or overlaps occasionally appear along boundaries when
+# maps are tiled; these are symptomatic of inconsistent datums, and
+# they reflect the true relationships of the maps to the earth.
+# Dlgvu loads all necessary data into memory, so there is a very
+# real limit to the amount of data that can be displayed. Contour
+# lines, especially, take lots of memory, but they can be excluded
+# by calling "dlgvu -xc". A 128MB Linux system can typically
+# display three to five complex 24K quadrangles simultaneously
+# without thrashing.
+# Known problems:
+# On Linux, we have seen occasional crashes of the XFree86 server,
+# especially under conditions of tight memory and/or extreme zooming.
+# Colors on printed maps vary somewhat from those seen onscreen,
+# depending on the printer. Printed maps do not include the "n"
+# (file name) layer.
+# While data is being loaded from a ZIP file, interrupting with ^Z
+# can disrupt the "unzip" pipe and cause the program to crash or to
+# display artifacts after resumption.
+# Some 100K USGS maps come with multiple sets of boundary files,
+# leading to file name collisions for which no workaround has been
+# found.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: cartog, clipping, ddfread, geodat, graphics, io, mapnav,
+# numbers, options, pscript, random, strings, wildcard, zipread
+$include "keysyms.icn"
+link cartog
+link clipping
+link ddfread
+link geodat
+link graphics
+link io
+link mapnav
+link numbers
+link options
+link pscript
+link random
+link strings
+link wildcard
+link zipread
+$define DLG_LAYERS "boclvdwsrtum" # all "real" layers, in loading order
+$define WSIZE "size=1000,1000" # default window size
+$define ZOOMF 1.5 # zoom factor
+$define MAXFONT 18 # maximum font size
+$define MINFONT 8 # minimum font size
+$define MINBOLD 10 # minimum bold font size
+$define MEGABYTE (1024 * 1024) # how many bytes in a megabyte?
+$define STRSIZE (1 * MEGABYTE) # default string region size
+$define BLKSIZE (16 * MEGABYTE) # default block region size
+$define MAXDRAW 4000 # maximum (even) args to avoid error 301
+$define DEGSCALE 1.0e+6 # divisions per degree for integer scale
+# parameters for displaying progress during loading
+$define PINTERVAL 100 # progress interval
+$define PSQUARES 8 # number of progress squares
+$define PSQSIZE 10 # size of progress squares
+$define PSQGAP 2 # size of gap between squares
+# PostScript output parameters
+$define PSSCALE 10 # scaling from pixels to PS units
+$define PSPT 24 # size of point feature in PS units
+$define PSLWI 120 # linewidth scaling factor
+record arg ( # command-line argument, excluding options
+ name, # file or directory name
+ type, # "dir", "zip", or "txt"
+ wanted, # if a wanted layer (null if suppressed by -t option)
+ ltable, # table of layer records, indexed by layer code
+ pcount # progress bar counter
+ )
+record layer ( # one layer in one directory (or zip file)
+ lcode, # layer code character
+ arg, # corresponding arg record
+ files, # list of file names
+ zone, # UTM zone, or -1 if data is in lat/lon , from XREF file
+ xscale, yscale, # scaling factors for file values
+ datum, # stated coordinate datum, from XREF file
+ ellipsoid, # inferred geodetic ellipsoid
+ icorners, # map corners in input terms
+ ocorners, # map corners as projected to lat,lon
+ px, py, # progress reporting coordinates
+ wd # width of layer in screen units
+ )
+record attrec ( # line drawing attributes:
+ seq, # drawing sequence
+ lcode, # layer code
+ key, # table key (layer or attribute code)
+ width, # line width
+ color, # line color
+ style, # line style
+ segs # list of segments (list of paths)
+ )
+record feature ( # feature or waypoint
+ lat, # latitude
+ lon, # longitude
+ label # label
+ )
+global arglist # list of arg records
+global opts # command options
+global chosen # cset of chosen layers
+global xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax # data range
+global aspect # input coordinate aspect ratio
+global attrib # attribute style table
+global slist # list of style records w/ seg lists
+global pcolors # list of path background colors
+global features # list of feature records
+global logfile # feature log file, if any
+# main program
+procedure main(args)
+ local a, c, e, g, i, r, s, t, v
+ # use large region sizes for better efficiency
+ collect(2, STRSIZE) # string region
+ collect(3, BLKSIZE) # block (heap) region
+ # open window first, to validate and remove any window options
+ Window("label=--", "gamma=1.5", "bg=white", "fg=brown",
+ "resize=on", "canvas=hidden", WSIZE, args)
+ randomize()
+ initattrib()
+ # process command options
+ opts := options(args, "o:l:x:cdnpqt")
+ if \opts["o"] then {
+ if opts["o"] == "-" then
+ logfile := &output
+ else
+ logfile := open(opts["o"], "w") | stop("cannot write ", opts["o"])
+ }
+ else
+ logfile := &output
+ chosen := cset(\opts["l"]) | (&lcase -- 'n') # start with explicit layers
+ chosen ++:= 'go' # add paths & other data, if loaded
+ chosen --:= cset(\opts["x"]) # now apply exclusions
+ # any remaining arguments are directory names
+ if *args = 0 then
+ stop("usage: ", &progname, " [options] dir...")
+ # build list of arg records, classifying each filename or directory
+ arglist := []
+ every s := !args do {
+ if directory(s) then
+ t := "dir"
+ else if iszip(s) then
+ t := "zip"
+ else
+ t := "txt"
+ put(arglist, arg(s, t, 1))
+ }
+ # scan text files first, because we haven't really done any validation
+ # (any unrecognized file is classified as a text file)
+ features := []
+ every (a := !arglist) & (a.type == "txt") do
+ rdtext(a)
+ # take inventory of DLG directories and files, and load XREF/NPnn info
+ every (a := !arglist) & (a.type ~== "txt") do {
+ inventory(a)
+ every r := !a.ltable do {
+ loadref(r)
+ if >= 0 then
+ loadcorners(r)
+ else
+ loadbounds(r)
+ }
+ if \opts["t"] & not traversed(!a.ltable) then
+ a.wanted := &null
+ lstats(a)
+ }
+ if \opts["n"] then
+ return
+ (*(!arglist).ltable > 0) | stop("no data")
+ # show initial screen
+ winit()
+ mapinit(draw, , xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin, aspect)
+ if WAttrib("label") == "--" then # set window label, if not specified
+ WAttrib("label=" || args[1])
+ WAttrib("canvas=normal") # make window visible
+ Font("sans,bold,72")
+ Fg("pale yellowish gray")
+ DrawString(60, 120, "LOADING...")
+ if \opts["c"] then # if just coverage wanted
+ chosen := 'n' # turn on names, turn off loaded paths
+ else {
+ # finally: load in the data
+ alllabels() # show coverage while loading
+ every c := !DLG_LAYERS do # load by layers
+ every a := !arglist do
+ if \a.wanted then
+ loadlayer(\a.ltable[c])
+ # report memory usage
+ every put(c := [], &collections)
+ collect()
+ every put(a := [], &storage)
+ if /opts["q"] then {
+ write(" ", (a[2] + a[3] + MEGABYTE / 2) / MEGABYTE,
+ " MB loaded (", c[3], "+", c[4], " GC)")
+ }
+ }
+ # put segment lists in order for drawing
+ # shuffle segments of each list to minimize "dead time" drawing offscreen
+ every put(slist := [], !attrib)
+ slist := sortf(slist, field(attrec, "seq"))
+ every g := (!slist).segs do
+ every !g :=: ?g # imperfect but good enough shuffle
+ # report attribute counts, if -d given
+ if \opts["d"] then {
+ write()
+ every e := !slist do
+ if *e.segs > 0 then
+ write(right(e.seq, 3), ". ", e.lcode, " ",
+ left(e.key, 8), right(*e.segs, 7))
+ write()
+ }
+ # consume any events that may have occurred during loading
+ while *Pending() > 0 do
+ Event()
+ # draw initial screen
+ EraseArea()
+ mapgen()
+ # process interactive commands
+ repeat case e := Event() of {
+ &shift & &lpress: { logfeat(e) }
+ &shift & &rpress: { logfeat(e) }
+ &rpress: { locate() }
+ !"\n\r ": { mapgen() }
+ !"pP" | Key_PrSc: { print(); Bg("white") }
+ !"aA": { chosen := &lcase; mapgen() }
+ !"xX": { chosen := ''; EraseArea(); mapgen() }
+ !"qQ": { exit() }
+ any(&letters, e) & e: {
+ e := map(e)
+ if any(chosen, e) then {
+ chosen --:= e
+ EraseArea()
+ mapgen()
+ }
+ else {
+ chosen ++:= e
+ mapgen()
+ }
+ }
+ default: { mapevent(e) }
+ }
+# rdtext(arg) -- read a text file of paths and features
+procedure rdtext(arg)
+ local f, i, n, r, s, t, w, line
+ local lat, lon, alt, segs, points, nsegs, npts, nfeat
+ local xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx
+ static npaths
+ initial npaths := 0
+ f := open( | stop("cannot open: ",
+ s := "g" || (npaths % *pcolors + 1)
+ npaths +:= 1
+ segs := attrib[s].segs
+ nsegs := *segs
+ npts := 0
+ nfeat := 0
+ xmn := ymn := +180 * DEGSCALE
+ xmx := ymx := -180 * DEGSCALE
+ points := []
+ while line := read(f) do { # read line
+ every put(w := [], words(line)) # break into fields
+ # check first for path entry
+ if (lat:=real(w[-3])) & (lon:=real(w[-2])) & (alt:=real(w[-1])) &
+ (-90.<=lat<=90.) & (-180.<=lon<=180.) & (-1400<alt<30000) then {
+ npts +:= 1
+ lon *:= DEGSCALE
+ lat *:= DEGSCALE
+ put(points, integer(lon), integer(lat))
+ xmn >:= lon
+ ymn >:= lat
+ xmx <:= lon
+ ymx <:= lat
+ }
+ else if (lat := real(w[-2])) & (lon := real(w[-1])) &
+ (-90. <= lat <= 90.) & (-180. <= lon <= 180.) then {
+ npts +:= 1
+ lon *:= DEGSCALE
+ lat *:= DEGSCALE
+ put(points, integer(lon), integer(lat))
+ xmn >:= lon
+ ymn >:= lat
+ xmx <:= lon
+ ymx <:= lat
+ }
+ else {
+ # interrupt path sequence
+ if *points > 0 then {
+ put(segs, points)
+ points := []
+ }
+ # check for feature (waypoint) label
+ if (lat := real(get(w))) & (lon := real(get(w))) &
+ (-90. <= lat <= 90.) & (-180. <= lon <= 180.) then {
+ nfeat +:= 1
+ lon *:= DEGSCALE
+ lat *:= DEGSCALE
+ xmn >:= lon
+ ymn >:= lat
+ xmx <:= lon
+ ymx <:= lat
+ s := ""
+ while s ||:= " " || get(w)
+ put(features, feature(lat, lon, s[2:0]))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if *points > 0 then
+ put(segs, points)
+ nsegs := *segs - nsegs
+ if nsegs = 0 & nfeat = 0 then
+ stop("no data: ",
+ r := layer("g", arg)
+ := -1
+ r.datum := "WGS84"
+ r.ellipsoid := "WGS84"
+ r.icorners := r.ocorners := [xmn, ymn, xmn, ymx, xmx, ymx, xmx, ymn]
+ t := table()
+ t["g"] := r
+ arg.ltable := t
+ n := 0
+ every n +:= *segs[-nsegs to -1]
+ if /opts["q"] then
+ write(right(nsegs || ":" || npts || "+" || nfeat, 14), " ", lsumm(r))
+ close(f)
+ return
+# ddpopen(r, p) -- generate open DDF files from layer r matching pattern p
+procedure ddpopen(r, p)
+ local a, f, d, s, fname
+ a := r.arg
+ every fname := !r.files do {
+ if not (map(fname) ? wild_match(p)) then
+ next
+ s := || "/" || fname
+ f := &null
+ if a.type == "zip" then
+ f := zipfile(, fname)
+ else
+ f := open(s, "ru")
+ d := ddfopen(\f) | stop("cannot open as DDF: ", s)
+ suspend d
+ }
+ fail
+# inventory(a) -- inventory arg entry a
+procedure inventory(a)
+ local b, c, f, fname, m, flist, trcount
+ # load filenames into list, because we need to scan it twice
+ flist := []
+ if a.type == "zip" then
+ f := zipdir(
+ else
+ f := open(
+ while put(flist, read(f))
+ close(f)
+ # count TR01LE??.DDF files
+ trcount := 0
+ every fname := !flist do
+ if map(fname) ? (tab(-12) & ="tr01le") then
+ trcount +:= 1
+ # classify files and save the ones we want
+ a.ltable := table()
+ every fname := !flist do {
+ map(fname) ? {
+ while tab(upto('/') + 1)
+ pos(-12) | next
+ move(8) | next
+ =".ddf" | next
+ }
+ b := fname[-12:-4] | next
+ every c := !lcodes(b, trcount) do {
+ if any(chosen, c) then {
+ # this is a wanted file in a wanted layer; remember it
+ /a.ltable[c] := layer(c, a, [])
+ put(a.ltable[c].files, fname)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# lcodes(basename, trcount) -- deduce layer code(s) from file basename
+procedure lcodes(basename, trcount)
+ local n, s, tr
+ map(basename) ? {
+ if move(4) & ="a" & move(2) & any('f') then {
+ # xxxxAllF.DDF is layer ll attribute file
+ s := move(-2)
+ }
+ else if ="tr01" & =("le" | "np") & (n := integer(move(2))) then {
+ # TR01LEnn.DDF (or NPnn) is a transportation layer in a 100K map
+ if trcount > 12 then
+ s := ["mt", "rd", "rd", "rd", "rd", "rr"] [(n + 3) / 4]
+ else
+ s := ["mt", "rd", "rr"] [(n + 3) / 4]
+ }
+ else if move(2) & ="tr" & =("le" | "ne") & (n := integer(move(2))) then {
+ # xxTRLEnn.DDF (or NExx) is a transportation layer in state xx 250K map
+ s := ["mt", "rd", "rr"] [n % 3 + 1]
+ }
+ else {
+ move(2)
+ if any(&letters) then
+ s := move(2) # xxllyyyy is layer ll for state xx
+ else
+ s := move(-2) # ll01xxxx is layer ll otherwise
+ }
+ }
+ return case s of {
+ "bd": "b" # boundaries (BD: boundaries)
+ "hp": "c" # contours (HP: hypsography)
+ "nv": "d" # sand etc. (NV: nonvegetative features)
+ "pl": "l" # land sections (PL: public lands)
+ "sm": "m" # markers (SM: survey markers)
+ "rd": "r" # roads (RD: roads)
+ "ms": "s" # structures (MS: manmade structures)
+ "rr": "t" # train tracks (RR: railroads)
+ "mt": "u" # utilities (MT: miscellaneous transportation)
+ "tr": "rtu" # transportatn (TR: transportation, shared by r/t/u)
+ "sc": "v" # vegetation (SC: surface cover)
+ "hy": "w" # water (HY: hydrology)
+ default: "o" # other
+ }
+# getdata(r, p, l) -- get data vector l of layer r using file pattern p
+procedure getdata(r, p, l)
+ local ddfile, d, e, zone
+ ddfile := ddpopen(r, p) |
+ stop("no file ", p, " for layer ", r.lcode, ": ",
+ while d := ddfread(ddfile) do
+ every e := !d do
+ if e[1] == l then
+ break break
+ ddfclose(ddfile)
+ return e
+# loadref(r) -- load XREF and IREF files for layer r of arg a
+procedure loadref(r)
+ local e
+ e := getdata(r, "*iref.ddf", "IREF")
+ until get(e) == "BI32"
+ r.xscale := real(get(e))
+ r.yscale := real(get(e))
+ e := getdata(r, "*xref.ddf", "XREF")
+ case e[5] of {
+ "NAS": r.datum := "NAD27" # North American 1927
+ "NAX": r.datum := "NAD83" # North American 1983
+ "WGA": r.datum := "WGS60" # World Geodetic System 1960
+ "WGB": r.datum := "WGS66" # World Geodetic System 1966
+ "WGC": r.datum := "WGS72" # World Geodetic System 1972
+ "WGE": r.datum := "WGS84" # World Geodetic System 1984
+ default: r.datum := "?????" # unrecognized
+ }
+ if e[4] == "UTM" then
+ := integer(e[6])
+ else
+ := -1
+ return
+# loadbounds(r) -- load SPDM file to determine range of locations
+# (SPDM files are used with 250K DLG layers)
+procedure loadbounds(r)
+ local e, xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx
+ e := getdata(r, "*spdm.ddf", "DMSA")
+ get(e)
+ xmn := get(e) * r.xscale * DEGSCALE
+ ymn := get(e) * r.yscale * DEGSCALE
+ xmx := get(e) * r.xscale * DEGSCALE
+ ymx := get(e) * r.yscale * DEGSCALE
+ r.ellipsoid := "Clarke66"
+ r.icorners := r.ocorners := [xmn, ymn, xmn, ymx, xmx, ymx, xmx, ymn]
+ return
+# loadcorners(r) -- load NPnn file to determine corner points
+# (NPnn files are used with 24K and 100K DLG layers)
+procedure loadcorners(r)
+ local ddfile, d, e, i, x, y, L, C66, G80
+ every ddfile := ddpopen(r, "*np??.ddf") do {
+ L := []
+ while d := ddfread(ddfile) do
+ every e := !d do
+ if get(e) == "SADR" then
+ while put(L, get(e))
+ ddfclose(ddfile)
+ r.icorners := cmerge(r.icorners, L)
+ }
+ if /r.icorners then
+ stop("no NPnn file for layer ", r.lcode, ": ",
+ # infer ellipsoid of UTM projection
+ L := []
+ every i := 1 to *r.icorners by 2 do {
+ x := (r.icorners[i] * r.xscale - 500000.0)
+ y := (r.icorners[i+1] * r.yscale)
+ put(L,, x, y)
+ }
+ C66 := project(invp(utm("Clarke66")), L)
+ G80 := project(invp(utm("GRS80")), L)
+ if quadfit(C66) < quadfit(G80) then {
+ r.ellipsoid := "Clarke66"
+ r.ocorners := project(molodensky("NAD27", "NAD83"), C66)
+ }
+ else {
+ r.ellipsoid := "GRS80"
+ r.ocorners := G80
+ }
+ every !r.ocorners *:= DEGSCALE
+ return
+# cmerge(A, B) -- merge two corners lists
+# Assumes that the corner order is [SW, NW, NE, SE]
+# and takes the more extreme value for each coordinate.
+procedure cmerge(A, B)
+ local C
+ if /A | /B then return \A | \B
+ C := []
+ if A[1] + A[2] < B[1] + B[2] then
+ put(C, A[1], A[2])
+ else
+ put(C, B[1], B[2])
+ if A[3] - A[4] < B[3] - B[4] then
+ put(C, A[3], A[4])
+ else
+ put(C, B[3], B[4])
+ if A[5] + A[6] > B[5] + B[6] then
+ put(C, A[5], A[6])
+ else
+ put(C, B[5], B[6])
+ if A[7] - A[8] > B[7] - B[8] then
+ put(C, A[7], A[8])
+ else
+ put(C, B[7], B[8])
+ return C
+# quadfit(L) -- proximity of coordinate in L to multiple of 1/8
+procedure quadfit(L)
+ local i, mn, mx, a, b
+ mn := 1.0
+ every i := 1 to *L by 2 do {
+ a := L[i] * 8
+ b := L[i+1] * 8
+ mx := max(abs(a - round(a)), abs(b - round(b)))
+ mn := min(mn, mx)
+ }
+ return mn
+# lstats(a) -- report statistics for the layers of arg a
+procedure lstats(a)
+ local c, d, g, k, l, n, r, v, z
+ if \opts["q"] then
+ return
+ # group by identical projection attributes
+ g := table('')
+ every r := !a.ltable do {
+ k := lsumm(r)
+ g[k] ++:= r.lcode
+ }
+ # report consistent layers together on one line
+ l := sort(g, 3)
+ while k := get(l) do {
+ v := get(l)
+ writes(if /a.wanted then "X" else " ")
+ writes(if *g = 1 then " " else "*")
+ every c := !cset(DLG_LAYERS) do # list alphabetically
+ writes(if upto(v, c) then c else "-")
+ write(" ", k)
+ }
+ return
+# lsumm(r) -- return one-line layer info summary
+procedure lsumm(r)
+ return r.datum[1] || r.datum[-2:0] || " " ||
+ (if < 0 then "LL" else right(, 2)) || " " ||
+ r.ellipsoid[1] || r.ellipsoid[-2:0] || " " ||
+ right(degc(r.ocorners[-1]), 3) || " " ||
+ left(degc(r.ocorners[-2]), 4) || " " ||
+# degc(d) -- code degree measurement as nnnx where x is a-h for 0/8 to 7/8
+procedure degc(d)
+ local n, x
+ d := abs(d / DEGSCALE) + 0.0625 # 1/16 for rounding
+ n := integer(d)
+ x := "abcdefgh" [1 + integer(8 * (d - n))]
+ return n || x
+# field(constr, key) -- given record constructor, find index of named field
+procedure field(constr, key)
+ local i, r
+ image(constr) ? ="record constructor" | fail
+ r := constr()
+ every i := 1 to *r do
+ r[i] := i
+ return r[key]
+# traversed(r) -- check whether layer r is traversed by a path
+procedure traversed(r)
+ local k, i, segs, pts, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
+ xmin := xmax := r.ocorners[1]
+ every xmin >:= r.ocorners[3 | 5 | 7]
+ every xmax <:= r.ocorners[3 | 5 | 7]
+ ymin := ymax := r.ocorners[2]
+ every ymin >:= r.ocorners[4 | 6 | 8]
+ every ymax <:= r.ocorners[4 | 6 | 8]
+ every k := key(attrib) do
+ if k ? (="g" & tab(many(&digits)) & pos(0)) then
+ every pts := !attrib[k].segs do
+ every i := 1 to *pts by 2 do
+ if xmin < pts[i] < xmax & ymin < pts[i+1] < ymax then
+ return
+ fail
+# loadlayer(r) -- load one layer of files
+procedure loadlayer(r)
+ local p, attid, ddfile
+ setdraw(attrib[r.lcode])
+ drawlabel(r)
+ attid := table()
+ every ddfile := ddpopen(r, "*a??f.ddf") do {
+ loadatts(ddfile, r, attid)
+ ddfclose(ddfile)
+ }
+ every ddfile := ddpopen(r, "*ne??.ddf" | "*le??.ddf") do {
+ loadpts(ddfile, r, attid)
+ ddfclose(ddfile)
+ }
+ return
+# loadatts(ddfile, r, attid) -- load attribute ID table
+procedure loadatts(ddfile, r, attid)
+ local d, e, i, k, n, s, v
+ n := -1
+ if r.lcode == "t" then
+ i := [1, 7] # for RR, append tunnel and rapid transit flags
+ else
+ i := []
+ while d := ddfread(ddfile) do {
+ k := &null
+ every e := !d do {
+ s := get(e)
+ if s == "ATPR" then
+ k := get(e) || get(e)
+ else if s == "ATTP" then {
+ v := get(e)
+ every \v ||:= (" " ~== e[!i])
+ attid[\k] := v
+ if (n +:= 1) % PINTERVAL = 0 then
+ progress(r)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# loadpts(ddfile, r, attid) -- load coordinate file into memory
+procedure loadpts(ddfile, r, attid)
+ local a, d, e, i, k, m, n, p, s, v, vv, x, y
+ local lcode, zone, coords, arec
+ lcode := r.lcode
+ zone :=
+ if zone >= 0 then { # if not already in lat/lon form
+ if /opts["p"] then { # if no -p option
+ p := pptrans(r.icorners, r.ocorners) # use approx, faster projection
+ zone := &null # indicate such for code below
+ }
+ else {
+ p := invp(utm(r.ellipsoid)) # use full inverse-UTM projection
+ if r.ellipsoid == "Clarke66" then # and if needed,
+ p := compose(molodensky("NAD27", "NAD83"), p) # datum conversion
+ }
+ }
+ n := 0
+ while d := ddfread(ddfile) do {
+ a := lcode || "-"
+ v := []
+ coords := []
+ every e := !d do {
+ if *e < 3 then
+ next
+ s := get(e)
+ if s == "ATID" then {
+ k := get(e) || get(e)
+ while k[4] ~== "F" do
+ k := get(e) || get(e) | break
+ a := \attid[k] | lcode
+ }
+ else if s == "SADR" then {
+ if /p then {
+ # latitude/longitude input
+ while x := get(e) & y := get(e) do
+ put(v, x * r.xscale * DEGSCALE, y * r.yscale * DEGSCALE)
+ }
+ else if /zone then {
+ # using approximate projection, which includes scaling
+ while x := get(e) & y := get(e) do
+ put(coords, x, y)
+ }
+ else {
+ # full inverse UTM projection
+ while x := get(e) & y := get(e) do
+ put(coords, zone, x * r.xscale - 500000.0, y * r.yscale)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if \p then { # if projection needed
+ coords := project(p, coords) # project UTM to lat/lon
+ m := if /zone then 1 else DEGSCALE # select multiplier
+ while put(v, integer(m * get(coords))) # convert to scaled integer
+ }
+ if *v = 0 then
+ next
+ if not (arec := \attrib[a]) then {
+ # add unrecognized attribute code to table
+ arec := copy(attrib[lcode])
+ arec.key := a || "*" # "*" indicates unregistered attribute
+ arec.segs := []
+ attrib[a] := arec
+ }
+ while *v > MAXDRAW do { # break too-large path into pieces
+ vv := []
+ every 3 to MAXDRAW by 2 do
+ put(vv, get(v), get(v)) # move out of v
+ put(vv, v[1], v[2]) # leave one point for overlap
+ put(arec.segs, vv) # store extracted piece
+ }
+ # loops are rare in the data, but can crash XFree86 server if dashed
+ if v[1] = v[-2] & v[2] = v[-1] then { # if loop
+ put(v, v[3], v[4]) # overshoot to 2nd point again
+ }
+ put(arec.segs, v) # store what's left of original
+ if (n +:= 1) % PINTERVAL = 0 then
+ progress(r)
+ }
+ return
+# logfeat() -- record current location to log file
+procedure logfeat(e)
+ local ll, lat, lon, locn, label
+ until Event() === (&lrelease | &rrelease) # wait for button up
+ ll := project(invp(mapproj()), [&x + 0.5, &y + 0.5]) # cvt coords to lat/lon
+ lon := get(ll) / DEGSCALE
+ lat := get(ll) / DEGSCALE
+ locn := frn(lat, 0, 6) || " " || frn(lon, 0, 6)
+ label := ""
+ if e === &lpress then { # if named (not anonymous), ask for label
+ setdraw(attrib["DIALOG"])
+ VSetFont()
+ case TextDialog(
+ ["Enter label for", locn || ":"], , , 30, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Okay": label := " " || get(dialog_value)
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ put(features, feature(DEGSCALE * lat, DEGSCALE * lon, label[2:0]))
+ if any(chosen, "f") then
+ allfeats(mapproj(), Pending) # redraw feats to display label
+ }
+ write(logfile, locn, label)
+ flush(logfile)
+ return
+# locate() -- display location while right button is held down
+$define BOXW 265 # popup box width
+$define BOXH 90 # popup box height
+$define SMAX (BOXW - 40) # maximum scalebar length
+procedure locate()
+ setdraw(attrib["DIALOG"]) # set colors and font for drawing
+ Font("mono,bold,14")
+ if &x < BOXW + 40 & &y < BOXH + 40 then
+ Popup(20, WAttrib("height") - BOXH - 20, BOXW, BOXH, locproc, mapproj())
+ else
+ Popup(20, 20, BOXW, BOXH, locproc, mapproj())
+ return
+# locate(wproj) -- calculate scale and location using caller's projection
+procedure locproc(wproj)
+ local d, e, m, s, u, cx, dx, dy, ll, lat, lon, winv
+ winv := invp(wproj) # get projection from screen to lat/lon
+ dx := WAttrib("dx") # get popup box coordinate system
+ dy := WAttrib("dy")
+ # compute a reasonably round length that works for a scale bar
+ u := 90 * DEGSCALE / 1e7 # one meter, in latitude units
+ m := sbsize(wproj, xmin, ymin, u, SMAX)
+ # draw the scale bar
+ ll := project(wproj, [xmin, ymin, xmin + m * u, ymin])
+ d := ll[3] - ll[1]
+ cx := BOXW / 2
+ FillRectangle(cx - d / 2, 55, d, 8)
+ if m >= 1000 then
+ s := (m / 1000) || " km"
+ else
+ s := m || " m"
+ CenterString(cx, 70, s)
+ # give coordinates of mouse location until button released
+ until e === &rrelease do {
+ ll := project(winv, [&x + 0.5, &y + 0.5]) # cvt screen coords to lat/lon
+ lon := get(ll) / DEGSCALE # and scale from integer to real
+ lat := get(ll) / DEGSCALE
+ GotoRC(1, 1)
+ WWrites("\n ", dms(lat, "S", "N"), frn(lat, 13, 6))
+ WWrites("\n ", dms(lon, "W", "E"), frn(lon, 13, 6))
+ e := Event() # get next event
+ &x +:= dx # remove effect of popup box coordinate system
+ &y +:= dy
+ }
+ return
+procedure dms(n, s1, s2)
+ local deg, min, sec
+ if n < 0 then
+ n := -n
+ else
+ s1 := s2
+ n +:= 1 / 7200. # rounding
+ deg := integer(n); n := (n - deg) * 60
+ min := integer(n); n := (n - min) * 60
+ sec := integer(n)
+ return s1 || right(deg, 4) || "\260" || right(min, 2, "0") || "'" ||
+ right(sec, 2, "0") || "\""
+# draw(win, pjn) -- draw all selected map layers, without erasing first
+procedure draw(win, pjn)
+ local a, d, v, arec
+ every (arec := !slist) & any(chosen, arec.lcode) do {
+ setdraw(arec) | next
+ every d := !arec.segs do {
+ v := project(pjn, d) # project to window x/y coords
+ every !v >:= 30000.0 # clamp to legal X values allowing dx/dy
+ every !v <:= -30000.0 # clamp as floating to avoid lgint bug
+ if *v = 2 then
+ FillRectangle(v[1] - 1, v[2] - 1, 3, 3)
+ else
+ DrawLine ! v
+ if *Pending() > 0 then
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # draw feature (waypoint) labels
+ if any(chosen, "f") then
+ allfeats(pjn, Pending)
+ # draw pseudo-layer "n"
+ if any(chosen, "n") then
+ alllabels(Pending)
+ collect() # do this now, while awaiting input
+ return
+# winit() -- initialize window configuration
+procedure winit()
+ local a
+ xmin := ymin := +180 * DEGSCALE
+ xmax := ymax := -180 * DEGSCALE
+ every a := !arglist do
+ if \a.wanted then {
+ every xmin >:= (!a.ltable).ocorners[1 | 3]
+ every xmax <:= (!a.ltable).ocorners[5 | 7]
+ every ymin >:= (!a.ltable).ocorners[2 | 8]
+ every ymax <:= (!a.ltable).ocorners[4 | 6]
+ }
+ aspect := cos(dtor((ymax + ymin) / (2 * DEGSCALE)))
+ return
+# allfeats(pjn, p) -- draw feature labels
+# p is Pending procedure, if to check and quit early
+procedure allfeats(pjn, p)
+ local f, x, y, xy, xy2
+ xy := []
+ every f := !features do
+ put(xy, f.lon,
+ xy := project(pjn, xy)
+ xy2 := copy(xy)
+ Font("sans, bold, 10")
+ setdraw(attrib["f"])
+ Fg("white") # draw offset backgrounds in white
+ every f := !features do {
+ DrawString(get(xy2) + 4, get(xy2) + 5, f.label)
+ if *(\p)() > 0 then
+ break
+ }
+ setdraw(attrib["f"]) # draw labels in black
+ every f := !features do {
+ x := get(xy)
+ y := get(xy)
+ FillRectangle(x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3)
+ DrawString(x + 5, y + 4, f.label)
+ if *(\p)() > 0 then
+ break
+ }
+ return
+# alllabels(p) -- draw labels for all layers in standard color
+# p is Pending procedure, if to check and quit early
+procedure alllabels(p)
+ local a, r
+ setdraw(attrib["n"])
+ every a := !arglist do {
+ if \a.wanted then {
+ drawlabel(!a.ltable) # pick any layer
+ if \opts["c"] then {
+ drawcoverage(a)
+ setdraw(attrib["n"])
+ }
+ }
+ if *(\p)() > 0 then
+ break
+ }
+ return
+# drawlabel(r) -- draw label for layer r in current color
+# sets r.px, to progress bar position and r.wd to layer width
+procedure drawlabel(r)
+ local x, y, w, h, n, d, u, s, tw, tmax, v, wproj
+ static lc, uc
+ initial {
+ lc := string(&lcase)
+ uc := string(&ucase)
+ }
+ # draw the bounding box
+ wproj := mapproj()
+ v := copy(r.ocorners)
+ put(v, r.ocorners[1], r.ocorners[2])
+ v := project(wproj, v) # project to window x/y coords
+ every !v >:= 30000.0 # clamp to legal X values allowing dx/dy
+ every !v <:= -30000.0 # clamp as floating to avoid lgint bug
+ DrawLine ! v
+ # find the center and range
+ x := (v[1] + v[3] + v[5] + v[7]) / 4
+ y := (v[2] + v[4] + v[6] + v[8]) / 4
+ w := (v[5] + v[7] - v[1] - v[3]) / 2
+ h := (v[4] + v[6] - v[2] - v[8]) / 2
+ # trim the name
+ s :=
+ while s[-1] == "/" do
+ s := s[1:-1]
+ s ? {
+ while tab(upto('/') + 1)
+ s := map(tab(0), lc, uc)
+ }
+ if s[-4:0] == (".ZIP" | ".GPS" | ".RTE" | ".TRK") then
+ s := s[1:-4]
+ # draw the label
+ Font("sans,bold," || MAXFONT)
+ tw := TextWidth(s)
+ tmax := .90 * w
+ if tw > tmax then {
+ n := integer(MAXFONT * tmax / tw)
+ if n <:= MINFONT then {
+ # it doesn't fit, and will overlap neighbors with minimum font size;
+ # add pseudorandom vertical offset to mitigate overlap
+ d := abs(r.ocorners[7] / DEGSCALE) # SE corner longitude
+ u := integer(8 * d + 0.5) # 1/8-degree units
+ u +:= integer(2 * d + 0.5) # half-degree units
+ y -:= 0.20 * h * (1.5 - u % 4)
+ }
+ if n < MINBOLD then
+ Font("sans," || n)
+ else
+ Font("sans,bold," || n)
+ }
+ CenterString(x, y, s)
+ r.px := integer(x)
+ := integer(y + 0.75 * WAttrib("fheight"))
+ r.wd := w
+ return
+# progress(r) -- draw progress square for layer r
+procedure progress(r)
+ local a, x
+ a := r.arg
+ a.pcount := (\a.pcount + 1) | 0
+ x := r.px + PSQSIZE * (a.pcount % PSQUARES - PSQUARES / 2)
+ if (a.pcount / PSQUARES) % 2 = 1 then
+ EraseArea(x + 1, + 1, PSQSIZE - PSQGAP - 2, PSQSIZE - PSQGAP - 2)
+ return
+# drawcoverage(a) -- draw coverage indicators for arg entry a
+procedure drawcoverage(a)
+ local c, r, x, y, w
+ r := \!a.ltable | return
+ w := r.wd / *DLG_LAYERS
+ w >:= PSQSIZE
+ w <:= 2
+ x := r.px - (w * *DLG_LAYERS) / 2
+ y :=
+ every c := !cset(DLG_LAYERS) do {
+ if r := \a.ltable[c] then {
+ setdraw(attrib[r.lcode])
+ FillRectangle(x, y, w, w)
+ }
+ x +:= w
+ }
+ return
+# print() -- print visible portion to file
+procedure print()
+ local psname, psfile
+ Bg("pale weak brown")
+ VSetFont()
+ setdraw(attrib["DIALOG"]) # set reasonable colors for dialog
+ repeat case OpenDialog("Print to file:") of {
+ "Okay": {
+ if *dialog_value = 0 then
+ next
+ if close(open(psname := dialog_value)) then
+ case TextDialog("Overwrite existing file?", , , ,
+ ["Yes", "No", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Yes": &null
+ "No": next
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ if psfile := open(psname, "w") then
+ break
+ case TextDialog("Cannot write " || psname) of {
+ "Okay": next
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ }
+ "Cancel":
+ fail
+ }
+ Popup(, , 300, 50,
+ popwrite, [psfile, mapproj(), WAttrib("width"), WAttrib("height")])
+ close(psfile)
+ return
+procedure popwrite(psargs)
+ CenterString(150, 25, "Writing PostScript...")
+ return writeps ! psargs
+procedure writeps(psfile, projn, wwidth, wheight)
+ local arec, color, style, width, ptoff, xmax, ymax, xmul, ymul
+ local a, b, f, m, w, h, pj, d, s, u, v, x, y, dx, dy, fx, fy, ll
+ b := project(invp(projn), [0, 0, wwidth, wheight])
+ xmax := PSSCALE * wwidth
+ ymax := PSSCALE * wheight
+ xmul := xmax / (b[3] - b[1])
+ ymul := ymax / (b[2] - b[4])
+ pj := rectp(b[1], b[4], 0, 0, xmul, ymul) # set projection
+ ptoff := PSPT / 2
+ s := " 0 " || PSPT || " rlineto"
+ s ||:= " " || PSPT || " 0 rlineto"
+ s ||:= " 0 -" || PSPT || " rlineto"
+ epsheader(psfile, 0, 0, PSSCALE * wwidth, PSSCALE * wheight, "r")
+ every write(psfile, ![
+ "1 setlinecap",
+ "/cdivr { 65535 div 3 1 roll } bind def",
+ "/color { cdivr cdivr cdivr setrgbcolor } bind def",
+ "/solid { [] 0 setdash } bind def",
+ "/dashed { [ .04 inch dup ] 0 setdash } bind def",
+ "/m { moveto } bind def",
+ "/r { rlineto } bind def",
+ "/s { rlineto stroke } bind def",
+ "/p { moveto" || s || " fill } bind def",
+ "/f { 2 copy p moveto 48 -36 rmoveto show } bind def",
+ ])
+ every (arec := !slist) & any(chosen, arec.lcode) do {
+ if *arec.segs = 0 | arec.width < 0 then
+ next
+ if color ~===:= arec.color then
+ write(psfile, map(ColorValue(arec.color), ",", " "), " color")
+ if width ~===:= arec.width then
+ write(psfile, arec.width / real(PSLWI), " inch setlinewidth")
+ if style ~===:= then
+ write(psfile, style)
+ every d := !arec.segs do {
+ v := project(pj, d)
+ if *v = 2 then {
+ x := integer(get(v))
+ y := integer(get(v))
+ if (0 <= x < xmax) & (0 <= y < ymax) then
+ write(psfile, x - ptoff, " ", y - ptoff, " p")
+ next
+ }
+ v := Coalesce(ClipLine(v, 0, 0, xmax, ymax)) | next
+ every a := !v do {
+ x := integer(get(a))
+ y := integer(get(a))
+ fy := integer(pull(a))
+ fx := integer(pull(a))
+ write(psfile, x, " ", y, " m")
+ while dx := integer(get(a) - x) do {
+ dy := integer(get(a) - y)
+ write(psfile, dx, " ", dy, " r")
+ x +:= dx
+ y +:= dy
+ }
+ write(psfile, fx - x, " ", fy - y, " s")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # write features
+ if *features > 0 & any(chosen, "f") then {
+ write(psfile)
+ write(psfile, "/Times-Roman findfont 120 scalefont setfont")
+ write(psfile, "0 0 0 color")
+ every f := !features do {
+ a := project(pj, [f.lon,])
+ x := integer(get(a))
+ y := integer(get(a))
+ if (0 <= x <= xmax) & (0 <= y <= ymax) then
+ write(psfile, "(", psprotect(f.label), ") ",
+ x - ptoff, " ", y - ptoff, " f")
+ }
+ }
+ # write scale bar
+ u := 90 * DEGSCALE / 1e7 # one meter, in latitude units
+ m := sbsize(pj, xmin, ymin, u, 2000)
+ ll := project(pj, [xmin, ymin, xmin + m * u, ymin])
+ d := ll[3] - ll[1]
+ if m >= 1000 then
+ s := (m / 1000) || " km"
+ else
+ s := m || " m"
+ every write(psfile, ![
+ "",
+ "0 0 0 color",
+ "0 0 m 0 120 r " || d || " 0 r 0 -120 r fill",
+ "/Helvetica findfont 100 scalefont setfont",
+ "65535 65535 65535 color",
+ integer(d / 2 - 120) || " 25 m (" || s || ") show",
+ ])
+ write(psfile, "showpage")
+ return
+# initattrib() -- initialize drawing attributes
+# IMPORTANT: Map entities are drawn in the order of the def() calls below.
+procedure initattrib()
+ local i, s
+$define ROUTE "magenta-red" # path foreground color
+ pcolors := [ # path background colors
+ "yellow", # yellow
+ "light green", # green
+ "light bluish cyan", # blue
+ "reddish yellow", # orange
+ "pale purple", # purple
+ "pale red-yellow", # peach
+ "pale moderate green", # greenish gray
+ "pale moderate cyan", # bluish gray
+ ]
+ pull(pcolors) # remove trailing null
+ attrib := table()
+ deflayer(" ", "black")
+ def("SWEEP", 3, "reddish orange") # interactive sweeping with mouse
+ def("DIALOG", 1, "black") # dialog boxes
+ every i := 1 to *pcolors do {
+ s := "g" || i
+ deflayer(s, ROUTE) # paths (first drawing)
+ def(s || "b", 10, pcolors[i]) # faint, wide highlighter background
+ def(s || "f", 2, ROUTE) # bold foreground
+ }
+ deflayer("b", "light reddish yellow") # boundaries (wide, so draw first)
+ def("b", 3)
+ deflayer("o", Fg()) # unknown other data; use specified Fg
+ def("o")
+ deflayer("c", "light red-yellow") # contour lines (hypsography)
+ def("c-", , "pale moderate red-yellow") # deemphasize unattributed segments
+ def("c") # contour line
+ def("0200205", , "light moderate bluish-cyan") # bathymetric contour
+ def("0200206", , "light moderate bluish-cyan") # depth curve
+ def("0200210", , "light moderate bluish-cyan") # suppl bathymetric contour
+ def("0200207", , "deep red-yellow") # watershed (e.g. continental) divide
+ deflayer("l", "pale whitish red") # land sections
+ def("l")
+ deflayer("v", "light green") # vegetation (surface cover)
+ def("v") # surface cover
+ deflayer("d", "light weak green") # gravel etc. (nonvegetative features)
+ def("d")
+ deflayer("w", "bluish cyan") # water (hydrology)
+ def("w-", , "pale bluish cyan") # deemphasize unattributed segments
+ def("0500415", , , "dashed") # aqueduct or water pipeline
+ def("0500200", 2) # shoreline
+ def("0500201", 2) # manmade shoreline
+ def("w") # unspecified hydrology
+ def("0500412") # stream
+ deflayer("s", "weak reddish yellow") # manmade structures
+ def("2000299", , "pale reddish yellow") # processing line
+ def("s")
+ def("s-") # uattributed, incl building outlines
+ def("2000400") # buildings as point nodes
+ def("2000202", , "light moderate reddish yellow") # wall
+ def("2000206", , "light moderate reddish yellow") # fence
+ deflayer("r", "deep gray") # roads and trails
+ def("r-", , "pale gray") # deemphasize unattributed segments
+ def("1700201", 3, "black") # road, primary, undivided
+ def("1700202", 3, "black") # road, primary, divided
+ def("1700203", 2, "black") # road, primary, one of divided paths
+ def("1700204", 2, "black") # road, primary, one-way
+ def("1700205", 2, "black") # road, secondary
+ def("1700206", 2, "black") # road, secondary
+ def("1700207", 2, "black") # road, secondary
+ def("1700208", 2, "black") # road, secondary
+ def("1700214", 1, "black", "dashed") # ferry route
+ def("1700218") # road, class 3, divided
+ def("1700209") # road, class 3, undivided
+ def("1700402") # entrance ramp
+ def("r") # unspecified road or trail
+ def("1700210", , , "dashed") # road, class 4
+ def("1700219", , , "dashed") # road, class 4, one-way
+ def("1700212", , , "dashed") # road, class 5, 4WD
+ def("1700211", , "dark red", "dashed") # trail
+ def("1700213", , "dark red", "dashed") # footbridge
+ deflayer("t", "dark orange") # railroads
+ def("t-", , "pale weak orange") # deemphasize unattrib segments
+ def("t") # unspecified railroad
+ def("1800201", 2) # railroad main
+ def("1800201E", 2) # railroad main elevated
+ def("1800201R", 2) # railroad main on drawbridge
+ def("1800201T", 2, , "dashed") # railroad main in tunnel
+ def("1800207", 1, , "dashed") # railroad ferry route
+ def("1800208", 1) # railroad siding
+ def("1800209", 2) # railroad yard
+ def("1800400", 1) # railroad station
+$define TRANSIT "dark blue"
+ def("1800201Y", 2, TRANSIT) # rapid transit rail main
+ def("1800201EY", 2, TRANSIT) # rapid transit main elevated
+ def("1800201RY", 2, TRANSIT) # rapid transit main on drawbrg
+ def("1800201TY", 2, TRANSIT, "dashed") # rapid transit main in tunnel
+ def("1800202Y", 2, TRANSIT) # rapid transit main in road
+ def("1800202RY", 2, TRANSIT) # rapid transit, in road on drawbridge
+ def("1800208Y", 1, TRANSIT) # rapid transit siding
+ def("1800400Y", 1, TRANSIT) # rapid transit station
+ deflayer("u", "light gray") # misc transpt: power, pipe, airport
+ def("u")
+ def("u-", , "white-gray") # unattrib segments incl airport runways
+$define UTILITY "strong purple-magenta"
+ def("1900201", 1, UTILITY, "dashed") # petroleum pipeline
+ def("1900202", 1, UTILITY) # power line
+ def("1900203", 1, UTILITY) # phone line
+ def("1900400", 1, UTILITY) # power plant
+ def("1900401", 1, UTILITY) # substation
+ def("1900402", 1, UTILITY) # hydro plant
+ def("1900403", 1, "light gray") # landing strip or airport
+ def("1900404", 1, "orange") # helipad
+ def("1900405", 1, "light gray") # launch complex
+ deflayer("m", "blue") # survey markers
+ def("m-", , "pale weak blue") # deemphasize unattributed lines
+ def("m")
+ deflayer("f", "black") # feature labels
+ def("f")
+ deflayer("n", "deep green") # file labels
+ def("n")
+ deflayer("g", ROUTE) # paths (retraced)
+ every i := 1 to *pcolors do { # link ea GPS bg/fg/bg set to one list
+ s := "g" || i
+ def(s, 2)
+ attrib[s || "b"].segs := attrib[s].segs
+ attrib[s || "f"].segs := attrib[s].segs
+ }
+ return
+# deflayer -- define layer code and default color for subsequent defs
+global layercode, layercolor
+procedure deflayer(lcode, color)
+ layercode:= lcode
+ layercolor := color
+ return
+# def(key, width, color, style) -- define style info for code or attribute
+# default width is 1
+# default color is as last set by deflayer()
+# default style is "solid"
+# a key of "x" matches undefined attributes of layer x
+# a key of "x-" matches segments without attributes
+# a width of -1 means "don't draw"
+procedure def(key, width, color, style)
+ static seq
+ initial seq := 0
+ /width := 1
+ /color := layercolor
+ /style := "solid"
+ attrib[key] := attrec(seq +:= 1, layercode, key, width, color, style, [])
+ return
+# setdraw(arec) -- set color, linewidth, linestyle based on attribute record
+# fails if width is negative, meaning that drawing is to be suppressed
+procedure setdraw(arec)
+ if arec.width < 0 then
+ fail
+ WAttrib("fg=" || arec.color,
+ "linewidth=" || arec.width, "linestyle=" ||
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/drawup.icn b/ipl/gprogs/drawup.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b9c0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/drawup.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# File: drawup.icn
+# Subject: Program to create draft from drawdown
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 23, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program produces an ISD from a bi-level image string or row file.
+# The following option is supported:
+# -n s draft name, default "drawup"
+# -r interpret input as row pattern; default image string
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, patutils, patxform, weavutil, xcode
+link options
+link patutils
+link patxform
+link weavutil
+link xcode
+procedure main(args)
+ local threading, treadling, rows, pattern, i
+ local symbols, symbol, drawdown, draft, opts
+ opts := options(args, "rn:")
+ if \opts["r"] then {
+ drawdown := []
+ while put(drawdown, read())
+ }
+ else drawdown := pat2rows(read()) | stop("*** invalid input")
+ treadling := analyze(drawdown)
+ drawdown := protate(drawdown, "cw")
+ threading := analyze(drawdown)
+ symbols := table("")
+ every pattern := !treadling.patterns do {
+ symbol := treadling.rows[pattern]
+ symbols[symbol] := repl("0", *threading.rows)
+ pattern ? {
+ every i := upto('1') do
+ symbols[symbol][threading.sequence[i]] := "1"
+ }
+ }
+ symbols := sort(symbols, 3)
+ rows := []
+ while get(symbols) do
+ put(rows, get(symbols))
+ draft := isd()
+ := \opts["n"] | "drawup"
+ draft.threading := threading.sequence
+ draft.treadling := treadling.sequence
+ draft.warp_colors := list(*threading.sequence, 1)
+ draft.weft_colors := list(*treadling.sequence, 2)
+ draft.color_list := ["black", "white"]
+ draft.shafts := *threading.rows
+ draft.treadles := *treadling.rows
+ draft.tieup := rows
+ xencode(draft, &output)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/drip.icn b/ipl/gprogs/drip.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e1c775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/drip.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# File: drip.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate color map animation
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 31, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# usage: drip [-n ncolors] [-c correlation] [-d delay] [window options]
+# drip uses color map animation to simulate the spread of colored
+# liquid dripping into the center of a pool.
+# ncolors is the number of different colors present at one time.
+# correlation (0.0 to 1.0) controls the similarity of two consecutive
+# colors. It probably doesn't meet a statistician's strict definition
+# of the term.
+# delay is the delay between drops, in milliseconds. This may not be
+# needed; speed seems to vary greatly among different X servers, even on
+# the same machine.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: evmux, options, optwindw, random
+link evmux
+link options
+link optwindw
+link random
+global opttab
+procedure main(args)
+ local win, mono, w, h, m, d
+ local a, r, i, xscale, yscale, rad, xctr, yctr, xrad, yrad
+ local cindex, cspec, ncolors, bg
+ # process options
+ opttab := options(args, winoptions() || "n+d+c.")
+ /opttab["B"] := "black"
+ /opttab["W"] := 512
+ /opttab["H"] := 512
+ /opttab["M"] := -1
+ /opttab["d"] := 50
+ /opttab["n"] := 32
+ /opttab["c"] := 0.8
+ win := optwindow(opttab, "cursor=off", "echo=off")
+ w := opttab["W"]
+ h := opttab["H"]
+ m := opttab["M"]
+ ncolors := opttab["n"]
+ d := opttab["d"]
+ # calculate radius of circle and limit number of colors to that
+ r := h / 2
+ r >:= w / 2
+ xscale := (w / 2.0) / r
+ yscale := (h / 2.0) / r
+ ncolors >:= r
+ # get background color as string of 3 integers (works faster that way)
+ bg := ColorValue(win, opttab["B"])
+ # allocate a set of mutable colors, initialized to the background
+ cindex := list()
+ every 1 to ncolors do
+ put(cindex, NewColor(win, bg))
+ if *cindex = 0 then
+ stop("can't allocate mutable colors")
+ if ncolors >:= *cindex then
+ write(&errout, "proceeding with only ", ncolors, " colors")
+ # make list of radii, with a minimum difference of 1
+ # try to equalize the *areas* of the rings, not their widths
+ a := &pi * r * r
+ rad := list(ncolors)
+ every i := 1 to *rad do
+ rad[i] := integer(sqrt((a * i) / (ncolors * &pi)) + 0.5)
+ every i := 1 to *rad-1 do
+ rad[i] >:= rad[i+1] - 1
+ # draw nested circles (in different mutable colors all set to the background)
+ xctr := m + w / 2
+ yctr := m + h / 2
+ every i := *rad to 1 by -1 do {
+ Fg(win, cindex[i])
+ xrad := xscale * rad[i]
+ yrad := yscale * rad[i]
+ FillArc(win, xctr - xrad, yctr - yrad, 2 * xrad, 2 * yrad)
+ }
+ WFlush(win)
+ # install a sensor to exit on q or Q
+ quitsensor(win)
+ # drip colors into the center and watch them spread,
+ # checking for events each time around
+ cspec := list(ncolors, bg)
+ repeat {
+ while *Pending(win) > 0 do
+ evhandle(win)
+ if d > 0 then {
+ WFlush(win)
+ delay(d)
+ }
+ pull(cspec)
+ push(cspec, newcolor())
+ every i := 1 to *cspec do
+ Color(win, cindex[i], cspec[i])
+ }
+# newcolor -- return a new color spec somewhat close to the previous color
+procedure newcolor()
+ static r, g, b, c
+ initial {
+ randomize()
+ r := ?32767
+ g := ?32767
+ b := ?32767
+ c := integer(32767 - 32767 * opttab["c"])
+ c <:= 1
+ }
+ r +:= ?c - c/2 - 1; r <:= 0; r >:= 32767
+ g +:= ?c - c/2 - 1; g <:= 0; g >:= 32767
+ b +:= ?c - c/2 - 1; b <:= 0; b >:= 32767
+ return (r + 32768) || "," || (g + 32768) || "," || (b + 32768)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/etch.icn b/ipl/gprogs/etch.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d491554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/etch.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# File: etch.icn
+# Subject: Program for distributed Etch-A-Sketch
+# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# A drawing program. Invoked with one optional argument, the
+# name of a remote host on which to share the drawing surface.
+# Dragging the left button draws black dots
+# The middle button draws a line from button press to the release point
+# The right button draws white dots
+# Control-L clears the screen
+# The Escape character exits the program
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen, xcompat
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+procedure main(av)
+ local w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w, x1, xa, x2, xb, y1, ya, y2, yb, dragging,
+ da, xc, xd, yc, yd, dc, e
+ #
+ # open an etch window. If there was a command line argument,
+ # attempt to open a second window on another display. For
+ # each window, create a binding with reverse video for erasing.
+ #
+ w1 := WOpen("label=etch", "size=300,300") | stop("can't open window")
+ w2 := XBind(w1,"drawop=xor") | stop("can't XBind w2")
+ w3 := XBind(w1,"reverse=on") | stop("can't XBind w3")
+ if *av>0 then {
+ w4 := WOpen("label=etch", "display="||av[1]||":0","size=300,300") |
+ stop("can't open window, display=",av[1])
+ w5 := XBind(w4,"drawop=xor") | stop("Can't XBind w5")
+ w6 := XBind(w4,"reverse=on") | stop("Can't XBind w6")
+ }
+ repeat {
+ #
+ # wait for an available event on either display
+ #
+ w := Active() | stop("Active fails")
+ if (w === (w1|w2)) then {
+ x1 := xa
+ x2 := xb
+ y1 := ya
+ y2 := yb
+ dragging := da
+ } else {
+ x1 := xc
+ x2 := xd
+ y1 := yc
+ y2 := yd
+ dragging := dc
+ }
+ case e := Event(w) of {
+ #
+ # Mouse down events specify an (x1,y1) point for later drawing.
+ # (x2,y2) is set to null; each down event starts a new draw command.
+ #
+ &lpress | &mpress | &rpress: {
+ x1 := &x
+ y1 := &y
+ x2 := y2 := &null
+ }
+ #
+ # Mouse up events obtain second point (x2,y2), and draw a line.
+ #
+ &lrelease: {
+ DrawLine(w1,\x1,\y1,&x,&y)
+ DrawLine(\w4,\x1,\y1,&x,&y)
+ }
+ &mrelease: {
+ DrawLine(w1,x1,y1,&x,&y)
+ DrawLine(\w4,x1,y1,&x,&y)
+ dragging := &null
+ }
+ &rrelease: {
+ DrawLine(w3,x1,y1,&x,&y)
+ DrawLine(\w6,x1,y1,&x,&y)
+ }
+ #
+ # Drag events obtain a second point, (x2,y2), and draw a line
+ # If we are drawing points, we update (x1,y1); if we are
+ # drawing lines, we erase the "rubberband" line and draw a new
+ # one at each drag event; a permanent line will be drawn when
+ # the button comes up.
+ #
+ &ldrag : {
+ DrawLine(w1,x1,y1,&x,&y)
+ DrawLine(\w4,x1,y1,&x,&y)
+ # left and right buttons use current position
+ x1 := &x # for subsequent operations
+ y1 := &y
+ }
+ &rdrag : {
+ DrawLine(w3,x1,y1,&x,&y)
+ DrawLine(\w6,x1,y1,&x,&y)
+ # left and right buttons use current position
+ x1 := &x # for subsequent operations
+ y1 := &y
+ }
+ &mdrag: {
+ if /dragging then dragging := 1
+ else { # erase previous line, if any
+ DrawLine(w2,x1,y1,\x2,\y2)
+ DrawLine(\w5,x1,y1,\x2,\y2)
+ }
+ x2 := &x
+ y2 := &y
+ DrawLine(w2,x1,y1,x2,y2)
+ DrawLine(\w5,x1,y1,x2,y2)
+ }
+ "\^l": {
+ EraseArea(w1)
+ EraseArea(\w4)
+ }
+ "\e": break
+ }
+ if (w === (w1|w2)) then {
+ xa := x1
+ xb := x2
+ ya := y1
+ yb := y2
+ da := dragging
+ } else {
+ xc := x1
+ xd := x2
+ yc := y1
+ yd := y2
+ dc := dragging
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/facebend.icn b/ipl/gprogs/facebend.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9551847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/facebend.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+# File: facebend.icn
+# Subject: Program to generate caricatures
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: October 7, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Facebender is a caricature generator. Read in an image and use the
+# left mouse button to pick the key points as prompted. Click the
+# right button to skip a feature. Pull down "drawing" on the display
+# menu to see the caricature. Move the slider to change the distortion.
+# References:
+# A. K. Dewdney, "Computer Recreations". Scientific American, Oct. 1986.
+# Reprinted in two collections of his columns, both from W. H. Freeman:
+# The Armchair Universe (1988) and The Tinkertoy Computer (1993).
+# Susan E. Brennan, "Caricature Generator: The Dynamic Exaggeration of
+# Faces by Computer." Leonardo, Vol.18 no.3, 1985, pp. 170-178.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, vsetup
+link graphics # graphics library
+link vsetup # VIB library
+# constant definitions
+$define PupilRadius 2 # radius for drawing pupils of eyes
+$define TargetRad1 5 # radii for guide display target
+$define TargetRad2 20
+$define ImageMode 1 # drawing modes
+$define DrawMode 2
+$define DualMode 3
+# vidgets and geometry
+global vidgets # vidget table
+global display_xoff, display_yoff # image area
+global display_width, display_height
+global image_xoff, image_yoff # centered image
+global guide_xoff, guide_yoff # guide area
+global guide_width, guide_height
+global prompt_xoff, prompt_yoff # prompt area
+global prompt_width, prompt_height
+global dmeter_xoff, dmeter_yoff # distortion meter
+global dmeter_width, dmeter_height
+# windows and bindings
+global image_win # scanned image
+global target_win # binding for point targets
+global display_win # binding for image or caricature
+global overlay_win # binding for dual-mode display
+# face data
+# (A face is a list of curves, beginning with the left and right pupils;
+# a curve is a list of x and y coordinates.)
+global descriptions # labels for facial curves
+global stdface # standard (average) face
+global guideface # scaled / translated guide face
+global sketch # points from subject face
+global tcurve # index of current curve to place
+global tpoint # index of point within curve
+# miscellaneous globals
+global pointfile # file name for saving coordinates
+global touched # has data changed since last save?
+global mode # Image / Draw / Dual mode
+global distortion # distortion factor (0.0 = undistorted)
+# main program
+procedure main()
+ local l, r, y
+ # Open the window, extract layout information, initialize dialogs.
+ vidgets := ui()
+ WAttrib("pointer=circle") # may fail, but at least try
+ init_geometry()
+ # Make two clipped bindings for displaying the image and sketch.
+ display_win := Clone("linewidth=2")
+ Clip(display_win, display_xoff, display_yoff, display_width, display_height)
+ overlay_win := Clone(display_win, "fillstyle=masked", "pattern=4,#9696")
+ # Make a clipped binding for displaying targets on the guide display.
+ target_win := Clone("drawop=reverse")
+ Clip(target_win, guide_xoff, guide_yoff, guide_width, guide_height)
+ # Initialize globals.
+ init_stdface() # coordinates of "standard" face
+ mode := ImageMode # display mode
+ setdist(0) # distortion factor
+ # Use the standard face to create a guide display for locating targets.
+ # Calculate eye locations to use for scaling; then draw the face
+ # with straight lines to emphasize the individual point locations.
+ l := guide_xoff + 3 * guide_width / 8
+ r := guide_xoff + 5 * guide_width / 8
+ y := guide_yoff + guide_height / 2
+ guideface := scaleface(stdface, [[l, y], [r, y]])
+ drawface(&window, guideface, DrawLine)
+ # Load and display an image; exit if dialog is cancelled.
+ new() | exit()
+ # Enter event loop.
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+# caricature() -- draw sketch distorted by current distortion factor
+procedure caricature()
+ local base, face, win
+ if /sketch | /sketch[1, 1] | /sketch[2, 1] then
+ fail # must have both pupils to draw
+ if mode = DrawMode then
+ win := display_win # use all the display area pixels
+ else
+ win := overlay_win # use subpattern of display pixels
+ Fg(win, "white")
+ FillRectangle(win) # clear clipped area using fillstyle
+ Fg(win, "black")
+ base := scaleface(stdface, sketch)
+ face := distort(sketch, base, distortion)
+ drawface(win, face, DrawCurve) # draw distorted face
+ return
+# check_save() -- check to see if previous coordinate needs to be saved
+# check_save fails if cancelled.
+procedure check_save()
+ if \touched then
+ case SaveDialog("Save coordinates first?", pointfile) of {
+ "Yes": {
+ pointfile := dialog_value
+ save() | save_as() | fail
+ }
+ "No": return
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ return
+# distort(f, b, m) -- return distortion of face f from face b by factor m
+procedure distort(f, b, m)
+ local r, t, i, j, curve, base
+ r := []
+ every i := 1 to *f do {
+ base := b[i]
+ put(r, curve := copy(f[i]))
+ if /curve[-1] | /base[-1] then
+ next # incomplete placeholder
+ every j := 1 to *curve by 2 do {
+ curve[j] +:= m * (curve[j] - base[j])
+ curve[j + 1] +:= m * (curve[j + 1] - base[j + 1])
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+# drawface(win, f, proc) -- draw face from curve list using proc
+procedure drawface(win, f, proc)
+ local curve
+ every curve := copy(!f) do {
+ if /curve[-1] then # null coordinate
+ next # incomplete curve
+ if *curve = 2 then
+ FillCircle(win, curve[1], curve[2], PupilRadius)
+ else {
+ push(curve, win)
+ proc ! curve
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# init_geometry() -- extract layout information from vidgets
+procedure init_geometry()
+ guide_xoff := vidgets["guide"].ax
+ guide_yoff := vidgets["guide"].ay
+ guide_width := vidgets["guide"].aw
+ guide_height := vidgets["guide"].ah
+ display_xoff := vidgets["image"].ax
+ display_yoff := vidgets["image"].ay
+ display_width := vidgets["image"].aw
+ display_height := vidgets["image"].ah
+ prompt_xoff := vidgets["prompt"].ax
+ prompt_yoff := vidgets["prompt"].ay
+ prompt_width := vidgets["prompt"].aw
+ prompt_height := vidgets["prompt"].ah
+ dmeter_xoff := vidgets["dmeter"].ax
+ dmeter_yoff := vidgets["dmeter"].ay
+ dmeter_width := vidgets["dmeter"].aw
+ dmeter_height := vidgets["dmeter"].ah
+ return
+# init_stdface() -- initialize standard face and description list
+procedure init_stdface()
+ local spec
+ descriptions := []
+ stdface := []
+ every spec := ![
+ ["left pupil",145,203], # must be first
+ ["right pupil",255,203], # must be second
+ ["top of left eyebrow",101,187,105,177,126,168,153,170,177,176,181,185],
+ ["top of right eyebrow",219,185,223,176,247,170,274,168,295,177,299,187],
+ ["bottom of left eyebrow",102,188,124,177,151,181,181,185],
+ ["bottom of right eyebrow",219,185,249,181,276,177,298,188],
+ ["top of left eye",114,199,141,187,172,198],
+ ["top of right eye",228,198,259,187,286,199],
+ ["bottom of left eyelid",116,207,143,194,170,206],
+ ["bottom of right eyelid",230,206,257,194,284,207],
+ ["bottom of left eye",120,208,142,213,170,206],
+ ["bottom of right eye",230,206,258,213,280,208],
+ ["left iris",144,195,132,201,144,211,156,201,145,195],
+ ["right iris",255,195,244,201,256,211,268,201,256,195],
+ ["left side of nose",190,193,190,219,190,244,186,257,189,271,200,277],
+ ["right side of nose",210,193,210,219,210,244,214,257,211,271,200,277],
+ ["left nostril",177,250,171,258,169,269,174,277,183,271,198,277],
+ ["right nostril",223,250,229,258,231,269,226,277,217,271,202,277],
+ ["top of upper lip",152,318,172,311,188,306,200,311,212,306,
+ 228,311,248,318],
+ ["bottom of upper lip",152,318,170,319,186,317,200,319,214,317,
+ 230,319,248,318],
+ ["top of lower lip",152,318,172,318,186,317,200,319,214,317,
+ 228,318,248,318],
+ ["bottom of lower lip",152,318,169,327,184,333,200,335,216,333,
+ 231,327,248,318],
+ ["left ear",75,212,61,201,54,213,58,233,64,260,75,285,85,281],
+ ["right ear",325,212,339,201,346,213,342,233,336,260,325,285,315,281],
+ ["top of head",60,317,28,254,31,189,46,108,82,47,141,4,200,1,259,4,
+ 318,47,354,108,369,189,372,254,340,317],
+ ["hairline",79,200,90,168,104,141,119,120,143,104,172,100,200,99,
+ 228,100,257,104,281,120,296,141,310,168,321,200],
+ ["left side of face",84,194,79,232,86,273],
+ ["right side of face",316,194,321,232,314,273],
+ ["jaw",85,272,93,311,108,342,133,369,167,392,200,399,233,392,
+ 267,369,292,342,307,311,315,272],
+ ["left eye line",131,221,148,220,166,214],
+ ["right eye line",234,214,252,220,269,221],
+ ["left cheek line",167,264,154,278,145,294],
+ ["right cheek line",233,264,246,278,255,294],
+ ["left cheekbone",87,269,95,280,101,292],
+ ["right cheekbone",313,269,305,280,299,292],
+ ["chin cleft",200,377,200,389],
+ ["chin line",180,350,200,345,220,350]
+ ] do {
+ put(descriptions, get(spec))
+ put(stdface, spec)
+ }
+ return
+# load() -- load coordinate data
+procedure load()
+ local input, face
+ check_save() | fail
+ repeat {
+ case OpenDialog("Load coordinates:") of {
+ "Okay": {
+ if input := open(dialog_value) then break else
+ Notice("Can't open " || dialog_value)
+ }
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ }
+ if sketch := rdface(input) then {
+ close(input)
+ pointfile := dialog_value
+ touched := &null
+ if mode ~= ImageMode then
+ redisplay()
+ target(1, 1)
+ return
+ }
+ else {
+ Notice("Not a valid coordinate file")
+ close(input)
+ fail
+ }
+# menu_cb() -- handle menu selections
+procedure menu_cb(vidget, menu)
+ case menu[1] of {
+ "load @L": load()
+ "new @N": new()
+ "save @S": save()
+ "save as ": save_as()
+ "quit @Q": quit()
+ "image @I": {
+ mode := ImageMode
+ redisplay()
+ }
+ "drawing @D": {
+ mode := DrawMode
+ redisplay()
+ }
+ "both @B": {
+ mode := DualMode
+ redisplay()
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# new() -- load new image
+procedure new()
+ local input, f
+ check_save() | fail
+ repeat {
+ case OpenDialog("Load image:") of {
+ "Okay": {
+ if rdimage(dialog_value) then
+ return
+ if f := open(dialog_value) then {
+ close(f)
+ Notice(dialog_value || " is not a valid image")
+ }
+ else
+ Notice("Can't open " || dialog_value)
+ }
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ }
+# point_cb() -- handle event in display region
+procedure point_cb(vidget, e)
+ if /tcurve then # if no points are left unset
+ return
+ case e of {
+ &lrelease: { # left button sets current point
+ sketch[tcurve, 2 * tpoint - 1] := &x
+ sketch[tcurve, 2 * tpoint] := &y
+ touched := 1
+ if mode ~= ImageMode & *sketch[tcurve] = 2 * tpoint then
+ redisplay() # redraw if new curve done
+ target(tcurve, tpoint) # update target display
+ }
+ &rrelease: { # right button skips a curve
+ every !sketch[tcurve] := &null # clear all points on curve
+ if (tcurve +:= 1) > *sketch then
+ tcurve := 1
+ target(tcurve, 1) # set target to next curve
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# quit() -- terminate session
+procedure quit()
+ check_save() | fail
+ exit()
+# rdface(f) -- read face coordinates from file f
+procedure rdface(f)
+ local face, line, curve, i, n
+ face := []
+ while line := read(f) do line ? {
+ =":" | next # ignore line missing ":"
+ curve := []
+ while tab(upto(&digits)) do {
+ n := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ if n ~= 0 then n +:= image_xoff else n := &null
+ put(curve, n)
+ tab(upto(&digits)) | break
+ n := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ if n ~= 0 then n +:= image_yoff else n := &null
+ put(curve, n)
+ }
+ put(face, curve)
+ }
+ # Validate the number of curves and points.
+ if *face ~= *stdface then fail
+ every i := 1 to *stdface do
+ if *face[i] ~= *stdface[i] then fail
+ return face
+# rdimage(filename) -- load image from file, failing if unsuccessful
+procedure rdimage(filename)
+ local curve
+ image_win := WOpen("image=" || filename, "canvas=hidden") | fail
+ pointfile := &null
+ touched := &null
+ # Calculate offsets that center the image in display area.
+ image_xoff := display_xoff +
+ (display_width - WAttrib(image_win, "width")) / 2
+ image_yoff := display_yoff +
+ (display_height - WAttrib(image_win, "height")) / 2
+ # Initialize a new set of (unset) points.
+ sketch := []
+ every curve := !stdface do
+ put(sketch, list(*curve, &null))
+ target(1, 1) # reset to start with first point
+ # Ensure that current mode includes the image, and update the display.
+ if mode = DrawMode then
+ mode := ImageMode
+ EraseArea(display_xoff, display_yoff, display_width, display_height)
+ redisplay()
+ return
+# redisplay() -- display image and/or drawing, depending on mode
+procedure redisplay()
+ if mode ~= DrawMode then
+ CopyArea(image_win, display_win, , , , , image_xoff, image_yoff)
+ if mode ~= ImageMode then
+ caricature()
+ return
+# save() -- save coordinate data
+procedure save()
+ local output
+ if /pointfile then
+ return save_as()
+ output := open(pointfile, "w") | {
+ Notice("Can't write " || pointfile)
+ fail
+ }
+ wtface(output, sketch)
+ close(output)
+ touched := &null
+ return
+# save_as() -- save coordinate data in alternate file
+procedure save_as()
+ local output
+ repeat {
+ case SaveDialog("Save coordinates?", "") of {
+ "No": return
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Yes":
+ if output := open(dialog_value, "w") then break else
+ Notice("Can't write " || dialog_value)
+ }
+ }
+ wtface(output, sketch)
+ close(output)
+ pointfile := dialog_value
+ touched := &null
+ return
+# scaleface(f, g) -- return copy of face f scaled to overlay face g
+procedure scaleface(f, g)
+ local fl, fr, gl, gr, fx, fy, gx, gy, m, r, t, curve
+ fl := f[1] | fail # left iris
+ fr := f[2] | fail # right iris
+ gl := g[1] | fail # target left iris
+ gr := g[2] | fail # target right iris
+ fx := (fl[1] + fr[1]) / 2.0 # x offset of f
+ fy := (fl[2] + fr[2]) / 2.0 # y offset of f
+ gx := (gl[1] + gr[1]) / 2.0 # x offset of g
+ gy := (gl[2] + gr[2]) / 2.0 # y offset of g
+ m := (gr[1] - gl[1]) / real(fr[1] - fl[1])
+ # multiplier
+ r := []
+ every curve := copy(!f) do {
+ if /curve[-1] then
+ put(r, curve) # incomplete placeholder
+ else {
+ put(r, t := [])
+ while put(t, m * (get(curve) - fx) + gx) do
+ put(t, m * (get(curve) - fy) + gy)
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+# setdist(val) -- set and display distortion value, in percent
+procedure setdist(val)
+ distortion := val / 100.0
+ GotoXY(dmeter_xoff, dmeter_yoff + dmeter_height)
+ WWrites(right(integer(val), 4), "%")
+ return
+# shortcuts() -- check event for keyboard shortcut
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of {
+ "l": load()
+ "n": new()
+ "s": save()
+ "q": quit()
+ "i": {
+ mode := ImageMode
+ redisplay()
+ }
+ "d": {
+ mode := DrawMode
+ redisplay()
+ }
+ "b": {
+ mode := DualMode
+ redisplay()
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# slider_cb() -- handle adjustments of distortion slider
+procedure slider_cb(vidget, val)
+ setdist(val) # update and display value
+ if mode = ImageMode then # ensure that mode includes drawing
+ mode := DualMode
+ redisplay() # draw updated sketch
+ return
+# target(curve, point) -- display next point to be placed
+procedure target(curve, point)
+ local s, n, x, y
+ static tx, ty
+ # Undraw the previous target and erase the previous prompt.
+ FillCircle(target_win, \tx, \ty, TargetRad1)
+ FillCircle(target_win, \tx, \ty, TargetRad2)
+ EraseArea(prompt_xoff, prompt_yoff, prompt_width, prompt_height)
+ # Start from specified place unless the pupils remain unplaced.
+ if \sketch[1, 1] & \sketch[2, 1] then {
+ tcurve := curve
+ tpoint := point
+ }
+ else {
+ tcurve := 1
+ tpoint := 1
+ }
+ # Find the next unset point.
+ until /sketch[tcurve, 2 * tpoint - 1] do {
+ tpoint +:= 1 # advance to next point
+ if tpoint > (2 * *guideface[tcurve]) then {
+ tpoint := 1 # need to move to next curve
+ tcurve +:= 1
+ }
+ if tcurve > *guideface then
+ tcurve := 1 # wrapped around list of curves
+ if tcurve = curve & tpoint = point then {
+ tcurve := tx := ty := &null # there are no unset points
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # Draw a target on the guide face.
+ tx := guideface[tcurve, 2 * tpoint - 1]
+ ty := guideface[tcurve, 2 * tpoint]
+ FillCircle(target_win, tx, ty, TargetRad1)
+ FillCircle(target_win, tx, ty, TargetRad2)
+ # Display the prompt.
+ x := prompt_xoff + prompt_width / 2
+ y := prompt_yoff + prompt_height / 2
+ s := "locate " || descriptions[tcurve]
+ n := *guideface[tcurve]
+ if n > 2 then
+ s ||:= " (select " || n / 2 || " points)"
+ CenterString(x, y, s)
+ return
+# wtface(f, face) -- write face data to file f
+procedure wtface(f, face)
+ local curve, i
+ every curve := !face do {
+ writes(f, ":")
+ every i := 1 to *curve by 2 do {
+ writes(f, " ", (\curve[i] - image_xoff) | 0)
+ writes(f, " ", (\curve[i + 1] - image_yoff) | 0)
+ }
+ write(f)
+ }
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=640,480", "bg=pale gray", "label=Caricaturist"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,640,480:Caricaturist",],
+ ["distort:Slider:h:1:10,436,230,22:-300,300,0",slider_cb],
+ ["dmenu:Menu:pull::36,0,57,21:Display",menu_cb,
+ ["image @I","drawing @D","both @B"]],
+ ["fmenu:Menu:pull::0,0,36,21:File",menu_cb,
+ ["new @N","load @L","save @S","save as ","quit @Q"]],
+ ["header_line:Line:::0,22,639,22:",],
+ ["label1:Label:::11,409,77,13:distortion:",],
+ ["label2:Label:::9,460,28,13:anti",],
+ ["label3:Label:::104,460,42,13:normal",],
+ ["label4:Label:::213,460,28,13:wild",],
+ ["vert_line:Line:::250,23,250,479:",],
+ ["dmeter:Rect:invisible::104,410,41,10:",],
+ ["prompt:Rect:invisible::252,1,387,19:",],
+ ["guide:Rect:invisible::1,24,247,280:",],
+ ["image:Rect:invisible::252,24,387,455:",point_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/fetti.icn b/ipl/gprogs/fetti.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b872f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/fetti.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# File: fetti.icn
+# Subject: Program to explore families of confetti squares
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: November 12, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Fetti is an interactive program for generating decorative
+# web-page sidebars composed of randomly colored squares. Many
+# different parameters can be varied on the control panel. Note
+# that the mouse must be over a numeric field to type in a new
+# value.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: vsetup
+link vsetup
+global vidgets, root, region, rwin
+procedure main(args)
+ Window ! put(ui_atts(), args)
+ vidgets := ui() # set up vidgets
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ region := vidgets["region"]
+ rwin := SubWindow(, region.ay,, region.ah)
+ Bg(rwin, "white")
+ render()
+ GetEvents(root, , all)
+procedure all(a, x, y)
+ if a === !" \n\r" then render()
+ else if &meta then case a of {
+ !"qQ": exit()
+ !"sS": save()
+ }
+ return
+procedure huebutton(v, x)
+ case of {
+ "r": huerange(0, 15)
+ "o": huerange(15, 45)
+ "y": huerange(45, 60)
+ "g": huerange(90, 150)
+ "c": huerange(165, 195)
+ "b": huerange(195, 225)
+ "p": huerange(255, 285)
+ "m": huerange(285, 315)
+ "all": huerange(0, 360)
+ "ygb": huerange(45, 195)
+ "bmr": huerange(195,360)
+ }
+procedure huerange(min, max)
+ txtval("hmin", min, min)
+ txtval("hmax", max, max)
+ render()
+procedure render()
+ local side, gap, across, down
+ local hmin, hmax, smin, smax, vmin, vmax
+ local i, j, h, s, v, color ,clist
+ side := txtval("side", 1, 100)
+ gap := txtval("gap", 0, 100)
+ across := txtval("across", 1, 1000)
+ down := txtval("down", 1, 1000)
+ hmin := txtval("hmin", 0, 360)
+ hmax := txtval("hmax", hmin, 360)
+ smin := txtval("smin", 0, 100)
+ smax := txtval("smax", smin, 100)
+ vmin := txtval("vmin", 0, 100)
+ vmax := txtval("vmax", vmin, 100)
+ EraseArea() # for color recycling
+ VDraw(root) # needed after erase
+ EraseArea(rwin)
+ clist := []
+ every i := 0 to down - 1 do {
+ every j := 0 to across - 1 do {
+ h := hmin + integer(?(hmax - hmin))
+ s := smin + integer(?(smax - smin))
+ v := vmin + integer(?(vmax - vmin))
+ color := HSVValue(h || "/" || s || "/" || v)
+ if Fg(rwin, color) then
+ put(clist, color)
+ else
+ Fg(rwin, ?clist)
+ FillRectangle(rwin,
+ gap + j * (gap + side), gap + i * (gap + side), side, side)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure txtval(s, min, max)
+ local v, n
+ v := vidgets[s]
+ VEvent(v, "\r",, v.ay)
+ n := integer(VGetState(v)) | min
+ n <:= min
+ n >:= max
+ VSetState(v, n)
+ return n
+procedure save()
+ local g
+ g := WAttrib("gamma")
+ WAttrib("gamma=1.0") # don't gamma-correct on write
+ repeat case OpenDialog("Save confetti image:") of {
+ "Cancel": {
+ WAttrib("gamma=" || g)
+ fail
+ }
+ "Okay": {
+ if WriteImage(dialog_value,, region.ay,, region.ah)
+ then
+ break
+ else
+ Notice("cannot write file:", dialog_value)
+ }
+ }
+ WAttrib("gamma=" || g)
+ return
+procedure quit()
+ exit()
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=400,500", "bg=pale gray", "label=fetti"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,400,500:fetti",],
+ ["across:Text::3:300,59,87,19:Across: \\=5",],
+ ["all:Button:regular::259,235,28,17:all",huebutton],
+ ["b:Button:regular::315,218,14,17:b",huebutton],
+ ["bmr:Button:regular::315,235,28,17:bmr",huebutton],
+ ["c:Button:regular::301,218,14,17:c",huebutton],
+ ["down:Text::3:300,82,87,19:Down: \\=50",],
+ ["g:Button:regular::287,218,14,17:g",huebutton],
+ ["gap:Text::3:213,82,73,19:Gap: \\=1",],
+ ["hlab:Label:::267,126,21,13:Hue",],
+ ["hmax:Text::3:261,167,31,19:\\=360",],
+ ["hmin:Text::3:261,144,31,19:\\=0",],
+ ["m:Button:regular::343,218,14,17:m",huebutton],
+ ["malab:Label:::216,167,21,13:max",],
+ ["mnlab:Label:::216,144,21,13:min",],
+ ["o:Button:regular::259,218,14,17:o",huebutton],
+ ["p:Button:regular::329,218,14,17:p",huebutton],
+ ["quit:Button:regular::260,439,78,29:quit @Q",quit],
+ ["r:Button:regular::245,218,14,17:r",huebutton],
+ ["render:Button:regular::269,318,62,35:RENDER",render],
+ ["save:Button:regular::260,408,78,29:save @S",save],
+ ["side:Text::3:213,59,73,19:Side: \\=9",],
+ ["slab:Label:::314,126,21,13:Sat",],
+ ["smax:Text::3:308,167,31,19:\\=70",],
+ ["smin:Text::3:308,144,31,19:\\=20",],
+ ["title:Label:::250,21,98,13:Confetti Maker",],
+ ["vlab:Label:::361,126,21,13:Val",],
+ ["vmax:Text::3:355,167,31,19:\\=100",],
+ ["vmin:Text::3:355,144,31,19:\\=80",],
+ ["y:Button:regular::273,218,14,17:y",huebutton],
+ ["ygb:Button:regular::287,235,28,17:ygb",huebutton],
+ ["outline:Rect:sunken::261,309,78,52:",],
+ ["region:Rect:invisible::0,0,200,500:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/fev.icn b/ipl/gprogs/fev.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01ea01f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/fev.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# File: fev.icn
+# Subject: Program to display text in fisheye view
+# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# A text file browser that employs a fish-eye view. The
+# fish-eye view displays text in a larger font in the middle (focus)
+# gradually declining to tiny fonts at the top and bottom of the screen.
+# "q" or ESC to quit. "n" slides the focus down one line
+# "p" slides the focus up one line. "w" widens the focus by one.
+# "W" narrows the focus by one. Mouse clicks move the focus to the line
+# on which the mouse is located; clicking in the left margin moves
+# in the file proportional to the mouse's y coordinate in the window.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics with X11R5 scalable fonts on the X server
+# Links: wopen, xcompat
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+procedure main(av)
+ local slope, fin, win, L, ht, focus, focuswidth, e, base
+ slope := 2
+ if av[1] == "-s" then slope := (pop(av), pop(av))
+ fin := open(av[1]) | stop("no file")
+ win := WOpen("label=" || av[1], "height=860") | stop("no window")
+ L := []
+ every put(L,!fin)
+ write(*L," lines")
+ ht := 23
+ focus := *L/2
+ focuswidth := 1
+ fisheye(win,L,focus,ht,slope,,,focuswidth)
+ repeat {
+ e := Event(win)
+ case e of {
+ "q"|"\e": exit(0)
+ "n" : focus := *L >= focus+1
+ "p" : focus := 1 <= focus - 1
+ "w" : focuswidth +:= 1
+ "W" : (1 < focuswidth) -:= 1
+ &lpress|&ldrag|&mpress|&mdrag|&rpress|&rdrag: {
+ if &x < 17 then {
+ focus := *L * &y / WAttrib(win,"height")
+ }
+ else {
+ base := WAttrib(win,"height") / 2
+ focus := moveFocusToMouse(win,L,focus,base,ht,slope,focuswidth)
+ }
+ }
+ default : next
+ }
+ fisheye(win,L,focus,ht,slope,,,focuswidth)
+ }
+procedure fisheye(w,L,focus,maxht,slope,family,weight,focuswidth)
+ static fonttable
+ local past_end, i, splt
+ initial {
+ fonttable := table()
+ }
+ /focuswidth := 1
+ /family := "helvetica"
+ /weight := "bold"
+ /fonttable[w] := []
+ past_end := *fonttable[w] + 1
+ every i := past_end to maxht do {
+ put(fonttable[w],
+ XBind(w,"font=-adobe-"||family||"-"||weight||
+ "-r-normal--"||i||"-*-*-*-*-*-*-*") | stop("no XBind"))
+ }
+ EraseArea(w)
+ splt := WAttrib(w,"height") / 2
+ viewtop(fonttable[w],L,focus,splt,maxht,slope,focuswidth)
+ viewbottom(fonttable[w],L,focus+1,splt+maxht,maxht-slope,slope,focuswidth)
+ FillRectangle(w,0,(focus * WAttrib(w,"height") / *L)-WAttrib(w,"ascent"),
+ 16,WAttrib(w,"fheight"))
+ DrawLine(w,17,0,17,WAttrib(w,"height") * focuswidth)
+procedure viewtop(w,L,focus,base,ht,slope,focuswidth)
+ local wh
+ wh := WAttrib(w[1],"height") | stop("no WAttrib")
+ while focus >= 1 & base >= 1 do {
+ if ht < 1 then ht := 1
+ GotoXY(w[1],20,base)
+ writes(w[ht],L[focus])
+ base -:= ht
+ if focus > 1 & base / focus < ht & focuswidth <= 1 then
+ ht -:= slope
+ focuswidth -:= 1
+ focus -:= 1
+ }
+ if focus < 1 then return 1
+ return focus
+procedure viewbottom(w,L,focus,base,ht,slope,focuswidth)
+ local wh
+ wh := WAttrib(w[1],"height") | stop("no WAttrib")
+ while focus <= *L & base <= wh do {
+ if ht < 1 then ht := 1
+ GotoXY(w[1],20,base)
+ writes(w[ht],L[focus])
+ base +:= ht
+ if focus < *L & (wh - base) / (*L - focus) < ht & focuswidth <= 1 then
+ ht -:= slope
+ focuswidth -:= 1
+ focus +:= 1
+ }
+ if focus > *L then return *L
+ return focus
+procedure moveFocusToMouse(w,L,focus,base,ht,slope,focuswidth)
+ local wh, fh
+ wh := WAttrib(w,"height") | stop("no WAttrib")
+ fh := WAttrib(w,"ascent") | stop("no WAttrib")
+ if &y < base then {
+ while focus >= 1 & base-fh >= &y do {
+ if ht < 1 then ht := 1
+ base -:= ht
+ if focus > 1 & base / focus < ht & focuswidth <= 1 then
+ ht -:= slope
+ focuswidth -:= 1
+ focus -:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ focus +:= 1
+ base +:= ht
+ ht -:= slope
+ while focus <= *L & base <= &y do {
+ if ht < 1 then ht := 1
+ base +:= ht
+ if focus < *L & (wh - base) / (*L - focus) < ht & focuswidth <= 1 then
+ ht -:= slope
+ focuswidth -:= 1
+ focus +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ if focus < 1 then return 1
+ if focus > *L then return *L
+ return focus
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/fileimag.icn b/ipl/gprogs/fileimag.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c46190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/fileimag.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# File: fileimag.icn
+# Subject: Program to create GIF image of file text
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 8, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program creates an image file for a text file. The results are
+# unpredictable for binary files or files with control characters.
+# The image may be too large for a window.
+# Badly needed are options for the font.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local input, width, height, line
+ input := open(args[1]) | stop("*** cannot open file")
+ width := height := 0
+ while line := read(input) do {
+ height +:= 1
+ width <:= *line
+ }
+ height +:= 1
+ close(input)
+ input := open(args[1]) | stop("*** cannot re-open file")
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "columns=" || width, "lines=" || height) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ while WWrite(WRead(input))
+ WriteImage("untitled.gif")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/findrpt.icn b/ipl/gprogs/findrpt.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de9a6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/findrpt.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# File: findrpt.icn
+# Subject: Program to find smallest repeat in a repeat pattern
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: December 5, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program produces the smallest motif in an image that will tile
+# to the image.
+# The image to be processed must be a "true" repeat -- pixel for pixel.
+# The options supported are:
+# -n s suffix for output image, default _t. The suffix is
+# appended to the basename of the input image, as in
+# foo.gif -> foo_t.gif.
+# -s show size; default produce image
+# Warning: This program is *very* slow.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: numbers, options, repetit, wopen
+link numbers
+link options
+link repetit
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local width, height, x, y, row, col, rows, cols, w, h, suffix, file
+ local basename, opts
+ opts := options(args, "n:s")
+ suffix := \opts["s"] | "_t"
+ every file := !args do {
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ file ? {
+ basename := 1(tab(find(".gif")), move(0)) | "unname"
+ }
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ height := WAttrib("height")
+ rows := []
+ every y := 0 to height - 1 do {
+ row := []
+ every put(row,Pixel(0, y, width, 1))
+ put(rows, repetit(row))
+ }
+ h := lcml ! rows
+ h >:= height
+ cols := []
+ every x := 0 to width - 1 do {
+ col := []
+ every put(col, Pixel(x, 0, 1, height))
+ put(cols, repetit(col))
+ }
+ w := lcml ! cols
+ w >:= width
+ if w = width & h = height then {
+ write(&errout, file, " has no subrepeat")
+ next
+ }
+ if \opts["s"] then
+ write(file, ": ", w, "x", h)
+ else
+ WriteImage(basename || suffix || ".gif", 0, 0, w, h) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot write image for ", file)
+ write(&errout, "w=", w, " h=", h)
+ }
+ WClose(&window)
+ &window := &null
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/findtile.icn b/ipl/gprogs/findtile.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0efc926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/findtile.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+# File: findtile.icn
+# Subject: Program to find tiles in an image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 7, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program is designed to assist in locating areas within an image
+# that, when tiled, produce a desired effect. For example, a background
+# may consist of a tiled image; this program can be used to find the
+# smallest tile for the repeat (by "eye-balling"). It's worth noting
+# that interesting images can be found for other settings. For example,
+# another interesting use of this program is to produce striped patterns by
+# selecting a row or column of an image to get a tile that is one character
+# wide. Sometimes a few rows or columns give an interesting "fabric"
+# effect.
+# There are three windows:
+# the VIB control window
+# the source image window
+# a repeat window, which shows the selection from the source
+# image, tiled.
+# The selection from the source image is shown as a marquee in the
+# source image window. When a source image is loaded, the marquee starts
+# with the entire image. The marquee can be changed by buttons and
+# arrow-key events on the control window (not the source image window).
+# The arrow keys have two modes. With no modifier, they nudge the
+# location of the marquee. With the meta-key modifier, they nudge
+# the dimensions of the marquee.
+# The reset button resets the marquee to the entire image.
+# The current selection can be mirrored using the mirror button.
+# The following features are provided through keyboard shortcuts:
+# the File menu, and in some cases, on-board buttons:
+# @O open new source image
+# @Q quit application
+# @S save current selection as an image
+# @Z set size precisely
+# The repeat window can be resized by the user, but it is not redrawn
+# until the marque is changed or the refresh button is pushed.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: grecords, interact, mirror, tile
+# Includes: keysyms.icn
+link grecords
+link interact
+link mirror
+link tile
+$include "keysyms.icn"
+# Globals related to windows:
+global controls # VIB control window
+global pattern # repeat window
+global screen # source image window visible
+global source # source image window hidden
+global symmetry # mirroring window
+global posx # x position relative to interface window
+global posy # y position relative to repeat window
+# Globals related to the selection:
+global current # current selection record
+global hmax # maximum height of source image
+global wmax # maximum width of source image
+global previous # previous selection record
+global vidgets # table of interface vidgets
+procedure main()
+ local atts, x1, y1
+ atts := ui_atts()
+ put(atts, "posx=10", "posy=10")
+ controls := (WOpen ! atts) | ExitNotice("Cannot open control window.")
+ vidgets := ui()
+ init()
+ repeat {
+ while *Pending(controls) > 0 do
+ ProcessEvent(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+ while *Pending(\screen) > 0 do
+ if Event(screen) === &lpress then draw_marquee()
+ }
+# Callback that handles all the buttons that change x, y, w, and h.
+procedure adjust_cb(vidget, value)
+ check_source() | fail
+ # Cute code alert: The selected reversible assignment is performed
+ # and passed to check(). It checks the resulting selection rectangle
+ # and fails if it's not valid. That failure causes the reversible
+ # assignment to be undone and the expression fails, leaving the
+ # selection as it was.
+ case value[1] of {
+ "w max" : current.w := (wmax - current.x)
+ "h max" : current.h := (hmax - current.y)
+ "w = 1" : current.w := 1
+ "h = 1" : current.h := 1
+ "full" : {
+ current.h := hmax
+ current.w := wmax
+ current.x := 0
+ current.y := 0
+ }
+ "w / 2" : check(current.w <- current.w / 2)
+ "h / 2" : check(current.h <- current.h / 2)
+ "w * 2" : check(current.w <- current.w * 2)
+ "h * 2" : check(current.h <- current.h * 2)
+ }
+ show()
+ return
+procedure draw_marquee()
+ local x1, y1
+ current.x := &x
+ current.y := &y
+ current.h := current.w := 0
+ update()
+ repeat {
+ case Event(screen) of {
+ &ldrag : update_marquee()
+ &lrelease : {
+ update_marquee()
+ Raise(controls)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure update_marquee()
+ if &x < 0 then &x := 0
+ if &y < 0 then &y := 0
+ if &x > wmax then &x := wmax
+ if &y > hmax then &y := hmax
+ current.w := &x - current.x
+ current.h := &y - current.y
+ show()
+ return
+procedure location_cb(vidget, value)
+ check_source() | fail
+ # Cute code alert: The selected reversible assignment is performed
+ # and passed to check(). It checks the resulting selection rectangle
+ # and fails if it's not valid. That failure causes the reversible
+ # assignment to be undone and the expression fails, leaving the
+ # selection as it was.
+ case value[1] of {
+ "nw" : current.x := current.y := 0
+ "ne" : {
+ current.x := wmax - current.w
+ current.y := 0
+ }
+ "se" : {
+ current.x := wmax - current.w
+ current.y := hmax - current.h
+ }
+ "sw" : {
+ current.x := 0
+ current.y := hmax - current.h
+ }
+ "x max" : current.x := wmax - current.w
+ "y max" : current.y := hmax - current.h
+ "center" : {
+ current.x := (wmax - current.w) / 2
+ current.y := (hmax - current.h) / 2
+ }
+ "home" : {
+ current.x := 0
+ current.y := 0
+ }
+ "x / 2" : current.x <- current.x / 2
+ "y / 2" : current.y <- current.y / 2
+ "x * 2" : check(current.x <- current.x * 2)
+ "y * 2" : check(current.y <- current.y * 2)
+ }
+ show()
+ return
+# Check validity of selection.
+procedure check()
+ if (0 <= current.w <= (wmax - current.x)) &
+ (0 <= current.h <= (hmax - current.y)) &
+ (0 <= current.x <= hmax) &
+ (0 <= current.y <= wmax)
+ then return else {
+ Alert()
+ fail
+ }
+# Copy hidden source window to a visible window.
+procedure copy_source(label)
+ screen := WOpen(
+ "size=" || WAttrib(source, "width") || "," || WAttrib(source, "height"),
+ "posx=" || posx,
+ "posy=" || posy,
+ "label=" || label,
+ "drawop=reverse",
+ "linestyle=onoff"
+ ) | ExitNotice("Cannot open image window.")
+ CopyArea(source, screen)
+ Raise(controls)
+ wmax := WAttrib(source, "width")
+ hmax := WAttrib(source, "height")
+ WAttrib(pattern, "width=" || (WAttrib(screen, "width")))
+ WAttrib(pattern, "height=" || (WAttrib(screen, "height")))
+ EraseArea(pattern)
+ current := rect(0, 0, wmax, hmax)
+ show()
+ return
+# Handle file menu.
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "open @O" : get_image()
+ "quit @Q" : quit_cb()
+ "save @S" : save_cb()
+ }
+ return
+# Get new source image.
+procedure get_image()
+ WClose(\source)
+ WClose(\screen)
+ WClose(\symmetry)
+ EraseArea(pattern)
+ repeat {
+ (OpenDialog("Open image:") == "Okay") | fail
+ source := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Can't open " || dialog_value || ".")
+ next
+ }
+ copy_source(dialog_value)
+ wmax := WAttrib(source, "width")
+ hmax := WAttrib(source, "height")
+ break
+ }
+ return
+# These values are for Motif; they may need to be changed for other
+# window managers.
+$define Offset1 32
+$define Offset2 82
+# Initialize the program.
+procedure init()
+ local iheight
+ posx := WAttrib(controls, "width") + Offset1
+ iheight := WAttrib(controls, "height")
+ pattern := WOpen("label=repeat", "resize=on", "size=" || iheight ||
+ "," || iheight, "posx=" || posx, "posy=10") |
+ ExitNotice("Cannot open pattern window.")
+ posy := WAttrib(pattern, "height") + Offset2
+ Raise(controls)
+ return
+procedure update()
+ static sx, sy
+ initial {
+ sx := vidgets["marker"].ax
+ sy := vidgets["marker"].ay
+ }
+ # Update selection information on interface.
+ WAttrib(controls, "drawop=reverse")
+ DrawString(controls, sx, sy, "marquee: x=" || (\previous).x || " y=" ||
+ previous.y || " w=" || previous.w || " h=" || previous.h)
+ DrawString(controls, sx, sy, "marquee: x=" || current.x || " y=" ||
+ current.y || " w=" || current.w || " h=" || current.h)
+ WAttrib(controls, "drawop=copy")
+ # Update the selection rectangle.
+ DrawRectangle(screen, (\previous).x, previous.y, previous.w, previous.h)
+ DrawRectangle(screen, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h)
+ previous := copy(current)
+ return
+procedure mirror_cb()
+ check_source() | fail
+ # Normalize selection rectangle.
+ if current.w < 0 then {
+ current.w := -current.w
+ current.x -:= current.w
+ }
+ if current.h < 0 then {
+ current.h := -current.h
+ current.y -:= current.h
+ }
+ WClose(\symmetry)
+ symmetry := mirror(source, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h) | {
+ Notice("Cannot mirror tile.")
+ fail
+ }
+ # In case the window manager opens a window larger than requested ...
+ tile(symmetry, pattern, 0, 0, current.w * 2, current.h * 2)
+ # Hide it but keep it in case the user wants to save it.
+# WAttrib(symmetry, "canvas=hidden")
+ Raise(controls)
+ return
+# Terminate program execution.
+procedure quit_cb()
+ exit()
+procedure refresh_cb()
+ tile(source, pattern, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h)
+ return
+# Callback procedure to allow use of standard tile sizes.
+procedure size_cb(vidget, value)
+ local dim
+ check_source() | fail
+ if value[1] == "set @Z" then {
+ set_size()
+ return
+ }
+ value[1] ? {
+ dim := tab(upto('x'))
+ }
+ check(current.w <- current.h <- dim) | fail
+ show()
+ return
+# Setting of specific selection rectangle values.
+procedure set_size()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Set values:",
+ ["x", "y", "w", "h"],
+ [current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h ]
+ ) == "Cancel" then fail
+ check(
+ current.x <- integer(dialog_value[1]) &
+ current.y <- integer(dialog_value[2]) &
+ current.w <- integer(dialog_value[3]) &
+ current.h <- integer(dialog_value[4])
+ ) | {
+ Notice("Invalid value.")
+ next
+ }
+ show()
+ return
+ }
+# Keyboard shortcuts.
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ case type(e) of {
+ "string" : {
+ if &meta then case map(e) of { # fold case
+ "m" : mirror_cb()
+ "o" : get_image()
+ "q" : exit()
+ "s" : save_cb()
+ "z" : set_size()
+ }
+ }
+ "integer" : {
+ if &meta then { # nudge dimensions
+ if check(
+ case e of {
+ Key_Left : current.w <- current.w - 1
+ Key_Right : current.w <- current.w + 1
+ Key_Up : current.h <- current.h - 1
+ Key_Down : current.h <- current.h + 1
+ }
+ ) then show() else fail
+ }
+ else { # nudge location
+ if check (
+ case e of {
+ Key_Left : current.x <- current.x - 1
+ Key_Right : current.x <- current.x + 1
+ Key_Up : current.y <- current.y - 1
+ Key_Down : current.y <- current.y + 1
+ }
+ ) then show() else fail
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Show selection tiled.
+procedure show()
+ local x, y, w, h
+ check_source() | fail
+ x := current.x
+ y := current.y
+ w := current.w
+ h := current.h
+ if w < 0 then
+ x -:= (w := -w)
+ if h < 0 then
+ y -:= (h := -h)
+ tile(source, pattern, x, y, w, h)
+ update()
+ return
+# Save current selection.
+procedure save_cb()
+ check_source() | fail
+ return snapshot(source, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h)
+# Check for source image.
+procedure check_source()
+ \source | {
+ Notice("No source image.")
+ fail
+ }
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=360,243", "bg=pale gray", "label=Tile Finder"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,360,243:Tile Finder",],
+ ["adjust:Menu:pull::131,1,50,21:Adjust",adjust_cb,
+ ["home","w max","h max","w * 2","h * 2",
+ "w / 2","h / 2","w = 1","h = 1"]],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["open @O","save @S","save mirrored","quit @Q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,22,360,22:",],
+ ["location:Menu:pull::35,0,64,21:Location",location_cb,
+ ["nw","ne","se","sw","center",
+ "x max","y max","x * 2","y * 2","x / 2",
+ "y / 2"]],
+ ["mirror:Button:regular::100,41,58,20:mirror",mirror_cb],
+ ["refresh:Button:regular::22,41,58,20:refresh",refresh_cb],
+ ["size:Menu:pull::98,0,36,21:Size",size_cb,
+ ["set @Z","4x4","8x8","16x16","32x32",
+ "64x64","72x72","96x96","100x100","128x128",
+ "200x200","256x256","400x400","512x512"]],
+ ["marker:Rect:invisible::8,110,32,20:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/flake.icn b/ipl/gprogs/flake.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b7d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/flake.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# File: flake.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw a fractal snowflake
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler
+# Date: August 14, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 1.0
+# Comments: This program display a fractal snowflake of specified
+# order. Options exist to do colors, etc.
+# See the procedure 'helpmsg' for command line options
+# An order 4 snowflake is particularly nice.
+# Waits for a window event before closing window
+# Links: glib, wopen
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and co-expressions (for glib.icn)
+link glib
+link wopen
+global win, mono, h, w
+global Window, XMAX, YMAX
+global nextcolor
+procedure main (args)
+ local nextarg, arg, n, doclip, docolor, Cpoly
+ XMAX := YMAX := 700 # physical screen size
+ w := h := 1.0
+ nextarg := create !args
+ while arg := @nextarg do {
+ if arg == ("-help"|"-h") then stop(helpmsg())
+ else if arg == "-n" then n := integer(@nextarg)
+ else if arg == "-clip" then doclip := "yes"
+ else if arg == "-color" then docolor := "yes"
+ }
+ /n := 3 # default order
+ if \doclip then {
+ Cpoly := [ # a simple convext polygon to clip against
+ [0.3,0.4],[0.5,0.8],[0.7,0.4]
+ ]
+ }
+ win := WOpen("label=Fractal Snowflake", "width="||XMAX, "height="||YMAX)
+ mono := WAttrib (win, "depth") == "1"
+ Window := set_window(win, point(0,0), point(w,h),
+ viewport(point(0,0), point(XMAX, YMAX), win))
+ if \docolor then
+ nextcolor := create vpara([0,0,65535], [65535,0,0], |((0 to 12)/12.0))
+ EraseArea(win)
+ Fg(win, "black")
+ fract_flake(Window, point(0.20,0.33), point(0.80,0.33), n, 1, Cpoly)
+ Event(win)
+ close(win)
+procedure helpmsg()
+ write("Usage: Flake [-n order] [-clip] [-color]")
+ write(" where")
+ write(" -n order -- Depth of recursion {3}")
+ write(" -clip -- Clip to a convex polygon")
+ write(" -color -- Color cycle while drawing")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/floats.icn b/ipl/gprogs/floats.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9061c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/floats.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# File: floats.icn
+# Subject: Program to count floats
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 15, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program analyzes the floats in a drawdown as a BLP or row file
+# from standard input.
+# Links: pattread, patxform
+link pattread
+link patxform
+procedure main()
+ local front, back, black, white
+ front := pattread()
+ back := pinvert(front)
+ analyze("Front weft floats", front, "0")
+ front := protate(front)
+ analyze("Front warp floats", front, "1")
+ analyze("Back weft floats", back, "0")
+ back := protate(back)
+ analyze("Back warp floats", back, "1")
+procedure analyze(caption, rows, color)
+ local counts, length, row
+ counts := table(0)
+ every row := !rows do {
+ row ? {
+ while tab(upto(color)) do {
+ length := *tab(many(color))
+ if length > 2 then counts[length] +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if *counts = 0 then return
+ write(caption)
+ counts := sort(counts, 3)
+ write()
+ while write("\t", get(counts), "\t", get(counts))
+ write()
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/flohisto.icn b/ipl/gprogs/flohisto.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59772ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/flohisto.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# File: flohisto.icn
+# Subject: Program to display float histograms
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 28, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program analyzes the floats in BLPs for drawdowns.
+# The names of BLPs are given on the command line. The output images
+# are named <basename>_float.gif
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: link basename, numbers, options, wopen
+link basename
+link wopen
+link numbers
+link pattread
+$define FloatMax 15
+$define Width 300
+$define Gutter 20
+$define Height 250
+$define Delta 9
+$define Gap 4
+$define Xoff 20
+$define Yoff 30
+procedure main(args)
+ local front, back, black, white, name, i, canvas
+ local warp_front, warp_back, weft_front, weft_back, win, input
+ every name := !args do {
+ input := open(name) | stop("Cannot open ", name)
+ front := pattread(input)
+ close(input)
+ back := copy(front) # 0 = black, 1 = white.
+ every i := 1 to *back do
+ back[i] := map(back[i], "10", "01")
+ weft_front := analyze(front, "1")
+ front := rot(front)
+ warp_front := analyze(front, "0")
+ weft_back := analyze(back, "1")
+ back := rot(back)
+ warp_back := analyze(back, "0")
+ win := WOpen("size=" || (2 * Width + 2 * Gutter) || "," ||
+ (2 * Height + 2 * Gutter), "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open main window")
+ CopyArea(plot(warp_front, "warp front"), win, , , , , 0, 0)
+ CopyArea(plot(weft_front, "weft front"), win, , , , , Width + Gutter, 0)
+ CopyArea(plot(warp_back, "warp back"), win, , , , , 0, Height + Gutter)
+ CopyArea(plot(weft_back, "weft back"), win, , , , , Width + Gutter,
+ Height + Gutter)
+ WriteImage(win, basename(name, ".blp") || "_floats.gif")
+ WClose(win)
+ }
+procedure analyze(rows, color)
+ local counts, length, row, k, count_list
+ counts := table(0)
+ every row := !rows do {
+ row ? {
+ while tab(upto(color)) do {
+ length := *tab(many(color))
+ if length > 1 then counts[length] +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if *counts = 0 then fail # no floats
+ count_list := list(FloatMax, 0) # list of counts
+ every k := key(counts) do
+ if k > FloatMax then count_list[FloatMax] +:= counts[k]
+ else count_list[k - 1] := counts[k]
+ return count_list
+procedure plot(data, legend)
+ local i, j, scale, maximum, y, width, win
+ win := WOpen("size=" || Width || "," || Height, "font=times,10", "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open plotting window")
+ WAttrib(win, "dx=" || Xoff)
+ WAttrib(win, "dy=" || (Yoff + Gap))
+ DrawLine(win, 0, 0 - Gap, Width, 0 - Gap)
+ DrawLine(win, 0, 0 - Gap, 0, Height - Gap)
+ DrawString(win, -2, -(18 + Gap), legend)
+ if /data then return win
+ maximum := max ! data
+ maximum := integer((maximum + 99.0) / 100) * 100 # get to next hundred
+ width := real(Width - 2 * Xoff)
+ scale := width / maximum
+ every i := 0 to 4 do
+ CenterString(win, (width / 4) * i, 18 - Yoff, (maximum / 4) * i)
+ every j := 2 to FloatMax + 1 do {
+ y := (j - 2) * (Delta + Gap)
+ FillRectangle(win, 0, y, data[j - 1] * scale, Delta)
+ if j > FloatMax then j := ">"
+ RightString(win, 15 - Xoff, y + Gap, j)
+ }
+ return win
+procedure win2rows(win)
+ local width, height, row, rows, pixel, y
+ width := WAttrib(win, "width")
+ height := WAttrib(win, "height")
+ rows := []
+ every y := 0 to height - 1 do {
+ row := ""
+ every pixel := Pixel(win, 0, y, width, 1) do
+ row ||:= if pixel == "0,0,0" then "0" else "1"
+ put(rows, row)
+ }
+ return rows
+procedure rot(rows)
+ local cols, row, grid, i
+ cols := list(*rows[1], "")
+ every row := !rows do {
+ i := 0
+ every grid := !row do
+ cols[i +:= 1] := grid || cols[i]
+ }
+ return cols
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/fmap2pdb.icn b/ipl/gprogs/fmap2pdb.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91709b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/fmap2pdb.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# File: fmap2pdb.icn
+# Subject: Program to create custom palettes from color maps
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 15, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program builds a palette database from Fracting color maps.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, palettes, xcode
+link basename
+link palettes
+link xcode
+global PDB_
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, input, clist, color, line, name
+ every file := !args do {
+ input := open(file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", image(file))
+ next
+ }
+ name := basename(file, ".map")
+ clist := []
+ while line := read(input) do {
+ line ? {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ color := (tab(many(&digits)) * 257) || ","
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ color ||:= (tab(many(&digits)) * 257) || ","
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ color ||:= (tab(many(&digits)) * 257)
+ }
+ put(clist, color)
+ }
+ close(input)
+ makepalette(name, clist) |
+ write(&errout, "*** could not make palette from ", image(file))
+ }
+ xencode(PDB_, &output)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/fontpick.icn b/ipl/gprogs/fontpick.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b5497e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/fontpick.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# File: fontpick.icn
+# Subject: Program to show the characters of a font
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: August 23, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: fontpick [fontname]
+# fontpick is an interactive tool for displaying fonts. Initially, the
+# specified font, or the VIB default font, is displayed. To display a
+# different font, type its name and press return. To exit, enter Meta-Q
+# or click the QUIT button.
+# Caveats:
+# -- any character that is too large is clipped to fit its cell
+# -- the window cannot be resized to handle large fonts
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: vsetup
+link vsetup
+global vidgets
+# main procedure
+procedure main(args)
+ Window ! put(ui_atts(), args)
+ vidgets := ui()
+ setfont(, args[1] | Font()) # display named or default font
+ repeat ProcessEvent(vidgets["root"], other)
+# setfont(vidget, value) -- display the font named "value"
+procedure setfont(vidget, value)
+ local ttl, sub, rgn, fontname, x, y, w, h, win
+ # ignore return if no name has been entered
+ if *value = 0 then
+ return
+ # get vidget handles
+ ttl := vidgets["title"]
+ sub := vidgets["subtitle"]
+ rgn := vidgets["region"]
+ # display font name in title region
+ EraseArea(ttl.ux,, ttl.uw, ttl.uh)
+ EraseArea(sub.ux,, sub.uw, sub.uh)
+ CenterString(ttl.ux + ttl.uw / 2, + ttl.uh / 2, value)
+ # open and display the font
+ EraseArea(rgn.ux,, rgn.uw, rgn.uh)
+ if win := Clone("font=" || value) then {
+ dumpfont(win, rgn.ux,, rgn.uw, rgn.uh)
+ fontname := Font(win)
+ if fontname ~== value then
+ CenterString(sub.ux + sub.uw / 2, + sub.uh / 2, fontname)
+ }
+ else {
+ CenterString(sub.ux + sub.uw / 2, + sub.uh / 2,
+ "(cannot find font)")
+ }
+ # clear the text entry field to accept the next name
+ VSetState(vidgets["fontname"], "")
+ return
+# dumpfont(win, x, y, w, h) -- display the characters of a font
+procedure dumpfont(win, x, y, w, h)
+ local dx, dy, x1, x2, y1, y2, i, j
+ # calculate size of cells
+ dx := (w - 1.001) / 16.0
+ dy := (h - 1.001) / 16.0
+ # draw light gray lines to delimit character cells
+ Fg("light gray")
+ every x1 := x + integer(dx * (1 to 15)) do
+ DrawLine(x1, y, x1, y + h - 1)
+ every y1 := y + integer(dy * (1 to 15)) do
+ DrawLine(x, y1, x + w - 1, y1)
+ Fg("black")
+ # display characters, one per cell
+ every i := 0 to 15 do {
+ y1 := integer(y + i * dy)
+ y2 := integer(y + (i + 1) * dy)
+ every j := 0 to 15 do {
+ x1 := integer(x + j * dx)
+ x2 := integer(x + (j + 1) * dx)
+ Clip(win, x1 + 1, y1 + 1, x2 - x1 - 1, y2 - y1 - 1)
+ CenterString(win, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, char(16 * i + j))
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# revent(v, e, x, y) -- pass region event to font name vidget
+procedure revent(v, e, x, y)
+ return VEvent(vidgets["fontname"], e, x, y)
+# other(e) -- pass event outside of regions to font name vidget
+# Also handles meta-Q event rejected by other vidgets.
+procedure other(e)
+ if &meta & map(e) == "q" then
+ exit()
+ return VEvent(vidgets["fontname"], e, &x, &y)
+# quit() -- process QUIT button
+procedure quit()
+ exit()
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=512,640", "bg=pale gray"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,512,640:",],
+ ["fontname:Text::51:5,616,444,19:font name: \\=",setfont],
+ ["quit:Button:regular::471,615,35,20:QUIT",quit],
+ ["subtitle:Rect:invisible::7,31,496,25:",revent],
+ ["title:Rect:invisible::7,6,496,25:",revent],
+ ["region:Rect:sunken::8,56,492,553:",revent],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/fractclr.icn b/ipl/gprogs/fractclr.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa2686e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/fractclr.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# File: fractclr.icn
+# Subject: Program to map Fractint color maps to Icon color lists
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 1, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts Fractint .map files to lists of Icon colors.
+procedure main()
+ local line, output
+ while line := read() do
+ line ? {
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ writes(tab(many(&digits)) * 256, ",")
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ writes(tab(many(&digits)) * 256, ",")
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ writes(tab(many(&digits)) * 256)
+ if not pos(0) then write(output, "\t", tab(0))
+ else write(output)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/fractlin.icn b/ipl/gprogs/fractlin.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a3639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/fractlin.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# File: fractlin.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate fractal lines
+# Author: Stephen Wampler
+# Date: August 3, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 1.0
+# Comments: This program shows how fractal lines work.
+# See the procedure 'helpmsg' for command line options
+# Waits for a window event before closing window
+# Links: glib, wopen
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and co-expressions (for glib.icn)
+link glib
+link wopen
+global win, mono, h, w
+global Window, XMAX, YMAX
+procedure main (args)
+ local nextarg, arg, i
+ XMAX := YMAX := 700 # physical screen size
+ w := h := 1.0
+ nextarg := create !args
+ while arg := @nextarg do {
+ if arg == ("-help"|"-h") then stop(helpmsg())
+ }
+ win := WOpen("label=Fractal Lines", "width="||XMAX, "height="||YMAX)
+ mono := WAttrib (win, "depth") == "1"
+ Window := set_window(win, point(0,0), point(w,h),
+ viewport(point(0,0), point(XMAX, YMAX), win))
+ EraseArea(win)
+ Fg(win, "black")
+ every i := 1 to 10 do {
+ fract_line(Window, point(0.25,0.25), point(0.50,0.67), i/10.0)
+ fract_line(Window, point(0.50,0.67), point(0.75,0.25), i/10.0)
+ fract_line(Window, point(0.75,0.25), point(0.25,0.25), i/10.0)
+ }
+ Event(win)
+ close(win)
+procedure helpmsg()
+ write("Usage: Fract")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/fstarlab.icn b/ipl/gprogs/fstarlab.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9a767f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/fstarlab.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# File: fstarlab.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw fractal stars
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws fractal "stars". For a discussion of fractal
+# stars, see
+# Fractals; Endlessly Repeated Geometrical Figures, Hans Lauwerier,
+# Princeton University Press, 1991, pp. 72-77.
+# and
+# Geometric and Artistic Graphics; Design Generation with
+# Microcomputers, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Macmillan, 1987, pp. 55-63.
+# The window is square. The window size can be given on the command line,
+# default 600.
+# The present user interface is crude. To see all the fractal stars
+# that are provided by default, type
+# all
+# from standard input. After each star is drawn, the program waits
+# for an event before going on to the next star.
+# Alternatively, a single star can be drawn by typing its name preceded
+# by an equals sign. The names are fstar01 through fstar13. For example,
+# =fstar09
+# draws the ninth star.
+# In future extensions, provision will be made for user-defined stars.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: drawlab, fstars, fstartbl
+link drawlab
+link fstars
+link fstartbl
+global size
+procedure main(argl)
+ size := integer(argl[1]) | 600
+ drawlab(fstar, fstartbl, "fractal stars")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gallery.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gallery.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dcd0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gallery.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+# File: gallery.icn
+# Subject: Program to display many images at once
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: August 3, 2005
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: gallery [-{whs}nnn] [-{rmtud}] file...
+# Gallery displays multiple images in a single window. The images
+# are shrunken by resampling and tiled in columns or rows.
+# GIF and XPM format images are always supported. JPEG format is
+# supported when built by Jcon. JPEG, PPM, TIFF, PNG, and RLE formats
+# are also available under Unix if the necessary conversion utilities
+# are available in the shell search path.
+# When the window fills, diagonal lines in the extreme corners of the
+# window indicate that you can press Enter for the next screenful.
+# Solid triangles appear when there are no more images; press Q to exit.
+# At either of those pauses, pressing 'S' brings up a dialog for saving
+# a snapshot of the window. Clicking the left mouse button on an
+# image displays a popup window with information about the image. A
+# second click dismisses the popup, as does the space bar or Enter key.
+# The right mouse button activates the same popup momentarily until
+# the button is released.
+# -wnnn sets the maximum width for displaying an image;
+# -hnnn sets the maximum height. -snnn sets both.
+# By default, sizes are chosen automatically, subject to a minimum
+# size of 32x32, to allow all images to fit in a single window.
+# -r arranges images in rows instead of columns.
+# -m maximizes the window size before displaying images.
+# -t trims file names of leading path components and extensions.
+# -u shows images completely unlabeled.
+# -d prints some debugging information.
+# The standard Window() options are accepted and can be used to
+# set the window size and other parameters. A default gamma value
+# of 1.0 can be changed by using (e.g.) "-A gamma=1.6".
+# -cn and -gn options, which formerly selected a color palette,
+# are now ignored.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, imscolor, interact, options, io, random, cfunc
+# TO DO:
+# improve prompts -- something more obvious & intuitive
+link graphics
+link imscolor
+link interact
+link options
+link io
+link random
+$define Gap 4 # gap between images
+$define MinWidth 32 # minimum width if auto-scaled
+$define MinHeight 32 # minimum height if auto-scaled
+record imrec(win, fullw, fullh)
+record area(fname, x, y, w, h, iw, ih)
+global opts # command options
+global tempname # temporary file name
+global ww, wh, fh, fw # window dimensions
+global maxw, maxh # maximum size of displayed image
+global areas # areas used for display
+procedure main(args)
+ local cw, ch, bigh, bigw, x, y, w, h, gg, aspr, aspmax, horz
+ local fname, label, f, tw, s, nchars, nlines, img, imwin, e
+ # generate a random name for the temporary file
+ randomize()
+ tempname := "/tmp/gal" || right(?99999, 5, "0") || ".tmp"
+ # open the window and process options
+ Window("size=800,500", "bg=pale gray", "font=sans,8", "gamma=1.0", args)
+ opts := options(args, "g+c+w+h+s+rmtud")
+ if \opts["m"] then
+ WAttrib("canvas=maximal")
+ if *args = 0 then
+ stop("usage: ", &progname, " [-{gc}n] [-{whd}nnn] [-{mtv}] file...")
+ # allow user resizing of window
+ &error := 1
+ WAttrib("resize=on")
+ &error := 0
+ # record window dimensions
+ ww := WAttrib("width")
+ wh := WAttrib("height")
+ if \opts["u"] then
+ fh := 0
+ else
+ fh := WAttrib("fheight")
+ fw := WAttrib("fwidth")
+ maxw := \opts["w"] | \opts["s"] | 2 * \opts["h"]
+ maxh := \opts["h"] | \opts["s"] | 2 * \opts["w"]
+ # If no image size specified, try to guess to fill the window
+ if /maxw then
+ layout(*args)
+ aspmax := real(maxw) / real(maxh)
+ # Display the files.
+ x := y := Gap
+ bigw := bigh := 0
+ areas := list()
+ every fname := !args do {
+ close(\f)
+ close(\imwin)
+ f := imwin := &null
+ # Check for an interrupt
+ while *Pending() > 0 do
+ if Event() === QuitEvents() then
+ return
+ # Get the next file and translate its image.
+ f := open(fname) |
+ { write(&errout, fname, ": can't open"); next }
+ # Read the image, full sized, into a scratch canvas
+ if not (img := rdimage(fname, f, maxw, maxh)) then
+ { write(&errout, fname, ": can't decode"); next }
+ imwin :=
+ # Scale the image to the desired size
+ w := WAttrib(imwin, "width")
+ h := WAttrib(imwin, "height")
+ aspr := real(w) / real(h)
+ if w > maxw | h > maxh then {
+ if aspr > aspmax then {
+ w := maxw
+ h := maxw / aspr
+ }
+ else {
+ w := maxh * aspr
+ h := maxh
+ }
+ w <:= 1
+ h <:= 1
+ Zoom(imwin, , , , , , , w, h)
+ }
+ # Trim the file name if so requested.
+ if \opts["t"] then
+ fname ? {
+ while tab(upto('/') + 1)
+ ="cache"
+ label := tab(upto('.') | 0)
+ }
+ else
+ label := fname
+ # Calculate the area needed for display
+ cw := w # cell width
+ if /opts["u"] then
+ cw <:= TextWidth(label) # ensure room for label
+ ch := h + fh # cell height
+ # Place the new image on a new row or new window if needed.
+ if x + cw > ww | y + ch > wh then { # if row or column is full
+ if /opts["r"] then {
+ x +:= bigw + Gap # start new column
+ y := Gap
+ bigw := 0
+ }
+ else {
+ x := Gap # start new row
+ y +:= bigh + Gap
+ bigh := 0
+ }
+ if x + cw > ww | y + ch > wh then {
+ # no room for new row or column
+ pause() # wait for OK
+ EraseArea() # clear the window
+ ww := WAttrib("width")
+ wh := WAttrib("height")
+ x := y := Gap
+ bigw := bigh := 0
+ areas := list()
+ }
+ }
+ # Draw the image and its label.
+ CopyArea(imwin, &window, 0, 0, w, h, x, y)
+ if /opts["u"] then
+ DrawString(x, y + h + fh - WAttrib("descent"), label)
+ # Record the space it occupies
+ put(areas, area(fname, x - Gap / 2, y - Gap / 2, w + Gap, h + fh + Gap,
+ img.fullw, img.fullh))
+ # Move on to next position.
+ if /opts["r"] then
+ y +:= ch + Gap
+ else
+ x +:= cw + Gap
+ bigh <:= ch
+ bigw <:= cw
+ }
+ # All images have been displayed. Wait for "q" before exiting.
+ close(\f)
+ close(\imwin)
+ w := WAttrib("width")
+ h := WAttrib("height")
+ gg := 2 * Gap - 1
+ FillPolygon(0, 0, 0, gg - 1, gg - 1, 0)
+ FillPolygon(0, h, 0, h - gg, gg - 1, h - 1)
+ FillPolygon(w, 0, w - gg, 0, w - 1, gg - 1)
+ FillPolygon(w, h, w - gg, h - 1, w - 1, h - gg)
+ while e := Event() do case e of { # wait for event
+ QuitEvents(): exit() # quit on "q" etc
+ !"sS": snapshot() # save window shapshot
+ &lpress | &rpress: info(e) # display info about image
+ }
+# layout(n) -- calculate layout for n images
+$define GuessAspect 1.5 # aspect ratio guess used for layout
+procedure layout(n)
+ local aspf, nhigh, nwide
+ aspf := real(ww) / real(wh) / GuessAspect
+ nhigh := integer(sqrt(n / aspf) + 0.5)
+ nhigh <:= 1
+ nwide := (n + nhigh - 1) / nhigh
+ maxw := ((ww - Gap) / nwide) - Gap
+ maxh := ((wh - Gap) / nhigh) - Gap - fh
+ maxw <:= MinWidth
+ maxh <:= MinHeight
+ if \opts["d"] then
+ write(&errout, "npix=", n, " aspf=", aspf, " nhigh=", nhigh,
+ " nwide=", nwide, " maxh=", maxh, " maxw=", maxw)
+ return
+## pause() -- wait for clearance to start a new window
+procedure pause()
+ local w, h, gg, e
+ while *Pending() > 0 do # consume and ignore older events
+ Event()
+ w := WAttrib("width")
+ h := WAttrib("height")
+ gg := 2 * Gap - 1
+ DrawLine(0, gg - 1, gg - 1, 0) # draw diagonals to indicate pause
+ DrawLine(0, h - gg, gg - 1, h - 1)
+ DrawLine(w - gg, 0, w - 1, gg - 1)
+ DrawLine(w - gg, h - 1, w - 1, h - gg)
+ while e := Event() do case e of { # wait for event
+ QuitEvents(): exit() # quit on "q" etc
+ !" \t\r\n": break # continue on "\r" etc
+ !"sS": snapshot() # save window shapshot
+ &lpress | &rpress: info(e) # display info about image
+ }
+ return
+## info(event) -- display info about image under the mouse
+$define InfoMargin 10 # margin around image
+$define InfoHeight 80 # text area height
+$define InfoWidth 300 # text area width
+procedure info(e)
+ local a, w, h, wmin, wmax, hmax
+ wmin := InfoWidth + 2 * InfoMargin
+ wmax := WAttrib("width") - 4 * InfoMargin
+ hmax := WAttrib("height") - 5 * InfoMargin - InfoHeight
+ every a := !areas do
+ if InBounds(a.x, a.y, a.w, a.h) then {
+ w := a.iw
+ h := a.ih
+ if w >:= wmax then
+ h := a.ih * w / a.iw
+ if h >:= hmax then
+ w := a.iw * h / a.ih
+ wmin <:= w + 2 * InfoMargin
+ Popup(, , wmin, h + InfoHeight + 3 * InfoMargin, popinfo, a, e, w, h)
+ break
+ }
+ return
+## popinfo(area, event, w, h) -- display info in the popup
+# if event was &rpress, wait for &rrelease
+# otherwise wait for &lpress, Enter, or space to dismiss
+procedure popinfo(a, e, w, h)
+ local f, i, n, x, y
+ f := open(a.fname)
+ seek(f, 0)
+ n := where(f)
+ seek(f, 1)
+ i := rdimage(a.fname, f, w, h) | fail
+ x := (WAttrib("clipw") - w) / 2
+ y := InfoMargin
+ Zoom(, &window, , , , , x, y, w, h)
+ Font("sans,bold,12")
+ WAttrib("leading=16")
+ GotoXY(0, InfoMargin + h + InfoMargin + WAttrib("ascent"))
+ WWrite(" ", a.fname)
+ WWrite(" ", a.iw, " x ", a.ih, " pixels")
+ WWrite(" ", n, " bytes")
+ WWrite(" ", iformat(f), " format")
+ if e === &rpress then
+ until Event() === &rrelease # dismiss upon button release
+ else {
+ until Event() === &lrelease # consume matching release
+ until Event() === &lrelease | !" \n\r" # wait for dismissal
+ }
+ WClose(
+ return
+## iformat(f) -- return image format of file f
+procedure iformat(f)
+ local s
+ seek(f, 1)
+ s := reads(f, 1024) | fail
+ seek(f, 1)
+ s ? {
+ if ="GIF8" then return "GIF"
+ if ="\x89PNG" then return "PNG"
+ if ="\xFF\xD8\xFF" then return "JPEG"
+ if ="MM\x00\x2A" then return "TIFF"
+ if ="II\x2A\x00" then return "TIFF"
+ if =("P1" | "P4") then return "PBM"
+ if =("P2" | "P5") then return "PGM"
+ if =("P3" | "P6") then return "PPM"
+ if ="\x52\xCC" then return "RLE"
+ if ="BM" then return "BMP"
+ if find("XPM") then return "XPM"
+ fail
+ }
+## rdimage(fname, f, maxw, maxh) -- read image into scratch window
+procedure rdimage(fname, f, maxw, maxh)
+ local iwin
+ case iformat(f) of {
+ "GIF" | "XPM": iwin := load(fname)
+ "PNG": iwin := convert(fname, "pngtopnm")
+ "TIFF": iwin := convert(fname, "tifftopnm")
+ "PBM" | "PGM" | "PPM": iwin := convert(fname, "cat")
+ "RLE": iwin := convert(fname, "rletopnm")
+ "BMP": iwin := convert(fname, "bmptoppm")
+ "JPEG": return jpegread(fname, maxw, maxh)
+ }
+ return imrec(\iwin, WAttrib(iwin, "width"), WAttrib(iwin, "height"))
+## convert(fname, utilname) -- read image by converting through PPM to GIF
+procedure convert(fname, utilname)
+ needprog(utilname) | fail
+ needprog("ppmquant") | fail
+ needprog("ppmtogif") | fail
+ return mkgif(utilname ||
+ " 2>/dev/null | ppmquant 256 2>/dev/null | ppmtogif 2>/dev/null",
+ fname)
+## mkgif(cmd, fname) -- run filter to produce GIF file
+procedure mkgif(cmd, fname)
+ local win, f
+ remove(tempname)
+ cmd := "<\"" || fname || "\" " || cmd || " >" || tempname
+ if \opts["d"] then
+ write(&errout, "+ ", cmd)
+ system(cmd)
+ f := open(tempname) | fail
+ win := load(tempname)
+ close(f)
+ remove(tempname)
+ return \win
+## jpegread(fname, maxw, maxh) -- read JPEG image
+procedure jpegread(fname, maxw, maxh)
+ local scale, iwin, irec
+ $ifdef _JAVA
+ iwin := load(fname)
+ return imrec(\iwin, WAttrib(iwin, "width"), WAttrib(iwin, "height"))
+ $else
+ needprog("djpeg") | fail
+ irec := imrec()
+ if jsize(irec, fname) then
+ scale := jscale(irec, \maxw, \maxh) | ""
+ else
+ scale := ""
+ := mkgif("djpeg " || scale || " -g 2>/dev/null", fname) | fail
+ /irec.fullw := WAttrib(iwin, "width")
+ /irec.fullh := WAttrib(iwin, "height")
+ return irec
+ $endif
+## jsize(irec, fname) -- set fullw and fullh fields for JPEG image
+procedure jsize(irec, fname)
+ local s, p, line, w, h
+ s := ""
+ p := open("rdjpgcom -verbose " || fname, "p") | fail
+ while line := read(p) do line ? {
+ ="JPEG image is " | next
+ w := tab(many(&digits)) | next
+ ="w * " | next
+ h := tab(many(&digits)) | next
+ ="h, " | next
+ close(p)
+ irec.fullw := integer(w)
+ irec.fullh := integer(h)
+ return
+ }
+ close(p)
+ fail
+## jscale(irec, maxw, maxh) -- determine scaling for faster JPEG reading
+procedure jscale(irec, maxw, maxh)
+ local m
+ m := irec.fullw / maxw
+ m <:= irec.fullh / maxh
+ if m >= 8 then return "-scale 1/8"
+ if m >= 4 then return "-scale 1/4"
+ if m >= 2 then return "-scale 1/2"
+ return ""
+## load(fname) -- read image using WOpen
+procedure load(fname)
+ return WOpen("canvas=hidden", "bg=" || WAttrib("bg"),
+ "gamma=" || WAttrib("gamma"), "image=" || fname)
+## needprog(s) -- check for presence of program s in $PATH
+# Fails if the program is not available.
+# Issues a diagnostic only once per program.
+procedure needprog(s)
+ static ptable
+ initial ptable := table()
+ /ptable[s] := pathfind(s, map(getenv("PATH"), ":", " ")) |
+ (write(&errout, "can't find program \"", s, "\" in $PATH") & "")
+ return "" ~=== ptable[s]
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gamma.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gamma.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d9a57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gamma.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# File: gamma.icn
+# Subject: Program to perform gamma correction on images
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: March 5, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program allows changing the gamma correction for images. It can
+# be used, for example, to desaturate images for use as backgrounds.
+# Note: Fully saturated nd fully unsaturated colors are not affected by
+# gamma correction.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: interact, vfilter, vsetup
+link interact
+link vfilter
+link vsetup
+global continuous_vidget # continuous update toggle
+global gamma # current gamma value
+global gamma_vidget # gamma vidget
+global default_gamma # original gamma value
+global name # name of current image file
+global pane # window for current image
+global vidgets # table of vidgets
+procedure main()
+ vidgets := ui()
+ continuous_vidget := vidgets["continuous"]
+ gamma_vidget := vidgets["gamma"]
+ VSetState(continuous_vidget, "1")
+ default_gamma := WAttrib("gamma")
+ set_gamma(default_gamma)
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+procedure continuous_cb(vidget, value)
+ if \value then VSetFilter(gamma_vidget, &null) else
+ VSetFilter(gamma_vidget, "1")
+ return
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "load @L" : load_image()
+ "quit @Q" : exit()
+ "save @S" : save_image()
+ }
+ return
+procedure gamma_cb(vidget, value)
+ set_gamma(10.0 ^ value)
+ return
+procedure load_image()
+ WClose(\pane)
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog("Load image file:") == "Cancel" then fail
+ pane := WOpen("label=" || dialog_value, "image=" || dialog_value,
+ "gamma=" || gamma) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open image file.")
+ next
+ }
+ name := dialog_value
+ Raise()
+ return
+ }
+procedure reset_cb()
+ set_gamma(default_gamma)
+procedure save_image()
+ WAttrib(\pane, "gamma=" || default_gamma) | {
+ Notice("No image loaded.")
+ fail
+ }
+ snapshot(pane)
+ WAttrib(pane, "gamma=" || gamma)
+ return
+procedure set_cb()
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog("Set gamma value:", gamma, 10) == "Cancel" then fail
+ if 0.0 <= numeric(dialog_value) <= 100.0 then {
+ set_gamma(dialog_value)
+ return
+ }
+ else {
+ Notice("Invalid gamma value.")
+ next
+ }
+ }
+procedure set_gamma(value)
+ gamma := value
+ WAttrib(\pane, "gamma=" || gamma)
+ VSetState(gamma_vidget, log(value, 10))
+ show_gamma()
+ ReadImage(\pane, name)
+ Raise()
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(value)
+ if &meta then case map(value) of {
+ "l" : load_image()
+ "q" : exit()
+ "r" : set_gamma(default_gamma)
+ "s" : save_image()
+ }
+ return
+procedure show_gamma()
+ static old_gamma, x, y
+ initial {
+ old_gamma := ""
+ x := vidgets["show_gamma"].ax
+ y := vidgets["show_gamma"].ay
+ }
+ WAttrib("drawop=reverse")
+ DrawString(x, y, old_gamma)
+ DrawString(x, y, gamma)
+ WAttrib("drawop=copy")
+ old_gamma := gamma
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=337,210", "bg=pale gray"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,337,210:",],
+ ["10:Label:::109,97,21,13:1.0",],
+ ["20:Label:::193,97,28,13:10.0",],
+ ["3:Label:::23,97,21,13:0.1",],
+ ["continuous:Button:regular:1:12,120,126,20:continuous update",continuous_cb],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,2,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["load @L","save @S","quit @Q"]],
+ ["gamma:Scrollbar:h::12,62,305,16:-1.0,2.0,2.0",gamma_cb],
+ ["glabel:Label:::102,37,112,13:gamma correction",],
+ ["label1:Label:::276,97,35,13:100.0",],
+ ["label2:Label:::117,162,56,13:gamma = ",],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,23,336,23:",],
+ ["line2:Line:::34,80,34,90:",],
+ ["line3:Line:::209,80,209,90:",],
+ ["line4:Line:::121,80,121,90:",],
+ ["line5:Line:::295,80,295,90:",],
+ ["reset:Button:regular::57,159,42,20:reset",reset_cb],
+ ["set:Button:regular::12,159,35,20:set",set_cb],
+ ["show_gamma:Button:regularno::179,174,35,20:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gif2blp.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gif2blp.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff603ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gif2blp.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# File: gif2blp.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert B&W GIF to a BLP
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: March 4, 2003
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# AD HOC. Assumes any non-black pixel is white.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: patxform, wopen
+link patxform
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local width, height, row, p, y, rows
+ WOpen("image=" || args[1], "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open image")
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ height := WAttrib("height")
+ rows := []
+ every y := 0 to height - 1 do {
+ row := ""
+ every p := Pixel(0, y, width, 1) do
+ if ColorValue(p) == "0,0,0" then row ||:= "1"
+ else row ||:= "0"
+ put(rows, row)
+ }
+ write(rows2pat(rows))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gif2isd.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gif2isd.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eeac2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gif2isd.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# File: gif2isd.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce a ISD from bi-level image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 17, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program takes a B&W GIF image whose name is given on the
+# command line and writes an ISD for a draft to standard output.
+# If the GIF is not strictly B&W, non-black pixels are assumed to
+# be white.
+# Links: graphics, weavutil, xcode
+link graphics
+link weavutil
+link xcode
+procedure main(args)
+ local rows, cols, treadling, threading, count, tieup, y, width, height
+ local shafts, treadles, i, tie_line, row, treadle, draft, p
+ WOpen("image=" || args[1], "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open image")
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ height := WAttrib("height")
+ rows := [] # start with empty list
+ every y := 0 to height - 1 do {
+ row := ""
+ every p := Pixel(0, y, width, 1) do
+ if ColorValue(p) == "0,0,0" then row ||:= "1"
+ else row ||:= "0"
+ put(rows, row)
+ }
+ cols := rot(rows) # rotate to get columns
+ treadles := examine(rows) # get treadles
+ shafts := examine(cols) # get shafts
+ treadling := [] # construct treadling sequence
+ every put(treadling, treadles[!rows])
+ threading := [] # construct threading sequence
+ every put(threading, shafts[!cols])
+ tieup := []
+ every row := key(treadles) do { # get unique rows
+ treadle := treadles[row] # assigned treadle number
+ tie_line := repl("0", *shafts) # blank tie-up line
+ every i := 1 to *row do # go through row
+ if row[i] == "1" then # if warp on top
+ tie_line[threading[i]] := "1" # mark shaft position
+ put(tieup, tie_line) # add line to tie-up
+ }
+ draft := isd("gif2isd")
+ draft.threading := threading
+ draft.treadling := treadling
+ draft.shafts := *shafts
+ draft.treadles := *treadles
+ draft.width := *shafts
+ draft.height := *treadles
+ draft.tieup := tieup
+ draft.color_list := ["black", "white"]
+ draft.warp_colors := list(*threading, 1)
+ draft.weft_colors := list(*treadling, 2)
+ write(xencode(draft))
+procedure tromp(treadle)
+ local result
+ result := ""
+ treadle ? {
+ every result ||:= upto("1") || ","
+ }
+ return result[1:-1]
+procedure examine(array)
+ local count, lines, line
+ lines := table() # table to be keyed by line patterns
+ count := 0
+ every line := !array do # process lines
+ /lines[line] := (count +:= 1) # if new line, insert with new number
+ return lines
+procedure rot(rows)
+ local cols, row, grid, i
+ cols := list(*rows[1], "")
+ every row := !rows do {
+ i := 0
+ every grid := !row do
+ cols[i +:= 1] := grid || cols[i]
+ }
+ return cols
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gif2rows.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gif2rows.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff93154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gif2rows.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# File: gif2rows.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert B&W GIF to 0/1 rows
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 11, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# AD HOC. Assumes any non-black pixel is white.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local width, height, row, p, y
+ WOpen("image=" || args[1], "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open image")
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ height := WAttrib("height")
+ every y := 0 to height - 1 do {
+ row := ""
+ every p := Pixel(0, y, width, 1) do
+ if ColorValue(p) == "0,0,0" then row ||:= "1"
+ else row ||:= "0"
+ write(row)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gif2wif.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gif2wif.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37678b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gif2wif.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# File: gif2wif.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce a WIF from black & white image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 7, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program takes the name of a GIF file for a black & white image
+# and outputs a WIF for a corresponding draft. If the GIF is not
+# strictly black & white, all non-black pixels are interpreted as
+# white.
+# Links: graphics
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+link graphics
+procedure main(args)
+ local rows, cols, treadling, threading, count, tieup, y, width, height
+ local shafts, treadles, i, tie_line, row, treadle, draft, p
+ WOpen("image=" || args[1], "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open image")
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ height := WAttrib("height")
+ rows := [] # start with empty list
+ every y := 0 to height - 1 do {
+ row := ""
+ every p := Pixel(0, y, width, 1) do
+ if ColorValue(p) == "0,0,0" then row ||:= "1"
+ else row ||:= "0"
+ put(rows, row)
+ }
+ cols := rot(rows) # rotate to get columns
+ treadles := examine(rows) # get treadles
+ shafts := examine(cols) # get shafts
+ treadling := [] # construct treadling sequence
+ every put(treadling, treadles[!rows])
+ threading := [] # construct threading sequence
+ every put(threading, shafts[!cols])
+ tieup := table()
+ every row := key(treadles) do { # get unique rows
+ treadle := treadles[row] # assigned treadle number
+ tie_line := repl("0", *shafts) # blank tie-up line
+ every i := 1 to *row do # go through row
+ if row[i] == "1" then # if warp on top
+ tie_line[threading[i]] := "1" # mark shaft position
+ tieup[treadle] := tie_line # add line to tie-up
+ }
+ # Now output the WIF.
+ write("[WIF]")
+ write("Version=1.1")
+ write("Date=" || &dateline)
+ write("")
+ write("Source Program=gif2wif.icn")
+ write("[CONTENTS]")
+ write("Color Palette=yes")
+ write("Text=yes")
+ write("Weaving=yes")
+ write("Tieup=yes")
+ write("Color Table=yes")
+ write("Threading=yes")
+ write("Treadling=yes")
+ write("Warp colors=yes")
+ write("Weft colors=yes")
+ write("Warp=yes")
+ write("Weft=yes")
+ write("[COLOR PALETTE]")
+ write("Entries=2")
+ write("Form=RGB")
+ write("Range=0," || 2 ^ 16 - 1)
+ write("[TEXT]")
+ write("Title=example")
+ write("Author=Ralph E. Griswold")
+ write("Address=5302 E. 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85711")
+ write("")
+ write("Telephone=520-881-1470")
+ write("FAX=520-325-3948")
+ write("[WEAVING]")
+ write("Shafts=", *shafts)
+ write("Treadles=", *treadles)
+ write("Rising shed=yes")
+ write("[WARP]")
+ write("Threads=", *threading)
+ write("Units=Decipoints")
+ write("Thickness=10")
+ write("Color=1")
+ write("[WEFT]")
+ write("Threads=", *treadling)
+ write("Units=Decipoints")
+ write("Thickness=10")
+ write("Color=2")
+ write("[COLOR TABLE]")
+ write("1=0,0,0")
+ write("2=65535,65535,65535")
+ write("[THREADING]")
+ every i := 1 to *threading do
+ write(i, "=", threading[i])
+ write("[TREADLING]")
+ every i := 1 to *treadling do
+ write(i, "=", treadling[i])
+ write("[TIEUP]")
+ every i := 1 to *tieup do
+ write(i, "=", tromp(tieup[i]))
+#procedure tromp(treadle)
+# local result
+# result := ""
+# treadle ? {
+# every result ||:= upto("1") || ","
+# }
+# return result[1:-1]
+procedure tromp(treadle)
+ local result, i
+ result := ""
+ every i := 1 to *treadle do
+ if treadle[i] == 1 then result ||:= i || ","
+ return result[1:-1]
+procedure examine(array)
+ local count, lines, line
+ lines := table() # table to be keyed by line patterns
+ count := 0
+ every line := !array do # process lines
+ /lines[line] := (count +:= 1) # if new line, insert with new number
+ return lines
+procedure rot(rows)
+ local cols, row, grid, i
+ cols := list(*rows[1], "")
+ every row := !rows do {
+ i := 0
+ every grid := !row do
+ cols[i +:= 1] := grid || cols[i]
+ }
+ return cols
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gifs2pdb.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gifs2pdb.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84bf0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gifs2pdb.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# File: gifs2pdb.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce custom palettes from GIF images
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: April 13, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program makes a custom palette database from the colors in GIF
+# images
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, palettes, wopen, xcode
+link basename
+link palettes
+link wopen
+link xcode
+global PDB_
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, name, output, colors, win
+ every file := !args do {
+ win := WOpen("image=" || file, "canvas=hidden") | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open image: ", image(file))
+ next
+ }
+ name := basename(file, ".gif")
+ colors := set()
+ every insert(colors, Pixel(win, 0, 0, WAttrib(win, "width"),
+ WAttrib(win, "height")))
+ WClose(win)
+ makepalette(name, sort_colors(colors)) |
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot make palette from ", image(file))
+ }
+ xencode(PDB_, &output)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/giftoims.icn b/ipl/gprogs/giftoims.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4440b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/giftoims.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# File: giftoims.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert GIF files to image strings
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 10, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts GIF images whose names are given on the command
+# line to image strings as used by DrawImage().
+# The image strings are written to files with the basenames of the GIF
+# files and the suffix "ims" or "iml" depending on the output option.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -l write Icon literal instead of plain string; suffix is
+# .iml (default .ims).
+# -i i make lines of literals at most i characters long
+# -p s palette to use; default c1.
+# For -l, the length refers to the number of characters represented. If
+# they require escapes, thea actual line length will be longer. This is
+# to prevent errors from trying to continue a string literal in the
+# middle of an escape sequence. In addition, three blanks are prepended
+# to each line and the characters # and $ are escaped to prevent then
+# from being misinterpreted by Icon's translator.
+# .iml files are suitable for inclusion in program text, either
+# directly or by $include.
+# .ims files are suitable for reading.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, graphics, options, strings
+link basename
+link graphics
+link options
+link strings
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, opts, name, output, literal, length, seg, palette, str
+ local suffix
+ opts := options(args, "i+lp:")
+ literal := opts["l"]
+ length := opts["i"]
+ palette := \opts["p"] | "c1"
+ suffix := if \literal then ".iml" else ".ims"
+ if not PaletteChars(palette) then
+ stop("*** invalid palette specification")
+ every file := !args do {
+ name := basename(file, ".gif") || suffix
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || file) | {
+ write(&errout, "**** can't open ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ output := open(name, "w") | {
+ write(&errout, "*** can't write to ", name)
+ next
+ }
+ str := Capture(palette)
+ if /literal then writes(output, str)
+ else {
+ if /length then str ? {
+ length := integer(tab(upto(',')))
+ }
+ str ? {
+ write(output, " \"", tab(upto(',') + 1), tab(upto(',') + 1), "_")
+ while seg := move(length) do {
+ if pos(0) then write(output, " ", esc(seg), "\"")
+ else write(output, " ", esc(seg), "_")
+ }
+ if not pos(0) then write(output, " ", esc(tab(0)), "\"")
+ }
+ }
+ close(output)
+ WClose()
+ }
+procedure esc(s)
+ s := image(s)
+ s := replace(s, "$", "\\x24")
+ s := replace(s, "#", "\\x23")
+ return s[2:-1]
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/giftopat.icn b/ipl/gprogs/giftopat.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86abe9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/giftopat.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# File: giftopat.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert GIF image to hex-form pattern
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 29, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program convert GIF images, whose names are given on the command
+# line to bi-level patterns. The GIFs are expected to be black and white.
+# All non-white pixels are treated as black
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: imsutils, wopen
+link imsutils
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, win
+ while file := get(args) do {
+ win := WOpen("image=" || file, "canvas=hidden") | {
+ write(&errout, "cannot open ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ write(pix2pat(win, 0, 0, WAttrib("width"), WAttrib("height")))
+ WClose(win)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gpxtest.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gpxtest.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8b8587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gpxtest.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+# File: gpxtest.icn
+# Subject: Program to test graphics procedures
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: August 1, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program exercises a wide variety of graphics operations. Several
+# independent output tests are run in square cells within a window. The
+# resulting image can be compared with a standard image to determine its
+# correctness.
+# The "Dialog" button brings up an interactive dialog box test; the
+# "Quit" button exits the program.
+# Some variations among systems are expected in the areas of fonts,
+# attribute values, and availability of mutable colors. The first test,
+# involving window resizing, produces results that do not exactly fit the
+# grid pattern of the other tests; that is also expected.
+# This program is designed for a color display, but it also works on
+# monochrome systems.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: button, dsetup, evmux, graphics
+link button
+link dsetup
+link evmux
+link graphics
+$define CELL 80 # size of one test "cell"
+$define HALF (CELL / 2) # half a cell
+$define GAP 10 # gap between cells
+$define NWIDE 6 # number of cells across
+$define NHIGH 4 # number of cells down
+$define WIDTH (NWIDE * (CELL + GAP)) # total width
+$define HEIGHT (NHIGH * (CELL + GAP)) # total height
+$define ABET "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz"
+global cx, cy # current cell indices
+############################## Overall control ##############################
+procedure main(args)
+ local x, y
+ # Start with a medium window; shrink, test defaults, grow.
+ Window("size=300,300", "bg=light-weak-reddish-yellow", args)
+ VSetFont()
+ # The following sequence *should* have no permanent effect
+ WAttrib("drawop=xor", "fillstyle=masked", "pattern=checkers", "linewidth=5")
+ DrawCircle(CELL / 2, CELL / 2, CELL / 3)
+ EraseArea()
+ WAttrib("drawop=copy", "fillstyle=solid", "linewidth=1")
+ # Shrink the window, test defaults, grow to final size.
+ deftest()
+ WAttrib("size=" || WIDTH || "," || HEIGHT)
+ WAttrib("width=" || WIDTH) # should be no-op
+ WAttrib("size=" || WIDTH || "," || HEIGHT) # should be no-op
+ # Make a simple background.
+ if WAttrib("depth") > 1 then
+ Fg("44000,39000,24000")
+ every y := (3 * CELL / 2) to (2 * HEIGHT) by 7 do
+ DrawLine(0, y, 2 * y, 0)
+ Fg("#000")
+ # Run a series of tests confined to small, square cells.
+ cx := cy := 0 # current cell (already filled)
+ cell(simple)
+ cell(lines)
+ cell(rects)
+ cell(star)
+ cell(pretzel)
+ cell(spiral)
+ cell(arcs)
+ cell(copying)
+ cell(rings)
+ cell(fontvars)
+ cell(stdfonts)
+ cell(stdpats)
+ cell(patts)
+ cell(attribs)
+ cell(gamma)
+ cell(balls)
+ cell(slices)
+ cell(details)
+ cell(rainbow)
+ cell(whale)
+ cell(cheshire)
+ # Use the final cell area for Dialog and Quit buttons.
+ buttonrow(&window, WIDTH - CELL - GAP/2, HEIGHT - GAP / 2, CELL, 2 * GAP,
+ 0, - 3 * GAP, "Quit", argless, exit, "Dialog", argless, dltest)
+ quitsensor(&window)
+ sensor(&window, 'Dd', argless, dltest)
+ evmux(&window)
+## cell(proc) -- run a test in the next available cell
+# Proc is called with a private graphics context assigned to &window.
+# Clipping set to cell boundaries and the origin is at the center.
+procedure cell(proc)
+ local x, y, stdwin
+ if (cx +:= 1) >= NWIDE then {
+ cx := 0
+ cy +:= 1
+ }
+ x := integer((cx + .5) * (CELL + GAP))
+ y := integer((cy + .5) * (CELL + GAP))
+ stdwin := &window
+ &window := Clone("dx=" || x, "dy=" || y, "bg=white")
+ ClearOutline(-HALF - 1, -HALF - 1, CELL + 1, CELL + 1)
+ proc()
+ Uncouple(&window)
+ &window := stdwin
+############################## Cell Tests ##############################
+## arcs() -- draw a series of arcs forming a tight spiral
+# Tests DrawCircle with angle limits.
+procedure arcs()
+ local r, a, d
+ r := 2
+ a := 0
+ d := &pi / 10
+ while r < HALF do {
+ DrawCircle(0, 0, r, a, d)
+ r +:= 1
+ a +:= d
+ d +:= &pi / 40
+ }
+## attribs() -- test WAttrib().
+# For each of several attributes we should be able to inquire the current
+# setting, set it to that value, and get it back again. If that works,
+# display some system-dependent attributes in the cell window.
+procedure attribs()
+ local alist, afail, n, a, f, cw, ch, cl, v1, v2
+ alist := [
+ "fg", "bg", "reverse", "drawop", "gamma", "font", "leading",
+ "linewidth", "linestyle", "fillstyle", "pattern",
+ "clipx", "clipy", "clipw", "cliph", "dx", "dy",
+ "label", "pos", "posx", "posy", "size", "height", "width", "canvas",
+ "resize", "echo", "cursor", "x", "y", "row", "col", "pointer",
+ "pointerx", "pointery", "pointerrow", "pointercol",
+ ]
+ afail := []
+ every a := \!alist do {
+ v1 := WAttrib(a) | { put(afail, a); next }
+ WAttrib(a || "=" || v1) | { put(afail, a || "=" || v1); next }
+ v2 := WAttrib(a) | { put(afail, a); next }
+ v1 == v2 | { put(afail, a || ": " || v1 || "/" || v2); next }
+ }
+ Translate(-HALF, -HALF)
+ GotoRC(1, 1)
+ if *afail > 0 then {
+ Font("sans,bold,10")
+ WWrite("FAILED:")
+ every WWrite(" ", !afail)
+ every write(&errout, "WAttrib() failure: ", !afail)
+ fail
+ }
+ f := WAttrib("font") | "[FAILED]"
+ cw := WAttrib("fwidth") | "[FAILED]"
+ ch := WAttrib("fheight") | "[FAILED]"
+ cl := WAttrib("leading") | "[FAILED]"
+ Font("sans,10")
+ WWrite("display=", WAttrib("display") | "[FAILED]")
+ WWrite(" (", WAttrib("displaywidth") | "????", "x",
+ WAttrib("displayheight") | "????", "x", WAttrib("depth") | "??", ")")
+ every a := "gamma" | "pointer" do
+ WWrite(a, "=", WAttrib(a) | "[FAILED]")
+ WWrite("vfont=", f)
+ WWrite(" (", cw, "x", ch, ", +", cl, ")")
+## balls() -- draw a grid of spheres
+# Tests DrawImage using g16 palette.
+procedure balls()
+ every DrawImage(-HALF + 2 to HALF by 20, -HALF + 2 to HALF by 20,
+ " 16 , g16 , FFFFB98788AEFFFF_
+ FFD865554446AFFF FD856886544339FF E8579BA9643323AF_
+ A569DECA7433215E 7569CDB86433211A 5579AA9643222108_
+ 4456776533221007 4444443332210007 4333333222100008_
+ 533322221100000A 822222111000003D D41111100000019F_
+ FA200000000018EF FFA4000000028EFF FFFD9532248BFFFF")
+## cheshire() -- cheshire cat display
+# Tests mutable colors, WDelay, various drawing operations.
+procedure cheshire()
+ local face, eyes, grin, i, g
+ if (face := NewColor("white")) &
+ (eyes := NewColor("black")) & (grin := NewColor("black")) then {
+ Fg("gray")
+ FillRectangle(-HALF, -HALF)
+ Fg(face)
+ FillArc(-HALF, .3 * CELL, CELL, -HALF)
+ FillPolygon(0, 0, -.35 * CELL, -.35 * CELL, -.35 * CELL, 0)
+ FillPolygon(0, 0, .35 * CELL, -.35 * CELL, .35 * CELL, 0)
+ Fg(eyes)
+ WAttrib("linewidth=2")
+ DrawCircle(-.18 * CELL, -.0 * CELL, 3, , , .18 * CELL, -.0 * CELL, 3)
+ Fg(grin)
+ DrawCircle(0, -HALF, .7 * CELL, &pi / 3, &pi / 3)
+ WDelay(500)
+ every i := 0 to 30 by 2 do {
+ WDelay(100)
+ g := i * 65535 / 60
+ Color(eyes, g || "," || g || "," || g)
+ g := 65535 - g
+ Color(face, g || "," || g || "," || g)
+ }
+ every i := 0 to 26 by 2 do {
+ WDelay(100)
+ g := i * 65535 / 60
+ Color(grin, g || "," || g || "," || g)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Translate(-HALF + 4, -HALF)
+ GotoRC(1, 1)
+ WWrite("this test\nrequires\nmutable\ncolors")
+ }
+## copying() -- test CopyArea
+# Tests hidden canvas, overlapping copies, and generation
+# of background color for missing source pixels.
+procedure copying()
+ local win, o, w, h
+ win := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=" || CELL || "," || CELL) | {
+ GotoRC(1, 1)
+ WWrite("Can't get\nhidden\ncanvas")
+ fail
+ }
+ every DrawCircle(win, HALF, HALF, HALF - 2 to sqrt(2) * HALF by 3)
+ o := 5 # offset for copy
+ w := CELL / 4 # width of square to be copied
+ h := w / 2 # half of that, for centering
+ Bg(win, "black")
+ CopyArea(win, -o, -o, w, w, 0, 0)
+ CopyArea(win, HALF - h, -o, w, w, HALF - h, 0)
+ CopyArea(win, CELL + o, -o, -w, w, CELL - w, 0)
+ CopyArea(win, -o, HALF - h, w, w, 0, HALF - h)
+ CopyArea(win, CELL + o, HALF - h, -w, w, CELL - w, HALF - h)
+ CopyArea(win, -o, CELL + o, w, -w, 0, CELL - w)
+ CopyArea(win, HALF - h, CELL + o, w, -w, HALF - h, CELL - w)
+ CopyArea(win, CELL + o, CELL + o, -w, -w, CELL - w, CELL - w)
+ CopyArea(win, o, o, w, w, HALF - w, HALF - w)
+ CopyArea(win, CELL - o, o, -w, w, HALF, HALF - w)
+ CopyArea(win, o, CELL - o, w, -w, HALF - w, HALF)
+ CopyArea(win, CELL - o, CELL - o, -w, -w, HALF, HALF)
+ CopyArea(win, &window, , , , , -HALF, -HALF)
+ close(win)
+## deftest() -- test defaults
+# Tests x/y/w/h defaulting by adjusting the window size several times.
+# Also exercises "drawop=reverse" incidentally.
+# This test must be run first. It uses the entire window and leaves
+# results in the first cell.
+procedure deftest()
+ WAttrib("drawop=reverse")
+ WAttrib("size=" || CELL || "," || CELL / 2)
+ FillArc()
+ FillArc(, , CELL / 4)
+ FillArc(3 * CELL / 4)
+ WAttrib("height=" || CELL)
+ DrawArc(, CELL / 2)
+ WAttrib("drawop=copy")
+## details() -- test drawing details
+# Tests some of the details of filling and stroking.
+procedure details()
+ Shade("light gray")
+ FillRectangle()
+ WAttrib("linewidth=7", "fg=white")
+ DrawLine(10, 10, 10, 25, 30, 25, 20, 10)
+ WAttrib("linewidth=1", "fg=black")
+ DrawLine(10, 10, 10, 25, 30, 25, 20, 10)
+ Fg("white")
+ DrawRectangle(-5, -5, -25, -30)
+ Fg("black")
+ DrawArc(-5, -5, -25, -30)
+ Fg("white")
+ FillArc(5, -5, 24, -30)
+ Fg("black")
+ DrawArc(5, -5, 24, -30)
+ Shade("light gray")
+ FillCircle(17, -17, 6)
+ Fg("black")
+ DrawCircle(17, -17, 6)
+ Fg("white")
+ FillPolygon(-5,20, -17,23, -20,35, -23,23, -35,20, -23,17, -20,5, -17,17)
+ Fg("black")
+ DrawPolygon(-5,20, -17,23, -20,35, -23,23, -35,20, -23,17, -20,5, -17,17)
+## fontvars() -- test font variations
+# Tests various font characteristics combined with standard font names.
+# Also exercises Shade, GoToXY, WWrites.
+procedure fontvars()
+ Translate(-HALF + 4, -HALF)
+ Shade("gray")
+ FillRectangle(-4)
+ Shade("black")
+ GotoXY(0, 0)
+ WWrites("\nFonts...")
+ WWrites("\n", if Font("mono,12") then ABET else "no mono 12")
+ WWrites("\n", if Font("serif,italic") then ABET else "no SF ital")
+ WWrites("\n", if Font("sans,bold,18") then ABET else "no SN B 18")
+ WWrites("\n", if Font("fixed") then ABET else "no fixed!")
+## gamma() -- test gamma correction
+# Draws 50%-gray bars with various values of the gamma attribute, beginning
+# with the system default. Incidentally tests some font attributes.
+procedure gamma()
+ local g
+ GotoXY(0, -HALF + WAttrib("leading") - WAttrib("descent"))
+ every g := &null | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.2 | 3.3 | 5.0 | 7.5 do {
+ Shade("gray")
+ WAttrib("gamma=" || \g)
+ FillRectangle(-4, WAttrib("y") + WAttrib("descent"),
+ -HALF, -WAttrib("leading"))
+ Shade("black")
+ WWrite(WAttrib("gamma"))
+ }
+## lines() -- test line drawing
+# Tests proper drawing and joining of lines of various widths. There
+# once were problems here in Icon, and there still are in some X servers.
+procedure lines()
+ local i, y
+ y := -HALF - 6
+ every WAttrib("linewidth=" || (0 to 4)) do
+ tline(-HALF + 10, y +:= 15)
+procedure tline(x, y)
+ DrawLine(x + 1, y, x + 3, y)
+ DrawLine(x - 1, y, x - 3, y)
+ DrawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + 3)
+ DrawLine(x, y - 1, x, y - 3)
+ x +:= 15
+ DrawLine(x - 3, y - 3, x + 3, y - 3)
+ DrawLine(x + 3, y - 3, x + 3, y + 3)
+ DrawLine(x + 3, y + 3, x - 3, y + 3)
+ DrawLine(x - 3, y + 3, x - 3, y - 3)
+ x +:= 15
+ DrawLine(x - 3, y - 3, x + 3, y + 3)
+ DrawLine(x - 3, y + 3, x + 3, y - 3)
+ x +:= 15
+ DrawLine(x, y - 4, x + 4, y)
+ DrawLine(x + 4, y, x, y + 4)
+ DrawLine(x, y + 4, x - 4, y)
+ DrawLine(x - 4, y, x, y - 4)
+ x +:= 15
+ DrawRectangle(x - 4, y - 4, 8, 8)
+## patts() -- test custom patterns
+# Tests custom patterns in hex and decimal forms; tests fillstyle=masked.
+procedure patts()
+ local i, j, s, w
+ WAttrib("linewidth=4")
+ DrawCircle(0, 0, 0.38 * CELL) # circle should persist after patts
+ WAttrib("linewidth=1")
+ Translate(-HALF, -HALF)
+ w := (CELL + 2) / 3;
+ WAttrib("fillstyle=masked")
+ s := ["8,#01552B552B552BFF", "8,#020E070420E07040",
+ "8,31,14,68,224,241,224,68,14", "8,#2020FF020202FF20", "4,#5A5A",
+ "8,#0ABBA0BE82BAAAEA", "8,#E3773E383E77E383", "8,#4545C71154547C11",
+ "8,#FF7F3F1F0F070301"]
+ every i := 0 to 2 do
+ every j := 0 to 2 do {
+ WAttrib("pattern=" || s[3 * i + j + 1])
+ FillRectangle(w * j, w * i, w, w)
+ }
+## pretzel() -- draw a pretzel
+# Tests DrawCurve.
+procedure pretzel()
+ WAttrib("linewidth=3")
+ DrawCurve(20, -20, -5, 0, 20, 20, 35, 0, 0,
+ -20, -35, 0, -20, 20, 5, 0, -20, -20)
+## rainbow() -- draw a rainbow
+# Tests several color naming variations.
+procedure rainbow()
+ local r, c, l
+ Shade("moderate blue-cyan")
+ FillRectangle()
+ WAttrib("fillstyle=solid")
+ r := 20
+ l := ["pink", "pale orange", "light yellow", "pale green", "pale blue",
+ "light bluish violet", " pale violet"]
+ WAttrib("linewidth=3")
+ every Fg(!l) do
+ DrawCircle(0, 20, r +:= 3, 0, -&pi)
+## rects() -- draw rectangles
+# Tests rectangles specified with positive & negative width & height.
+procedure rects()
+ local r, a
+ WAttrib("drawop=reverse")
+ r := HALF
+ every a := 1 to 19 by 2 do
+ DrawRectangle(0, 0, r * cos(0.33 * a), r * sin(0.33 * a))
+## rings() -- draw a pile of rings
+# Tests linewidth and DrawCircle in combination.
+procedure rings()
+ local x, y
+ Translate(-HALF, -HALF)
+ FillRectangle()
+ every 1 to 15 do {
+ x := ?CELL
+ y := ?CELL
+ WAttrib("fg=black", "linewidth=5")
+ DrawCircle(x, y, 30) # draw ring in black
+ WAttrib("fg=white", "linewidth=3")
+ DrawCircle(x, y, 30) # color with white band
+ }
+## simple() -- an easy first test
+# Tests DrawString, DrawCircle, FillRectangle, EraseArea, linestyles.
+procedure simple()
+ DrawCircle(0, 0, CELL / 3)
+ DrawString(-HALF + 4, -HALF + 12, "hello,")
+ DrawString(-HALF + 4, -HALF + 25, "world")
+ FillRectangle(0, 0)
+ EraseArea(10, 4, CELL / 5, CELL / 3)
+ WAttrib("linestyle=dashed")
+ DrawLine(HALF - 3, HALF, HALF - 3, -HALF)
+ WAttrib("linestyle=striped")
+ DrawLine(HALF - 6, HALF, HALF - 6, -HALF)
+## slices() -- draw a pie with different-colored slices
+# Tests RandomColor, Shade, FillArc.
+procedure slices()
+ local n, a, da, ov
+ n := 10
+ da := 2 * &pi / n # change in angle
+ a := -&pi / 2 - da # current angle
+ ov := &pi / 1000 # small overlap
+ FillRectangle(-HALF, -HALF)
+ every 1 to n do {
+ Shade(RandomColor())
+ FillArc(-HALF, -CELL / 3, CELL, 2 * CELL / 3, a +:= da, da + ov)
+ }
+## spiral() -- draw a spiral, one point at a time
+# Tests DrawPoint.
+procedure spiral()
+ local r, a, d
+ r := 3 # initial radius
+ a := 0 # initial start angle
+ while r < HALF do {
+ DrawPoint(r * cos(a), r * sin(a))
+ d := 1.0 / r
+ a +:= d
+ r +:= 2 * d
+ }
+## star() -- draw a five-pointed star.
+# Tests FillPolygon and the even-odd winding rule.
+procedure star()
+ FillPolygon(-40, -10, 40, -10, -25, 40, 0, -40, 25, 40)
+## stdfonts() -- test standard fonts
+# Shows the default font (the header line), standard fonts, and "fixed".
+procedure stdfonts()
+ Translate(-HALF + 4, -HALF)
+ Shade("gray")
+ FillRectangle(-4)
+ Shade("black")
+ GotoRC(1, 1)
+ WWrite(if Font("mono") then "mono" else "no mono!")
+ WWrite(if Font("typewriter") then "typewriter" else "no typewriter!")
+ WWrite(if Font("sans") then "sans" else "no sans!")
+ WWrite(if Font("serif") then "serif" else "no serif!")
+ WWrite(if Font("fixed") then "fixed" else "no fixed!")
+## stdpats() -- test standard patterns
+# Tests standard pattern names; tests fillstyle=textured.
+procedure stdpats()
+ local i, j, s, x, y
+ WAttrib("fillstyle=textured")
+ s := [
+ "black", "verydark", "darkgray", "gray", "lightgray", "verylight",
+ "white", "vertical", "diagonal", "horizontal", "grid", "trellis",
+ "checkers", "grains", "scales", "waves"]
+ every i := 0 to 3 do
+ every j := 0 to 3 do {
+ WAttrib("pattern=" || s[4 * i + j + 1])
+ x := -HALF + j * CELL / 4
+ y := -HALF + i * CELL / 4
+ FillRectangle(x, y) # depends on opacity of patterns to work
+ }
+## whale() -- draw a whale
+# Tests transparent and regular images, Capture, Zoom.
+procedure whale()
+ local s
+ Fg("moderate greenish cyan")
+ FillRectangle()
+ Translate(-HALF, -HALF)
+ DrawImage(3, 3, "32, c1, _
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~000~~~~~~00~~~~~~~00_
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~0JJJ00~~~~0J00~~~00J0_
+ ~~~~~~~000000JJJJ0~~~0J0J000J0J0_
+ ~~~~~000iiiii000JJ0~~0JJJ0J0JJi0_
+ ~~~~06660ii000ii00J0~~00JJJJJ00~_
+ ~~~066000i06600iii00~~~~0iii0~~~_
+ ~~0066000i06000iiii0~~~~~0i0~~~~_
+ ~~0i0000iii000iiiiii0~~~~0i0~~~~_
+ ~0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0~~0ii0~~~~_
+ ~00000iii0000iiiiiiiii00iiii0~~~_
+ 0AAAAA000AAAA00iiiiiiiiiiiii0~~~_
+ 0AAAAAAAAAAAAAA0iiiiiiiiiiii0~~~_
+ ~0000AAAAA0000AA0iiiiiiiiiiii0~~_
+ ~06060000060600AA0iiiiiiiiiii0~~_
+ ~060606060606000A0iiiii00iiii0~~_
+ ~~0~006060000000AA0iiiiiJ0iii0~~_
+ ~~~~~~00000000000A0iiii0JJ0ii0~~_
+ ~~~~~~00000000000A0iiiiJ0J0ii0~~_
+ ~~~0~~00000000000A0iii0JJ00i0~~~_
+ ~~060000000000000A0i0JJ0JJ0i0~~~_
+ ~~06060600000600AA0ii0JJ00ii0~~~_
+ ~00006060606060AA0iiii000ii0~~~~_
+ 0AAA0000060600AAA0iiiiiiiii0~~~~_
+ 0AAAAAAAA000AAAA0iiiiiiiiii0~~~~_
+ ~000AAAAAAAAAAA0iiiiiiiiii0~~~~~_
+ ~~0i0000AAAAA00iiiiiiiiiii0~~~~~_
+ ~~0iiiii00000iiiiiiiiiiii0~~~~~~_
+ ~~~0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0~~~~~~~_
+ ~~~~0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii00~~~~~~~~_
+ ~~~~~00iiiiiiiiiiiii00~~~~~~~~~~_
+ ~~~~~~~000iiiiiii000~~~~~~~~~~~~_
+ ~~~~~~~~~~0000000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
+ s := Capture(, 0, 0, 36, 36)
+ DrawImage(0, 40, s)
+ Zoom(0, 0, 36, 36, 40, 20, 72, 72)
+############################## Dialog test ##############################
+## dltest() -- dialog test
+# Present a dialog box with "Validate" and "Cancel" buttons.
+# For "Validate", check all values, and repeat dialog if incorrect.
+# For "Cancel", return immediately.
+procedure dltest()
+ while dlog() ~== "Cancel" do {
+ if dialog_value["button"] ~=== 1 then
+ { Notice("The button was not left dark."); next }
+ if dialog_value["xbox"] ~=== 1 then
+ { Notice("The checkbox was not checked."); next }
+ if dialog_value["slider"] < 0.8 then
+ { Notice("The slider was not set."); next }
+ if map(dialog_value["text"]) ~== "icon" then
+ { Notice("The text did not say `Icon'"); next }
+ Notice("All values were correct.")
+ return
+ }
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure dlog(win, deftbl)
+static dstate
+initial dstate := dsetup(win,
+ ["dlog:Sizer::1:0,0,370,220:",],
+ ["button:Button:regular:1:291,21,56,21:button",],
+ ["cancel:Button:regular::198,174,100,30:Cancel",],
+ ["label1:Label:::20,25,252,13:Click this button and leave it dark:",],
+ ["label2:Label:::20,55,105,13:Check this box:",],
+ ["label3:Label:::20,85,238,13:Move this slider to the far right:",],
+ ["rule:Line:::20,157,350,157:",],
+ ["slider:Slider:h::273,86,76,15:0.0,1.0,0.5",],
+ ["text:Text::6:20,115,214,17:Enter the word `Icon': \\=here",],
+ ["validate:Button:regular:-1:75,174,100,30:Validate",],
+ ["xbox:Button:xbox:1:131,54,16,16:",],
+ )
+return dpopup(win, deftbl, dstate)
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gridedit.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gridedit.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71706dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gridedit.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# File: gridedit.icn
+# Subject: Program to create and edit binary arrays
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: December 21, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This application provides a variety of facilities for creating and
+# editing binary arrays. It is intended for use with weaving tie-ups
+# and liftplans.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics, /tmp
+# Links: tieedit
+link tieedit
+procedure main(args)
+ grid_init()
+ ready()
+ while ProcessEvent(grid_root, , grid_shortcuts) do
+ if \grid_state then exit()
+procedure ready()
+ grid_state := &null
+ grid_rows := pat2rows("10,#001002004008010020040080100200")
+ setup()
+ WAttrib(grid_window, "canvas=normal")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/gxplor.icn b/ipl/gprogs/gxplor.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e331aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/gxplor.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+# File: gxplor.icn
+# Subject: Program to explore graphics facilities
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: July 20, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: gxplor [-s] [window options]
+# gxplor is an interactive explorer for experimenting with Icon's
+# graphics facilities. Commands read from standard input set window
+# attributes or invoke procedures. Result values are reported on
+# standard output. Errors are caught when possible.
+# Here's an example, with commentary at the side, that illustrates
+# some of the possibilities:
+# % gxplor start program; a window appears
+# > fg query value of "fg" attribute
+# black
+# > fg blue set "fg" attribute
+# blue
+# > linewidth 7 set "linewidth" attribute
+# 7
+# > drawline 12 20 55 73 a fat blue line appears
+# > erasearea clear window
+# > fillarea
+# [unrecognized] oops -- wrong name
+# > fillrectangle
+# > pattern query "pattern" attribute
+# [failed]
+# > pattern grid set it
+# grid
+# > fillstyle
+# solid
+# > fillstyle opaque
+# error 205: invalid value
+# > fillstyle textured set fillstyle
+# textured
+# > clip 50 50 400 200 set clipping
+# > fillrectangle fill clipped area with pattern
+# > zoom 40 40 100 100 300 50 200 200
+# zoom a region
+# > &storage query memory usage
+# 0
+# 274
+# 12184
+# > exit exit the program
+# %
+# Input consists of blank-separated words, as shown. If the first
+# word is recognized as the name of an attribute, a WAttrib() call is
+# made. If it is an Icon keyword, the keyword value is printed.
+# Otherwise, the word is treated as a procedure name. Any built-in
+# function or linked procedure can be invoked, and procedure names are
+# treated as case-insensitive for ease of entry.
+# If a line begins with an integer, the remainder of the line is
+# interpreted as a command to be repeated that number of times.
+# Afterwards, the elapsed CPU and wall-clock time is reported;
+# these figures include loop and call overhead.
+# The -s option selects "script" mode: input is echoed on standard
+# output, and at EOF the program pauses in WDone().
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: many
+link graphics
+link options
+link datetime
+link random
+link barchart, bitplane, drawcard, decay, imscolor
+link psrecord, putpixel, strpchrt, turtle, vsetup
+invocable all
+$define MaxErrors 100
+# main procedure
+procedure main(args)
+ local line, words, n, tm, ck, verb, p, s, w, r, atts, keywds, opts
+ atts := attnames()
+ keywds := kwnames()
+ Window(args)
+ opts := options(args, "s")
+ repeat {
+ # read next line
+ writes("> ")
+ line := read() | break
+ if \opts["s"] then
+ write(line)
+ words := crack(line)
+ # set up for timing, if wanted
+ if n := integer(words[1]) then {
+ get(words)
+ tm := &time
+ ck := &clock
+ }
+ else {
+ n := 1
+ tm := ck := &null
+ }
+ verb := get(words) | next
+ &error := MaxErrors
+ if member(atts, verb) then {
+ # attribute name
+ s := verb || "="
+ every w := !words do
+ s ||:= (\w | "") || " "
+ s := trim(s, ' =')
+ every 2 to n do
+ WAttrib(s)
+ r := image(WAttrib(s)) | "[failed]"
+ }
+ else if member(keywds, verb) then {
+ # keyword name
+ every kwval(verb, n - 1)
+ s := &null
+ every write(s := image(kwval(verb, 1)))
+ if /s then write("[failed]")
+ r := "window" # inhibit later result printing
+ }
+ else if p := getproc(verb) then {
+ # procedure call
+ dialog_value := &null
+ every 2 to n do
+ p ! words
+ r := image(p ! words) | "[failed]"
+ r ||:= " (dialog_value = " || image(\dialog_value) || ")"
+ }
+ else {
+ r := "[unrecognized]"
+ tm := ck := &null
+ }
+ # calculate elapsed time
+ if \tm then {
+ WSync()
+ tm := &time - tm
+ ck := clkdiff(&clock, ck)
+ }
+ # report result or error
+ if &error = MaxErrors then {
+ # no error occurred
+ if not (r ? ="window") then
+ write(r)
+ }
+ else if &error = MaxErrors - 1 then {
+ # an error occurred
+ write("error ", &errornumber, ": ", &errortext)
+ write("offending value: ", &errorvalue)
+ }
+ else {
+ # error conversion led to a second error;
+ # original information has been lost
+ write("error (details lost)")
+ }
+ # write timing results
+ write("n=", n, " time=", \tm / 1000.0, " clock=", \ck)
+ &error := 0
+ }
+ # at EOF, if called with -s option, wait for "Q" in window
+ if \opts["s"] then {
+ write("EOF")
+ WDone()
+ }
+# crack(s) -- parse line, returning list of words
+procedure crack(s)
+ local words
+ words := []
+ s ? {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ while not pos(0) do {
+ put(words, tab(upto(' \t') | 0))
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ }
+ }
+ return words
+# getproc(s) -- get procedure named s, case insensitive
+procedure getproc(s)
+ local p, f, line, tname
+ static proctab
+ initial {
+ # put every builtin function in the table
+ proctab := table()
+ every p := function() do
+ proctab[map(p)] := proc(p)
+ # open a temporary file to get procedure names
+ randomize()
+ tname := "gxp" || right(?99999, 5, "0") || ".tmp"
+$ifdef _UNIX
+ tname := "/tmp/" || tname
+ f := open(tname, "crw") | stop("can't open ", tname)
+ # put every linked procedure in the table
+ display(0, f)
+ seek(f, 1)
+ while line := read(f) do line ? {
+ tab(upto('=')) | next
+ tab(many('= '))
+ ="procedure" | next
+ tab(many(' '))
+ p := trim(tab(0))
+ proctab[map(p)] := proc(p)
+ }
+ close(f)
+ remove(tname)
+ }
+ return \proctab[map(s)]
+# attnames() -- return set of known attribute names
+procedure attnames()
+ return set([
+ "ascent", "bg", "canvas", "ceol", "cliph", "clipw", "clipx", "clipy",
+ "col", "columns", "cursor", "depth", "descent", "display",
+ "displayheight", "displaywidth", "drawop", "dx", "dy", "echo", "fg",
+ "fheight", "fillstyle", "font", "fwidth", "gamma", "geometry", "height",
+ "iconic", "iconimage", "iconlabel", "iconpos", "image", "label",
+ "leading", "lines", "linestyle", "linewidth", "pattern", "pointer",
+ "pointercol", "pointerrow", "pointerx", "pointery", "pos", "posx",
+ "posy", "resize", "reverse", "row", "rows", "size", "visual", "width",
+ "windowlabel", "x", "y"])
+# kwnames() -- return set of known keyword names
+procedure kwnames()
+ return set([
+ "&allocated", "&ascii", "&clock", "&col", "&collections",
+ "&control", "&cset", "&current", "&date", "&dateline", "&digits",
+ "&dump", "&e", "&error", "&errornumber", "&errortext", "&errorvalue",
+ "&errout", "&fail",
+ "&features", "&file", "&host", "&input", "&interval", "&lcase", "&ldrag",
+ "&letters", "&level", "&line", "&lpress", "&lrelease", "&main", "&mdrag",
+ "&meta", "&mpress", "&mrelease", "&null", "&output", "&phi", "&pi",
+ "&pos", "&progname", "&random", "&rdrag", "&regions", "&resize", "&row",
+ "&rpress", "&rrelease", "&shift", "&source", "&storage", "&subject",
+ "&time", "&trace", "&ucase", "&version", "&window", "&x", "&y"])
+# kwval(name, n) -- generate values of a keyword n times
+procedure kwval(name, n)
+ case name of {
+ "&allocated": every 1 to n do suspend &allocated
+ "&ascii": every 1 to n do suspend &ascii
+ "&clock": every 1 to n do suspend &clock
+ "&col": every 1 to n do suspend &col
+ "&collections": every 1 to n do suspend &collections
+ "&control": every 1 to n do suspend &control
+ "&cset": every 1 to n do suspend &cset
+ "&current": every 1 to n do suspend &current
+ "&date": every 1 to n do suspend &date
+ "&dateline": every 1 to n do suspend &dateline
+ "&digits": every 1 to n do suspend &digits
+ "&dump": every 1 to n do suspend &dump
+ "&e": every 1 to n do suspend &e
+ "&error": every 1 to n do suspend &error
+ "&errornumber": every 1 to n do suspend &errornumber
+ "&errortext": every 1 to n do suspend &errortext
+ "&errorvalue": every 1 to n do suspend &errorvalue
+ "&errout": every 1 to n do suspend &errout
+ "&fail": every 1 to n do suspend &fail
+ "&features": every 1 to n do suspend &features
+ "&file": every 1 to n do suspend &file
+ "&host": every 1 to n do suspend &host
+ "&input": every 1 to n do suspend &input
+ "&interval": every 1 to n do suspend &interval
+ "&lcase": every 1 to n do suspend &lcase
+ "&ldrag": every 1 to n do suspend &ldrag
+ "&letters": every 1 to n do suspend &letters
+ "&level": every 1 to n do suspend &level
+ "&line": every 1 to n do suspend &line
+ "&lpress": every 1 to n do suspend &lpress
+ "&lrelease": every 1 to n do suspend &lrelease
+ "&main": every 1 to n do suspend &main
+ "&mdrag": every 1 to n do suspend &mdrag
+ "&meta": every 1 to n do suspend &meta
+ "&mpress": every 1 to n do suspend &mpress
+ "&mrelease": every 1 to n do suspend &mrelease
+ "&null": every 1 to n do suspend &null
+ "&output": every 1 to n do suspend &output
+ "&phi": every 1 to n do suspend &phi
+ "&pi": every 1 to n do suspend &pi
+ "&pos": every 1 to n do suspend &pos
+ "&progname": every 1 to n do suspend &progname
+ "&random": every 1 to n do suspend &random
+ "&rdrag": every 1 to n do suspend &rdrag
+ "&regions": every 1 to n do suspend &regions
+ "&resize": every 1 to n do suspend &resize
+ "&row": every 1 to n do suspend &row
+ "&rpress": every 1 to n do suspend &rpress
+ "&rrelease": every 1 to n do suspend &rrelease
+ "&shift": every 1 to n do suspend &shift
+ "&source": every 1 to n do suspend &source
+ "&storage": every 1 to n do suspend &storage
+ "&subject": every 1 to n do suspend &subject
+ "&time": every 1 to n do suspend &time
+ "&trace": every 1 to n do suspend &trace
+ "&ucase": every 1 to n do suspend &ucase
+ "&version": every 1 to n do suspend &version
+ "&window": every 1 to n do suspend &window
+ "&x": every 1 to n do suspend &x
+ "&y": every 1 to n do suspend &y
+ }
+# clkdiff(a, b) -- return difference in seconds between two &clock values
+# If a < b, the time is assumed to have wrapped past midnight.
+procedure clkdiff(a, b)
+ local t
+ t := ClockToSec(a) - ClockToSec(b)
+ if t < 0 then
+ t +:= ClockToSec("24:00:00")
+ return t
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/hb.icn b/ipl/gprogs/hb.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..077c3c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/hb.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# File: hb.icn
+# Subject: Program for Hearts & Bones game
+# Author: Robert J. Alexander
+# Date: March 10, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Hearts & Bones
+# Usage: hb [-h <board height>] [-w <board width>] [-b <# bones>] [-B]
+# -B says to print the actual number of bones placed.
+# For best results, use odd board heights and widths, and even
+# square heights and widths.
+# Defaults: board height = 9, board width = 13, # bones = 25.
+# --- Game Play ---
+# Hit "q" to quit, "r" to start a new game.
+# The object is to visit all the safe squares without stepping on a
+# bone.
+# You *visit* a square by clicking the left mouse button in it. If the
+# square is safe, a number is posted in it that reveals the number of
+# squares in the eight neighboring squares the contain bones. Squares
+# containing hearts (represented by $) are always safe.
+# You can only visit squares that are adjacent to squares already
+# visited. At the start of a game, the upper left square (a heart
+# square) is pre-visited for you. If a visited square has no
+# neighbors, its adjacent squares are automatically visited for you, as
+# a convenience.
+# At any time you can *mark* a square that you believe has a bone by
+# clicking the right (or center) mouse button on it. This is a memory
+# aid only -- if you visit it later (and you were right), you're dead.
+# There is no confirmation whether a square you have marked really
+# contains a bone, although you will probably find out later when it
+# causes you to make a mistake. A right-button click on a marked
+# square unmarks it.
+# The game ends when you have visited all safe squares or stepped on a
+# bone. (Presently, there is no automatic detection of a winning board
+# -- you just have to notice that for yourself).
+# NOTE: If you use the command line options to alter the setup
+# parameters (e.g. increasing the number of squares, or *decreasing*
+# the number of bones), you might get a stack overflow due, I think, to
+# deep recursion. I have found that setting the environment variable
+# MSTKSIZE=30000 works well.
+# Links: options, random, wopen
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+link options
+link random
+link wopen
+global height, width, nbr_bones, x1, y1, sq, print_bone_count
+procedure main(arg)
+ initialize(arg)
+ play()
+ return
+procedure draw_board(win)
+ local x, y, x2, y2
+ x2 := x1 + width * sq
+ y2 := y1 + height * sq
+ x := x1
+ every 1 to width + 1 do {
+ DrawLine(win, x, y1, x, y2)
+ x +:= sq
+ }
+ y := y1
+ every 1 to height + 1 do {
+ DrawLine(win, x1, y, x2, y)
+ y +:= sq
+ }
+ return
+procedure set_up_board(win, visited)
+ local board, pt
+ EraseArea(win)
+ board := make_board()
+ set_bones(board, nbr_bones)
+ calc_neighbors(board)
+ draw_board(win)
+ draw_hearts(win)
+ every pt := spread_zeros(board, 1, 1) do {
+ write_to_square(win, pt[1], pt[2], pt[3])
+ visited[pt[1], pt[2]] := 1
+ }
+ return board
+procedure draw_hearts(win)
+ local pt
+ every pt := generate_heart_squares() do
+ write_to_square(win, pt[1], pt[2], "$")
+ return
+procedure legal_move(x, y, visited)
+ local xx, yy
+ every xx := x - 1 to x + 1 & yy := y - 1 to y + 1 do
+ if \visited[xx, yy] then {
+ visited[x, y] := 1
+ return
+ }
+procedure play()
+ local win, x, y, evt, mark, marks, board, visited, pt, value
+ sq := (if match("OS/2", &host) then 30 else 20)
+ x1 := 10
+ y1 := 10
+ win := WOpen("label=HB", "size=" || width * sq + 2 * x1 || "," ||
+ height * sq + 2 * y1)
+ repeat {
+ visited := make_board()
+ board := set_up_board(win, visited)
+ marks := make_board(" ")
+ repeat {
+ evt := Event(win)
+ case type(evt) of {
+ "string": case map(evt) of {
+ "q": exit()
+ "r": break next
+ }
+ "integer": {
+ if evt = &lrelease then {
+ x := (&x - x1) / sq + 1
+ y := (&y - y1) / sq + 1
+ if legal_move(x, y, visited) then {
+ value := board[x, y]
+ if value ~=== "X" then {
+ #
+ # Visited a safe square.
+ #
+ if value = 0 then
+ every pt := spread_zeros(board, x, y) do {
+ write_to_square(win, pt[1], pt[2], pt[3])
+ visited[pt[1], pt[2]] := 1
+ }
+ else write_to_square(win, x, y, value)
+ }
+ else {
+ #
+ # Stepped on a bone -- game over.
+ #
+ every x := 1 to width & y := 1 to height do {
+ value := board[x, y]
+ write_to_square(win, x, y, "X" === value)
+ }
+ draw_hearts(win)
+ repeat {
+ evt := Event(win)
+ case type(evt) of {
+ "integer": if evt = &lrelease then break
+ "string": case map(evt) of {
+ "q": exit()
+ "r": break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if evt = (&mrelease | &rrelease) then {
+ x := (&x - x1) / sq + 1
+ y := (&y - y1) / sq + 1
+ mark := marks[x, y] := if marks[x, y] == " " then "#" else " "
+ write_to_square(win, x, y, mark)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure spread_zeros(board, x, y, doneset)
+ local xx, yy, v, donekey
+ /doneset := set()
+ donekey := x || "," || y
+ if member(doneset, donekey) then fail
+ insert(doneset, donekey)
+ (v := board[x, y]) | fail
+ suspend [x, y, v]
+ if v === 0 then {
+ every xx := x - 1 to x + 1 & yy := y - 1 to y + 1 do
+ if not(x = xx & y = yy) & board[xx, yy] then
+ suspend spread_zeros(board, xx, yy, doneset)
+ }
+procedure write_to_square(win, x, y, s)
+ WAttrib(win,
+ "x=" || x1 + (x - 1) * sq + sq / 2 - 2,
+ "y=" || y1 + (y - 1) * sq + sq / 2 + 4)
+ return writes(win, s)
+procedure get_options(arg)
+ local opt
+ opt := options(arg, "h+w+b+B")
+ height := \opt["h"] | 9
+ width := \opt["w"] | 15
+ nbr_bones := \opt["b"] | (height * width - 9) / 5
+ print_bone_count := opt["B"]
+ width <:= 5
+ height <:= 5
+ nbr_bones >:= height * width * 2 / 3
+ return opt
+procedure initialize(arg)
+ randomize()
+ get_options(arg)
+ return
+procedure make_board(init_value)
+ local board
+ board := list(width)
+ every !board := list(height, init_value)
+ return board
+procedure generate_heart_squares()
+ suspend [1 | (width + 1) / 2 | width, 1 | (height + 1) / 2 | height]
+procedure set_bones(board, nbr_bones)
+ local i, j, pt, bone_count
+ every pt := generate_heart_squares() do board[pt[1], pt[2]] := "$"
+ board[1, 2] := board[2, 1] := board[2, 2] := "$"
+ bone_count := 0
+ every 1 to nbr_bones do {
+ #
+ # Loop to find a spot with a path back to the start. If we don't
+ # find one after several tries, quit placing bones.
+ #
+ (every 1 to 20 do {
+ i := ?width
+ j := ?height
+ if /board[i, j] then {
+ board[i, j] := "X"
+ if hearts_reachable(board) then {
+ bone_count +:= 1
+ break
+ }
+ else board[i, j] := &null
+ }
+ }) | break
+ }
+ if \print_bone_count then write(&errout, bone_count, " bones")
+ return
+procedure calc_neighbors(board)
+ local i, j, ii, jj, neighbors
+ every i := 1 to width & j := 1 to height do {
+ if board[i, j] ~=== "X" then {
+ neighbors := 0
+ every ii := i - 1 to i + 1 & jj := j - 1 to j + 1 do {
+ if board[ii, jj] === "X" then neighbors +:= 1
+ }
+ board[i, j] := neighbors
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure hearts_reachable(board)
+ local pt
+ every pt := generate_heart_squares() do {
+ if not path_to_start(pt[1], pt[2], board) then fail
+ }
+ return
+procedure path_to_start(x, y, board, doneset)
+ local xx, yy, donekey
+ /doneset := set()
+ if not(board[x, y] ~=== "X") then fail
+ if x = 1 & y = 1 then return
+ donekey := x || "," || y
+ if member(doneset, donekey) then fail
+ insert(doneset, donekey)
+ every xx := x - 1 to x + 1 & yy := y - 1 to y + 1 do {
+ if x = xx & y == yy then next
+ if path_to_start(xx, yy, board, doneset) then return
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/histo.icn b/ipl/gprogs/histo.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e94ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/histo.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# File: histo.icn
+# Subject: Program to display simple histogram
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: December 21, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays a simple histogram based on numbers provided
+# in standard input.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -s r horizontal scale factors, default 1.0
+# -w i bar width in pixels, default 5
+# -g i gap between bars, default 1
+# -m minimal; set width to 1, gap to 0.
+#- n s name for image file, default "untitled"
+# Note: If there is too much input, there may not be resources to
+# open a window, and even if there is, parts may be off-screen.
+# The histogram is written to <name>.gif
+# The window is dismissed by a user q event.
+# Requires: Graphics
+# Links: numbers, options, wopen
+link numbers
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local height, window_height, y, window_width, numbers, opts, scale
+ local number, gap, bar, name
+ opts := options(args, "s.w+g+m")
+ scale := \opts["s"] | 1
+ bar := \opts["w"] | 5
+ gap := \opts["g"] | 1
+ if \opts["m"] then {
+ bar := 1
+ gap := 0
+ }
+ name := \opts["n"] | "untitled"
+ height := bar + gap
+ numbers := []
+ while number := read() do {
+ number := numeric(number) | stop("*** nonnumeric data")
+ number <:= 0 # clamp negative number to 0
+ put(numbers, number)
+ }
+ if *numbers = 0 then stop("*** no data")
+ window_height := *numbers * height + gap
+ window_width := integer(scale * (max ! numbers) + 10)
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "label=Histogram",
+ "size=" || window_width || "," || window_height) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ y := 0
+ while FillRectangle(0, y + gap, scale * get(numbers), height - gap) do
+ y +:= height
+ WAttrib("canvas=normal")
+ until WQuit()
+ WriteImage(name || ".gif")
+ WClose()
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/hsvpick.icn b/ipl/gprogs/hsvpick.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b5b765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/hsvpick.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# File: hsvpick.icn
+# Subject: Program to pick RGB or HSV colors
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: November 14, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# hsvpick is a simple HSV color picker. The three sliders on the
+# left control red, green, blue; the sliders on the right control
+# hue, saturation, value. The equivalent hexadecimal specification
+# is displayed in the center.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: button, slider, evmux, graphics
+link button
+link slider
+link evmux
+link graphics
+$define BevelWidth 2
+$define WindowMargin 10
+record valrec(r, g, b, h, s, v)
+global sl # the six sliders
+global val # the six values [0.0 - 1.0]
+global w, h, m, l # geometry options
+global sw # slider width
+global colr # selected color
+procedure main(args)
+ local cwin, x, y, ww, hh
+ # create window
+ Window("size=420,300", args)
+ m := WindowMargin # size of outside margins
+ w := w := WAttrib("width") - 2 * m # usable width
+ h := WAttrib("height") - 2 * m # usable height
+ l := WAttrib("leading") # leading
+ sw := 20 # set slider width
+ # get mutable color to display the selected color
+ # use a new binding to avoid disturbing fg/bg of &window.
+ colr := NewColor(&window) | stop("can't allocate mutable color")
+ cwin := Clone(&window)
+ Bg(cwin, colr)
+ # draw the area showing the color itself
+ x := 4 * m + 3 * sw
+ y := m
+ ww := w - 6 * sw - 6 * m
+ hh := h - m - 3 * l
+ BevelRectangle(x, y, ww, hh, -BevelWidth)
+ EraseArea(cwin, x+BevelWidth, y+BevelWidth, ww-2*BevelWidth, hh-2*BevelWidth)
+ # set up sliders to control the colors
+ val := valrec(0.75, 0.625, 0.50, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # initial values
+ sl := valrec(
+ slider(&window, setval, 1, m, m, sw, h, 0.0, val.r, 1.0),
+ slider(&window, setval, 2, sw + 2 * m, m, sw, h, 0.0, val.g, 1.0),
+ slider(&window, setval, 3, 2 * sw + 3 * m, m, sw, h, 0.0, val.b, 1.0),
+ slider(&window, setval, 4, w - m - 3 * sw, m, sw, h, 0.0, val.h, 1.0),
+ slider(&window, setval, 5, w - 2 * sw, m, sw, h, 0.0, val.s, 1.0),
+ slider(&window, setval, 6, w + m - sw, m, sw, h, 0.0, val.v, 1.0))
+ sethsv() # set hsv from rgb
+ setcolor() # download the colors
+ # set up sensors for quitting
+ quitsensor(&window) # q or Q
+ button(&window, "QUIT", argless, exit, m + w / 2 - 30, m + h - 20, 60, 20)
+ # enter event loop
+ evmux(&window)
+procedure setval(win, i, v) # set color component i to value v
+ val[i] := v
+ if i < 4 then
+ sethsv() # rgb slider moved; set hsv values
+ else
+ setrgb() # hsv slider moved; set rgv values
+ setcolor() # set color, update display
+ return
+procedure sethsv() # set hsv from rgb values
+ # based on Foley et al, 2/e, p.592
+ local min, max, d
+ min := val.r; min >:= val.g; min >:= val.b # minimum
+ max := val.r; max <:= val.g; max <:= val.b # maximum
+ d := max - min # difference
+ val.v := max # v is max of all values
+ if max > 0 then
+ val.s := d / max
+ else
+ val.s := 0 # sat is (max-min)/max
+ if val.s > 0 then {
+ if val.g = max then
+ val.h := 2 + (val.b - val.r) / d # yellow through cyan
+ else if val.b = max then
+ val.h := 4 + (val.r - val.g) / d # cyan through magenta
+ else if val.g < val.b then
+ val.h := 6 + (val.g - val.b) / d # magenta through red
+ else
+ val.h := (val.g - val.b) / d # red through yellow
+ }
+ val.h /:= 6 # scale to 0.0 - 1.0
+ # set sliders to reflect calculated values
+ slidervalue(sl.h, val.h)
+ slidervalue(sl.s, val.s)
+ slidervalue(sl.v, val.v)
+ return
+procedure setrgb() # set rgb from hsv values
+ # based on Foley et al, 2/e, p.593
+ local h, f, i, p, q, t, v
+ if val.s = 0.0 then
+ val.r := val.g := val.b := val.v # achromatic
+ else {
+ h := val.h * 6.0 # hue [0.0 - 6.0)
+ if h >= 6.0 then
+ h := 0.0
+ i := integer(h)
+ f := h - i
+ v := val.v
+ p := val.v * (1.0 - val.s)
+ q := val.v * (1.0 - f * val.s)
+ t := val.v * (1.0 - (1.0 - f) * val.s)
+ case i of {
+ 0: { val.r := v; val.g := t; val.b := p } # red - yellow
+ 1: { val.r := q; val.g := v; val.b := p } # yellow - green
+ 2: { val.r := p; val.g := v; val.b := t } # green - cyan
+ 3: { val.r := p; val.g := q; val.b := v } # cyan - blue
+ 4: { val.r := t; val.g := p; val.b := v } # blue - magenta
+ 5: { val.r := v; val.g := p; val.b := q } # magenta - red
+ }
+ }
+ # set sliders to reflect calculated values
+ slidervalue(sl.r, val.r)
+ slidervalue(sl.g, val.g)
+ slidervalue(sl.b, val.b)
+ return
+procedure setcolor() # set the color in the color map
+ local s, x
+ # build and display hex color spec, and set color
+ s := "#" || hexv(val.r) || hexv(val.g) || hexv(val.b)
+ Color(colr, s)
+ GotoXY(m + w / 2 - TextWidth(s) / 2, m + h - 2 * l)
+ WWrites(s)
+ # display r, g, b values
+ x := 4 * m + 3 * sw
+ GotoXY(x, m + h - 2 * l)
+ WWrites("r: ", right(integer(65535 * val.r), 5))
+ GotoXY(x, m + h - l)
+ WWrites("g: ", right(integer(65535 * val.g), 5))
+ GotoXY(x, m + h)
+ WWrites("b: ", right(integer(65535 * val.b), 5))
+ # display h, s, v values
+ x := w - 2 * m - 3 * sw - TextWidth("h: 000")
+ GotoXY(x, m + h - 2 * l)
+ WWrites("h: ", right(integer(360 * val.h), 3))
+ GotoXY(x, m + h - l)
+ WWrites("s: ", right(integer(100 * val.s), 3))
+ GotoXY(x, m + h)
+ WWrites("v: ", right(integer(100 * val.v), 3))
+ return
+procedure hexv(v) # two-hex-digit specification of v
+ static hextab
+ initial {
+ every put((hextab := []), !"0123456789ABCDEF" || !"0123456789ABCDEF")
+ }
+ return hextab [integer(255 * v + 1.5)]
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/hvc.icn b/ipl/gprogs/hvc.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..058d57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/hvc.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# File: hvc.icn
+# Subject: Program to pick colors for Tek HVC space
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: November 14, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# hvc is a simple color picker using HVC space. The three sliders
+# control hue, value, and chroma from left to right.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics under X11R5
+# Links: button, slider, evmux, graphics
+link button
+link slider
+link evmux
+link graphics
+$define BevelWidth 2
+$define WindowMargin 10
+record hvcrec(h, v, c)
+global settings, colr, sl, win
+global w, h, m
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, cwin, ww, hh
+ win := Window("size=300,250", "font=Helvetica,bold,14", args)
+ w := WAttrib("width")
+ h := WAttrib("height")
+ m := WindowMargin
+ # a mutable color for displaying the selected color
+ # use a new binding to avoid disturbing fg/bg of win.
+ colr := NewColor(win) | stop("can't allocate mutable color")
+ cwin := Clone(win)
+ Bg(cwin, colr)
+ Color(win, colr, "TekHVC:0/0/0") |
+ stop("can't set HVC colors -- need X11R5")
+ ww := w - 3 * (m + 20) - 2 * m
+ hh := h - 30 - 4 * m
+ BevelRectangle(win, m, m, ww, hh, -BevelWidth)
+ EraseArea(cwin, m+BevelWidth, m+BevelWidth, ww-2*BevelWidth, hh-2*BevelWidth)
+ # set up sliders to control the colors
+ settings := hvcrec(0.50, 0.75, 0.25) # initial positions
+ sl := hvcrec(
+ slider(win, sethvc, 1, w-3*m-60, m, 20, h-2*m, 0.0, settings.h, 1.0),
+ slider(win, sethvc, 2, w-2*m-40, m, 20, h-2*m, 0.0, settings.v, 1.0),
+ slider(win, sethvc, 3, w-m-20, m, 20, h-2*m, 0.0, settings.c, 1.0))
+ setcolor() # download the colors
+ # set up sensors for quitting
+ quitsensor(win) # q or Q
+ button(win, "QUIT", argless, exit, m, h - m - 20, 60, 20)
+ # enter event loop
+ evmux(win)
+procedure sethvc(win, i, v) # set color component i to value v
+ settings[i] := v
+ setcolor()
+procedure setcolor() # set the color in the color map
+ local hue, value, chroma, s
+ hue := integer(360 * settings.h + 0.5)
+ value := integer(100 * settings.v + 0.5)
+ chroma := integer(100 * settings.c + 0.5)
+ s := "TekHVC:" || hue || "/" || value || "/" || chroma
+ Color(win, colr, s)
+ GotoXY(win, m, h - 20 - 2 * m)
+ write(win, left(s, 20))
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/img.icn b/ipl/gprogs/img.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..557c41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/img.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# File: img.icn
+# Subject: Program to create and edit tiny images
+# Authors: Gregg M. Townsend and Nolan Clayton
+# Date: April 9, 2004
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# img is a simple editor of Icon image strings and other tiny images.
+# An image size of 64 x 64 pixels is around the practical maximum.
+# usage: img [-cn | -gn] [filename | width [height]]
+# -c or -g specifies a palette; the default is -c1.
+# An input file may contain an image string or an image readable by Icon.
+# If no filename is given, a new image (default size 16 x 16) is created.
+# img brings up a window within which:
+# -- clicking on the color palette sets the color of that mouse button
+# -- clicking on the cell grid sets the color of a cell
+# -- shift-clicking on the cell grid sets the button color from the cell
+# -- pressing "W" writes the image string to standard output
+# -- pressing "Q" writes the image string and then exits
+# -- pressing "Z" clears all cells to the color of the left mouse button
+# -- pressing "O" or "L" toggles palette outlining or labeling
+# -- pressing "T" sets the left mouse button to '~' the transparent color
+# -- pressing "R" changes pixels matching the right button color
+# to be the color of the left button
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, imscolor
+# To Do:
+# clearer display of transparent button & pixels
+# add "save as" function to write GIF (or whatever) file
+# use standard utils for row<->image translation
+link graphics, imscolor
+$define Border 16 # window border
+$define ColorW 12 # width of color indicator
+$define ColorH 24 # height of color indicator
+$define LMar 150 # left margin of cell area
+$define MaxCell 24 # maximum cell size
+global rows, imspec # current image
+global palette # color palette
+global palx, paly, palw, palh # palette display area
+global palf # palette display flags
+global buttons # button colors
+# main program
+procedure main(args)
+ local wwidth, wheight
+ local hcells, vcells, cellsize, x0, y0
+ local black, white
+ local i, j, x, y, k, e, c
+ local imgstr, imgtemp, L
+ Window(args)
+ wwidth := WAttrib("width") # window width
+ wheight := WAttrib("height") # window height
+ palette := "c1"
+ args[1] ? if ="-" then {
+ palette := tab(0)
+ get(args)
+ }
+ if *args > 0 & not integer(args[1]) then { # if filename supplied
+ imgstr := readicon(args[1])
+ palette := imspalette(imgstr)
+ hcells := imswidth(imgstr) # cells horizontally
+ vcells := imsheight(imgstr) # cells vertically
+ }
+ else {
+ hcells := integer(args[1]) | 16 # cells horizontally
+ vcells := integer(args[2]) | hcells # cells vertically
+ c := PaletteKey(palette, "white")
+ imgstr := hcells || "," || palette || "," || repl(c, vcells * hcells)
+ }
+ cellsize := MaxCell # cell size on window
+ cellsize >:= wheight / (vcells + 4)
+ cellsize >:= (wwidth - LMar) / (hcells + 4)
+ if cellsize < 2 then
+ stop("image is too large for this window")
+ palx := Border
+ paly := Border + vcells + Border
+ palw := LMar - 2 * Border
+ palh := wheight - Border - paly
+ palf := "u"
+ drawpalette(palette, palx, paly, palw, palh, palf)
+ x0 := wwidth / 2 - (cellsize * hcells) / 2 + LMar / 2 # UL corner of cells
+ y0 := wheight / 2 - (cellsize * vcells) / 2
+ Fg("gray")
+ every x := x0 to x0 + (hcells - 1) * cellsize by cellsize do
+ every y := y0 to y0 + (vcells - 1) * cellsize by cellsize do
+ DrawRectangle(x, y, cellsize, cellsize)
+ black := PaletteKey(palette, "black")
+ white := PaletteKey(palette, "white")
+ buttons := table()
+ setbutton(&lpress, black)
+ setbutton(&mpress, black)
+ setbutton(&rpress, white)
+ imgtemp := imgstr[find(imspalette(imgstr), imgstr) : 0]
+ imgtemp := imgtemp[find(',', imgtemp) + 1 : 0]
+ rows := [] # list of row values
+ L := ""
+ every y := 1 to vcells do {
+ every x := 1 to hcells do {
+ k := imgtemp[((y - 1) * hcells) + x]
+ L ||:= k
+ Fg(PaletteColor(palette, k))
+ FillRectangle(x0 + ((x - 1) * cellsize),
+ y0 + ((y - 1) * cellsize), cellsize, cellsize)
+ }
+ put(rows, L)
+ L :=""
+ }
+ Fg("gray")
+ every x := x0 to x0 + (hcells - 1) * cellsize by cellsize do
+ every y := y0 to y0 + (vcells - 1) * cellsize by cellsize do
+ DrawRectangle(x, y, cellsize, cellsize)
+ newimage()
+ repeat case e := Event() of {
+ &lpress | &mpress | &rpress | &ldrag | &mdrag | &rdrag: {
+ # mouse on palette: set color
+ if k := pickpalette(palette, &x - palx, &y - paly, palw, palh) then {
+ case e of {
+ &lpress | &ldrag: setbutton(&lpress, k)
+ &mpress | &mdrag: setbutton(&mpress, k)
+ &rpress | &rdrag: setbutton(&rpress, k)
+ }
+ next
+ }
+ # mouse on cell: set color
+ j := (&x - x0) / cellsize
+ i := (&y - y0) / cellsize
+ if j < 0 | j >= hcells | i < 0 | i >= vcells then
+ next
+ x := x0 + j * cellsize + 1
+ y := y0 + i * cellsize + 1
+ # if shifted, pick color from grid
+ if &shift then {
+ k := rows[i + 1, j + 1]
+ case e of {
+ &lpress | &ldrag: setbutton(&lpress, k)
+ &mpress | &mdrag: setbutton(&mpress, k)
+ &rpress | &rdrag: setbutton(&rpress, k)
+ }
+ next
+ }
+ case e of {
+ &lpress | &ldrag: k := buttons[&lpress]
+ &mpress | &mdrag: k := buttons[&mpress]
+ &rpress | &rdrag: k := buttons[&rpress]
+ }
+ Fg(PaletteColor(palette, k))
+ FillRectangle(x, y, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ rows[i + 1, j + 1] := k
+ newimage()
+ }
+ !"oOlL": { # O or L: toggle outlining / labeling
+ e := map(e)
+ if palf ? find(e) then
+ palf := string(palf -- e)
+ else
+ palf ||:= e
+ drawpalette(palette, palx, paly, palw, palh, palf)
+ }
+ QuitEvents(): { # Q (etc): quit
+ imswrite(, imspec)
+ exit()
+ }
+ !"wW": { # W: write pattern to stdout
+ imswrite(, imspec)
+ }
+ !"tT": { # T: set left mouse button transparent
+ setbutton(&lpress, '~')
+ }
+ !"rR": { # R: replace colors
+ colorreplace(buttons[&rpress], buttons[&lpress])
+ every y := 1 to vcells do {
+ every x := 1 to hcells do {
+ k := rows[y][x]
+ Fg(PaletteColor(palette, k))
+ FillRectangle(x0 + ((x - 1) * cellsize),
+ y0 + ((y - 1) * cellsize), cellsize, cellsize)
+ }
+ }
+ Fg("gray")
+ every x := x0 to x0 + (hcells - 1) * cellsize by cellsize do
+ every y := y0 to y0 + (vcells - 1) * cellsize by cellsize do
+ DrawRectangle(x, y, cellsize, cellsize)
+ }
+ !"zZ": { # Z: clear pattern
+ k := buttons[&lpress]
+ Fg(PaletteColor(palette, k))
+ rows := list(vcells, repl(k, hcells))
+ FillRectangle(x0, y0, hcells * cellsize, vcells * cellsize)
+ Fg("gray")
+ every x := x0 to x0 + (hcells - 1) * cellsize by cellsize do
+ every y := y0 to y0 + (vcells - 1) * cellsize by cellsize do
+ DrawRectangle(x, y, cellsize, cellsize)
+ newimage()
+ }
+ }
+# setbutton(event, key) -- set the color of a button
+procedure setbutton(e, k)
+ local i, x, y
+ buttons[e] := k
+ i := case e of {
+ &lpress: 2
+ &mpress: 1
+ &rpress: 0
+ }
+ x := palx + palw - ColorW - i * (ColorW * 3 / 2)
+ y := (paly - ColorH) / 2
+ Fg(PaletteColor(palette, k))
+ FillArc(x, y, ColorW, ColorH)
+ Fg("black")
+ DrawArc(x, y, ColorW, ColorH)
+# newimage() -- update image (in memory and onscreen) from rows
+procedure newimage()
+ imspec := rowstoims(palette, rows)
+ DrawImage(Border, Border, imspec)
+ return
+# rowstoims(pal, rows) -- convert array of rows into image string
+procedure rowstoims(pal, rows)
+ local w, s, im
+ w := *rows[1] | fail
+ im := w || "," || pal || ","
+ every s := !rows do {
+ if *s ~= w then fail
+ im ||:= s
+ }
+ return im
+# replacecolor(color1, color2) -- replace color1 with color2
+procedure colorreplace(color1, color2)
+ local i, j
+ every i := 1 to *rows do
+ while j := find(color1, rows[i]) do
+ rows[i][j] := color2
+ newimage()
+# readicon(fname) -- read image, returning image string
+procedure readicon(fname)
+ local res, f, x
+ f := open(fname) | stop("cannot open " || fname)
+ res := ""
+ while x := read(f) do {
+ x ? {
+ if ="#" then
+ next
+ ="\""
+ res ||:= tab(0)
+ }
+ if res[-1] == "_" then
+ res[-1] := ""
+ else
+ break
+ }
+ close(f)
+ #
+ # Check for reasonably valid image
+ #
+ if imsheight(res) then
+ return res
+ else {
+ if f := open(fname, "g", "image=" || fname, "canvas=hidden") then {
+ res := Capture(f, palette)
+ close(f)
+ if imsheight(res) then return res
+ }
+ stop("invalid image: " || fname)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/img2grid.icn b/ipl/gprogs/img2grid.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83952fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/img2grid.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# File: img2grid.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert images to grids
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 29, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts an image to a grid of cells.
+# The options supported are:
+# -s i size of grid cell; default 4
+# -p s save image of grid with file prefix s; default "img2grid"
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: cells, options, wopen
+link cells
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local x, y, width, height, c, panel, opts, cellsize, prefix
+ opts := options(args, "s+p:")
+ cellsize := \opts["s"] | 4
+ prefix := \opts["p"] | "img2grid"
+ WOpen("image=" || args[1], "canvas=hidden") | stop("*** cannot open image")
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ height := WAttrib("height")
+ panel := makepanel(width, height, cellsize)
+ WAttrib(panel.window, "canvas=normal")
+ every y := 0 to height - 1 do {
+ x := 0
+ every c := Pixel(0, y, width, 1) do {
+ colorcell(panel, x + 1, y + 1, c)
+ x +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ WriteImage(panel.window, prefix || ".gif")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/imgcolrs.icn b/ipl/gprogs/imgcolrs.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90b10b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/imgcolrs.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# File: imgcolrs.icn
+# Subject: Program to list colors in images
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 6, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program analyzes images whose names are given on the command line
+# and produces a file with the lists of colors used in each. The entries
+# are given in the order of most to least frequent color. The color
+# files have the base name of the image file and the extension ".clr".
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, imgcolor, wopen
+link imgcolor
+link basename
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, colors, output, name
+ every file := !args do {
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open image file ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ colors := imgcolor()
+ WClose()
+ name := basename(file, ".gif")
+ output := open(name || ".clr", "w") | {
+ write("*** cannot open ", name, ".clr")
+ next
+ }
+ colors := sort(colors, 4)
+ while pull(colors) do
+ write(output, pull(colors))
+ close(output)
+ &window := &null
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/imgpaper.icn b/ipl/gprogs/imgpaper.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaf39c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/imgpaper.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# File: imgpaper.icn
+# Subject: Program to tile images to form wallpaper
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 14, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program tiles images to fill a window.
+# The supported options are:
+# -s read image strings from standard input; default, use
+# image file names given on command line
+# -p read BLPs from standard input; default as for -s
+# -w i window width, default 640
+# -h i window height, default 480
+# -g r gamma; default to Icon default
+# -m manual mode; wait for event before going to next image
+# -a i automatic mode (default); hold pane for i seconds, default 2
+# -l list names of files on standard output
+# -i save GIF file of each image
+# -n s prefix for image names, default "paper"
+# -b fill window with black at end and hold for event
+# -v size for video recording, 342x240; overrides other settings
+# -M mirror image before tiling
+# In the case of the -m option for images, if the event is a letter, the
+# letter, a colon, and current image name is printed to standard output.
+# In case of the -m option for image strings, if the event is a letter,
+# the image string is written.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: imsutils, mirror, options, tiler, xio
+link imsutils
+link mirror
+link options
+link tiler
+link xio
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, w, h, hold, names, name, prefix, images, count, number
+ local lines, ims, bad, Hold, mir, background, e, gamma, tmp1, tmp2
+ local rows, blp
+ Hold := Event
+ opts := options(args, "")
+ w := \opts["w"] | 640
+ h := \opts["h"] | 480
+ mir := \opts["M"]
+ if \opts["v"] then { # size for video recording
+ w := 320
+ h := 240
+ }
+ background := opts["b"]
+ if /opts["m"] then Event := 1
+ hold := (\opts["a"] * 1000.0) | 2000
+ names := opts["l"]
+ images := opts["i"]
+ prefix := \opts["n"] | "paper"
+ if (gamma := \opts["g"]) & (gamma <= 0.0) then
+ stop("gamma value must be greater than 0.0")
+ number := 0
+ count := -1
+ WOpen("size=" || w || "," || h, "fillstyle=textured") |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ WAttrib("gamma="|| \opts["g"])
+ if \background then Hold()
+ if \opts["s"] then { # image strings
+ while ims := readims() do {
+ tileims(&window, ims) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot draw image")
+ /bad := open("bad.ims", "a") | stop("*** cannot open bad.ims")
+ write(bad, ims)
+ }
+ WFlush()
+ if \lines then write(number +:= 1)
+ if Event === 1 then delay(hold) else {
+ if Event() === !&letters then write(ims)
+ }
+ EraseArea()
+ }
+ }
+ else if \opts["p"] then { # BLPs
+ while blp := read() do {
+ rows := pat2rows(blp)
+ ims := *rows[1] || ",g2,"
+ every ims ||:= !rows
+ tileims(&window, ims) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot draw image")
+ /bad := open("bad.ims", "a") | stop("*** cannot open bad.ims")
+ write(bad, ims)
+ }
+ WFlush()
+ if \lines then write(number +:= 1)
+ if Event === 1 then delay(hold) else {
+ e := Event()
+ write(!&letters === e, ":", blp)
+ }
+ EraseArea()
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ every name := !args do {
+ WAttrib("label=" || name)
+ if \mir then {
+ tmp1 := WOpen("image=" || name, "canvas=hidden")
+ tmp2 := mirror(tmp1)
+ tile(tmp2, &window)
+ WClose(tmp1)
+ WClose(tmp2)
+ }
+ else tileimg(&window, name)
+ if \names then write(name)
+ if \images then WriteImage(prefix || right(count +:= 1, 3, "0") ||
+ ".gif")
+ if Event === 1 then delay(hold) else {
+ e := Event()
+ write(!&letters === e, ":", name)
+ }
+ EraseArea()
+ }
+ }
+ if \background then { # fill with black and hold?
+ FillRectangle()
+ Hold()
+ }
+# Produce a list of the rows of a pattern
+procedure pat2rows(pattern)
+ local rlist
+ rlist := []
+ every put(rlist, rowbits(pattern))
+ return rlist
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/imgtolst.icn b/ipl/gprogs/imgtolst.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49a4981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/imgtolst.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# File: imgtolst.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert image to list of pixel colors
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 22, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts images to lists of pixel values. The
+# first line of output gives the dimensions of the image.
+# The extension of the image file is replaced by .lst in the list
+# file.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, wattrib, wopen
+link basename
+link wattrib
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, name, output
+ every file := !args do {
+ name := basename(file, ".gif")
+ output := open(name || ".lst", "w") | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", name, ".lst")
+ next
+ }
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ write(output, "width=", Width(), " height=", Height())
+ every write(output, Pixel())
+ WClose()
+ &window := &null
+ close(output)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/imlreduc.icn b/ipl/gprogs/imlreduc.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1231129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/imlreduc.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# File: imlreduc.icn
+# Subject: Program to reduce bi-level image strings
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 21, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reduces bi-level image strings to their lowest equivalent
+# form.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: imxform, imscanon
+link imxform
+link imscanon
+procedure main()
+ local ims, imx, sorter1, sorter2
+ sorter1 := set()
+ sorter2 := set()
+ while ims := readims() do {
+ imx := imstoimx(ims) # combine later
+ imx := imxreduce(imx)
+ ims := imxtoims(imx)
+ insert(sorter1, ims)
+ }
+ every ims := !sorter1 do {
+ imx := imstoimx(ims)
+ imx := imxrotate(imx, "cw")
+ ims := imxtoims(imx)
+ ims := imscanon(ims)
+ insert(sorter2, ims)
+ }
+ sorter1 := set()
+ every ims := !sorter2 do {
+ imx := imstoimx(ims)
+ imx := imxrotate(imx, "ccw")
+ ims := imxtoims(imx)
+ ims := imscanon(ims)
+ insert(sorter1, ims)
+ }
+ every write(!sorter1)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/imltogif.icn b/ipl/gprogs/imltogif.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa2bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/imltogif.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# File: imltogif.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert image strings to GIF files
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 23, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts a list of image strings given in standard input
+# to corresponding GIF images.
+# The options supported are:
+# -n s sets prefix for image file names to s, default "image"
+# -c i number of columns for serial numbers in file names;
+# default 4
+# -f i first number, default 1
+# -p treats image string as a pattern and fills a square
+# window of its maximum dimension
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: imageseq, imutils, numbers, options, wopen
+link imageseq
+link imutils
+link numbers
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local count, ims, image, w, h, s, opts, pattern, prefix
+ count := 0
+ opts := options(args, "n:c+f+p")
+ /opts["c"] := 4
+ seq_init(opts)
+ pattern := opts["p"]
+ while ims := read() do {
+ count +:= 1
+ w := imswidth(ims)
+ h := imsheight(ims)
+ if (w | h) = 0 then {
+ write(&errout, "line ", count, ": bad image string")
+ next
+ }
+ if \pattern then w := h := max(w,h)
+ image := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=" || w || "," || h) | {
+ write(&errout, "line ", count, ": cannot open window")
+ next
+ }
+ if \pattern then {
+ WAttrib(image, "fillstyle=opaquepatterned")
+ Pattern(image, ims)
+ FillRectangle(image)
+ }
+ else DrawImage(image, 0, 0, ims) | {
+ write(&errout, "line ", count, ": cannot draw image")
+ WClose(image)
+ next
+ }
+ save_image(image)
+ WClose(image)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/ims2pat.icn b/ipl/gprogs/ims2pat.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..599ae3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/ims2pat.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# File: ims2pat.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert image string to bi-level pattern
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: April 20, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts an image string with the g2 palette to a
+# bi-level pattern.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: imrutils, imsutils, wopen
+link imrutils
+link imsutils
+link wopen
+procedure main()
+ local imr
+ imr := imstoimr(read())
+ imropen(imr)
+ write(pix2pat(&window, 0, 0, WAttrib("width"), WAttrib("height")))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/imstogif.icn b/ipl/gprogs/imstogif.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92f9521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/imstogif.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# File: imstogif.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert image strings to GIF files
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 23, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts image strings whose names are given on the command
+# line to GIF files. Image files are expected to have the suffix .ims.
+# The GIF files are written to files with the basenames of the image string
+# files and the suffix "gif".
+# The following option is supported:
+# -l read Icon literal instead of plain string
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, graphics, imrutils, options, strings
+link basename
+link graphics
+link imrutils
+link options
+link strings
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, opts, name, imr, input, literal
+ opts := options(args, "l")
+ literal := opts["l"] # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
+ every file := !args do {
+ name := basename(file, ".ims") || ".gif"
+ input := open(file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** can't open ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ imr := imstoimr(read(input)) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** bad image file: ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ imropen(imr) | stop("*** bad image file: ", file)
+ close(input)
+ WriteImage(name)
+ WClose()
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/ipicker.icn b/ipl/gprogs/ipicker.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ba61ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/ipicker.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# File: ipicker.icn
+# Subject: Program to print name of selected images
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 13, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays images listed on the command line and waits for
+# user input typed into the wnodw. If the input is the letter "y",
+# the name of the image file is written to standard output. If the
+# input is "q", the program terminates. Other input is ignored.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local name
+ every name := !args do {
+ WClose(\&window)
+ WOpen("image=" || name) | {
+ write(&errout, "Can't open image ", image(name))
+ next
+ }
+ case WReads(, 1) of {
+ "y": write(name)
+ "q": exit()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/isd2disd.icn b/ipl/gprogs/isd2disd.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a27a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/isd2disd.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# File: isd2disd.icn
+# Subject: Program to show convert ISD draft to drawdown form
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 1, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts an ISD to an ISD with drawdown colors.
+# Links: weavutil, xcode
+link weavutil
+link xcode
+procedure main()
+ local draft
+ isd # fly a kite, linker
+ draft := xdecode(&input)
+ draft.warp_colors := list(*draft.threading, 1) # black
+ draft.weft_colors := list(*draft.treadling, 2) # white
+ draft.color_list := [ColorValue("black"), ColorValue("white")]
+ xencode(draft, &output)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/isd2gif.icn b/ipl/gprogs/isd2gif.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df330c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/isd2gif.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# File: isd2gif.icn
+# Subject: Program to create woven image from ISD
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 23, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reads a internal structure draft and creates a GIF image of
+# the corresponding weave. The command-line option
+# -n s
+# allows the basename for the GIF file to be specified. Otherwise, it
+# is take from the name field of the ISD. If other command-line arguments
+# are given, they are used as attributes for the window in which the
+# woven image is created.
+# Links: options, weavegif, weavutil, xcode
+link options
+link weavegif
+link weavutil
+link xcode
+procedure main(args)
+ local draft, width, spacing, bg, opts
+ isd # Hands off, linker.
+ opts := options(args, "n:")
+ width := 5
+ spacing := 0
+ bg := "black"
+ push(args, "canvas=hidden")
+ draft := xdecode(&input) | stop("*** cannot decode isd")
+ := \opts["n"] # override if given
+ if / then := "untitled"
+ /draft.width := *draft.threading
+ /draft.height := *draft.treadling
+ WriteImage(weavegif(draft, args),
+ || ".gif")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/isd2grid.icn b/ipl/gprogs/isd2grid.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6563622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/isd2grid.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# File: isd2grid.icn
+# Subject: Program to create grid plots for ISDs
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 25, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# NOTE: The drawdown code is patched in from code in pfd2ill.icn and
+# uses a different method than the others. One way or another, the
+# methods should be made consonant.
+# The option -n s allows a basename to be specified for the image file.
+# It defaults to the name in the ISD.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and large integers
+# Links: isdplot, options, wopen, xcode
+# Note: The include file may contain link declarations.
+link isdplot
+link options
+link wopen
+link xcode
+procedure main(args)
+ local draft, win, opts
+ opts := options(args, "n:")
+ isd # hands off, linker!
+ draft := xdecode(&input) | stop("*** cannot decode draft")
+ := \opts["n"]
+ win := plot(draft) | stop("*** plot() failed")
+ WAttrib(win, "canvas=normal")
+ repeat case Event(win) of { # process low-level user events
+ !"qQ" : exit()
+ "s" : WriteImage(win, || "_d.gif")
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/isd2ill.icn b/ipl/gprogs/isd2ill.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc9532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/isd2ill.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# File: isd2ill.icn
+# Subject: Program to create images from ISDs
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: April 23, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program creates Encapsulated PostScript and GIF image files from
+# ISDs.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -g draw grid lines on drawdown
+# -h hold windows open in visible (-v) mode
+# -p add showpage for printing
+# -s i cell size, default 6
+# -v show images during creation; default, don't
+# Other options to be added include the control of layout and orientation.
+# Names of ISDs are taken from the command line. For each, six Encap-
+# PostScript files are created:
+# <base name>_tieup.eps (if given)
+# <base name>_liftplan.eps (if given)
+# <base name>_threading.eps
+# <base name>_treadling.eps
+# <base name>_drawdown.eps
+# <base name>_pattern.eps (colored "drawdown")
+# Corresponding GIFs also are produced.
+# Future plans call for handling "shaftplans" specifying what diagrams
+# are wanted.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, interact, options, psrecord, weavutil, xcode
+link basename
+link interact
+link options
+link psrecord
+link weavutil
+link xcode
+global canvas
+global cellsize
+global gridlines
+global hold
+global name
+global printing
+global draft
+$define CellSize 6
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, input, file
+ isd
+ opts := options(args, "ghps+v")
+ if /opts["p"] then printing := 1
+ if \opts["v"] then {
+ canvas := "canvas=normal"
+ hold := opts["h"] # only if images are visible
+ }
+ else canvas := "canvas=hidden"
+ gridlines := opts["g"]
+ cellsize := \opts["s"] | CellSize
+ while file := get(args) do {
+ input := open(file) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open " || file)
+ next
+ }
+ name := basename(file, ".isd")
+ draft := xdecode(input)
+ draw_panes()
+ close(input)
+ }
+procedure clear_pane(win, n, m, size)
+ local x, y, width, height, save_fg
+ width := n * size + 1
+ height := m * size + 1
+ save_fg := Fg(win)
+ Fg(win, "black")
+ every x := 0 to width by size do
+ DrawLine(win, x, 0, x, height)
+ every y := 0 to height by size do
+ DrawLine(win, 0, y, width, y)
+ Fg(win, save_fg)
+ return
+procedure draw_panes()
+ local i, j, x, y, treadle, k, treadle_list, c, color
+ local tieup_win, threading_win, treadling_win, liftplan_win
+ local drawdown_win, pattern_win
+ if \draft.tieup then {
+ tieup_win := WOpen(canvas, "width=" || (cellsize * draft.treadles + 1),
+ "height=" || (cellsize * draft.shafts + 1))
+ PSStart(tieup_win, name || "_tieup.eps")
+ clear_pane(tieup_win, draft.treadles, draft.shafts, cellsize)
+ every i := 1 to draft.shafts do
+ every j := 1 to draft.treadles do {
+ if draft.tieup[j, i] == "1" then
+ fillcell(tieup_win, j, i, "black")
+ }
+ PSDone(printing)
+ WriteImage(tieup_win, name || "_tieup.gif")
+ }
+ if *\draft.liftplan > 0 then {
+ liftplan_win := WOpen(canvas, "width=" || (cellsize * draft.shafts + 1),
+ "height=" || (cellsize * *draft.treadling + 1))
+ PSStart(liftplan_win, name || "_liftplan.eps")
+ clear_pane(liftplan_win, draft.shafts, *draft.treadling, cellsize)
+ every i := 1 to *draft.treadling do
+ every j := 1 to draft.treadles do {
+ if draft.liftplan[i, j] == "1" then
+ fillcell(liftplan_win, j, i, "black")
+ }
+ PSDone(printing)
+ WriteImage(liftplan_win, name || "_liftplan.gif")
+ }
+ threading_win := WOpen(canvas, "width=" || (cellsize * *draft.threading + 1),
+ "height=" || (cellsize * draft.shafts) + 1)
+ PSStart(threading_win, name || "_threading.eps")
+ clear_pane(threading_win, *draft.threading, draft.shafts + 1, cellsize)
+ every i := 1 to *draft.threading do
+ fillcell(threading_win, i, draft.threading[i], "black")
+ PSDone(printing)
+ WriteImage(threading_win, name || "_threading.gif")
+ treadling_win := WOpen(canvas, "height=" || (cellsize * *draft.treadling + 1),
+ "width=" || (cellsize * draft.treadles + 1))
+ PSStart(treadling_win, name || "_treadling.eps")
+ clear_pane(treadling_win, draft.treadles + 1, *draft.treadling, cellsize)
+ every i := 1 to *draft.treadling do
+ fillcell(treadling_win, draft.treadling[i], i, "black")
+ PSDone(printing)
+ WriteImage(treadling_win, name || "_treadling.gif")
+ pattern_win := WOpen(canvas, "width=" || (cellsize * *draft.threading + 1),
+ "height=" || (cellsize * *draft.treadling + 1))
+ PSStart(pattern_win, name || "_pattern.eps")
+ clear_pane(pattern_win, draft.shafts, draft.treadles, cellsize)
+ if *cset(draft.warp_colors) = 1 then { # warp solid black
+ Fg(pattern_win, draft.color_list[draft.warp_colors[1]])
+ FillRectangle(pattern_win, 0, 0, *draft.threading * cellsize,
+ *draft.treadling * cellsize)
+ }
+ else {
+ every i := 0 to *draft.threading - 1 do { # warp striped
+ Fg(pattern_win, draft.color_list[draft.warp_colors[i]])
+ FillRectangle(pattern_win, i * cellsize, 0, cellsize - 1,
+ *draft.treadling * cellsize)
+ }
+ }
+ Fg(pattern_win, "black")
+ treadle_list := list(draft.treadles)
+ every !treadle_list := []
+ every i := 1 to draft.treadles do
+ every j := 1 to draft.shafts do
+ if draft.tieup[i, j] == "1" then
+ every k := 1 to *draft.threading do
+ if draft.threading[k] == j then
+ put(treadle_list[i], k, 0)
+ every y := 1 to *draft.treadling do {
+ treadle := draft.treadling[y]
+ color := draft.color_list[draft.weft_colors[y]]
+ if *treadle_list[treadle] = 0 then next # blank pick
+ every i := 1 to *treadle_list[treadle] by 2 do
+ fillcell(pattern_win, treadle_list[treadle][i], y, color)
+ }
+ Fg(pattern_win, "black")
+ if \gridlines then {
+ every x := 0 to WAttrib(pattern_win, "width") by cellsize do
+ DrawLine(pattern_win, x, 0, x, WAttrib(pattern_win, "height"))
+ every y := 0 to WAttrib(pattern_win, "height") by cellsize do
+ DrawLine(pattern_win, 0, y, WAttrib(pattern_win, "width"), y)
+ }
+ PSDone(printing)
+ WriteImage(pattern_win, name || "_pattern.gif")
+ drawdown_win := WOpen(canvas, "width=" || (cellsize * *draft.threading + 1),
+ "height=" || (cellsize * *draft.treadling + 1))
+ PSStart(drawdown_win, name || "_drawdown.eps")
+ clear_pane(drawdown_win, draft.shafts, draft.treadles, cellsize)
+ Fg(drawdown_win, "white")
+ FillRectangle(drawdown_win, 0, 0, *draft.threading * cellsize,
+ *draft.treadling * cellsize)
+ treadle_list := list(draft.treadles)
+ every !treadle_list := []
+ every i := 1 to draft.treadles do
+ every j := 1 to draft.shafts do
+ if draft.tieup[i, j] == "1" then
+ every k := 1 to *draft.threading do
+ if draft.threading[k] == j then
+ put(treadle_list[i], k, 0)
+ every y := 1 to *draft.treadling do {
+ treadle := draft.treadling[y]
+ if *treadle_list[treadle] = 0 then next # blank pick
+ every i := 1 to *treadle_list[treadle] by 2 do
+ fillcell(drawdown_win, treadle_list[treadle][i], y, "black")
+ }
+ Fg(drawdown_win, "black")
+ if \gridlines then {
+ every x := 0 to WAttrib(drawdown_win, "width") by cellsize do
+ DrawLine(drawdown_win, x, 0, x, WAttrib(drawdown_win, "height"))
+ every y := 0 to WAttrib(drawdown_win, "height") by cellsize do
+ DrawLine(drawdown_win, 0, y, WAttrib(drawdown_win, "width"), y)
+ }
+ PSDone(printing)
+ WriteImage(drawdown_win, name || "_drawdown.gif")
+ if \hold then {
+ repeat {
+ if Event(Active()) === "q" then break
+ }
+ }
+ every WClose(tieup_win | \liftplan_win | threading_win | treadling_win |
+ pattern_win, drawdown_win)
+ return
+procedure fillcell(win, n, m, color)
+ local save_fg
+ save_fg := Fg(win)
+ Fg(win, color)
+ FillRectangle(win, (n - 1) * cellsize, (m - 1) * cellsize, cellsize,
+ cellsize)
+ Fg(win, save_fg)
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/isd2wif.icn b/ipl/gprogs/isd2wif.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..874998c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/isd2wif.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# File: isd2wif.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce WIF from ISD
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: April 14, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program produces a WIF from an ISD.
+# Links: patxform, weavutil, xcode
+link patxform
+link weavutil
+link xcode
+procedure main()
+ local draft, i, lift_table, line
+ isd # protect from linker
+ draft := xdecode(&input) | stop("*** cannot decode ISD")
+ write("[WIF]")
+ write("Version=1.1")
+ write("Date=" || &dateline)
+ write("")
+ write("Source Program=seqdraft.icn")
+ write("[CONTENTS]")
+ write("Color Palette=yes")
+ write("Text=yes")
+ write("Notes=yes")
+ write("Weaving=yes")
+ write("Tieup=yes")
+ write("Color Table=yes")
+ write("Threading=yes")
+ write("Treadling=yes")
+ write("Warp colors=yes")
+ write("Weft colors=yes")
+ write("Warp=yes")
+ write("Weft=yes")
+ write("[COLOR PALETTE]")
+ write("Entries=", *draft.color_list)
+ write("Form=RGB")
+ write("Range=0," || 2 ^ 16 - 1)
+ write("[TEXT]")
+ write("Title=",
+ write("Author=Ralph E. Griswold")
+ write("Address=5302 E. 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85711-2304")
+ write("")
+ write("Telephone=520-881-1470")
+ write("FAX=520-325-3948")
+ write("[NOTES]")
+ write("1=")
+ write("[WEAVING]")
+ write("Shafts=", draft.shafts)
+ write("Treadles=", draft.treadles)
+ write("Rising shed=yes")
+ write("[WARP]")
+ write("Threads=", *draft.threading)
+ write("Units=Decipoints")
+ write("Thickness=10")
+ write("[WEFT]")
+ write("Threads=", *draft.treadling)
+ write("Units=Decipoints")
+ write("Thickness=10")
+ # These are provided to produce better initial configurations when
+ # WIFs are imported to some weaving programs.
+ write("[WARP THICKNESS]")
+ write("[WEFT THICKNESS]")
+ write("[COLOR TABLE]")
+ every i := 1 to *draft.color_list do
+ write(i, "=", ColorValue(draft.color_list[i]))
+ write("[THREADING]")
+ every i := 1 to *draft.threading do
+ write(i, "=", draft.threading[i])
+ write("[TREADLING]")
+ every i := 1 to *draft.treadling do
+ write(i, "=", draft.treadling[i])
+ write("[WARP COLORS]")
+ every i := 1 to *draft.warp_colors do
+ write(i, "=", draft.warp_colors[i])
+ write("[WEFT COLORS]")
+ every i := 1 to *draft.weft_colors do
+ write(i, "=", draft.weft_colors[i])
+ draft.tieup := protate(draft.tieup)
+ write("[TIEUP]")
+ every i := 1 to *draft.tieup do
+ write(i, "=", tromp(draft.tieup[i]))
+procedure tromp(treadle)
+ local result
+ result := ""
+ treadle ? {
+ every result ||:= upto("1") || ","
+ }
+ return result[1:-1]
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/isd2xgrid.icn b/ipl/gprogs/isd2xgrid.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f8cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/isd2xgrid.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# File: isd2xgrid.icn
+# Subject: Program to create grid plots for ISDs
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 4, 2002
+# NOTE: The drawdown code is patched in from code in pfd2ill.icn and
+# uses a different method than the others. One way or another, the
+# methods should be made consonant.
+# The option -n s allows a basename to be specified for the image file.
+# It defaults to the name in the ISD.
+# This version is for ISDs without explicit thread-color information.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and large integers
+# Links: isdxplot, options, wopen, xcode
+# Note: The include file may contain link declarations.
+link isdxplot
+link options
+link wopen
+link xcode
+procedure main(args)
+ local draft, win, opts
+ opts := options(args, "n:")
+ isd # hands off, linker!
+ draft := xdecode(&input) | stop("*** cannot decode draft")
+ := \opts["n"]
+ &dump := 1
+ win := plot(draft, "clip") | stop("*** plot() failed")
+ &dump := 0
+ WriteImage(win, || "_d.gif")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/iview.icn b/ipl/gprogs/iview.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de6ddaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/iview.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# File: iview.icn
+# Subject: Program to display image files
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 22, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program is modeled after the Unix xview(1) utility. It takes
+# a list of image files on the command line and displays them in
+# order. The character "n" typed when the mouse cursor is in the
+# image window goes to the next image. The character "q" terminates
+# the display.
+# This program can, of course, only display image types that Icon
+# understands.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local name, posx, posy
+ posx := posy := 20
+ every name := !args do {
+ WOpen("image=" || name, "posx=" || posx, "posy=" || posy) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open image: ", name)
+ next
+ }
+ repeat {
+ case Event() of {
+ "n": {
+ posx := WAttrib("posx")
+ posy := WAttrib("posy")
+ WClose()
+ break
+ }
+ "q": exit()
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/julia1.icn b/ipl/gprogs/julia1.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ff91d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/julia1.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# File: julia1.icn
+# Subject: Program to display the Julia set
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This is a barebones version of a display of the Julia set. It
+# has deliberately been left simple and free of options so that the
+# basic idea is clear and so that it can be used as the basis of
+# more capable versions.
+# This program is based on material given in "Chaos, Fractals,
+# and Dynamics", Robert L. Devaney, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
+# The point in the complex plane for which the Julia set is computed
+# is given on the command line, as in
+# julia1 .360284 .100376
+# which displays the Julia set for the complex number .360284 + .100376i.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(argl)
+ local c1, c2, extent, half, quarter, m, n, x0, y0, x, y
+ local x1, y1, i, z
+ c1 := real(argl[1]) | -1.0 # default is -1.0 + 0.0i
+ c2 := real(argl[2]) | 0.0
+ extent := 200
+ half := 200 / 2
+ quarter := real(extent) / 4
+ WOpen("label=julia", "height=" || extent, "width=" || extent) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ every m := 0 to extent do {
+ x0 := -2 + m / quarter
+ every n := 0 to half do {
+ y0 := 2 - n / quarter
+ x := x0
+ y := y0
+ every i := 1 to 20 do { # compute orbit
+ x1 := x ^ 2 - y ^ 2 + c1
+ y1 := 2 * x * y + c2
+ x := x1
+ y := y1
+ z := x ^ 2 + y ^ 2
+ if z > 4 then break next # if escaping, forget it
+ }
+ DrawPoint(m, n)
+ DrawPoint(extent - m, extent - n)
+ }
+ }
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/kaleid.icn b/ipl/gprogs/kaleid.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b3ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/kaleid.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# File: kaleid.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce kaleidoscope
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Lots of options, most easily set by with the interface after
+# startup. The only one that isn't set that way is -wn where 'n' is
+# the size of the kaleidoscope window (default is 600 square).
+# Terminology (and options):
+# Window_size (-wN): How big of a display window to use.
+# At the current time, this can only be set via a
+# command line argument.
+# Density (-dN): How many circles per octant to keep on display
+# at any one time. There is NO LIMIT to the density.
+# Duration (-lN): How long to keep drawing circles (measured in
+# in circles) once the density is reached. There is NO LIMIT
+# to the duration.
+# MaxRadius (-MN): Maximum radius of any circle.
+# MinRadius (-mN): Preferred minimum radius. Circles with centers
+# near the edge have their radii forced down to fit entirely
+# on the display
+# MaxOffset (-XN): Maximum offset from center of display (may wrap).
+# MinOffset (-xN): Minimum offset
+# Skew (-sN): Shift probability of placing a circle at a 'typical'
+# offset.
+# Fill (-F): Turns off filling the circles.
+# Clear (-C): After the duration, reduces density back to 0 before
+# quitting.
+# Random Seed: (-rN): Sets the random number seed.
+# Thanks to Jon Lipp for help on using vidgets, and to Mary Camaron
+# for her Interface Builder.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: vidgets, vslider, vtext, vbuttons, vradio, wopen, xcompat
+link vidgets
+link vslider
+link vtext
+link vbuttons
+link vradio
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+global Clear, fill, duration, density, maxoff, minoff
+global maxradius, minradius, r_seed, skew, win_size, mid_win
+global root, check1, mainwin, use_dialog
+global draw_circle
+global du_v, de_v, rs_v, sk_v
+procedure main (args)
+ draw_circle := DrawCircle
+ init_globs()
+ process_args(args)
+ if \use_dialog then { # have vidgets, so use them for args.
+ mainwin := WOpen("label=Kaleidoscope", "width=404", "height=313",
+ "font=6x12") |
+ stop ("bad mainwin")
+ root := ui (mainwin)
+ GetEvents (root, quit)
+ }
+ else { # just rely on command line arguments
+ kaleidoscope(r_seed)
+ }
+procedure init_globs()
+ duration := 500 # set default characteristics
+ density := 30
+ win_size := 600
+ minoff := 1
+ maxradius := 150
+ minradius := 1
+ skew := 1
+ fill := "On"
+ draw_circle := FillCircle
+ Clear := "Off"
+ r_seed := map("HhMmYy", "Hh:Mm:Yy", &clock)
+ # See if the Vidget library is available or not
+ if \VSet then use_dialog := "yes"
+ else use_dialog := &null
+procedure process_args(args)
+ local arg
+ # really only needed if you don't use the dialog box
+ every arg := !args do case arg[1+:2] of {
+ "-w" : win_size := integer(arg[3:0]) # window size
+ "-d" : density := integer(arg[3:0]) # density of circles
+ "-l" : duration := integer(arg[3:0]) # duration
+ "-M" : maxradius := integer(arg[3:0]) # maximum radius
+ "-m" : minradius := integer(arg[3:0]) # minimum radius
+ "-X" : maxoff := integer(arg[3:0]) # maximum offset
+ "-x" : minoff := integer(arg[3:0]) # minimum offset
+ "-s" : skew := numeric(arg[3:0]) # set skewedness
+ "-F" : fill := &null # turn off fill
+ "-C" : Clear := "yes" # turn on clear mode
+ "-r" : r_seed := integer(arg[3:0]) # random seed
+ "-h" : stop("usage: kal [-wn] [-dn] [-ln] [-Mn] [-mn] [-Xn] [-xn] _
+ [-sn] [-F] [-C] [-rn]")
+ }
+ # adjust parameters that depend on the window size...
+ mid_win := win_size/2
+ maxoff := win_size-1
+# Lorraine Callahan's kaleidoscope program, translated into icon.
+# (some of the things she did were too sophisticated for me
+# to spend time to figure out, so the output is square instead of
+# round), and I use 'xor' to draw instead of writing to separate
+# bit planes.
+global putcircle, clrcircle
+procedure kaleidoscope(r)
+ local colors
+ # What colors to use? This can be changed to whatever!
+ colors := ["red","green","blue","cyan","magenta","yellow"]
+ &window := WOpen("label=Kaleidoscope: 'q' quits", "width="||win_size,
+ "height="||win_size, "bg=black")
+ WAttrib("drawop=xor")
+ # Create two *indentical* sequences of circles, one to use when
+ # when drawing, one for erasing. (Since 'xor' is used to
+ # place them, these both just draw the circles!)
+ putcircle := create { # draws sequence of circles
+ &random :=: r
+ |{
+ Fg(?colors)
+ outcircle()
+ &random <-> r
+ }
+ }
+ clrcircle := create { # erases sequence of circles
+ &random :=: r
+ |{
+ Fg(?colors)
+ outcircle()
+ &random <-> r
+ }
+ }
+ every 1 to density do @putcircle # fill screen to density
+ every 1 to duration do { # maintain steady state
+ @putcircle
+ @clrcircle
+ if *Pending(&window) > 0 then break
+ }
+ every (Clear == "On") & 1 to density do @clrcircle
+ close(&window)
+procedure outcircle() # select a circle at random,
+local radius, xoff, yoff # draw it in kaleidoscopic form
+ # get a random center point and radius
+ xoff := (?(maxoff - minoff) + minoff) % mid_win
+ yoff := (?(maxoff - minoff) + minoff) % mid_win
+ radius := ?0 ^ skew
+ # force radius to 'fit'
+ radius := ((maxradius-minradius) * radius + minradius) %
+ (mid_win - ((xoff < yoff)|xoff))
+ # put into all 8 octants
+ draw_circle(mid_win+xoff, mid_win+yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+xoff, mid_win-yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-xoff, mid_win+yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-xoff, mid_win-yoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+yoff, mid_win+xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win+yoff, mid_win-xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-yoff, mid_win+xoff, radius)
+ draw_circle(mid_win-yoff, mid_win-xoff, radius)
+ return
+# Vidget-based user interface -- developed originally using Mary
+# Camaron's XIB program. Don't expect this to be very readable -
+# you should have to play with it!
+procedure ui (win)
+ local cv1, cv2, cv3, cv4
+ local
+ radio_button2,
+ radio_button1,
+ text_input6,
+ text_input5,
+ slider4,
+ slider3,
+ text_input4,
+ text_input3,
+ slider2,
+ slider1
+ /win := WOpen("label=ui", "width=404", "height=313", "font=6x12") |
+ stop ("bad win")
+ root := Vroot_frame (win)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, win_size/2), 168, 98)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "1"), 108, 97)
+ VInsert (root, sk_v := Vtext(win,"Skew:\\=1",get_skew,,6), 280, 39)
+ VInsert (root, du_v := Vtext(win, "Duration:\\="||duration, get_duration,,9),
+ 237, 15)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "Clear at end?"), 232, 145)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win, "Fill?"), 105, 142)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win,"Quit?"), 267, 259)
+ VInsert (root, Vmessage(win,"Display it?"), 26, 260)
+ VInsert (root, Vcheckbox(win, do_quit, "check2",20), 305, 255, 20, 20)
+ VInsert (root, check1:=Vcheckbox(win, do_display, "check1",20),
+ 106, 258, 20, 20)
+ radio_button2 := Vradio_buttons (win, ["On", "Off"], get_clear, , V_CIRCLE)
+ VSet(radio_button2,Clear)
+ VInsert (root, radio_button2, 253, 165)
+ radio_button1 := Vradio_buttons (win, ["On", "Off"], get_fill, , V_CIRCLE)
+ VSet(radio_button1,fill)
+ VInsert (root, radio_button1, 99, 165)
+ cv1 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv1, get_max_offset)
+ text_input6 := Vtext (win, "Max Offset:\\="||(win_size-1), cv1, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv1, text_input6)
+ slider4 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv1, "slider4", 70, 12, 0,
+ win_size-1, win_size-1, )
+ VAddClient(cv1, slider4)
+ VInsert (root, text_input6, 196, 103)
+ VInsert (root, slider4, 306, 106)
+ cv2 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv2, get_min_offset)
+ text_input5 := Vtext (win, "Min Offset\\=1", cv2, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv2, text_input5)
+ slider3 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv2, "slider3", 70, 12, 1, win_size-1, 1, )
+ VAddClient(cv2, slider3)
+ VInsert (root, text_input5, 201, 80)
+ VInsert (root, slider3, 307, 82)
+ cv3 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv3, get_max_radius)
+ text_input4 := Vtext (win, "Max Radius\\="||(win_size/4), cv3, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv3, text_input4)
+ slider2 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv3, "slider2", 70, 12, 1, win_size/2,
+ win_size/4, )
+ VAddClient(cv3, slider2)
+ VInsert (root, text_input4, 10, 104)
+ VInsert (root, slider2, 110, 108)
+ cv4 := Vcoupler()
+ VAddClient(cv4, get_min_radius)
+ text_input3 := Vtext (win, "Min Radius\\=1", cv4, , 3)
+ VAddClient(cv4, text_input3)
+ slider1 := Vhoriz_slider (win, cv4, "slider1", 70, 12, 1, win_size/2, 1, )
+ VAddClient(cv4, slider1)
+ VInsert (root, text_input3, 10, 81)
+ VInsert (root, slider1, 110, 84)
+ VInsert (root, rs_v := Vtext(win,"Random Seed:\\="||r_seed, get_random,, 11),
+ 30, 41)
+ VInsert (root, de_v := Vtext(win,"Density:\\="||density, get_density,,8),
+ 71, 16)
+ VResize (root)
+ return root
+procedure get_skew (wit, value)
+ skew := value
+procedure get_duration (wit, value)
+ duration := value
+procedure do_quit (wit, value)
+ stop()
+procedure do_display (wit, value)
+ r_seed := numeric(
+ duration := integer(
+ density := integer(
+ skew := integer(
+ kaleidoscope(r_seed)
+ wit.callback.value := &null
+ VDraw(check1)
+procedure get_clear (wit, value)
+ Clear := value
+procedure get_fill (wit, value)
+ fill := value
+ if fill == "Off" then draw_circle := DrawCircle
+ else draw_circle := FillCircle
+procedure get_max_offset (wit, value)
+ maxoff := value
+procedure get_min_offset (wit, value)
+ minoff := value
+procedure get_max_radius (wit, value)
+ maxradius := value
+procedure get_min_radius (wit, value)
+ minradius := value
+procedure get_random (wit, value)
+ r_seed := integer(value)
+procedure get_density (wit, value)
+ density := integer(value)
+procedure quit(e)
+ if e === "q" then stop ("Exiting Kaleidoscope")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/kaleido.icn b/ipl/gprogs/kaleido.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f1364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/kaleido.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# File: kaleido.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce kaleidoscopic display
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: February 16, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays kaleidoscopic images. The controls on the
+# user interface are relatively intuitive -- trying them will give
+# a better idea of what's possible than a prose description here.
+# This program is based on an earlier one by Steve Wampler, which in
+# turn was based on a C program by Lorraine Callahan.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: interact, random, vsetup
+link interact
+link random
+link vsetup
+# Interface globals
+global vidgets # table of vidgets
+global root # root vidget
+global pause # pause vidget
+global size # size of view area (width & height)
+global half # half size of view area
+global pane # graphics context for viewing
+global colors # list of colors
+# Parameters that can be set from the interface
+global delay # delay between drawing circles
+global density # number of circles in steady state
+global draw_proc # drawing procedure
+global max_off # maximum offset of circle
+global min_off # minimum offset of circle
+global max_radius # maximum radius of circle
+global min_radius # minimum radius of circle
+global scale_radius # radius scale factor
+# State information
+global draw_list # list of pending drawing parameters
+global reset # nonnull when view area needs resetting
+# Record for circle data
+record circle(off1, off2, radius, color)
+$define DelayFactor 200
+$define DensityMax 100
+$define SliderMax 10.0 # shared knowledge
+$define SliderMin 1.0
+procedure main()
+ init()
+ kaleidoscope()
+procedure init()
+ local s
+ randomize()
+ vidgets := ui()
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ size := vidgets["region"].uw
+ if vidgets["region"].uh ~= size then stop("*** improper interface layout")
+ delay := 0.5
+ density := DensityMax / 2.0
+ max_radius := SliderMax # scaled later
+ min_radius := SliderMin
+ scale_radius := (size / 4) / SliderMax
+ draw_proc := FillCircle
+ colors := []
+ s := PaletteChars("c3") -- PaletteGrays("c3")
+ every put(colors, PaletteColor("c3", !s))
+ pause := vidgets["pause"]
+ VSetState(pause, 1)
+ VSetState(vidgets["density"], (density / DensityMax) * SliderMax)
+ VSetState(vidgets["delay"], delay)
+ VSetState(vidgets["min_radius"], min_radius * 2)
+ VSetState(vidgets["max_radius"], max_radius / 2)
+ VSetState(vidgets["shape"], "discs")
+# Get graphics context for drawing.
+ half := size / 2
+ pane := Clone("bg=black", "dx=" || (vidgets["region"].ux + half),
+ "dy=" || (vidgets["region"].uy + half), "drawop=reverse")
+ Clip(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
+ return
+procedure kaleidoscope()
+ # Each time through this loop, the display is cleared and a
+ # new drawing is started.
+ repeat {
+ EraseArea(pane, -half, -half, size, size) # clear display
+ draw_list := [] # new drawing list
+ reset := &null
+ # In this loop a new circle is drawn and an old one erased, once the
+ # specified density has been reached. This maintains a steady state.
+ repeat {
+ while (*Pending() > 0) | \VGetState(pause) do {
+ ProcessEvent(root, , shortcuts)
+ if \reset then break break next
+ }
+ putcircle()
+ WDelay(delay)
+ # Don't start clearing circles until the specified density has
+ # reached. (The drawing list has four elements for each circle.)
+ if *draw_list > density then clrcircle()
+ }
+ }
+procedure putcircle()
+ local off1, off2, radius, color
+ # get a random center point and radius
+ off1 := ?size % half
+ off2 := ?size % half
+ radius := ((max_radius - min_radius) * ?0 + min_radius) * scale_radius
+ radius <:= 1 # don't let them vanish
+ color := ?colors
+ put(draw_list, circle(off1, off2, radius, color))
+ outcircle(off1, off2, radius, color)
+ return
+procedure clrcircle()
+ local circle
+ circle := get(draw_list)
+ outcircle(
+ circle.off1,
+ circle.off2,
+ circle.radius,
+ circle.color
+ )
+ return
+procedure outcircle(off1, off2, radius, color)
+ Fg(pane, color)
+ # Draw in symmetric positions.
+ draw_proc(pane, off1, off2, radius)
+ draw_proc(pane, off1, -off2, radius)
+ draw_proc(pane, -off1, off2, radius)
+ draw_proc(pane, -off1,-off2, radius)
+ draw_proc(pane, off2, off1, radius)
+ draw_proc(pane, off2, -off1, radius)
+ draw_proc(pane, -off2, off1, radius)
+ draw_proc(pane, -off2,-off1, radius)
+ return
+procedure density_cb(vidget, value)
+ density := (value / SliderMax) * DensityMax
+ density <:= 1
+ reset := 1
+procedure delay_cb(vidget, value)
+ delay := value * DelayFactor
+ return
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "snapshot @S": snapshot(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ }
+ return
+procedure max_radius_cb(vidget, value)
+ max_radius := value
+ if max_radius < min_radius then { # if max < min lower min
+ min_radius := max_radius
+ VSetState(vidgets["min_radius"], min_radius)
+ }
+ reset := 1
+ return
+procedure min_radius_cb(vidget, value)
+ min_radius := value
+ if min_radius > max_radius then { # if min > max raise max
+ max_radius := min_radius
+ VSetState(vidgets["max_radius"], max_radius)
+ }
+ reset := 1
+ return
+procedure reset_cb(vidget, value)
+ reset := 1
+ return
+procedure shape_cb(vidget, value)
+ draw_proc := case value of {
+ "discs": FillCircle
+ "rings": DrawCircle
+ }
+ reset := 1
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then
+ case map(e) of { # fold case
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": snapshot(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
+ }
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=600,455", "bg=pale gray", "label=kaleido"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,600,455:kaleido",],
+ ["delay:Slider:h:1:42,120,100,15:1.0,0.0,0.5",delay_cb],
+ ["density:Slider:h:1:42,180,100,15:0.0,10.0,10.0",density_cb],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::3,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["snapshot @S","quit @Q"]],
+ ["label01:Label:::13,180,21,13:min",],
+ ["label02:Label:::152,180,21,13:max",],
+ ["label03:Label:::13,240,21,13:min",],
+ ["label04:Label:::152,240,21,13:max",],
+ ["label05:Label:::13,300,21,13:min",],
+ ["label06:Label:::152,300,21,13:max",],
+ ["label07:Label:::7,120,28,13:slow",],
+ ["label08:Label:::151,120,28,13:fast",],
+ ["lbl_density:Label:::67,160,49,13:density",],
+ ["lbl_max_radius:Label:::43,280,98,13:maximum radius",],
+ ["lbl_min_radius:Label:::44,220,98,13:minimum radius",],
+ ["lbl_speed:Label:::74,100,35,13:speed",],
+ ["line:Line:::0,22,600,22:",],
+ ["max_radius:Slider:h:1:42,300,100,15:0.0,10.0,10.0",max_radius_cb],
+ ["min_radius:Slider:h:1:42,240,100,15:0.0,10.0,1.0",min_radius_cb],
+ ["pause:Button:regular:1:33,55,45,20:pause",],
+ ["reset:Button:regular::111,55,45,20:reset",reset_cb],
+ ["shape:Choice::2:66,359,64,42:",shape_cb,
+ ["discs","rings"]],
+ ["region:Rect:raised::187,40,400,400:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/keypunch.icn b/ipl/gprogs/keypunch.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eca136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/keypunch.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# File: keypunch.icn
+# Subject: Program to simulate a keypunch
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: February 7, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# In the olden days, computer data was encoded by rectangular holes
+# punched in thin pieces of cardboard about the size of an old dollar.
+# This program simulates a "keypunch", a mechanical device for punching
+# those holes. (Keypunches themselves were programmable, but there's
+# no way to program this one; tab stops are set permanently.)
+# A carriage return feeds a new card. Illegal characters punch a
+# lace column. As with a real keypunch, you can backspace, but the
+# holes don't go away.
+# The shift key turns "UIOJKLM<>" into "123456789". The meta key
+# serves (imperfectly) as the multipunch key.
+# The font was chosen on a Sun workstation and may not be portable.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, optwindw, graphics
+link options
+link optwindw
+link graphics
+global hsiz, vsiz, hsep, vsep, tsep, bsep, lsep, rsep
+procedure main(args)
+ local win, col, card, c, s, opts
+ opts := options(args, winoptions())
+ s := ""
+ while s ||:= get(args) || " "
+ hsiz := 5
+ vsiz := 12
+ hsep := 3
+ vsep := 12
+ tsep := 20
+ bsep := 20
+ lsep := 20
+ rsep := 20
+ /opts["B"] := "pale moderate reddish yellow"
+ /opts["W"] := lsep + 80 * hsiz + 79 * hsep + rsep
+ /opts["H"] := tsep + 12 * vsiz + 11 * vsep + bsep
+ win := optwindow(opts)
+ card := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "width="||opts["W"], "height="||opts["H"])
+ Font(win, "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semi*--13-120-*")
+ initcard(win)
+ CopyArea(win, card)
+ col := 1
+ every c := !map(s, &lcase, &ucase) | keyevent(win) do {
+ if upto('\^c\^d\d', c) then
+ exit()
+ else if upto('\n\r\^u', c) then {
+ CopyArea(card, win)
+ col := 1
+ }
+ else if c == '\b' then {
+ if (col -:= 1) < 1 then
+ col := 1
+ key(win, col, " ")
+ }
+ else if c == '\t' then {
+ col := col + 10 - (col - 1) % 10
+ if col > 80 then
+ col := 80
+ }
+ else {
+ key(win, col, map(c, &lcase, &ucase))
+ if ((not &meta) & (col +:= 1)) > 80 then
+ col := 80
+ }
+ GotoXY(win, lsep + col * (hsiz + hsep), tsep / 2)
+ }
+procedure keyevent(win)
+ local e
+ repeat {
+ e := Event(win)
+ if type(e) == "string" then {
+ if &shift | &meta then
+ suspend map(e, "uiojklm,.UIOJKLM<>", "123456789123456789")
+ else
+ suspend map(e, &lcase, &ucase)
+ }
+ }
+procedure initcard(win)
+ local i, c
+ EraseArea(win)
+ GotoXY(win, lsep, tsep / 2)
+ every i := 12 to 3 by -1 do {
+ c := " 0123456789"[i]
+ every punch(win, 1 to 80, i, c)
+ }
+procedure key(win, col, ch)
+ Fg(win, "black")
+ every punch(win, col, holes(ch))
+ punch(win, col, 0, ch)
+procedure punch(win, col, row, ch)
+ local x, y, w, h
+ x := lsep + (col - 1) * (hsiz + hsep)
+ if row = 0 then
+ y := 0
+ else
+ y := tsep + (row - 1) * (vsiz + vsep)
+ if \ch then
+ DrawString(win, x, y + vsiz - 3, ch)
+ else
+ FillRectangle(win, x, y, hsiz, vsiz)
+# Hole codes from CDC SCOPE 3.4 SPRM, Rev. A, 10-15-71, page A-4 (026 encoding).
+procedure holes(c)
+ static s0, s1, s2, s3, n
+ initial {
+ s0 := " 0123456789+ABCDEFGHI-JKLMNOPQR/STUVWXYZ:=@%'[.)^;]$*@?>!,(_#&\"\\"
+ s2 := " 0123456789 123456789 123456789123456789235672346723456723456745"
+ s3 := " 888888888888888888888888"
+ }
+ if n := find(c, s0) then
+ suspend find((s1 | s2 | s3)[n], "AB0123456789")
+ else
+ suspend 1 to 12
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/koch.icn b/ipl/gprogs/koch.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..535073f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/koch.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# File: koch.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate Koch curves
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler
+# Date: October 14, 1992
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 1.0
+# Comments: This program shows how Koch curves work.
+# See the procedure 'helpmsg' for command line options
+# Waits for a window event before closing window
+# Links: glib, wopen
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and co-expressions (for glib.icn)
+link glib
+link wopen
+global win, mono, h, w
+global Window, XMAX, YMAX
+procedure main (args)
+ local arg, nextarg
+ XMAX := YMAX := 700 # physical screen size
+ w := h := 1.0
+ nextarg := create !args
+ while arg := @nextarg do {
+ if arg == ("-help"|"-h") then stop(helpmsg())
+ }
+ win := WOpen("label=Koch Snowflake", "width="||XMAX, "height="||YMAX)
+ mono := WAttrib (win, "depth") == "1"
+ Window := set_window(win, point(0,0), point(w,h),
+ viewport(point(0,0), point(XMAX, YMAX), win))
+ EraseArea(win)
+ Fg(win, "black")
+# koch_line(Window, point(0.25,0.25), point(0.75,0.25), 5)
+# koch_line(Window, point(0.75,0.25), point(0.50,0.67), 5)
+# koch_line(Window, point(0.50,0.67), point(0.25,0.25), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(0.00,0.67), point(0.50,0.67), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(0.50,0.67), point(0.25,0.25), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(0.25,0.25), point(0.00,0.67), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(0.25,0.25), point(0.50,0.67), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(0.50,0.67), point(0.75,0.25), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(0.75,0.25), point(0.25,0.25), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(0.50,0.67), point(1.00,0.67), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(1.00,0.67), point(0.75,0.25), 5)
+ koch_line(Window, point(0.75,0.25), point(0.50,0.67), 5)
+ Event(win)
+ close(win)
+procedure helpmsg()
+ write("Usage: Koch")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/lindcomp.icn b/ipl/gprogs/lindcomp.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67891f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/lindcomp.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# File: lindcomp.icn
+# Subject: Program to compile 0L-systems
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 13, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts a 0L-system to an Icon program, which when
+# executed, produces the corresponding drawing.
+# See also: linden.icn
+global procs
+procedure main()
+ local line, sym, new, keyword, value, axiom, gener, angle, length
+ local replace
+ procs := table() # table of procedures to generate
+ gener := 4 # defaults
+ length := 5
+ angle := 90.0
+ while line := read() do
+ line ? {
+ if sym := tab(find("->")) then {
+ move(2)
+ replace := tab(0)
+ procs[sym] := replace
+ }
+ else if keyword := tab(find(":")) then {
+ move(1)
+ value := tab(0)
+ case keyword of {
+ "axiom": axiom := value
+ "gener": gener := integer(value) |
+ stop("*** invalid generation specification")
+ "angle": angle := real(value) |
+ stop("*** invalid angle: ", line)
+ "length": length := integer(value) |
+ stop("*** invalid length: ", line)
+ "name": &null # ignore name
+ default: stop("*** invalid keyword: ", line)
+ }
+ }
+ else stop("*** invalid specification: ", line)
+ }
+ # Write heading and main procedure
+ write("link turtle")
+ write()
+ write("$define Generations ", gener)
+ write("$define Angle ", angle)
+ write("$define Length ", length)
+ write()
+ write("procedure main()")
+ gencode(axiom, "Generations")
+ write("end")
+ write()
+ # Produce drawing procedures.
+ every sym := key(procs) do
+ genproc(sym, procs[sym])
+procedure gencode(replace, arg)
+ local sym
+ every sym := !replace do {
+ case sym of {
+ "+": write(" TRight(Angle) # +")
+ "-": write(" TLeft(Angle) # -")
+ "[": write(" TSave() # [")
+ "]": write(" TRestore() # ]")
+ default: if \procs[sym]
+ then write(" ", sym, "(", arg, ") # ", sym)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure genproc(name, replace)
+ write("procedure ", name, "(gener)")
+ write(" if gener > 0 then {")
+ gencode(replace, "gener - 1")
+ write(" }")
+ case name of {
+ "F": write(" else TDraw(Length) # F")
+ "f": write(" else TSkip(Length) # f")
+ }
+ write(" return")
+ write("end")
+ write()
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/linden.icn b/ipl/gprogs/linden.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c805949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/linden.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# File: linden.icn
+# Subject: Program to generate sentences in 0L-systems
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 21, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reads in a 0L-system (Lindenmayer system) consisting of
+# rewriting rules in which a string is rewritten with every character
+# replaced simultaneously (conceptually) by a specified string of
+# symbols.
+# Rules have the form
+# S->SSS...
+# where S is a character.
+# In addition to rules, there are keywords that describe the system and how
+# to draw it. These include the "axiom" on which rewriting is started and
+# optionally the angle in degrees between successive lines (default 90).
+# Other keywords may be present, but are ignored.
+# Keywords are followed by a colon.
+# An example 0L-system is:
+# X->-FX++FY-
+# Y->+FX--FY+
+# F->
+# -->-
+# +->+
+# axiom:FX
+# angle:45.0
+# xorg:100
+# yorg:100
+# Here, the initial string is "FX" and angular increment is 45 degrees.
+# Note that "-" is a legal character in a 0L-system -- context determines
+# whether it's 0L character or part of the "->" that stands for "is
+# replaced by".
+# If no rule is provided for a character, the character is not changed
+# by rewriting. Thus, the example above can be expressed more concisely
+# as
+# X->-FX++FY-
+# Y->+FX--FY+
+# F->
+# axiom:FX
+# angle:45.0
+# The recognized keywords are:
+# axiom axiom for generation
+# angle angular increment for turns
+# length segment length
+# xorg x origin
+# yorg y origin
+# comment comment; ignored
+# Distances increase from left to right in the x direction and from top
+# to bottom in the y direction.
+# As pure-production systems, the characters are symbolic and have no
+# meaning. When interpreted for drawing, the characters have the
+# following meaning:
+# F move forward by length
+# f move backward by length
+# + turn right by angle
+# - turn left by angle
+# [ save current state
+# ] restore current state
+# The file containing the 0L-systems is read from standard input.
+# The command-line options are:
+# -g i number of generations, default 3
+# -l i length of line segments, default 5
+# -a i angular increment in degrees (overrides angle given in
+# the grammar)
+# -w i window width
+# -h i window height
+# -x i initial x position, default mid-window
+# -y i initial y position, default mid-window
+# -W write out string instead of drawing
+# -s take snapshot of image.
+# -d i delay in milliseconds between symbol interpretations;
+# default 0
+# NOTE: The name option that supported multiple L-Systems in
+# one file has been eliminated on the grounds that it
+# introduced too much complexity in use.
+# References:
+# Formal Languages, Arto Salomaa, Academic Press, 1973. pp. 234-252.
+# The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and
+# Aristid Lindenmayer, Springer Verlag, 1990.
+# Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and
+# James Hanan, Springer Verlag, 1989.
+# See linden.dat for an example of input data.
+# Requires: graphics if drawing
+# Links: linddraw, options, wopen
+link linddraw
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local line, gener, axiom, angle, opts, i, s, c, symbol, rewrite
+ local allchars, rhs, value, spec, x, y, length, w, h, delay, name
+ rewrite := table()
+ allchars := '' # cset of all rhs characters
+ opts := options(args,"g+l+a+w+h+x+y+Wsd+")
+ rhs := ''
+ while line := read() do
+ line ? {
+ if symbol := move(1) & ="->" then {
+ rhs := tab(0)
+ rewrite[symbol] := rhs
+ allchars ++:= rhs # keep track of all characters
+ }
+ else if spec := tab(upto(':')) then {
+ move(1)
+ value := tab(0)
+ case spec of {
+ "axiom": {
+ axiom := value
+ allchars ++:= rhs # axiom might have strays
+ }
+ "angle": angle := value
+ "xorg": x := value
+ "yorg": y := value
+ "comment": &null # ignore comments
+ "length": length := value
+ "gener": gener := value
+ "name": name := value
+ } # ignore others
+ }
+ else write(&errout, "malformed input: ", tab(0))
+ }
+# At this point, we have the table to map characters, but it may lack
+# mappings for characters that "go into themselves" by default. For
+# efficiency in rewriting, these mappings are added.
+ every c := !allchars do
+ /rewrite[c] := c
+ h := \opts["h"] | 400
+ w := \opts["w"] | 400
+ angle := \opts["a"] # command-line overrides
+ length := \opts["l"]
+ gener := \opts["g"]
+ x := \opts["x"]
+ y := \opts["y"]
+ delay := \opts["d"]
+ /angle := 90 # defaults
+ /length := 5
+ /gener := 3
+ /x := 0
+ /y := 0
+ /delay := 0
+ /name := "intitled"
+ if /axiom then stop("*** no axiom")
+ if /opts["W"] then {
+ WOpen("size=" || w || "," || h, "dx=" || (w / 2),
+ "dy=" || (h / 2)) | stop("*** cannot open window")
+ linddraw(x, y, axiom, rewrite, length, angle, gener, delay)
+ if \opts["s"] then WriteImage(name || ".gif")
+ WDone()
+ }
+ else {
+ every writes(lindgen(!axiom, rewrite, gener))
+ write()
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/lorenz.icn b/ipl/gprogs/lorenz.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52c239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/lorenz.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# File: lorenz.icn
+# Subject: Program to display Lorenz strange attractor
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: December 5, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This is a barebones version of a display of the Lorenz strange
+# attractor. It has deliberately been left simple and free of options so
+# that the basic idea is clear and so that it can be used as the basis of
+# more capable versions.
+# This program is based on material given in "Fractal, Programming in
+# Turbo Pascal", Roger T. Stevens, M&T Books, 1990.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: numbers, wopen
+link numbers
+link wopen
+procedure main()
+ local col, color, colorlist, cx, cy, cz, d0_x, d0_y, d0_z, d1_x
+ local d1_y, d1_z, d2_x, d2_y, d2_z, d3_x, d3_y, d3_z, dt, dt2
+ local i, old_col, old_row, old_y, row, sx, sy, sz, x, x_angle
+ local xt, y, y_angle, yt, z, z_angle, zt
+ x_angle := rtod(45)
+ sx := sin(x_angle)
+ cx := cos(x_angle)
+ y_angle := rtod(0)
+ sy := sin(y_angle)
+ cy := cos(y_angle)
+ z_angle := rtod(90)
+ sz := sin(z_angle)
+ cz := cos(z_angle)
+ WOpen("label=Lorenz", "width=640", "height=350",
+ "fg=white", "bg=black") | stop("*** cannot open window")
+ colorlist := ["red", "blue", "green", "magenta", "cyan", "yellow"]
+ color := colorlist[1]
+ x := 0.0
+ y := 1.0
+ z := 0.0
+ old_col := round(y * 9 + 320)
+ old_row := round(350 - 6.56 * z)
+ dt := 0.01
+ dt2 := dt / 2
+ every i := 0 to 8000 do {
+ d0_x := 10 * (y-x) * dt2
+ d0_y := (-x * z + 28 * x - y) * dt2
+ d0_z := (x * y - 8 * z / 3) * dt2
+ xt := x + d0_x
+ yt := y + d0_y
+ zt := z + d0_z
+ d1_x := (10 * (yt-xt)) * dt2
+ d1_y := (-xt * zt + 28 * xt - yt) * dt2
+ d1_z := (xt * yt - 8 * zt / 3) * dt2
+ xt := x + d1_x
+ yt := y + d1_y
+ zt := z + d1_z
+ d2_x := (10 * (yt-xt)) * dt
+ d2_y := (-xt * zt + 28 * xt - yt) * dt
+ d2_z := (xt * yt - 8 * zt / 3) * dt
+ xt := x + d2_x
+ yt := y + d2_y
+ zt := z + d2_z
+ d3_x := (10 * (yt - xt)) * dt2
+ d3_y := (-xt * zt + 28 * xt - yt) * dt2
+ d3_z := (xt * yt - 8 * zt / 3) * dt2
+ old_y := y
+ x := x + (d0_x + d1_x + d1_x + d2_x + d3_x) * 0.333333333
+ y := y + (d0_y + d1_y + d1_y + d2_y + d3_y) * 0.333333333
+ z := z + (d0_z + d1_z + d1_z + d2_z + d3_z) * 0.333333333
+ col := round(y * 9 + 320)
+ row := round(350 - 6.56 * z)
+ if col < 320 then
+ if old_col >= 320 then {
+ color := get(colorlist)
+ put(colorlist, color)
+ }
+ else if col > 320 then
+ if old_col <= 320 then {
+ color := get(colorlist)
+ put(colorlist, color)
+ }
+ Fg(color)
+ DrawLine(old_col, old_row, col, row)
+ old_row := row
+ old_col := col
+ }
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/lsys.icn b/ipl/gprogs/lsys.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f18c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/lsys.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# File: lsys.icn
+# Subject: Program to experiment with Lindenmayer systems
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 1.0
+# Comments: This program display Lindenmayer systems using
+# turtle graphics. There are some built-in L-systems,
+# but users can easily modify these and construct new
+# systems.
+# See the procedure 'helpmsg' for command line options
+# (or run as 'lsys -help')
+# Waits for a window event before closing window
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and co-expressions (for glib.icn)
+# Links: glib, lsystem, wopen
+link glib # need the turtle graphics stuff
+link lsystem # ...and the L-System stuff
+link wopen
+global win, mono, h, w
+global Window, XMAX, YMAX
+global pre_defs
+procedure main (args)
+ local ls, arg, t
+ XMAX := YMAX := 700 # physical screen size
+ w := h := 700.0
+ init_pre_defs() # table of predefined L-systems
+ ls := pre_defs["koch_island"]
+ while arg := get(args) do {
+ case arg of {
+ "-help"|"-h" : helpmsg()
+ "-order"|"-o": ls.order := integer(get(args))
+ "-dist" |"-d": ls.dist := numeric(get(args))
+ "-delta" : := numeric(get(args))
+ "-axiom"|"-a": ls.axiom := get(args)
+ "-map" : ls.rewrite[get(args)] := get(args)
+ "-file"|"-f" : ls := read_Lsystem(open(get(args)))
+ "-name"|"-n" : ls := \pre_defs[get(args)]
+ "-describe" : {
+ write_Lsystem(ls := \(pre_defs[write(get(args))]))
+ write()
+ }
+ }
+ if arg == ("-help"|"-h") then stop(helpmsg())
+ }
+ win := WOpen("label=L-System", "width="||XMAX, "height="||YMAX)
+ mono := WAttrib (win, "depth") == "1"
+ Window := set_window(win, point(0,0), point(w,h),
+ viewport(point(0,0), point(XMAX, YMAX), win))
+ EraseArea(win)
+ t := turtle(Window, point(w/2, h/2), 0, create |"red")
+ eval_lsys(t,ls)
+# These two commands are behaviorally equivalent to the above line,
+# but trade numerous recursive calls (above) for a *long* command
+# string...
+# s := build_cmd(ls)
+# eval_cmd(t, s, ls.dist,
+ # sit and wait for an event on the window.
+ Event(win)
+ close(win)
+procedure helpmsg()
+ write("Usage: Lsys [[-o n] [-d r] [-delta r] [-axiom s] [-map c s]... ]")
+ write(" [-f file] [-n name] [-describe name]")
+ write(" where")
+ write(" -o n -- order of system")
+ write(" -d r -- line length")
+ write(" -delta r -- angle for turns")
+ write(" -axiom s -- initial axiom")
+ write(" -map c S -- rewrite rule mapping c into s")
+ write(" -f file -- read Lsystem from file")
+ write(" -n name -- use predefined Lsystem 'name'")
+ write(" -describe name -- describe (and use) predefined Lsystem 'name'")
+ write(" ")
+ write(" Options are processed in order from left to right, e.g.")
+ write(" ")
+ write(" Lsys -n koch_island -o 3")
+ write(" ")
+ write(" displays an order 3 koch_island.")
+ write(" ")
+ write(" Available predefined Lsystems are:\n")
+ every write(" ",key(pre_defs))
+ stop()
+procedure init_pre_defs()
+ pre_defs := table()
+ pre_defs["koch_island"] := Lsys(1,10,90,"F-F-F-F",
+ mk_map([["F","F-F+F+FF-F-F+F"]]))
+ pre_defs["box_swirls"] := Lsys(1,10,90,"F-F-F-F",
+ mk_map([["F","FF-F-F-F-F-F+F"]]))
+ pre_defs["squares"] := Lsys(1,10,90,"F-F-F-F",
+ mk_map([["F","FF-F-F-F-FF"]]))
+ pre_defs["soot"] := Lsys(1,10,90,"F-F-F-F",
+ mk_map([["F","FF-F--F-F"]]))
+ pre_defs["box_flake"] := Lsys(1,10,90,"F-F-F-F",
+ mk_map([["F","F-FF--F-F"]]))
+ pre_defs["dragon"] := Lsys(1,10,90,"L",
+ mk_map([["L","L+R+"],["R","-L-R"]]))
+ pre_defs["triangle"] := Lsys(1,10,60,"R",
+ mk_map([["L","R+L+R"],["R","L-R-L"]]))
+ pre_defs["flake"] := Lsys(1,10,60,"L",
+ mk_map([["L","L+R++R-L--LL-R+"],
+ ["R","-L+RR++R+L--L-R"]]))
+ pre_defs["near_hilbert"] := Lsys(1,10,90,"-R",
+ mk_map([["L","LL-R-R+L+L-R-RL+R+LLR-L+R+LL+R-LR-R-L+L+RR-"],
+ ["R","+LL-R-R+L+LR+L-RR-L-R+LRR-L-RL+L+R-R-L+L+RR"]]))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/mandala.icn b/ipl/gprogs/mandala.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ccbb37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/mandala.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# File: mandala.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw mandala design
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: September 13, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws "mandala" patterns.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -g run continuously; ignore user events; default: process user
+# events
+# -l i limit on number of iterations, default 2 ^ 10
+# -n i maximum number of points, default 50
+# -s i size of window (width/height); default 256
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: gobject, interact, joinpair, options, wopen
+link gobject
+link interact
+link joinpair
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local i, j, k, angle, incr, xpoint, ypoint, size, radius, opts
+ local extent, max, limit, run, points
+ opts := options(args, "gl+n+s+")
+ extent := \opts["s"] | 256
+ limit := \opts["l"] | (2 ^ 10)
+ max := \opts["n"] | 50
+ run := opts["g"]
+ radius := extent / 2
+ WOpen("label=mandala", "width=" || extent, "height=" || extent,
+ "bg=light gray", "dx=" || (extent / 2), "dy=" || (extent / 2)) |
+ ExitNotice("Cannot open window.")
+ every 1 to limit do {
+ i := ?max
+ if i < 4 then i+:= 3 + ?10 # too few doesn't work well ...
+ points := list(i)
+ angle := 0.0
+ incr := 2 * &pi / i
+ every j := 1 to i do {
+ points[j] := Point(radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle))
+ angle +:= incr
+ }
+ joinpair(points, points)
+ if /run then repeat case Event() of {
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": snapshot()
+ "n": break
+ }
+ WDelay(1000)
+ EraseArea()
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/mandel1.icn b/ipl/gprogs/mandel1.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb41d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/mandel1.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# File: mandel1.icn
+# Subject: Program to display the Mandelbrot set
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This is a barebones version of a display of the Mandelbrot set. It
+# has deliberately been left simple and free of options so that the
+# basic idea is clear and so that it can be used as the basis of
+# more capable versions.
+# This program is based on material given in "Chaos, Fractals,
+# and Dynamics", Robert L. Devaney, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main()
+ local size, real_size, i, j, c1, c2, x, y, n, x1, y1, limit, extent
+ size := 300
+ extent := 4.0 / size
+ limit := 30
+ WOpen("label=mandel", "height=" || size, "width=" || size) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ every i := 1 to size do {
+ every j := 1 to size / 2 do {
+ c1 := -2 + i * extent
+ c2 := 2 - j * extent
+ x := c1
+ y := c2
+ every 1 to limit do { # see what the orbit is
+ x1 := x ^ 2 - y ^ 2 + c1
+ y1 := 2 * x * y + c2
+ if (x1 ^ 2 + y1 ^ 2) > 4 then break next
+ x := x1
+ y := y1
+ }
+ DrawPoint(i, j, i, size - j)
+ }
+ }
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/mandel2.icn b/ipl/gprogs/mandel2.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9a5371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/mandel2.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# File: mandel2.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw the Mandelbrot set
+# Author: Roger Hare
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws portions of the Mandelbrot set according to the values
+# input # on the command line. The method is that described in the articles by
+# Dewdney # in the Computer Recreations column of Scientific American in August
+# '85, # October '87 and February '89.
+# I have problems with colours (not enough of 'em!), so I have used alternated
+# black and white. Those with decent X-terminals will be able to do far
+# better than me.
+# The program certainly doesn't display images as striking as those seen
+# in publications. Perhaps the scaling of the value of k needs to be
+# different? All suggestions gratefully received.
+# It is possible to speed things up by displaying the points row by row
+# rather than randomly, but as the program is resident in the 100 cycle
+# iteration most of the time, this is only ~5% speed-up. Not really
+# worth it.
+# One of Dewdney's articles mentions other methods to speed things up - I
+# will search out the algorithms one of these days...
+# Usage is - xmand startr startc size n &
+# where:
+# startr, startc are the co-ordinates of the lower left hand corner of the
+# area of the complex plane to be displayed
+# size is the size of the (square) area of the complex plane to be displayed
+# n is the number of pixels into which size is to be divided for display
+# purposes
+# For example - xmand -1.5 -1.25 2.5 400 &
+# will display the Mandelbrot set in the 2.5x2.5 region of the complex plane
+# whose s-w corner is -1.5-i1.25. The display will be 400x400 pixels.
+# The program has been tested on a Sun 4 using the Icon compiler, and
+# on a Sequent Symmetry running Version 5 Unix using both the
+# compiler and translator.
+# Links: random, wopen
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+link random
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local a, b, c, colours, coords, events, gap, i, k, n, r, size
+ local startc, startr, t, x, xmand, y
+# check the number of arguments - if it's not 4, select 4 arbitrary values
+if *args == 4
+then {startr:=args[1]
+ startc:=args[2]
+ size:=args[3]
+ n:=args[4]
+ n:=integer(n)}
+else {startr:=-1.5
+ startc:=-1.25
+ size:=2.5
+ n:=200}
+# set max size to 400
+if (n>400) then n:=400
+# calculate 'size' of each pixel
+# open window
+xmand:=WOpen("label=xmand", "height="||n+40,
+ "width="||n+40) | stop("Can't open xmand")
+# set colours to be 5 cycles of alternating black & white - this for the
+# benefit of those with monochrome screens, or (like me!), a crummy palette.
+# write image info in window
+writes(xmand,startr," ",startc," ",size," ",n)
+# this bit coupled with counting y *downwards* later, effectively means that
+# the image in the X-window is 'right way up' for those who live in a
+# cartesian world.
+# set up co-ordinates, one for every point in the display and randomize
+every i:=1 to n*n
+do coords[i]:=i-1
+every !coords:=:?coords
+# main loop
+every i := 1 to n*n
+do {t:=get(coords)
+# compute random x,y value from co-ordinate
+ x:=(t/n)
+ y:=(t%n)
+# compute value of this x,y point in complex plane - count downwards in
+# y direction to get image 'right way up'
+ r:=startr+x*gap
+ c:=startc-y*gap
+ a:=0
+ b:=0
+# and calculate if point is in set or not
+ every k:=1 to 100
+ do {t:=a*a-b*b+r
+ b:=2*a*b+c
+ a:=t
+ if (a*a+b*b) > 4.0 then break}
+# scale final value of k to one of range of colours
+# subtract 1 to put in range 0->99; divide by 10 to put in range 0->9
+# add 1 to put in range 1->10 - I have 10 'colours' selected
+# this scaling gives fairly unexciting displays, is there a better scaling
+# (eg: logarithmic, square root, w.h.y)?
+ k-:=1
+ k/:=10
+ k+:=1
+# and display
+ Fg(xmand,colours[k])
+ DrawPoint(xmand,(x+20),(y+20))
+# this bit bales out of loop if left button is pressed
+ if (events:=Pending(xmand)) & (*events > 0)
+ then if Event(xmand)==&lpress
+ then break}
+# just close the window and exit when it is finished
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/mercator.icn b/ipl/gprogs/mercator.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00542f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/mercator.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# File: mercator.icn
+# Subject: Program to display surface of HLS color cones
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: July 23, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: mercator [window options] [palette]
+# Mercator displays the surface of the HLS color space (hue,
+# lightness, saturation) in something approximating a Mercator
+# projection. The white pole is at the top, the black pole is
+# at the bottom, and the fully saturated colors run along the
+# central equator.
+# Colors are usually quantized to one of Icon's color palettes,
+# with the "c1" palette being the default. Specifying a palette
+# of "none" inhibits quantization, generally leading to poor results
+# due to color allocation failure.
+# Calling this a mercator projection is not exactly correct.
+# The first problem is that HLS space is a double cone, not a
+# sphere, but that can be disregarded by mapping hue to longitude
+# and lightness to latitude. Even so, the projection is not truly
+# a Mercator projection, but rather another member of the cylindrical
+# family: a rectangular, or equidistant cylindrical, projection.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics
+link graphics
+$define Palette "c1" # default palette
+$define Size "500,300" # default size
+procedure main(args)
+ local ww, wh, p, x, y, h, l, dh, dl, hls, c
+ Window("size=" || Size, args)
+ ww := WAttrib("width") # actual window width
+ wh := WAttrib("height") # actual window height
+ dh := 360.0 / (ww - 1) # change in hue per pixel
+ dl := 100.0 / (wh - 1) # change in lightness per pixel
+ p := args[1] | Palette
+ if p == "none" then p := &null
+ every x := 0 to ww - 1 do {
+ h := integer(x * dh) || ":"
+ every y := 0 to wh - 1 do {
+ l := 100 - integer(y * dl)
+ hls := h || l || ":100"
+ c := HLSValue(hls)
+ c := PaletteColor(p, PaletteKey(\p, c))
+ Fg(c)
+ DrawPoint(x, y)
+ }
+ }
+ ZDone()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/mirroror.icn b/ipl/gprogs/mirroror.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccf7437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/mirroror.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# File: mirroror.icn
+# Subject: Program to mirror images given on command line
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: February 2, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# To get from one image to another, type "n"; to quit, type "q". "s"
+# produces a snapshot and "w" writes the name of the file.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: interact, mirror, wopen
+link interact
+link mirror
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local name, win
+ every name := !args do {
+ WOpen("image=" || name, "canvas=hidden") | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", image(name))
+ next
+ }
+ win := mirror(&window)
+ WAttrib(win, "canvas=normal", "label=" || name)
+ repeat case Event(win) of {
+ "n": break
+ "s": snapshot(win)
+ "q": exit()
+ "w": write(name) # write out file name
+ }
+ WClose(&window)
+ WClose(win)
+ &window := &null
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/moire.icn b/ipl/gprogs/moire.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee42d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/moire.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# File: moire.icn
+# Subject: Program to display Moire patterns
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays moire patterns.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -g run continuously; ignore user events; default: process user
+# events
+# -i i initial size, default 50
+# -k i increment, default 1
+# -l i limit on number of iterations, default 2 ^ 10
+# -p s palette, default "c2"
+# -s i size of window (width/height); default 256
+# This program is based on material given in "FractalVision",
+# Dick Oliver, Sams Publishing, 1992, pp. 185-190.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: colrlist, interact, options, wopen
+link colrlist
+link interact
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local extent, size, colors, ncolors, k, x, i, y, j, c, palette
+ local opts, init, incr, limit, run
+ opts := options(args, "gs+p:i+k+l+")
+ palette := \opts["p"] | "c2"
+ extent := \opts["s"] | 256
+ init := \opts["i"] | 50
+ incr := \opts["k"] | 1
+ limit := \opts["l"] | (2 ^ 10)
+ run := opts["g"]
+ size := extent / 2
+ WOpen("label=moire", "height=" || extent, "width=" || extent,
+ "dx=" || size, "dy=" || size, "bg=light gray") |
+ ExitNotice("Cannot open window.")
+ colors := colrplte(palette) | ExitNotice("Invalid palette.")
+ ncolors := *colors
+ every k := seq(init, incr) \ limit do {
+ x := k
+ every i := 0 to size do {
+ y := x
+ every j := i to size do {
+ c := colors[?ncolors]
+ Fg(c)
+ DrawPoint(
+ i, j,
+ j, i,
+ j, -i,
+ i, -j,
+ -i, -j,
+ -j, -i,
+ -j, i,
+ -i, j
+ )
+ y +:= k
+ }
+ x +:= k
+ }
+ Fg("black")
+ if /run then repeat case Event() of {
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": snapshot()
+ "n": break
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/mover.icn b/ipl/gprogs/mover.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..545e233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/mover.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# File: mover.icn
+# Subject: Program to move files from one name to another
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 29, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Program to allow interactive moving (renaming) of files.
+# Requires: UNIX
+# Links: io, vsetup
+link io
+link vsetup
+global names
+global root
+global vidgets
+procedure main()
+ init()
+ GetEvents(root, , shortcuts)
+procedure init()
+ vidgets := ui()
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ names := vidgets["names"]
+ VSetItems(names, filelist())
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ }
+procedure names_cb(vidget, value, x)
+ if /value then return # ignore unselect
+ if OpenDialog("Rename:", value) == "Cancel" then fail
+ if system("mv " || value || " " || dialog_value ||
+ " >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") ~= 0 then {
+ Notice("Renaming failed.")
+ fail
+ }
+ VSetItems(names, filelist())
+ return
+procedure shortcuts()
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=600,400", "bg=gray-white"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,600,400:",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["move @M","quit @Q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::1,26,598,26:",],
+ ["names:List:w::26,48,557,335:",names_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/offtiler.icn b/ipl/gprogs/offtiler.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b81a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/offtiler.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# File: offtiler.icn
+# Subject: Program to tile images with offset
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: March 14, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program produces drop repeats and brick patterns.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: io, vsetup
+link io
+link vsetup
+global direction
+global factor
+global height
+global subject
+global target
+global vidgets
+global width
+procedure main()
+ vidgets := ui()
+ direction := "vertical"
+ factor := 1
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "open @O" : open_image()
+ "save @S" : save_tile()
+ "quit @Q" : exit()
+ }
+ return
+procedure parameter_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "direction @D" : set_direction()
+ "factor @F" : set_factor()
+ }
+ return
+procedure tile_cb()
+ local incr, i, j, offset
+ if /subject then {
+ Notice("No subject image.")
+ fail
+ }
+ WClose(\target)
+ target := WOpen("label=offset tile", "size=" || (width * factor) || "," ||
+ (height * factor)) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open target window.")
+ fail
+ }
+ Raise()
+ case direction of {
+ "vertical" : {
+ incr := height / factor
+ every i := -1 to factor do { # columns
+ offset := i * incr
+ every j := -1 to factor do { # rows
+ CopyArea(subject, target, 0, 0, width, height, i * width,
+ j * height + offset)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "horizontal" : {
+ incr := width / factor
+ every i := -1 to factor do { # rows
+ offset := i * incr
+ every j := -1 to factor do { # columns
+ CopyArea(subject, target, 0, 0, width, height,
+ j * width + offset, i * height)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure set_direction()
+ repeat {
+ if SelectDialog("Direction", ["vertical", "horizontal"], direction) ==
+ "Cancel" then fail
+ direction := dialog_value
+ check_parameters() | next
+ return
+ }
+procedure set_factor()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Offset factor", , factor) == "Cancel" then fail
+ factor := (0 < integer(dialog_value[1])) | {
+ Notice("Invalid factor specification.")
+ next
+ }
+ check_parameters() | next
+ return
+ }
+procedure check_parameters()
+ case direction of {
+ "vertical" : {
+ if (height % factor) ~= 0 then {
+ Notice("Factor does not evenly divide height.")
+ fail
+ }
+ if factor >= height then {
+ Notice("Factor too large.")
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ "horizontal" : {
+ if (width % factor) ~= 0 then {
+ Notice("Factor does not evenly divide width.")
+ fail
+ }
+ if factor >= width then {
+ Notice("Factor too large.")
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of {
+ "d" : set_direction()
+ "f" : set_factor()
+ "o" : open_image()
+ "q" : exit()
+ "s" : save_tile()
+ "t" : tile_cb()
+ }
+ return
+procedure open_image()
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog("Open image:") == "Cancel" then fail
+ WClose(\subject)
+ subject := WOpen("label=" || dialog_value, "image=" || dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open image.")
+ next
+ }
+ width := WAttrib(subject, "width")
+ height := WAttrib(subject, "height")
+ factor := 1
+ Raise()
+ return
+ }
+procedure save_tile()
+ local file
+ repeat {
+ if SaveDialog("Save tile:") ~== "Yes" then fail
+ file := dialog_value
+ if exists(file) then {
+ if TextDialog("Overwrite existing file?") == "Cancel" then next
+ }
+ WriteImage(target, file) | {
+ Notice("Cannot write image.")
+ next
+ }
+ return
+ }
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=200,165", "bg=pale gray"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,200,165:",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,0,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["open @O","save @S","quit @Q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,23,200,23:",],
+ ["parameters:Menu:pull::37,0,78,21:Parameters",parameter_cb,
+ ["direction @D","factor @F"]],
+ ["tile:Button:regular::12,36,35,20:tile",tile_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/orbit.icn b/ipl/gprogs/orbit.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f09ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/orbit.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# File: orbit.icn
+# Subject: Program to display quadratic orbit
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This is a barebones version of a display of the orbit of a quadratic
+# equation. It has deliberately been left simple and free of options so
+# that the basic idea is clear and so that it can be used as the basis of
+# more capable versions.
+# This program is based on material given in "Chaos, Fractals,
+# and Dynamics", Robert L. Devaney, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main()
+ local extent, c, i, j, m, x
+ extent := 360
+ WOpen("label=orbit", "height=" || extent, "width=" || extent) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ every i := -320 to 40 do {
+ x := 0.0
+ c := i / 160.0
+ m := 160 * (c + 2)
+ every j := 0 to extent do {
+ x := x ^ 2 + c
+ if j < 50 then next # wait for things to take hold
+ DrawPoint(m, 75 * (2 - x))
+ }
+ }
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/painterc.icn b/ipl/gprogs/painterc.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e443a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/painterc.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# File: painterc.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert Painter color sets to Icon colors
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 6, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts color sets from Painter 3 to lists of Icon
+# colors.
+# The lists are saved in files with the base name of the color set and
+# the suffix ".clr".
+# Links: basename
+link basename
+procedure main(args)
+ local line, file, name, input, output
+ every file := !args do {
+ input := open(file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ name := basename(file, ".txt")
+ output := open(name || ".clr", "w") | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", name, ".clr")
+ close(input)
+ next
+ }
+ while line := map(read(input)) do {
+ line ? {
+ ="r:" | next
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ writes(output, 256 * tab(many(&digits)), ",")
+ tab(find("g:") + 2) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** invalid data in ", file)
+ write(&errout, line)
+ next
+ }
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ writes(output, 256 * tab(many(&digits)), ",")
+ tab(find("b:") + 2) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** invalid data in ", file)
+ write(&errout, line)
+ next
+ }
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ writes(output, 256 * tab(many(&digits)))
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if not pos(0) then write(output, "\t", tab(0))
+ else write(output)
+ }
+ }
+ close(input)
+ close(output)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/palcheck.icn b/ipl/gprogs/palcheck.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be8fbbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/palcheck.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# File: palcheck.icn
+# Subject: Program to check palindromic sentences
+# Authors: K'vin D'vries and Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 14, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reads lines from standard input. If a line is a
+# palindromic sentence (see The Icon Programming Language, 2nd edition,
+# p. 58), it is ignored. If it is not a palindromic sentence, it is
+# written to a window with the outermost characters that don't match
+# highlighted.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen, xcompat
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+procedure main()
+ local normal, highlight, line, s1, s2, i1, i2
+ normal := WOpen("label=palindrome check", "lines=20", "columns=80",
+ "leading=18") | stop("*** cannot open window")
+ highlight := XBind(normal, , "reverse=on")
+ while line := read() do {
+ s1 := map(line)
+ s2 := reverse(s1)
+ i1 := i2 := 1
+ while i1 < *line do {
+ (i1 := upto(&lcase, s1, i1) & i2 := upto(&lcase, s2, i2)) | break
+ if s1[i1] ~== s2[i2] then {
+ line ? {
+ writes(normal, tab(i1))
+ writes(highlight, move(1))
+ writes(normal, tab(*line - i2 + 1))
+ writes(highlight, move(1))
+ write(normal, tab(0))
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ i1 +:= 1
+ i2 +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ Event(normal)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/palette.icn b/ipl/gprogs/palette.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe9ef1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/palette.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# File: palette.icn
+# Subject: Program to display an Icon image palette
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 23, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: palette [name]
+# Palette displays each color available in an image palette along with its
+# index character. The default palette is "c1".
+# Typing a digit (1 to 6) in the window switches the display to the
+# corresponding color palette. Typing a "g" selects the "g16" palette.
+# Typing "l", "o", or "u" toggles the respective drawpalette() flag.
+# The window can be resized.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, imscolor
+link graphics, imscolor
+global flags
+procedure main(args)
+ local p, nw, nh, w, h, e
+ flags := "l"
+ if args[-1] ? any(&letters) then
+ p := args[-1]
+ else
+ p := "c1"
+ PaletteChars(p) | stop(&progname, ": palette ", p, " not found")
+ Window("width=125", "height=250", "font=lucidasans-bold-12",
+ "label=" || p, args)
+ &error := 1
+ WAttrib("resize=on")
+ &error := 0
+ draw(p)
+ while e := Event() do case e of {
+ QuitEvents(): break
+ !"123456": draw(p := "c" || e)
+ "g": draw(p := "g16")
+ &lpress | &ldrag: writes(pickpalette(p, &x, &y) | "~") & flush(&output)
+ &resize: draw(p)
+ !"lou": {
+ if flags ? find(e) then
+ flags := string(flags -- e)
+ else
+ flags ||:= e
+ draw(p)
+ }
+ }
+procedure draw(p) # draw palette, etc.
+ WAttrib("label=" || p)
+ EraseArea()
+ drawpalette(p, , , , , flags) |
+ write(&errout, " could not get all colors of ", p, " palette")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/pat2gif.icn b/ipl/gprogs/pat2gif.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a1402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/pat2gif.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# File: pat2gif.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert bi-level pattern to GIF
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 30, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Names ofs BLP are given on the command line. The GIFs have a
+# corresponding basename.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, patutils, wopen
+link basename
+link patutils
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local matrix, ims, input, file
+ while file := get(args) do {
+ input := open(file) | stop("cannot open ", file)
+ ims := read(input) | stop("empty BLP")
+ matrix := pat2rows(ims) | stop("*** invalid pattern")
+ WOpen("size=" || *matrix[1] || "," || *matrix, "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ DrawImage(0, 0, ims)
+ WriteImage(basename(file, ".blp") || ".gif")
+ close(input)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/patfetch.icn b/ipl/gprogs/patfetch.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c32f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/patfetch.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# File: patfetch.icn
+# Subject: Program to extract patterns from a file
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 22, 1993
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program accepts a list of integer specifications for patterns
+# as the appear in order in a file of patterns. The selected patterns
+# are written to standard output, but not until the end of the input
+# specifications. The name of the pattern file is specified on the
+# command line.
+# Each line of input can be a comma-separated string of either integers
+# or integer ranges. Blanks after commas are tolerated. An example of
+# input is:
+# 1-3, 5
+# 10
+# 13-17
+# 8
+# which specifies the patterns 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17.
+# Note that the integers need not be in order, although within a range,
+# the lower bound must precede the upper bound.
+# Links: patutils
+link patutils
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, input, i, hitlist, patlist, spec, lo, hi, subspec
+ file := args[1] | stop("*** no pattern list specified")
+ input := open(file) | stop(" *** cannot open input file")
+ hitlist := set() # construct set of indices to remove
+ while spec := read() do {
+ spec ? {
+ while subspec := tab(upto(',') | 0) do {
+ if insert(hitlist, integer(subspec)) then { # integer
+ move(1) | break
+ tab(many(' '))
+ }
+ else {
+ subspec ? {
+ lo := tab(many(&digits)) &
+ ="-" &
+ hi := tab(many(&digits)) &
+ lo <= hi &
+ pos(0) | write(&errout, "*** bad specification")
+ every insert(hitlist, 0 < integer(lo to hi))
+ }
+ move(1) | break
+ tab(many(' '))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patlist := [] # read in list of patterns
+ while put(patlist, readpatt(input))
+ every i := !sort(hitlist) do { # write out selected patterns
+ write(patlist[i]) | write(&errout, "*** ", i, " out of bounds")
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/penelope.icn b/ipl/gprogs/penelope.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55861e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/penelope.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,1256 @@
+# File: penelope.icn
+# Subject: Program to edit graphic patterns
+# Authors: Ralph E. Griswold and Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 25, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This application provides a variety of facilities for creating and
+# editing graphic pattern specifications. For a complete description,
+# see IPD234:
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics with 32-column tiles
+# Links: sort, patxform, vdialog, vsetup, dialog, wopen, xcompat
+link sort
+link patxform
+link vdialog
+link vsetup
+link dialog
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+$define MaxCell 24 # maximum size of grid cell
+$define GridSize (32 * 8) # size of area for edit grid
+$define GridXoff (32 * 5) # x offset of grid area
+$define GridYoff (32 * 2 + 6) # y offset of grid area
+$define PattXoff (32 * 14) # x offset of pattern area
+$define PattYoff (32 * 2) # y offset of pattern area
+$define PattWidth (32 * 8) # width of pattern area
+$define PattHeight (32 * 8) # heigth of pattern area
+$define IconSize 16 # size of button icons
+$define XformXoff (16 * 2) # x offset of xform area
+$define XformYoff (16 * 4) # y offset of xform area
+$define SymmetXoff (16 * 10) # x offset of symmetry area
+$define SymmetYoff (16 * 23) # y offset of symmetry area
+$define InfoLength 40 # length of lines in info box
+global allxform # transform-all switch
+global hbits # number of bits horizontally
+global vbits # number of bits veritcally
+global rows # row repesentation of tile
+global old_pat # old pattern for undo
+global cellsize # size of cell in edit grid
+global pattgc # graphic context for pattern
+global bordergc # border for tile/pattern
+global viewgc # clipping area for viewing
+global mode # pattern/tile display mode
+global zoom # tile zoom factor
+global loadname # name of loaded pattern file
+global plist # pattern list
+global pindex # index in pattern list
+global list_touched # list modification switch
+global tile_touched # tile modification switch
+global blank_pat # 8x8 blank tile
+global response # switch for save dialog
+global sym_state # drawing state
+global sym_image_current # current drawing images
+global sym_image_next # next drawing images
+global symmetries # general symmetry state
+global flip_right # icon for right flip
+global flip_left # icon for left flip
+global flip_vert # icon for vertical flip
+global flip_horiz # icon for horizontal flip
+global rotate_90 # icon for 90-degree rotation
+global rotate_m90 # icon for -90-degree rotation
+global rotate_180 # icon for 180-degree rotation
+global ident # icon for identity
+global hi_ident # highlighted icon for identity
+global hi_left # highlighted icon for l-flip
+global hi_right # highlighted icon for r-flip
+global hi_vert # highlighted icon for v-flip
+global hi_horiz # highlighted icon for h-flip
+global hi_rot_90 # highlighted icon for 90-rot
+global hi_rot_m90 # highlighted icon for -90 rot
+global hi_rot_180 # highlighted icon for 180 rot
+global MaxPatt # maximum width for patterns
+record pattrec(tile, note)
+procedure main(args)
+ local vidgets, e, i, j, x, y, v, h, input, mdigits
+# Initial state
+ mdigits := '-' ++ &digits
+ mode := 1 # initially pattern mode
+ zoom := 1 # initially 1:1
+ symmetries := 0 # initially no symmetries
+ allxform := &null # initially not all xforms
+ sym_state := [ # initially no symmetries
+ [1, -1, -1, -1],
+ [-1, -1, -1, -1]
+ ]
+ blank_pat := "8,#0000000000000000" # 8x8 blank tile
+ list_touched := &null # pristine state
+ tile_touched := &null
+# Conservative assumption that only X can handle tiles up to 32 wide
+ MaxPatt := if &features == "X Windows" then 32 else 8
+# Set up initial pattern list
+ if loadname := args[1] then {
+ input := open(loadname) | stop("*** cannot open ", loadname)
+ if load_file(input) then old_pat := rows2pat(rows)
+ else stop("*** no patterns in ", loadname)
+ }
+ else {
+ loadname := "untitled.tle"
+ rows := pat2rows(blank_pat)
+ old_pat := rows2pat(rows)
+ plist := [pattrec(rows2pat(rows), "")]
+ pindex := 1
+ }
+# Set up vidgets
+ vidgets := ui(, vecho)
+ WAttrib("label=" || loadname)
+# Set up graphic contexts
+ pattgc := XBind(&window, "fillstyle=textured") # for patterns
+ bordergc := XBind(&window, "fg=red") # for border
+ viewgc := XBind(&window) # for tile view
+ Clip(viewgc, PattXoff, PattYoff, PattWidth, PattHeight)
+ Clip(bordergc, PattXoff - 1, PattYoff - 1, PattWidth + 2, PattHeight + 2)
+# Assign and draw the icons
+ icons()
+# Initial and toggled editing images
+ sym_image_next := [
+ [ident, hi_rot_90, hi_rot_m90, hi_rot_180],
+ [hi_right, hi_left, hi_vert, hi_horiz]
+ ]
+ sym_image_current := [
+ [hi_ident, rotate_90, rotate_m90, rotate_180],
+ [flip_right, flip_left, flip_vert, flip_horiz]
+ ]
+# Initial setup of grid and view areas
+ setup() | stop("*** cannot set up pattern")
+# Enter event loop
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+# Callback procedures
+# file menu
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "load @L" : load()
+ "save @S" : save()
+ "save as" : save_as()
+ "read @R" : read_tile()
+ "write @W" : write_tile()
+ "quit @Q" : quit()
+ }
+ return
+# editing grid
+procedure grid_cb(vidget, e)
+ local x, y, i, j
+ if e === (&lpress | &rpress | &ldrag | &rdrag) then {
+ j := (&x - GridXoff) / cellsize
+ i := (&y - GridYoff) / cellsize
+ if j < 0 | j >= hbits | i < 0 | i >= vbits then return
+ if e === (&lpress | &ldrag) then setbit(i, j, "1")
+ else setbit(i, j, "0")
+ tile_touched := 1
+ }
+ return
+# list menu
+procedure list_cb(vidget, value)
+ local i
+ case value[1] of {
+ "clear" : { # should request confirmation
+ plist := [pattrec(blank_pat, "")]
+ }
+ "reverse" : {
+ every i := 1 to *plist / 2 do
+ plist[i] :=: plist[-i]
+ }
+ "sort" : {
+ refresh_tile()
+ plist := isort(plist, case value[2] of {
+ "by size": tile_size
+ "by bits": tile_bits
+ "by notes": tile_note
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ pindex := 1
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[1].tile)
+ old_pat := rows2pat(rows)
+ list_touched := 1
+ return setup()
+# Penelope logo
+procedure logo_cb(vidgets, event)
+ if event === (&lpress | &mpress | &rpress) then
+ Notice("Penelope", "Version 1.1",
+ "Ralph E. Griswold and Gregg M. Townsend")
+ return
+# note menu
+procedure note_cb(vidget, value)
+ local result, note, i
+ case value[1] of {
+ "edit @E" : edit_tile()
+ "find @F" : find_tile()
+ }
+ return
+# symmetry buttons
+procedure symmet_cb(vidget, e)
+ local col, row, symcount
+ if e === (&lpress | &rpress | &mpress) then {
+ col := (&x - SymmetXoff) / IconSize + 1
+ row := (&y - SymmetYoff) / IconSize + 1
+ sym_state[row, col] *:= -1
+ sym_image_current[row, col] :=: sym_image_next[row, col]
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, col - 1, row - 1,
+ sym_image_current[row, col])
+ symcount := 0
+ every symcount +:= !!sym_state
+ if symcount = -8 then
+ Notice("No drawing mode enabled; pattern cannot be edited")
+ else if (sym_state[1, 1] = 1) & (symcount = -6) then symmetries := 0
+ else symmetries := 1
+ return
+ }
+ fail
+# tile menu
+procedure tile_cb(vidget, value)
+ local result
+ case value[1] of {
+ "next @N" : next_tile()
+ "previous @P" : previous_tile()
+ "goto @G" : goto_tile()
+ "first" : {
+ refresh_tile()
+ pindex := 1
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex].tile)
+ tile_touched := 1
+ return setup()
+ }
+ "last" : {
+ refresh_tile()
+ pindex := *plist
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex].tile)
+ tile_touched := 1
+ return setup()
+ }
+ "copy C" : copy_tile()
+ "revert" : {
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex].tile)
+ return setup()
+ }
+ "delete D" : delete_tile()
+ "new" : {
+ case Dialog("New:", ["width", "height"], [*rows[1], *rows], 3,
+ ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Okay" : {
+ icheck(dialog_value) | fail
+ refresh_tile()
+ rows := list(dialog_value[2], repl("0", dialog_value[1]))
+ put(plist, pattrec(rows2pat(rows), ""))
+ pindex := *plist
+ tile_touched := 1
+ return setup()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "info I" : tile_info()
+ }
+ return
+# view menu
+procedure view_cb(vidget, value)
+ static old_mode, old_zoom
+ old_mode := mode
+ old_zoom := zoom
+ case value[1] of {
+ "pattern" : mode := 1
+ "tile" : mode := &null
+ "tile zoom" : {
+ mode := &null
+ case value[2] of {
+ "1:1" : zoom := 1
+ "2:1" : zoom := 2
+ "4:1" : zoom := 4
+ "8:1" : zoom := 8
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode ~=== old_mode) | (zoom ~=== old_zoom) then {
+ DrawRectangle(bordergc, PattXoff - 1, PattYoff - 1,
+ PattWidth + 1, PattHeight + 1)
+ EraseArea(PattXoff - 1, PattYoff - 1, PattWidth + 1, PattHeight + 1)
+ return setup()
+ }
+ return
+# transformation buttons
+procedure xform_cb(vidget, e)
+ local col, row, save_pindex
+ if e === (&lpress | &rpress | &mpress) then {
+ old_pat := rows2pat(rows)
+ col := (&x - XformXoff) / IconSize
+ row := (&y - XformYoff) / IconSize
+ if &shift then {
+ refresh_tile()
+ save_pindex := pindex
+ every pindex := 1 to *plist do {
+ rows := pat2rows((plist[pindex]).tile)
+ rows := xform(col, row)
+ (plist[pindex]).tile := rows2pat(rows)
+ allxform := 1 # all being done
+ }
+ allxform := &null # one being done
+ list_touched := 1
+ pindex := save_pindex
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex].tile)
+ }
+ else rows := xform(col, row) | fail
+ return setup()
+ }
+# Support procedures
+# clear bits on current tile
+procedure clear_tile()
+ rows := list(vbits, repl("0", hbits))
+ grid()
+ drawpat()
+ return
+# copy current tile
+procedure copy_tile()
+ refresh_tile()
+ put(plist, pattrec(old_pat := rows2pat(rows), ""))
+ rows := pat2rows(old_pat)
+ pindex := *plist
+ list_touched := 1
+ return setup()
+# delete current tile
+procedure delete_tile()
+ # should ask confirmation
+ if *plist = 1 then plist := [pattrec(blank_pat, "")]
+ else {
+ plist := plist[1 : pindex] ||| plist[pindex + 1 : 0]
+ if pindex > *plist then pindex := *plist
+ }
+ rows := pat2rows((plist[pindex]).tile)
+ list_touched := 1
+ return setup()
+# draw view area
+procedure drawpat()
+ if \mode then { # draw pattern
+ DrawRectangle(bordergc, PattXoff - 1, PattYoff - 1,
+ PattWidth + 1, PattHeight + 1)
+ Pattern(pattgc, rows2pat(rows))
+ FillRectangle(pattgc, PattXoff, PattYoff, PattWidth, PattHeight)
+ }
+ else { # draw tile
+ EraseArea(PattXoff - 1, PattYoff - 1, PattWidth + 2, PattHeight + 2)
+ DrawRectangle(bordergc, PattXoff - 1, PattYoff - 1,
+ (*rows[1] * zoom) + 1, (*rows * zoom) + 1)
+ DrawRows(viewgc, PattXoff, PattYoff, rows, zoom)
+ }
+ return
+# edit annotation on current tile
+procedure edit_tile()
+ local result
+ case Dialog("Edit:", "note", [plist[pindex].note], 80,
+ ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": {
+ plist[pindex].note := dialog_value[1] || " "
+ list_touched := 1
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# find tile with annotation
+procedure find_tile()
+ local note, i
+ case Dialog("Find:", "note", "", 80, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": {
+ note := dialog_value[1] || " "
+ every i := ((pindex + 1 to *plist) | (1 to *pindex)) do
+ plist[i].note ? {
+ if find(note) then {
+ pindex := i
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex].tile)
+ return setup()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Notice("Not found")
+ fail
+# go to specified tile
+procedure goto_tile()
+ local i
+ case Dialog("Go to:","#", 1, 5, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": i := integer(dialog_value[1]) | {
+ Notice("Invalid specification")
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ refresh_tile()
+ if i <= 0 then i +:= *plist + 1
+ if i <= i <= *plist + 1 then {
+ pindex := i
+ old_pat := rows2pat(rows)
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex].tile)
+ return setup()
+ }
+ else {
+ Notice("Index out of bounds")
+ fail
+ }
+# draw editing grid
+procedure grid()
+ local x, y
+ EraseArea(GridXoff, GridYoff, GridSize - 15, GridSize - 15)
+ every x := 0 to hbits * cellsize by cellsize do
+ DrawLine(GridXoff + x, GridYoff, GridXoff + x,
+ GridYoff + vbits * cellsize)
+ every y := 0 to vbits * cellsize by cellsize do
+ DrawLine(GridXoff, GridYoff + y, GridXoff + hbits * cellsize,
+ y + GridYoff)
+ return
+# check for valid integers
+procedure icheck(values)
+ local i
+ every i := !values do
+ if not(integer(i)) | (i < 0) then {
+ Notice("Invalid value")
+ fail
+ }
+ return
+# assign and draw icons
+procedure icons()
+ local shift_up, shift_left, shift_right, shift_down, pixmap
+ local clear, invert, scramble, trim, enlarge, resize, crop
+ pixmap := XBind(, , "width=32", "height=32", "fillstyle=masked")
+ Pattern(pixmap, "32,#7fffffff421f843f421f843f421f843f421f843f7fffff_
+ ff421084214210842142108421421084217fffffff4210fc21_
+ 4210fc214210fc214210fc217fffffff421087e1421087e142_
+ 1087e1421087e17fffffff7e10fc217e10fc217e10fc217e10_
+ fc217fffffff7e10843f7e10843f7e10843f7e10843f7fffff_
+ ff00000000") # Penelope logo
+ FillRectangle(pixmap, 0, 0, 32, 32)
+ CopyArea(pixmap, &window, 0, 0, 32, 32, 26, 373)
+ Uncouple(pixmap)
+ shift_up := "16,#3ffe6003408141c143e140814081408140814081408140_
+ 81408160033ffe0000"
+ shift_left := "16,#3ffe6003400140014001401140195ffd40194011400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ shift_right := "16,#3ffe600340014001400144014c015ffd4c014401400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ shift_down := "16,#3ffe60034081408140814081408140814081408143e141_
+ c1408160033ffe0000"
+ flip_left := "16,#3ffe600340014079403940394049408149014e014e014f_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ flip_right := "16,#3ffe600340014f014e014e014901408140494039403940_
+ 79400160033ffe0000"
+ flip_vert := "16,#3ffe6003408141c143e14081408140814081408143e141_
+ c1408160033ffe0000"
+ flip_horiz := "16,#3ffe600340014001400144114c195ffd4c194411400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ rotate_90 := "16,#3ffe6003400140f141014201420142014f814701420140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ rotate_m90 := "16,#3ffe600340014781404140214021402140f94071402140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ rotate_180 := "16,#3ffe6003400141c140214011401140114111432147c143_
+ 01410160033ffe0000"
+ clear := "16,#3ffe600340014001400140014001400140014001400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ invert := "16,#3ffe60ff40ff40ff40ff40ff40ff7fff7f817f817f817f_
+ 817f817f833ffe0000"
+ scramble := "16,#3ffe60034c014c0d418d41814001403159b1598140194c_
+ 194c0160033ffe0000"
+ trim := "16,#3ffe60134011407d40394011400140fd48854c857e854c_
+ 8548fd60033ffe0000"
+ enlarge := "16,#3ffe6083418143fd418148815c017efd48854885488548_
+ 8548fd60033ffe0000"
+ resize := "16,#3ffe6093419943fd419948915c017efd488548857e855c_
+ 8548fd60033ffe0000"
+ crop := "16,#3ffe60034011401147fd441144114411441144115ff144_
+ 01440160033ffe0000"
+ ident := "16,#3ffe6003400140014001400141c141c141c14001400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ hi_ident := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3ffe3ffe3ffe3e3e3e3e3e3e3ffe3ffe3f_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_rot_90 := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3f0e3efe3dfe3dfe3dfe307e38fe3dfe3f_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_rot_m90 := "16,#00001ffc3ffe387e3fbe3fde3fde3fde3f063f8e3fde3f_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_rot_180 := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3e3e3fde3fee3fee3fee3eee3cde383e3c_
+ fe3efe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_right := "16,#00001ffc3ffe30fe31fe31fe36fe3f7e3fb63fc63fc63f_
+ 863ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_left := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3f863fc63fc63fb63f7e36fe31fe31fe30_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_vert := "16,#00001ffc3f7e3e3e3c1e3f7e3f7e3f7e3f7e3f7e3c1e3e_
+ 3e3f7e1ffc00000000"
+ hi_horiz := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3ffe3ffe3bee33e6200233e63bee3ffe3f_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+# now place the images
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 0, shift_up)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 1, shift_left)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 2, 1, shift_right)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 2, shift_down)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 4, flip_right)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 5, flip_left)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 4, flip_vert)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 5, flip_horiz)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 7, rotate_90)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 8, rotate_m90)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 7, rotate_180)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 10, clear)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 10, invert)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 2, 10, scramble)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 12, trim)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 12, enlarge)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 2, 12, resize)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 14, crop)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 0, 0, hi_ident)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 1, 0, rotate_90)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 2, 0, rotate_m90)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 3, 0, rotate_180)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 0, 1, flip_right)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 1, 1, flip_left)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 2, 1, flip_vert)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 3, 1, flip_horiz)
+ return
+# invert bits on current pattern
+procedure invert()
+ rows := pinvert(rows)
+ return
+# load tile list
+procedure load()
+ local input
+ refresh_tile()
+ if \list_touched then { # check to see if list should be saved
+ case SaveDialog(, loadname) of {
+ "Yes": {
+ loadname := dialog_value
+ save()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ repeat {
+ case OpenDialog("Load: ") of {
+ "Okay": {
+ loadname := dialog_value
+ if input := open(loadname) then break
+ else {
+ Notice("Can't open " || loadname)
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ }
+ load_file(input) | {
+ Notice("No patterns in file")
+ fail
+ }
+ WAttrib("label=" || loadname)
+ list_touched := &null
+ return setup()
+# load from file
+procedure load_file(input)
+ local line
+ plist := []
+ while put(plist, read_pattern(input))
+ close(input)
+ pindex := 1
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex].tile) | fail
+ return
+# go to next tile
+procedure next_tile()
+ refresh_tile()
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex + 1].tile) | {
+ Notice("No next tile")
+ fail
+ }
+ pindex +:= 1
+ return setup()
+# place icon
+procedure place(xoff, yoff, col, row, pattern)
+ Pattern(pattgc, pattern)
+ FillRectangle(pattgc, xoff + col * IconSize,
+ yoff + row * IconSize, IconSize, IconSize)
+ return
+# go to previous tile
+procedure previous_tile()
+ rows := pat2rows(plist[pindex - 1].tile) | {
+ Notice("No previous tile")
+ fail
+ }
+ refresh_tile()
+ pindex -:= 1
+ return setup()
+# terminate session
+procedure quit()
+ local result
+ refresh_tile()
+ if \list_touched then {
+ case SaveDialog() of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "No": exit()
+ "Yes": {
+ loadname := dialog_value
+ save()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exit()
+# read pattern specification
+procedure read_pattern(file)
+ local line
+ line := readpattline(file) | fail
+ return pattrec(legaltile(getpatt(line)), getpattnote(line))
+# read and add tile to tile list
+procedure read_tile()
+ refresh_tile()
+ put(plist, read_pattern(&input)) | fail
+ pindex := *plist
+ rows := pat2rows((plist[pindex]).tile)
+ list_touched := 1
+ return setup()
+# refresh tile in list
+procedure refresh_tile()
+ if \tile_touched := &null then {
+ plist[pindex].tile := rows2pat(rows)
+ list_touched := 1
+ }
+ return
+# save tile list
+procedure save() # should ask if file is to be saved
+ local output
+ refresh_tile()
+ if \list_touched then {
+ output := open(loadname, "w") | {
+ Notice("Can't open " || loadname)
+ fail
+ }
+ every write_pattern(output, !plist)
+ close(output)
+ list_touched := &null
+ }
+ return
+# save tile list in new file
+procedure save_as()
+ local output
+ refresh_tile()
+ repeat {
+ case OpenDialog("Save as:") of {
+ "Okay": {
+ if output := open(dialog_value, "w") then break else
+ Notice("Can't open " || dialog_value)
+ }
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ }
+ every write_pattern(output, !plist)
+ close(output)
+ loadname := dialog_value
+ WAttrib("label=" || loadname)
+ list_touched := &null
+ return
+# scramble bits of current tile
+procedure bscramble()
+ rows := pscramble(rows, "b")
+ return
+# set bits of tile
+procedure setbit(i, j, c)
+ local x, y, xu, yu, xv, yv, xt, yt, action
+ if (symmetries = 0) & (rows[i + 1, j + 1] == c) then return # optimization
+ x := GridXoff + j * cellsize + 1 # the selected cell itself
+ y := GridYoff + i * cellsize + 1
+ xt := GridXoff + i * cellsize + 1
+ yt := GridYoff + j * cellsize + 1
+ i +:= 1 # for computational convenience
+ j +:= 1
+ xu := GridXoff + (hbits - j) * cellsize + 1 # opposite cells
+ yu := GridYoff + (vbits - i) * cellsize + 1
+ xv := GridXoff + (hbits - i) * cellsize + 1
+ yv := GridYoff + (vbits - j) * cellsize + 1
+ action := if c = 1 then FillRectangle else EraseArea
+ if sym_state[1, 1] = 1 then { # cell itself
+ rows[i, j] := c
+ action(x, y, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[1, 2] = 1 then { # 90 degrees
+ if rows[j, -i] := c then # may be out of bounds
+ action(xv, yt, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[1, 3] = 1 then { # -90 degrees
+ if rows[-j, i] := c then # may be out of bounds
+ action(xt, yv, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[1, 4] = 1 then { # 180 degrees
+ rows[-i, -j] := c
+ action(xu, yu, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[2, 1] = 1 then { # left diagonal
+ if rows[j, i] := c then # may be out of bounds
+ action(xt, yt, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[2, 2] = 1 then { # right diagonal
+ if rows[-j, -i] := c then # may be out of bounds
+ action(xv, yv, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[2, 3] = 1 then { # vertical
+ rows[-i, j] := c
+ action(x, yu, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[2, 4] = 1 then { # horizontal
+ rows[i, -j] := c
+ action(xu, y, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ drawpat()
+ return
+# set up editing grid and view area
+procedure setup()
+ local i, j
+ hbits := *rows[1]
+ vbits := *rows
+ if (hbits | vbits) > 80 then { # based on cell size >= 3
+ Notice("Dimensions too large")
+ fail
+ }
+ if hbits > MaxPatt then mode := &null # too large for pattern
+ cellsize := MaxCell # cell size on window
+ cellsize >:= GridSize / (vbits + 4)
+ cellsize >:= GridSize / (hbits + 4)
+ grid()
+ every i := 1 to hbits do
+ every j := 1 to vbits do
+ if rows[j, i] == "1" then
+ FillRectangle(GridXoff + (i - 1) * cellsize,
+ GridYoff + (j - 1) * cellsize, cellsize, cellsize)
+ drawpat()
+ return
+# keyboard shortcuts
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of {
+ "c" : copy_tile()
+ "d" : delete_tile()
+ "e" : edit_tile()
+ "f" : find_tile()
+ "g" : goto_tile()
+ "i" : tile_info()
+ "l" : load()
+ "n" : next_tile()
+ "p" : previous_tile()
+ "q" : return quit()
+ "r" : read_tile()
+ "s" : save()
+ "u" : undo_xform()
+ "w" : write_tile()
+ }
+ return
+# return number of bits set in tile for sorting
+procedure tile_bits(x)
+ return tilebits(pat2rows(x.tile))
+# show information about tile
+procedure tile_info()
+ local line1, line2, line3, line4, pattern, bits, density
+ pattern := rows2pat(rows)
+ bits := tilebits(rows)
+ density := left(bits / real(*rows[1] * *rows), 6)
+ line1 := left(loadname ||" " || pindex || " of " || *plist, InfoLength)
+ line2 := left(*rows[1] || "x" || *rows || " b=" || bits || " d=" ||
+ density, InfoLength)
+ line3 := if *pattern > InfoLength then pattern[1+:(InfoLength - 3)] ||
+ "..." else left(pattern, InfoLength)
+ line4 := left(plist[pindex].note, InfoLength)
+ Notice(line1, line2, line3, line4)
+ return
+# return annotation of tile for sorting
+procedure tile_note(x)
+ return x.note
+# return tile size for sorting
+procedure tile_size(x)
+ local dims
+ dims := tiledim(x.tile)
+ return dims.w * dims.h
+# undo transformation
+procedure undo_xform()
+ rows := pat2rows(old_pat)
+ return setup()
+# write pattern
+procedure write_pattern(file, pattern)
+ if *pattern.note = 0 then write(file, pattern.tile)
+ else write(file, pattern.tile, "\t# ", pattern.note)
+ return
+# write tile
+procedure write_tile()
+ write_pattern(&output, pattrec(rows2pat(rows), (plist[pindex]).note))
+ return
+# handle transformation
+procedure xform(col, row)
+ local result
+ static params
+ tile_touched := 1
+ return case col of {
+ 0: case row of {
+ 1: pshift(rows, -1, "h")
+ 4: pflip(rows, "r")
+ 5: pflip(rows, "l")
+ 7: protate(rows, 90)
+ 8: protate(rows, -90)
+ 10: list(vbits, repl("0", hbits))
+ 12: ptrim(rows)
+ 14: {
+ if /allxform then {
+ case Dialog("Crop:", ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"],
+ 0, 3, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": {
+ icheck(dialog_value) | fail
+ result := copy(params := dialog_value)
+ push(result, rows)
+ pcrop ! result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default: fail
+ }
+ 1: case row of {
+ 0: pshift(rows, -1, "v")
+ 2: pshift(rows, 1, "v")
+ 4: pflip(rows, "v")
+ 5: pflip(rows, "h")
+ 7: protate(rows, 180)
+ 10: pinvert(rows)
+ 12: {
+ if /allxform then {
+ case Dialog("Enlarge:", ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"],
+ 0, 3, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": {
+ icheck(dialog_value) | fail
+ result := copy(params := dialog_value)
+ push(result, rows)
+ pborder ! result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default: fail
+ }
+ 2: case row of {
+ 1: pshift(rows, 1, "h")
+ 10: pscramble(rows, "b")
+ 12: {
+ if /allxform then {
+ case Dialog("Center:", ["width", "height"], [*rows[1], *rows],
+ 3, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": {
+ icheck(dialog_value) | fail
+ result := copy(params := dialog_value)
+ push(result, rows)
+ pcenter ! result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default: fail
+ }
+ default: fail
+ }
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=730,420", "bg=pale gray", "label=Penelope"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,730,420:Penelope",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:file",file_cb,
+ ["load @L","save @S","save as","read @R","write @W",
+ "quit @Q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::1,22,729,22:",],
+ ["line2:Line:::133,32,133,420:",],
+ ["line3:Line:::427,22,427,419:",],
+ ["list:Menu:pull::73,1,36,21:list",list_cb,
+ ["clear","reverse","delete range","sort",
+ ["by size","by bits","by notes"]]],
+ ["note:Menu:pull::145,1,36,21:note",note_cb,
+ ["edit @E","find @F"]],
+ ["symmetries:Label:::156,338,70,13:symmetries",],
+ ["tile:Menu:pull::37,1,36,21:tile",tile_cb,
+ ["next @N","previous @P","first","last","goto @G",
+ "delete @D","revert","copy @C","new","info @I"]],
+ ["transformations:Label:::8,32,105,13:transformations",],
+ ["view:Menu:pull::110,1,36,21:view",view_cb,
+ ["pattern","tile","tile zoom",
+ ["1:1","2:1","4:1","8:1"]]],
+ ["logo:Rect:invisible::26,373,32,32:",logo_cb],
+ ["symmet:Rect:grooved::155,363,74,42:",symmet_cb],
+ ["xform:Rect:grooved::26,57,58,256:",xform_cb],
+ ["grid:Rect:grooved::153,64,251,256:",grid_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/pextract.icn b/ipl/gprogs/pextract.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f96d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/pextract.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# File: pextract.icn
+# Subject: Program to separate good and bad patterns
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: September 1, 1993
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program takes the name of a file containing tile specifications
+# on the command line. Tiles to be extracted are entered from standard
+# input. Extracted tiles are written to standard output.
+# Options:
+# -b replace selected tiles by blank tiles
+# -d delete selected tiles from specification file
+# -c copy selected tiles, do not blank or delete
+# them. This is the default; -c overrides
+# -b and -d.
+# Links: options, patutils
+link options
+link patutils
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, input, i, hitlist, patlist, spec, lo, hi, output
+ local subspec, opts
+ opts := options(args, "cbd")
+ if \opts["c"] then opts["b"] := opts["d"] := &null
+ if \opts["d"] then opts["b"] := 1
+ file := args[1] | stop("*** no pattern list specified")
+ input := open(file) | stop(" *** cannot open input file")
+ hitlist := set() # construct set of indices to remove
+ while spec := read() do {
+ spec ? {
+ while subspec := tab(upto(',') | 0) do {
+ if insert(hitlist, integer(subspec)) then { # integer
+ move(1) | break
+ tab(many(' '))
+ }
+ else {
+ subspec ? {
+ lo := tab(many(&digits)) &
+ ="-" &
+ hi := tab(many(&digits)) &
+ lo <= hi &
+ pos(0) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** bad specification")
+ next
+ }
+ if not(integer(hi) & integer(lo)) then {
+ write(&errout, "*** bad specification")
+ next
+ }
+ every insert(hitlist, 0 < (lo to hi))
+ }
+ move(1) | break
+ tab(many(' '))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patlist := [] # read in list of patterns
+ while put(patlist, readpatt(input))
+ close(input)
+ output := open(file, "w") |
+ stop("*** cannot reopen specified file for output")
+ every i := !sort(hitlist) do { # discard and "delete"
+ write(patlist[i]) | write(&errout, "*** ", i, " out of bounds")
+ if \opts["b"] then patlist[i] := "1,#0"
+ }
+ if \opts["d"] then
+ every write(output, "1,#0" ~== !patlist)
+ else
+ every write(output, !patlist)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/pgmtoims.icn b/ipl/gprogs/pgmtoims.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c58813d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/pgmtoims.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# File: pgmtoims.icn
+# Subject: Program to make an image from a PGM file
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 23, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: pgmtoims [-gn] [file]
+# Pgmtoims reads a PGM rawbits file and writes an Icon image string.
+# The "-gn" option (2 <= n <= 64) selects the palette; g41 is the
+# default.
+# Note that only rawbits-format PGM files can be read.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options
+link options
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, g, cs, f, w, h, maxv, data, s, i, n, ln
+ # Process options.
+ opts := options(args, "g+")
+ g := \opts["g"] | 41
+ if g < 2 | g > 64 | *args > 1 then
+ stop("usage: ", &progname, " [-gn] [file]")
+ # Select the set of image characters according to the palette.
+ cs := "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{}"
+ cs := cs[1+:g]
+ # Open the file and read it into memory.
+ if *args = 1 then
+ f := open(args[1], "ru") | stop("can't open ", args[1])
+ else
+ f := &input
+ s := ""
+ while s ||:= reads(f, 1000)
+ # Crack the file header.
+ s ? {
+ ws()
+ if ="P" & any('1346') then
+ stop("input is not in PGM format; convert via \"ppmtopgm\"")
+ if ="P2" then
+ stop("input is not in *raw* PGM format")
+ if not ="P5" then
+ stop("input is not a PGM file")
+ ws()
+ w := tab(many(&digits)) # image width
+ ws()
+ h := tab(many(&digits)) # image height
+ ws()
+ maxv := tab(many(&digits)) # maximum byte value in input
+ tab(any(' \t\r\n'))
+ data := tab(0) # image data
+ }
+ # Calculate the translation from input to output data bytes.
+ s := ""
+ every i := 0 to maxv do
+ s ||:= cs[1 + (g * i) / (maxv + 1)]
+ # Figure out a reasonable line length for output,
+ # assuming not too many backslashes.
+ n := 79 > w / seq(1)
+ if w % n > 0 then
+ n +:= 1
+ # Translate the data a line at a time, and write.
+ map(data, &cset, s) ? {
+ write("\"", w, ",g", g, ",_")
+ while not pos(0) do wdata(move(w) | tab(0), n)
+ write("\"")
+ }
+# wdata(s, n) -- write one line of data with max linelength n
+procedure wdata(s, n)
+ s ? while not pos(0) do
+ write(image(move(n) | tab(0)) [2:-1], "_")
+ return
+# ws() -- skip whitespace.
+procedure ws()
+ while tab(many(' \t\r\n')) | (="#" & tab(upto('\n')))
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/picktile.icn b/ipl/gprogs/picktile.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece5971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/picktile.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# File: picktile.icn
+# Subject: Program to pick a tile out of an image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program provides an optionally magnified view of an image file.
+# Clicking on a pixel produces a pattern specification for the tile
+# with the selected upper-left corner.
+# Options are:
+# -z i zoom factor, default 1 (no magnification)
+# -f use fixed size tiles rather than selection; default selection
+# -w i width of tile, default 32
+# -h i height of tile, default width
+# -I pick tiles to make icons; implies -z2, -f, -w38, -w38 (the
+# larger size leaves room for error and trimming)
+# -R i specs for ResEdit files; i = 32 or 16
+# -t trim whitepace around tile
+# Typical usage is
+# picktile image.xbm >image.tle
+# The program terminates if "q" is pressed when in the image window.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, patxform, win, xcompat
+link options
+link patxform
+link win
+link xcompat
+procedure main(args)
+ local pixmap, wix, hix, c, x, y, event, opts, base, magnif, cols, rows
+ local arglist, state, x0, x1, y0, y1, pattern
+ opts := options(args, "tz+w+h+If")
+ magnif := \opts["z"] | 1
+ cols := \opts["w"] | 32
+ rows := \opts["h"] | cols
+ if \opts["I"] then {
+ magnif := 2
+ cols := rows := 38
+ opts["f"] := 1
+ }
+ pixmap := XBind(, , ,"image=" || args[1]) |
+ stop("*** cannot open image file")
+ wix := WAttrib(pixmap, "width")
+ hix := WAttrib(pixmap, "height")
+ win(magnif * wix, magnif * hix)
+# Build the magnified image.
+# But if the magnification happens to be 1, don't do it the dumb way.
+ if magnif = 1 then
+ CopyArea(pixmap, &window)
+ else {
+ every y := 0 to hix - 1 do {
+ arglist := []
+ every x := 0 to wix - 1 do {
+ c := Pixel(pixmap, x, y, 1, 1)
+ if c == "0,0,0" then {
+ every put(arglist, (magnif * x) | (magnif * y) | magnif | magnif)
+ }
+ x +:= 1
+ }
+ if *arglist > 0 then FillRectangle ! arglist
+ }
+ }
+ if \opts["f"] then { # let user pick corners
+ while event := Event() do {
+ case event of {
+ "q": exit()
+ &lpress | &mpress | &rpress: {
+ pattern := pix2pat(pixmap, &x / magnif, &y / magnif, cols, rows)
+ if \opts["t"] then pattern := rows2pat(ptrim(pat2rows(pattern)))
+ write(pattern)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { # let user drag to select area
+ state := "pick" # waiting for user to pick
+ WAttrib("drawop=reverse")
+ WAttrib("linestyle=dashed")
+ while event := Event() do {
+ if event === "q" then exit()
+ case state of {
+ "pick": { # pick the upper-left corner
+ if event === &lpress then {
+ x1 := x0 := &x # initial coordinates
+ y1 := y0 := &y
+ DrawRectangle(x0, y0, 0, 0) # start the selection rectangle
+ state := "select" # now select the rectangle
+ }
+ }
+ "select": { # select the rectangle
+ case event of {
+ &ldrag: { # searching ...
+ DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0) # erase rectangle
+ x1 := &x # new lower-right
+ y1 := &y
+ DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0) # new rectangle
+ }
+ &lrelease: { # got it!
+ DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0) # erase rectangle
+ x1 := &x # new lower-right
+ y1 := &y
+ DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0) # new rectangle
+ state := "decide" # now decide
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "decide": { # is it wanted or not?
+ DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0) # erase rectangle
+ if event === &lpress then {
+ if (x0 <= &x <= x1) & (y0 <= &y <= y1) then {
+ pattern := pix2pat(pixmap, x0 / magnif, y0 / magnif,
+ (x1 - x0) / magnif, (y1 - y0) / magnif)
+ if \opts["t"] then
+ pattern := rows2pat(ptrim(pat2rows(pattern)))
+ write(pattern)
+ }
+ }
+ state := "pick" # go for another
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/plat.icn b/ipl/gprogs/plat.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881a9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/plat.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# File: plat.icn
+# Subject: Program to create image file with specified colors
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 6, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program produces image files from color lists, in which the
+# image file contains one pixel for each color. The image files are
+# 16x16 pixels. If a color list has less than 256 colors, the rest
+# of the image is black. If the color list has more than 256 colors
+# only the first 256 are processed.
+# The image file names have the basename of the color list files followed
+# by _p and the suffix .gif.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, wopen
+link basename
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local line, file, name, input, i, j, color
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=16,16", "bg=black") |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ every file := !args do {
+ input := open(file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ name := basename(file, ".clr")
+ EraseArea()
+ every i := 0 to 15 do
+ every j := 0 to 15 do {
+ color := read(input) | break
+ color ? {
+ Fg(tab(upto('\t') | 0)) |
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot set foreground")
+ }
+ DrawPoint(i, j)
+ }
+ WriteImage(name || "_p.gif")
+ close(input)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/plotter.icn b/ipl/gprogs/plotter.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13d337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/plotter.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# File: plotter.icn
+# Subject: Program to display planes of 3-space coordinates
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 22, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program plots planes for coordinates in 3-space.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: interact, io, ptutils, vsetup
+link interact
+link io
+link ptutils
+link vsetup
+global coords
+global h_off
+global half
+global size
+global pane
+global plane
+global root
+global scale
+global size
+global v_off
+global vidgets
+procedure main()
+ vidgets := ui()
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ VSetItems(vidgets["coords"], filelist("*.crd"))
+ VSetState(vidgets["plane"], "xy")
+ size := vidgets["pane"].uw
+ half := size / 2
+ pane := Clone("bg=white", "dx=" || (vidgets["pane"].ux + half),
+ "dy=" || (vidgets["pane"].uy + half))
+ Clip(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
+ EraseArea(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
+ scale := 10
+ h_off := 0
+ v_off := 0
+ GetEvents(root, , shortcuts)
+procedure offset_cb()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Set offset:", ["horizontal", "vertical"],
+ [h_off, v_off], 5) == "Cancel" then fail
+ if h_off <- integer(dialog_value[1]) &
+ v_off <- integer(dialog_value[2]) then break
+ else {
+ Notice("Nonnumeric offset value.")
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure scale_cb()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Set scale:", , scale, 5) == "Cancel" then fail
+ if scale := integer(dialog_value[1]) then break
+ else {
+ Notice("Nonnumeric scale value.")
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure file_cb(vidgets, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "clear @C": clear_cb()
+ "plot @P": plot_cb()
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ "snapshot @S": snapshot(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
+ }
+ return
+procedure coord_cb(vidget, value)
+ local input
+ input := open(value) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open " || image(value) || ".")
+ fail
+ }
+ coords := []
+ every put(coords, coord2pt(!input))
+ close(input)
+ return
+procedure plot_cb()
+ local p
+ every p := !coords do {
+ case plane of {
+ "xy": DrawPoint(pane, scale * p.x + h_off, scale * p.y + v_off)
+ "yz": DrawPoint(pane, scale * p.y + h_off, scale * p.z + v_off)
+ "xz": DrawPoint(pane, scale * p.x + h_off, scale * p.z + v_off)
+ }
+ }
+procedure plane_cb(vidget, value)
+ plane := value
+ return
+procedure clear_cb()
+ EraseArea(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of { # fold case
+ "c": clear_cb()
+ "p": plot_cb()
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": snapshot(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
+ }
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=633,459", "bg=gray-white"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,633,459:",],
+ ["clear:Button:regular::82,101,50,20:clear",clear_cb],
+ ["coords:List:w::13,198,190,244:",coord_cb],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::28,5,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["clear @C","plot @P","snapshot @S","quit @Q"]],
+ ["label1:Label:::28,45,35,13:plane",],
+ ["label2:Label:::50,174,105,13:coordinate file",],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,30,640,30:",],
+ ["offset:Button:regular::143,72,50,20:offset",offset_cb],
+ ["plane:Choice::3:25,68,43,63:",plane_cb,
+ ["xy","xz","yz"]],
+ ["plot:Button:regular::81,71,50,20:plot",plot_cb],
+ ["scale:Button:regular::144,101,50,20:scale",scale_cb],
+ ["pane:Rect:grooved::220,43,400,400:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/pme.icn b/ipl/gprogs/pme.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a29253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/pme.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# File: pme.icn
+# Subject: Program to edit pixmaps
+# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Date: April 30, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 2.0
+# A (color) pixmap editor.
+# Left, middle, and right buttons draw different colors.
+# Press q or ESC to quit; press s to save. Capital "S" prompts for
+# and saves under a new filename.
+# Click on the little picture of the mouse to change one of the
+# button's colors. Not very interesting on a monochrome server.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen, xcompat
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+global colors, colorbinds
+procedure main(argv)
+ local i, f, s, xpos, ypos, i8, j, j8, j8Plus, e, x, y
+ colors := [ "red", "green", "blue" ]
+ i := 1
+ XBM := ".xpm"
+ WIDTH := 32
+ HEIGHT := 32
+ if *argv>0 & argv[1][1:5]=="-geo" then {
+ i +:= 1
+ if *argv>1 then argv[2] ? {
+ WIDTH := integer(tab(many(&digits))) | stop("geo syntax")
+ ="x" | stop("geo syntax")
+ HEIGHT := integer(tab(0)) | stop("geo syntax")
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ if LMARGIN < 65 then LMARGIN := 65
+ if (*argv >= i) &
+ (f := open(s := (argv[i] | (argv[i]||(XBM|".xbm"))))) then {
+ close(f)
+ w := &window := WOpen("label=PixMap", "image="||s, "cursor=off") |
+ stop("cannot open window")
+ WIDTH <:= WAttrib(w, "width")
+ HEIGHT <:= WAttrib(w, "height")
+ if LMARGIN < 65 then LMARGIN := 65
+ pos := WAttrib("pos")
+ pos ? {
+ xpos := tab(many(&digits)) | stop(image(pos))
+ =","
+ ypos := tab(0)
+ }
+ WAttrib(w, "posx="||xpos, "posy="||ypos,
+ "width="||(WIDTH*8+LMARGIN+5), "height="||(HEIGHT*8))
+ Event()
+ every i := 0 to HEIGHT-1 do {
+ i8 := i*8
+ every j := 0 to WIDTH-1 do {
+ j8 := j*8
+ j8Plus := j8 + LMARGIN + 5
+ CopyArea(w, w, j, i, 1, 1, j8Plus, i8)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j, i, 1, 1, j8Plus+1, i8)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 2, 1, j8Plus+2,i8)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 4, 1, j8Plus+4, i8)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 8, 1, j8Plus, i8+1)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 8, 2, j8Plus, i8+2)
+ CopyArea(w, w, j8Plus, i8, 8, 4, j8Plus, i8+4)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ w := &window := WOpen("label=PixMap", "cursor=off",
+ "width="||(LMARGIN+WIDTH*8+5),
+ "height="||(HEIGHT*8+5)) |
+ stop("cannot open window")
+ }
+ colorbinds := [ XBind(w,"fg="||colors[1]),
+ XBind(w,"fg="||colors[2]),
+ XBind(w,"fg="||colors[3]) ]
+ every i := 1 to 3 do {
+ XDrawArc( 4+i*10, HEIGHT+68, 7, 22)
+ XFillArc(colorbinds[i], 5+i*10, HEIGHT+70, 5, 20)
+ }
+ DrawRectangle( 5, HEIGHT+55, 45, 60)
+ DrawRectangle( 25, HEIGHT+50, 5, 5)
+ DrawCurve(27, HEIGHT+50,
+ 27, HEIGHT+47,
+ 15, HEIGHT+39,
+ 40, HEIGHT+20,
+ 25, HEIGHT+5)
+ Fg( "black")
+ every i := 0 to HEIGHT-1 do
+ every j := 0 to WIDTH-1 do
+ DrawRectangle( j*8+LMARGIN+5, i*8, 8, 8)
+ repeat {
+ case e := Event(w) of {
+ "q"|"\e": return
+ "s"|"S": {
+ if /s | (e=="S") then s := getfilename()
+ write("saving image ", s, " with width ", image(WIDTH),
+ " height ", image(HEIGHT))
+ WriteImage( s, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ }
+ &lpress | &ldrag | &mpress | &mdrag | &rpress | &rdrag : {
+ x := (&x - LMARGIN - 5) / 8
+ y := &y / 8
+ if (y < 0) | (y > HEIGHT-1) | (x > WIDTH) then next
+ if (x < 0) then {
+ if &x < 21 then getacolor(1, "left")
+ else if &x < 31 then getacolor(2, "middle")
+ else getacolor(3, "right")
+ until Event(w) === (&mrelease | &lrelease | &rrelease)
+ }
+ else dot(x, y, (-e-1)%3)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure getacolor(n, s)
+ local wtmp, theColor
+ wtmp := WOpen("label=" || image(s||" button: "), "lines=1") |
+ stop("can't open temp window")
+ writes(wtmp,"[",colors[n],"] ")
+ theColor := read(wtmp) | stop("read fails")
+ close(wtmp)
+ wtmp := colorbinds[n] | stop("colorbinds[n] fails")
+ Fg(wtmp, theColor) | write("XFG(", theColor, ") fails")
+ XFillArc(wtmp, 5+n*10, HEIGHT+70, 5, 20)
+ colors[n] := theColor
+procedure dot(x, y, color)
+ if (x|y) < 0 then fail
+ FillRectangle(colorbinds[color+1], x*8+LMARGIN+5, y*8, 8, 8)
+ DrawPoint(colorbinds[color+1], x, y)
+ DrawRectangle( x*8+LMARGIN+5, y*8, 8, 8)
+procedure getfilename()
+ local s, pos, wprompt, rv
+ pos := "pos="
+ every s := QueryPointer() do pos||:= (s-10)||","
+ wprompt := WOpen("label=Enter a filename to save the pixmap",
+ "font=12x24", "lines=1", pos[1:-1]) | stop("can't xprompt")
+ rv := read(wprompt)
+ close(wprompt)
+ if not find(XBM, rv) then rv ||:= XBM
+ return rv
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/poller.icn b/ipl/gprogs/poller.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad69592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/poller.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# File: poller.icn
+# Subject: Program to record image as pixel coordinates
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: December 30, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reads an image whose name is given on the command line and
+# writes it out as an Icon list of pixels in the form of an include file.
+# See the documentation below for details.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: lists, wopen
+link lists
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local colors, width, height, x, y, c
+ WOpen("image=" || args[1]) | stop("*** cannot open image")
+ colors := table()
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ height := WAttrib("height")
+ x := y := 0
+ # Build table of argument lists for colors
+ every c := Pixel() do {
+ x +:= 1
+ if x % width = 0 then {
+ x := 0
+ y +:= 1
+ }
+ /colors[c] := [] # new color
+ put(colors[c], x, y)
+ }
+ # Write Icon code for an include file. A list of argument lists
+ # is assigned to "pixels". Each argument list consists of the
+ # color followed by the pixel coordinates at which that color
+ # occurs
+ #
+ # The last element of the list is a three-element list giving the
+ # width, height, and number of colors in the image. Note that this
+ # is an easily accessible location and that it "solves" the problem
+ # that all previous lines are termianted by commas, so without it
+ # either there would be a trailing empty element in "pixels"
+ # or some painful code would be necessary to avoid it.
+ write("pixels:=[")
+ every c := key(colors) do {
+ push(colors[c], c)
+ write(limage(colors[c]), ",")
+ }
+ write("[", width, ",", height, ",", *colors, "]")
+ write("]")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/procater.icn b/ipl/gprogs/procater.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..721389f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/procater.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# File: procater.icn
+# Subject: Program to display concatenation sizes
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: September 18, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays successive numbers by lines of corresponding
+# height. When the display area is full, it scrolls from right to
+# left.
+# In this version, input is piped in.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: interact, vsetup
+link interact
+link vsetup
+global vidgets
+global root
+global strip
+global state
+global gc_gray
+global gc_black
+global reset
+global scale
+global width
+global height
+procedure main(args)
+ init(args)
+ display()
+procedure init(args)
+ WOpen ! ui_atts()
+ vidgets := ui()
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ state := &null
+ scale := 1
+ width := vidgets["strip"].uw
+ height := vidgets["strip"].uh
+ strip := Clone("dx=" || vidgets["strip"].ux, "dy=" || vidgets["strip"].uy)
+ Clip(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
+ gc_gray := Clone(strip, "fg=gray")
+ gc_black := Clone(strip, "fg=black")
+procedure display()
+ local n, gc
+ repeat {
+ repeat {
+ while (*Pending() > 0) | \state do
+ ProcessEvent(root, , shortcuts)
+ n := read() | {
+ Notice("End of data.")
+ fail
+ }
+ n ? {
+ if ="a" then {
+ n := tab(0)
+ gc := gc_gray
+ }
+ else gc := gc_black
+ }
+ n := scale * integer(n) | {
+ Notice("Nonnumeric data; terminating.")
+ break
+ }
+ n >:= height # Motif bug avoidance
+ CopyArea(strip, 1, 0, width - 1, height, 0, 0)
+ EraseArea(strip, width - 1, 0, width, height)
+ DrawLine(gc, width - 1, height - n, width - 1, height)
+ }
+ }
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "snapshot @S": return snapshot(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ }
+ fail
+procedure configure_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "scale": {
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(, "scale", scale, 10) == "Okay" then {
+ scale := (0 < numeric(dialog_value[1])) | {
+ Notice("Invalid scale value.")
+ next
+ }
+ reset_cb()
+ return
+ }
+ else fail # user canceled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fail
+procedure pause_cb(vidget, value)
+ state := value
+ return
+procedure reset_cb()
+ EraseArea(strip)
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then
+ case map(e) of {
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": return snapshot(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
+ }
+ else fail
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=477,255", "bg=gray-white"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,477,255:",],
+ ["configure:Menu:pull::36,0,71,21:Configure",configure_cb,
+ ["scale"]],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["open @O","snapshot @S","quit @q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,22,477,22:",],
+ ["pause:Button:regular:1:11,43,42,20:pause",pause_cb],
+ ["reset:Button:regular::11,76,42,20:reset",reset_cb],
+ ["strip:Rect:grooved::63,37,400,200:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/profile.icn b/ipl/gprogs/profile.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b89a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/profile.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# File: profile.icn
+# Subject: Program to display scrolling histogram
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 21, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays successive numbers by lines of corresponding
+# height. When the display area is full, it scrolls from right to
+# left.
+# If a line has a number followed by a blank and a string, the string
+# is interpreted as a color.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: interact, navitrix, vsetup
+link interact
+link vsetup
+global animate # animation toggle
+global count # frame count
+global height # height of scrolling area
+global input # input file
+global name # input file name
+global offset # base-line offset
+global pause # pause vidget
+global prefix # image file name prefix
+global rate # sample rate
+global reset # reset switch
+global scale # vertical scale
+global state # pause/run state
+global strip # graphics context for display
+global width # width of scrolling area
+global vidgets
+global root
+procedure main()
+ local value, n, color
+ init()
+ color := "black" # default color
+ while value := read() do {
+ if (*Pending() > 0) | \state then
+ ProcessEvent(root, , shortcuts)
+ value ? {
+ n := tab(upto(' \t') | 0)
+ if tab(many(' \t')) then color := tab(0)
+ }
+ n := (scale * numeric(n)) | {
+ Fg("black")
+ Notice("Nonnumeric data; terminating.")
+ exit()
+ }
+ n >:= height # clip to avoid window-manager bugs
+ CopyArea(strip, 1, 0, width - 1, height, 0, 0)
+ EraseArea(strip, width - 1, 0, width, height)
+ Fg(strip, color) | stop("bad color: ", image(color))
+ DrawLine(strip, width - 1, height - n - offset, width - 1,
+ height - offset)
+ if \animate then
+ WriteImage(strip, prefix || right(count +:= 1, 4, "0") || ".gif",
+ 0, 0, width, height)
+ }
+ Fg("black")
+ case TextDialog("End of stream.", , , , ["Quit", "Snapshot", "Hold"]) of {
+ "Quit" : exit()
+ "Snapshot" : snapshot(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
+ "Hold" : WDone()
+ }
+procedure init()
+ vidgets := ui()
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ pause := vidgets["pause"]
+ VSetState(pause, 1) # initially paused
+ name := ""
+ rate := 1
+ scale := 1
+ offset := 0
+ count := 0
+ prefix := "image"
+ width := vidgets["strip"].uw
+ height := vidgets["strip"].uh
+ strip := Clone("dx=" || vidgets["strip"].ux, "dy=" || vidgets["strip"].uy)
+ Clip(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
+ return
+procedure animation_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "prefix" : set_prefix()
+ "rate" : set_frame_rate()
+ }
+procedure set_prefix()
+ return
+procedure set_frame_rate()
+ return
+procedure animate_cb(vidget, value)
+ animate := value
+ return
+procedure parameters_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "scale @V" : set_scale()
+ "offset @F" : set_offset()
+ "rate @R" : set_rate()
+ }
+ fail
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "snapshot @S" : return snapshot(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
+ "quit @Q" : exit()
+ }
+procedure pause_cb(vidget, value)
+ state := value
+ return
+procedure clear_cb()
+ EraseArea(strip)
+ return
+procedure set_rate()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(, "sample rate", rate, 10) == "Okay" then {
+ rate := (0 < numeric(dialog_value[1])) | {
+ Notice("Invalid sample rate.")
+ next
+ }
+ clear_cb()
+ return
+ }
+ else fail # user canceled
+ }
+procedure set_offset()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(, "vertical offset", offset, 10) == "Okay" then {
+ offset := numeric(dialog_value[1]) | {
+ Notice("Invalid offset.")
+ next
+ }
+ clear_cb()
+ return
+ }
+ else fail # user canceled
+ }
+procedure set_scale()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(, "vertical scale", scale, 10) == "Okay" then {
+ scale := (0 < numeric(dialog_value[1])) | {
+ Notice("Invalid scale value.")
+ next
+ }
+ clear_cb()
+ return
+ }
+ else fail # user canceled
+ }
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then
+ case map(e) of {
+ "c" : clear_cb()
+ "f" : set_offset()
+ "p" : if \state then VSetState(pause) else VSetState(pause, 1)
+ "q" : exit()
+ "r" : set_rate()
+ "s" : snapshot(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
+ "v" : set_scale()
+ }
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=651,305", "bg=pale gray", "label=Scrolling Histogram"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,651,305:Scrolling Histogram",],
+ ["animate:Button:regular:1:21,189,56,20:movie",animate_cb],
+ ["animation:Menu:pull::113,1,71,21:Animation",animation_cb,
+ ["prefix","rate","clear"]],
+ ["clear:Button:regular::21,88,56,20:clear",clear_cb],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["snapshot @S","quit @q"]],
+ ["label1:Label:::619,144,21,13:100",],
+ ["label10:Label:::90,269,21,13:500",],
+ ["label11:Label:::584,269,21,13: 0",],
+ ["label2:Label:::619,195,21,13: 50",],
+ ["label3:Label:::619,94,21,13:150",],
+ ["label4:Label:::619,45,21,13:200",],
+ ["label5:Label:::619,247,21,13: 0",],
+ ["label6:Label:::489,269,21,13:100",],
+ ["label7:Label:::388,269,21,13:200",],
+ ["label8:Label:::287,269,21,13:300",],
+ ["label9:Label:::188,269,21,13:400",],
+ ["line10:Line:::501,253,501,262:",],
+ ["line11:Line:::200,255,200,264:",],
+ ["line12:Line:::500,40,500,49:",],
+ ["line13:Line:::200,40,200,49:",],
+ ["line14:Line:::615,51,604,51:",],
+ ["line15:Line:::615,253,604,253:",],
+ ["line16:Line:::603,256,603,265:",],
+ ["line17:Line:::101,255,101,264:",],
+ ["line18:Line:::101,253,90,253:",],
+ ["line19:Line:::100,51,89,51:",],
+ ["line2:Line:::90,151,99,151:",],
+ ["line20:Line:::603,40,603,49:",],
+ ["line21:Line:::101,40,101,49:",],
+ ["line22:Line:::400,255,400,264:",],
+ ["line23:Line:::400,40,400,49:",],
+ ["line3:Line:::90,200,99,200:",],
+ ["line4:Line:::90,100,99,100:",],
+ ["line5:Line:::615,100,604,100:",],
+ ["line6:Line:::615,151,604,151:",],
+ ["line7:Line:::615,201,604,201:",],
+ ["line8:Line:::300,255,300,264:",],
+ ["line9:Line:::300,40,300,49:",],
+ ["menu line:Line:::0,23,655,23:",],
+ ["parameters:Menu:pull::35,1,78,21:Parameters",parameters_cb,
+ ["scale @V","offset @F","rate @R"]],
+ ["pause:Button:regular:1:21,41,56,20:pause",pause_cb],
+ ["strip:Rect:grooved::100,50,504,204:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/profiler.icn b/ipl/gprogs/profiler.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666a154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/profiler.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# File: profiler.icn
+# Subject: Program to display number magnitudes
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 21, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays successive numbers by lines of corresponding
+# height. When the display area is full, it scrolls from right to
+# left.
+# If the -p option is given, data is taken from standard input; this
+# is useful when input is piped into the program.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: interact, vsetup
+link interact
+link vsetup
+global vidgets
+global root
+global strip
+global state
+global reset
+global input
+global scale
+global fnc
+global width
+global height
+procedure main(args)
+ init(args)
+ display()
+procedure init(args)
+ vidgets := ui()
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ state := &null
+ scale := 1
+ fnc := 1 # linear scaling :-)
+ if args[1] == "-p" then input := &input
+ width := vidgets["strip"].uw
+ height := vidgets["strip"].uh
+ strip := Clone("dx=" || vidgets["strip"].ux, "dy=" || vidgets["strip"].uy)
+ Clip(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
+procedure display()
+ local n
+ repeat {
+ repeat {
+ while (*Pending() > 0) | \state | /input do
+ ProcessEvent(root, , shortcuts)
+ n := read(input) | {
+ Notice("End of data")
+ break
+ }
+ n := integer(fnc(n * scale)) | {
+ Notice("Nonnumeric data; terminating input")
+ break
+ }
+ n >:= height # Motif bug avoidance
+ EraseArea(strip, width - 1, 0, width - 1, height)
+ DrawLine(strip, width - 1, height - n, width - 1, height)
+ CopyArea(strip, 1, 0, width - 1, height, 0, 0)
+ }
+ input := &null
+ }
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "open @O": load()
+ "snapshot @S": return snapshot(strip)
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ }
+ fail
+procedure configure_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "scale": {
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(, "scale", scale, 10) == "Okay" then {
+ scale := (0 < numeric(dialog_value[1])) | {
+ Notice("Invalid scale value")
+ next
+ }
+ reset_cb()
+ return
+ }
+ else fail # user canceled
+ }
+ }
+ "function": {
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(, "function", fnc, 10) == "Okay" then {
+ (proc | numeric)(fnc <-dialog_value[1]) | {
+ Notice("Invalid function specification")
+ next
+ }
+ reset_cb()
+ return
+ }
+ else fail # user canceled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fail
+procedure pause_cb(vidget, value)
+ state := value
+ return
+procedure reset_cb()
+ EraseArea(strip)
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then
+ case map(e) of {
+ "o": load()
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": return snapshot(strip)
+ }
+ else fail
+procedure load()
+ if load_file() == "Okay" then {
+ input := dialog_value
+ reset_cb()
+ return
+ }
+ else fail
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=477,255", "bg=gray-white"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,477,255:",],
+ ["configure:Menu:pull::36,0,71,21:Configure",configure_cb,
+ ["scale","function"]],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["open @O","snapshot @S","quit @q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,22,477,22:",],
+ ["pause:Button:regular:1:11,43,42,20:pause",pause_cb],
+ ["reset:Button:regular::11,76,42,20:reset",reset_cb],
+ ["strip:Rect:grooved::63,37,400,200:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/prompt.icn b/ipl/gprogs/prompt.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4450271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/prompt.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# File: prompt.icn
+# Subject: Program to prompt in a window
+# Author: Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# A utility for interactive shell scripts. Called from a
+# shell script, it pops up a window, writes its arguments out as
+# a prompt, and echos the user's response to standard output where
+# the shell script can use it (by means of the backquote character).
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local s2, w
+ pos := "pos="
+ every s2 := QueryPointer() do pos ||:= (s2-10) || ","
+ w := WOpen("label=prompt", "cursor=on", "font="||("12x24"|"fixed"),
+ "lines=1", pos[1:-1]) | stop("opening the window fails")
+ every writes(w,!args," ")
+ write(read(w))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/randweav.icn b/ipl/gprogs/randweav.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6f0463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/randweav.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# File: randweav.icn
+# Subject: Program to create random weavable patterns
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: April 6, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Randweav is an interactive program for generating random
+# weavable patterns. The top and left rows of the displayed
+# pattern are a "key" to the vertical and horizontal threads
+# of an imaginary loom. The colors of the other cells are chosen
+# so that each matches either the vertical or horizontal thread
+# with which it is aligned.
+# The interactive controls are as follows:
+# Colors Specifies the number of different colors from which
+# the threads are selected.
+# If "cycle warp" is checked, the vertical thread colors
+# repeat regularly. If "cycle weft" is checked, the
+# horizontal thread colors repeat regularly.
+# RENDER When pressed, generates a new random pattern.
+# Pressing the Enter key or space bar does the same thing.
+# Side Specifies the number of threads along each side
+# of the pattern. The pattern is always square.
+# Bias Specifies as a percentage the probability that the
+# vertical thread will determine the color of a pixel.
+# If "perfect" is checked, vertical and horizontal
+# threads alternate perfectly, ignoring the bias value.
+# Save Brings up a dialog for saving the pattern as an image.
+# Quit Exits the program.
+# Note that the mouse must be over a numeric field to type in
+# a new value.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: random, vsetup
+link random
+link vsetup
+global vidgets # table of vidgets
+global root # root vidget
+global region # pattern region
+global hidwin # hidden window for saving to file
+global allcolors # string of all palette colors
+global maxsiz # maximum pattern size
+global patsize # pattern size selected
+$define PALETTE "c1" # color palette
+$define PREFCOLORS "06NBCDFsHIJM?!" # preferred colors
+procedure main(args)
+ randomize()
+ allcolors := PREFCOLORS || (PaletteChars(PALETTE) -- PREFCOLORS)
+ Window ! put(ui_atts(), args) # open window
+ vidgets := ui() # set up vidgets
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ region := vidgets["region"]
+ VSetState(vidgets["vcyclic"], 1) # default "cycle warp" on
+ VSetState(vidgets["hcyclic"], 1) # default "cycle weft" on
+ hidwin := WOpen("canvas=hidden", # open hidden window
+ "width=" || region.uw, "height=" || region.uh)
+ maxsiz := region.uw # set maximum size
+ maxsiz >:= region.uh
+ render() # draw once without prompting
+ GetEvents(root, , all) # then wait for events
+# all(a, x, y) -- process all events, checking for keyboard shortcuts
+procedure all(a, x, y)
+ if a === !" \n\r" then render() # draw new pattern for SPACE, CR, LF
+ else if &meta then case a of {
+ !"qQ": exit() # exit for @Q
+ !"sS": save() # save image for @S
+ }
+ return
+# render() -- draw a new pattern according to current parameters
+procedure render()
+ local ncolors, bias
+ local s, x, y, w, h, z, k
+ static prevsize
+ ncolors := txtval("colors", 1, *allcolors) # retrieve "Colors" setting
+ patsize := txtval("side", 1, maxsiz) # retrieve "Side" setting
+ bias := txtval("bias", 0, 100) # retrieve "Bias" setting
+ k := (shuffle(PREFCOLORS) | allcolors)[1+:ncolors] # pick a color set
+ s := genpatt(patsize, k, bias / 100.0) # generate a pattern
+ DrawImage(hidwin, 0, 0, s) # draw on hidden win
+ z := maxsiz / patsize # calculate scaling
+ x := region.ux + (region.uw - z * patsize) / 2
+ y := + (region.uh - z * patsize) / 2
+ # copy to main window with enlargement
+ if prevsize ~===:= patsize then
+ EraseArea(region.ux,, region.uw, region.uh) # erase old pattern
+ Zoom(hidwin, &window, 0, 0, patsize, patsize, x, y, z * patsize, z * patsize)
+ return
+# genpatt(size, colors, bias) -- generate a new pattern as DrawImage() string
+procedure genpatt(size, colors, bias)
+ local warp, weft, perfect, s, x, y, w
+ # choose thread colors
+ warp := genthreads(size, colors, VGetState(vidgets["vcyclic"]))
+ weft := genthreads(size, colors, VGetState(vidgets["hcyclic"]))
+ # initialize output string (including first row)
+ s := size || "," || PALETTE || "," || warp
+ perfect := VGetState(vidgets["perfect"])
+ # fill in remaining rows
+ every y := 2 to size do {
+ w := ?weft[y] # get weft color
+ s ||:= w # put in first column
+ if \perfect then
+ every x := 2 to size do # fill the rest (perfect case)
+ s ||:= if ((x + y) % 2) = 0 then w else warp[x]
+ else
+ every x := 2 to size do # fill the rest (random case)
+ s ||:= if ?0 > bias then w else warp[x]
+ }
+ return s
+# genthreads(n, colors, cyclic) -- generate a set of warp or weft threads
+procedure genthreads(n, colors, cyclic)
+ local s
+ if \cyclic then
+ return repl(shuffle(colors), 1 + n / *colors)[1+:n]
+ s := ""
+ every 1 to n do s ||:= ?colors
+ return s
+# txtval(s, min, max) -- get numeric value from named vidget and clamp to range
+procedure txtval(s, min, max)
+ local v, n
+ v := vidgets[s] # find the vidget
+ VEvent(v, "\r",, v.ay) # set RETURN event to update state
+ n := integer(VGetState(v)) | min # retrieve int value, else use minimum
+ n <:= min # limit value by min and max
+ n >:= max
+ VSetState(v, n) # update vidget with validated value
+ return n # return value
+# save() -- present dialog box and save pattern as image file
+procedure save()
+ local g
+ g := WAttrib("gamma") # save old gamma value
+ WAttrib("gamma=1.0") # don't gamma-correct on write
+ repeat case OpenDialog("Save pattern as:") of {
+ "Cancel": {
+ WAttrib("gamma=" || g)
+ fail
+ }
+ "Okay": {
+ if WriteImage(hidwin, dialog_value, 0, 0, patsize, patsize) then
+ break
+ else
+ Notice("cannot write file:", dialog_value)
+ }
+ }
+ WAttrib("gamma=" || g) # restore gamma value
+ return
+procedure quit()
+ exit()
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=380,492", "bg=pale gray", "label=weaver"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,380,492:weaver",],
+ ["bias:Text::3:285,37,87,19:Bias: \\=60",],
+ ["colors:Text::3:10,9,87,19:Colors: \\=6",],
+ ["hcyclic:Button:checkno:1:5,56,97,20:cycle weft",],
+ ["perfect:Button:checkno:1:281,57,76,20:perfect",],
+ ["quit:Button:regular::293,462,78,20:quit @Q",quit],
+ ["render:Button:regular::159,24,72,36:RENDER",render],
+ ["save:Button:regular::8,462,78,20:save @S",save],
+ ["side:Text::3:285,8,87,19:Side: \\=90",],
+ ["vcyclic:Button:checkno:1:5,36,97,17:cycle warp",],
+ ["outline:Rect:sunken::153,18,84,48:",],
+ ["region:Rect:grooved::8,84,364,364:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/randweb.icn b/ipl/gprogs/randweb.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc6683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/randweb.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# File: randweb.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw random web design
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program connects lines in all possible ways between i randomly
+# selected points in a window. The value of i is given on the command
+# line (default 20). Large values of i produce unattractively dense
+# structures.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: gobject, joinpair, random, wopen
+link gobject
+link joinpair
+link random
+link wopen
+procedure main(argl)
+ local i, j, k, angle, incr, points, size, radius
+ i := integer(argl[1]) | 20
+ size := 300
+ radius := size / 2
+ WOpen("label=random web", "width=" || size, "height=" || size) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ points := []
+ randomize()
+ every j := 1 to i do
+ put(points, Point(?size, ?size))
+ joinpair(points, points)
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/recticle.icn b/ipl/gprogs/recticle.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e71d491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/recticle.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# File: recticle.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw rectangles recursively
+# Authors: Gregg M. Townsend and Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws filled color rectangles recursively.
+# The options supported are
+# -w i width of image; default 400
+# -h i height of image; default 250
+# -p s palette; default "c3"
+# -g i gap between rectangles; default 3
+# -i save image file; default no
+# -n s default image file prefix; default "recticle"
+# -m i minimum length of side; default 10
+# -b i bias -- affects size choices; default 20
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: colrlist, options, random, wopen
+link colrlist
+link options
+link random
+link wopen
+global bias
+global gap
+global minside
+global palette
+procedure main(args)
+ local w, h, opts, name
+ opts := options(args, "w+h+p:g+b+m+n:i")
+ w := \opts["w"] | 400
+ h := \opts["h"] | 250
+ palette := \opts["p"] | "c3"
+ PaletteChars(palette) | stop("*** invalid palette: ", palette)
+ gap := \opts["g"] | 3
+ bias := \opts["b"] | 20
+ name := \opts["n"] | "recticle"
+ minside := \opts["m"] | 10
+ WOpen("width=" || w, "height=" || h, "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ randomize()
+ rect(gap, gap, w - gap, h - gap)
+ if \opts["i"] then WriteImage(name || ".gif")
+ WAttrib("canvas=normal")
+ WDone()
+# rect(x,y,w,h) -- draw rectangle, possibly subdivided, at (x,y)
+procedure rect(x, y, w, h)
+ local d
+ static colors
+ initial colors := colrplte(palette)
+ if d := divide(w < h) then { # if cut horizontally:
+ rect(x, y, w, d) # draw top portion
+ rect(x, y + d, w, h - d) # draw bottom portion
+ }
+ else if d := divide(w) then { # if cut vertically:
+ rect(x, y, d, h) # draw left portion
+ rect(x + d, y, w - d, h) # draw right portion
+ }
+ else { # else draw single rect
+ Fg(?colors) # set random color
+ FillRectangle(x, y, w - gap, h - gap) # draw
+ }
+ return
+# divide(n) -- find division point along length n
+# Choose and return a division point at least minside units from
+# either end. Fail if the length is too small to subdivide;
+# also fail randomly, depending partially on the bias setting.
+procedure divide(n)
+ if (n > 2 * minside) & (?n > bias) then
+ return minside + ?(n - 2 * minside)
+ else
+ fail
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/rectile.icn b/ipl/gprogs/rectile.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c767ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/rectile.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# File: rectile.icn
+# Subject: Program to extract portion of image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 26, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program extracts a fixed rectangle from the images given on the
+# command line.
+# The supported options are:
+# -x i x coordinate of upper-left corner of rectangle; default 0
+# -y i y coordinate of upper-left corner of rectangle; default 0
+# -w i width of rectangle; default 64
+# -h i height of rectangle; default 64
+# -p s prefix for name of saved file; default "rect_"; may be
+# "", in which case the input file is overridden.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, wopen
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, prefix, x, y, w, h, win
+ opts := options(args, "x+y+w+h+p:")
+ x := \opts["x"] | 0
+ y := \opts["y"] | 0
+ w := \opts["w"] | 64
+ h := \opts["h"] | 64
+ prefix := \opts["p"] | "rect_"
+ every name := !args do {
+ win := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || name) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", name)
+ next
+ }
+ WriteImage(win, prefix || name, x, y, w, h) |
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot write rectangle for ", name)
+ WClose(win)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/rects.icn b/ipl/gprogs/rects.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c88b180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/rects.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# File: rects.icn
+# Subject: Program to tile window with colored rectangles
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: December 3, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Rects tiles the window with randomly colored nonuniform
+# rectangles. Pressing the space bar produces a new tiling.
+# Pressing "q" exits the program.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, random
+link graphics
+link random
+$define MinSide 10 # minimum size of a rectangle side
+$define Gap 3 # gap between rectangles
+$define Bias 20 # bias setting -- affects size choices
+procedure main(args)
+ local w, h
+ Window("bg=white", "width=600", "height=400", args)
+ w := integer(WAttrib("width"))
+ h := integer(WAttrib("height"))
+ randomize()
+ rect(Gap, Gap, w - Gap, h - Gap)
+ repeat case Event() of {
+ "q": exit()
+ " ": {
+ EraseArea()
+ rect(Gap, Gap, w - Gap, h - Gap)
+ }
+ }
+# rect(x,y,w,h) -- draw rectangle, possibly subdivided, at (x,y)
+procedure rect(x, y, w, h)
+ local d
+ static darkness, hue
+ initial {
+ darkness := ["light", "medium", "dark", "deep"]
+ hue := ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "gray"]
+ }
+ if d := divide(w < h) then { # if cut horizontally:
+ rect(x, y, w, d) # draw top portion
+ rect(x, y + d, w, h - d) # draw bottom portion
+ }
+ else if d := divide(w) then { # if cut vertically:
+ rect(x, y, d, h) # draw left portion
+ rect(x + d, y, w - d, h) # draw right portion
+ }
+ else { # else draw single rect
+ Fg(?darkness || " strong " || ?hue) # set random color
+ FillRectangle(x, y, w - Gap, h - Gap) # draw
+ }
+ return
+# divide(n) -- find division point along length n
+# Choose and return a division point at least MinSide units from
+# either end. Fail if the length is too small to subdivide;
+# also fail randomly, depending partially on the Bias setting.
+procedure divide(n)
+ if (n > 2 * MinSide) & (?n > Bias) then
+ return MinSide + ?(n - 2 * MinSide)
+ else
+ fail
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/repeater.icn b/ipl/gprogs/repeater.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..707b243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/repeater.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# File: repeater.icn
+# Subject: Program to repeat image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program repeats images a specified number of times. The image
+# names are given on the command line.
+# The supported options are:
+# -h i repeat horizontally i times, default 1.
+# -v i repeat vertically i times, default 1.
+# -a i repeat i times perpendicular to smallest dimension;
+# default 10; and 1 time perpendicular to the largest dimension;
+# overrides -h and 0v.
+# -l i limit size in repeat direction to i; default 256; only applies
+# if -a is in force.
+# -p s prefix to prepend to image name, default "rep_". Can
+# be empty string, in which case the input image is
+# overwritten.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, tile, wopen
+link options
+link tile
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, prefix, h_rep, v_rep, win1, win2, name, width, height
+ local auto, wdim, hdim, limit
+ opts := options(args, "h+v+a+l+p:")
+ h_rep := \opts["h"] | 1
+ v_rep := \opts["v"] | 1
+ prefix := \opts["p"] | "rep_"
+ auto := \opts["a"]
+ limit := \opts["l"] | 256
+ every name := !args do {
+ win1 := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || name) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", name)
+ next
+ }
+ width := WAttrib(win1, "width")
+ height := WAttrib(win1, "height")
+ if \auto then {
+ if width > height then {
+ hdim := height * auto
+ hdim >:= limit
+ wdim := width
+ }
+ else {
+ hdim := height
+ wdim := width * auto
+ wdim >:= limit
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ hdim := height * h_rep
+ wdim := width * v_rep
+ }
+ win2 := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "width=" || wdim, "height=" || hdim) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open window for repeat")
+ WClose(win1)
+ next
+ }
+ tile(win1, win2)
+ WriteImage(win2, prefix || name)
+ WClose(win1)
+ WClose(win2)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/rings.icn b/ipl/gprogs/rings.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61739b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/rings.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# File: rings.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw tiles of rings and circles
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: July 13, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program produces seamless tiles with drawings of circles and
+# rings.
+# It words from characters input to the window:
+# q quit
+# c draw 10 random circles
+# r draw 5 random rings
+# W writes image to GIF file; files are named ring000.gif,
+# ring001.gif, ...
+# E erases the window
+# F fills the window
+# R reverses the colors
+# At present there are no options except those provided for
+# opening the window.
+# Some modifications have been made by Ralph E. Griswold
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: xio, xutils
+$define W 128
+$define H 128
+link xio, xutils
+procedure main(args)
+ local count
+ count := -1
+ Window(args)
+ repeat case Event() of {
+ QuitEvents(): exit()
+ "c": randrop(circle, 10)
+ "r": randrop(ring, 5)
+ "W": WriteImage("rings" || right(count +:= 1, 3, "0") || ".gif",
+ , , W, W)
+ "E": EraseArea()
+ "F": FillRectangle()
+ "R": {WAttrib("drawop=reverse"); FillRectangle(); WAttrib("drawop=copy")}
+ }
+procedure replicate()
+ CopyArea(0, 0, W, H, 0, H)
+ CopyArea(0, 0, W, 2 * H, W, 0)
+ CopyArea(0, 0, 2 * W, 2 * H, 2 * W, 0)
+ CopyArea(0, 0, 4 * W, 2 * H, 0, 2 * H)
+ DrawLine(W, 0, W, H, 0, H)
+ return
+procedure randrop(p, n)
+ local x, y
+ every 1 to n do {
+ x := ?W - W / 2
+ y := ?H - H / 2
+ p(x, y)
+ p(x, y + H)
+ p(x + W, y)
+ p(x + W, y + W)
+ }
+ replicate()
+ return
+procedure ring(x, y)
+ static outer, inner
+ initial {
+ outer := Clone("fg=black", "linewidth=5")
+ inner := Clone("fg=white", "linewidth=3")
+ }
+ DrawCircle(outer, x, y, 30)
+ DrawCircle(inner, x, y, 30)
+ return
+procedure circle(x, y)
+ static white
+ initial white := Clone("fg=white")
+ FillCircle(white, x, y, 12)
+ DrawCircle(x, y, 12) # change to 10 for gaps
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/rolypoly.icn b/ipl/gprogs/rolypoly.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c2011f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/rolypoly.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# File: rolypoly.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw ``abstract'' art
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: September 28, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program makes a simple random abstract sketch. It supports these
+# options:
+# -p i number of points (default 10)
+# -s i size of (square) window (default 300)
+# -r randomize seed
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: random, options, gobject, randfigs, wopen
+link random
+link options
+link gobject
+link randfigs
+link wopen
+procedure main(argl)
+ local opts, n, size, points, p
+ opts := options(argl, "p+s+r")
+ n := \opts["p"] | 10
+ size := \opts["s"] | 300
+ if \opts["r"] then randomize()
+ WOpen("label=rolypoly", "size=" || size || "," || size) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ points := [] # list of x,y coordinates
+ every p := random_points(size, size) \ n do
+ every put(points, \!p) # z coordinate is null
+ # here's the fun
+ every (FillPolygon | DrawCurve) ! points
+ Event() # hold window open for an event
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/rows2blp.icn b/ipl/gprogs/rows2blp.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dbe922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/rows2blp.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# File: rows2blp.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert row file to bi-level pattern
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: October 30, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: patutils
+link patutils
+procedure main()
+ local rows
+ rows := []
+ while put(rows, read())
+ write(rows2pat(rows))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/rows2isd.icn b/ipl/gprogs/rows2isd.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d1b3fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/rows2isd.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# File: rows2isd.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce a ISD from bi-level pattern
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 16, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program takes a row file or BLP from standard input
+# and writes an ISD for a draft to standard output.
+# Links: weavutil, xcode, patutils, patxform
+link patutils
+link patxform
+link weavutil
+link xcode
+procedure main(args)
+ local rows, cols, treadling, threading, count, tieup, y, width, height
+ local shafts, treadles, i, tie_line, row, treadle, draft, p, line
+ line := read() | stop("empty file")
+ if upto("#", line) then rows := pat2rows(line)
+ else {
+ rows := [line]
+ while put(rows, read()) # read in row pattern
+ }
+ cols := protate(rows) # rotate to get columns
+ treadles := examine(rows) # get treadles
+ shafts := examine(cols) # get shafts
+ treadling := [] # construct treadling sequence
+ every put(treadling, treadles[!rows])
+ threading := [] # construct threading sequence
+ every put(threading, shafts[!cols])
+ tieup := []
+ every row := key(treadles) do { # get unique rows
+ treadle := treadles[row] # assigned treadle number
+ tie_line := repl("0", *shafts) # blank tie-up line
+ every i := 1 to *row do # go through row
+ if row[i] == "1" then # if warp on top
+ tie_line[threading[i]] := "1" # mark shaft position
+ put(tieup, tie_line) # add line to tie-up
+ }
+ draft := isd("rows2isd")
+ draft.threading := threading
+ draft.treadling := treadling
+ draft.shafts := *shafts
+ draft.treadles := *treadles
+ draft.width := *shafts
+ draft.height := *treadles
+ draft.tieup := tieup
+ draft.color_list := ["black", "white"]
+ draft.warp_colors := list(*threading, 1)
+ draft.weft_colors := list(*treadling, 2)
+ write(xencode(draft))
+procedure tromp(treadle)
+ local result
+ result := ""
+ treadle ? {
+ every result ||:= upto("1") || ","
+ }
+ return result[1:-1]
+procedure examine(array)
+ local count, lines, line
+ lines := table() # table to be keyed by line patterns
+ count := 0
+ every line := !array do # process lines
+ /lines[line] := (count +:= 1) # if new line, insert with new number
+ return lines
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/rstarlab.icn b/ipl/gprogs/rstarlab.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c27b7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/rstarlab.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# File: rstarlab.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw regular stars
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws regular stars. See
+# Geometric and Artistic Graphics; Design Generation with
+# Microcomputers, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Macmillan, 1987, pp. 5-7.
+# The window is square. The window size can be given on the command line,
+# default 600.
+# The present user interface is crude. To see all the regular stars
+# that are provided by default, type
+# all
+# from standard input. After each star is drawn, the program waits
+# for an event before going on to the next star.
+# Alternatively, a single star can be drawn by typing its name preceded
+# by an equals sign. The names are rstar01 through rstar06. For example,
+# =rstar02
+# draws the second star.
+# In future extensions, provision will be made for user-defined stars.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: drawlab, rstars, rstartbl
+link drawlab
+link rstars
+link rstartbl
+global size
+procedure main(argl)
+ size := integer(argl[1]) | 600
+ drawlab(rstar, rstartbl, "regular stars")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/scroll.icn b/ipl/gprogs/scroll.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..968160a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/scroll.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# File: scroll.icn
+# Subject: Program to scroll image
+# Author: Jon Lipp
+# Date: November 22, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays an image, with scolling.
+# Links: options, vidgets, vscroll, wopen, xcompat
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+link options
+link vidgets, vscroll
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+global win, im_win, view_width, view_height
+global scv, sch
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, file, scrollbar_width, picw, pich, root
+ opts := options(args, "f:w+h+")
+ file := \opts["f"] |
+ stop("Usage: scroll -f file [-w window size/width] [-h window height]")
+ view_width := \opts["w"] | 300
+ view_height := \opts["h"] | view_width
+ scrollbar_width := 15
+# Load in the bitmap; get the dimensions.
+ im_win := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || file) |
+ stop("Couldn't make temporary bitmap.")
+ picw := WAttrib(im_win, "width")
+ pich := WAttrib(im_win, "height")
+ win := WOpen("label=" || file, "size=" ||
+ (view_width + scrollbar_width + 1) || "," ||
+ (view_height + scrollbar_width + 1) ) |
+ stop("*** cannot open file")
+ root := Vroot_frame(win)
+# Create two scrollbars.
+ scv := Vvert_scrollbar(root, -1, 0, win, sl_cb, 1,
+ view_height,scrollbar_width, pich, 0, , view_height)
+ sch := Vhoriz_scrollbar(root, 0, -1, win, sl_cb, 2, view_width,
+ scrollbar_width, 0, picw, , view_width)
+ VResize(root)
+# Draw the initial view of the pixmap, based on the scrollbar's values.
+ sl_cb(scv, scv.callback.value)
+ sl_cb(sch, sch.callback.value)
+# Now get events, pass control to the procedure quit() if an event is not
+# captured by a vidget.
+ GetEvents(root, quit, , resize)
+# Terminate the program on a keypress of "q".
+procedure quit(e)
+ if e === "q" then stop("End scroll.")
+procedure resize(root)
+ VReformat(scv, WAttrib(, "height") - 15)
+ VReformat(sch, WAttrib(, "width") - 15)
+# Copy a portion of the bitmap to the main
+# window based on the values of the scrollbars.
+procedure sl_cb(caller, val)
+ static vpos, hpos
+ initial vpos := hpos := 0
+ ( = 1, vpos := val) | hpos := val
+ CopyArea(im_win, win, hpos, vpos, view_width, view_height, 0, 0)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/scroller.icn b/ipl/gprogs/scroller.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53ed308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/scroller.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# File: scroller.icn
+# Subject: Program to scroll image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: October 4, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local width, height, win1, win2
+ win1 := WOpen("image=" || args[1]) | stop("*** cannot open image")
+ height := WAttrib(win1, "height")
+ width := WAttrib(win1, "width")
+ win2 := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=1," || height)
+ repeat {
+ CopyArea(win1, win2, 0, 0, 1, height)
+ CopyArea(win1, win1, 1, 0, width - 1, height)
+ CopyArea(win2, win1, 0, 0, 1, height, width - 1, 0)
+ WDelay(10)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/seamcut.icn b/ipl/gprogs/seamcut.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f75e6c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/seamcut.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# File: seamcut.icn
+# Subject: Program to cut image for seamless tiling
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program takes image file names and does top/bottom separation and
+# reordering, follows by the same for left and right. The result is an
+# image that tiles seamlessly, although the center part may be a mess.
+# The technique is described in Painter 2.0 Companion.
+# Files are expected to have the suffix .gif. The corresponding files
+# are given the suffix _s.gif.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, wopen
+link basename
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local name, base, width, height, half_width, half_height, win1, win2
+ every name := !args do {
+ base := basename(name, ".gif") | {
+ write(&errout, "*** unexpected file extension ", name)
+ next
+ }
+ win1 := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || name) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", name)
+ next
+ }
+ width := WAttrib(win1, "width")
+ height := WAttrib(win1, "height")
+ half_width := width / 2
+ half_height := height / 2
+ win2 := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "width=" || width, "height=" || height) |
+ stop("*** cannot open target window")
+ CopyArea(win1, win2, 0, 0, half_width, height, half_width, 0)
+ CopyArea(win1, win2, half_width, 0, half_width, height, 0, 0)
+ EraseArea(win1)
+ CopyArea(win2, win1, 0, 0, width, half_height, 0, half_height)
+ CopyArea(win2, win1, 0, half_height, width, half_height, 0, 0)
+ WriteImage(win1, base || "_s.gif")
+ WClose(win1)
+ WClose(win2)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/selectle.icn b/ipl/gprogs/selectle.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..594c393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/selectle.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+# File: selectle.icn
+# Subject: Program to select tile from an image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program is designed to assist in locating areas within an image
+# that, when tiled, produce a desired effect. For example, a background
+# may consist of a tiled image; this program can be used to find the
+# smallest tile for the repeat (by "eye-balling").
+# Another interesting use of this program is to produce striped patterns by
+# selecting a row or column of an image to get a tile that is one character
+# wide. Sometimes a few rows or columns give an interesting "fabric"
+# effect.
+# The following features are provided through keyboard shortcuts,
+# the File menu, and in some cases, on-board buttons:
+# @D user-drawn selection rectangle
+# @O open new source image
+# @P pick a source image from GIF files in the current directory
+# @Q quit application
+# @S save current selection as an image
+# @T tile selection into source image window
+# Buttons provide for setting and adjusting the selection in various
+# ways.
+# In the drawing mode, the mouse can be used to make a selection by
+# dragging from one corner to another. When the mouse is released,
+# the action depends on the user keypress:
+# "r" return the selection
+# "n" try again
+# "q" exit drawing mode
+# Typing "q" is the only way to get out of the drawing mode. It can be
+# done whether or not there is a selection.
+# Notes:
+# The selection starts as a single pixel in the upper-left corner.
+# The repeat window can be resized by the user.
+# Features to add/improve:
+# show current selection
+# file-system navigation
+# chained selection dialogs for large numbers of files
+# *or* scrolling line dialog
+# add flips, rotations, and other transformations (using external
+# utilities)
+# allow images of types other than GIF
+# Bugs:
+# width and height setting should take into account the current
+# origin
+# edit in system menu is bogus (bug is in interact.icn)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics, UNIX (for "pick" feature)
+# Links: grecords, interact, io, select, tile
+link grecords
+link interact
+link io
+link select
+link tile
+# To do: alphabetize the following globals
+global pattern # repeat window
+global source # source window hidden
+global screen # source window visible
+global vidgets # table of interface vidgets
+global root # root vidget
+global controls
+global text # label with respect to which information is written
+global posx # x position relative to interface window
+global posy # y position relative to repeat window
+global wmax # maximum width of source image
+global hmax # maximum height of source image
+global auto # auto-save toggle
+global prefix # auto-save prefix
+global count # auto-save count
+global name # image name
+global draw # draw vidget
+global current # current selection
+$define PosX "posx=10"
+$define PosY "posy=10"
+procedure main()
+ local atts
+ atts := ui_atts()
+ # The interface window is opened with a hidden canvas so that it
+ # can be made the active window later by making it visible.
+ put(atts, "canvas=hidden", PosX, PosY)
+ controls := (WOpen ! atts) | stop("*** cannot open window")
+ vidgets := ui()
+ init()
+ GetEvents(root, , shortcuts)
+# Auto-save callback toggle.
+procedure auto_cb(vidget, value)
+ auto := value
+ if \auto then {
+ if OpenDialog("Specify prefix for auto-saving:") == "Cancel" then fail
+ prefix := dialog_value
+ count := -1 # initial count less 1
+ }
+ return
+# Callback that handles all the buttons that change x, y, w, and h.
+procedure change_cb(vidget)
+ # Cute code alert. The selected reversible assignment is performed
+ # and passed to check(). It checks the resulting selection rectangle
+ # and fails if it's not valid. That failure causes the reversible
+ # assignment to be undone and the expression fails, leaving the
+ # selection as it was.
+ check(
+ case vidget.s of {
+ "h +": current.h <- current.h + 1
+ "h -": current.h <- current.h - 1
+ "w +": current.w <- current.w + 1
+ "w -": current.w <- current.w - 1
+ "w + h +": current.h <- current.h + 1 & current.w <- current.w + 1
+ "w - h -": current.h <- current.h - 1 & current.w <- current.w - 1
+ "h max": current.h <- hmax
+ "w max": current.w <- wmax
+ "w h max": current.h <- hmax & current.w <- wmax
+ "x +": current.x <- current.x + 1
+ "x -": current.x <- current.x - 1
+ "y +": current.y <- current.y + 1
+ "y -": current.y <- current.y - 1
+ "x + y +": current.x <- current.x + 1 & current.y <- current.y + 1
+ "y - x -": current.y <- current.y - 1 & current.x <- current.x - 1
+ "x 1/2": current.x <- wmax / 2
+ "y 1/2": current.y <- hmax / 2
+ "x y 1/2": current.x <- wmax / 2 & current.y <- hmax / 2
+ }
+ ) | fail
+ show()
+ return
+# Check validity of selection.
+procedure check()
+ if (0 <= current.h <= hmax) &
+ (0 <= current.w <= wmax) &
+ (0 <= current.x <= hmax) &
+ (0 <= current.y <= wmax)
+ then return else {
+ Alert()
+ fail
+ }
+# Copy hidden source window to a visible window.
+$define Margin 20
+procedure copy_source(label)
+ screen := WOpen("size=" || WAttrib(source, "width") || "," ||
+ WAttrib(source, "height"), "posx=" || posx, "posy=" || posy,
+ "label=" || label) | ExitNotice("Cannot open image window")
+ CopyArea(source, screen)
+ expose(controls)
+ wmax := WAttrib(source, "width")
+ hmax := WAttrib(source, "height")
+ WAttrib(pattern, "width=" || (WAttrib(screen, "width") + Margin))
+ WAttrib(pattern, "height=" || (WAttrib(screen, "height") + Margin))
+ reset_cb()
+ return
+# Enable user-drawn selection.
+procedure draw_cb(vidget, value)
+ local sel
+ if /value then return
+ if /source then {
+ Notice("No source image.")
+ SetVidget(draw, &null)
+ fail
+ }
+ expose(screen)
+ while current := select(screen) do
+ show()
+ SetVidget(draw, &null)
+ expose(controls)
+ return
+# File menu callback.
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "open @O": get_image()
+ "pick @P": pick()
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ "save @S": snap()
+ "tile @T": tile_selection()
+ }
+ return
+# Utility procedure to get new source image.
+procedure get_image()
+ WClose(\source)
+ WClose(\screen)
+ repeat {
+ (OpenDialog("Open image:") == "Okay") | fail
+ source := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Can't open " || dialog_value || ".")
+ next
+ }
+ copy_source(dialog_value)
+ wmax := WAttrib(source, "width")
+ hmax := WAttrib(source, "height")
+ break
+ }
+ return
+# These values are for Motif; they may need to be changed for other
+# window managers.
+$define Offset1 32
+$define Offset2 82
+# Initialize the program
+$define MinSize 600
+procedure init()
+ local iheight
+ current := rect(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ hmax := wmax := 0
+ posx := WAttrib("width") + Offset1
+ iheight := WAttrib("height")
+ pattern := WOpen("label=repeat", "resize=on", "size=" || iheight ||
+ "," || iheight, "posx=" || posx, PosY) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window for repeat ***")
+ posy := WAttrib(pattern, "height") + Offset2
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ text := vidgets["text"]
+ draw := vidgets["draw"]
+ WAttrib("canvas=normal")
+ auto := &null
+ return
+# Utility procedure to let user pick an image file in the current directory.
+procedure pick()
+ local plist, ls
+ plist := filelist("*.gif *.GIF") |
+ return FailNotice("Pick not supported on this platform")
+ if *plist = 0 then return FailNotice("No files found.")
+ repeat {
+ if SelectDialog("Select image file:", plist, plist[1]) == "Cancel"
+ then fail
+ WClose(\source)
+ WClose(\screen)
+ source := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open " || dialog_value || ".")
+ next
+ }
+ copy_source(dialog_value)
+ break
+ }
+ return
+# Callback to terminate program execution.
+procedure quit_cb()
+ exit()
+# Callback to reset x, y, w, and h to initial values.
+procedure reset_cb()
+ current := rect(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ show()
+ return
+# Callback procedure to save the current selection as an image file.
+procedure save_cb()
+ snap()
+# Callback procedure to allow use of standard tile sizes.
+procedure select_cb(vidget, value)
+ check(current.w := current.h := case value of {
+ " 4 x 4": 4
+ " 8 x 8": 8
+ " 16 x 16": 16
+ " 32 x 32": 32
+ " 64 x 64": 64
+ " 72 x 72": 72
+ " 96 x 96": 96
+ " 100 x 100": 100
+ " 128 x 128": 128
+ " 256 x 256": 256
+ " 400 x 400": 400
+ " 512 x 512": 512
+ }) | fail
+ show()
+ return
+# Callback to allow setting of specific selection rectangle values.
+procedure set_cb()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Set values:",
+ ["x", "y", "w", "h"],
+ [ current.x,
+ current.y,
+ current.w,
+ current.h
+ ]
+ ) == "Cancel" then fail
+ check(
+ current.x <- integer(dialog_value[1]) &
+ current.y <- integer(dialog_value[2]) &
+ current.w <- integer(dialog_value[3]) &
+ current.h <- integer(dialog_value[4])
+ ) | {
+ Notice("Invalid value")
+ next
+ }
+ show()
+ return
+ }
+# Keyboard shortcuts.
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then
+ case map(e) of { # fold case
+ "d": SetVidget(draw, 1)
+ "o": get_image()
+ "p": pick()
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": snap()
+ "t": tile_selection()
+ }
+ return
+# Procedure to handle all that goes with a new selection.
+# These constants are ad hoc.
+$define Width 200
+$define Height 30
+$define YOff 10
+procedure show()
+ static sx, sy
+ initial {
+ sx :=
+ sy := text.ay
+ }
+ if /source then return FailNotice("No source image.")
+ tile(source, pattern, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h)
+ if \auto then {
+ name := prefix || right(count +:= 1, 3, "0") || ".gif"
+ WriteImage(source, name, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h)
+ }
+ EraseArea(sx, sy, Width, Height)
+ DrawString(sx, sy + YOff, "x=" || current.x || " y=" || current.y ||
+ " w=" || current.w || " h=" || current.h)
+ if \auto then DrawString(sx, sy + 30, "last auto-save: " || name)
+ return
+# Utility procedure to save current selection.
+procedure snap()
+ return snapshot(\source, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h) |
+ FailNotice("No source image.")
+# Callback for System menu.
+procedure system_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "edit": edit_file()
+ "execute": execute()
+ }
+ return
+procedure tile_selection()
+ tile(pattern, screen, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h)
+ CopyArea(screen, source)
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=397,360", "bg=gray-white"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,397,360:",],
+ ["auto save:Button:regular:1:12,74,70,20:auto save",auto_cb],
+ ["draw:Button:regular:1:20,172,50,20:draw",draw_cb],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["open @O","pick @P","save @S ","tile @T","quit @Q"]],
+ ["hmax:Button:regular::205,54,56,20:h max",change_cb],
+ ["hminus:Button:regular::169,106,35,20:h -",change_cb],
+ ["hplus:Button:regular::168,80,35,20:h +",change_cb],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,25,400,25:",],
+ ["quit:Button:regular::19,311,50,20:quit",quit_cb],
+ ["reset_cb:Button:regular::20,116,50,20:reset",reset_cb],
+ ["save:Button:regular::19,40,50,20:save",save_cb],
+ ["select:Choice::12:285,29,99,252:",select_cb,
+ [" 4 x 4"," 8 x 8"," 16 x 16"," 32 x 32"," 64 x 64",
+ " 72 x 72"," 96 x 96"," 100 x 100"," 128 x 128"," 256 x 256",
+ " 400 x 400"," 512 x 512"]],
+ ["set:Button:regular::20,143,50,20:set",set_cb],
+ ["system:Menu:pull::37,1,50,21:System",system_cb,
+ ["edit","execute"]],
+ ["text:Button:regularno::112,290,154,20:current specification",],
+ ["whmax:Button:regular::206,80,56,20:w h max",change_cb],
+ ["whminus:Button:regular::108,54,56,20:w - h -",change_cb],
+ ["whplus:Button:regular::108,30,56,20:w + h +",change_cb],
+ ["wmax:Button:regular::206,29,56,20:w max",change_cb],
+ ["wminus:Button:regular::168,54,35,20:w -",change_cb],
+ ["wplus:Button:regular::168,29,35,20:w +",change_cb],
+ ["xhalf:Button:regular::213,153,56,20:x 1/2",change_cb],
+ ["xminus:Button:regular::173,180,35,20:x -",change_cb],
+ ["xplus:Button:regular::172,153,35,20:x +",change_cb],
+ ["xyhalf:Button:regular::212,206,56,20:x y 1/2",change_cb],
+ ["xyminus:Button:regular::109,181,56,20:x - y +",change_cb],
+ ["xyplus:Button:regular::110,151,56,20:x + y +",change_cb],
+ ["y minus:Button:regular::172,231,35,20:y -",change_cb],
+ ["y plus:Button:regular::173,206,35,20:y +",change_cb],
+ ["yhalf:Button:regular::212,177,56,20:y 1/2",change_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/sensdemo.icn b/ipl/gprogs/sensdemo.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ade64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/sensdemo.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# File: sensdemo.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate sensor routines
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: July 12, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# sensdemo illustrates several of the input sensors provided in the
+# program library. It is written to use mutable colors but will struggle
+# along slowly if they're not available.
+# There are four pushbuttons. Buttons "One", "Two", and "Three" just
+# write a line on standard output. The "QUIT" button does what you'd
+# expect.
+# The three vertically oriented sliders control (from left to right)
+# alter the red, green, and blue components of the color in the large
+# square. The individual components appear in the small squares, and
+# the hexadecimal form of the color spec is displayed below the square.
+# The small horizontal slider below the square adjusts all three
+# color components simultaneously. Notice how moving it also moves
+# the three vertical sliders.
+# The largs square sounds a bell if Return is pressed while it
+# contains the cursor. The standard "quitsensor" causes the program
+# to exit when q or Q is pressed anywhere in the window.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: button, slider, evmux, graphics
+link button
+link slider
+link evmux
+link graphics
+$define BevelWidth 2
+$define WindowMargin 10
+record rgbrec(r, g, b, k)
+record boxrec(x, y, w, h, b, i)
+global val, colr, sl, win
+procedure main(args)
+ local cwin, h, m, c
+ # open window
+ win := Window("size=400,400", args)
+ m := WindowMargin
+ h := WAttrib("height") - 2 * m # usable height
+ # set up boxes for displaying colors, each with its own binding
+ colr := rgbrec(
+ boxrec(m, m, 40, 40),
+ boxrec(m, m + 55, 40, 40),
+ boxrec(m, m + 110, 40, 40),
+ boxrec(m + 65, m, 150, 150))
+ every c := !colr do {
+ c.b := Clone(win)
+ Bg(c.b, c.i := NewColor(win)) # fails if b/w screen
+ BevelRectangle(win, c.x, c.y, c.w, c.h, -BevelWidth)
+ EraseArea(c.b,
+ c.x+BevelWidth, c.y+BevelWidth, c.w-2*BevelWidth, c.h-2*BevelWidth)
+ }
+ # set up sliders to control the colors
+ val := rgbrec(0.1, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8) # initial positions
+ sl := rgbrec()
+ sl.r := slider(win, setrgb, 1, 290, m, 20, h, 0.0, val.r, 1.0)
+ sl.g := slider(win, setrgb, 2, 330, m, 20, h, 0.0, val.g, 1.0)
+ sl.b := slider(win, setrgb, 3, 370, m, 20, h, 0.0, val.b, 1.0)
+ sl.k := slider(win, setgray, 4, m+65, m+160, 150, 14, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0)
+ setcolors() # download the colors
+ # set up miscellaneous sensors
+ quitsensor(win) # quit on q or Q
+ sensor(win, '\r', ding, &null, m+65, m, 150, 150) # \r in box sounds bell
+ buttonrow(win, 150, 250, 100, 20, 0, 30, # vertical button row
+ "One", bpress, "one",
+ "Two", bpress, "two",
+ "Three", bpress, "three",
+ )
+ button(win, "QUIT", argless, exit, m, m+h-60, 60, 60) # and a QUIT button
+ # enter event loop
+ evmux(win)
+procedure bpress(win, a) # echo a button press
+ write("button ", a)
+ return
+procedure ding(win, a, x, y, k) # ring the bell
+ writes("\^g")
+ flush(&output)
+ return
+procedure setcolors() # set the colors in the color map
+ colorbox(colr.r, 65535 * val.r, 0, 0)
+ colorbox(colr.g, 0, 65535 * val.g, 0)
+ colorbox(colr.b, 0, 0, 65535 * val.b)
+ colorbox(colr.k, 65535 * val.r, 65535 * val.g, 65535 * val.b)
+ GotoXY(win, 100, 200)
+ write(win, "color = #", hexv(val.r), hexv(val.g), hexv(val.b))
+ return
+procedure colorbox(box, r, g, b)
+ r := integer(r)
+ g := integer(g)
+ b := integer(b)
+ if \box.i then
+ Color(box.b, box.i, r || "," || g || "," || b)
+ else {
+ Shade(box.b, r || "," || g || "," || b)
+ FillRectangle(box.b, box.x+1, box.y+1, box.w-1, box.h-1)
+ }
+ return
+procedure hexv(v) # two-hex-digit specification of v
+ static hextab
+ initial {
+ every put((hextab := []), !"0123456789ABCDEF" || !"0123456789ABCDEF")
+ }
+ return hextab [integer(255 * v + 1.5)]
+procedure setgray(win, i, v) # set a grayvalue of v
+ every i := 1 to 3 do
+ slidervalue(sl[i], val[i] := v)
+ setcolors()
+ return
+procedure setrgb(win, i, v) # set color component i to value v
+ val[i] := v
+ setcolors()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/showcolr.icn b/ipl/gprogs/showcolr.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d41e6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/showcolr.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# File: showcolr.icn
+# Subject: Program to list colors in Icon palettes
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: March 14, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program produces files of color specifications for all of Icon's
+# built-in palettes. The output is written to a file whose base name is
+# the palette and whose suffix is ".clr".
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+procedure main()
+ local palette, output
+ every palette := ("c" || (1 to 6)) | ("g" || (2 to 256)) do {
+ output := open(palette || ".clr", "w") |
+ stop("*** cannot open output file for palette ", palette)
+ every write(output, PaletteColor(palette, !PaletteChars(palette)))
+ close(output)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/showtile.icn b/ipl/gprogs/showtile.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..339a6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/showtile.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# File: showtile.icn
+# Subject: Program to display tiles
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 10, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program displays pattern tiles given in standard input.
+# The options are:
+# -P show pattern produced by tile; default show tile
+# -i s create image files with prefix s
+# -a run without waiting for event in window
+# -u don't show on-screen images; implies -a
+# -p i start with page i
+# -r i number of rows, default 7 for -P, otherwise 10
+# -c i number of columns, default 6 for -P, otherwise 12
+# -n s number pages using s as a prefix
+# -w i width of area for tile; default 48 unless -P
+# -h i height of area for file; default 48 unless -P
+# -d add date line
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, patutils, xio, xutils, graphics, xcompat
+link options
+link patutils
+link xio
+link xutils
+link graphics
+link xcompat
+procedure main(args)
+ local x, y, w, h, pattern, count, page, opts, images, auto, unseen, foot
+ local rows, cols, prefix, bfont, nfont, dims, areaw, areah, signal, poff
+ local date, HGap, VGap, patterns
+ opts := options(args, "Pi:aup+r+c+w+h+n:d")
+ images := \opts["i"]
+ auto := \opts["a"]
+ auto := unseen := \opts["u"]
+ page := (\opts["p"] - 1) | 0
+ prefix := \opts["n"]
+ if \opts["d"] then date := &dateline else date := ""
+ foot := \prefix | \opts["d"]
+ if \opts["P"] then { # pattern mode
+ patterns := 1
+ HGap := 32 # gap between
+ VGap := 32 # gap below
+ areaw := 128 # pattern width
+ areah := 64 # pattern height
+ rows := \opts["r"] | 7
+ cols := \opts["c"] | 6
+ w := (areaw + HGap) * cols - HGap
+ h := (areah + VGap) * rows
+ if \foot then h +:= 20
+ }
+ else { # image mode
+ HGap := 16 # gap between
+ VGap := 16 # gap below
+ rows := \opts["r"] | 10
+ cols := \opts["c"] | 12
+ areaw := \opts["w"] | 48
+ areah := \opts["h"] | 48
+ w := (areaw + HGap) * cols + 1
+ h := (areah + VGap) * rows + 1
+ if \foot then h +:= 20 # space for page number
+ }
+ WOpen("width=" || w, "height=" || h, "canvas=hidden") |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ if /unseen then WAttrib("canvas=normal")
+ if \patterns then WAttrib("fillstyle=textured")
+ bfont := "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1"
+ nfont := "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso8859-1"
+ Font(bfont | "6x10" | "fixed")
+ count := 0
+# Skip pages if requested.
+ every 1 to (rows * cols) * page do {
+ readpatt() | stop("*** premature end of file")
+ count +:= 1
+ }
+# Main processing loop.
+ repeat {
+ if \patterns then EraseArea()
+ else grid(areaw + HGap, areah + VGap, cols, rows)
+ x := y := 0
+# Do a page.
+ every 1 to rows do {
+ every 1 to cols do {
+ pattern := readpatt() | break break break
+ count +:= 1
+ if \patterns then {
+ Pattern(pattern) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** could not set pattern: ", pattern)
+ next
+ }
+ FillRectangle(x, y, areaw, areah)
+ GotoXY(x, y + areah + VGap / 3)
+ WWrites(left(count || ":", 5))
+ dims := tiledim(pattern)
+ WWrites(left(dims.w || "x" || dims.h, 7))
+ WWrites("d=", left(pdensity(pattern), 7))
+ GotoXY(x, y + areah + VGap / 3 + 11)
+ if *pattern > 20 then pattern := pattern[1+:18] || "..."
+ WWrites(pattern)
+ }
+ else {
+ poff := (HGap + areaw - tiledim(pattern).w) / 3
+ DrawImage(x + poff, y + VGap / 2, pattern)
+ WFlush()
+ CenterString(x + poff * 2, y + areah + VGap / 3, count)
+ }
+ x +:= areaw + HGap
+ }
+ x := 0
+ y +:= areah + VGap
+ }
+ page +:= 1
+ if \foot then {
+ GotoXY(0, h - 5)
+ Font(nfont | "10x20" | "fixed") # numbering font
+ WWrites(\prefix || page)
+ GotoXY(w - TextWidth(date), h - 5)
+ WWrites(date)
+ Font(bfont | "6x10" | "fixed") # restore body font
+ }
+ if /auto & /unseen then signal := Event()
+ WriteImage(\images || right(page, 2, "0") || ".gif")
+ if signal === "q" then exit()
+ }
+ page +:= 1
+ if \foot then {
+ GotoXY(0, h - 5)
+ Font(nfont | "10x20" | "fixed") # numbering font
+ WWrites(\prefix || page)
+ GotoXY(w - TextWidth(date), h - 5)
+ WWrites(date)
+ }
+ WriteImage(\images || right(page, 2, "0") || ".gif")
+ if /auto then WDone()
+# Draw a grid for the tile mode
+procedure grid(w, h, c, r)
+ local wc, hr, x, y
+ wc := w * c
+ hr := h * r
+ EraseArea()
+ every x := 0 to wc by w do
+ DrawLine(x, 0, x, hr)
+ every y := 0 to hr by h do
+ DrawLine(0, y, wc, y)
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/sier.icn b/ipl/gprogs/sier.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0b48cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/sier.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# File: sier.icn
+# Subject: Program for generalized Sierpinski's triangle
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: June 10, 2004
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Originally inspired by the Nova television show on chaos.
+# Colorization suggested by Kenneth Walker.
+# This program constructs Sierpinski's triangle using an iterative
+# method. An initial point is chosen (by clicking the mouse inside the
+# triangle) and marked. Then, the program repeatedly moves half way to
+# a randomly chosen vertex and plots a point in the color corresponding
+# to the vertex.
+# The polygon need not be a triangle. The number of sides may be given
+# as a command line argument, or a digit 3 through 9 or 0 through 2 may be
+# pressed to establish a new polygon of 3 to 12 sides.
+# The S, G, E, and Q keys function identically to the Stop, Go, Erase,
+# Quit pushbuttons.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: button, evmux, random, graphics
+link button
+link evmux
+link random
+link graphics
+$define BevelWidth 2
+$define WindowMargin 10
+global win, bwin, vwin, vcolors
+global m, w, h
+global nsides, xpos, ypos, outline
+global running, xcur, ycur
+procedure main(args)
+ local i, vcolors
+ win := Window("size=400,400", "font=Helvetica,bold,14", "bg=pale gray", args)
+ nsides := integer(args[1]) | 3
+ if nsides < 3 then stop("sierpinski: need at least 3 sides!")
+ m := WindowMargin
+ h := WAttrib("height") - 2 * m # usable height
+ w := WAttrib("width") - 2 * m # usable width
+ # make a window (g.c.) for drawing in background color
+ bwin := Clone(win)
+ Fg(bwin, Bg(win))
+ # make a color for each vertex
+ vcolors := [
+ "deep green",
+ "dark red",
+ "dark blue",
+ "deep red-magenta",
+ "dark cyanish blue",
+ "dark red-orange",
+ "deep purple",
+ "deep cyan",
+ "deep brown",
+ "deep orangish red",
+ "deep purple",
+ "dark cyanish blue"
+ ]
+ vwin := []
+ if WAttrib(win, "depth") > 2 then
+ every put(vwin, Clone(win, "fg=" || !vcolors))
+ else
+ put(vwin, win)
+ # configure and draw the polygon
+ configure()
+ erase()
+ # set up buttons and character handlers
+ button(win, "Go", setfill, 0, m, m, 50, 20)
+ button(win, "Stop", setfill, -1, m, m + 30, 50, 20)
+ button(win, "Erase", argless, erase, m + w - 50, m, 50, 20)
+ button(win, "Quit", argless, exit, m + w - 50, m + 30, 50, 20)
+ sensor(win, 'Gg', setfill, 0)
+ sensor(win, 'Ss', setfill, -1)
+ sensor(win, 'Ee', argless, erase)
+ quitsensor(win) # enable Q-for-quit etc.
+ sensor(win, '3456789012', setsides)
+ # set up sensor for drawing the curve
+ sensor(win, &lrelease, setfill, 1, m, m, w, h)
+ # process events
+ randomize()
+ i := 1
+ repeat {
+ while *Pending(win) > 0 | running < 0 do
+ evhandle(win)
+ every 1 to 100 do {
+ DrawPoint(vwin [i | 1], xcur, ycur)
+ i := ?nsides
+ xcur := (xcur + xpos[i]) / 2
+ ycur := (ycur + ypos[i]) / 2
+ }
+ }
+# configure() -- set vertex points
+procedure configure()
+ local a, da, i
+ local xmin, xmax, xscale, ymin, ymax, yscale
+ # ensure we have enough windows for the vertices
+ while *vwin < nsides do
+ vwin |||:= vwin
+ # get coordinates for vertices as points on a radius-1 circle
+ da := 2 * &pi / nsides
+ a := 1.5 * &pi - da / 2
+ if nsides = 4 then
+ a +:= &pi / 12
+ xpos := list(nsides)
+ ypos := list(nsides)
+ every i := 1 to nsides do {
+ xpos[i] := cos(a)
+ ypos[i] := sin(a)
+ a -:= da
+ }
+ # now scale to available window size
+ # also make coord list for drawing outline
+ xmin := xmax := ymin := ymax := 0.0
+ every xmin >:= !xpos
+ every xmax <:= !xpos
+ every ymin >:= !ypos
+ every ymax <:= !ypos
+ xscale := w / (xmax - xmin)
+ yscale := h / (ymax - ymin)
+ outline := [win]
+ every i := 1 to nsides do {
+ put(outline, m + xscale * (1.01 * xpos[i] - xmin))
+ put(outline, m + h - yscale * (1.01 * ypos[i] - ymin))
+ xpos[i] := m + xscale * (xpos[i] - xmin)
+ ypos[i] := m + h - yscale * (ypos[i] - ymin)
+ }
+ put(outline, outline[2])
+ put(outline, outline[3])
+# erase(gc) -- erase the polygon and draw its outline
+procedure erase(gc)
+ outline[1] := bwin
+ FillPolygon ! outline
+ outline[1] := \gc | win
+ DrawLine ! outline
+ running := -1
+ xcur := m + w / 2
+ ycur := m + h / 2
+ return
+# setfill(win, n, x, y) -- start/stop filling points according to n
+# n<0 stop
+# n=0 start, from current point
+# n>0 start, from (x,y)
+procedure setfill(win, n, x, y)
+ if n > 0 then {
+ xcur := x
+ ycur := y
+ }
+ if n >= 0 then {
+ outline[1] := bwin
+ DrawLine ! outline # erase outline
+ }
+ running := n
+ return
+# setsides(win, dummy, x, y, event) - reset the number of sides
+procedure setsides(win, dummy, x, y, event)
+ nsides := integer(event)
+ if nsides < 3 then nsides +:= 10
+ erase(bwin)
+ configure()
+ erase()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/sier1.icn b/ipl/gprogs/sier1.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af02464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/sier1.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# File: sier1.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw the Sierpinski triangle
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program demonstrates an interesting way to draw the Sierpinski
+# triangle. For an explanation, see
+# Chaos and Fractals, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Harmut Jurgens,
+# and Dietmar Saupe, Springer-Verlah, 1992, pp. 132-134.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main()
+ local width, offset, x, y
+ WOpen("label=sierpinski", "size=300,300") |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ width := 256
+ offset := 30
+ every y := 0 to width - 1 do
+ every x := 0 to width - 1 do
+ if iand(x, y) = 0 then DrawPoint(x + offset, y + offset)
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/sier2.icn b/ipl/gprogs/sier2.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae6ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/sier2.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# File: sier2.icn
+# Subject: Program to display the Sierpinski fractal
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 24, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This is a barebones version of a display of the Sierpinski fractal.
+# It has deliberately been left simple and free of options so that the
+# basic idea is clear and so that it can be used as the basis of
+# more capable versions.
+# This program is based on material given in "Chaos, Fractals,
+# and Dynamics", Robert L. Devaney, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main()
+ local extent, x, y, i
+ extent := 300
+ WOpen("label=sier", "height=" || extent, "width=" || extent) |
+ stop("*** cannot open window")
+ x := 20 # The results do not depend on these values
+ y := 150
+ every i := 1 to 100000 do {
+ case ?3 of { # Decide what to do at random
+ 1: {
+ x /:= 2
+ y /:= 2
+ }
+ 2: {
+ x /:= 2
+ y := (extent + y) / 2
+ }
+ 3: {
+ x := (extent + x) / 2
+ y := (extent + y) / 2
+ }
+ }
+ if i > 1000 then DrawPoint(x, y) # Wait until attraction
+ }
+ Event()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/snapper.icn b/ipl/gprogs/snapper.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4411efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/snapper.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# File: snapper.icn
+# Subject: Program to display images
+# Authors: Ralph E. Griswold and Clinton L. Jeffery
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This is just a simple program to display black-and-white versions of screen
+# dumps.
+# Type the name of an XBM or XPM file on the prompt in the input window.
+# Get rid of an image by click in the image window. Exit the program
+# by clicking in the input window.
+# As an exercise, you might want to make this program more versatile --
+# and perhaps write a program to do slide shows.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+procedure main(av)
+ local name, window, winput
+ if *av > 0 then {
+ every name := !av do {
+ (window := WOpen("label=" || name, "image=" || name,"pos=400,200")) |
+ write(&errout,"cannot open image ",name)
+ }
+ Active()
+ } else {
+ winput := WOpen("label=snapper! (click mouse in this window to exit)") |
+ stop("** can't open window")
+ repeat {
+ close(\window)
+ writes(winput, "next image: ")
+ name := read(winput)
+ (window := WOpen("label=" || name, "image=" || name,"pos=400,200")) |
+ write(winput,"cannot open image")
+ if Event(winput) === (&lpress | &mpress | &rpress) then
+ exit()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/spectra.icn b/ipl/gprogs/spectra.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7e2225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/spectra.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# File: spectra.icn
+# Subject: Program to report color spectra in images
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 22, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program analyzes images whose names are given on the command line
+# and produces a file with the lists of colors and number of pixels of
+# each color. The entries are given in the order of most to least frequent
+# color. The color files have the base name of the image file and the
+# extension ".spc".
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, imgcolor, wopen
+link imgcolor
+link basename
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, colors, output, name, count
+ every file := !args do {
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open image file ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ colors := imgcolor()
+ WClose()
+ name := basename(file, ".gif")
+ output := open(name || ".spc", "w") | {
+ write("*** cannot open ", name, ".spc")
+ next
+ }
+ colors := sort(colors, 4)
+ while count := pull(colors) do
+ write(output, left(pull(colors), 20), right(count, 8))
+ close(output)
+ &window := &null
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/spider.icn b/ipl/gprogs/spider.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c25529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/spider.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+# File: spider.icn
+# Subject: Program to play Spider solitaire card game
+# Author: William S. Evans
+# Date: February 19, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Initially, 54 cards are dealt (from two decks shuffled together)
+# into 10 piles (6,5,5,6,5,5,6,5,5,6) with only the top card in each
+# pile face-up. You may pile face-up cards in decreasing order (Ace
+# is smallest) by moving the topmost face-up "run" of cards from one
+# pile to another. A run is a decreasing sequence of cards in the
+# same suit. To perform the move, you may drag the run to its
+# destination, click on the pile containing the run, or type its
+# number. In the latter two cases, the program tries to move the
+# longest run in the pile to the "best" location. You may move any
+# run to an empty pile. To move a partial run, drag or click its
+# deepest card using the center mouse button.
+# A run from King to Ace can be removed from the board (by clicking on
+# its pile or typing its pile number).
+# The 50 additional cards remaining in the deck may be dealt, one to
+# each pile, as long as every pile contains at least one card.
+# The goal of the game is to remove all 104 cards from the board.
+# The following keys are recognized by the program:
+# 'd' Deal.
+# 'u' Undo last move or deal.
+# 'q' Quit.
+# 'e' Print list of face-up cards in pile. (Useful if the
+# pile becomes so big that the card names are obscured.)
+# 'E' Print list of face-down cards in pile. (Cheating)
+# 'n' Start a new game.
+# 's' Save the current game to a file.
+# 'r' Read a game from a file.
+# '1234567890' Move run from indicated pile.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: drawcard, graphics, random
+link drawcard
+link graphics
+link random
+$define SPIDER_VERSION "spider-0.3" # version of spider
+global cardw, cardh # card width and height
+global ymargin, xmargin, xgap # margins, gap between cards
+global height,width,fheight,descent # window attributes
+global lap # overlap of facedown cards
+global deck # a string of characters
+global up # list of integers
+global pile # list of strings
+global yoff # list of lists of integers
+global nextCard # an integer
+global undoStack # list of integers
+global currentFile # filename to store/retrieve a game
+global readingGame # =1 if reading game from file =0 o.w.
+procedure main(args)
+ local fromPile,maxCards,e,p
+ initialize(args)
+ newgame()
+ repeat case e := Event() of {
+ !"qQ": {
+ exit()
+ }
+ "d": {
+ deal() | beep()
+ }
+ "e": {
+ message(pileNames(1+(&x-xmargin+xgap/2)/(cardw+xgap)))
+ }
+ "E": {
+ message(hiddenNames(1+(&x-xmargin+xgap/2)/(cardw+xgap)))
+ }
+ "n": {
+ newgame()
+ }
+ "u": {
+ undo() | beep()
+ }
+ "r": {
+ readingGame := 1
+ WAttrib("bg=pale gray","fg=black")
+ readFile()
+ readingGame := 0
+ WAttrib("bg=deep moderate green","fg=white")
+ drawBoard()
+ }
+ "s": {
+ WAttrib("bg=pale gray","fg=black")
+ saveFile()
+ WAttrib("bg=deep moderate green","fg=white")
+ }
+ !"1234567890": {
+ p := 0 < ord(e)-ord("0") | 10
+ click(13,p,p) | beep()
+ }
+ &lpress | &rpress: {
+ fromPile := 1 + (&x - xmargin + xgap/2) / (cardw + xgap)
+ maxCards := 13
+ }
+ &mpress: {
+ fromPile := 1 + (&x - xmargin + xgap/2) / (cardw + xgap)
+ maxCards := 1
+ every &y <= !yoff[11 > fromPile] do
+ maxCards +:= 1
+ }
+ &lrelease | &mrelease | &rrelease: {
+ click(maxCards,fromPile,1 + (&x-xmargin+xgap/2) / (cardw+xgap)) |
+ beep()
+ }
+# &resize: {
+# drawBoard()
+# }
+ }
+procedure initialize(args)
+ currentFile := "game1.spd"
+ readingGame := 0
+ cardw := 80
+ cardh := 124
+ pile := list(11)
+ up := list(11)
+ yoff := list(11)
+ undoStack := list(0)
+ deck := "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ" ||
+ "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ"
+ randomize()
+ ymargin := 10
+ xmargin := 16
+ xgap := xmargin / 2
+ lap := 5 # how much facedown cards overlap in pile
+ WOpen("width="||(10 * cardw + 9 * xgap + 2 * xmargin),"height=500",
+ "bg=deep moderate green","fg=white")
+ if WAttrib("displaywidth") < 900 then {
+ xmargin := xgap := 0;
+ WAttrib("width=800")
+ }
+ Font("serif")
+ height := WAttrib("height")
+ width := WAttrib("width")
+ fheight:= WAttrib("fheight")
+ descent:= WAttrib("descent")
+ ymargin <:= fheight
+ return
+procedure newgame(initialDeck)
+ local i, j, s
+ while (pop(undoStack)) # empty stack
+ deck := \initialDeck | # use initialDeck or shuffle deck
+ every i := *deck to 2 by -1 do
+ deck[?i] :=: deck[i]
+ deck ? {
+ pile[1] := move(6)
+ pile[2] := move(5)
+ pile[3] := move(5)
+ pile[4] := move(6)
+ pile[5] := move(5)
+ pile[6] := move(5)
+ pile[7] := move(6)
+ pile[8] := move(5)
+ pile[9] := move(5)
+ pile[10] := move(6)
+ nextCard := 55
+ }
+ pile[11] := ""
+ every i := 1 to 10 do
+ up[i] := 1
+ up[11] := 0
+ drawBoard()
+ return
+procedure drawPiles(p[])
+ local i,j,n,x,y,ht,mlap,upstart,yposns
+ if readingGame = 0 then {
+ every i := 1 <= 10 >= !p do {
+# write("pile ",i," = ",pile[i]," up = ",up[i])
+ yoff[i] := yposns := list(0)
+ x := xmargin + (i-1) * (cardw + xgap)
+ EraseArea(x,ymargin,cardw,height-2*ymargin)
+ GotoXY(x+cardw/2,ymargin-descent)
+ WWrites(10 > i | 0)
+ n := *(pile[i])
+ mlap := lap
+ if n > 1 then
+ mlap >:= (height - 2*ymargin - cardh)/(n-1.0)
+ every j := n to up[i]+1 by -1 do {
+ y := ymargin + (n - j)*mlap
+ drawcard(x,y,"-")
+ put(yposns, y)
+ }
+ if up[i] > 0 then {
+ upstart := ymargin + (n-up[i])*mlap
+ mlap := (height-2*ymargin-cardh-(n-up[i])*mlap)/
+ (0<up[i]-1.0) | 0
+ mlap >:= cardh / 3
+ every j := up[i] to 1 by -1 do {
+ y := integer(upstart + (up[i] - j)*mlap)
+ drawcard(x,y,pile[i][j])
+ put(yposns, y)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ message("")
+ }
+ return
+procedure drawBoard()
+ if readingGame = 0 then {
+ WAttrib("label=Spider Deck "||104-nextCard+1)
+ drawPiles(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
+ }
+ return
+procedure deal()
+ local i
+ every i := 1 to 10 do {
+ if *(pile[i]) = 0 then fail
+ }
+ every i := 1 to 10 do {
+ pile[i] := (deck[nextCard] || pile[i]) | fail
+ up[i] +:= 1
+ nextCard +:= 1
+ }
+ if readingGame = 0 then {
+ push(undoStack,0,0,0,2) # flag for deal
+ drawBoard()
+ }
+ return
+procedure undo()
+ local undoFlag,i,toPile,fromPile,n
+# writes(">")
+# every writes(!undoStack," ")
+# write("")
+ undoFlag := pop(undoStack) | fail
+ case undoFlag of {
+ 0 | 1: { # undo move
+ toPile := pop(undoStack)
+ fromPile := pop(undoStack)
+ n := pop(undoStack)
+ up[fromPile] -:= undoFlag # undoFlag = 1 means unturn card
+ moveNoUndo(n,toPile,fromPile)
+ }
+ 2: { # undo deal
+ every i := 1 to 10 do {
+ pile[i] := pile[i][2:0]
+ up[i] -:= 1
+ nextCard -:= 1
+ }
+ pop(undoStack) # push spacers
+ pop(undoStack)
+ pop(undoStack)
+ drawBoard()
+ }
+ default: fail # this should never happen
+ }
+ return
+procedure moveNoUndo(n,fromPile,toPile)
+# write("moveNoUndo ",n," ",fromPile," ",toPile)
+ pile[toPile] := pile[fromPile][1:n+1] || pile[toPile]
+ up[toPile] +:= n
+ pile[fromPile] := (pile[fromPile][n+1:0] | "")
+ up[fromPile] -:= n
+ drawPiles(fromPile,toPile)
+ return
+procedure moveCards(n,fromPile,toPile)
+ push(undoStack,n)
+ push(undoStack,fromPile)
+ push(undoStack,toPile)
+ if n = up[fromPile] & *(pile[fromPile]) > n then {
+ push(undoStack,1)
+ up[fromPile] +:= 1
+ } else {
+ push(undoStack,0)
+ }
+ moveNoUndo(n,fromPile,toPile)
+ return
+procedure chainPrefix(p)
+ local i
+ i := 1
+ while (i < up[p] & \(succ(pile[p][i])) == pile[p][i+1]) do {
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ return pile[p][1:i+1]
+procedure click(maxCards, fromPile, toPile)
+ local i,j,tail,chain,c
+# write("click ",fromPile," ",toPile)
+ chain := chainPrefix(fromPile) | fail
+ chain := chain[1+:maxCards] # limit chain size (may fail, no effect)
+ 0 < toPile <= 10 | fail
+ 0 < fromPile <= 10 | fail
+ if fromPile = toPile then { # find best pile to move to
+ if *chain = 13 then { # take-off entire suit
+ moveCards(13,fromPile,11)
+ return
+ } else { # move chain
+ tail := succ(chain[-1]) | &null
+ i := 0 < fromPile - 1 | 10
+ j := fromPile
+ while i ~= fromPile do {
+ if pile[i] == "" & j = fromPile then {
+ j := i
+ } else if pile[i][1] == \tail then {
+ j := i
+ break
+ } else if rank(pile[i][1]) == rank(\tail) then {
+ j := i
+ }
+ i := 0 < i - 1 | 10
+ }
+ if j ~= fromPile then {
+ moveCards(*chain,fromPile,j)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ } else { # move to toPile
+ if pile[toPile] == "" then {
+ moveCards(*chain,fromPile,toPile)
+ return
+ } else {
+ c := pile[toPile][1]
+ every i := 1 to *chain do {
+ if rank(c) == rank(chain[i]) + 1 then {
+ moveCards(i,fromPile,toPile)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cantMove(chain[-1])
+# fail
+procedure cantMove(c)
+ message("Can't move " || rankName(c) || suitName(c))
+ return
+# label: ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz
+# rank: A23456789TJQK A23456789TJQK A23456789TJQK A23456789TJQK
+# suit: hearts....... spades....... clubs........ diamonds.....
+procedure suit(c)
+ if c >>= "A" & c <<= "M" then return "A" #hearts
+ if c >>= "N" & c <<= "Z" then return "N" #spades
+ if c >>= "a" & c <<= "m" then return "a" #clubs
+ if c >>= "n" & c <<= "z" then return "n" #diamonds
+# fail
+procedure rank(c)
+ return ord(c)-ord(suit(c))
+procedure succ(c)
+ if c == !"MZmz" then fail
+ else return char(ord(c)+1)
+procedure beep()
+ writes("\^g")
+ flush(&output)
+ return
+procedure rankName(c)
+ local r
+ case r := rank(c) of {
+ 0: return "A"
+ 1 to 9: return string(r+1)
+ 10: return "J"
+ 11: return "Q"
+ 12: return "K"
+ }
+procedure suitName(c)
+ case suit(c) of {
+ "A": return "h"
+ "N": return "s"
+ "a": return "c"
+ "n": return "d"
+ }
+procedure message(s)
+ local x
+ x := 5
+ EraseArea(x,height-fheight,width,fheight)
+ GotoXY(x,height-descent)
+ WWrites(s)
+ return
+procedure hiddenNames(p)
+ local i, s, card
+ i := up[p]
+ s := ""
+ every card := pile[p][i to *(pile[p])] do {
+ s ||:= rankName(card) || suitName(card)
+ }
+ return s
+procedure pileNames(p)
+ local i,run,s
+ i := up[p]
+ s := ""
+ while ( i >= 1 ) do {
+ s ||:= rankName(pile[p][i])
+ run := 0
+ while ( pile[p][i] == succ(pile[p][i-1])[1] ) do {
+ i -:= 1
+ run := 1
+ }
+ if ( run = 1 ) then {
+ s ||:= "-"
+ s ||:= rankName(pile[p][i])
+ }
+ s ||:= suitName(pile[p][i])
+ i -:= 1
+ }
+ return s
+procedure saveFile()
+ local output
+ repeat {
+ case OpenDialog("Save game as:",currentFile) of {
+ "Okay": {
+ if output := open(dialog_value,"w") then {
+ currentFile := dialog_value
+ write(output,SPIDER_VERSION)
+ write(output,deck)
+ every writes(output,!undoStack," ")
+ write(output,"")
+ return
+ } else {
+ Notice("Cannot open file for writing.")
+ }
+ }
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ }
+ }
+procedure readFile()
+ local input
+ repeat {
+ case OpenDialog(,currentFile) of {
+ "Okay": {
+ if input := open(dialog_value) then {
+ currentFile := dialog_value
+ if read(input)==SPIDER_VERSION then {
+ newgame(read(input))
+ read(input) ? {
+ while put(undoStack,integer(tab(upto(" "))))
+ }
+ if doAll() then return
+ }
+ Notice("Not a valid spider game file.")
+ } else
+ Notice("Cannot open file.")
+ }
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ }
+procedure doAll()
+ local i,doFlag,toPile,fromPile,n
+# writes(">")
+# every writes(!undoStack," ")
+# write("")
+ i := *undoStack
+ while i >= 1 do {
+ case doFlag := undoStack[i-3] of {
+ 0 | 1: {
+ toPile := undoStack[i-2]
+ fromPile := undoStack[i-1]
+ n := undoStack[i]
+ up[fromPile] +:= doFlag # doFlag = 1 means turn card
+ moveNoUndo(n,fromPile,toPile) | fail
+ }
+ 2: {
+ deal() | fail
+ }
+ }
+ i -:= 4
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/spiral.icn b/ipl/gprogs/spiral.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6109b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/spiral.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# File: spiral.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw polygonal spirals
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 1.0
+# Comments: This program displays polyline based spiral
+# See the procedure 'helpmsg' for command line options
+# (or run as 'spiral -help')
+# Waits for a window event before closing window
+# Links: glib, wopen
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and co-expressions (for glib.icn)
+link glib
+link wopen
+global win, mono, h, w
+global Window, XMAX, YMAX
+procedure main (args)
+ local dist, angle, incr, n, nextarg, arg, t
+ XMAX := YMAX := 700 # physical screen size
+ w := h := 1.0
+ dist := 0.02
+ angle := 144
+ incr := 0.01
+ n := 100
+ nextarg := create !args
+ while arg := @nextarg do {
+ if arg == ("-help"|"-h") then stop(helpmsg())
+ if match(arg, "-distance") then dist := numeric(@nextarg)
+ else if match(arg, "-angle") then angle := numeric(@nextarg)
+ else if match(arg, "-increment") then incr := numeric(@nextarg)
+ else if arg == "-n" then n := integer(@nextarg)
+ }
+ win := WOpen("label=Poly Spiral", "width="||XMAX, "height="||YMAX)
+ mono := WAttrib (win, "depth") == "1"
+ Window := set_window(win, point(0,0), point(w,h),
+ viewport(point(0,0), point(XMAX, YMAX), win))
+ EraseArea(win)
+ Fg(win, "black")
+ t := turtle(Window, point(w/2, h/2), 0)
+ polyspiral(t, dist, angle, incr, n)
+ Event(win)
+ close(win)
+procedure polyspiral(t, dist, angle, incr, n)
+ local i
+ every i := 1 to n do {
+ Line_Forward(t, dist)
+ Right(t, angle)
+ dist +:= incr
+ }
+procedure helpmsg()
+ write("Usage: Spiral [-d dist] [-a angle] [-i increment] [-n nlines]")
+ write(" where")
+ write(" -d N -- initial line length {default: 0.02")
+ write(" -a N -- angle of change (degrees) {144}")
+ write(" -i N -- incremental change to line {0.01}")
+ write(" -n N -- number of lines to draw {100}")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/spiro.icn b/ipl/gprogs/spiro.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42ac1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/spiro.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# File: spiro.icn
+# Subject: Program to display spirograph lines
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler
+# Date: June 17, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 1.0
+# Comments: This program displays spirograph-like output
+# There are two methods of drawing: epitrochoid, where
+# the secondary circle moves around the outside of the
+# primary circle, and hypotrochoid (the default here),
+# where the secondary circle moves around the inside of
+# the primary circle.
+# See the procedure 'helpmsg' for command line options
+# (or run as 'spiro -help')
+# Waits for a window event before closing window
+# Links: glib, wopen
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and co-expressions (for glib.icn)
+link glib # need the turtle graphic stuff
+link wopen
+global win, mono, h, w
+global Window, XMAX, YMAX
+procedure main (args)
+ local a, b, k, t1, t2, N, arg, use_epi, t, alist
+ XMAX := YMAX := 700 # physical screen size
+ w := h := 350.0
+ a := 100.0
+ b := 5.0
+ k := 20.0
+ t1 := 0.0
+ t2 := 1.0 # only roll around once.
+ N := 500
+ while arg := get(args) do {
+ case arg of {
+ "-help"|"-h" : helpmsg()
+ "-epi" : use_epi := "yes"
+ "-a": a := real(get(args))
+ "-b": b := real(get(args))
+ "-k": k := real(get(args))
+ "-t1": t1 := real(get(args))
+ "-t2": t2 := real(get(args))
+ "-N" : N := integer(get(args))
+ }
+ }
+ win := WOpen("label=Spirograph", "width="||XMAX, "height="||YMAX)
+ mono := WAttrib (win, "depth") == "1"
+ Window := set_window(win, point(-w,-h), point(w,h),
+ viewport(point(0,0), point(XMAX, YMAX), win))
+ EraseArea(win)
+ t := turtle(Window, point(w/2, h/2), 0, create |"red")
+ # build list of arguments to pass to parametric equations
+ # (same list for both x and y equations here)
+ alist := [a,b,k]
+ if \use_epi then
+ draw_curve(t,epi_x,alist,epi_y,alist,t1,t2,N)
+ else
+ draw_curve(t,hypo_x,alist,hypo_y,alist,t1,t2,N)
+ # sit and wait for an event on the window.
+ Event(win)
+ close(win)
+procedure epi_x(t,a[])
+ static twopi
+ local ab
+ initial twopi := 2*&pi
+ ab := a[1]+a[2]
+ return (ab)*cos(twopi*t) - a[3]*cos(twopi*((ab)*t)/a[2])
+procedure epi_y(t,a[])
+ static twopi
+ local ab
+ initial twopi := 2*&pi
+ ab := a[1]+a[2]
+ return (ab)*sin(twopi*t) - a[3]*sin(twopi*((ab)*t)/a[2])
+procedure hypo_x(t,a[])
+ static twopi
+ local ab
+ initial twopi := 2*&pi
+ ab := a[1]-a[2]
+ return (ab)*cos(twopi*t) + a[3]*cos(twopi*((ab)*t)/a[2])
+procedure hypo_y(t,a[])
+ static twopi
+ local ab
+ initial twopi := 2*&pi
+ ab := a[1]-a[2]
+ return (ab)*sin(twopi*t) - a[3]*sin(twopi*((ab)*t)/a[2])
+procedure helpmsg()
+ write("Usage: Spiro [-a r] [-b r] [-k r] [-t1 r] [-t2 r] [-N n] [-epi]")
+ write()
+ write("where:")
+ write("\t-a r - radius of center circle {default 100}")
+ write("\t-b r - radius of moving circle {5}")
+ write("\t-k r - distance of pen from center of moving circle {20}")
+ write("\t-t1 r - initial value for parameter {0.0}")
+ write("\t-t2 r - final value for parameter {1.0 (one revolutio)}")
+ write("\t-N n - number of intervals to draw {500}")
+ write("\t-epi - use epitrochoid instead of hypotrochoid")
+ stop()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/splat.icn b/ipl/gprogs/splat.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c85f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/splat.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# File: splat.icn
+# Subject: Program to drop paint splatters in a window
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: September 30, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# usage: splat [nspots [diameter]]
+# splat draws random circular spots in a window. The number of spots
+# and maximum diameter can be passed as command options.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, random
+link graphics
+link random
+procedure main(args)
+ local w, h, n, m, d
+ Window("size=800,500", args)
+ w := WAttrib("width")
+ h := WAttrib("height")
+ n := integer(args[1]) | 1000
+ m := integer(args[2]) | 100
+ randomize()
+ every 1 to n do {
+ Shade(RandomColor())
+ d := (?m * ?m * ?m) / (m * m)
+ FillArc(?(w - d - 1), ?(h - d - 1), d, d)
+ }
+ WDone()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/spokes.icn b/ipl/gprogs/spokes.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0c2c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/spokes.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# File: spokes.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw spokes design
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: September 13, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws "spokes" patterns.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -g run continuously; ignore user events; default: process user
+# events
+# -l i limit on number of iterations, default 2 ^ 10
+# -n i maximum number of spokes, default 50
+# -s i size of window (width/height); default 256
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: interact, options, wopen
+link interact
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local i, j, k, angle, incr, xpoint, ypoint, size, radius, opts
+ local extent, max, limit, run
+ opts := options(args, "gl+n+s+")
+ extent := \opts["s"] | 256
+ limit := \opts["l"] | (2 ^ 10)
+ max := \opts["n"] | 50
+ run := opts["g"]
+ radius := extent / 4
+ WOpen("label=spokes", "width=" || extent, "height=" || extent,
+ "bg=light gray", "dx=" || (extent / 2), "dy=" || (extent / 2)) |
+ ExitNotice("Cannot open window.")
+ every 1 to limit do {
+ i := ?max
+ if i < 4 then i+:= 3 + ?10 # too few doesn't work well ...
+ angle := 0.0
+ incr := 2 * &pi / i
+ every j := 1 to i do {
+ spokes(radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle), radius, i, angle)
+ angle +:= incr
+ }
+ if /run then repeat case Event() of {
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": snapshot()
+ "n": break
+ }
+ WDelay(1000)
+ EraseArea()
+ }
+procedure spokes(x, y, r, i, angle)
+ local incr, j
+ incr := 2 * &pi / i
+ every j := 1 to i do {
+ DrawLine(x, y, x + r * cos(angle), y + r * sin(angle))
+ angle +:= incr
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/striper.icn b/ipl/gprogs/striper.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cf4f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/striper.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# File: striper.icn
+# Subject: Program to make striped pattern from image edge
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: March 14, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program takes the left column or top row of pixels of an image
+# and creates a 1 x n or n x 1 image file from it. The result, when
+# tiled, is a striped pattern.
+# This program is useful for creating regular striped patterns from
+# scans.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -d s stripe direction:
+# "h" horizontal (the default)
+# "v" vertical
+# "b" both horizontal and vertical
+# -p s prefix for GIF file names, default "stripes_"
+# -w i width of swatch, default 1
+# -x i x offset, default 0
+# -y i y offset, default 0
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, wopen
+link options
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, hidden, count, prefix, opts, w, h, v, x, y
+ opts := options(args, "d:w+p:x+y+")
+ prefix := \opts["p"] | "stripes_"
+ w := \opts["w"] | 1
+ x := \opts["x"] | 0
+ y := \opts["y"] | 0
+ case opts["d"] of {
+ "h": h := 1
+ "v": v := 1
+ "b": {
+ h := 1
+ v := 1
+ }
+ &null: h := 1
+ default: stop("Invalid direcTion specification")
+ }
+ count := 0
+ every file := !args do {
+ hidden := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", file)
+ next
+ }
+ if \h then {
+ WriteImage(hidden, prefix || right(count +:= 1, 3, "0") || ".gif",
+ x, 0, w, WAttrib(hidden, "height")) |
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot write image file")
+ }
+ if \v then {
+ WriteImage(hidden, prefix || right(count +:= 1, 3, "0") || ".gif",
+ 0, y, WAttrib(hidden, "width"), w) |
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot write image file")
+ }
+ WClose(hidden)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/subdemo.icn b/ipl/gprogs/subdemo.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881d888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/subdemo.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# File: subdemo.icn
+# Subject: Program to show the turtle graphics subset
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 31, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# subdemo displays various random designs in a window using the
+# turtle graphics subset library procedures. Click in the window,
+# or enter a character on the keyboard, to start a new design.
+# The following keyboard characters have meaning:
+# w or W: random walk
+# b or B: fractal bush (looks like "desert broom")
+# s or S: spiral design
+# p or P: polygon design
+# t or T: rectangular tiling
+# r or R: radial tiling
+# \n, \r, \t, or SP: choose design randomly
+# q or Q: exit program
+# 0: pause drawing
+# 1, ... 9: set speed of drawing (9 is fastest)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, optwindw, subturtl, random, graphics
+link options
+link optwindw
+link subturtl
+link random
+link graphics
+global msec # delay between drawing actions
+global event # interrupting event, if any
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, dlist, p, e
+ opts := options(args, winoptions())
+ /opts["W"] := /opts["H"] := 500
+ &window := optwindow(opts)
+ randomize()
+ dlist := [walk, bush, poly, spiral, tile, radial]
+ msec := 0
+ event := "\r"
+ repeat {
+ e := \event | Event()
+ event := &null
+ case e of {
+ QuitEvents(): break
+ "\n" | "\r" | "\t" | " ": run(?dlist)
+ &lrelease | &mrelease | &rrelease: run(?dlist)
+ "b" | "B": run(bush)
+ "w" | "W": run(walk)
+ "s" | "S": run(spiral)
+ "p" | "P": run(poly)
+ "t" | "T": run(tile)
+ "r" | "R": run(radial)
+ "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9": setdelay(e)
+ }
+ }
+# run(p) -- execute procedure p after resetting screen environment
+procedure run(p)
+ TReset()
+ return p()
+# continue() -- delay and check for interrupts
+# Every demo should call this periodically and should exit if it fails.
+# The global "event" is set to the interrupting event and can be checked
+# to exit from recursive calls.
+procedure continue()
+ local evlist
+ event := &null
+ delay(msec)
+ if *Pending() = 0 then
+ return
+ event := Event()
+ if setdelay(event) then {
+ event := &null
+ return
+ }
+ else
+ fail
+# setdelay(e) -- handle delay-setting event, or fail
+procedure setdelay(e)
+ while e === "0" do # 0 is pause -- wait until anything else input
+ e := Event()
+ if type(e) == "string" & *e = 1 & (e ? any(&digits)) then {
+ if e === "9" then
+ msec := 0
+ else
+ msec := ishift(1, 12 - e)
+ return
+ }
+ else
+ fail
+#################### drawing routines ####################
+procedure walk() # random walk
+ local stepsize, maxturn, bias
+ maxturn := 30
+ bias := 1
+ while continue() do
+ every 1 to 10 do {
+ TDraw(1)
+ TRight(?maxturn - maxturn/2.0 + bias)
+ }
+procedure bush(n, len) # fractal bush
+ local maxturn
+ if /n then {
+ TSkip(-150)
+ n := 4 + ?4
+ len := 400 / n
+ }
+ maxturn := 60
+ TSave()
+ TRight(?maxturn - maxturn / 2.0)
+ TDraw(?len)
+ if n > 0 & /event then {
+ continue()
+ every 1 to ?4 do
+ bush(n - 1, len)
+ }
+ TRestore()
+procedure poly() # regular nonconvex polygon
+ local angle, side, x0, y0
+ angle := 60 + ?119
+ side := 200 - 100 * cos(dtor(angle))
+ x0 := WAttrib("width") / 2 - side / 2
+ y0 := WAttrib("height") / 2 - side / 3
+ TGoto(x0, y0)
+ TLeft(THeading()) # set heading to zero (East)
+ while continue() do {
+ TDraw(side)
+ TRight(angle)
+ if abs(TX() - x0) + abs(TY() - y0) < 1 then break
+ }
+procedure spiral() # polygon spiral
+ local angle, side, incr
+ angle := 30 + ?149
+ incr := sqrt(4 * ?0) + 0.3
+ side := 0
+ while side < 1000 & continue() do {
+ TDraw(side +:= incr)
+ TRight(angle)
+ }
+procedure tile()
+ local i, j, n, x0, y0, x, y, dx, dy, f, m
+ n := 5
+ x0 := WAttrib("width") / 2
+ y0 := WAttrib("height") / 2
+ dx := x0 / n
+ dy := y0 / n
+ f := mkfig(?10)
+ x := dx / 2
+ m := dx + dy
+ every i := 1 to n do {
+ y := dy / 2
+ every j := 1 to n do {
+ THeading(45)
+ TGoto(x0 + x, y0 + y); every 1 to 4 do { putfig(f, m); TRight(90) }
+ TGoto(x0 + x, y0 - y); every 1 to 4 do { putfig(f, m); TRight(90) }
+ TGoto(x0 - x, y0 + y); every 1 to 4 do { putfig(f, m); TRight(90) }
+ TGoto(x0 - x, y0 - y); every 1 to 4 do { putfig(f, m); TRight(90) }
+ y +:= dy
+ if not continue() then
+ return
+ }
+ x +:= dx
+ }
+procedure radial()
+ local f, i, j, nrings, rwidth, fwd, circ, nfig, da
+ f := mkfig(?8)
+ nrings := 5
+ rwidth := WAttrib("width") / (2 * nrings)
+ every i := 1 to nrings do {
+ circ := &pi * 2 * i * rwidth
+ nfig := integer(circ / 50)
+ nfig := nfig / 2 + ?nfig
+ da := 360.0 / nfig
+ every j := 0 to nfig-1 do {
+ TGoto(WAttrib("width") / 2, WAttrib("height") / 2)
+ TRight(-THeading() + 90 - j * da)
+ TSkip(rwidth * (i - 0.9))
+ putfig(f, rwidth)
+ if not continue() then
+ return
+ }
+ }
+procedure mkfig(nseg)
+ local f
+ f := []
+ every 1 to nseg do {
+ put(f, ?0 / nseg) # draw
+ put(f, -90 + 180 * ?0) # turn
+ }
+ return f
+procedure putfig(f, m)
+ local i
+ TSave()
+ every i := 1 to *f by 2 do {
+ TDraw(m * f[i])
+ TRight(f[i+1])
+ }
+ TRestore()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/sym4mm.icn b/ipl/gprogs/sym4mm.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..717c539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/sym4mm.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# File: sym4mm.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw symmetrically
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program draws with the eight symmetries of the square - 4mm
+# symmetry.
+# It is based on a simple drawing program by Gregg Townsend.
+# Pressing the left mouse button draws a point. Dragging with the left mouse
+# button depressed draws a line. Pressing and dragging with the middle mouse
+# depressed shows a dashed straight line, which is drawn solid when
+# the middle mouse button is released. Dragging with the right mouse
+# button depressed erases in the vicinity of the mouse pointer.
+# Typing "f" toggles restriction of drawing to the "generating region"
+# which is shaded when drawing is restricted.
+# Typing "g" toggles the grid lines.
+# Typing "p" toggles the background in the generating region.
+# Typing "c" clears the window.
+# Typing "s" takes a snapshot, writing a GIF file. File names begin with
+# a prefix, followed by three digits starting at 000 and increasing, and
+# terminated by .GIF.
+# Typing "q" terminates the session.
+# Grid lines and shading are only provided for servers that support mutable
+# colors.
+# The options supported are:
+# -w i width of the window, default 512
+# -h i height of the window, default 512
+# -s i size of square, default 512x512; supersedes -w and -h
+# -p s prefix for image files, default "sym"
+# Note: Although the window does not have to be square, the application is
+# designed to work with a square window.
+# Requires: Graphics
+# Links: options, xio
+link options
+link xio
+procedure main(args)
+ local x, y, opts, number, w, h, prefix, curr, alt, restrict, xc, yc, grid
+ local xd, yd, nonrestrict, palt, pattern, pcurr, x1, y1, x2, y2, delta
+ opts := options(args, "w+h+s+p:")
+ number := -1
+ w := \opts["w"] | 512
+ h := \opts["h"] | 512
+ w := h := \opts["s"]
+ prefix := \opts["p"] | "sym"
+ restrict := 1 # initially restricted
+ nonrestrict := &null
+ WOpen("size=" || w || "," || h) | stop("*** cannot open window")
+ xc := w / 2
+ yc := h / 2
+ w -:= 1 # adjustment for 0-origin indexing
+ h -:= 1
+ curr := "light blue"
+ pcurr := "pink"
+ alt := "white"
+ palt := "white"
+ Pattern("2,#01")
+ if grid := NewColor(curr) then {
+ drawgrid(w, h, grid)
+ }
+ if pattern := NewColor(pcurr) then {
+ shade(w, h, pattern)
+ }
+ repeat case Event() of {
+ "f": {
+ restrict :=: nonrestrict
+ Color(\pattern, pcurr :=: palt)
+ }
+ "q": {
+ exit()
+ }
+ "c": {
+ EraseArea()
+ if \grid then {
+ drawgrid(w, h, grid)
+ shade(w, h, pattern)
+ }
+ }
+ "s": {
+ Color(\grid, "white")
+ Color(\pattern, "white")
+ WriteImage(prefix || right(number +:= 1, 3, 0) || ".gif")
+ Color(\grid, curr)
+ Color(\pattern, pcurr)
+ }
+ "g": {
+ Color(\grid, curr :=: alt)
+ }
+ "p": {
+ Color(\pattern, pcurr :=: palt)
+ }
+ &lpress: {
+ if \restrict & ((real(&x) / (&y + 0.0001) < 1.0) | (&x > xc) |
+ (&y > yc)) then next
+ every DrawPoint(&x | (w - &x), &y | (h - &y))
+ every DrawPoint(&y | (w - &y), &x | (h - &x))
+ x := &x
+ y := &y
+ }
+ &ldrag: {
+ if \x then { # just in case (for artificial events)
+ if \restrict & ((real(x) / (y + 0.0001) < 1.0) | (x > xc) |
+ (y > yc)) then next
+ DrawLine(x, y, &x, &y)
+ DrawLine(w - x, y, w - &x, &y)
+ DrawLine(x, h - y, &x, h - &y)
+ DrawLine(w - x, h - y, w - &x, h - &y)
+ DrawLine(y, x, &y, &x)
+ DrawLine(w - y, x, w - &y, &x)
+ DrawLine(y, h - x, &y, h - &x)
+ DrawLine(w - y, h - x, w - &y, h - &x)
+ }
+ x := &x
+ y := &y
+ }
+ &lrelease: {
+ x := y := &null
+ }
+ &mpress: {
+ x1 := xd := &x
+ y1 := yd := &y
+ WAttrib("linestyle=dashed")
+ WAttrib("drawop=reverse")
+ DrawLine(x1, y1, xd, yd) # start trace line
+ }
+ &mdrag: {
+ DrawLine(x1, y1, xd, yd) # erase current trace line
+ xd := &x
+ yd := &y
+ DrawLine(x1, y1, xd, yd) # draw new trace line
+ }
+ &mrelease: {
+ DrawLine(x1, y1, xd, yd) # erase trace line
+ WAttrib("drawop=copy")
+ WAttrib("linestyle=solid")
+ x2 := &x
+ y2 := &y
+ if \restrict then { # adjust end points
+ if ((x1 > xc) & (x2 > xc)) | ((y1 > yc) & (y2 > yc)) then next
+ if x2 > x1 then {
+ x1 :=: x2
+ y1 :=: y2
+ }
+ if x1 > xc then {
+ y1 := y2 + ((xc - x2) * (y1 - y2)) / (x1 - x2)
+ x1 := xc
+ }
+ if y2 > yc then {
+ x2 := x1 - ((x1 - x2) * (y1 - yc)) / (y1 - y2)
+ y2 := yc
+ }
+ if y1 > y2 then {
+ y1 :=: y2
+ x1 :=: x2
+ }
+ if y1 > x1 then next
+ if y2 > x2 then {
+ delta := real(x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
+ x2 := (x1 - y1 * delta) / (1 - delta)
+ y2 := x2
+ }
+ }
+ DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ DrawLine(w - x1, y1, w - x2, y2)
+ DrawLine(x1, h - y1, x2, h - y2)
+ DrawLine(w - x1, h - y1, w - x2, h - y2)
+ DrawLine(y1, x1, y2, x2)
+ DrawLine(w - y1, x1, w - y2, x2)
+ DrawLine(y1, h - x1, y2, h - x2)
+ DrawLine(w - y1, h - x1, w - y2, h - x2)
+ x := &x
+ y := &y
+ }
+ &rpress | &rdrag: {
+ every EraseArea((&x - 2) | (w - &x - 2),
+ (&y - 2) | (h - &y - 2), 5, 5)
+ every EraseArea((&y - 2) | (w - &y - 2),
+ (&x - 2) | (h - &x - 2), 5, 5)
+ }
+ }
+procedure drawgrid(w, h, grid)
+ Fg(grid)
+ DrawLine(0, 0, w, h)
+ DrawLine(w, 0, 0, h)
+ DrawLine(0, h / 2, w, h / 2)
+ DrawLine(w / 2, 0, w / 2, h)
+ Fg("bleck")
+ return
+procedure shade(w, h, pattern)
+ Fg(pattern)
+ WAttrib("fillstyle=textured")
+ FillPolygon(1, 0, w / 2, 1, w / 2, h / 2, 1, 0)
+ WAttrib("fillstyle=solid")
+ Fg("black")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/symdraw.icn b/ipl/gprogs/symdraw.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc56a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/symdraw.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# File: symdraw.icn
+# Subject: Program to draw symmetrically
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 21, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Pressing the left mouse button draws a point. Dragging with the left mouse
+# button draws a line. Pressing and dragging with the middle mouse
+# shows a dashed straight line, which is drawn solid when
+# the middle mouse button is released. Dragging with the right mouse
+# button erases in the vicinity of the mouse pointer.
+# There are several known bugs:
+# Erasing in restricted mode is bogus outside the generating region.
+# Perfectly vertical and horizontal straight lines are not clipped.
+# Some legal straight lines are not drawn.
+# In other words, the clipping logic is not correct.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, interact, vsetup
+link graphics
+link interact
+link vsetup
+global W, H, X, Y, xc, yc, restrict, nonrestrict, gcurr, pcurr, galt, palt
+global number, xd, yd, pattern, x1, y1, x2, y2, delta, x, y, lines, Pane
+procedure main(args)
+ local pane, vidgets, obg
+ number := -1
+ vidgets := ui()
+ VSet(vidgets["lines"], 1) # Start with lines,
+ VSet(vidgets["shade"], 1) # shading,
+ VSet(vidgets["restrict"], 1) # and restricted drawing enabled.
+ pane := vidgets["pane"]
+ W := pane.uw
+ H := pane.uh
+ X := pane.ux
+ Y :=
+ Pane := Clone("bg=white", "dx=" || X, "dy=" || Y)
+ Clip(Pane, 0, 0, W, H)
+ restrict := 1 # initially restricted
+ nonrestrict := &null
+ xc := W / 2
+ yc := H / 2
+ W -:= 1 # adjustment for 0-origin indexing
+ H -:= 1
+ gcurr := "light blue"
+ pcurr := "pink"
+ galt := "white"
+ palt := "white"
+ Pattern(Pane, "2,#01") # pattern for shading generation region
+ obg := Bg(Pane)
+ Bg(Pane, "white")
+# EraseArea(Pane, 0, 0, W, H)
+ EraseArea(Pane)
+ Bg(Pane, obg)
+ if lines := NewColor(Pane, gcurr) then { # requires mutable colors
+ drawlines()
+ }
+ if pattern := NewColor(Pane, pcurr) then { # requires mutable colors
+ shade()
+ }
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], shortcuts)
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "save @S": save()
+ "help @H": help()
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ }
+ fail
+end # not handled
+procedure pane_cb(vidget, event) # handle drawing events
+ local obg
+ &x -:= X
+ &y -:= Y
+ case event of {
+ &lpress: { # start free-hand drawing
+ if \restrict & ((real(&x) / (&y + 0.0001) < 1.0) | (&x > xc) |
+ (&y > yc)) then fail
+ every DrawPoint(Pane, &x | (W - &x), &y | (H - &y))
+ every DrawPoint(Pane, &y | (W - &y), &x | (H - &x))
+ x := &x
+ y := &y
+ }
+ &ldrag: { # free-hand drawing
+ if \x then { # just in case (for artificial events)
+ if \restrict & ((real(x) / (y + 0.0001) < 1.0) | (x > xc) |
+ (y > yc)) then fail
+ DrawLine(Pane, x, y, &x, &y)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W - x, y, W - &x, &y)
+ DrawLine(Pane, x, H - y, &x, H - &y)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W - x, H - y, W - &x, H - &y)
+ DrawLine(Pane, y, x, &y, &x)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W - y, x, W - &y, &x)
+ DrawLine(Pane, y, H - x, &y, H - &x)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W - y, H - x, W - &y, H - &x)
+ }
+ x := &x
+ y := &y
+ }
+ &lrelease: { # end free-hand drawing
+ x := y := &null
+ }
+ &mpress: { # start straight line
+ x1 := xd := &x
+ y1 := yd := &y
+ WAttrib(Pane, "linestyle=dashed")
+ WAttrib(Pane, "drawop=reverse")
+ DrawLine(Pane, x1, y1, xd, yd) # start trace line
+ }
+ &mdrag: { # locate end of straight line
+ DrawLine(Pane, x1, y1, xd, yd) # erase current trace
+ xd := &x
+ yd := &y
+ DrawLine(Pane, x1, y1, xd, yd) # draw new trace line
+ }
+ &mrelease: { # end straight line
+ DrawLine(Pane, x1, y1, xd, yd) # erase trace line
+ WAttrib(Pane, "drawop=copy")
+ WAttrib(Pane, "linestyle=solid")
+ x2 := &x
+ y2 := &y
+ # This probably can be done in a better way. What's here "just grew"
+ if \restrict then { # adjust end points
+ if ((x1 > xc) & (x2 > xc)) | ((y1 > yc) & (y2 > yc)) then fail
+ if x2 > x1 then {
+ x1 :=: x2
+ y1 :=: y2
+ }
+ if x1 > xc * x1 ~= x2 then {
+ y1 := y2 + ((xc - x2) * (y1 - y2)) / (x1 - x2)
+ x1 := xc
+ }
+ if y2 > yc & y1 ~= y2 then {
+ x2 := x1 - ((x1 - x2) * (y1 - yc)) / (y1 - y2)
+ y2 := yc
+ }
+ if y1 > y2 then {
+ y1 :=: y2
+ x1 :=: x2
+ }
+ if y1 > x1 then fail
+ if y2 > x2 & y1 ~= y2 then {
+ delta := real(x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
+ x2 := (x1 - y1 * delta) / (1 - delta)
+ y2 := x2
+ }
+ }
+ DrawLine(Pane, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W - x1, y1, W - x2, y2)
+ DrawLine(Pane, x1, H - y1, x2, H - y2)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W - x1, H - y1, W - x2, H - y2)
+ DrawLine(Pane, y1, x1, y2, x2)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W - y1, x1, W - y2, x2)
+ DrawLine(Pane, y1, H - x1, y2, H - x2)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W - y1, H - x1, W - y2, H - x2)
+ x := &x
+ y := &y
+ }
+ # This code is not correct when pointer is outside
+ # the generation region.
+ &rpress | &rdrag: { # erase around pointer
+ obg := Bg(Pane)
+ Bg(Pane, "white")
+ every EraseArea(Pane, ((&x - 2) | (W - &x - 2)),
+ ((&y - 2) | (H - &y - 2)), 5, 5)
+ every EraseArea(Pane, ((&y - 2) | (W - &y - 2)),
+ ((&x - 2) | (H - &x - 2)), 5, 5)
+ Bg(Pane, obg)
+ }
+ }
+procedure help() # help (someday)
+ Notice("There is no help to be had")
+procedure shortcuts(event)
+ if &meta & event := string(event) then
+ case map(event) of { # fold case
+ "q": exit()
+ "h": help()
+ "s": save()
+ }
+ return
+procedure lines_cb() # toggle lines
+ Color(Pane, \lines, gcurr :=: galt)
+procedure clear_cb() # clear drawing area
+ local obg
+ obg := Bg(Pane)
+ Bg(Pane, "white")
+ EraseArea(Pane, 0, 0, W, H)
+ Bg(Pane, obg)
+ if \lines then {
+ drawlines()
+ shade()
+ }
+procedure drawlines() # draw lines
+ local ofg, obg
+ ofg := Fg(Pane)
+ obg := Bg(Pane)
+ Fg(Pane, lines)
+ Bg(Pane, "white")
+ DrawLine(Pane, 0, 0, W, H)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W, 0, 0, H)
+ DrawLine(Pane, 0, H / 2, W, H / 2)
+ DrawLine(Pane, W / 2, 0, W / 2, H)
+ Fg(Pane, ofg)
+ Bg(Pane, obg)
+ return
+procedure shade() # shade generating region
+ local ofg, obg
+ ofg := Fg(Pane)
+ obg := Bg(Pane)
+ Fg(Pane, pattern)
+ Bg(Pane, "white")
+ WAttrib(Pane, "fillstyle=textured")
+ FillPolygon(Pane, 1, 0, W / 2, 1, W / 2, H / 2, 1, 0)
+ WAttrib(Pane, "fillstyle=solid")
+ Fg(Pane, ofg)
+ Bg(Pane, obg)
+ return
+procedure save() # save drawing in image file
+ Color(Pane, \lines, "white")
+ Color(Pane, \pattern, "white")
+ snapshot(Pane, 0, 0, W, H)
+ Color(Pane, \lines, gcurr)
+ Color(Pane, \pattern, pcurr)
+procedure restrict_cb() # toggle restriction to generating
+ # region
+ restrict :=: nonrestrict
+procedure shade_cb() # toggle shading of generating region
+ Color(Pane, \pattern, pcurr :=: palt)
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=523,461", "bg=pale-gray", "label=symdraw"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ ["symdraw:Sizer:::0,0,523,461:symdraw",],
+ ["clear:Button:regular::20,45,64,20:clear",clear_cb],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::33,4,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["save @S","help @H","quit @Q"]],
+ ["line:Line:::0,30,528,30:",],
+ ["lines:Button:regular:1:20,84,64,20:lines",lines_cb],
+ ["restrict:Button:regular:1:20,165,64,20:restrict",restrict_cb],
+ ["shade:Button:regular:1:20,125,64,20:shade",shade_cb],
+ ["pane:Rect:grooved::105,45,405,405:",pane_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/sympmm.icn b/ipl/gprogs/sympmm.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e61b092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/sympmm.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# File: sympmm.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce pmm symmetry composite images
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: February 4, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program reflects and concatenates images in the horizontal and
+# vertical directions to produce composite images with the pmm ("prickly
+# pear") plane symmetry. The resulting images tile seamlessly.
+# The composite images are given the base name of the input images with
+# "_pmm" appended.
+# Warning: This program is slow.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, wopen, xformimg
+link basename
+link xformimg
+link wopen
+procedure main(args)
+ local name, base, win1, win2, win3, win4, win5
+ every name := !args do {
+ base := basename(name, ".gif")
+ win1 := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || name) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", name)
+ next
+ }
+ win2 := wreflect(win1, "v")
+ win3 := wcatenate(win1, win2, "h")
+ WClose(win1)
+ WClose(win2)
+ win4 := wreflect(win3, "h")
+ win5 := wcatenate(win3, win4, "v")
+ WClose(win3)
+ WClose(win4)
+ WriteImage(win5, base || "_pmm.gif")
+ WClose(win5)
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/testpatt.icn b/ipl/gprogs/testpatt.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8188e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/testpatt.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# File: testpatt.icn
+# Subject: Program to show test patterns
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: July 18, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# testpatt cycles through a set of test patterns as the return
+# key is pressed. Backspacing cycles in the other direction.
+# The window can be resized at any time. Press "q" to exit.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, imscolor
+link graphics
+link imscolor
+global wwidth, wheight # window width and height
+$define SQUARE 60 # size of squares, in pixels
+# main procedure
+procedure main(args)
+ local patlist
+ Window("size=1000,700", "gamma=1.0", args)
+ &error := 1
+ WAttrib("resize=on")
+ &error := 0
+ patlist := [checkers, grid, ghost, pinstripe, white, bars, palette]
+ # revolving list of procedures
+ reset() # reset display
+ patlist[1]() # display initial pattern
+ repeat case Event() of {
+ !"\r\n": { # \r or \n advances pattern
+ put(patlist, get(patlist))
+ reset()
+ patlist[1]()
+ }
+ !"\b\d": { # \b or \d cycles backwards
+ push(patlist, pull(patlist))
+ reset()
+ patlist[1]()
+ }
+ !"qQ": # q exits the program
+ exit()
+ &resize: { # resize requires redrawing
+ reset()
+ patlist[1]()
+ }
+ }
+# reset() -- prepare for next test
+# The screen is cleared and the fg/bg colors are reset.
+# Each test procedure is responsible for restoring anything else it changes.
+procedure reset()
+ WAttrib("fg=black", "bg=white")
+ EraseArea()
+ wwidth := WAttrib("width")
+ wheight := WAttrib("height")
+ return
+# checkers() -- a checkerboard with additional lines
+# There should be no red or green tinge to the edges of the squares.
+procedure checkers()
+ local x, y
+ WAttrib("drawop=reverse")
+ every x := 0 to wwidth by 2 * SQUARE do {
+ FillRectangle(x, 0, SQUARE, wheight)
+ DrawLine(x + SQUARE / 2, 0, x + SQUARE / 2, wheight)
+ }
+ every y := 0 to wheight by 2 * SQUARE do {
+ FillRectangle(0, y, wwidth, SQUARE)
+ DrawLine(0, y + SQUARE / 2, wwidth, y + SQUARE / 2)
+ }
+ WAttrib("drawop=copy")
+ return
+# grid() -- a grid of white lines
+procedure grid()
+ local x, y
+ FillRectangle()
+ Fg("white")
+ every x := SQUARE / 2 to wwidth by SQUARE do
+ DrawLine(x, 0, x, wheight)
+ every y := SQUARE / 2 to wheight by SQUARE do
+ DrawLine(0, y, wwidth, y)
+ return
+# ghost() -- generate ghosting pattern
+# Look for white echoes of the black vertical lines
+# displaced about 1mm to their right.
+procedure ghost()
+ $define NSTEPS 12
+ local dx, x1, x2, y1, y2, i, g
+ dx := wwidth / NSTEPS
+ x1 := .10 * dx
+ x2 := .90 * dx
+ y1 := .95 * wheight
+ y2 := .05 * wheight
+ every i := 1 to NSTEPS do {
+ g := i * 65535 / NSTEPS
+ Bg(g || "," || g || "," || g)
+ WAttrib("dx=" || integer((i - 1) * dx))
+ EraseArea(0, 0, dx + 1, wheight)
+ DrawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y1)#, x2, y2)
+ }
+ WAttrib("bg=white", "dx=0")
+ return
+# pinstripe() -- generate vertical pinstripe pattern
+# The moire patterns that result on a Trinitron-type CRT
+# reveal the consistency of pixel sizing across the display.
+procedure pinstripe()
+ WAttrib("pattern=2,#2", "fillstyle=textured")
+ FillRectangle()
+ WAttrib("fillstyle=solid")
+ return
+# white() -- generate a white screen
+procedure white()
+ return
+# bars() -- generate color bars
+procedure bars()
+ local dx, i
+ dx := (wwidth + 7) / 8
+ "black blue red magenta green cyan yellow white " ?
+ every i := 0 to 7 do {
+ Fg(tab(upto(' ')))
+ move(1)
+ FillRectangle(i * dx, 0, dx, wheight)
+ }
+ return
+# palette() -- draw color palettes
+procedure palette()
+ local dx
+ dx := (wwidth + 3) / 4
+ drawpalette("c1", 0, 0, dx, wheight, "")
+ drawpalette("c1", dx, 0, dx, wheight, "l")
+ drawpalette("c1", 2 * dx, 0, dx, wheight, "o")
+ drawpalette("c1", 3 * dx, 0, dx, wheight, "")
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/textures.icn b/ipl/gprogs/textures.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3069650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/textures.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# File: textures.icn
+# Subject: Program to show various 4x4 patterns
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 31, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# textures illustrates many different patterns that can be
+# created by tiling a 4x4 pixel cell.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics
+link graphics
+global win
+procedure main(args)
+ local cols, rows, xsiz, ysiz, gutter, w, h, pats, i, x, y, s
+ pats := [
+ "#0000 #0010 #8010 #0820 #0420 #1040",
+ "#8050 #0124 #0424 #0260 #0142 #0610 #0224 #0601 #2208",
+ "#A050 #0161 #1414 #0660 #1284 #4221 #0168 #1144 #0505 _
+ #0258 #0158 #8421 #4510 #0306",
+ "#A052 #8641 #8443 #1922 #0272 #0525 #0515 #0433 #281C",
+ "#A452 #0356 #2C34 #2A54 #1C32 #8711 #88E1 #0555 #0707 #070D #5451",
+ "#A552 #8356 #2F22 #2555 #0787 #5A1A #124F #121F #9887",
+ "#6666 #5555 #5AA5 #A5A5 #9696 #0F0F #0FF0"]
+ cols := 2 * *pats - 1
+ rows := 16
+ xsiz := 36
+ ysiz := 30
+ gutter := 6
+ w := cols * xsiz + (cols + 1) * gutter - 1
+ h := rows * ysiz + (rows + 1) * gutter - 1
+ win := open("textures", "g", "width="||w, "height="||h)
+ Shade(win, "gray")
+ FillRectangle(win, 0, 0, w, h)
+ Fg(win, "black")
+ WAttrib(win, "fillstyle=textured")
+ every i := 1 to *pats do {
+ y := gutter
+ x := gutter + 2 * (xsiz + gutter) * (i - 1)
+ pats[i] ? {
+ while tab(upto('#')) do {
+ s := move(5)
+ rect(x, y, xsiz, ysiz, s)
+ rect(x + xsiz + gutter, y, xsiz, ysiz,
+ map(s, "0123456789ABCDEF", "FEDCBA9876543210"))
+ y +:= ysiz + gutter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ WDone(win)
+procedure rect(x, y, w, h, s)
+ Pattern(win, "1,1")
+ DrawLine(win, x + w, y - 1, x + w, y + h, x - 1, y + h)
+ Pattern(win, "1,0")
+ DrawLine(win, x - 1, y + h, x - 1, y - 1, x + w, y - 1)
+ Pattern(win, "4," || s)
+ FillRectangle(win, x, y, w, h)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/tgdemo.icn b/ipl/gprogs/tgdemo.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c66fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/tgdemo.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# File: tgdemo.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate turtle graphics
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 31, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# tgdemo displays various random designs in a window using the
+# turtle graphics library procedures. Click in the window, or
+# enter a character on the keyboard, to start a new design.
+# The following keyboard characters have meaning:
+# w or W: random walk
+# b or B: fractal bush (looks like "desert broom")
+# s or S: spiral design
+# p or P: polygon design
+# t or T: rectangular tiling
+# r or R: radial tiling
+# \n, \r, \t, or SP: choose design randomly
+# q or Q: exit program
+# 0: pause drawing
+# 1, ... 9: set speed of drawing (9 is fastest)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, optwindw, turtle, random, graphics
+link options
+link optwindw
+link turtle
+link random
+link graphics
+global msec # delay between drawing actions
+global event # interrupting event, if any
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, dlist, p, e
+ opts := options(args, winoptions())
+ /opts["W"] := /opts["H"] := 500
+ &window := optwindow(opts)
+ randomize()
+ dlist := [walk, bush, poly, spiral, tile, radial]
+ msec := 0
+ event := "\r"
+ repeat {
+ e := \event | Event()
+ event := &null
+ case e of {
+ QuitEvents(): break
+ "\n" | "\r" | "\t" | " ": run(?dlist)
+ &lrelease | &mrelease | &rrelease: run(?dlist)
+ "b" | "B": run(bush)
+ "w" | "W": run(walk)
+ "s" | "S": run(spiral)
+ "p" | "P": run(poly)
+ "t" | "T": run(tile)
+ "r" | "R": run(radial)
+ "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9": setdelay(e)
+ }
+ }
+# run(p) -- execute procedure p after resetting screen environment
+procedure run(p)
+ TReset()
+ return p()
+# continue() -- delay and check for interrupts
+# Every demo should call this periodically and should exit if it fails.
+# The global "event" is set to the interrupting event and can be checked
+# to exit from recursive calls.
+procedure continue()
+ local evlist
+ event := &null
+ delay(msec)
+ if *Pending() = 0 then
+ return
+ event := Event()
+ if setdelay(event) then {
+ event := &null
+ return
+ }
+ else
+ fail
+# setdelay(e) -- handle delay-setting event, or fail
+procedure setdelay(e)
+ while e === "0" do # 0 is pause -- wait until anything else input
+ e := Event()
+ if type(e) == "string" & *e = 1 & (e ? any(&digits)) then {
+ if e === "9" then
+ msec := 0
+ else
+ msec := ishift(1, 12 - e)
+ return
+ }
+ else
+ fail
+#################### drawing routines ####################
+procedure walk() # random walk
+ local stepsize, maxturn, bias
+ maxturn := 30
+ bias := 1
+ while continue() do
+ every 1 to 10 do {
+ TDraw(1)
+ TRight(?maxturn - maxturn/2.0 + bias)
+ }
+procedure bush(n, len) # fractal bush
+ local maxturn
+ if /n then {
+ TSkip(-150)
+ n := 4 + ?4
+ len := 400 / n
+ }
+ maxturn := 60
+ TSave()
+ TRight(?maxturn - maxturn / 2.0)
+ TDraw(?len)
+ if n > 0 & /event then {
+ continue()
+ every 1 to ?4 do
+ bush(n - 1, len)
+ }
+ TRestore()
+procedure poly() # regular nonconvex polygon
+ local angle, side, x0, y0
+ angle := 60 + ?119
+ side := 200 - 100 * cos(dtor(angle))
+ x0 := WAttrib("width") / 2 - side / 2
+ y0 := WAttrib("height") / 2 - side / 3
+ TGoto(x0, y0, 0)
+ while continue() do {
+ TDraw(side)
+ TRight(angle)
+ if abs(TX() - x0) + abs(TY() - y0) < 1 then break
+ }
+procedure spiral() # polygon spiral
+ local angle, side, incr
+ angle := 30 + ?149
+ incr := sqrt(4 * ?0) + 0.3
+ side := 0
+ while side < 1000 & continue() do {
+ TDraw(side +:= incr)
+ TRight(angle)
+ }
+procedure tile()
+ local i, j, n, x0, y0, x, y, dx, dy, f
+ n := 5
+ x0 := WAttrib("width") / 2
+ y0 := WAttrib("height") / 2
+ dx := x0 / n
+ dy := y0 / n
+ f := mkfig(?10)
+ x := dx / 2
+ TScale(dx + dy)
+ every i := 1 to n do {
+ y := dy / 2
+ every j := 1 to n do {
+ THeading(45)
+ TGoto(x0 + x, y0 + y); every 1 to 4 do { putfig(f); TRight(90) }
+ TGoto(x0 + x, y0 - y); every 1 to 4 do { putfig(f); TRight(90) }
+ TGoto(x0 - x, y0 + y); every 1 to 4 do { putfig(f); TRight(90) }
+ TGoto(x0 - x, y0 - y); every 1 to 4 do { putfig(f); TRight(90) }
+ y +:= dy
+ if not continue() then
+ return
+ }
+ x +:= dx
+ }
+procedure radial()
+ local f, i, j, nrings, rwidth, fwd, circ, nfig, da
+ f := mkfig(?8)
+ nrings := 5
+ rwidth := WAttrib("width") / (2 * nrings)
+ TScale(rwidth)
+ every i := 1 to nrings do {
+ circ := &pi * 2 * i * rwidth
+ nfig := integer(circ / 50)
+ nfig := nfig / 2 + ?nfig
+ da := 360.0 / nfig
+ every j := 0 to nfig-1 do {
+ TGoto(, , 90 - j * da)
+ TSkip(i - 0.9)
+ putfig(f)
+ if not continue() then
+ return
+ }
+ }
+procedure mkfig(nseg)
+ local f
+ f := []
+ every 1 to nseg do {
+ put(f, ?0 / nseg) # draw
+ put(f, -90 + 180 * ?0) # turn
+ }
+ return f
+procedure putfig(f)
+ local i
+ TSave()
+ every i := 1 to *f by 2 do {
+ TDraw(f[i])
+ TRight(f[i+1])
+ }
+ TRestore()
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/tilescan.icn b/ipl/gprogs/tilescan.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..395d000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/tilescan.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+# File: tilescan.icn
+# Subject: Program to select tile from an image
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: December 14, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program is designed to assist in locating areas within an image
+# that, when tiled, produce a desired effect. For example, a background
+# may consist of a tiled image; this program can be used to find the
+# smallest tile for the repeat (by "eye-balling"). It's worth noting
+# that interesting images can be found for other settings. For example,
+# another interesting use of this program is to produce striped patterns by
+# selecting a row or column of an image to get a tile that is one character
+# wide. Sometimes a few rows or columns give an interesting "fabric"
+# effect.
+# There are three windows:
+# the VIB control window
+# the source image window
+# a repeat window, which shows the selection from the source
+# image, tiled.
+# The selection from the source image is shown as a marquee in the
+# source image window. When a source image is loaded, the marquee starts
+# with the entire image. The marquee can be changed by buttons and
+# arrow-key events on the control window (not the source image window).
+# The arrow keys have two modes. With no modifier, they nudge the
+# location of the marquee. With the meta-key modifier, they nudge
+# the dimensions of the marquee.
+# The reset button resets the marquee to the entire image.
+# The current selection can be mirrored using the mirror button.
+# The following features are provided through keyboard shortcuts,
+# the File menu, and in some cases, on-board buttons:
+# @M mirror selection
+# @M mirror selection
+# @O open new source image
+# @P pick a source image from GIF files in the current directory
+# @Q quit application
+# @S save current selection as an image
+# The repeat window can be resized by the user, but it is not redrawn
+# until the marque is changed or the refresh button is pushed.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics, UNIX (for "pick" feature)
+# Links: grecords, interact, mirror, tile
+# Includes: keysyms.icn
+link grecords
+link interact
+link mirror
+link tile
+$include "keysyms.icn"
+# Globals related to windows:
+global controls # VIB control window
+global pattern # repeat window
+global screen # source image window visible
+global source # source image window hidden
+global symmetry # mirroring window
+global posx # x position relative to interface window
+global posy # y position relative to repeat window
+global sx # marquee location information
+global sy
+# Globals related to the selection:
+global current # current selection record
+global hmax # maximum height of source image
+global wmax # maximum width of source image
+global previous # previous selection record
+global vidgets # table of interface vidgets
+procedure main()
+ local atts, x1, y1
+ atts := ui_atts()
+ put(atts, "posx=10", "posy=10")
+ controls := (WOpen ! atts) | ExitNotice("Cannot open control window.")
+ vidgets := ui()
+ init()
+ repeat {
+ while *Pending(controls) > 0 do
+ ProcessEvent(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+ while *Pending(\screen) > 0 do
+ if Event(screen) === &lpress then draw_marquee()
+ }
+# Callback that handles all the buttons that change x, y, w, and h.
+procedure dimens_cb(vidget, value)
+ if /source then fail
+ # Cute code alert: The selected reversible assignment is performed
+ # and passed to check(). It checks the resulting selection rectangle
+ # and fails if it's not valid. That failure causes the reversible
+ # assignment to be undone and the expression fails, leaving the
+ # selection as it was.
+ case value of {
+ "w max": current.w := (wmax - current.x)
+ "h max": current.h := (hmax - current.y)
+ "w = 1": current.w := 1
+ "h = 1": current.h := 1
+ "full": {
+ current.h := hmax
+ current.w := wmax
+ current.x := 0
+ current.y := 0
+ }
+ "w / 2": check(current.w <- current.w / 2)
+ "h / 2": check(current.h <- current.h / 2)
+ "w * 2": check(current.w <- current.w * 2)
+ "h * 2": check(current.h <- current.h * 2)
+ } | fail
+ show()
+ return
+procedure draw_marquee()
+ local x1, y1
+ current.x := &x
+ current.y := &y
+ current.h := current.w := 0
+ update()
+ repeat {
+ case Event(screen) of {
+ &ldrag: update_marquee()
+ &lrelease: {
+ update_marquee()
+ Raise(controls)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure update_marquee()
+ if &x < 0 then &x := 0
+ if &y < 0 then &y := 0
+ if &x > wmax then &x := wmax
+ if &y > hmax then &y := hmax
+ current.w := &x - current.x
+ current.h := &y - current.y
+ show()
+ return
+procedure location_cb(vidget, value)
+ if /source then fail
+ # Cute code alert: The selected reversible assignment is performed
+ # and passed to check(). It checks the resulting selection rectangle
+ # and fails if it's not valid. That failure causes the reversible
+ # assignment to be undone and the expression fails, leaving the
+ # selection as it was.
+ case value of {
+ "nw": current.x := current.y := 0
+ "ne": {
+ current.x := wmax - current.w
+ current.y := 0
+ }
+ "se": {
+ current.x := wmax - current.w
+ current.y := hmax - current.h
+ }
+ "sw": {
+ current.x := 0
+ current.y := hmax - current.h
+ }
+ "x max": current.x := wmax - current.w
+ "y max": current.y := hmax - current.h
+ "center": {
+ current.x := (wmax - current.w) / 2
+ current.y := (hmax - current.h) / 2
+ }
+ "home": {
+ current.x := 0
+ current.y := 0
+ }
+ "x / 2": current.x <- current.x / 2
+ "y / 2": current.y <- current.y / 2
+ "x * 2": check(current.x <- current.x * 2)
+ "y * 2": check(current.y <- current.y * 2)
+ } | fail
+ show()
+ return
+# Check validity of selection.
+procedure check()
+ if
+ (0 <= current.w <= (wmax - current.x)) &
+ (0 <= current.h <= (hmax - current.y)) &
+ (0 <= current.x <= hmax) &
+ (0 <= current.y <= wmax)
+ then return else {
+ Alert()
+ fail
+ }
+# Copy hidden source window to a visible window.
+procedure copy_source(label)
+ screen := WOpen(
+ "size=" || WAttrib(source, "width") || "," || WAttrib(source, "height"),
+ "posx=" || posx,
+ "posy=" || posy,
+ "label=" || label,
+ "drawop=reverse",
+ "linestyle=onoff"
+ ) | ExitNotice("Cannot open image window.")
+ CopyArea(source, screen)
+ Raise(controls)
+ wmax := WAttrib(source, "width")
+ hmax := WAttrib(source, "height")
+ WAttrib(pattern, "width=" || (WAttrib(screen, "width")))
+ WAttrib(pattern, "height=" || (WAttrib(screen, "height")))
+ EraseArea(pattern)
+ current := rect(0, 0, wmax, hmax)
+ show()
+ return
+# File menu callback.
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "open @O": get_image()
+ "pick @P": pick()
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ "save @S": save_cb()
+ "save mirrored": mirror_snap()
+ }
+ return
+# Utility procedure to get new source image.
+procedure get_image()
+ WClose(\source)
+ WClose(\screen)
+ WClose(\symmetry)
+ EraseArea(pattern)
+ repeat {
+ (OpenDialog("Open image:") == "Okay") | fail
+ source := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Can't open " || dialog_value || ".")
+ next
+ }
+ copy_source(dialog_value)
+ wmax := WAttrib(source, "width")
+ hmax := WAttrib(source, "height")
+ break
+ }
+ return
+# These values are for Motif; they may need to be changed for other
+# window managers.
+$define Offset1 32
+$define Offset2 82
+# Initialize the program.
+procedure init()
+ local iheight
+ posx := WAttrib(controls, "width") + Offset1
+ iheight := WAttrib(controls, "height")
+ pattern := WOpen("label=repeat", "resize=on", "size=" || iheight ||
+ "," || iheight, "posx=" || posx, "posy=10") |
+ ExitNotice("Cannot open pattern window.")
+ posy := WAttrib(pattern, "height") + Offset2
+ sx := vidgets["text"].ax
+ sy := vidgets["text"].ay
+ Raise(controls)
+ return
+procedure update()
+ # Update selection information on interface.
+ WAttrib(controls, "drawop=reverse")
+ DrawString(controls, sx, sy, "marquee: x=" || (\previous).x || " y=" ||
+ previous.y || " w=" || previous.w || " h=" || previous.h)
+ DrawString(controls, sx, sy, "marquee: x=" || current.x || " y=" ||
+ current.y || " w=" || current.w || " h=" || current.h)
+ WAttrib(controls, "drawop=copy")
+ # Update the selection rectangle.
+ DrawRectangle(screen, (\previous).x, previous.y, previous.w, previous.h)
+ DrawRectangle(screen, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h)
+ previous := copy(current)
+ return
+procedure mirror_cb()
+ if /source then {
+ Notice("No source window.")
+ fail
+ }
+ if current.w < 0 then {
+ current.w := -current.w
+ current.x -:= current.w
+ }
+ if current.h < 0 then {
+ current.h := -current.h
+ current.y -:= current.h
+ }
+ WClose(\symmetry)
+ symmetry := mirror(source, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h) | {
+ Notice("Cannot mirror tile.")
+ fail
+ }
+ # In case the window manager opens a window larger than requested ...
+ tile(symmetry, pattern, 0, 0, current.w * 2, current.h * 2)
+ # Hide it but keep it in case the user wants to save it.
+ WAttrib(symmetry, "canvas=hidden")
+ Raise(controls)
+ return
+procedure mirror_snap()
+ snapshot(\symmetry, 0, 0, current.w * 2, current.h * 2) | {
+ Notice("No mirrored tile.")
+ fail
+ }
+ return
+# Utility procedure to let user pick an image file in the current directory.
+procedure pick()
+ local plist, ls
+ plist := filelist("*.gif *.GIF") | {
+ Notice("Pick not supported on this platform.")
+ fail
+ }
+ if *plist = 0 then {
+ Notice("No files found.")
+ fail
+ }
+ repeat {
+ if SelectDialog("Select image file:", plist, plist[1]) == "Cancel"
+ then fail
+ WClose(\source)
+ WClose(\screen)
+ WClose(\symmetry)
+ EraseArea(pattern)
+ source := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open " || dialog_value || ".")
+ next
+ }
+ copy_source(dialog_value)
+ break
+ }
+ return
+# Callback to terminate program execution.
+procedure quit_cb()
+ exit()
+procedure refresh_cb()
+ tile(source, pattern, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h)
+ return
+# Callback procedure to allow use of standard tile sizes.
+procedure select_cb(vidget, value)
+ if /source then fail
+ check(current.w <- current.h <-
+ case value of {
+ " 4 x 4": 4
+ " 8 x 8": 8
+ " 16 x 16": 16
+ " 32 x 32": 32
+ " 64 x 64": 64
+ " 72 x 72": 72
+ " 96 x 96": 96
+ " 100 x 100": 100
+ " 128 x 128": 128
+ " 200 x 200": 200
+ " 256 x 256": 256
+ " 400 x 400": 400
+ " 512 x 512": 512
+ }) | fail
+ show()
+ return
+# Callback to allow setting of specific selection rectangle values.
+procedure set_cb()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Set values:",
+ ["x", "y", "w", "h"],
+ [current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h ]
+ ) == "Cancel" then fail
+ check(
+ current.x <- integer(dialog_value[1]) &
+ current.y <- integer(dialog_value[2]) &
+ current.w <- integer(dialog_value[3]) &
+ current.h <- integer(dialog_value[4])
+ ) | {
+ Notice("Invalid value.")
+ next
+ }
+ show()
+ return
+ }
+# Keyboard shortcuts.
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ case type(e) of {
+ "string": {
+ if &meta then case map(e) of { # fold case
+ "m": mirror_cb()
+ "o": get_image()
+ "p": pick()
+ "q": exit()
+ "s": save_cb()
+ }
+ }
+ "integer": {
+ if &meta then { # nudge dimensions
+ if check(
+ case e of {
+ Key_Left: current.w <- current.w - 1
+ Key_Right: current.w <- current.w + 1
+ Key_Up: current.h <- current.h - 1
+ Key_Down: current.h <- current.h + 1
+ }
+ ) then show() else fail
+ }
+ else { # nudge location
+ if check (
+ case e of {
+ Key_Left: current.x <- current.x - 1
+ Key_Right: current.x <- current.x + 1
+ Key_Up: current.y <- current.y - 1
+ Key_Down: current.y <- current.y + 1
+ }
+ ) then show() else fail
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Procedure to handle all that goes with a new selection.
+procedure show()
+ local x, y, w, h
+ if /source then {
+ Notice("No source image.")
+ fail
+ }
+ x := current.x
+ y := current.y
+ w := current.w
+ h := current.h
+ if w < 0 then
+ x -:= (w := -w)
+ if h < 0 then
+ y -:= (h := -h)
+ tile(source, pattern, x, y, w, h)
+ update()
+ return
+# Utility procedure to save current selection.
+procedure save_cb()
+ return snapshot(\source, current.x, current.y, current.w, current.h) | {
+ Notice("No source image.")
+ fail
+ }
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=445,373", "bg=gray-white"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,445,373:",],
+ ["dim:Label:::209,34,70,13:dimensions",],
+ ["dimens:Choice::9:214,55,64,189:",dimens_cb,
+ ["home","w max","h max","w * 2","h * 2",
+ "w / 2","h / 2","w = 1","h = 1"]],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["open @O","pick @P","save @S ","save mirrored","quit @Q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,22,326,22:",],
+ ["loc:Label:::120,34,56,13:location",],
+ ["location:Choice::11:113,55,71,231:",location_cb,
+ ["nw","ne","se","sw","center",
+ "x max","y max","x * 2","y * 2","x / 2",
+ "y / 2"]],
+ ["mirror:Button:regular::17,126,58,20:mirror",mirror_cb],
+ ["refresh:Button:regular::17,88,58,20:refresh",refresh_cb],
+ ["select:Choice::13:309,55,99,273:",select_cb,
+ [" 4 x 4"," 8 x 8"," 16 x 16"," 32 x 32"," 64 x 64",
+ " 72 x 72"," 96 x 96"," 100 x 100"," 128 x 128"," 200 x 200",
+ " 256 x 256"," 400 x 400"," 512 x 512"]],
+ ["set:Button:regular::17,51,58,20:set",set_cb],
+ ["size:Label:::341,34,28,13:size",],
+ ["text:Button:regularno::17,347,10,20:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/travels.icn b/ipl/gprogs/travels.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e268405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/travels.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,1121 @@
+# File: travels.icn
+# Subject: Program to animate the traveling salesman problem
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: September 17, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: travels [window options] [-q] [npoints]
+# -q (quiet) suppresses commentary normally written to stdout
+# npoints seeds the field with that many initial cities
+# and sets the count for the "reseed" button
+# travels illustrates several heuristic algorithms for obtaining
+# approximate solutions to the traveling salesman problem. Cities may
+# be seeded randomly or entered with the mouse. Speed may be controlled
+# using a slider. The CPU time, number of cities, and path length are
+# displayed on a status line and written to standard output after every
+# major action.
+# Several types of controls are provided. New cities may be added
+# at any time, invalidating any current path. At least two cities must
+# be seeded before a path can be constructed. A path must be constructed
+# before any of the optimization algorithms can be applied.
+# For a description on of the algorithms used, see:
+# David S. Johnson
+# Local Optimization and the Traveling Salesman Problem
+# Proc. 17th Colloquium on Automata, Languages, & Programming
+# Springer-Verlag (1990), pp. 446-461
+# Mouse Actions:
+# Clicking the left mouse button adds a new point.
+# Keyboard Actions:
+# The digit 0 clears all points.
+# The digits 1 through 9 seed 1 to 81 (n ^ 2) new points.
+# Each of the pushbuttons below also has a keyboard equivalent
+# which is indicated on the pushbutton.
+# Pushbuttons:
+# Removing and adding points:
+# Clear Remove all points
+# Reseed Add n random points (a command option, default 20)
+# Path construction:
+# Initial Connect points in order of initialization
+# Random Random path
+# Strip Strip-wise construction
+# NearNbr Nearest-neighbor algorithm
+# NearIns Nearest-insertion algorithm
+# FarIns Farthest-insertion algorithm
+# Greedy Greedy algorithm
+# Optimizations:
+# 2-Adj Swap pairs of adjacent points
+# Uncross Swap pairs of intersecting segments
+# 2-Opt Swap all segment pairs that shorten the path
+# Control:
+# List List coordinates of points on standard output
+# Refresh Redraw the screen
+# Quit Exit the program
+# Delay Slider:
+# The delay slider can be used to slow down the action. It specifies a
+# number of milliseconds to pause before visiting a new point or drawing
+# a new path segment. Its response is nonlinear in order to allow finer
+# control of short delays. Delays are inexact due to system granularity
+# and other problems.
+# Unfortunately, the delay slider can only be changed between actions,
+# not during construction or optimization.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, optwindw, button, slider, evmux, random, graphics
+link options
+link optwindw
+link button
+link slider
+link evmux
+link random
+link graphics
+$define EColor "dark blue" # emphasis color
+global ptlist # list of point records (permanent id order, not route)
+record point(
+ id, # permanent id
+ x, y, # location
+ nxt, prv, # forward and backward links for route
+ t1, t2) # scratch cells for traversal algorithms
+global distlist # list of distance recs (linearized triangular matrix)
+global distsrt # sorted distance list (created when needed)
+record dstrec(
+ d, # distance between two points (x1000, stored as int)
+ p, q) # the two points
+global newpts # non-null if points are new since last report
+global havepath # non-null if we have a valid path
+ # (start from any point and follow links)
+global lastclk # value of &time before last computation
+global delaytime # delay time between steps, in msec
+global opts # command line options
+global nseed # number of points to seed
+global win # main window
+global fgwin # binding for drawing in foreground color
+global emwin # binding for drawing in emphasis color
+global bgwin # binding for erasing in background color
+global m, w, h, bw, bh, fh # screen layout parameters
+global ax, ay, aw, ah # corners and size of arena
+######################### main program #########################
+procedure main(args)
+ local base, pt, sg, hl
+ # get options and open a window
+ opts := options(args, "qE:" || winoptions()) # get options
+ /opts["W"] := 700 # default width
+ /opts["H"] := 500 # default height
+ /opts["E"] := EColor # default emphasis
+ /opts["T"] := "sans,bold,12" # default font
+ /opts["M"] := -1 # use standard margin
+ win := optwindow(opts, "linewidth=2") # open window
+ m := opts["M"] # save specified margin
+ h := opts["H"] # save usable height
+ w := opts["W"] # save usable width
+ bw := 100 # button width
+ bh := 18 # button height
+ fh := 20 # footer height
+ ax := m + bw + m # arena bounds and size
+ ay := m
+ aw := w - bw - m
+ ah := h - fh - m
+ fgwin := Clone(win)
+ emwin := Clone(win, "fg=" || (opts["E"] | EColor | "black"), "linewidth=4")
+ bgwin := Clone(win, "fg=" || Bg(win), "linewidth=4")
+ # set up sensor for adding points
+ sensor(win, &lrelease, addpt, &null, ax, ay, aw, ah)
+ # set up buttons
+ buttonrow(win, m, m, bw, bh, 0, bh + (2 > m | 2),
+ "seeding", &null, &null,
+ "Clear 0", argless, clrpts,
+ "Reseed D", argless, reseed,
+ &null, &null, &null, # spacing
+ "construction", &null, &null,
+ "Initial I", argless, initpath,
+ "Random R", argless, randpath,
+ "Strip S", argless, strippath,
+ "NearNbr B", argless, nearnbr,
+ "NearIns N", argless, nearins,
+ "FarIns F", argless, farins,
+ "Greedy G", argless, greedypath,
+ &null, &null, &null,
+ "optimization", &null, &null,
+ "2-Adj A", argless, twoadj,
+ "Uncross U", argless, uncross,
+ "2-Opt T", argless, twoopt,
+ &null, &null, &null,
+ "control", &null, &null,
+ "Refresh H", argless, refresh,
+ "List L", argless, listpath,
+ &null, &null, &null,
+ "Quit Q", argless, exit,
+ )
+ # set up corresponding keyboard handlers
+ quitsensor(win) # q and Q
+ sensor(win, 'Ii', argless, initpath)
+ sensor(win, 'Rr', argless, randpath)
+ sensor(win, 'Ss', argless, strippath)
+ sensor(win, 'Bb', argless, nearnbr)
+ sensor(win, 'Nn', argless, nearins)
+ sensor(win, 'Ff', argless, farins)
+ sensor(win, 'Gg', argless, greedypath)
+ sensor(win, 'Aa', argless, twoadj)
+ sensor(win, 'Uu', argless, uncross)
+ sensor(win, 'Tt', argless, twoopt)
+ sensor(win, 'Ll', argless, listpath)
+ sensor(win, 'Dd', argless, reseed)
+ sensor(win, 'Hh', argless, refresh)
+ sensor(win, '0', argless, clrpts)
+ sensor(win, '123456789', reseed)
+ # set up speed slider
+ slider(win, setdly, 0, m, m + h - bh, bw, bh, 0, 0, 1)
+ setdly(win, 0, 0)
+ # initialize
+ randomize()
+ clrpts()
+ lastclk := &time
+ if nseed := integer(args[1]) then
+ reseed()
+ else
+ nseed := 20
+ # process events
+ evmux(win)
+# setdly(win, arg, value) -- set delay time
+procedure setdly(win, arg, value)
+ local s, l
+ value := integer(10001 ^ value + 0.5) - 1
+ delaytime := value
+ s := " delay " || value || " "
+ l := TextWidth(win, s)
+ GotoXY(win, m + (bw - l) / 2, m + h - bh - m / 2)
+ writes(win, s)
+ return
+# pause() -- delay according to the current setting
+procedure pause()
+ if delaytime > 0 then
+ WDelay(win, delaytime)
+ return
+######################### path constructions #########################
+# initpath() -- connect in initial placement order
+procedure initpath()
+ local i
+ bgnpath(0, "placement order...") | fail
+ ptlist[1].nxt := &null
+ every i := 2 to *ptlist do {
+ follow(ptlist[i-1], ptlist[i])
+ pause()
+ }
+ ptlist[-1].nxt := ptlist[1]
+ ptlist[1].prv := ptlist[-1]
+ drawpath(fgwin, ptlist[-1], ptlist[1])
+ havepath := 1
+ report("initial path")
+ return
+# randpath() -- make random connections
+procedure randpath()
+ local l, i, p, q
+ bgnpath(0, "connecting randomly...") | fail
+ l := copy(ptlist) # get copy of point list
+ every i := 1 to *l do # shuffle it
+ l[i] :=: l[?i]
+ p := l[1]
+ q := l[-1]
+ p.nxt := &null
+ every i := 2 to *l do {
+ follow(l[i-1], l[i])
+ pause()
+ }
+ p.prv := q
+ q.nxt := p
+ drawpath(fgwin, q, p)
+ havepath := 1
+ report("random path")
+ return
+# strippath() -- construct using strips
+procedure strippath()
+ local i, l, n, p, q, r
+ if *ptlist < 3 then
+ return
+ bgnpath(0, "stripwise algorithm")
+ n := integer(sqrt(*ptlist) + .5)
+ l := list(n)
+ every !l := list()
+ every p := !ptlist do {
+ i := integer(1 + n * (p.x - ax) / real(aw + 1))
+ put(l[i], p)
+ }
+ every i := 1 to n do
+ l[i] := sortf(l[i], 3)
+ every i := 2 to n by 2 do {
+ r := []
+ every push(r, !l[i])
+ l[i] := r
+ }
+ q := !!l # get first point from first non-empty bin
+ every p := !!l do {
+ q.nxt := p
+ p.prv := q
+ drawpath(fgwin, q, p)
+ q := p
+ pause()
+ }
+ q := !!l
+ p.nxt := q
+ q.prv := p
+ drawpath(fgwin, p, q)
+ havepath := 1
+ report("stripwise algorithm")
+ return
+# nearnbr() -- nearest neighbor
+procedure nearnbr()
+ local f, p, q, s, d
+ bgnpath(1, "nearest neighbor...") | fail
+ f := p := ?ptlist
+ p.nxt := p.prv := &null
+ s := set([p])
+ while *s < *ptlist do {
+ every d := !distsrt do {
+ if d.p === p then
+ q := d.q
+ else if d.q === p then
+ q := d.p
+ else
+ next
+ if member(s, q) then
+ next
+ insert(s, q)
+ p := follow(p, q)
+ p.nxt := &null
+ pause()
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ p.nxt := f
+ f.prv := p
+ drawpath(fgwin, p, f)
+ havepath := 1
+ report("nearest neighbor")
+ return
+# nearins() -- make path using nearest-insertion algorithm
+procedure nearins()
+ local d, p, q, t, todo, mind
+ bgnpath(0, "nearest insertion...") | fail
+ # init path with the two closest points
+ mind := 1000000000
+ every d := !distlist do
+ if mind >:= d.d then {
+ p := d.p
+ q := d.q
+ }
+ p.nxt := p.prv := q
+ q.nxt := q.prv := p
+ drawpath(fgwin, p, q)
+ pause()
+ todo := set(ptlist) # set of points not yet on path
+ every delete(todo, p | q)
+ every t := !todo do
+ t.t1 := dist(t, q) # point.t1 = distance to nearest point on path
+ while *todo > 0 do { # repeat for each new point added to path
+ mind := 1000000000 # mind = minimum distance this pass
+ every t := !todo do {
+ t.t1 >:= dist(t, p) # update pt's dist to path if latest pt closer
+ if mind >:= t.t1 then # check for better (smaller) min d this pass
+ q := t # if nearest so far
+ }
+ # point q is the remaining point nearest from any point on the path
+ joinpath(p, q)
+ delete(todo, q)
+ pause()
+ p := q
+ }
+ havepath := 1
+ redraw()
+ report("nearest insertion")
+ return
+# farins() -- make path using farthest-insertion algorithm
+procedure farins()
+ local d, p, q, t, todo, maxd
+ bgnpath(0, "farthest insertion...") | fail
+ # init path with the two most distant points
+ maxd := -1
+ every d := !distlist do
+ if maxd <:= d.d then {
+ p := d.p
+ q := d.q
+ }
+ p.nxt := p.prv := q
+ q.nxt := q.prv := p
+ drawpath(fgwin, p, q)
+ pause()
+ todo := set(ptlist) # set of points not yet on path
+ every delete(todo, p | q)
+ every t := !todo do
+ t.t1 := dist(t, q) # point.t1 = distance to nearest point on path
+ while *todo > 0 do { # repeat for each new point added to path
+ maxd := -1 # maxd = furthest distance this pass
+ every t := !todo do {
+ t.t1 >:= dist(t, p) # update pt's dist to path if latest pt closer
+ if maxd <:= t.t1 then # check for better (larger) maxd this pass
+ q := t # if farthest so far
+ }
+ # point q is the remaining point farthest from any point on the path
+ joinpath(p, q)
+ delete(todo, q)
+ pause()
+ p := q
+ }
+ havepath := 1
+ redraw()
+ report("farthest insertion")
+ return
+# joinpath(p, q) -- add q at best place in path beginning at p
+procedure joinpath(p, q)
+ local start, best, d
+ d := dist(p, q) + dist(q, p.nxt) - dist(p, p.nxt)
+ start := best := p
+ while (p := p.nxt) ~=== start do
+ if d >:= dist(p, q) + dist(q, p.nxt) - dist(p, p.nxt) then
+ best := p
+ follow(best, q)
+ return
+# greedypath() -- make path using greedy algorithm
+procedure greedypath()
+ local p, q, d, g, need
+ bgnpath(1, "greedy algorithm...") | fail
+ every p := !ptlist do {
+ p.nxt := p.prv := &null
+ p.t1 := # point.t1 = group membership
+ p.t2 := 0 # point.t2 = degree of node
+ }
+ need := *ptlist # number of edges we still need
+ every d := |!distsrt do { # |! is to handle 2-pt case
+ p := d.p
+ q := d.q
+ if p.t2 > 1 | q.t2 > 1 then # if either is fully connected
+ next
+ if p.t1 = q.t1 & need > 1 then # if would be cycle & not done
+ next
+ # now we are committed to adding the point
+ pause()
+ DrawLine(fgwin, p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y) # draw new edge
+ p.t2 +:= 1 # increase degree counts
+ q.t2 +:= 1
+ if /p.nxt <- q & /q.prv := p then { # if q can follow p easily
+ g := q.t1 ~=:= p.t1 | break # break if the final connection
+ while q := \q.nxt do
+ q.t1 := g
+ }
+ else if /q.nxt <- p & /p.prv := q then { # if p can follow q easily
+ g := p.t1 ~=:= q.t1 | break # break if the final connection
+ while p := \p.nxt do
+ p.t1 := g
+ }
+ else if /p.nxt := q then { # implies /q.nxt -- both are chain tails
+ g := p.t1
+ repeat {
+ q.t1 := g
+ q.nxt := q.prv
+ q.prv := p
+ p := q
+ q := \q.nxt | break
+ }
+ }
+ else { # /p.prv & /q.prv -- both are chain heads
+ p.prv := q
+ g := p.t1
+ repeat {
+ q.t1 := g
+ q.prv := q.nxt
+ q.nxt := p
+ p := q
+ q := \q.prv | break
+ }
+ }
+ if (need -:= 1) = 0 then # quit when have all edges
+ break
+ }
+ havepath := 1
+ report("greedy algorithm")
+ return
+# bgnpath(i, msg) -- common setup for path construction
+# i > 0 if *sorted* distance table will be needed
+# msg is status message
+procedure bgnpath(i, msg)
+ if *ptlist < 2 then
+ fail
+ prepdist(i)
+ status(msg)
+ if \havepath then
+ erasepath()
+ havepath := &null
+ lastclk := &time
+ return
+######################### optimizations #########################
+# twoadj() -- swap pairs of adjacent points
+procedure twoadj()
+ local lastchg, nflips, p, q
+ if /havepath then
+ return
+ status("2-adj...")
+ lastclk := &time
+ nflips := 0
+ lastchg := p := ?ptlist # pick random starting point
+ repeat {
+ q := p.nxt.nxt
+ repeat {
+ DrawLine(emwin, p.x, p.y, p.nxt.x, p.nxt.y) # mark current spot
+ if not pairtest(p, q) then # if swap doesn't help
+ break
+ flip(p, q) # do the swap
+ nflips +:= 1 # count it
+ lastchg := p # update point of last change
+ }
+ pause()
+ p := p.nxt
+ if p === lastchg then
+ break # have made complete circuit without changes
+ }
+ report("2-adj (" || nflips || " flips)")
+ refresh()
+ return
+procedure adjtest(p, q)
+ return ((p.nxt.nxt === q) | (q.nxt.nxt === p)) & pairtest(p, q)
+# twoopt() -- swap segments if total path shortens
+procedure twoopt()
+ pairdriver("2-opt", pairtest)
+ return
+# pairtest(p, q) -- succeed if swapping out-segments from p and q shortens path
+procedure pairtest(p, q)
+ return (dist(p,q) + dist(p.nxt,q.nxt)) < (dist(p,p.nxt) + dist(q,q.nxt)) &
+ (not (p === (q.prv | q | q.nxt)))
+# uncross() -- swap intersecting segments
+procedure uncross()
+ pairdriver("uncross", intersect)
+ return
+# intersect(p, q) -- succeed if outward segments from p and q intersect
+# from FAQ, by O'Rourke
+procedure intersect(p, q)
+ local a, b, c, d
+ local xac, xdc, xba, yac, ydc, yba
+ local n1, n2, d12, r, s
+ a := p
+ b := p.nxt
+ c := q
+ d := q.nxt
+ xac := a.x - c.x
+ xdc := d.x - c.x
+ xba := b.x - a.x
+ yac := a.y - c.y
+ ydc := d.y - c.y
+ yba := b.y - a.y
+ n1 := yac * xdc - xac * ydc
+ n2 := yac * xba - xac * yba
+ d12 := real(xba * ydc - yba * xdc)
+ if d12 = 0.0 then
+ fail # lines are parallel or coincident
+ r := n1 / d12
+ s := n2 / d12
+ # intersection point is: (a.x + r * xba, a.y + r * yba)
+ if 0.0 < r < 1.0 & 0.0 < s < 1.0 then
+ return # segments AB and CD do intersect
+ else
+ fail # segments do not intersect (though extensions do)
+# pairdriver(label, tproc) -- driver for "uncross" and "2-opt"
+procedure pairdriver(label, tproc)
+ local slist, todo, nflips, a, p, q
+ if /havepath then
+ return
+ status(label || "...")
+ lastclk := &time
+ nflips := 0
+ slist := list() # initial list of segments
+ every put(slist, path())
+ todo := set() # segments to reconsider
+ while p := get(slist) | ?todo do { # pick candidate segment
+ delete(todo, p)
+ pause()
+ # restart search every time p's outgoing edge changes
+ repeat {
+ DrawLine(emwin, p.x, p.y, p.nxt.x, p.nxt.y) # mark segment in progress
+ # check for swap with every other edge
+ every q := !ptlist do {
+ if tproc(p, q) then { # if test procedure succeeds,
+ # a swap is worthwhile
+ # the path from p.nxt through q will reverse direction;
+ # this will change segment labelings; so fix up "todo" set
+ a := q.prv
+ while a ~=== p do {
+ if member(todo, a) then { # if segment is on list
+ delete(todo, a) # remove under old name
+ insert(todo, a.nxt) # add under new name
+ }
+ a := a.prv
+ }
+ # new segment from p will be done when we loop again
+ # other new segment to list
+ insert(todo, p.nxt) # add to list
+ # now flip the edges
+ flip(p, q) # flip the edges
+ nflips +:= 1 # count the flip
+ break next # restart search loop using new edge
+ }
+ }
+ break # if no improvement for one full loop
+ }
+ }
+ report(label || " (" || nflips || " flips)")
+ refresh()
+ return
+######################### point maintenance #########################
+# clrpts() -- remove all points
+procedure clrpts()
+ ptlist := []
+ distlist := []
+ distsrt := []
+ havepath := &null
+ refresh()
+ fillrect(bgwin)
+ status("0 points")
+ return
+# reseed() -- add random points to the list
+procedure reseed(win, dummy, x, y, event)
+ local p, v, n
+ n := integer(\event)^2 | nseed
+ every 1 to n do
+ addpt(win, &null, ax + ?aw, ay + ?ah)
+ return
+# addpt(win, dummy, x, y) -- add one point to the list
+procedure addpt(win, dummy, x, y)
+ local n, p, q
+ if \havepath then {
+ erasepath()
+ havepath := &null
+ }
+ n := *ptlist
+ p := point(n + 1, x, y)
+ every q := !ptlist do
+ put(distlist, dstrec(integer(1000 * sqrt((q.x-x)^2 + (q.y-y)^2)), p, q))
+ put(ptlist, p)
+ drawpt(p)
+ status(*ptlist || " points")
+ newpts := 1
+ return p
+# prepdist(i) -- prepare distance data for path construction
+# copy the distance list, if not already done, so it can be indexed quickly.
+# also create the sorted list if i > 0.
+procedure prepdist(i)
+ static c, n
+ if c ~=== distlist | n ~= *distlist then {
+ c := distlist := copy(distlist)
+ n := *distlist
+ }
+ if \i > 0 & *distsrt < *distlist then {
+ status("sorting distances... ")
+ lastclk := &time
+ WFlush(win)
+ distsrt := sortf(distlist, 1)
+ report("distance sort")
+ }
+ return
+# dist(p, q) -- return distance between p and q assuming p ~=== q
+procedure dist(p, q)
+ local m, n
+ m :=
+ n :=
+ if m < n then
+ m :=: n
+ return distlist[((m - 1) * (m - 2)) / 2 + n].d
+# path() -- generate current path, even if it changes during generation
+procedure path()
+ local l, p, q
+ p := q := ptlist[1] | fail
+ l := [p]
+ while (p := p.nxt) ~=== q do
+ put(l, p)
+ suspend !l
+# follow(p, q) -- insert q to follow p (erases old path from p, draws new)
+procedure follow(p, q)
+ DrawLine(bgwin, p.x, p.y, (p.prv~===\p.nxt).x, p.nxt.y)
+ every drawpt(p | \p.nxt)
+ q.nxt := p.nxt
+ q.prv := p
+ (\p.nxt).prv := q
+ p.nxt := q
+ DrawLine(fgwin, p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y)
+ DrawLine(fgwin, q.x, q.y, (\q.nxt).x, q.nxt.y)
+ return q
+# flip(p, q) -- link p to q, and their successors to each other
+procedure flip(p, q)
+ local a, b
+ DrawLine(bgwin, p.x, p.y, p.nxt.x, p.nxt.y)
+ DrawLine(bgwin, q.x, q.y, q.nxt.x, q.nxt.y)
+ # relink half of the chain backwards
+ a := q
+ while a ~=== p do {
+ a.prv :=: a.nxt
+ a := a.nxt
+ }
+ a := p.nxt
+ b := q.prv
+ p.nxt := q
+ q.prv := p
+ a.nxt := b
+ b.prv := a
+ DrawLine(fgwin, p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y)
+ DrawLine(fgwin, a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y)
+ every drawpt(p | q | a | b)
+ return
+# linkpath(p, q, ...) -- link points p, q, ... in order
+procedure linkpath(l[])
+ local i, p, q, v
+ i := p := get(l)
+ v := [fgwin, p.x, p.y]
+ every q := !l do {
+ p.nxt := q
+ q.prv := p
+ p := q
+ put(v, p.x, p.y)
+ }
+ DrawLine ! v
+ every drawpt(i | !l)
+ return
+######################### drawing #########################
+# refresh() -- redraw screen to repair segments and points
+procedure refresh()
+ fillrect(bgwin) # erase segs
+ redraw()
+ return
+# redraw() -- redraw path without erasing
+procedure redraw()
+ local p
+ every drawpt(!ptlist)
+ every p := !ptlist do
+ DrawLine(fgwin, p.x, p.y, (\p.nxt).x, p.nxt.y)
+ return
+# erasepath() -- erase path, redraw points if necessary
+procedure erasepath()
+ local l, p, v
+ v := [bgwin]
+ every p := ptlist[1].prv | path() do
+ put(v, p.x, p.y)
+ DrawLine ! v
+ every drawpt(!ptlist)
+ return
+# drawpath(win, p, q) -- draw the path from p to q
+# (of course, depending on the foreground color, this can hide a path, too.)
+procedure drawpath(win, p, q)
+ local v
+ v := [win, p.x, p.y]
+ while p ~=== q do {
+ p := p.nxt
+ put(v, p.x)
+ put(v, p.y)
+ }
+ DrawLine ! v
+ return
+# drawpt(p) -- draw the single point p
+procedure drawpt(p)
+ FillRectangle(fgwin, p.x - 2, p.y - 2, 5, 5)
+ return
+# fillrect(win) -- fill the working area
+procedure fillrect(win)
+ FillRectangle(win, ax - m + 1, ay - m + 1, aw + 2 * m - 1, ah + 2 * m - 1)
+ return
+######################### reporting #########################
+# listpath() -- list the coordinates of each point on standard output
+procedure listpath()
+ local p
+ if \havepath then {
+ write("\point list in order of traversal:")
+ every listpt(path())
+ }
+ else {
+ write("\point list (no path established):")
+ every listpt(!ptlist)
+ }
+ return
+# listpt(p) - list one point
+procedure listpt(p)
+ write(right(, 3), ".", right(p.x, 5), right(p.y, 5),
+ right((\p.prv).id | "", 6), right((\p.nxt).id | "", 6))
+ return
+# report(text) -- display statistics on screen and stdout
+# The statistics include the delta time since lastclk was last set.
+# Output to stdout is suppressed if the "-q" option was given.
+# Output to stdout is double spaced if the set of points has changed.
+procedure report(text)
+ local p, n, d, s, dt
+ dt := ((((&time - lastclk) / 1000.0) || "000") ? (tab(upto(".")) || move(3)))
+ s := right(*ptlist, 4) || " pts "
+ if \havepath then {
+ d := 0
+ every p := !ptlist do
+ d +:= dist(p, p.nxt)
+ d := (d + 500) / 1000
+ s ||:= right("d = " || d, 10)
+ }
+ else
+ s ||:= " "
+ s ||:= right(dt , 8) || " sec " || text
+ status(s)
+ if /opts["q"] then {
+ if \newpts then
+ write()
+ write(s)
+ }
+ newpts := &null
+ return
+# status(s) -- write s as a status message
+procedure status(s)
+ EraseArea(win, m + bw + m, m + h - fh)
+ GotoXY(win, m + bw + m, m + h - (fh / 4))
+ writes(win, s)
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/trkvu.icn b/ipl/gprogs/trkvu.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd3c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/trkvu.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+# File: trkvu.icn
+# Subject: Program to display GPS track logs
+# Authors: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: October 1, 2005
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Trkvu displays GPS track logs, using color to indicate various
+# characteristics such as velocity, direction, or time of day.
+# usage: trkvu file...
+# Each file argument is a track log uploaded from a GPS receiver.
+# Lines that end in three decimal values specify latitude, longutude,
+# and altitude in that order. Lines with just two values omit the
+# altitude. Lines without data indicate breaks between segments.
+# Some colorings use timestamps from the track logs. A timestamp
+# has the form "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" or "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss" and
+# precedes the latitude and longitude.
+# Track log colorings are selected by pressing a key:
+# F color by File
+# A color by Age
+# O color by Orientation (direction of travel)
+# V color by Velocity
+# I color by Interval duration (GPS sample rate)
+# S color Segments in contrasting colors
+# Y color by time of Year
+# D color by Day of week
+# H color by Hour of day
+# M color by Minute (repeating colors every 10 minutes)
+# T color by Time of day
+# Colorings can also be cycled:
+# SP or CR cycle to next coloring
+# BS or DEL cycle to preceding coloring
+# A legend explains each coloring. If it shows individually labeled
+# color blocks, the colors encode discrete values. If a spectrum
+# is shown, the colors vary smoothly over a continuous range.
+# Some colorings require timestamps. For these, tracks lacking
+# timestamps are drawn in gray.
+# Zooming and Panning:
+# To zoom to a particular region, sweep out the region using the
+# left mouse button. To cancel a sweep, reduce its width or height
+# to fewer than ten pixels.
+# The window may be resized as desired.
+# The following keyboard commands also affect the display region:
+# + or = zoom in
+# - or _ zoom out
+# 0 or Home zoom to initial view
+# arrow keys pan the display (hold Shift key for smaller pan)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: datetime, graphics, mapnav, strings
+$include "keysyms.icn"
+link datetime
+link graphics
+link mapnav
+link strings
+$define BORDER 10 # border widths
+record view( # one view of data
+ cs, # cset of chars to select this view
+ ltitle, # legend title
+ hproc, # hue selection procedure
+ lproc) # legend procedure
+record point( # one point along a track
+ t, # time at point (real days & fraction since epoch)
+ x, y, # coordinates of point (longitude, latitude)
+ fhue) # hue assigned to original source file
+global viewlist # list of views (view records)
+global curview # current selected view
+global huelist # list of ColorValues of 180 hues
+global fnlist # file name list (for F legend)
+global fhlist # file hue list (for F legend)
+global seglist # list of travel segments
+global tmin, tmax # earliest and latest time seen
+global xmin, xmax # westernmost and easternmost longitude seen
+global ymin, ymax # northernmost and southernmost latitude seen
+global lbase # legend baseline y value
+global lclip # clipping arguments for legend region
+global mclip # clipping arguments for map region
+global stdwin # std bg/fg window
+# ========================= Overall Control =========================
+procedure main(args)
+ local e, v, xywh
+ Window("size=800,800", "resize=on", "canvas=hidden",
+ "linewidth=2", "font=sans,bold,12", args)
+ stdwin := Clone("bg=white")
+ viewlist := [
+ # sequence here is followed by <SP> and <BS>
+ view('Ff', "File", byfile, flegend),
+ view('Aa', "Age", byage, agelegend),
+ view('Oo', "Orientation", orientation, olegend),
+ view('Vv', "Velocity", velocity, vlegend),
+ view('Ii', "Interval", byinterval, intlegend),
+ view('Ss', "Segments", segments, seglegend),
+ view('Yy', "time of Year", bymonth, monthlegend),
+ view('Dd', "Day", byday, daylegend),
+ view('Hh', "Hour", byhour, hourlegend),
+ view('Mm', "Minute", byminute, minutelegend),
+ view('Tt', "Time", bytime, timelegend),
+ ]
+ while /viewlist[-1] do pull(viewlist)
+ seglist := [] # init data structures
+ fnlist := []
+ fhlist := []
+ every load(!args) # load data
+ survey() # find extremes
+ fnlist := fnsimp(fnlist) # simplify filename list
+ WAttrib("canvas=normal") # make display visible
+ hueinit() # init color manager
+ layout() # lay out display
+ mapinit(draw, , xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin, cos(dtor((ymin + ymax) / 2)))
+ if *args > 1 then
+ Enqueue("f") # show initially by file
+ else if tmax > 0 then
+ Enqueue("a") # show initially by age
+ else
+ Enqueue("o") # show initially by orientation
+ # ==================== main event loop ====================
+ while e := Event() do {
+ if upto((v := \!viewlist).cs, e) then { # if a view selector
+ curview := v
+ EraseArea()
+ mapgen() # regenerate map
+ }
+ else case e of {
+ !" \n\r": nextview(+1) # cycle view forward
+ !"\b\d": nextview(-1) # cycle view backward
+ &resize: { layout(); mapevent(e) } # resize window
+ default: { mapevent(e) } # possible standard action
+ }
+ }
+procedure nextview(d) # advance to next view in sequence
+ local i
+ every i := 1 to *viewlist do
+ if curview === viewlist[i] then {
+ i := (i + *viewlist - 1 + d) % *viewlist + 1
+ curview := viewlist[i]
+ mapgen()
+ return
+ }
+# ========================= Input =========================
+procedure load(fname) # load data from one file
+ local f, h, p, w, t, x, y, a, line, ptlist
+ static n
+ initial n := 0
+ f := open(fname) | stop("cannot open ", fname)
+ h := huenum(n +:= 1)
+ put(fnlist, fname)
+ put(fhlist, h)
+ while line := read(f) do {
+ every put(w := [], words(line))
+ if -90.0 <= numeric(w[-3]) <= 90.0 then
+ a := pull(w) # altitude
+ if x := numeric(w[-1]) & y := numeric(w[-2]) then {
+ t := tcrack(w[-4], w[-3]) | &null
+ /ptlist := []
+ put(ptlist, p := point(t, x, y, h))
+ }
+ else {
+ put(seglist, \ptlist)
+ ptlist := &null
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ put(seglist, \ptlist)
+ close(f)
+ if /p then
+ write(&errout, " no data: ", fname)
+ return
+procedure tcrack(date, time) # translate date + time into real value
+ local day, sec
+ static smul
+ initial smul := 1.0 / (24 * 60 * 60)
+ if date[3] == "/" then
+ date := map("CcYy/Mm/Dd", "Mm/Dd/CcYy", date)
+ if date == ("1989/12/31" | "1990/01/01") then
+ return &null
+ *time = 8 | fail
+ *date = 10 | fail
+ day := DateToSec(date) | fail
+ sec := ClockToSec(time) | fail
+ return smul * (day + sec)
+procedure survey() # survey data ranges
+ local p
+ xmin := 180
+ xmax := -180
+ ymin := 90
+ ymax := -90
+ tmin := 100 * 365.25
+ tmax := 0
+ every p := !!seglist do {
+ tmin >:= \p.t
+ tmax <:= \p.t
+ xmin >:= p.x
+ xmax <:= p.x
+ ymin >:= p.y
+ ymax <:= p.y
+ }
+ if xmin > xmax then
+ stop(" nothing to display") # diagnostic already issued
+ if tmin > tmax then
+ tmin := tmax := 0
+ return
+procedure fnsimp(fnlist) # simplify filename list
+ local f, i, j, s
+ if *fnlist < 2 then fail
+ (coprefix ! fnlist) ? {
+ i := 1
+ while i := upto('/') + 1 do
+ move(1)
+ }
+ (cosuffix ! fnlist) ? {
+ tab(upto('.') | 0)
+ j := -*tab(0)
+ }
+ f := []
+ every put(f, (!fnlist)[i:j])
+ return f
+# ========================= Color Management =========================
+# Map colors are taken from the fully saturated color spectrum, spaced
+# every 2 degrees in HSV space. This yields 180 different colors, well
+# within Icon's limit of 256. The greens are darkened a bit for better
+# contrast with the white background; but the yellows are not, because
+# a darkened yellow is really ugly. (For better contrast, some colorings
+# use hue 55 instead of 60 for a yellow color.)
+procedure hueinit() # initialize hue table (360 entries)
+ local d, d2, v
+ huelist := list(360)
+ every d := 0 to 359 do {
+ d2 := d - d % 2 # use 2-degree quanta
+ if 60 < d2 < 180 then # darken green region
+ v := integer(100 - 0.8 * (60 - abs(d2 - 120)))
+ else
+ v := 100
+ huelist[d + 1] := HSVValue(d2 || "/100/" || v)
+ }
+ return
+procedure sethue(h) # set & cache color, given hue in degrees >= 0
+ local k
+ static kprev
+ if h := integer(h) % 360 then
+ k := huelist[h + 1]
+ else # use gray for invalid argument
+ k := "gray"
+ Fg(kprev ~===:= k)
+ return
+procedure huenum(n) # return hue from ordered list
+ static predef
+ initial predef := [240, 0, 120, 30, 180, 300, 50, 270, 70, 210, 330]
+ # blu red grn org cyan mgnta tan purp grn blu plum
+ return predef[n] | (137 * n) % 360
+# ========================= Map Drawing =========================
+procedure layout() # configure window layout
+ local w, h, lh
+ Bg("pale weak yellow")
+ Clip()
+ EraseArea()
+ Bg("white")
+ w := WAttrib("width")
+ h := WAttrib("height")
+ # set legend size and baseline
+ lh := 2 * BORDER + WAttrib("ascent")
+ lbase := BORDER + lh - BORDER
+ # set legend clipping, and clear
+ lclip := [BORDER, BORDER, w - 2 * BORDER, lh]
+ Clip ! ([stdwin] ||| lclip)
+ Clip ! lclip
+ EraseArea()
+ # set map clipping, and clear
+ mclip := [BORDER, lh + 2 * BORDER, w - 2 * BORDER, h - lh - 3 * BORDER]
+ Clip ! mclip
+ EraseArea()
+ return
+procedure draw(win, pjn, a) # display map using curview
+ local ptlist, h, n, p, q, x1, y1, x2, y2, l
+ Clip ! lclip
+ EraseArea()
+ GotoXY(2 * BORDER, lbase)
+ ltext(curview.ltitle)
+ ltext(": ")
+ curview.lproc()
+ Clip ! mclip
+ every ptlist := !seglist do {
+ if *Pending() > 0 then break
+ p := &null
+ every q := !ptlist do {
+ l := project(pjn, [q.x, q.y])
+ x2 := integer(get(l))
+ y2 := integer(get(l))
+ x2 <:= -32767
+ y2 <:= -32767
+ x2 >:= 32767
+ y2 >:= 32767
+ if \p then {
+ sethue(curview.hproc(p, q) | &null)
+ DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ }
+ else if *ptlist = 1 then {
+ sethue(curview.hproc(q, q) | &null)
+ FillRectangle(x2 - 1, y2 - 1, 3, 3)
+ }
+ p := q
+ x1 := x2
+ y1 := y2
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# ========================= Legend Writing =========================
+# Colors are written via &window, text in black via stdwin.
+procedure ltext(s) # write text
+ return WWrites(stdwin, s)
+procedure lhue(h, t) # write hue block with optional caption
+ local x, w
+ sethue(h)
+ x := WAttrib("x")
+ w := WAttrib("ascent")
+ FillRectangle(x, lbase + 1, w - 1, -w)
+ GotoXY(x + w, lbase)
+ ltext(\t)
+ return
+procedure lspectrum(h1, h2, n) # write spectrum of 6 colors from h1 to h2
+ local i, m
+ /n := 6
+ m := (h2 - h1) / (n - 1.0)
+ every i := 1 to n do
+ lhue(h1 + m * (i - 1))
+ return
+# ========================= View Procedures =========================
+# View procedures are paired: a legend procedure draws the legend and a
+# hue selection procedure that chooses the hue for each segment. (Hue
+# procedure return a value in degrees, or they fail, which draws gray.)
+# F: color segments by source file, using colors set at load time
+procedure flegend()
+ local i
+ every i := 1 to *fnlist do
+ lhue(fhlist[i], fnlist[i] || " ")
+ return
+procedure byfile(p, q)
+ return q.fhue
+# A: color segments by age (relative to range of timestamps seen)
+procedure agelegend()
+ ltext("oldest")
+ lspectrum(630, 360, 12)
+ ltext("newest")
+ return
+procedure byage(p, q)
+ # purple oldest, green mid, red newest
+ return 630. - 270. * (\q.t - tmin) / (tmax - tmin)
+# O: color segments by orientation (direction of travel)
+procedure olegend()
+ ltext("N"); lspectrum(270, 180)
+ ltext("E"); lspectrum(180, 90)
+ ltext("S"); lspectrum(90, 0)
+ ltext("W"); lspectrum(360, 270)
+ ltext("N")
+ return
+procedure orientation(p, q)
+ # blue north, teal east, olive south, red west
+ return 180. + rtod(atan(q.y - p.y, cos(dtor(q.y)) * (q.x - p.x)))
+# V: color segments by velocity
+procedure vlegend()
+ lhue(240, "1 ")
+ lhue(210, "2 ")
+ lhue(180, "3 ")
+ lhue(120, "4 ")
+ lhue( 55, "5 ")
+ lhue( 30, "6 ")
+ lhue( 0, "7 ")
+ lhue(300, "8 ")
+ lhue(270, "9 ")
+ ltext(" mph (x1, x10, ...)")
+ return
+procedure velocity(p, q)
+ local dt, dx, dy, d, mph
+ static hues
+ initial hues := [270, 240, 210, 180, 120, 55, 30, 0, 300, 270]
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
+ # 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
+ dt := 0 < (\q.t - \p.t) | fail
+ dx := cos(dtor(p.y)) * (q.x - p.x)
+ dy := q.y - p.y
+ d := sqrt(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2)
+ mph := integer(2.877 * d / dt + 0.5)
+ while mph > 9 do
+ mph /:= 10
+ return hues[mph + 1]
+# I: color segments by length of time interval
+procedure intlegend()
+ lhue( 0, "0 ")
+ lhue( 30, "1 ")
+ lhue( 55, "2 ")
+ lhue(120, "4 ")
+ lhue(180, "8 ")
+ lhue(220, "16 ")
+ lhue(240, "32 ")
+ lhue(290, "64 sec")
+ return
+procedure byinterval(p, q)
+ local dt, i
+ static hues
+ initial hues := [0, 30, 55, 120, 180, 220, 240, 290]
+ # 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
+ dt := integer(86400. * (\q.t - \p.t) + 0.5) | fail
+ i := (2 + integer(log(0 < dt, 2))) | 1
+ return hues[i | -1]
+# S: emphasize individual segments in contrasting colors.
+procedure seglegend()
+ lspectrum(137, 12*137, 12)
+ ltext("...")
+ return
+procedure segments(p, q)
+ static n
+ initial n := 0
+ return n +:= 137
+# Y: color segments by time of year as a spectrum
+procedure monthlegend()
+ ltext("January")
+ lspectrum(525, 195, 12)
+ ltext("December")
+ return
+procedure bymonth(p, q)
+ # cyan winter, green spring, red summer, blue fall
+ return 540. - (\q.t % 365.25) * (360. / 365.25)
+# D: color segments by day of week
+procedure daylegend()
+ lhue(240, "Sun ")
+ lhue(120, "Mon ")
+ lhue(165, "Tue ")
+ lhue( 55, "Wed ")
+ lhue( 30, "Thu ")
+ lhue(285, "Fri ")
+ lhue( 0, "Sat ")
+ return
+procedure byday(p, q)
+ static hues
+ initial hues := [240, 120, 165, 55, 30, 285, 0]
+ return hues[1 + ((4 + integer(\q.t)) % 7)]
+# H: color segments by hour in the day (0 to 11, repeated)
+procedure hourlegend()
+ lhue(240, "12 ")
+ lhue(290, "1 ")
+ lhue(350, "2 ")
+ lhue( 30, "3 ")
+ lhue( 80, "4 ")
+ lhue(150, "5 ")
+ lhue(210, "6 ")
+ lhue(270, "7 ")
+ lhue(330, "8 ")
+ lhue( 55, "9 ")
+ lhue(120, "10 ")
+ lhue(180, "11 ")
+ return
+procedure byhour(p, q)
+ local h
+ static hues
+ initial hues := [240, 290, 350, 30, 80, 150, 210, 270, 330, 55, 120, 180]
+ h := integer(24 * (\q.t - integer(q.t))) | fail
+ return hues[1 + h % 12]
+# M: color segments by minute of the hour, mod 10
+procedure minutelegend()
+ local i
+ every i := 0 to 9 do
+ lhue(huenum(i + 1), ":x" || i || " ")
+ return
+procedure byminute(p, q)
+ local t
+ t := 24 * 30 * (\p.t + \q.t) | fail # time in minutes since epoch
+ return huenum(1 + integer(t) % 10)
+# T: color segments by a time-of-day spectrum
+procedure timelegend()
+ ltext("midnight")
+ lspectrum(600, 420, 13)
+ ltext("noon")
+ lspectrum(420, 240, 13)
+ ltext("midnight")
+ return
+procedure bytime(p, q)
+ # green morning, yellow noon, red afternoon, blue night
+ return 600. - 360. * (\q.t - integer(q.t))
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/trycolor.icn b/ipl/gprogs/trycolor.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c74172f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/trycolor.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# File: trycolor.icn
+# Subject: Program to investigate color specifications
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: July 14, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# trycolor repeatedly reads a color specification from standard input
+# and displays a disc of that color. A color specification may be in any
+# of the forms accepted by Icon, for example:
+# blue
+# #ffedcb
+# 50010,60422,8571
+# dark greenish blue
+# Additionally, the leading '#' may be omitted from hexadecimal forms.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, optwindw, graphics
+link options
+link optwindw
+link graphics
+procedure main(args)
+ local win, gc, line, cval, mono, color, opts, m, w, h, l
+ local r, g, b, rr, gg, bb, x
+ opts := options(args, winoptions())
+ /opts["W"] := 300
+ /opts["H"] := 300
+ /opts["M"] := -1
+ win := optwindow(opts, "cursor=off", "echo=off")
+ gc := Clone(win)
+ m := opts["M"]
+ w := opts["W"]
+ h := opts["H"]
+ l := WAttrib(win, "leading")
+ color := opts["F"]
+ mono := WAttrib(win, "depth") == "1"
+ write("gamma=", WAttrib(win, "gamma"))
+ repeat {
+ if *color > 0 then {
+ if Shade(gc, color | (color := "#" || color)) then {
+ EraseArea(gc)
+ FillArc(gc, m, m, w, h)
+ Fg(win, Contrast(win, color))
+ cval := ColorValue(win, color)
+ cval ? {
+ r := tab(many(&digits)); move(1)
+ g := tab(many(&digits)); move(1)
+ b := tab(many(&digits))
+ }
+ rr := hexv(r / 65536.0)
+ gg := hexv(g / 65536.0)
+ bb := hexv(b / 65536.0)
+ CenterString(win, m + w/2, m + h/2 - l, color)
+ CenterString(win, m + w/2, m + h/2, cval)
+ CenterString(win, m + w/2, m + h/2 + l, "#" || rr || gg || bb)
+ }
+ else
+ write("[failed]")
+ }
+ writes("> ")
+ line := read() | break
+ line ? {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ color := trim(tab(0))
+ }
+ }
+procedure hexv(v) # two-hex-digit specification of v
+ static hextab
+ initial {
+ every put((hextab := []), !"0123456789ABCDEF" || !"0123456789ABCDEF")
+ }
+ return hextab [1 + integer(256 * v)]
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/tryfont.icn b/ipl/gprogs/tryfont.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be55a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/tryfont.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# File: tryfont.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate X font rankings
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: July 18, 1995
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# tryfont repeatedly reads a font specification from standard input
+# and displays, with their scores, a windowfull of available fonts that
+# best match that specification. The window can be resized when tryfont
+# is paused at a prompt; the new size is used for the next list.
+# Note that tryfont uses the library procedure BestFont() for ranking;
+# this can differ from the rankings used by the Icon runtime system's
+# font selection logic.
+# tryfont can also be run in ASCII mode, without using X windows, by
+# passing a file name as a command argument. The file should contain
+# a list of X fonts, such as from the xlsfonts program. The number of
+# fonts printed on standard output can be specified as a second argument.
+# For details of font specifications, see BestFont().
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, optwindw, xbfont, graphics
+link options
+link optwindw
+link xbfont
+link graphics
+procedure main(args)
+ if *args > 0 & args[1][1] ~== "-" then
+ filemode(args)
+ else
+ windowmode(args)
+procedure filemode(args)
+ local fname, limit, f, fontlist, request, a
+ fname := args[1]
+ limit := integer(args[2]) | 20
+ f := open(fname) | stop("can't open ", fname)
+ every put(fontlist := [], !f)
+ repeat {
+ writes("> ")
+ request := trim(read()) | return
+ if *request = 0 then
+ next
+ every a := RankFonts(fontlist, request) \ limit do
+ write(right(a.val, 5), "\t", a.str)
+ write()
+ }
+procedure windowmode(args)
+ local opts, win, fwin, request, a, h, y
+ opts := options(args, winoptions())
+ /opts["W"] := 900
+ /opts["H"] := 300
+ /opts["M"] := -1
+ win := optwindow(opts, "cursor=off", "echo=off")
+ fwin := Clone(win)
+ &error := 1
+ WAttrib(win, "resize=on")
+ &error := 0
+ repeat {
+ writes("> ")
+ request := trim(read()) | return
+ if *request = 0 then
+ next
+ h := WAttrib(win, "height")
+ y := 0
+ EraseArea(win)
+ every a := RankFonts(win, request) do {
+ Font(fwin, a.str)
+ y +:= WAttrib(fwin, "fheight") - WAttrib(fwin, "descent")
+ GotoXY(win, 10, y)
+ writes(win, right(a.val, 4), " ")
+ writes(fwin, a.str)
+ y +:= WAttrib(fwin, "descent")
+ if y >= h then
+ break
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/uix.icn b/ipl/gprogs/uix.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cf04d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/uix.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# File: uix.icn
+# Subject: Program to translate user interfaces
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 31, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# uix translates a user interface prototype or application
+# built by xib, the old X-Icon Interface Builder, into a skeletal
+# application of the form used by vib, the new Visual Interface
+# Builder. The resulting file is a working application containing
+# all the vidgets (buttons, sliders, etc.) from the input file but
+# none of the user Icon code. This must be added manually. Some
+# of the vidget sizes may be incorrect; load and save the file in
+# vib to fix this.
+# usage: uix [file]
+# Input is read from the named file, or from standard input if
+# none is specified. Output is written to standard output.
+# Requires: Version 9
+$define YOFF 78 # offset incorporated in y values by XIB
+$define FONT "lucidasanstypewriter-bold-12" # VIB Font
+record ob(t, c, v, x, y, w, h, l, s, n, i, j, k, etc)
+# type callback var x,y,w,h lbl style number initval min max other
+# main program
+procedure main(args)
+ local f, line, data, objs, recs, curr, o, fmt, r, c, v, i
+ # open file, skip to data
+ if *args = 0 then
+ f := &input
+ else
+ f := open(args[1]) | stop(&progname, ": can't open ", args[1])
+ while line := read(f) | stop(&progname, ": EOF hit before finding data") do
+ if match("# Session Code:", line) then break
+ # read data
+ objs := [] # list of objects
+ curr := [] # fields of current object
+ while line := read(f) do {
+ data := line[3:0]
+ # in the following, special case lets Scrollbar consume Slider
+ if data[-5:0] == "_Obj:" & (*curr ~= 1 | *objs == 0) then
+ put(objs, curr := [])
+ put(curr, data)
+ }
+ close(f)
+ # define interpretations
+ fmt := table()
+ fmt["Sizer"] := "txywh"
+ fmt["Button"] := ""
+ fmt["Check"] := "tcv.xywh.."
+ fmt["Text_Input"] := "tcv.xywh.lin.."
+ fmt["Scrollbar"] := "t.cnv.xywh.jkis...cnv.jkxywh..."
+ fmt["Slider"] := "tcnv.xywh.jkis..."
+ fmt["Line"] := ""
+ fmt["Rect"] := "tcv.xywhn.."
+ fmt["Message"] := "tcv.xywhl...."
+ fmt["Radio_Button"] := "tcv.xywh...n"
+ fmt["Menu"] := "tcv.xywhl..s.."
+ # convert object lists into records
+ recs := [] # list of records
+ every o := !objs do {
+ r := ob() # create empty record
+ f := \fmt[o[1][1:-5]] | { # find appropriate format
+ write(&progname, ": vidget type ", o[1], " unrecognized")
+ next
+ }
+ f ? while c := move(1) do { # get next char from format
+ v := get(o) | "" # get next value, default ""
+ if c ~== "." then
+ r[c] := v # store in rec field named by format
+ }
+ adjust(r) # clean up special cases
+ r.etc := o # save leftovers in "etc" field
+ put(recs, r) # put record on list
+ }
+ # write UI program
+ prologue()
+ write(
+ "#===<<vib:begin>>===\tmodify using vib; do not remove this marker line")
+ write("procedure ui(win, cbk)")
+ write("return vsetup(win, cbk,")
+ every output(!recs) # output spec for each line
+ write(" )")
+ write("end")
+ write("#===<<vib:end>>===\tend of section maintained by vib")
+# adjust(r) -- clean up record fields including type-dependent cases
+procedure adjust(r)
+ /r.v := "" # default varname to "" not &null
+ \r.y -:= YOFF # subtract xib header from y value
+ r.t := r.t[1:-5] # chop "_Obj" off name
+ case r.t of {
+ "Sizer": { # Sizer (overall setup) vidget:
+ r.s := FONT # add font expected by VIB
+ }
+ "Line": { # Line vidget:
+ \r.h -:= YOFF # "height" is really 2nd y coordinate
+ }
+ "Text_Input": { # Text vidget:
+ r.t := "Text" # simplify name
+ r.l ||:= "\\\\=" || r.i # concatenate initial value
+ }
+ "Slider" | "Scrollbar": { # Slider, Scrollbar:
+ r.l := r.j || "," || r.k || "," || r.i # add bounds and init value
+ }
+ "Message": { # Message vidget:
+ r.t := "Label" # change name
+ }
+ "Radio_Button": { # Radio_Button vidget:
+ r.t := "Choice" # simplify name
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# prologue() -- write boilerplate prologue to acual spec
+procedure prologue()
+every write(![
+ "# User interface specification translated to vib format by uix",
+ "# (Load and save this file once in vib to correct size information.)",
+ "#",
+ "# This is a working program that responds to vidget events by printing",
+ "# messages. Use a text editor to replace this skeletal program with your",
+ "# own code. Retain the vib section at the end and use vib to make any",
+ "# changes to the interface.",
+ "#",
+ "# When a callback is generated, but there is no callback procedure, a",
+ "# message is printed. Remove the vecho argument below to prevent this.",
+ "",
+ "link vsetup",
+ "",
+ "procedure main()",
+ " local vidgets",
+ "",
+ " vidgets := ui(, vecho)\t\t\t# set up vidgets",
+ " GetEvents(vidgets[\"root\"], QuitCheck)\t# enter event loop",
+ "end",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""])
+# output(r) -- output one record in vib format
+procedure output(r)
+ if /r.t then
+ fail
+ writes(" [\"")
+ writes(r.v, ":", r.t, ":", r.s, ":", r.n, ":")
+ writes(r.x, ",", r.y, ",", r.w, ",", r.h, ":")
+ writes(r.l, "\",", r.c)
+ if r.t == "Menu" then
+ outmenu(r.etc)
+ else if *r.etc > 0 then {
+ writes(",\n [", image(get(r.etc)))
+ while writes(",", image(get(r.etc)))
+ writes("]")
+ }
+ write("],")
+ return
+# outmenu(lst) -- output a list of menu entries
+procedure outmenu(lst)
+ local msize
+ msize := get(lst)
+ if msize = 0 then
+ return
+ writes(",\n [")
+ outentry(lst)
+ every 2 to msize do {
+ writes(",")
+ outentry(lst)
+ }
+ writes("]")
+ return
+# outentry(lst) -- output menu entry
+procedure outentry(lst)
+ writes(image(get(lst))) # output label
+ get(lst) # skip unused data
+ get(lst)
+ outmenu(lst) # output submenu (if any)
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/unitgenr.icn b/ipl/gprogs/unitgenr.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53da108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/unitgenr.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# File: unitgenr.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce unit generators of patterna
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 13, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# BLPs are read from standard input and their unit generators written
+# to standard output.
+# The following command line option is supported:
+# -c assume complete repeats; default, do not
+# Links: factors, options, patutils, patxform
+link factors
+link options
+link patutils
+link patxform
+global switch
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, oldpat, pattern
+ opts := options(args, "c")
+ switch := if /opts["c"] then 1 else &null
+ while oldpat := read() do {
+ every 1 to 10 do { # SAFETY!
+ pattern := rows2pat(unit(pat2rows(oldpat)))
+ if pattern == oldpat then break
+ oldpat := pattern
+ }
+ write(pattern)
+ }
+procedure unit(grid)
+ grid := grepeat(grid)
+ grid := grepeat(protate(grid))
+ return protate(grid, -90)
+procedure grepeat(grid) #: reduce grid to smallest repeat
+ local i, width, j, periods
+ grid := copy(grid)
+ periods := []
+ width := *grid[1]
+ if /switch then { # assume no partial repeats
+ every i := 1 to *grid do
+ put(periods, xperiod(grid[i]) | width)
+ width >:= lcml ! periods
+ every i := 1 to *grid do
+ grid[i] := left(grid[i], width)
+ return grid
+ }
+ else {
+ every i := 1 to width do {
+ every j := 1 to *grid do {
+ grid[j] == extend(grid[j][1+:i], width) | break next
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ every j := 1 to *grid do
+ grid[j] := left(grid[j], i)
+ return grid
+ }
+procedure xperiod(s)
+ local i
+ every i := 1 | divisors(*s) do
+ if extend(s[1+:i], *s) == s then return i
+ fail
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/viewpane.icn b/ipl/gprogs/viewpane.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02a452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/viewpane.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# File: viewpane.icn
+# Subject: Program to view image through a "pane"
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 27, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program loads images and uses scroll bars to pan over parts
+# of an image that is larger than the viewing pane.
+# This program is intended primarily as an example of a simple
+# application with a visual interface.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: dialog, vsetup
+link dialog
+link vsetup
+global view_xoff, view_yoff # upper-left corner of pane
+global view_width, view_height # view-pane dimensions
+global x_fact, y_fact # image scaling values
+global image_win # image window
+global image_width, image_height # image dimensions
+global xpos, ypos # upper-left corner of image
+global hbar, vbar # scrolling vidgets
+procedure main()
+ local vidgets
+ vidgets := ui() # set up interface
+ view_xoff := vidgets["port"].ax + 1 # get pane information
+ view_yoff := vidgets["port"].ay + 1
+ view_width := vidgets["port"].aw - 1
+ view_height := vidgets["port"].ah - 1
+ hbar := vidgets["hbar"] # horizontal scroll bar
+ vbar := vidgets["vbar"] # vertical scroll bar
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts) # enter event loop
+# Process event for the file menu.
+procedure file_cb(vidget, menu)
+ case menu[1] of {
+ "open @O": image_open()
+ "quit @Q": exit()
+ }
+ return
+# Check for keyboard shortcuts.
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ case &meta & map(e) of { # fold case
+ "o": image_open()
+ "q": exit()
+ }
+ return
+# Open image file.
+procedure image_open()
+ case OpenDialog() of {
+ "Okay": {
+ WClose(\image_win)
+ image_win := WOpen("image=" || dialog_value, "canvas=hidden") | {
+ Notice("Cannot open image file")
+ fail
+ }
+ setup_win(image_win)
+ return
+ }
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+# Process event for horizontal scroll bar.
+procedure horiz_cb(vidget, val)
+ if /image_win then return # don't do anything if no image
+ xpos := val * x_fact
+ copy_image()
+ return
+# Process event for vertical scroll bar.
+procedure vert_cb(vidget, val)
+ if /image_win then return # don't do anything if no image
+ ypos := val * y_fact
+ copy_image()
+ return
+# Process event for "hide" button.
+procedure hide_cb(vidget, val)
+ if /image_win then return # don't do anything if no image
+ if val === 1 then
+ FillRectangle(view_xoff, view_yoff, view_width, view_height)
+ else copy_image()
+ return
+# Utility procedure for copying image.
+procedure copy_image()
+ CopyArea(image_win, &window, xpos, ypos, view_width, view_height,
+ view_xoff, view_yoff)
+ return
+# Procedure to set up window.
+procedure setup_win(win)
+ EraseArea(view_xoff, view_yoff, view_width, view_height)
+ image_width := real(WAttrib(win, "width"))
+ image_height := real(WAttrib(win, "height"))
+ x_fact := 1.0 - view_width / image_width # set up x and y factors
+ y_fact := 1.0 - view_height / image_height
+ x_fact <:= 0.0
+ y_fact <:= 0.0
+ x_fact *:= image_width
+ y_fact *:= image_height
+ VSet(hbar, 0.0) # reset the scroll bars
+ VSet(vbar, 0.0)
+ xpos := ypos := 0
+ copy_image() # place image
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:lucidasanstypewriter-bold-12::0,0,455,410:View",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::29,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["open @O","quit @Q"]],
+ ["hbar:Scrollbar:h:1:30,362,300,18:0.0,1.0,0.5",horiz_cb],
+ ["hide:Button:regular:1:382,60,45,20:Hide",hide_cb],
+ ["line:Line:solid:1:0,25,455,25:",],
+ ["port:Rect::1:30,60,300,300:",],
+ ["vbar:Scrollbar:v:1:332,60,18,300:0.0,1.0,0.5",vert_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/vqueens.icn b/ipl/gprogs/vqueens.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..585a682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/vqueens.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# File: vqueens.icn
+# Subject: Program to display solutions to the n-queens problem
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 5, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Adapted from a text-display version by Steve Wampler.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, wopen
+link options
+link wopen
+global solution
+global black_queen, white_queen
+$define Edge 4
+$define Offset 40
+$define Size 44
+global queens
+procedure main(args)
+ local i, opts, wsize, bqueen, wqueen
+ opts := options(args,"n+")
+ queens := \opts["n"] | 8
+ if queens <= 0 then stop("-n needs a positive numeric parameter")
+ wsize := queens * Size + 2 * Offset
+ WOpen("size=" || wsize || "," || wsize, "label=" || queens ||
+ "-queens") | stop("*** cannot open window")
+ black_queen := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=41,41") |
+ stop("*** cannot open window for black queen")
+ white_queen := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=41,41") |
+ stop("*** cannot open window for white queen")
+ DrawImage(black_queen, 0, 0,
+ "41,c1,_
+ 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666_
+ 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666_
+ 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666_
+ 66666666666664003666666663004666666666666_
+ 66666666666650000466666640000566666666666_
+ 66666666666640000366666630000466666666666_
+ 66666666666660000566666650000666666666666_
+ 66666666666665224666666664225666666666666_
+ 66663346666666644666666664466666666433666_
+ 66620004666666631666666661366666664000266_
+ 66600002666666640666666660466666662000066_
+ 66600003666666650466666640566666663000066_
+ 66640026666666660166666610666666666200466_
+ 66666651666666660046666400666666661566666_
+ 66666662266666660026666200666666622666666_
+ 66666666036666660004663000666666306666666_
+ 66666666403666640000220000466663046666666_
+ 66666666620266620000000000266620266666666_
+ 66666666650002100000000000012000566666666_
+ 66666666663000000000000000000003666666666_
+ 66666666666000000000000000000006666666666_
+ 66666666666300000000000000000036666666666_
+ 66666666666500000000000000000056666666666_
+ 66666666666610000000000000000166666666666_
+ 66666666666630000000000000000366666666666_
+ 66666666666652222222222222222566666666666_
+ 66666666666664444444444444444666666666666_
+ 66666666666640000000000000000466666666666_
+ 66666666666651000000000000001566666666666_
+ 66666666666664000000000000004666666666666_
+ 66666666666651000000000000001566666666666_
+ 66666666666640000000000000000466666666666_
+ 66666666666664444444444444444666666666666_
+ 66666666653222222222222222222223566666666_
+ 66666666600000000000000000000000066666666_
+ 66666666400000000000000000000000046666666_
+ 66666666300000000000000000000000036666666_
+ 66666666300000000000000000000000036666666_
+ 66666666300000000000000000000000036666666_
+ 66666666300000000000000000000000036666666_
+ 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666_
+ ")
+ DrawImage(white_queen, 0, 0,
+ "41,c1,_
+ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000_
+ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000_
+ 00000000000026630000000036620000000000000_
+ 00000000000166662000000266661000000000000_
+ 00000000000266663000000366662000000000000_
+ 00000000000066661000000166660000000000000_
+ 00000000000014420000000024410000000000000_
+ 00033200000000220000000022000000002330000_
+ 00466620000000350000000053000000026664000_
+ 00666640000000260000000062000000046666000_
+ 00666630000000162000000261000000036666000_
+ 00266400000000065000000560000000004662000_
+ 00000150000000066200002660000000051000000_
+ 00000044000000066400004660000000440000000_
+ 00000006300000066620036660000003600000000_
+ 00000002630000266664466662000036200000000_
+ 00000000464000466666666664000464000000000_
+ 00000000166645666666666666546661000000000_
+ 00000000036666666666666666666630000000000_
+ 00000000006666666666666666666600000000000_
+ 00000000003666666666666666666300000000000_
+ 00000000001666666666666666666100000000000_
+ 00000000000566666666666666665000000000000_
+ 00000000000366666666666666663000000000000_
+ 00000000000144444444444444441000000000000_
+ 00000000000022222222222222220000000000000_
+ 00000000000266666666666666662000000000000_
+ 00000000000156666666666666651000000000000_
+ 00000000000026666666666666620000000000000_
+ 00000000000156666666666666651000000000000_
+ 00000000000266666666666666662000000000000_
+ 00000000000022222222222222220000000000000_
+ 00000000134444444444444444444431000000000_
+ 00000000666666666666666666666666000000000_
+ 00000002666666666666666666666666200000000_
+ 00000003666666666666666666666666300000000_
+ 00000003666666666666666666666666300000000_
+ 00000003666666666666666666666666300000000_
+ 00000003666666666666666666666666300000000_
+ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000_
+ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000_
+ ")
+ DrawBoard()
+ solution := list(queens) # ... and a list of column solutions
+ every q(1) # start by placing queen in first column
+ until WQuit()
+# q(c) - place a queen in column c.
+procedure q(c)
+ local r
+ static up, down, rows
+ initial {
+ up := list(2 * queens - 1, 0)
+ down := list(2 * queens - 1, 0)
+ rows := list(queens, 0)
+ }
+ every 0 = rows[r := 1 to queens] = up[queens+r-c] = down[r+c-1] &
+ rows[r] <- up[queens+r-c] <- down[r+c-1] <- 1 do {
+ solution[c] := r # record placement.
+ if c = queens then show()
+ else q(c + 1) # try to place next queen.
+ }
+# show the solution on a chess board.
+procedure show()
+ local i, j, queen
+ every i := 1 to *solution do {
+ j := solution[i]
+ queen := if (i + j) % 2 = 0 then black_queen else white_queen
+ CopyArea(queen, &window, , , , , Offset + (i - 1) * Size + 1,
+ Offset + (j - 1) * Size + 1)
+ }
+ WDelay(500)
+ while *Pending() > 0 do {
+ case Event() of {
+ "q": exit()
+ "p": until Event() === "c"
+ }
+ }
+ every i := 1 to *solution do {
+ j := solution[i]
+ if (i + j) % 2 = 1 then Fg("black") else Fg("white")
+ FillRectangle(Offset + (i - 1) * Size, Offset + (j - 1) * Size,
+ Size, Size)
+ }
+ return
+procedure DrawBoard()
+ local i, j
+ every i := 0 to queens - 1 do
+ every j := 0 to queens - 1 do
+ if (i + j) % 2 = 1 then
+ FillRectangle(Offset + i * Size, Offset + j * Size,
+ Size, Size)
+ DrawRectangle(Offset - 1, Offset - 1, queens * Size + 1,
+ queens * Size + 1)
+ DrawRectangle(Offset - Edge - 1, Offset - Edge - 1,
+ queens * Size + 2 * Edge + 1, queens * Size + 2 * Edge + 1)
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/webimage.icn b/ipl/gprogs/webimage.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b913fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/webimage.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# File: webimage.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce Web page for image files
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program takes the names of image files on the command line and
+# writes a Web page that embeds each image.
+# The following options are supported:
+# -a s alignment, default "bottom"
+# -t s title for page; default "untitled"
+# -n include file names; default no names
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: options, wopen
+link options
+link wopen
+record dim(w, h)
+procedure main(args)
+ local name, opts, title, dim, align, names
+ opts := options(args, "t:a:n")
+ title := \opts["t"] | "untitled"
+ align := \opts["a"] | "bottom"
+ names := opts["n"]
+ write("<html><head><title>", title, "</title></head><body>")
+ every name := !args do {
+ dim := image_size(name) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open image file ", image(name))
+ next
+ }
+ write(
+ if \names then name else "",
+ "<p><img src=\"",
+ name,
+ "\" width=\"",
+ dim.w,
+ "\" height=\"",
+ dim.h,
+ "\" align=\"",
+ align,
+ "\"></p>"
+ )
+ }
+ write("</body></html>")
+procedure image_size(name) #: size of GIF file
+ local win, size
+ win := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || name) | fail
+ size := dim(WAttrib(win, "width"), WAttrib(win, "height"))
+ WClose(win)
+ return size
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/wevents.icn b/ipl/gprogs/wevents.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..383feeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/wevents.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# File: wevents.icn
+# Subject: Program to report Icon window events
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: August 4, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# wevents reports all the events delivered to an Icon window.
+# Each event produces a single line of output. The program terminates
+# after receiving and reporting a ^C, ^D, or DELETE key event.
+# Each event is reported both in Icon terms and in terms of its
+# internal representation. The output fields on each line are:
+# &interval (interval since previous event, in milliseconds)
+# &control, &meta, &shift (modifier keys: c, m, or s if pressed)
+# event returned by Event: keyword name, if any, or else image
+# &x, &y (usually coordinates, but new size for resize event)
+# image() of the first value on the event queue
+# hex dump of the second value (modifier flags and x coordinate)
+# hex dump of the third value (encoded interval and y coordinate)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: hexcvt, options, optwindw
+link hexcvt, options, optwindw
+$include "keysyms.icn"
+procedure main(args)
+ local w, q, e, xhex, yhex, eimage
+ w := optwindow(options(args, winoptions()))
+ WAttrib(w, "resize=on")
+ repeat {
+ q := Pending(Active()) # wait until event is queued
+ eimage := right(image(q[1]), 10) | "******"
+ xhex := hexstring(q[2], 8) | "********"
+ yhex := hexstring(q[3], 8) | "********"
+ e := Event(w)
+ write(
+ r(&interval, 5), " ",
+ if &control then "c" else "-",
+ if &meta then "m" else "-",
+ if &shift then "s" else "-",
+ " ", right(evname(e), 10),
+ " @", r(&x, 4), ",", l(&y, 6),
+ eimage, " ",
+ left(xhex, 4), " ", right(xhex, 4), " ",
+ left(yhex, 4), " ", right(yhex, 4),
+ )
+ if e === ("\^C" | "\^D" | "\177") then
+ break
+ if e === &resize & &x < 0 & &y < 0 then
+ break
+ }
+# evname(e) -- translate e into text representation
+procedure evname(e)
+ return case e of {
+ &lpress: "&lpress"
+ &mpress: "&mpress"
+ &rpress: "&rpress"
+ &lrelease: "&lrelease"
+ &mrelease: "&mrelease"
+ &rrelease: "&rrelease"
+ &ldrag: "&ldrag"
+ &mdrag: "&mdrag"
+ &rdrag: "&rdrag"
+ &resize: "&resize"
+ Key_PrSc: "Key_PrSc"
+ Key_ScrollLock: "Key_ScrollLock"
+ Key_Pause: "Key_Pause"
+ Key_Insert: "Key_Insert"
+ Key_Home: "Key_Home"
+ Key_PgUp: "Key_PgUp"
+ Key_End: "Key_End"
+ Key_PgDn: "Key_PgDn"
+ Key_Left: "Key_Left"
+ Key_Up: "Key_Up"
+ Key_Right: "Key_Right"
+ Key_Down: "Key_Down"
+ Key_F1: "Key_F1"
+ Key_F2: "Key_F2"
+ Key_F3: "Key_F3"
+ Key_F4: "Key_F4"
+ Key_F5: "Key_F5"
+ Key_F6: "Key_F6"
+ Key_F7: "Key_F7"
+ Key_F8: "Key_F8"
+ Key_F9: "Key_F9"
+ Key_F10: "Key_F10"
+ Key_F11: "Key_F11"
+ Key_F12: "Key_F12"
+ default: image(e)
+ }
+# r(v, n) -- right-justify image of v in at least n characters
+procedure r(v, n)
+ local s
+ s := image(v)
+ if *s < n then
+ s := right(s, n)
+ return s
+# l(v, n) -- left-justify image of v in at least n characters
+procedure l(v, n)
+ local s
+ s := image(v)
+ if *s < n then
+ s := left(s, n)
+ return s
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/wheel.icn b/ipl/gprogs/wheel.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d1eec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/wheel.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# File: wheel.icn
+# Subject: Program to show wheel of colors
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: November 14, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# wheel displays a disk made of randomly colored sectors. In addition
+# to the usual window options, the number of sectors may be given.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, random
+link graphics
+link random
+$define BevelWidth 2
+$define WindowMargin 10
+procedure main(args)
+ local win, gc, w, h, m, a, da, n, ov, i, t
+ win := Window("size=400,400", args)
+ n := integer(args[1]) | 18
+ m := WindowMargin
+ w := WAttrib("width") - 2 * m
+ h := WAttrib("height") - 2 * m
+ randomize()
+ gc := []
+ every 1 to n do
+ put(gc, Shade(Clone(win), ?65535 || "," || ?65535 || "," || ?65535))
+ if *gc = 0 then
+ stop("can't allocate any colors")
+ if n >:= *gc then
+ write(&errout, "using only ", n, " colors")
+ da := 2 * &pi / n # change in angle
+ a := -&pi / 2 - da # current angle
+ ov := &pi / 1000 # small overlap
+ every i := 1 to n do
+ FillArc(gc[i], m, m, w, h, a +:= da, da + ov)
+ WDone(win)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/wif2isd.icn b/ipl/gprogs/wif2isd.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5a05a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/wif2isd.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# File: wif2isd.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert WIFs to ISDs
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# The following option is supported:
+# -n s name; default "untitled"
+# Note: The output is an xencoded ISD.
+# There is a problem where there is treadling with multiple treadles
+# and no liftplan. *Presumably* that treadling can be used like a
+# liftplan, but without, necessarily, a direct tie-up. This problem
+# problem has not been addressed yet.
+# If there is a liftplan, then a direct tie-up is implied by the
+# wording in the WIF documentation. However, that's in the interpretation
+# of the draft. The tie-up produced here is the one given in the
+# If there is a liftplan and a treadling with multiple treadles,
+# the treadling is ignored.
+# Also not handled is the possibility of multiple shafts per thread.
+# This could be dealt with as for the liftplan. The idea is that
+# instead of a threading corresponding to a single shaft, there are
+# some number of different shaft patterns, like there are liftplan
+# patterns.
+# The liftplan is represented as concatenated rows of shaft patterns in
+# the order they first appear. Thus, the symbols used for them can be
+# reconstructed with the ISD is processed.
+# This program does not attempt to detect or correct errors in WIFs,
+# but it does try to work around some common problems.
+# Links: options, wifisd
+link options
+link wifisd
+global data_default
+global data_entries
+global sections
+global wif
+procedure main(args)
+ local opts, title, palette
+ opts := options(args, "n:")
+ title := \opts["n"] | "untitled"
+ wif2isd(&input, title)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/wifs2pdb.icn b/ipl/gprogs/wifs2pdb.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3dc896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/wifs2pdb.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# File: wifs2pdb.icn
+# Subject: Program to create palette database from WIFs
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: April 15, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This is a crude version; it does not bother with actually parsing WIF
+# files and it assumes a color range of 2^16.
+# Links: basename, palettes, xcode
+link basename
+link palettes
+link xcode
+global PDB_
+procedure main(args)
+ local file, wifname, input, clist, line, range, i
+ every file := !args do {
+ wifname := basename(file, ".wif")
+ input := open(file) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot open ", image(file))
+ next
+ }
+ clist := []
+ range := &null
+ while line := trim(map(read(input))) do {
+ if line == "[color table]" then {
+ while line := trim(read(input)) do {
+ if *line = 0 then break
+ line ?:= {
+ if ="[" then break
+ tab(upto('=') + 1)
+ tab(0)
+ }
+ put(clist, line)
+ }
+ }
+ else if line == "[color palette]" then {
+ while line := trim(map(read(input))) do {
+ if *line = 0 then break
+ line ? {
+ if ="[" then break
+ else if ="range=" then {
+ tab(upto(',') + 1)
+ range := tab(0) + 1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(input)
+ if (\range ~= 65536) then { # adjust color values
+ every i := 1 to *clist do
+ clist[i] := color_range(clist[i], range) | {
+ write(&errout, "*** bad color specification")
+ break break
+ }
+ }
+ makepalette(wifname, clist) |
+ write(&errout, "*** cannot make palette for ", image(wifname))
+ }
+ xencode(PDB_, &output)
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/xbm2pat.icn b/ipl/gprogs/xbm2pat.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8dc413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/xbm2pat.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# File: xbm2pat.icn
+# Subject: Program to convert XBM file to pattern specification
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 14, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program converts an XBM file to a pattern specification.
+# Links: patutils
+link patutils
+procedure main(args)
+ local input, rlist
+ input := open(args[1]) | stop("*** cannot open image file")
+ rlist := []
+ every put(rlist, xbm2rows(input))
+ write(rows2pat(rlist)," # ", args[1])
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/xformpat.icn b/ipl/gprogs/xformpat.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c24735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/xformpat.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# File: xformpat.icn
+# Subject: Program to apply transformation to patterns
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 12, 1993
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program takes patterns from standard input and applies a
+# transformation to each one, writing the results to standard output.
+# The transformation to be applied is given in terms of command-line
+# arguments, with the transformation first, followed by any arguments,
+# as in
+# xformpat center 32 32
+# which would attempt to produce a 32x32 centered pattern from each
+# pattern in standard input.
+# Warning: Some transformations can fail. In cae of failure, no
+# pattern is written.
+# Links: patxform
+invocable all
+link patxform
+procedure main(args)
+ local xform, rows
+ xform := proc("p" || args[1]) | stop("** invalid transformation")
+ while rows := pat2rows(readpatt()) do {
+ get(args) # a trick here; there's always an extra
+ push(args, rows)
+ write(rows2pat(xform ! args))
+ }
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/xgamma.icn b/ipl/gprogs/xgamma.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54eca83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/xgamma.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# File: xgamma.icn
+# Subject: Program to configure X color correction
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: November 14, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Xgamma sets the root window properties that provide device-independent
+# color under X windows. Icon derives the default value of the "gamma"
+# attribute from these properties.
+# Ideally, color properties would be set automatically based on
+# specifications provided by the manufacturer of the monitor.
+# Lacking such specifications, xgamma synthesizes intensity ramps
+# for an ideal monitor characterized by a given gamma value.
+# The phosphor colors, which must also be set, are set to those of a
+# Sony Trinitron monitor based on values from the X11R5 distribution.
+# There are three ways to call xgamma:
+# xgamma m.n set color properties using gamma value m.n
+# xgamma none remove color properties
+# xgamma report gamma attribute inferred by Icon
+# A pipe to "xcmsdb" is opened, so that program must be in the current
+# search path.
+# The default gamma attribute calculated by Icon does not always exactly
+# match the value set by xgamma. The reason for this is unclear.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics under X11R5
+# Links: wopen
+link wopen
+global ofile
+procedure main(args)
+ local gamma
+ if *args = 0 then {
+ WOpen("canvas=hidden", "size=200,100") | stop("can't open window")
+ write(left(WAttrib("gamma") + 0.005, 4))
+ return
+ }
+ if map(args[1]) == ("none" | "off" | "remove") then {
+ system("xcmsdb -remove")
+ return
+ }
+ gamma := real(args[1]) | 2.5
+ ofile := open("xcmsdb", "wp") | stop("can't open pipe to xcmsdb")
+ write(ofile, "SCREENDATA_BEGIN 0.3")
+ header()
+ matrices()
+ ramps(gamma)
+ write(ofile, )
+ write(ofile, "SCREENDATA_END")
+procedure header()
+ every write(ofile, ![
+ "",
+ " NAME Unknown monitor",
+ " MODEL Unknown",
+ " REVISION 2.0",
+ ])
+procedure matrices()
+ # Trinitron specs from X11R5 contrib/clients/xcrtca/monitors
+ every write(ofile, " ", \![
+ " 3.061645878834450 -1.278267953801873 -0.444951165661258",
+ " -1.032702121385028 1.976844500877421 0.008133037520752",
+ " 0.057063919003669 -0.199057800043321 0.779596768525705",
+ " 0.422396751969335 0.297093836421011 0.237981555762915",
+ " 0.220555266059938 0.660453956058605 0.118990777881458",
+ " 0.025397273061447 0.146890261130091 1.295677359153649",
+ ])
+procedure ramps(gamma)
+ write(ofile, " INTENSITY_PROFILE_BEGIN 0 3")
+ every hue("RED" | "GREEN" | "BLUE", gamma)
+ write(ofile, " INTENSITY_PROFILE_END")
+procedure hue(c, gamma)
+ local i, x, v
+ static hextab
+ initial every put((hextab := []), !"0123456789abcdef" || !"0123456789abcdef")
+ write(ofile, " INTENSITY_TBL_BEGIN ", c, " 256")
+ every i := 0 to 255 do {
+ x := hextab[i + 1]
+ v := (i / 255.0) ^ gamma
+ if v < 0.0001 then # avoid "e" notation
+ v := 0.0
+ write(ofile, " 0x", x, x, " ", left(v, 8, "0"))
+ }
+ write(ofile, " INTENSITY_TBL_END")
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/xpmtoims.icn b/ipl/gprogs/xpmtoims.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b4c1be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/xpmtoims.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# File: xpmtoims.icn
+# Subject: Program to make Icon images from XPM files
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 23, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Usage: xpmtoims [-d] [-gn | -cn] [file...]
+# Xpmtoims reads XPM files and writes Icon image strings.
+# -cn or -gn selects the color palette used; -c1 is the default.
+# If -d is given, each image is displayed in a window after conversion.
+# Output is a file of Icon source code suitable for use via $include.
+# Each image is a string constant with a comment.
+# Multiple images are separated by commas.
+# (A window is always required, whether or not anything is displayed,
+# so that the XPM colors can be converted by the window system.)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, imscolor, options
+link graphics, imscolor, options
+global opts, pal, nwritten
+procedure main(args)
+ local fname, f
+ # Open the window and process options.
+ Window("size=100,20", args)
+ opts := options(args, "dg+c+")
+ pal := ("c" || \opts["c"]) | ("g" || \opts["g"]) | "c1"
+ PaletteChars(pal) | stop("invalid palette ", pal)
+ ColorValue("navy") |
+ write(&errout, "warning: no X color names, conversion is risky")
+ # Convert the file.
+ nwritten := 0
+ if *args = 0 then
+ dofile(&input, "[stdin]")
+ else
+ while fname := get(args) do
+ if f := open(fname) then {
+ dofile(f, fname)
+ close(f)
+ }
+ else {
+ write(&errout, fname, ": can't open")
+ }
+# dofile(f, fname) -- process one file.
+procedure dofile(f, fname)
+ local s, e
+ # Convert the file
+ s := XPMImage(f, pal) | {
+ write(&errout, fname, ": cannot decode")
+ return
+ }
+ # Add spacing if this isn't the first image.
+ if (nwritten +:= 1) > 1 then
+ write(",\n")
+ # Write the image.
+ write("# xpmtoims -", pal, " ", fname)
+ imswrite(, s)
+ flush(&output)
+ # If requested, display the image.
+ if \opts["d"] then {
+ WAttrib("width=" || imswidth(s), "height=" || imsheight(s))
+ EraseArea(0, 0)
+ DrawImage(0, 0, s)
+ while e := Event() do case e of {
+ QuitEvents(): exit() # quit on "q" etc
+ !" \t\r\n": break # continue on "\r" etc
+ }
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/zoomtile.icn b/ipl/gprogs/zoomtile.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1489660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/zoomtile.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# File: zoomtile.icn
+# Subject: Program to show a tile magnified
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 28, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program provides an optionally magnified view of a tile.
+# File names are given on command line. Image files are written to
+# <basename>_zoom.gif.
+# Options are:
+# -z i zoom factor, default 8
+# -g provide grid; only supported if zoom factor > 2
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, options, patutils, win
+link basename
+link options
+link patutils
+link win
+procedure main(args)
+ local i, x, y, opts, magnif, pattern, dims, row, pixel, width, height, glist
+ local name, input
+ opts := options(args, "z+g")
+ magnif := \opts["z"] | 8
+ every name := !args do {
+ input := open(name) | stop("Cannot open ", name)
+ pattern := readpatt(input) | stop("*** no tile specification")
+ close(input)
+ dims := tiledim(pattern)
+ width := magnif * dims.w
+ height := magnif * dims.h
+ win(width, height)
+ glist := []
+ if \opts["g"] & (magnif > 2) then {
+ every y := 0 to height by magnif do
+ DrawLine(0, y, width, y)
+ every x := 0 to width by magnif do
+ DrawLine(x, 0, x, height)
+ }
+ DrawTile(0, 0, pattern, , magnif)
+ WriteImage(basename(name, ".blp") || "_zoom.gif")
+ WClose(&window)
+ &window := &null
+ }