path: root/debian
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian')
27 files changed, 1580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be29db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+zsh (4.3.17-1+dyson1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release for Dyson.
+ -- Igor Pashev <> Thu, 31 May 2012 22:10:52 +0000
diff --git a/debian/clean b/debian/clean
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3335c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a4fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/compat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19c6a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Source: zsh
+Section: shells
+Priority: optional
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), dh-autoreconf,
+ bsdmainutils, groff-base, libcap-dev [linux-any],
+ libncursesw5-dev, libpcre3-dev, texi2html (>= 1.76-3), texinfo, texlive-latex-base, yodl,
+ gawk
+Maintainer: Debian Zsh Maintainers <>
+Uploaders: Michael Prokop <>, Axel Beckert <>, Clint Adams <>, Frank Terbeck <>, Richard Hartmann <>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.3
+Vcs-Git: git://
+Package: zsh
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
+Recommends: ${shlibs:Recommends}
+Suggests: zsh-doc
+Description: shell with lots of features
+ Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an
+ interactive login shell and as a shell script command
+ processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles
+ ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command-line editing,
+ built-in spelling correction, programmable command completion,
+ shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a
+ host of other features.
+Package: zsh-doc
+Architecture: all
+Section: doc
+Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info
+Description: zsh documentation - info/HTML format
+ Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an
+ interactive login shell and as a shell script command
+ processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles
+ ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command-line editing,
+ built-in spelling correction, programmable command completion,
+ shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a
+ host of other features.
+ .
+ This contains the documentation in GNU info and HTML formats.
+Package: zsh-dev
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Description: shell with lots of features (development files)
+ Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an
+ interactive login shell and as a shell script command
+ processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles
+ ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command-line editing,
+ built-in spelling correction, programmable command completion,
+ shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a
+ host of other features.
+ .
+ This package contains headers and scripts necessary to compile
+ third-party modules.
+Package: zsh-dbg
+Architecture: any
+Section: debug
+Priority: extra
+Depends: zsh (= ${binary:Version})
+Description: shell with lots of features (debugging symbols)
+ Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an
+ interactive login shell and as a shell script command
+ processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles
+ ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command-line editing,
+ built-in spelling correction, programmable command completion,
+ shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a
+ host of other features.
+ .
+ This package contains gdb debugging symbols for the 'zsh'
+ package.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a42be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+This is the Debian Linux prepackaged version of the Z Shell (zsh), a shell
+with lots of features.
+This package was put together by Robert Leslie <> with sources
+obtained from:
+Source can now be obtained from
+The following copyright and license apply to this software:
+The Z Shell is copyright (c) 1992-2000 Paul Falstad, Richard Coleman,
+Zoltán Hidvégi, Andrew Main, Peter Stephenson, Sven Wischnowsky, and
+others. All rights reserved. Individual authors, whether or not
+specifically named, retain copyright in all changes; in what follows, they
+are referred to as `the Zsh Development Group'. This is for convenience
+only and this body has no legal status. The Z shell is distributed under
+the following licence; any provisions made in individual files take
+Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
+licence or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
+purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
+two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
+In no event shall the Zsh Development Group be liable to any party for
+direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out
+of the use of this software and its documentation, even if and the Zsh
+Development Group have been advised of the possibility of such damage.
+The Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any warranties, including,
+but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
+for a particular purpose. The software provided hereunder is on an "as is"
+basis, and the Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide
+maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
diff --git a/debian/examples/carstenh.zshrc b/debian/examples/carstenh.zshrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8a0186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/examples/carstenh.zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+# ~/.zshrc file for zsh(1).
+# This file is sourced only for interactive shells. It should contain
+# commands to set up aliases, functions, options, key bindings, etc.
+# Global Order: zshenv, zprofile, zshrc, zlogin
+# To enable the below-mentioned features uncomment the according lines.
+# ### Include user name, host name and current working directory in the prompt:
+PS1='%(!..%n@)%m:%~%# '
+# ### Select emacs like key bindings:
+# bindkey -e
+# ### Define some useful aliases:
+# { ls --help | grep -- --color } >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias ls='ls --color=auto'
+# alias l='ls -F'
+# alias ll='ls -F -l'
+# alias la='ls -F -A'
+# ### Keep 1000 lines of history within the shell and save it to ~/.zsh_history:
+# HISTSIZE=1000
+# SAVEHIST=1000
+# HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history
+# ### Teach less, e.g., reading compressed files and listing archive content:
+# which lesspipe >/dev/null && eval "$(lesspipe)"
+# ### Turn on completion with the default options:
+# autoload -Uz compinit; compinit
+# ### Enable completion menu:
+# zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=2
+# ### Activate colored completion:
+# which dircolors >/dev/null && eval "$(dircolors -b)"
+# zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
+# ### If we are in a Debian chroot display its name in the prompt:
+# [[ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]] && : ${debian_chroot:="$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)"}
+# PS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}%(!..%n@)%m:%~%# "
+# ### Use vcs_info to include version control system information in the prompt:
+# setopt prompt_subst
+# autoload -Uz vcs_info; vcs_info 2>/dev/null && precmd() { vcs_info }
+# PS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}%(!..%n@)%m:%~\${vcs_info_msg_0_}%# "
+# ### Configure vcs_info to be colorful:
+# zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats ' %F{5}(%f%s%F{5})%F{3}-%F{5}[%F{2}%b%F{3}|%F{1}%a%F{5}]%f '
+# zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats ' %F{5}(%f%s%F{5})%F{3}-%F{5}[%F{2}%b%F{5}]%f '
+# zstyle ':vcs_info:(sv[nk]|bzr):*' branchformat '%b%F{1}:%F{3}%r'
+# ### ########################################################################
+# ### All features below this line are disabled, uncomment the according #
+# ### lines to enable them. #
+# ### ########################################################################
+# ### Content:
+# ### * Environment variables:
+# ### - LESS: Set default options for less.
+# ### - GIT_PAGER: Set pager used by git.
+# ### - GIT_EXEC_PATH: Tell git to look in ~/bin/git for git executables.
+# ### - TIMEFMT: Set outputformat of shell builtin time.
+# ### * Zsh options:
+# ### - Not listed here.
+# ### * Precmd / preexec:
+# ### - Set xterm / rxvt title.
+# ### - Set screen's window title.
+# ### - Transparent directory replacement.
+# ### * Aliases:
+# ### - Not listed here.
+# ### * Functions:
+# ### - Start(), Restart(), Stop(), Reload(), Force-Reload():
+# ### Start, restart, stop, reload or force-reload a System-V
+# ### style init script.
+# ### - accessed(), changed(), modified():
+# ### List files which have been changed / modified / accessed
+# ### within the last n days, n defaults to 1.
+# ### - accessed.(), changed.(), modified.():
+# ### Same as above, but list files whose name start with
+# ### a dot.
+# ### - bk(): Make a backup of a file.
+# ### - cdt(): Create temporary directory and chdir into it.
+# ### - edalias(): Edit an alias via zle.
+# ### - edfunc(): Edit a function via zle.
+# ### - md(): Create given directory recursively and chdir into it.
+# ### - sll(): List symlinks in detail (more detailed 'readlink -f').
+# ### - unik(): Print unique lines, input does not need to be sorted.
+# ### * Misc:
+# ### - Chdir to ~ if zsh was started in a non-existent directory.
+# ### - Cat ~/dead.letter.
+# ### - Source ~/.zshrc.local if it exists and is readable.
+# ### ########################################################################
+# ### Environment variables: #
+# ### ####################################################################{{{1
+# ### Set default options for less:
+# ### -~ -- Display lines after end of file as blank lines.
+# ### -# -- Specifies the default number of positions to scroll horizontally
+# ### in the RIGHTARROW and LEFTARROW commands.
+# ### -K -- Causes less to exit immediately when ^C is typed.
+# ### -M -- Causes less to prompt even more verbosely than more.
+# ### -R -- Causes ANSI "color" escape sequences to be displayed.
+# ### -i -- Causes searches to ignore case like vim's smartcase does.
+# ### -q -- Use visual bell but not the terminal bell.
+# ### -w -- Temporarily highlight the first "new" line after a forward movement.
+# which less >/dev/null && export LESS='-~#20KMRiqw'
+# ### Set pager used by git:
+# ### -E -- Automatically exit the first time it reaches end-of-file.
+# ### -F -- Automatically exit if the entire file fits on the first screen.
+# ### -X -- Disable sending the termcap initialization and deinitialization
+# ### strings to the terminal. Prevents clearing the screen.
+# which less >/dev/null && export GIT_PAGER='less -EFX'
+# ### Tell git to look in ~/bin/git for git executables:
+# which git >/dev/null && export GIT_EXEC_PATH="`git --exec-path`:$HOME/bin/git"
+# ### Set outputformat of shell builtin time:
+# Time spent in user mode: %U
+# Time spent in kernel mode: %S
+# Total time: %E
+# CPU utilisation: %P
+# "
+# ### #####################################################################}}}
+# ### Zsh options: #
+# ### ####################################################################{{{1
+# ### Changing directories:
+# ### Try chdir if there is no matching executeable.
+# setopt autocd
+# ### Chdir to hashed directories without the need to prepend ~.
+# setopt cdablevars
+# ### Make cd push the old directory onto the directory stack.
+# setopt autopushd
+# ### Don't push multiple copies of the same directory onto the stack.
+# setopt pushdignoredups
+# ### Do not print the directory stack after pushd or popd.
+# setopt pushdsilent
+# ### Make pushd with no arguments act like `pushd $HOME'.
+# setopt pushdtohome
+# ### Completion:
+# ### Use different widths whilst displaying completion menu to reduce size.
+# setopt listpacked
+# ### Try to complete when cursor is in the word.
+# setopt complete_in_word
+# ### Automatically list choices on an ambiguous completion.
+# setopt autolist
+# ### History:
+# ### Don't display duplicates in while searching in history.
+# setopt histfindnodups
+# ### Don't put duplicate lines in history.
+# setopt histignoredups
+# ### Remove superfluous blanks from history.
+# setopt histreduceblanks
+# ### Reload line into editing buffer instead of executing it.
+# setopt histverify
+# ### Don't add lines prefixed by a space to history.
+# setopt histignorespace
+# ### Job Control:
+# ### Don't nice backgrounded jobs.
+# setopt nobgnice
+# ### Don't send HUP signal to running jobs when the shell exists and don't
+# ### complain about still running background jobs.
+# setopt nohup nocheckjobs
+# ### Print backgrounded jobs when they finish.
+# setopt notify
+# ### Disable flow-control with ^S and ^Q.
+# setopt noflowcontrol
+# ### Prompt:
+# ### Print exitvalues != 0.
+# setopt printexitvalue
+# ### Send \r on new line.
+# setopt promptcr
+# ### Zle:
+# ### Be quiet.
+# setopt nobeep
+# ### #####################################################################}}}
+# ### Precmd / preexec: #
+# ### ####################################################################{{{1
+# ### Set xterm / rxvt title:
+# preexec_xterm_title() {
+# [[ "$TERM" != "xterm" ]] && [[ "$TERM" == "${TERM#rxvt}" ]] && return
+# print -nR $'\033]0;'$1$'\a'
+# }
+# precmd_xterm_title() {
+# [[ "$TERM" != "xterm" ]] && [[ "$TERM" == "${TERM#rxvt}" ]] && return
+# print -nR $'\033]0;'Terminal$'\a'
+# }
+# preexec_functions=( ${preexec_functions} preexec_xterm_title )
+# precmd_functions=( ${precmd_functions} precmd_xterm_title )
+# ### Set screen's window title:
+# preexec_screen_window_title() {
+# [[ "$TERM" == "${TERM#screen}" ]] && return
+# setopt localoptions extendedglob shwordsplit noksharrays
+# typeset -a cmd m_bracket m_brace m_paren m_percent
+# cmd=(${${1}[(wr)^(*=*|nice|sudo|time|env|fakeroot|trickle|-*),-1]})
+# [[ -n "$cmd[2]" ]] || { echo -ne "\ek$cmd[1]\e\\"; return; }
+# m_bracket=( vi vim emacs mcedit nano ee joe less more most )
+# m_percent=( make )
+# m_paren=( man perldoc )
+# m_brace=( )
+# local cmd1="$cmd[1]" m1 m2
+# if { [[ ${m_bracket[(i)$cmd1]} -le ${#m_bracket} ]] && m1='[' && m2=']' } \
+# || { [[ ${m_brace[(i)$cmd1]} -le ${#m_brace} ]] && m1='{' && m2='}' } \
+# || { [[ ${m_paren[(i)$cmd1]} -le ${#m_paren} ]] && m1='(' && m2=')' } \
+# || { [[ ${m_percent[(i)$cmd1]} -le ${#m_percent} ]] && m1='%' && m2='%' }
+# then
+# shift 1 cmd
+# cmd=(${${cmd}[(wr)^(*=*|-*|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8),-1]})
+# cmd[1]="${${${${cmd[1]}##*/}%=}:-$cmd1}"
+# fi
+# echo -ne "\ek$m1$cmd[1]$m2\e\\"
+# }
+# precmd_screen_window_title() {
+# [[ "$TERM" == "${TERM#screen}" ]] && return
+# echo -ne "\ekzsh\e\\"
+# }
+# preexec_functions=( ${preexec_functions} preexec_screen_window_title )
+# precmd_functions=( ${precmd_functions} precmd_screen_window_title )
+# ### Transparent directory replacement:
+# ###
+# precmd_transparent_dir_replacement() {
+# [ . -ef "$PWD" ] && return 0
+# builtin cd -q -- "$PWD" >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
+# echo >&2 "W: $PWD does not exist anymore."
+# return 1
+# }
+# }
+# precmd_functions=( ${precmd_functions} precmd_transparent_dir_replacement )
+# ### #####################################################################}}}
+# ### Aliases: #
+# ### ####################################################################{{{1
+# ### Ordinary aliases:
+# { grep --help | grep -- --color } >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
+# alias grep='grep --color=auto'
+# { egrep --help | grep -- --color } >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
+# alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
+# alias cp='nocorrect cp'
+# alias ln='nocorrect ln'
+# alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir'
+# alias mv='nocorrect mv'
+# alias rm='nocorrect rm'
+# ### Suffix aliases:
+# ###;a=blob;f=zsh/alias
+# ### Automatically open images:
+# if which feh >/dev/null; then
+# alias -s {jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG,png,PNG,gif,GIF}="feh -FZd"
+# fi
+# ### Automatically open movies:
+# if which mplayer >/dev/null; then
+# alias -s {mpg,mpeg,avi,ogm,wmv,m4v,mp4,mov,3GP}="mplayer -idx"
+# fi
+# ### Automatically open web addresses (requires $BROWSER to be set):
+# if [[ -n "$BROWSER" ]] && which "$BROWSER" >/dev/null; then
+# alias -s {html,htm,com,net,org,gov,edu,de}="$BROWSER"
+# fi
+# ### Automatically open text files (requires $EDITOR to be set):
+# if [[ -n "$EDITOR" ]] && which "$EDITOR" >/dev/null; then
+# alias -s {txt,c,h}="$EDITOR"
+# fi
+# ### Automatically open other known files:
+# which evince >/dev/null && alias -s pdf="evince"
+# which evince >/dev/null && alias -s ps="evince"
+# which java >/dev/null && alias -s jar="java -jar"
+# ### #####################################################################}}}
+# ### Functions: #
+# ### ####################################################################{{{1
+# ### Start(), Restart(), Stop(), Reload(), Force-Reload():
+# ### Start, restart, stop, reload or force-reload a System-V
+# ### style init script.
+# eval {Start,Restart,Stop,Reload,Force-Reload}'() { (
+# builtin cd -q / || { echo >&2 "E: Could not chdir to /"; return 1; }
+# env -i PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \
+# "/etc/init.d/${1:?}" "${0:l}"
+# ) };'
+# compctl -g "/etc/init.d/*(:t)" Start Restart Stop Reload Force-Reload
+# ### accessed(), changed(), modified():
+# ### List files which have been changed / modified / accessed
+# ### within the last n days, n defaults to 1.
+# accessed() { emulate -L zsh; print -l -- *(a-${1:-1}); }
+# changed() { emulate -L zsh; print -l -- *(c-${1:-1}); }
+# modified() { emulate -L zsh; print -l -- *(m-${1:-1}); }
+# ### accessed.(), changed.(), modified.():
+# ### Same as above, but list files whose name starts with
+# ### a dot.
+# accessed.() { emulate -L zsh; print -l -- .*(a-${1:-1}); }
+# changed.() { emulate -L zsh; print -l -- .*(c-${1:-1}); }
+# modified.() { emulate -L zsh; print -l -- .*(m-${1:-1}); }
+# ### bk(): Make a backup of a file.
+# bk() {
+# cp -a "$1" "${1}_$(date --iso-8601=seconds)";
+# }
+# ### cdt(): Create temporary directory and chdir into it.
+# cdt() {
+# [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || printf 'Usage: %s\n' "$0";
+# builtin cd "$(mktemp -t -d cdt.XXXXXXXXXX)";
+# }
+# ### edalias(): Edit an alias via zle.
+# edalias() {
+# [[ -z "$1" ]] && { echo "Usage: edalias <alias_to_edit>" ; return 1 }
+# vared aliases'[$1]'
+# }
+# compdef _aliases edalias
+# ### edfunc(): Edit a function via zle.
+# edfunc() {
+# [[ -z "$1" ]] && { echo "Usage: edfun <function_to_edit>" ; return 1 }
+# zed -f "$1"
+# }
+# compdef _functions edfunc
+# ### md(): Create given directory recursively and chdir into it.
+# md() {
+# [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || printf 'Usage: %s <directory>\n' "$0";
+# mkdir -p "$1" && builtin cd "$1";
+# }
+# compdef md=mkdir
+# ### sll(): List symlinks in detail (more detailed 'readlink -f').
+# sll() {
+# [[ -z "$1" ]] && printf 'Usage: %s <file(s)>\n' "$0" && return 1
+# local file
+# for file in "$@"; do
+# (
+# while [[ -h "$file" ]]; do
+# ls -l "$file"
+# builtin cd -q "${file:h}"
+# file="$(readlink "${file:t}")"
+# done
+# ls -l "$file"
+# )
+# done
+# }
+# ### unik(): Print unique lines, input does not need to be sorted.
+# unik() {
+# perl -ne 'print unless $seen{$_}++' "$@"
+# }
+# ### #####################################################################}}}
+# ### Misc: #
+# ### ####################################################################{{{1
+# ### Chdir to ~ if zsh was started in a non-existent directory:
+# [[ "$PWD" == . ]] && builtin cd ~
+# ### Cat ~/dead.letter:
+# if [[ -r ~/dead.letter ]]; then
+# echo ~/dead.letter:
+# cat ~/dead.letter
+# echo
+# fi
+# if [[ "$USERNAME" == root ]] && [[ -r /dead.letter ]]; then
+# echo /dead.letter:
+# cat /dead.letter
+# echo
+# fi
+# ### Source ~/.zshrc.local if it exists and is readable:
+# [[ -r ~/.zshrc.local ]] && . ~/.zshrc.local || true
diff --git a/debian/examples/compctl.dpkg b/debian/examples/compctl.dpkg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c142e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/examples/compctl.dpkg
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Dpkg completion control for zsh.
+# NOTE: Completion for these commands (dpkg, dpkg-source, bug)
+# are included # upstream as part of the new completion system.
+# Seriously consider using that instead.
+# Originally by Joey Hess <>, GPL copyright.
+# Contributions and fixes from Karl Hegbloom, Fabien Ninoles,
+# Gregor Hoffleit, Csaba Benedek, &c.
+# Currently doesn't handle correctly:
+# Options after -D or --debug.
+# --force- and friends,--ignore-depends,--root= and friends.
+# A function to return all available package names.
+# This could be done without grep and awk by replacing that line with
+# reply=(${${(M)${(f)"$(</var/lib/dpkg/status)"}:#Package:*}#Package: })
+function DpkgPackages {
+ reply=(`grep '^Package:' /var/lib/dpkg/status | awk '{ print $2 }'`)
+# This array lists all the dpkg options and actions.
+dpkg_options=(-i --install --unpack --configure -r --remove --purge -A \
+--avail --update-avail --merge-avail --yet-to-unpack -l --list -L \
+--listfiles -C --audit -S --search -s --status --help -c --contents -I \
+--info -B --auto-deconfigure -D --debug --largemem --smallmem --no-act \
+-R --recursive -G -O --selected-only -E -e --control --skip-same-version \
+-x --extract -f --field --fsys-tarfile -X --vextract --licence --version \
+-b --build)
+# This string lists all dpkg actions that operate on *.deb files,
+# separated by |'s. There can't be any extra whitespace in it!
+# This string lists all dpkg actions that normally operate on *.deb files,
+# but can operate on directory names if the --recursive option is given to
+# dpkg.
+# This string lists all other dpkg actions that take a directory name as
+# their first parameter, and a filename as their second parameter.
+# This string lists dpkg actions that take a directory name as
+# their second parameter.
+# This string lists all dpkg actions that take a filename as their first
+# parameter (ie, a Packages file).
+# This string lists all dpkg actions that operate on the names of packages
+# and can also be used with the --pending option.
+# This string lists all other dpkg actions that operate on the names of
+# packages.
+# Now the command that puts it all together..
+compctl -k dpkg_options \
+ -x "C[-1,$dpkg_deb_rec_actions],R[-R|--recursive,]" -g '*(-/D)' \
+ - "C[-1,$dpkg_deb_actions]" -g '*.deb' + -g '*(-/D)' \
+ - "C[-1,$dpkg_pkg_pending_actions]" -K DpkgPackages + -k "(-a,--pending)" \
+ - "C[-1,$dpkg_pkg_actions]" -K DpkgPackages \
+ - "C[-1,$dpkg_file_actions],C[-2,$dpkg_df_actions]" -f \
+ - "C[-2,$dpkg_dir2_actions],C[-1,$dpkg_df_actions]" -g '*(-/D)' \
+ -- dpkg
+# Also, set up package name completion for bug program.
+compctl -K DpkgPackages bug
+# This section by Karl M. Hegbloom
+dpkg_source_options=(-x -b -c -l -F -V -T -D -U \
+-sa -sk -sp -su -sr -ss -sn -sA -sK -sP -sU -sR \
+-h --help)
+compctl -k dpkg_source_options \
+ -x "C[-1,-x]" -g '*.dsc' \
+ - "C[-1,-b]" -g '*(-/D)' \
+ -- dpkg-source
+# Unset the temporary variables.
+unset dpkg_deb_actions dpkg_deb_rec_actions dpkg_df_actions \
+ dpkg_dir2_actions dpkg_file_actions dpkg_pkg_pending_actions \
+ dpkg_pkg_actions # dpkg_source_options dpkg_options
diff --git a/debian/examples/jhm.zshrc b/debian/examples/jhm.zshrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86dacc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/examples/jhm.zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+# Ray's .zshrc
+# Note that completions for dpkg-deb, mutt, mount, and dupload are
+# included as part of the new completion system. See docs for details.
+# Zsh settings
+# - completions for dpkg-deb
+# - completions for lintian
+# - completions for dupload
+# - completions for nm
+# - completions for objdump
+# - completions for mount
+# - completion for man -l
+bindkey -e # Emacs-style commandline editing
+case "$TERM" in
+ linux) # Linux console
+ bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # Home
+ bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # End
+ bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del
+ bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
+# bindkey '\e[A' up-line-or-history # cursor up
+# bindkey '\e[B' down-line-or-history # cursor down
+# bindkey '\e[C' forward-char # cursor right
+# bindkey '\e[D' backward-char # cursor left
+ ;;
+ screen) # The textmode window manager
+ # In Linux console
+ bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line # Home
+ bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line # End
+ bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del
+ bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
+ bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line # home
+ bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line # end
+ # In rxvt
+ bindkey '\eOc' forward-word # ctrl cursor right
+ bindkey '\eOd' backward-word # ctrl cursor left
+ bindkey '\e[3~' backward-delete-char # This should not be necessary!
+# bindkey '\e[A' up-line-or-history # cursor up
+# bindkey '\e[B' down-line-or-history # cursor down
+# bindkey '\e[C' forward-char # cursor right
+# bindkey '\e[D' backward-char # cursor left
+ ;;
+ rxvt)
+ bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line # home
+ bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line # end
+ bindkey '\eOc' forward-word # ctrl cursor right
+ bindkey '\eOd' backward-word # ctrl cursor left
+ bindkey '\e[3~' backward-delete-char # This should not be necessary!
+ bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
+ ;;
+ xterm*)
+ bindkey '\e[H' beginning-of-line # Home
+ bindkey '\e[F' end-of-line # End
+ bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char # Del
+ bindkey '\e[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
+ ;;
+ sun)
+ bindkey '\e[214z' beginning-of-line # Home
+ bindkey '\e[220z' end-of-line # End
+ bindkey '^J' delete-char # Del
+ bindkey '^H' backward-delete-char # Backspace
+ bindkey '\e[247z' overwrite-mode # Insert
+ ;;
+#if test "X$TERM" = "Xscreen" || test "X$TERM" = "Xlinux"; then
+# bindkey '\e[A' up-line-or-history # cursor up
+# bindkey '\e[B' down-line-or-history # cursor down
+# bindkey '\e[C' forward-char # cursor right
+# bindkey '\e[D' backward-char # cursor left
+#if test "X$TERM" = "Xscreen" || test "X$TERM" = "Xrxvt"; then
+# bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line # home
+# bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line # end
+# bindkey '\eOc' forward-word # ctrl cursor right
+# bindkey '\eOd' backward-word # ctrl cursor left
+# bindkey '\e[3~' backward-delete-char # This should not be necessary!
+eval `lesspipe`
+alias glimpse='glimpse -z -i -w'
+# All functions used for defining completion rules start with `c_'.
+setopt extendedglob # required for some of our completion magic
+setopt list_types # Put a file type indicator after file names when
+ # completing.
+setopt correct # Attempt spelling correction on command names only.
+setopt print_exit_value
+setopt list_ambiguous
+setopt bash_auto_list # Make <tab><tab> do the right thing.
+setopt list_packed # Compacter display of completion list.
+setopt interactive_comments
+setopt nohup # So backgrounded jobs don't get terminated when
+ # the shell is.
+# A sensible prompt:
+# hostname username(underlined) time pwd(bold; max 30 chars.) > or #
+if test "X$TERM" = "Xscreen"; then
+ # include a hint that screen(1) can use to set window titles.
+ PROMPT='%m %U%n%u %T %B%30<..<%~%b %{k\%}%(!.#.>) '
+ # We don't include the hint outside screen, as it causes problems
+ # with xterm
+ PROMPT='%m %U%n%u %T %B%30<..<%~%b %(!.#.>) '
+c_groups=( $(cut -d: -f1 /etc/group) )
+# Shell builtins
+compctl -k '( )' pushln
+compctl -z -P '%' bg
+compctl -j -P '%' fg jobs disown
+compctl -j -P '%' + -s '`ps -x | tail +2 | cut -c1-5`' wait
+compctl -A shift
+compctl -caF type whence which
+compctl -c unhash
+compctl -F functions unfunction
+compctl -x 'w[1,-d] p[2]' -n - 'w[1,-d] p[3]' -g '*(-/)' - \
+ 'p[1]' -c - 'p[2]' -g '*(-x)' -- hash
+compctl -a unalias
+compctl -v getln getopts read unset vared
+compctl -v -S '=' -q declare export integer local readonly typeset
+compctl -e disable
+compctl -d enable
+eval compctl -k "'("`limit | cut -d\ -f1`")'" limit unlimit
+compctl -l '' -x 'p[1]' -f -- . source
+compctl -s '`unsetopt`' setopt
+# Redirection below makes zsh silent when completing unsetopt xtrace
+compctl -s '`setopt 2> /dev/null`' unsetopt
+compctl -s '${^fpath}/*(N:t)' autoload
+compctl -b bindkey
+compctl -c -x 'C[-1,-*k]' -A - 'C[-1,-*K]' -F -- compctl
+compctl -x 'C[-1,-*e]' -c - 'C[-1,-[ARWI]##]' -f -- fc
+compctl -x 'p[1]' - 'p[2,-1]' -l '' -- sched
+compctl -x 'C[-1,[+-]o]' -o - 'c[-1,-A]' -A -- set
+# Anything after nohup is a command by itself with its own completion
+compctl -l '' nohup exec nice eval sudo fakeroot
+compctl -x 'p[1]' -c - 'p[2,-1]' -k signals -- trap
+compctl -l '' -x 'p[1]' -B -- builtin
+# kill takes signal names as the first argument after -, but job names after %
+# or PIDs as a last resort
+compctl -j -P '%' + -s '`ps -x | tail +2 | cut -c1-5`' + \
+ -x 's[-] p[1]' -k "($signals[1,-3])" -- kill
+# Basic commands and file manipulation commands
+compctl -k '( )' pwd
+compctl -g '*(/)' cd
+compctl -g '^*.(c|cc|C|cxx|cpp|h|in|l|y|tex)' rm
+compctl -g '*(/)' rmdir
+compctl -g '*.Z' + -g '*(/)' znew
+compctl -s '$(groups)' + -k groups newgrp
+compctl -f -x 'p[1], p[2] C[-1,-*]' -k groups -- chgrp
+compctl -f -x 'p[1] n[-1,.], p[2] C[-1,-*] n[-1,.]' -k groups \
+ - 'p[1], p[2] C[-1,-*]' -u -S '.' -- chown
+# GNU ls, dir: complete files, options (both - and -- kind), and option params.
+compctl -f \
+ -x s'[--format]' -P '=' -k '(long verbose commas horizontal across vertical si
+ngle-column)' \
+ - s'[--sort]' -P '=' -k '(none time size extension)' \
+ - s'[--time]' -P '=' -k '(atime ctime access use status)' \
+ - s'[--width=][--tabsize=][--ignore=][-w][-T][-I],c[-1,-w][-1,-T][-1,-I]' \
+ -k '( )' \
+ - s'[--]' -S '' -k '(all\ escape\ directory\ inode\ kilobytes\ numeric-uid-gid\ no-group\ hide-control-chars\ reverse\ size\ width= tabsize= almost-all\ ignore-backups\ classify\ file-type\ full-time\ ignore= dereference\ literal\ quote-name\ dired\ no-color\ 7bit\ 8bit\ recursive\ sort= format= time= no-group\ help\ version\ )' \
+ - s'[-]' -k '(a b c d f g i k l m n o p q r s t u x A B C F G L N Q R S U X 1
+w T I)' \
+ -- ls dir
+# Debian tar: viewing/extracting gzipped/compressed/bzip2ed/normal tar archives.
+compctl -f -x \
+ 'C[-1,*[xt]*f*z*] p[2]' -g '*.tar.gz *.tar.Z *.tgz' + -g '*(/)' - \
+ 'C[-1,*[xt]*f*I*] p[2]' -g '* *.tar.bz2 *.tbz' + -g '*(/)' - \
+ 'C[-1,*[xt]*f*] p[2]' -g '*.tar' -- \
+ + -g '*(/)' tar
+## tar: complete tar files (only .tar or .tar.* format) after -f, disable
+## completion for certain options, let user choose directory with -C,
+## complete GNU tar long options beginning with --. The match-taropts
+## function prompts for GNU tar options, ensures one of the seven
+## mandatory options is given in the first argument to tar, and enforces
+## spaces after options that take an argument (this is required by GNU
+## tar and also makes filename completion possible for the -f option).
+## Note that the -[0-7][lmh] options are not completed, but they're
+## hardly ever used.
+#compctl -f \
+# -x 'C[-1,-*f],p[2] C[-1,*f],c[-1,--file]' -g '*.tar(|.*)' + -g '*(-/)' \
+# - 'C[-1,-*[bLN]],p[2] C[-1,*[bLN]],c[-1,--block-size][-1,tape-length][-1,--after-date][-1,--newer]' -k '( )' \
+# - 'C[-1,-*C],p[2] C[-1,*C],c[-1,directory]' -g '*(-/)' \
+# - 'C[-1,-*[FgKTV]],p[2] C[-1,*[FgKTV]],c[-1,--info-script][-1,--new-volume-script][-1,--starting-file][-1,--files-from][-1,--label][-1,--exclude]' -f \
+# - 's[--]' -k '(catenate concatenate create diff compare delete append list update extract get atime-preserve block-size read-full-blocks directory checkpoint file force-local info-script new-volume-script incremental dereference ignore-zeros ignore-failed-read keep-old-files starting-file one-file-system tape-length modification-time multi-volume after-date newer old-archive portability to-stdout same-permissions preserve-permissions absolute-paths preserve record-number remove-files same-order preserve-order same-owner sparse files-from null totals verbose label version interactive confirmation verify exclude exclude-from compress uncompress gzip ungzip use-compress-program block-compress)' \
+# - 's[-],p[1]' -S '' -K 'match-taropts' \
+# -- tar
+# GNU find.
+# Note that 'r[-exec,;]' must come first.
+# We hardwire the filesystem types rather than use /proc/filesystems, in order
+# not to exclude filesystems that are supported through modules that are
+# currently not loaded.
+compctl -x 'r[-exec,;][-ok,;]' -l '' - \
+'s[-]' -s 'daystart {max,min,}depth follow noleaf version xdev mount \
+ {a,c,}newer {a,c,m}{min,time} empty false {fs,x,}type {u,g}id inum \
+ links {i,}{l,}name {no,}{user,group} {i,}path perm {i,}regex size \
+ true used exec {f,}print{f,0,} ok prune {f,}ls or not and' - \
+'p[1]' -g '. .. *(-/)' - \
+'C[-1,-((a|c|)newer|fprint(|0|f))]' -f - \
+'c[-1,-fstype]' -k '(ext2 fat iso9660 minix nfs vfat)' - \
+'c[-1,-type]' -k '(b c d p f l s)' -X '[b]lock dev, [c]har dev, [d]ir, named [p]ipe, regular [f]ile, [s]ocket' - \
+'c[-1,-size]' -k '(1234c 567k)' -X '512-byte [b]locks, [c] bytes, [k]ilobytes, 2-byte [w]ords' - \
+'c[-1,-group]' -k c_groups - \
+'c[-1,-user]' -u -- find
+# Commands that are usually used on non-generated files.
+compctl -g '*.gz *.Z *.bz2' \
+ + -g '*.web *.docbook' \
+ + -g '*.c *.cc *.C *.cxx *.cpp *.h *.tex *.txt *.html' \
+ + -g '^*.(o|a|so|aux|dvi|log|swp|fig|bbl|blg|bst|idx|ind|out|toc)' \
+ + -g '.*' \
+ + -g '*(/)' vi vim gvim less grep zgrep
+# Mail
+# TODO: mutt
+# Document processing
+compctl -g '*.tex' + -g '*(/)' tex
+compctl -g '*.tex *.ltx' + -g '*(/)' {latex,pdflatex}
+compctl -g '*.texi' + -g '*(/)' texi2{dvi,pdf,html}
+function c_bibtex {
+ reply=(`ls *.aux | sed -e 's/\.aux//'`);
+compctl -K c_bibtex bibtex
+# Viewers, editors etc.
+compctl -g '*.gz *.Z' + -g '*(/)' zcat gunzip gzcat zless
+compctl -g '*.bz *.bz2' + -g '*(/)' bzcat bz2cat bunzip2
+compctl -g '*.ps *.ps.gz *.pdf *.pdf.gz *.eps *.eps.gz' + -g '*(/)' gv
+compctl -g '*.(e|)ps' + -g '*(-/)' gs ghostview ps2ascii ps2text psnup ps2pdf
+compctl -g '*.pdf' + -g '*(/)' acroread xpdf
+compctl -g '*.dvi *.dvi.gz' + -g '*(/)' xdvi
+compctl -g '*.dvi' + -g '*(/)' dvi2fax dvidvi dvilj dvilj4 dvips dvitomp \
+ dvicopydvihp dvilj2p dvilj4l dvired dvitype
+compctl -g '*.html' + -g '*.htm' + -g '*(/)' w3m lynx mozilla netscape
+compctl -g '*.zip' + -g '*(/)' unzip
+compctl -g '*.fig' + -g '*(/)' xfig
+compctl -g '*.rtf' + -g '*(/)' Ted
+compctl -g '*.web' + -g '*(/)' tangle weave ftangle fweave ctangle cweave ctanglex cweavex
+# man: complete commands, otherwise complete by search of $MANPATH.
+# This is placed as an all-encompassing pattern at the end because making it
+# the default before the -x doesn't work. (It becomes
+# '-c + (-K 'match-man' -x ...), not (-c + -K 'match-man') -x ...).
+# We also complete paths for -M (override manpath), commands for -P (pager) and
+# disable for -S (search sections). After an explicit number (which it helps
+# to complete for you), these completion rules assume a thorough search is
+# needed and no longer use the '-c' hashed commands, relying entirely on
+# what's really in the manpath.
+# Also support -l <file> and -T<device>
+c_man_var() {
+ man_pages=( /usr/share/man/man*/*(N:t:r) /usr/man/man*/*(N:t:r) )
+ compctl -k man_pages man
+ reply=( $man_pages )
+compctl -x 'S[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]' -k '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)' \
+ - 'R[[1-9nlo]|[1-9](|[a-z]),^*]' -K 'match-man' \
+ - 's[-M],c[-1,-M]' -g '*(-/)' \
+ - 's[-P],c[-1,-P]' -c \
+ - 's[-S],s[-1,-S]' -k '( )' \
+ - 's[-l],c[-1,-l]' -g '*.[0-9] *.man' \
+ - 's[-T]' -k '(X100 X75 ascii latin1 ps X100-12 X75-12 dvi lj4)' \
+ - 's[-]' -k '(a d f h k t M P l)' \
+ - 'p[1,-1]' -c + -K 'c_man_var' \
+ -- man
+function c_enscript_langs {
+# languages and file formats for which enscript supports pretty-printing
+ reply=(`enscript --help-pretty-print | grep '^Name:' | sed -e 's/Name: //'`)
+compctl -g '*' + -g '*(/)' -x s'[-E][--pretty-print]' -P '=' -K c_enscript_langs \
+ - s'[--]' -S '' -k '(columns= pages= file-align= header= no-header\ truncate-lines\ line-numbers\ setpagedevice= escapes\ pretty-print\ pretty-print= font= header-font= fancy-header\ no-job-header\ highlight-bars= indent= filter= borders\ page-prefeed\ no-page-prefeed\ lineprinter\ lines-per-page= mail\ media= copies= newline= missing-characters\ output= printer= quiet\ silent\ landscape\ portrait\ baselineskip= statusdict= title= tabsize= underlay\ nup= verbose\ version\ language= encoding= no-formfeed\ pass-through\ ps-level= rotate-even-pages\ toc\ word-wrap\ )' \
+ -- enscript
+# Networking
+function c_lftp_bookmarks {
+# extract the names of bookmarks from the lftp bookmarks file.
+ reply=(`cut -c '1-17' ~/.lftp/bookmarks \
+ | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]//g' `);
+compctl -K c_lftp_bookmarks lftp
+function c_ssh_knownhosts {
+# extract the hosts which are known to ssh.
+ reply=(`sed -e 's/ .*$//' \
+ -e 's/,[0-9]\{3\}\..*//' ~/.ssh/known_hosts`);
+#compctl -K c_ssh_knownhosts ssh
+# Complete the current word with files after a `:', with ssh
+# hosts after a `@', and with hosts or files (in that order)
+# at the start of a word.
+compctl -x 'n[0,:]' -f - 'n[0,@],s[]' -K c_ssh_knownhosts -S: + -f -- \
+ scp
+# This completes `ssh [username@]host remotecommand'.
+# TODO: how do we get the -X working?
+compctl -x \
+ 'C[-1,*@*]' -X '<Remote command>' - \
+ 'n[0,@],s[]' -K c_ssh_knownhosts \
+ -- ssh
+#compctl -K c_ssh_knownhosts -x 'c[-1,-l]' -k '()' -X 'Remote user name' -- slogin
+#compctl -x 'n[0,@],s[]' -K c_ssh_knownhosts - \
+# 'c[-1,-l]' -k '()' -X 'Remote user name' - \
+# 'C[-1,*@*]' -k '(kiekeboe)' -- ssh
+## As above, but do 'ssh [host] [-l user] [command]' where
+## <command> is a separate command line (i.e., to be executed
+## via ssh as <user> on <host>).
+#compctl -x 'p[1], p[2] C[-1,-*]' -K c_ssh_knownhosts \
+# - 'c[-1,-l]' -K userlist -- \
+# + -x 'w[2,-l] p[4,-1],p[2,-1]' -l '' -- ssh
+# Program development
+# strip, profile, and debug only executables. The compctls for the
+# debuggers could be better, of course.
+compctl -g '*(*)' strip gprof gdb ddd
+# GCC completion, based on Andrew Main's; updated for gcc 2.95.2 .
+# completes to filenames (*.c, *.C, *.o, etc.); to miscellaneous options after
+# a -; to various -f options after -f (and similarly -W, -g and -m); and to a
+# couple of other things at different points.
+# The -m completion should be tailored to each system; the one below is i386.
+compctl -g '*.([cCmisSoa]|cc|cxx|cpp|ii)' -x \
+ 's[-l]' -s '${(s.:.)^LD_LIBRARY_PATH}/lib*.a(:t:r:s/lib//)' - \
+ 'c[-1,-x]' -k '(none c objective-c c-header c++ cpp-output assembler ass
+embler-with-cpp)' - \
+ 'c[-1,-o]' -f - \
+ 'C[-1,-i(nclude|macros)]' -g '*.h' - \
+ 'C[-1,-i(dirafter|prefix)]' -g '*(-/)' - \
+ 's[-B][-I][-L]' -g '*(-/)' - \
+ 's[-fno-],s[-f]' -k '(lang-isoc9x
+ allow-single-precision cond-mismatch asm
+ builtin freestanding hosted signed-bitfields signed-char
+ unsigned-bitfields unsigned-char writable-strings
+ access-control check-new conserve-space dollars-in-identifiers
+ elide-constructors external-templates for-scope gnu-keywords
+ guiding-decls handle-signatures honor-std huge-objects
+ implicit-templates init-priority implement-inlines
+ name-mangling-version-N default-inline operator-names optional-diags
+ permissive repo strict-prototype squangle template-depth-N
+ this-is-variable vtable-chunks
+ syntax-only
+ all-virtual dollars-in-identifiers elide-constructors enum-int-equiv
+ memoize-lookups nonnull-objects
+ dump-unnumbered pretend-float profile-arcs test-coverage
+ branch-probabilities optimize-register-moves caller-saves
+ cse-follow-jumps cse-skip-blocks delayed-branch
+ expensive-optimizations fast-math float-store force-addr force-mem
+ data-sections function-sections gcse inline-functions inline-limit-3
+ keep-inline-functions default-inline defer-pop function-cse inline
+ peephole omit-frame-pointer regmove rerun-cse-after-loop
+ rerun-loop-opt schedule-insns schedule-insns2 strength-reduce
+ thread-jumps unroll-all-loops unroll-loops move-all-movables
+ reduce-all-givs strict-aliasing
+ call-saved- call-used- exceptions fixed- inhibit-size-directive
+ check-memory-usage prefix-function-name common ident gnu-linker
+ pcc-struct-return pic PIC reg-struct-return shared-data short-enums
+ short-double volatile volatile-global volatile-static verbose-asm
+ pack-struct stack-check argument-alias argument-noalias
+ argument-noalias-global leading-underscore)' - \
+ 's[-g]' -k '(gdb stabs stabs+ coff xcoff xcoff+ dwarf dwarf+
+ dwarf-2)' - \
+ 's[-mno-][-mno][-m]' -k '(486 ieee-fp no-fancy-math-387 fp-ret-in-387
+ soft-float svr3-shlib no-wide-multiply rtd align-double align-jumps=
+ align-loops= align-functions= preferred-stack-boundary=)' - \
+ 's[-Wno-][-W]' -k '(
+ all aggregate-return bad-function-cast cast-align cast-qual
+ char-subscripts comment conversion error format id-clash-8
+ implicit implicit-int implicit-function-declaration import
+ error-implicit-function-declaration inline larger-than-64
+ long-long main missing-declarations missing-noreturn
+ missing-prototypes multichar nested-externs import parentheses
+ pointer-arith redundant-decls return-type shadow sign-compare
+ strict-prototypes switch traditional trigraphs undef uninitialized
+ unused write-strings unknown-pragmas
+ template-debugging
+ ctor-dtor-privacy deprecated effc++ non-template-friend
+ non-virtual-dtor old-style-cast overloaded-virtual pmf-conversions
+ reorder sign-promo synth)' - \
+ 's[-]' -k '(pipe ansi traditional traditional-cpp trigraphs pedantic
+ pedantic-errors nostartfiles nostdlib static shared symbolic include
+ imacros idirafter iprefix iwithprefix nostdinc nostdinc++ undef
+ print-file-name= print-libgcc-file-name print-prog-name=
+ -print-search-dirs -save-temps)' \
+ -X 'Use "-f", "-g", "-m" or "-W" for more options' -- gcc g++
+compctl -x 's[--]' -S '' -k '(verbose\ prefix= exec-prefix= help\ build= host=
+ norecursion\ program-prefix= program-suffix= program-transform-name=
+ site= srcdir= target= tmpdir= with- without- enable- disable- )' -- \
+ ./configure
+compctl -g '*(/)' \
+ -x 's[-]' -P '-' -k '(
+ sign clearsign detachsign encrypt symmetric store decrypt verify
+ listkeys listsigs checksigs fingerprint listsecretkeys genkey
+ deletekey editkey genrevoke export import listpackets
+ armor localuser remoteuser textmode output verbose batch yes
+ no keyring secretkeyring defaultkey options debug debugall
+ statusfd nocomment completesneeded marginalsneeded
+ loadextension rfc1991 s2kmode s2kdigestalgo s2kcipheralgo
+ cipheralgo digestalgo compressalgo throwkeyid)' -- gpg
+# procps
+# ps
+# uptime
+compctl -x 'p[1]' -k '(-V)' -- uptime
+compctl -x 'p[1]' -k '(-V)' + -k '(-s -d)' -- tload
+# Administrative commands
+compctl -u -x 'w[2,-c] p[3,-1]' -l '' - \
+ 's[--]' -s 'fast help login preserve-environment shell version' -- su
+#if type rpm >/dev/null; then
+#function pkg_glob () {
+# if [[ ${REDHAT_PACKAGES:-0} = 0 ]]; then
+# export REDHAT_PACKAGES="`rpm -qa`"
+# fi
+# reply=(${=REDHAT_PACKAGES})
+#function refreshpkgcache () {
+# export REDHAT_PACKAGES="`rpm -qa`"
+#compctl -f -x \
+# 'c[-1,--root]' -g '*(/)' - \
+# 'W[1,-(-install|i*)] s[--]' -k (hash percent force test replacepkgs replacefiles search root) - \
+# 'W[1,-(-upgrade|u*)] s[--]' -k (hash percent force test search oldpackage root) - \
+# 'C[-1,--(install|upgrade)] s[-],p[1] s[-i],p[1] s[-U]' -X "(h)ash (v)erbose" - \
+# 'W[1,-(-erase|e|-verify|V|y)] s[--]' -k (root) - \
+# 'W[1,-(-erase|e)]' -K pkg_glob - \
+# 'w[1,--query] s[-],p[1] s[-q],p[1] s[-V],p[1] s[-y]' -X \
+#"(a)ll (f)ile+ (F)ile-stdin (p)kg+ (P)kg-Stdin \
+#(i)nfo (l)ist-of-files (s)tates-of-files (d)ocumentation (c)onfiguration" - \
+# 'w[1,--verify] s[-],p[1] s[-V],p[1] s[-y]' -X \
+#"(a)ll (f)ile+ (F)ile-stdin (p)kg+ (P)kg-Stdin" - \
+# 'W[1,-(-verify|-query|q*|V*|y*)] C[-1,*f]' -f - \
+# 'W[1,-(-verify|-query|q*|V*|y*)] C[-1,*p*]' -g '*(D-/) *.rpm(N)' - \
+# 'W[1,-(-verify|-query|q*|V*|y*)]' -K pkg_glob - \
+# 'W[1,--(where|checksig)]' -K pkg_glob - \
+# 'W[1,--rebuild] s[-]' -k (v) - \
+# 'p[1] s[-b]' -X "(p)rep (l)ist (c)ompile (i)install (b)inary (a)ll" - \
+# 'p[2] C[-1,-b*] s[--]' -k (short-circuit clean sign keep-temps test time-check) - \
+# 's[--]' -k (help version install upgrade query verify erase rebuild where checksig) - \
+# 's[-]' -k (- i U q V e b) - \
+# 'c[-1,rpm]' -X "$(rpm)" -- rpm
+#fi #if rpm exists
+compctl -k '(if of conv ibs obs bs cbs files skip file seek count)' \
+ -S '=' -x 's[if=], s[of=]' -f - 'C[0,conv=*,*] n[-1,,], s[conv=]' \
+ -k '(ascii ebcdic ibm block unblock lcase ucase swap noerror sync)' \
+ -q -S ',' - 'n[-1,=]' -X '' -- dd
+# Debian specific
+source "/usr/share/doc/zsh/examples/compctl.dpkg"
+compctl -x 'c[-1,-x]' -g '*.dsc' + -g '*(/)' - \
+ 'c[-1,-b]' -g '*(/)' -- dpkg-source
+compctl -g '*.deb' + -g '*(/)' lintian
+compctl -g '*.changes' + -g '*(/)' dupload
+#compctl \
+# -x 'p[1]s[--]' \
+# -k '(setup-lab remove-lab check check-part unpack remove \
+# help verbose version debug)' -- \
+# + -x 's[--]' -k '(help verbose version debug)' -- \
+# + -g '*.deb' + -g '*(/)' \
+# lintian
diff --git a/debian/examples/ssh_completion b/debian/examples/ssh_completion
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53e61d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/examples/ssh_completion
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+NOTE: In order for this to work with newer versions of ssh, you must
+insure that "HashKnownHosts" is set to "no".
+This will set the variable $hosts to an array containing
+all the hosts in ~/.ssh/known_hosts and ~/.ssh/known_hosts2
+that do not start with a digit.
+hosts=(${${${${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts <$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts2)"}:#[0-9]*}%%\ *}%%,*})
+This will set the variable $hosts to an array containing
+all the hosts in ~/.ssh/known_hosts that do not start with
+a digit.
+hosts=(${${${${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)"}:#[0-9]*}%%\ *}%%,*})
+If you are using the new completion system, you can then place
+zstyle ':completion:*:hosts' hosts $hosts
+after compinit is autoloaded to use those anywhere hosts would be
+completed, or
+zstyle ':completion:*:complete:ssh:*:hosts' hosts $hosts
+to use those hosts to complete only ssh.
+An explanation of the $hosts assignment, written by Peter Stephenson,
+is a standard substitution: it simply takes the file and sticks it onto the
+command line at that point.
+Now it's quoted, it doesn't do word splitting; we have the complete file as
+one word. From now on, we do nested substitutions: you just have to
+remember that ${${...}}, or ${${...}}, essentially does nothing but an
+ordinary parameter expansion --- the whole point is the extra bits tacked
+on with each extra set of braces. For example, we're now going to do
+so we get the same answer, but with the effect of putting the (f) flag at
+the start, which splits the result of that into lines. So we now have the
+entire file as an array, one line per element.
+(Clint says the ^ shouldn't be there) says take the array elements (= lines
+of the original file) which completely match [0-9]*, i.e. elements
+beginning with a digit, and remove them, which is what ${...:#...} is for.
+${${${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)"}:#[0-9]*}%%\ *}
+takes the result of that, and strips off from the end the largest pattern
+matching ' *', i.e. a space followed by anything else, in other words it
+leaves the largest initial string with no whitespace, which is a hostname
+(this is a standard ${...%%...} which even ordinary shells do, although not
+${${${${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)"}:#[0-9]*}%%\ *}%%,*}
+does another strip at the end, this time for everything from the first
+comma on. If there wasn't a comma, nothing changes. You could have
+combined the last two as ${...%%[[:blank:],]*}, or something.
diff --git a/debian/examples/ssh_completion2 b/debian/examples/ssh_completion2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c6fcb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/examples/ssh_completion2
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+NOTE: In order for this to work with newer versions of ssh, you must
+insure that "HashKnownHosts" is set to "no".
+This is what I would call overkill, but it should help illustrate
+what some people like to do with ssh completion.
+zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d'
+zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
+zstyle ':completion:*:scp:*' tag-order \
+ 'hosts:-host hosts:-domain:domain hosts:-ipaddr:IP\ address *'
+zstyle ':completion:*:scp:*' group-order \
+ users files all-files hosts-domain hosts-host hosts-ipaddr
+zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:*' tag-order \
+ users 'hosts:-host hosts:-domain:domain hosts:-ipaddr:IP\ address *'
+zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:*' group-order \
+ hosts-domain hosts-host users hosts-ipaddr
+zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp):*:hosts-host' ignored-patterns \
+ '*.*' loopback localhost
+zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp):*:hosts-domain' ignored-patterns \
+ '<->.<->.<->.<->' '^*.*' '*@*'
+zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp):*:hosts-ipaddr' ignored-patterns \
+ '^<->.<->.<->.<->' '127.0.0.<->'
+zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp):*:users' ignored-patterns \
+ adm bin daemon halt lp named shutdown sync
+zstyle -e ':completion:*:(ssh|scp):*' hosts 'reply=(
+ ${=${${(f)"$(cat {/etc/ssh_,~/.ssh/known_}hosts(|2)(N) \
+ /dev/null)"}%%[# ]*}//,/ }
+ ${=${(f)"$(cat /etc/hosts(|)(N) <<(ypcat hosts 2>/dev/null))"}%%\#*}
+ )'
+zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp):*:my-accounts' users-hosts \
diff --git a/debian/newuser.zshrc.recommended b/debian/newuser.zshrc.recommended
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55be3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/newuser.zshrc.recommended
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Set up the prompt
+autoload -Uz promptinit
+prompt adam1
+setopt histignorealldups sharehistory
+# Use emacs keybindings even if our EDITOR is set to vi
+bindkey -e
+# Keep 1000 lines of history within the shell and save it to ~/.zsh_history:
+# Use modern completion system
+autoload -Uz compinit
+zstyle ':completion:*' auto-description 'specify: %d'
+zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _correct _approximate
+zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d'
+zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
+zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=2
+eval "$(dircolors -b)"
+zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
+zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
+zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt %SAt %p: Hit TAB for more, or the character to insert%s
+zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=* l:|=*'
+zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=long
+zstyle ':completion:*' select-prompt %SScrolling active: current selection at %p%s
+zstyle ':completion:*' use-compctl false
+zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true
+zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#)*=0=01;31'
+zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' command 'ps -u $USER -o pid,%cpu,tty,cputime,cmd'
diff --git a/debian/patches/run-help.patch b/debian/patches/run-help.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb61b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/run-help.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Index: zsh-new/Functions/Misc/run-help
+--- zsh-new.orig/Functions/Misc/run-help 2012-02-23 21:39:30.000000000 +0000
++++ zsh-new/Functions/Misc/run-help 2012-06-01 09:39:23.201633945 +0000
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ emulate -RL zsh
+-local HELPDIR="${HELPDIR:-/usr/share/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION/help}"
++local HELPDIR="${HELPDIR:-/usr/share/zsh/help}"
+ [[ $1 == "." ]] && 1="dot"
+ [[ $1 == ":" ]] && 1="colon"
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+ return 0
+ elif [[ -n "${HELPDIR:-}" && -r $HELPDIR/$1 && $1 != compctl ]]
+ then
+- ${=PAGER:-more} $HELPDIR/$1
++ ${=PAGER:-/usr/bin/pager} $HELPDIR/$1
+ return $?
+ fi
+@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
+ (comp*) man zshcompsys;;
+ (zf*) man zshftpsys;;
+ (run-help) man zshcontrib;;
+- (*) builtin functions ${what[(w)1]} | ${=PAGER:-more};;
++ (*) builtin functions ${what[(w)1]} | ${=PAGER:-/usr/bin/pager};;
+ esac;;
+ (*( is a * builtin))
+ case ${what[(w)1]} in
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1494ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/solaris-shared.patch b/debian/patches/solaris-shared.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47ab57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/solaris-shared.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Index: zsh-new/
+--- zsh-new.orig/ 2012-02-23 21:39:30.000000000 +0000
++++ zsh-new/ 2012-05-31 23:01:56.935837293 +0000
+@@ -2689,7 +2689,8 @@
+ sysv4*|esix*) DLLDFLAGS="${DLLDFLAGS=-G $ldflags}" ;;
+ netbsd*) DLLDFLAGS="${DLLDFLAGS=${DLLDARG}-x -shared --whole-archive}" ;;
+ aix*) DLLDFLAGS="${DLLDFLAGS=-G -bexpall -lc}" ;;
+- solaris*|sysv4*|esix*) DLLDFLAGS="${DLLDFLAGS=-G}" ;;
++ solaris*) DLLDFLAGS="${DLLDFLAGS=-shared}" ;;
++ sysv4*|esix*) DLLDFLAGS="${DLLDFLAGS=-G}" ;;
+ darwin*) DLLDFLAGS="${DLLDFLAGS=-bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress}" ;;
+ beos*|haiku*) DLLDFLAGS="${DLLDFLAGS=-nostart}" ;;
+ openbsd*)
+@@ -2827,7 +2828,6 @@
+ if test "x$dynamic" = xyes; then
+ zsh_SHARED_VARIABLE([environ], [char **])
+- test "$zsh_cv_shared_environ" = yes || dynamic=no
+ if test "$ac_cv_func_tgetent" = yes; then
+ zsh_SHARED_FUNCTION([tgetent])
+ fi
diff --git a/debian/postinst b/debian/postinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d887aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+ (configure)
+# if test -z "$2"; then
+ add-shell /usr/bin/zsh
+# fi
+ ;;
+ (abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ (*)
+ echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+mkdir -m2775 -p /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions && chown root:staff \
+ /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions || true
+exit 0
diff --git a/debian/postrm b/debian/postrm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be24d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/postrm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+ (remove)
+ remove-shell /usr/bin/zsh
+ ;;
diff --git a/debian/prerm b/debian/prerm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caf9c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/prerm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+ (remove|deconfigure)
+ rmdir /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions || true
+ rmdir /usr/local/share/zsh || true
+ ;;
+ (upgrade)
+ ;;
+ (failed-upgrade)
+ ;;
+ (*)
+ echo "prerm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e094f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+export LDFLAGS = -Wl,--as-needed
+ dh $@ --with autoreconf
+ dh_auto_configure -- \
+ --enable-maildir-support \
+ --enable-etcdir=/etc/zsh \
+ --enable-function-subdirs \
+ --enable-site-fndir=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions \
+ --enable-fndir=/usr/share/zsh/functions \
+ --with-tcsetpgrp --with-term-lib="ncursesw tinfo" \
+ --enable-cap --enable-pcre \
+ --enable-readnullcmd=pager \
+ --enable-custom-patchlevel=Debian \
+ --enable-additional-fpath=/usr/share/zsh/vendor-functions,/usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions
+ $(MAKE)
+ $(MAKE) pdf
+ $(MAKE) \
+ install \
+ \
+ install.html \
+ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp \
+ htmldir=/usr/share/doc/zsh-doc/html
+ cp Doc/zsh.pdf debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/zsh-doc/
+ mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/zsh/help
+ nroff -mandoc -Tascii Doc/zshbuiltins.1 | colcrt - | \
+ ( cd debian/tmp/usr/share/zsh/help && perl $(CURDIR)/Util/helpfiles )
+ mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/include/zsh
+ mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/zsh-dev
+ mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/share/aclocal
+ cp Src/*.epro debian/tmp/usr/include/zsh/
+ cp Src/makepro.awk debian/tmp/usr/share/zsh-dev/
+ cp Config/aczshoot.m4 debian/tmp/usr/share/aclocal/zshoot.m4
+ cp \
+ Src/hashtable.h \
+ Src/prototypes.h \
+ Src/sigcount.h \
+ Src/signals.h \
+ Src/zsh.h \
+ Src/zsh_system.h \
+ Src/ztype.h \
+ debian/tmp/usr/include/zsh/
+ dh_strip --dbg-package=zsh-dbg
+ dh_compress -X.pdf -Xhtml
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163aaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/format
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/zsh-dev.install b/debian/zsh-dev.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8423a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/zsh-dev.install
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/zsh-doc.install b/debian/zsh-doc.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df98e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/zsh-doc.install
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/zsh.examples b/debian/zsh.examples
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b26c00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/zsh.examples
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/zsh.install b/debian/zsh.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f3d574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/zsh.install
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+debian/newuser.zshrc.recommended etc/zsh/
+debian/zshenv etc/zsh/
+debian/zshrc etc/zsh/
diff --git a/debian/zsh.links b/debian/zsh.links
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6843bbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/zsh.links
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+usr/bin/zsh usr/bin/rzsh
+usr/share/man/man1/zsh.1 usr/share/man/man1/rzsh.1
diff --git a/debian/ b/debian/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..991e111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+?package(zsh):needs="text" section="Applications/Shells" title="Zsh" command="/usr/bin/zsh"
diff --git a/debian/zshenv b/debian/zshenv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2613c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/zshenv
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# /etc/zsh/zshenv: system-wide .zshenv file for zsh(1).
+# This file is sourced on all invocations of the shell.
+# If the -f flag is present or if the NO_RCS option is
+# set within this file, all other initialization files
+# are skipped.
+# This file should contain commands to set the command
+# search path, plus other important environment variables.
+# This file should not contain commands that produce
+# output or assume the shell is attached to a tty.
+# Global Order: zshenv, zprofile, zshrc, zlogin
+if [[ -z "$PATH" || "$PATH" == "/bin:/usr/bin" ]]
+ export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games"
diff --git a/debian/zshrc b/debian/zshrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a0bfb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# /etc/zsh/zshrc: system-wide .zshrc file for zsh(1).
+# This file is sourced only for interactive shells. It
+# should contain commands to set up aliases, functions,
+# options, key bindings, etc.
+# Global Order: zshenv, zprofile, zshrc, zlogin
+ [[ "$TERM" != 'emacs' ]]
+ typeset -A key
+ key=(
+ Home "${terminfo[khome]}"
+ End "${terminfo[kend]}"
+ Insert "${terminfo[kich1]}"
+ Delete "${terminfo[kdch1]}"
+ Up "${terminfo[kcuu1]}"
+ Down "${terminfo[kcud1]}"
+ Left "${terminfo[kcub1]}"
+ Right "${terminfo[kcuf1]}"
+ PageUp "${terminfo[kpp]}"
+ PageDown "${terminfo[knp]}"
+ )
+ function bind2maps () {
+ local i sequence widget
+ local -a maps
+ while [[ "$1" != "--" ]]; do
+ maps+=( "$1" )
+ shift
+ done
+ shift
+ sequence="${key[$1]}"
+ widget="$2"
+ [[ -z "$sequence" ]] && return 1
+ for i in "${maps[@]}"; do
+ bindkey -M "$i" "$sequence" "$widget"
+ done
+ }
+ bind2maps emacs -- Home beginning-of-line
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- Home vi-beginning-of-line
+ bind2maps emacs -- End end-of-line
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- End vi-end-of-line
+ bind2maps emacs viins -- Insert overwrite-mode
+ bind2maps vicmd -- Insert vi-insert
+ bind2maps emacs -- Delete delete-char
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- Delete vi-delete-char
+ bind2maps emacs viins vicmd -- Up up-line-or-history
+ bind2maps emacs viins vicmd -- Down down-line-or-history
+ bind2maps emacs -- Left backward-char
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- Left vi-backward-char
+ bind2maps emacs -- Right forward-char
+ bind2maps viins vicmd -- Right vi-forward-char
+ # Make sure the terminal is in application mode, when zle is
+ # active. Only then are the values from $terminfo valid.
+ function zle-line-init () {
+ echoti smkx
+ }
+ function zle-line-finish () {
+ echoti rmkx
+ }
+ zle -N zle-line-init
+ zle -N zle-line-finish
+ unfunction bind2maps
+fi # [[ -z "$DEBIAN_PREVENT_KEYBOARD_CHANGES" ]] && [[ "$TERM" != 'emacs' ]]
+zstyle ':completion:*:sudo:*' command-path /usr/local/sbin \
+ /usr/local/bin \
+ /usr/sbin \
+ /usr/bin \
+ /sbin \
+ /bin \
+ /usr/X11R6/bin
+(( ${+aliases[run-help]} )) && unalias run-help
+autoload -Uz run-help