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diff --git a/debian/README.Contributor b/debian/README.Contributor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac53ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/README.Contributor
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# README for Debian packaging contributors #
+This documentation describes how to contribute to the official Debian packages
+of MariaDB. The packaging in Debian repositories is not identical to the packaging
+in repositories, but whatever is in Debian repositories will eventually
+be upstreamed.
+## Development environment and tools
+Use a recent version of Debian or Ubuntu as the environment for Debian packaging
+testing and development. Preferred environment is Debian Sid (unstable).
+Install the tool used to manage and build the source
+ sudo apt-get install git-buildpackage
+## Getting the source
+The official Debian package source is available at
+ * git://
+ * (browseable at
+However, does not provide any kind of pull request or gerrit
+work-flow, so it is recommended to fork the Github mirror available at
+ *
+Once you have a fork at Github, clone the source repository with all relevant
+branches (master, upstream, pristine-tar) to your local environment
+ gbp clone --pristine-tar{username}/mariadb-10.1.git
+Clone needs to be run only once. On later runs you can refresh your clone with
+relevant branches using
+ gbp pull --pristine-tar --force
+## Building the packages
+Build binaries, run testsuite and build Debian packages with
+ gbp buildpackage
+On the first run git-buildpackage will complain if some of the build dependencies
+defined in debian/control is missing. Simply install those packages and run the
+build again.
+If the build fails, the easiest way to clean up before a new run is
+ git clean -fdx && git reset --hard
+### Build options
+If you want to skip the mysql-test-run step (which takes a lot of time) set
+the following environment variable:
+ export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck"
+If you want to run the build in parallel on 2 CPUs and have verbose output:
+ export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=2 verbose"
+The options above can also be combined freely to get desired behavior.
+## Creating a feature or bugfix branch
+The repository has the following branch layout:
+ * upstream - contains the upstream source releases without modifications
+ * pristine-tar - contains extra delta needed to re-create the original
+ tarballs with the exactly same SHA-1 hash as the original tarballs by upstream
+ * master - packaging for Debian Sid (unstable)
+ * jessie - release branch for Debian Jessie
+ * ubuntu-15.04 - release branch for Ubuntu 15.04
+All new features and also bugfixes are done only in the master branch. The
+release branches for Debian and Ubuntu are only used for security updates.
+To prepare the Github pull request, create a bugfix branch from master with:
+ git checkout -b fix-example-name
+After this you can develop with all the usual git commit and push commands
+until you have in your fork at Github the desired change and you are ready
+to open the pull request.
+### Notes about how to make changes in the proper way
+First consider submitting your patch upstream. Upstream MariaDB makes frequent
+maintenance releases and any fix done upstream will therefore be included in
+Debian relatively quickly. You can send email to the developers mailing list
+or open a pull request at
+Follow these instructions is your fix is about packaging in Debian specifically.
+Start by using gitk or similar tool to browse the previous changes. Try to follow
+similar pattern in your new changes.
+Keep in mind that all changes must done only for files residing in the debian/
+subdirectory. If you need to create changes outside the debian/ directory,
+then you need to create a patch file using the same pattern as the patches
+found in debian/patches and activated by a line in debian/patches/series
+Do not bundle in you commit any changes to debian/changelog. The correct changelog
+entries will be created later by the maintainer using git-dch.
+For an example of a patch adding commit see
diff --git a/debian/README.Maintainer b/debian/README.Maintainer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1750e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/README.Maintainer
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# README for Debian package maintainers #
+This file mostly applies to how the packaging work-flow works for the official
+Debian packages, but it may contain useful information also for anybody doing
+their own private .deb builds.
+## Building from sources with git-buildpackage ##
+Clone sources with all branches
+ sudo apt-get install git-buildpackage
+ gbp-clone --pristine-tar git://
+Alternatively use Github mirror at
+On later runs make sure to have latest version of sources
+ gbp-pull --pristine-tar --force
+ git-buildpackage --git-pristine-tar
+For a more elaborate setup with automatic build dependency installation and
+multi-target chroot usage check out how
+uses git-buildpackage with pbuilder.
+If the build fails the easiest way to clean up before a new run is
+ git clean -fdx && git reset --hard
+### Tip ###
+ Don't run the mysql-test-run test suite as part of build.
+ It takes a lot of time, and we will do a better test anyway in
+ Buildbot, running the test suite from installed .debs on a clean VM.
+ export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck"
+ If you want to run the build in parallel on 2 CPUs and have verbose output, use:
+ export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=2 verbose"
+ The options above can also be combined freely to get required behaviour.
+## Importing initial sources from upstream the first fime ##
+Create repository
+ mkdir mariadb-10.1
+ cd mariadb-10.1
+ git init
+ git branch upstream
+ git-import-orig --pristine-tar ../../upstream/mariadb-10.1.20
+Fill in values prompted
+ What will be the source package name? [mariadb] mariadb-10.1
+ What is the upstream version? [10.1.20]
+Checkout master into working dir and finish up manually what needs to be done
+ git checkout master
+Eventually commit and push, build, test binaries, test packages etc..
+ git commit -m "Created Debian packaging using git-buildpackage for easy maintenance"
+ git push --all
+ git push --tags
+## Upgrading sources from upstream ##
+Upstream will publish maintenance releases at least 5 years after the major
+version release, and security updates are likely to come even after that as
+long as major distributions ship the version.
+See table at
+Release notes are available at
+### Steps to import new upstream version ###
+Download new source package
+ cd pkg-mariadb-10.1
+ uscan --verbose
+Enter git repository path and apply new sources
+ cd mariadb-10.1
+ git-import-orig --pristine-tar ../mariadb-10.1.20.tar.gz
+Generate new debian/changelog entry automatically with git-dch
+ git-dch -avR
+Manually merge what needs to be done
+Commit and push
+ git commit -am "Merged with upstream 10.1.20"
+ git push --all; git push --all github
+ git push --tags; git push --tags github
+Note that in above if you want to sync to Github directly you need to have
+collaborator rights to the Github repo and you need to add it as a secondary
+remote location with:
+ git remote add origin
+To push to the repos you need to a member of the pkg-mysql team
+at Alioth. It does not matter which repository you push to, eventually they are
+synced with each other anyway.
+### Maintaining patches ###
+Test that the patches still apply by running:
+ export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches
+ quilt import
+ quilt push -a
+If there are any rejects, inspect the files and update the patches.
+If there are simple offsets we can refresh the patches simply with:
+ quilt pop -a
+ while quilt push; do quilt refresh; done
+### Maintaining debian/copyright ###
+First install packages: license-reconcile devscripts cdbs
+Check if licenses match
+ license-reconcile
+Create new copyright file
+ licensecheck --copyright -r . -c . | /usr/lib/cdbs/licensecheck2dep5 > /tmp/copyright
+..but you need to do lots of manual work to merge the new file with the old, as
+licensecheck has a lot of cruft and the original copyright file already had
+those cleaned up.
+### Quality control ###
+Run wrap-and-sort to style contents in debian/*
+ wrap-and-sort
+Once packages are done check their quality with Lintian
+ lintian -EvIL +pedantic --color=always *.deb
+## Uploading to Ubuntu PPA for testing ##
+Make sure you have key ID set up in ~/.devscripts to avoid using -k parameter
+These are good to have as environment variables (replace values with your own)
+ DEBFULLNAME="Otto Kekäläinen"
+The run the commands to automatically change version and upload
+ backportpackage -u ppa:mysql-ubuntu/mariadb -d precise -r *.dsc -S ~ppa1 -y
+## Uploading to Ubuntu security releases ##
+See example with documented procedure:
+ *
+Probably the most optimal work-flow would be to create a git branch (e.g.
+ubuntu-14.04) with custom gbp.conf and maintaining it by importing upstream in
+one commit, and updating changelog and other stuff, including refreshing
+patches in another commits, so that it would be easy to produce a patch file
+that Ubuntu security team can apply upon the mix of previous debian/ contents
+from Ubuntu archive and updated others from upstream. This would allow to use
+git-buildpackage to produce test builds instead of plain 'fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage'.
+## Comparison to other distributions ##
+For tracking security release information, finding solutions for build errors
+on many architectures and for general quality control it can be useful to keep
+an eye on what packagers in other distributions do:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+Arch Linux:
+ *
+ *
+## Notes about hard to fix bugs ##
+The following issues at
+are due to a bug in GCC which has been reported to GCC and will become fixed
+ E array-bounds /??PKGBUILDDIR??/strings/decimal.c:300 (arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips, mipsel, powerpc, ppc64el, sparc)
+ E array-bounds /??PKGBUILDDIR??/strings/decimal.c:496 (arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips, mipsel, powerpc, ppc64el, sparc)
diff --git a/debian/additions/debian-start b/debian/additions/debian-start
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..40c248f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/debian-start
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This script is executed by "/etc/init.d/mysql" on every (re)start.
+# Changes to this file will be preserved when updating the Debian package.
+# NOTE: This file is read only by the traditional SysV init script, not systemd.
+source /usr/share/mysql/
+if [ -f /etc/default/mysql ]; then
+ . /etc/default/mysql
+MYSQL="/usr/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf"
+MYADMIN="/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf"
+MYUPGRADE="/usr/bin/mysql_upgrade --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf"
+MYCHECK="/usr/bin/mysqlcheck --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf"
+MYCHECK_SUBJECT="WARNING: mysqlcheck has found corrupt tables"
+MYCHECK_PARAMS="--all-databases --fast --silent"
+## Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed (only for MyISAM and Aria engines) and upgrade needing tables.
+# The following commands should be run when the server is up but in background
+# where they do not block the server start and in one shell instance so that
+# they run sequentially. They are supposed not to echo anything to stdout.
+# If you want to disable the check for crashed tables comment
+# "check_for_crashed_tables" out.
+# (There may be no output to stdout inside the background process!)
+# Need to ignore SIGHUP, as otherwise a SIGHUP can sometimes abort the upgrade
+# process in the middle.
+trap "" SIGHUP
+ upgrade_system_tables_if_necessary;
+ check_root_accounts;
+ check_for_crashed_tables;
+) >&2 &
+exit 0
diff --git a/debian/additions/ b/debian/additions/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..33cd892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# This file is included by /etc/mysql/debian-start
+## Check MyISAM and Aria unclosed tables.
+# - Requires the server to be up.
+# - Is supposed to run silently in background.
+function check_for_crashed_tables() {
+ set -e
+ set -u
+ # But do it in the background to not stall the boot process.
+ logger -p -i -t$0 "Triggering myisam-recover for all MyISAM tables and aria-recover for all Aria tables"
+ # Checking for $? is unreliable so the size of the output is checked.
+ # Some table handlers like HEAP do not support CHECK TABLE.
+ tempfile=`tempfile`
+ # We have to use xargs in this case, because a for loop barfs on the
+ # spaces in the thing to be looped over.
+ # If a crashed table is encountered, the "mysql" command will return with a status different from 0
+ set +e
+ LC_ALL=C $MYSQL --skip-column-names --batch -e '
+ select concat('\''select count(*) into @discard from `'\'',
+ TABLE_SCHEMA, '\''`.`'\'', TABLE_NAME, '\''`'\'')
+ from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA<>'\''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'\'' and TABLE_SCHEMA<>'\''PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA'\'' and ( ENGINE='\''MyISAM'\'' or ENGINE='\''Aria'\'' )' | \
+ xargs -i $MYSQL --skip-column-names --silent --batch \
+ --force -e "{}" &>$tempfile
+ set -e
+ if [ -s "$tempfile" ]; then
+ (
+ /bin/echo -e "\n" \
+ "Improperly closed tables are also reported if clients are accessing\n" \
+ "the tables *now*. A list of current connections is below.\n";
+ $MYADMIN processlist status
+ ) >> $tempfile
+ # Check for presence as a dependency on mailx would require an MTA.
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/mailx ]; then
+ mailx -e -s"$MYCHECK_SUBJECT" $MYCHECK_RCPT < $tempfile
+ fi
+ (echo "$MYCHECK_SUBJECT"; cat $tempfile) | logger -p daemon.warn -i -t$0
+ fi
+ rm $tempfile
+## Check for tables needing an upgrade.
+# - Requires the server to be up.
+# - Is supposed to run silently in background.
+function upgrade_system_tables_if_necessary() {
+ set -e
+ set -u
+ logger -p -i -t$0 "Upgrading MySQL tables if necessary."
+ # Filter all "duplicate column", "duplicate key" and "unknown column"
+ # errors as the script is designed to be idempotent.
+ 2>&1 \
+ | egrep -v '^(1|@had|ERROR (1054|1060|1061))' \
+ | logger -p daemon.warn -i -t$0
+## Check for the presence of both, root accounts with and without password.
+# This might have been caused by a bug related to mysql_install_db (#418672).
+function check_root_accounts() {
+ set -e
+ set -u
+ logger -p -i -t$0 "Checking for insecure root accounts."
+ ret=$( echo "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql.user WHERE user='root' and password='' and plugin='';" | $MYSQL --skip-column-names )
+ if [ "$ret" -ne "0" ]; then
+ logger -p daemon.warn -i -t$0 "WARNING: mysql.user contains $ret root accounts without password or plugin!"
+ fi
diff --git a/debian/additions/echo_stderr b/debian/additions/echo_stderr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..67b3ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/echo_stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+echo "$*" 1>&2
diff --git a/debian/additions/innotop/changelog.innotop b/debian/additions/innotop/changelog.innotop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67bc526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/innotop/changelog.innotop
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+Changelog for innotop:
+2017-01-20: version 1.11.4
+ * add SUM function for ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
+2017-01-20: version 1.11.3
+ * Undisplay handlersocket's threads in hide_inactive
+ * fix runtime error regarding redundant sprintf argument #122
+ * added sort on connection-name in display M, after sql/io running, seconds behind master and channel_name
+ * fixed bug that removed value for cxn and channel_name columns in display M
+ * added sort on replication delay, so that the replication-display will sort on slave_sql_running, timelag (in minutes) and channel_name.
+ * support for MariaDB 10.0 in InnoDB row (issue 93)
+2013-07-12: version 1.9.1
+ Bugs fixed:
+ * Support of MySQL 5.6 was broken on some pages (issue 82, 83)
+ * Deadlock clearing transactions is now not included in binary log
+ (issue 84)
+ * New spec file with requirements and build requirements for
+ CentOS/RHEL and Fedora
+2012-09-07: version 1.9.0
+ Changes:
+ * A new Health Dashboard (A) mode is the default mode.
+ * Added a new InnoDB Locked (K) mode.
+ * Added a new 'spark' config variable for sparklines.
+ * Added a new fuzzy_time formatting function.
+ * Added "query distill" summarizing.
+ * Handled more types of errors connecting to the server.
+ * Displayed some data more compactly.
+ Bugs fixed:
+ * Double-quotes were used to terminate strings in SQL (issue 57).
+ * T mode didn't show InnoDB transaction times (issue 67).
+ * Killing a query didn't suggest the longest-running one automatically.
+ * Connections weren't closed on exit (issue 64).
+ * Q mode didn't have connections in its header (issue 63).
+ * Connections and server groups were poorly handled (issue 68).
+ * The RPM spec file was buggy (issue 59).
+ * Event filters were defined wrong (issue 54).
+2012-02-25: version 1.8.1
+ Bugs fixed:
+ * Various parsing errors with MySQL 5.5 (issue 23, 45, 47, 51, 52, 53).
+ * RPM spec file prevented building on CentOS 5.5 using mock (issue 44).
+ * Tests worked only from the test subdirectory (issue 43).
+2010-11-06: version 1.8.0
+ Changes:
+ * Don't re-fetch SHOW VARIABLES every iteration; it's too slow on many hosts.
+ * Add a filter to remove EVENT threads in SHOW PROCESSLIST (issue 32).
+ * Add a timestamp to output in -n mode, when -t is specified (issue 37).
+ * Add a new U mode, for Percona/MariaDB USER_STATISTICS (issue 39).
+ * Add support for millisecond query time in Percona Server (issue 39).
+ * Display a summary of queries executed in Query List mode (issue 26).
+ Bugs fixed:
+ * Made config-file reading more robust (issue 41).
+ * Hostname parsing wasn't standards compliant (issue 30).
+ * MKDEBUG didn't work on some Perl versions (issue 22).
+ * Don't try to get InnoDB status if have_innodb != YES (issue 33).
+ * Status text from the InnoDB plugin wasn't parsed correctly (issue 36).
+ * Transaction ID from InnoDB plugin wasn't subtracted correctly (issue 38).
+ * Switching modes and pressing ? for help caused a crash (issue 40).
+2009-09-06: version 1.7.2
+ Changes:
+ * add support for --socket
+ Bugs fixed:
+ * remove cxn from $meta->{group_by} if there's only one connection displayed
+ * fix for issue 19 - cxn column won't become visible when viewing two
+ connections after having viewed one connection
+ * supress errors resulting from the addition of a 'BACKGROUND THREAD'
+ section in the output of 'show innodb status'
+ * possible fix for issue 22 - Useless use of a constant in void context
+ * small change to set_to_tbl() around hiding the cxn column if there
+ aren't two or more connections
+2009-03-09: version 1.7.1
+ Changes:
+ * Don't display the CXN column if only one connection is active in
+ the current view
+ * the 'state' column is now visible by default in Query List mode
+ Bugs fixed:
+ * fixed bug where trying to aggregate the time column would result
+ in a crash if the time column had an undef value in it, which is
+ the case when a thread is in the 'Connect' state
+ * updated innotop.spec file to reflect current version
+2009-02-23: version 1.7.0
+ Changes:
+ * supports a central config (/etc/innotop/innotop.conf)
+ * changed the default home directory config to ~/.innotop/innotop.conf
+ (away from .ini)
+ * embedded into innotop so it can be run with no
+ installation
+ * no longer writes a new config file by default
+ * added --skipcentral (skip reading central config) and --write (write
+ a config if none were loaded at start-up)
+ * if no config file is loaded, connect to a MySQL database on
+ localhost using mysql_read_default_group=client
+ * embedded maatkit's and added support for --user,
+ --password, --host, --port
+ * changed default mode from T (InnoDB Transactions) to Q (Query List)
+ * in addition to connected threads, now displays running and cached
+ threads in statusbar
+ * don't load connections from a config file if any DSN information or
+ a username or password is specified on the command-line
+ Bugs fixed:
+ * fixed bug preventing utilization of command-line options that
+ override default config settings if no config file was loaded
+ * fixed a bug where migrating from an old version of the config will
+ delete ~/innotop.ini, if it exists. Now uses File::Temp::tempfile().
+2007-11-09: version 1.6.0
+ * S mode crashed on non-numeric values.
+ * New user-defined columns crashed upon restart.
+ * Added --color option to control terminal coloring.
+2007-09-18: version 1.5.2
+ * Added the ability to monitor InnoDB status from a file.
+ * Changed W mode to L mode; it monitors all locks, not just lock waits.
+2007-09-16: version 1.5.1
+ * Added C (Command Summary) mode.
+ * Fixed a bug in the 'avg' aggregate function.
+2007-09-10: version 1.5.0
+ Changes:
+ * Added plugin functionality.
+ * Added group-by functionality.
+ * Moved the configuration file to a directory.
+ * Enhanced filtering and sorting on pivoted tables.
+ * Many small bug fixes.
+2007-07-16: version 1.4.3
+ Changes:
+ * Added standard --version command-line option
+ * Changed colors to cyan instead of blue; more visible on dark terminals.
+ * Added information to the filter-choosing dialog.
+ * Added column auto-completion when entering a filter expression.
+ * Changed Term::ReadKey from optional to mandatory.
+ * Clarified username in password prompting.
+ * Ten thousand words of documentation!
+ Bugs fixed:
+ * innotop crashed in W mode when InnoDB status data was truncated.
+ * innotop didn't display errors in tables if debug was enabled.
+ * The colored() subroutine wasn't being created in non-interactive mode.
+ * Don't prompt to save password except the first time.
+2007-05-03: version 1.4.2
+ This version contains all changes to the trunk until revision 239; some
+ changes in revisions 240:250 are included.
+ * Quick-filters to easily filter any column in any display
+ * Compatibility with MySQL 3.23 through 6.0
+ * Improved error handling when a server is down, permissions denied, etc
+ * Use additional SHOW INNODB STATUS information in 5.1.x
+ * Make all modes use tables consistently, so they can all be edited,
+ filtered, colored and sorted consistently
+ * Combine V, G and S modes into S mode, with v, g, and s hot-keys
+ * Let DBD driver read MySQL option files; permit connections without
+ user/pass/etc
+ * Compile SQL-like expressions into Perl subroutines; eliminate need to
+ know Perl
+ * Do not save all config data to config file, only save user's customizations
+ * Rewritten and improved command-line option handling
+ * Added --count, --delay, and other command-line options to support
+ run-and-exit operation
+ * Improve built-in variable sets
+ * Improve help screen with three-part balanced-column layout
+ * Simplify table-editor and improve hotkey support
+ * Require Perl to have high-resolution time support (Time::HiRes)
+ * Help the user choose a query to analyze or kill
+ * Enable EXPLAIN, show-full-query in T mode just like Q mode
+ * Let data-extraction access current, previous and incremental data sets
+ all at once
+ * Column stabilizing for Q mode
+ * New color rules for T, Q, W modes
+ * Apply slave I/O filter to Q mode
+ * Improve detection of server version and other meta-data
+ * Make connection timeout a config variable
+ * Improve cross-version-compatible SQL syntax
+ * Get some information from the DBD driver instead of asking MySQL for it
+ * Improved error messages
+ * Improve server group creation/editing
+ * Improve connection/thread killing
+ * Fix broken key bindings and restore previously mapped hot-keys for
+ choosing columns
+ * Some documentation updates (but not nearly enough)
+ * Allow the user to specify graphing char in S mode (formerly G mode)
+ * Allow easy switching between variable sets in S mode
+ * Bind 'n' key globally to choose the 'next' server connection
+ * Bind '%' key globally to filter displayed tables
+ * Allow aligning columns on the decimal place for easy readability
+ * Add hide_hdr config variable to hide column headers in tables
+ * Add a feature to smartly run PURGE MASTER LOGS in Replication mode
+ * Enable debug mode as a globally configurable variable
+ * Improve error messages when an expression or filter doesn't compile or has
+ a run-time error; die on error when debug is enabled
+ * Allow user-configurable delays after executing SQL (to let the server
+ settle down before taking another measurement)
+ * Add an expression to show how long until a transaction is finished
+ * Add skip_innodb as a global config variable
+ * Add '%' after percentages to help disambiguate (user-configurable)
+ * Add column to M mode to help see how fast slave is catching up to master
+ * T and W modes had wrong value for wait_status column
+ * Error tracking on connections didn't reset when the connection recovered
+ * wait_timeout on connections couldn't be set before MySQL 4.0.3
+ * There was a crash on 3.23 when wiping deadlocks
+ * Lettercase changes in some result sets (SHOW MASTER/SLAVE STATUS) between
+ MySQL versions crashed innotop
+ * Inactive connections crashed innotop upon access to DBD driver
+ * set_precision did not respect user defaults for number of digits
+ * --inc command-line option could not be negated
+ * InnoDB status parsing was not always parsing all needed information
+ * S mode (formerly G mode) could crash trying to divide non-numeric data
+ * M table didn't show Slave_open_temp_tables variable; incorrect lettercase
+ * DBD drivers with broken AutoCommit would crash innotop
+ * Some key bindings had incorrect labels
+ * Some config-file loading routines could load data for things that didn't
+ exist
+ * Headers printed too often in S mode
+ * High-resolution time was not used even when the user had it
+ * Non-interactive mode printed blank lines sometimes
+ * Q-mode header and statusbar showed different QPS numbers
+ * Formulas for key-cache and query-cache hit ratios were wrong
+ * Mac OS "Darwin" machines were mis-identified as Microsoft Windows
+ * Some multiplications crashed when given undefined input
+ * The commify transformation did not check its input and could crash
+ * Specifying an invalid mode on the command line or config file could crash
+ innotop
+2007-03-29: version 1.4.1
+ * More tweaks to display of connection errors.
+ * Fixed a problem with skip-innodb in MySQL 5.1.
+ * Fix a bug with dead connections in single-connection mode.
+ * Fix a regex to allow parsing more data from truncated deadlocks.
+ * Don't load active cxns from the config file if the cxn isn't defined.
+2007-03-03: version 1.4.0
+ * Further tweak error handling and display of connection errors
+ * More centralization of querying
+ * Fix forking so it doesn't kill all database connections
+ * Allow user to run innotop without permissions for GLOBAL variables and status
+2007-02-11: version 1.3.6
+ * Handle some connection failures so innotop doesn't crash because of one server.
+ * Enable incremental display in more modes.
+ * Tweaks to colorizing, color editor, and default color rules.
+ * Tweaks to default sorting rules.
+ * Use prepared statements for efficiency.
+ * Bug fixes and code cleanups.
+ * Data storage is keyed on clock ticks now.
+2007-02-03: version 1.3.5
+ * Bug fixes.
+ * More tools for editing configuration from within innotop.
+ * Filters and transformations are constrained to valid values.
+ * Support for colorizing rows.
+ * Sorting by multiple columns.
+ * Compress headers when display is very wide.
+ * Stabilize and limit column widths.
+ * Check config file formats when upgrading so upgrades go smoothly.
+ * Make D mode handle many connections at once.
+ * Extract simple expressions from data sets in column src property.
+ This makes innotop more awk-ish.
+2007-01-16: version 1.3
+ * Readline support.
+ * Can be used unattended, or in a pipe-and-filter mode
+ where it outputs tab-separated data to standard output.
+ * You can specify a config file on the command line.
+ Config files can be marked read-only.
+ * Monitor multiple servers simultaneously.
+ * Server groups to help manage many servers conveniently.
+ * Monitor master/slave status, and control slaves.
+ * Columns can have user-defined expressions as their data sources.
+ * Better configuration tools.
+ * InnoDB status information is merged into SHOW VARIABLES and
+ SHOW STATUS information, so you can access it all together.
+ * High-precision time support in more places.
+ * Lots of tweaks to make things display more readably and compactly.
+ * Column transformations and filters.
+2007-01-16: version 1.0.1
+ * NOTE: innotop is now hosted at Sourceforge, in Subversion not CVS.
+ The new project homepage is
+ * Tweak default T/Q mode sort columns to match what people expect.
+ * Fix broken documentation (and hence man page).
+2007-01-06: version 1.0
+ * NOTE: innotop is now hosted at Sourceforge, in Subversion not CVS.
+ The new project homepage is
+ * Prevent control characters from freaking terminal out.
+ * Set timeout to keep busy servers from closing connection.
+ * There is only one InnoDB insert buffer.
+ * Make licenses clear and consistent.
+2006-11-14: innotop 0.1.160, InnoDBParser version 1.69
+ * Support for ANSI color on Microsoft Windows (more readable, compact
+ display; thanks Gisbert W. Selke).
+ * Better handling of $ENV{HOME} on Windows.
+ * Added a LICENSE file to the package as per Gentoo bug:
+2006-11-11: innotop 0.1.157, InnoDBParser version 1.69
+ * Add Microsoft Windows support.
+2006-10-19: innotop 0.1.154, InnoDBParser version 1.69
+ * Add O (Open Tables) mode
+ * Add some more checks to handle incomplete InnoDB status information
+2006-09-30: innotop 0.1.152, InnoDBParser version 1.69
+ * Figured out what was wrong with package $VERSION variable: it wasn't
+ after the package declaration!
+2006-09-28: innotop 0.1.152, InnoDBParser version 1.67
+ * Make more efforts towards crash-resistance and tolerance of completely
+ messed-up inputs. If innotop itself is broken, it is now much harder to
+ tell, because it just keeps on running without complaining.
+ * Fix a small bug parsing out some information and displaying it.
+2006-09-05: innotop 0.1.149, InnoDBParser version 1.64
+ * Try to find and eliminate any parsing code that assumes pattern matches
+ will succeed.
+2006-09-05: innotop 0.1.149, InnoDBParser version 1.62
+ * Make innotop crash-resistant, so I can declare it STABLE finally.
+ * Instead of using SQL conditional comments, detect MySQL version.
+2006-08-22: innotop 0.1.147, InnoDBParser version 1.60
+ * Fix some innotop bugs with undefined values, bad formatting etc.
+2006-08-19: innotop 0.1.146, InnoDBParser version 1.60
+ * Make innotop handle some unexpected NULL values in Q mode.
+ * Add OS wait information to W mode, so it is now "everything that waits."
+ * Center section captions better.
+ * Make R mode more readable and compact.
+ * Make InnoDBParser parse lock waits even when they've been waiting 0 secs.
+2006-08-12: innotop 0.1.139, InnoDBParser version 1.59
+ * Add more documentation
+ * Tweak V mode to show more info in less space.
+ * Fix a bug in G mode.
+2006-08-10: innotop 0.1.132, InnoDBParser version 1.58
+ * Handle yet more types of FK error... it will never end!
+ * Handle some special cases when DEADLOCK info truncated
+ * Add a bit more FK info to F mode in innotop
+ * More tests added to the test suite
+2006-08-07: innotop 0.1.131, InnoDBParser version 1.55
+ * Fix another issue with configuration
+ * Handle another type of FK error
+2006-08-03: innotop 0.1.130, InnoDBParser version 1.54
+ * Fix an issue loading config file
+ * Add heap_no to 'D' (InnoDB Deadlock) mode to ease deadlock debugging.
+2006-08-02: innotop 0.1.128, InnoDBParser version 1.54
+ * Parse lock wait information from the TRANSACTION section.
+ * Even more OS-specific parsing... pain in the butt...
+ * Add 'W' (InnoDB Lock Wait) mode.
+ * Fix some minor display issues with statusbar.
+2006-08-02: innotop 0.1.125, InnoDBParser version 1.50
+ * Don't try to get references to Perl built-in functions like time()
+ * Handle more OS-specific variations of InnoDB status text
+ * Add some more information to various places in innotop
+2006-08-01: innotop 0.1.123, InnoDBParser version 1.47
+ * Enhance S and G modes: clear screen and re-print headers
+ * Don't crash when deadlock data is truncated
+ * Make Analyze mode say how to get back to whatever you came from
+ * Display 'nothing to display' when there is nothing
+ * Add ability to read InnoDB status text from a file (mostly helps test)
+ * Add table of Wait Array Information in Row Op/Semaphore mode
+ * Add table of lock information in InnoDB deadlock mode
+ * Ensure new features in upgrades don't get masked by existing config files
+ * Tweak default column choices for T mode
+ * Enhance foreign key parsing
+ * Enhance physical record and data tuple parsing
+ * Enhance lock parsing (handle old-style and new-style formats)
+2006-07-24: innotop 0.1.112, InnoDBParser version 1.36
+ * InnoDBParser enhancements for FK error messages.
+ * A fix to innotop to prevent it from crashing while trying to display a FK
+ error message.
+ * Some minor cosmetic changes to number formatting in innotop.
+2006-07-22: innotop 0.1.106, InnoDBParser version 1.35
+ * InnoDBParser is much more complete and accurate.
+ * Tons of bug fixes.
+ * Add partitions to EXPLAIN mode.
+ * Enhance Q mode header, add T mode header.
+ * Share some configuration variables across modes.
+ * Add formatted time columns to Q, T modes.
+ * Add command-line argument parsing.
+ * Turn off echo when asking for password.
+ * Add option to specify port when connecting.
+ * Let display-optimized-query display multiple notes.
+ * Lots of small improvements, such as showing more info in statusbar.
+2006-07-02: innotop 0.1.74, InnoDBParser version 1.24
+ * Initial release for public consumption.
diff --git a/debian/additions/innotop/innotop b/debian/additions/innotop/innotop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f958eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/innotop/innotop
@@ -0,0 +1,12254 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# vim: tw=160:nowrap:expandtab:tabstop=3:shiftwidth=3:softtabstop=3
+# This program is copyright (c) 2006 Baron Schwartz, baron at xaprb dot com.
+# Maintainers since 2013 : Kenny Gryp - Frédéric Descamps
+# Feedback and improvements are gratefully received.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similar
+# systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
+# Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+our $VERSION = '1.11.4';
+# Find the home directory; it's different on different OSes.
+our $homepath = $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{HOMEPATH} || $ENV{USERPROFILE} || '.';
+# Configuration files
+our $default_home_conf = "$homepath/.innotop/innotop.conf";
+our $default_central_conf = "/etc/innotop/innotop.conf";
+our $conf_file = "";
+## Begin packages ##
+package DSNParser;
+use DBI;
+use Data::Dumper;
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+$Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
+use English qw(-no_match_vars);
+use constant MKDEBUG => $ENV{MKDEBUG} || 0;
+# Defaults are built-in, but you can add/replace items by passing them as
+# hashrefs of {key, desc, copy, dsn}. The desc and dsn items are optional.
+# You can set properties with the prop() sub. Don't set the 'opts' property.
+sub new {
+ my ( $class, @opts ) = @_;
+ my $self = {
+ opts => {
+ A => {
+ desc => 'Default character set',
+ dsn => 'charset',
+ copy => 1,
+ },
+ D => {
+ desc => 'Database to use',
+ dsn => 'database',
+ copy => 1,
+ },
+ F => {
+ desc => 'Only read default options from the given file',
+ dsn => 'mysql_read_default_file',
+ copy => 1,
+ },
+ h => {
+ desc => 'Connect to host',
+ dsn => 'host',
+ copy => 1,
+ },
+ p => {
+ desc => 'Password to use when connecting',
+ dsn => 'password',
+ copy => 1,
+ },
+ P => {
+ desc => 'Port number to use for connection',
+ dsn => 'port',
+ copy => 1,
+ },
+ S => {
+ desc => 'Socket file to use for connection',
+ dsn => 'mysql_socket',
+ copy => 1,
+ },
+ u => {
+ desc => 'User for login if not current user',
+ dsn => 'user',
+ copy => 1,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ foreach my $opt ( @opts ) {
+ if (MKDEBUG) {
+ _d('Adding extra property ' . $opt->{key});
+ }
+ $self->{opts}->{$opt->{key}} = { desc => $opt->{desc}, copy => $opt->{copy} };
+ }
+ return bless $self, $class;
+# Recognized properties:
+# * autokey: which key to treat a bareword as (typically h=host).
+# * dbidriver: which DBI driver to use; assumes mysql, supports Pg.
+# * required: which parts are required (hashref).
+# * setvars: a list of variables to set after connecting
+sub prop {
+ my ( $self, $prop, $value ) = @_;
+ if ( @_ > 2 ) {
+ MKDEBUG && _d("Setting $prop property");
+ $self->{$prop} = $value;
+ }
+ return $self->{$prop};
+sub parse {
+ my ( $self, $dsn, $prev, $defaults ) = @_;
+ if ( !$dsn ) {
+ MKDEBUG && _d('No DSN to parse');
+ return;
+ }
+ MKDEBUG && _d("Parsing $dsn");
+ $prev ||= {};
+ $defaults ||= {};
+ my %given_props;
+ my %final_props;
+ my %opts = %{$self->{opts}};
+ my $prop_autokey = $self->prop('autokey');
+ # Parse given props
+ foreach my $dsn_part ( split(/,/, $dsn) ) {
+ if ( my ($prop_key, $prop_val) = $dsn_part =~ m/^(.)=(.*)$/ ) {
+ # Handle the typical DSN parts like h=host, P=3306, etc.
+ $given_props{$prop_key} = $prop_val;
+ }
+ elsif ( $prop_autokey ) {
+ # Handle barewords
+ MKDEBUG && _d("Interpreting $dsn_part as $prop_autokey=$dsn_part");
+ $given_props{$prop_autokey} = $dsn_part;
+ }
+ else {
+ MKDEBUG && _d("Bad DSN part: $dsn_part");
+ }
+ }
+ # Fill in final props from given, previous, and/or default props
+ foreach my $key ( keys %opts ) {
+ MKDEBUG && _d("Finding value for $key");
+ $final_props{$key} = $given_props{$key};
+ if ( !defined $final_props{$key}
+ && defined $prev->{$key} && $opts{$key}->{copy} )
+ {
+ $final_props{$key} = $prev->{$key};
+ MKDEBUG && _d("Copying value for $key from previous DSN");
+ }
+ if ( !defined $final_props{$key} ) {
+ $final_props{$key} = $defaults->{$key};
+ MKDEBUG && _d("Copying value for $key from defaults");
+ }
+ }
+ # Sanity check props
+ foreach my $key ( keys %given_props ) {
+ die "Unrecognized DSN part '$key' in '$dsn'\n"
+ unless exists $opts{$key};
+ }
+ if ( (my $required = $self->prop('required')) ) {
+ foreach my $key ( keys %$required ) {
+ die "Missing DSN part '$key' in '$dsn'\n" unless $final_props{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ return \%final_props;
+sub as_string {
+ my ( $self, $dsn ) = @_;
+ return $dsn unless ref $dsn;
+ return join(',',
+ map { "$_=" . ($_ eq 'p' ? '...' : $dsn->{$_}) }
+ grep { defined $dsn->{$_} && $self->{opts}->{$_} }
+ sort keys %$dsn );
+sub usage {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ my $usage
+ = "DSN syntax is key=value[,key=value...] Allowable DSN keys:\n"
+ . " === ==== =============================================\n";
+ my %opts = %{$self->{opts}};
+ foreach my $key ( sort keys %opts ) {
+ $usage .= " $key "
+ . ($opts{$key}->{copy} ? 'yes ' : 'no ')
+ . ($opts{$key}->{desc} || '[No description]')
+ . "\n";
+ }
+ if ( (my $key = $self->prop('autokey')) ) {
+ $usage .= " If the DSN is a bareword, the word is treated as the '$key' key.\n";
+ }
+ return $usage;
+# Supports PostgreSQL via the dbidriver element of $info, but assumes MySQL by
+# default.
+sub get_cxn_params {
+ my ( $self, $info ) = @_;
+ my $dsn;
+ my %opts = %{$self->{opts}};
+ my $driver = $self->prop('dbidriver') || '';
+ if ( $driver eq 'Pg' ) {
+ $dsn = 'DBI:Pg:dbname=' . ( $info->{D} || '' ) . ';'
+ . join(';', map { "$opts{$_}->{dsn}=$info->{$_}" }
+ grep { defined $info->{$_} }
+ qw(h P));
+ }
+ else {
+ $dsn = 'DBI:mysql:' . ( $info->{D} || '' ) . ';'
+ . join(';', map { "$opts{$_}->{dsn}=$info->{$_}" }
+ grep { defined $info->{$_} }
+ qw(F h P S A))
+ . ';mysql_read_default_group=client';
+ }
+ MKDEBUG && _d($dsn);
+ return ($dsn, $info->{u}, $info->{p});
+# Fills in missing info from a DSN after successfully connecting to the server.
+sub fill_in_dsn {
+ my ( $self, $dbh, $dsn ) = @_;
+ my $vars = $dbh->selectall_hashref('SHOW VARIABLES', 'Variable_name');
+ my ($user, $db) = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT USER(), DATABASE()');
+ $user =~ s/@.*//;
+ $dsn->{h} ||= $vars->{hostname}->{Value};
+ $dsn->{S} ||= $vars->{'socket'}->{Value};
+ $dsn->{P} ||= $vars->{port}->{Value};
+ $dsn->{u} ||= $user;
+ $dsn->{D} ||= $db;
+sub get_dbh {
+ my ( $self, $cxn_string, $user, $pass, $opts ) = @_;
+ $opts ||= {};
+ my $defaults = {
+ AutoCommit => 0,
+ RaiseError => 1,
+ PrintError => 0,
+ mysql_enable_utf8 => ($cxn_string =~ m/charset=utf8/ ? 1 : 0),
+ };
+ @{$defaults}{ keys %$opts } = values %$opts;
+ my $dbh;
+ my $tries = 2;
+ while ( !$dbh && $tries-- ) {
+ eval {
+ MKDEBUG && _d($cxn_string, ' ', $user, ' ', $pass, ' {',
+ join(', ', map { "$_=>$defaults->{$_}" } keys %$defaults ), '}');
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($cxn_string, $user, $pass, $defaults);
+ # Immediately set character set and binmode on STDOUT.
+ if ( my ($charset) = $cxn_string =~ m/charset=(\w+)/ ) {
+ my $sql = "/*!40101 SET NAMES $charset*/";
+ MKDEBUG && _d("$dbh: $sql");
+ $dbh->do($sql);
+ MKDEBUG && _d('Enabling charset for STDOUT');
+ if ( $charset eq 'utf8' ) {
+ binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8')
+ or die "Can't binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'): $OS_ERROR";
+ }
+ else {
+ binmode(STDOUT) or die "Can't binmode(STDOUT): $OS_ERROR";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ( !$dbh && $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR =~ m/not a compiled character set|character set utf8/ ) {
+ MKDEBUG && _d("Going to try again without utf8 support");
+ delete $defaults->{mysql_enable_utf8};
+ }
+ if ( !$tries ) {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # If setvars exists and it's MySQL connection, set them
+ my $setvars = $self->prop('setvars');
+ if ( $cxn_string =~ m/mysql/i && $setvars ) {
+ my $sql = "SET $setvars";
+ MKDEBUG && _d("$dbh: $sql");
+ eval {
+ $dbh->do($sql);
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ }
+ }
+ MKDEBUG && _d('DBH info: ',
+ $dbh,
+ Dumper($dbh->selectrow_hashref(
+ 'SELECT DATABASE(), CONNECTION_ID(), VERSION()/*!50038 , @@hostname*/')),
+ ' Connection info: ', ($dbh->{mysql_hostinfo} || 'undef'),
+ ' Character set info: ',
+ Dumper($dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set%"', { Slice => {}})),
+ ' $DBD::mysql::VERSION: ', $DBD::mysql::VERSION,
+ );
+ return $dbh;
+# Tries to figure out a hostname for the connection.
+sub get_hostname {
+ my ( $self, $dbh ) = @_;
+ if ( my ($host) = ($dbh->{mysql_hostinfo} || '') =~ m/^(\w+) via/ ) {
+ return $host;
+ }
+ my ( $hostname, $one ) = $dbh->selectrow_array(
+ 'SELECT /*!50038 @@hostname, */ 1');
+ return $hostname;
+# Disconnects a database handle, but complains verbosely if there are any active
+# children. These are usually $sth handles that haven't been finish()ed.
+sub disconnect {
+ my ( $self, $dbh ) = @_;
+ MKDEBUG && $self->print_active_handles($dbh);
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+sub print_active_handles {
+ my ( $self, $thing, $level ) = @_;
+ $level ||= 0;
+ printf("# Active %sh: %s %s %s\n", ($thing->{Type} || 'undef'), "\t" x $level,
+ $thing, (($thing->{Type} || '') eq 'st' ? $thing->{Statement} || '' : ''))
+ or die "Cannot print: $OS_ERROR";
+ foreach my $handle ( grep {defined} @{ $thing->{ChildHandles} } ) {
+ $self->print_active_handles( $handle, $level + 1 );
+ }
+sub _d {
+ my ($package, undef, $line) = caller 0;
+ @_ = map { (my $temp = $_) =~ s/\n/\n# /g; $temp; }
+ map { defined $_ ? $_ : 'undef' }
+ @_;
+ # Use $$ instead of $PID in case the package
+ # does not use English.
+ print "# $package:$line $$ ", @_, "\n";
+package InnoDBParser;
+use Data::Dumper;
+$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
+use English qw(-no_match_vars);
+use List::Util qw(max);
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+# Some common patterns
+my $d = qr/(\d+)/; # Digit
+my $f = qr/(\d+\.\d+)/; # Float
+my $t = qr/((?:\d+ \d+)|(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]+))/; # Transaction ID
+my $i = qr/((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d+)/; # IP address
+my $n = qr/([^`\s]+)/; # MySQL object name
+my $w = qr/(\w+)/; # Words
+my $fl = qr/([\w\.\/]+) line $d/; # Filename and line number
+my $h = qr/((?:0x)?[0-9a-f]*)/; # Hex
+my $s = qr/(\d{6} .?\d:\d\d:\d\d)/; # InnoDB timestamp
+# If you update this variable, also update the SYNOPSIS in the pod.
+my %innodb_section_headers = (
+ "TRANSACTIONS" => "tx",
+ "SEMAPHORES" => "sm",
+ "LOG" => "lg",
+ "ROW OPERATIONS" => "ro",
+ "FILE I/O" => "io",
+my %parser_for = (
+ tx => \&parse_tx_section,
+ bp => \&parse_bp_section,
+ sm => \&parse_sm_section,
+ lg => \&parse_lg_section,
+ ro => \&parse_ro_section,
+ ib => \&parse_ib_section,
+ io => \&parse_io_section,
+ dl => \&parse_dl_section,
+ fk => \&parse_fk_section,
+my %fk_parser_for = (
+ Transaction => \&parse_fk_transaction_error,
+ Error => \&parse_fk_bad_constraint_error,
+ Cannot => \&parse_fk_cant_drop_parent_error,
+# A thread's proc_info can be at least 98 different things I've found in the
+# source. Fortunately, most of them begin with a gerunded verb. These are
+# the ones that don't.
+my %is_proc_info = (
+ 'After create' => 1,
+ 'Execution of init_command' => 1,
+ 'FULLTEXT initialization' => 1,
+ 'Reopen tables' => 1,
+ 'Repair done' => 1,
+ 'Repair with keycache' => 1,
+ 'System lock' => 1,
+ 'Table lock' => 1,
+ 'Thread initialized' => 1,
+ 'User lock' => 1,
+ 'copy to tmp table' => 1,
+ 'discard_or_import_tablespace' => 1,
+ 'end' => 1,
+ 'got handler lock' => 1,
+ 'got old table' => 1,
+ 'init' => 1,
+ 'key cache' => 1,
+ 'locks' => 1,
+ 'malloc' => 1,
+ 'query end' => 1,
+ 'rename result table' => 1,
+ 'rename' => 1,
+ 'setup' => 1,
+ 'statistics' => 1,
+ 'status' => 1,
+ 'table cache' => 1,
+ 'update' => 1,
+sub new {
+ bless {}, shift;
+# Parse the status and return it.
+# See srv_printf_innodb_monitor in innobase/srv/srv0srv.c
+# Pass in the text to parse, whether to be in debugging mode, which sections
+# to parse (hashref; if empty, parse all), and whether to parse full info from
+# locks and such (probably shouldn't unless you need to).
+sub parse_status_text {
+ my ( $self, $fulltext, $debug, $sections, $full, $mysqlversion ) = @_;
+ die "I can't parse undef" unless defined $fulltext;
+ $fulltext =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g;
+ $sections ||= {};
+ die '$sections must be a hashref' unless ref($sections) eq 'HASH';
+ my %innodb_data = (
+ got_all => 0, # Whether I was able to get the whole thing
+ ts => '', # Timestamp the server put on it
+ last_secs => 0, # Num seconds the averages are over
+ sections => {}, # Parsed values from each section
+ );
+ if ( $debug ) {
+ $innodb_data{'fulltext'} = $fulltext;
+ }
+ # Get the most basic info about the status: beginning and end, and whether
+ # I got the whole thing (if there has been a big deadlock and there are
+ # too many locks to print, the output might be truncated)
+ my $time_text;
+ if ( ($mysqlversion =~ /^5\.[67]\./) || ($mysqlversion =~ /^10\.[012]\./) ) {
+ ( $time_text ) = $fulltext =~ m/^([0-9-]* [0-9:]*) [0-9a-fx]* INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT/m;
+ $innodb_data{'ts'} = [ parse_innodb_timestamp_56( $time_text ) ];
+ } else {
+ ( $time_text ) = $fulltext =~ m/^$s INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT$/m;
+ $innodb_data{'ts'} = [ parse_innodb_timestamp( $time_text ) ];
+ }
+ $innodb_data{'timestring'} = ts_to_string($innodb_data{'ts'});
+ ( $innodb_data{'last_secs'} ) = $fulltext
+ =~ m/Per second averages calculated from the last $d seconds/;
+ ( my $got_all ) = $fulltext =~ m/END OF INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT/;
+ $innodb_data{'got_all'} = $got_all || 0;
+ # Split it into sections. Each section begins with
+ # -----
+ # -----
+ my %innodb_sections;
+ my @matches = $fulltext
+ =~ m#\n(---+)\n([A-Z /]+)\n\1\n(.*?)(?=\n(---+)\n[A-Z /]+\n\4\n|$)#gs;
+ while ( my ( $start, $name, $text, $end ) = splice(@matches, 0, 4) ) {
+ $innodb_sections{$name} = [ $text, $end ? 1 : 0 ];
+ }
+ # Just for sanity's sake, make sure I understand what to do with each
+ # section.
+ eval {
+ foreach my $section ( keys %innodb_sections ) {
+ my $header = $innodb_section_headers{$section};
+ if ( !$header && $debug ) {
+ warn "Unknown section $section in $fulltext\n";
+ }
+ # The last section in the file is a special case, because instead of
+ # ending with the beginning of another section, it ends with the end of
+ # the file. So this section is complete if the entire file is
+ # complete. In different versions of InnoDB, various sections are
+ # last.
+ if ( $innodb_sections{$section}->[0] =~ s/\n---+\nEND OF INNODB.+\n=+$// ) {
+ $innodb_sections{$section}->[1] ||= $innodb_data{'got_all'};
+ }
+ if ( $header && $section ) {
+ $innodb_data{'sections'}->{ $header }
+ ->{'fulltext'} = $innodb_sections{$section}->[0];
+ $innodb_data{'sections'}->{ $header }
+ ->{'complete'} = $innodb_sections{$section}->[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ _debug( $debug, "header = " . ($header || 'undef') . ", section = " . ($section || 'undef')) if $debug;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ _debug( $debug, $EVAL_ERROR);
+ }
+ # ################################################################
+ # Parse the detailed data out of the sections.
+ # ################################################################
+ eval {
+ foreach my $section ( keys %parser_for ) {
+ if ( defined $innodb_data{'sections'}->{$section}
+ && (!%$sections || (defined($sections->{$section} && $sections->{$section})) )) {
+ $parser_for{$section}->(
+ $innodb_data{'sections'}->{$section},
+ $innodb_data{'sections'}->{$section}->{'complete'},
+ $debug,
+ $full,
+ $mysqlversion)
+ or delete $innodb_data{'sections'}->{$section};
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $innodb_data{'sections'}->{$section};
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ _debug( $debug, $EVAL_ERROR);
+ }
+ return \%innodb_data;
+# Parses the status text and returns it flattened out as a single hash.
+sub get_status_hash {
+ my ( $self, $fulltext, $debug, $sections, $full, $mysqlversion ) = @_;
+ # Parse the status text...
+ my $innodb_status
+ = $self->parse_status_text($fulltext, $debug, $sections, $full, $mysqlversion );
+ # Flatten the hierarchical structure into a single list by grabbing desired
+ # sections from it.
+ return
+ (map { 'IB_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{$_} } qw(timestring last_secs got_all)),
+ (map { 'IB_bp_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'bp'}->{$_} }
+ qw( writes_pending buf_pool_hit_rate total_mem_alloc buf_pool_reads
+ awe_mem_alloc pages_modified writes_pending_lru page_creates_sec
+ reads_pending pages_total buf_pool_hits writes_pending_single_page
+ page_writes_sec pages_read pages_written page_reads_sec
+ writes_pending_flush_list buf_pool_size add_pool_alloc
+ dict_mem_alloc pages_created buf_free complete )),
+ (map { 'IB_tx_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'tx'}->{$_} }
+ qw( num_lock_structs history_list_len purge_done_for transactions
+ purge_undo_for is_truncated trx_id_counter complete )),
+ (map { 'IB_ib_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'ib'}->{$_} }
+ qw( hash_table_size hash_searches_s non_hash_searches_s
+ bufs_in_node_heap used_cells size free_list_len seg_size inserts
+ merged_recs merges complete )),
+ (map { 'IB_lg_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'lg'}->{$_} }
+ qw( log_ios_done pending_chkp_writes last_chkp log_ios_s
+ log_flushed_to log_seq_no pending_log_writes complete )),
+ (map { 'IB_sm_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'sm'}->{$_} }
+ qw( wait_array_size rw_shared_spins rw_excl_os_waits mutex_os_waits
+ mutex_spin_rounds mutex_spin_waits rw_excl_spins rw_shared_os_waits
+ waits signal_count reservation_count complete )),
+ (map { 'IB_ro_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'ro'}->{$_} }
+ qw( queries_in_queue n_reserved_extents main_thread_state
+ main_thread_proc_no main_thread_id read_sec del_sec upd_sec ins_sec
+ read_views_open num_rows_upd num_rows_ins num_rows_read
+ queries_inside num_rows_del complete )),
+ (map { 'IB_fk_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'fk'}->{$_} }
+ qw( trigger parent_table child_index parent_index attempted_op
+ child_db timestring fk_name records col_name reason txn parent_db
+ type child_table parent_col complete )),
+ (map { 'IB_io_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'io'}->{$_} }
+ qw( pending_buffer_pool_flushes pending_pwrites pending_preads
+ pending_normal_aio_reads fsyncs_s os_file_writes pending_sync_ios
+ reads_s flush_type avg_bytes_s pending_ibuf_aio_reads writes_s
+ threads os_file_reads pending_aio_writes pending_log_ios os_fsyncs
+ pending_log_flushes complete )),
+ (map { 'IB_dl_' . $_ => $innodb_status->{'sections'}->{'dl'}->{$_} }
+ qw( timestring rolled_back txns complete ));
+sub ts_to_string {
+ my $parts = shift;
+ return sprintf('%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', @$parts);
+sub parse_innodb_timestamp {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my ( $y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s )
+ = $text =~ m/^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/;
+ die("Can't get timestamp from $text\n") unless $y;
+ $y += 2000;
+ return ( $y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s );
+sub parse_innodb_timestamp_56 {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my ( $y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s )
+ = $text =~ m/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/;
+ die("Can't get timestamp from $text\n") unless $y;
+ return ( $y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s );
+sub parse_fk_section {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $full, $mysqlversion ) = @_;
+ my $fulltext = $section->{'fulltext'};
+ return 0 unless $fulltext;
+ my ( $ts, $type );
+ if ( ($mysqlversion =~ /^5.[67]\./) || ($mysqlversion =~ /^10.[012]\./) ) {
+ ( $ts, $type ) = $fulltext =~ m/^([0-9-]* [0-9:]*)\s[0-9a-fx]*\s+(\w+)/m;
+ $section->{'ts'} = [ parse_innodb_timestamp_56( $ts ) ];
+ } else {
+ ( $ts, $type ) = $fulltext =~ m/^$s\s+(\w+)/m;
+ $section->{'ts'} = [ parse_innodb_timestamp( $ts ) ];
+ }
+ $section->{'timestring'} = ts_to_string($section->{'ts'});
+ $section->{'type'} = $type;
+ # Decide which type of FK error happened, and dispatch to the right parser.
+ if ( $type && $fk_parser_for{$type} ) {
+ $fk_parser_for{$type}->( $section, $complete, $debug, $fulltext, $full );
+ }
+ delete $section->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+sub parse_fk_cant_drop_parent_error {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $fulltext, $full ) = @_;
+ # Parse the parent/child table info out
+ @{$section}{ qw(attempted_op parent_db parent_table) } = $fulltext
+ =~ m{Cannot $w table `(.*)/(.*)`}m;
+ @{$section}{ qw(child_db child_table) } = $fulltext
+ =~ m{because it is referenced by `(.*)/(.*)`}m;
+ ( $section->{'reason'} ) = $fulltext =~ m/(Cannot .*)/s;
+ if ( !defined $section->{reason} ) {
+ ( $section->{'reason'} ) = $fulltext =~ m/(Trying to add .*)/s;
+ }
+ $section->{'reason'} =~ s/\n(?:InnoDB: )?/ /gm
+ if $section->{'reason'};
+ # Certain data may not be present. Make them '' if not present.
+ map { $section->{$_} ||= "" }
+ qw(child_index fk_name col_name parent_col);
+# See dict/dict0dict.c, function dict_foreign_error_report
+# I don't care much about these. There are lots of different messages, and
+# they come from someone trying to create a foreign key, or similar
+# statements. They aren't indicative of some transaction trying to insert,
+# delete or update data. Sometimes it is possible to parse out a lot of
+# information about the tables and indexes involved, but often the message
+# contains the DDL string the user entered, which is way too much for this
+# module to try to handle.
+sub parse_fk_bad_constraint_error {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $fulltext, $full ) = @_;
+ # Parse the parent/child table and index info out
+ @{$section}{ qw(child_db child_table) } = $fulltext
+ =~ m{Error in foreign key constraint of table (.*)/(.*):$}m;
+ $section->{'attempted_op'} = 'DDL';
+ # FK name, parent info... if possible.
+ @{$section}{ qw(fk_name col_name parent_db parent_table parent_col) }
+ = $fulltext
+ =~ m/CONSTRAINT `?$n`? FOREIGN KEY \(`?$n`?\) REFERENCES (?:`?$n`?\.)?`?$n`? \(`?$n`?\)/;
+ if ( !defined($section->{'fk_name'}) ) {
+ # Try to parse SQL a user might have typed in a CREATE statement or such
+ @{$section}{ qw(col_name parent_db parent_table parent_col) }
+ = $fulltext
+ =~ m/FOREIGN\s+KEY\s*\(`?$n`?\)\s+REFERENCES\s+(?:`?$n`?\.)?`?$n`?\s*\(`?$n`?\)/i;
+ }
+ $section->{'parent_db'} ||= $section->{'child_db'};
+ # Name of the child index (index in the same table where the FK is, see
+ # definition of dict_foreign_struct in include/dict0mem.h, where it is
+ # called foreign_index, as opposed to referenced_index which is in the
+ # parent table. This may not be possible to find.
+ @{$section}{ qw(child_index) } = $fulltext
+ =~ m/^The index in the foreign key in table is $n$/m;
+ @{$section}{ qw(reason) } = $fulltext =~ m/:\s*([^:]+)(?= Constraint:|$)/ms;
+ $section->{'reason'} =~ s/\s+/ /g
+ if $section->{'reason'};
+ # Certain data may not be present. Make them '' if not present.
+ map { $section->{$_} ||= "" }
+ qw(child_index fk_name col_name parent_table parent_col);
+# see source file row/row0ins.c
+sub parse_fk_transaction_error {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $fulltext, $full ) = @_;
+ # Parse the txn info out
+ my ( $txn ) = $fulltext
+ =~ m/Transaction:\n(TRANSACTION.*)\nForeign key constraint fails/s;
+ if ( $txn ) {
+ $section->{'txn'} = parse_tx_text( $txn, $complete, $debug, $full );
+ }
+ # Parse the parent/child table and index info out. There are two types: an
+ # update or a delete of a parent record leaves a child orphaned
+ # (row_ins_foreign_report_err), and an insert or update of a child record has
+ # no matching parent record (row_ins_foreign_report_add_err).
+ @{$section}{ qw(reason child_db child_table) }
+ = $fulltext =~ m{^(Foreign key constraint fails for table `(.*?)`?[/.]`?(.*)`:)$}m;
+ @{$section}{ qw(fk_name col_name parent_db parent_table parent_col) }
+ = $fulltext
+ =~ m/CONSTRAINT `$n` FOREIGN KEY \(`$n`\) REFERENCES (?:`$n`\.)?`$n` \(`$n`\)/;
+ $section->{'parent_db'} ||= $section->{'child_db'};
+ # Special case, which I don't know how to trigger, but see
+ # innobase/row/row0ins.c row_ins_check_foreign_constraint
+ if ( $fulltext =~ m/ibd file does not currently exist!/ ) {
+ my ( $attempted_op, $index, $records )
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Trying to (add to index) `$n` tuple:\n(.*))?/sm;
+ $section->{'child_index'} = $index;
+ $section->{'attempted_op'} = $attempted_op || '';
+ if ( $records && $full ) {
+ ( $section->{'records'} )
+ = parse_innodb_record_dump( $records, $complete, $debug );
+ }
+ @{$section}{qw(parent_db parent_table)}
+ =~ m/^But the parent table `$n`\.`$n`$/m;
+ }
+ else {
+ my ( $attempted_op, $which, $index )
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Trying to ([\w ]*) in (child|parent) table, in index `$n` tuple:$/m;
+ if ( $which ) {
+ $section->{$which . '_index'} = $index;
+ $section->{'attempted_op'} = $attempted_op || '';
+ # Parse out the related records in the other table.
+ my ( $search_index, $records );
+ if ( $which eq 'child' ) {
+ ( $search_index, $records ) = $fulltext
+ =~ m/^But in parent table [^,]*, in index `$n`,\nthe closest match we can find is record:\n(.*)/ms;
+ $section->{'parent_index'} = $search_index;
+ }
+ else {
+ ( $search_index, $records ) = $fulltext
+ =~ m/^But in child table [^,]*, in index `$n`, (?:the record is not available|there is a record:\n(.*))?/ms;
+ $section->{'child_index'} = $search_index;
+ }
+ if ( $records && $full ) {
+ $section->{'records'}
+ = parse_innodb_record_dump( $records, $complete, $debug );
+ }
+ else {
+ $section->{'records'} = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Parse out the tuple trying to be updated, deleted or inserted.
+ my ( $trigger ) = $fulltext =~ m/^(DATA TUPLE: \d+ fields;\n.*)$/m;
+ if ( $trigger ) {
+ $section->{'trigger'} = parse_innodb_record_dump( $trigger, $complete, $debug );
+ }
+ # Certain data may not be present. Make them '' if not present.
+ map { $section->{$_} ||= "" }
+ qw(child_index fk_name col_name parent_table parent_col);
+# There are new-style and old-style record formats. See rem/rem0rec.c
+# TODO: write some tests for this
+sub parse_innodb_record_dump {
+ my ( $dump, $complete, $debug ) = @_;
+ return undef unless $dump;
+ my $result = {};
+ if ( $dump =~ m/PHYSICAL RECORD/ ) {
+ my $style = $dump =~ m/compact format/ ? 'new' : 'old';
+ $result->{'style'} = $style;
+ # This is a new-style record.
+ if ( $style eq 'new' ) {
+ @{$result}{qw( heap_no type num_fields info_bits )}
+ = $dump
+ =~ m/^(?:Record lock, heap no $d )?([A-Z ]+): n_fields $d; compact format; info bits $d$/m;
+ }
+ # OK, it's old-style. Unfortunately there are variations here too.
+ elsif ( $dump =~ m/-byte offs / ) {
+ # Older-old style.
+ @{$result}{qw( heap_no type num_fields byte_offset info_bits )}
+ = $dump
+ =~ m/^(?:Record lock, heap no $d )?([A-Z ]+): n_fields $d; $d-byte offs [A-Z]+; info bits $d$/m;
+ if ( $dump !~ m/-byte offs TRUE/ ) {
+ $result->{'byte_offset'} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Newer-old style.
+ @{$result}{qw( heap_no type num_fields byte_offset info_bits )}
+ = $dump
+ =~ m/^(?:Record lock, heap no $d )?([A-Z ]+): n_fields $d; $d-byte offsets; info bits $d$/m;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $result->{'style'} = 'tuple';
+ @{$result}{qw( type num_fields )}
+ = $dump =~ m/^(DATA TUPLE): $d fields;$/m;
+ }
+ # Fill in default values for things that couldn't be parsed.
+ map { $result->{$_} ||= 0 }
+ qw(heap_no num_fields byte_offset info_bits);
+ map { $result->{$_} ||= '' }
+ qw(style type );
+ my @fields = $dump =~ m/ (\d+:.*?;?);(?=$| \d+:)/gm;
+ $result->{'fields'} = [ map { parse_field($_, $complete, $debug ) } @fields ];
+ return $result;
+# New/old-style applies here. See rem/rem0rec.c
+# $text should not include the leading space or the second trailing semicolon.
+sub parse_field {
+ my ( $text, $complete, $debug ) = @_;
+ # Sample fields:
+ # '4: SQL NULL, size 4 '
+ # '1: len 6; hex 000000005601; asc V ;'
+ # '6: SQL NULL'
+ # '5: len 30; hex 687474703a2f2f7777772e737765657477617465722e636f6d2f73746f72; asc;...(truncated)'
+ my ( $id, $nullsize, $len, $hex, $asc, $truncated );
+ ( $id, $nullsize ) = $text =~ m/^$d: SQL NULL, size $d $/;
+ if ( !defined($id) ) {
+ ( $id ) = $text =~ m/^$d: SQL NULL$/;
+ }
+ if ( !defined($id) ) {
+ ( $id, $len, $hex, $asc, $truncated )
+ = $text =~ m/^$d: len $d; hex $h; asc (.*);(\.\.\.\(truncated\))?$/;
+ }
+ die "Could not parse this field: '$text'" unless defined $id;
+ return {
+ id => $id,
+ len => defined($len) ? $len : defined($nullsize) ? $nullsize : 0,
+ 'hex' => defined($hex) ? $hex : '',
+ asc => defined($asc) ? $asc : '',
+ trunc => $truncated ? 1 : 0,
+ };
+sub parse_dl_section {
+ my ( $dl, $complete, $debug, $full, $mysqlversion ) = @_;
+ return unless $dl;
+ my $fulltext = $dl->{'fulltext'};
+ return 0 unless $fulltext;
+ my ( $ts ) = $fulltext =~ m/^$s$/m;
+ return 0 unless $ts;
+ if ( ($mysqlversion =~ /^5\.[67]\./) || ($mysqlversion =~ /^10\.[012]\./) ) {
+ $dl->{'ts'} = [ parse_innodb_timestamp_56( $ts ) ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $dl->{'ts'} = [ parse_innodb_timestamp( $ts ) ];
+ }
+ $dl->{'timestring'} = ts_to_string($dl->{'ts'});
+ $dl->{'txns'} = {};
+ my @sections
+ = $fulltext
+ =~ m{
+ ^\*{3}\s([^\n]*) # *** (1) WAITING FOR THIS...
+ (.*?) # Followed by anything, non-greedy
+ (?=(?:^\*{3})|\z) # Followed by another three stars or EOF
+ }gmsx;
+ # Loop through each section. There are no assumptions about how many
+ # there are, who holds and wants what locks, and who gets rolled back.
+ while ( my ($header, $body) = splice(@sections, 0, 2) ) {
+ my ( $txn_id, $what ) = $header =~ m/^\($d\) (.*):$/;
+ next unless $txn_id;
+ $dl->{'txns'}->{$txn_id} ||= {};
+ my $txn = $dl->{'txns'}->{$txn_id};
+ if ( $what eq 'TRANSACTION' ) {
+ $txn->{'tx'} = parse_tx_text( $body, $complete, $debug, $full );
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{$txn->{'locks'}}, parse_innodb_record_locks( $body, $complete, $debug, $full );
+ }
+ }
+ @{ $dl }{ qw(rolled_back) }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^\*\*\* WE ROLL BACK TRANSACTION \($d\)$/m;
+ # Make sure certain values aren't undef
+ map { $dl->{$_} ||= '' } qw(rolled_back);
+ delete $dl->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+sub parse_innodb_record_locks {
+ my ( $text, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $lock ( $text =~ m/(^(?:RECORD|TABLE) LOCKS?.*$)/gm ) {
+ my $hash = {};
+ @{$hash}{ qw(lock_type space_id page_no n_bits index db table txn_id lock_mode) }
+ = $lock
+ =~ m{^(RECORD|TABLE) LOCKS? (?:space id $d page no $d n bits $d index `?$n`? of )?table `$n(?:/|`\.`)$n` trx id $t lock.mode (\S+)}m;
+ ( $hash->{'special'} )
+ = $lock =~ m/^(?:RECORD|TABLE) .*? locks (rec but not gap|gap before rec)/m;
+ $hash->{'insert_intention'}
+ = $lock =~ m/^(?:RECORD|TABLE) .*? insert intention/m ? 1 : 0;
+ $hash->{'waiting'}
+ = $lock =~ m/^(?:RECORD|TABLE) .*? waiting/m ? 1 : 0;
+ # Some things may not be in the text, so make sure they are not
+ # undef.
+ map { $hash->{$_} ||= 0 } qw(n_bits page_no space_id);
+ map { $hash->{$_} ||= "" } qw(index special);
+ push @result, $hash;
+ }
+ return @result;
+sub parse_tx_text {
+ my ( $txn, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ my ( $txn_id, $txn_status )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/^(?:---)?TRANSACTION $t, ([^\n0-9,]*[^\s\d])/m;
+ $txn_status =~ s/,$// if $txn_status;
+ my ( $active_secs)
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/^[^\n]*\b$d sec\b/m;
+ my ( $proc_no )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/process no $d/m;
+ my ( $os_thread_id )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/OS thread id $d/m;
+ my ( $thread_status, $thread_decl_inside )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/(?:OS thread id \d+|\d sec)(?: ([^,]+?))?(?:, thread declared inside InnoDB $d)?$/m;
+ # Parsing the line that begins 'MySQL thread id' is complicated. The only
+ # thing always in the line is the thread and query id. See function
+ # innobase_mysql_print_thd in InnoDB source file sql/
+ my ( $thread_line ) = $txn =~ m/^(MySQL thread id .*)$/m;
+ my ( $mysql_thread_id, $query_id, $hostname, $ip, $user, $query_status );
+ if ( $thread_line ) {
+ # These parts can always be gotten.
+ ( $mysql_thread_id, $query_id ) = $thread_line =~ m/^MySQL thread id $d, .*?query id $d/m;
+ # If it's a master/slave thread, "Has (read|sent) all" may be the thread's
+ # proc_info. In these cases, there won't be any host/ip/user info
+ ( $query_status ) = $thread_line =~ m/(Has (?:read|sent) all .*$)/m;
+ if ( defined($query_status) ) {
+ $user = 'system user';
+ }
+ # It may be the case that the query id is the last thing in the line.
+ elsif ( $thread_line =~ m/query id \d+ / ) {
+ # The IP address is the only non-word thing left, so it's the most
+ # useful marker for where I have to start guessing.
+ ( $hostname, $ip ) = $thread_line =~ m/query id \d+(?: ([A-Za-z]\S+))? $i/m;
+ if ( defined $ip ) {
+ ( $user, $query_status ) = $thread_line =~ m/$ip $w(?: (.*))?$/;
+ }
+ else { # OK, there wasn't an IP address.
+ # There might not be ANYTHING except the query status.
+ ( $query_status ) = $thread_line =~ m/query id \d+ (.*)$/;
+ if ( $query_status !~ m/^\w+ing/ && !exists($is_proc_info{$query_status}) ) {
+ # The remaining tokens are, in order: hostname, user, query_status.
+ # It's basically impossible to know which is which.
+ ( $hostname, $user, $query_status ) = $thread_line
+ =~ m/query id \d+(?: ([A-Za-z]\S+))?(?: $w(?: (.*))?)?$/m;
+ if ( ($hostname || '') eq 'Slave' ) {
+ $hostname = '';
+ $user = 'system user';
+ $query_status = "Slave has $query_status";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $user = 'system user';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ( $lock_wait_status, $lock_structs, $heap_size, $row_locks, $undo_log_entries )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/^(?:(\D*) )?$d lock struct\(s\), heap size $d(?:, $d row lock\(s\))?(?:, undo log entries $d)?$/m;
+ my ( $lock_wait_time )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/^------- TRX HAS BEEN WAITING $d SEC/m;
+ my $locks;
+ # If the transaction has locks, grab the locks.
+ if ( $txn =~ m/^TABLE LOCK|RECORD LOCKS/ ) {
+ $locks = [parse_innodb_record_locks($txn, $complete, $debug, $full)];
+ }
+ my ( $tables_in_use, $tables_locked )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/^mysql tables in use $d, locked $d$/m;
+ my ( $txn_doesnt_see_ge, $txn_sees_lt )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m/^Trx read view will not see trx with id >= $t, sees < $t$/m;
+ my $has_read_view = defined($txn_doesnt_see_ge);
+ # Only a certain number of bytes of the query text are included here, at least
+ # under some circumstances. Some versions include 300, some 600.
+ my ( $query_text )
+ = $txn
+ =~ m{
+ ^MySQL\sthread\sid\s[^\n]+\n # This comes before the query text
+ (.*?) # The query text
+ (?= # Followed by any of...
+ ^Trx\sread\sview
+ |^-------\sTRX\sHAS\sBEEN\sWAITING
+ |^RECORD\sLOCKS\sspace\sid
+ |^(?:---)?TRANSACTION
+ |^\*\*\*\s\(\d\)
+ |\Z
+ )
+ }xms;
+ if ( $query_text ) {
+ $query_text =~ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ else {
+ $query_text = '';
+ }
+ my %stuff = (
+ active_secs => $active_secs,
+ has_read_view => $has_read_view,
+ heap_size => $heap_size,
+ hostname => $hostname,
+ ip => $ip,
+ lock_structs => $lock_structs,
+ lock_wait_status => $lock_wait_status,
+ lock_wait_time => $lock_wait_time,
+ mysql_thread_id => $mysql_thread_id,
+ os_thread_id => $os_thread_id,
+ proc_no => $proc_no,
+ query_id => $query_id,
+ query_status => $query_status,
+ query_text => $query_text,
+ row_locks => $row_locks,
+ tables_in_use => $tables_in_use,
+ tables_locked => $tables_locked,
+ thread_decl_inside => $thread_decl_inside,
+ thread_status => $thread_status,
+ txn_doesnt_see_ge => $txn_doesnt_see_ge,
+ txn_id => $txn_id,
+ txn_sees_lt => $txn_sees_lt,
+ txn_status => $txn_status,
+ undo_log_entries => $undo_log_entries,
+ user => $user,
+ );
+ $stuff{'fulltext'} = $txn if $debug;
+ $stuff{'locks'} = $locks if $locks;
+ # Some things may not be in the txn text, so make sure they are not
+ # undef.
+ map { $stuff{$_} ||= 0 } qw(active_secs heap_size lock_structs
+ tables_in_use undo_log_entries tables_locked has_read_view
+ thread_decl_inside lock_wait_time proc_no row_locks);
+ map { $stuff{$_} ||= "" } qw(thread_status txn_doesnt_see_ge
+ txn_sees_lt query_status ip query_text lock_wait_status user);
+ $stuff{'hostname'} ||= $stuff{'ip'};
+ return \%stuff;
+sub parse_tx_section {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ return unless $section && $section->{'fulltext'};
+ my $fulltext = $section->{'fulltext'};
+ $section->{'transactions'} = [];
+ # Handle the individual transactions
+ my @transactions = $fulltext =~ m/(---TRANSACTION [0-9A-Fa-f].*?)(?=\n---TRANSACTION|$)/gs;
+ foreach my $txn ( @transactions ) {
+ my $stuff = parse_tx_text( $txn, $complete, $debug, $full );
+ delete $stuff->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ push @{$section->{'transactions'}}, $stuff;
+ }
+ # Handle the general info
+ @{$section}{ 'trx_id_counter' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Trx id counter $t$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'purge_done_for', 'purge_undo_for' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Purge done for trx's n:o < $t undo n:o < $t$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'history_list_len' } # This isn't present in some 4.x versions
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^History list length $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'num_lock_structs' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Total number of lock structs in row lock hash table $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'is_truncated' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^\.\.\. truncated\.\.\.$/m ? 1 : 0;
+ # Fill in things that might not be present
+ foreach ( qw(history_list_len) ) {
+ $section->{$_} ||= 0;
+ }
+ delete $section->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+# I've read the source for this section.
+sub parse_ro_section {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ return unless $section && $section->{'fulltext'};
+ my $fulltext = $section->{'fulltext'};
+ # Grab the info
+ @{$section}{ 'queries_inside', 'queries_in_queue' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^$d queries inside InnoDB, $d queries in queue$/m;
+ ( $section->{ 'read_views_open' } )
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^$d read views open inside InnoDB$/m;
+ ( $section->{ 'n_reserved_extents' } )
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^$d tablespace extents now reserved for B-tree/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'main_thread_proc_no', 'main_thread_id', 'main_thread_state' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Main thread (?:process no. $d, )?id $d, state: (.*)$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'num_rows_ins', 'num_rows_upd', 'num_rows_del', 'num_rows_read' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Number of rows inserted $d, updated $d, deleted $d, read $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'ins_sec', 'upd_sec', 'del_sec', 'read_sec' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m#^$f inserts/s, $f updates/s, $f deletes/s, $f reads/s$#m;
+ $section->{'main_thread_proc_no'} ||= 0;
+ map { $section->{$_} ||= 0 } qw(read_views_open n_reserved_extents);
+ delete $section->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+sub parse_lg_section {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ return unless $section;
+ my $fulltext = $section->{'fulltext'};
+ # Grab the info
+ ( $section->{ 'log_seq_no' } )
+ = $fulltext =~ m/Log sequence number \s*(\d.*)$/m;
+ ( $section->{ 'log_flushed_to' } )
+ = $fulltext =~ m/Log flushed up to \s*(\d.*)$/m;
+ ( $section->{ 'last_chkp' } )
+ = $fulltext =~ m/Last checkpoint at \s*(\d.*)$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'pending_log_writes', 'pending_chkp_writes' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/$d pending log (?:writes|flushes), $d pending chkp writes/;
+ @{$section}{ 'log_ios_done', 'log_ios_s' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m#$d log i/o's done, $f log i/o's/second#;
+ delete $section->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+sub parse_ib_section {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ return unless $section && $section->{'fulltext'};
+ my $fulltext = $section->{'fulltext'};
+ # Some servers will output ibuf information for tablespace 0, as though there
+ # might be many tablespaces with insert buffers. (In practice I believe
+ # the source code shows there will only ever be one). I have to parse both
+ # cases here, but I assume there will only be one.
+ @{$section}{ 'size', 'free_list_len', 'seg_size' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Ibuf(?: for space 0)?: size $d, free list len $d, seg size $d/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'inserts', 'merged_recs', 'merges' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^$d inserts, $d merged recs, $d merges$/m;
+ if ( ! defined $section->{inserts} ) {
+ @{$section}{ 'inserts' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/merged operations:\n insert $d,/s;
+ # This isn't really true, but it's not really important either. We already
+ # aren't supporting the 'delete' operations.
+ @{$section}{ 'merged_recs', 'merges' } = (0, 0);
+ }
+ @{$section}{ 'hash_table_size', 'used_cells', 'bufs_in_node_heap' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Hash table size $d(?:, used cells $d)?, node heap has $d buffer\(s\)$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'hash_searches_s', 'non_hash_searches_s' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m{^$f hash searches/s, $f non-hash searches/s$}m;
+ delete $section->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+sub parse_wait_array {
+ my ( $text, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ my %result;
+ @result{ qw(thread waited_at_filename waited_at_line waited_secs) }
+ = $text =~ m/^--Thread $d has waited at $fl for $f seconds/m;
+ # Depending on whether it's a SYNC_MUTEX,RW_LOCK_EX,RW_LOCK_SHARED,
+ # there will be different text output
+ if ( $text =~ m/^Mutex at/m ) {
+ $result{'request_type'} = 'M';
+ @result{ qw( lock_mem_addr lock_cfile_name lock_cline lock_var) }
+ = $text =~ m/^Mutex at $h created file $fl, lock var $d$/m;
+ @result{ qw( waiters_flag )}
+ = $text =~ m/^waiters flag $d$/m;
+ }
+ else {
+ @result{ qw( request_type lock_mem_addr lock_cfile_name lock_cline) }
+ = $text =~ m/^(.)-lock on RW-latch at $h created in file $fl$/m;
+ @result{ qw( writer_thread writer_lock_mode ) }
+ = $text =~ m/^a writer \(thread id $d\) has reserved it in mode (.*)$/m;
+ @result{ qw( num_readers waiters_flag )}
+ = $text =~ m/^number of readers $d, waiters flag $d$/m;
+ @result{ qw(last_s_file_name last_s_line ) }
+ = $text =~ m/Last time read locked in file $fl$/m;
+ @result{ qw(last_x_file_name last_x_line ) }
+ = $text =~ m/Last time write locked in file $fl$/m;
+ }
+ $result{'cell_waiting'} = $text =~ m/^wait has ended$/m ? 0 : 1;
+ $result{'cell_event_set'} = $text =~ m/^wait is ending$/m ? 1 : 0;
+ # Because there are two code paths, some things won't get set.
+ map { $result{$_} ||= '' }
+ qw(last_s_file_name last_x_file_name writer_lock_mode);
+ map { $result{$_} ||= 0 }
+ qw(num_readers lock_var last_s_line last_x_line writer_thread);
+ return \%result;
+sub parse_sm_section {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $section && $section->{'fulltext'};
+ my $fulltext = $section->{'fulltext'};
+ # Grab the info
+ @{$section}{ 'reservation_count', 'signal_count' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count $d, signal count $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'mutex_spin_waits', 'mutex_spin_rounds', 'mutex_os_waits' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Mutex spin waits $d, rounds $d, OS waits $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'rw_shared_spins', 'rw_shared_os_waits', 'rw_excl_spins', 'rw_excl_os_waits' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^RW-shared spins $d, OS waits $d; RW-excl spins $d, OS waits $d$/m;
+ if ( ! defined $section->{rw_shared_spins} ) {
+ @{$section}{ 'rw_shared_spins', 'rw_shared_os_waits'}
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^RW-shared spins $d, rounds \d+, OS waits $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'rw_excl_spins', 'rw_excl_os_waits' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^RW-excl spins $d, rounds \d+, OS waits $d$/m;
+ }
+ # Look for info on waits.
+ my @waits = $fulltext =~ m/^(--Thread.*?)^(?=Mutex spin|--Thread)/gms;
+ $section->{'waits'} = [ map { parse_wait_array($_, $complete, $debug) } @waits ];
+ $section->{'wait_array_size'} = scalar(@waits);
+ delete $section->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+# I've read the source for this section.
+sub parse_bp_section {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ return unless $section && $section->{'fulltext'};
+ my $fulltext = $section->{'fulltext'};
+ # Grab the info
+ @{$section}{ 'total_mem_alloc', 'add_pool_alloc' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Total memory allocated $d; in additional pool allocated $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{'dict_mem_alloc'} = $fulltext =~ m/Dictionary memory allocated $d/;
+ @{$section}{'awe_mem_alloc'} = $fulltext =~ m/$d MB of AWE memory/;
+ @{$section}{'buf_pool_size'} = $fulltext =~ m/^Buffer pool size\s*$d$/m;
+ @{$section}{'buf_free'} = $fulltext =~ m/^Free buffers\s*$d$/m;
+ @{$section}{'pages_total'} = $fulltext =~ m/^Database pages\s*$d$/m;
+ @{$section}{'pages_modified'} = $fulltext =~ m/^Modified db pages\s*$d$/m;
+ @{$section}{'pages_read', 'pages_created', 'pages_written'}
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Pages read $d, created $d, written $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{'page_reads_sec', 'page_creates_sec', 'page_writes_sec'}
+ = $fulltext =~ m{^$f reads/s, $f creates/s, $f writes/s$}m;
+ @{$section}{'buf_pool_hits', 'buf_pool_reads'}
+ = $fulltext =~ m{Buffer pool hit rate $d / $d}m;
+ if ($fulltext =~ m/^No buffer pool page gets since the last printout$/m) {
+ @{$section}{'buf_pool_hits', 'buf_pool_reads'} = (0, 0);
+ @{$section}{'buf_pool_hit_rate'} = '--';
+ }
+ else {
+ @{$section}{'buf_pool_hit_rate'}
+ = $fulltext =~ m{Buffer pool hit rate (\d+ / \d+)}m;
+ }
+ @{$section}{'reads_pending'} = $fulltext =~ m/^Pending reads $d/m;
+ @{$section}{'writes_pending_lru', 'writes_pending_flush_list', 'writes_pending_single_page' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Pending writes: LRU $d, flush list $d, single page $d$/m;
+ map { $section->{$_} ||= 0 }
+ qw(writes_pending_lru writes_pending_flush_list writes_pending_single_page
+ awe_mem_alloc dict_mem_alloc);
+ @{$section}{'writes_pending'} = List::Util::sum(
+ @{$section}{ qw(writes_pending_lru writes_pending_flush_list writes_pending_single_page) });
+ delete $section->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+# I've read the source for this.
+sub parse_io_section {
+ my ( $section, $complete, $debug, $full ) = @_;
+ return unless $section && $section->{'fulltext'};
+ my $fulltext = $section->{'fulltext'};
+ $section->{'threads'} = {};
+ # Grab the I/O thread info
+ my @threads = $fulltext =~ m<^(I/O thread \d+ .*)$>gm;
+ foreach my $thread (@threads) {
+ my ( $tid, $state, $purpose, $event_set )
+ = $thread =~ m{I/O thread $d state: (.+?) \((.*)\)(?: ev set)?$}m;
+ if ( defined $tid ) {
+ $section->{'threads'}->{$tid} = {
+ thread => $tid,
+ state => $state,
+ purpose => $purpose,
+ event_set => $event_set ? 1 : 0,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ # Grab the reads/writes/flushes info
+ @{$section}{ 'pending_normal_aio_reads', 'pending_aio_writes' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Pending normal aio reads: $d(?: [^\]]*\])?, aio writes: $d/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'pending_ibuf_aio_reads', 'pending_log_ios', 'pending_sync_ios' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m{^ ibuf aio reads: $d, log i/o's: $d, sync i/o's: $d$}m;
+ @{$section}{ 'flush_type', 'pending_log_flushes', 'pending_buffer_pool_flushes' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^Pending flushes \($w\) log: $d; buffer pool: $d$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'os_file_reads', 'os_file_writes', 'os_fsyncs' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/^$d OS file reads, $d OS file writes, $d OS fsyncs$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'reads_s', 'avg_bytes_s', 'writes_s', 'fsyncs_s' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m{^$f reads/s, $d avg bytes/read, $f writes/s, $f fsyncs/s$}m;
+ @{$section}{ 'pending_preads', 'pending_pwrites' }
+ = $fulltext =~ m/$d pending preads, $d pending pwrites$/m;
+ @{$section}{ 'pending_preads', 'pending_pwrites' } = (0, 0)
+ unless defined($section->{'pending_preads'});
+ delete $section->{'fulltext'} unless $debug;
+ return 1;
+sub _debug {
+ my ( $debug, $msg ) = @_;
+ if ( $debug ) {
+ die $msg;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn $msg;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# end_of_package InnoDBParser
+package main;
+use sigtrap qw(handler finish untrapped normal-signals);
+use Data::Dumper;
+use DBI;
+use English qw(-no_match_vars);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use File::Temp;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::Util qw(max min maxstr sum);
+use POSIX qw(ceil);
+use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
+use Term::ReadKey qw(ReadMode ReadKey);
+# License and warranty information. {{{1
+# ###########################################################################
+my $innotop_license = <<"LICENSE";
+This is innotop version $VERSION, a MySQL and InnoDB monitor.
+This program is copyright (c) 2006 Baron Schwartz.
+Feedback and improvements are welcome.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similar
+systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+# Configuration information and global setup {{{1
+# ###########################################################################
+# Really, really, super-global variables.
+my @config_versions = (
+ "000-000-000", "001-003-000", # config file was one big name-value hash.
+ "001-003-000", "001-004-002", # config file contained non-user-defined stuff.
+my $clear_screen_sub;
+my $dsn_parser = new DSNParser();
+# This defines expected properties and defaults for the column definitions that
+# eventually end up in tbl_meta.
+my %col_props = (
+ hdr => '',
+ just => '-',
+ dec => 0, # Whether to align the column on the decimal point
+ num => 0,
+ label => '',
+ user => 0,
+ src => '',
+ tbl => '', # Helps when writing/reading custom columns in config files
+ minw => 0,
+ maxw => 0,
+ trans => [],
+ agg => 'first', # Aggregate function
+ aggonly => 0, # Whether to show only when tbl_meta->{aggregate} is true
+ agghide => 0, # Whether NOT to show when tbl_meta->{aggregate} is true
+# Actual DBI connections to MySQL servers.
+my %dbhs;
+# Command-line parameters {{{2
+# ###########################################################################
+my @opt_spec = (
+ { s => 'help', d => 'Show this help message' },
+ { s => 'color|C!', d => 'Use terminal coloring (default)', c => 'color' },
+ { s => 'config|c=s', d => 'Config file to read' },
+ { s => 'nonint|n', d => 'Non-interactive, output tab-separated fields' },
+ { s => 'count=i', d => 'Number of updates before exiting' },
+ { s => 'delay|d=f', d => 'Delay between updates in seconds', c => 'interval' },
+ { s => 'mode|m=s', d => 'Operating mode to start in', c => 'mode' },
+ { s => 'inc|i!', d => 'Measure incremental differences', c => 'status_inc' },
+ { s => 'spark=i', d => 'Length of status sparkline (default 10)', c=> 'spark' },
+ { s => 'write|w', d => 'Write running configuration into home directory if no config files were loaded' },
+ { s => 'skipcentral|s', d => 'Skip reading the central configuration file' },
+ { s => 'version', d => 'Output version information and exit' },
+ { s => 'user|u=s', d => 'User for login if not current user' },
+ { s => 'password|p=s', d => 'Password to use for connection' },
+ { s => 'askpass', d => 'Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL'},
+ { s => 'host|h=s', d => 'Connect to host' },
+ { s => 'port|P=i', d => 'Port number to use for connection' },
+ { s => 'socket|S=s', d => 'MySQL socket to use for connection' },
+ { s => 'timestamp|t+', d => 'Print timestamp in -n mode (1: per iter; 2: per line)' },
+# This is the container for the command-line options' values to be stored in
+# after processing. Initial values are defaults.
+my %opts = (
+ n => !( -t STDIN && -t STDOUT ), # If in/out aren't to terminals, we're interactive
+# Post-process...
+my %opt_seen;
+foreach my $spec ( @opt_spec ) {
+ my ( $long, $short ) = $spec->{s} =~ m/^(\w+)(?:\|([^!+=:]*))?/;
+ $spec->{k} = $short || $long;
+ $spec->{l} = $long;
+ $spec->{t} = $short;
+ $spec->{n} = $spec->{s} =~ m/!/;
+ $opts{$spec->{k}} = undef unless defined $opts{$spec->{k}};
+ die "Duplicate option $spec->{k}" if $opt_seen{$spec->{k}}++;
+Getopt::Long::Configure('no_ignore_case', 'bundling');
+GetOptions( map { $_->{s} => \$opts{$_->{k}} } @opt_spec) or $opts{help} = 1;
+if ( $opts{version} ) {
+ print "innotop Ver $VERSION\n";
+ exit(0);
+if ( $opts{c} and ! -f $opts{c} ) {
+ print $opts{c} . " doesn't exist. Exiting.\n";
+ exit(1);
+if ( $opts{'askpass'} ) {
+ $opts{'p'} = noecho_password("Enter password ");
+if ( $opts{'help'} ) {
+ print "Usage: innotop <options> <innodb-status-file>\n\n";
+ my $maxw = max(map { length($_->{l}) + ($_->{n} ? 4 : 0)} @opt_spec);
+ foreach my $spec ( sort { $a->{l} cmp $b->{l} } @opt_spec ) {
+ my $long = $spec->{n} ? "[no]$spec->{l}" : $spec->{l};
+ my $short = $spec->{t} ? "-$spec->{t}" : '';
+ printf(" --%-${maxw}s %-4s %s\n", $long, $short, $spec->{d});
+ }
+ print <<USAGE;
+innotop is a MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor, like 'top' for
+MySQL. It displays queries, InnoDB transactions, lock waits, deadlocks,
+foreign key errors, open tables, replication status, buffer information,
+row operations, logs, I/O operations, load graph, and more. You can
+monitor many servers at once with innotop.
+ exit(1);
+if ( defined($opts{p}) && length($opts{p}) == 0 ) {
+ print "Enter password: ";
+ ReadMode('noecho');
+ $opts{p} = <STDIN>;
+ chomp($opts{p});
+ ReadMode('normal');
+# Meta-data (table definitions etc) {{{2
+# ###########################################################################
+# Expressions {{{3
+# Convenience so I can copy/paste these in several places...
+# ###########################################################################
+my %exprs = (
+ Host => q{my $host = host || hostname || ''; ($host) = $host =~ m/^((?:[\d.]+(?=:|$))|(?:[a-z0-9-]+))/i; return $host || ''},
+ Port => q{my ($p) = host =~ m/:(.*)$/; return $p || 0},
+ OldVersions => q{dulint_to_int(IB_tx_trx_id_counter) - dulint_to_int(IB_tx_purge_done_for)},
+ MaxTxnTime => q/max(map{ $_->{active_secs} } @{ IB_tx_transactions }) || 0/,
+ NumTxns => q{scalar @{ IB_tx_transactions } },
+ DirtyBufs => q{ $cur->{IB_bp_pages_modified} / ($cur->{IB_bp_buf_pool_size} || 1) },
+ BufPoolFill => q{ $cur->{IB_bp_pages_total} / ($cur->{IB_bp_buf_pool_size} || 1) },
+ ServerLoad => q{ $cur->{Threads_connected}/(Questions||1)/Uptime_hires },
+ Connection => q{ max_connections || $cur->{Threads_connected} },
+ chcxn_2_cxn => q{ if ( defined($cur->{cxn}) ) { return $cur->{cxn}; } else { my ($cha, $conn) = split ("=",$cur->{chcxn}) ; return $conn; } },
+ chcxn_2_ch => q{ if ( defined($cur->{channel_name}) ) { return $cur->{channel_name}; } else { my ($cha, $conn) = split ("=",$cur->{chcxn}) ; $cha = '' if ($cha = /no_channels/); return $cha || 'failed'; } },
+ TxnTimeRemain => q{ defined undo_log_entries && defined $pre->{undo_log_entries} && undo_log_entries < $pre->{undo_log_entries} ? undo_log_entries / (($pre->{undo_log_entries} - undo_log_entries)/((active_secs-$pre->{active_secs})||1))||1 : 0},
+ SlaveCatchupRate => ' defined $cur->{seconds_behind_master} && defined $pre->{seconds_behind_master} && $cur->{seconds_behind_master} < $pre->{seconds_behind_master} ? ($pre->{seconds_behind_master}-$cur->{seconds_behind_master})/($cur->{Uptime_hires}-$pre->{Uptime_hires}) : 0',
+ QcacheHitRatio => q{(Qcache_hits||0)/(((Com_select||0)+(Qcache_hits||0))||1)},
+ QueryDetail => q{sprintf("%2d/%2d/%2d/%2d",
+ ((Com_select||0)+(Qcache_hits||0))/(Questions||1)*100,
+ ((Com_insert||0)+(Com_replace||0))/(Questions||1)*100,
+ (Com_update||0)/(Questions||1)*100,
+ (Com_delete||0)/(Questions||1)*100,
+# ###########################################################################
+# Column definitions {{{3
+# Defines every column in every table. A named column has the following
+# properties:
+# * hdr Column header/title
+# * label Documentation for humans.
+# * num Whether it's numeric (for sorting).
+# * just Alignment; generated from num, user-overridable in tbl_meta
+# * minw, maxw Auto-generated, user-overridable.
+# Values from this hash are just copied to tbl_meta, which is where everything
+# else in the program should read from.
+# ###########################################################################
+my %columns = (
+ active_secs => { hdr => 'SecsActive', num => 1, label => 'Seconds transaction has been active', },
+ add_pool_alloc => { hdr => 'Add\'l Pool', num => 1, label => 'Additonal pool allocated' },
+ attempted_op => { hdr => 'Action', num => 0, label => 'The action that caused the error' },
+ awe_mem_alloc => { hdr => 'AWE Memory', num => 1, label => '[Windows] AWE memory allocated' },
+ binlog_cache_overflow => { hdr => 'Binlog Cache', num => 1, label => 'Transactions too big for binlog cache that went to disk' },
+ binlog_do_db => { hdr => 'Binlog Do DB', num => 0, label => 'binlog-do-db setting' },
+ binlog_ignore_db => { hdr => 'Binlog Ignore DB', num => 0, label => 'binlog-ignore-db setting' },
+ blocking_thread => { hdr => 'BThread', num => 1, label => 'Blocking thread' },
+ blocking_query => { hdr => 'Blocking Query', num => 0, label => 'Blocking query' },
+ blocking_rows_modified => { hdr => 'BRowsMod', num => 1, label => 'Blocking number rows modified' },
+ blocking_age => { hdr => 'BAge', num => 1, label => 'Blocking age' },
+ blocking_wait_secs => { hdr => 'BWait', num => 1, label => 'Blocking wait time' },
+ blocking_user => { hdr => 'BUser', num => 0, label => 'Blocking user' },
+ blocking_host => { hdr => 'BHost', num => 0, label => 'Blocking host' },
+ blocking_db => { hdr => 'BDB', num => 0, label => 'Blocking database' },
+ blocking_status => { hdr => 'BStatus', num => 0, label => 'Blocking thread status' },
+ bps_in => { hdr => 'BpsIn', num => 1, label => 'Bytes per second received by the server', },
+ bps_out => { hdr => 'BpsOut', num => 1, label => 'Bytes per second sent by the server', },
+ buf_free => { hdr => 'Free Bufs', num => 1, label => 'Buffers free in the buffer pool' },
+ buf_pool_hit_rate => { hdr => 'Hit Rate', num => 0, label => 'Buffer pool hit rate' },
+ buf_pool_hits => { hdr => 'Hits', num => 1, label => 'Buffer pool hits' },
+ buf_pool_reads => { hdr => 'Reads', num => 1, label => 'Buffer pool reads' },
+ buf_pool_size => { hdr => 'Size', num => 1, label => 'Buffer pool size' },
+ bufs_in_node_heap => { hdr => 'Node Heap Bufs', num => 1, label => 'Buffers in buffer pool node heap' },
+ bytes_behind_master => { hdr => 'ByteLag', num => 1, label => 'Bytes the slave lags the master in binlog' },
+ cell_event_set => { hdr => 'Ending?', num => 1, label => 'Whether the cell event is set' },
+ cell_waiting => { hdr => 'Waiting?', num => 1, label => 'Whether the cell is waiting' },
+ channel_name => { hdr => 'Channel', num => 0, label => 'The name of the replication channel' },
+ child_db => { hdr => 'Child DB', num => 0, label => 'The database of the child table' },
+ child_index => { hdr => 'Child Index', num => 0, label => 'The index in the child table' },
+ child_table => { hdr => 'Child Table', num => 0, label => 'The child table' },
+ cmd => { hdr => 'Cmd', num => 0, label => 'Type of command being executed', },
+ cnt => { hdr => 'Cnt', num => 0, label => 'Count', agg => 'count', aggonly => 1 },
+ connections => { hdr => 'Cxns', num => 1, label => 'Connections' },
+ connect_retry => { hdr => 'Connect Retry', num => 1, label => 'Slave connect-retry timeout' },
+ cxn => { hdr => 'CXN', num => 0, label => 'Connection from which the data came', },
+ db => { hdr => 'DB', num => 0, label => 'Current database', },
+ dict_mem_alloc => { hdr => 'Dict Mem', num => 1, label => 'Dictionary memory allocated' },
+ dirty_bufs => { hdr => 'Dirty Buf', num => 1, label => 'Dirty buffer pool pages' },
+ dl_txn_num => { hdr => 'Num', num => 0, label => 'Deadlocked transaction number', },
+ event_set => { hdr => 'Evt Set?', num => 1, label => '[Win32] if a wait event is set', },
+ exec_master_log_pos => { hdr => 'Exec Master Log Pos', num => 1, label => 'Exec Master Log Position' },
+ executed_gtid_set => { hdr => 'Executed GTID Set', num => 0, label => 'Executed GTID Set', },
+ fk_name => { hdr => 'Constraint', num => 0, label => 'The name of the FK constraint' },
+ free_list_len => { hdr => 'Free List Len', num => 1, label => 'Length of the free list' },
+ has_read_view => { hdr => 'Rd View', num => 1, label => 'Whether the transaction has a read view' },
+ hash_searches_s => { hdr => 'Hash/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of hash searches/sec' },
+ hash_table_size => { hdr => 'Size', num => 1, label => 'Number of non-hash searches/sec' },
+ heap_no => { hdr => 'Heap', num => 1, label => 'Heap number' },
+ heap_size => { hdr => 'Heap', num => 1, label => 'Heap size' },
+ history_list_len => { hdr => 'History', num => 1, label => 'History list length' },
+ host_and_domain => { hdr => 'Host', num => 0, label => 'Hostname/IP and domain' },
+ host_and_port => { hdr => 'Host/IP', num => 0, label => 'Hostname or IP address, and port number', },
+ hostname => { hdr => 'Host', num => 0, label => 'Hostname' },
+ index => { hdr => 'Index', num => 0, label => 'The index involved', agghide => 1 },
+ index_ref => { hdr => 'Index Ref', num => 0, label => 'Index referenced' },
+ info => { hdr => 'Query', num => 0, label => 'Info or the current query', },
+ insert_intention => { hdr => 'Ins Intent', num => 1, label => 'Whether the thread was trying to insert' },
+ inserts => { hdr => 'Inserts', num => 1, label => 'Inserts' },
+ io_bytes_s => { hdr => 'Bytes/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Average I/O bytes/sec' },
+ io_flush_type => { hdr => 'Flush Type', num => 0, label => 'I/O Flush Type' },
+ io_fsyncs_s => { hdr => 'fsyncs/sec', num => 1, label => 'I/O fsyncs/sec' },
+ io_reads_s => { hdr => 'Reads/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Average I/O reads/sec' },
+ io_writes_s => { hdr => 'Writes/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Average I/O writes/sec' },
+ ip => { hdr => 'IP', num => 0, label => 'IP address' },
+ is_name_locked => { hdr => 'Locked', num => 1, label => 'Whether table is name locked', },
+ key_buffer_hit => { hdr => 'KCacheHit', num => 1, label => 'Key cache hit ratio', },
+ key_len => { hdr => 'Key Length', num => 1, label => 'Number of bytes used in the key' },
+ last_chkp => { hdr => 'Last Checkpoint', num => 0, label => 'Last log checkpoint' },
+ last_errno => { hdr => 'Last Errno', num => 1, label => 'Last error number' },
+ last_error => { hdr => 'Last Error', num => 0, label => 'Last error' },
+ last_s_file_name => { hdr => 'S-File', num => 0, label => 'Filename where last read locked' },
+ last_s_line => { hdr => 'S-Line', num => 1, label => 'Line where last read locked' },
+ last_x_file_name => { hdr => 'X-File', num => 0, label => 'Filename where last write locked' },
+ last_x_line => { hdr => 'X-Line', num => 1, label => 'Line where last write locked' },
+ last_pct => { hdr => 'Pct', num => 1, label => 'Last Percentage' },
+ last_total => { hdr => 'Last Total', num => 1, label => 'Last Total' },
+ last_value => { hdr => 'Last Incr', num => 1, label => 'Last Value' },
+ load => { hdr => 'Load', num => 1, label => 'Server load' },
+ locked_count => { hdr => 'Lock', num => 1, label => 'Number of locked threads' },
+ lock_cfile_name => { hdr => 'Crtd File', num => 0, label => 'Filename where lock created' },
+ lock_cline => { hdr => 'Crtd Line', num => 1, label => 'Line where lock created' },
+ lock_info => { hdr => 'Lock Info', num => 0, label => 'Lock information' },
+ lock_mem_addr => { hdr => 'Addr', num => 0, label => 'The lock memory address' },
+ lock_mode => { hdr => 'Mode', num => 0, label => 'The lock mode' },
+ lock_structs => { hdr => 'LStrcts', num => 1, label => 'Number of lock structs' },
+ lock_type => { hdr => 'Type', num => 0, label => 'The lock type' },
+ lock_var => { hdr => 'Lck Var', num => 1, label => 'The lock variable' },
+ lock_wait_time => { hdr => 'Wait', num => 1, label => 'How long txn has waited for a lock' },
+ log_flushed_to => { hdr => 'Flushed To', num => 0, label => 'Log position flushed to' },
+ log_ios_done => { hdr => 'IO Done', num => 1, label => 'Log I/Os done' },
+ log_ios_s => { hdr => 'IO/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Average log I/Os per sec' },
+ log_seq_no => { hdr => 'Sequence No.', num => 0, label => 'Log sequence number' },
+ longest_sql => { hdr => 'SQL', num => 0, label => 'Longest-running SQL statement' },
+ main_thread_id => { hdr => 'Main Thread ID', num => 1, label => 'Main thread ID' },
+ main_thread_proc_no => { hdr => 'Main Thread Proc', num => 1, label => 'Main thread process number' },
+ main_thread_state => { hdr => 'Main Thread State', num => 0, label => 'Main thread state' },
+ master_file => { hdr => 'File', num => 0, label => 'Master file' },
+ master_host => { hdr => 'Master', num => 0, label => 'Master server hostname' },
+ master_log_file => { hdr => 'Master Log File', num => 0, label => 'Master log file' },
+ master_port => { hdr => 'Master Port', num => 1, label => 'Master port' },
+ master_pos => { hdr => 'Position', num => 1, label => 'Master position' },
+ master_ssl_allowed => { hdr => 'Master SSL Allowed', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Allowed' },
+ master_ssl_ca_file => { hdr => 'Master SSL CA File', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Cert Auth File' },
+ master_ssl_ca_path => { hdr => 'Master SSL CA Path', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Cert Auth Path' },
+ master_ssl_cert => { hdr => 'Master SSL Cert', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Cert' },
+ master_ssl_cipher => { hdr => 'Master SSL Cipher', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Cipher' },
+ master_ssl_key => { hdr => 'Master SSL Key', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Key' },
+ master_user => { hdr => 'Master User', num => 0, label => 'Master username' },
+ master_uuid => { hdr => 'Master UUID', num => 0, label => 'Master UUID', },
+ max_txn => { hdr => 'MaxTxnTime', num => 1, label => 'MaxTxn' },
+ max_query_time => { hdr => 'MaxSQL', num => 1, label => 'Longest running SQL' },
+ merged_recs => { hdr => 'Merged Recs', num => 1, label => 'Merged records' },
+ merges => { hdr => 'Merges', num => 1, label => 'Merges' },
+ miss_rate => { hdr => 'Miss', num => 1, label => 'InnoDB buffer pool miss rate' },
+ mutex_os_waits => { hdr => 'Waits', num => 1, label => 'Mutex OS Waits' },
+ mutex_spin_rounds => { hdr => 'Rounds', num => 1, label => 'Mutex Spin Rounds' },
+ mutex_spin_waits => { hdr => 'Spins', num => 1, label => 'Mutex Spin Waits' },
+ mysql_thread_id => { hdr => 'ID', num => 1, label => 'MySQL connection (thread) ID', },
+ name => { hdr => 'Name', num => 0, label => 'Variable Name' },
+ n_bits => { hdr => '# Bits', num => 1, label => 'Number of bits' },
+ non_hash_searches_s => { hdr => 'Non-Hash/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Non-hash searches/sec' },
+ num_deletes => { hdr => 'Del', num => 1, label => 'Number of deletes' },
+ num_deletes_sec => { hdr => 'Del/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of deletes' },
+ num_inserts => { hdr => 'Ins', num => 1, label => 'Number of inserts' },
+ num_inserts_sec => { hdr => 'Ins/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of inserts' },
+ num_readers => { hdr => 'Readers', num => 1, label => 'Number of readers' },
+ num_reads => { hdr => 'Read', num => 1, label => 'Number of reads' },
+ num_reads_sec => { hdr => 'Read/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of reads' },
+ num_res_ext => { hdr => 'BTree Extents', num => 1, label => 'Number of extents reserved for B-Tree' },
+ num_rows => { hdr => 'Row Count', num => 1, label => 'Number of rows estimated to examine' },
+ num_times_open => { hdr => 'In Use', num => 1, label => '# times table is opened', },
+ num_txns => { hdr => 'Txns', num => 1, label => 'Number of transactions' },
+ num_updates => { hdr => 'Upd', num => 1, label => 'Number of updates' },
+ num_updates_sec => { hdr => 'Upd/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of updates' },
+ 'open' => { hdr => 'Tbls', num => 1, label => 'Number of open tables' },
+ os_file_reads => { hdr => 'OS Reads', num => 1, label => 'OS file reads' },
+ os_file_writes => { hdr => 'OS Writes', num => 1, label => 'OS file writes' },
+ os_fsyncs => { hdr => 'OS fsyncs', num => 1, label => 'OS fsyncs' },
+ os_thread_id => { hdr => 'OS Thread', num => 1, label => 'The operating system thread ID' },
+ p_aio_writes => { hdr => 'Async Wrt', num => 1, label => 'Pending asynchronous I/O writes' },
+ p_buf_pool_flushes => { hdr => 'Buffer Pool Flushes', num => 1, label => 'Pending buffer pool flushes' },
+ p_ibuf_aio_reads => { hdr => 'IBuf Async Rds', num => 1, label => 'Pending insert buffer asynch I/O reads' },
+ p_log_flushes => { hdr => 'Log Flushes', num => 1, label => 'Pending log flushes' },
+ p_log_ios => { hdr => 'Log I/Os', num => 1, label => 'Pending log I/O operations' },
+ p_normal_aio_reads => { hdr => 'Async Rds', num => 1, label => 'Pending asynchronous I/O reads' },
+ p_preads => { hdr => 'preads', num => 1, label => 'Pending p-reads' },
+ p_pwrites => { hdr => 'pwrites', num => 1, label => 'Pending p-writes' },
+ p_sync_ios => { hdr => 'Sync I/Os', num => 1, label => 'Pending synchronous I/O operations' },
+ page_creates_sec => { hdr => 'Creates/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Page creates/sec' },
+ page_no => { hdr => 'Page', num => 1, label => 'Page number' },
+ page_reads_sec => { hdr => 'Reads/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Page reads per second' },
+ page_writes_sec => { hdr => 'Writes/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Page writes per second' },
+ pages_created => { hdr => 'Created', num => 1, label => 'Pages created' },
+ pages_modified => { hdr => 'Dirty Pages', num => 1, label => 'Pages modified (dirty)' },
+ pages_read => { hdr => 'Reads', num => 1, label => 'Pages read' },
+ pages_total => { hdr => 'Pages', num => 1, label => 'Pages total' },
+ pages_written => { hdr => 'Writes', num => 1, label => 'Pages written' },
+ parent_col => { hdr => 'Parent Column', num => 0, label => 'The referred column in the parent table', },
+ parent_db => { hdr => 'Parent DB', num => 0, label => 'The database of the parent table' },
+ parent_index => { hdr => 'Parent Index', num => 0, label => 'The referred index in the parent table' },
+ parent_table => { hdr => 'Parent Table', num => 0, label => 'The parent table' },
+ part_id => { hdr => 'Part ID', num => 1, label => 'Sub-part ID of the query' },
+ partitions => { hdr => 'Partitions', num => 0, label => 'Query partitions used' },
+ pct => { hdr => 'Pct', num => 1, label => 'Percentage' },
+ pending_chkp_writes => { hdr => 'Chkpt Writes', num => 1, label => 'Pending log checkpoint writes' },
+ pending_log_writes => { hdr => 'Log Writes', num => 1, label => 'Pending log writes' },
+ port => { hdr => 'Port', num => 1, label => 'Client port number', },
+ possible_keys => { hdr => 'Poss. Keys', num => 0, label => 'Possible keys' },
+ proc_no => { hdr => 'Proc', num => 1, label => 'Process number' },
+ q_detail => { hdr => 'Se/In/Up/De%', num => 0, label => 'Detailed Query', },
+ q_cache_hit => { hdr => 'QCacheHit', num => 1, label => 'Query cache hit ratio', },
+ qps => { hdr => 'QPS', num => 1, label => 'How many queries/sec', },
+ queries_in_queue => { hdr => 'Queries Queued', num => 1, label => 'Queries in queue' },
+ queries_inside => { hdr => 'Queries Inside', num => 1, label => 'Queries inside InnoDB' },
+ query_id => { hdr => 'Query ID', num => 1, label => 'Query ID' },
+ query_status => { hdr => 'Query Status', num => 0, label => 'The query status' },
+ query_text => { hdr => 'Query Text', num => 0, label => 'The query text' },
+ questions => { hdr => 'Questions', num => 1, label => 'How many queries the server has gotten', },
+ read_master_log_pos => { hdr => 'Read Master Pos', num => 1, label => 'Read master log position' },
+ read_views_open => { hdr => 'Rd Views', num => 1, label => 'Number of read views open' },
+ reads_pending => { hdr => 'Pending Reads', num => 1, label => 'Reads pending' },
+ relay_log_file => { hdr => 'Relay File', num => 0, label => 'Relay log file' },
+ relay_log_pos => { hdr => 'Relay Pos', num => 1, label => 'Relay log position' },
+ relay_log_size => { hdr => 'Relay Size', num => 1, label => 'Relay log size' },
+ relay_master_log_file => { hdr => 'Relay Master File', num => 0, label => 'Relay master log file' },
+ replicate_do_db => { hdr => 'Do DB', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-do-db setting' },
+ replicate_do_table => { hdr => 'Do Table', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-do-table setting' },
+ replicate_ignore_db => { hdr => 'Ignore DB', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-ignore-db setting' },
+ replicate_ignore_table => { hdr => 'Ignore Table', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-do-table setting' },
+ replicate_wild_do_table => { hdr => 'Wild Do Table', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-wild-do-table setting' },
+ replicate_wild_ignore_table => { hdr => 'Wild Ignore Table', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-wild-ignore-table setting' },
+ request_type => { hdr => 'Type', num => 0, label => 'Type of lock the thread waits for' },
+ reservation_count => { hdr => 'ResCnt', num => 1, label => 'Reservation Count' },
+ retrieved_gtid_set => { hdr => 'Retrieved GTID Set', num => 0, label => 'Retrieved GTID Set', },
+ row_locks => { hdr => 'RLocks', num => 1, label => 'Number of row locks' },
+ rows_changed => { hdr => 'Changed', num => 1, label => 'Number of rows changed' },
+ rows_changed_x_indexes => { hdr => 'Chg X Idx', num => 1, label => 'Number of rows changed X indexes' },
+ rows_read => { hdr => 'Reads', num => 1, label => 'Number of rows read' },
+ rows_read_from_indexes => { hdr => 'Reads Via Idx', num => 1, label => 'Number of rows read from indexes' },
+ run => { hdr => 'Run', num => 1, label => 'Threads_running' },
+ rw_excl_os_waits => { hdr => 'RW Waits', num => 1, label => 'R/W Excl. OS Waits' },
+ rw_excl_spins => { hdr => 'RW Spins', num => 1, label => 'R/W Excl. Spins' },
+ rw_shared_os_waits => { hdr => 'Sh Waits', num => 1, label => 'R/W Shared OS Waits' },
+ rw_shared_spins => { hdr => 'Sh Spins', num => 1, label => 'R/W Shared Spins' },
+ spark_qps => { hdr => 'QPS', num => 0, label => 'QPS Sparkline' },
+ spark_run => { hdr => 'Run', num => 0, label => 'Threads_running Sparkline' },
+ scan_type => { hdr => 'Type', num => 0, label => 'Scan type in chosen' },
+ seg_size => { hdr => 'Seg. Size', num => 1, label => 'Segment size' },
+ select_type => { hdr => 'Select Type', num => 0, label => 'Type of select used' },
+ server_uuid => { hdr => 'Server UUID', num => 0, label => 'Server UUID', },
+ signal_count => { hdr => 'Signals', num => 1, label => 'Signal Count' },
+ size => { hdr => 'Size', num => 1, label => 'Size of the tablespace' },
+ skip_counter => { hdr => 'Skip Counter', num => 1, label => 'Skip counter' },
+ slave_catchup_rate => { hdr => 'Catchup', num => 1, label => 'How fast the slave is catching up in the binlog' },
+ slave_io_running => { hdr => 'Slave-IO', num => 0, label => 'Whether the slave I/O thread is running' },
+ slave_io_state => { hdr => 'Slave IO State', num => 0, label => 'Slave I/O thread state' },
+ slave_open_temp_tables => { hdr => 'Temp', num => 1, label => 'Slave open temp tables' },
+ slave_running => { hdr => 'Repl', num => 0, label => 'Slave running' },
+ slave_sql_running => { hdr => 'Slave-SQL', num => 0, label => 'Whether the slave SQL thread is running' },
+ sort_time => { hdr => 'SortTimeLag', num => 1, label => 'Time slave lags master sort' },
+ slow => { hdr => 'Slow', num => 1, label => 'How many slow queries', },
+ space_id => { hdr => 'Space', num => 1, label => 'Tablespace ID' },
+ special => { hdr => 'Special', num => 0, label => 'Special/Other info' },
+ state => { hdr => 'State', num => 0, label => 'Connection state', maxw => 18, },
+ tables_in_use => { hdr => 'Tbl Used', num => 1, label => 'Number of tables in use' },
+ tables_locked => { hdr => 'Tbl Lck', num => 1, label => 'Number of tables locked' },
+ tbl => { hdr => 'Table', num => 0, label => 'Table', },
+ thread => { hdr => 'Thread', num => 1, label => 'Thread number' },
+ thread_decl_inside => { hdr => 'Thread Inside', num => 0, label => 'What the thread is declared inside' },
+ thread_purpose => { hdr => 'Purpose', num => 0, label => "The thread's purpose" },
+ thread_status => { hdr => 'Thread Status', num => 0, label => 'The thread status' },
+ time => { hdr => 'Time', num => 1, label => 'Time since the last event', },
+ time_behind_master => { hdr => 'TimeLag', num => 1, label => 'Time slave lags master' },
+ timestring => { hdr => 'Timestring', num => 0, label => 'Time the event occurred' },
+ total => { hdr => 'Total', num => 1, label => 'Total' },
+ total_mem_alloc => { hdr => 'Memory', num => 1, label => 'Total memory allocated' },
+ truncates => { hdr => 'Trunc', num => 0, label => 'Whether the deadlock is truncating InnoDB status' },
+ txn_doesnt_see_ge => { hdr => "Txn Won't See", num => 0, label => 'Where txn read view is limited' },
+ txn_id => { hdr => 'ID', num => 0, label => 'Transaction ID' },
+ txn_sees_lt => { hdr => 'Txn Sees', num => 1, label => 'Where txn read view is limited' },
+ txn_status => { hdr => 'Txn Status', num => 0, label => 'Transaction status' },
+ txn_time_remain => { hdr => 'Remaining', num => 1, label => 'Time until txn rollback/commit completes' },
+ undo_log_entries => { hdr => 'Undo', num => 1, label => 'Number of undo log entries' },
+ undo_for => { hdr => 'Undo', num => 0, label => 'Undo for' },
+ until_condition => { hdr => 'Until Condition', num => 0, label => 'Slave until condition' },
+ until_log_file => { hdr => 'Until Log File', num => 0, label => 'Slave until log file' },
+ uptime => { hdr => 'Uptime', num => 1, label => 'Uptime' },
+ until_log_pos => { hdr => 'Until Log Pos', num => 1, label => 'Slave until log position' },
+ used_cells => { hdr => 'Cells Used', num => 1, label => 'Number of cells used' },
+ used_bufs => { hdr => 'Used Bufs', num => 1, label => 'Number of buffer pool pages used' },
+ user => { hdr => 'User', num => 0, label => 'Database username', },
+ value => { hdr => 'Value', num => 1, label => 'Value' },
+ versions => { hdr => 'Versions', num => 1, label => 'Number of InnoDB MVCC versions unpurged' },
+ victim => { hdr => 'Victim', num => 0, label => 'Whether this txn was the deadlock victim' },
+ wait_array_size => { hdr => 'Wait Array Size', num => 1, label => 'Wait Array Size' },
+ wait_status => { hdr => 'Lock Status', num => 0, label => 'Status of txn locks' },
+ waited_at_filename => { hdr => 'File', num => 0, label => 'Filename at which thread waits' },
+ waited_at_line => { hdr => 'Line', num => 1, label => 'Line at which thread waits' },
+ waiters_flag => { hdr => 'Waiters', num => 1, label => 'Waiters Flag' },
+ waiting => { hdr => 'Waiting', num => 1, label => 'Whether lock is being waited for' },
+ waiting_thread => { hdr => 'WThread', num => 1, label => 'Waiting thread' },
+ waiting_query => { hdr => 'Waiting Query', num => 0, label => 'Waiting query' },
+ waiting_rows_modified => { hdr => 'WRowsMod', num => 1, label => 'Waiting number rows modified' },
+ waiting_age => { hdr => 'WAge', num => 1, label => 'Waiting age' },
+ waiting_wait_secs => { hdr => 'WWait', num => 1, label => 'Waiting wait time' },
+ waiting_user => { hdr => 'WUser', num => 0, label => 'Waiting user' },
+ waiting_host => { hdr => 'WHost', num => 0, label => 'Waiting host' },
+ waiting_db => { hdr => 'WDB', num => 0, label => 'Waiting database' },
+ when => { hdr => 'When', num => 0, label => 'Time scale' },
+ writer_lock_mode => { hdr => 'Wrtr Lck Mode', num => 0, label => 'Writer lock mode' },
+ writer_thread => { hdr => 'Wrtr Thread', num => 1, label => 'Writer thread ID' },
+ writes_pending => { hdr => 'Writes', num => 1, label => 'Number of writes pending' },
+ writes_pending_flush_list => { hdr => 'Flush List Writes', num => 1, label => 'Number of flush list writes pending' },
+ writes_pending_lru => { hdr => 'LRU Writes', num => 1, label => 'Number of LRU writes pending' },
+ writes_pending_single_page => { hdr => '1-Page Writes', num => 1, label => 'Number of 1-page writes pending' },
+# Apply a default property or three. By default, columns are not width-constrained,
+# aligned left, and sorted alphabetically, not numerically.
+foreach my $col ( values %columns ) {
+ map { $col->{$_} ||= 0 } qw(num minw maxw);
+ $col->{just} = $col->{num} ? '' : '-';
+# Filters {{{3
+# This hash defines every filter that can be applied to a table. These
+# become part of tbl_meta as well. Each filter is just an expression that
+# returns true or false.
+# Properties of each entry:
+# * func: the subroutine
+# * name: the name, repeated
+# * user: whether it's a user-defined filter (saved in config)
+# * text: text of the subroutine
+# * note: explanation
+my %filters = ();
+# These are pre-processed to live in %filters above, by compiling them.
+my %builtin_filters = (
+ hide_self => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return ( ($set->{info} || '') !~ m#/\*innotop\*/# );
+ note => 'Removes the innotop processes from the list',
+ tbls => [qw(innodb_transactions processlist)],
+ },
+ hide_inactive => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return ( !defined($set->{txn_status}) || $set->{txn_status} ne 'not started' )
+ && ( !defined($set->{cmd}) || $set->{cmd} !~ m/Sleep|Binlog Dump/ )
+ && ( !defined($set->{state}) || $set->{state} !~ m/^handlersocket/ )
+ && ( !defined($set->{info}) || $set->{info} =~ m/\S/ );
+ note => 'Removes processes which are not doing anything',
+ tbls => [qw(innodb_transactions processlist)],
+ },
+ hide_connect => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return ( !defined($set->{cmd}) || $set->{cmd} !~ m/Connect/ );
+ note => 'Removes the slave processes from the list',
+ tbls => [qw(processlist)],
+ },
+ hide_slave_io => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return !$set->{state} || $set->{state} !~ m/^(?:Waiting for master|read all relay)/;
+ note => 'Removes slave I/O threads from the list',
+ tbls => [qw(processlist slave_io_status)],
+ },
+ hide_event => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return (($set->{state} || '') !~ m/^Daemon/) || (($set->{info} || '') !~ m/\S/);
+ note => 'Removes idle event threads from the list',
+ tbls => [qw(processlist)],
+ },
+ table_is_open => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return $set->{num_times_open} + $set->{is_name_locked};
+ note => 'Removes tables that are not in use or locked',
+ tbls => [qw(open_tables)],
+ },
+ cxn_is_master => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return $set->{master_file} ? 1 : 0;
+ note => 'Removes servers that are not masters',
+ tbls => [qw(master_status)],
+ },
+ cxn_is_slave => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return $set->{master_host} ? 1 : 0;
+ note => 'Removes servers that are not slaves',
+ tbls => [qw(slave_io_status slave_sql_status)],
+ },
+ thd_is_not_waiting => {
+ text => <<' END',
+ return $set->{thread_status} !~ m#waiting for i/o request#;
+ note => 'Removes idle I/O threads',
+ tbls => [qw(io_threads)],
+ },
+foreach my $key ( keys %builtin_filters ) {
+ my ( $sub, $err ) = compile_filter($builtin_filters{$key}->{text});
+ $filters{$key} = {
+ func => $sub,
+ text => $builtin_filters{$key}->{text},
+ user => 0,
+ name => $key, # useful for later
+ note => $builtin_filters{$key}->{note},
+ tbls => $builtin_filters{$key}->{tbls},
+ }
+# Variable sets {{{3
+# Sets (arrayrefs) of variables that are used in S mode. They are read/written to
+# the config file.
+my %var_sets = (
+ general => {
+ text => join(
+ ', ',
+ 'set_precision(Questions/Uptime_hires) as QPS',
+ 'set_precision(Com_commit/Uptime_hires) as Commit_PS',
+ 'set_precision((Com_rollback||0)/(Com_commit||1)) as Rollback_Commit',
+ 'set_precision(('
+ . join('+', map { "($_||0)" }
+ qw(Com_delete Com_delete_multi Com_insert Com_insert_select Com_replace
+ Com_replace_select Com_select Com_update Com_update_multi))
+ . ')/(Com_commit||1)) as Write_Commit',
+ 'set_precision((Com_select+(Qcache_hits||0))/(('
+ . join('+', map { "($_||0)" }
+ qw(Com_delete Com_delete_multi Com_insert Com_insert_select Com_replace
+ Com_replace_select Com_select Com_update Com_update_multi))
+ . ')||1)) as R_W_Ratio',
+ 'set_precision(Opened_tables/Uptime_hires) as Opens_PS',
+ 'percent($cur->{Open_tables}/($cur->{table_cache})) as Table_Cache_Used',
+ 'set_precision(Threads_created/Uptime_hires) as Threads_PS',
+ 'percent($cur->{Threads_cached}/($cur->{thread_cache_size}||1)) as Thread_Cache_Used',
+ 'percent($cur->{Max_used_connections}/($cur->{max_connections}||1)) as CXN_Used_Ever',
+ 'percent($cur->{Threads_connected}/($cur->{max_connections}||1)) as CXN_Used_Now',
+ ),
+ },
+ commands => {
+ text => join(
+ ', ',
+ qw(Uptime Questions Com_delete Com_delete_multi Com_insert
+ Com_insert_select Com_replace Com_replace_select Com_select Com_update
+ Com_update_multi)
+ ),
+ },
+ query_status => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ qw( Uptime Select_full_join Select_full_range_join Select_range
+ Select_range_check Select_scan Slow_queries Sort_merge_passes
+ Sort_range Sort_rows Sort_scan)
+ ),
+ },
+ innodb => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ qw( Uptime Innodb_row_lock_current_waits Innodb_row_lock_time
+ Innodb_row_lock_time_avg Innodb_row_lock_time_max Innodb_row_lock_waits
+ Innodb_rows_deleted Innodb_rows_inserted Innodb_rows_read
+ Innodb_rows_updated)
+ ),
+ },
+ txn => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ qw( Uptime Com_begin Com_commit Com_rollback Com_savepoint
+ Com_xa_commit Com_xa_end Com_xa_prepare Com_xa_recover Com_xa_rollback
+ Com_xa_start)
+ ),
+ },
+ key_cache => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ qw( Uptime Key_blocks_not_flushed Key_blocks_unused Key_blocks_used
+ Key_read_requests Key_reads Key_write_requests Key_writes )
+ ),
+ },
+ query_cache => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ "percent($exprs{QcacheHitRatio}) as Hit_Pct",
+ 'set_precision((Qcache_hits||0)/(Qcache_inserts||1)) as Hit_Ins',
+ 'set_precision((Qcache_lowmem_prunes||0)/Uptime_hires) as Lowmem_Prunes_sec',
+ 'percent(1-((Qcache_free_blocks||0)/(Qcache_total_blocks||1))) as Blocks_used',
+ qw( Qcache_free_blocks Qcache_free_memory Qcache_not_cached Qcache_queries_in_cache)
+ ),
+ },
+ handler => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ qw( Uptime Handler_read_key Handler_read_first Handler_read_next
+ Handler_read_prev Handler_read_rnd Handler_read_rnd_next Handler_delete
+ Handler_update Handler_write)
+ ),
+ },
+ cxns_files_threads => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ qw( Uptime Aborted_clients Aborted_connects Bytes_received Bytes_sent
+ Compression Connections Created_tmp_disk_tables Created_tmp_files
+ Created_tmp_tables Max_used_connections Open_files Open_streams
+ Open_tables Opened_tables Table_locks_immediate Table_locks_waited
+ Threads_cached Threads_connected Threads_created Threads_running)
+ ),
+ },
+ prep_stmt => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ qw( Uptime Com_dealloc_sql Com_execute_sql Com_prepare_sql Com_reset
+ Com_stmt_close Com_stmt_execute Com_stmt_fetch Com_stmt_prepare
+ Com_stmt_reset Com_stmt_send_long_data )
+ ),
+ },
+ innodb_health => {
+ text => join(
+ ',',
+ "$exprs{OldVersions} as OldVersions",
+ qw(IB_sm_mutex_spin_waits IB_sm_mutex_spin_rounds IB_sm_mutex_os_waits),
+ "$exprs{NumTxns} as NumTxns",
+ "$exprs{MaxTxnTime} as MaxTxnTime",
+ qw(IB_ro_queries_inside IB_ro_queries_in_queue),
+ "set_precision($exprs{DirtyBufs} * 100) as dirty_bufs",
+ "set_precision($exprs{BufPoolFill} * 100) as buf_fill",
+ qw(IB_bp_pages_total IB_bp_pages_read IB_bp_pages_written IB_bp_pages_created)
+ ),
+ },
+ innodb_health2 => {
+ text => join(
+ ', ',
+ 'percent(1-((Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free||0)/($cur->{Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total}||1))) as BP_page_cache_usage',
+ 'percent(1-((Innodb_buffer_pool_reads||0)/(Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests||1))) as BP_cache_hit_ratio',
+ 'Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free',
+ 'Innodb_log_waits',
+ ),
+ },
+ slow_queries => {
+ text => join(
+ ', ',
+ 'set_precision(Slow_queries/Uptime_hires) as Slow_PS',
+ 'set_precision(Select_full_join/Uptime_hires) as Full_Join_PS',
+ 'percent(Select_full_join/(Com_select||1)) as Full_Join_Ratio',
+ ),
+ },
+# Server sets {{{3
+# Defines sets of servers between which the user can quickly switch.
+my %server_groups;
+# Connections {{{3
+# This hash defines server connections. Each connection is a string that can be passed to
+# the DBI connection. These are saved in the connections section in the config file.
+my %connections;
+# Defines the parts of connections.
+my @conn_parts = qw(user have_user pass have_pass dsn savepass dl_table);
+# Graph widths {{{3
+# This hash defines the max values seen for various status/variable values, for graphing.
+# These are stored in their own section in the config file. These are just initial values:
+my %mvs = (
+ Com_select => 50,
+ Com_insert => 50,
+ Com_update => 50,
+ Com_delete => 50,
+ Questions => 100,
+# ###########################################################################
+# Valid Term::ANSIColor color strings.
+# ###########################################################################
+my %ansicolors = map { $_ => 1 }
+ qw( black blink blue bold clear concealed cyan dark green magenta on_black
+ on_blue on_cyan on_green on_magenta on_red on_white on_yellow red reset
+ reverse underline underscore white yellow);
+# ###########################################################################
+# Valid comparison operators for color rules
+# ###########################################################################
+my %comp_ops = (
+ '==' => 'Numeric equality',
+ '>' => 'Numeric greater-than',
+ '<' => 'Numeric less-than',
+ '>=' => 'Numeric greater-than/equal',
+ '<=' => 'Numeric less-than/equal',
+ '!=' => 'Numeric not-equal',
+ 'eq' => 'String equality',
+ 'gt' => 'String greater-than',
+ 'lt' => 'String less-than',
+ 'ge' => 'String greater-than/equal',
+ 'le' => 'String less-than/equal',
+ 'ne' => 'String not-equal',
+ '=~' => 'Pattern match',
+ '!~' => 'Negated pattern match',
+# ###########################################################################
+# Valid aggregate functions.
+# ###########################################################################
+my %agg_funcs = (
+ first => sub {
+ return $_[0]
+ },
+ count => sub {
+ return 0 + @_;
+ },
+ avg => sub {
+ my @args = grep { defined $_ } @_;
+ return (sum(map { m/([\d\.-]+)/g } @args) || 0) / (scalar(@args) || 1);
+ },
+ sum => sub {
+ my @args = grep { defined $_ } @_;
+ return sum(@args);
+ }
+# ###########################################################################
+# Valid functions for transformations.
+# ###########################################################################
+my %trans_funcs = (
+ shorten => \&shorten,
+ secs_to_time => \&secs_to_time,
+ distill => \&distill,
+ no_ctrl_char => \&no_ctrl_char,
+ percent => \&percent,
+ commify => \&commify,
+ dulint_to_int => \&dulint_to_int,
+ set_precision => \&set_precision,
+ fuzzy_time => \&fuzzy_time,
+# Table definitions {{{3
+# This hash defines every table that can get displayed in every mode. Each
+# table specifies columns and column data sources. The column is
+# defined by the %columns hash.
+# Example: foo => { src => 'bar' } means the foo column (look at
+# $columns{foo} for its definition) gets its data from the 'bar' element of
+# the current data set, whatever that is.
+# These columns are post-processed after being defined, because they get stuff
+# from %columns. After all the config is loaded for columns, there's more
+# post-processing too; the subroutines compiled from src get added to
+# the hash elements for extract_values to use.
+# ###########################################################################
+my %tbl_meta = (
+ adaptive_hash_index => {
+ capt => 'Adaptive Hash Index',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ hash_table_size => { src => 'IB_ib_hash_table_size', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
+ used_cells => { src => 'IB_ib_used_cells' },
+ bufs_in_node_heap => { src => 'IB_ib_bufs_in_node_heap' },
+ hash_searches_s => { src => 'IB_ib_hash_searches_s' },
+ non_hash_searches_s => { src => 'IB_ib_non_hash_searches_s' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn hash_table_size used_cells bufs_in_node_heap hash_searches_s non_hash_searches_s) ],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'ib',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ buffer_pool => {
+ capt => 'Buffer Pool',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ total_mem_alloc => { src => 'IB_bp_total_mem_alloc', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
+ awe_mem_alloc => { src => 'IB_bp_awe_mem_alloc', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
+ add_pool_alloc => { src => 'IB_bp_add_pool_alloc', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
+ buf_pool_size => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_pool_size', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
+ buf_free => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_free' },
+ buf_pool_hit_rate => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_pool_hit_rate' },
+ buf_pool_reads => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_pool_reads' },
+ buf_pool_hits => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_pool_hits' },
+ dict_mem_alloc => { src => 'IB_bp_dict_mem_alloc' },
+ pages_total => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_total' },
+ pages_modified => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_modified' },
+ reads_pending => { src => 'IB_bp_reads_pending' },
+ writes_pending => { src => 'IB_bp_writes_pending' },
+ writes_pending_lru => { src => 'IB_bp_writes_pending_lru' },
+ writes_pending_flush_list => { src => 'IB_bp_writes_pending_flush_list' },
+ writes_pending_single_page => { src => 'IB_bp_writes_pending_single_page' },
+ page_creates_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_creates_sec' },
+ page_reads_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_reads_sec' },
+ page_writes_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_writes_sec' },
+ pages_created => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_created' },
+ pages_read => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_read' },
+ pages_written => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_written' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn buf_pool_size buf_free pages_total pages_modified buf_pool_hit_rate total_mem_alloc add_pool_alloc)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'bp',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ # TODO: a new step in set_to_tbl: join result to itself, grouped?
+ # TODO: this would also enable pulling Q and T data together.
+ # TODO: using a SQL-ish language would also allow pivots to be easier -- treat the pivoted data as a view and SELECT from it.
+ cmd_summary => {
+ capt => 'Command Summary',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ name => { src => 'name' },
+ total => { src => 'total' },
+ value => { src => 'value', agg => 'sum'},
+ pct => { src => 'value/total', trans => [qw(percent)] },
+ last_total => { src => 'last_total' },
+ last_value => { src => 'last_value', agg => 'sum'},
+ last_pct => { src => 'last_value/last_total', trans => [qw(percent)] },
+ },
+ visible => [qw(cxn name value pct last_value last_pct)],
+ filters => [qw()],
+ sort_cols => '-value',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ group_by => [qw(name)],
+ aggregate => 1,
+ },
+ deadlock_locks => {
+ capt => 'Deadlock Locks',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ mysql_thread_id => { src => 'mysql_thread_id' },
+ dl_txn_num => { src => 'dl_txn_num' },
+ lock_type => { src => 'lock_type' },
+ space_id => { src => 'space_id' },
+ page_no => { src => 'page_no' },
+ heap_no => { src => 'heap_no' },
+ n_bits => { src => 'n_bits' },
+ index => { src => 'index' },
+ db => { src => 'db' },
+ tbl => { src => 'table' },
+ lock_mode => { src => 'lock_mode' },
+ special => { src => 'special' },
+ insert_intention => { src => 'insert_intention' },
+ waiting => { src => 'waiting' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id waiting lock_mode db tbl index special insert_intention)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn mysql_thread_id',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'dl',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ deadlock_transactions => {
+ capt => 'Deadlock Transactions',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ active_secs => { src => 'active_secs' },
+ dl_txn_num => { src => 'dl_txn_num' },
+ has_read_view => { src => 'has_read_view' },
+ heap_size => { src => 'heap_size' },
+ host_and_domain => { src => 'hostname' },
+ hostname => { src => $exprs{Host} },
+ ip => { src => 'ip' },
+ lock_structs => { src => 'lock_structs' },
+ lock_wait_time => { src => 'lock_wait_time', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
+ mysql_thread_id => { src => 'mysql_thread_id' },
+ os_thread_id => { src => 'os_thread_id' },
+ proc_no => { src => 'proc_no' },
+ query_id => { src => 'query_id' },
+ query_status => { src => 'query_status' },
+ query_text => { src => 'query_text', trans => [ qw(no_ctrl_char) ] },
+ row_locks => { src => 'row_locks' },
+ tables_in_use => { src => 'tables_in_use' },
+ tables_locked => { src => 'tables_locked' },
+ thread_decl_inside => { src => 'thread_decl_inside' },
+ thread_status => { src => 'thread_status' },
+ 'time' => { src => 'active_secs', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
+ timestring => { src => 'timestring' },
+ txn_doesnt_see_ge => { src => 'txn_doesnt_see_ge' },
+ txn_id => { src => 'txn_id' },
+ txn_sees_lt => { src => 'txn_sees_lt' },
+ txn_status => { src => 'txn_status' },
+ truncates => { src => 'truncates' },
+ undo_log_entries => { src => 'undo_log_entries' },
+ user => { src => 'user' },
+ victim => { src => 'victim' },
+ wait_status => { src => 'lock_wait_status' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id timestring user hostname victim time undo_log_entries lock_structs query_text)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn mysql_thread_id',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'dl',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ explain => {
+ capt => 'EXPLAIN Results',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ part_id => { src => 'id' },
+ select_type => { src => 'select_type' },
+ tbl => { src => 'table' },
+ partitions => { src => 'partitions' },
+ scan_type => { src => 'type' },
+ possible_keys => { src => 'possible_keys' },
+ index => { src => 'key' },
+ key_len => { src => 'key_len' },
+ index_ref => { src => 'ref' },
+ num_rows => { src => 'rows' },
+ special => { src => 'extra' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(select_type tbl partitions scan_type possible_keys index key_len index_ref num_rows special)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => '',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ file_io_misc => {
+ capt => 'File I/O Misc',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ io_bytes_s => { src => 'IB_io_avg_bytes_s' },
+ io_flush_type => { src => 'IB_io_flush_type' },
+ io_fsyncs_s => { src => 'IB_io_fsyncs_s' },
+ io_reads_s => { src => 'IB_io_reads_s' },
+ io_writes_s => { src => 'IB_io_writes_s' },
+ os_file_reads => { src => 'IB_io_os_file_reads' },
+ os_file_writes => { src => 'IB_io_os_file_writes' },
+ os_fsyncs => { src => 'IB_io_os_fsyncs' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn os_file_reads os_file_writes os_fsyncs io_reads_s io_writes_s io_bytes_s)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'io',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ fk_error => {
+ capt => 'Foreign Key Error Info',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ timestring => { src => 'IB_fk_timestring' },
+ child_db => { src => 'IB_fk_child_db' },
+ child_table => { src => 'IB_fk_child_table' },
+ child_index => { src => 'IB_fk_child_index' },
+ fk_name => { src => 'IB_fk_fk_name' },
+ parent_db => { src => 'IB_fk_parent_db' },
+ parent_table => { src => 'IB_fk_parent_table' },
+ parent_col => { src => 'IB_fk_parent_col' },
+ parent_index => { src => 'IB_fk_parent_index' },
+ attempted_op => { src => 'IB_fk_attempted_op' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(timestring child_db child_table child_index parent_db parent_table parent_col parent_index fk_name attempted_op)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => '',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'fk',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ index_statistics => {
+ capt => 'Data from INDEX_STATISTICS',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn', minw => 6, maxw => 10 },
+ db => { src => 'table_schema' },
+ tbl => { src => 'table_name' },
+ index => { src => 'index_name' },
+ rows_read => { src => 'rows_read', agg => 'sum' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn db tbl index rows_read) ],
+ filters => [ ],
+ sort_cols => 'rows_read',
+ sort_dir => '-1',
+ innodb => '',
+ colors => [],
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ group_by => [qw(cxn db tbl)],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ index_table_statistics => {
+ capt => 'Data from {TABLE,INDEX}_STATISTICS',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn', minw => 6, maxw => 10 },
+ db => { src => 'table_schema' },
+ tbl => { src => 'table_name' },
+ index => { src => 'index_name' },
+ rows_read => { src => 'rows_read' },
+ rows_read_from_indexes => { src => 'rows_read_from_indexes' },
+ rows_changed => { src => 'rows_changed' },
+ rows_changed_x_indexes => { src => 'rows_changed_x_indexes' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn db tbl rows_read rows_read_from_indexes rows_changed rows_changed_x_indexes) ],
+ filters => [ ],
+ sort_cols => 'rows_read',
+ sort_dir => '-1',
+ innodb => '',
+ colors => [],
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ group_by => [qw(cxn db tbl)],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ insert_buffers => {
+ capt => 'Insert Buffers',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ inserts => { src => 'IB_ib_inserts' },
+ merged_recs => { src => 'IB_ib_merged_recs' },
+ merges => { src => 'IB_ib_merges' },
+ size => { src => 'IB_ib_size' },
+ free_list_len => { src => 'IB_ib_free_list_len' },
+ seg_size => { src => 'IB_ib_seg_size' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn inserts merged_recs merges size free_list_len seg_size)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'ib',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ innodb_blocked_blocker => {
+ capt => 'InnoDB Blocked/Blocking',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ waiting_thread => { src => 'waiting_thread' },
+ waiting_query => { src => 'waiting_query', trans => [qw(distill)] },
+ waiting_rows_modified => { src => 'waiting_rows_modified' },
+ waiting_age => { src => 'waiting_age', trans => [qw(fuzzy_time)] },
+ waiting_wait_secs => { src => 'waiting_wait_secs', trans => [qw(fuzzy_time)] },
+ waiting_user => { src => 'waiting_user' },
+ waiting_host => { src => 'waiting_host' },
+ waiting_db => { src => 'waiting_db' },
+ blocking_thread => { src => 'blocking_thread' },
+ blocking_query => { src => 'blocking_query', trans => [qw(distill)] },
+ blocking_rows_modified => { src => 'blocking_rows_modified' },
+ blocking_age => { src => 'blocking_age', trans => [qw(fuzzy_time)] },
+ blocking_wait_secs => { src => 'blocking_wait_secs', trans => [qw(fuzzy_time)] },
+ blocking_user => { src => 'blocking_user' },
+ blocking_host => { src => 'blocking_host' },
+ blocking_db => { src => 'blocking_db' },
+ blocking_status => { src => 'blocking_status' },
+ lock_info => { src => 'lock_info' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn waiting_thread waiting_query waiting_wait_secs
+ blocking_thread blocking_rows_modified blocking_age blocking_wait_secs
+ blocking_status blocking_query)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn -waiting_wait_secs',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'tx',
+ colors => [
+ ],
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ },
+ innodb_locks => {
+ capt => 'InnoDB Locks',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ db => { src => 'db' },
+ index => { src => 'index' },
+ insert_intention => { src => 'insert_intention' },
+ lock_mode => { src => 'lock_mode' },
+ lock_type => { src => 'lock_type' },
+ lock_wait_time => { src => 'lock_wait_time', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
+ mysql_thread_id => { src => 'mysql_thread_id' },
+ n_bits => { src => 'n_bits' },
+ page_no => { src => 'page_no' },
+ space_id => { src => 'space_id' },
+ special => { src => 'special' },
+ tbl => { src => 'table' },
+ 'time' => { src => 'active_secs', hdr => 'Active', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
+ txn_id => { src => 'txn_id' },
+ waiting => { src => 'waiting' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id lock_type waiting lock_wait_time time lock_mode db tbl index insert_intention special)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn -lock_wait_time',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'tx',
+ colors => [
+ { col => 'lock_wait_time', op => '>', arg => 60, color => 'red' },
+ { col => 'lock_wait_time', op => '>', arg => 30, color => 'yellow' },
+ { col => 'lock_wait_time', op => '>', arg => 10, color => 'green' },
+ ],
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ innodb_transactions => {
+ capt => 'InnoDB Transactions',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ active_secs => { src => 'active_secs' },
+ has_read_view => { src => 'has_read_view' },
+ heap_size => { src => 'heap_size' },
+ hostname => { src => $exprs{Host} },
+ ip => { src => 'ip' },
+ wait_status => { src => 'lock_wait_status' },
+ lock_wait_time => { src => 'lock_wait_time', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
+ lock_structs => { src => 'lock_structs' },
+ mysql_thread_id => { src => 'mysql_thread_id' },
+ os_thread_id => { src => 'os_thread_id' },
+ proc_no => { src => 'proc_no' },
+ query_id => { src => 'query_id' },
+ query_status => { src => 'query_status' },
+ query_text => { src => 'query_text', trans => [ qw(no_ctrl_char) ] },
+ txn_time_remain => { src => $exprs{TxnTimeRemain}, trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
+ row_locks => { src => 'row_locks' },
+ tables_in_use => { src => 'tables_in_use' },
+ tables_locked => { src => 'tables_locked' },
+ thread_decl_inside => { src => 'thread_decl_inside' },
+ thread_status => { src => 'thread_status' },
+ 'time' => { src => 'active_secs', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ], agg => 'sum' },
+ txn_doesnt_see_ge => { src => 'txn_doesnt_see_ge' },
+ txn_id => { src => 'txn_id' },
+ txn_sees_lt => { src => 'txn_sees_lt' },
+ txn_status => { src => 'txn_status', minw => 10, maxw => 10 },
+ undo_log_entries => { src => 'undo_log_entries' },
+ user => { src => 'user', maxw => 10 },
+ cnt => { src => 'mysql_thread_id', minw => 0 },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn cnt mysql_thread_id user hostname txn_status time undo_log_entries query_text)],
+ filters => [ qw( hide_self hide_inactive ) ],
+ sort_cols => '-active_secs txn_status cxn mysql_thread_id',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'tx',
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ colors => [
+ { col => 'wait_status', op => 'eq', arg => 'LOCK WAIT', color => 'black on_red' },
+ { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 600, color => 'red' },
+ { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 300, color => 'yellow' },
+ { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 60, color => 'green' },
+ { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 30, color => 'cyan' },
+ { col => 'txn_status', op => 'eq', arg => 'not started', color => 'white' },
+ ],
+ group_by => [ qw(cxn txn_status) ],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ io_threads => {
+ capt => 'I/O Threads',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ thread => { src => 'thread' },
+ thread_purpose => { src => 'purpose' },
+ event_set => { src => 'event_set' },
+ thread_status => { src => 'state' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn thread thread_purpose thread_status)],
+ filters => [ qw() ],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn thread',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'io',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ log_statistics => {
+ capt => 'Log Statistics',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ last_chkp => { src => 'IB_lg_last_chkp' },
+ log_flushed_to => { src => 'IB_lg_log_flushed_to' },
+ log_ios_done => { src => 'IB_lg_log_ios_done' },
+ log_ios_s => { src => 'IB_lg_log_ios_s' },
+ log_seq_no => { src => 'IB_lg_log_seq_no' },
+ pending_chkp_writes => { src => 'IB_lg_pending_chkp_writes' },
+ pending_log_writes => { src => 'IB_lg_pending_log_writes' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn log_seq_no log_flushed_to last_chkp log_ios_done log_ios_s)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'lg',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ master_status => {
+ capt => 'Master Status',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => $exprs{chcxn_2_cxn}, hdr => 'CXN' },
+ binlog_do_db => { src => 'binlog_do_db' },
+ binlog_ignore_db => { src => 'binlog_ignore_db' },
+ master_file => { src => 'file' },
+ master_pos => { src => 'position' },
+ binlog_cache_overflow => { src => '(Binlog_cache_disk_use||0)/(Binlog_cache_use||1)', trans => [ qw(percent) ] },
+ executed_gtid_set => { src => '(executed_gtid_set||"N/A")' },
+ server_uuid => { src => '(server_uuid||"N/A")' },
+ channel_name => { src => $exprs{chcxn_2_ch}, hdr => 'Channel'},
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn channel_name master_file master_pos binlog_cache_overflow executed_gtid_set server_uuid)],
+ filters => [ qw(cxn_is_master) ],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ group_by => [qw(channel_name)],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ pending_io => {
+ capt => 'Pending I/O',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ p_normal_aio_reads => { src => 'IB_io_pending_normal_aio_reads' },
+ p_aio_writes => { src => 'IB_io_pending_aio_writes' },
+ p_ibuf_aio_reads => { src => 'IB_io_pending_ibuf_aio_reads' },
+ p_sync_ios => { src => 'IB_io_pending_sync_ios' },
+ p_buf_pool_flushes => { src => 'IB_io_pending_buffer_pool_flushes' },
+ p_log_flushes => { src => 'IB_io_pending_log_flushes' },
+ p_log_ios => { src => 'IB_io_pending_log_ios' },
+ p_preads => { src => 'IB_io_pending_preads' },
+ p_pwrites => { src => 'IB_io_pending_pwrites' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn p_normal_aio_reads p_aio_writes p_ibuf_aio_reads p_sync_ios p_log_flushes p_log_ios)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'io',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ open_tables => {
+ capt => 'Open Tables',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ db => { src => 'database' },
+ tbl => { src => 'table' },
+ num_times_open => { src => 'in_use' },
+ is_name_locked => { src => 'name_locked' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn db tbl num_times_open is_name_locked)],
+ filters => [ qw(table_is_open) ],
+ sort_cols => '-num_times_open cxn db tbl',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ page_statistics => {
+ capt => 'Page Statistics',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ pages_read => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_read' },
+ pages_written => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_written' },
+ pages_created => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_created' },
+ page_reads_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_reads_sec' },
+ page_writes_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_writes_sec' },
+ page_creates_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_creates_sec' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn pages_read pages_written pages_created page_reads_sec page_writes_sec page_creates_sec)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'bp',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ processlist => {
+ capt => 'MySQL Process List',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn', minw => 6, maxw => 10 },
+ mysql_thread_id => { src => 'id', minw => 6, maxw => 0 },
+ user => { src => 'user', minw => 5, maxw => 8 },
+ hostname => { src => $exprs{Host}, minw => 7, maxw => 15, },
+ port => { src => $exprs{Port}, minw => 0, maxw => 0, },
+ host_and_port => { src => 'host', minw => 0, maxw => 0 },
+ db => { src => 'db', minw => 6, maxw => 12 },
+ cmd => { src => 'command', minw => 5, maxw => 0 },
+ time => { src => 'time', minw => 5, maxw => 0, trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ], agg => 'sum' },
+ state => { src => 'state', minw => 0, maxw => 0 },
+ info => { src => 'info', minw => 0, maxw => 0, trans => [ qw(no_ctrl_char) ] },
+ cnt => { src => 'id', minw => 0, maxw => 0 },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn cmd cnt mysql_thread_id state user hostname db time info)],
+ filters => [ qw(hide_self hide_inactive hide_slave_io hide_event hide_connect) ],
+ sort_cols => '-time cxn hostname mysql_thread_id',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ colors => [
+ { col => 'state', op => 'eq', arg => 'Locked', color => 'black on_red' },
+ { col => 'cmd', op => 'eq', arg => 'Sleep', color => 'white' },
+ { col => 'user', op => 'eq', arg => 'system user', color => 'white' },
+ { col => 'cmd', op => 'eq', arg => 'Connect', color => 'white' },
+ { col => 'cmd', op => 'eq', arg => 'Binlog Dump', color => 'white' },
+ { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 600, color => 'red' },
+ { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 120, color => 'yellow' },
+ { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 60, color => 'green' },
+ { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 30, color => 'cyan' },
+ ],
+ group_by => [qw(cxn cmd)],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ # TODO: some more columns:
+ # kb_used=hdr='BufUsed' minw='0' num='0' src='percent(1 - ((Key_blocks_unused * key_cache_block_size) / (key_buffer_size||1)))' dec='0' trans='' tbl='q_header' just='-' user='1' maxw='0' label='User-defined'
+ # retries=hdr='Retries' minw='0' num='0' src='Slave_retried_transactions' dec='0' trans='' tbl='slave_sql_status' just='-' user='1' maxw='0' label='User-defined'
+ # thd=hdr='Thd' minw='0' num='0' src='Threads_connected' dec='0' trans='' tbl='slave_sql_status' just='-' user='1' maxw='0' label='User-defined'
+ q_header => {
+ capt => 'Q-mode Header',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ questions => { src => 'Questions' },
+ qps => { src => 'Questions/Uptime_hires', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ load => { src => $exprs{ServerLoad}, dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ connections => { src => $exprs{Connection}, dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ slow => { src => 'Slow_queries', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ q_cache_hit => { src => $exprs{QcacheHitRatio}, dec => 1, trans => [qw(percent)] },
+ key_buffer_hit => { src => '1-(Key_reads/(Key_read_requests||1))', dec => 1, trans => [qw(percent)] },
+ bps_in => { src => 'Bytes_received/Uptime_hires', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ bps_out => { src => 'Bytes_sent/Uptime_hires', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ when => { src => 'when' },
+ q_detail => { src => $exprs{QueryDetail} },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn when load connections qps slow q_detail q_cache_hit key_buffer_hit bps_in bps_out)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'when cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ row_operations => {
+ capt => 'InnoDB Row Operations',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ num_inserts => { src => 'IB_ro_num_rows_ins' },
+ num_updates => { src => 'IB_ro_num_rows_upd' },
+ num_reads => { src => 'IB_ro_num_rows_read' },
+ num_deletes => { src => 'IB_ro_num_rows_del' },
+ num_inserts_sec => { src => 'IB_ro_ins_sec' },
+ num_updates_sec => { src => 'IB_ro_upd_sec' },
+ num_reads_sec => { src => 'IB_ro_read_sec' },
+ num_deletes_sec => { src => 'IB_ro_del_sec' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn num_inserts num_updates num_reads num_deletes num_inserts_sec
+ num_updates_sec num_reads_sec num_deletes_sec)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'ro',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ row_operation_misc => {
+ capt => 'Row Operation Misc',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ queries_in_queue => { src => 'IB_ro_queries_in_queue' },
+ queries_inside => { src => 'IB_ro_queries_inside' },
+ read_views_open => { src => 'IB_ro_read_views_open' },
+ main_thread_id => { src => 'IB_ro_main_thread_id' },
+ main_thread_proc_no => { src => 'IB_ro_main_thread_proc_no' },
+ main_thread_state => { src => 'IB_ro_main_thread_state' },
+ num_res_ext => { src => 'IB_ro_n_reserved_extents' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn queries_in_queue queries_inside read_views_open main_thread_state)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'ro',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ semaphores => {
+ capt => 'InnoDB Semaphores',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ mutex_os_waits => { src => 'IB_sm_mutex_os_waits' },
+ mutex_spin_rounds => { src => 'IB_sm_mutex_spin_rounds' },
+ mutex_spin_waits => { src => 'IB_sm_mutex_spin_waits' },
+ reservation_count => { src => 'IB_sm_reservation_count' },
+ rw_excl_os_waits => { src => 'IB_sm_rw_excl_os_waits' },
+ rw_excl_spins => { src => 'IB_sm_rw_excl_spins' },
+ rw_shared_os_waits => { src => 'IB_sm_rw_shared_os_waits' },
+ rw_shared_spins => { src => 'IB_sm_rw_shared_spins' },
+ signal_count => { src => 'IB_sm_signal_count' },
+ wait_array_size => { src => 'IB_sm_wait_array_size' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn mutex_os_waits mutex_spin_waits mutex_spin_rounds
+ rw_excl_os_waits rw_excl_spins rw_shared_os_waits rw_shared_spins
+ signal_count reservation_count )],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'sm',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ slave_io_status => {
+ capt => 'Slave I/O Status',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => $exprs{chcxn_2_cxn}, hdr => 'CXN' },
+ connect_retry => { src => 'connect_retry' },
+ master_host => { src => 'master_host', hdr => 'Master'},
+ master_uuid => { src => '(master_uuid||"N/A")' },
+ master_log_file => { src => 'master_log_file', hdr => 'File' },
+ master_port => { src => 'master_port' },
+ master_ssl_allowed => { src => 'master_ssl_allowed' },
+ master_ssl_ca_file => { src => 'master_ssl_ca_file' },
+ master_ssl_ca_path => { src => 'master_ssl_ca_path' },
+ master_ssl_cert => { src => 'master_ssl_cert' },
+ master_ssl_cipher => { src => 'master_ssl_cipher' },
+ master_ssl_key => { src => 'master_ssl_key' },
+ master_user => { src => 'master_user' },
+ read_master_log_pos => { src => 'read_master_log_pos', hdr => 'Pos' },
+ relay_log_size => { src => 'relay_log_space', trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ slave_io_running => { src => 'slave_io_running', hdr => 'On?' },
+ slave_io_state => { src => 'slave_io_state', hdr => 'State' },
+ channel_name => { src => $exprs{chcxn_2_ch}, hdr => 'Channel'},
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn channel_name master_host master_uuid slave_io_running master_log_file relay_log_size read_master_log_pos slave_io_state)],
+ filters => [ qw( cxn_is_slave ) ],
+ sort_cols => 'slave_io_running channel_name cxn',
+ colors => [
+ { col => 'slave_io_running', op => 'ne', arg => 'Yes', color => 'black on_red' },
+ ],
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ group_by => [qw(channel_name)],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ slave_sql_status => {
+ capt => 'Slave SQL Status',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => $exprs{chcxn_2_cxn}, hdr => 'CXN' },
+ exec_master_log_pos => { src => 'exec_master_log_pos', hdr => 'Master Pos' },
+ last_errno => { src => 'last_errno' },
+ last_error => { src => 'last_error' },
+ master_host => { src => 'master_host', hdr => 'Master' },
+ master_uuid => { src => '(master_uuid||"N/A")' },
+ relay_log_file => { src => 'relay_log_file' },
+ relay_log_pos => { src => 'relay_log_pos' },
+ relay_log_size => { src => 'relay_log_space', trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ relay_master_log_file => { src => 'relay_master_log_file', hdr => 'Master File' },
+ replicate_do_db => { src => 'replicate_do_db' },
+ replicate_do_table => { src => 'replicate_do_table' },
+ replicate_ignore_db => { src => 'replicate_ignore_db' },
+ replicate_ignore_table => { src => 'replicate_ignore_table' },
+ replicate_wild_do_table => { src => 'replicate_wild_do_table' },
+ replicate_wild_ignore_table => { src => 'replicate_wild_ignore_table' },
+ skip_counter => { src => 'skip_counter' },
+ slave_sql_running => { src => 'slave_sql_running', hdr => 'On?' },
+ sort_time => { src => 'int(seconds_behind_master/60)' },
+ until_condition => { src => 'until_condition' },
+ until_log_file => { src => 'until_log_file' },
+ until_log_pos => { src => 'until_log_pos' },
+ time_behind_master => { src => 'seconds_behind_master', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
+ bytes_behind_master => { src => 'master_log_file && master_log_file eq relay_master_log_file ? read_master_log_pos - exec_master_log_pos : 0', trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ slave_catchup_rate => { src => $exprs{SlaveCatchupRate}, trans => [ qw(set_precision) ] },
+ slave_open_temp_tables => { src => 'Slave_open_temp_tables' },
+ retrieved_gtid_set => { src => '(retrieved_gtid_set||"N/A")' },
+ executed_gtid_set => { src => '(executed_gtid_set||"N/A")' },
+ channel_name => { src => $exprs{chcxn_2_ch}, hdr => 'Channel'},
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn channel_name master_host master_uuid slave_sql_running time_behind_master slave_catchup_rate slave_open_temp_tables relay_log_pos last_error retrieved_gtid_set executed_gtid_set)],
+ filters => [ qw( cxn_is_slave ) ],
+ sort_cols => 'slave_sql_running -sort_time channel_name cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ colors => [
+ { col => 'slave_sql_running', op => 'ne', arg => 'Yes', color => 'black on_red' },
+ { col => 'time_behind_master', op => '>', arg => 600, color => 'red' },
+ { col => 'time_behind_master', op => '>', arg => 60, color => 'yellow' },
+ { col => 'time_behind_master', op => '==', arg => 0, color => 'white' },
+ ],
+ group_by => [qw(channel_name)],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ table_statistics => {
+ capt => 'Data from TABLE_STATISTICS',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn', minw => 6, maxw => 10 },
+ db => { src => 'table_schema' },
+ tbl => { src => 'table_name' },
+ rows_read => { src => 'rows_read' },
+ rows_changed => { src => 'rows_changed' },
+ rows_changed_x_indexes => { src => 'rows_changed_x_indexes' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn db tbl rows_read rows_changed rows_changed_x_indexes) ],
+ filters => [ ],
+ sort_cols => 'rows_read',
+ sort_dir => '-1',
+ innodb => '',
+ colors => [],
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ t_header => {
+ capt => 'T-Mode Header',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ dirty_bufs => { src => $exprs{DirtyBufs}, trans => [qw(percent)] },
+ history_list_len => { src => 'IB_tx_history_list_len' },
+ lock_structs => { src => 'IB_tx_num_lock_structs' },
+ num_txns => { src => $exprs{NumTxns} },
+ max_txn => { src => $exprs{MaxTxnTime}, trans => [qw(secs_to_time)] },
+ undo_for => { src => 'IB_tx_purge_undo_for' },
+ used_bufs => { src => $exprs{BufPoolFill}, trans => [qw(percent)]},
+ versions => { src => $exprs{OldVersions} },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn history_list_len versions undo_for dirty_bufs used_bufs num_txns max_txn lock_structs)],
+ filters => [ ],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ colors => [],
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ var_status => {
+ capt => 'Variables & Status',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {}, # Generated from current varset
+ visible => [], # Generated from current varset
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => '',
+ sort_dir => 1,
+ innodb => '',
+ temp => 1, # Do not persist to config file.
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ pivot => 0,
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ wait_array => {
+ capt => 'InnoDB Wait Array',
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ thread => { src => 'thread' },
+ waited_at_filename => { src => 'waited_at_filename' },
+ waited_at_line => { src => 'waited_at_line' },
+ 'time' => { src => 'waited_secs', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
+ request_type => { src => 'request_type' },
+ lock_mem_addr => { src => 'lock_mem_addr' },
+ lock_cfile_name => { src => 'lock_cfile_name' },
+ lock_cline => { src => 'lock_cline' },
+ writer_thread => { src => 'writer_thread' },
+ writer_lock_mode => { src => 'writer_lock_mode' },
+ num_readers => { src => 'num_readers' },
+ lock_var => { src => 'lock_var' },
+ waiters_flag => { src => 'waiters_flag' },
+ last_s_file_name => { src => 'last_s_file_name' },
+ last_s_line => { src => 'last_s_line' },
+ last_x_file_name => { src => 'last_x_file_name' },
+ last_x_line => { src => 'last_x_line' },
+ cell_waiting => { src => 'cell_waiting' },
+ cell_event_set => { src => 'cell_event_set' },
+ },
+ visible => [ qw(cxn thread time waited_at_filename waited_at_line request_type num_readers lock_var waiters_flag cell_waiting cell_event_set)],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn -time',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => 'sm',
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+ health_dashboard => {
+ capt => 'Health Dashboard',
+ hide_caption => 1,
+ cust => {},
+ cols => {
+ cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
+ uptime => { src => 'Uptime', trans => [qw(fuzzy_time)] },
+ qps => { src => 'Questions/Uptime_hires', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
+ spark_qps => { src => 'SPARK_qps' },
+ run => { src => 'User_threads_running' },
+ spark_run => { src => 'SPARK_run' },
+ max_query_time => { src => 'Max_query_time', trans => [qw(fuzzy_time)] },
+ connections => { src => 'Threads_connected' },
+ miss_rate => { src => 'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads/Uptime_hires', trans => [qw(set_precision)] },
+ locked_count => { src => 'Locked_count' },
+ 'open' => { src => 'Open_tables' },
+ slave_running => { src => 'Slave_ok . " " . (Slaves || "")' },
+ time_behind_master => { src => 'seconds_behind_master', hdr => 'ReplLag' , trans => [qw(fuzzy_time)] },
+ longest_sql => { src => 'Longest_sql', trans => [qw(distill)] },
+ },
+ visible => [qw(
+ cxn uptime max_query_time time_behind_master qps connections run
+ miss_rate locked_count open slave_running longest_sql
+ )],
+ filters => [],
+ sort_cols => 'cxn',
+ sort_dir => '1',
+ innodb => '',
+ colors => [
+ { col => 'slave_running', op => '=~', arg => 'No', color => 'black on_red' },
+ { col => 'max_query_time', op => '>', arg => 30 * 60, color => 'red' },
+ { col => 'max_query_time', op => '>', arg => 600, color => 'yellow' },
+ { col => 'time_behind_master', op => '>', arg => 3600, color => 'cyan' },
+ ],
+ group_by => [],
+ aggregate => 0,
+ },
+# Initialize %tbl_meta from %columns and do some checks.
+foreach my $table_name ( keys %tbl_meta ) {
+ my $table = $tbl_meta{$table_name};
+ my $cols = $table->{cols};
+ foreach my $col_name ( keys %$cols ) {
+ my $col_def = $table->{cols}->{$col_name};
+ die "I can't find a column named '$col_name' for '$table_name'" unless $columns{$col_name};
+ $columns{$col_name}->{referenced} = 1;
+ foreach my $prop ( keys %col_props ) {
+ # Each column gets non-existing values set from %columns or defaults from %col_props.
+ if ( !$col_def->{$prop} ) {
+ $col_def->{$prop}
+ = defined($columns{$col_name}->{$prop})
+ ? $columns{$col_name}->{$prop}
+ : $col_props{$prop};
+ }
+ }
+ # Ensure transformations and aggregate functions are valid
+ die "Unknown aggregate function '$col_def->{agg}' "
+ . "for column '$col_name' in table '$table_name'"
+ unless exists $agg_funcs{$col_def->{agg}};
+ foreach my $trans ( @{$col_def->{trans}} ) {
+ die "Unknown transformation '$trans' "
+ . "for column '$col_name' in table '$table_name'"
+ unless exists $trans_funcs{$trans};
+ }
+ }
+ # Ensure each column in visible and group_by exists in cols
+ foreach my $place ( qw(visible group_by) ) {
+ foreach my $col_name ( @{$table->{$place}} ) {
+ if ( !exists $cols->{$col_name} ) {
+ die "Column '$col_name' is listed in '$place' for '$table_name', but doesn't exist";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Compile sort and color subroutines
+ $table->{sort_func} = make_sort_func($table);
+ $table->{color_func} = make_color_func($table);
+# This is for code cleanup:
+ my @unused_cols = grep { !$columns{$_}->{referenced} } sort keys %columns;
+ if ( @unused_cols ) {
+ die "The following columns are not used: "
+ . join(' ', @unused_cols);
+ }
+# ###########################################################################
+# Operating modes {{{3
+# ###########################################################################
+my %modes = (
+ A => {
+ hdr => 'Dashboard',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows health/status dashboard',
+ action_for => {
+ k => {
+ action => sub { kill_query('CONNECTION') },
+ label => "Kill a query's connection",
+ },
+ x => {
+ action => sub { kill_query('QUERY') },
+ label => "Kill a query",
+ },
+ r => {
+ action => sub { reverse_sort('health_dashboard'); },
+ label => 'Reverse sort order',
+ },
+ s => {
+ action => sub { choose_sort_cols('health_dashboard'); },
+ label => "Choose sort column",
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_A,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(health_dashboard)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(health_dashboard)],
+ },
+ B => {
+ hdr => 'InnoDB Buffers',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows buffer info from InnoDB',
+ action_for => {
+ i => {
+ action => sub { toggle_config('status_inc') },
+ label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_B,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(buffer_pool page_statistics insert_buffers adaptive_hash_index)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(buffer_pool page_statistics insert_buffers adaptive_hash_index)],
+ },
+ C => {
+ hdr => 'Command Summary',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows relative magnitude of variables',
+ action_for => {
+ s => {
+ action => sub { get_config_interactive('cmd_filter') },
+ label => 'Choose variable prefix',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_C,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(cmd_summary)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(cmd_summary)],
+ },
+ D => {
+ hdr => 'InnoDB Deadlocks',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'View InnoDB deadlock information',
+ action_for => {
+ c => {
+ action => sub { edit_table('deadlock_transactions') },
+ label => 'Choose visible columns',
+ },
+ w => {
+ action => \&create_deadlock,
+ label => 'Wipe deadlock status info by creating a deadlock',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_D,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(deadlock_transactions deadlock_locks)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(deadlock_transactions deadlock_locks)],
+ },
+ F => {
+ hdr => 'InnoDB FK Err',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'View the latest InnoDB foreign key error',
+ action_for => {},
+ display_sub => \&display_F,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 1,
+ tables => [qw(fk_error)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(fk_error)],
+ },
+ I => {
+ hdr => 'InnoDB I/O Info',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows I/O info (i/o, log...) from InnoDB',
+ action_for => {
+ i => {
+ action => sub { toggle_config('status_inc') },
+ label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_I,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(io_threads pending_io file_io_misc log_statistics)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(io_threads pending_io file_io_misc log_statistics)],
+ },
+ K => {
+ hdr => 'InnoDB Lock Waits',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows blocked and blocking transactions',
+ action_for => {
+ k => {
+ action => sub { kill_query('CONNECTION') },
+ label => "Kill a query's connection",
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_K,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(innodb_blocked_blocker)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(innodb_blocked_blocker)],
+ },
+ L => {
+ hdr => 'Locks',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows transaction locks',
+ action_for => {
+ a => {
+ action => sub { send_cmd_to_servers('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.innodb_lock_monitor(a int) ENGINE=InnoDB', 0, '', []); },
+ label => 'Start the InnoDB Lock Monitor',
+ },
+ o => {
+ action => sub { send_cmd_to_servers('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.innodb_lock_monitor', 0, '', []); },
+ label => 'Stop the InnoDB Lock Monitor',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_L,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(innodb_locks)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(innodb_locks)],
+ },
+ M => {
+ hdr => 'Replication Status',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows replication (master and slave) status',
+ action_for => {
+ a => {
+ action => sub { send_cmd_to_servers('START SLAVE', 0, 'START SLAVE SQL_THREAD UNTIL MASTER_LOG_FILE = ?, MASTER_LOG_POS = ?', []); },
+ label => 'Start slave(s)',
+ },
+ i => {
+ action => sub { toggle_config('status_inc') },
+ label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
+ },
+ o => {
+ action => sub { send_cmd_to_servers('STOP SLAVE', 0, '', []); },
+ label => 'Stop slave(s)',
+ },
+ b => {
+ action => sub { purge_master_logs() },
+ label => 'Purge unused master logs',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_M,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(slave_sql_status slave_io_status master_status)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(slave_sql_status slave_io_status master_status)],
+ },
+ O => {
+ hdr => 'Open Tables',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows open tables in MySQL',
+ action_for => {
+ r => {
+ action => sub { reverse_sort('open_tables'); },
+ label => 'Reverse sort order',
+ },
+ s => {
+ action => sub { choose_sort_cols('open_tables'); },
+ label => "Choose sort column",
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_O,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(open_tables)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(open_tables)],
+ },
+ U => {
+ hdr => 'User Statistics',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Displays Percona/MariaDB enhancements such as table statistics',
+ action_for => {
+ i => {
+ action => sub { set_visible_table('index_statistics') },
+ label => 'Switch to INDEX_STATISTICS',
+ },
+ s => {
+ action => sub { $clear_screen_sub->(); send_cmd_to_servers('SET @@global.userstat_running := 1 - @@global.userstat_running', 1, undef, []); },
+ label => "Change the display's sort column",
+ },
+ t => {
+ action => sub { set_visible_table('table_statistics') },
+ label => 'Switch to TABLE_STATISTICS',
+ },
+ x => {
+ action => sub { set_visible_table('index_table_statistics') },
+ label => 'Switch to {INDEX,TABLE}_STATISTICS',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_P,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(table_statistics index_statistics index_table_statistics)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(index_table_statistics)],
+ },
+ Q => {
+ hdr => 'Query List',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows queries from SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST',
+ action_for => {
+ a => {
+ action => sub { toggle_filter('processlist', 'hide_self') },
+ label => 'Toggle the innotop process',
+ },
+ c => {
+ action => sub { edit_table('processlist') },
+ label => 'Choose visible columns',
+ },
+ e => {
+ action => sub { analyze_query('e'); },
+ label => "Explain a thread's query",
+ },
+ f => {
+ action => sub { analyze_query('f'); },
+ label => "Show a thread's full query",
+ },
+ h => {
+ action => sub { toggle_visible_table('Q', 'q_header') },
+ label => 'Toggle the header on and off',
+ },
+ i => {
+ action => sub { toggle_filter('processlist', 'hide_inactive') },
+ label => 'Toggle idle processes',
+ },
+ k => {
+ action => sub { kill_query('CONNECTION') },
+ label => "Kill a query's connection",
+ },
+ r => {
+ action => sub { reverse_sort('processlist'); },
+ label => 'Reverse sort order',
+ },
+ s => {
+ action => sub { choose_sort_cols('processlist'); },
+ label => "Change the display's sort column",
+ },
+ t => {
+ action => sub { toggle_filter('processlist', 'hide_connect') },
+ label => 'Toggle slave processes',
+ },
+ x => {
+ action => sub { kill_query('QUERY') },
+ label => "Kill a query",
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_Q,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(q_header processlist)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(q_header processlist)],
+ },
+ R => {
+ hdr => 'InnoDB Row Ops',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows InnoDB row operation and semaphore info',
+ action_for => {
+ i => {
+ action => sub { toggle_config('status_inc') },
+ label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_R,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(row_operations row_operation_misc semaphores wait_array)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(row_operations row_operation_misc semaphores wait_array)],
+ },
+ S => {
+ hdr => 'Variables & Status',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows query load statistics a la vmstat',
+ action_for => {
+ '>' => {
+ action => sub { switch_var_set('S_set', 1) },
+ label => 'Switch to next variable set',
+ },
+ '<' => {
+ action => sub { switch_var_set('S_set', -1) },
+ label => 'Switch to prev variable set',
+ },
+ c => {
+ action => sub {
+ choose_var_set('S_set');
+ start_S_mode();
+ },
+ label => "Choose which set to display",
+ },
+ e => {
+ action => \&edit_current_var_set,
+ label => 'Edit the current set of variables',
+ },
+ i => {
+ action => sub { $clear_screen_sub->(); toggle_config('status_inc') },
+ label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
+ },
+ '-' => {
+ action => sub { set_display_precision(-1) },
+ label => 'Decrease fractional display precision',
+ },
+ '+' => {
+ action => sub { set_display_precision(1) },
+ label => 'Increase fractional display precision',
+ },
+ g => {
+ action => sub { set_s_mode('g') },
+ label => 'Switch to graph (tload) view',
+ },
+ s => {
+ action => sub { set_s_mode('s') },
+ label => 'Switch to standard (vmstat) view',
+ },
+ v => {
+ action => sub { set_s_mode('v') },
+ label => 'Switch to pivoted view',
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_S,
+ no_clear_screen => 1,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(var_status)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(var_status)],
+ },
+ T => {
+ hdr => 'InnoDB Txns',
+ cust => {},
+ note => 'Shows InnoDB transactions in top-like format',
+ action_for => {
+ a => {
+ action => sub { toggle_filter('innodb_transactions', 'hide_self') },
+ label => 'Toggle the innotop process',
+ },
+ c => {
+ action => sub { edit_table('innodb_transactions') },
+ label => 'Choose visible columns',
+ },
+ e => {
+ action => sub { analyze_query('e'); },
+ label => "Explain a thread's query",
+ },
+ f => {
+ action => sub { analyze_query('f'); },
+ label => "Show a thread's full query",
+ },
+ h => {
+ action => sub { toggle_visible_table('T', 't_header') },
+ label => 'Toggle the header on and off',
+ },
+ i => {
+ action => sub { toggle_filter('innodb_transactions', 'hide_inactive') },
+ label => 'Toggle inactive transactions',
+ },
+ k => {
+ action => sub { kill_query('CONNECTION') },
+ label => "Kill a transaction's connection",
+ },
+ r => {
+ action => sub { reverse_sort('innodb_transactions'); },
+ label => 'Reverse sort order',
+ },
+ s => {
+ action => sub { choose_sort_cols('innodb_transactions'); },
+ label => "Change the display's sort column",
+ },
+ x => {
+ action => sub { kill_query('QUERY') },
+ label => "Kill a query",
+ },
+ },
+ display_sub => \&display_T,
+ connections => [],
+ server_group => '',
+ one_connection => 0,
+ tables => [qw(t_header innodb_transactions)],
+ visible_tables => [qw(t_header innodb_transactions)],
+ },
+# ###########################################################################
+# Global key mappings {{{3
+# Keyed on a single character, which is read from the keyboard. Uppercase
+# letters switch modes. Lowercase letters access commands when in a mode.
+# These can be overridden by action_for in %modes.
+# ###########################################################################
+my %action_for = (
+ '$' => {
+ action => \&edit_configuration,
+ label => 'Edit configuration settings',
+ },
+ '?' => {
+ action => \&display_help,
+ label => 'Show help',
+ },
+ '!' => {
+ action => \&display_license,
+ label => 'Show license and warranty',
+ },
+ '^' => {
+ action => \&edit_table,
+ label => "Edit the displayed table(s)",
+ },
+ '#' => {
+ action => \&choose_server_groups,
+ label => 'Select/create server groups',
+ },
+ '@' => {
+ action => \&choose_servers,
+ label => 'Select/create server connections',
+ },
+ '/' => {
+ action => \&add_quick_filter,
+ label => 'Quickly filter what you see',
+ },
+ '\\' => {
+ action => \&clear_quick_filters,
+ label => 'Clear quick-filters',
+ },
+ '%' => {
+ action => \&choose_filters,
+ label => 'Choose and edit table filters',
+ },
+ "\t" => {
+ action => \&next_server_group,
+ label => 'Switch to the next server group',
+ key => 'TAB',
+ },
+ '=' => {
+ action => \&toggle_aggregate,
+ label => 'Toggle aggregation',
+ },
+ # TODO: can these be auto-generated from %modes?
+ A => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('A') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ B => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('B') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ C => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('C') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ D => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('D') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ F => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('F') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ I => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('I') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ K => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('K') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ L => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('L') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ M => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('M') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ O => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('O') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ Q => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('Q') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ R => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('R') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ S => {
+ action => \&start_S_mode,
+ label => '',
+ },
+ T => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('T') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ U => {
+ action => sub { switch_mode('U') },
+ label => '',
+ },
+ d => {
+ action => sub { get_config_interactive('interval') },
+ label => 'Change refresh interval',
+ },
+ n => { action => \&next_server, label => 'Switch to the next connection' },
+ p => { action => \&pause, label => 'Pause innotop', },
+ q => { action => \&finish, label => 'Quit innotop', },
+# ###########################################################################
+# Sleep times after certain statements {{{3
+# ###########################################################################
+my %stmt_sleep_time_for = ();
+# ###########################################################################
+# Config editor key mappings {{{3
+# ###########################################################################
+my %cfg_editor_action = (
+ c => {
+ note => 'Edit columns, etc in the displayed table(s)',
+ func => \&edit_table,
+ },
+ g => {
+ note => 'Edit general configuration',
+ func => \&edit_configuration_variables,
+ },
+ k => {
+ note => 'Edit row-coloring rules',
+ func => \&edit_color_rules,
+ },
+ p => {
+ note => 'Manage plugins',
+ func => \&edit_plugins,
+ },
+ s => {
+ note => 'Edit server groups',
+ func => \&edit_server_groups,
+ },
+ S => {
+ note => 'Edit SQL statement sleep delays',
+ func => \&edit_stmt_sleep_times,
+ },
+ t => {
+ note => 'Choose which table(s) to display in this mode',
+ func => \&choose_mode_tables,
+ },
+# ###########################################################################
+# Color editor key mappings {{{3
+# ###########################################################################
+my %color_editor_action = (
+ n => {
+ note => 'Create a new color rule',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $col;
+ do {
+ $col = prompt_list(
+ 'Choose the target column for the rule',
+ '',
+ sub { return keys %{$meta->{cols}} },
+ { map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_}->{label} } keys %{$meta->{cols}} });
+ } while ( !$col );
+ ( $col ) = grep { $_ } split(/\W+/, $col);
+ return $idx unless $col && exists $meta->{cols}->{$col};
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $op;
+ do {
+ $op = prompt_list(
+ 'Choose the comparison operator for the rule',
+ '',
+ sub { return keys %comp_ops },
+ { map { $_ => $comp_ops{$_} } keys %comp_ops } );
+ } until ( $op );
+ $op =~ s/\s+//g;
+ return $idx unless $op && exists $comp_ops{$op};
+ my $arg;
+ do {
+ $arg = prompt('Specify an argument for the comparison');
+ } until defined $arg;
+ my $color;
+ do {
+ $color = prompt_list(
+ 'Choose the color(s) the row should be when the rule matches',
+ '',
+ sub { return keys %ansicolors },
+ { map { $_ => $_ } keys %ansicolors } );
+ } until defined $color;
+ $color = join(' ', unique(grep { exists $ansicolors{$_} } split(/\W+/, $color)));
+ return $idx unless $color;
+ push @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors}}, {
+ col => $col,
+ op => $op,
+ arg => $arg,
+ color => $color
+ };
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
+ return $idx;
+ },
+ },
+ d => {
+ note => 'Remove the selected rule',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
+ my @rules = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors} };
+ return 0 unless @rules > 0 && $idx < @rules && $idx >= 0;
+ splice(@{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors}}, $idx, 1);
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
+ return $idx == @rules ? $#rules : $idx;
+ },
+ },
+ j => {
+ note => 'Move highlight down one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
+ my $num_rules = scalar @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors}};
+ return ($idx + 1) % $num_rules;
+ },
+ },
+ k => {
+ note => 'Move highlight up one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
+ my $num_rules = scalar @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors}};
+ return ($idx - 1) % $num_rules;
+ },
+ },
+ '+' => {
+ note => 'Move selected rule up one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my $dest = $idx == 0 ? scalar(@{$meta->{colors}} - 1) : $idx - 1;
+ my $temp = $meta->{colors}->[$idx];
+ $meta->{colors}->[$idx] = $meta->{colors}->[$dest];
+ $meta->{colors}->[$dest] = $temp;
+ $meta->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
+ return $dest;
+ },
+ },
+ '-' => {
+ note => 'Move selected rule down one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my $dest = $idx == scalar(@{$meta->{colors}} - 1) ? 0 : $idx + 1;
+ my $temp = $meta->{colors}->[$idx];
+ $meta->{colors}->[$idx] = $meta->{colors}->[$dest];
+ $meta->{colors}->[$dest] = $temp;
+ $meta->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
+ return $dest;
+ },
+ },
+# ###########################################################################
+# Plugin editor key mappings {{{3
+# ###########################################################################
+my %plugin_editor_action = (
+ '*' => {
+ note => 'Toggle selected plugin active/inactive',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $plugins, $idx ) = @_;
+ my $plugin = $plugins->[$idx];
+ $plugin->{active} = $plugin->{active} ? 0 : 1;
+ return $idx;
+ },
+ },
+ j => {
+ note => 'Move highlight down one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $plugins, $idx ) = @_;
+ return ($idx + 1) % scalar(@$plugins);
+ },
+ },
+ k => {
+ note => 'Move highlight up one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $plugins, $idx ) = @_;
+ return $idx == 0 ? @$plugins - 1 : $idx - 1;
+ },
+ },
+# ###########################################################################
+# Table editor key mappings {{{3
+# ###########################################################################
+my %tbl_editor_action = (
+ a => {
+ note => 'Add a column to the table',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ my @visible_cols = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} };
+ my %all_cols = %{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols} };
+ delete @all_cols{@visible_cols};
+ my $choice = prompt_list(
+ 'Choose a column',
+ '',
+ sub { return keys %all_cols; },
+ { map { $_ => $all_cols{$_}->{label} || $all_cols{$_}->{hdr} } keys %all_cols });
+ if ( $all_cols{$choice} ) {
+ push @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible}}, $choice;
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
+ return $choice;
+ }
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+ n => {
+ note => 'Create a new column and add it to the table',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ print word_wrap("Choose a name for the column. This name is not displayed, and is used only "
+ . "for internal reference. It can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, "
+ . "and underscores.");
+ print "\n\n";
+ do {
+ $col = prompt("Enter column name");
+ $col = '' if $col =~ m/[^a-z0-9_]/;
+ } while ( !$col );
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $hdr;
+ do {
+ $hdr = prompt("Enter column header");
+ } while ( !$hdr );
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ print "Choose a source for the column's data\n\n";
+ my ( $src, $sub, $err );
+ do {
+ if ( $err ) {
+ print "Error: $err\n\n";
+ }
+ $src = prompt("Enter column source");
+ if ( $src ) {
+ ( $sub, $err ) = compile_expr($src);
+ }
+ } until ( !$err);
+ # TODO: this duplicates %col_props.
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$col} = {
+ hdr => $hdr,
+ src => $src,
+ just => '-',
+ num => 0,
+ label => 'User-defined',
+ user => 1,
+ tbl => $tbl,
+ minw => 0,
+ maxw => 0,
+ trans => [],
+ func => $sub,
+ dec => 0,
+ agg => 0,
+ aggonly => 0,
+ agghide => 0,
+ };
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} = [ unique(@{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible}}, $col) ];
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+ d => {
+ note => 'Remove selected column',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ my @visible_cols = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} };
+ my $idx = 0;
+ return $col unless @visible_cols > 1;
+ while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} = [ grep { $_ ne $col } @visible_cols ];
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
+ return $idx == $#visible_cols ? $visible_cols[$idx - 1] : $visible_cols[$idx + 1];
+ },
+ },
+ e => {
+ note => 'Edit selected column',
+ func => sub {
+ # TODO: make this editor hotkey-driven and give readline support.
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$col};
+ my @prop = qw(hdr label src just num minw maxw trans agg); # TODO redundant
+ my $answer;
+ do {
+ # Do what the user asked...
+ if ( $answer && grep { $_ eq $answer } @prop ) {
+ # Some properties are arrays, others scalars.
+ my $ini = ref $col_props{$answer} ? join(' ', @{$meta->{$answer}}) : $meta->{$answer};
+ my $val = prompt("New value for $answer", undef, $ini);
+ $val = [ split(' ', $val) ] if ref($col_props{$answer});
+ if ( $answer eq 'trans' ) {
+ $val = [ unique(grep{ exists $trans_funcs{$_} } @$val) ];
+ }
+ @{$meta}{$answer, 'user', 'tbl' } = ( $val, 1, $tbl );
+ }
+ my @display_lines = (
+ '',
+ "You are editing column $tbl.$col.\n",
+ );
+ push @display_lines, create_table2(
+ \@prop,
+ { map { $_ => $_ } @prop },
+ { map { $_ => ref $meta->{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ? join(' ', @{$meta->{$_}})
+ : ref $meta->{$_} ? '[expression code]'
+ : $meta->{$_}
+ } @prop
+ },
+ { sep => ' ' });
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 });
+ print "\n\n"; # One to add space, one to clear readline artifacts
+ $answer = prompt('Edit what? (q to quit)');
+ } while ( $answer ne 'q' );
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+ j => {
+ note => 'Move highlight down one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ my @visible_cols = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} };
+ my $idx = 0;
+ while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ return $visible_cols[ ($idx + 1) % @visible_cols ];
+ },
+ },
+ k => {
+ note => 'Move highlight up one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ my @visible_cols = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} };
+ my $idx = 0;
+ while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ return $visible_cols[ $idx - 1 ];
+ },
+ },
+ '+' => {
+ note => 'Move selected column up one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my @visible_cols = @{$meta->{visible}};
+ my $idx = 0;
+ while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ if ( $idx ) {
+ $visible_cols[$idx] = $visible_cols[$idx - 1];
+ $visible_cols[$idx - 1] = $col;
+ $meta->{visible} = \@visible_cols;
+ }
+ else {
+ shift @{$meta->{visible}};
+ push @{$meta->{visible}}, $col;
+ }
+ $meta->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+ '-' => {
+ note => 'Move selected column down one',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my @visible_cols = @{$meta->{visible}};
+ my $idx = 0;
+ while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ if ( $idx == $#visible_cols ) {
+ unshift @{$meta->{visible}}, $col;
+ pop @{$meta->{visible}};
+ }
+ else {
+ $visible_cols[$idx] = $visible_cols[$idx + 1];
+ $visible_cols[$idx + 1] = $col;
+ $meta->{visible} = \@visible_cols;
+ }
+ $meta->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+ f => {
+ note => 'Choose filters',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ choose_filters($tbl);
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+ o => {
+ note => 'Edit color rules',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ edit_color_rules($tbl);
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+ s => {
+ note => 'Choose sort columns',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ choose_sort_cols($tbl);
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+ g => {
+ note => 'Choose group-by (aggregate) columns',
+ func => sub {
+ my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
+ choose_group_cols($tbl);
+ return $col;
+ },
+ },
+# ###########################################################################
+# Global variables and environment {{{2
+# ###########################################################################
+my @this_term_size; # w_chars, h_chars, w_pix, h_pix
+my @last_term_size; # w_chars, h_chars, w_pix, h_pix
+my $char;
+my $windows = $OSNAME =~ m/MSWin/;
+my $have_color = 0;
+my $MAX_ULONG = 4294967295; # 2^32-1
+my $num_regex = qr/^[+-]?(?=\d|\.)\d*(?:\.\d+)?(?:E[+-]?\d+|)$/i;
+my $int_regex = qr/^\d+$/;
+my $bool_regex = qr/^[01]$/;
+my $term = undef;
+my $file = undef; # File to watch for InnoDB monitor output
+my $file_mtime = undef; # Status of watched file
+my $file_data = undef; # Last chunk of text read from file
+my $innodb_parser = InnoDBParser->new;
+my $nonfatal_errs = join('|',
+ 'Access denied for user',
+ 'Unknown MySQL server host',
+ 'Unknown database',
+ 'Can\'t connect to local MySQL server through socket',
+ 'Can\'t connect to MySQL server on',
+ 'MySQL server has gone away',
+ 'Cannot call SHOW INNODB STATUS',
+ 'Access denied',
+ 'AutoCommit',
+ 'Lost connection to MySQL server',
+ 'Too many connections',
+if ( !$opts{n} ) {
+ require Term::ReadLine;
+ $term = Term::ReadLine->new('innotop');
+# Stores status, variables, innodb status, master/slave status etc.
+# Keyed on connection name. Each entry is a hashref of current and past data sets,
+# keyed on clock tick.
+my %vars;
+my %info_gotten = (); # Which things have been retrieved for the current clock tick.
+my %show_variables; # Stores SHOW VARIABLES for each cxn so we don't re-fetch.
+# Stores info on currently displayed queries: cxn, connection ID, query text,
+# user, and host.
+my @current_queries;
+my $lines_printed = 0;
+my $clock = 0; # Incremented with every wake-sleep cycle
+my $clearing_deadlocks = 0;
+# If terminal coloring is available, use it. The only function I want from
+# the module is the colored() function.
+eval {
+ if ( !$opts{n} ) {
+ if ( $windows ) {
+ require Win32::Console::ANSI;
+ }
+ require Term::ANSIColor;
+ import Term::ANSIColor qw(colored);
+ $have_color = 1;
+ }
+if ( $EVAL_ERROR || $opts{n} ) {
+ # If there was an error, manufacture my own colored() function that does no
+ # coloring.
+ *colored = sub { pop @_; @_; };
+if ( $opts{n} ) {
+ $clear_screen_sub = sub {};
+elsif ( $windows ) {
+ $clear_screen_sub = sub { $lines_printed = 0; system("cls") };
+else {
+ my $clear = `clear`;
+ $clear_screen_sub = sub { $lines_printed = 0; print $clear };
+# ###########################################################################
+# Config storage. {{{2
+# ###########################################################################
+my %config = (
+ color => {
+ val => $have_color,
+ note => 'Whether to use terminal coloring',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ cmd_filter => {
+ val => 'Com_',
+ note => 'Prefix for values in C mode',
+ conf => [qw(C)],
+ },
+ plugin_dir => {
+ val => "$homepath/.innotop/plugins",
+ note => 'Directory where plugins can be found',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ },
+ show_percent => {
+ val => 1,
+ note => 'Show the % symbol after percentages',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ skip_innodb => {
+ val => 0,
+ note => 'Disable SHOW INNODB STATUS',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ S_func => {
+ val => 's',
+ note => 'What to display in S mode: graph, status, pivoted status',
+ conf => [qw(S)],
+ pat => qr/^[gsv]$/,
+ },
+ cxn_timeout => {
+ val => 28800,
+ note => 'Connection timeout for keeping unused connections alive',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $int_regex,
+ },
+ graph_char => {
+ val => '*',
+ note => 'Character for drawing graphs',
+ conf => [ qw(S) ],
+ pat => qr/^.$/,
+ },
+ show_cxn_errors_in_tbl => {
+ val => 1,
+ note => 'Whether to display connection errors as rows in the table',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ hide_hdr => {
+ val => 0,
+ note => 'Whether to show column headers',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ show_cxn_errors => {
+ val => 1,
+ note => 'Whether to print connection errors to STDOUT',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ readonly => {
+ val => 1,
+ note => 'Whether the config file is read-only',
+ conf => [ qw() ],
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ global => {
+ val => 1,
+ note => 'Whether to show GLOBAL variables and status',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ header_highlight => {
+ val => 'bold',
+ note => 'How to highlight table column headers',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => qr/^(?:bold|underline)$/,
+ },
+ display_table_captions => {
+ val => 1,
+ note => 'Whether to put captions on tables',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ charset => {
+ val => 'ascii',
+ note => 'What type of characters should be displayed in queries (ascii, unicode, none)',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => qr/^(?:ascii|unicode|none)$/,
+ },
+ auto_wipe_dl => {
+ val => 0,
+ note => 'Whether to auto-wipe InnoDB deadlocks',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ max_height => {
+ val => 30,
+ note => '[Win32] Max window height',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ },
+ debug => {
+ val => 0,
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ note => 'Debug mode (more verbose errors, uses more memory)',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ },
+ num_digits => {
+ val => 2,
+ pat => $int_regex,
+ note => 'How many digits to show in fractional numbers and percents',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ },
+ debugfile => {
+ val => "$homepath/.innotop/core_dump",
+ note => 'A debug file in case you are interested in error output',
+ },
+ show_statusbar => {
+ val => 1,
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ note => 'Whether to show the status bar in the display',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ },
+ mode => {
+ val => "A",
+ note => "Which mode to start in",
+ cmdline => 1,
+ },
+ status_inc => {
+ val => 0,
+ note => 'Whether to show raw or incremental values for status variables',
+ pat => $bool_regex,
+ },
+ interval => {
+ val => 10,
+ pat => qr/^(?:(?:\d*?[1-9]\d*(?:\.\d*)?)|(?:\d*\.\d*?[1-9]\d*))$/,
+ note => "The interval at which the display will be refreshed. Fractional values allowed.",
+ },
+ num_status_sets => {
+ val => 9,
+ pat => $int_regex,
+ note => 'How many sets of STATUS and VARIABLES values to show',
+ conf => [ qw(S) ],
+ },
+ S_set => {
+ val => 'general',
+ pat => qr/^\w+$/,
+ note => 'Which set of variables to display in S (Variables & Status) mode',
+ conf => [ qw(S) ],
+ },
+ timeformat => {
+ val => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
+ pat => qr//,
+ note => 'The strftime() timestamp format to write in -n mode',
+ },
+ spark => {
+ val => 10,
+ note => 'How long to make status variable sparklines',
+ conf => 'ALL',
+ pat => $int_regex,
+ },
+# ###########################################################################
+# Config file sections {{{2
+# The configuration file is broken up into sections like a .ini file. This
+# variable defines those sections and the subroutines responsible for reading
+# and writing them.
+# ###########################################################################
+my %config_file_sections = (
+ plugins => {
+ reader => \&load_config_plugins,
+ writer => \&save_config_plugins,
+ },
+ group_by => {
+ reader => \&load_config_group_by,
+ writer => \&save_config_group_by,
+ },
+ filters => {
+ reader => \&load_config_filters,
+ writer => \&save_config_filters,
+ },
+ active_filters => {
+ reader => \&load_config_active_filters,
+ writer => \&save_config_active_filters,
+ },
+ visible_tables => {
+ reader => \&load_config_visible_tables,
+ writer => \&save_config_visible_tables,
+ },
+ sort_cols => {
+ reader => \&load_config_sort_cols,
+ writer => \&save_config_sort_cols,
+ },
+ active_columns => {
+ reader => \&load_config_active_columns,
+ writer => \&save_config_active_columns,
+ },
+ tbl_meta => {
+ reader => \&load_config_tbl_meta,
+ writer => \&save_config_tbl_meta,
+ },
+ general => {
+ reader => \&load_config_config,
+ writer => \&save_config_config,
+ },
+ connections => {
+ reader => \&load_config_connections,
+ writer => \&save_config_connections,
+ },
+ active_connections => {
+ reader => \&load_config_active_connections,
+ writer => \&save_config_active_connections,
+ },
+ server_groups => {
+ reader => \&load_config_server_groups,
+ writer => \&save_config_server_groups,
+ },
+ active_server_groups => {
+ reader => \&load_config_active_server_groups,
+ writer => \&save_config_active_server_groups,
+ },
+ max_values_seen => {
+ reader => \&load_config_mvs,
+ writer => \&save_config_mvs,
+ },
+ varsets => {
+ reader => \&load_config_varsets,
+ writer => \&save_config_varsets,
+ },
+ colors => {
+ reader => \&load_config_colors,
+ writer => \&save_config_colors,
+ },
+ stmt_sleep_times => {
+ reader => \&load_config_stmt_sleep_times,
+ writer => \&save_config_stmt_sleep_times,
+ },
+# Config file sections have some dependencies, so they have to be read/written in order.
+my @ordered_config_file_sections = qw(general plugins filters active_filters tbl_meta
+ connections active_connections server_groups active_server_groups max_values_seen
+ active_columns sort_cols visible_tables varsets colors stmt_sleep_times
+ group_by);
+# All events for which plugins may register themselves. Entries are arrayrefs.
+my %event_listener_for = map { $_ => [] }
+ qw(
+ extract_values
+ set_to_tbl_pre_filter set_to_tbl_pre_sort set_to_tbl_pre_group
+ set_to_tbl_pre_colorize set_to_tbl_pre_transform set_to_tbl_pre_pivot
+ set_to_tbl_pre_create set_to_tbl_post_create
+ draw_screen
+ );
+# All variables to which plugins have access.
+my %pluggable_vars = (
+ action_for => \%action_for,
+ agg_funcs => \%agg_funcs,
+ config => \%config,
+ connections => \%connections,
+ dbhs => \%dbhs,
+ filters => \%filters,
+ modes => \%modes,
+ server_groups => \%server_groups,
+ tbl_meta => \%tbl_meta,
+ trans_funcs => \%trans_funcs,
+ var_sets => \%var_sets,
+# ###########################################################################
+# Contains logic to generate prepared statements for a given function for a
+# given DB connection. Returns a $sth.
+# ###########################################################################
+my %stmt_maker_for = (
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ # Detect whether there's a Percona Server with INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INDEX_STATISTICS
+ # and if not, just select nothing.
+ my $sth;
+ eval { # This can fail if the table doesn't exist, INFORMATION_SCHEMA doesn't exist, etc.
+ my $cols = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{SHOW /*innotop*/ COLUMNS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INDEX_STATISTICS});
+ if ( @$cols ) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT /*innotop*/ * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INDEX_STATISTICS});
+ }
+ };
+ $sth ||= $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT /*innotop*/ '' FROM DUAL WHERE 1 = 0});
+ return $sth;
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ # Detect whether there's a Percona Server with INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INDEX_STATISTICS
+ # and if not, just select nothing.
+ my $sth;
+ eval { # This can fail if the table doesn't exist, INFORMATION_SCHEMA doesn't exist, etc.
+ my $cols = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{SHOW /*innotop*/ COLUMNS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INDEX_STATISTICS});
+ if ( @$cols ) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT /*innotop*/ L.TABLE_SCHEMA, L.TABLE_NAME, }
+ }
+ };
+ $sth ||= $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT /*innotop*/ '' FROM DUAL WHERE 1 = 0});
+ return $sth;
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ # Detect whether the server supports the I_S tables and if not, just select nothing.
+ my $sth;
+ eval { # This can fail if the table doesn't exist, INFORMATION_SCHEMA doesn't exist, etc.
+ my $cols = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{SHOW /*innotop*/ COLUMNS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCK_WAITS});
+ if ( @$cols ) {
+ if ($dbh->{mysql_serverinfo} =~ /^5.1/) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
+ SELECT /*innotop*/
+ r.trx_mysql_thread_id AS waiting_thread,
+ r.trx_query AS waiting_query,
+ "n/a" AS waiting_rows_modified,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, r.trx_started, NOW()) AS waiting_age,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, r.trx_wait_started, NOW()) AS waiting_wait_secs,
+ rp.user AS waiting_user,
+ AS waiting_host,
+ rp.db AS waiting_db,
+ b.trx_mysql_thread_id AS blocking_thread,
+ b.trx_query AS blocking_query,
+ "n/a" AS blocking_rows_modified,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, b.trx_started, NOW()) AS blocking_age,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, b.trx_wait_started, NOW()) AS blocking_wait_secs,
+ bp.user AS blocking_user,
+ AS blocking_host,
+ bp.db AS blocking_db,
+ CONCAT(bp.command, IF(bp.command = 'Sleep', CONCAT(' ', bp.time), '')) AS blocking_status,
+ CONCAT(lock_mode, ' ', lock_type, ' ', lock_table, '(', lock_index, ')') AS lock_info
+ JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX b ON b.trx_id = w.blocking_trx_id
+ JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX r ON r.trx_id = w.requesting_trx_id
+ JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCKS l ON l.lock_id = w.requested_lock_id
+ });
+ } else {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
+ SELECT /*innotop*/
+ r.trx_mysql_thread_id AS waiting_thread,
+ r.trx_query AS waiting_query,
+ r.trx_rows_modified AS waiting_rows_modified,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, r.trx_started, NOW()) AS waiting_age,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, r.trx_wait_started, NOW()) AS waiting_wait_secs,
+ rp.user AS waiting_user,
+ AS waiting_host,
+ rp.db AS waiting_db,
+ b.trx_mysql_thread_id AS blocking_thread,
+ b.trx_query AS blocking_query,
+ b.trx_rows_modified AS blocking_rows_modified,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, b.trx_started, NOW()) AS blocking_age,
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, b.trx_wait_started, NOW()) AS blocking_wait_secs,
+ bp.user AS blocking_user,
+ AS blocking_host,
+ bp.db AS blocking_db,
+ CONCAT(bp.command, IF(bp.command = 'Sleep', CONCAT(' ', bp.time), '')) AS blocking_status,
+ CONCAT(lock_mode, ' ', lock_type, ' ', lock_table, '(', lock_index, ')') AS lock_info
+ JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX b ON b.trx_id = w.blocking_trx_id
+ JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX r ON r.trx_id = w.requesting_trx_id
+ JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCKS l ON l.lock_id = w.requested_lock_id
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $sth ||= $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT /*innotop*/ '' FROM DUAL WHERE 1 = 0});
+ return $sth;
+ },
+ INNODB_STATUS => sub {
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare(version_ge( $dbh, '5.0.0' )
+ : 'SHOW /*innotop*/ INNODB STATUS');
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare($config{global}->{val} && version_ge( $dbh, '4.0.3' )
+ ? 'SHOW /*innotop*/ GLOBAL VARIABLES'
+ : 'SHOW /*innotop*/ VARIABLES');
+ },
+ SHOW_STATUS => sub {
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare($config{global}->{val} && version_ge( $dbh, '5.0.2' )
+ ? 'SHOW /*innotop*/ GLOBAL STATUS'
+ : 'SHOW /*innotop*/ STATUS');
+ },
+ KILL_QUERY => sub {
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare(version_ge( $dbh, '5.0.0' )
+ ? 'KILL /*innotop*/ QUERY ?'
+ : 'KILL /*innotop*/ ?');
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare('SHOW /*innotop*/ MASTER LOGS');
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare('SHOW /*innotop*/ MASTER STATUS');
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare('SHOW /*innotop*/ SLAVE STATUS');
+ },
+ GET_CHANNELS => sub {
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare(version_ge( $dbh, '5.7.0' )
+ ? 'select CHANNEL_NAME from performance_schema.replication_applier_status where CHANNEL_NAME regexp "^[a-zA-Z].*";'
+ : 'select "no_channels"');
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return $dbh->prepare(version_ge( $dbh, '5.0.0' )
+ ? 'KILL /*innotop*/ CONNECTION ?'
+ : 'KILL /*innotop*/ ?');
+ },
+ OPEN_TABLES => sub {
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ return version_ge($dbh, '4.0.0')
+ ? $dbh->prepare('SHOW /*innotop*/ OPEN TABLES')
+ : undef;
+ },
+ PROCESSLIST => sub {
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ # In newer versions of the server, use INFORMATION_SCHEMA table if it exists,
+ # and use the TIME_MS column (in Percona Server) if that exists.
+ my $sth;
+ eval { # This can fail if the table doesn't exist, INFORMATION_SCHEMA doesn't exist, etc.
+ my $cols = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{SHOW /*innotop*/ COLUMNS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST LIKE 'TIME_MS'});
+ if ( @$cols ) { # The TIME_MS colum exists
+ }
+ };
+ $sth ||= $dbh->prepare('SHOW /*innotop*/ FULL PROCESSLIST');
+ return $sth;
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ # We do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA table because it doesn't show slave
+ # SQL statements.
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SHOW /*innotop*/ FULL PROCESSLIST');
+ return $sth;
+ },
+ my ( $dbh ) = @_;
+ # Detect whether there's a Percona Server with INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STATISTICS
+ # and if not, just select nothing.
+ my $sth;
+ eval { # This can fail if the table doesn't exist, INFORMATION_SCHEMA doesn't exist, etc.
+ my $cols = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{SHOW /*innotop*/ COLUMNS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STATISTICS});
+ if ( @$cols ) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT /*innotop*/ * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STATISTICS});
+ }
+ };
+ $sth ||= $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT /*innotop*/ '' FROM DUAL WHERE 1 = 0});
+ return $sth;
+ },
+# Plugins!
+my %plugins = (
+# ###########################################################################
+# Run the program {{{1
+# ###########################################################################
+sub main {
+ # This config variable is only useful for MS Windows because its terminal
+ # can't tell how tall it is.
+ if ( !$windows ) {
+ delete $config{max_height};
+ }
+ # Try to lower my priority.
+ eval { setpriority(0, 0, getpriority(0, 0) + 10); };
+ # Print stuff to the screen immediately, don't wait for a newline.
+ # Clear the screen and load the configuration.
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ load_config();
+ # Override config variables with command-line options
+ my %cmdline =
+ map { $_->{c} => $opts{$_->{k}} }
+ grep { exists $_->{c} && exists $opts{$_->{k}} }
+ @opt_spec;
+ foreach my $name (keys %cmdline) {
+ next if not defined $cmdline{$name};
+ my $val = $cmdline{$name};
+ if ( exists($config{$name}) and (!$config{$name}->{pat} or $val =~ m/$config{$name}->{pat}/ )) {
+ $config{$name}->{val} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ post_process_tbl_meta();
+ # Make sure no changes are written to config file in non-interactive mode.
+ if ( $opts{n} ) {
+ $config{readonly}->{val} = 1;
+ }
+ eval {
+ # Open the file for InnoDB status
+ if ( @ARGV ) {
+ my $filename = shift @ARGV;
+ open $file, "<", $filename
+ or die "Cannot open '$filename': $OS_ERROR";
+ }
+ # In certain modes we might have to collect data for two cycles
+ # before printing anything out, so we need to bump up the count one.
+ if ( $opts{n} && $opts{count} && $config{status_inc}->{val}
+ && $config{mode}->{val} =~ m/[S]/ )
+ {
+ $opts{count}++;
+ }
+ while (++$clock) {
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val} || 'Q';
+ if ( !$modes{$mode} ) {
+ die "Mode '$mode' doesn't exist; try one of these:\n"
+ . join("\n", map { " $_ $modes{$_}->{hdr}" } sort keys %modes)
+ . "\n";
+ }
+ if ( !$opts{n} ) {
+ @last_term_size = @this_term_size;
+ @this_term_size = Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize(\*STDOUT);
+ if ( $windows ) {
+ $this_term_size[0]--;
+ $this_term_size[1]
+ = min($this_term_size[1], $config{max_height}->{val});
+ }
+ die("Can't read terminal size") unless @this_term_size;
+ }
+ # If there's no connection to a database server, we need to fix that...
+ if ( !%connections ) {
+ print "You have not defined any database connections.\n\n";
+ add_new_dsn();
+ }
+ # See whether there are any connections defined for this mode. If there's only one
+ # connection total, assume the user wants to just use innotop for a single server
+ # and don't ask which server to connect to. Also, if we're monitoring from a file,
+ # we just use the first connection.
+ if ( !get_connections() ) {
+ if ( $file || 1 == scalar keys %connections ) {
+ $modes{$config{mode}->{val}}->{connections} = [ keys %connections ];
+ }
+ else {
+ choose_connections();
+ }
+ }
+ # Term::ReadLine might have re-set $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH.
+ # Prune old data
+ my $sets = $config{num_status_sets}->{val};
+ foreach my $store ( values %vars ) {
+ delete @{$store}{ grep { $_ < $clock - $sets } keys %$store };
+ }
+ %info_gotten = ();
+ # Call the subroutine to display this mode.
+ $modes{$mode}->{display_sub}->();
+ # It may be time to quit now.
+ if ( $opts{count} && $clock >= $opts{count} ) {
+ finish();
+ }
+ # RECON: Try to reconnect failed connections, while the user sees no lag.
+ foreach my $cxn ( grep { $dbhs{$_}->{failed} } keys %dbhs ) {
+ eval { connect_to_db($cxn); }; # Ignore errors entirely here.
+ }
+ # Wait for a bit.
+ if ( $opts{n} ) {
+ sleep($config{interval}->{val});
+ }
+ else {
+ ReadMode('cbreak');
+ $char = ReadKey($config{interval}->{val});
+ ReadMode('normal');
+ }
+ # Handle whatever action the key indicates.
+ do_key_action();
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ core_dump( $EVAL_ERROR );
+ }
+ finish();
+main() unless caller(); # make me testable!
+# Subroutines {{{1
+# Mode functions{{{2
+# switch_mode {{{3
+sub switch_mode {
+ my $mode = shift;
+ $config{mode}->{val} = $mode;
+# Prompting functions {{{2
+# prompt_list {{{3
+# Prompts the user for a value, given a question, initial value,
+# a completion function and a hashref of hints.
+sub prompt_list {
+ die "Can't call in non-interactive mode" if $opts{n};
+ my ( $question, $init, $completion, $hints ) = @_;
+ if ( $hints ) {
+ # Figure out how wide the table will be
+ my $max_name = max(map { length($_) } keys %$hints );
+ $max_name ||= 0;
+ $max_name += 3;
+ my @meta_rows = create_table2(
+ [ sort keys %$hints ],
+ { map { $_ => $_ } keys %$hints },
+ { map { $_ => trunc($hints->{$_}, $this_term_size[0] - $max_name) } keys %$hints },
+ { sep => ' ' });
+ if (@meta_rows > 10) {
+ # Try to split and stack the meta rows next to each other
+ my $split = int(@meta_rows / 2);
+ @meta_rows = stack_next(
+ [@meta_rows[0..$split - 1]],
+ [@meta_rows[$split..$#meta_rows]],
+ { pad => ' | '},
+ );
+ }
+ print join( "\n",
+ '',
+ map { ref $_ ? colored(@$_) : $_ } create_caption('Choose from', @meta_rows), ''),
+ "\n";
+ }
+ $term->Attribs->{completion_function} = $completion;
+ my $answer = $term->readline("$question: ", $init);
+ $answer = '' if !defined($answer);
+ $answer =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $answer;
+# prompt {{{3
+# Prints out a prompt and reads from the keyboard, then validates with the
+# validation regex until the input is correct.
+sub prompt {
+ die "Can't call in non-interactive mode" if $opts{n};
+ my ( $prompt, $regex, $init, $completion ) = @_;
+ my $response;
+ my $success = 0;
+ do {
+ if ( $completion ) {
+ $term->Attribs->{completion_function} = $completion;
+ }
+ $response = $term->readline("$prompt: ", $init);
+ if ( $regex && $response !~ m/$regex/ ) {
+ print "Invalid response.\n\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $success = 1;
+ }
+ } while ( !$success );
+ $response =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $response;
+# prompt_noecho {{{3
+# Unfortunately, suppressing echo with Term::ReadLine isn't reliable; the user might not
+# have that library, or it might not support that feature.
+sub prompt_noecho {
+ my ( $prompt ) = @_;
+ print colored("$prompt: ", 'underline');
+ my $response;
+ ReadMode('noecho');
+ $response = <STDIN>;
+ chomp($response);
+ ReadMode('normal');
+ return $response;
+# noecho_password {{{3
+# read password for command line parameters with noecho
+sub noecho_password {
+ my $prompt = shift @_;
+ local $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1;
+ my $response;
+ eval {
+ if ( $windows ) {
+ require Win32::Console::ANSI;
+ }
+ require Term::ANSIColor;
+ import Term::ANSIColor qw(colored);
+ $response = prompt_noecho($prompt);
+ print "\n" or die
+ "Cannot print: $OS_ERROR";
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ die "Cannot read respose; is Term::ReadKey installed? $EVAL_ERROR";
+ }
+ return $response;
+# do_key_action {{{3
+# Depending on whether a key was read, do something. Keys have certain
+# actions defined in lookup tables. Each mode may have its own lookup table,
+# which trumps the global table -- so keys can be context-sensitive. The key
+# may be read and written in a subroutine, so it's a global.
+sub do_key_action {
+ if ( defined $char ) {
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my $action
+ = defined($modes{$mode}->{action_for}->{$char}) ? $modes{$mode}->{action_for}->{$char}->{action}
+ : defined($action_for{$char}) ? $action_for{$char}->{action}
+ : sub{};
+ $action->();
+ }
+# pause {{{3
+sub pause {
+ die "Can't call in non-interactive mode" if $opts{n};
+ my $msg = shift;
+ print defined($msg) ? "\n$msg" : "\nPress any key to continue";
+ ReadMode('cbreak');
+ my $char = ReadKey(0);
+ ReadMode('normal');
+ return $char;
+# reverse_sort {{{3
+sub reverse_sort {
+ my $tbl = shift;
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{sort_dir} *= -1;
+# select_cxn {{{3
+# Selects connection(s). If the mode (or argument list) has only one, returns
+# it without prompt.
+sub select_cxn {
+ my ( $prompt, @cxns ) = @_;
+ if ( !@cxns ) {
+ @cxns = get_connections();
+ }
+ if ( @cxns == 1 ) {
+ return $cxns[0];
+ }
+ my $choices = prompt_list(
+ $prompt,
+ $cxns[0],
+ sub{ return @cxns },
+ { map { $_ => $connections{$_}->{dsn} } @cxns });
+ my @result = unique(grep { my $a = $_; grep { $_ eq $a } @cxns } split(/\s+/, $choices));
+ return @result;
+# kill_query {{{3
+# Kills a connection, or on new versions, optionally a query but not connection.
+sub kill_query {
+ my ( $q_or_c ) = @_;
+ my $info = choose_thread(
+ sub { 1 },
+ 'Select a thread to kill the ' . $q_or_c,
+ );
+ return unless $info;
+ my $distill = distill($info->{query} || '');
+ $distill = " running '$distill'" if $distill;
+ return unless pause("Kill $info->{id} ("
+ . ($info->{user} || '')
+ . '@'
+ . ($info->{host} || '')
+ . ")$distill ? ") =~ m/y/i;
+ eval {
+ do_stmt($info->{cxn}, $q_or_c eq 'QUERY' ? 'KILL_QUERY' : 'KILL_CONNECTION', $info->{id} );
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ print "\nError: $EVAL_ERROR";
+ pause();
+ }
+# set_display_precision {{{3
+sub set_display_precision {
+ my $dir = shift;
+ $config{num_digits}->{val} = min(9, max(0, $config{num_digits}->{val} + $dir));
+sub toggle_visible_table {
+ my ( $mode, $table ) = @_;
+ my $visible = $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables};
+ if ( grep { $_ eq $table } @$visible ) {
+ $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables} = [ grep { $_ ne $table } @$visible ];
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift @$visible, $table;
+ }
+ $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables} = 1;
+# toggle_filter{{{3
+sub toggle_filter {
+ my ( $tbl, $filter ) = @_;
+ my $filters = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters};
+ if ( grep { $_ eq $filter } @$filters ) {
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters} = [ grep { $_ ne $filter } @$filters ];
+ }
+ else {
+ push @$filters, $filter;
+ }
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{filters} = 1;
+# toggle_config {{{3
+sub toggle_config {
+ my ( $key ) = @_;
+ $config{$key}->{val} ^= 1;
+# create_deadlock {{{3
+sub create_deadlock {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ print "This function will deliberately cause a small deadlock, "
+ . "clearing deadlock information from the InnoDB monitor.\n\n";
+ my $answer = prompt("Are you sure you want to proceed? Say 'y' if you do");
+ return 0 unless $answer eq 'y';
+ my ( $cxn ) = select_cxn('Clear on which server? ');
+ return unless $cxn && exists($connections{$cxn});
+ clear_deadlock($cxn);
+# deadlock_thread {{{3
+sub deadlock_thread {
+ my ( $id, $tbl, $cxn ) = @_;
+ eval {
+ my $dbh = get_new_db_connection($cxn, 1);
+ # disable binary logging for this session
+ $dbh->do("set SQL_LOG_BIN=0");
+ my @stmts = (
+ "set transaction isolation level serializable",
+ (version_ge($dbh, '4.0.11') ? "start transaction" : 'begin'),
+ "select * from $tbl where a = $id",
+ "update $tbl set a = $id where a <> $id",
+ );
+ foreach my $stmt (@stmts[0..2]) {
+ $dbh->do($stmt);
+ }
+ sleep(1 + $id);
+ $dbh->do($stmts[-1]);
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR !~ m/Deadlock found/ ) {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ exit(0);
+# Purges unused binlogs on the master, up to but not including the latest log.
+# TODO: guess which connections are slaves of a given master.
+sub purge_master_logs {
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_master_slave_status(@cxns);
+ # Toss out the rows that don't have master/slave status...
+ my @vars =
+ grep { $_ && ($_->{file} || $_->{master_host}) }
+ map { $vars{$_}->{$clock} } @cxns;
+ @cxns = map { $_->{cxn} } @vars;
+ # Figure out which master to purge ons.
+ my @masters = map { $_->{cxn} } grep { $_->{file} } @vars;
+ my ( $master ) = select_cxn('Which master?', @masters );
+ return unless $master;
+ my ($master_status) = grep { $_->{cxn} eq $master } @vars;
+ # Figure out the result order (not lexical order) of master logs.
+ my @master_logs = get_master_logs($master);
+ my $i = 0;
+ my %master_logs = map { $_->{log_name} => $i++ } @master_logs;
+ # Ask which slave(s) are reading from this master.
+ my @slave_status = grep { $_->{master_host} } @vars;
+ my @slaves = map { $_->{cxn} } @slave_status;
+ @slaves = select_cxn("Which slaves are reading from $master?", @slaves);
+ @slave_status = grep { my $item = $_; grep { $item->{cxn} eq $_ } @slaves } @slave_status;
+ return unless @slave_status;
+ # Find the minimum binary log in use.
+ my $min_log = min(map { $master_logs{$_->{master_log_file}} } @slave_status);
+ my $log_name = $master_logs[$min_log]->{log_name};
+ my $stmt = "PURGE MASTER LOGS TO '$log_name'";
+ send_cmd_to_servers($stmt, 0, 'PURGE {MASTER | BINARY} LOGS {TO "log_name" | BEFORE "date"}', [$master]);
+sub send_cmd_to_servers {
+ my ( $cmd, $all, $hint, $cxns ) = @_;
+ if ( $all ) {
+ @$cxns = get_connections();
+ }
+ elsif ( !@$cxns ) {
+ @$cxns = select_cxn('Which servers?', @$cxns);
+ }
+ if ( $hint ) {
+ print "\nHint: $hint\n";
+ }
+ $cmd = prompt('Command to send', undef, $cmd);
+ foreach my $cxn ( @$cxns ) {
+ eval {
+ my $sth = do_query($cxn, $cmd);
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ print "Error from $cxn: $EVAL_ERROR\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Success on $cxn\n";
+ }
+ }
+ pause();
+# Display functions {{{2
+sub set_s_mode {
+ my ( $func ) = @_;
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ $config{S_func}->{val} = $func;
+# start_S_mode {{{3
+sub start_S_mode {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ switch_mode('S');
+# display_A {{{3
+sub display_A {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_processlist_stats(@cxns);
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ get_master_slave_status(@cxns);
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ my @health_dashboard;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ health_dashboard => \@health_dashboard,
+ );
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ # Get the status variables
+ my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
+ my $hash = extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'health_dashboard');
+ # Make QPS and Miss show now, not overall.
+ if ( exists $vars{$cxn}->{$clock - 1} ) {
+ my $inc = inc(0, $cxn);
+ my $hash2 = extract_values($inc, $set, $pre, 'health_dashboard');
+ map { $hash->{$_} = $hash2->{$_} } qw(qps miss_rate);
+ }
+ push @health_dashboard, $hash;
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_B {{{3
+sub display_B {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
+ my @buffer_pool;
+ my @page_statistics;
+ my @insert_buffers;
+ my @adaptive_hash_index;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ buffer_pool => \@buffer_pool,
+ page_statistics => \@page_statistics,
+ insert_buffers => \@insert_buffers,
+ adaptive_hash_index => \@adaptive_hash_index,
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
+ if ( $set->{IB_bp_complete} ) {
+ if ( $wanted{buffer_pool} ) {
+ push @buffer_pool, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'buffer_pool');
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{page_statistics} ) {
+ push @page_statistics, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'page_statistics');
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $set->{IB_ib_complete} ) {
+ if ( $wanted{insert_buffers} ) {
+ push @insert_buffers, extract_values(
+ $config{status_inc}->{val} ? inc(0, $cxn) : $set, $set, $pre,
+ 'insert_buffers');
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{adaptive_hash_index} ) {
+ push @adaptive_hash_index, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'adaptive_hash_index');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_C {{{3
+sub display_C {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ my @cmd_summary;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ cmd_summary => \@cmd_summary,
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ # For now, I'm manually pulling these variables out and pivoting. Eventually a SQL-ish
+ # dialect should let me join a table to a grouped and pivoted table and do this more easily.
+ # TODO: make it so.
+ my $prefix = qr/^$config{cmd_filter}->{val}/; # TODO: this is a total hack
+ my @values;
+ my ($total, $last_total) = (0, 0);
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %$set ) {
+ next unless $key =~ m/$prefix/i;
+ my $val = $set->{$key};
+ next unless defined $val && $val =~ m/^\d+$/;
+ my $last_val = $val - ($pre->{$key} || 0);
+ $total += $val;
+ $last_total += $last_val;
+ push @values, {
+ name => $key,
+ value => $val,
+ last_value => $last_val,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ # Add aggregation and turn into a real set TODO: total hack
+ if ( $wanted{cmd_summary} ) {
+ foreach my $value ( @values ) {
+ @{$value}{qw(total last_total)} = ($total, $last_total);
+ push @cmd_summary, extract_values($value, $value, $value, 'cmd_summary');
+ }
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_D {{{3
+sub display_D {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
+ my @deadlock_transactions;
+ my @deadlock_locks;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ deadlock_transactions => \@deadlock_transactions,
+ deadlock_locks => \@deadlock_locks,
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $innodb_status = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $prev_status = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $innodb_status;
+ if ( $innodb_status->{IB_dl_timestring} ) {
+ my $victim = $innodb_status->{IB_dl_rolled_back} || 0;
+ if ( %wanted ) {
+ foreach my $txn_id ( keys %{$innodb_status->{IB_dl_txns}} ) {
+ my $txn = $innodb_status->{IB_dl_txns}->{$txn_id};
+ my $pre = $prev_status->{IB_dl_txns}->{$txn_id} || $txn;
+ if ( $wanted{deadlock_transactions} ) {
+ my $hash = extract_values($txn->{tx}, $txn->{tx}, $pre->{tx}, 'deadlock_transactions');
+ $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ $hash->{dl_txn_num} = $txn_id;
+ $hash->{victim} = $txn_id == $victim ? 'Yes' : 'No';
+ $hash->{timestring} = $innodb_status->{IB_dl_timestring};
+ $hash->{truncates} = $innodb_status->{IB_dl_complete} ? 'No' : 'Yes';
+ push @deadlock_transactions, $hash;
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{deadlock_locks} ) {
+ foreach my $lock ( @{$txn->{locks}} ) {
+ my $hash = extract_values($lock, $lock, $lock, 'deadlock_locks');
+ $hash->{dl_txn_num} = $txn_id;
+ $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ $hash->{mysql_thread_id} = $txn->{tx}->{mysql_thread_id};
+ push @deadlock_locks, $hash;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_F {{{3
+sub display_F {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my ( $cxn ) = get_connections();
+ get_status_info($cxn);
+ get_innodb_status([$cxn]);
+ my $innodb_status = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ if ( $innodb_status->{IB_fk_timestring} ) {
+ push @display_lines, 'Reason: ' . ($innodb_status->{IB_fk_reason} || 'unknown');
+ # Display FK errors caused by invalid DML.
+ if ( $innodb_status->{IB_fk_txn} ) {
+ my $txn = $innodb_status->{IB_fk_txn};
+ push @display_lines,
+ '',
+ "User $txn->{user} from $txn->{hostname}, thread $txn->{mysql_thread_id} was executing:",
+ '', no_ctrl_char($txn->{query_text});
+ }
+ my @fk_table = create_table2(
+ $tbl_meta{fk_error}->{visible},
+ meta_to_hdr('fk_error'),
+ extract_values($innodb_status, $innodb_status, $innodb_status, 'fk_error'),
+ { just => '-', sep => ' '});
+ push @display_lines, '', @fk_table;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @display_lines, '', 'No foreign key error data.';
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 } );
+# display_I {{{3
+sub display_I {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
+ my @io_threads;
+ my @pending_io;
+ my @file_io_misc;
+ my @log_statistics;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ io_threads => \@io_threads,
+ pending_io => \@pending_io,
+ file_io_misc => \@file_io_misc,
+ log_statistics => \@log_statistics,
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
+ if ( $set->{IB_io_complete} ) {
+ if ( $wanted{io_threads} ) {
+ my $cur_threads = $set->{IB_io_threads};
+ my $pre_threads = $pre->{IB_io_threads} || $cur_threads;
+ foreach my $key ( sort keys %$cur_threads ) {
+ my $cur_thd = $cur_threads->{$key};
+ my $pre_thd = $pre_threads->{$key} || $cur_thd;
+ my $hash = extract_values($cur_thd, $cur_thd, $pre_thd, 'io_threads');
+ $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ push @io_threads, $hash;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{pending_io} ) {
+ push @pending_io, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'pending_io');
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{file_io_misc} ) {
+ push @file_io_misc, extract_values(
+ $config{status_inc}->{val} ? inc(0, $cxn) : $set,
+ $set, $pre, 'file_io_misc');
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $set->{IB_lg_complete} && $wanted{log_statistics} ) {
+ push @log_statistics, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'log_statistics');
+ }
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_K {{{3
+sub display_K {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ my %rows_for = (
+ innodb_blocked_blocker => [],
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ # Get info on locks
+ if ( $wanted{innodb_blocked_blocker} ) {
+ my @rows = get_innodb_blocked_blocker(@cxns);
+ push @{$rows_for{innodb_blocked_blocker}}, map { extract_values($_, $_, $_, 'innodb_blocked_blocker') } @rows;
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ # Save queries in global variable for analysis. The rows in %rows_for have been
+ # filtered, etc as a side effect of set_to_tbl(), so they are the same as the rows
+ # that get pushed to the screen.
+ @current_queries = map {
+ my %hash;
+ @hash{ qw(cxn id user host db query time) }
+ = @{$_}{ qw(cxn blocking_thread blocking_user blocking_host blocking_db blocking_query blocking_age) };
+ # time is in fuzzy-time format; convert into something ascii-sortable.
+ $hash{time} = sprintf('%012s', fuzzy_to_secs($hash{time}));
+ $hash{host} =~ s/:.*$// if $hash{host};
+ \%hash;
+ } @{$rows_for{innodb_blocked_blocker}};
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_L {{{3
+sub display_L {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
+ my @innodb_locks;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ innodb_locks => \@innodb_locks,
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ # Get info on locks
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} or next;
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
+ if ( $wanted{innodb_locks} && defined $set->{IB_tx_transactions} && @{$set->{IB_tx_transactions}} ) {
+ my $cur_txns = $set->{IB_tx_transactions};
+ my $pre_txns = $pre->{IB_tx_transactions} || $cur_txns;
+ my %cur_txns = map { $_->{mysql_thread_id} => $_ } grep { defined $_->{mysql_thread_id} } @$cur_txns;
+ my %pre_txns = map { $_->{mysql_thread_id} => $_ } grep { defined $_->{mysql_thread_id} } @$pre_txns;
+ foreach my $txn ( @$cur_txns ) {
+ foreach my $lock ( @{$txn->{locks}} ) {
+ my %hash = map { $_ => $txn->{$_} } qw(txn_id mysql_thread_id lock_wait_time active_secs);
+ map { $hash{$_} = $lock->{$_} } qw(lock_type space_id page_no n_bits index db table txn_id lock_mode special insert_intention waiting);
+ $hash{cxn} = $cxn;
+ push @innodb_locks, extract_values(\%hash, \%hash, \%hash, 'innodb_locks');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_M {{{3
+sub display_M {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_master_slave_status(@cxns);
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ my @slave_sql_status;
+ my @slave_io_status;
+ my @master_status;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ slave_sql_status => \@slave_sql_status,
+ slave_io_status => \@slave_io_status,
+ master_status => \@master_status,
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $linecount=0;
+ my $sth = do_stmt($cxn, 'GET_CHANNELS');
+ my ( $channel );
+ $sth->execute();
+ $sth->bind_columns( \$channel );
+ while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
+ $linecount=$linecount+1;
+ if ( length $channel < 1 ) {
+ $channel = 'no_channels';
+ }
+ my $chcxn = $channel . '=' . $cxn;
+ get_slave_status($cxn,$channel);
+ my $set = $config{status_inc}->{val} ? inc(0, $chcxn) : $vars{$chcxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$chcxn}->{$clock - 1} || $set;
+ if ( $wanted{slave_sql_status} ) {
+ push @slave_sql_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'slave_sql_status');
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{slave_io_status} ) {
+ push @slave_io_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'slave_io_status');
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $linecount < 1 ) {
+ $channel = 'no_channels';
+ my $chcxn = $channel . '=' . $cxn;
+ get_slave_status($cxn,$channel);
+ my $set = $config{status_inc}->{val} ? inc(0, $chcxn) : $vars{$chcxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$chcxn}->{$clock - 1} || $set;
+ if ( $wanted{slave_sql_status} ) {
+ push @slave_sql_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'slave_sql_status');
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{slave_io_status} ) {
+ push @slave_io_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'slave_io_status');
+ }
+ }
+ my $set = $config{status_inc}->{val} ? inc(0, $cxn) : $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock - 1} || $set;
+ if ( $wanted{master_status} ) {
+ push @master_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'master_status');
+ }
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_O {{{3
+sub display_O {
+ my @display_lines = ('');
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ my @open_tables = get_open_tables(@cxns);
+ my @tables = map { extract_values($_, $_, $_, 'open_tables') } @open_tables;
+ push @display_lines, set_to_tbl(\@tables, 'open_tables'), get_cxn_errors(@cxns);
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_P {{{3
+sub display_P {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @table_statistics;
+ my @index_statistics;
+ my @index_table_statistics;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ table_statistics => \@table_statistics,
+ index_statistics => \@index_statistics,
+ index_table_statistics => \@index_table_statistics,
+ );
+ my @visible = $opts{n} ? 'index_table_statistics' : get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ # Get the data
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ if ( $wanted{table_statistics} ) {
+ my @rows = get_table_statistics(@cxns);
+ push @table_statistics, map { extract_values($_, $_, $_, 'table_statistics') } @rows;
+ }
+ elsif ( $wanted{index_statistics} ) {
+ my @rows = get_index_statistics(@cxns);
+ push @index_statistics, map { extract_values($_, $_, $_, 'index_statistics') } @rows;
+ }
+ elsif ( $wanted{index_table_statistics} ) {
+ my @rows = get_index_table_statistics(@cxns);
+ push @index_table_statistics, map { extract_values($_, $_, $_, 'index_table_statistics') } @rows;
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ next unless $wanted{$tbl};
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_Q {{{3
+sub display_Q {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @q_header;
+ my @processlist;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ q_header => \@q_header,
+ processlist => \@processlist,
+ );
+ my @visible = $opts{n} ? 'processlist' : get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ # Get the data
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ my @full_processlist = get_full_processlist(@cxns);
+ # Create header
+ if ( $wanted{q_header} ) {
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
+ my $hash = extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'q_header');
+ $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ $hash->{when} = 'Total';
+ push @q_header, $hash;
+ if ( exists $vars{$cxn}->{$clock - 1} ) {
+ my $inc = inc(0, $cxn);
+ my $hash = extract_values($inc, $set, $pre, 'q_header');
+ $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ $hash->{when} = 'Now';
+ push @q_header, $hash;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{processlist} ) {
+ # TODO: save prev values
+ push @processlist, map { extract_values($_, $_, $_, 'processlist') } @full_processlist;
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ next unless $wanted{$tbl};
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ # Save queries in global variable for analysis. The rows in %rows_for have been
+ # filtered, etc as a side effect of set_to_tbl(), so they are the same as the rows
+ # that get pushed to the screen.
+ @current_queries = map {
+ my %hash;
+ @hash{ qw(cxn id db query time user host) }
+ = @{$_}{ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id db info time user hostname) };
+ # time is in seconds-to-time format; convert into something
+ # ascii-sortable.
+ $hash{time} = sprintf('%012s', $hash{time} =~ m/^([^.]*)/);
+ \%hash;
+ } @{$rows_for{processlist}};
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_R {{{3
+sub display_R {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
+ my @row_operations;
+ my @row_operation_misc;
+ my @semaphores;
+ my @wait_array;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ row_operations => \@row_operations,
+ row_operation_misc => \@row_operation_misc,
+ semaphores => \@semaphores,
+ wait_array => \@wait_array,
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ my $incvar = $config{status_inc}->{val};
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
+ my $inc; # Only assigned to if wanted
+ if ( $set->{IB_ro_complete} ) {
+ if ( $wanted{row_operations} ) {
+ $inc ||= $incvar ? inc(0, $cxn) : $set;
+ push @row_operations, extract_values($inc, $set, $pre, 'row_operations');
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{row_operation_misc} ) {
+ push @row_operation_misc, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'row_operation_misc'),
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $set->{IB_sm_complete} && $wanted{semaphores} ) {
+ $inc ||= $incvar ? inc(0, $cxn) : $set;
+ push @semaphores, extract_values($inc, $set, $pre, 'semaphores');
+ }
+ if ( $set->{IB_sm_wait_array_size} && $wanted{wait_array} ) {
+ foreach my $wait ( @{$set->{IB_sm_waits}} ) {
+ my $hash = extract_values($wait, $wait, $wait, 'wait_array');
+ $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ push @wait_array, $hash;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_T {{{3
+sub display_T {
+ my @display_lines;
+ my @t_header;
+ my @innodb_transactions;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ t_header => \@t_header,
+ innodb_transactions => \@innodb_transactions,
+ );
+ my @visible = $opts{n} ? 'innodb_transactions' : get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ # If the header is to be shown, buffer pool data is required.
+ get_innodb_status( \@cxns, [ $wanted{t_header} ? qw(bp) : () ] );
+ foreach my $cxn ( get_connections() ) {
+ my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
+ next unless $set->{IB_tx_transactions};
+ if ( $wanted{t_header} ) {
+ my $hash = extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 't_header');
+ push @t_header, $hash;
+ }
+ if ( $wanted{innodb_transactions} ) {
+ my $cur_txns = $set->{IB_tx_transactions};
+ my $pre_txns = $pre->{IB_tx_transactions} || $cur_txns;
+ my %cur_txns = map { $_->{mysql_thread_id} => $_ } grep { defined $_->{mysql_thread_id} } @$cur_txns;
+ my %pre_txns = map { $_->{mysql_thread_id} => $_ } grep { defined $_->{mysql_thread_id} } @$pre_txns;
+ foreach my $thd_id ( sort keys %cur_txns ) {
+ my $cur_txn = $cur_txns{$thd_id};
+ my $pre_txn = $pre_txns{$thd_id} || $cur_txn;
+ my $hash = extract_values($cur_txn, $cur_txn, $pre_txn, 'innodb_transactions');
+ $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ push @innodb_transactions, $hash;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ # Save queries in global variable for analysis. The rows in %rows_for have been
+ # filtered, etc as a side effect of set_to_tbl(), so they are the same as the rows
+ # that get pushed to the screen.
+ @current_queries = map {
+ my %hash;
+ @hash{ qw(cxn id db query time user host) }
+ = @{$_}{ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id db query_text active_secs user hostname) };
+ \%hash;
+ } @{$rows_for{innodb_transactions}};
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+# display_S {{{3
+sub display_S {
+ my $fmt = get_var_set('S_set');
+ my $func = $config{S_func}->{val};
+ my $inc = $func eq 'g' || $config{status_inc}->{val};
+ # The table's meta-data is generated from the compiled var_set.
+ my ( $cols, $visible );
+ if ( $tbl_meta{var_status}->{fmt} && $fmt eq $tbl_meta{var_status}->{fmt} ) {
+ ( $cols, $visible ) = @{$tbl_meta{var_status}}{qw(cols visible)};
+ }
+ else {
+ ( $cols, $visible ) = compile_select_stmt($fmt);
+ # Apply missing values to columns. Always apply averages across all connections.
+ map {
+ $_->{agg} = 'avg';
+ $_->{label} = $_->{hdr};
+ } values %$cols;
+ $tbl_meta{var_status}->{cols} = $cols;
+ $tbl_meta{var_status}->{visible} = $visible;
+ $tbl_meta{var_status}->{fmt} = $fmt;
+ map { $tbl_meta{var_status}->{cols}->{$_}->{just} = ''} @$visible;
+ }
+ my @var_status;
+ my %rows_for = (
+ var_status => \@var_status,
+ );
+ my @visible = get_visible_tables();
+ my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
+ my @cxns = get_connections();
+ get_status_info(@cxns);
+ get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
+ # Set up whether to pivot and how many sets to extract.
+ $tbl_meta{var_status}->{pivot} = $func eq 'v';
+ my $num_sets
+ = $func eq 'v'
+ ? $config{num_status_sets}->{val}
+ : 0;
+ foreach my $set ( 0 .. $num_sets ) {
+ my @rows;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $vars = $inc ? inc($set, $cxn) : $vars{$cxn}->{$clock - $set};
+ my $cur = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-$set};
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-$set-1} || $cur;
+ next unless $vars && %$vars;
+ my $hash = extract_values($vars, $cur, $pre, 'var_status');
+ push @rows, $hash;
+ }
+ @rows = apply_group_by('var_status', [], @rows);
+ push @var_status, @rows;
+ }
+ # Recompile the sort func. TODO: avoid recompiling at every refresh.
+ # Figure out whether the data is all numeric and decide on a sort type.
+ # my $cmp
+ # = scalar(
+ # grep { !defined $_ || $_ !~ m/^\d+$/ }
+ # map { my $col = $_; map { $_->{$col} } @var_status }
+ # $tbl_meta{var_status}->{sort_cols} =~ m/(\w+)/g)
+ # ? 'cmp'
+ # : '<=>';
+ $tbl_meta{var_status}->{sort_func} = make_sort_func($tbl_meta{var_status});
+ # ################################################################
+ # Now there is specific display code based on $config{S_func}
+ # ################################################################
+ if ( $func =~ m/s|g/ ) {
+ my $min_width = 4;
+ # Clear the screen if the display width changed.
+ if ( @last_term_size && $this_term_size[0] != $last_term_size[0] ) {
+ $lines_printed = 0;
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ }
+ if ( $func eq 's' ) {
+ # Decide how wide columns should be.
+ my $num_cols = scalar(@$visible);
+ my $width = $opts{n} ? 0 : max($min_width, int(($this_term_size[0] - $num_cols + 1) / $num_cols));
+ my $g_format = $opts{n} ? ( "%s\t" x $num_cols ) : ( "%-${width}s " x $num_cols );
+ # Print headers every now and then. Headers can get really long, so compact them.
+ my @hdr = @$visible;
+ if ( $opts{n} ) {
+ if ( $lines_printed == 0 ) {
+ print join("\t", @hdr), "\n";
+ $lines_printed++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $lines_printed == 0 || $lines_printed > $this_term_size[1] - 2 ) {
+ @hdr = map { donut(crunch($_, $width), $width) } @hdr;
+ print join(' ', map { sprintf( "%${width}s", donut($_, $width)) } @hdr) . "\n";
+ $lines_printed = 1;
+ }
+ # Design a column format for the values.
+ my $format
+ = $opts{n}
+ ? join("\t", map { '%s' } @$visible) . "\n"
+ : join(' ', map { "%${width}s" } @hdr) . "\n";
+ foreach my $row ( @var_status ) {
+ printf($format, map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } @{$row}{ @$visible });
+ $lines_printed++;
+ }
+ }
+ else { # 'g' mode
+ # Design a column format for the values.
+ my $num_cols = scalar(@$visible);
+ my $width = $opts{n} ? 0 : int(($this_term_size[0] - $num_cols + 1) / $num_cols);
+ my $format = $opts{n} ? ( "%s\t" x $num_cols ) : ( "%-${width}s " x $num_cols );
+ $format =~ s/\s$/\n/;
+ # Print headers every now and then.
+ if ( $opts{n} ) {
+ if ( $lines_printed == 0 ) {
+ print join("\t", @$visible), "\n";
+ print join("\t", map { shorten($mvs{$_}) } @$visible), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $lines_printed == 0 || $lines_printed > $this_term_size[1] - 2 ) {
+ printf($format, map { donut(crunch($_, $width), $width) } @$visible);
+ printf($format, map { shorten($mvs{$_} || 0) } @$visible);
+ $lines_printed = 2;
+ }
+ # Update the max ever seen, and scale by the max ever seen.
+ my $set = $var_status[0];
+ foreach my $col ( @$visible ) {
+ $set->{$col} = 1 unless defined $set->{$col} && $set->{$col} =~ m/$num_regex/;
+ $set->{$col} = ($set->{$col} || 1) / ($set->{Uptime_hires} || 1);
+ $mvs{$col} = max($mvs{$col} || 1, $set->{$col});
+ $set->{$col} /= $mvs{$col};
+ }
+ printf($format, map { ( $config{graph_char}->{val} x int( $width * $set->{$_} )) || '.' } @$visible );
+ $lines_printed++;
+ }
+ }
+ else { # 'v'
+ my $first_table = 0;
+ my @display_lines;
+ foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
+ push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
+ }
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ draw_screen( \@display_lines );
+ }
+# display_explain {{{3
+sub display_explain {
+ my $info = shift;
+ my $cxn = $info->{cxn};
+ my $db = $info->{db};
+ my ( $mods, $query ) = rewrite_for_explain($info->{query});
+ my @display_lines;
+ if ( $query ) {
+ my $part = version_ge($dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}, '5.1.5') ? 'PARTITIONS' : '';
+ $query = "EXPLAIN $part\n" . $query;
+ eval {
+ if ( $db ) {
+ do_query($cxn, "use $db");
+ }
+ my $sth = do_query($cxn, $query);
+ my $res;
+ while ( $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
+ map { $res->{$_} ||= '' } ( 'partitions', keys %$res);
+ my @this_table = create_caption("Sub-Part $res->{id}",
+ create_table2(
+ $tbl_meta{explain}->{visible},
+ meta_to_hdr('explain'),
+ extract_values($res, $res, $res, 'explain')));
+ @display_lines = stack_next(\@display_lines, \@this_table, { pad => ' ', vsep => 2 });
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ push @display_lines,
+ '',
+ "The query could not be explained. Only SELECT queries can be "
+ . "explained; innotop tries to rewrite certain REPLACE and INSERT queries "
+ . "into SELECT, but this doesn't always succeed.";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @display_lines, '', 'The query could not be explained.';
+ }
+ if ( $mods ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', '[This query has been re-written to be explainable]';
+ }
+ unshift @display_lines, no_ctrl_char($query);
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 } );
+# rewrite_for_explain {{{3
+sub rewrite_for_explain {
+ my $query = shift;
+ my $mods = 0;
+ my $orig = $query;
+ $mods += $query =~ s/^\s*(?:replace|insert).*?select/select/is;
+ $mods += $query =~ s/^
+ \s*create\s+(?:temporary\s+)?table
+ \s+(?:\S+\s+)as\s+select/select/xis;
+ $mods += $query =~ s/\s+on\s+duplicate\s+key\s+update.*$//is;
+ return ( $mods, $query );
+# show_optimized_query {{{3
+sub show_optimized_query {
+ my $info = shift;
+ my $cxn = $info->{cxn};
+ my $db = $info->{db};
+ my $meta = $dbhs{$cxn};
+ my @display_lines;
+ my ( $mods, $query ) = rewrite_for_explain($info->{query});
+ if ( $mods ) {
+ push @display_lines, '[This query has been re-written to be explainable]';
+ }
+ if ( $query ) {
+ push @display_lines, no_ctrl_char($info->{query});
+ eval {
+ if ( $db ) {
+ do_query($cxn, "use $db");
+ }
+ do_query( $cxn, 'EXPLAIN EXTENDED ' . $query ) or die "Can't explain query";
+ my $sth = do_query($cxn, 'SHOW WARNINGS');
+ my $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ if ( $res ) {
+ foreach my $result ( @$res ) {
+ push @display_lines, 'Note:', no_ctrl_char($result->{message});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @display_lines, '', 'The query optimization could not be generated.';
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ push @display_lines, '', "The optimization could not be generated: $EVAL_ERROR";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @display_lines, '', 'The query optimization could not be generated.';
+ }
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 } );
+# display_help {{{3
+sub display_help {
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ # Get globally mapped keys, then overwrite them with mode-specific ones.
+ my %keys = map {
+ $_ => $action_for{$_}->{label}
+ } keys %action_for;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %{$modes{$mode}->{action_for}} ) {
+ $keys{$key} = $modes{$mode}->{action_for}->{$key}->{label};
+ }
+ delete $keys{'?'};
+ # Split them into three kinds of keys: MODE keys, action keys, and
+ # magic (special character) keys.
+ my @modes = sort grep { m/[A-Z]/ } keys %keys;
+ my @actions = sort grep { m/[a-z]/ } keys %keys;
+ my @magic = sort grep { m/[^A-Z]/i } keys %keys;
+ my @display_lines = ( '', 'Switch to a different mode:' );
+ # Mode keys
+ my @all_modes = map { "$_ $modes{$_}->{hdr}" } @modes;
+ my @col1 = splice(@all_modes, 0, ceil(@all_modes/3));
+ my @col2 = splice(@all_modes, 0, ceil(@all_modes/2));
+ my $max1 = max(map {length($_)} @col1);
+ my $max2 = max(map {length($_)} @col2);
+ while ( @col1 ) {
+ push @display_lines, sprintf(" %-${max1}s %-${max2}s %s",
+ (shift @col1 || ''),
+ (shift @col2 || ''),
+ (shift @all_modes || ''));
+ }
+ # Action keys
+ my @all_actions = map { "$_ $keys{$_}" } @actions;
+ @col1 = splice(@all_actions, 0, ceil(@all_actions/2));
+ $max1 = max(map {length($_)} @col1);
+ push @display_lines, '', 'Actions:';
+ while ( @col1 ) {
+ push @display_lines, sprintf(" %-${max1}s %s",
+ (shift @col1 || ''),
+ (shift @all_actions || ''));
+ }
+ # Magic keys
+ my @all_magic = map {
+ my $k = $action_for{$_} ? ($action_for{$_}->{key} || $_) : $_;
+ sprintf('%4s %s', $k, $keys{$_});
+ } @magic;
+ @col1 = splice(@all_magic, 0, ceil(@all_magic/2));
+ $max1 = max(map {length($_)} @col1);
+ push @display_lines, '', 'Other:';
+ while ( @col1 ) {
+ push @display_lines, sprintf("%-${max1}s%s",
+ (shift @col1 || ''),
+ (shift @all_magic || ''));
+ }
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines, { show_all => 1 } );
+ pause();
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+# show_full_query {{{3
+sub show_full_query {
+ my $info = shift;
+ my @display_lines = no_ctrl_char($info->{query});
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 });
+# Formatting functions {{{2
+# create_table2 {{{3
+# Makes a two-column table, labels on left, data on right.
+# Takes refs of @cols, %labels and %data, %user_prefs
+sub create_table2 {
+ my ( $cols, $labels, $data, $user_prefs ) = @_;
+ my @rows;
+ if ( @$cols && %$data ) {
+ # Override defaults
+ my $p = {
+ just => '',
+ sep => ':',
+ just1 => '-',
+ };
+ if ( $user_prefs ) {
+ map { $p->{$_} = $user_prefs->{$_} } keys %$user_prefs;
+ }
+ # Fix undef values
+ map { $data->{$_} = '' unless defined $data->{$_} } @$cols;
+ # Format the table
+ my $max_l = max(map{ length($labels->{$_}) } @$cols);
+ my $max_v = max(map{ length($data->{$_}) } @$cols);
+ my $format = "%$p->{just}${max_l}s$p->{sep} %$p->{just1}${max_v}s";
+ foreach my $col ( @$cols ) {
+ push @rows, sprintf($format, $labels->{$col}, $data->{$col});
+ }
+ }
+ return @rows;
+# stack_next {{{3
+# Stacks one display section next to the other. Accepts left-hand arrayref,
+# right-hand arrayref, and options hashref. Tries to stack as high as
+# possible, so
+# aaaaaa
+# bbb
+# can stack ccc next to the bbb.
+# NOTE: this DOES modify its arguments, even though it returns a new array.
+sub stack_next {
+ my ( $left, $right, $user_prefs ) = @_;
+ my @result;
+ my $p = {
+ pad => ' ',
+ vsep => 0,
+ };
+ if ( $user_prefs ) {
+ map { $p->{$_} = $user_prefs->{$_} } keys %$user_prefs;
+ }
+ # Find out how wide the LHS can be and still let the RHS fit next to it.
+ my $pad = $p->{pad};
+ my $max_r = max( map { length($_) } @$right) || 0;
+ my $max_l = $this_term_size[0] - $max_r - length($pad);
+ # Find the minimum row on the LHS that the RHS will fit next to.
+ my $i = scalar(@$left) - 1;
+ while ( $i >= 0 && length($left->[$i]) <= $max_l ) {
+ $i--;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ my $offset = $i;
+ if ( $i < scalar(@$left) ) {
+ # Find the max width of the section of the LHS against which the RHS
+ # will sit.
+ my $max_i_in_common = min($i + scalar(@$right) - 1, scalar(@$left) - 1);
+ my $max_width = max( map { length($_) } @{$left}[$i..$max_i_in_common]);
+ # Append the RHS onto the LHS until one runs out.
+ while ( $i < @$left && $i - $offset < @$right ) {
+ my $format = "%-${max_width}s$pad%${max_r}s";
+ $left->[$i] = sprintf($format, $left->[$i], $right->[$i - $offset]);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ while ( $i - $offset < @$right ) {
+ # There is more RHS to push on the end of the array
+ push @$left,
+ sprintf("%${max_width}s$pad%${max_r}s", ' ', $right->[$i - $offset]);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ push @result, @$left;
+ }
+ else {
+ # There is no room to put them side by side. Add them below, with
+ # a blank line above them if specified.
+ push @result, @$left;
+ push @result, (' ' x $this_term_size[0]) if $p->{vsep} && @$left;
+ push @result, @$right;
+ }
+ return @result;
+# create_caption {{{3
+sub create_caption {
+ my ( $caption, @rows ) = @_;
+ if ( @rows ) {
+ # Calculate the width of what will be displayed, so it can be centered
+ # in that space. When the thing is wider than the display, center the
+ # caption in the display.
+ my $width = min($this_term_size[0], max(map { length(ref($_) ? $_->[0] : $_) } @rows));
+ my $cap_len = length($caption);
+ # It may be narrow enough to pad the sides with underscores and save a
+ # line on the screen.
+ if ( $cap_len <= $width - 6 ) {
+ my $left = int(($width - 2 - $cap_len) / 2);
+ unshift @rows,
+ ("_" x $left) . " $caption " . ("_" x ($width - $left - $cap_len - 2));
+ }
+ # The caption is too wide to add underscores on each side.
+ else {
+ # Color is supported, so we can use terminal underlining.
+ if ( $config{color}->{val} ) {
+ my $left = int(($width - $cap_len) / 2);
+ unshift @rows, [
+ (" " x $left) . $caption . (" " x ($width - $left - $cap_len)),
+ 'underline',
+ ];
+ }
+ # Color is not supported, so we have to add a line underneath to separate the
+ # caption from whatever it's captioning.
+ else {
+ my $left = int(($width - $cap_len) / 2);
+ unshift @rows, ('-' x $width);
+ unshift @rows, (" " x $left) . $caption . (" " x ($width - $left - $cap_len));
+ }
+ # The caption is wider than the thing it labels, so we have to pad the
+ # thing it labels to a consistent width.
+ if ( $cap_len > $width ) {
+ @rows = map {
+ ref($_)
+ ? [ sprintf('%-' . $cap_len . 's', $_->[0]), $_->[1] ]
+ : sprintf('%-' . $cap_len . 's', $_);
+ } @rows;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @rows;
+# create_table {{{3
+# Input: an arrayref of columns, hashref of col info, and an arrayref of hashes
+# Example: [ 'a', 'b' ]
+# { a => spec, b => spec }
+# [ { a => 1, b => 2}, { a => 3, b => 4 } ]
+# The 'spec' is a hashref of hdr => label, just => ('-' or ''). It also supports min and max-widths
+# vi the minw and maxw params.
+# Output: an array of strings, one per row.
+# Example:
+# Column One Column Two
+# ---------- ----------
+# 1 2
+# 3 4
+sub create_table {
+ my ( $cols, $info, $data, $prefs ) = @_;
+ $prefs ||= {};
+ $prefs->{no_hdr} ||= ($opts{n} && $clock != 1);
+ # Truncate rows that will surely be off screen even if this is the only table.
+ if ( !$opts{n} && !$prefs->{raw} && !$prefs->{show_all} && $this_term_size[1] < @$data-1 ) {
+ $data = [ @$data[0..$this_term_size[1] - 1] ];
+ }
+ my @rows = ();
+ if ( @$cols && %$info ) {
+ # Fix undef values, collapse whitespace.
+ foreach my $row ( @$data ) {
+ map { $row->{$_} = collapse_ws($row->{$_}) } @$cols;
+ }
+ my $col_sep = $opts{n} ? "\t" : ' ';
+ # Find each column's max width.
+ my %width_for;
+ if ( !$opts{n} ) {
+ %width_for = map {
+ my $col_name = $_;
+ if ( $info->{$_}->{dec} ) {
+ # Align along the decimal point
+ my $max_rodp = max(0, map { $_->{$col_name} =~ m/([^\s\d-].*)$/ ? length($1) : 0 } @$data);
+ foreach my $row ( @$data ) {
+ my $col = $row->{$col_name};
+ my ( $l, $r ) = $col =~ m/^([\s\d]*)(.*)$/;
+ $row->{$col_name} = sprintf("%s%-${max_rodp}s", $l, $r);
+ }
+ }
+ my $max_width = max( length($info->{$_}->{hdr}), map { length($_->{$col_name}) } @$data);
+ if ( $info->{$col_name}->{maxw} ) {
+ $max_width = min( $max_width, $info->{$col_name}->{maxw} );
+ }
+ if ( $info->{$col_name}->{minw} ) {
+ $max_width = max( $max_width, $info->{$col_name}->{minw} );
+ }
+ $col_name => $max_width;
+ } @$cols;
+ }
+ # The table header.
+ if ( !$config{hide_hdr}->{val} && !$prefs->{no_hdr} ) {
+ push @rows, $opts{n}
+ ? join( $col_sep, @$cols )
+ : join( $col_sep, map { sprintf( "%-$width_for{$_}s", trunc($info->{$_}->{hdr}, $width_for{$_}) ) } @$cols );
+ if ( $config{color}->{val} && $config{header_highlight}->{val} ) {
+ push @rows, [ pop @rows, $config{header_highlight}->{val} ];
+ }
+ elsif ( !$opts{n} ) {
+ push @rows, join( $col_sep, map { "-" x $width_for{$_} } @$cols );
+ }
+ }
+ # The table data.
+ if ( $opts{n} ) {
+ foreach my $item ( @$data ) {
+ push @rows, join($col_sep, map { $item->{$_} } @$cols );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $format = join( $col_sep,
+ map { "%$info->{$_}->{just}$width_for{$_}s" } @$cols );
+ foreach my $item ( @$data ) {
+ my $row = sprintf($format, map { trunc($item->{$_}, $width_for{$_}) } @$cols );
+ if ( $config{color}->{val} && $item->{_color} ) {
+ push @rows, [ $row, $item->{_color} ];
+ }
+ else {
+ push @rows, $row;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @rows;
+# Aggregates a table. If $group_by is an arrayref of columns, the grouping key
+# is the specified columns; otherwise it's just the empty string (e.g.
+# everything is grouped as one group).
+sub apply_group_by {
+ my ( $tbl, $group_by, @rows ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my %is_group = map { $_ => 1 } @$group_by;
+ my @non_grp = grep { !$is_group{$_} } keys %{$meta->{cols}};
+ my %temp_table;
+ foreach my $row ( @rows ) {
+ my $group_key
+ = @$group_by
+ ? '{' . join('}{', map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } @{$row}{@$group_by}) . '}'
+ : '';
+ $temp_table{$group_key} ||= [];
+ push @{$temp_table{$group_key}}, $row;
+ }
+ # Crush the rows together...
+ my @new_rows;
+ foreach my $key ( sort keys %temp_table ) {
+ my $group = $temp_table{$key};
+ my %new_row;
+ @new_row{@$group_by} = @{$group->[0]}{@$group_by};
+ foreach my $col ( @non_grp ) {
+ my $agg = $meta->{cols}->{$col}->{agg} || 'first';
+ $new_row{$col} = $agg_funcs{$agg}->( map { $_->{$col} } @$group );
+ }
+ push @new_rows, \%new_row;
+ }
+ return @new_rows;
+# set_to_tbl {{{3
+# Unifies all the work of filtering, sorting etc. Alters the input.
+# TODO: pull all the little pieces out into subroutines and stick events in each of them.
+sub set_to_tbl {
+ my ( $rows, $tbl ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl} or die "No such table $tbl in tbl_meta";
+ # don't show / hide cxn if there's only one connection being displayed
+ my (@visible, @group_by);
+ my $num_cxn = scalar get_connections();
+ if ($num_cxn <= 1) {
+ map { push @visible, $_ if $_ !~ /^cxn$/ } @{$meta->{visible}};
+ $meta->{visible} = \@visible;
+ map { push @group_by, $_ if $_ !~ /^cxn$/ } @{$meta->{group_by}};
+ $meta->{group_by} = \@group_by;
+ }
+ # if cxn is not visible and there is now more than one connection,
+ # make cxn visible again. assume it's not in group_by if it's not
+ # visible
+ else {
+ my $has_cxn = 0;
+ foreach my $column (@{$meta->{visible}}) {
+ if ($column eq "cxn") {
+ $has_cxn = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not $has_cxn) {
+ map { push @visible, $_ if $_ !~ /^cxn$/ } @{$meta->{visible}};
+ $meta->{visible} = \@visible;
+ map { push @group_by, $_ if $_ !~ /^cxn$/ } @{$meta->{group_by}};
+ $meta->{group_by} = \@group_by;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$meta->{pivot} ) {
+ # Hook in event listeners
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_filter}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_filter($rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ # Apply filters. Note that if the table is pivoted, filtering and sorting
+ # are applied later.
+ foreach my $filter ( @{$meta->{filters}} ) {
+ eval {
+ @$rows = grep { $filters{$filter}->{func}->($_) } @$rows;
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR && $config{debug}->{val} ) {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_sort}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_sort($rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ # Sort. Note that if the table is pivoted, sorting might have the wrong
+ # columns and it could crash. This will only be an issue if it's possible
+ # to toggle pivoting on and off, which it's not at the moment.
+ if ( @$rows && $meta->{sort_func} && !$meta->{aggregate} ) {
+ if ( $meta->{sort_dir} > 0 ) {
+ @$rows = $meta->{sort_func}->( @$rows );
+ }
+ else {
+ @$rows = reverse $meta->{sort_func}->( @$rows );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Stop altering arguments now.
+ my @rows = @$rows;
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_group}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_group(\@rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ # Apply group-by.
+ if ( $meta->{aggregate} ) {
+ @rows = apply_group_by($tbl, $meta->{group_by}, @rows);
+ # Sort. Note that if the table is pivoted, sorting might have the wrong
+ # columns and it could crash. This will only be an issue if it's possible
+ # to toggle pivoting on and off, which it's not at the moment.
+ if ( @rows && $meta->{sort_func} ) {
+ if ( $meta->{sort_dir} > 0 ) {
+ @rows = $meta->{sort_func}->( @rows );
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = reverse $meta->{sort_func}->( @rows );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_colorize}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_colorize(\@rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ if ( !$meta->{pivot} ) {
+ # Colorize. Adds a _color column to rows.
+ if ( @rows && $meta->{color_func} ) {
+ eval {
+ foreach my $row ( @rows ) {
+ $row->{_color} = $meta->{color_func}->($row);
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ pause($EVAL_ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_transform}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_transform(\@rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ # Apply_transformations.
+ if ( @rows ) {
+ my $cols = $meta->{cols};
+ foreach my $col ( keys %{$rows->[0]} ) {
+ # Don't auto-vivify $tbl_meta{tbl}-{cols}->{_color}->{trans}
+ next if $col eq '_color';
+ foreach my $trans ( @{$cols->{$col}->{trans}} ) {
+ map { $_->{$col} = $trans_funcs{$trans}->($_->{$col}) } @rows;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ($fmt_cols, $fmt_meta);
+ # Pivot.
+ if ( $meta->{pivot} ) {
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_pivot}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_pivot(\@rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ my @vars = @{$meta->{visible}};
+ my @tmp = map { { name => $_ } } @vars;
+ my @cols = 'name';
+ foreach my $i ( 0..@$rows-1 ) {
+ my $col = "set_$i";
+ push @cols, $col;
+ foreach my $j ( 0..@vars-1 ) {
+ $tmp[$j]->{$col} = $rows[$i]->{$vars[$j]};
+ }
+ }
+ $fmt_meta = { map { $_ => { hdr => $_, just => '-' } } @cols };
+ $fmt_cols = \@cols;
+ @rows = @tmp;
+ # Hook in event listeners
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_filter}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_filter($rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ # Apply filters.
+ foreach my $filter ( @{$meta->{filters}} ) {
+ eval {
+ @rows = grep { $filters{$filter}->{func}->($_) } @rows;
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR && $config{debug}->{val} ) {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_sort}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_sort($rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ # Sort.
+ if ( @rows && $meta->{sort_func} ) {
+ if ( $meta->{sort_dir} > 0 ) {
+ @rows = $meta->{sort_func}->( @rows );
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = reverse $meta->{sort_func}->( @rows );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # If the table isn't pivoted, just show all columns that are supposed to
+ # be shown; but eliminate aggonly columns if the table isn't aggregated.
+ my $aggregated = $meta->{aggregate};
+ $fmt_cols = [ grep { $aggregated || !$meta->{cols}->{$_}->{aggonly} } @{$meta->{visible}} ];
+ $fmt_meta = { map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_} } @$fmt_cols };
+ # If the table is aggregated, re-order the group_by columns to the left of
+ # the display, and suppress 'agghide' columns.
+ if ( $aggregated ) {
+ my %is_group = map { $_ => 1 } @{$meta->{group_by}};
+ $fmt_cols = [ @{$meta->{group_by}}, grep { !$is_group{$_} } @$fmt_cols ];
+ $fmt_cols = [ grep { !$meta->{cols}->{$_}->{agghide} } @$fmt_cols ];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_create}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_create(\@rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ @rows = create_table( $fmt_cols, $fmt_meta, \@rows);
+ if ( !$meta->{hide_caption} && !$opts{n} && $config{display_table_captions}->{val} ) {
+ @rows = create_caption($meta->{capt}, @rows)
+ }
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_post_create}} ) {
+ $listener->set_to_tbl_post_create(\@rows, $tbl);
+ }
+ return @rows;
+# meta_to_hdr {{{3
+sub meta_to_hdr {
+ my $tbl = shift;
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my %labels = map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_}->{hdr} } @{$meta->{visible}};
+ return \%labels;
+# commify {{{3
+# From perlfaq5: add commas.
+sub commify {
+ my ( $num ) = @_;
+ $num = 0 unless defined $num;
+ $num =~ s/(^[-+]?\d+?(?=(?>(?:\d{3})+)(?!\d))|\G\d{3}(?=\d))/$1,/g;
+ return $num;
+# set_precision {{{3
+# Trim to desired precision.
+sub set_precision {
+ my ( $num, $precision ) = @_;
+ $num = 0 unless defined $num;
+ $precision = $config{num_digits}->{val} if !defined $precision;
+ sprintf("%.${precision}f", $num);
+# percent {{{3
+# Convert to percent
+sub percent {
+ my ( $num ) = @_;
+ $num = 0 unless defined $num;
+ my $digits = $config{num_digits}->{val};
+ return sprintf("%.${digits}f", $num * 100)
+ . ($config{show_percent}->{val} ? '%' : '');
+# sparkify {{{3
+# Find the range (min to max) and divide it up. Each value then gets put into
+# a bucket and represented by one of these characters: _.-=^
+sub sparkify {
+ my @vals = @_;
+ my @chars = qw(_ . - = ^);
+ my $min = min(@vals);
+ my $max = max(@vals);
+ my $range = ($max - $min) / 4;
+ return "_" x scalar(@vals) if !$min || !$max || $max == $min || !$range;
+ my $result = "";
+ foreach my $v ( @vals ) {
+ $result .= $chars[ int(($v - $min) / $range) ];
+ }
+ return $result;
+# shorten {{{3
+sub shorten {
+ my ( $num, $opts ) = @_;
+ return $num if !defined($num) || $opts{n} || $num !~ m/$num_regex/;
+ $opts ||= {};
+ my $pad = defined $opts->{pad} ? $opts->{pad} : '';
+ my $num_digits = defined $opts->{num_digits}
+ ? $opts->{num_digits}
+ : $config{num_digits}->{val};
+ my $force = defined $opts->{force};
+ my $n = 0;
+ while ( $num >= 1_024 ) {
+ $num /= 1_024;
+ ++$n;
+ }
+ return $num =~ m/\./ || $n || $force
+ ? sprintf("%.${num_digits}f%s", $num, ($pad,'k','M','G','T')[$n])
+ : $num;
+# Utility functions {{{2
+# unique {{{3
+sub unique {
+ my %seen;
+ return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_;
+# make_color_func {{{3
+sub make_color_func {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ my @criteria;
+ foreach my $spec ( @{$tbl->{colors}} ) {
+ next unless exists $comp_ops{$spec->{op}};
+ my $val = $spec->{op} =~ m/^(?:eq|ne|le|ge|lt|gt)$/ ? "'$spec->{arg}'"
+ : $spec->{op} =~ m/^(?:=~|!~)$/ ? "m/" . quotemeta($spec->{arg}) . "/"
+ : $spec->{arg};
+ push @criteria,
+ "( defined \$set->{$spec->{col}} && \$set->{$spec->{col}} $spec->{op} $val ) { return '$spec->{color}'; }";
+ }
+ return undef unless @criteria;
+ my $sub = eval 'sub { my ( $set ) = @_; if ' . join(" elsif ", @criteria) . '}';
+ die if $EVAL_ERROR;
+ return $sub;
+# make_sort_func {{{3
+# Gets a list of sort columns from the table, like "+cxn -time" and returns a
+# subroutine that will sort that way.
+sub make_sort_func {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ my @criteria;
+ # Pivoted tables can be sorted by 'name' and set_x columns; others must be
+ # sorted by existing columns. TODO: this will crash if you toggle between
+ # pivoted and nonpivoted. I have several other 'crash' notes about this if
+ # this ever becomes possible.
+ if ( $tbl->{pivot} ) {
+ # Sort type is not really possible on pivoted columns, because a 'column'
+ # contains data from an entire non-pivoted row, so there could be a mix of
+ # numeric and non-numeric data. Thus everything has to be 'cmp' type.
+ foreach my $col ( split(/\s+/, $tbl->{sort_cols} ) ) {
+ next unless $col;
+ my ( $dir, $name ) = $col =~ m/([+-])?(\w+)$/;
+ next unless $name && $name =~ m/^(?:name|set_\d+)$/;
+ $dir ||= '+';
+ my $op = 'cmp';
+ my $df = "''";
+ push @criteria,
+ $dir eq '+'
+ ? "(\$a->{$name} || $df) $op (\$b->{$name} || $df)"
+ : "(\$b->{$name} || $df) $op (\$a->{$name} || $df)";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $col ( split(/\s+/, $tbl->{sort_cols} ) ) {
+ next unless $col;
+ my ( $dir, $name ) = $col =~ m/([+-])?(\w+)$/;
+ next unless $name && $tbl->{cols}->{$name};
+ $dir ||= '+';
+ my $op = $tbl->{cols}->{$name}->{num} ? "<=>" : "cmp";
+ my $df = $tbl->{cols}->{$name}->{num} ? "0" : "''";
+ push @criteria,
+ $dir eq '+'
+ ? "(\$a->{$name} || $df) $op (\$b->{$name} || $df)"
+ : "(\$b->{$name} || $df) $op (\$a->{$name} || $df)";
+ }
+ }
+ return sub { return @_ } unless @criteria;
+ my $sub = eval 'sub { sort {' . join("||", @criteria) . '} @_; }';
+ die if $EVAL_ERROR;
+ return $sub;
+# trunc {{{3
+# Shortens text to specified length.
+sub trunc {
+ my ( $text, $len ) = @_;
+ if ( length($text) <= $len ) {
+ return $text;
+ }
+ return substr($text, 0, $len);
+# donut {{{3
+# Takes out the middle of text to shorten it.
+sub donut {
+ my ( $text, $len ) = @_;
+ return $text if length($text) <= $len;
+ my $max = length($text) - $len;
+ my $min = $max - 1;
+ # Try to remove a single "word" from somewhere in the center
+ if ( $text =~ s/_[^_]{$min,$max}_/_/ ) {
+ return $text;
+ }
+ # Prefer removing the end of a "word"
+ if ( $text =~ s/([^_]+)[^_]{$max}_/$1_/ ) {
+ return $text;
+ }
+ $text = substr($text, 0, int($len/2))
+ . "_"
+ . substr($text, int($len/2) + $max + 1);
+ return $text;
+# crunch {{{3
+# Removes vowels and compacts repeated letters to shorten text.
+sub crunch {
+ my ( $text, $len ) = @_;
+ return $text if $len && length($text) <= $len;
+ $text =~ s/^IB_\w\w_//;
+ $text =~ s/(?<![_ ])[aeiou]//g;
+ $text =~ s/(.)\1+/$1/g;
+ return $text;
+# collapse_ws {{{3
+# Collapses all whitespace to a single space.
+sub collapse_ws {
+ my ( $text ) = @_;
+ return '' unless defined $text;
+ $text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ return $text;
+# Strips out non-printable characters within fields, which freak terminals out.
+sub no_ctrl_char {
+ my ( $text ) = @_;
+ return '' unless defined $text;
+ my $charset = $config{charset}->{val};
+ if ( $charset && $charset eq 'unicode' ) {
+ $text =~ s/
+ ("(?:(?!(?<!\\)").)*" # Double-quoted string
+ |'(?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*') # Or single-quoted string
+ /$1 =~ m#\p{IsC}# ? "[BINARY]" : $1/egx;
+ }
+ elsif ( $charset && $charset eq 'none' ) {
+ $text =~ s/
+ ("(?:(?!(?<!\\)").)*"
+ |'(?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*')
+ /[TEXT]/gx;
+ }
+ else { # The default is 'ascii'
+ $text =~ s/
+ ("(?:(?!(?<!\\)").)*"
+ |'(?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*')
+ /$1 =~ m#[^\040-\176]# ? "[BINARY]" : $1/egx;
+ }
+ return $text;
+# word_wrap {{{3
+# Wraps text at word boundaries so it fits the screen.
+sub word_wrap {
+ my ( $text, $width) = @_;
+ $width ||= $this_term_size[0];
+ $text =~ s/(.{0,$width})(?:\s+|$)/$1\n/g;
+ $text =~ s/ +$//mg;
+ return $text;
+# draw_screen {{{3
+# Prints lines to the screen. The first argument is an arrayref. Each
+# element of the array is either a string or an arrayref. If it's a string it
+# just gets printed. If it's an arrayref, the first element is the string to
+# print, and the second is args to colored().
+sub draw_screen {
+ my ( $display_lines, $prefs ) = @_;
+ if ( !$opts{n} && $config{show_statusbar}->{val} ) {
+ unshift @$display_lines, create_statusbar();
+ }
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{draw_screen}} ) {
+ $listener->draw_screen($display_lines);
+ }
+ $clear_screen_sub->()
+ if $prefs->{clear} || !$modes{$config{mode}->{val}}->{no_clear_screen};
+ if ( $opts{n} || $prefs->{raw} ) {
+ my $num_lines = 0;
+ my $ts = $opts{t} ? POSIX::strftime($config{timeformat}->{val}, localtime) : '';
+ if ( $opts{t} ) {
+ if ( $opts{t} == 1 ) {
+ print "\n$ts\n\n";
+ $ts = ""; # Prevent it from being written on every line.
+ $num_lines++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $ts .= " ";
+ }
+ }
+ print join("\n",
+ map {
+ $num_lines++;
+ ref $_
+ ? colored($ts . $_->[0], $_->[1])
+ : $ts . $_;
+ }
+ grep { !$opts{n} || $_ } # Suppress empty lines
+ @$display_lines);
+ if ( $opts{n} && $num_lines ) {
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $max_lines = $prefs->{show_all}
+ ? scalar(@$display_lines)- 1
+ : min(scalar(@$display_lines), $this_term_size[1]);
+ print join("\n",
+ map {
+ ref $_
+ ? colored(substr($_->[0], 0, $this_term_size[0]), $_->[1])
+ : substr($_, 0, $this_term_size[0]);
+ } @$display_lines[0..$max_lines - 1]);
+ }
+# fuzzy_time {{{3
+sub fuzzy_time {
+ my ( $secs ) = @_;
+ return '' unless $secs;
+ return sprintf('%.2f', $secs) if $secs =~ m/^.\./;
+ $secs =~ s/\..*$//;
+ return $secs < 180 ? "${secs}s"
+ : $secs < 3600 ? sprintf("%dm", $secs / 60)
+ : $secs < 3600 * 3 ? sprintf("%dh%dm", $secs / 3600, ($secs % 3600) / 60)
+ : $secs < 86400 ? sprintf("%dh", $secs / 3600)
+ : $secs < 86400* 3 ? sprintf("%dd%dh", $secs / 86400, ($secs % 86400) / 3600)
+ : sprintf("%dd", $secs / 86400);
+sub fuzzy_to_secs {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $t;
+ my ($num, $suffix) = $t =~ m/(\d+)([a-z])?$/;
+ return $num unless $suffix;
+ return $suffix eq 's' ? $num # Seconds
+ : $suffix eq 'm' ? $num * 60 # Minutes
+ : $suffix eq 'h' ? $num * 3600 # Hours
+ : $num * 86400; # Days
+# distill {{{3
+sub distill {
+ my ( $query ) = @_;
+ return "" unless $query;
+ my $orig_query = $query;
+ $query =~ m/\A\s*call\s+(\S+)\(/i && return "CALL $1";
+ $query =~ m/\A\s*use\s+/ && return "USE";
+ $query =~ m/\A\s*UNLOCK TABLES/i && return "UNLOCK";
+ $query =~ m/\A\s*xa\s+(\S+)/i && return "XA_$1";
+ # Strip out comments
+ my $olc_re = qr/(?:--|#)[^'"\r\n]*(?=[\r\n]|\Z)/; # One-line comments
+ my $mlc_re = qr#/\*[^!].*?\*/#sm; # But not /*!version */
+ my $vlc_re = qr#/\*.*?[0-9+].*?\*/#sm; # For SHOW + /*!version */
+ my $vlc_rf = qr#^(SHOW).*?/\*![0-9+].*?\*/#sm; # Variation for SHOW
+ $query =~ s/$olc_re//go;
+ $query =~ s/$mlc_re//go;
+ if ( $query =~ m/$vlc_rf/i ) { # contains show + version
+ $query =~ s/$vlc_re//go;
+ }
+ # Handle SHOW queries
+ if ( $query =~ m/\A\s*SHOW\s+/i ) {
+ $query = uc $query;
+ $query =~ s/\s+(?:GLOBAL|SESSION|FULL|STORAGE|ENGINE)\b/ /g;
+ $query =~ s/\s+COUNT[^)]+\)//g;
+ $query =~ s/\s+(?:FOR|FROM|LIKE|WHERE|LIMIT|IN)\b.+//ms;
+ $query =~ s/\A(SHOW(?:\s+\S+){1,2}).*\Z/$1/s;
+ $query =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ }
+ # Find verbs and tables.
+ my ($verbs, $table);
+ # Handle DDL operations (dds)
+ my $tbl_ident = qr/(?:`[^`]+`|\w+)(?:\.(?:`[^`]+`|\w+))?/;
+ my $tbl_regex = qr{
+ \b(?:FROM|JOIN|(?<!KEY\s)UPDATE|INTO(?!\s+TABLE)|INTO\s+TABLE) # Words that precede table names
+ \b\s*
+ \(? # Optional paren around tables
+ ($tbl_ident
+ (?: (?:\s+ (?:AS\s+)? \w+)?, \s*$tbl_ident )*
+ )
+ }xio;
+ my ( $ddl ) = $query =~ m/^\s*((?:CREATE|ALTER|TRUNCATE|DROP|RENAME|CHECK|REPAIR))\b/i;
+ if ( $ddl ) {
+ if ( $obj ) {
+ $query =~ s/$obj\s*if\s*(?:not\s*)?exists/$obj/i;
+ $verbs = uc($ddl . ($obj ? " $obj" : ''));
+ ($table) = $query =~ m/(?:TABLE|DATABASE)\s+($tbl_ident)(\s+.*)?/i;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my @verbs = $query =~ m/\b($verbs_pat)\b/gio;
+ @verbs = do {
+ my $last = '';
+ grep { my $pass = $_ ne $last; $last = $_; $pass } map { uc } @verbs;
+ };
+ if ( ($verbs[0] || '') eq 'SELECT' && @verbs > 1 ) {
+ # False-positive verbs after SELECT
+ my $union = grep { $_ eq 'UNION' } @verbs;
+ @verbs = $union ? qw(SELECT UNION) : qw(SELECT);
+ }
+ my %seen;
+ $verbs = join(q{ }, grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @verbs);
+ }
+ if ( $verbs && $verbs =~ m/^SHOW/ ) {
+ my %alias_for = qw(
+ );
+ map { $verbs =~ s/$_/$alias_for{$_}/ } keys %alias_for;
+ $query = $verbs;
+ }
+ else {
+ my @tables;
+ if ( $query =~ /^\s*LOCK\s+TABLES/i ) {
+ $query =~ s/^(\s*LOCK\s+TABLES\s+)//i;
+ $query =~ s/\s+(?:READ|WRITE|LOCAL)+\s*//gi;
+ $query = "FROM $query";
+ }
+ $query =~ s/\\["']//g; # quoted strings
+ $query =~ s/".*?"/?/sg; # quoted strings
+ $query =~ s/'.*?'/?/sg; # quoted strings
+ foreach my $tbls ( $query =~ m/$tbl_regex/gio ) {
+ next if $tbls =~ m/\ASELECT\b/i;
+ foreach my $tbl ( split(',', $tbls) ) {
+ $tbl =~ s/\s*($tbl_ident)(\s+.*)?/$1/gio;
+ if ( $tbl !~ m/[a-zA-Z]/ ) {
+ # Skip suspicious table name
+ next;
+ }
+ push @tables, $tbl;
+ }
+ }
+ # If we have a bunch of tables like db1.tbl1 db1.tbl2, convert to
+ # db1.tbl1 -.tbl2 etc. Also remove repeated tables, and strip `quotes`.
+ $query = $verbs;
+ my $prev = '';
+ foreach my $t ( @tables, $table ) {
+ next unless $t;
+ $t =~ s/`//g;
+ next if $t eq $prev;
+ my ($prefix, undef) = split(/\./, $prev);
+ $prev = $t;
+ if ( $prefix ) {
+ $t =~ s/^$prefix\./-./;
+ }
+ $query .= " " . $t;
+ }
+ }
+ # die $orig_query if $query eq 'LOCK lock';
+ return $query;
+# secs_to_time {{{3
+sub secs_to_time {
+ my ( $secs, $fmt ) = @_;
+ $secs ||= 0;
+ # If the inbound value has a decimal point, then format the seconds with milliseconds.
+ my $hires = $secs =~ m/\./ ? '%06.3f' : '%02d';
+ if ( !$secs ) {
+ return sprintf("00:$hires", $secs);
+ }
+ # Decide what format to use, if not given
+ $fmt ||= $secs >= 86_400 ? 'd'
+ : $secs >= 3_600 ? 'h'
+ : 'm';
+ return
+ $fmt eq 'd' ? sprintf(
+ "%d+%02d:%02d:$hires",
+ int($secs / 86_400),
+ int(($secs % 86_400) / 3_600),
+ int(($secs % 3_600) / 60),
+ $secs % 60 + ($secs - int($secs)))
+ : $fmt eq 'h' ? sprintf(
+ "%02d:%02d:$hires",
+ int(($secs % 86_400) / 3_600),
+ int(($secs % 3_600) / 60),
+ $secs % 60 + ($secs - int($secs)))
+ : sprintf(
+ "%02d:$hires",
+ int(($secs % 3_600) / 60),
+ $secs % 60 + ($secs - int($secs)));
+# dulint_to_int {{{3
+# Takes a number that InnoDB formats as two ulint integers, like transaction IDs
+# and such, and turns it into a single integer
+sub dulint_to_int {
+ my $num = shift;
+ return 0 unless $num;
+ my ( $high, $low ) = $num =~ m/^(\d+) (\d+)$/;
+ return $low unless $high;
+ return $low + ( $high * $MAX_ULONG );
+# create_statusbar {{{3
+sub create_statusbar {
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my @cxns = sort { $a cmp $b } get_connections();
+ my $modeline = ( $config{readonly}->{val} ? '[RO] ' : '' )
+ . $modes{$mode}->{hdr} . " (? for help)";
+ my $mode_width = length($modeline);
+ my $remaining_width = $this_term_size[0] - $mode_width - 1;
+ my $result;
+ # The thingie in top-right that says what we're monitoring.
+ my $cxn = '';
+ if ( 1 == @cxns && $dbhs{$cxns[0]} && $dbhs{$cxns[0]}->{dbh} ) {
+ $cxn = $dbhs{$cxns[0]}->{dbh}->{mysql_serverinfo} || '';
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $modes{$mode}->{server_group} ) {
+ $cxn = "Servers: " . $modes{$mode}->{server_group};
+ my $err_count = grep { $dbhs{$_} && $dbhs{$_}->{failed} } @cxns;
+ if ( $err_count ) {
+ $cxn .= "(" . ( scalar(@cxns) - $err_count ) . "/" . scalar(@cxns) . ")";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $cxn = join(' ', map { ($dbhs{$_}->{failed} ? '!' : '') . $_ }
+ grep { $dbhs{$_} } @cxns);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( 1 == @cxns ) {
+ get_driver_status(@cxns);
+ my $vars = $vars{$cxns[0]}->{$clock};
+ my $inc = inc(0, $cxns[0]);
+ # Format server uptime human-readably, calculate QPS...
+ my $uptime = fuzzy_time( $vars->{Uptime_hires} );
+ my $qps = ($inc->{Questions}||0) / ($inc->{Uptime_hires}||1);
+ my $ibinfo = '';
+ if ( exists $vars->{IB_last_secs} ) {
+ $ibinfo .= "InnoDB $vars->{IB_last_secs}s ";
+ if ( $vars->{IB_got_all} ) {
+ if ( ($mode eq 'T' || $mode eq 'W')
+ && $vars->{IB_tx_is_truncated} ) {
+ $ibinfo .= ':^|';
+ }
+ else {
+ $ibinfo .= ':-)';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $ibinfo .= ':-(';
+ }
+ }
+ $result = sprintf(
+ "%-${mode_width}s %${remaining_width}s",
+ $modeline,
+ join(', ', grep { $_ } (
+ $cxns[0],
+ $uptime,
+ $ibinfo,
+ shorten($qps) . " QPS",
+ ($vars->{Threads} || 0) . "/" . ($vars->{Threads_running} || 0) . "/" . ($vars->{Threads_cached} || 0) . " con/run/cac thds",
+ $cxn)));
+ }
+ else {
+ $result = sprintf(
+ "%-${mode_width}s %${remaining_width}s",
+ $modeline,
+ $cxn);
+ }
+ return $config{color}->{val} ? [ $result, 'bold reverse' ] : $result;
+# Database connections {{{3
+sub add_new_dsn {
+ my ( $name, $dsn, $dl_table, $have_user, $user, $have_pass, $pass, $savepass ) = @_;
+ if ( defined $name ) {
+ $name =~ s/[\s:;]//g;
+ }
+ if ( !$name ) {
+ print word_wrap("Choose a name for the connection. It cannot contain "
+ . "whitespace, colons or semicolons."), "\n\n";
+ do {
+ $name = prompt("Enter a name");
+ $name =~ s/[\s:;]//g;
+ } until ( $name );
+ }
+ if ( !$dsn ) {
+ do {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ print "Typical DSN strings look like\n DBI:mysql:;host=hostname;port=port\n"
+ . "The db and port are optional and can usually be omitted.\n"
+ . "If you specify 'mysql_read_default_group=mysql' many options can be read\n"
+ . "from your mysql options files (~/.my.cnf, /etc/my.cnf).\n\n";
+ $dsn = prompt("Enter a DSN string", undef, "DBI:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=mysql;host=$name");
+ } until ( $dsn );
+ }
+ if ( !$dl_table ) {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $dl_table = prompt("Optional: enter a table (must not exist) to use when resetting InnoDB deadlock information",
+ undef, 'test.innotop_dl');
+ }
+ $connections{$name} = {
+ dsn => $dsn,
+ dl_table => $dl_table,
+ have_user => $have_user,
+ user => $user,
+ have_pass => $have_pass,
+ pass => $pass,
+ savepass => $savepass
+ };
+sub add_new_server_group {
+ my ( $name ) = @_;
+ if ( defined $name ) {
+ $name =~ s/[\s:;]//g;
+ }
+ if ( !$name ) {
+ print word_wrap("Choose a name for the group. It cannot contain "
+ . "whitespace, colons or semicolons."), "\n\n";
+ do {
+ $name = prompt("Enter a name");
+ $name =~ s/[\s:;]//g;
+ } until ( $name );
+ }
+ my @cxns;
+ do {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ @cxns = select_cxn("Choose servers for $name", keys %connections);
+ } until ( @cxns );
+ $server_groups{$name} = \@cxns;
+ return $name;
+sub get_var_set {
+ my ( $name ) = @_;
+ while ( !$name || !exists($var_sets{$config{$name}->{val}}) ) {
+ $name = choose_var_set($name);
+ }
+ return $var_sets{$config{$name}->{val}}->{text};
+sub add_new_var_set {
+ my ( $name ) = @_;
+ if ( defined $name ) {
+ $name =~ s/\W//g;
+ }
+ if ( !$name ) {
+ do {
+ $name = prompt("Enter a name");
+ $name =~ s/\W//g;
+ } until ( $name );
+ }
+ my $variables;
+ do {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ $variables = prompt("Enter variables for $name", undef );
+ } until ( $variables );
+ $var_sets{$name} = { text => $variables, user => 1 };
+sub next_server {
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my @cxns = sort keys %connections;
+ my ($cur) = get_connections($mode);
+ $cur ||= $cxns[0];
+ my $pos = grep { $_ lt $cur } @cxns;
+ my $newpos = ($pos + 1) % @cxns;
+ $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = '';
+ $modes{$mode}->{connections} = [ $cxns[$newpos] ];
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+sub next_server_group {
+ my $mode = shift || $config{mode}->{val};
+ my @grps = sort keys %server_groups;
+ my $curr = $modes{$mode}->{server_group};
+ return unless @grps;
+ if ( $curr ) {
+ # Find the current group's position.
+ my $pos = 0;
+ while ( $curr ne $grps[$pos] ) {
+ $pos++;
+ }
+ $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $grps[ ($pos + 1) % @grps ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $grps[0];
+ }
+# Get a list of connection names used in this mode.
+sub get_connections {
+ if ( $file ) {
+ return qw(file);
+ }
+ my $mode = shift || $config{mode}->{val};
+ my @connections = $modes{$mode}->{server_group}
+ ? @{$server_groups{$modes{$mode}->{server_group}}}
+ : @{$modes{$mode}->{connections}};
+ if ( $modes{$mode}->{one_connection} ) {
+ @connections = @connections ? $connections[0] : ();
+ }
+ # If the connections are the same as a server group, we set the mode's
+ # group to that group.
+ if ( ! $modes{$mode}->{server_group} ) {
+ my $maybe_group = join(',', sort @connections);
+ foreach my $g ( keys %server_groups ) {
+ my $group_conns = join(',', sort @{$server_groups{$g}});
+ if ( $maybe_group eq $group_conns ) {
+ $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $g;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return unique(@connections);
+# Get a list of tables used in this mode. If innotop is running non-interactively, just use the first.
+sub get_visible_tables {
+ my $mode = shift || $config{mode}->{val};
+ my @tbls = @{$modes{$mode}->{visible_tables}};
+ if ( $opts{n} ) {
+ return $tbls[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ return @tbls;
+ }
+# Choose from among available connections or server groups.
+# If the mode has a server set in use, prefers that instead.
+sub choose_connections {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my $meta = { map { $_ => $connections{$_}->{dsn} } keys %connections };
+ foreach my $group ( keys %server_groups ) {
+ $meta->{"#$group"} = join(' ', @{$server_groups{$group}});
+ }
+ my $choices = prompt_list("Choose connections or a group for $mode mode",
+ undef, sub { return keys %$meta }, $meta);
+ my @choices = unique(grep { $_ } $choices =~ m/(\S+)/g);
+ if ( @choices ) {
+ if ( $choices[0] =~ s/^#// && exists $server_groups{$choices[0]} ) {
+ $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $choices[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $modes{$mode}->{connections} = [ grep { exists $connections{$_} } @choices ];
+ }
+ }
+# Accepts a DB connection name and the name of a prepared query (e.g. status, kill).
+# Also a list of params for the prepared query. This allows not storing prepared
+# statements globally. Returns a $sth that's been executed.
+# ERROR-HANDLING SEMANTICS: if the statement throws an error, propagate, but if the
+# connection has gone away or can't connect, DO NOT. Just return undef.
+sub do_stmt {
+ my ( $cxn, $stmt_name, @args ) = @_;
+ return undef if $file;
+ # Test if the cxn should not even be tried
+ return undef if $dbhs{$cxn}
+ && $dbhs{$cxn}->{failed}
+ && ( !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh} || !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{Active} || $dbhs{$cxn}->{mode} eq $config{mode}->{val} );
+ my $sth;
+ my $retries = 1;
+ my $success = 0;
+ TRY:
+ while ( $retries-- >= 0 && !$success ) {
+ eval {
+ my $dbh = connect_to_db($cxn);
+ # If the prepared query doesn't exist, make it.
+ if ( !exists $dbhs{$cxn}->{stmts}->{$stmt_name} ) {
+ $dbhs{$cxn}->{stmts}->{$stmt_name} = $stmt_maker_for{$stmt_name}->($dbh);
+ }
+ $sth = $dbhs{$cxn}->{stmts}->{$stmt_name};
+ if ( $sth ) {
+ $sth->execute(@args);
+ }
+ $success = 1;
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR =~ m/$nonfatal_errs/ ) {
+ handle_cxn_error($cxn, $EVAL_ERROR);
+ }
+ else {
+ die "$cxn $stmt_name: $EVAL_ERROR";
+ }
+ if ( $retries < 0 ) {
+ $sth = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $sth && $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} ) {
+ sleep($stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt_name}) if $stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt_name};
+ return $sth;
+ }
+# Marks a connection as failed. When we sleep between redraws, we try to
+# reopen.
+sub handle_cxn_error {
+ my ( $cxn, $err ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $dbhs{$cxn};
+ $meta->{failed} = 1;
+ # This is used so errors that have to do with permissions needed by the current
+ # mode will get displayed as long as we're in this mode, but get ignored if the
+ # mode changes.
+ $meta->{mode} = $config{mode}->{val};
+ # Strip garbage from the error text if possible.
+ $err =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ if ( $err =~ m/failed: (.*?) at \S*innotop line/ ) {
+ $err = $1;
+ }
+ $meta->{last_err} = $err;
+ if ( $config{show_cxn_errors}->{val} ) {
+ print STDERR "DB error: $cxn $err" if $config{debug}->{val};
+ }
+# Accepts a DB connection name and a (string) query. Returns a $sth that's been
+# executed.
+sub do_query {
+ my ( $cxn, $query ) = @_;
+ return undef if $file;
+ # Test if the cxn should not even be tried
+ return undef if $dbhs{$cxn}
+ && $dbhs{$cxn}->{failed}
+ && ( !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh} || !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{Active} || $dbhs{$cxn}->{mode} eq $config{mode}->{val} );
+ my $sth;
+ my $retries = 1;
+ my $success = 0;
+ TRY:
+ while ( $retries-- >= 0 && !$success ) {
+ eval {
+ my $dbh = connect_to_db($cxn);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+ $sth->execute();
+ $success = 1;
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR =~ m/$nonfatal_errs/ ) {
+ handle_cxn_error($cxn, $EVAL_ERROR);
+ }
+ else {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ( $retries < 0 ) {
+ $sth = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $sth;
+sub get_uptime {
+ my ( $cxn ) = @_;
+ $dbhs{$cxn}->{start_time} ||= time();
+ # Avoid dividing by zero
+ return (time() - $dbhs{$cxn}->{start_time}) || .001;
+sub connect_to_db {
+ my ( $cxn ) = @_;
+ $dbhs{$cxn} ||= {
+ stmts => {}, # bucket for prepared statements.
+ start_time => 0,
+ dbh => undef,
+ };
+ my $href = $dbhs{$cxn};
+ if ( !$href->{dbh} || ref($href->{dbh}) !~ m/DBI/ || !$href->{dbh}->ping ) {
+ my $dbh = get_new_db_connection($cxn);
+ @{$href}{qw(dbh failed start_time stmts)} = ($dbh, 0, 0, {});
+ # Derive and store the server's start time in hi-res
+ my $uptime = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("show status like 'Uptime'")->{value};
+ $href->{start_time} = time() - $uptime;
+ # Set timeouts so an unused connection stays alive.
+ # For example, a connection might be used in Q mode but idle in T mode.
+ if ( version_ge($dbh, '4.0.3')) {
+ my $timeout = $config{cxn_timeout}->{val};
+ $dbh->do("set session wait_timeout=$timeout, interactive_timeout=$timeout");
+ }
+ }
+ return $href->{dbh};
+# Compares versions like 5.0.27 and 4.1.15-standard-log
+sub version_ge {
+ my ( $dbh, $target ) = @_;
+ my $version = sprintf('%03d%03d%03d', $dbh->{mysql_serverinfo} =~ m/^(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)/g);
+ return $version ge sprintf('%03d%03d%03d', $target =~ m/(\d+)/g);
+# Extracts status values that can be gleaned from the DBD driver without doing a whole query.
+sub get_driver_status {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ if ( !$info_gotten{driver_status}++ ) {
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ next unless $dbhs{$cxn} && $dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh} && $dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{Active};
+ $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
+ my $vars = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my %res = map { $_ =~ s/ +/_/g; $_ } $dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{mysql_stat} =~ m/(\w[^:]+): ([\d\.]+)/g;
+ map { $vars->{$_} ||= $res{$_} } keys %res;
+ $vars->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
+ $vars->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ }
+ }
+sub get_new_db_connection {
+ my ( $connection, $destroy ) = @_;
+ if ( $file ) {
+ die "You can't connect to a MySQL server while monitoring a file. This is probably a bug.";
+ }
+ my $dsn = $connections{$connection}
+ or die "No connection named '$connection' is defined in your configuration";
+ # don't ask for a username if mysql_read_default_group=client is in the DSN
+ if ( !defined $dsn->{have_user} and $dsn->{dsn} !~ /mysql_read_default_group=client/ ) {
+ my $answer = prompt("Do you want to specify a username for $connection?", undef, 'n');
+ $dsn->{have_user} = $answer && $answer =~ m/1|y/i;
+ }
+ # don't ask for a password if mysql_read_default_group=client is in the DSN
+ if ( !defined $dsn->{have_pass} and $dsn->{dsn} !~ /mysql_read_default_group=client/ ) {
+ my $answer = prompt("Do you want to specify a password for $connection?", undef, 'n');
+ $dsn->{have_pass} = $answer && $answer =~ m/1|y/i;
+ }
+ if ( !$dsn->{user} && $dsn->{have_user} ) {
+ my $user = $ENV{USERNAME} || $ENV{USER} || getlogin() || getpwuid($REAL_USER_ID) || undef;
+ $dsn->{user} = prompt("Enter username for $connection", undef, $user);
+ }
+ if ( !defined $dsn->{user} ) {
+ $dsn->{user} = '';
+ }
+ if ( !$dsn->{pass} && !$dsn->{savepass} && $dsn->{have_pass} ) {
+ $dsn->{pass} = prompt_noecho("Enter password for '$dsn->{user}' on $connection");
+ print "\n";
+ if ( !defined($dsn->{savepass}) ) {
+ my $answer = prompt("Save password in plain text in the config file?", undef, 'y');
+ $dsn->{savepass} = $answer && $answer =~ m/1|y/i;
+ }
+ }
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect(
+ $dsn->{dsn}, $dsn->{user}, $dsn->{pass},
+ { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 });
+ $dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1 unless $destroy; # Can't be set in $db_options
+ $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc'; # Lowercases all column names for fetchrow_hashref
+ return $dbh;
+sub get_cxn_errors {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ return () unless $config{show_cxn_errors_in_tbl}->{val};
+ return
+ map { [ $_ . ': ' . $dbhs{$_}->{last_err}, 'red' ] }
+ grep { $dbhs{$_} && $dbhs{$_}->{failed} && $dbhs{$_}->{mode} eq $config{mode}->{val} }
+ @cxns;
+# Setup and tear-down functions {{{2
+# Takes a string and turns it into a hashref you can apply to %tbl_meta tables. The string
+# can be in the form 'foo, bar, foo/bar, foo as bar' much like a SQL SELECT statement.
+sub compile_select_stmt {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ my @exps = $str =~ m/\s*([^,]+(?i:\s+as\s+[^,\s]+)?)\s*(?=,|$)/g;
+ my %cols;
+ my @visible;
+ foreach my $exp ( @exps ) {
+ my ( $text, $colname );
+ if ( $exp =~ m/as\s+(\w+)\s*/ ) {
+ $colname = $1;
+ $exp =~ s/as\s+(\w+)\s*//;
+ $text = $exp;
+ }
+ else {
+ $text = $colname = $exp;
+ }
+ my ($func, $err) = compile_expr($text);
+ $cols{$colname} = {
+ src => $text,
+ hdr => $colname,
+ num => 0,
+ func => $func,
+ };
+ push @visible, $colname;
+ }
+ return (\%cols, \@visible);
+# compile_filter {{{3
+sub compile_filter {
+ my ( $text ) = @_;
+ my ( $sub, $err );
+ eval "\$sub = sub { my \$set = shift; $text }";
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ $EVAL_ERROR =~ s/at \(eval.*$//;
+ $sub = sub { return $EVAL_ERROR };
+ $err = $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return ( $sub, $err );
+# compile_expr {{{3
+sub compile_expr {
+ my ( $expr ) = @_;
+ # Leave built-in functions alone so they get called as Perl functions, unless
+ # they are the only word in $expr, in which case treat them as hash keys.
+ if ( $expr =~ m/\W/ ) {
+ $expr =~ s/(?<!\{|\$)\b([A-Za-z]\w{2,})\b/is_func($1) ? $1 : "\$set->{$1}"/eg;
+ }
+ else {
+ $expr = "\$set->{$expr}";
+ }
+ my ( $sub, $err );
+ my $quoted = quotemeta($expr);
+ eval qq{
+ \$sub = sub {
+ my (\$set, \$cur, \$pre) = \@_;
+ my \$val = eval { $expr };
+ if ( \$EVAL_ERROR && \$config{debug}->{val} ) {
+ \$EVAL_ERROR =~ s/ at \\(eval.*//s;
+ die "\$EVAL_ERROR in expression $quoted";
+ }
+ return \$val;
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} ) {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ $EVAL_ERROR =~ s/ at \(eval.*$//;
+ $sub = sub { return $EVAL_ERROR };
+ $err = $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return ( $sub, $err );
+# finish {{{3
+# This is a subroutine because it's called from a key to quit the program.
+sub finish {
+ save_config();
+ foreach my $cxn ( values %dbhs ) {
+ eval {
+ foreach my $sth ( values %{$cxn->{stmts}} ) {
+ $sth->finish;
+ }
+ $cxn->{dbh}->disconnect;
+ };
+ # Ignore eval errors, we just don't care
+ }
+ ReadMode('normal') unless $opts{n};
+ print "\n";
+ exit(0);
+# core_dump {{{3
+sub core_dump {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ if ($config{debugfile}->{val} && $config{debug}->{val}) {
+ eval {
+ open my $file, '>>', $config{debugfile}->{val};
+ if ( %vars ) {
+ print $file "Current variables:\n" . Dumper(\%vars);
+ }
+ close $file;
+ };
+ }
+ print $msg;
+# migrate_config {{{3
+sub migrate_config {
+ my ($old_filename, $new_filename) = @_;
+ # don't proceed if old file doesn't exist
+ if ( ! -f $old_filename ) {
+ die "Error migrating '$old_filename': file doesn't exist.\n";
+ }
+ # don't migrate files if new file exists
+ elsif ( -f $new_filename ) {
+ die "Error migrating '$old_filename' to '$new_filename': new file already exists.\n";
+ }
+ # if migrating from one file to another in the same directory, just rename them
+ if (dirname($old_filename) eq dirname($new_filename)) {
+ rename($old_filename, $new_filename)
+ or die "Can't rename '$old_filename' to '$new_filename': $OS_ERROR";
+ }
+ # otherwise, move the existing conf file to a temp file, make the necessary directory structure,
+ # and move the temp conf file to its new home
+ else {
+ my $tmp = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'innotopXXXXX', DIR => $homepath, SUFFIX => '.conf');
+ my $tmp_filename = $tmp->filename;
+ my $dirname = dirname($new_filename);
+ rename($old_filename, $tmp_filename)
+ or die "Can't rename '$old_filename' to '$tmp_filename': $OS_ERROR";
+ mkdir($dirname) or die "Can't create directory '$dirname': $OS_ERROR";
+ mkdir("$dirname/plugins") or die "Can't create directory '$dirname/plugins': $OS_ERROR";
+ rename($tmp_filename, $new_filename)
+ or die "Can't rename '$tmp_filename' to '$new_filename': $OS_ERROR";
+ }
+# load_config {{{3
+sub load_config {
+ my ($old_filename, $answer);
+ if ( $opts{u} or $opts{p} or $opts{h} or $opts{P} or $opts{S} ) {
+ my @params = $dsn_parser->get_cxn_params(\%opts); # dsn=$params[0]
+ add_new_dsn($opts{h} || 'localhost', $params[0], 'test.innotop_dl',
+ $opts{u} ? 1 : 0, $opts{u}, $opts{p} ? 1 : 0, $opts{p});
+ }
+ if ($opts{c}) {
+ $conf_file = $opts{c};
+ }
+ # If we don't have a new config file but we do have an old one,
+ # innotop got upgraded and this is an old config file. Convert it, but
+ # don't overwrite something existing.
+ elsif ( ! -f $default_home_conf && ( -f "$homepath/.innotop" or -f "$homepath/.innotop/innotop.ini" ) ) {
+ $conf_file = $default_home_conf;
+ if ( -f "$homepath/.innotop") {
+ $old_filename = "$homepath/.innotop";
+ }
+ elsif ( -f "$homepath/.innotop/innotop.ini" ) {
+ $old_filename = "$homepath/.innotop/innotop.ini";
+ }
+ $answer = pause("Innotop's default config location has moved to '$conf_file'. Move old config file '$old_filename' there now? y/n");
+ if ( lc $answer eq 'y' ) {
+ migrate_config($old_filename, $conf_file);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\nInnotop will now exit so you can fix the config file.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( -f $default_home_conf ) {
+ $conf_file = $default_home_conf;
+ }
+ elsif ( -f $default_central_conf and not $opts{s} ) {
+ $conf_file = $default_central_conf;
+ }
+ else {
+ # If no config file was loaded, set readonly to 0 if the user wants to
+ # write a config
+ $config{readonly}->{val} = 0 if $opts{w};
+ # If no connections have been defined, connect to a MySQL database
+ # on localhost using mysql_read_default_group=client
+ if (!%connections) {
+ add_new_dsn('localhost',
+ 'DBI:mysql:;host=localhost;mysql_read_default_group=client',
+ 'test.innotop_dl');
+ }
+ }
+ if ( -f "$conf_file" ) {
+ open my $file, "<", $conf_file or die("Can't open '$conf_file': $OS_ERROR");
+ # Check config file version. Just ignore if either innotop or the file has
+ # garbage in the version number.
+ if ( defined(my $line = <$file>) && $VERSION =~ m/\d/ ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ( my ($maj, $min, $rev) = $line =~ m/^version=(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$/ ) {
+ $rev ||= 0;
+ my $cfg_ver = sprintf('%03d-%03d-%03d', $maj, $min, $rev);
+ ( $maj, $min, $rev ) = $VERSION =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$/;
+ $rev ||= 0;
+ my $innotop_ver = sprintf('%03d-%03d-%03d', $maj, $min, $rev);
+ if ( $cfg_ver gt $innotop_ver ) {
+ pause("The config file is for a newer version of innotop and may not be read correctly.");
+ }
+ else {
+ my @ver_history = @config_versions;
+ while ( my ($start, $end) = splice(@ver_history, 0, 2) ) {
+ # If the config file is between the endpoints and innotop is greater than
+ # the endpoint, innotop has a newer config file format than the file.
+ if ( $cfg_ver ge $start && $cfg_ver lt $end && $innotop_ver ge $end ) {
+ my $msg = "innotop's config file format has changed. Overwrite $conf_file? y or n";
+ if ( pause($msg) eq 'n' ) {
+ $config{readonly}->{val} = 1;
+ print "\ninnotop will not save any configuration changes you make.";
+ pause();
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ close $file;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next unless $line =~ m/^\[([a-z_]+)\]$/;
+ if ( exists $config_file_sections{$1} ) {
+ $config_file_sections{$1}->{reader}->($file);
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Unknown config file section '$1'";
+ }
+ }
+ close $file or die("Can't close $conf_file: $OS_ERROR");
+ }
+# Do some post-processing on %tbl_meta: compile src properties into func etc.
+sub post_process_tbl_meta {
+ foreach my $table ( values %tbl_meta ) {
+ foreach my $col_name ( keys %{$table->{cols}} ) {
+ my $col_def = $table->{cols}->{$col_name};
+ my ( $sub, $err ) = compile_expr($col_def->{src});
+ $col_def->{func} = $sub;
+ }
+ }
+# load_config_plugins {{{3
+sub load_config_plugins {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ # First, find a list of all plugins that exist on disk, and get information about them.
+ my $dir = $config{plugin_dir}->{val};
+ foreach my $p_file ( <$dir/*.pm> ) {
+ my ($package, $desc);
+ eval {
+ open my $p_in, "<", $p_file or die $OS_ERROR;
+ while ( my $line = <$p_in> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ( $line =~ m/^package\s+(.*?);/ ) {
+ $package = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $line =~ m/^# description: (.*)/ ) {
+ $desc = $1;
+ }
+ last if $package && $desc;
+ }
+ close $p_in;
+ };
+ if ( $package ) {
+ $plugins{$package} = {
+ file => $p_file,
+ desc => $desc,
+ class => $package,
+ active => 0,
+ };
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} && $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Now read which ones the user has activated. Each line simply represents an active plugin.
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ next unless $line && $plugins{$line};
+ my $obj;
+ eval {
+ require $plugins{$line}->{file};
+ $obj = $line->new(%pluggable_vars);
+ foreach my $event ( $obj->register_for_events() ) {
+ my $queue = $event_listener_for{$event};
+ if ( $queue ) {
+ push @$queue, $obj;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} && $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ if ( $obj ) {
+ $plugins{$line}->{active} = 1;
+ $plugins{$line}->{object} = $obj;
+ }
+ }
+# save_config_plugins {{{3
+sub save_config_plugins {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $class ( sort keys %plugins ) {
+ next unless $plugins{$class}->{active};
+ print $file "$class\n";
+ }
+# load_config_active_server_groups {{{3
+sub load_config_active_server_groups {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $mode, $group ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $mode && $group
+ && exists $modes{$mode} && exists $server_groups{$group};
+ $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $group;
+ }
+# save_config_active_server_groups {{{3
+sub save_config_active_server_groups {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $mode ( sort keys %modes ) {
+ print $file "$mode=$modes{$mode}->{server_group}\n";
+ }
+# load_config_server_groups {{{3
+sub load_config_server_groups {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $name, $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $name && $rest;
+ my @vars = unique(grep { $_ && exists $connections{$_} } split(/\s+/, $rest));
+ next unless @vars;
+ $server_groups{$name} = \@vars;
+ }
+# save_config_server_groups {{{3
+sub save_config_server_groups {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $set ( sort keys %server_groups ) {
+ print $file "$set=", join(' ', @{$server_groups{$set}}), "\n";
+ }
+# load_config_varsets {{{3
+sub load_config_varsets {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $name, $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $name && $rest;
+ $var_sets{$name} = {
+ text => $rest,
+ user => 1,
+ };
+ }
+# save_config_varsets {{{3
+sub save_config_varsets {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $varset ( sort keys %var_sets ) {
+ next unless $var_sets{$varset}->{user};
+ print $file "$varset=$var_sets{$varset}->{text}\n";
+ }
+# load_config_group_by {{{3
+sub load_config_group_by {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $tbl , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my @parts = unique(grep { exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$_}) } split(/\s+/, $rest));
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{group_by} = [ @parts ];
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{group_by} = 1;
+ }
+# save_config_group_by {{{3
+sub save_config_group_by {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
+ next if $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{temp};
+ next unless $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{group_by};
+ my $aref = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{group_by};
+ print $file "$tbl=", join(' ', @$aref), "\n";
+ }
+# load_config_filters {{{3
+sub load_config_filters {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $key, $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.+?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $key && $rest;
+ my %parts = $rest =~ m/(\w+)='((?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*)'/g; # Properties are single-quoted
+ next unless $parts{text} && $parts{tbls};
+ foreach my $prop ( keys %parts ) {
+ # Un-escape escaping
+ $parts{$prop} =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
+ $parts{$prop} =~ s/\\'/'/g;
+ }
+ my ( $sub, $err ) = compile_filter($parts{text});
+ my @tbls = unique(split(/\s+/, $parts{tbls}));
+ @tbls = grep { exists $tbl_meta{$_} } @tbls;
+ $filters{$key} = {
+ func => $sub,
+ text => $parts{text},
+ user => 1,
+ name => $key,
+ note => 'User-defined filter',
+ tbls => \@tbls,
+ }
+ }
+# save_config_filters {{{3
+sub save_config_filters {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $key ( sort keys %filters ) {
+ next if !$filters{$key}->{user} || $filters{$key}->{quick};
+ my $text = $filters{$key}->{text};
+ $text =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g;
+ my $tbls = join(" ", @{$filters{$key}->{tbls}});
+ print $file "$key=text='$text' tbls='$tbls'\n";
+ }
+# load_config_visible_tables {{{3
+sub load_config_visible_tables {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $mode, $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $mode && exists $modes{$mode};
+ $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables} =
+ [ unique(grep { $_ && exists $tbl_meta{$_} } split(/\s+/, $rest)) ];
+ $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables} = 1;
+ }
+# save_config_visible_tables {{{3
+sub save_config_visible_tables {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $mode ( sort keys %modes ) {
+ next unless $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables};
+ my $tables = $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables};
+ print $file "$mode=", join(' ', @$tables), "\n";
+ }
+# load_config_sort_cols {{{3
+sub load_config_sort_cols {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $key , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $key && exists $tbl_meta{$key};
+ $tbl_meta{$key}->{sort_cols} = $rest;
+ $tbl_meta{$key}->{cust}->{sort_cols} = 1;
+ $tbl_meta{$key}->{sort_func} = make_sort_func($tbl_meta{$key});
+ }
+# save_config_sort_cols {{{3
+sub save_config_sort_cols {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
+ next unless $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{sort_cols};
+ my $col = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{sort_cols};
+ print $file "$tbl=$col\n";
+ }
+# load_config_active_filters {{{3
+sub load_config_active_filters {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $tbl , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my @parts = unique(grep { exists($filters{$_}) } split(/\s+/, $rest));
+ @parts = grep { grep { $tbl eq $_ } @{$filters{$_}->{tbls}} } @parts;
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters} = [ @parts ];
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{filters} = 1;
+ }
+# save_config_active_filters {{{3
+sub save_config_active_filters {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
+ next if $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{temp};
+ next unless $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{filters};
+ my $aref = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters};
+ print $file "$tbl=", join(' ', @$aref), "\n";
+ }
+# load_config_active_columns {{{3
+sub load_config_active_columns {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $key , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $key && exists $tbl_meta{$key};
+ my @parts = grep { exists($tbl_meta{$key}->{cols}->{$_}) } unique split(/ /, $rest);
+ $tbl_meta{$key}->{visible} = [ @parts ];
+ $tbl_meta{$key}->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
+ }
+# save_config_active_columns {{{3
+sub save_config_active_columns {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
+ next unless $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{visible};
+ my $aref = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible};
+ print $file "$tbl=", join(' ', @$aref), "\n";
+ }
+# save_config_tbl_meta {{{3
+sub save_config_tbl_meta {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
+ foreach my $col ( keys %{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}} ) {
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$col};
+ next unless $meta->{user};
+ print $file "$col=", join(
+ " ",
+ map {
+ # Some properties (trans) are arrays, others scalars
+ my $val = ref($meta->{$_}) ? join(',', @{$meta->{$_}}) : $meta->{$_};
+ $val =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g; # Escape backslashes and single quotes
+ "$_='$val'"; # Enclose in single quotes
+ }
+ grep { $_ ne 'func' }
+ keys %$meta
+ ), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+# save_config_config {{{3
+sub save_config_config {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $key ( sort keys %config ) {
+ eval {
+ if ( $key ne 'password' || $config{savepass}->{val} ) {
+ print $file "# $config{$key}->{note}\n"
+ or die "Cannot print to file: $OS_ERROR";
+ my $val = $config{$key}->{val};
+ $val = '' unless defined($val);
+ if ( ref( $val ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ print $file "$key="
+ . join( " ", @$val ) . "\n"
+ or die "Cannot print to file: $OS_ERROR";
+ }
+ elsif ( ref( $val ) eq 'HASH' ) {
+ print $file "$key="
+ . join( " ",
+ map { "$_:$val->{$_}" } keys %$val
+ ) . "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print $file "$key=$val\n";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { print "$EVAL_ERROR in $key"; };
+ }
+# load_config_config {{{3
+sub load_config_config {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $name, $val ) = $line =~ m/^(.+?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless defined $name && defined $val;
+ # Validate the incoming values...
+ if ( $name && exists( $config{$name} ) ) {
+ if ( !$config{$name}->{pat} || $val =~ m/$config{$name}->{pat}/ ) {
+ $config{$name}->{val} = $val;
+ $config{$name}->{read} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# load_config_tbl_meta {{{3
+sub load_config_tbl_meta {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ # Each tbl_meta section has all the properties defined in %col_props.
+ my ( $col , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $col;
+ my %parts = $rest =~ m/(\w+)='((?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*)'/g; # Properties are single-quoted
+ # Each section read from the config file has one extra property: which table it
+ # goes in.
+ my $tbl = $parts{tbl} or die "There's no table for tbl_meta $col";
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl} or die "There's no table in tbl_meta named $tbl";
+ # The section is user-defined by definition (if that makes sense).
+ $parts{user} = 1;
+ # The column may already exist in the table, in which case this is just a
+ # customization.
+ $meta->{cols}->{$col} ||= {};
+ foreach my $prop ( keys %col_props ) {
+ if ( !defined($parts{$prop}) ) {
+ # Make it default to whatever's in col_props.
+ $parts{$prop} = $col_props{$prop};
+ }
+ # Un-escape escaping
+ $parts{$prop} =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
+ $parts{$prop} =~ s/\\'/'/g;
+ if ( ref $col_props{$prop} ) {
+ if ( $prop eq 'trans' ) {
+ $meta->{cols}->{$col}->{trans}
+ = [ unique(grep { exists $trans_funcs{$_} } split(',', $parts{$prop})) ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $meta->{cols}->{$col}->{$prop} = [ split(',', $parts{$prop}) ];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $meta->{cols}->{$col}->{$prop} = $parts{$prop};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# save_config {{{3
+sub save_config {
+ print "\n";
+ return if $config{readonly}->{val};
+ # return if no config file was loaded and -w wasn't specified
+ if (not $conf_file) {
+ if (not $opts{w}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ # if no config was loaded but -w was specified,
+ # write to $default_home_conf
+ $conf_file = $default_home_conf;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($conf_file and $opts{w}) {
+ print "Loaded config file on start-up, so ignoring -w (see --help)\n"
+ }
+ my $dirname = dirname($conf_file);
+ # if directories don't exist, create them. This could cause errors
+ # or warnings if a central config doesn't have readonly=1, but being
+ # flexible requires giving the user enough rope to hang themselves with.
+ if ( ! -d $dirname ) {
+ mkdir $dirname
+ or die "Can't create directory '$dirname': $OS_ERROR";
+ }
+ if ( ! -d "$dirname/plugins" ) {
+ mkdir "$dirname/plugins"
+ or warn "Can't create directory '$dirname/plugins': $OS_ERROR\n";
+ }
+ # Save to a temp file first, so a crash doesn't destroy the main config file
+ my $tmpfile = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'innotopXXXXX', DIR => $dirname, SUFFIX => '.conf.tmp');
+ open my $file, "+>", $tmpfile
+ or die("Can't write to $tmpfile: $OS_ERROR");
+ print $file "version=$VERSION\n";
+ foreach my $section ( @ordered_config_file_sections ) {
+ die "No such config file section $section" unless $config_file_sections{$section};
+ print $file "\n[$section]\n\n";
+ $config_file_sections{$section}->{writer}->($file);
+ print $file "\n[/$section]\n";
+ }
+ # Now clobber the main config file with the temp.
+ close $file or die("Can't close $tmpfile: $OS_ERROR");
+ rename($tmpfile, $conf_file) or die("Can't rename $tmpfile to $conf_file: $OS_ERROR");
+# load_config_connections {{{3
+sub load_config_connections {
+ return if $opts{u} or $opts{p} or $opts{h} or $opts{P}; # don't load connections if DSN or user/pass options used
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $key , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $key;
+ my %parts = $rest =~ m/(\S+?)=(\S*)/g;
+ my %conn = map { $_ => $parts{$_} || '' } @conn_parts;
+ $connections{$key} = \%conn;
+ }
+# save_config_connections {{{3
+sub save_config_connections {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $conn ( sort keys %connections ) {
+ my $href = $connections{$conn};
+ my @keys = $href->{savepass} ? @conn_parts : grep { $_ ne 'pass' } @conn_parts;
+ print $file "$conn=", join(' ', map { "$_=$href->{$_}" } grep { defined $href->{$_} } @keys), "\n";
+ }
+sub load_config_colors {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ my %rule_set_for;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $tbl, $rule ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $tbl && $rule;
+ next unless exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my %parts = $rule =~ m/(\w+)='((?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*)'/g; # Properties are single-quoted
+ next unless $parts{col} && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$parts{col}};
+ next unless $parts{op} && exists $comp_ops{$parts{op}};
+ next unless defined $parts{arg};
+ next unless defined $parts{color};
+ my @colors = unique(grep { exists $ansicolors{$_} } split(/\W+/, $parts{color}));
+ next unless @colors;
+ # Finally! Enough validation...
+ $rule_set_for{$tbl} ||= [];
+ push @{$rule_set_for{$tbl}}, \%parts;
+ }
+ foreach my $tbl ( keys %rule_set_for ) {
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors} = $rule_set_for{$tbl};
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{color_func} = make_color_func($tbl_meta{$tbl});
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
+ }
+# save_config_colors {{{3
+sub save_config_colors {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ next unless $meta->{cust}->{colors};
+ foreach my $rule ( @{$meta->{colors}} ) {
+ print $file "$tbl=", join(
+ ' ',
+ map {
+ my $val = $rule->{$_};
+ $val =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g; # Escape backslashes and single quotes
+ "$_='$val'"; # Enclose in single quotes
+ }
+ qw(col op arg color)
+ ), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+# load_config_active_connections {{{3
+sub load_config_active_connections {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $key , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
+ next unless $key && exists $modes{$key};
+ my @parts = grep { exists $connections{$_} } split(/ /, $rest);
+ $modes{$key}->{connections} = [ @parts ] if exists $modes{$key};
+ }
+# save_config_active_connections {{{3
+sub save_config_active_connections {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $mode ( sort keys %modes ) {
+ my @connections = get_connections($mode);
+ print $file "$mode=", join(' ', @connections), "\n";
+ }
+# load_config_stmt_sleep_times {{{3
+sub load_config_stmt_sleep_times {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $key , $val ) = split('=', $line);
+ next unless $key && defined $val && $val =~ m/$num_regex/;
+ $stmt_sleep_time_for{$key} = $val;
+ }
+# save_config_stmt_sleep_times {{{3
+sub save_config_stmt_sleep_times {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $key ( sort keys %stmt_sleep_time_for ) {
+ print $file "$key=$stmt_sleep_time_for{$key}\n";
+ }
+# load_config_mvs {{{3
+sub load_config_mvs {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next if $line =~ m/^#/;
+ last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
+ my ( $key , $val ) = split('=', $line);
+ next unless $key && defined $val && $val =~ m/$num_regex/;
+ $mvs{$key} = $val;
+ }
+# save_config_mvs {{{3
+sub save_config_mvs {
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $key ( sort keys %mvs ) {
+ print $file "$key=$mvs{$key}\n";
+ }
+# edit_configuration {{{3
+sub edit_configuration {
+ my $key = '';
+ while ( $key ne 'q' ) {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my @display_lines = '';
+ if ( $key && $cfg_editor_action{$key} ) {
+ $cfg_editor_action{$key}->{func}->();
+ }
+ # Show help
+ push @display_lines, create_caption('What configuration do you want to edit?',
+ create_table2(
+ [ sort keys %cfg_editor_action ],
+ { map { $_ => $_ } keys %cfg_editor_action },
+ { map { $_ => $cfg_editor_action{$_}->{note} } keys %cfg_editor_action },
+ { sep => ' ' }));
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+ $key = pause('');
+ }
+# edit_configuration_variables {{{3
+sub edit_configuration_variables {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my %config_choices
+ = map { $_ => $config{$_}->{note} || '' }
+ # Only config values that are marked as applying to this mode.
+ grep {
+ my $key = $_;
+ $config{$key}->{conf} &&
+ ( $config{$key}->{conf} eq 'ALL'
+ || grep { $mode eq $_ } @{$config{$key}->{conf}} )
+ } keys %config;
+ my $key = prompt_list(
+ "Enter the name of the variable you wish to configure",
+ '',
+ sub{ return keys %config_choices },
+ \%config_choices);
+ if ( exists($config_choices{$key}) ) {
+ get_config_interactive($key);
+ }
+# edit_color_rules {{{3
+sub edit_color_rules {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
+ if ( $tbl && exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}) ) {
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my @cols = ('', qw(col op arg color));
+ my $info = { map { $_ => { hdr => $_, just => '-', } } @cols };
+ $info->{label}->{maxw} = 30;
+ my $key;
+ my $selected_rule;
+ # This loop builds a tabular view of the rules.
+ do {
+ # Show help
+ if ( $key && $key eq '?' ) {
+ my @display_lines = '';
+ push @display_lines, create_caption('Editor key mappings',
+ create_table2(
+ [ sort keys %color_editor_action ],
+ { map { $_ => $_ } keys %color_editor_action },
+ { map { $_ => $color_editor_action{$_}->{note} } keys %color_editor_action },
+ { sep => ' ' }));
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+ pause();
+ $key = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ # Do the action specified
+ $selected_rule ||= 0;
+ if ( $key && $color_editor_action{$key} ) {
+ $selected_rule = $color_editor_action{$key}->{func}->($tbl, $selected_rule);
+ $selected_rule ||= 0;
+ }
+ # Build the table of rules. If the terminal has color, the selected rule
+ # will be highlighted; otherwise a > at the left will indicate.
+ my $data = $meta->{colors} || [];
+ foreach my $i ( 0..@$data - 1 ) {
+ $data->[$i]->{''} = $i == $selected_rule ? '>' : '';
+ }
+ my @display_lines = create_table(\@cols, $info, $data);
+ # Highlight selected entry
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $#display_lines ) {
+ if ( $display_lines[$i] =~ m/^>/ ) {
+ $display_lines[$i] = [ $display_lines[$i], 'reverse' ];
+ }
+ }
+ # Draw the screen and wait for a command.
+ unshift @display_lines, '',
+ "Editing color rules for $meta->{capt}. Press ? for help, q to "
+ . "quit.", '';
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+ print "\n\n", word_wrap('Rules are applied in order from top to '
+ . 'bottom. The first matching rule wins and prevents the '
+ . 'rest of the rules from being applied.');
+ $key = pause('');
+ }
+ } while ( $key ne 'q' );
+ $meta->{color_func} = make_color_func($meta);
+ }
+# add_quick_filter {{{3
+sub add_quick_filter {
+ my $tbl = choose_visible_table();
+ if ( $tbl && exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}) ) {
+ print "\n";
+ my $response = prompt_list(
+ "Enter column name and filter text",
+ '',
+ sub { return keys %{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}} },
+ ()
+ );
+ my ( $col, $text ) = split(/\s+/, $response, 2);
+ # You can't filter on a nonexistent column. But if you filter on a pivoted
+ # table, the columns are different, so on a pivoted table, allow filtering
+ # on the 'name' column.
+ # NOTE: if a table is pivoted and un-pivoted, this will likely cause crashes.
+ # Currently not an issue since there's no way to toggle pivot/nopivot.
+ return unless $col && $text &&
+ (exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$col})
+ || ($tbl_meta{$tbl}->{pivot} && $col eq 'name'));
+ my ( $sub, $err ) = compile_filter( "defined \$set->{$col} && \$set->{$col} =~ m/$text/" );
+ return if !$sub || $err;
+ my $name = "quick_$tbl.$col";
+ $filters{$name} = {
+ func => $sub,
+ text => $text,
+ user => 1,
+ quick => 1,
+ name => $name,
+ note => 'Quick-filter',
+ tbls => [$tbl],
+ };
+ push @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters}}, $name;
+ }
+# clear_quick_filters {{{3
+sub clear_quick_filters {
+ my $tbl = choose_visible_table(
+ # Only tables that have quick-filters
+ sub {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ return scalar grep { $filters{$_}->{quick} } @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters} };
+ }
+ );
+ if ( $tbl && exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}) ) {
+ my @current = @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters}};
+ @current = grep { !$filters{$_}->{quick} } @current;
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters} = \@current;
+ }
+sub edit_plugins {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my @cols = ('', qw(class desc active));
+ my $info = { map { $_ => { hdr => $_, just => '-', } } @cols };
+ my @rows = map { $plugins{$_} } sort keys %plugins;
+ my $key;
+ my $selected;
+ # This loop builds a tabular view of the plugins.
+ do {
+ # Show help
+ if ( $key && $key eq '?' ) {
+ my @display_lines = '';
+ push @display_lines, create_caption('Editor key mappings',
+ create_table2(
+ [ sort keys %plugin_editor_action ],
+ { map { $_ => $_ } keys %plugin_editor_action },
+ { map { $_ => $plugin_editor_action{$_}->{note} } keys %plugin_editor_action },
+ { sep => ' ' }));
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+ pause();
+ $key = '';
+ }
+ # Do the action specified
+ else {
+ $selected ||= 0;
+ if ( $key && $plugin_editor_action{$key} ) {
+ $selected = $plugin_editor_action{$key}->{func}->(\@rows, $selected);
+ $selected ||= 0;
+ }
+ # Build the table of plugins.
+ foreach my $row ( 0.. $#rows ) {
+ $rows[$row]->{''} = $row eq $selected ? '>' : ' ';
+ }
+ my @display_lines = create_table(\@cols, $info, \@rows);
+ # Highlight selected entry
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $#display_lines ) {
+ if ( $display_lines[$i] =~ m/^>/ ) {
+ $display_lines[$i] = [ $display_lines[$i], 'reverse' ];
+ }
+ }
+ # Draw the screen and wait for a command.
+ unshift @display_lines, '',
+ "Plugin Management. Press ? for help, q to quit.", '';
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+ $key = pause('');
+ }
+ } while ( $key ne 'q' );
+# edit_table {{{3
+sub edit_table {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
+ if ( $tbl && exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}) ) {
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my @cols = ('', qw(name hdr label src));
+ my $info = { map { $_ => { hdr => $_, just => '-', } } @cols };
+ $info->{label}->{maxw} = 30;
+ my $key;
+ my $selected_column;
+ # This loop builds a tabular view of the tbl_meta's structure, showing each column
+ # in the entry as a row.
+ do {
+ # Show help
+ if ( $key && $key eq '?' ) {
+ my @display_lines = '';
+ push @display_lines, create_caption('Editor key mappings',
+ create_table2(
+ [ sort keys %tbl_editor_action ],
+ { map { $_ => $_ } keys %tbl_editor_action },
+ { map { $_ => $tbl_editor_action{$_}->{note} } keys %tbl_editor_action },
+ { sep => ' ' }));
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines);
+ pause();
+ $key = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ # Do the action specified
+ $selected_column ||= $meta->{visible}->[0];
+ if ( $key && $tbl_editor_action{$key} ) {
+ $selected_column = $tbl_editor_action{$key}->{func}->($tbl, $selected_column);
+ $selected_column ||= $meta->{visible}->[0];
+ }
+ # Build the pivoted view of the table's meta-data. If the terminal has color,
+ # The selected row will be highlighted; otherwise a > at the left will indicate.
+ my $data = [];
+ foreach my $row ( @{$meta->{visible}} ) {
+ my %hash;
+ @hash{ @cols } = @{$meta->{cols}->{$row}}{@cols};
+ $hash{src} = '' if ref $hash{src};
+ $hash{name} = $row;
+ $hash{''} = $row eq $selected_column ? '>' : ' ';
+ push @$data, \%hash;
+ }
+ my @display_lines = create_table(\@cols, $info, $data);
+ # Highlight selected entry
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $#display_lines ) {
+ if ( $display_lines[$i] =~ m/^>/ ) {
+ $display_lines[$i] = [ $display_lines[$i], 'reverse' ];
+ }
+ }
+ # Draw the screen and wait for a command.
+ unshift @display_lines, '',
+ "Editing table definition for $meta->{capt}. Press ? for help, q to quit.", '';
+ draw_screen(\@display_lines, { clear => 1 });
+ $key = pause('');
+ }
+ } while ( $key ne 'q' );
+ }
+# choose_mode_tables {{{3
+# Choose which table(s), and in what order, to display in a given mode.
+sub choose_mode_tables {
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my @tbls = @{$modes{$mode}->{visible_tables}};
+ my $new = prompt_list(
+ "Choose tables to display",
+ join(' ', @tbls),
+ sub { return @{$modes{$mode}->{tables}} },
+ { map { $_ => $tbl_meta{$_}->{capt} } @{$modes{$mode}->{tables}} }
+ );
+ $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables} =
+ [ unique(grep { $_ && exists $tbl_meta{$_} } split(/\s+/, $new)) ];
+ $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables} = 1;
+# set_visible_table {{{3
+sub set_visible_table {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my @tbls = grep { $_ eq $tbl } @{$modes{$mode}->{tables}};
+ if ( @tbls == 1 ) {
+ $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables} = [ $tbl ];
+ $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables} = 1;
+ }
+# choose_visible_table {{{3
+sub choose_visible_table {
+ my ( $grep_cond ) = @_;
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my @tbls
+ = grep { $grep_cond ? $grep_cond->($_) : 1 }
+ @{$modes{$mode}->{visible_tables}};
+ my $tbl = $tbls[0];
+ if ( @tbls > 1 ) {
+ $tbl = prompt_list(
+ "Choose a table",
+ '',
+ sub { return @tbls },
+ { map { $_ => $tbl_meta{$_}->{capt} } @tbls }
+ );
+ }
+ return $tbl;
+sub toggle_aggregate {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
+ return unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ $meta->{aggregate} ^= 1;
+sub choose_filters {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
+ return unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ print "Choose filters for $meta->{capt}:\n";
+ my $ini = join(' ', @{$meta->{filters}});
+ my $val = prompt_list(
+ 'Choose filters',
+ $ini,
+ sub { return keys %filters },
+ {
+ map { $_ => $filters{$_}->{note} }
+ grep { grep { $tbl eq $_ } @{$filters{$_}->{tbls}} }
+ keys %filters
+ }
+ );
+ my @choices = unique($val =~ m/(\S+)/g);
+ foreach my $new ( grep { !exists($filters{$_}) } @choices ) {
+ my $answer = prompt("There is no filter called '$new'. Create it?", undef, 'y');
+ if ( $answer eq 'y' ) {
+ create_new_filter($new, $tbl);
+ }
+ }
+ @choices = grep { exists $filters{$_} } @choices;
+ @choices = grep { grep { $tbl eq $_ } @{$filters{$_}->{tbls}} } @choices;
+ $meta->{filters} = [ @choices ];
+ $meta->{cust}->{filters} = 1;
+sub choose_group_cols {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
+ return unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my $curr = join(', ', @{$meta->{group_by}});
+ my $val = prompt_list(
+ 'Group-by columns',
+ $curr,
+ sub { return keys %{$meta->{cols}} },
+ { map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_}->{label} } keys %{$meta->{cols}} });
+ if ( $curr ne $val ) {
+ $meta->{group_by} = [ grep { exists $meta->{cols}->{$_} } $val =~ m/(\w+)/g ];
+ $meta->{cust}->{group_by} = 1;
+ }
+sub choose_sort_cols {
+ my ( $tbl ) = @_;
+ $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
+ return unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my ( $cols, $hints );
+ if ( $meta->{pivot} ) {
+ $cols = sub { qw(name set_0) };
+ $hints = { name => 'name', set_0 => 'set_0' };
+ }
+ else {
+ $cols = sub { return keys %{$meta->{cols}} };
+ $hints = { map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_}->{label} } keys %{$meta->{cols}} };
+ }
+ my $val = prompt_list(
+ 'Sort columns (reverse sort with -col)',
+ $meta->{sort_cols},
+ $cols,
+ $hints );
+ if ( $meta->{sort_cols} ne $val ) {
+ $meta->{sort_cols} = $val;
+ $meta->{cust}->{sort_cols} = 1;
+ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{sort_func} = make_sort_func($tbl_meta{$tbl});
+ }
+# create_new_filter {{{3
+sub create_new_filter {
+ my ( $filter, $tbl ) = @_;
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ if ( !$filter || $filter =~ m/\W/ ) {
+ print word_wrap("Choose a name for the filter. This name is not displayed, and is only used "
+ . "for internal reference. It can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.");
+ print "\n\n";
+ do {
+ $filter = prompt("Enter filter name");
+ } while ( !$filter || $filter =~ m/\W/ );
+ }
+ my $completion = sub { keys %{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}} };
+ my ( $err, $sub, $body );
+ do {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ print word_wrap("A filter is a Perl subroutine that accepts a hashref of columns "
+ . "called \$set, and returns a true value if the filter accepts the row. Example:\n"
+ . " \$set->{active_secs} > 5\n"
+ . "will only allow rows if their active_secs column is greater than 5.");
+ print "\n\n";
+ if ( $err ) {
+ print "There's an error in your filter expression: $err\n\n";
+ }
+ $body = prompt("Enter subroutine body", undef, undef, $completion);
+ ( $sub, $err ) = compile_filter($body);
+ } while ( $err );
+ $filters{$filter} = {
+ func => $sub,
+ text => $body,
+ user => 1,
+ name => $filter,
+ note => 'User-defined filter',
+ tbls => [$tbl],
+ };
+# get_config_interactive {{{3
+sub get_config_interactive {
+ my $key = shift;
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ # Print help first.
+ print "Enter a new value for '$key' ($config{$key}->{note}).\n";
+ my $current = ref($config{$key}->{val}) ? join(" ", @{$config{$key}->{val}}) : $config{$key}->{val};
+ my $new_value = prompt('Enter a value', $config{$key}->{pat}, $current);
+ $config{$key}->{val} = $new_value;
+sub edit_current_var_set {
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my $name = $config{"${mode}_set"}->{val};
+ my $variables = $var_sets{$name}->{text};
+ my $new = $variables;
+ do {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ $new = prompt("Enter variables for $name", undef, $variables);
+ } until ( $new );
+ if ( $new ne $variables ) {
+ @{$var_sets{$name}}{qw(text user)} = ( $new, 1);
+ }
+sub choose_var_set {
+ my ( $key ) = @_;
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $new_value = prompt_list(
+ 'Choose a set of values to display, or enter the name of a new one',
+ $config{$key}->{val},
+ sub { return keys %var_sets },
+ { map { $_ => $var_sets{$_}->{text} } keys %var_sets });
+ if ( !exists $var_sets{$new_value} ) {
+ add_new_var_set($new_value);
+ }
+ $config{$key}->{val} = $new_value if exists $var_sets{$new_value};
+sub switch_var_set {
+ my ( $cfg_var, $dir ) = @_;
+ my @var_sets = sort keys %var_sets;
+ my $cur = $config{$cfg_var}->{val};
+ my $pos = grep { $_ lt $cur } @var_sets;
+ my $newpos = ($pos + $dir) % @var_sets;
+ $config{$cfg_var}->{val} = $var_sets[$newpos];
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+# Online configuration and prompting functions {{{2
+# edit_stmt_sleep_times {{{3
+sub edit_stmt_sleep_times {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $stmt = prompt_list('Specify a statement', '', sub { return sort keys %stmt_maker_for });
+ return unless $stmt && exists $stmt_maker_for{$stmt};
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $curr_val = $stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt} || 0;
+ my $new_val = prompt('Specify a sleep delay after calling this SQL', $num_regex, $curr_val);
+ if ( $new_val ) {
+ $stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt} = $new_val;
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt};
+ }
+# edit_server_groups {{{3
+# Choose which server connections are in a server group. First choose a group,
+# then choose which connections are in it.
+sub edit_server_groups {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my $group = $modes{$mode}->{server_group};
+ my %curr = %server_groups;
+ my $new = choose_or_create_server_group($group, 'to edit');
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ if ( exists $curr{$new} ) {
+ # Don't do this step if the user just created a new server group,
+ # because part of that process was to choose connections.
+ my $cxns = join(' ', @{$server_groups{$new}});
+ my @conns = choose_or_create_connection($cxns, 'for this group');
+ $server_groups{$new} = \@conns;
+ }
+# choose_server_groups {{{3
+sub choose_server_groups {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my $group = $modes{$mode}->{server_group};
+ my $new = choose_or_create_server_group($group, 'for this mode');
+ $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $new if exists $server_groups{$new};
+sub choose_or_create_server_group {
+ my ( $group, $prompt ) = @_;
+ my $new = '';
+ my @available = sort keys %server_groups;
+ if ( @available ) {
+ print "You can enter the name of a new group to create it.\n";
+ $new = prompt_list(
+ "Choose a server group $prompt",
+ $group,
+ sub { return @available },
+ { map { $_ => join(' ', @{$server_groups{$_}}) } @available });
+ $new =~ s/\s.*//;
+ if ( !exists $server_groups{$new} ) {
+ my $answer = prompt("There is no server group called '$new'. Create it?", undef, "y");
+ if ( $answer eq 'y' ) {
+ add_new_server_group($new);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $new = add_new_server_group();
+ }
+ return $new;
+sub choose_or_create_connection {
+ my ( $cxns, $prompt ) = @_;
+ print "You can enter the name of a new connection to create it.\n";
+ my @available = sort keys %connections;
+ my $new_cxns = prompt_list(
+ "Choose connections $prompt",
+ $cxns,
+ sub { return @available },
+ { map { $_ => $connections{$_}->{dsn} } @available });
+ my @new = unique(grep { !exists $connections{$_} } $new_cxns =~ m/(\S+)/g);
+ foreach my $new ( @new ) {
+ my $answer = prompt("There is no connection called '$new'. Create it?", undef, "y");
+ if ( $answer eq 'y' ) {
+ add_new_dsn($new);
+ }
+ }
+ return unique(grep { exists $connections{$_} } split(/\s+/, $new_cxns));
+# choose_servers {{{3
+sub choose_servers {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
+ my $cxns = join(' ', get_connections());
+ my @chosen = choose_or_create_connection($cxns, 'for this mode');
+ $modes{$mode}->{connections} = \@chosen;
+ $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = ''; # Clear this because it overrides {connections}
+ get_connections(); # This will set the server group if it matches connections just chosen
+# display_license {{{3
+sub display_license {
+ $clear_screen_sub->();
+ print $innotop_license;
+ pause();
+# Data-retrieval functions {{{2
+# get_status_info {{{3
+sub get_status_info {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ if ( !$info_gotten{status}++ ) {
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
+ my $vars = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ my $sth = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_STATUS') or next;
+ my $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+ map { $vars->{$_->[0]} = $_->[1] || 0 } @$res;
+ # Calculate hi-res uptime and add cxn to the hash. This duplicates get_driver_status,
+ # but it's most important to have consistency.
+ $vars->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
+ $vars->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ # Add SHOW VARIABLES to the hash. If we've gotten this info before, skip and re-use.
+ if ( $show_variables{$cxn} ) {
+ $res = $show_variables{$cxn};
+ }
+ else {
+ $sth = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_VARIABLES') or next;
+ $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+ $res = {map { $_->[0] => $_->[1] || 0 } @$res};
+ $show_variables{$cxn} = $res;
+ }
+ @{$vars}{keys %$res} = values %$res;
+ # Create sparklines for QPS and Threads_running. As a consequence of
+ # this, we get QPS for free. TODO: remove QPS computation from
+ # elsewhere.
+ my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock - 1};
+ if ( $pre && $pre->{Uptime_hires} ) {
+ my @prev_qps = ($pre->{SPARK_store_qps} || '') =~ m/(\S+)/g;
+ my @prev_run = ($pre->{SPARK_store_run} || '') =~ m/(\S+)/g;
+ # Find out the values; throw away if too many; sparkify; store.
+ my $this_qps = (($vars->{Questions} || 0) - ($pre->{Questions} || 0))/
+ ($vars->{Uptime_hires} - $pre->{Uptime_hires});
+ push @prev_qps, $this_qps;
+ shift @prev_qps if @prev_qps > $config{spark}->{val};
+ my $qps_spark = sparkify(@prev_qps);
+ $vars->{SPARK_qps} = $qps_spark;
+ $vars->{SPARK_store_qps} = join(' ', @prev_qps);
+ my $this_run = $vars->{Threads_running};
+ push @prev_run, $this_run;
+ shift @prev_run if @prev_run > $config{spark}->{val};
+ my $run_spark = sparkify(@prev_run);
+ $vars->{SPARK_run} = $run_spark;
+ $vars->{SPARK_store_run} = join(' ', @prev_run);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Chooses a thread for explaining, killing, etc...
+# First arg is a func that can be called in grep.
+sub choose_thread {
+ my ( $grep_cond, $prompt ) = @_;
+ my %thread_for = map {
+ # Eliminate innotop's own threads.
+ $_ => $dbhs{$_}->{dbh} ? $dbhs{$_}->{dbh}->{mysql_thread_id} : 0
+ } keys %connections;
+ my @candidates = grep {
+ $_->{id} != $thread_for{$_->{cxn}} && $grep_cond->($_)
+ } @current_queries;
+ return unless @candidates;
+ # Find out which server.
+ my @cxns = unique map { $_->{cxn} } @candidates;
+ my ( $cxn ) = select_cxn('On which server', @cxns);
+ return unless $cxn && exists($connections{$cxn});
+ # Re-filter the list of candidates to only those on this server
+ @candidates = grep { $_->{cxn} eq $cxn } @candidates;
+ # Find out which thread to do.
+ my $info;
+ if ( @candidates > 1 ) {
+ # Sort longest-active first, then longest-idle.
+ my $sort_func = sub {
+ my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
+ return $a->{query} && !$b->{query} ? 1
+ : $b->{query} && !$a->{query} ? -1
+ : ($a->{time} || 0) cmp ($b->{time} || 0);
+ };
+ my @threads = map { $_->{id} } reverse sort { $sort_func->($a, $b) } @candidates;
+ print "\n";
+ my $thread = prompt_list($prompt,
+ $threads[0],
+ sub { return @threads });
+ return unless $thread && $thread =~ m/$int_regex/;
+ # Find the info hash of that query on that server.
+ ( $info ) = grep { $thread == $_->{id} } @candidates;
+ }
+ else {
+ $info = $candidates[0];
+ }
+ return $info;
+# analyze_query {{{3
+# Allows the user to show fulltext, explain, show optimized...
+sub analyze_query {
+ my ( $action ) = @_;
+ my $info = choose_thread(
+ sub { $_[0]->{query} },
+ 'Select a thread to analyze',
+ );
+ return unless $info;
+ my %actions = (
+ e => \&display_explain,
+ f => \&show_full_query,
+ o => \&show_optimized_query,
+ );
+ do {
+ $actions{$action}->($info);
+ print "\n";
+ $action = pause('Press e to explain, f for full query, o for optimized query');
+ } while ( exists($actions{$action}) );
+# inc {{{3
+# Returns the difference between two sets of variables/status/innodb stuff.
+sub inc {
+ my ( $offset, $cxn ) = @_;
+ my $vars = $vars{$cxn};
+ if ( $offset < 0 ) {
+ return $vars->{$clock};
+ }
+ elsif ( exists $vars{$clock - $offset} && !exists $vars->{$clock - $offset - 1} ) {
+ return $vars->{$clock - $offset};
+ }
+ my $cur = $vars->{$clock - $offset};
+ my $pre = $vars->{$clock - $offset - 1};
+ return {
+ # Numeric variables get subtracted, non-numeric get passed straight through.
+ map {
+ $_ =>
+ ( (defined $cur->{$_} && $cur->{$_} =~ m/$num_regex/ && ($pre->{$_} || '') =~ m/$num_regex/ )
+ ? $cur->{$_} - ($pre->{$_} || 0)
+ : $cur->{$_} )
+ } keys %{$cur}
+ };
+# extract_values {{{3
+# Arguments are a set of values (which may be incremental, derived from
+# current and previous), current, and previous values.
+# TODO: there are a few places that don't remember prev set so can't pass it.
+sub extract_values {
+ my ( $set, $cur, $pre, $tbl ) = @_;
+ # Hook in event listeners
+ foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{extract_values}} ) {
+ $listener->extract_values($set, $cur, $pre, $tbl);
+ }
+ my $result = {};
+ my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
+ my $cols = $meta->{cols};
+ foreach my $key ( keys %$cols ) {
+ my $info = $cols->{$key}
+ or die "Column '$key' doesn't exist in $tbl";
+ die "No func defined for '$key' in $tbl"
+ unless $info->{func};
+ eval {
+ $result->{$key} = $info->{func}->($set, $cur, $pre)
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ if ( $config{debug}->{val} ) {
+ die $EVAL_ERROR;
+ }
+ $result->{$key} = $info->{num} ? 0 : '';
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+# get_processlist_stats {{{3
+# Inserts special values as though they are SHOW STATUS counters.
+sub get_processlist_stats {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ @current_queries = ();
+ if ( !$info_gotten{processlist_stats}++ ) {
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $max_query_time = 0;
+ my ($user_threads, $slaves, $longest_sql, $slave_sql, $locked);
+ $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
+ my $vars = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ $vars->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'PROCESSLIST_NO_IS') or next;
+ my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ my $cur = undef;
+ foreach my $thread ( @$arr ) {
+ if ( ($thread->{state} || '') =~ m/lock/i ) {
+ $locked++;
+ }
+ # Ignore non-user threads, but remember the SQL in case there is
+ # no user SQL. Ignore sleeping threads and SHOW PROCESSLIST
+ # threads.
+ if ( ($thread->{user} || '') =~ m/system user/ ) {
+ if ( $thread->{info} && $thread->{time} ) {
+ $slave_sql = $thread->{info};
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless $thread->{command};
+ if ( $thread->{command} eq 'Binlog Dump' ) {
+ $slaves++;
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless $thread->{command} eq 'Query';
+ next unless $thread->{state} && $thread->{info};
+ next if $thread->{info} =~ m#/\*innotop#;
+ $user_threads++;
+ if ( $thread->{time} > $max_query_time ) {
+ $max_query_time = $thread->{time};
+ $longest_sql = $thread->{info};
+ if ( $thread->{state} eq 'Checking table' ) {
+ $longest_sql = 'CHECK TABLE ' . $thread->{info};
+ }
+ $cur = {
+ cxn => $cxn,
+ id => $thread->{id},
+ db => $thread->{db},
+ query => $thread->{info},
+ time => $thread->{time},
+ user => $thread->{user},
+ host => $thread->{host},
+ };
+ $thread->{host} =~ s/:.*$//;
+ }
+ }
+ $vars->{Max_query_time} = $max_query_time;
+ $vars->{User_threads_running} = $user_threads;
+ $vars->{Slaves} = $slaves || 0;
+ $vars->{Longest_sql} = $longest_sql || $slave_sql || '';
+ $vars->{Locked_count} = $locked || 0;
+ $vars->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
+ push @current_queries, $cur if $cur;
+ }
+ }
+# get_full_processlist {{{3
+sub get_full_processlist {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'PROCESSLIST') or next;
+ my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ push @result, map { $_->{cxn} = $cxn; $_ } @$arr;
+ }
+ return @result;
+# get_open_tables {{{3
+sub get_open_tables {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'OPEN_TABLES') or next;
+ my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ push @result, map { $_->{cxn} = $cxn; $_ } @$arr;
+ }
+ return @result;
+# get_index_statistics {{{3
+sub get_index_statistics {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'INDEX_STATISTICS') or next;
+ my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ push @result, map { $_->{cxn} = $cxn; $_ } @$arr;
+ }
+ return @result;
+# get_index_table_statistics {{{3
+sub get_index_table_statistics {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'INDEX_TABLE_STATISTICS') or next;
+ my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ push @result, map { $_->{cxn} = $cxn; $_ } @$arr;
+ }
+ return @result;
+# get_table_statistics {{{3
+sub get_table_statistics {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'TABLE_STATISTICS') or next;
+ my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ push @result, map { $_->{cxn} = $cxn; $_ } @$arr;
+ }
+ return @result;
+# get_innodb_blocked_blocker {{{3
+sub get_innodb_blocked_blocker {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'INNODB_BLOCKED_BLOCKER') or next;
+ my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ push @result, map { $_->{cxn} = $cxn; $_ } @$arr;
+ }
+ return @result;
+# get_innodb_status {{{3
+sub get_innodb_status {
+ my ( $cxns, $addl_sections ) = @_;
+ if ( !$config{skip_innodb}->{val} && !$info_gotten{innodb_status}++ ) {
+ # Determine which sections need to be parsed
+ my %sections_required =
+ map { $tbl_meta{$_}->{innodb} => 1 }
+ grep { $_ && $tbl_meta{$_}->{innodb} }
+ get_visible_tables();
+ # Add in any other sections the caller requested.
+ foreach my $sec ( @$addl_sections ) {
+ $sections_required{$sec} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $cxn ( @$cxns ) {
+ my $innodb_status_text;
+ if ( $file ) { # Try to fetch status text from the file.
+ my @stat = stat($file);
+ # Initialize the file.
+ if ( !$file_mtime ) {
+ # Initialize to 130k from the end of the file (because the limit
+ # on the size of innodb status is 128k even with Google's patches)
+ # and try to grab the last status from the file.
+ sysseek($file, (-128 * 1_024), 2);
+ }
+ # Read from the file.
+ my $buffer;
+ if ( !$file_mtime || $file_mtime != $stat[9] ) {
+ $file_data = '';
+ while ( sysread($file, $buffer, 4096) ) {
+ $file_data .= $buffer;
+ }
+ $file_mtime = $stat[9];
+ }
+ # Delete everything but the last InnoDB status text from the file.
+ $file_data =~ s/\A.*(?=^=====================================\n...... ........ INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT)//ms;
+ $innodb_status_text = $file_data;
+ }
+ else {
+ next if ($show_variables{$cxn}->{have_innodb} || 'YES') eq 'NO';
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'INNODB_STATUS') or next;
+ $innodb_status_text = $stmt->fetchrow_hashref()->{status};
+ }
+ next unless $innodb_status_text
+ && substr($innodb_status_text, 0, 100) =~ m/INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT/;
+ # Parse and merge into %vars storage
+ my %innodb_status = (
+ $innodb_parser->get_status_hash(
+ $innodb_status_text,
+ $config{debug}->{val},
+ \%sections_required,
+ 0, # don't parse full lock information
+ $show_variables{$cxn}->{version}
+ )
+ );
+ if ( !$innodb_status{IB_got_all} && $config{auto_wipe_dl}->{val} ) {
+ clear_deadlock($cxn);
+ }
+ # Merge using a hash slice, which is the fastest way
+ $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
+ my $hash = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ @{$hash}{ keys %innodb_status } = values %innodb_status;
+ $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ $hash->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
+ }
+ }
+# clear_deadlock {{{3
+sub clear_deadlock {
+ my ( $cxn ) = @_;
+ return if $clearing_deadlocks++;
+ my $tbl = $connections{$cxn}->{dl_table};
+ return unless $tbl;
+ eval {
+ # disable binary logging for the session
+ do_query($cxn, "set SQL_LOG_BIN=0");
+ # Set up the table for creating a deadlock.
+ my $engine = version_ge($dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}, '4.1.2') ? 'engine' : 'type';
+ return unless do_query($cxn, "drop table if exists $tbl");
+ return unless do_query($cxn, "create table $tbl(a int) $engine=innodb");
+ return unless do_query($cxn, "delete from $tbl");
+ return unless do_query($cxn, "insert into $tbl(a) values(0), (1)");
+ return unless do_query($cxn, "commit"); # Or the children will block against the parent
+ # Fork off two children to deadlock against each other.
+ my %children;
+ foreach my $child ( 0..1 ) {
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ( defined($pid) && $pid == 0 ) { # I am a child
+ deadlock_thread( $child, $tbl, $cxn );
+ }
+ elsif ( !defined($pid) ) {
+ die("Unable to fork for clearing deadlocks!\n");
+ }
+ # I already exited if I'm a child, so I'm the parent.
+ $children{$child} = $pid;
+ }
+ # Wait for the children to exit.
+ foreach my $child ( keys %children ) {
+ my $pid = waitpid($children{$child}, 0);
+ }
+ # Clean up.
+ do_query($cxn, "drop table $tbl");
+ # enable binary logging for the session again
+ # the session by itself will not be used anymore, but this is clean :)
+ do_query($cxn, "set SQL_LOG_BIN=1");
+ };
+ if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+ print $EVAL_ERROR;
+ pause();
+ }
+ $clearing_deadlocks = 0;
+sub get_master_logs {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ my @result;
+ if ( !$info_gotten{master_logs}++ ) {
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_MASTER_LOGS') or next;
+ push @result, @{$stmt->fetchall_arrayref({})};
+ }
+ }
+ return @result;
+# get_master_slave_status {{{3
+# Inserts special counters as though they are SHOW STATUS counters.
+sub get_master_slave_status {
+ my @cxns = @_;
+ if ( !$info_gotten{replication_status}++ ) {
+ foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
+ $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
+ my $vars = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
+ $vars->{cxn} = $cxn;
+ $vars->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_MASTER_STATUS') or next;
+ my $res = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({})->[0];
+ @{$vars}{ keys %$res } = values %$res;
+ }
+ }
+# get_slave_status {{{3
+# Separated handling of slave status to support 5.7 and replication channels
+sub get_slave_status {
+ my ($cxn, $channel) = @_;
+ my $chcxn = $channel . '=' . $cxn;
+ $vars{$chcxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
+ my $vars = $vars{$chcxn}->{$clock};
+ $vars->{chcxn} = $chcxn;
+ $vars->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($chcxn);
+ if ( $channel =~ /no_channels/ ) {
+ my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_SLAVE_STATUS') or next;
+ my $res = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ if ( $res && @$res ) {
+ $res = $res->[0];
+ @{$vars}{ keys %$res } = values %$res;
+ $vars->{Slave_ok} =
+ (($res->{slave_sql_running} || 'Yes') eq 'Yes'
+ && ($res->{slave_io_running} || 'Yes') eq 'Yes') ? 'Yes' : 'No';
+ }
+ else {
+ $vars->{Slave_ok} = 'Off';
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $dbh = connect_to_db($cxn);
+ my $sql = 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS FOR CHANNEL \'' . $channel . '\'';
+ my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql ) ;
+ $stmt->execute();
+ my $res = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ if ( $res && @$res ) {
+ $res = $res->[0];
+ @{$vars}{ keys %$res } = values %$res;
+ $vars->{Slave_ok} =
+ (($res->{slave_sql_running} || 'Yes') eq 'Yes'
+ && ($res->{slave_io_running} || 'Yes') eq 'Yes') ? 'Yes' : 'No';
+ }
+ else {
+ $vars->{Slave_ok} = 'Off';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub is_func {
+ my ( $word ) = @_;
+ return defined(&$word)
+ || eval "my \$x= sub { $word }; 1"
+ || $EVAL_ERROR !~ m/^Bareword/;
+# Documentation {{{1
+# ############################################################################
+# I put this last as per the Dog book.
+# ############################################################################
+=head1 NAME
+innotop - MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+To monitor servers normally:
+ innotop
+To monitor InnoDB status information from a file:
+ innotop /var/log/mysql/mysqld.err
+To run innotop non-interactively in a pipe-and-filter configuration:
+ innotop --count 5 -d 1 -n
+To monitor a database on another system using a particular username and password:
+ innotop -u <username> -p <password> -h <hostname>
+innotop monitors MySQL servers. Each of its modes shows you a different aspect
+of what's happening in the server. For example, there's a mode for monitoring
+replication, one for queries, and one for transactions. innotop refreshes its
+data periodically, so you see an updating view.
+innotop has lots of features for power users, but you can start and run it with
+virtually no configuration. If you're just getting started, see
+L<"QUICK-START">. Press '?' at any time while running innotop for
+context-sensitive help.
+To start innotop, open a terminal or command prompt. If you have installed
+innotop on your system, you should be able to just type "innotop" and press
+Enter; otherwise, you will need to change to innotop's directory and type "perl
+With no options specified, innotop will attempt to connect to a MySQL server on
+localhost using mysql_read_default_group=client for other connection
+parameters. If you need to specify a different username and password, use the
+-u and -p options, respectively. To monitor a MySQL database on another
+host, use the -h option.
+After you've connected, innotop should show you something like the following:
+ [RO] Query List (? for help) localhost, 01:11:19, 449.44 QPS, 14/7/163 con/run
+ CXN When Load QPS Slow QCacheHit KCacheHit BpsIn BpsOut
+ localhost Total 0.00 1.07k 697 0.00% 98.17% 476.83k 242.83k
+ CXN Cmd ID User Host DB Time Query
+ localhost Query 766446598 test foo 00:02 INSERT INTO table (
+(This sample is truncated at the right so it will fit on a terminal when running
+'man innotop')
+If your server is busy, you'll see more output. Notice the first line on the
+screen, which tells you that readonly is set to true ([RO]), what mode you're
+in and what server you're connected to. You can change to other modes with
+keystrokes; press 'T' to switch to a list of InnoDB transactions, for example.
+Press the '?' key to see what keys are active in the current mode. You can
+press any of these keys and innotop will either take the requested action or
+prompt you for more input. If your system has Term::ReadLine support, you can
+use TAB and other keys to auto-complete and edit input.
+To quit innotop, press the 'q' key.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+innotop is mostly configured via its configuration file, but some of the
+configuration options can come from the command line. You can also specify a
+file to monitor for InnoDB status output; see L<"MONITORING A FILE"> for more
+You can negate some options by prefixing the option name with --no. For
+example, --noinc (or --no-inc) negates L<"--inc">.
+=item --color
+Enable or disable terminal coloring. Corresponds to the L<"color"> config file
+=item --config
+Specifies a configuration file to read. This option is non-sticky, that is to
+say it does not persist to the configuration file itself.
+=item --count
+Refresh only the specified number of times (ticks) before exiting. Each refresh
+is a pause for L<"interval"> seconds, followed by requesting data from MySQL
+connections and printing it to the terminal.
+=item --delay
+Specifies the amount of time to pause between ticks (refreshes). Corresponds to
+the configuration option L<"interval">.
+=item --help
+Print a summary of command-line usage and exit.
+=item --host
+Host to connect to.
+=item --inc
+Specifies whether innotop should display absolute numbers or relative numbers
+(offsets from their previous values). Corresponds to the configuration option
+=item --mode
+Specifies the mode in which innotop should start. Corresponds to the
+configuration option L<"mode">.
+=item --nonint
+Enable non-interactive operation. See L<"NON-INTERACTIVE OPERATION"> for more.
+=item --password
+Password to use for connection.
+=item --port
+Port to use for connection.
+=item --skipcentral
+Don't read the central configuration file.
+=item --timestamp
+In -n mode, write a timestamp either before every screenful of output, or if
+the option is given twice, at the start of every line. The format is controlled
+by the timeformat config variable.
+=item --user
+User to use for connection.
+=item --version
+Output version information and exit.
+=item --write
+Sets the configuration option L<"readonly"> to 0, making innotop write the
+running configuration to ~/.innotop/innotop.conf on exit, if no configuration
+file was loaded at start-up.
+=head1 HOTKEYS
+innotop is interactive, and you control it with key-presses.
+=item *
+Uppercase keys switch between modes.
+=item *
+Lowercase keys initiate some action within the current mode.
+=item *
+Other keys do something special like change configuration or show the
+innotop license.
+Press '?' at any time to see the currently active keys and what they do.
+=head1 MODES
+Each of innotop's modes retrieves and displays a particular type of data from
+the servers you're monitoring. You switch between modes with uppercase keys.
+The following is a brief description of each mode, in alphabetical order. To
+switch to the mode, press the key listed in front of its heading in the
+following list:
+=item A: Health Dashboard
+This mode displays a single table with one row per monitored server. The
+columns show essential overview information about the server's health, and
+coloration rules show whether replication is running or if there are any very
+long-running queries or excessive replication delay.
+=item B: InnoDB Buffers
+This mode displays information about the InnoDB buffer pool, page statistics,
+insert buffer, and adaptive hash index. The data comes from SHOW INNODB STATUS.
+This mode contains the L<"buffer_pool">, L<"page_statistics">,
+L<"insert_buffers">, and L<"adaptive_hash_index"> tables by default.
+=item C: Command Summary
+This mode is similar to mytop's Command Summary mode. It shows the
+L<"cmd_summary"> table, which looks something like the following:
+ Command Summary (? for help) localhost, 25+07:16:43, 2.45 QPS, 3 thd, 5.0.40
+ _____________________ Command Summary _____________________
+ Name Value Pct Last Incr Pct
+ Select_scan 3244858 69.89% 2 100.00%
+ Select_range 1354177 29.17% 0 0.00%
+ Select_full_join 39479 0.85% 0 0.00%
+ Select_full_range_join 4097 0.09% 0 0.00%
+ Select_range_check 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
+The command summary table is built by extracting variables from
+L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">. The variables must be numeric and must match the prefix
+given by the L<"cmd_filter"> configuration variable. The variables are then
+sorted by value descending and compared to the last variable, as shown above.
+The percentage columns are percentage of the total of all variables in the
+table, so you can see the relative weight of the variables.
+The example shows what you see if the prefix is "Select_". The default
+prefix is "Com_". You can choose a prefix with the 's' key.
+It's rather like running SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "prefix%" with memory and
+nice formatting.
+Values are aggregated across all servers. The Pct columns are not correctly
+aggregated across multiple servers. This is a known limitation of the grouping
+algorithm that may be fixed in the future.
+=item D: InnoDB Deadlocks
+This mode shows the transactions involved in the last InnoDB deadlock. A second
+table shows the locks each transaction held and waited for. A deadlock is
+caused by a cycle in the waits-for graph, so there should be two locks held and
+one waited for unless the deadlock information is truncated.
+InnoDB puts deadlock information before some other information in the SHOW
+INNODB STATUS output. If there are a lot of locks, the deadlock information can
+grow very large, and there is a limit on the size of the SHOW INNODB
+STATUS output. A large deadlock can fill the entire output, or even be
+truncated, and prevent you from seeing other information at all. If you are
+running innotop in another mode, for example T mode, and suddenly you don't see
+anything, you might want to check and see if a deadlock has wiped out the data
+you need.
+If it has, you can create a small deadlock to replace the large one. Use the
+'w' key to 'wipe' the large deadlock with a small one. This will not work
+unless you have defined a deadlock table for the connection (see L<"SERVER
+You can also configure innotop to automatically detect when a large deadlock
+needs to be replaced with a small one (see L<"auto_wipe_dl">).
+This mode displays the L<"deadlock_transactions"> and L<"deadlock_locks"> tables
+by default.
+=item F: InnoDB Foreign Key Errors
+This mode shows the last InnoDB foreign key error information, such as the
+table where it happened, when and who and what query caused it, and so on.
+InnoDB has a huge variety of foreign key error messages, and many of them are
+just hard to parse. innotop doesn't always do the best job here, but there's
+so much code devoted to parsing this messy, unparseable output that innotop is
+likely never to be perfect in this regard. If innotop doesn't show you what
+you need to see, just look at the status text directly.
+This mode displays the L<"fk_error"> table by default.
+=item I: InnoDB I/O Info
+This mode shows InnoDB's I/O statistics, including the I/O threads, pending I/O,
+file I/O miscellaneous, and log statistics. It displays the L<"io_threads">,
+L<"pending_io">, L<"file_io_misc">, and L<"log_statistics"> tables by default.
+=item K: InnoDB Lock Waits
+This mode shows information from InnoDB plugin's transaction and locking tables.
+You can use it to find when a transaction is waiting for another, and kill the
+blocking transaction. It displays the L<"innodb_blocked_blocker>" table.
+=item L: Locks
+This mode shows information about current locks. At the moment only InnoDB
+locks are supported, and by default you'll only see locks for which transactions
+are waiting. This information comes from the TRANSACTIONS section of the InnoDB
+status text. If you have a very busy server, you may have frequent lock waits;
+it helps to be able to see which tables and indexes are the "hot spot" for
+locks. If your server is running pretty well, this mode should show nothing.
+You can configure MySQL and innotop to monitor not only locks for which a
+transaction is waiting, but those currently held, too. You can do this with the
+InnoDB Lock Monitor (L<>). It's
+not documented in the MySQL manual, but creating the lock monitor with the
+following statement also affects the output of SHOW INNODB STATUS, which innotop
+ CREATE TABLE innodb_lock_monitor(a int) ENGINE=INNODB;
+This causes InnoDB to print its output to the MySQL file every 16 seconds or so,
+as stated in the manual, but it also makes the normal SHOW INNODB STATUS output
+include lock information, which innotop can parse and display (that's the
+undocumented feature).
+This means you can do what may have seemed impossible: to a limited extent
+(InnoDB truncates some information in the output), you can see which transaction
+holds the locks something else is waiting for. You can also enable and disable
+the InnoDB Lock Monitor with the key mappings in this mode.
+This mode displays the L<"innodb_locks"> table by default. Here's a sample of
+the screen when one connection is waiting for locks another connection holds:
+ _________________________________ InnoDB Locks __________________________
+ CXN ID Type Waiting Wait Active Mode DB Table Index
+ localhost 12 RECORD 1 00:10 00:10 X test t1 PRIMARY
+ localhost 12 TABLE 0 00:10 00:10 IX test t1
+ localhost 12 RECORD 1 00:10 00:10 X test t1 PRIMARY
+ localhost 11 TABLE 0 00:00 00:25 IX test t1
+ localhost 11 RECORD 0 00:00 00:25 X test t1 PRIMARY
+You can see the first connection, ID 12, is waiting for a lock on the PRIMARY
+key on test.t1, and has been waiting for 10 seconds. The second connection
+isn't waiting, because the Waiting column is 0, but it holds locks on the same
+index. That tells you connection 11 is blocking connection 12.
+=item M: Master/Slave Replication Status
+This mode shows the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS and SHOW MASTER STATUS in three
+tables. The first two divide the slave's status into SQL and I/O thread status,
+and the last shows master status. Filters are applied to eliminate non-slave
+servers from the slave tables, and non-master servers from the master table.
+This mode displays the L<"slave_sql_status">, L<"slave_io_status">, and
+L<"master_status"> tables by default.
+=item O: Open Tables
+This section comes from MySQL's SHOW OPEN TABLES command. By default it is
+filtered to show tables which are in use by one or more queries, so you can
+get a quick look at which tables are 'hot'. You can use this to guess which
+tables might be locked implicitly.
+This mode displays the L<"open_tables"> mode by default.
+=item U: User Statistics
+This mode displays data that's available in Percona's enhanced version of MySQL
+(also known as Percona Server with XtraDB). Specifically, it makes it easy to
+enable and disable the so-called "user statistics." This feature gathers stats
+on clients, threads, users, tables, and indexes and makes them available as
+INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. These are invaluable for understanding what your
+server is doing. They are also available in MariaDB.
+The statistics supported so far are only from the TABLE_STATISTICS and
+INDEX_STATISTICS tables added by Percona. There are three views: one of table stats,
+one of index stats (which can be aggregated with the = key), and one of both.
+The server doesn't gather these stats by default. You have to set the variable
+userstat_running to turn it on. You can do this easily with innotop from U mode,
+with the 's' key.
+=item Q: Query List
+This mode displays the output from SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST, much like B<mytop>'s
+query list mode. This mode does B<not> show InnoDB-related information. This
+is probably one of the most useful modes for general usage.
+There is an informative header that shows general status information about
+your server. You can toggle it on and off with the 'h' key. By default,
+innotop hides inactive processes and its own process. You can toggle these on
+and off with the 'i' and 'a' keys.
+You can EXPLAIN a query from this mode with the 'e' key. This displays the
+query's full text, the results of EXPLAIN, and in newer MySQL versions, even
+the optimized query resulting from EXPLAIN EXTENDED. innotop also tries to
+rewrite certain queries to make them EXPLAIN-able. For example, INSERT/SELECT
+statements are rewritable.
+This mode displays the L<"q_header"> and L<"processlist"> tables by default.
+=item R: InnoDB Row Operations and Semaphores
+This mode shows InnoDB row operations, row operation miscellaneous, semaphores,
+and information from the wait array. It displays the L<"row_operations">,
+L<"row_operation_misc">, L<"semaphores">, and L<"wait_array"> tables by default.
+=item S: Variables & Status
+This mode calculates statistics, such as queries per second, and prints them out
+in several different styles. You can show absolute values, or incremental values
+between ticks.
+You can switch between the views by pressing a key. The 's' key prints a
+single line each time the screen updates, in the style of B<vmstat>. The 'g'
+key changes the view to a graph of the same numbers, sort of like B<tload>.
+The 'v' key changes the view to a pivoted table of variable names on the left,
+with successive updates scrolling across the screen from left to right. You can
+choose how many updates to put on the screen with the L<"num_status_sets">
+configuration variable.
+Headers may be abbreviated to fit on the screen in interactive operation. You
+choose which variables to display with the 'c' key, which selects from
+predefined sets, or lets you create your own sets. You can edit the current set
+with the 'e' key.
+This mode doesn't really display any tables like other modes. Instead, it uses
+a table definition to extract and format the data, but it then transforms the
+result in special ways before outputting it. It uses the L<"var_status"> table
+definition for this.
+=item T: InnoDB Transactions
+This mode shows transactions from the InnoDB monitor's output, in B<top>-like
+format. This mode is the reason I wrote innotop.
+You can kill queries or processes with the 'k' and 'x' keys, and EXPLAIN a query
+with the 'e' or 'f' keys. InnoDB doesn't print the full query in transactions,
+so explaining may not work right if the query is truncated.
+The informational header can be toggled on and off with the 'h' key. By
+default, innotop hides inactive transactions and its own transaction. You can
+toggle this on and off with the 'i' and 'a' keys.
+This mode displays the L<"t_header"> and L<"innodb_transactions"> tables by
+The first line innotop displays is a "status bar" of sorts. What it contains
+depends on the mode you're in, and what servers you're monitoring. The first
+few words are always [RO] (if readonly is set to 1), the innotop mode, such as
+"InnoDB Txns" for T mode, followed by a reminder to press '?' for help at any
+=head2 ONE SERVER
+The simplest case is when you're monitoring a single server. In this case, the
+name of the connection is next on the status line. This is the name you gave
+when you created the connection -- most likely the MySQL server's hostname.
+This is followed by the server's uptime.
+If you're in an InnoDB mode, such as T or B, the next word is "InnoDB" followed
+by some information about the SHOW INNODB STATUS output used to render the
+screen. The first word is the number of seconds since the last SHOW INNODB
+STATUS, which InnoDB uses to calculate some per-second statistics. The next is
+a smiley face indicating whether the InnoDB output is truncated. If the smiley
+face is a :-), all is well; there is no truncation. A :^| means the transaction
+list is so long, InnoDB has only printed out some of the transactions. Finally,
+a frown :-( means the output is incomplete, which is probably due to a deadlock
+printing too much lock information (see L<"D: InnoDB Deadlocks">).
+The next two words indicate the server's queries per second (QPS) and how many
+threads (connections) exist. Finally, the server's version number is the last
+thing on the line.
+If you are monitoring multiple servers (see L<"SERVER CONNECTIONS">), the status
+line does not show any details about individual servers. Instead, it shows the
+names of the connections that are active. Again, these are connection names you
+specified, which are likely to be the server's hostname. A connection that has
+an error is prefixed with an exclamation point.
+If you are monitoring a group of servers (see L<"SERVER GROUPS">), the status
+line shows the name of the group. If any connection in the group has an
+error, the group's name is followed by the fraction of the connections that
+don't have errors.
+See L<"ERROR HANDLING"> for more details about innotop's error handling.
+If you give a filename on the command line, innotop will not connect to ANY
+servers at all. It will watch the specified file for InnoDB status output and
+use that as its data source. It will always show a single connection called
+'file'. And since it can't connect to a server, it can't determine how long the
+server it's monitoring has been up; so it calculates the server's uptime as time
+since innotop started running.
+While innotop is primarily a monitor that lets you watch and analyze your
+servers, it can also send commands to servers. The most frequently useful
+commands are killing queries and stopping or starting slaves.
+You can kill a connection, or in newer versions of MySQL kill a query but not a
+connection, from L<"Q: Query List"> and L<"T: InnoDB Transactions"> modes.
+Press 'k' to issue a KILL command, or 'x' to issue a KILL QUERY command.
+innotop will prompt you for the server and/or connection ID to kill (innotop
+does not prompt you if there is only one possible choice for any input).
+innotop pre-selects the longest-running query, or the oldest connection.
+Confirm the command with 'y'.
+In L<"M: Master/Slave Replication Status"> mode, you can start and stop slaves
+with the 'a' and 'o' keys, respectively. You can send these commands to many
+slaves at once. innotop fills in a default command of START SLAVE or STOP SLAVE
+for you, but you can actually edit the command and send anything you wish, such
+as SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1 to make the slave skip one binlog event
+when it starts.
+You can also ask innotop to calculate the earliest binlog in use by any slave
+and issue a PURGE MASTER LOGS on the master. Use the 'b' key for this. innotop
+will prompt you for a master to run the command on, then prompt you for the
+connection names of that master's slaves (there is no way for innotop to
+determine this reliably itself). innotop will find the minimum binlog in use by
+these slave connections and suggest it as the argument to PURGE MASTER LOGS.
+in L<"U: User Statistics"> mode, you can use the 's' key to start and stop
+the collection of the statistics data for TABLE_STATISTICS and similar.
+When you create a server connection using '@', innotop asks you for a series of
+inputs, as follows:
+=item DSN
+A DSN is a Data Source Name, which is the initial argument passed to the DBI
+module for connecting to a server. It is usually of the form
+ DBI:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=mysql;host=HOSTNAME
+Since this DSN is passed to the DBD::mysql driver, you should read the driver's
+documentation at L<""> for
+the exact details on all the options you can pass the driver in the DSN. You
+can read more about DBI at L<>, and especially at
+The mysql_read_default_group=mysql option lets the DBD driver read your MySQL
+options files, such as ~/.my.cnf on UNIX-ish systems. You can use this to avoid
+specifying a username or password for the connection.
+=item InnoDB Deadlock Table
+This optional item tells innotop a table name it can use to deliberately create
+a small deadlock (see L<"D: InnoDB Deadlocks">). If you specify this option,
+you just need to be sure the table doesn't exist, and that innotop can create
+and drop the table with the InnoDB storage engine. You can safely omit or just
+accept the default if you don't intend to use this.
+=item Username
+innotop will ask you if you want to specify a username. If you say 'y', it will
+then prompt you for a user name. If you have a MySQL option file that specifies
+your username, you don't have to specify a username.
+The username defaults to your login name on the system you're running innotop on.
+=item Password
+innotop will ask you if you want to specify a password. Like the username, the
+password is optional, but there's an additional prompt that asks if you want to
+save the password in the innotop configuration file. If you don't save it in
+the configuration file, innotop will prompt you for a password each time it
+starts. Passwords in the innotop configuration file are saved in plain text,
+not encrypted in any way.
+Once you finish answering these questions, you should be connected to a server.
+But innotop isn't limited to monitoring a single server; you can define many
+server connections and switch between them by pressing the '@' key. See
+If you have multiple MySQL instances, you can put them into named groups, such
+as 'all', 'masters', and 'slaves', which innotop can monitor all together.
+You can choose which group to monitor with the '#' key, and you can press the
+TAB key to switch to the next group. If you're not currently monitoring a
+group, pressing TAB selects the first group.
+To create a group, press the '#' key and type the name of your new group, then
+type the names of the connections you want the group to contain.
+innotop lets you quickly switch which servers you're monitoring. The most basic
+way is by pressing the '@' key and typing the name(s) of the connection(s) you
+want to use. This setting is per-mode, so you can monitor different connections
+in each mode, and innotop remembers which connections you choose.
+You can quickly switch to the 'next' connection in alphabetical order with the
+'n' key. If you're monitoring a server group (see L<"SERVER GROUPS">) this will
+switch to the first connection.
+You can also type many connection names, and innotop will fetch and display data
+from them all. Just separate the connection names with spaces, for example
+"server1 server2." Again, if you type the name of a connection that doesn't
+exist, innotop will prompt you for connection information and create the
+Another way to monitor multiple connections at once is with server groups. You
+can use the TAB key to switch to the 'next' group in alphabetical order, or if
+you're not monitoring any groups, TAB will switch to the first group.
+innotop does not fetch data in parallel from connections, so if you are
+monitoring a large group or many connections, you may notice increased delay
+between ticks.
+When you monitor more than one connection, innotop's status bar changes. See
+Error handling is not that important when monitoring a single connection, but is
+crucial when you have many active connections. A crashed server or lost
+connection should not crash innotop. As a result, innotop will continue to run
+even when there is an error; it just won't display any information from the
+connection that had an error. Because of this, innotop's behavior might confuse
+you. It's a feature, not a bug!
+innotop does not continue to query connections that have errors, because they
+may slow innotop and make it hard to use, especially if the error is a problem
+connecting and causes a long time-out. Instead, innotop retries the connection
+occasionally to see if the error still exists. If so, it will wait until some
+point in the future. The wait time increases in ticks as the Fibonacci series,
+so it tries less frequently as time passes.
+Since errors might only happen in certain modes because of the SQL commands
+issued in those modes, innotop keeps track of which mode caused the error. If
+you switch to a different mode, innotop will retry the connection instead of
+By default innotop will display the problem in red text at the bottom of the
+first table on the screen. You can disable this behavior with the
+L<"show_cxn_errors_in_tbl"> configuration option, which is enabled by default.
+If the L<"debug"> option is enabled, innotop will display the error at the
+bottom of every table, not just the first. And if L<"show_cxn_errors"> is
+enabled, innotop will print the error text to STDOUT as well. Error messages
+might only display in the mode that caused the error, depending on the mode and
+whether innotop is avoiding querying that connection.
+You can run innotop in non-interactive mode, in which case it is entirely
+controlled from the configuration file and command-line options. To start
+innotop in non-interactive mode, give the L"<--nonint"> command-line option.
+This changes innotop's behavior in the following ways:
+=item *
+Certain Perl modules are not loaded. Term::Readline is not loaded, since
+innotop doesn't prompt interactively. Term::ANSIColor and Win32::Console::ANSI
+modules are not loaded. Term::ReadKey is still used, since innotop may have to
+prompt for connection passwords when starting up.
+=item *
+innotop does not clear the screen after each tick.
+=item *
+innotop does not persist any changes to the configuration file.
+=item *
+If L<"--count"> is given and innotop is in incremental mode (see L<"status_inc">
+and L<"--inc">), innotop actually refreshes one more time than specified so it
+can print incremental statistics. This suppresses output during the first
+tick, so innotop may appear to hang.
+=item *
+innotop only displays the first table in each mode. This is so the output can
+be easily processed with other command-line utilities such as awk and sed. To
+change which tables display in each mode, see L<"TABLES">. Since L<"Q: Query
+List"> mode is so important, innotop automatically disables the L<"q_header">
+table. This ensures you'll see the L<"processlist"> table, even if you have
+innotop configured to show the q_header table during interactive operation.
+Similarly, in L<"T: InnoDB Transactions"> mode, the L<"t_header"> table is
+suppressed so you see only the L<"innodb_transactions"> table.
+=item *
+All output is tab-separated instead of being column-aligned with whitespace, and
+innotop prints the full contents of each table instead of only printing one
+screenful at a time.
+=item *
+innotop only prints column headers once instead of every tick (see
+L<"hide_hdr">). innotop does not print table captions (see
+L<"display_table_captions">). innotop ensures there are no empty lines in the
+=item *
+innotop does not honor the L<"shorten"> transformation, which normally shortens
+some numbers to human-readable formats.
+=item *
+innotop does not print a status line (see L<"INNOTOP STATUS">).
+Nearly everything about innotop is configurable. Most things are possible to
+change with built-in commands, but you can also edit the configuration file.
+While running innotop, press the '$' key to bring up the configuration editing
+dialog. Press another key to select the type of data you want to edit:
+=item S: Statement Sleep Times
+Edits SQL statement sleep delays, which make innotop pause for the specified
+amount of time after executing a statement. See L<"SQL STATEMENTS"> for a
+definition of each statement and what it does. By default innotop does not
+delay after any statements.
+This feature is included so you can customize the side-effects caused by
+monitoring your server. You may not see any effects, but some innotop users
+have noticed that certain MySQL versions under very high load with InnoDB
+enabled take longer than usual to execute SHOW GLOBAL STATUS. If innotop calls
+SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST immediately afterward, the processlist contains more
+queries than the machine actually averages at any given moment. Configuring
+innotop to pause briefly after calling SHOW GLOBAL STATUS alleviates this
+Sleep times are stored in the L<"stmt_sleep_times"> section of the configuration
+file. Fractional-second sleeps are supported, subject to your hardware's
+=item c: Edit Columns
+Starts the table editor on one of the displayed tables. See L<"TABLE EDITOR">.
+An alternative way to start the table editor without entering the configuration
+dialog is with the '^' key.
+=item g: General Configuration
+Starts the configuration editor to edit global and mode-specific configuration
+variables (see L<"MODES">). innotop prompts you to choose a variable from among
+the global and mode-specific ones depending on the current mode.
+=item k: Row-Coloring Rules
+Starts the row-coloring rules editor on one of the displayed table(s). See
+L<"COLORS"> for details.
+=item p: Manage Plugins
+Starts the plugin configuration editor. See L<"PLUGINS"> for details.
+=item s: Server Groups
+Lets you create and edit server groups. See L<"SERVER GROUPS">.
+=item t: Choose Displayed Tables
+Lets you choose which tables to display in this mode. See L<"MODES"> and
+innotop's default configuration file locations are $HOME/.innotop and
+/etc/innotop/innotop.conf, and they are looked for in that order. If the first
+configuration file exists, the second will not be processed. Those can be
+overridden with the L<"--config"> command-line option. You can edit it by hand
+safely, however innotop reads the configuration file when it starts, and, if
+readonly is set to 0, writes it out again when it exits. Thus, if readonly is
+set to 0, any changes you make by hand while innotop is running will be lost.
+innotop doesn't store its entire configuration in the configuration file. It
+has a huge set of default configuration values that it holds only in memory,
+and the configuration file only overrides these defaults. When you customize a
+default setting, innotop notices, and then stores the customizations into the
+file. This keeps the file size down, makes it easier to edit, and makes
+upgrades easier.
+A configuration file is read-only be default. You can override that with
+L<"--write">. See L<"readonly">.
+The configuration file is arranged into sections like an INI file. Each
+section begins with [section-name] and ends with [/section-name]. Each
+section's entries have a different syntax depending on the data they need to
+store. You can put comments in the file; any line that begins with a #
+character is a comment. innotop will not read the comments, so it won't write
+them back out to the file when it exits. Comments in read-only configuration
+files are still useful, though.
+The first line in the file is innotop's version number. This lets innotop
+notice when the file format is not backwards-compatible, and upgrade smoothly
+without destroying your customized configuration.
+The following list describes each section of the configuration file and the data
+it contains:
+=item general
+The 'general' section contains global configuration variables and variables that
+may be mode-specific, but don't belong in any other section. The syntax is a
+simple key=value list. innotop writes a comment above each value to help you
+edit the file by hand.
+=item S_func
+Controls S mode presentation (see L<"S: Variables & Status">). If g, values are
+graphed; if s, values are like vmstat; if p, values are in a pivoted table.
+=item S_set
+Specifies which set of variables to display in L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode.
+=item auto_wipe_dl
+Instructs innotop to automatically wipe large deadlocks when it notices them.
+When this happens you may notice a slight delay. At the next tick, you will
+usually see the information that was being truncated by the large deadlock.
+=item charset
+Specifies what kind of characters to allow through the L<"no_ctrl_char">
+transformation. This keeps non-printable characters from confusing a
+terminal when you monitor queries that contain binary data, such as images.
+The default is 'ascii', which considers anything outside normal ASCII to be a
+control character. The other allowable values are 'unicode' and 'none'. 'none'
+considers every character a control character, which can be useful for
+collapsing ALL text fields in queries.
+=item cmd_filter
+This is the prefix that filters variables in L<"C: Command Summary"> mode.
+=item color
+Whether terminal coloring is permitted.
+=item cxn_timeout
+On MySQL versions 4.0.3 and newer, this variable is used to set the connection's
+timeout, so MySQL doesn't close the connection if it is not used for a while.
+This might happen because a connection isn't monitored in a particular mode, for
+=item debug
+This option enables more verbose errors and makes innotop more strict in some
+places. It can help in debugging filters and other user-defined code. It also
+makes innotop write a lot of information to L<"debugfile"> when there is a
+=item debugfile
+A file to which innotop will write information when there is a crash. See
+=item display_table_captions
+innotop displays a table caption above most tables. This variable suppresses or
+shows captions on all tables globally. Some tables are configured with the
+hide_caption property, which overrides this.
+=item global
+Whether to show GLOBAL variables and status. innotop only tries to do this on
+servers which support the GLOBAL option to SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW STATUS. In
+some MySQL versions, you need certain privileges to do this; if you don't have
+them, innotop will not be able to fetch any variable and status data. This
+configuration variable lets you run innotop and fetch what data you can even
+without the elevated privileges.
+I can no longer find or reproduce the situation where GLOBAL wasn't allowed, but
+I know there was one.
+=item graph_char
+Defines the character to use when drawing graphs in L<"S: Variables & Status">
+=item header_highlight
+Defines how to highlight column headers. This only works if Term::ANSIColor is
+available. Valid values are 'bold' and 'underline'.
+=item hide_hdr
+Hides column headers globally.
+=item interval
+The interval at which innotop will refresh its data (ticks). The interval is
+implemented as a sleep time between ticks, so the true interval will vary
+depending on how long it takes innotop to fetch and render data.
+This variable accepts fractions of a second.
+=item mode
+The mode in which innotop should start. Allowable arguments are the same as the
+key presses that select a mode interactively. See L<"MODES">.
+=item num_digits
+How many digits to show in fractional numbers and percents. This variable's
+range is between 0 and 9 and can be set directly from L<"S: Variables & Status">
+mode with the '+' and '-' keys. It is used in the L<"set_precision">,
+L<"shorten">, and L<"percent"> transformations.
+=item num_status_sets
+Controls how many sets of status variables to display in pivoted L<"S: Variables
+& Status"> mode. It also controls the number of old sets of variables innotop
+keeps in its memory, so the larger this variable is, the more memory innotop
+=item plugin_dir
+Specifies where plugins can be found. By default, innotop stores plugins in the
+'plugins' subdirectory of your innotop configuration directory.
+=item readonly
+Whether the configuration file is readonly. This cannot be set interactively.
+=item show_cxn_errors
+Makes innotop print connection errors to STDOUT. See L<"ERROR HANDLING">.
+=item show_cxn_errors_in_tbl
+Makes innotop display connection errors as rows in the first table on screen.
+=item show_percent
+Adds a '%' character after the value returned by the L<"percent">
+=item show_statusbar
+Controls whether to show the status bar in the display. See L<"INNOTOP
+=item skip_innodb
+Disables fetching SHOW INNODB STATUS, in case your server(s) do not have InnoDB
+enabled and you don't want innotop to try to fetch it. This can also be useful
+when you don't have the SUPER privilege, required to run SHOW INNODB STATUS.
+=item spark
+Specifies how wide a spark chart is. There are two ASCII spark charts in A
+mode, showing QPS and User_threads_running.
+=item status_inc
+Whether to show absolute or incremental values for status variables.
+Incremental values are calculated as an offset from the last value innotop saw
+for that variable. This is a global setting, but will probably become
+mode-specific at some point. Right now it is honored a bit inconsistently; some
+modes don't pay attention to it.
+=item timeformat
+The C-style strftime()-compatible format for the timestamp line to be printed
+in -n mode when -t is set.
+=item plugins
+This section holds a list of package names of active plugins. If the plugin
+exists, innotop will activate it. See L<"PLUGINS"> for more information.
+=item filters
+This section holds user-defined filters (see L<"FILTERS">). Each line is in the
+format filter_name=text='filter text' tbls='table list'.
+The filter text is the text of the subroutine's code. The table list is a list
+of tables to which the filter can apply. By default, user-defined filters apply
+to the table for which they were created, but you can manually override that by
+editing the definition in the configuration file.
+=item active_filters
+This section stores which filters are active on each table. Each line is in the
+format table_name=filter_list.
+=item tbl_meta
+This section stores user-defined or user-customized columns (see L<"COLUMNS">).
+Each line is in the format col_name=properties, where the properties are a
+name=quoted-value list.
+=item connections
+This section holds the server connections you have defined. Each line is in
+the format name=properties, where the properties are a name=value list. The
+properties are self-explanatory, and the only one that is treated specially is
+'pass' which is only present if 'savepass' is set. This section of the
+configuration file will be skipped if any DSN, username, or password
+command-line options are used. See L<"SERVER CONNECTIONS">.
+=item active_connections
+This section holds a list of which connections are active in each mode. Each
+line is in the format mode_name=connection_list.
+=item server_groups
+This section holds server groups. Each line is in the format
+name=connection_list. See L<"SERVER GROUPS">.
+=item active_server_groups
+This section holds a list of which server group is active in each mode. Each
+line is in the format mode_name=server_group.
+=item max_values_seen
+This section holds the maximum values seen for variables. This is used to scale
+the graphs in L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode. Each line is in the format
+=item active_columns
+This section holds table column lists. Each line is in the format
+tbl_name=column_list. See L<"COLUMNS">.
+=item sort_cols
+This section holds the sort definition. Each line is in the format
+tbl_name=column_list. If a column is prefixed with '-', that column sorts
+descending. See L<"SORTING">.
+=item visible_tables
+This section defines which tables are visible in each mode. Each line is in the
+format mode_name=table_list. See L<"TABLES">.
+=item varsets
+This section defines variable sets for use in L<"S: Status & Variables"> mode.
+Each line is in the format name=variable_list. See L<"VARIABLE SETS">.
+=item colors
+This section defines colorization rules. Each line is in the format
+tbl_name=property_list. See L<"COLORS">.
+=item stmt_sleep_times
+This section contains statement sleep times. Each line is in the format
+statement_name=sleep_time. See L<"S: Statement Sleep Times">.
+=item group_by
+This section contains column lists for table group_by expressions. Each line is
+in the format tbl_name=column_list. See L<"GROUPING">.
+You can customize innotop a great deal. For example, you can:
+=item *
+Choose which tables to display, and in what order.
+=item *
+Choose which columns are in those tables, and create new columns.
+=item *
+Filter which rows display with built-in filters, user-defined filters, and
+=item *
+Sort the rows to put important data first or group together related rows.
+=item *
+Highlight rows with color.
+=item *
+Customize the alignment, width, and formatting of columns, and apply
+transformations to columns to extract parts of their values or format the values
+as you wish (for example, shortening large numbers to familiar units).
+=item *
+Design your own expressions to extract and combine data as you need. This gives
+you unlimited flexibility.
+All these and more are explained in the following sections.
+=head2 TABLES
+A table is what you'd expect: a collection of columns. It also has some other
+properties, such as a caption. Filters, sorting rules, and colorization rules
+belong to tables and are covered in later sections.
+Internally, table meta-data is defined in a data structure called %tbl_meta.
+This hash holds all built-in table definitions, which contain a lot of default
+instructions to innotop. The meta-data includes the caption, a list of columns
+the user has customized, a list of columns, a list of visible columns, a list of
+filters, color rules, a sort-column list, sort direction, and some information
+about the table's data sources. Most of this is customizable via the table
+editor (see L<"TABLE EDITOR">).
+You can choose which tables to show by pressing the '$' key. See L<"MODES"> and
+The table life-cycle is as follows:
+=item *
+Each table begins with a data source, which is an array of hashes. See below
+for details on data sources.
+=item *
+Each element of the data source becomes a row in the final table.
+=item *
+For each element in the data source, innotop extracts values from the source and
+creates a row. This row is another hash, which later steps will refer to as
+$set. The values innotop extracts are determined by the table's columns. Each
+column has an extraction subroutine, compiled from an expression (see
+L<"EXPRESSIONS">). The resulting row is a hash whose keys are named the same as
+the column name.
+=item *
+innotop filters the rows, removing those that don't need to be displayed. See
+=item *
+innotop sorts the rows. See L<"SORTING">.
+=item *
+innotop groups the rows together, if specified. See L<"GROUPING">.
+=item *
+innotop colorizes the rows. See L<"COLORS">.
+=item *
+innotop transforms the column values in each row. See L<"TRANSFORMATIONS">.
+=item *
+innotop optionally pivots the rows (see L<"PIVOTING">), then filters and sorts
+=item *
+innotop formats and justifies the rows as a table. During this step, innotop
+applies further formatting to the column values, including alignment, maximum
+and minimum widths. innotop also does final error checking to ensure there are
+no crashes due to undefined values. innotop then adds a caption if specified,
+and the table is ready to print.
+The lifecycle is slightly different if the table is pivoted, as noted above. To
+clarify, if the table is pivoted, the process is extract, group, transform,
+pivot, filter, sort, create. If it's not pivoted, the process is extract,
+filter, sort, group, color, transform, create. This slightly convoluted process
+doesn't map all that well to SQL, but pivoting complicates things pretty
+thoroughly. Roughly speaking, filtering and sorting happen as late as needed to
+effect the final result as you might expect, but as early as possible for
+Each built-in table is described below:
+=item adaptive_hash_index
+Displays data about InnoDB's adaptive hash index. Data source:
+=item buffer_pool
+Displays data about InnoDB's buffer pool. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item cmd_summary
+Displays weighted status variables. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item deadlock_locks
+Shows which locks were held and waited for by the last detected deadlock. Data
+source: L<"DEADLOCK_LOCKS">.
+=item deadlock_transactions
+Shows transactions involved in the last detected deadlock. Data source:
+=item explain
+Shows the output of EXPLAIN. Data source: L<"EXPLAIN">.
+=item file_io_misc
+Displays data about InnoDB's file and I/O operations. Data source:
+=item fk_error
+Displays various data about InnoDB's last foreign key error. Data source:
+=item health_dashboard
+Displays an overall summary of servers, one server per line, for monitoring.
+=item index_statistics
+Displays data from the INDEX_STATISTICS table in Percona-enhanced servers.
+=item index_table_statistics
+Displays data from the INDEX_STATISTICS and TABLE_STATISTICS tables in
+Percona-enhanced servers. It joins the two together, grouped by the database
+and table name. It is the default view in L<"U: User Statistics"> mode,
+and makes it easy to see what tables are hot, how many rows are read from indexes,
+how many changes are made, and how many changes are made to indexes.
+=item innodb_blocked_blocker
+Displays InnoDB locks and lock waits. Data source: L<"INNODB_BLOCKED_BLOCKER">.
+=item innodb_locks
+Displays InnoDB locks. Data source: L<"INNODB_LOCKS">.
+=item innodb_transactions
+Displays data about InnoDB's current transactions. Data source:
+=item insert_buffers
+Displays data about InnoDB's insert buffer. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item io_threads
+Displays data about InnoDB's I/O threads. Data source: L<"IO_THREADS">.
+=item log_statistics
+Displays data about InnoDB's logging system. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item master_status
+Displays replication master status. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item open_tables
+Displays open tables. Data source: L<"OPEN_TABLES">.
+=item page_statistics
+Displays InnoDB page statistics. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item pending_io
+Displays InnoDB pending I/O operations. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item processlist
+Displays current MySQL processes (threads/connections). Data source:
+=item q_header
+Displays various status values. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item row_operation_misc
+Displays data about InnoDB's row operations. Data source:
+=item row_operations
+Displays data about InnoDB's row operations. Data source:
+=item semaphores
+Displays data about InnoDB's semaphores and mutexes. Data source:
+=item slave_io_status
+Displays data about the slave I/O thread. Data source:
+=item slave_sql_status
+Displays data about the slave SQL thread. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item table_statistics
+Displays data from the TABLE_STATISTICS table in Percona-enhanced servers.
+=item t_header
+Displays various InnoDB status values. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item var_status
+Displays user-configurable data. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
+=item wait_array
+Displays data about InnoDB's OS wait array. Data source: L<"OS_WAIT_ARRAY">.
+=head2 COLUMNS
+Columns belong to tables. You can choose a table's columns by pressing the '^'
+key, which starts the L<"TABLE EDITOR"> and lets you choose and edit columns.
+Pressing 'e' from within the table editor lets you edit the column's properties:
+=item *
+hdr: a column header. This appears in the first row of the table.
+=item *
+just: justification. '-' means left-justified and '' means right-justified,
+just as with printf formatting codes (not a coincidence).
+=item *
+dec: whether to further align the column on the decimal point.
+=item *
+num: whether the column is numeric. This affects how values are sorted
+(lexically or numerically).
+=item *
+label: a small note about the column, which appears in dialogs that help the
+user choose columns.
+=item *
+src: an expression that innotop uses to extract the column's data from its
+source (see L<"DATA SOURCES">). See L<"EXPRESSIONS"> for more on expressions.
+=item *
+minw: specifies a minimum display width. This helps stabilize the display,
+which makes it easier to read if the data is changing frequently.
+=item *
+maxw: similar to minw.
+=item *
+trans: a list of column transformations. See L<"TRANSFORMATIONS">.
+=item *
+agg: an aggregate function. See L<"GROUPING">. The default is L<"first">.
+=item *
+aggonly: controls whether the column only shows when grouping is enabled on the
+table (see L<"GROUPING">). By default, this is disabled. This means columns
+will always be shown by default, whether grouping is enabled or not. If a
+column's aggonly is set true, the column will appear when you toggle grouping on
+the table. Several columns are set this way, such as the count column on
+L<"processlist"> and L<"innodb_transactions">, so you don't see a count when the
+grouping isn't enabled, but you do when it is.
+=item *
+agghide: the reverse of aggonly. The column is hidden when grouping is enabled.
+=head2 FILTERS
+Filters remove rows from the display. They behave much like a WHERE clause in
+SQL. innotop has several built-in filters, which remove irrelevant information
+like inactive queries, but you can define your own as well. innotop also lets
+you create quick-filters, which do not get saved to the configuration file, and
+are just an easy way to quickly view only some rows.
+You can enable or disable a filter on any table. Press the '%' key (mnemonic: %
+looks kind of like a line being filtered between two circles) and choose which
+table you want to filter, if asked. You'll then see a list of possible filters
+and a list of filters currently enabled for that table. Type the names of
+filters you want to apply and press Enter.
+If you type a name that doesn't exist, innotop will prompt you to create the
+filter. Filters are easy to create if you know Perl, and not hard if you don't.
+What you're doing is creating a subroutine that returns true if the row should
+be displayed. The row is a hash reference passed to your subroutine as $set.
+For example, imagine you want to filter the processlist table so you only see
+queries that have been running more than five minutes. Type a new name for your
+filter, and when prompted for the subroutine body, press TAB to initiate your
+terminal's auto-completion. You'll see the names of the columns in the
+L<"processlist"> table (innotop generally tries to help you with auto-completion
+lists). You want to filter on the 'time' column. Type the text "$set->{time} >
+300" to return true when the query is more than five minutes old. That's all
+you need to do.
+In other words, the code you're typing is surrounded by an implicit context,
+which looks like this:
+ sub filter {
+ my ( $set ) = @_;
+ }
+If your filter doesn't work, or if something else suddenly behaves differently,
+you might have made an error in your filter, and innotop is silently catching
+the error. Try enabling L<"debug"> to make innotop throw an error instead.
+innotop's quick-filters are a shortcut to create a temporary filter that doesn't
+persist when you restart innotop. To create a quick-filter, press the '/' key.
+innotop will prompt you for the column name and filter text. Again, you can use
+auto-completion on column names. The filter text can be just the text you want
+to "search for." For example, to filter the L<"processlist"> table on queries
+that refer to the products table, type '/' and then 'info product'. Internally,
+the filter is compiled into a subroutine like this:
+ sub filter {
+ my ( $set ) = @_;
+ $set->{info} =~ m/product/;
+ }
+The filter text can actually be any Perl regular expression, but of course a
+literal string like 'product' works fine as a regular expression.
+What if you want the filter to discard matching rows, rather than showing
+matching rows? If you're familiar with Perl regular expressions, you might
+guess how to do this. You have to use a zero-width negative lookahead
+assertion. If you don't know what that means, don't worry. Let's filter out
+all rows where the command is Gandalf. Type the following:
+ 1. /
+ 2. cmd ^(?!Gandalf)
+Behind the scenes innotop compiles the quick-filter into a specially tagged
+filter that is otherwise like any other filter. It just isn't saved to the
+configuration file.
+To clear quick-filters, press the '\' key and innotop will clear them all at
+=head2 SORTING
+innotop has sensible built-in defaults to sort the most important rows to the
+top of the table. Like anything else in innotop, you can customize how any
+table is sorted.
+To start the sort dialog, start the L<"TABLE EDITOR"> with the '^' key, choose a
+table if necessary, and press the 's' key. You'll see a list of columns you can
+use in the sort expression and the current sort expression, if any. Enter a
+list of columns by which you want to sort and press Enter. If you want to
+reverse sort, prefix the column name with a minus sign. For example, if you
+want to sort by column a ascending, then column b descending, type 'a -b'. You
+can also explicitly add a + in front of columns you want to sort ascending, but
+it's not required.
+Some modes have keys mapped to open this dialog directly, and to quickly reverse
+sort direction. Press '?' as usual to see which keys are mapped in any mode.
+=head2 GROUPING
+innotop can group, or aggregate, rows together (the terms are used
+interchangeably). This is quite similar to an SQL GROUP BY clause. You can
+specify to group on certain columns, or if you don't specify any, the entire set
+of rows is treated as one group. This is quite like SQL so far, but unlike SQL,
+you can also select un-grouped columns. innotop actually aggregates every
+column. If you don't explicitly specify a grouping function, the default is
+'first'. This is basically a convenience so you don't have to specify an
+aggregate function for every column you want in the result.
+You can quickly toggle grouping on a table with the '=' key, which toggles its
+aggregate property. This property doesn't persist to the config file.
+The columns by which the table is grouped are specified in its group_by
+property. When you turn grouping on, innotop places the group_by columns at the
+far left of the table, even if they're not supposed to be visible. The rest of
+the visible columns appear in order after them.
+Two tables have default group_by lists and a count column built in:
+L<"processlist"> and L<"innodb_transactions">. The grouping is by connection
+and status, so you can quickly see how many queries or transactions are in a
+given status on each server you're monitoring. The time columns are aggregated
+as a sum; other columns are left at the default 'first' aggregation.
+By default, the table shown in L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode also uses
+grouping so you can monitor variables and status across many servers. The
+default aggregation function in this mode is 'avg'.
+Valid grouping functions are defined in the %agg_funcs hash. They include
+=item first
+Returns the first element in the group.
+=item count
+Returns the number of elements in the group, including undefined elements, much
+like SQL's COUNT(*).
+=item avg
+Returns the average of defined elements in the group.
+=item sum
+Returns the sum of elements in the group.
+Here's an example of grouping at work. Suppose you have a very busy server with
+hundreds of open connections, and you want to see how many connections are in
+what status. Using the built-in grouping rules, you can press 'Q' to enter
+L<"Q: Query List"> mode. Press '=' to toggle grouping (if necessary, select the
+L<"processlist"> table when prompted).
+Your display might now look like the following:
+ Query List (? for help) localhost, 32:33, 0.11 QPS, 1 thd, 5.0.38-log
+ CXN Cmd Cnt ID User Host Time Query
+ localhost Query 49 12933 webusr localhost 19:38 SELECT * FROM
+ localhost Sending Da 23 2383 webusr localhost 12:43 SELECT col1,
+ localhost Sleep 120 140 webusr localhost 5:18:12
+ localhost Statistics 12 19213 webusr localhost 01:19 SELECT * FROM
+That's actually quite a worrisome picture. You've got a lot of idle connections
+(Sleep), and some connections executing queries (Query and Sending Data).
+That's okay, but you also have a lot in Statistics status, collectively spending
+over a minute. That means the query optimizer is having a really hard time
+generating execution plans for your statements. Something is wrong; it should
+normally take milliseconds to plan queries. You might not have seen this pattern if you
+didn't look at your connections in aggregate. (This is a made-up example, but
+it can happen in real life).
+=head2 PIVOTING
+innotop can pivot a table for more compact display, similar to a Pivot Table in
+a spreadsheet (also known as a crosstab). Pivoting a table makes columns into
+rows. Assume you start with this table:
+ foo bar
+ === ===
+ 1 3
+ 2 4
+After pivoting, the table will look like this:
+ name set0 set1
+ ==== ==== ====
+ foo 1 2
+ bar 3 4
+To get reasonable results, you might need to group as well as pivoting.
+innotop currently does this for L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode.
+=head2 COLORS
+By default, innotop highlights rows with color so you can see at a glance which
+rows are more important. You can customize the colorization rules and add your
+own to any table. Open the table editor with the '^' key, choose a table if
+needed, and press 'o' to open the color editor dialog.
+The color editor dialog displays the rules applied to the table, in the order
+they are evaluated. Each row is evaluated against each rule to see if the rule
+matches the row; if it does, the row gets the specified color, and no further
+rules are evaluated. The rules look like the following:
+ state eq Locked black on_red
+ cmd eq Sleep white
+ user eq system user white
+ cmd eq Connect white
+ cmd eq Binlog Dump white
+ time > 600 red
+ time > 120 yellow
+ time > 60 green
+ time > 30 cyan
+This is the default rule set for the L<"processlist"> table. In order of
+priority, these rules make locked queries black on a red background, "gray out"
+connections from replication and sleeping queries, and make queries turn from
+cyan to red as they run longer.
+(For some reason, the ANSI color code "white" is actually a light gray. Your
+terminal's display may vary; experiment to find colors you like).
+You can use keystrokes to move the rules up and down, which re-orders their
+priority. You can also delete rules and add new ones. If you add a new rule,
+innotop prompts you for the column, an operator for the comparison, a value
+against which to compare the column, and a color to assign if the rule matches.
+There is auto-completion and prompting at each step.
+The value in the third step needs to be correctly quoted. innotop does not try
+to quote the value because it doesn't know whether it should treat the value as
+a string or a number. If you want to compare the column against a string, as
+for example in the first rule above, you should enter 'Locked' surrounded by
+quotes. If you get an error message about a bareword, you probably should have
+quoted something.
+Expressions are at the core of how innotop works, and are what enables you to
+extend innotop as you wish. Recall the table lifecycle explained in
+L<"TABLES">. Expressions are used in the earliest step, where it extracts
+values from a data source to form rows.
+It does this by calling a subroutine for each column, passing it the source data
+set, a set of current values, and a set of previous values. These are all
+needed so the subroutine can calculate things like the difference between this
+tick and the previous tick.
+The subroutines that extract the data from the set are compiled from
+expressions. This gives significantly more power than just naming the values to
+fill the columns, because it allows the column's value to be calculated from
+whatever data is necessary, but avoids the need to write complicated and lengthy
+Perl code.
+innotop begins with a string of text that can look as simple as a value's name
+or as complicated as a full-fledged Perl expression. It looks at each
+'bareword' token in the string and decides whether it's supposed to be a key
+into the $set hash. A bareword is an unquoted value that isn't already
+surrounded by code-ish things like dollar signs or curly brackets. If innotop
+decides that the bareword isn't a function or other valid Perl code, it converts
+it into a hash access. After the whole string is processed, innotop compiles a
+subroutine, like this:
+ sub compute_column_value {
+ my ( $set, $cur, $pre ) = @_;
+ return $val;
+ }
+Here's a concrete example, taken from the header table L<"q_header"> in L<"Q:
+Query List"> mode. This expression calculates the qps, or Queries Per Second,
+column's values, from the values returned by SHOW STATUS:
+ Questions/Uptime_hires
+innotop decides both words are barewords, and transforms this expression into
+the following Perl code:
+ $set->{Questions}/$set->{Uptime_hires}
+When surrounded by the rest of the subroutine's code, this is executable Perl
+that calculates a high-resolution queries-per-second value.
+The arguments to the subroutine are named $set, $cur, and $pre. In most cases,
+$set and $cur will be the same values. However, if L<"status_inc"> is set, $cur
+will not be the same as $set, because $set will already contain values that are
+the incremental difference between $cur and $pre.
+Every column in innotop is computed by subroutines compiled in the same fashion.
+There is no difference between innotop's built-in columns and user-defined
+columns. This keeps things consistent and predictable.
+Transformations change how a value is rendered. For example, they can take a
+number of seconds and display it in H:M:S format. The following transformations
+are defined:
+=item commify
+Adds commas to large numbers every three decimal places.
+=item distill
+Distills SQL into verb-noun-noun format for quick comprehension.
+=item dulint_to_int
+Accepts two unsigned integers and converts them into a single longlong. This is
+useful for certain operations with InnoDB, which uses two integers as
+transaction identifiers, for example.
+=item fuzzy_time
+Converts a number of seconds into a friendly, readable value like "1h35m".
+=item no_ctrl_char
+Removes quoted control characters from the value. This is affected by the
+L<"charset"> configuration variable.
+This transformation only operates within quoted strings, for example, values to
+a SET clause in an UPDATE statement. It will not alter the UPDATE statement,
+but will collapse the quoted string to [BINARY] or [TEXT], depending on the
+=item percent
+Converts a number to a percentage by multiplying it by two, formatting it with
+L<"num_digits"> digits after the decimal point, and optionally adding a percent
+sign (see L<"show_percent">).
+=item secs_to_time
+Formats a number of seconds as time in days+hours:minutes:seconds format.
+=item set_precision
+Formats numbers with L<"num_digits"> number of digits after the decimal point.
+=item shorten
+Formats a number as a unit of 1024 (k/M/G/T) and with L<"num_digits"> number of
+digits after the decimal point.
+The innotop table editor lets you customize tables with keystrokes. You start
+the table editor with the '^' key. If there's more than one table on the
+screen, it will prompt you to choose one of them. Once you do, innotop will
+show you something like this:
+ Editing table definition for Buffer Pool. Press ? for help, q to quit.
+ name hdr label src
+ cxn CXN Connection from which cxn
+ buf_pool_size Size Buffer pool size IB_bp_buf_poo
+ buf_free Free Bufs Buffers free in the b IB_bp_buf_fre
+ pages_total Pages Pages total IB_bp_pages_t
+ pages_modified Dirty Pages Pages modified (dirty IB_bp_pages_m
+ buf_pool_hit_rate Hit Rate Buffer pool hit rate IB_bp_buf_poo
+ total_mem_alloc Memory Total memory allocate IB_bp_total_m
+ add_pool_alloc Add'l Pool Additonal pool alloca IB_bp_add_poo
+The first line shows which table you're editing, and reminds you again to press
+'?' for a list of key mappings. The rest is a tabular representation of the
+table's columns, because that's likely what you're trying to edit. However, you
+can edit more than just the table's columns; this screen can start the filter
+editor, color rule editor, and more.
+Each row in the display shows a single column in the table you're editing, along
+with a couple of its properties such as its header and source expression (see
+The key mappings are Vim-style, as in many other places. Pressing 'j' and 'k'
+moves the highlight up or down. You can then (d)elete or (e)dit the highlighted
+column. You can also (a)dd a column to the table. This actually just activates
+one of the columns already defined for the table; it prompts you to choose from
+among the columns available but not currently displayed. Finally, you can
+re-order the columns with the '+' and '-' keys.
+You can do more than just edit the columns with the table editor, you can also
+edit other properties, such as the table's sort expression and group-by
+expression. Press '?' to see the full list, of course.
+If you want to really customize and create your own column, as opposed to just
+activating a built-in one that's not currently displayed, press the (n)ew key,
+and innotop will prompt you for the information it needs:
+=item *
+The column name: this needs to be a word without any funny characters, e.g. just
+letters, numbers and underscores.
+=item *
+The column header: this is the label that appears at the top of the column, in
+the table header. This can have spaces and funny characters, but be careful not
+to make it too wide and waste space on-screen.
+=item *
+The column's data source: this is an expression that determines what data from
+the source (see L<"TABLES">) innotop will put into the column. This can just be
+the name of an item in the source, or it can be a more complex expression, as
+described in L<"EXPRESSIONS">.
+Once you've entered the required data, your table has a new column. There is no
+difference between this column and the built-in ones; it can have all the same
+properties and behaviors. innotop will write the column's definition to the
+configuration file, so it will persist across sessions.
+Here's an example: suppose you want to track how many times your slaves have
+retried transactions. According to the MySQL manual, the
+Slave_retried_transactions status variable gives you that data: "The total
+number of times since startup that the replication slave SQL thread has retried
+transactions. This variable was added in version 5.0.4." This is appropriate to
+add to the L<"slave_sql_status"> table.
+To add the column, switch to the replication-monitoring mode with the 'M' key,
+and press the '^' key to start the table editor. When prompted, choose
+slave_sql_status as the table, then press 'n' to create the column. Type
+'retries' as the column name, 'Retries' as the column header, and
+'Slave_retried_transactions' as the source. Now the column is created, and you
+see the table editor screen again. Press 'q' to exit the table editor, and
+you'll see your column at the end of the table.
+Variable sets are used in L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode to define more easily
+what variables you want to monitor. Behind the scenes they are compiled to a
+list of expressions, and then into a column list so they can be treated just
+like columns in any other table, in terms of data extraction and
+transformations. However, you're protected from the tedious details by a syntax
+that ought to feel very natural to you: a SQL SELECT list.
+The data source for variable sets, and indeed the entire S mode, is the
+that you had a huge table with one column per variable returned from those
+statements. That's the data source for variable sets. You can now query this
+data source just like you'd expect. For example:
+ Questions, Uptime, Questions/Uptime as QPS
+Behind the scenes innotop will split that variable set into three expressions,
+compile them and turn them into a table definition, then extract as usual. This
+becomes a "variable set," or a "list of variables you want to monitor."
+innotop lets you name and save your variable sets, and writes them to the
+configuration file. You can choose which variable set you want to see with the
+'c' key, or activate the next and previous sets with the '>' and '<' keys.
+There are many built-in variable sets as well, which should give you a good
+start for creating your own. Press 'e' to edit the current variable set, or
+just to see how it's defined. To create a new one, just press 'c' and type its
+You may want to use some of the functions listed in L<"TRANSFORMATIONS"> to help
+format the results. In particular, L<"set_precision"> is often useful to limit
+the number of digits you see. Extending the above example, here's how:
+ Questions, Uptime, set_precision(Questions/Uptime) as QPS
+Actually, this still needs a little more work. If your L<"interval"> is less
+than one second, you might be dividing by zero because Uptime is incremental in
+this mode by default. Instead, use Uptime_hires:
+ Questions, Uptime, set_precision(Questions/Uptime_hires) as QPS
+This example is simple, but it shows how easy it is to choose which variables
+you want to monitor.
+=head1 PLUGINS
+innotop has a simple but powerful plugin mechanism by which you can extend
+or modify its existing functionality, and add new functionality. innotop's
+plugin functionality is event-based: plugins register themselves to be called
+when events happen. They then have a chance to influence the event.
+An innotop plugin is a Perl module (.pm) file placed in innotop's L<"plugin_dir">
+directory. On UNIX systems, you can place a symbolic link to the module instead
+of putting the actual file there. innotop automatically discovers files named C<*.pm>. If
+there is a corresponding entry in the L<"plugins"> configuration file section,
+innotop loads and activates the plugin.
+The module must conform to innotop's plugin interface. Additionally, the source
+code of the module must be written in such a way that innotop can inspect the
+file and determine the package name and description.
+=head2 Package Source Convention
+innotop inspects the plugin module's source to determine the Perl package name.
+It looks for a line of the form "package Foo;" and if found, considers the
+plugin's package name to be Foo. Of course the package name can be a valid Perl
+package name such as Foo::Bar, with double colons (::) and so on.
+It also looks for a description in the source code, to make the plugin editor
+more human-friendly. The description is a comment line of the form "#
+description: Foo", where "Foo" is the text innotop will consider to be the
+plugin's description.
+=head2 Plugin Interface
+The innotop plugin interface is quite simple: innotop expects the plugin to be
+an object-oriented module it can call certain methods on. The methods are
+=item new(%variables)
+This is the plugin's constructor. It is passed a hash of innotop's variables,
+which it can manipulate (see L<"Plugin Variables">). It must return a reference
+to the newly created plugin object.
+At construction time, innotop has only loaded the general configuration and
+created the default built-in variables with their default contents (which is
+quite a lot). Therefore, the state of the program is exactly as in the innotop
+source code, plus the configuration variables from the L<"general"> section in
+the config file.
+If your plugin manipulates the variables, it is changing global data, which is
+shared by innotop and all plugins. Plugins are loaded in the order they're
+listed in the config file. Your plugin may load before or after another plugin,
+so there is a potential for conflict or interaction between plugins if they
+modify data other plugins use or modify.
+=item register_for_events()
+This method must return a list of events in which the plugin is interested, if
+any. See L<"Plugin Events"> for the defined events. If the plugin returns an
+event that's not defined, the event is ignored.
+=item event handlers
+The plugin must implement a method named the same as each event for which it has
+registered. In other words, if the plugin returns qw(foo bar) from
+register_for_events(), it must have foo() and bar() methods. These methods are
+callbacks for the events. See L<"Plugin Events"> for more details about each
+=head2 Plugin Variables
+The plugin's constructor is passed a hash of innotop's variables, which it can
+manipulate. It is probably a good idea if the plugin object saves a copy of it
+for later use. The variables are defined in the innotop variable
+%pluggable_vars, and are as follows:
+=item action_for
+A hashref of key mappings. These are innotop's global hot-keys.
+=item agg_funcs
+A hashref of functions that can be used for grouping. See L<"GROUPING">.
+=item config
+The global configuration hash.
+=item connections
+A hashref of connection specifications. These are just specifications of how to
+connect to a server.
+=item dbhs
+A hashref of innotop's database connections. These are actual DBI connection
+=item filters
+A hashref of filters applied to table rows. See L<"FILTERS"> for more.
+=item modes
+A hashref of modes. See L<"MODES"> for more.
+=item server_groups
+A hashref of server groups. See L<"SERVER GROUPS">.
+=item tbl_meta
+A hashref of innotop's table meta-data, with one entry per table (see
+L<"TABLES"> for more information).
+=item trans_funcs
+A hashref of transformation functions. See L<"TRANSFORMATIONS">.
+=item var_sets
+A hashref of variable sets. See L<"VARIABLE SETS">.
+=head2 Plugin Events
+Each event is defined somewhere in the innotop source code. When innotop runs
+that code, it executes the callback function for each plugin that expressed its
+interest in the event. innotop passes some data for each event. The events are
+defined in the %event_listener_for variable, and are as follows:
+=item extract_values($set, $cur, $pre, $tbl)
+This event occurs inside the function that extracts values from a data source.
+The arguments are the set of values, the current values, the previous values,
+and the table name.
+=item set_to_tbl
+Events are defined at many places in this subroutine, which is responsible for
+turning an arrayref of hashrefs into an arrayref of lines that can be printed to
+the screen. The events all pass the same data: an arrayref of rows and the name
+of the table being created. The events are set_to_tbl_pre_filter,
+set_to_tbl_pre_sort,set_to_tbl_pre_group, set_to_tbl_pre_colorize,
+set_to_tbl_pre_transform, set_to_tbl_pre_pivot, set_to_tbl_pre_create,
+=item draw_screen($lines)
+This event occurs inside the subroutine that prints the lines to the screen.
+$lines is an arrayref of strings.
+=head2 Simple Plugin Example
+The easiest way to explain the plugin functionality is probably with a simple
+example. The following module adds a column to the beginning of every table and
+sets its value to 1. (If you copy and paste this example code, be sure to remove
+the first space from each line; lines such as '# description' must not start with
+ use strict;
+ use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+ package Innotop::Plugin::Example;
+ # description: Adds an 'example' column to every table
+ sub new {
+ my ( $class, %vars ) = @_;
+ # Store reference to innotop's variables in $self
+ my $self = bless { %vars }, $class;
+ # Design the example column
+ my $col = {
+ hdr => 'Example',
+ just => '',
+ dec => 0,
+ num => 1,
+ label => 'Example',
+ src => 'example', # Get data from this column in the data source
+ tbl => '',
+ trans => [],
+ };
+ # Add the column to every table.
+ my $tbl_meta = $vars{tbl_meta};
+ foreach my $tbl ( values %$tbl_meta ) {
+ # Add the column to the list of defined columns
+ $tbl->{cols}->{example} = $col;
+ # Add the column to the list of visible columns
+ unshift @{$tbl->{visible}}, 'example';
+ }
+ # Be sure to return a reference to the object.
+ return $self;
+ }
+ # I'd like to be called when a data set is being rendered into a table, please.
+ sub register_for_events {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ return qw(set_to_tbl_pre_filter);
+ }
+ # This method will be called when the event fires.
+ sub set_to_tbl_pre_filter {
+ my ( $self, $rows, $tbl ) = @_;
+ # Set the example column's data source to the value 1.
+ foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
+ $row->{example} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+=head2 Plugin Editor
+The plugin editor lets you view the plugins innotop discovered and activate or
+deactivate them. Start the editor by pressing $ to start the configuration
+editor from any mode. Press the 'p' key to start the plugin editor. You'll see
+a list of plugins innotop discovered. You can use the 'j' and 'k' keys to move
+the highlight to the desired one, then press the * key to toggle it active or
+inactive. Exit the editor and restart innotop for the changes to take effect.
+innotop uses a limited set of SQL statements to retrieve data from MySQL for
+display. The statements are customized depending on the server version against
+which they are executed; for example, on MySQL 5 and newer, INNODB_STATUS
+executes "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS", while on earlier versions it executes
+"SHOW INNODB STATUS". The statements are as follows:
+ Statement SQL executed
+ =================== ===============================
+Each time innotop extracts values to create a table (see L<"EXPRESSIONS"> and
+L<"TABLES">), it does so from a particular data source. Largely because of the
+complex data extracted from SHOW INNODB STATUS, this is slightly messy. SHOW
+INNODB STATUS contains a mixture of single values and repeated values that form
+nested data sets.
+Whenever innotop fetches data from MySQL, it adds two extra bits to each set:
+cxn and Uptime_hires. cxn is the name of the connection from which the data
+came. Uptime_hires is a high-resolution version of the server's Uptime status
+variable, which is important if your L<"interval"> setting is sub-second.
+Here are the kinds of data sources from which data is extracted:
+This is the broadest category, into which the most kinds of data fall. It
+begins with the combination of SHOW STATUS and SHOW VARIABLES, but other sources
+may be included as needed, for example, SHOW MASTER STATUS and SHOW SLAVE
+STATUS, as well as many of the non-repeated values from SHOW INNODB STATUS.
+This data is extracted from the transaction list in the LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK
+section of SHOW INNODB STATUS. It is nested two levels deep: transactions, then
+This data is from the transaction list in the LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK
+section of SHOW INNODB STATUS. It is nested one level deep.
+=item EXPLAIN
+This data is from the result set returned by EXPLAIN.
+This data is from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables related to InnoDB locks and
+the processlist.
+This data is from the TRANSACTIONS section of SHOW INNODB STATUS.
+This data is from the list of threads in the the FILE I/O section of SHOW INNODB
+This data is from the TRANSACTIONS section of SHOW INNODB STATUS and is nested
+two levels deep.
+This data is from the combination of SHOW MASTER STATUS and SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
+This data is from SHOW OPEN TABLES.
+This data is from SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST.
+This data is from SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST and computes stats such as the maximum time
+a user query has been running, and how many user queries are running. A "user
+query" excludes replication threads.
+This data is from the SEMAPHORES section of SHOW INNODB STATUS and is nested one
+level deep. It comes from the lines that look like this:
+ --Thread 1568861104 has waited at btr0cur.c line 424 ....
+=item *
+You must connect to MySQL as a user who has the SUPER privilege for many of the
+=item *
+If you don't have the SUPER privilege, you can still run some functions, but you
+won't necessarily see all the same data.
+=item *
+You need the PROCESS privilege to see the list of currently running queries in Q
+=item *
+You need special privileges to start and stop slave servers.
+=item *
+You need appropriate privileges to create and drop the deadlock tables if needed
+You need Perl to run innotop, of course. You also need a few Perl modules: DBI,
+DBD::mysql, Term::ReadKey, and Time::HiRes. These should be included with most
+Perl distributions, but in case they are not, I recommend using versions
+distributed with your operating system or Perl distribution, not from CPAN.
+Term::ReadKey in particular has been known to cause problems if installed from
+If you have Term::ANSIColor, innotop will use it to format headers more readably
+and compactly. (Under Microsoft Windows, you also need Win32::Console::ANSI for
+terminal formatting codes to be honored). If you install Term::ReadLine,
+preferably Term::ReadLine::Gnu, you'll get nice auto-completion support.
+I run innotop on Gentoo GNU/Linux, Debian and Ubuntu, and I've had feedback from
+people successfully running it on Red Hat, CentOS, Solaris, and Mac OSX. I
+don't see any reason why it won't work on other UNIX-ish operating systems, but
+I don't know for sure. It also runs on Windows under ActivePerl without
+innotop has been used on MySQL versions 3.23.58, 4.0.27, 4.1.0, 4.1.22, 5.0.26,
+5.1.15, and 5.2.3. If it doesn't run correctly for you, that is a bug that
+should be reported.
+=head1 FILES
+$HOMEDIR/.innotop and/or /etc/innotop are used to store
+configuration information. Files include the configuration file innotop.conf,
+the core_dump file which contains verbose error messages if L<"debug"> is
+enabled, and the plugins/ subdirectory.
+=item tick
+A tick is a refresh event, when innotop re-fetches data from connections and
+displays it.
+The following people and organizations are acknowledged for various reasons.
+Hopefully no one has been forgotten.
+Aaron Racine,
+Allen K. Smith,
+Aurimas Mikalauskas,
+Bartosz Fenski,
+Brian Miezejewski,
+Christian Hammers,
+Cyril Scetbon,
+Dane Miller,
+David Multer,
+Dr. Frank Ullrich,
+Giuseppe Maxia, Site Reliability Engineers,
+Google Code,
+Jan Pieter Kunst,
+Jari Aalto,
+Jay Pipes,
+Jeremy Zawodny,
+Johan Idren,
+Kristian Kohntopp,
+Lenz Grimmer,
+Maciej Dobrzanski,
+Michiel Betel,
+Paul McCullagh,
+Sebastien Estienne,,
+Steven Kreuzer,
+The Gentoo MySQL Team,
+Trevor Price,
+Yaar Schnitman,
+and probably more people that have not been included.
+(If your name has been misspelled, it's probably out of fear of putting
+international characters into this documentation; earlier versions of Perl might
+not be able to compile it then).
+This program is copyright (c) 2006 Baron Schwartz.
+Feedback and improvements are welcome.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similar
+systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+Execute innotop and press '!' to see this information at any time.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Originally written by Baron Schwartz; currently maintained by Aaron Racine.
+=head1 BUGS
+You can report bugs, ask for improvements, and get other help and support at
+L<>. There are mailing lists, a source code
+browser, a bug tracker, etc. Please use these instead of contacting the
+maintainer or author directly, as it makes our job easier and benefits others if the
+discussions are permanent and public. Of course, if you need to contact us in
+private, please do.
diff --git a/debian/additions/innotop/innotop.1 b/debian/additions/innotop/innotop.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd275a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/innotop/innotop.1
@@ -0,0 +1,2200 @@
+.\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man 2.28 (Pod::Simple 3.28)
+.\" Standard preamble:
+.\" ======================================================================== Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP)
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.. Vb \" Begin verbatim text
+.ft CW \\$1
+.. Ve \" End verbatim text
+.ft R
+.\" Set up some character translations and predefined strings. \*(-- will
+.\" give an unbreakable dash, \*(PI will give pi, \*(L" will give a left
+.\" double quote, and \*(R" will give a right double quote. \*(C+ will
+.\" give a nicer C++. Capital omega is used to do unbreakable dashes and
+.\" therefore won't be available. \*(C` and \*(C' expand to `' in nroff,
+.\" nothing in troff, for use with C<>. \(*W-
+.ds C+ C\v'-.1v'\h'-1p'\s-2+\h'-1p'+\s0\v'.1v'\h'-1p' n \{\
+. ds -- \(*W-
+. ds PI pi
+. if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch
+. if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch
+. ds L" ""
+. ds R" ""
+. ds C` ""
+. ds C' ""
+. ds -- \|\(em\|
+. ds PI \(*p
+. ds L" ``
+. ds R" ''
+. ds C`
+. ds C'
+.\" Escape single quotes in literal strings from groff's Unicode transform. \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el .ds Aq '
+.\" If the F register is turned on, we'll generate index entries on stderr for
+.\" titles (.TH), headers (.SH), subsections (.SS), items (.Ip), and index
+.\" entries marked with X<> in POD. Of course, you'll have to process the
+.\" output yourself in some meaningful fashion.
+.\" Avoid warning from groff about undefined register 'F'. IX
+.. rF 0
+.if \n(.g .if rF .nr rF 1
+.if (\n(rF:(\n(.g==0)) \{
+. if \nF \{
+. de IX
+. tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2"
+. if !\nF==2 \{
+. nr % 0
+. nr F 2
+. \}
+. \}
+.rr rF
+.\" Accent mark definitions (@(#)ms.acc 1.5 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB 4.2).
+.\" Fear. Run. Save yourself. No user-serviceable parts.
+. \" fudge factors for nroff and troff
+.if n \{\
+. ds #H 0
+. ds #V .8m
+. ds #F .3m
+. ds #[ \f1
+. ds #] \fP
+.if t \{\
+. ds #H ((1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*.13m)
+. ds #V .6m
+. ds #F 0
+. ds #[ \&
+. ds #] \&
+. \" simple accents for nroff and troff
+.if n \{\
+. ds ' \&
+. ds ` \&
+. ds ^ \&
+. ds , \&
+. ds ~ ~
+. ds /
+.if t \{\
+. ds ' \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\'\h"|\\n:u"
+. ds ` \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\`\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'^\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds , \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)',\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu-\*(#H-.1m)'~\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds / \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\z\(sl\h'|\\n:u'
+. \" troff and (daisy-wheel) nroff accents
+.ds : \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H+.1m+\*(#F)'\v'-\*(#V'\z.\h'.2m+\*(#F'.\h'|\\n:u'\v'\*(#V'
+.ds 8 \h'\*(#H'\(*b\h'-\*(#H'
+.ds o \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu+\w'\(de'u-\*(#H)/2u'\v'-.3n'\*(#[\z\(de\v'.3n'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#]
+.ds d- \h'\*(#H'\(pd\h'-\w'~'u'\v'-.25m'\f2\(hy\fP\v'.25m'\h'-\*(#H'
+.ds D- D\\k:\h'-\w'D'u'\v'-.11m'\z\(hy\v'.11m'\h'|\\n:u'
+.ds th \*(#[\v'.3m'\s+1I\s-1\v'-.3m'\h'-(\w'I'u*2/3)'\s-1o\s+1\*(#]
+.ds Th \*(#[\s+2I\s-2\h'-\w'I'u*3/5'\v'-.3m'o\v'.3m'\*(#]
+.ds ae a\h'-(\w'a'u*4/10)'e
+.ds Ae A\h'-(\w'A'u*4/10)'E
+. \" corrections for vroff
+.if v .ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\s-2\u~\d\s+2\h'|\\n:u'
+.if v .ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'\v'-.4m'^\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u'
+. \" for low resolution devices (crt and lpr)
+.if \n(.H>23 .if \n(.V>19 \
+. ds : e
+. ds 8 ss
+. ds o a
+. ds d- d\h'-1'\(ga
+. ds D- D\h'-1'\(hy
+. ds th \o'bp'
+. ds Th \o'LP'
+. ds ae ae
+. ds Ae AE
+.rm #[ #] #H #V #F C
+.\" ========================================================================
+.IX Title "INNOTOP 1"
+.TH INNOTOP 1 "2017-01-23" "perl v5.20.2" "User Contributed Perl Documentation"
+.\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
+.\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
+.if n .ad l
+innotop \- MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor.
+.IX Header "SYNOPSIS"
+To monitor servers normally:
+.Vb 1
+\& innotop
+To monitor InnoDB status information from a file:
+.Vb 1
+\& innotop /var/log/mysql/mysqld.err
+To run innotop non-interactively in a pipe-and-filter configuration:
+.Vb 1
+\& innotop \-\-count 5 \-d 1 \-n
+To monitor a database on another system using a particular username and password:
+.Vb 1
+\& innotop \-u <username> \-p <password> \-h <hostname>
+innotop monitors MySQL servers. Each of its modes shows you a different aspect
+of what's happening in the server. For example, there's a mode for monitoring
+replication, one for queries, and one for transactions. innotop refreshes its
+data periodically, so you see an updating view.
+innotop has lots of features for power users, but you can start and run it with
+virtually no configuration. If you're just getting started, see
+\&\*(L"QUICK-START\*(R". Press '?' at any time while running innotop for
+context-sensitive help.
+To start innotop, open a terminal or command prompt. If you have installed
+innotop on your system, you should be able to just type \*(L"innotop\*(R" and press
+Enter; otherwise, you will need to change to innotop's directory and type \*(L"perl
+With no options specified, innotop will attempt to connect to a MySQL server on
+localhost using mysql_read_default_group=client for other connection
+parameters. If you need to specify a different username and password, use the
+\&\-u and \-p options, respectively. To monitor a MySQL database on another
+host, use the \-h option.
+After you've connected, innotop should show you something like the following:
+.Vb 1
+\& [RO] Query List (? for help) localhost, 01:11:19, 449.44 QPS, 14/7/163 con/run
+\& CXN When Load QPS Slow QCacheHit KCacheHit BpsIn BpsOut
+\& localhost Total 0.00 1.07k 697 0.00% 98.17% 476.83k 242.83k
+\& CXN Cmd ID User Host DB Time Query
+\& localhost Query 766446598 test foo 00:02 INSERT INTO table (
+(This sample is truncated at the right so it will fit on a terminal when running
+\&'man innotop')
+If your server is busy, you'll see more output. Notice the first line on the
+screen, which tells you that readonly is set to true ([\s-1RO\s0]), what mode you're
+in and what server you're connected to. You can change to other modes with
+keystrokes; press 'T' to switch to a list of InnoDB transactions, for example.
+Press the '?' key to see what keys are active in the current mode. You can
+press any of these keys and innotop will either take the requested action or
+prompt you for more input. If your system has Term::ReadLine support, you can
+use \s-1TAB\s0 and other keys to auto-complete and edit input.
+To quit innotop, press the 'q' key.
+.IX Header "OPTIONS"
+innotop is mostly configured via its configuration file, but some of the
+configuration options can come from the command line. You can also specify a
+file to monitor for InnoDB status output; see \*(L"\s-1MONITORING A FILE\*(R"\s0 for more
+You can negate some options by prefixing the option name with \-\-no. For
+example, \-\-noinc (or \-\-no\-inc) negates \*(L"\-\-inc\*(R".
+.IP "\-\-color" 4
+.IX Item "--color"
+Enable or disable terminal coloring. Corresponds to the \*(L"color\*(R" config file
+.IP "\-\-config" 4
+.IX Item "--config"
+Specifies a configuration file to read. This option is non-sticky, that is to
+say it does not persist to the configuration file itself.
+.IP "\-\-count" 4
+.IX Item "--count"
+Refresh only the specified number of times (ticks) before exiting. Each refresh
+is a pause for \*(L"interval\*(R" seconds, followed by requesting data from MySQL
+connections and printing it to the terminal.
+.IP "\-\-delay" 4
+.IX Item "--delay"
+Specifies the amount of time to pause between ticks (refreshes). Corresponds to
+the configuration option \*(L"interval\*(R".
+.IP "\-\-help" 4
+.IX Item "--help"
+Print a summary of command-line usage and exit.
+.IP "\-\-host" 4
+.IX Item "--host"
+Host to connect to.
+.IP "\-\-inc" 4
+.IX Item "--inc"
+Specifies whether innotop should display absolute numbers or relative numbers
+(offsets from their previous values). Corresponds to the configuration option
+.IP "\-\-mode" 4
+.IX Item "--mode"
+Specifies the mode in which innotop should start. Corresponds to the
+configuration option \*(L"mode\*(R".
+.IP "\-\-nonint" 4
+.IX Item "--nonint"
+Enable non-interactive operation. See \*(L"NON-INTERACTIVE \s-1OPERATION\*(R"\s0 for more.
+.IP "\-\-password" 4
+.IX Item "--password"
+Password to use for connection.
+.IP "\-\-port" 4
+.IX Item "--port"
+Port to use for connection.
+.IP "\-\-skipcentral" 4
+.IX Item "--skipcentral"
+Don't read the central configuration file.
+.IP "\-\-timestamp" 4
+.IX Item "--timestamp"
+In \-n mode, write a timestamp either before every screenful of output, or if
+the option is given twice, at the start of every line. The format is controlled
+by the timeformat config variable.
+.IP "\-\-user" 4
+.IX Item "--user"
+User to use for connection.
+.IP "\-\-version" 4
+.IX Item "--version"
+Output version information and exit.
+.IP "\-\-write" 4
+.IX Item "--write"
+Sets the configuration option \*(L"readonly\*(R" to 0, making innotop write the
+running configuration to ~/.innotop/innotop.conf on exit, if no configuration
+file was loaded at start-up.
+.IX Header "HOTKEYS"
+innotop is interactive, and you control it with key-presses.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Uppercase keys switch between modes.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Lowercase keys initiate some action within the current mode.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Other keys do something special like change configuration or show the
+innotop license.
+Press '?' at any time to see the currently active keys and what they do.
+.IX Header "MODES"
+Each of innotop's modes retrieves and displays a particular type of data from
+the servers you're monitoring. You switch between modes with uppercase keys.
+The following is a brief description of each mode, in alphabetical order. To
+switch to the mode, press the key listed in front of its heading in the
+following list:
+.IP "A: Health Dashboard" 4
+.IX Item "A: Health Dashboard"
+This mode displays a single table with one row per monitored server. The
+columns show essential overview information about the server's health, and
+coloration rules show whether replication is running or if there are any very
+long-running queries or excessive replication delay.
+.IP "B: InnoDB Buffers" 4
+.IX Item "B: InnoDB Buffers"
+This mode displays information about the InnoDB buffer pool, page statistics,
+insert buffer, and adaptive hash index. The data comes from \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS.\s0
+This mode contains the \*(L"buffer_pool\*(R", \*(L"page_statistics\*(R",
+\&\*(L"insert_buffers\*(R", and \*(L"adaptive_hash_index\*(R" tables by default.
+.IP "C: Command Summary" 4
+.IX Item "C: Command Summary"
+This mode is similar to mytop's Command Summary mode. It shows the
+\&\*(L"cmd_summary\*(R" table, which looks something like the following:
+.Vb 8
+\& Command Summary (? for help) localhost, 25+07:16:43, 2.45 QPS, 3 thd, 5.0.40
+\& _\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_ Command Summary _\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_
+\& Name Value Pct Last Incr Pct
+\& Select_scan 3244858 69.89% 2 100.00%
+\& Select_range 1354177 29.17% 0 0.00%
+\& Select_full_join 39479 0.85% 0 0.00%
+\& Select_full_range_join 4097 0.09% 0 0.00%
+\& Select_range_check 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
+The command summary table is built by extracting variables from
+\&\*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0. The variables must be numeric and must match the prefix
+given by the \*(L"cmd_filter\*(R" configuration variable. The variables are then
+sorted by value descending and compared to the last variable, as shown above.
+The percentage columns are percentage of the total of all variables in the
+table, so you can see the relative weight of the variables.
+The example shows what you see if the prefix is \*(L"Select_\*(R". The default
+prefix is \*(L"Com_\*(R". You can choose a prefix with the 's' key.
+It's rather like running \s-1SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \s0\*(L"prefix%\*(R" with memory and
+nice formatting.
+Values are aggregated across all servers. The Pct columns are not correctly
+aggregated across multiple servers. This is a known limitation of the grouping
+algorithm that may be fixed in the future.
+.IP "D: InnoDB Deadlocks" 4
+.IX Item "D: InnoDB Deadlocks"
+This mode shows the transactions involved in the last InnoDB deadlock. A second
+table shows the locks each transaction held and waited for. A deadlock is
+caused by a cycle in the waits-for graph, so there should be two locks held and
+one waited for unless the deadlock information is truncated.
+InnoDB puts deadlock information before some other information in the \s-1SHOW
+INNODB STATUS\s0 output. If there are a lot of locks, the deadlock information can
+grow very large, and there is a limit on the size of the \s-1SHOW INNODB
+STATUS\s0 output. A large deadlock can fill the entire output, or even be
+truncated, and prevent you from seeing other information at all. If you are
+running innotop in another mode, for example T mode, and suddenly you don't see
+anything, you might want to check and see if a deadlock has wiped out the data
+you need.
+If it has, you can create a small deadlock to replace the large one. Use the
+\&'w' key to 'wipe' the large deadlock with a small one. This will not work
+unless you have defined a deadlock table for the connection (see \*(L"\s-1SERVER
+You can also configure innotop to automatically detect when a large deadlock
+needs to be replaced with a small one (see \*(L"auto_wipe_dl\*(R").
+This mode displays the \*(L"deadlock_transactions\*(R" and \*(L"deadlock_locks\*(R" tables
+by default.
+.IP "F: InnoDB Foreign Key Errors" 4
+.IX Item "F: InnoDB Foreign Key Errors"
+This mode shows the last InnoDB foreign key error information, such as the
+table where it happened, when and who and what query caused it, and so on.
+InnoDB has a huge variety of foreign key error messages, and many of them are
+just hard to parse. innotop doesn't always do the best job here, but there's
+so much code devoted to parsing this messy, unparseable output that innotop is
+likely never to be perfect in this regard. If innotop doesn't show you what
+you need to see, just look at the status text directly.
+This mode displays the \*(L"fk_error\*(R" table by default.
+.IP "I: InnoDB I/O Info" 4
+.IX Item "I: InnoDB I/O Info"
+This mode shows InnoDB's I/O statistics, including the I/O threads, pending I/O,
+file I/O miscellaneous, and log statistics. It displays the \*(L"io_threads\*(R",
+\&\*(L"pending_io\*(R", \*(L"file_io_misc\*(R", and \*(L"log_statistics\*(R" tables by default.
+.IP "K: InnoDB Lock Waits" 4
+.IX Item "K: InnoDB Lock Waits"
+This mode shows information from InnoDB plugin's transaction and locking tables.
+You can use it to find when a transaction is waiting for another, and kill the
+blocking transaction. It displays the "innodb_blocked_blocker" table.
+.IP "L: Locks" 4
+.IX Item "L: Locks"
+This mode shows information about current locks. At the moment only InnoDB
+locks are supported, and by default you'll only see locks for which transactions
+are waiting. This information comes from the \s-1TRANSACTIONS\s0 section of the InnoDB
+status text. If you have a very busy server, you may have frequent lock waits;
+it helps to be able to see which tables and indexes are the \*(L"hot spot\*(R" for
+locks. If your server is running pretty well, this mode should show nothing.
+You can configure MySQL and innotop to monitor not only locks for which a
+transaction is waiting, but those currently held, too. You can do this with the
+InnoDB Lock Monitor (<\-monitor.html>). It's
+not documented in the MySQL manual, but creating the lock monitor with the
+following statement also affects the output of \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS,\s0 which innotop
+.Vb 1
+\& CREATE TABLE innodb_lock_monitor(a int) ENGINE=INNODB;
+This causes InnoDB to print its output to the MySQL file every 16 seconds or so,
+as stated in the manual, but it also makes the normal \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS\s0 output
+include lock information, which innotop can parse and display (that's the
+undocumented feature).
+This means you can do what may have seemed impossible: to a limited extent
+(InnoDB truncates some information in the output), you can see which transaction
+holds the locks something else is waiting for. You can also enable and disable
+the InnoDB Lock Monitor with the key mappings in this mode.
+This mode displays the \*(L"innodb_locks\*(R" table by default. Here's a sample of
+the screen when one connection is waiting for locks another connection holds:
+.Vb 7
+\& _\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_ InnoDB Locks _\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_
+\& CXN ID Type Waiting Wait Active Mode DB Table Index
+\& localhost 12 RECORD 1 00:10 00:10 X test t1 PRIMARY
+\& localhost 12 TABLE 0 00:10 00:10 IX test t1
+\& localhost 12 RECORD 1 00:10 00:10 X test t1 PRIMARY
+\& localhost 11 TABLE 0 00:00 00:25 IX test t1
+\& localhost 11 RECORD 0 00:00 00:25 X test t1 PRIMARY
+You can see the first connection, \s-1ID 12,\s0 is waiting for a lock on the \s-1PRIMARY\s0
+key on test.t1, and has been waiting for 10 seconds. The second connection
+isn't waiting, because the Waiting column is 0, but it holds locks on the same
+index. That tells you connection 11 is blocking connection 12.
+.IP "M: Master/Slave Replication Status" 4
+.IX Item "M: Master/Slave Replication Status"
+This mode shows the output of \s-1SHOW SLAVE STATUS\s0 and \s-1SHOW MASTER STATUS\s0 in three
+tables. The first two divide the slave's status into \s-1SQL\s0 and I/O thread status,
+and the last shows master status. Filters are applied to eliminate non-slave
+servers from the slave tables, and non-master servers from the master table.
+This mode displays the \*(L"slave_sql_status\*(R", \*(L"slave_io_status\*(R", and
+\&\*(L"master_status\*(R" tables by default.
+.IP "O: Open Tables" 4
+.IX Item "O: Open Tables"
+This section comes from MySQL's \s-1SHOW OPEN TABLES\s0 command. By default it is
+filtered to show tables which are in use by one or more queries, so you can
+get a quick look at which tables are 'hot'. You can use this to guess which
+tables might be locked implicitly.
+This mode displays the \*(L"open_tables\*(R" mode by default.
+.IP "U: User Statistics" 4
+.IX Item "U: User Statistics"
+This mode displays data that's available in Percona's enhanced version of MySQL
+(also known as Percona Server with XtraDB). Specifically, it makes it easy to
+enable and disable the so-called \*(L"user statistics.\*(R" This feature gathers stats
+on clients, threads, users, tables, and indexes and makes them available as
+\&\s-1INFORMATION_SCHEMA\s0 tables. These are invaluable for understanding what your
+server is doing. They are also available in MariaDB.
+The statistics supported so far are only from the \s-1TABLE_STATISTICS\s0 and
+\&\s-1INDEX_STATISTICS\s0 tables added by Percona. There are three views: one of table stats,
+one of index stats (which can be aggregated with the = key), and one of both.
+The server doesn't gather these stats by default. You have to set the variable
+userstat_running to turn it on. You can do this easily with innotop from U mode,
+with the 's' key.
+.IP "Q: Query List" 4
+.IX Item "Q: Query List"
+This mode displays the output from \s-1SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST,\s0 much like \fBmytop\fR's
+query list mode. This mode does \fBnot\fR show InnoDB-related information. This
+is probably one of the most useful modes for general usage.
+There is an informative header that shows general status information about
+your server. You can toggle it on and off with the 'h' key. By default,
+innotop hides inactive processes and its own process. You can toggle these on
+and off with the 'i' and 'a' keys.
+You can \s-1EXPLAIN\s0 a query from this mode with the 'e' key. This displays the
+query's full text, the results of \s-1EXPLAIN,\s0 and in newer MySQL versions, even
+the optimized query resulting from \s-1EXPLAIN EXTENDED. \s0 innotop also tries to
+rewrite certain queries to make them EXPLAIN-able. For example, \s-1INSERT/SELECT\s0
+statements are rewritable.
+This mode displays the \*(L"q_header\*(R" and \*(L"processlist\*(R" tables by default.
+.IP "R: InnoDB Row Operations and Semaphores" 4
+.IX Item "R: InnoDB Row Operations and Semaphores"
+This mode shows InnoDB row operations, row operation miscellaneous, semaphores,
+and information from the wait array. It displays the \*(L"row_operations\*(R",
+\&\*(L"row_operation_misc\*(R", \*(L"semaphores\*(R", and \*(L"wait_array\*(R" tables by default.
+.IP "S: Variables & Status" 4
+.IX Item "S: Variables & Status"
+This mode calculates statistics, such as queries per second, and prints them out
+in several different styles. You can show absolute values, or incremental values
+between ticks.
+You can switch between the views by pressing a key. The 's' key prints a
+single line each time the screen updates, in the style of \fBvmstat\fR. The 'g'
+key changes the view to a graph of the same numbers, sort of like \fBtload\fR.
+The 'v' key changes the view to a pivoted table of variable names on the left,
+with successive updates scrolling across the screen from left to right. You can
+choose how many updates to put on the screen with the \*(L"num_status_sets\*(R"
+configuration variable.
+Headers may be abbreviated to fit on the screen in interactive operation. You
+choose which variables to display with the 'c' key, which selects from
+predefined sets, or lets you create your own sets. You can edit the current set
+with the 'e' key.
+This mode doesn't really display any tables like other modes. Instead, it uses
+a table definition to extract and format the data, but it then transforms the
+result in special ways before outputting it. It uses the \*(L"var_status\*(R" table
+definition for this.
+.IP "T: InnoDB Transactions" 4
+.IX Item "T: InnoDB Transactions"
+This mode shows transactions from the InnoDB monitor's output, in \fBtop\fR\-like
+format. This mode is the reason I wrote innotop.
+You can kill queries or processes with the 'k' and 'x' keys, and \s-1EXPLAIN\s0 a query
+with the 'e' or 'f' keys. InnoDB doesn't print the full query in transactions,
+so explaining may not work right if the query is truncated.
+The informational header can be toggled on and off with the 'h' key. By
+default, innotop hides inactive transactions and its own transaction. You can
+toggle this on and off with the 'i' and 'a' keys.
+This mode displays the \*(L"t_header\*(R" and \*(L"innodb_transactions\*(R" tables by
+The first line innotop displays is a \*(L"status bar\*(R" of sorts. What it contains
+depends on the mode you're in, and what servers you're monitoring. The first
+few words are always [\s-1RO\s0] (if readonly is set to 1), the innotop mode, such as
+\&\*(L"InnoDB Txns\*(R" for T mode, followed by a reminder to press '?' for help at any
+.SS "\s-1ONE SERVER\s0"
+.IX Subsection "ONE SERVER"
+The simplest case is when you're monitoring a single server. In this case, the
+name of the connection is next on the status line. This is the name you gave
+when you created the connection \*(-- most likely the MySQL server's hostname.
+This is followed by the server's uptime.
+If you're in an InnoDB mode, such as T or B, the next word is \*(L"InnoDB\*(R" followed
+by some information about the \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS\s0 output used to render the
+screen. The first word is the number of seconds since the last \s-1SHOW INNODB
+STATUS,\s0 which InnoDB uses to calculate some per-second statistics. The next is
+a smiley face indicating whether the InnoDB output is truncated. If the smiley
+face is a :\-), all is well; there is no truncation. A :^| means the transaction
+list is so long, InnoDB has only printed out some of the transactions. Finally,
+a frown :\-( means the output is incomplete, which is probably due to a deadlock
+printing too much lock information (see \*(L"D: InnoDB Deadlocks\*(R").
+The next two words indicate the server's queries per second (\s-1QPS\s0) and how many
+threads (connections) exist. Finally, the server's version number is the last
+thing on the line.
+If you are monitoring multiple servers (see \*(L"\s-1SERVER CONNECTIONS\*(R"\s0), the status
+line does not show any details about individual servers. Instead, it shows the
+names of the connections that are active. Again, these are connection names you
+specified, which are likely to be the server's hostname. A connection that has
+an error is prefixed with an exclamation point.
+If you are monitoring a group of servers (see \*(L"\s-1SERVER GROUPS\*(R"\s0), the status
+line shows the name of the group. If any connection in the group has an
+error, the group's name is followed by the fraction of the connections that
+don't have errors.
+See \*(L"\s-1ERROR HANDLING\*(R"\s0 for more details about innotop's error handling.
+If you give a filename on the command line, innotop will not connect to \s-1ANY\s0
+servers at all. It will watch the specified file for InnoDB status output and
+use that as its data source. It will always show a single connection called
+\&'file'. And since it can't connect to a server, it can't determine how long the
+server it's monitoring has been up; so it calculates the server's uptime as time
+since innotop started running.
+While innotop is primarily a monitor that lets you watch and analyze your
+servers, it can also send commands to servers. The most frequently useful
+commands are killing queries and stopping or starting slaves.
+You can kill a connection, or in newer versions of MySQL kill a query but not a
+connection, from \*(L"Q: Query List\*(R" and \*(L"T: InnoDB Transactions\*(R" modes.
+Press 'k' to issue a \s-1KILL\s0 command, or 'x' to issue a \s-1KILL QUERY\s0 command.
+innotop will prompt you for the server and/or connection \s-1ID\s0 to kill (innotop
+does not prompt you if there is only one possible choice for any input).
+innotop pre-selects the longest-running query, or the oldest connection.
+Confirm the command with 'y'.
+In \*(L"Slave Replication Status\*(R"\*(L" in \*(R"M: Master mode, you can start and stop slaves
+with the 'a' and 'o' keys, respectively. You can send these commands to many
+slaves at once. innotop fills in a default command of \s-1START SLAVE\s0 or \s-1STOP SLAVE\s0
+for you, but you can actually edit the command and send anything you wish, such
+as \s-1SET GLOBAL\s0 SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1 to make the slave skip one binlog event
+when it starts.
+You can also ask innotop to calculate the earliest binlog in use by any slave
+and issue a \s-1PURGE MASTER LOGS\s0 on the master. Use the 'b' key for this. innotop
+will prompt you for a master to run the command on, then prompt you for the
+connection names of that master's slaves (there is no way for innotop to
+determine this reliably itself). innotop will find the minimum binlog in use by
+these slave connections and suggest it as the argument to \s-1PURGE MASTER LOGS.\s0
+in \*(L"U: User Statistics\*(R" mode, you can use the 's' key to start and stop
+the collection of the statistics data for \s-1TABLE_STATISTICS\s0 and similar.
+When you create a server connection using '@', innotop asks you for a series of
+inputs, as follows:
+.IP "\s-1DSN\s0" 4
+.IX Item "DSN"
+A \s-1DSN\s0 is a Data Source Name, which is the initial argument passed to the \s-1DBI\s0
+module for connecting to a server. It is usually of the form
+.Vb 1
+\& DBI:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=mysql;host=HOSTNAME
+Since this \s-1DSN\s0 is passed to the DBD::mysql driver, you should read the driver's
+documentation at \*(L"/\-mysql/lib/DBD/\*(R"\*(L" in \*(R"http: for
+the exact details on all the options you can pass the driver in the \s-1DSN. \s0 You
+can read more about \s-1DBI\s0 at <>, and especially at
+The mysql_read_default_group=mysql option lets the \s-1DBD\s0 driver read your MySQL
+options files, such as ~/.my.cnf on UNIX-ish systems. You can use this to avoid
+specifying a username or password for the connection.
+.IP "InnoDB Deadlock Table" 4
+.IX Item "InnoDB Deadlock Table"
+This optional item tells innotop a table name it can use to deliberately create
+a small deadlock (see \*(L"D: InnoDB Deadlocks\*(R"). If you specify this option,
+you just need to be sure the table doesn't exist, and that innotop can create
+and drop the table with the InnoDB storage engine. You can safely omit or just
+accept the default if you don't intend to use this.
+.IP "Username" 4
+.IX Item "Username"
+innotop will ask you if you want to specify a username. If you say 'y', it will
+then prompt you for a user name. If you have a MySQL option file that specifies
+your username, you don't have to specify a username.
+The username defaults to your login name on the system you're running innotop on.
+.IP "Password" 4
+.IX Item "Password"
+innotop will ask you if you want to specify a password. Like the username, the
+password is optional, but there's an additional prompt that asks if you want to
+save the password in the innotop configuration file. If you don't save it in
+the configuration file, innotop will prompt you for a password each time it
+starts. Passwords in the innotop configuration file are saved in plain text,
+not encrypted in any way.
+Once you finish answering these questions, you should be connected to a server.
+But innotop isn't limited to monitoring a single server; you can define many
+server connections and switch between them by pressing the '@' key. See
+If you have multiple MySQL instances, you can put them into named groups, such
+as 'all', 'masters', and 'slaves', which innotop can monitor all together.
+You can choose which group to monitor with the '#' key, and you can press the
+\&\s-1TAB\s0 key to switch to the next group. If you're not currently monitoring a
+group, pressing \s-1TAB\s0 selects the first group.
+To create a group, press the '#' key and type the name of your new group, then
+type the names of the connections you want the group to contain.
+innotop lets you quickly switch which servers you're monitoring. The most basic
+way is by pressing the '@' key and typing the name(s) of the connection(s) you
+want to use. This setting is per-mode, so you can monitor different connections
+in each mode, and innotop remembers which connections you choose.
+You can quickly switch to the 'next' connection in alphabetical order with the
+\&'n' key. If you're monitoring a server group (see \*(L"\s-1SERVER GROUPS\*(R"\s0) this will
+switch to the first connection.
+You can also type many connection names, and innotop will fetch and display data
+from them all. Just separate the connection names with spaces, for example
+\&\*(L"server1 server2.\*(R" Again, if you type the name of a connection that doesn't
+exist, innotop will prompt you for connection information and create the
+Another way to monitor multiple connections at once is with server groups. You
+can use the \s-1TAB\s0 key to switch to the 'next' group in alphabetical order, or if
+you're not monitoring any groups, \s-1TAB\s0 will switch to the first group.
+innotop does not fetch data in parallel from connections, so if you are
+monitoring a large group or many connections, you may notice increased delay
+between ticks.
+When you monitor more than one connection, innotop's status bar changes. See
+\&\*(L"\s-1INNOTOP STATUS\*(R"\s0.
+Error handling is not that important when monitoring a single connection, but is
+crucial when you have many active connections. A crashed server or lost
+connection should not crash innotop. As a result, innotop will continue to run
+even when there is an error; it just won't display any information from the
+connection that had an error. Because of this, innotop's behavior might confuse
+you. It's a feature, not a bug!
+innotop does not continue to query connections that have errors, because they
+may slow innotop and make it hard to use, especially if the error is a problem
+connecting and causes a long time-out. Instead, innotop retries the connection
+occasionally to see if the error still exists. If so, it will wait until some
+point in the future. The wait time increases in ticks as the Fibonacci series,
+so it tries less frequently as time passes.
+Since errors might only happen in certain modes because of the \s-1SQL\s0 commands
+issued in those modes, innotop keeps track of which mode caused the error. If
+you switch to a different mode, innotop will retry the connection instead of
+By default innotop will display the problem in red text at the bottom of the
+first table on the screen. You can disable this behavior with the
+\&\*(L"show_cxn_errors_in_tbl\*(R" configuration option, which is enabled by default.
+If the \*(L"debug\*(R" option is enabled, innotop will display the error at the
+bottom of every table, not just the first. And if \*(L"show_cxn_errors\*(R" is
+enabled, innotop will print the error text to \s-1STDOUT\s0 as well. Error messages
+might only display in the mode that caused the error, depending on the mode and
+whether innotop is avoiding querying that connection.
+You can run innotop in non-interactive mode, in which case it is entirely
+controlled from the configuration file and command-line options. To start
+innotop in non-interactive mode, give the L\*(L"<\-\-nonint\*(R"> command-line option.
+This changes innotop's behavior in the following ways:
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Certain Perl modules are not loaded. Term::Readline is not loaded, since
+innotop doesn't prompt interactively. Term::ANSIColor and Win32::Console::ANSI
+modules are not loaded. Term::ReadKey is still used, since innotop may have to
+prompt for connection passwords when starting up.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop does not clear the screen after each tick.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop does not persist any changes to the configuration file.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+If \*(L"\-\-count\*(R" is given and innotop is in incremental mode (see \*(L"status_inc\*(R"
+and \*(L"\-\-inc\*(R"), innotop actually refreshes one more time than specified so it
+can print incremental statistics. This suppresses output during the first
+tick, so innotop may appear to hang.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop only displays the first table in each mode. This is so the output can
+be easily processed with other command-line utilities such as awk and sed. To
+change which tables display in each mode, see \*(L"\s-1TABLES\*(R"\s0. Since \*(L"Q: Query
+List\*(R" mode is so important, innotop automatically disables the \*(L"q_header\*(R"
+table. This ensures you'll see the \*(L"processlist\*(R" table, even if you have
+innotop configured to show the q_header table during interactive operation.
+Similarly, in \*(L"T: InnoDB Transactions\*(R" mode, the \*(L"t_header\*(R" table is
+suppressed so you see only the \*(L"innodb_transactions\*(R" table.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+All output is tab-separated instead of being column-aligned with whitespace, and
+innotop prints the full contents of each table instead of only printing one
+screenful at a time.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop only prints column headers once instead of every tick (see
+\&\*(L"hide_hdr\*(R"). innotop does not print table captions (see
+\&\*(L"display_table_captions\*(R"). innotop ensures there are no empty lines in the
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop does not honor the \*(L"shorten\*(R" transformation, which normally shortens
+some numbers to human-readable formats.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop does not print a status line (see \*(L"\s-1INNOTOP STATUS\*(R"\s0).
+Nearly everything about innotop is configurable. Most things are possible to
+change with built-in commands, but you can also edit the configuration file.
+While running innotop, press the '$' key to bring up the configuration editing
+dialog. Press another key to select the type of data you want to edit:
+.IP "S: Statement Sleep Times" 4
+.IX Item "S: Statement Sleep Times"
+Edits \s-1SQL\s0 statement sleep delays, which make innotop pause for the specified
+amount of time after executing a statement. See \*(L"\s-1SQL STATEMENTS\*(R"\s0 for a
+definition of each statement and what it does. By default innotop does not
+delay after any statements.
+This feature is included so you can customize the side-effects caused by
+monitoring your server. You may not see any effects, but some innotop users
+have noticed that certain MySQL versions under very high load with InnoDB
+enabled take longer than usual to execute \s-1SHOW GLOBAL STATUS. \s0 If innotop calls
+\&\s-1SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST\s0 immediately afterward, the processlist contains more
+queries than the machine actually averages at any given moment. Configuring
+innotop to pause briefly after calling \s-1SHOW GLOBAL STATUS\s0 alleviates this
+Sleep times are stored in the \*(L"stmt_sleep_times\*(R" section of the configuration
+file. Fractional-second sleeps are supported, subject to your hardware's
+.IP "c: Edit Columns" 4
+.IX Item "c: Edit Columns"
+Starts the table editor on one of the displayed tables. See \*(L"\s-1TABLE EDITOR\*(R"\s0.
+An alternative way to start the table editor without entering the configuration
+dialog is with the '^' key.
+.IP "g: General Configuration" 4
+.IX Item "g: General Configuration"
+Starts the configuration editor to edit global and mode-specific configuration
+variables (see \*(L"\s-1MODES\*(R"\s0). innotop prompts you to choose a variable from among
+the global and mode-specific ones depending on the current mode.
+.IP "k: Row-Coloring Rules" 4
+.IX Item "k: Row-Coloring Rules"
+Starts the row-coloring rules editor on one of the displayed table(s). See
+\&\*(L"\s-1COLORS\*(R"\s0 for details.
+.IP "p: Manage Plugins" 4
+.IX Item "p: Manage Plugins"
+Starts the plugin configuration editor. See \*(L"\s-1PLUGINS\*(R"\s0 for details.
+.IP "s: Server Groups" 4
+.IX Item "s: Server Groups"
+Lets you create and edit server groups. See \*(L"\s-1SERVER GROUPS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "t: Choose Displayed Tables" 4
+.IX Item "t: Choose Displayed Tables"
+Lets you choose which tables to display in this mode. See \*(L"\s-1MODES\*(R"\s0 and
+innotop's default configuration file locations are \f(CW$HOME\fR/.innotop and
+/etc/innotop/innotop.conf, and they are looked for in that order. If the first
+configuration file exists, the second will not be processed. Those can be
+overridden with the \*(L"\-\-config\*(R" command-line option. You can edit it by hand
+safely, however innotop reads the configuration file when it starts, and, if
+readonly is set to 0, writes it out again when it exits. Thus, if readonly is
+set to 0, any changes you make by hand while innotop is running will be lost.
+innotop doesn't store its entire configuration in the configuration file. It
+has a huge set of default configuration values that it holds only in memory,
+and the configuration file only overrides these defaults. When you customize a
+default setting, innotop notices, and then stores the customizations into the
+file. This keeps the file size down, makes it easier to edit, and makes
+upgrades easier.
+A configuration file is read-only be default. You can override that with
+\&\*(L"\-\-write\*(R". See \*(L"readonly\*(R".
+The configuration file is arranged into sections like an \s-1INI\s0 file. Each
+section begins with [section\-name] and ends with [/section\-name]. Each
+section's entries have a different syntax depending on the data they need to
+store. You can put comments in the file; any line that begins with a #
+character is a comment. innotop will not read the comments, so it won't write
+them back out to the file when it exits. Comments in read-only configuration
+files are still useful, though.
+The first line in the file is innotop's version number. This lets innotop
+notice when the file format is not backwards-compatible, and upgrade smoothly
+without destroying your customized configuration.
+The following list describes each section of the configuration file and the data
+it contains:
+.IP "general" 4
+.IX Item "general"
+The 'general' section contains global configuration variables and variables that
+may be mode-specific, but don't belong in any other section. The syntax is a
+simple key=value list. innotop writes a comment above each value to help you
+edit the file by hand.
+.RS 4
+.IP "S_func" 4
+.IX Item "S_func"
+Controls S mode presentation (see \*(L"S: Variables & Status\*(R"). If g, values are
+graphed; if s, values are like vmstat; if p, values are in a pivoted table.
+.IP "S_set" 4
+.IX Item "S_set"
+Specifies which set of variables to display in \*(L"S: Variables & Status\*(R" mode.
+See \*(L"\s-1VARIABLE SETS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "auto_wipe_dl" 4
+.IX Item "auto_wipe_dl"
+Instructs innotop to automatically wipe large deadlocks when it notices them.
+When this happens you may notice a slight delay. At the next tick, you will
+usually see the information that was being truncated by the large deadlock.
+.IP "charset" 4
+.IX Item "charset"
+Specifies what kind of characters to allow through the \*(L"no_ctrl_char\*(R"
+transformation. This keeps non-printable characters from confusing a
+terminal when you monitor queries that contain binary data, such as images.
+The default is 'ascii', which considers anything outside normal \s-1ASCII\s0 to be a
+control character. The other allowable values are 'unicode' and 'none'. 'none'
+considers every character a control character, which can be useful for
+collapsing \s-1ALL\s0 text fields in queries.
+.IP "cmd_filter" 4
+.IX Item "cmd_filter"
+This is the prefix that filters variables in \*(L"C: Command Summary\*(R" mode.
+.IP "color" 4
+.IX Item "color"
+Whether terminal coloring is permitted.
+.IP "cxn_timeout" 4
+.IX Item "cxn_timeout"
+On MySQL versions 4.0.3 and newer, this variable is used to set the connection's
+timeout, so MySQL doesn't close the connection if it is not used for a while.
+This might happen because a connection isn't monitored in a particular mode, for
+.IP "debug" 4
+.IX Item "debug"
+This option enables more verbose errors and makes innotop more strict in some
+places. It can help in debugging filters and other user-defined code. It also
+makes innotop write a lot of information to \*(L"debugfile\*(R" when there is a
+.IP "debugfile" 4
+.IX Item "debugfile"
+A file to which innotop will write information when there is a crash. See
+.IP "display_table_captions" 4
+.IX Item "display_table_captions"
+innotop displays a table caption above most tables. This variable suppresses or
+shows captions on all tables globally. Some tables are configured with the
+hide_caption property, which overrides this.
+.IP "global" 4
+.IX Item "global"
+Whether to show \s-1GLOBAL\s0 variables and status. innotop only tries to do this on
+servers which support the \s-1GLOBAL\s0 option to \s-1SHOW VARIABLES\s0 and \s-1SHOW STATUS. \s0 In
+some MySQL versions, you need certain privileges to do this; if you don't have
+them, innotop will not be able to fetch any variable and status data. This
+configuration variable lets you run innotop and fetch what data you can even
+without the elevated privileges.
+I can no longer find or reproduce the situation where \s-1GLOBAL\s0 wasn't allowed, but
+I know there was one.
+.IP "graph_char" 4
+.IX Item "graph_char"
+Defines the character to use when drawing graphs in \*(L"S: Variables & Status\*(R"
+.IP "header_highlight" 4
+.IX Item "header_highlight"
+Defines how to highlight column headers. This only works if Term::ANSIColor is
+available. Valid values are 'bold' and 'underline'.
+.IP "hide_hdr" 4
+.IX Item "hide_hdr"
+Hides column headers globally.
+.IP "interval" 4
+.IX Item "interval"
+The interval at which innotop will refresh its data (ticks). The interval is
+implemented as a sleep time between ticks, so the true interval will vary
+depending on how long it takes innotop to fetch and render data.
+This variable accepts fractions of a second.
+.IP "mode" 4
+.IX Item "mode"
+The mode in which innotop should start. Allowable arguments are the same as the
+key presses that select a mode interactively. See \*(L"\s-1MODES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "num_digits" 4
+.IX Item "num_digits"
+How many digits to show in fractional numbers and percents. This variable's
+range is between 0 and 9 and can be set directly from \*(L"S: Variables & Status\*(R"
+mode with the '+' and '\-' keys. It is used in the \*(L"set_precision\*(R",
+\&\*(L"shorten\*(R", and \*(L"percent\*(R" transformations.
+.IP "num_status_sets" 4
+.IX Item "num_status_sets"
+Controls how many sets of status variables to display in pivoted \*(L"S: Variables
+& Status\*(R" mode. It also controls the number of old sets of variables innotop
+keeps in its memory, so the larger this variable is, the more memory innotop
+.IP "plugin_dir" 4
+.IX Item "plugin_dir"
+Specifies where plugins can be found. By default, innotop stores plugins in the
+\&'plugins' subdirectory of your innotop configuration directory.
+.IP "readonly" 4
+.IX Item "readonly"
+Whether the configuration file is readonly. This cannot be set interactively.
+.IP "show_cxn_errors" 4
+.IX Item "show_cxn_errors"
+Makes innotop print connection errors to \s-1STDOUT. \s0 See \*(L"\s-1ERROR HANDLING\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "show_cxn_errors_in_tbl" 4
+.IX Item "show_cxn_errors_in_tbl"
+Makes innotop display connection errors as rows in the first table on screen.
+See \*(L"\s-1ERROR HANDLING\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "show_percent" 4
+.IX Item "show_percent"
+Adds a '%' character after the value returned by the \*(L"percent\*(R"
+.IP "show_statusbar" 4
+.IX Item "show_statusbar"
+Controls whether to show the status bar in the display. See \*(L"\s-1INNOTOP
+.IP "skip_innodb" 4
+.IX Item "skip_innodb"
+Disables fetching \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS,\s0 in case your server(s) do not have InnoDB
+enabled and you don't want innotop to try to fetch it. This can also be useful
+when you don't have the \s-1SUPER\s0 privilege, required to run \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS.\s0
+.IP "spark" 4
+.IX Item "spark"
+Specifies how wide a spark chart is. There are two \s-1ASCII\s0 spark charts in A
+mode, showing \s-1QPS\s0 and User_threads_running.
+.IP "status_inc" 4
+.IX Item "status_inc"
+Whether to show absolute or incremental values for status variables.
+Incremental values are calculated as an offset from the last value innotop saw
+for that variable. This is a global setting, but will probably become
+mode-specific at some point. Right now it is honored a bit inconsistently; some
+modes don't pay attention to it.
+.IP "timeformat" 4
+.IX Item "timeformat"
+The C\-style \fIstrftime()\fR\-compatible format for the timestamp line to be printed
+in \-n mode when \-t is set.
+.RS 4
+.IP "plugins" 4
+.IX Item "plugins"
+This section holds a list of package names of active plugins. If the plugin
+exists, innotop will activate it. See \*(L"\s-1PLUGINS\*(R"\s0 for more information.
+.IP "filters" 4
+.IX Item "filters"
+This section holds user-defined filters (see \*(L"\s-1FILTERS\*(R"\s0). Each line is in the
+format filter_name=text='filter text' tbls='table list'.
+The filter text is the text of the subroutine's code. The table list is a list
+of tables to which the filter can apply. By default, user-defined filters apply
+to the table for which they were created, but you can manually override that by
+editing the definition in the configuration file.
+.IP "active_filters" 4
+.IX Item "active_filters"
+This section stores which filters are active on each table. Each line is in the
+format table_name=filter_list.
+.IP "tbl_meta" 4
+.IX Item "tbl_meta"
+This section stores user-defined or user-customized columns (see \*(L"\s-1COLUMNS\*(R"\s0).
+Each line is in the format col_name=properties, where the properties are a
+name=quoted\-value list.
+.IP "connections" 4
+.IX Item "connections"
+This section holds the server connections you have defined. Each line is in
+the format name=properties, where the properties are a name=value list. The
+properties are self-explanatory, and the only one that is treated specially is
+\&'pass' which is only present if 'savepass' is set. This section of the
+configuration file will be skipped if any \s-1DSN,\s0 username, or password
+command-line options are used. See \*(L"\s-1SERVER CONNECTIONS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "active_connections" 4
+.IX Item "active_connections"
+This section holds a list of which connections are active in each mode. Each
+line is in the format mode_name=connection_list.
+.IP "server_groups" 4
+.IX Item "server_groups"
+This section holds server groups. Each line is in the format
+name=connection_list. See \*(L"\s-1SERVER GROUPS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "active_server_groups" 4
+.IX Item "active_server_groups"
+This section holds a list of which server group is active in each mode. Each
+line is in the format mode_name=server_group.
+.IP "max_values_seen" 4
+.IX Item "max_values_seen"
+This section holds the maximum values seen for variables. This is used to scale
+the graphs in \*(L"S: Variables & Status\*(R" mode. Each line is in the format
+.IP "active_columns" 4
+.IX Item "active_columns"
+This section holds table column lists. Each line is in the format
+tbl_name=column_list. See \*(L"\s-1COLUMNS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "sort_cols" 4
+.IX Item "sort_cols"
+This section holds the sort definition. Each line is in the format
+tbl_name=column_list. If a column is prefixed with '\-', that column sorts
+descending. See \*(L"\s-1SORTING\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "visible_tables" 4
+.IX Item "visible_tables"
+This section defines which tables are visible in each mode. Each line is in the
+format mode_name=table_list. See \*(L"\s-1TABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "varsets" 4
+.IX Item "varsets"
+This section defines variable sets for use in \*(L"S: Status & Variables\*(R" mode.
+Each line is in the format name=variable_list. See \*(L"\s-1VARIABLE SETS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "colors" 4
+.IX Item "colors"
+This section defines colorization rules. Each line is in the format
+tbl_name=property_list. See \*(L"\s-1COLORS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "stmt_sleep_times" 4
+.IX Item "stmt_sleep_times"
+This section contains statement sleep times. Each line is in the format
+statement_name=sleep_time. See \*(L"S: Statement Sleep Times\*(R".
+.IP "group_by" 4
+.IX Item "group_by"
+This section contains column lists for table group_by expressions. Each line is
+in the format tbl_name=column_list. See \*(L"\s-1GROUPING\*(R"\s0.
+You can customize innotop a great deal. For example, you can:
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Choose which tables to display, and in what order.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Choose which columns are in those tables, and create new columns.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Filter which rows display with built-in filters, user-defined filters, and
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Sort the rows to put important data first or group together related rows.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Highlight rows with color.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Customize the alignment, width, and formatting of columns, and apply
+transformations to columns to extract parts of their values or format the values
+as you wish (for example, shortening large numbers to familiar units).
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Design your own expressions to extract and combine data as you need. This gives
+you unlimited flexibility.
+All these and more are explained in the following sections.
+.SS "\s-1TABLES\s0"
+.IX Subsection "TABLES"
+A table is what you'd expect: a collection of columns. It also has some other
+properties, such as a caption. Filters, sorting rules, and colorization rules
+belong to tables and are covered in later sections.
+Internally, table meta-data is defined in a data structure called \f(CW%tbl_meta\fR.
+This hash holds all built-in table definitions, which contain a lot of default
+instructions to innotop. The meta-data includes the caption, a list of columns
+the user has customized, a list of columns, a list of visible columns, a list of
+filters, color rules, a sort-column list, sort direction, and some information
+about the table's data sources. Most of this is customizable via the table
+editor (see \*(L"\s-1TABLE EDITOR\*(R"\s0).
+You can choose which tables to show by pressing the '$' key. See \*(L"\s-1MODES\*(R"\s0 and
+The table life-cycle is as follows:
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Each table begins with a data source, which is an array of hashes. See below
+for details on data sources.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Each element of the data source becomes a row in the final table.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+For each element in the data source, innotop extracts values from the source and
+creates a row. This row is another hash, which later steps will refer to as
+\&\f(CW$set\fR. The values innotop extracts are determined by the table's columns. Each
+column has an extraction subroutine, compiled from an expression (see
+\&\*(L"\s-1EXPRESSIONS\*(R"\s0). The resulting row is a hash whose keys are named the same as
+the column name.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop filters the rows, removing those that don't need to be displayed. See
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop sorts the rows. See \*(L"\s-1SORTING\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop groups the rows together, if specified. See \*(L"\s-1GROUPING\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop colorizes the rows. See \*(L"\s-1COLORS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop transforms the column values in each row. See \*(L"\s-1TRANSFORMATIONS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop optionally pivots the rows (see \*(L"\s-1PIVOTING\*(R"\s0), then filters and sorts
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+innotop formats and justifies the rows as a table. During this step, innotop
+applies further formatting to the column values, including alignment, maximum
+and minimum widths. innotop also does final error checking to ensure there are
+no crashes due to undefined values. innotop then adds a caption if specified,
+and the table is ready to print.
+The lifecycle is slightly different if the table is pivoted, as noted above. To
+clarify, if the table is pivoted, the process is extract, group, transform,
+pivot, filter, sort, create. If it's not pivoted, the process is extract,
+filter, sort, group, color, transform, create. This slightly convoluted process
+doesn't map all that well to \s-1SQL,\s0 but pivoting complicates things pretty
+thoroughly. Roughly speaking, filtering and sorting happen as late as needed to
+effect the final result as you might expect, but as early as possible for
+Each built-in table is described below:
+.IP "adaptive_hash_index" 4
+.IX Item "adaptive_hash_index"
+Displays data about InnoDB's adaptive hash index. Data source:
+.IP "buffer_pool" 4
+.IX Item "buffer_pool"
+Displays data about InnoDB's buffer pool. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "cmd_summary" 4
+.IX Item "cmd_summary"
+Displays weighted status variables. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "deadlock_locks" 4
+.IX Item "deadlock_locks"
+Shows which locks were held and waited for by the last detected deadlock. Data
+source: \*(L"\s-1DEADLOCK_LOCKS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "deadlock_transactions" 4
+.IX Item "deadlock_transactions"
+Shows transactions involved in the last detected deadlock. Data source:
+.IP "explain" 4
+.IX Item "explain"
+Shows the output of \s-1EXPLAIN. \s0 Data source: \*(L"\s-1EXPLAIN\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "file_io_misc" 4
+.IX Item "file_io_misc"
+Displays data about InnoDB's file and I/O operations. Data source:
+.IP "fk_error" 4
+.IX Item "fk_error"
+Displays various data about InnoDB's last foreign key error. Data source:
+.IP "health_dashboard" 4
+.IX Item "health_dashboard"
+Displays an overall summary of servers, one server per line, for monitoring.
+Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0, \*(L"\s-1MASTER_SLAVE\*(R"\s0, \*(L"\s-1PROCESSLIST_STATS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "index_statistics" 4
+.IX Item "index_statistics"
+Displays data from the \s-1INDEX_STATISTICS\s0 table in Percona-enhanced servers.
+.IP "index_table_statistics" 4
+.IX Item "index_table_statistics"
+Displays data from the \s-1INDEX_STATISTICS\s0 and \s-1TABLE_STATISTICS\s0 tables in
+Percona-enhanced servers. It joins the two together, grouped by the database
+and table name. It is the default view in \*(L"U: User Statistics\*(R" mode,
+and makes it easy to see what tables are hot, how many rows are read from indexes,
+how many changes are made, and how many changes are made to indexes.
+.IP "innodb_blocked_blocker" 4
+.IX Item "innodb_blocked_blocker"
+Displays InnoDB locks and lock waits. Data source: \*(L"\s-1INNODB_BLOCKED_BLOCKER\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "innodb_locks" 4
+.IX Item "innodb_locks"
+Displays InnoDB locks. Data source: \*(L"\s-1INNODB_LOCKS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "innodb_transactions" 4
+.IX Item "innodb_transactions"
+Displays data about InnoDB's current transactions. Data source:
+.IP "insert_buffers" 4
+.IX Item "insert_buffers"
+Displays data about InnoDB's insert buffer. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "io_threads" 4
+.IX Item "io_threads"
+Displays data about InnoDB's I/O threads. Data source: \*(L"\s-1IO_THREADS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "log_statistics" 4
+.IX Item "log_statistics"
+Displays data about InnoDB's logging system. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "master_status" 4
+.IX Item "master_status"
+Displays replication master status. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "open_tables" 4
+.IX Item "open_tables"
+Displays open tables. Data source: \*(L"\s-1OPEN_TABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "page_statistics" 4
+.IX Item "page_statistics"
+Displays InnoDB page statistics. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "pending_io" 4
+.IX Item "pending_io"
+Displays InnoDB pending I/O operations. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "processlist" 4
+.IX Item "processlist"
+Displays current MySQL processes (threads/connections). Data source:
+.IP "q_header" 4
+.IX Item "q_header"
+Displays various status values. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "row_operation_misc" 4
+.IX Item "row_operation_misc"
+Displays data about InnoDB's row operations. Data source:
+.IP "row_operations" 4
+.IX Item "row_operations"
+Displays data about InnoDB's row operations. Data source:
+.IP "semaphores" 4
+.IX Item "semaphores"
+Displays data about InnoDB's semaphores and mutexes. Data source:
+.IP "slave_io_status" 4
+.IX Item "slave_io_status"
+Displays data about the slave I/O thread. Data source:
+.IP "slave_sql_status" 4
+.IX Item "slave_sql_status"
+Displays data about the slave \s-1SQL\s0 thread. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "table_statistics" 4
+.IX Item "table_statistics"
+Displays data from the \s-1TABLE_STATISTICS\s0 table in Percona-enhanced servers.
+.IP "t_header" 4
+.IX Item "t_header"
+Displays various InnoDB status values. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "var_status" 4
+.IX Item "var_status"
+Displays user-configurable data. Data source: \*(L"\s-1STATUS_VARIABLES\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "wait_array" 4
+.IX Item "wait_array"
+Displays data about InnoDB's \s-1OS\s0 wait array. Data source: \*(L"\s-1OS_WAIT_ARRAY\*(R"\s0.
+.SS "\s-1COLUMNS\s0"
+.IX Subsection "COLUMNS"
+Columns belong to tables. You can choose a table's columns by pressing the '^'
+key, which starts the \*(L"\s-1TABLE EDITOR\*(R"\s0 and lets you choose and edit columns.
+Pressing 'e' from within the table editor lets you edit the column's properties:
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+hdr: a column header. This appears in the first row of the table.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+just: justification. '\-' means left-justified and '' means right-justified,
+just as with printf formatting codes (not a coincidence).
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+dec: whether to further align the column on the decimal point.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+num: whether the column is numeric. This affects how values are sorted
+(lexically or numerically).
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+label: a small note about the column, which appears in dialogs that help the
+user choose columns.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+src: an expression that innotop uses to extract the column's data from its
+source (see \*(L"\s-1DATA SOURCES\*(R"\s0). See \*(L"\s-1EXPRESSIONS\*(R"\s0 for more on expressions.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+minw: specifies a minimum display width. This helps stabilize the display,
+which makes it easier to read if the data is changing frequently.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+maxw: similar to minw.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+trans: a list of column transformations. See \*(L"\s-1TRANSFORMATIONS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+agg: an aggregate function. See \*(L"\s-1GROUPING\*(R"\s0. The default is \*(L"first\*(R".
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+aggonly: controls whether the column only shows when grouping is enabled on the
+table (see \*(L"\s-1GROUPING\*(R"\s0). By default, this is disabled. This means columns
+will always be shown by default, whether grouping is enabled or not. If a
+column's aggonly is set true, the column will appear when you toggle grouping on
+the table. Several columns are set this way, such as the count column on
+\&\*(L"processlist\*(R" and \*(L"innodb_transactions\*(R", so you don't see a count when the
+grouping isn't enabled, but you do when it is.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+agghide: the reverse of aggonly. The column is hidden when grouping is enabled.
+.SS "\s-1FILTERS\s0"
+.IX Subsection "FILTERS"
+Filters remove rows from the display. They behave much like a \s-1WHERE\s0 clause in
+\&\s-1SQL. \s0 innotop has several built-in filters, which remove irrelevant information
+like inactive queries, but you can define your own as well. innotop also lets
+you create quick-filters, which do not get saved to the configuration file, and
+are just an easy way to quickly view only some rows.
+You can enable or disable a filter on any table. Press the '%' key (mnemonic: %
+looks kind of like a line being filtered between two circles) and choose which
+table you want to filter, if asked. You'll then see a list of possible filters
+and a list of filters currently enabled for that table. Type the names of
+filters you want to apply and press Enter.
+If you type a name that doesn't exist, innotop will prompt you to create the
+filter. Filters are easy to create if you know Perl, and not hard if you don't.
+What you're doing is creating a subroutine that returns true if the row should
+be displayed. The row is a hash reference passed to your subroutine as \f(CW$set\fR.
+For example, imagine you want to filter the processlist table so you only see
+queries that have been running more than five minutes. Type a new name for your
+filter, and when prompted for the subroutine body, press \s-1TAB\s0 to initiate your
+terminal's auto-completion. You'll see the names of the columns in the
+\&\*(L"processlist\*(R" table (innotop generally tries to help you with auto-completion
+lists). You want to filter on the 'time' column. Type the text \*(L"$set\->{time} >
+300\*(R" to return true when the query is more than five minutes old. That's all
+you need to do.
+In other words, the code you're typing is surrounded by an implicit context,
+which looks like this:
+.Vb 4
+\& sub filter {
+\& my ( $set ) = @_;
+\& }
+If your filter doesn't work, or if something else suddenly behaves differently,
+you might have made an error in your filter, and innotop is silently catching
+the error. Try enabling \*(L"debug\*(R" to make innotop throw an error instead.
+.IX Subsection "QUICK-FILTERS"
+innotop's quick-filters are a shortcut to create a temporary filter that doesn't
+persist when you restart innotop. To create a quick-filter, press the '/' key.
+innotop will prompt you for the column name and filter text. Again, you can use
+auto-completion on column names. The filter text can be just the text you want
+to \*(L"search for.\*(R" For example, to filter the \*(L"processlist\*(R" table on queries
+that refer to the products table, type '/' and then 'info product'. Internally,
+the filter is compiled into a subroutine like this:
+.Vb 4
+\& sub filter {
+\& my ( $set ) = @_;
+\& $set\->{info} =~ m/product/;
+\& }
+The filter text can actually be any Perl regular expression, but of course a
+literal string like 'product' works fine as a regular expression.
+What if you want the filter to discard matching rows, rather than showing
+matching rows? If you're familiar with Perl regular expressions, you might
+guess how to do this. You have to use a zero-width negative lookahead
+assertion. If you don't know what that means, don't worry. Let's filter out
+all rows where the command is Gandalf. Type the following:
+.Vb 2
+\& 1. /
+\& 2. cmd ^(?!Gandalf)
+Behind the scenes innotop compiles the quick-filter into a specially tagged
+filter that is otherwise like any other filter. It just isn't saved to the
+configuration file.
+To clear quick-filters, press the '\e' key and innotop will clear them all at
+.SS "\s-1SORTING\s0"
+.IX Subsection "SORTING"
+innotop has sensible built-in defaults to sort the most important rows to the
+top of the table. Like anything else in innotop, you can customize how any
+table is sorted.
+To start the sort dialog, start the \*(L"\s-1TABLE EDITOR\*(R"\s0 with the '^' key, choose a
+table if necessary, and press the 's' key. You'll see a list of columns you can
+use in the sort expression and the current sort expression, if any. Enter a
+list of columns by which you want to sort and press Enter. If you want to
+reverse sort, prefix the column name with a minus sign. For example, if you
+want to sort by column a ascending, then column b descending, type 'a \-b'. You
+can also explicitly add a + in front of columns you want to sort ascending, but
+it's not required.
+Some modes have keys mapped to open this dialog directly, and to quickly reverse
+sort direction. Press '?' as usual to see which keys are mapped in any mode.
+.SS "\s-1GROUPING\s0"
+.IX Subsection "GROUPING"
+innotop can group, or aggregate, rows together (the terms are used
+interchangeably). This is quite similar to an \s-1SQL GROUP BY\s0 clause. You can
+specify to group on certain columns, or if you don't specify any, the entire set
+of rows is treated as one group. This is quite like \s-1SQL\s0 so far, but unlike \s-1SQL,\s0
+you can also select un-grouped columns. innotop actually aggregates every
+column. If you don't explicitly specify a grouping function, the default is
+\&'first'. This is basically a convenience so you don't have to specify an
+aggregate function for every column you want in the result.
+You can quickly toggle grouping on a table with the '=' key, which toggles its
+aggregate property. This property doesn't persist to the config file.
+The columns by which the table is grouped are specified in its group_by
+property. When you turn grouping on, innotop places the group_by columns at the
+far left of the table, even if they're not supposed to be visible. The rest of
+the visible columns appear in order after them.
+Two tables have default group_by lists and a count column built in:
+\&\*(L"processlist\*(R" and \*(L"innodb_transactions\*(R". The grouping is by connection
+and status, so you can quickly see how many queries or transactions are in a
+given status on each server you're monitoring. The time columns are aggregated
+as a sum; other columns are left at the default 'first' aggregation.
+By default, the table shown in \*(L"S: Variables & Status\*(R" mode also uses
+grouping so you can monitor variables and status across many servers. The
+default aggregation function in this mode is 'avg'.
+Valid grouping functions are defined in the \f(CW%agg_funcs\fR hash. They include
+.IP "first" 4
+.IX Item "first"
+Returns the first element in the group.
+.IP "count" 4
+.IX Item "count"
+Returns the number of elements in the group, including undefined elements, much
+like \s-1SQL\s0's \s-1COUNT\s0(*).
+.IP "avg" 4
+.IX Item "avg"
+Returns the average of defined elements in the group.
+.IP "sum" 4
+.IX Item "sum"
+Returns the sum of elements in the group.
+Here's an example of grouping at work. Suppose you have a very busy server with
+hundreds of open connections, and you want to see how many connections are in
+what status. Using the built-in grouping rules, you can press 'Q' to enter
+\&\*(L"Q: Query List\*(R" mode. Press '=' to toggle grouping (if necessary, select the
+\&\*(L"processlist\*(R" table when prompted).
+Your display might now look like the following:
+.Vb 1
+\& Query List (? for help) localhost, 32:33, 0.11 QPS, 1 thd, 5.0.38\-log
+\& CXN Cmd Cnt ID User Host Time Query
+\& localhost Query 49 12933 webusr localhost 19:38 SELECT * FROM
+\& localhost Sending Da 23 2383 webusr localhost 12:43 SELECT col1,
+\& localhost Sleep 120 140 webusr localhost 5:18:12
+\& localhost Statistics 12 19213 webusr localhost 01:19 SELECT * FROM
+That's actually quite a worrisome picture. You've got a lot of idle connections
+(Sleep), and some connections executing queries (Query and Sending Data).
+That's okay, but you also have a lot in Statistics status, collectively spending
+over a minute. That means the query optimizer is having a really hard time
+generating execution plans for your statements. Something is wrong; it should
+normally take milliseconds to plan queries. You might not have seen this pattern if you
+didn't look at your connections in aggregate. (This is a made-up example, but
+it can happen in real life).
+.SS "\s-1PIVOTING\s0"
+.IX Subsection "PIVOTING"
+innotop can pivot a table for more compact display, similar to a Pivot Table in
+a spreadsheet (also known as a crosstab). Pivoting a table makes columns into
+rows. Assume you start with this table:
+.Vb 4
+\& foo bar
+\& === ===
+\& 1 3
+\& 2 4
+After pivoting, the table will look like this:
+.Vb 4
+\& name set0 set1
+\& ==== ==== ====
+\& foo 1 2
+\& bar 3 4
+To get reasonable results, you might need to group as well as pivoting.
+innotop currently does this for \*(L"S: Variables & Status\*(R" mode.
+.SS "\s-1COLORS\s0"
+.IX Subsection "COLORS"
+By default, innotop highlights rows with color so you can see at a glance which
+rows are more important. You can customize the colorization rules and add your
+own to any table. Open the table editor with the '^' key, choose a table if
+needed, and press 'o' to open the color editor dialog.
+The color editor dialog displays the rules applied to the table, in the order
+they are evaluated. Each row is evaluated against each rule to see if the rule
+matches the row; if it does, the row gets the specified color, and no further
+rules are evaluated. The rules look like the following:
+.Vb 9
+\& state eq Locked black on_red
+\& cmd eq Sleep white
+\& user eq system user white
+\& cmd eq Connect white
+\& cmd eq Binlog Dump white
+\& time > 600 red
+\& time > 120 yellow
+\& time > 60 green
+\& time > 30 cyan
+This is the default rule set for the \*(L"processlist\*(R" table. In order of
+priority, these rules make locked queries black on a red background, \*(L"gray out\*(R"
+connections from replication and sleeping queries, and make queries turn from
+cyan to red as they run longer.
+(For some reason, the \s-1ANSI\s0 color code \*(L"white\*(R" is actually a light gray. Your
+terminal's display may vary; experiment to find colors you like).
+You can use keystrokes to move the rules up and down, which re-orders their
+priority. You can also delete rules and add new ones. If you add a new rule,
+innotop prompts you for the column, an operator for the comparison, a value
+against which to compare the column, and a color to assign if the rule matches.
+There is auto-completion and prompting at each step.
+The value in the third step needs to be correctly quoted. innotop does not try
+to quote the value because it doesn't know whether it should treat the value as
+a string or a number. If you want to compare the column against a string, as
+for example in the first rule above, you should enter 'Locked' surrounded by
+quotes. If you get an error message about a bareword, you probably should have
+quoted something.
+.IX Subsection "EXPRESSIONS"
+Expressions are at the core of how innotop works, and are what enables you to
+extend innotop as you wish. Recall the table lifecycle explained in
+\&\*(L"\s-1TABLES\*(R"\s0. Expressions are used in the earliest step, where it extracts
+values from a data source to form rows.
+It does this by calling a subroutine for each column, passing it the source data
+set, a set of current values, and a set of previous values. These are all
+needed so the subroutine can calculate things like the difference between this
+tick and the previous tick.
+The subroutines that extract the data from the set are compiled from
+expressions. This gives significantly more power than just naming the values to
+fill the columns, because it allows the column's value to be calculated from
+whatever data is necessary, but avoids the need to write complicated and lengthy
+Perl code.
+innotop begins with a string of text that can look as simple as a value's name
+or as complicated as a full-fledged Perl expression. It looks at each
+\&'bareword' token in the string and decides whether it's supposed to be a key
+into the \f(CW$set\fR hash. A bareword is an unquoted value that isn't already
+surrounded by code-ish things like dollar signs or curly brackets. If innotop
+decides that the bareword isn't a function or other valid Perl code, it converts
+it into a hash access. After the whole string is processed, innotop compiles a
+subroutine, like this:
+.Vb 5
+\& sub compute_column_value {
+\& my ( $set, $cur, $pre ) = @_;
+\& return $val;
+\& }
+Here's a concrete example, taken from the header table \*(L"q_header\*(R" in \*(L"Q:
+Query List\*(R" mode. This expression calculates the qps, or Queries Per Second,
+column's values, from the values returned by \s-1SHOW STATUS:\s0
+.Vb 1
+\& Questions/Uptime_hires
+innotop decides both words are barewords, and transforms this expression into
+the following Perl code:
+.Vb 1
+\& $set\->{Questions}/$set\->{Uptime_hires}
+When surrounded by the rest of the subroutine's code, this is executable Perl
+that calculates a high-resolution queries-per-second value.
+The arguments to the subroutine are named \f(CW$set\fR, \f(CW$cur\fR, and \f(CW$pre\fR. In most cases,
+\&\f(CW$set\fR and \f(CW$cur\fR will be the same values. However, if \*(L"status_inc\*(R" is set, \f(CW$cur\fR
+will not be the same as \f(CW$set\fR, because \f(CW$set\fR will already contain values that are
+the incremental difference between \f(CW$cur\fR and \f(CW$pre\fR.
+Every column in innotop is computed by subroutines compiled in the same fashion.
+There is no difference between innotop's built-in columns and user-defined
+columns. This keeps things consistent and predictable.
+Transformations change how a value is rendered. For example, they can take a
+number of seconds and display it in H:M:S format. The following transformations
+are defined:
+.IP "commify" 4
+.IX Item "commify"
+Adds commas to large numbers every three decimal places.
+.IP "distill" 4
+.IX Item "distill"
+Distills \s-1SQL\s0 into verb-noun-noun format for quick comprehension.
+.IP "dulint_to_int" 4
+.IX Item "dulint_to_int"
+Accepts two unsigned integers and converts them into a single longlong. This is
+useful for certain operations with InnoDB, which uses two integers as
+transaction identifiers, for example.
+.IP "fuzzy_time" 4
+.IX Item "fuzzy_time"
+Converts a number of seconds into a friendly, readable value like \*(L"1h35m\*(R".
+.IP "no_ctrl_char" 4
+.IX Item "no_ctrl_char"
+Removes quoted control characters from the value. This is affected by the
+\&\*(L"charset\*(R" configuration variable.
+This transformation only operates within quoted strings, for example, values to
+a \s-1SET\s0 clause in an \s-1UPDATE\s0 statement. It will not alter the \s-1UPDATE\s0 statement,
+but will collapse the quoted string to [\s-1BINARY\s0] or [\s-1TEXT\s0], depending on the
+.IP "percent" 4
+.IX Item "percent"
+Converts a number to a percentage by multiplying it by two, formatting it with
+\&\*(L"num_digits\*(R" digits after the decimal point, and optionally adding a percent
+sign (see \*(L"show_percent\*(R").
+.IP "secs_to_time" 4
+.IX Item "secs_to_time"
+Formats a number of seconds as time in days+hours:minutes:seconds format.
+.IP "set_precision" 4
+.IX Item "set_precision"
+Formats numbers with \*(L"num_digits\*(R" number of digits after the decimal point.
+.IP "shorten" 4
+.IX Item "shorten"
+Formats a number as a unit of 1024 (k/M/G/T) and with \*(L"num_digits\*(R" number of
+digits after the decimal point.
+.SS "\s-1TABLE EDITOR\s0"
+.IX Subsection "TABLE EDITOR"
+The innotop table editor lets you customize tables with keystrokes. You start
+the table editor with the '^' key. If there's more than one table on the
+screen, it will prompt you to choose one of them. Once you do, innotop will
+show you something like this:
+.Vb 1
+\& Editing table definition for Buffer Pool. Press ? for help, q to quit.
+\& name hdr label src
+\& cxn CXN Connection from which cxn
+\& buf_pool_size Size Buffer pool size IB_bp_buf_poo
+\& buf_free Free Bufs Buffers free in the b IB_bp_buf_fre
+\& pages_total Pages Pages total IB_bp_pages_t
+\& pages_modified Dirty Pages Pages modified (dirty IB_bp_pages_m
+\& buf_pool_hit_rate Hit Rate Buffer pool hit rate IB_bp_buf_poo
+\& total_mem_alloc Memory Total memory allocate IB_bp_total_m
+\& add_pool_alloc Add\*(Aql Pool Additonal pool alloca IB_bp_add_poo
+The first line shows which table you're editing, and reminds you again to press
+\&'?' for a list of key mappings. The rest is a tabular representation of the
+table's columns, because that's likely what you're trying to edit. However, you
+can edit more than just the table's columns; this screen can start the filter
+editor, color rule editor, and more.
+Each row in the display shows a single column in the table you're editing, along
+with a couple of its properties such as its header and source expression (see
+The key mappings are Vim-style, as in many other places. Pressing 'j' and 'k'
+moves the highlight up or down. You can then (d)elete or (e)dit the highlighted
+column. You can also (a)dd a column to the table. This actually just activates
+one of the columns already defined for the table; it prompts you to choose from
+among the columns available but not currently displayed. Finally, you can
+re-order the columns with the '+' and '\-' keys.
+You can do more than just edit the columns with the table editor, you can also
+edit other properties, such as the table's sort expression and group-by
+expression. Press '?' to see the full list, of course.
+If you want to really customize and create your own column, as opposed to just
+activating a built-in one that's not currently displayed, press the (n)ew key,
+and innotop will prompt you for the information it needs:
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+The column name: this needs to be a word without any funny characters, e.g. just
+letters, numbers and underscores.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+The column header: this is the label that appears at the top of the column, in
+the table header. This can have spaces and funny characters, but be careful not
+to make it too wide and waste space on-screen.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+The column's data source: this is an expression that determines what data from
+the source (see \*(L"\s-1TABLES\*(R"\s0) innotop will put into the column. This can just be
+the name of an item in the source, or it can be a more complex expression, as
+described in \*(L"\s-1EXPRESSIONS\*(R"\s0.
+Once you've entered the required data, your table has a new column. There is no
+difference between this column and the built-in ones; it can have all the same
+properties and behaviors. innotop will write the column's definition to the
+configuration file, so it will persist across sessions.
+Here's an example: suppose you want to track how many times your slaves have
+retried transactions. According to the MySQL manual, the
+Slave_retried_transactions status variable gives you that data: \*(L"The total
+number of times since startup that the replication slave \s-1SQL\s0 thread has retried
+transactions. This variable was added in version 5.0.4.\*(R" This is appropriate to
+add to the \*(L"slave_sql_status\*(R" table.
+To add the column, switch to the replication-monitoring mode with the 'M' key,
+and press the '^' key to start the table editor. When prompted, choose
+slave_sql_status as the table, then press 'n' to create the column. Type
+\&'retries' as the column name, 'Retries' as the column header, and
+\&'Slave_retried_transactions' as the source. Now the column is created, and you
+see the table editor screen again. Press 'q' to exit the table editor, and
+you'll see your column at the end of the table.
+Variable sets are used in \*(L"S: Variables & Status\*(R" mode to define more easily
+what variables you want to monitor. Behind the scenes they are compiled to a
+list of expressions, and then into a column list so they can be treated just
+like columns in any other table, in terms of data extraction and
+transformations. However, you're protected from the tedious details by a syntax
+that ought to feel very natural to you: a \s-1SQL SELECT\s0 list.
+The data source for variable sets, and indeed the entire S mode, is the
+combination of \s-1SHOW STATUS, SHOW VARIABLES,\s0 and \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS. \s0 Imagine
+that you had a huge table with one column per variable returned from those
+statements. That's the data source for variable sets. You can now query this
+data source just like you'd expect. For example:
+.Vb 1
+\& Questions, Uptime, Questions/Uptime as QPS
+Behind the scenes innotop will split that variable set into three expressions,
+compile them and turn them into a table definition, then extract as usual. This
+becomes a \*(L"variable set,\*(R" or a \*(L"list of variables you want to monitor.\*(R"
+innotop lets you name and save your variable sets, and writes them to the
+configuration file. You can choose which variable set you want to see with the
+\&'c' key, or activate the next and previous sets with the '>' and '<' keys.
+There are many built-in variable sets as well, which should give you a good
+start for creating your own. Press 'e' to edit the current variable set, or
+just to see how it's defined. To create a new one, just press 'c' and type its
+You may want to use some of the functions listed in \*(L"\s-1TRANSFORMATIONS\*(R"\s0 to help
+format the results. In particular, \*(L"set_precision\*(R" is often useful to limit
+the number of digits you see. Extending the above example, here's how:
+.Vb 1
+\& Questions, Uptime, set_precision(Questions/Uptime) as QPS
+Actually, this still needs a little more work. If your \*(L"interval\*(R" is less
+than one second, you might be dividing by zero because Uptime is incremental in
+this mode by default. Instead, use Uptime_hires:
+.Vb 1
+\& Questions, Uptime, set_precision(Questions/Uptime_hires) as QPS
+This example is simple, but it shows how easy it is to choose which variables
+you want to monitor.
+.IX Header "PLUGINS"
+innotop has a simple but powerful plugin mechanism by which you can extend
+or modify its existing functionality, and add new functionality. innotop's
+plugin functionality is event-based: plugins register themselves to be called
+when events happen. They then have a chance to influence the event.
+An innotop plugin is a Perl module (.pm) file placed in innotop's \*(L"plugin_dir\*(R"
+directory. On \s-1UNIX\s0 systems, you can place a symbolic link to the module instead
+of putting the actual file there. innotop automatically discovers files named \f(CW\*(C`*.pm\*(C'\fR. If
+there is a corresponding entry in the \*(L"plugins\*(R" configuration file section,
+innotop loads and activates the plugin.
+The module must conform to innotop's plugin interface. Additionally, the source
+code of the module must be written in such a way that innotop can inspect the
+file and determine the package name and description.
+.SS "Package Source Convention"
+.IX Subsection "Package Source Convention"
+innotop inspects the plugin module's source to determine the Perl package name.
+It looks for a line of the form \*(L"package Foo;\*(R" and if found, considers the
+plugin's package name to be Foo. Of course the package name can be a valid Perl
+package name such as Foo::Bar, with double colons (::) and so on.
+It also looks for a description in the source code, to make the plugin editor
+more human-friendly. The description is a comment line of the form \*(L"#
+description: Foo\*(R", where \*(L"Foo\*(R" is the text innotop will consider to be the
+plugin's description.
+.SS "Plugin Interface"
+.IX Subsection "Plugin Interface"
+The innotop plugin interface is quite simple: innotop expects the plugin to be
+an object-oriented module it can call certain methods on. The methods are
+.IP "new(%variables)" 4
+.IX Item "new(%variables)"
+This is the plugin's constructor. It is passed a hash of innotop's variables,
+which it can manipulate (see \*(L"Plugin Variables\*(R"). It must return a reference
+to the newly created plugin object.
+At construction time, innotop has only loaded the general configuration and
+created the default built-in variables with their default contents (which is
+quite a lot). Therefore, the state of the program is exactly as in the innotop
+source code, plus the configuration variables from the \*(L"general\*(R" section in
+the config file.
+If your plugin manipulates the variables, it is changing global data, which is
+shared by innotop and all plugins. Plugins are loaded in the order they're
+listed in the config file. Your plugin may load before or after another plugin,
+so there is a potential for conflict or interaction between plugins if they
+modify data other plugins use or modify.
+.IP "\fIregister_for_events()\fR" 4
+.IX Item "register_for_events()"
+This method must return a list of events in which the plugin is interested, if
+any. See \*(L"Plugin Events\*(R" for the defined events. If the plugin returns an
+event that's not defined, the event is ignored.
+.IP "event handlers" 4
+.IX Item "event handlers"
+The plugin must implement a method named the same as each event for which it has
+registered. In other words, if the plugin returns qw(foo bar) from
+\&\fIregister_for_events()\fR, it must have \fIfoo()\fR and \fIbar()\fR methods. These methods are
+callbacks for the events. See \*(L"Plugin Events\*(R" for more details about each
+.SS "Plugin Variables"
+.IX Subsection "Plugin Variables"
+The plugin's constructor is passed a hash of innotop's variables, which it can
+manipulate. It is probably a good idea if the plugin object saves a copy of it
+for later use. The variables are defined in the innotop variable
+\&\f(CW%pluggable_vars\fR, and are as follows:
+.IP "action_for" 4
+.IX Item "action_for"
+A hashref of key mappings. These are innotop's global hot-keys.
+.IP "agg_funcs" 4
+.IX Item "agg_funcs"
+A hashref of functions that can be used for grouping. See \*(L"\s-1GROUPING\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "config" 4
+.IX Item "config"
+The global configuration hash.
+.IP "connections" 4
+.IX Item "connections"
+A hashref of connection specifications. These are just specifications of how to
+connect to a server.
+.IP "dbhs" 4
+.IX Item "dbhs"
+A hashref of innotop's database connections. These are actual \s-1DBI\s0 connection
+.IP "filters" 4
+.IX Item "filters"
+A hashref of filters applied to table rows. See \*(L"\s-1FILTERS\*(R"\s0 for more.
+.IP "modes" 4
+.IX Item "modes"
+A hashref of modes. See \*(L"\s-1MODES\*(R"\s0 for more.
+.IP "server_groups" 4
+.IX Item "server_groups"
+A hashref of server groups. See \*(L"\s-1SERVER GROUPS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "tbl_meta" 4
+.IX Item "tbl_meta"
+A hashref of innotop's table meta-data, with one entry per table (see
+\&\*(L"\s-1TABLES\*(R"\s0 for more information).
+.IP "trans_funcs" 4
+.IX Item "trans_funcs"
+A hashref of transformation functions. See \*(L"\s-1TRANSFORMATIONS\*(R"\s0.
+.IP "var_sets" 4
+.IX Item "var_sets"
+A hashref of variable sets. See \*(L"\s-1VARIABLE SETS\*(R"\s0.
+.SS "Plugin Events"
+.IX Subsection "Plugin Events"
+Each event is defined somewhere in the innotop source code. When innotop runs
+that code, it executes the callback function for each plugin that expressed its
+interest in the event. innotop passes some data for each event. The events are
+defined in the \f(CW%event_listener_for\fR variable, and are as follows: n .IP "extract_values($set, $cur, $pre, $tbl)" 4
+.el .IP "extract_values($set, \f(CW$cur\fR, \f(CW$pre\fR, \f(CW$tbl\fR)" 4
+.IX Item "extract_values($set, $cur, $pre, $tbl)"
+This event occurs inside the function that extracts values from a data source.
+The arguments are the set of values, the current values, the previous values,
+and the table name.
+.IP "set_to_tbl" 4
+.IX Item "set_to_tbl"
+Events are defined at many places in this subroutine, which is responsible for
+turning an arrayref of hashrefs into an arrayref of lines that can be printed to
+the screen. The events all pass the same data: an arrayref of rows and the name
+of the table being created. The events are set_to_tbl_pre_filter,
+set_to_tbl_pre_sort,set_to_tbl_pre_group, set_to_tbl_pre_colorize,
+set_to_tbl_pre_transform, set_to_tbl_pre_pivot, set_to_tbl_pre_create,
+.IP "draw_screen($lines)" 4
+.IX Item "draw_screen($lines)"
+This event occurs inside the subroutine that prints the lines to the screen.
+\&\f(CW$lines\fR is an arrayref of strings.
+.SS "Simple Plugin Example"
+.IX Subsection "Simple Plugin Example"
+The easiest way to explain the plugin functionality is probably with a simple
+example. The following module adds a column to the beginning of every table and
+sets its value to 1. (If you copy and paste this example code, be sure to remove
+the first space from each line; lines such as '# description' must not start with
+.Vb 2
+\& use strict;
+\& use warnings FATAL => \*(Aqall\*(Aq;
+\& package Innotop::Plugin::Example;
+\& # description: Adds an \*(Aqexample\*(Aq column to every table
+\& sub new {
+\& my ( $class, %vars ) = @_;
+\& # Store reference to innotop\*(Aqs variables in $self
+\& my $self = bless { %vars }, $class;
+\& # Design the example column
+\& my $col = {
+\& hdr => \*(AqExample\*(Aq,
+\& just => \*(Aq\*(Aq,
+\& dec => 0,
+\& num => 1,
+\& label => \*(AqExample\*(Aq,
+\& src => \*(Aqexample\*(Aq, # Get data from this column in the data source
+\& tbl => \*(Aq\*(Aq,
+\& trans => [],
+\& };
+\& # Add the column to every table.
+\& my $tbl_meta = $vars{tbl_meta};
+\& foreach my $tbl ( values %$tbl_meta ) {
+\& # Add the column to the list of defined columns
+\& $tbl\->{cols}\->{example} = $col;
+\& # Add the column to the list of visible columns
+\& unshift @{$tbl\->{visible}}, \*(Aqexample\*(Aq;
+\& }
+\& # Be sure to return a reference to the object.
+\& return $self;
+\& }
+\& # I\*(Aqd like to be called when a data set is being rendered into a table, please.
+\& sub register_for_events {
+\& my ( $self ) = @_;
+\& return qw(set_to_tbl_pre_filter);
+\& }
+\& # This method will be called when the event fires.
+\& sub set_to_tbl_pre_filter {
+\& my ( $self, $rows, $tbl ) = @_;
+\& # Set the example column\*(Aqs data source to the value 1.
+\& foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
+\& $row\->{example} = 1;
+\& }
+\& }
+\& 1;
+.SS "Plugin Editor"
+.IX Subsection "Plugin Editor"
+The plugin editor lets you view the plugins innotop discovered and activate or
+deactivate them. Start the editor by pressing $ to start the configuration
+editor from any mode. Press the 'p' key to start the plugin editor. You'll see
+a list of plugins innotop discovered. You can use the 'j' and 'k' keys to move
+the highlight to the desired one, then press the * key to toggle it active or
+inactive. Exit the editor and restart innotop for the changes to take effect.
+innotop uses a limited set of \s-1SQL\s0 statements to retrieve data from MySQL for
+display. The statements are customized depending on the server version against
+which they are executed; for example, on MySQL 5 and newer, \s-1INNODB_STATUS\s0
+executes \*(L"\s-1SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS\*(R",\s0 while on earlier versions it executes
+\&\*(L"\s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS\*(R". \s0 The statements are as follows:
+.Vb 10
+\& Statement SQL executed
+\& =================== ===============================
+Each time innotop extracts values to create a table (see \*(L"\s-1EXPRESSIONS\*(R"\s0 and
+\&\*(L"\s-1TABLES\*(R"\s0), it does so from a particular data source. Largely because of the
+complex data extracted from \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS,\s0 this is slightly messy. \s-1SHOW
+INNODB STATUS\s0 contains a mixture of single values and repeated values that form
+nested data sets.
+Whenever innotop fetches data from MySQL, it adds two extra bits to each set:
+cxn and Uptime_hires. cxn is the name of the connection from which the data
+came. Uptime_hires is a high-resolution version of the server's Uptime status
+variable, which is important if your \*(L"interval\*(R" setting is sub-second.
+Here are the kinds of data sources from which data is extracted:
+This is the broadest category, into which the most kinds of data fall. It
+begins with the combination of \s-1SHOW STATUS\s0 and \s-1SHOW VARIABLES,\s0 but other sources
+may be included as needed, for example, \s-1SHOW MASTER STATUS\s0 and \s-1SHOW SLAVE
+STATUS,\s0 as well as many of the non-repeated values from \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS.\s0
+.IP "\s-1DEADLOCK_LOCKS\s0" 4
+This data is extracted from the transaction list in the \s-1LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK\s0
+section of \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS. \s0 It is nested two levels deep: transactions, then
+This data is from the transaction list in the \s-1LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK\s0
+section of \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS. \s0 It is nested one level deep.
+.IP "\s-1EXPLAIN\s0" 4
+This data is from the result set returned by \s-1EXPLAIN.\s0
+This data is from the \s-1INFORMATION_SCHEMA\s0 tables related to InnoDB locks and
+the processlist.
+This data is from the \s-1TRANSACTIONS\s0 section of \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS.\s0
+.IP "\s-1IO_THREADS\s0" 4
+This data is from the list of threads in the the \s-1FILE I/O\s0 section of \s-1SHOW INNODB
+.IP "\s-1INNODB_LOCKS\s0" 4
+This data is from the \s-1TRANSACTIONS\s0 section of \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS\s0 and is nested
+two levels deep.
+.IP "\s-1MASTER_SLAVE\s0" 4
+This data is from the combination of \s-1SHOW MASTER STATUS\s0 and \s-1SHOW SLAVE STATUS.\s0
+.IP "\s-1OPEN_TABLES\s0" 4
+This data is from \s-1SHOW OPEN TABLES.\s0
+.IP "\s-1PROCESSLIST\s0" 4
+This data is from \s-1SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST.\s0
+This data is from \s-1SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST\s0 and computes stats such as the maximum time
+a user query has been running, and how many user queries are running. A \*(L"user
+query\*(R" excludes replication threads.
+.IP "\s-1OS_WAIT_ARRAY\s0" 4
+This data is from the \s-1SEMAPHORES\s0 section of \s-1SHOW INNODB STATUS\s0 and is nested one
+level deep. It comes from the lines that look like this:
+.Vb 1
+\& \-\-Thread 1568861104 has waited at btr0cur.c line 424 ....
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+You must connect to MySQL as a user who has the \s-1SUPER\s0 privilege for many of the
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+If you don't have the \s-1SUPER\s0 privilege, you can still run some functions, but you
+won't necessarily see all the same data.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+You need the \s-1PROCESS\s0 privilege to see the list of currently running queries in Q
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+You need special privileges to start and stop slave servers.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+You need appropriate privileges to create and drop the deadlock tables if needed
+(see \*(L"\s-1SERVER CONNECTIONS\*(R"\s0).
+You need Perl to run innotop, of course. You also need a few Perl modules: \s-1DBI,\s0
+DBD::mysql, Term::ReadKey, and Time::HiRes. These should be included with most
+Perl distributions, but in case they are not, I recommend using versions
+distributed with your operating system or Perl distribution, not from \s-1CPAN.\s0
+Term::ReadKey in particular has been known to cause problems if installed from
+If you have Term::ANSIColor, innotop will use it to format headers more readably
+and compactly. (Under Microsoft Windows, you also need Win32::Console::ANSI for
+terminal formatting codes to be honored). If you install Term::ReadLine,
+preferably Term::ReadLine::Gnu, you'll get nice auto-completion support.
+I run innotop on Gentoo GNU/Linux, Debian and Ubuntu, and I've had feedback from
+people successfully running it on Red Hat, CentOS, Solaris, and Mac \s-1OSX. I\s0
+don't see any reason why it won't work on other UNIX-ish operating systems, but
+I don't know for sure. It also runs on Windows under ActivePerl without
+innotop has been used on MySQL versions 3.23.58, 4.0.27, 4.1.0, 4.1.22, 5.0.26,
+5.1.15, and 5.2.3. If it doesn't run correctly for you, that is a bug that
+should be reported.
+.IX Header "FILES"
+\&\f(CW$HOMEDIR\fR/.innotop and/or /etc/innotop are used to store
+configuration information. Files include the configuration file innotop.conf,
+the core_dump file which contains verbose error messages if \*(L"debug\*(R" is
+enabled, and the plugins/ subdirectory.
+.IP "tick" 4
+.IX Item "tick"
+A tick is a refresh event, when innotop re-fetches data from connections and
+displays it.
+The following people and organizations are acknowledged for various reasons.
+Hopefully no one has been forgotten.
+Aaron Racine,
+Allen K. Smith,
+Aurimas Mikalauskas,
+Bartosz Fenski,
+Brian Miezejewski,
+Christian Hammers,
+Cyril Scetbon,
+Dane Miller,
+David Multer,
+Dr. Frank Ullrich,
+Giuseppe Maxia, Site Reliability Engineers,
+Google Code,
+Jan Pieter Kunst,
+Jari Aalto,
+Jay Pipes,
+Jeremy Zawodny,
+Johan Idren,
+Kristian Kohntopp,
+Lenz Grimmer,
+Maciej Dobrzanski,
+Michiel Betel,
+MySQL \s-1AB,\s0
+Paul McCullagh,
+Sebastien Estienne,,
+Steven Kreuzer,
+The Gentoo MySQL Team,
+Trevor Price,
+Yaar Schnitman,
+and probably more people that have not been included.
+(If your name has been misspelled, it's probably out of fear of putting
+international characters into this documentation; earlier versions of Perl might
+not be able to compile it then).
+This program is copyright (c) 2006 Baron Schwartz.
+Feedback and improvements are welcome.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the \s-1GNU\s0 General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, version 2; \s-1OR\s0 the Perl Artistic License. On \s-1UNIX\s0 and similar
+systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these
+You should have received a copy of the \s-1GNU\s0 General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+Place, Suite 330, Boston, \s-1MA 02111\-1307 USA.\s0
+Execute innotop and press '!' to see this information at any time.
+.IX Header "AUTHOR"
+Originally written by Baron Schwartz; currently maintained by Aaron Racine.
+.IX Header "BUGS"
+You can report bugs, ask for improvements, and get other help and support at
+<>. There are mailing lists, a source code
+browser, a bug tracker, etc. Please use these instead of contacting the
+maintainer or author directly, as it makes our job easier and benefits others if the
+discussions are permanent and public. Of course, if you need to contact us in
+private, please do.
diff --git a/debian/additions/mariadb.cnf b/debian/additions/mariadb.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94d8f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/mariadb.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# The MariaDB configuration file
+# The MariaDB/MySQL tools read configuration files in the following order:
+# 1. "/etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf" (this file) to set global defaults,
+# 2. "/etc/mysql/conf.d/*.cnf" to set global options.
+# 3. "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/*.cnf" to set MariaDB-only options.
+# 4. "~/.my.cnf" to set user-specific options.
+# If the same option is defined multiple times, the last one will apply.
+# One can use all long options that the program supports.
+# Run program with --help to get a list of available options and with
+# --print-defaults to see which it would actually understand and use.
+# This group is read both both by the client and the server
+# use it for options that affect everything
+# Import all .cnf files from configuration directory
+!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
+!includedir /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/
diff --git a/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-client.cnf b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-client.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b509f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-client.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This group is read by the client library
+# Use it for options that affect all clients, but not the server
+# Default is Latin1, if you need UTF-8 set this (also in server section)
+default-character-set = utf8mb4
+# socket location
+socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
+# Example of client certificate usage
+# ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/client-cert.pem
+# ssl-key=/etc/mysql/client-key.pem
+# Allow only TLS encrypted connections
+# ssl-verify-server-cert=on
+# This group is *never* read by mysql client library, though this
+# /etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf.d/client.cnf file is not read by Oracle MySQL
+# client anyway.
+# If you use the same .cnf file for MySQL and MariaDB,
+# use it for MariaDB-only client options
diff --git a/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysql-clients.cnf b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysql-clients.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55cfda2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysql-clients.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# These groups are read by MariaDB command-line tools
+# Use it for options that affect only one utility
+# Default is Latin1, if you need UTF-8 set this (also in server section)
+default-character-set = utf8mb4
diff --git a/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..141d51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# NOTE: This file is read only by the traditional SysV init script, not systemd.
+# MariaDB systemd does _not_ utilize mysqld_safe nor read this file.
+# For similar behaviour, systemd users should create the following file:
+# /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/migrated-from-my.cnf-settings.conf
+# To achieve the same result as the default 50-mysqld_safe.cnf, please create
+# /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/migrated-from-my.cnf-settings.conf
+# with the following contents:
+# [Service]
+# User=mysql
+# StandardOutput=syslog
+# StandardError=syslog
+# SyslogFacility=daemon
+# SyslogLevel=err
+# SyslogIdentifier=mysqld
+# For more information, please read
+# This will be passed to all mysql clients
+# It has been reported that passwords should be enclosed with ticks/quotes
+# especially if they contain "#" chars...
+# Remember to edit /etc/mysql/debian.cnf when changing the socket location.
+socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
+nice = 0
diff --git a/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee30148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# These groups are read by MariaDB server.
+# Use it for options that only the server (but not clients) should see
+# See the examples of server my.cnf files in /usr/share/mysql/
+# this is read by the standalone daemon and embedded servers
+# this is only for the mysqld standalone daemon
+# * Basic Settings
+user = mysql
+pid-file = /var/run/mysqld/
+socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
+port = 3306
+basedir = /usr
+datadir = /var/lib/mysql
+tmpdir = /tmp
+lc-messages-dir = /usr/share/mysql
+# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
+# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
+bind-address =
+# * Fine Tuning
+key_buffer_size = 16M
+max_allowed_packet = 16M
+thread_stack = 192K
+thread_cache_size = 8
+# This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed
+# the first time they are touched
+myisam_recover_options = BACKUP
+#max_connections = 100
+#table_cache = 64
+#thread_concurrency = 10
+# * Query Cache Configuration
+query_cache_limit = 1M
+query_cache_size = 16M
+# * Logging and Replication
+# Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
+# Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.
+# As of 5.1 you can enable the log at runtime!
+#general_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
+#general_log = 1
+# Error log - should be very few entries.
+log_error = /var/log/mysql/error.log
+# Enable the slow query log to see queries with especially long duration
+#slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-slow.log
+#long_query_time = 10
+#log_slow_rate_limit = 1000
+#log_slow_verbosity = query_plan
+# The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for replication.
+# note: if you are setting up a replication slave, see README.Debian about
+# other settings you may need to change.
+#server-id = 1
+#log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
+expire_logs_days = 10
+max_binlog_size = 100M
+#binlog_do_db = include_database_name
+#binlog_ignore_db = exclude_database_name
+# * InnoDB
+# InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.
+# Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!
+# * Security Features
+# Read the manual, too, if you want chroot!
+# chroot = /var/lib/mysql/
+# For generating SSL certificates you can use for example the GUI tool "tinyca".
+# ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/cacert.pem
+# ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/server-cert.pem
+# ssl-key=/etc/mysql/server-key.pem
+# Accept only connections using the latest and most secure TLS protocol version.
+# ..when MariaDB is compiled with OpenSSL:
+# ssl-cipher=TLSv1.2
+# ..when MariaDB is compiled with YaSSL (default in Debian):
+# ssl=on
+# * Character sets
+# MySQL/MariaDB default is Latin1, but in Debian we rather default to the full
+# utf8 4-byte character set. See also client.cnf
+character-set-server = utf8mb4
+collation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci
+# * Unix socket authentication plugin is built-in since 10.0.22-6
+# Needed so the root database user can authenticate without a password but
+# only when running as the unix root user.
+# Also available for other users if required.
+# See
+# this is only for embedded server
+# This group is only read by MariaDB servers, not by MySQL.
+# If you use the same .cnf file for MySQL and MariaDB,
+# you can put MariaDB-only options here
+# This group is only read by MariaDB-10.1 servers.
+# If you use the same .cnf file for MariaDB of different versions,
+# use this group for options that older servers don't understand
diff --git a/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/60-galera.cnf b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/60-galera.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7249a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/60-galera.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# * Galera-related settings
+# Mandatory settings
+# Allow server to accept connections on all interfaces.
+# Optional setting
diff --git a/debian/additions/mysqlreport b/debian/additions/mysqlreport
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64eaf93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/mysqlreport
@@ -0,0 +1,1626 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# mysqlreport v4.0 Oct 23 2015
+# mysqlreport makes an easy-to-read report of important MySQL/MariaDB status values.
+# Copyright 2006-2008 Daniel Nichter
+# Copyright 2012-2015 Jean Weisbuch
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# The GNU General Public License is available at:
+use strict;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use DBI;
+use Getopt::Long;
+eval { require Term::ReadKey; };
+my $RK = ($@ ? 0 : 1);
+sub have_op;
+my $WIN = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0);
+my %op;
+my %mycnf; # ~/.my.cnf
+my ($tmpfile_fh, $tmpfile);
+my ($stat_name, $stat_val, $stat_label);
+my $MySQL_version;
+my (%stats, %vars); # SHOW STATUS, SHOW VARIABLES
+my (%DMS_vals, %Com_vals, %ib_vals);
+my $dbh;
+my ($questions, $key_read_ratio, $key_write_ratio, $dms, $slow_query_t);
+my ($key_cache_block_size, $key_buffer_used, $key_buffer_usage);
+my ($qc_mem_used, $qc_hi_r, $qc_ip_r); # Query Cache
+my ($ib_bp_used, $ib_bp_total, $ib_bp_read_ratio);
+my ($relative_live, $relative_infiles);
+my $real_uptime;
+my (%stats_present, %stats_past); # For relative reports
+my ($pagecache_read_ratio, $pagecache_write_ratio, $pagecache_block_size, $pagecache_buffer_used, $pagecache_buffer_usage); # AriaDB pagecache stats
+my ($binlog_cache_ratio, $binlog_stmt_cache_ratio); # binary log cache
+my $dbms;
+my ($rows, $rows_using_indexes);
+GetOptions (
+ \%op,
+ "user=s",
+ "password:s",
+ "host=s",
+ "port=s",
+ "socket=s",
+ "no-mycnf",
+ "infile|in=s",
+ "outfile=s",
+ "flush-status",
+ "email=s",
+ "r|relative:i",
+ "c|report-count=i",
+ "detach",
+ "help|?",
+ "debug"
+show_help_and_exit() if $op{'help'};
+get_user_mycnf() unless $op{'no-mycnf'};
+# Command line options override ~/.my.cnf
+$mycnf{'host'} = $op{'host'} if have_op 'host';
+$mycnf{'port'} = $op{'port'} if have_op 'port';
+$mycnf{'socket'} = $op{'socket'} if have_op 'socket';
+$mycnf{'user'} = $op{'user'} if have_op 'user';
+$mycnf{'user'} ||= $ENV{'USER'};
+if(exists $op{'password'})
+ if($op{'password'} eq '') # Prompt for password
+ {
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(2) if $RK;
+ print "Password for database user $mycnf{'user'}: ";
+ chomp($mycnf{'pass'} = <STDIN>);
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(0), print "\n" if $RK;
+ }
+ else { $mycnf{'pass'} = $op{'password'}; } # Use password given on command line
+$op{'com'} ||= 3;
+$op{'c'} ||= 1; # Used in collect_reports() if --r given integer value
+$relative_live = 0;
+$relative_infiles = 0;
+if(defined $op{'r'})
+ if($op{r}) { $relative_live = 1; } # if -r was given an integer value
+ else { $relative_infiles = 1; }
+# The report is written to a tmp file first.
+# Later it will be moved to $op{'outfile'} or emailed $op{'email'} if needed.
+($tmpfile_fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile() or die "Cannot open temporary file for writing: $!\n";
+ $SIG{'TERM'} = 'sig_handler';
+ if(fork())
+ {
+ print "mysqlreport has forked and detached.\n";
+ print "While running detached, mysqlreport writes reports to '$tmpfile'.\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ open(STDIN, "</dev/null");
+ open(STDOUT, "> $tmpfile") or die "Cannot dup STDOUT: $!\n";
+ open(STDERR, "> $tmpfile") or die "Cannot dup STDERR: $!\n";
+select $tmpfile_fh;
+$| = 1 if ($op{'detach'} || $relative_live);
+print "tmp file: $tmpfile\n" if $op{debug};
+# Connect to MySQL/MariaDB
+if(!$op{'infile'} && !$relative_infiles)
+ connect_to_MySQL();
+my $have_innodb_vals = 1; # This might be set to 0 later in get_MySQL_version()
+my $have_aria_vals = 0;
+my $have_subquerycache_vals = 0;
+my $have_binlog_vals = 0;
+my $have_tokudb_engine = 0;
+my $use_thread_pool = 0;
+my $use_xtradb = 0;
+if(defined $op{'r'})
+ if($relative_live)
+ {
+ print STDERR "mysqlreport is writing relative reports to '$tmpfile'.\n" unless $op{'detach'};
+ get_MySQL_version();
+ collect_reports();
+ }
+ if($relative_infiles) { read_relative_infiles(); }
+ if(!$op{'infile'})
+ {
+ get_MySQL_version();
+ get_vals();
+ get_vars();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ read_infile($op{'infile'});
+ }
+ get_Com_values();
+ set_myisam_vals();
+ set_ib_vals() if $have_innodb_vals;
+ set_aria_vals() if $have_aria_vals;
+ set_subquerycache_vals() if $have_subquerycache_vals;
+ set_binlog_vals() if $have_binlog_vals;
+ write_report();
+# Subroutines
+sub show_help_and_exit
+ print <<"HELP";
+mysqlreport v4.0 Oct 23 2015
+mysqlreport makes an easy-to-read report of important MySQL/MariaDB status values.
+Command line options (abbreviations work):
+ --user USER Connect to MySQL as USER
+ --password PASS Use PASS or prompt for MySQL user's password
+ --host ADDRESS Connect to MySQL at ADDRESS
+ --port PORT Connect to MySQL at PORT
+ --socket SOCKET Connect to MySQL at SOCKET
+ --no-mycnf Don't read ~/.my.cnf
+ --infile FILE Read status values from FILE instead of MySQL
+ --outfile FILE Write report to FILE
+ --email ADDRESS Email report to ADDRESS (doesn't work on Windows)
+ --flush-status Issue FLUSH STATUS; after getting current values
+ --relative X Generate relative reports. If X is an integer,
+ reports are live from the MySQL server X seconds apart.
+ If X is a list of infiles (file1 file2 etc.),
+ reports are generated from the infiles in the order
+ that they are given.
+ --report-count N Collect N number of live relative reports (default 1)
+ --detach Fork and detach from terminal (run in background)
+ --help Prints this
+ --debug Print debugging information
+Visit for more information.
+ exit;
+sub get_user_mycnf
+ print "get_user_mycnf\n" if $op{debug};
+ return if $WIN;
+ open MYCNF, "$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf" or return;
+ while(<MYCNF>)
+ {
+ if(/^(.+?)\s*=\s*"?(.+?)"?\s*$/)
+ {
+ $mycnf{$1} = $2;
+ print "get_user_mycnf: read '$1 = $2'\n" if $op{debug};
+ }
+ }
+ $mycnf{'pass'} ||= $mycnf{'password'} if exists $mycnf{'password'};
+ close MYCNF;
+sub connect_to_MySQL
+ print "connect_to_MySQL\n" if $op{debug};
+ my $dsn;
+ if($mycnf{'socket'} && -S $mycnf{'socket'})
+ {
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:mysql_socket=$mycnf{socket}";
+ }
+ elsif($mycnf{'host'})
+ {
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$mycnf{host}" . ($mycnf{port} ? ";port=$mycnf{port}" : "");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=localhost";
+ }
+ print "connect_to_MySQL: DBI DSN: $dsn\n" if $op{debug};
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $mycnf{'user'}, $mycnf{'pass'}) or die;
+sub collect_reports
+ print "collect_reports\n" if $op{debug};
+ my $i;
+ get_vals();
+ get_vars();
+ get_Com_values();
+ %stats_past = %stats;
+ set_myisam_vals();
+ set_ib_vals() if $have_innodb_vals;
+ set_aria_vals() if $have_aria_vals;
+ set_subquerycache_vals() if $have_subquerycache_vals;
+ set_binlog_vals() if $have_binlog_vals;
+ print "#\n# Beginning report, 0 0:0:0\n#\n";
+ write_report();
+ for($i = 0; $i < $op{'c'}; $i++)
+ {
+ $dbh->disconnect();
+ sleep($op{'r'});
+ connect_to_MySQL();
+ print "\n#\n# Interval report " , $i + 1 , ", +", sec_to_dhms(($i + 1) * $op{'r'}), "\n#\n";
+ get_vals();
+ write_relative_report();
+ }
+sub read_relative_infiles
+ print "read_relative_infiles\n" if $op{debug};
+ my $slurp; # Used to check infiles for multiple sets of status values
+ my $n_stats; # Number of multiple sets of status values in an infile
+ my $infile;
+ my $report_n; # Report number
+ $report_n = 1;
+ foreach $infile (@ARGV)
+ {
+ # Read all of infile into $slurp
+ open INFILE, "< $infile" or warn and next;
+ $slurp = do { local $/; <INFILE> };
+ close INFILE;
+ $n_stats = 0;
+ # Count number of status value sets
+ $n_stats++ while $slurp =~ /Aborted_clients/g;
+ print "read_relative_infiles: found $n_stats sets of status values in file '$infile'\n"
+ if $op{debug};
+ if($n_stats == 1)
+ {
+ read_infile($infile);
+ relative_infile_report($report_n++);
+ }
+ if($n_stats > 1)
+ {
+ my @tmpfile_fh;
+ my @tmpfile_name;
+ my $i;
+ my $stat_n; # Status value set number
+ # Create a tmp file for each set of status values
+ for($i = 0; $i < $n_stats; $i++)
+ {
+ my ($fh, $name) = tempfile()
+ or die "read_relative_infiles: cannot open temporary file for writing: $!\n";
+ push(@tmpfile_fh, $fh);
+ push(@tmpfile_name, $name);
+ print "read_relative_infiles: created tmp file '$name' for set $i\n" if $op{debug};
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ $stat_n = 0;
+ select $tmpfile_fh[$i];
+ # Read infile again and copy each set of status values to separate tmp files
+ open INFILE, "< $infile" or warn and next;
+ while(<INFILE>)
+ {
+ next if /^\+/;
+ next if /^$/;
+ # The infile must begin with the system variable values.
+ # Therefore, the first occurrence of Aborted_clients indicates the beginning
+ # of the first set of status values if no sets have occurred yet ($stat_n == 0).
+ # In this case, the following status values are printed to the current fh,
+ # along with the system variable values read thus far, until Aborted_clients
+ # occurs again. Then begins the second and subsequent sets of status values.
+ if(/Aborted_clients/)
+ {
+ print and next if $stat_n++ == 0;
+ select $tmpfile_fh[++$i];
+ }
+ print;
+ }
+ close INFILE;
+ # Re-select the main tmp file into which the reports are being written.
+ select $tmpfile_fh;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $n_stats; $i++)
+ {
+ close $tmpfile_fh[$i];
+ print "read_relative_infiles: reading set $i tmp file '$tmpfile_name[$i]'\n"
+ if $op{debug};
+ read_infile($tmpfile_name[$i]);
+ relative_infile_report($report_n++);
+ if($WIN) { `del $tmpfile_name[$i]`; }
+ else { `rm -f $tmpfile_name[$i]`; }
+ print "read_relative_infiles: deleted set $i tmp file '$tmpfile_name[$i]'\n"
+ if $op{debug};
+ }
+ } # if($n_stats > 1)
+ } # foreach $infile (@files)
+sub relative_infile_report
+ print "relative_infile_report\n" if $op{debug};
+ my $report_n = shift;
+ if($report_n == 1)
+ {
+ get_Com_values();
+ %stats_past = %stats;
+ set_myisam_vals();
+ set_ib_vals() if $have_innodb_vals;
+ set_aria_vals() if $have_aria_vals;
+ set_subquerycache_vals() if $have_subquerycache_vals;
+ set_binlog_vals() if $have_binlog_vals;
+ print "#\n# Beginning report, 0 0:0:0\n#\n";
+ write_report();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "\n#\n# Interval report ", $report_n - 1, ", +",
+ sec_to_dhms($stats{Uptime} - $stats_past{Uptime}),
+ "\n#\n";
+ write_relative_report();
+ }
+sub get_vals
+ print "get_vals\n" if $op{debug};
+ my (@row, $query);
+ # Get status values
+ if($MySQL_version >= 50002)
+ {
+ $query = $dbh->prepare("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS;");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $query = $dbh->prepare("SHOW STATUS;");
+ }
+ $query->execute();
+ # To avoid problems if the variable capitalization would change (eg. TokuDB on MariaDB 5.5 => 10.0), the $stats index is forced to have its first char uppercase and the rest lowercase
+ while(@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) { $stats{ucfirst(lc($row[0]))} = $row[1]; }
+ $query->finish();
+ $real_uptime = $stats{'Uptime'};
+sub get_vars
+ print "get_vars\n" if $op{debug};
+ my (@row, $query);
+ # Get server system variables
+ $query = $dbh->prepare("SHOW VARIABLES;");
+ $query->execute();
+ while(@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) { $vars{$row[0]} = $row[1]; }
+ $query->finish();
+ # table_cache was renamed to table_open_cache in MySQL 5.1.3
+ if($MySQL_version >= 50103)
+ {
+ $vars{'table_cache'} = $vars{'table_open_cache'};
+ }
+ # log_slow_queries was renamed to slow_query_log in MySQL 5.1.29
+ if($MySQL_version >= 50129)
+ {
+ $vars{'log_slow_queries'} = $vars{'slow_query_log'};
+ }
+sub read_infile
+ print "read_infile\n" if $op{debug};
+ my $infile = shift;
+ # Default required system variable values if not set in INFILE.
+ # As of mysqlreport v3.5 the direct output from SHOW VARIABLES;
+ # can be put into INFILE instead. See
+ # for details.
+ $vars{'version'} = "0.0.0" if !exists $vars{'version'};
+ $vars{'table_cache'} = 64 if !exists $vars{'table_cache'};
+ $vars{'max_connections'} = 100 if !exists $vars{'max_connections'};
+ $vars{'key_buffer_size'} = 8388600 if !exists $vars{'key_buffer_size'}; # 8M
+ $vars{'thread_cache_size'} = 0 if !exists $vars{'thread_cache_size'};
+ $vars{'tmp_table_size'} = 0 if !exists $vars{'tmp_table_size'};
+ $vars{'long_query_time'} = '?' if !exists $vars{'long_query_time'};
+ $vars{'log_slow_queries'} = '?' if !exists $vars{'log_slow_queries'};
+ # One should also add:
+ # key_cache_block_size
+ # query_cache_size
+ # to INFILE if needed.
+ open INFILE, "< $infile" or die "Cannot open INFILE '$infile': $!\n";
+ while(<INFILE>)
+ {
+ last if !defined $_;
+ next if /^\+/; # skip divider lines
+ next if /^$/; # skip blank lines
+ next until /(Aborted_clients|back_log|=)/;
+ if($1 eq 'Aborted_clients') # status values
+ {
+ print "read_infile: start stats\n" if $op{debug};
+ while($_)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ if(/([A-Za-z_]+)[\s\t|]+(\d+)/)
+ {
+ $stats{$1} = $2;
+ print "read_infile: save $1 = $2\n" if $op{debug};
+ }
+ else { print "read_infile: ignore '$_'\n" if $op{debug}; }
+ last if $1 eq 'Uptime'; # exit while() if end of status values
+ $_ = <INFILE>; # otherwise, read next line of status values
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($1 eq 'back_log') # system variable values
+ {
+ print "read_infile: start vars\n" if $op{debug};
+ while($_)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ if(/([A-Za-z_]+)[\s\t|]+([\w\.\-]+)/) # This will exclude some vars
+ { # like pid_file which we don't need
+ $vars{$1} = $2;
+ print "read_infile: save $1 = $2\n" if $op{debug};
+ }
+ else { print "read_infile: ignore '$_'\n" if $op{debug}; }
+ last if $1 eq 'wait_timeout'; # exit while() if end of vars
+ $_ = <INFILE>; # otherwise, read next line of vars
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($1 eq '=') # old style, manually added system variable values
+ {
+ print "read_infile: start old vars\n" if $op{debug};
+ while($_ && $_ =~ /=/)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ if(/^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*([0-9.]+)(M*)\s*$/) # e.g.: key_buffer_size = 128M
+ {
+ $vars{$1} = ($3 ? $2 * 1024 * 1024 : $2);
+ print "read_infile: read '$_' as $1 = $vars{$1}\n" if $op{debug};
+ }
+ else { print "read_infile: ignore '$_'\n" if $op{debug}; }
+ $_ = <INFILE>; # otherwise, read next line of old vars
+ }
+ redo;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "read_infile: unrecognized line: '$_'\n" if $op{debug};
+ }
+ }
+ close INFILE;
+ $real_uptime = $stats{'Uptime'};
+ $vars{'table_cache'} = $vars{'table_open_cache'} if exists $vars{'table_open_cache'};
+ get_MySQL_version();
+sub get_MySQL_version
+ print "get_MySQL_version\n" if $op{debug};
+ return if $MySQL_version;
+ my ($major, $minor, $patch);
+ if($op{'infile'} || $relative_infiles)
+ {
+ ($major, $minor, $patch) = ($vars{'version'} =~ /^(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})/);
+ if($vars{'version'} =~ /^\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}-MariaDB/) {
+ print "MariaDB detected\n" if $op{debug};
+ $dbms = "MariaDB";
+ } else {
+ $dbms = "MySQL";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my (@row, $query);
+ $query = $dbh->prepare("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version';");
+ $query->execute();
+ @row = $query->fetchrow_array();
+ $query->finish();
+ ($major, $minor, $patch) = ($row[1] =~ /^(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})/);
+ if($row[1] =~ /^\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}-MariaDB/)
+ {
+ print "MariaDB detected\n" if $op{debug};
+ $dbms = "MariaDB";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dbms = "MySQL";
+ }
+ }
+ # The major version number is kept as is while the minor version and the revision number are forced to 2 digits
+ # e.g.: 5.5.9 will be 50509, 10.0.5 will be 100005 and 10.1.23 will be 100123
+ $MySQL_version = sprintf("%d%02d%02d", $major, $minor, $patch);
+ print "Version $MySQL_version\n" if $op{debug};
+ # Innodb_ status values were added in 5.0.2
+ if($MySQL_version < 50002)
+ {
+ $have_innodb_vals = 0;
+ print "get_MySQL_version: no InnoDB reports because MySQL version is older than 5.0.2\n" if $op{debug};
+ } else {
+ $have_innodb_vals = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.engines WHERE ENGINE = 'InnoDB';", undef)->[0][0];
+ if(defined($have_innodb_vals) && ($have_innodb_vals eq "YES" || $have_innodb_vals eq "DEFAULT"))
+ {
+ print "InnoDB detected\n" if $op{debug};
+ $have_innodb_vals = 1;
+ } else {
+ print "InnoDB is not activated\n" if $op{debug};
+ $have_innodb_vals = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if($dbms eq "MariaDB") {
+ $have_aria_vals = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.engines WHERE ENGINE = 'Aria';", undef)->[0][0];
+ if(defined($have_aria_vals) && $have_aria_vals eq "YES")
+ {
+ print "Aria engine detected\n" if $op{debug};
+ $have_aria_vals = 1;
+ } else {
+ $have_aria_vals = 0;
+ }
+ # MariaDB 5.3+, activated by default since 5.3.2
+ $have_subquerycache_vals = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE REGEXP ',subquery_cache=on,|^subquery_cache=on,|,subquery_cache=on\$' AS SUBQUERY_CACHE FROM information_schema.global_variables WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'optimizer_switch';", undef)->[0][0];
+ if(defined($have_subquerycache_vals) && $have_subquerycache_vals eq "1")
+ {
+ print "Subquery cache is activated\n" if $op{debug};
+ $have_subquerycache_vals = 1;
+ } else {
+ $have_subquerycache_vals = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if($MySQL_version >= 50000)
+ {
+ # These checks use the 'information_schema' virtual database that has been added on MySQL 5.0
+ # MariaDB 5.5.21+ and Percona Server 5.5.30+ use the same thread pool implementation
+ $use_thread_pool = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM information_schema.global_variables WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'thread_handling';", undef)->[0][0];
+ if(defined($use_thread_pool) && $use_thread_pool eq "pool-of-threads") {
+ print "Thread pool is used\n" if $op{debug};
+ $use_thread_pool = 1;
+ } else {
+ $use_thread_pool = 0;
+ }
+ $have_binlog_vals = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM information_schema.global_variables WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'log_bin';", undef)->[0][0];
+ if(defined($have_binlog_vals) && $have_binlog_vals eq "ON")
+ {
+ print "Binary log is activated\n" if $op{debug};
+ $have_binlog_vals = 1;
+ } else {
+ $have_binlog_vals = 0;
+ }
+ $have_tokudb_engine = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT SUPPORT FROM information_schema.engines WHERE ENGINE = 'TokuDB';", undef)->[0][0];
+ if(defined($have_tokudb_engine) && ($have_tokudb_engine eq "YES" || $have_tokudb_engine eq "DEFAULT"))
+ {
+ print "TokuDB detected\n" if $op{debug};
+ $have_tokudb_engine = 1;
+ } else {
+ $have_tokudb_engine = 0;
+ }
+ $use_xtradb = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ENGINES WHERE ENGINE = 'InnoDB' AND COMMENT LIKE 'Percona-XtraDB%';", undef)->[0][0];
+ if(defined($use_xtradb) && $use_xtradb eq "1")
+ {
+ print "XtraDB detected\n" if $op{debug};
+ $use_xtradb = 1;
+ } else {
+ $use_xtradb = 0;
+ }
+ }
+sub set_myisam_vals
+ print "set_myisam_vals\n" if $op{debug};
+# should be moved elsewere
+ $questions = $stats{'Questions'};
+ $key_read_ratio = sprintf "%.2f",
+ ($stats{'Key_read_requests'} ?
+ 100 - ($stats{'Key_reads'} / $stats{'Key_read_requests'}) * 100 :
+ 0);
+ $key_write_ratio = sprintf "%.2f",
+ ($stats{'Key_write_requests'} ?
+ 100 - ($stats{'Key_writes'} / $stats{'Key_write_requests'}) * 100 :
+ 0);
+ $key_cache_block_size = (defined $vars{'key_cache_block_size'} ?
+ $vars{'key_cache_block_size'} :
+ 1024);
+ $key_buffer_used = $stats{'Key_blocks_used'} * $key_cache_block_size;
+ if(defined $stats{'Key_blocks_unused'}) # MySQL 4.1.2+
+ {
+ $key_buffer_usage = $vars{'key_buffer_size'} -
+ ($stats{'Key_blocks_unused'} * $key_cache_block_size);
+ }
+ else { $key_buffer_usage = -1; }
+ # Data Manipulation Statements:
+ %DMS_vals =
+ (
+ SELECT => $stats{'Com_select'},
+ INSERT => $stats{'Com_insert'} + $stats{'Com_insert_select'},
+ REPLACE => $stats{'Com_replace'} + $stats{'Com_replace_select'},
+ UPDATE => $stats{'Com_update'} +
+ (exists $stats{'Com_update_multi'} ? $stats{'Com_update_multi'} : 0),
+ DELETE => $stats{'Com_delete'} +
+ (exists $stats{'Com_delete_multi'} ? $stats{'Com_delete_multi'} : 0)
+ );
+ $dms = $DMS_vals{SELECT} + $DMS_vals{INSERT} + $DMS_vals{REPLACE} + $DMS_vals{UPDATE} + $DMS_vals{DELETE};
+ $slow_query_t = format_u_time($vars{long_query_time});
+sub set_ib_vals
+ print "set_ib_vals\n" if $op{debug};
+ $ib_bp_used = ($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'} -
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'}) *
+ $stats{'Innodb_page_size'};
+ $ib_bp_total = $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'} * $stats{'Innodb_page_size'};
+ $ib_bp_read_ratio = sprintf "%.2f",
+ ($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'} ?
+ 100 - ($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'} /
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'}) * 100 :
+ 0);
+sub set_aria_vals
+ print "set_aria_vals\n" if $op{debug};
+ $pagecache_read_ratio = sprintf "%.2f",
+ ($stats{'Aria_pagecache_read_requests'} ?
+ 100 - ($stats{'Aria_pagecache_reads'} / $stats{'Aria_pagecache_read_requests'}) * 100 :
+ 0);
+ $pagecache_write_ratio = sprintf "%.2f",
+ ($stats{'Aria_pagecache_write_requests'} ?
+ 100 - ($stats{'Aria_pagecache_writes'} / $stats{'Aria_pagecache_write_requests'}) * 100 :
+ 0);
+ $pagecache_block_size = (defined $vars{'aria_block_size'} ?
+ $vars{'aria_block_size'} :
+ 1024);
+ $pagecache_buffer_used = $stats{'Aria_pagecache_blocks_used'} * $pagecache_block_size;
+ $pagecache_buffer_usage = $vars{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'} -
+ ($stats{'Aria_pagecache_blocks_unused'} * $pagecache_block_size);
+sub set_subquerycache_vals
+ print "set_subquerycache_vals\n" if $op{debug};
+sub set_binlog_vals
+ print "set_binlog_vals\n" if $op{debug};
+ if($stats{'Binlog_cache_use'} gt 0) { $binlog_cache_ratio = $stats{'Binlog_cache_disk_use'} / $stats{'Binlog_cache_use'}; }
+ else { $binlog_cache_ratio = 0; }
+ if(defined($stats{'Binlog_stmt_cache_use'}) && $stats{'Binlog_stmt_cache_use'} gt 0) { $binlog_stmt_cache_ratio = $stats{'Binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use'} / $stats{'Binlog_stmt_cache_use'}; }
+ else { $binlog_stmt_cache_ratio = 0; }
+sub write_relative_report
+ print "write_relative_report\n" if $op{debug};
+ %stats_present = %stats;
+ for(keys %stats)
+ {
+ if($stats_past{$_} =~ /\d+/)
+ {
+ if($stats_present{$_} >= $stats_past{$_}) # Avoid negative values
+ {
+ $stats{$_} = $stats_present{$_} - $stats_past{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # These values are either "at present" or "high water marks".
+ # Therefore, it is more logical to not relativize these values.
+ # Doing otherwise causes strange and misleading values.
+ $stats{'Key_blocks_used'} = $stats_present{'Key_blocks_used'};
+ $stats{'Open_tables'} = $stats_present{'Open_tables'};
+ $stats{'Max_used_connections'} = $stats_present{'Max_used_connections'};
+ $stats{'Threads_running'} = $stats_present{'Threads_running'};
+ $stats{'Threads_connected'} = $stats_present{'Threads_connected'};
+ $stats{'Threads_cached'} = $stats_present{'Threads_cached'};
+ $stats{'Qcache_free_blocks'} = $stats_present{'Qcache_free_blocks'};
+ $stats{'Qcache_total_blocks'} = $stats_present{'Qcache_total_blocks'};
+ $stats{'Qcache_free_memory'} = $stats_present{'Qcache_free_memory'};
+ if($have_innodb_vals)
+ {
+ $stats{'Innodb_page_size'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_page_size'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_data_pending_reads'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_data_pending_reads'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_data_pending_writes'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_data_pending_writes'};
+ # Innodb_row_lock_ values were added in MySQL 5.0.3
+ if($MySQL_version >= 50003)
+ {
+ $stats{'Innodb_row_lock_current_waits'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_row_lock_current_waits'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_row_lock_time_avg'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_row_lock_time_avg'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_row_lock_time_max'} = $stats_present{'Innodb_row_lock_time_max'};
+ }
+ }
+ if($have_aria_vals)
+ {
+ $stats{'Aria_pagecache_blocks_used'} = $stats_present{'Aria_pagecache_blocks_used'};
+ }
+ get_Com_values();
+ %stats_past = %stats_present;
+ set_myisam_vals();
+ set_ib_vals() if $have_innodb_vals;
+ set_aria_vals() if $have_aria_vals;
+ set_subquerycache_vals() if $have_subquerycache_vals;
+ set_binlog_vals() if $have_binlog_vals;
+ write_report();
+sub write_report
+ print "write_report\n" if $op{debug};
+ $~ = 'MYSQL_TIME', write;
+ $~ = 'KEY_BUFF_MAX', write;
+ if($key_buffer_usage != -1) { $~ = 'KEY_BUFF_USAGE', write }
+ $~ = 'KEY_RATIOS', write;
+ write_DTQ();
+ $~ = 'SLOW_DMS', write;
+ write_DMS();
+ write_Com();
+ write_Rows();
+ $~ = 'SAS', write;
+ write_qcache();
+ $~ = 'REPORT_END', write;
+ $~ = 'THREADS', write;
+ if($use_thread_pool)
+ {
+ $~ = 'THREADPOOL', write;
+ } else {
+ }
+ $~ = 'TAB', write;
+ write_InnoDB() if $have_innodb_vals;
+ write_Aria() if $have_aria_vals;
+ write_Subquerycache() if $have_subquerycache_vals;
+ write_Binlog() if $have_binlog_vals;
+ write_TokuDB() if $have_tokudb_engine;
+sub sec_to_dhms # Seconds to days+hours:minutes:seconds
+ my $s = shift;
+ my ($d, $h, $m) = (0, 0, 0);
+ return '0 0:0:0' if $s <= 0;
+ if($s >= 86400)
+ {
+ $d = int $s / 86400;
+ $s -= $d * 86400;
+ }
+ if($s >= 3600)
+ {
+ $h = int $s / 3600;
+ $s -= $h * 3600;
+ }
+ $m = int $s / 60;
+ $s -= $m * 60;
+ return "$d+$h:$m:$s";
+sub make_short
+ my ($number, $kb, $d) = @_;
+ my $n = 0;
+ my $short;
+ $d ||= 2;
+ if($kb) { while ($number > 1023) { $number /= 1024; $n++; }; }
+ else { while ($number > 999) { $number /= 1000; $n++; }; }
+ $short = sprintf "%.${d}f%s", $number, ('','k','M','G','T')[$n];
+ if($short =~ /^(.+)\.(00)$/) { return $1; } # 12.00 -> 12 but not 12.00k -> 12k
+ return $short;
+# What began as a simple but great idea has become the new standard:
+# long_query_time in microseconds. For MySQL 5.1.21+ this is now
+# standard. For 4.1 and 5.0 patches, the architects of this idea
+# provide:
+# Relevant notes in MySQL manual:
+# The format_u_time sub simply beautifies long_query_time.
+sub format_u_time # format microsecond () time value
+ # 0.000000 - 0.000999 = 0 - 999
+ # 0.001000 - 0.999999 = 1 ms - 999.999 ms
+ # 1.000000 - n.nnnnnn = 1 s - n.nnnnn s
+ my $t = shift;
+ my $f; # formatted time
+ my $u = chr(($WIN ? 230 : 181));
+ $t = 0 if $t < 0;
+ if($t > 0 && $t <= 0.000999)
+ {
+ $f = ($t * 1000000) . " $u";
+ }
+ elsif($t >= 0.001000 && $t <= 0.999999)
+ {
+ $f = ($t * 1000) . ' ms';
+ }
+ elsif($t >= 1)
+ {
+ $f = ($t * 1) . ' s'; # * 1 to remove insignificant zeros
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $f = 0; # $t should = 0 at this point
+ }
+ return $f;
+sub perc # Percentage
+ my($is, $of) = @_;
+ $is = 0 if (not defined $is);
+ return sprintf "%.2f", ($is * 100) / ($of ||= 1);
+sub t # Time average per second
+ my $val = shift;
+ return 0 if !$val;
+ return(make_short($val / $stats{'Uptime'}, 0, 1));
+sub email_report # Email given report to $op{'email'}
+ print "email_report\n" if $op{debug};
+ return if $WIN;
+ my $report = shift;
+ open SENDMAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
+ print SENDMAIL "From: mysqlreport\n";
+ print SENDMAIL "To: $op{email}\n";
+ print SENDMAIL "Subject: $dbms status report on " . ($mycnf{'host'} || 'localhost') . "\n\n";
+ print SENDMAIL `cat $report`;
+ close SENDMAIL;
+sub cat_report # Print given report to screen
+ print "cat_report\n" if $op{debug};
+ my $report = shift;
+ my @report;
+ open REPORT, "< $report";
+ @report = <REPORT>;
+ close REPORT;
+ print @report;
+sub get_Com_values
+ print "get_Com_values\n" if $op{debug};
+ %Com_vals = ();
+ # Make copy of just the Com_ values
+ for(keys %stats)
+ {
+ if(grep /^Com_/, $_ and $stats{$_} > 0)
+ {
+ /^Com_(.*)/;
+ $Com_vals{$1} = $stats{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ # Remove DMS values
+ delete $Com_vals{'select'};
+ delete $Com_vals{'insert'};
+ delete $Com_vals{'insert_select'};
+ delete $Com_vals{'replace'};
+ delete $Com_vals{'replace_select'};
+ delete $Com_vals{'update'};
+ delete $Com_vals{'update_multi'} if exists $Com_vals{'update_multi'};
+ delete $Com_vals{'delete'};
+ delete $Com_vals{'delete_multi'} if exists $Com_vals{'delete_multi'};
+sub write_DTQ # Write DTQ report in descending order by values
+ print "write_DTQ\n" if $op{debug};
+ $~ = 'DTQ';
+ my %DTQ;
+ my $first = 1;
+ # Total Com values
+ $stat_val = 0;
+ for(values %Com_vals) { $stat_val += $_; }
+ $DTQ{'Com_'} = $stat_val;
+ $DTQ{'DMS'} = $dms;
+ $DTQ{'QC Hits'} = $stats{'Qcache_hits'} if $stats{'Qcache_hits'} != 0;
+ $DTQ{'COM_QUIT'} = int (($stats{'Connections'} - 2) - ($stats{'Aborted_clients'} / 2));
+ $stat_val = 0;
+ for(values %DTQ) { $stat_val += $_; }
+ if($questions != $stat_val)
+ {
+ $DTQ{($questions > $stat_val ? '+Unknown' : '-Unknown')} = abs $questions - $stat_val;
+ }
+ for(sort { $DTQ{$b} <=> $DTQ{$a} } keys(%DTQ))
+ {
+ if($first) { $stat_label = '%Total:'; $first = 0; }
+ else { $stat_label = ''; }
+ $stat_name = $_;
+ $stat_val = $DTQ{$_};
+ write;
+ }
+sub write_DMS # Write DMS report in descending order by values
+ print "write_DMS\n" if $op{debug};
+ $~ = 'DMS';
+ for(sort { $DMS_vals{$b} <=> $DMS_vals{$a} } keys(%DMS_vals))
+ {
+ $stat_name = $_;
+ $stat_val = $DMS_vals{$_};
+ write;
+ }
+sub write_Com # Write COM report in descending order by values
+ print "write_Com\n" if $op{debug};
+ my $i = $op{'com'};
+ $~ = 'COM_1';
+ # Total Com values and write first line of COM report
+ $stat_label = '%Total:' unless $op{'dtq'};
+ $stat_val = 0;
+ for(values %Com_vals) { $stat_val += $_; }
+ write;
+ $~ = 'COM_2';
+ # Sort remaining Com values, print only the top $op{'com'} number of values
+ for(sort { $Com_vals{$b} <=> $Com_vals{$a} } keys(%Com_vals))
+ {
+ $stat_name = $_;
+ $stat_val = $Com_vals{$_};
+ write;
+ last if !(--$i);
+ }
+sub write_qcache
+ print "write_qcache\n" if $op{debug};
+ # Query cache was added in 4.0.1, but have_query_cache was added in 4.0.2,
+ # ergo this method is slightly more reliable
+ return if not exists $vars{'query_cache_size'};
+ return if $vars{'query_cache_size'} == 0;
+ return if defined($vars{'query_cache_type'}) and $vars{'query_cache_type'} eq 'OFF';
+ $qc_mem_used = $vars{'query_cache_size'} - $stats{'Qcache_free_memory'};
+ $qc_hi_r = sprintf "%.2f", $stats{'Qcache_hits'} / ($stats{'Qcache_inserts'} ||= 1);
+ $qc_ip_r = sprintf "%.2f", $stats{'Qcache_inserts'} / ($stats{'Qcache_lowmem_prunes'} ||= 1);
+ $~ = 'QCACHE';
+ write;
+sub write_Subquerycache
+ print "write_Subquerycache\n" if $op{debug};
+ return if not defined $stats{'Subquery_cache_hit'};
+ return if $stats{'Subquery_cache_hit'} == 0 && $stats{'Subquery_cache_miss'} == 0;
+ write;
+sub write_Binlog
+ print "write_Binlog\n" if $op{debug};
+ return if $binlog_cache_ratio == 0 && $binlog_stmt_cache_ratio == 0;
+ $~ = 'BINLOG';
+ write;
+sub write_TokuDB
+ print "write_TokuDB\n" if $op{debug};
+ return if $stats{'Tokudb_cachetable_size_current'} == 0;
+ $~ = 'TOKUDB';
+ write;
+sub write_InnoDB
+ print "write_InnoDB\n" if $op{debug};
+ return if not defined $stats{'Innodb_page_size'};
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched'} = 0 if not defined $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched'};
+ $~ = 'IB';
+ write;
+ if($use_xtradb)
+ {
+ $~ = 'IB_XTRADB';
+ write;
+ }
+ # Innodb_row_lock_ values were added in MySQL 5.0.3
+ if($MySQL_version >= 50003)
+ {
+ $~ = 'IB_LOCK';
+ write;
+ }
+ if($use_xtradb)
+ {
+ $~ = 'IB_LOCK_XTRADB';
+ write;
+ }
+ # Data, Pages, Rows
+ $~ = 'IB_DPR';
+ write;
+sub write_Aria
+ print "write_Aria\n" if $op{debug};
+ return if not defined $stats{'Aria_pagecache_blocks_used'};
+ write;
+ if($pagecache_buffer_usage != -1) { $~ = 'PAGECACHE_BUFF_USAGE', write }
+ write;
+sub write_Rows
+ print "write_Rows\n" if $op{debug};
+ $rows_using_indexes = $stats{'Handler_read_first'} + $stats{'Handler_read_key'} + $stats{'Handler_read_next'} + $stats{'Handler_read_prev'};
+ $rows = $rows_using_indexes + $stats{'Handler_read_rnd'} + $stats{'Handler_read_rnd_next'} + $stats{'Sort_rows'};
+ $~ = 'ROWS';
+ write;
+sub have_op
+ my $key = shift;
+ return 1 if (exists $op{$key} && $op{$key} ne '');
+ return 0;
+sub sig_handler
+ print "\nReceived signal at " , scalar localtime , "\n";
+ exit_tasks_and_cleanup();
+ exit;
+sub exit_tasks_and_cleanup
+ print "exit_tasks_and_cleanup\n" if $op{debug};
+ close $tmpfile_fh;
+ select STDOUT unless $op{'detach'};
+ email_report($tmpfile) if $op{'email'};
+ cat_report($tmpfile) unless $op{'detach'};
+ if($op{'outfile'})
+ {
+ if($WIN) { `move $tmpfile $op{outfile}`; }
+ else { `mv $tmpfile $op{outfile}`; }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unlink $tmpfile;
+ }
+ if(!$op{'infile'} && !$relative_infiles)
+ {
+ if($op{'flush-status'})
+ {
+ my $query = $dbh->prepare("FLUSH STATUS;");
+ $query->execute();
+ $query->finish();
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect();
+ }
+# Formats
+format MYSQL_TIME =
+@<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< uptime @<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+$dbms, $vars{'version'}, sec_to_dhms($real_uptime), (($op{infile} || $relative_infiles) ? '' : scalar localtime)
+format KEY_BUFF_MAX =
+__ Key _________________________________________________________________
+Buffer used @>>>>>> of @>>>>>> %Used: @>>>>>
+make_short($key_buffer_used, 1), make_short($vars{'key_buffer_size'}, 1), perc($key_buffer_used, $vars{'key_buffer_size'})
+format KEY_BUFF_USAGE =
+ Current @>>>>>> %Usage: @>>>>>
+make_short($key_buffer_usage, 1), perc($key_buffer_usage, $vars{'key_buffer_size'})
+format KEY_RATIOS =
+Write hit @>>>>>%
+Read hit @>>>>>%
+__ Questions ___________________________________________________________
+Total @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($questions), t($questions)
+format DTQ =
+ @<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>>> @>>>>>
+$stat_name, make_short($stat_val), t($stat_val), $stat_label, perc($stat_val, $questions)
+format SLOW_DMS =
+Slow @<<<<<<< @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>> %DMS: @>>>>> Log: @>>
+$slow_query_t, make_short($stats{'Slow_queries'}), t($stats{'Slow_queries'}), perc($stats{'Slow_queries'}, $questions), perc($stats{'Slow_queries'}, $dms), $vars{'log_slow_queries'}
+DMS @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>>
+make_short($dms), t($dms), perc($dms, $questions)
+format DMS =
+ @<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>> @>>>>>
+$stat_name, make_short($stat_val), t($stat_val), perc($stat_val, $questions), perc($stat_val, $dms)
+format COM_1 =
+Com_ @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>>
+make_short($stat_val), t($stat_val), perc($stat_val, $questions)
+format COM_2 =
+ @<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>>
+$stat_name, make_short($stat_val), t($stat_val), perc($stat_val, $questions)
+format SAS =
+__ SELECT and Sort _____________________________________________________
+Scan @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s %SELECT: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_scan'}), t($stats{'Select_scan'}), perc($stats{'Select_scan'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Range @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_range'}), t($stats{'Select_range'}), perc($stats{'Select_range'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Full join @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_full_join'}), t($stats{'Select_full_join'}), perc($stats{'Select_full_join'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Range check @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_range_check'}), t($stats{'Select_range_check'}), perc($stats{'Select_range_check'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Full rng join @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_full_range_join'}), t($stats{'Select_full_range_join'}), perc($stats{'Select_full_range_join'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Sort scan @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Sort_scan'}), t($stats{'Sort_scan'})
+Sort range @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Sort_range'}), t($stats{'Sort_range'})
+Sort mrg pass @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Sort_merge_passes'}), t($stats{'Sort_merge_passes'})
+format QCACHE =
+__ Query Cache _________________________________________________________
+Memory usage @>>>>>> of @>>>>>> %Usage: @>>>>>
+make_short($qc_mem_used, 1), make_short($vars{'query_cache_size'}, 1), perc($qc_mem_used, $vars{'query_cache_size'})
+Block Fragmnt @>>>>>%
+perc($stats{'Qcache_free_blocks'}, $stats{'Qcache_total_blocks'})
+Hits @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Qcache_hits'}), t($stats{'Qcache_hits'})
+Inserts @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Qcache_inserts'}), t($stats{'Qcache_inserts'})
+Insrt:Prune @>>>>>>:1 @>>>>>/s
+make_short($qc_ip_r), t($stats{'Qcache_inserts'} - $stats{'Qcache_lowmem_prunes'})
+Hit:Insert @>>>>>>:1
+$qc_hi_r, t($qc_hi_r)
+__ Subquery Cache ______________________________________________________
+Hit ratio @>>>>>%
+perc($stats{'Subquery_cache_hit'} / ($stats{'Subquery_cache_hit'} + $stats{'Subquery_cache_miss'}))
+Hits @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Subquery_cache_hit'}), t($stats{'Subquery_cache_hit'})
+Miss @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Subquery_cache_miss'}), t($stats{'Subquery_cache_miss'})
+# Not really the end...
+format REPORT_END =
+__ Table Locks _________________________________________________________
+Waited @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s %Total: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Table_locks_waited'}), t($stats{'Table_locks_waited'}), perc($stats{'Table_locks_waited'}, $stats{'Table_locks_waited'} + $stats{'Table_locks_immediate'});
+Immediate @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Table_locks_immediate'}), t($stats{'Table_locks_immediate'})
+__ Tables ______________________________________________________________
+Open @>>>>>>>> of @>>>>> %Cache: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Open_tables'}, $vars{'table_cache'}, perc($stats{'Open_tables'}, $vars{'table_cache'})
+Opened @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Opened_tables'}), t($stats{'Opened_tables'})
+__ Connections _________________________________________________________
+Max used @>>>>>>>> of @>>>>> %Max: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Max_used_connections'}, $vars{'max_connections'}, perc($stats{'Max_used_connections'}, $vars{'max_connections'})
+Total @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Connections'}), t($stats{'Connections'})
+__ Created Temp ________________________________________________________
+Disk table @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s %Disk: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'}), t($stats{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'}), perc($stats{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'}, $stats{'Created_tmp_tables'})
+Table @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s Size: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Created_tmp_tables'}), t($stats{'Created_tmp_tables'}), make_short($vars{'tmp_table_size'}, 1, 1)
+File @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Created_tmp_files'}), t($stats{'Created_tmp_files'})
+format THREADS =
+__ Threads _____________________________________________________________
+Running @>>>>>>>> of @>>>>>
+$stats{'Threads_running'}, $stats{'Threads_connected'}
+Created @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Threads_created'}), t($stats{'Threads_created'})
+Slow @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+$stats{'Slow_launch_threads'}, t($stats{'Slow_launch_threads'})
+Cached @>>>>>>>> of @>>>>> %Hit: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Threads_cached'}, $vars{'thread_cache_size'}, make_short(100 - perc($stats{'Threads_created'}, $stats{'Connections'}))
+format THREADPOOL =
+Threadpool @>>>>>>>> of @>>>>> %Used: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Threadpool_threads'} + $stats{'Threadpool_idle_threads'}, $vars{'thread_pool_max_threads'}, make_short(perc($stats{'Threadpool_threads'} + $stats{'Threadpool_idle_threads'}, $vars{'thread_pool_max_threads'}))
+ Running @>>>>>>>> of @>>>>> %Running: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Threadpool_threads'}, $vars{'thread_pool_max_threads'}, make_short(perc($stats{'Threadpool_threads'}, $vars{'thread_pool_max_threads'}))
+ Idle @>>>>>>>> of @>>>>> %Idle: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Threadpool_idle_threads'}, $vars{'thread_pool_max_threads'}, make_short(perc($stats{'Threadpool_idle_threads'}, $vars{'thread_pool_max_threads'}))
+format TAB =
+__ Aborted _____________________________________________________________
+Clients @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Aborted_clients'}), t($stats{'Aborted_clients'})
+Connects @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Aborted_connects'}), t($stats{'Aborted_connects'})
+__ Bytes _______________________________________________________________
+Sent @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Bytes_sent'}), t($stats{'Bytes_sent'})
+Received @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Bytes_received'}), t($stats{'Bytes_received'})
+format IB =
+__ InnoDB Buffer Pool __________________________________________________
+Usage @>>>>>> of @>>>>>> %Usage: @>>>>>
+make_short($ib_bp_used, 1), make_short($ib_bp_total, 1), perc($ib_bp_used, $ib_bp_total)
+Read hit @>>>>>%
+ Free @>>>>>>>> %Total: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'})
+ Data @>>>>>>>> @>>>>> %Drty: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data'})
+ Misc @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>
+ $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc'}, perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'})
+ Latched @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched'}, perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'})
+Reads @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'})
+ From disk @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s %Disk: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'})
+ Ahead Rnd @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+$stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd'}, t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd'})
+# Ahead Sql @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+#$stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq'}, t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq'})
+Writes @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests'})
+Wait Free @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s %Wait: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free'}, t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests'})
+Flushes @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed'})
+format IB_XTRADB =
+ LRU @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s %LRU: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_lru_flushed'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_lru_flushed'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_lru_flushed'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed'})
+format IB_LOCK =
+__ InnoDB Lock _________________________________________________________
+Waits @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+$stats{'Innodb_row_lock_waits'}, t($stats{'Innodb_row_lock_waits'})
+Current @>>>>>>>>
+Time acquiring
+ Total @>>>>>>>> ms
+ Average @>>>>>>>> ms
+ Max @>>>>>>>> ms
+format IB_LOCK_XTRADB =
+Trx history @>>>>>>>>
+format IB_DPR =
+__ InnoDB Data, Pages, Rows ____________________________________________
+ Reads @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_data_reads'}), t($stats{'Innodb_data_reads'})
+ Writes @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_data_writes'}), t($stats{'Innodb_data_writes'})
+ fsync @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_data_fsyncs'}), t($stats{'Innodb_data_fsyncs'})
+ Pending
+ Reads @>>>>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_data_pending_reads'}, t($stats{'Innodb_data_pending_reads'})
+ Writes @>>>>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_data_pending_writes'}, t($stats{'Innodb_data_pending_writes'})
+ fsync @>>>>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs'}, t($stats{'Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs'})
+ Created @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_pages_created'}), t($stats{'Innodb_pages_created'})
+ Read @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_pages_read'}), t($stats{'Innodb_pages_read'})
+ Written @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_pages_written'}), t($stats{'Innodb_pages_written'})
+ Deleted @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_rows_deleted'}), t($stats{'Innodb_rows_deleted'})
+ Inserted @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_rows_inserted'}), t($stats{'Innodb_rows_inserted'})
+ Read @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_rows_read'}), t($stats{'Innodb_rows_read'})
+ Updated @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_rows_updated'}), t($stats{'Innodb_rows_updated'})
+__ Aria Pagecache ______________________________________________________
+Buffer used @>>>>>> of @>>>>>> %Used: @>>>>>
+make_short($pagecache_buffer_used, 1), make_short($vars{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'}, 1), perc($pagecache_buffer_used, $vars{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'})
+ Current @>>>>>> %Usage: @>>>>>
+make_short($pagecache_buffer_usage, 1), perc($pagecache_buffer_usage, $vars{'aria_pagecache_buffer_size'})
+Write hit @>>>>>%
+Read hit @>>>>>%
+format BINLOG =
+__ Binary Log Cache _____________________________________________________
+Disk use
+ Transactional @>>>>>%
+ Non transactional @>>>>>%
+format TOKUDB =
+__ TokuDB ______________________________________________________________
+Cachetable @>>>>>> of @>>>>>> %Usage: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{Tokudb_cachetable_size_current}, 1), make_short($vars{tokudb_cache_size}, 1), perc($stats{Tokudb_cachetable_size_current}, $vars{tokudb_cache_size})
+ Miss @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Tokudb_cachetable_miss'}), t($stats{'Tokudb_cachetable_miss'})
+ Evictions @>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Tokudb_cachetable_evictions'}), t($stats{'Tokudb_cachetable_evictions'})
+format ROWS =
+__ Rows ________________________________________________________________
+Rows @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s
+make_short($rows), t($rows)
+ Using idx @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>/s %Index: @>>>>>
+make_short($rows_using_indexes), t($rows_using_indexes), perc($rows_using_indexes,$rows)
+Rows/question @>>>>>>
diff --git a/debian/additions/mysqlreport.1 b/debian/additions/mysqlreport.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae6b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/mysqlreport.1
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+.TH "mysqlreport" "1" "2.5 2006-09-01 (docrev 2006-05-19)" "Daniel Nichter" "MYSQL"
+mysqlreport \- Makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values
+mysqlreport [\fIoptions\fP]
+mysqlreport makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values. Actually,
+it makes a friendly report of nearly every status value from SHOW STATUS.
+Unlike SHOW STATUS which simply dumps over 100 values to screen in one long
+list, mysqlreport interprets and formats the values and presents the basic
+values and many more inferred values in a human\-readable format. Numerous
+example reports are available at the mysqlreport web page at
+The benefit of mysqlreport is that it allows you to very quickly see a wide
+array of performance indicators for your MySQL server which would otherwise
+need to be calculated by hand from all the various SHOW STATUS values. For
+example, the Index Read Ratio is an important value but it's not present in
+SHOW STATUS; it's an inferred value (the ratio of Key_reads to
+This documentation outlines all the command line options in mysqlreport, most
+of which control which reports are printed. This document does not address
+how to interpret these reports; that topic is covered in the document Guide
+To Understanding mysqlreport at
+Technically, command line options are in the form \-\-option, but \-option works
+too. All options can be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unique. For example,
+option \-\-host can be abbreviated \-\-ho but not \-\-h because \-\-h is ambiguous: it
+could mean \-\-host or \-\-help.
+Output help information and exit.
+\fB\-\-user USER\fR
+As of version 2.3 \-\-password can take the password on the
+command line like "\-\-password FOO". Using \-\-password
+alone without giving a password on the command line
+causes mysqlreport to prompt for a password.
+\fB\-\-host ADDRESS\fR
+\fB\-\-port PORT\fR
+\fB\-\-socket SOCKET\fR
+\-\-no\-mycnf makes mysqlreport not read ~/.my.cnf which it does by default
+otherwise. \-\-user and \-\-password always override values from ~/.my.cnf.
+Print Distribution of Total Queries (DTQ) report (under
+Total in Questions report). Queries (or Questions) can
+be divided into four main areas: DMS (see \-\-dms below),
+Com_ (see \-\-com below), COM_QUIT (see COM_QUIT and
+Questions at, and
+Unknown. \-\-dtq lists the number of queries in each of
+these areas in descending order.
+Print Data Manipulation Statements (DMS) report (under
+DMS in Questions report). DMS are those from the MySQL
+manual section 13.2. Data Manipulation Statements.
+(Currently, mysqlreport considers only SELECT, INSERT,
+REPLACE, UPDATE, and DELETE.) Each DMS is listed in
+descending order by count.
+\fB\-\-com N\fR
+Print top N number of non\-DMS Com_ status values in
+descending order (after DMS in Questions report). If N
+is not given, default is 3. Such non\-DMS Com_ values
+include Com_change_db, Com_show_tables, Com_rollback,
+Print report for Select_ and Sort_ status values (after
+Questions report). See MySQL Select and Sort Status
+Variables at
+Print Threads, Aborted, and Bytes status reports (after
+Created temp report). As of mysqlreport v2.3 the
+Threads report reports on all Threads_ status values.
+Print Query Cache report.
+Equivalent to "\-\-dtq \-\-dms \-\-com 3 \-\-sas \-\-qcache".
+(Notice \-\-tab is not invoked by \-\-all.)
+\fB\-\-infile FILE\fR
+Instead of getting SHOW STATUS values from MySQL, read
+values from FILE. FILE is often a copy of the output of
+SHOW STATUS including formatting characters (|, +, \-).
+mysqlreport expects FILE to have the format
+" value number " where value is only alpha and
+underscore characters (A\-Z and _) and number is a
+positive integer. Anything before, between, or after
+value and number is ignored. mysqlreport also needs
+the following MySQL server variables: version,
+table_cache, max_connections, key_buffer_size,
+query_cache_size. These values can be specified in
+INFILE in the format "name = value" where name is one
+of the aforementioned server variables and value is a
+positive integer with or without a trailing M and
+possible periods (for version). For example, to specify
+an 18M key_buffer_size: key_buffer_size = 18M. Or, a
+256 table_cache: table_cache = 256. The M implies
+Megabytes not million, so 18M means 18,874,368 not
+18,000,000. If these server variables are not specified
+the following defaults are used (respectively) which
+may cause strange values to be reported: 0.0.0, 64,
+100, 8M, 0.
+\fB\-\-outfile FILE\fR
+After printing the report to screen, print the report
+to FILE too. Internally, mysqlreport always writes the
+report to a temp file first: /tmp/mysqlreport.PID on
+*nix, c:\mysqlreport.PID on Windows (PID is the
+script's process ID). Then it prints the temp file to
+screen. Then if \-\-outfile is specified, the temp file
+is copied to OUTFILE. After \-\-email (below), the temp
+file is deleted.
+\fB\-\-email ADDRESS\fR
+After printing the report to screen, email the report
+to ADDRESS. This option requires sendmail in
+/usr/sbin/, therefore it does not work on Windows.
+/usr/sbin/sendmail can be a sym link to qmail, for
+example, or any MTA that emulates sendmail's \-t
+command line option and operation. The FROM: field is
+"mysqlreport", SUBJECT: is "MySQL status report".
+Execute a "FLUSH STATUS;" after generating the reports.
+If you do not have permissions in MySQL to do this an
+error from DBD::mysql::st will be printed after the
+Daniel Nichter
+If mysqlreport breaks, send me a message from
+with the error.
+The comprehensive Guide To Understanding mysqlreport at
diff --git a/debian/additions/ b/debian/additions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caabfa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/additions/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+'''apport package hook for mariadb-10.1
+(c) 2009 Canonical Ltd.
+Author: Mathias Gug <>
+from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
+import os, os.path
+from apport.hookutils import *
+def _add_my_conf_files(report, filename):
+ key = 'MySQLConf' + path_to_key(filename)
+ report[key] = ""
+ for line in read_file(filename).split('\n'):
+ try:
+ if 'password' in line.split('=')[0]:
+ line = "%s = @@APPORTREPLACED@@" % (line.split('=')[0])
+ report[key] += line + '\n'
+ except IndexError:
+ continue
+def add_info(report):
+ attach_conffiles(report, 'mariadb-server-10.1', conffiles=None)
+ key = 'Logs' + path_to_key('/var/log/daemon.log')
+ report[key] = ""
+ for line in read_file('/var/log/daemon.log').split('\n'):
+ try:
+ if 'mysqld' in line.split()[4]:
+ report[key] += line + '\n'
+ except IndexError:
+ continue
+ if os.path.exists('/var/log/mysql/error.log'):
+ key = 'Logs' + path_to_key('/var/log/mysql/error.log')
+ report[key] = ""
+ for line in read_file('/var/log/mysql/error.log').split('\n'):
+ report[key] += line + '\n'
+ attach_mac_events(report, '/usr/sbin/mysqld')
+ attach_file(report,'/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld')
+ _add_my_conf_files(report, '/etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf')
+ for f in os.listdir('/etc/mysql/conf.d'):
+ _add_my_conf_files(report, os.path.join('/etc/mysql/conf.d', f))
+ for f in os.listdir('/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d'):
+ _add_my_conf_files(report, os.path.join('/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d', f))
+ try:
+ report['MySQLVarLibDirListing'] = str(os.listdir('/var/lib/mysql'))
+ except OSError:
+ report['MySQLVarLibDirListing'] = str(False)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ report = {}
+ add_info(report)
+ for key in report:
+ print('%s: %s' % (key, report[key].split('\n', 1)[0]))
diff --git a/debian/apparmor-profile b/debian/apparmor-profile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ffb7ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/apparmor-profile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This file is intensionally empty to disable apparmor by default for newer
+# versions of MariaDB, while providing seamless upgrade from older versions
+# and from mysql, where apparmor is used.
+# By default, we do not want to have any apparmor profile for the MariaDB
+# server. It does not provide much useful functionality/security, and causes
+# several problems for users who often are not even aware that apparmor
+# exists and runs on their system.
+# Users can modify and maintain their own profile, and in this case it will
+# be used.
+# When upgrading from previous version, users who modified the profile
+# will be promptet to keep or discard it, while for default installs
+# we will automatically disable the profile.
diff --git a/debian/ b/debian/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..42b31e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Build MariaDB .deb packages
+# This file is run by BuildBot, Travis-CI and other CI tools. This file is not
+# used to build the official Debian/Ubuntu packages.
+# Exit immediately on any error
+set -e
+# Debug script and command lines
+#set -x
+# Don't run the mysql-test-run test suite as part of build.
+# It takes a lot of time, and we will do a better test anyway in
+# BuildBot, running the test suite from installed .debs on a clean VM.
+export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck"
+# Automatically use major.minor version strings from the sources
+source ./VERSION
+PATCHLEVEL="+deb" # Differentiate from repositories that use '+maria'
+LOGSTRING="MariaDB build"
+# Look up distro-version specific stuff
+CODENAME="$(lsb_release -sc)"
+# Adjust changelog, add new version
+echo "Incrementing changelog and starting build scripts"
+dch -b -D ${CODENAME} -v "${UPSTREAM}${PATCHLEVEL}~${CODENAME}" "Automatic build with ${LOGSTRING}."
+# Build the package
+# Pass -I so that .git and other unnecessary temporary and source control files
+# will be ignored by dpkg-source when creating the tar.gz source package.
+# Use -b to build binary only packages as there is no need to waste time on
+# generating the source package.
+echo "Creating package version ${UPSTREAM}${PATCHLEVEL}~${CODENAME} ... "
+fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -I -b
+# Don't log package contents on Travis-CI to save time and log size
+if [[ ! $TRAVIS ]]
+ echo "List package contents ..."
+ cd ..
+ for package in `ls *.deb`
+ do
+ echo $package | cut -d '_' -f 1
+ dpkg-deb -c $package | awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $6}' | sort -k 3
+ echo "------------------------------------------------"
+ done
+echo "Build complete"
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a7562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.26-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Ignore upstream debian/ directory when importing upstream tarball
+ * New upstream version 10.1.26
+ * Refresh patches for MariaDB 10.1.26
+ * Remove unstable tests patches for unstable build, so we see what is
+ really failing and what is not
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:41:46 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.25-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version 10.1.25
+ * Update quilt patches on top of mariadb-10.1.25 release
+ * Explicitly add dh_systemd_start snippets to mariadb-server-10.1
+ because it's all messed up with different name for sysvinit ('mysql')
+ and systemd ('mariadb') (Closes: #865870)
+ * Don't disable PIE, it's enabled by upstream anyway (Closes: #865737)
+ * Add default socket location for client (Closes: #864662)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Sun, 30 Jul 2017 14:15:48 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.24-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Run invoke-rc.d mysql maintscript snippets only when running under
+ sysvinit (Closes: #864593)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Wed, 21 Jun 2017 11:12:16 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.24-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add @SYSTEMD_EXECSTARTPOST@ replacement token to mariadb@.service, so
+ the /var/run/mysqld directory is created even for multi-server setup
+ (Closes: #865083)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Mon, 19 Jun 2017 08:52:26 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.24-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ James Cowgill ]
+ * Disable jemalloc on mips*. (Closes: #864340)
+ * Update C11 atomics to have correct semantics (Closes: #864774)
+ [ Ondřej Surý ]
+ * Refresh patches after C11 atomics patch update
+ * Merge mytop script improvements from src:mytop package (Original
+ patches by Philipp Matthias Hahn, Werner Detter, Olaf van der Spek,
+ and Steffen Zieger) (Closes: #864762)
+ [ Svante Signell ]
+ * Fix FTBFS on Debian GNU/Hurd (Closes: #861166)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Mon, 19 Jun 2017 07:09:50 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.24-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Team upload.
+ * Add mips-innobase-atomic.patch, fixing FTBFS on 32-bit mips*, thanks to
+ James Cowgill. (Closes: #864298)
+ -- Andreas Beckmann <> Wed, 07 Jun 2017 02:23:44 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.24-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add Breaks: cqrlog (<< 1.9.0-5~) to ensure correct upgrade order
+ (Closes: #864159)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Tue, 06 Jun 2017 14:29:52 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.24-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version 10.1.24, includes fixes for the following
+ high-priority regression fixes:
+ + MDEV-11842: Fail to insert on a table where a field has no default
+ + MDEV-12075: innodb_use_fallocate does not work in MariaDB
+ Server 10.1.21
+ * Refresh patches on top of MariaDB 10.1.24
+ * Fix FTBFS in tests: Add cracklib-runtime to Build-Depends
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Tue, 06 Jun 2017 09:25:19 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-9+deb9u1) stretch; urgency=medium
+ [ Ondřej Surý ]
+ * Add Breaks: cqrlog (<< 1.9.0-5~) to ensure correct upgrade order
+ (Closes: #864159)
+ -- Andreas Beckmann <> Wed, 07 Jun 2017 21:11:23 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-9) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Fix the invalid location of insserv configuration snippet
+ (Thanks Michael Biebl for catching that)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Fri, 26 May 2017 09:26:33 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-8) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Use /etc/insserv.conf.d/mariadb to provide $database system facility
+ (Closes: #862447)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Sat, 13 May 2017 11:08:43 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Remove hard Breaks/Replaces with mysql-server and mysql-client
+ * Move virtual packages from Breaks to Conflicts (Debian Policy 7.6.2)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Fri, 12 May 2017 12:21:33 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Also fix the same assertion failure in xtradb (Closes: #862103)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Mon, 08 May 2017 19:51:47 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add upstream patch to fix assertion failure in InnoDB storage engine
+ (Closes: #862103)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Mon, 08 May 2017 17:21:55 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Properly declare conflict on mytop (Closes: #861913)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Mon, 08 May 2017 11:31:13 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Remove two internal symbols (ll2str and longlong2str) from
+ kfrebsd-amd64 symbols file
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Thu, 04 May 2017 13:19:00 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add CVE list for 10.1.23 release
+ * Fix FTBFS on kfrebsd-any due missing .service files
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Thu, 04 May 2017 10:55:06 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.23-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version 10.1.23, includes fixes for the following
+ security vulnerabilities:
+ - [CVE-2017-3302]: use-after-free in C client library for MySQL
+ - [CVE-2017-3313]: unauthorized (local) access to critical data or
+ complete access to all MySQL Server accessible data
+ - [CVE-2017-3308]: unauthorized (network) ability to cause a hang or
+ frequently repeatable crash
+ - [CVE-2017-3309]: unauthorized (network) ability to cause a hang or
+ frequently repeatable crash
+ - [CVE-2017-3453]: unauthorized (network) ability to cause a hang or
+ frequently repeatable crash
+ - [CVE-2017-3456]: unauthorized (network) ability to cause a hang or
+ frequently repeatable crash
+ - [CVE-2017-3464]: unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some
+ of MySQL Server accessible data
+ * Refresh debian/patches on top of MariaDB 10.1.23 release
+ * debian/gbp.conf: Filter most common cruft in the orig tarball
+ * debian/rules: Use --fail-missing to catch extra upstream files
+ * debian/*.manpages: Merge into debian/*.install
+ * debian/*.install: Add few missing binaries into various packages
+ * Declare mariadb-plugin-tokudb as available only on (linux-)amd64
+ to fix FTBFS on kfreebsd-amd64
+ * Remove the extra sanity check as it is already there via standard
+ dh_installinit (|| exit 0) (Closes: #861782)
+ * Stop /usr/sbin/mysqld in prerm script even with systemd
+ * Move mariadb.pc into proper multiarch directory (Closes: #852621)
+ * Add libarchive-dev needed by mariabackup to Build-Depends
+ * debian/control: run wrap-and-sort -a
+ * Move mysql_install_db from mariadb-server-10.1 to
+ mariadb-server-core-10.1 (Closes: #840646)
+ * Add Provides: $database to mysql.init - this partially addresses
+ #852776
+ * Call dh_systemd_start with --no-restart-after-upgrade
+ (Closes: #853137)
+ * d/rules: Remove dh_prep override (legacy cruft)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Thu, 04 May 2017 07:23:23 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.22-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Fix small typo in d/rules that caused MySQL version suffix to not
+ contain information about Debian build
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Sat, 29 Apr 2017 21:56:23 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.22-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Use pidof instead of pgrep, so we don't have to depend on procps
+ * Stop stopping mariadb server that many times and just add a simple
+ check to preinst that it has been really stopped (Closes: #852495)
+ * Fix small typo in gettid patch
+ * Disable TokuDB on kfreebsd-amd64
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Tue, 28 Mar 2017 22:59:06 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.22-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ondřej Surý ]
+ * Add correct kfreebsd-i386 symbols file (but this needs to be fixed in
+ how upstream uses linker)
+ * Update italian translation (Closes: #858300)
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Add Vietnamese translation by Trần Ngọc Quân
+ * Add Finnish translation by Antti Järvinen
+ [ Ondřej Surý ]
+ * Disable test suite on hppa, don't fail test suite on more unstable
+ platforms: alpha, powerpc, and x32
+ * Add swedish debconf translation (Closes: #858536)
+ * Add Catalan debconf translation (Closes: #858632)
+ * Use thr_self() as gettid implementation onf __FreeBSD_kernel__
+ * Make mariadb-server-10.1 installable on kFreeBSD and Hurd (Closes: #851687)
+ * Update Turkish debconf translation (Closes: #858340)
+ * Disable specific tests on hppa to make the build succeed (Courtesy of
+ John David Anglin) (Closes: #858869)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Tue, 28 Mar 2017 22:59:01 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.22-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * New upstream release 10.1.22. Includes fixes for the following
+ security vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2017-3313
+ - CVE-2017-3302
+ * New upstream also includes fix to logrotate so that it no longer
+ risks interrupting binary/relay log processing on the server.
+ * Add a NEWS.Debian item with same contents as the Stretch release notes
+ [ Ondřej Surý ]
+ * Add myself to Uploaders
+ * Use https URI for Homepage
+ * Use /usr/share/dpkg/ to define dpkg-architecture and other
+ build variables
+ * Install and use non-versioned symbols files for kFreeBSD and Hurd
+ architectures
+ * Make mysql_config and mariadb.pc return -lmariadbclient instead of
+ missing -lmysqlclient
+ * Add mysqlclient.pc -> mariadb.pc symlink into
+ libmariadbclient-dev-compat package
+ * MDEV-11884: Fix logrotate failing if mysqld is not running (Closes: #830976)
+ -- Ondřej Surý <> Sun, 19 Mar 2017 15:23:26 +0100
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.21-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ James Clarke ]
+ * Make debian/mariadb-server-10.1.install executable (Closes: #852728)
+ * Allow mariadb-plugin-tokudb/mroonga on non-linux and non-release arches
+ * Detect whether libatomic is needed rather than hard-coding for mips
+ * Use host architecture, not build architecture, and clean up variables
+ * General clean-up in d/rules
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 27 Jan 2017 20:42:36 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.21-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Hotfix to full build failure: Add missing galera_new_cluster.1 to patch
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Thu, 26 Jan 2017 23:33:32 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.21-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ian Gilfillan ]
+ * Extend WSREP and Galera man pages patch to cover all commands
+ [ Dieter Adriaenssens ]
+ * Specify Architecture for mariadb-plugin-mroonga and mariadb-plugin-tokudb
+ (Closes: #852709)
+ [ James Clarke ]
+ * Fix FTBFS on non-Linux architectures (Closes: #852728)
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Thu, 26 Jan 2017 22:18:26 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.21-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Implement systemd packaging the Debian way
+ * Extend README.Debian regarding new systemd files
+ * Add config file comments about SysV init and systemd differences
+ * Extend Debian.README with section about mixing with packages
+ * Update /etc/init.d/mysql after comparison with upstream MariaDB 10.1.21
+ * Run chown much faster on the datadir during install/update
+ * Check if /var/lib/mysql exists before running 'find' on it
+ * Skip mysqld stopping if no mysqld process is running at all
+ * Update French debconf translation by Baptiste Jammet (Closes: #850066)
+ * Remove unnecessary XS-Testsuite field (as instructed by Lintian)
+ * Add a modified version of upstream autobake-deb script to utilize CI tools
+ * Fix server config example on how to enable SSL with YaSSL (Closes: #851132)
+ * Make commands mariadb and mariadbcheck available with symlinks
+ [ Jean Weisbuch ]
+ * Update Innotop to latest version
+ [ Ian Gilfillan ]
+ * Add wsrep_* man pages
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Wed, 25 Jan 2017 10:42:45 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.21-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * New upstream release 10.0.28. Includes fixes for the following
+ security vulnerabilities (Closes: #851759, Closes: ##849435):
+ - CVE-2017-3318
+ - CVE-2017-3317
+ - CVE-2017-3312
+ - CVE-2017-3291
+ - CVE-2017-3265
+ - CVE-2017-3258
+ - CVE-2017-3257
+ - CVE-2017-3244
+ - CVE-2017-3243
+ - CVE-2017-3238
+ - CVE-2016-6664
+ * Add new program introduced in upstream 10.1.21: mysqld_safe_helper
+ * Deb-CI: remove parameter --skip-ndbcluster not available in 10.1 any more
+ * Make libmariadbclient18 depend on mysql-common only (Closes: #850216)
+ * Fix misleading config file comment (Closes: #677223)
+ * Update preinst variable $this_version from 10.0 to 10.1 (Closes: #851257)
+ [ Kristian Nielsen ]
+ * Re-implement passwordless root login (Closes: #851131)
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Thu, 19 Jan 2017 11:33:01 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.20-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Vicențiu Ciorbaru ]
+ * Update debian rules to also account for mipsel
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sat, 24 Dec 2016 20:23:23 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.20-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Upload to unstable
+ * Previous version string should had been ~exp1, thus this
+ first upload to unstable is -2 and not -1 as normal
+ * Disable test suite temporairly due to false regressions
+ [ Dieter Adriaenssens ]
+ * fix Vcs-git link format and repo name
+ * update 10.0 to 10.1 in README files
+ [ Vicențiu Ciorbaru ]
+ * Fix mips missing atomics primitives
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sat, 24 Dec 2016 09:54:59 +0200
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.20-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Upgrade package to new MariaDB 10.1.x series:
+ - New upstream release 10.1.20
+ - Refresh patches after 10.1.20 import
+ - Update strings 10.0 -> 10.1 after importing 10.1.20
+ - Refresh patches after 10.1.20 import
+ - Update d/control after 10.1 import
+ - Use https protected git url in d/control
+ - Backwards compatible XS-Testsuite syntax in d/control
+ - Import debian/* changes done in upstream 10.1
+ - Replace deprecated iproute with iproute2
+ - Remove unnecessary dependencies as packages are Essential anyway
+ - Remove unnecessary and big file mysql_embedded
+ - Switch to 10.1 style build flag for unix socket auth module in d/rules
+ - Update d/copyright after 10.1 import
+ - Add missing aria_add_gis_sp.sql to mariadb-server-10.1
+ - Ship SELinux and AppArmor files with the server, but as inactive
+ - New package from upstream 10.1: GSS API (Kerberos) client and server
+ - Extend GSSAPI plugin descriptions to satisfy Lintian
+ - New plugin from upstream 10.1: Cracklib password validation
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Tue, 20 Dec 2016 22:46:59 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.28-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Move libmariadbd and -dev next to each other for a more logical flow in d/control
+ * Move mariadb-test to last in file for a more logical flow in d/control
+ * Clean away unused Lintian overrides
+ * Add Lintian override for impossible mysql_config multi-arch requirement
+ * Update Debian copyright based on the 2016 git log author list
+ * Remove unnecessary /var/lib/mysql-upgrade (Closes: #848620)
+ [ Vicențiu Ciorbaru ]
+ * Fix connect.upd test in armhf
+ * Fix mroonga/storage.index_read_multiple_double test in armhf
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Tue, 20 Dec 2016 21:59:47 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.28-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Samuel Thibault ]
+ * patches/hurd_socket.patch: Also avoid non-working socket path length check
+ on hurd-i386.
+ * rules: Drop symbols on hurd-i386 too (Closes: #842696).
+ [ Daniel Black ]
+ * Don't install private mysql header files in libmariadbclient-dev
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Update libmariadbd18 description and contents to match latest upstream
+ * Mark missing Multi-Arch as suggested by Multiarch hinter
+ * Move plugins to $ARCH/*/mariadb18 to meet multiarch needs (Closes: #739452)
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 11 Nov 2016 22:03:33 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.28-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Vicențiu Ciorbaru ]
+ * Fix tokudb jemalloc linking
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * New upstream release 10.0.28. Includes fixes for the following
+ security vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2016-8283
+ - CVE-2016-7440
+ - CVE-2016-6663
+ - CVE-2016-5629
+ - CVE-2016-5626
+ - CVE-2016-5624
+ - CVE-2016-5616
+ - CVE-2016-5584
+ - CVE-2016-3492
+ * Drop 4 patches that have been applied upstream.
+ * Delete runnable files from mariadb-test-data as they were only
+ needed at build time to generate tests.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 28 Oct 2016 22:51:14 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.27-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Dieter Adriaenssens ]
+ * Fix typo in README.Contributor
+ * Improve documentation on how to clean the build env
+ [ James Cowgill ]
+ * Mips build and testsuite fixes (Closes: #838557, Closes: #838914)
+ - Permit 93 as a valid value of the ENOTEMPTY error in the testsuite
+ - Correctly fix mips64 multiplication in taocrypt
+ - Ensure groonga is built with libatomic
+ - Handle unaligned buffers in connect's TYPBLK class
+ - Fix DEFAULT_MACHINE on mips
+ - Remove various tests from unstable-tests which now pass on MIPS
+ - Update debian/unstable-tests.mips*
+ [ Kristian Nielsen ]
+ * Fix missing path for perl in autopkgtest (Closes: #809022)
+ * Fix test failures on hppa due to wrong enoempty (Closes: #837369)
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sun, 02 Oct 2016 09:22:59 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.27-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release 10.0.27
+ * Remove 3 patches after 10.0.27 import as they have been applied
+ upstream.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Wed, 07 Sep 2016 23:05:28 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.26-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Dieter Adriaenssens ]
+ * Add DEP-12 formatted upstream metadata file (Closes: #808421)
+ [ Vicențiu Ciorbaru ]
+ * Update innodb_xtradb patch to introduce memory barrier after lock
+ * Fix failing shutdown with gcc v6
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Extend commit d5af196 with old name of package libmariadb-dev-compat
+ * Extend commit 8d2a7c9 and actually install the tokuftdump man page
+ * Update mariadb-test dependencies to include also libmariadbclient18
+ * Add path to fix for sporadically failing test main.information_schema_stats
+ * d/rules: NUMJOBS must have a default value
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Wed, 17 Aug 2016 00:31:02 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.26-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Vicențiu Ciorbaru ]
+ * Add patch to correctly revert changes from 10.0.26 that caused
+ build failure regression on PPC64el
+ [ Paul Gevers ]
+ * Add autopkg tests for MariaDB 10.0 (Closes: #809022)
+ [ Axel Beckert ]
+ * Extend mariadb-server to purge gracefully if datadir is a mountpoint
+ (Closes: #829491)
+ [ Ian Gilfillan ]
+ * Add a patch to provide a man page for tokuftdump
+ [ Robie Basak ]
+ * Re-add libmariadbclient18 and libmariadbclient-dev
+ * Add libmariadbclient-dev-compat package
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * d/control: libmariadbclient18 must be 'Multi-Arch: same'
+ * Make libmariadbclient-dev-compat conflict with libmariadb-dev-compat
+ (Closes: #831229)
+ * Add libmariadbclient-dev as dependency for libmariadbd-dev
+ * Replace hacky sed of libmysqlclient->libmariadbclient with proper patch
+ * Update symbols file to match newest libmariadbclient18
+ * Updated Danish translation by Joe Hansen (Closes: #830592)
+ * Remove mariadb-plugin-cassandra until libthrif-dev lands in unstable
+ * Make libdbd-mysql-perl and friends Recommends instead of strict Depends
+ (Closes: #793787)
+ * Documentation and spelling fixes
+ * Remove mysqlbug binary as it is not used for MariaDB
+ * Update default config files with more secure TLS examples
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 29 Jul 2016 21:42:50 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.26-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Updated French translation by Baptiste Jammet (Closes: #826879)
+ * New upstream release 10.0.26. Includes fixes for the following
+ security vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2016-5440
+ - CVE-2016-3615
+ - CVE-2016-3521
+ - CVE-2016-3477
+ * Updated old changelog entries to include new CVE identifiers.
+ * Refresh patches after 10.0.26 import
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 24 Jun 2016 17:05:44 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.25-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Revert previous changes tailored for Ubuntu 16.04 compatibility.
+ * New upstream release 10.0.25. Includes fixes for the following
+ security vulnerabilities (Closes: #823325):
+ - CVE-2016-0666
+ - CVE-2016-0655
+ - CVE-2016-0648
+ - CVE-2016-0647
+ - CVE-2016-0643
+ - CVE-2016-5444
+ - CVE-2016-3459
+ - CVE-2016-3452
+ * Updated old changelog entries to include new CVE identifiers.
+ * Upstream included changes to logrotate script that supports systems that
+ has multiple mysqld processes running (Closes: #810968).
+ * Updated Dutch translation by Frans Spiesschaert (Closes: #822894).
+ * Updated Spanish translation by Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
+ (Closes: #823099).
+ * Updated Russian translation by Yuri Kozlov (Closes: #823422).
+ * Updated German translation by Chris Leick (Closes: #824487).
+ * Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Closes: #824644).
+ * Updated Turkish translation by Atila KOÇ (Closes: #825802).
+ * Add patch to provide passwordless root accounts for test suite.
+ * Updated Japanese translation by Takuma Yamada (Closes: #825813).
+ [ Vicențiu Ciorbaru ]
+ * Backport upstream MDEV-9479 fix: oqgraph fails to build with boost 1.60
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Mon, 30 May 2016 22:43:30 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.24-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Temporarily remove mariadb-plugin-cassandra as Debian FTP bot thinks
+ it wasn't there before 10.0.24-6 and put the package in the NEW queue.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Wed, 13 Apr 2016 13:24:28 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.24-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Move mysql_embedded from client package to client-core package,
+ equally as is in mysql-client-core-5.6 and -5.7 (LP: #1568077).
+ * Add breaks/replaces for mariadb-client to accommodate the above.
+ * Add conflicts/breaks/replaces for MySQL 5.7 series packages now
+ when mysql-5.7 entered the Ubuntu repositories (LP: #1568285).
+ * Detect properly if there is an incompatible data directory from 5.7,
+ save it to another location and initialize a new data directory so that the
+ installation can complete properly without leaving dpkg in an inconsistent
+ state.
+ * Remove all old passwordless root account lines to close a potential
+ security vulnerability (LP: #1561062).
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Wed, 13 Apr 2016 10:56:10 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.24-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Disable sporadically failing rpl_binlog_index test on PowerPC.
+ * Disable another sporadic on amd64 and update all Jira links.
+ * Fix typo in Mroonga prerm script.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sat, 12 Mar 2016 10:08:23 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.24-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Update contributor documentation to match git-buildpackage version in sid.
+ * Add libxml and unixOBDC as build-depends for ConnectSE as done by in
+ upstream (Closes: #814944).
+ * Upload to via NEW as mariadb-10.0 was accidentally removed from Debian
+ unstable archives.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Thu, 10 Mar 2016 18:40:51 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.24-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix typo in rules file about Mroonga control section
+ * Add main.delayed test exception to more platforms
+ * Install mysql_embedded man page correctly
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sun, 06 Mar 2016 22:20:52 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.24-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Make new plugin packages breaks+replaces mariadb-server-10.0 as
+ the files used to reside there (Closes: #815377).
+ * Disable main.delayed that has been confirmed to be a false positive
+ caused by built platform resource limits.
+ * Disable multiple s390x tests that only fail on Ubuntu/Launchpad and
+ cannot be reproduced anywhere else.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:38:25 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.24-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * New upstream release 10.0.24
+ - Drop auth_socket patches as MDEV-8375 was partially fixed upstream
+ - Refresh other patches
+ * New upstream release includes fixes for the following security
+ vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2016-0668
+ - CVE-2016-0650
+ - CVE-2016-0649
+ - CVE-2016-0646
+ - CVE-2016-0644
+ - CVE-2016-0641
+ - CVE-2016-0640
+ * Update filenames in d/copyright
+ [ Ian Gilfillan ]
+ * Add missing mysql_embedded man page
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sat, 20 Feb 2016 14:23:50 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.23-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add Lintian overrides for TokuDB sources that indeed need autotools files
+ * Split TokuDB, Mroonga, Spider and Cassandra into their own packages and
+ start using new naming scheme 'mariadb-plugin-xzy' and rename existing
+ Connect and OQGraph packages accordingly (Closes: #773727)
+ * There is no need for mariadb-test packages to contain the version in the
+ package name, so remove it. It only makes sense to keep the version number
+ in the client and server packages, which users actually want to pin to.
+ * Update standards version
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Tue, 26 Jan 2016 11:34:48 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.23-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Skip unstable Spider tests on Launchpad s390x builds
+ * Extend install lists with missing files after reviewing the list
+ of files produced by the build process
+ * Update server README.Debian to match current unix socekt authentication
+ * Lintian fixes and more updates to TokuDB plugin copyright paths
+ * Move mysql_upgrade to server core package so that Akonadi and similar
+ core package consumers can upgrade the database. Also update control file
+ with breaks/replaces to allow smooth upgrades (Closes: #793977).
+ * Update slow_query_log_file configuration syntax to match upstream's. Also
+ fixes #677222 in MariaDB packages.
+ * Rename and install Apport hook correctly
+ * Remove Taocrypt workaround fixed upstream long since #627208
+ * Removed CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS as suggested by Lars Tangvald and also done
+ in mysql-5.6 packaging commit id 16a64e810e28f1d0b66ede274cd4c2b1a425fecb
+ * Unmask the systemd mysql.service if left behind by a mysql-server-5.6
+ installation, otherwise the MariaDB service would remain masked too.
+ * Add gdb to build-deps as suggested in #627208 to get automatic stack traces
+ * Updated Turkish translation by Atila KOÇ (Closes: #811414)
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sat, 23 Jan 2016 23:07:15 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.23-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release 10.0.23. Includes fixes for the following
+ security vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2016-2047
+ - CVE-2016-0651
+ - CVE-2016-0642
+ - CVE-2016-0616
+ - CVE-2016-0609
+ - CVE-2016-0608
+ - CVE-2016-0606
+ - CVE-2016-0600
+ - CVE-2016-0598
+ - CVE-2016-0597
+ - CVE-2016-0596
+ - CVE-2016-0546
+ - CVE-2016-0505
+ * Ignore test suite exit code on unstable platforms (mips, mipsel)
+ * Update TokuDB plugin install and copyright paths to match latest
+ release done under Percona ownership
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sun, 20 Dec 2015 14:18:33 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add patches to make passwordless root login default on all new
+ installs in all situations. Make auth_socket a built-in plugin.
+ * Clean up previous passwordless root implementation so that it
+ applies only to new installs and existing databases continue
+ to operate with the passwords defined in their user tables
+ * As disabled.def intrepreted test names in a special way, switch
+ back to using --skip-test-list option
+ * Make the watch file to make it better suited for the
+ git-buildpackage workflow and remove call to uupdate
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sat, 19 Dec 2015 22:28:23 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix non-working path of unstable-test in d/rules
+ * Add unstable test for amd64 to fix reproducible builds
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Thu, 17 Dec 2015 13:31:56 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Upload to unstable
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Mon, 14 Dec 2015 00:49:14 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-4~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Rewrite unstable tests section in d/rules that was not working
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sun, 13 Dec 2015 21:36:48 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix typo in d/rules
+ * Extend list of unstable tests for arch mips, mipsel64 and alpha
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 11 Dec 2015 21:57:23 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Escape d/rules file correctly to avoid parse error.
+ * Remove patches/os_sync_Free patch that is not intended for production use.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 20 Nov 2015 23:11:09 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-2~exp2) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Alexander Barkov ]
+ * Backport patch from upstream to fix MDEV-9091: mysqld crashes on shutdown
+ after running TokuDB tests on Ubuntu
+ * Backport patch from upstream to fix MDEV-8692: prefschema test failures
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Replace old 'make test' structure with direct call on mysql-test-run and
+ parallelize the test suite run in the Debian build.
+ * Print in build log env info to help debug builds on different platforms.
+ * Keep a list of unstable tests that are to be skipped on official builds.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 13 Nov 2015 22:08:49 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-2~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Add diagnostics to find out the problem in os_sync_free()
+ * Backport fix for TokuDB crashes in build tests on Launchpad
+ and enable TokuDB builds
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 13 Nov 2015 08:54:05 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.22-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * New upstream release. Includes fixes for the following security
+ vulnerabilities (Closes: #802874):
+ - CVE-2016-0610
+ - CVE-2016-3471
+ - CVE-2015-7744
+ - CVE-2015-4802
+ - CVE-2015-4807
+ - CVE-2015-4815
+ - CVE-2015-4826
+ - CVE-2015-4830
+ - CVE-2015-4836
+ - CVE-2015-4858
+ - CVE-2015-4861
+ - CVE-2015-4870
+ - CVE-2015-4913
+ - CVE-2015-4792
+ * New release includes updated man pages (Closes: #779992)
+ * Update the most recent patches with proper DEP-3 compliant headers
+ * Add CVE IDs to previous changelog entries
+ [ Jean Weisbuch ]
+ * Update mysqlreport to version 4.0
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 30 Oct 2015 11:42:30 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.21-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Closes: #798048)
+ * Upload 10.0.21 and all changes tested initially in experimental
+ to unstable. Now sensible as mysql-5.6 has entered testing.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 18 Sep 2015 23:04:53 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.21-2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Update gdb.conf to have tags signed by default
+ * Add CVE IDs to previous changelog entries
+ * Pass DEB_BUILD_ARCH to CMake options to enhance buils on some platforms
+ * Test suite failures are now fatal on all platforms and not ignored anywhere
+ * Revert most of commit 579282f and re-enable Mroonga
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Wed, 26 Aug 2015 18:20:54 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.21-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Created libmariadbd18 and moved .so file from libmariadbd-dev there
+ * Reproducible build improvement: Add LC_ALL=C to mysql.sym sort command
+ * New upstream release.
+ - Upstream added skip_log_error to mysqld_safe config (Closes: #781945)
+ - Diffie-Helman modulus increased to 2048-bits (Closes: #788905)
+ * New upstream release fixes the following security vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2015-4816
+ - CVE-2015-4819
+ - CVE-2015-4879
+ - CVE-2015-4895
+ * Split mariadb-test-data-10.0 out of the main test package. This will save
+ disk space in Debian archives as the arch independent data files are
+ in one single package that can be used on all platforms and the package
+ that is built on multiple platform shrinks significantly.
+ [ Jean Weisbuch ]
+ * The MYCHECK_RCPT variable can now be set from the default file.
+ * The check_for_crashed_tables() function on the debian-start script has been
+ fixed to be able to log (and email) the errors it encountered : Errors are
+ sent to stderr by the CLI while only stdout was captured by the function.
+ * The same function now also checks Aria tables along with MyISAM ones.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Thu, 13 Aug 2015 10:08:38 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.20-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Andreas Beckmann ]
+ * mariadb-common: Depend on a version of mysql-common that ships
+ /usr/share/mysql-common/configure-symlinks. (Closes: #787533)
+ * mariadb-common.postinst: Drop fallback my.cnf symlink management.
+ * mariadb-common.preinst: Clean up my.cnf/my.cnf.old from the fallback.
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Clean up old cruft from rules file after review by Sergei Golubchik
+ * Unified config file layout with upstream .cnf layout
+ * Recover mysql-upgrade dir/link handlig wrongly removed in f7caa041db
+ * Minor Lintian and documentation fixes
+ * Switch 'nm -n' to 'nm --defined-only' to improve reproducible builds
+ [ Olaf van der Spek ]
+ * Minor spell checking (Closes: #792123)
+ [ Israel Tsadok ]
+ * Fix mariadb-server-10.0.preinst script that failed to save a new
+ /var/lib/mysql-upgrade/ if a previous existed and
+ the /var/lib/mysql directory was a symbolic link with an absolute path
+ as target (Closes: #792918)
+ [ Jean Weisbuch ]
+ * Added a Debian default file for the mariadb-server-10.0 package which allows
+ one to set the MYSQLD_STARTUP_TIMEOUT variable used in the init script
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 24 Jul 2015 23:00:00 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.20-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix bash test logic in postinstall (Closes: #789589)
+ * Add extra sort in d/rules mysqld.sym.gz command to satisfy Debian
+ reproducible build requirements
+ * Switch to utf8mb4 as default character set
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 03 Jul 2015 17:11:01 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.20-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release. Includes fixes for the following security
+ vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2015-2582
+ - CVE-2015-2620
+ - CVE-2015-2643
+ - CVE-2015-2648
+ - CVE-2015-3152: Client command line option --ssl-verify-server-cert (and
+ MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT option of the client API) when used
+ together with --ssl will ensure that the established connection is
+ SSL-encrypted and the MariaDB server has a valid certificate.
+ - CVE-2015-4752
+ - CVE-2015-4864
+ * New release includes fix for memory corruption on arm64 (Closes: #787221)
+ * Added patch to enhance build reproducibility regarding the file INFO_BIN
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 19 Jun 2015 13:01:56 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.19-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release. Fixed the server crash caused by mysql_upgrade
+ (MDEV-8115).
+ * Upload to unstable from master branch as Jessie is not released.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sat, 09 May 2015 22:24:03 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.18-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release. Includes fixes for the following security
+ vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2015-4866
+ - CVE-2014-8964 bundled PCRE contained heap-based buffer overflow
+ vulnerability that allowed the server to crash or have other unspecified
+ impact via a crafted regular expression made possible with the
+ REGEXP_SUBSTR function (MDEV-8006).
+ - CVE-2015-0501
+ - CVE-2015-2571
+ - CVE-2015-0505
+ - CVE-2015-0499
+ - CVE-2015-4757
+ - CVE-2015-4866
+ * Cleanup in d/copyright
+ * Make the mariadb-common depends versioned to guarantee that latest
+ config files are installed
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Thu, 07 May 2015 23:21:20 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.17-1~exp2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * d/control: Related to innochecksum manpage move, also break/replace
+ the mysql-client-5.5/6 packages (Closes: #779873)
+ * Add automatic fallback to the new /etc/mysql/my.cnf management scheme
+ for cases where mysql-common/configure-symlinks is not yet available
+ and users complain the installation ends up broken.
+ * New release confirmed to build with GCC-5 (Closes: #777996)
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 06 Mar 2015 16:42:21 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.17-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Jan Wagner ]
+ * Adding mysqld_multi.server_lsb-header.patch, provides LSB headers for
+ example initscript (Closes: #778762)
+ * Adding mysqld_multi_confd.patch, makes mysqld_multi reading conf.d
+ (Closes: #778761)
+ [ Robie Basak ]
+ * Move innochecksum back to mariadb-server-core-10.0 to align with other
+ variants (LP: #1421520).
+ * Fix typo in mariadb-server-10.0.postinst.
+ * Fix typo in postinst mktemp call (LP: #1420831).
+ [ Arnaud Fontaine ]
+ * d/control: innochecksum manpage has been moved to mariadb-client-10.0 in
+ 10.0.13-1 (ba97056), thus add Breaks/Replaces in mariadb-client-10.0
+ against mariadb-server-10.0 << 10.0.13-1~.
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Follow to new /etc/mysql/my.cnf management scheme
+ * Remove the my.cnf move command as it increases complexity too much and might
+ emit an error code if mariadb-common is upgraded before mysql-common is.
+ * Add patch to enhance build reproducibility
+ * Remove /var/log/mysql.log from logrotate. Everything should be inside
+ the mysql directory (/var/log/mysql/) and not directly on plain /var/log
+ * New upstream release. Includes fixes for the following security
+ vulnerabilities (changelog updated post release):
+ - CVE-2015-2568
+ - CVE-2015-2573
+ - CVE-2015-0433
+ - CVE-2015-0441
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Mon, 02 Mar 2015 20:01:13 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.16-1~exp3) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Update the mail.ssl test to match new cacert.pem
+ * Stop asking and setting a database root user password. Instead enable
+ the auth_socket plugin and let unix user root access MariaDB without
+ a separate password. Admins using sudo or cron scripts can use the
+ same access too, and there is no debian-sys-maint password either anymore.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 30 Jan 2015 18:52:55 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.16-1~exp2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Fix typo in preinstall script (Closes: #776494).
+ * Backported new cacert.pem etc from 5.5 the replace the expired ones.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Wed, 28 Jan 2015 20:57:23 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.16-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release. Includes fixes for the following security
+ vulnerabilities:
+ - CVE-2015-0411
+ - CVE-2015-0382
+ - CVE-2015-0381
+ - CVE-2015-0432
+ - CVE-2014-6568
+ - CVE-2015-0374
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Tue, 27 Jan 2015 17:04:21 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.15-2~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Fix mariadb-server-10.0.postinst so that the flag removal will not emit
+ an error code if there are no previous debian-*.flag files. This will
+ fix a dpkg issue caught by piuparts testing.
+ * Increase the debconf downgrade warning dialog priority to critical to make
+ sure all users see it and understand why their system broke after downgrade.
+ * Attempt to fix FTBFS on mips, mipsel, powerpc introduced by upstream
+ release 10.0.15 (Closes: #772964).
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:07:50 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Arnaud Fontaine ]
+ * Bump libpcre3-dev Build-Depends to >= 2:8.35-3.2~ (Closes: #767903).
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen }
+ * New upstream release, includes fixes for the following security issues:
+ - CVE-2014-6507
+ - CVE-2014-6491
+ - CVE-2014-6500
+ - CVE-2014-6469
+ - CVE-2014-6555
+ - CVE-2014-6559
+ - CVE-2014-6494
+ - CVE-2014-6496
+ - CVE-2014-6464
+ * Disable on non-amd64 platforms the new Mroonga storage engine which
+ was introduced in the new upstream release.
+ * Allow mariadb-server-10.0 to overwrite file man1/mysql_plugin.1.gz in
+ mysql-client-5.5 with breaks and replaces (Closes: #771213).
+ * Clean up old debian-*.flag files from datadir to avoid unexpected
+ behavior at later upgrades (Closes: #770177).
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:45:43 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.14-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Updated patch d/username-in-tests-replace.patch to fix the
+ obfuscation done by anti-spam measures in the MariaDB
+ commit message view (Closes: #769865).
+ * Unified indentantion to two spaces in init file for easier
+ debugging of #609537
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Mon, 17 Nov 2014 11:45:11 +0200
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.14-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added patch d/username-in-tests-replace.patch to fix
+ test failure (Closes: #769212).
+ * Added versioned dependency on libpcre3 (Closes: #767903).
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:00:11 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.14-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Tobias Frost ]
+ * Fix two lintian warnings in d/copyright (missing "-" between GPL and 2)
+ * Always be verbose when building the package and show compiler args
+ [ Otto Kekäläinen ]
+ * Upload to unstable
+ * Updated German translation by Chris Leick and Holger Wansing
+ (Closes: #763952)
+ * Updated Dutch translation by Frans Spiesschaert (Closes: #764013)
+ * Removed libssl-dev from build dependencies in favour of using
+ bundled YaSSL instead (Closes: #761911)
+ * Fixed debconf value saving (Closes: #761452)
+ * Re-enabled TokuDB after backporting upstream fix in MDEV-6815
+ * Removed libmariadbclient packages that provided the Debian-only
+ library that nobody used. Instead developers are
+ encouraged to use the libraries from the package libmariadb-client-lgpl
+ instead (Closes: #739452) (Closes: #742172).
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Sat, 18 Oct 2014 19:00:11 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.14-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release. (Closes: #757026)
+ * d/control: Removed Provides: libmysqlclient-dev (Closes: #759309)
+ * d/control: Removed Provides: libmysqld-dev with same motivation
+ * Updated Swedish translation by Martin Bagge
+ and Anders Jonsson (Closes: #762795)
+ * Updated Spanish translation by Javier Fernandez-Sanguino (Closes: #762751)
+ * Updated Portuguese translation by Miguel Figueiredo (Closes: #763194)
+ * Updated Czech translation by Miroslav Kure (Closes: #763309)
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Thu, 28 Aug 2014 00:39:02 +0300
+mariadb-10.0 (10.0.10-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Initial Upload (Closes: #740473)
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Tue, 01 Apr 2014 09:56:38 +0300
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec63514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/compat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba98d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+Source: mariadb-10.1
+Section: database
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Uploaders: Otto Kekäläinen <>,
+ Arnaud Fontaine <>,
+ Ondřej Surý <>
+Build-Depends: bison,
+ chrpath,
+ cmake,
+ cracklib-runtime,
+ debhelper (>= 9),
+ dh-apparmor,
+ dh-exec,
+ dh-systemd,
+ gdb,
+ libaio-dev [linux-any],
+ libarchive-dev,
+ libboost-dev,
+ libcrack2-dev (>= 2.9.0),
+ libjemalloc-dev [!kfreebsd-any !hurd-any !mips !mipsel !mips64 !mips64el],
+ libjudy-dev,
+ libkrb5-dev,
+ libncurses5-dev (>= 5.0-6~),
+ libpam0g-dev,
+ libpcre3-dev (>= 2:8.35-3.2~),
+ libreadline-gplv2-dev,
+ libsystemd-dev,
+ libxml2-dev,
+ lsb-release,
+ perl,
+ po-debconf,
+ psmisc,
+ unixodbc-dev,
+ zlib1g-dev (>= 1:1.1.3-5~)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: libmariadbclient18
+Section: libs
+Architecture: any
+Depends: mysql-common,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
+Multi-Arch: same
+Description: MariaDB database client library
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes the client library.
+Package: libmariadbclient-dev
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
+Depends: libmariadbclient18 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ zlib1g-dev,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: libmysqlclient-dev
+Description: MariaDB database development files
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes development libraries and header files.
+Package: libmariadbclient-dev-compat
+Architecture: any
+Multi-Arch: same
+Section: libdevel
+Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
+Depends: libmariadbclient-dev,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat,
+ libmariadb-dev-compat,
+ libmysqlclient-dev
+Description: MariaDB database development files (libmysqlclient compatibility)
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package provides a version of to allow
+ packages to link using -lmysqlclient but end up with a link against
+ libmariadbclient instead. This allows packages designed for
+ MySQL to link against MariaDB's client library instead, while still permitting
+ MySQL's client library to co-exist on users' systems.
+Package: libmariadbd18
+Architecture: any
+Section: libs
+Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Multi-Arch: same
+Breaks: libmariadbd-dev (<< ${source:Version}),
+ libmysqld-dev
+Replaces: libmariadbd-dev (<< ${source:Version}),
+ libmysqld-dev
+Description: MariaDB embedded database, shared library
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes a shared library for embedded MariaDB applications.
+Package: libmariadbd-dev
+Architecture: any
+Multi-Arch: same
+Section: libdevel
+Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
+Depends: libmariadbclient-dev (= ${binary:Version}),
+ libmariadbd18 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Breaks: libmysqld-dev
+Replaces: libmysqld-dev
+Description: MariaDB embedded database, development files
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes the embedded server library development and header files.
+Package: mariadb-common
+Architecture: all
+Depends: mysql-common (>= 5.6.25),
+ ${misc:Depends}
+Multi-Arch: foreign
+Description: MariaDB common metapackage
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+Package: mariadb-client-core-10.1
+Architecture: any
+Depends: mariadb-common (>= ${source:Version}),
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: mysql-client-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.6,
+ mysql-client-5.7,
+ virtual-mysql-client-core
+Breaks: mariadb-client-10.0 (<< 10.0.24-6~),
+ mariadb-client-core-10.0,
+ mariadb-client-core-5.5,
+ mysql-client-core-5.5,
+ mysql-client-core-5.6,
+ mysql-client-core-5.7
+Replaces: mariadb-client-10.0 (<< 10.0.24-6~),
+ mariadb-client-core-10.0,
+ mariadb-client-core-5.5,
+ mysql-client-core-5.5,
+ mysql-client-core-5.6,
+ mysql-client-core-5.7,
+ virtual-mysql-client-core
+Provides: virtual-mysql-client-core
+Description: MariaDB database core client binaries
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes the core client files, as used by Akonadi.
+Package: mariadb-client-10.1
+Architecture: any
+Depends: debianutils (>=1.6),
+ mariadb-client-core-10.1 (>= ${source:Version}),
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${perl:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: mysql-client-core-5.5,
+ mysql-client-core-5.6,
+ mysql-client-core-5.7,
+ mytop,
+ virtual-mysql-client
+Breaks: mariadb-client-10.0,
+ mariadb-client-5.5,
+ mariadb-server-10.0 (<< 10.0.13-1~),
+ mysql-client-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.6,
+ mysql-client-5.7
+Replaces: mariadb-client-10.0,
+ mariadb-client-5.5,
+ mariadb-server-10.0 (<< 10.0.13-1~),
+ mysql-client-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.6,
+ mysql-client-5.7,
+ mytop,
+ virtual-mysql-client
+Provides: virtual-mysql-client
+Recommends: libdbd-mysql-perl (>= 1.2202),
+ libdbi-perl,
+ libterm-readkey-perl
+Description: MariaDB database client binaries
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes the client binaries and the additional tools
+ innotop and mysqlreport.
+Package: mariadb-server-core-10.1
+Architecture: any
+Depends: mariadb-common (>= ${source:Version}),
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: mariadb-galera-server-5.5,
+ mysql-server-5.5,
+ mysql-server-5.6,
+ mysql-server-5.7,
+ virtual-mysql-server-core
+Breaks: mariadb-client-10.1 (<< ${source:Version}),
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version}),
+ mariadb-server-core-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-core-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.6,
+ mysql-server-core-5.5,
+ mysql-server-core-5.6,
+ mysql-server-core-5.7
+Replaces: mariadb-client-10.1 (<< ${source:Version}),
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version}),
+ mariadb-server-core-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-core-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.6,
+ mysql-client-5.7,
+ mysql-server-core-5.5,
+ mysql-server-core-5.6,
+ mysql-server-core-5.7,
+ virtual-mysql-server-core
+Provides: virtual-mysql-server-core
+Description: MariaDB database core server files
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes the core server files, as used by Akonadi.
+Package: mariadb-server-10.1
+Architecture: any
+Suggests: mailx,
+ mariadb-test,
+ netcat-openbsd,
+ tinyca
+Recommends: libhtml-template-perl
+Pre-Depends: adduser (>= 3.40),
+ debconf,
+ mariadb-common (>= ${source:Version})
+Depends: galera-3 (>=25.3),
+ gawk,
+ iproute2 [linux-any],
+ libdbi-perl,
+ lsb-base (>= 3.0-10),
+ lsof [linux-any],
+ mariadb-client-10.1 (>= ${source:Version}),
+ mariadb-server-core-10.1 (>= ${binary:Version}),
+ passwd,
+ perl (>= 5.6),
+ psmisc,
+ rsync,
+ socat,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: mariadb-tokudb-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-tokudb-engine-10.1,
+ mariadb-tokudb-engine-5.5,
+ mysql-server-core-5.5,
+ mysql-server-core-5.6,
+ mysql-server-core-5.7,
+ virtual-mysql-server
+Breaks: cqrlog (<< 1.9.0-5~),
+ mariadb-galera-server,
+ mariadb-galera-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-galera-server-5.5,
+ mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-5.5,
+ mariadb-tokudb-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-tokudb-engine-10.1,
+ mariadb-tokudb-engine-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.5,
+ mysql-server-5.5,
+ mysql-server-5.6,
+ mysql-server-5.7
+Replaces: mariadb-galera-server,
+ mariadb-galera-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-galera-server-5.5,
+ mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-5.5,
+ mariadb-tokudb-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-tokudb-engine-10.1,
+ mariadb-tokudb-engine-5.5,
+ mysql-client-5.5,
+ mysql-server-5.5,
+ mysql-server-5.6,
+ mysql-server-5.7,
+ virtual-mysql-server
+Provides: virtual-mysql-server
+Description: MariaDB database server binaries
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes the server binaries.
+Package: mariadb-server
+Architecture: all
+Depends: mariadb-server-10.1 (>= ${source:Version}),
+ ${misc:Depends}
+Description: MariaDB database server (metapackage depending on the latest version)
+ This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version of
+ mariadb-server (currently mariadb-server-10.0), as determined by the MariaDB
+ maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which MariaDB
+ version you need. That will install the version recommended by the
+ package maintainers.
+ .
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+Package: mariadb-client
+Architecture: all
+Depends: mariadb-client-10.1 (>= ${source:Version}),
+ ${misc:Depends}
+Description: MariaDB database client (metapackage depending on the latest version)
+ This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version of
+ mariadb-client (currently mariadb-client-10.0), as determined by the MariaDB
+ maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which MariaDB version
+ you want, as this is the one considered to be in the best shape.
+Package: mariadb-plugin-connect
+Architecture: any
+Depends: libxml2,
+ mariadb-server-10.1,
+ unixodbc,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: mariadb-connect-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-connect-engine-10.1
+Breaks: mariadb-connect-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-connect-engine-10.1,
+ mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Replaces: mariadb-connect-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-connect-engine-10.1,
+ mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Description: Connect storage engine for MariaDB
+ Connect engine supports a number of file formats (dbf, xml, txt, bin, etc),
+ connections to ODBC tables and remote MySQL tables, as well as a number of
+ other interesting features.
+ This package contains the Connect plugin for MariaDB.
+Package: mariadb-plugin-oqgraph
+Architecture: any
+Depends: libjudydebian1,
+ mariadb-server-10.1,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: mariadb-oqgraph-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-oqgraph-engine-10.1
+Breaks: mariadb-oqgraph-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-oqgraph-engine-10.1,
+ mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Replaces: mariadb-oqgraph-engine-10.0,
+ mariadb-oqgraph-engine-10.1,
+ mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Description: OQGraph storage engine for MariaDB
+ The OQGraph engine is a computation engine plugin for handling hierarchies
+ (trees) and graphs (friend-of-a-friend, etc) cleanly through standard SQL.
+ This package contains the OQGraph plugin for MariaDB.
+Package: mariadb-plugin-tokudb
+Architecture: amd64
+Depends: mariadb-server-10.1,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Breaks: mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Replaces: mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Description: TokuDB storage engine for MariaDB
+ The TokuDB storage engine is for use in high-performance and write-intensive
+ environments, offering increased compression and better performance based
+ on fractal indexes.
+ This package contains the TokuDB plugin for MariaDB.
+Package: mariadb-plugin-mroonga
+Architecture: any-alpha any-amd64 any-arm any-arm64 any-i386 any-ia64 any-mips64el any-mips64r6el any-mipsel any-mipsr6el any-nios2 any-powerpcel any-ppc64el any-sh3 any-sh4 any-tilegx
+Depends: mariadb-server-10.1,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Breaks: mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Replaces: mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Description: Mroonga storage engine for MariaDB
+ Mroonga (formerly named Groonga Storage Engine) is a storage engine that
+ provides fast CJK-ready full text searching using column store.
+ This package contains the Mroonga plugin for MariaDB.
+Package: mariadb-plugin-spider
+Architecture: any
+Depends: mariadb-server-10.1,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Breaks: mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Replaces: mariadb-server-10.0,
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Description: Spider storage engine for MariaDB
+ The Spider storage engine with built-in sharding features. It supports
+ partitioning and xa transactions, and allows tables of different MariaDB
+ instances to be handled as if they were on the same instance. It refers to one
+ possible implementation of ISO/IEC 9075-9:2008 SQL/MED.
+Package: mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server
+Architecture: any
+Depends: libgssapi-krb5-2,
+ mariadb-server-10.1,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Breaks: mariadb-gssapi-server-10.1,
+ mariadb-gssapi-server-10.2
+Replaces: mariadb-gssapi-server-10.1,
+ mariadb-gssapi-server-10.2
+Description: GSSAPI authentication plugin for MariaDB server
+ This plugin includes support for Kerberos on Unix, but can also be used for
+ Windows authentication with or without domain environment.
+ .
+ This package contains the server parts.
+Package: mariadb-plugin-gssapi-client
+Architecture: any
+Depends: libgssapi-krb5-2,
+ mariadb-client-10.1,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Breaks: mariadb-gssapi-client-10.1,
+ mariadb-gssapi-client-10.2
+Replaces: mariadb-gssapi-client-10.1,
+ mariadb-gssapi-client-10.2
+Description: GSSAPI authentication plugin for MariaDB client
+ This plugin includes support for Kerberos on Unix, but can also be used for
+ Windows authentication with or without domain environment.
+ .
+ This package contains the client parts.
+Package: mariadb-plugin-cracklib-password-check
+Architecture: any
+Depends: libcrack2 (>= 2.9.0),
+ mariadb-server-10.1,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Description: CrackLib Password Validation Plugin for MariaDB
+ This password validation plugin uses cracklib to allow only
+ sufficiently secure (as defined by cracklib) user passwords in MariaDB.
+Package: mariadb-test
+Architecture: any
+Depends: libmariadbclient18 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ mariadb-client-10.1 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ mariadb-server-10.1 (= ${binary:Version}),
+ mariadb-test-data (= ${source:Version}),
+ virtual-mysql-testsuite,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${shlibs:Depends}
+Breaks: mariadb-test-10.0,
+ mariadb-test-10.1,
+ mariadb-test-5.5,
+ mysql-testsuite,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.5,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.6,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.7
+Replaces: mariadb-test-10.0,
+ mariadb-test-10.1,
+ mariadb-test-5.5,
+ mysql-testsuite,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.5,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.6,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.7,
+ virtual-mysql-testsuite
+Provides: virtual-mysql-testsuite
+Suggests: patch
+Description: MariaDB database regression test suite
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package includes the regression test suite.
+Package: mariadb-test-data
+Architecture: all
+Multi-Arch: foreign
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+Breaks: mariadb-test-10.0,
+ mariadb-test-10.1,
+ mariadb-test-5.5,
+ mariadb-test-data-10.0,
+ mysql-testsuite,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.5,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.6,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.7
+Replaces: mariadb-test-10.0,
+ mariadb-test-10.1,
+ mariadb-test-5.5,
+ mariadb-test-data-10.0,
+ mysql-testsuite,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.5,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.6,
+ mysql-testsuite-5.7
+Description: MariaDB database regression test suite - data files
+ MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database
+ server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query
+ language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and
+ ease of use.
+ .
+ This package has the architecture independent data files for the test suite.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abfd40c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,1160 @@
+Upstream-Name: MariaDB Server
+ Originally produced by a modified version of licensecheck2dep5
+ from CDBS by Clint Byrum <>. Hand modified to reduce
+ redundancy in the output and add appropriate license text. The file
+ has been rechecked against the source using the development version
+ of license-reconcile, see #686485.
+ .
+ Also, MySQL carries the "FOSS License Exception" specified in README
+ .
+ Quoting from README:
+ .
+ MySQL FOSS License Exception We want free and open source
+ software applications under certain licenses to be able to use
+ specified GPL-licensed MySQL client libraries despite the fact
+ that not all such FOSS licenses are compatible with version
+ 2 of the GNU General Public License. Therefore there are
+ special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPLv2
+ as applied to these client libraries, which are identified
+ and described in more detail in the FOSS License Exception at
+ <>.
+ .
+ The text of the Above URL is quoted below, as of Aug 17, 2011.
+ .
+ > FOSS License Exception
+ > .
+ > Updated July 1, 2010
+ > .
+ > What is the FOSS License Exception? Oracle's Free and Open Source
+ > Software ("FOSS") License Exception (formerly known as the FLOSS
+ > License Exception) allows developers of FOSS applications to include
+ > Oracle's MySQL Client Libraries (also referred to as "MySQL Drivers"
+ > or "MySQL Connectors") with their FOSS applications. MySQL Client
+ > Libraries are typically licensed pursuant to version 2 of the General
+ > Public License ("GPL"), but this exception permits distribution of
+ > certain MySQL Client Libraries with a developer's FOSS applications
+ > licensed under the terms of another FOSS license listed below,
+ > even though such other FOSS license may be incompatible with the GPL.
+ > .
+ > The following terms and conditions describe the circumstances under
+ > which Oracle's FOSS License Exception applies.
+ > .
+ > Oracle's FOSS License Exception Terms and Conditions Definitions.
+ > "Derivative Work" means a derivative work, as defined under applicable
+ > copyright law, formed entirely from the Program and one or more
+ > FOSS Applications.
+ > .
+ > "FOSS Application" means a free and open source software application
+ > distributed subject to a license listed in the section below titled
+ > "FOSS License List."
+ > .
+ > "FOSS Notice" means a notice placed by Oracle or MySQL in a copy
+ > of the MySQL Client Libraries stating that such copy of the MySQL
+ > Client Libraries may be distributed under Oracle's or MySQL's FOSS
+ > (or FLOSS) License Exception.
+ > .
+ > "Independent Work" means portions of the Derivative Work that are not
+ > derived from the Program and can reasonably be considered independent
+ > and separate works.
+ > .
+ > "Program" means a copy of Oracle's MySQL Client Libraries that
+ > contains a FOSS Notice.
+ > .
+ > A FOSS application developer ("you" or "your") may distribute a
+ > Derivative Work provided that you and the Derivative Work meet all
+ > of the following conditions: You obey the GPL in all respects for
+ > the Program and all portions (including modifications) of the Program
+ > included in the Derivative Work (provided that this condition does not
+ > apply to Independent Works); The Derivative Work does not include any
+ > work licensed under the GPL other than the Program; You distribute
+ > Independent Works subject to a license listed in the section below
+ > titled "FOSS License List"; You distribute Independent Works in
+ > object code or executable form with the complete corresponding
+ > machine-readable source code on the same medium and under the same
+ > FOSS license applying to the object code or executable forms; All
+ > works that are aggregated with the Program or the Derivative Work
+ > on a medium or volume of storage are not derivative works of the
+ > Program, Derivative Work or FOSS Application, and must reasonably
+ > be considered independent and separate works. Oracle reserves all
+ > rights not expressly granted in these terms and conditions. If all
+ > of the above conditions are not met, then this FOSS License Exception
+ > does not apply to you or your Derivative Work.
+ > .
+ > FOSS License List
+ > .
+ > License Name Version(s)/Copyright Date
+ > Release Early Certified Software
+ > Academic Free License 2.0
+ > Apache Software License 1.0/1.1/2.0
+ > Apple Public Source License 2.0
+ > Artistic license From Perl 5.8.0
+ > BSD license "July 22 1999"
+ > Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) 1.0
+ > Common Public License 1.0
+ > Eclipse Public License 1.0
+ > European Union Public License (EUPL)[1] 1.1
+ > GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL) 2.0/2.1/3.0
+ > GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0
+ > IBM Public License 1.0
+ > Jabber Open Source License 1.0
+ > MIT License (As listed in file MIT-License.txt) -
+ > Mozilla Public License (MPL) 1.0/1.1
+ > Open Software License 2.0
+ > OpenSSL license (with original SSLeay license) "2003" ("1998")
+ > PHP License 3.0/3.01
+ > Python license (CNRI Python License) -
+ > Python Software Foundation License 2.1.1
+ > Sleepycat License "1999"
+ > University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License -
+ > W3C License "2001"
+ > X11 License "2001"
+ > Zlib/libpng License -
+ > Zope Public License 2.0
+ > [1] When an Independent Work is licensed under a "Compatible License"
+ > pursuant to the EUPL, the Compatible License rather than the EUPL is
+ > the applicable license for purposes of these FOSS License Exception
+ > Terms and Conditions.
+ .
+ The above text is subject to this copyright notice:
+ © 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+Files: *
+ 2000-2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ 2008-2013 Monty Program AB
+ 2008-2014 SkySQL Ab
+ 2013-2016 MariaDB Corporation
+ 2012-2016 MariaDB Foundation
+License: GPL-2
+Files: debian/*
+ 1997-1998, Scott Hanson <>
+ 1997 Christian Schwarz <>
+ 1999-2007, 2009, Christian Hammers <>
+ 2000-2001, Christopher C. Chimelis <>
+ 2001 Matthew Wilcox <>
+ 2005-2007, Sean Finney <>
+ 2006 Adam Conrad <>
+ 2007-2011, Norbert Tretkowski <>
+ 2007-2008, Monty Taylor <>
+ 2008 Devin Carraway <>
+ 2008 Steffen Joeris <>
+ 2009 Canonical Ltd
+ 2010 Xavier Oswald <>
+ 2011 Clint Byrum <>
+ 2011 Ondřej Surý <>
+ 2012 Nicholas Bamber <>
+ 2013,2016 Kristian Nielsen <>
+ 2013-2016 Otto Kekäläinen <>
+ 2014 Julien Muchembled <>
+ 2014 Tobias Frost <>
+ 2015 Andreas Beckmann <>
+ 2015-2016 Arnaud Fontaine <>
+ 2015-2016 Daniel Black <>
+ 2015 Israel Tsadok <>
+ 2015 Jan Wagner <>
+ 2015 Jean Weisbuch <>
+ 2015 Olaf van der Spek <>
+ 2015-2106 Robie Basak <>
+ 2016 Axel Beckert <>
+ 2016 Dieter Adriaenssens <>
+ 2016 Ian Gilfillan <>
+ 2016 James Cowgill <>
+ 2016 Paul Gevers <>
+ 2016 Samuel Thibault <>
+ 2016 Vicențiu Ciorbaru <>
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: plugin/feedback/*
+Copyright: 2010 Sergei Golubchik and Monty Program Ab
+License: GPL-2
+Files: debian/additions/mysqlreport*
+Copyright: 2006-2008 Daniel Nichter <>
+ 2012-2015 Jean Weisbuch
+License: GPL-2+
+ dbug/example1.c
+ dbug/example2.c
+ dbug/example3.c
+ dbug/factorial.c
+ dbug/main.c
+ dbug/my_main.c
+ dbug/
+ dbug/tests.c
+ dbug/
+ include/
+ libmysqld/resource.h
+ mysql-test/*
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+ Docs/*
+Copyright: UNKNOWN
+Comment: These files fall under the blanket license specified in the file
+ GPLv2 Disclaimer:
+ For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice
+ other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead,
+ Oracle elects to use only the General Public License version 2
+ (GPLv2) at this time for any software where a choice of GPL
+ license versions is made available with the language indicating
+ that GPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice
+ of which version of the GPL is applied is otherwise unspecified.
+License: GPL-2
+Files: BUILD/*
+ client/*
+ client/echo.c
+ client/get_password.c
+ cmake/*
+ dbug/
+ extra/*
+ include/*
+ libmysql/*
+ libmysqld/*
+ libservices/*
+ mysql-test/include/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/File/*
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/lib/t/*
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/My/*
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/lib/v1/
+ mysql-test/
+ mysql-test/
+ mysql-test/std_data/*
+ mysql-test/suite/perfschema/include/*
+ mysql-test/suite/perfschema_stress/include/*
+ mysys/*
+ win/packaging/ca/*
+ plugin/audit_null/*
+ plugin/auth_*
+ plugin/daemon_example/*
+ plugin/fulltext/*
+ scripts/*
+ sql/*
+ sql-common/*
+ storage/*
+ strings/*
+ support-files/MacOSX/*
+ support-files/compiler_warnings.supp
+ support-files/mysql.*
+ support-files/dtrace/*
+ tests/*
+ unittest/*
+ vio/*
+Copyright: 1979-2009 MySQL AB
+ 1995-2010 Sun Microsystems Inc
+ 1994-1997,2000-2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates
+ 2010 Kristian Nielsen
+ 2012 MariaDB Services
+ 2013 MariaDB Foundation
+ 2010,2013 Sergei Golubchik
+ 1985,1995,2008-2011,2012-2014 Monty Program AB
+ 2008-2014 SykSQL Ab
+ 1993-2014 Olivier Bertrand
+ 2008-2014 Kentoku Shiba
+ 2013 Sergey Vojtovich and MariaDB Foundation
+ 2006 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
+ 2012 Michael Widenius
+ 2010-2011 DeNA Co.,Ltd.
+ 2011 Kentoku SHIBA
+License: GPL-2
+Files: extra/yassl/COPYING* extra/yassl/taocrypt/COPYING*
+Copyright: 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-verbatim
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+Files: include/maria.h include/myisamchk.h
+Copyright: 2006-2008 MySQL AB
+ 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
+ 2009, 2013, Monty Program Ab
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: plugin/auth_pam/testing/pam_mariadb_mtr.c
+Copyright: none
+License: public-domain
+Files: plugin/locale_info/
+Copyright: 2013, Spaempresarial - Brazil, Roberto Spadim
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: plugin/qc_info/
+Copyright: 2008, Roland Bouman
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: tests/async_queries.c tests/nonblock-wrappers.h sql-common/mysql_async.c
+Copyright: 2011 Kristian Nielsen and Monty Program Ab
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Files: include/ma_dyncol.h include/queues.h mysys/ma_dyncol.c mysys/queues.c
+ unittest/mysys/ma_dyncol-t.c
+Copyright: 2010,2011,2013 Monty Program Ab
+ 2011,2012 Oleksandr Byelkin
+License: BSD-2-clause
+Files: include/my_context.h mysys/my_context.c
+Copyright: 2011,2012 Kristian Nielsen and Monty Program Ab
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Files: mysys/my_port.c
+Copyright: 2002 MySQL AB
+License: LGPL-2
+Files: mysys/my_safehash.*
+Copyright: 2003-2007 MySQL AB
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: strings/bmove_upp.c strings/is_prefix.c strings/llstr.c
+ strings/longlong2str.c strings/strcont.c strings/strfill.c strings/strmov.c
+ strings/strnmov.c strings/bchange.c strings/int2str.c strings/my_strtoll10.c
+ strings/str2int.c strings/strappend.c strings/strcend.c
+Copyright: 2009-2013, Monty Program Ab
+ 2000,2003 TXT DataKonsult Ab & Monty Program Ab
+License: BSD-2-clause
+Files: strings/strxmov.c strings/strxnmov.c strings/strxnmov.c strings/strxmov.c
+ strings/strnlen.c
+Copyright: 2009-2011, Monty Program Ab
+ 2000 TXT DataKonsult Ab & Monty Program Ab
+ Richard A. O'Keefe
+License: BSD-2-clause
+Files: client/async_example.c
+Copyright: 2011 Kristian Nielsen and Monty Program Ab
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Files: storage/oqgraph/*
+ 2007-2013 Arjen G Lentz & Antony T Curtis for Open Query
+ 2000-2006 MySQL AB
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: storage/connect/
+Copyright: 2004-2012 Olivier Bertrand
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: storage/connect/inihandl.c
+Copyright: 1993 Miguel de Icaza
+ 1996 Alexandre Julliard
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Files: storage/oqgraph/ha_oqgraph.*
+ storage/oqgraph/oqgraph_probes.d
+ 2007-2013 Arjen G Lentz & Antony T Curtis for Open Query
+ 2000-2006 MySQL AB
+License: GPL-2
+Files: extra/*/INSTALL
+Copyright: 1994-1996, 1999-2002, 2004-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+License: unlimited-free-doc
+ This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives
+ unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+Files: mysql-test/lib/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+Copyright: 2004, 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates
+License: LGPL
+ storage/myisam/ft_update.c
+ storage/myisam/fulltext.h
+ storage/myisam/ft_boolean_search.c
+ storage/myisam/ft_stopwords.c
+ storage/myisam/ft_nlq_search.c
+ storage/myisam/ft_parser.c
+ storage/myisam/myisam_ftdump.c
+ 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates
+ Sergei A. Golubchik
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/myisam/ft_myisam.c
+Copyright: 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: storage/innobase/*
+ 1994-2011 Sergei A. Golubchik
+ 1996 Michael Widenius
+ 1994-2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates
+ 2008-2009 Google Inc
+ 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
+ 2009 Percona Inc
+ 2013, 2014 SkySQL Ab
+ 2012 Facebook Inc
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/maria/*
+ 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
+ 2008 Sun AB
+ 2006 MySQL Finland AB
+ 2006 TCX DataKonsult AB
+ 2003-2008 MySQL AB
+ 2007-2008 Michael Widenius
+ 2007 Guilhem Bichot
+ 2006 Sergei A. Golubchik
+ 2007 Sanja Belkin
+ 2006 Ramil Kalimullin
+ 2006 Alexey Botchkov
+ 2008-2011 Monty Program Ab
+ 2004-2008 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/xtradb/*
+ 1994-2014 Oracle and/or its affiliate
+ 2011-2013 Orcale Corpn
+ 1994-2013 Innobase Oy
+ 2008-2009 Google Inc
+ 2009-2010,2012 Facebook Inc
+ 2009-2012 Percona Inc
+ 2013, 2014, SkySQL Ab
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/innobase/ut/ storage/xtradb/ut/
+Copyright: 2009, 2010 Facebook, Inc.
+ 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+License: GPL-2 and BSD-2-clause
+Files: storage/innobase/COPYING.Google storage/xtradb/COPYING.Google
+Copyright: 2008 Google Inc
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: storage/innobase/COPYING.Percona storage/xtradb/COPYING.Percona
+Copyright: 2008-2009 Percona Inc
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: storage/sphinx/*
+Copyright: 2001-2014 Andrew Aksyonoff
+ 2008-2014 Sphinx Technologies Inc
+License: GPL-2
+Files: extra/readline/*
+Copyright: 1987-2006 Free Software Foundation Inc
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: sql-bench/*.sh
+Copyright: 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
+ 2000-2007 MySQL AB
+License: LGPL
+Files: client/completion_hash.h
+ scripts/
+ scripts/
+ scripts/
+ storage/myisam/ftbench/
+ storage/myisam/
+ strings/ctype-uca.c
+ strings/ctype-ucs2.c
+ strings/ctype-utf8.c
+ support-files/MacOSX/
+ support-files/MacOSX/
+ mysql-test/lib/My/
+ mysql-test/
+ BUILD/*.sh
+ BUILD/compile-amd64-debug-max-no-ndb
+ BUILD/compile-solaris-amd64
+ BUILD/compile-amd64-valgrind-max
+ BUILD/compile-pentium64-max
+ BUILD/compile-pentium64
+ BUILD/compile-pentium-valgrind-max-no-ndb
+ scripts/
+ scripts/
+ mysql-test/
+ mysql-test/std_data/
+Copyright: 2000-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates
+ 2000-2007 MySQL AB
+ 2009 Sun Microsystems Inc
+License: LGPL
+Files: BUILD/
+Copyright: 2010 Kristian Nielsen and Monty Program AB
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/archive/azio.c
+ storage/archive/azlib.h
+ zlib/*
+ 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly
+ 1995-2005 Mark Adler
+License: zlib/libpng
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ .
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ .
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+Files: sql-bench/
+ sql-bench/
+ sql-bench/
+ sql-bench/
+ sql-bench/
+ sql-bench/
+Copyright: 2000-2002 Innobase Oy & MySQL AB
+Comment: These files fall under the blanket license specified in the file COPYING
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/myisam/rt_index.h
+ storage/myisam/rt_key.*
+ storage/myisam/rt_mbr.*
+ storage/myisam/sp_defs.h
+ 2000,2002-2007 MySQL AB
+ Ramil Kalimullin
+License: GPL-2
+Files: strings/ctype-bin.c
+ strings/ctype-eucjpms.c
+ strings/ctype-ujis.c
+ 2000,2002,2005-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates
+License: LGPL
+Files: scripts/
+ support-files/
+ support-files/
+Copyright: 1996 Abandoned TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
+License: public-domain
+Files: sql/ sql/sql_yacc.h storage/xtradb/fts/
+ storage/xtradb/include/fts0pars.h
+Copyright: 1984,1989-1990,2000-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+License: GPL-3+-with-bison-exception
+Files: storage/innobase/include/pars0grm.h storage/xtradb/include/pars0grm.h
+ storage/xtradb/pars/ storage/innobase/pars/
+Copyright: 1995-2009 Innobase Oy.
+ 1984,1989-1990,2000-2004 Free Software Foundation Inc.
+License: GPL-2+-with-bison-exception
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ .
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ .
+ As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
+ part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
+ under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
+ parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
+ as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
+ the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
+ special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
+ Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
+ License without this special exception.
+ .
+ This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
+ version 2.2 of Bison.
+Files: storage/innobase/fts/
+ storage/innobase/fts/
+ storage/innobase/include/fts0pars.h
+Copyright: 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+License: GPL-3+-with-bison-exception
+License: GPL-3+-with-bison-exception
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ .
+ As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
+ part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
+ under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
+ parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
+ as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
+ the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
+ special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
+ Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
+ License without this special exception.
+ .
+ This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
+ version 2.2 of Bison.
+Files: include/t_ctype.h
+ strings/t_ctype.h
+Copyright: 2000 MySQL AB
+ 1998 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
+ 1998-1999 Pruet Boonma
+License: GPL-2
+Files: strings/strend.c
+Copyright: Richard A. O'Keefe.
+ 2000 TXT DataKonsult Ab & Monty Program Ab
+ 2009-2011, Monty Program Ab
+License: BSD-2-clause
+Files: sql/
+ sql/nt_servc.h
+Copyright: 1998 Abandoned Irena Pancirov - Irnet Snc
+License: public-domain
+Files: dbug/dbug.c
+ dbug/dbug_long.h
+Copyright: 1987 Abandoned Fred Fish
+License: public-domain
+Files: scripts/
+Copyright: 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems Inc
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: plugin/handler_socket/*
+ 2010 DeNA Co.,Ltd.
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: plugin/auth_gssapi/*
+Copyright: 2015 Shuang Qiu
+ 2015 Robbie Harwood
+License: BSD-2-clause
+Files: plugin/file_key_management/*
+Copyright: 2002-2012 eperi GmbH
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/mroonga/*
+Copyright: 2011-2015 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ 2011-2013 Kentoku SHIBA
+ 2010 Tetsuro IKEDA
+ 2014 Kenji Maruyama <>
+ 2014-2015 Naoya Murakami <>
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Files: storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/vendor/plugins/groonga-normalizer-mysql/*
+Copyright: 2009-2015 Brazil
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Files: storage/spider/*
+Copyright: 2008-2015 Kentoku Shiba
+License: GPL-2
+Files: pcre/*
+Copyright: 1997-2016 University of Cambridge
+ 2003-2014 Google Inc
+ 2009-2016 Zoltan Herczeg
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: plugin/semisync/*
+ 2007 Google Inc
+ 1995-2008 MySQL AB
+ 2008-2010 Sun Microsystems Inc
+License: GPL-2
+Files: */CMakeLists.txt
+ 2006-2011,2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates
+ 2009, 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc
+ 2006,2007 MySQL AB
+License: GPL-2
+Files: mysys/CMakeLists.txt
+Copyright: 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates
+License: GPL-2
+Files: plugin/server_audit/CMakeLists.txt
+Copyright: 2013 Alexey Botchkov and SkySQL Ab
+License: GPL-2
+Files: strings/ctype-win1250ch.c
+Copyright: 2002-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ 2001 Jan Pazdziora
+License: GPL-2
+Files: strings/ctype-tis620.c
+Copyright: 1998 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <>
+ 1989-1991 Samphan Raruenrom <>
+ 2000-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ 2003 Sathit Jittanupat
+ 2001 Korakot Chaovavanich <> and
+ 1998-1999 Pruet Boonma <>
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.h
+Copyright: 2000-2010 MySQL AB & Innobase Oy.
+License: GPL-2
+Files: strings/dtoa.c
+Copyright: 2007-2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ 1991,2000-2001 Lucent Technologies
+License: LGPL
+Files: scripts/
+ 2000-2002,2005-2008 MySQL AB
+ 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems Inc
+License: LGPL
+Files: libmysqld/
+Copyright: 2000 SWsoft company
+License: SWsoft
+ This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
+ or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
+ .
+ Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
+ without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
+ Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
+ provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
+ modified is included with the above copyright notice.
+Files: tests/
+Copyright: 1998 Abandoned TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
+License: public-domain
+Files: scripts/mysqlaccess.conf
+Copyright: 1997,
+License: GPL-2
+Files: debian/additions/innotop/*
+Copyright: 2006-2009, Baron Schwartz <>
+License: GPL-2 or Artistic
+Files: include/
+Copyright: 1996, 1999, 2001 MySQL AB
+License: public-domain
+Files: storage/federatedx/*
+ 2007 Antony T Curtis
+ 2008-2009 Patrick Galbraith
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: storage/tokudb/*
+Copyright: 2006-2015 Percona and/or its affiliates
+License: GPL-2
+Files: storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/depcomp
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/config.guess
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/compile
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/src/scripts/
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/config.sub
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/src/scripts/
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/lib/getopt_int.h
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/lib/
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/src/scripts/
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/src/scripts/
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/extra/scanlzma/scanlzma.c
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/missing
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/m4/*
+Copyright: 1987-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 1992,1993 Jean-loup Gailly
+ Andrew Dudman
+ Lasse Collin
+ 2006 Timo Lindfors
+ 1996 Fran,cois Pinard <>
+ 1996 Gordon Matzigkeit
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/m4/acx_pthread.m4
+Copyright: 2007 Steven G. Johnson <>
+License: GPL-3+
+Files: storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/lib/getopt*
+Copyright: 1987-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+Files: storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/lib/getopt_int.h
+Copyright: 1989-1994,1996-1999,2001,2003,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/install-sh
+Copyright: Copyright (C) 1994 X Consortium
+License: MIT/X11
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+ deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+ rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+ sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ .
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ .
+ .
+ Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not
+ be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other deal-
+ ings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consor-
+ tium.
+ .
+ FSF changes to this file are in the public domain.
+Files: storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/snappy-1.1.2/*
+Copyright: 2005-2011 Google Inc.
+License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: zlib/CMakeLists.txt
+Copyright: 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates
+License: GPL-2
+Files: cmake/systemd.cmake
+ include/my_systemd.h
+ scripts/mariadb-service-convert
+Copyright: 2015 Daniel Black
+License: GPL-2
+Files: wsrep/*
+ sql/wsrep_*
+ scripts/wsrep_*
+Copyright: 2008-2015 Codership Oy <>
+License: GPL-2
+License: GPL-2
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ .
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ On Debian and systems the full text of the GNU General Public
+ License version 2 can be found in the file
+ `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2`
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+License: GPL-2+
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ On Debian and systems the full text of the GNU General Public
+ License version 2 can be found in the file
+ `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2`
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+License: LGPL-2.1+
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ .
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
+ .
+ On Debian and systems the full text of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2.1 can be found in the file
+ `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1`
+License: LGPL
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
+ of the License.
+ .
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+ MA 02110-1301, USA
+ .
+ On Debian and systems the full text of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 can be found in the file
+ `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2`
+License: BSD-2-clause
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ met:
+ .
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ .
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must the following disclaimer in
+ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ distribution.
+License: BSD-3-clause
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
+ .
+License: Artistic
+ The "Artistic License"
+ .
+ Preamble
+ .
+ The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a
+ Package may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some
+ semblance of artistic control over the development of the package,
+ while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute
+ the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make
+ reasonable modifications.
+ .
+ Definitions:
+ .
+ "Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the
+ Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files
+ created through textual modification.
+ .
+ "Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been
+ modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes
+ of the Copyright Holder as specified below.
+ .
+ "Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or
+ copyrights for the package.
+ .
+ "You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing
+ this Package.
+ .
+ "Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the
+ basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved,
+ and so on. (You will not be required to justify it to the
+ Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large
+ as a market that must bear the fee.)
+ .
+ "Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item
+ itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item.
+ It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it
+ under the same conditions they received it.
+ .
+ 1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
+ Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
+ duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
+ .
+ 2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications
+ derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package
+ modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
+ .
+ 3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided
+ that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and
+ when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the
+ following:
+ .
+ a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
+ Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or
+ an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive
+ site such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include
+ your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
+ .
+ b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
+ .
+ c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict
+ with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide
+ a separate manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly
+ documents how it differs from the Standard Version.
+ .
+ d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+ .
+ 4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or
+ executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+ .
+ a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
+ together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where
+ to get the Standard Version.
+ .
+ b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of
+ the Package with your modifications.
+ .
+ c) give non-standard executables non-standard names, and clearly
+ document the differences in manual pages (or equivalent), together
+ with instructions on where to get the Standard Version.
+ .
+ d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+ .
+ 5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
+ Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this
+ Package. You may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However,
+ you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly
+ commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software
+ distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a
+ product of your own. You may embed this Package's interpreter within
+ an executable of yours (by linking); this shall be construed as a mere
+ form of aggregation, provided that the complete Standard Version of the
+ interpreter is so embedded.
+ .
+ 6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as
+ output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall
+ under the copyright of this Package, but belong to whoever generated
+ them, and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this
+ Package. If such scripts or library files are aggregated with this
+ Package via the so-called "undump" or "unexec" methods of producing a
+ binary executable image, then distribution of such an image shall
+ neither be construed as a distribution of this Package nor shall it
+ fall under the restrictions of Paragraphs 3 and 4, provided that you do
+ not represent such an executable image as a Standard Version of this
+ Package.
+ .
+ 7. C subroutines (or comparably compiled subroutines in other
+ languages) supplied by you and linked into this Package in order to
+ emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this
+ Package shall not be considered part of this Package, but are the
+ equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6, provided these subroutines do
+ not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the
+ regression tests for the language.
+ .
+ 8. Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is always
+ permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded; that is,
+ when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's interfaces visible
+ to the end user of the commercial distribution. Such use shall not be
+ construed as a distribution of this Package.
+ .
+ 9. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
+ products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ .
+ .
+ The End
+License: public-domain
+ The work is public domain (no license).
+License: GPL-3+
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
+ Public License version 3 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3".
+License: LGPL-2
+ This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ .
+ This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Lesser General
+ Public License can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2".
diff --git a/debian/gbp.conf b/debian/gbp.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e7ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/gbp.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Ignore requirement to use branch name 'master' to make it easier
+# for contributors to work with feature and bugfix branches
+ignore-branch = True
+# Always use pristine tar
+pristine-tar = True
+# Sign tags
+sign-tags = True
+filter = ['debian/*','debian/*/*','CVS','*.bak','*~','.cvsignore','.#*','autom4te/*','autom4te.cache/*','.svn']
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient-dev-compat.links b/debian/libmariadbclient-dev-compat.links
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6f6db40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient-dev-compat.links
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/mariadb.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mysqlclient.pc
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.README.Maintainer b/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.README.Maintainer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e1c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.README.Maintainer
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The examples directory includes files that might be needed by some
+- the example file udf_example.c
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.examples b/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.examples
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1649c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.examples
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.install b/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..403a324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient-dev.install
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+usr/share/pkgconfig/mariadb.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient18.install b/debian/libmariadbclient18.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb48c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient18.install
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22fdcad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ libmariadbclient18 #MINVER#
+ (arch=linux-any)_mysql_client_plugin_declaration_@Base 5.5.35
+ (arch=linux-any)get_tty_password_buff@Base 5.5.35 libmariadbclient18 #MINVER#
+ (arch=linux-any)THR_KEY_mysys@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)THR_KEY_mysys@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)alloc_dynamic@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)alloc_root@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)client_errors@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)client_errors@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)default_charset_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)default_charset_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)delete_dynamic@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)dynamic_column_create@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)dynamic_column_create_many@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)dynamic_column_exists@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)dynamic_column_get@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)dynamic_column_list@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)dynamic_column_prepare_decimal@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)dynamic_column_update@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)dynamic_column_update_many@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)dynstr_append@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)dynstr_append_mem@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)dynstr_append_os_quoted@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)dynstr_free@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)dynstr_realloc@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)free_defaults@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)free_defaults@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)free_root@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)get_charset@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)get_charset@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)get_charset_by_csname@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)get_charset_by_csname@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)get_dynamic@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)get_tty_password@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)get_tty_password@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)handle_options@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)handle_options@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)init_dynamic_array2@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)init_dynamic_string@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)int2str@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)is_prefix@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)is_prefix@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)libmariadbclient_16@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)libmariadbclient_18@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)list_add@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)list_delete@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)load_defaults@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)load_defaults@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)make_scrambled_password@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)make_scrambled_password_323@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_deinitialize_ssl@libmariadbclient_18 10.0.26
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_check@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_column_cmp_named@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_column_count@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_create_many_named@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_create_many_num@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_exists_named@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_exists_num@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_free@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_get_named@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_get_num@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_has_names@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_json@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_list_named@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_list_num@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_prepare_decimal@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_unpack@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_unpack_free@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_update_many_named@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_update_many_num@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_val_double@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_val_long@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mariadb_dyncol_val_str@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)my_charset_bin@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.38
+ (arch=linux-any)my_charset_latin1@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.38
+ (arch=linux-any)my_charset_utf8_general_ci@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.38
+ (arch=linux-any)my_end@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)my_free@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)my_init@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)my_init@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)my_make_scrambled_password@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)my_make_scrambled_password@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)my_malloc@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)my_memdup@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)my_print_help@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)my_print_help@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)my_progname@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.38
+ (arch=linux-any)my_realloc@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)my_strdup@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)myodbc_remove_escape@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)myodbc_remove_escape@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_affected_rows@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_affected_rows@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_autocommit@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_autocommit@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_autocommit_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_autocommit_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_change_user@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_change_user@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_change_user_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_change_user_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_character_set_name@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_character_set_name@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_client_errors@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_client_errors@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_client_find_plugin@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_client_register_plugin@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_close@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_close@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_close_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_close_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_commit@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_commit@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_commit_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_commit_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_data_seek@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_data_seek@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_debug@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_debug@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_default_charset_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_default_charset_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_dump_debug_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_dump_debug_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_dump_debug_info_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_dump_debug_info_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_embedded@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_embedded@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_eof@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_eof@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_errno@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_errno@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_error@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_error@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_escape_string@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_escape_string@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_field@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_field@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_field_direct@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_field_direct@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_fields@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_fields@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_lengths@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_lengths@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_row@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_row@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_row_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_fetch_row_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_field_count@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_field_count@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_field_seek@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_field_seek@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_field_tell@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_field_tell@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_free_result@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_free_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_free_result_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_free_result_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_character_set_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_character_set_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_charset@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_charset@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_charset_by_csname@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_charset_by_csname@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_client_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_client_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_client_version@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_client_version@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_host_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_host_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_parameters@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_parameters@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_proto_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_proto_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_server_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_server_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_server_version@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_server_version@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_socket@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_ssl_cipher@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_ssl_cipher@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_timeout_value@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_get_timeout_value_ms@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_hex_string@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_hex_string@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_info@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_info@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_init@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_init@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_insert_id@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_insert_id@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_kill@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_kill@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_kill_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_kill_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_dbs@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_dbs@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_dbs_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_dbs_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_fields@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_fields@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_fields_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_fields_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_processes@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_processes@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_processes_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_processes_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_tables@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_tables@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_tables_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_list_tables_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_load_plugin@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_load_plugin_v@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_more_results@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_more_results@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_net_field_length@libmariadbclient_18 10.0.26
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_net_read_packet@libmariadbclient_18 10.0.26
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_net_realloc@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_net_realloc@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_next_result@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_next_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_next_result_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_next_result_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_num_fields@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_num_fields@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_num_rows@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_num_rows@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_options4@libmariadbclient_18 10.0.14
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_options@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_options@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_ping@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_ping@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_ping_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_ping_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_plugin_options@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_query@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_query@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_query_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_query_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_read_query_result@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_read_query_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_read_query_result_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_read_query_result_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_connect@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_connect@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_connect_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_connect_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_escape_string@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_escape_string@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_query@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_query@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_query_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_real_query_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_refresh@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_refresh@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_refresh_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_refresh_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_rollback@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_rollback@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_rollback_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_rollback_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_row_seek@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_row_seek@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_row_tell@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_row_tell@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_select_db@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_select_db@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_select_db_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_select_db_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_send_query@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_send_query@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_send_query_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_send_query_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_server_end@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_server_end@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_server_init@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_server_init@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_character_set@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_character_set@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_character_set_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_character_set_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_local_infile_default@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_local_infile_default@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_local_infile_handler@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_local_infile_handler@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_server_option@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_server_option@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_server_option_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_set_server_option_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_shutdown@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_shutdown@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_shutdown_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_shutdown_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_sqlstate@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_sqlstate@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_ssl_set@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_ssl_set@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stat@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stat@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stat_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stat_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_affected_rows@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_affected_rows@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_attr_get@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_attr_get@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_attr_set@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_attr_set@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_bind_param@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_bind_param@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_bind_result@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_bind_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_close@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_close@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_close_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_close_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_data_seek@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_data_seek@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_errno@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_errno@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_error@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_error@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_execute@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_execute@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_execute_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_execute_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_fetch@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_fetch@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_fetch_column@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_fetch_column@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_fetch_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_fetch_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_field_count@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_field_count@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_free_result@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_free_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_free_result_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_free_result_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_init@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_init@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_insert_id@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_insert_id@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_next_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_next_result_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_next_result_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_num_rows@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_num_rows@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_param_count@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_param_count@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_param_metadata@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_param_metadata@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_prepare@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_prepare@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_prepare_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_prepare_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_reset@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_reset@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_reset_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_reset_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_result_metadata@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_result_metadata@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_row_seek@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_row_seek@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_row_tell@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_row_tell@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_send_long_data@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_send_long_data@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_send_long_data_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_send_long_data_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_sqlstate@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_sqlstate@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_store_result@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_store_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_store_result_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_stmt_store_result_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_store_result@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_store_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_store_result_cont@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_store_result_start@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_thread_end@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_thread_end@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_thread_id@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_thread_id@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_thread_init@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_thread_init@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_thread_safe@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_thread_safe@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_use_result@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_use_result@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_warning_count@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)mysql_warning_count@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)net_realloc@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)net_realloc@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)scramble@libmariadbclient_16 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)scramble@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.36
+ (arch=linux-any)set_dynamic@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)strdup_root@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)strend@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)strfill@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)strmake@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)strmake_root@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37
+ (arch=linux-any)strxmov@libmariadbclient_18 5.5.37 libmariadbclient18 #MINVER#
+ (arch=linux-any)_mysql_client_plugin_declaration_@Base 5.5.35
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.Base b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.Base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b54792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.Base
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@ libmariadbclient18 #MINVER#
+ PSI_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ PSI_server@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_COND_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_KEY_mysys@Base 5.5.36
+ THR_LOCK_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_heap@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_myisam@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_net@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_open@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_thread_count@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_double@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_date@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_time@Base 10.1.22
+ _Z11my_net_readP6st_net@Base 10.1.22
+ _dig_vec_lower@Base 10.1.22
+ _dig_vec_upper@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_sig_remember@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_signals@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_thread_var@Base 10.1.22
+ add_compiled_collation@Base 10.1.22
+ all_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ all_mysys_stages@Base 10.1.22
+ alloc_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ alloc_root@Base 5.5.37
+ allocate_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ array_append_string_unique@Base 10.1.22
+ autoset_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ bchange@Base 10.1.22
+ bin2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ bmove_upp@Base 10.1.22
+ calc_daynr@Base 10.1.22
+ calc_days_in_year@Base 10.1.22
+ cant_connect_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ charsets_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ check_date@Base 10.1.22
+ check_datetime_range@Base 10.1.22
+ check_scramble@Base 10.1.22
+ check_scramble_323@Base 10.1.22
+ check_time_range@Base 10.1.22
+ cleanup_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_advanced_command@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_list_fields@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_binary_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_change_user_result@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_prepare_result@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_statistics@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_safe_read@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_stmt_execute@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_unbuffered_fetch@Base 10.1.22
+ client_errors@Base 5.5.36
+ compiled_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ convert_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ copy_typelib@Base 10.1.22
+ create_random_string@Base 10.1.22
+ curr_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ days_in_month@Base 10.1.22
+ debug_sync_C_callback_ptr@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2bin@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2double@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2longlong@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2string@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_actual_fraction@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_add@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_bin_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_cmp@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_div@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_intg@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_is_zero@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_mod@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_mul@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_result_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_round@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_sub@Base 10.1.22
+ default_charset_info@Base 5.5.36
+ default_client_charset_info@Base 10.1.22
+ delete_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ delete_dynamic_element@Base 10.1.22
+ delete_dynamic_with_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ dirname_length@Base 10.1.22
+ dirname_part@Base 10.1.22
+ disabled_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ do_mini_left_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ do_mini_right_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ double2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ dynamic_column_create@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_create_many@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_exists@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_get@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_list@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_prepare_decimal@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_update@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_update_many@Base 5.5.36
+ dynstr_append@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_mem@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_os_quoted@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_quoted@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_free@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_realloc@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_reassociate@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_set@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_trunc@Base 10.1.22
+ enabled_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ end_server@Base 10.1.22
+ error_handler_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ escape_quotes_for_mysql@Base 10.1.22
+ escape_string_for_mysql@Base 10.1.22
+ fatal_error_handler_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ find_set_from_flags@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type_or_exit@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type_with_warning@Base 10.1.22
+ find_typeset@Base 10.1.22
+ finish_client_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ flush_one_result@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_ext2@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_ext@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_format@Base 10.1.22
+ free_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ free_defaults@Base 5.5.36
+ free_old_query@Base 10.1.22
+ free_root@Base 5.5.37
+ free_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ free_vio_ssl_acceptor_fd@Base 10.1.22
+ freeze_size@Base 10.1.22
+ get_attr_key@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset@Base 5.5.36
+ get_charset_by_csname@Base 5.5.36
+ get_charset_by_name@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset_name@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset_number@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charsets_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ get_client_errmsgs@Base 10.1.22
+ get_collation_number@Base 10.1.22
+ get_defaults_options@Base 10.1.22
+ get_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ get_global_errmsgs@Base 10.1.22
+ get_salt_from_password@Base 10.1.22
+ get_salt_from_password_323@Base 10.1.22
+ get_tty_password@Base 5.5.36
+ get_tty_password_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ get_type@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_compare_strings@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_double2ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_double_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ll_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ull_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ulonglong2double@Base 10.1.22
+ globerrs@Base 10.1.22
+ handle_local_infile@Base 10.1.22
+ handle_options@Base 5.5.36
+ has_path@Base 10.1.22
+ hash_password@Base 10.1.22
+ home_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ home_dir_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ init_alloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ init_client_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ init_compiled_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ init_dynamic_array2@Base 5.5.37
+ init_dynamic_string@Base 5.5.37
+ init_glob_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ insert_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ int10_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ int2str@Base 5.5.37
+ intern_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ internal_str2dec@Base 10.1.22
+ is_prefix@Base 5.5.36
+ key_BITMAP_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_COND_alarm@Base 10.1.22
+ key_COND_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond_writer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_append_buffer_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_KEY_CACHE_cache_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_alarm@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_uuid_generator@Base 10.1.22
+ key_SAFEHASH_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_COND_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_heap@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_myisam@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_net@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_open@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ key_TMPDIR_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_WT_RESOURCE_cond@Base 10.1.22
+ key_file_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ key_file_cnf@Base 10.1.22
+ key_my_thread_var_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_my_thread_var_suspend@Base 10.1.22
+ key_thread_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ libmysql_api_funcs@Base 10.1.22
+ list_add@Base 5.5.37
+ list_cons@Base 10.1.22
+ list_delete@Base 5.5.37
+ list_free@Base 10.1.22
+ list_length@Base 10.1.22
+ list_reverse@Base 10.1.22
+ list_walk@Base 10.1.22
+ llstr@Base 10.1.22
+ load_defaults@Base 5.5.36
+ log_10_int@Base 10.1.22
+ longlong2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ make_password_from_salt@Base 10.1.22
+ make_password_from_salt_323@Base 10.1.22
+ make_scrambled_password@Base 5.5.37
+ make_scrambled_password_323@Base 5.5.37
+ make_type@Base 10.1.22
+ mariadb_connection@Base 10.1.22
+ mariadb_deinitialize_ssl@Base 10.0.26
+ mariadb_dyncol_check@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_column_cmp_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_column_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_create_many_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_create_many_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_exists_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_exists_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_free@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_get_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_get_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_has_names@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_json@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_list_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_list_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_prepare_decimal@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_unpack@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_unpack_free@Base 5.5.37
+ mariadb_dyncol_update_many_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_update_many_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_double@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_long@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_str@Base 5.5.36
+ max_allowed_packet@Base 10.1.22
+ max_decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ memdup_root@Base 10.1.22
+ mpvio_info@Base 10.1.22
+ multi_alloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ my_TIME_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_assert_on_error@Base 10.1.22
+ my_atof@Base 10.1.22
+ my_az_allocator@Base 10.1.22
+ my_az_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_mb_varlen@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_str_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_ujis@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseinfo_cp932@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_mb_varlen@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_str_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_ujis@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charlen_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charpos_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charpos_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_8bit_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_big5_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_big5_chinese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_bin@Base 5.5.38
+ my_charset_cp1250_czech_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_cp932_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_cp932_japanese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_error_reporter@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_eucjpms_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_eucjpms_japanese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_euckr_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_euckr_korean_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_gb2312_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_gb2312_chinese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_gbk_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_gbk_chinese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_get_by_name@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_get_contractions@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_is_8bit_pure_ascii@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_is_ascii_based@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_is_ascii_compatible@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_latin1@Base 5.5.38
+ my_charset_latin1_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_latin1_german2_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_latin2_czech_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_loader_init_mysys@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_repertoire@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_same@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_sjis_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_sjis_japanese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_tis620_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_tis620_thai_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_bin@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_ucs2_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_general_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_general_mysql500_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_german2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_ucs2_hungarian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_icelandic_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_ucs2_polish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_roman_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_romanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_sinhala_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_slovak_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_ucs2_unicode_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_vietnamese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ujis_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ujis_japanese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_bin@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf16_croatian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf16_danish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_esperanto_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_general_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_german2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_hungarian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_icelandic_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf16_romanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf16_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf16_unicode_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_vietnamese_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf16le_general_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_bin@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf32_croatian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf32_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf32_hungarian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_icelandic_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_latvian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_lithuanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_myanmar_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_persian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_polish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_roman_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_romanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_sinhala_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_slovak_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_spanish2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_spanish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_swedish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_thai_520_w2@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf32_vietnamese_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_croatian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_danish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_latvian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8_lithuanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8_myanmar_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8_persian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8_polish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_slovak_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_thai_520_w2@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_unicode_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_croatian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_esperanto_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_general_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_german2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_handler@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_icelandic_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_latvian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_lithuanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_myanmar_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_polish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_roman_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_romanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_sinhala_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_vietnamese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_cleanup_options@Base 10.1.22
+ my_close@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_8bit_bin_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_8bit_simple_ci_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_any_uca_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_any_uca_handler_multilevel@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_get_by_name@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_get_tailoring@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_is_known_id@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_statistics_get_use_count@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_ucs2_uca_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_utf16_uca_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_utf32_uca_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_compress@Base 10.1.22
+ my_compress_alloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_compress_buffer@Base 10.1.22
+ my_connect_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_context_continue@Base 10.1.22
+ my_context_destroy@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_context_install_suspend_resume_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ my_context_spawn@Base 10.1.22
+ my_context_yield@Base 10.1.22
+ my_convert@Base 10.1.22
+ my_convert_fix@Base 10.1.22
+ my_convert_using_func@Base 10.1.22
+ my_copy_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_copy_fix_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_date_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_datetime_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_default_record_cache_size@Base 10.1.22
+ my_defaults_extra_file@Base 10.1.22
+ my_defaults_file@Base 10.1.22
+ my_defaults_group_suffix@Base 10.1.22
+ my_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_dirend@Base 10.1.22
+ my_disable_async_io@Base 10.1.22
+ my_disable_copystat_in_redel@Base 10.1.22
+ my_disable_flush_key_blocks@Base 10.1.22
+ my_disable_locking@Base 10.1.22
+ my_disable_symlinks@Base 10.1.22
+ my_disable_sync@Base 10.1.22
+ my_dont_interrupt@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_error_unregister@Base 10.1.22
+ my_error_unregister_all@Base 10.1.22
+ my_errorcheck_mutexattr@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fast_mutexattr@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fclose@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fcvt@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fdopen@Base 10.1.22
+ my_file_info@Base 10.1.22
+ my_file_info_default@Base 10.1.22
+ my_file_limit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_file_opened@Base 10.1.22
+ my_file_total_opened@Base 10.1.22
+ my_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fileno@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fill_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fopen@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fread@Base 10.1.22
+ my_free@Base 5.5.37
+ my_freopen@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fseek@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fstat@Base 10.1.22
+ my_ftell@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fwrite@Base 10.1.22
+ my_gcvt@Base 10.1.22
+ my_get_err_msg@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getcputime@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_error_reporter@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_is_args_separator@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_prefix_matching@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_print_errors@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_register_get_addr@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_skip_unknown@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_use_args_separator@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getwd@Base 10.1.22
+ my_global_flags@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_delete@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_element@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_first@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_first_from_hash_value@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_init2@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_insert@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_iterate@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_next@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_replace@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_reset@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_search@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_search_using_hash_value@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_8bit_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_latin1_de@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_update@Base 10.1.22
+ my_have_got_alarm@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hrtime@Base 10.1.22
+ my_init@Base 5.5.36
+ my_init_done@Base 10.1.22
+ my_init_mysys_psi_keys@Base 10.1.22
+ my_init_time@Base 10.1.22
+ my_instr_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_instr_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_interval_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ my_io_wait_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_is_symlink@Base 10.1.22
+ my_lengthsp_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_lengthsp_binary@Base 10.1.22
+ my_like_range_generic@Base 10.1.22
+ my_like_range_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_like_range_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_load_defaults@Base 10.1.22
+ my_load_path@Base 10.1.22
+ my_long10_to_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_longlong10_to_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_make_scrambled_password@Base 5.5.36
+ my_make_scrambled_password_323@Base 10.1.22
+ my_malloc@Base 5.5.37
+ my_mb_ctype_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mb_ctype_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mb_wc_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mbcharlen_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_memdup@Base 5.5.37
+ my_message@Base 10.1.22
+ my_message_stderr@Base 10.1.22
+ my_multi_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_multi_malloc_large@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mutex_end@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mutex_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_local_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_read_packet@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_set_read_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_set_write_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_write@Base 10.1.22
+ my_numcells_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_numcells_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_numchars_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_numchars_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_alloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_extra@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_memdup@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_root_block@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_strdup@Base 10.1.22
+ my_open@Base 10.1.22
+ my_open_parent_dir_nosymlinks@Base 10.1.22
+ my_parse_charset_xml@Base 10.1.22
+ my_pipe_sig_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_print_default_files@Base 10.1.22
+ my_print_help@Base 5.5.36
+ my_print_variables@Base 10.1.22
+ my_printf_error@Base 10.1.22
+ my_printv_error@Base 10.1.22
+ my_progname@Base 5.5.38
+ my_progname_short@Base 10.1.22
+ my_propagate_complex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_propagate_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_pthread_create_detached@Base 10.1.22
+ my_qsort@Base 10.1.22
+ my_read@Base 10.1.22
+ my_readlink@Base 10.1.22
+ my_realloc@Base 5.5.37
+ my_realpath@Base 10.1.22
+ my_recv_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_register_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ my_rnd@Base 10.1.22
+ my_rnd_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_rnd_ssl@Base 10.1.22
+ my_scan_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_search_option_files@Base 10.1.22
+ my_send_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_setwd@Base 10.1.22
+ my_snprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_snprintf_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_ssl_read_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_ssl_write_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_stat@Base 10.1.22
+ my_str_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_str_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_str_realloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_str_realloc_default@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strcasecmp_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strcasecmp_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strcasecmp_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strdup@Base 5.5.37
+ my_stream_opened@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strerror@Base 10.1.22
+ my_string_metadata_get@Base 10.1.22
+ my_string_repertoire@Base 10.1.22
+ my_string_repertoire_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_string_stack_guard@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strndup@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnncoll_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnncoll_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnncollsp_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnncollsp_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntod_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntol_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntoll_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntoul_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntoull10rnd_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntoull_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrm_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrm_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrm_unicode@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrm_unicode_full_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrmlen_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrmlen_unicode@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrmlen_unicode_full_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strtod@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strtoll10@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strtoll10_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strxfrm_desc_and_reverse@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strxfrm_flag_normalize@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strxfrm_pad_desc_and_reverse@Base 10.1.22
+ my_symlink@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_count@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_dir_by_file@Base 10.1.22
+ my_system_gmt_sec@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thr_key_mysys_exists@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_dbug_id@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_destroy_common_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_destroy_internal_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_end@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_end_wait_time@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_end@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_reinit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_name@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_stack_size@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_var_mutex_in_use@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_to_wait_for_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ my_timeval_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_tmp_file_created@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_can_be_contraction_head@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_can_be_contraction_tail@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_contraction2_weight@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v400@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v520_th@Base 10.1.22
+ my_umask@Base 10.1.22
+ my_umask_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uncompress@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uni_ctype@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_default@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_mysql500@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_pages_mysql500@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_pages_unicode520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_turkish@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_unicode520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_use_symdir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vfprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vsnprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vsnprintf_ex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wc_mb_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wc_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_char_length_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_len_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_len_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_uca@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_unicode@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_error_lineno@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_error_pos@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_error_string@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_parse@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_parser_create@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_parser_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_enter_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_leave_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_user_data@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_value_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ myodbc_remove_escape@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_affected_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_character_set_name@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_client_builtins@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_client_find_plugin@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_client_plugin_deinit@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_client_plugin_init@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_client_register_plugin@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_close@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_close_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_close_slow_part@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_close_slow_part_cont@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_close_slow_part_start@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_close_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_data_home@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_data_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_debug@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_detach_stmt_list@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_dump_debug_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_dump_debug_info_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_dump_debug_info_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_embedded@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_eof@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_errno@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_error@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_escape_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_field@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_field_direct@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_lengths@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_character_set_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_client_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_client_version@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_host_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_parameters@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_proto_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_server_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_server_name@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_get_server_version@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_socket@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_ssl_cipher@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_timeout_value@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_timeout_value_ms@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_hex_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_init_character_set@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_insert_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_load_plugin@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_load_plugin_v@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_more_results@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_net_field_length@Base 10.0.26
+ mysql_net_read_packet@Base 10.0.26
+ mysql_next_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_next_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_next_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_num_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_num_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_options4@Base 10.0.14
+ mysql_options@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_plugin_options@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_port@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_default_options@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_read_query_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_query_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_query_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_escape_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_reconnect@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_refresh@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_refresh_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_refresh_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_row_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_row_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_end@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_last_errno@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_server_last_error@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_set_character_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_character_set_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_character_set_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_local_infile_default@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_local_infile_handler@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_socket_vio_new@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_sqlstate@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ssl_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stdin@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_stmt_affected_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_attr_get@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_attr_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_bind_param@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_bind_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_data_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_errno@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_error@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_column@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_field_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_insert_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_num_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_param_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_param_metadata@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_result_metadata@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_row_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_row_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_sqlstate@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_end@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_safe@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_unix_port@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_use_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_warning_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysys_test_invalid_symlink@Base 10.1.22
+ mysys_usage_id@Base 10.1.22
+ net_buffer_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_clear@Base 10.1.22
+ net_clear_error@Base 10.1.22
+ net_end@Base 10.1.22
+ net_field_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_field_length_ll@Base 10.1.22
+ net_flush@Base 10.1.22
+ net_real_write@Base 10.1.22
+ net_realloc@Base 5.5.36
+ net_store_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_write_command@Base 10.1.22
+ new_VioSSLAcceptorFd@Base 10.1.22
+ new_VioSSLConnectorFd@Base 10.1.22
+ normalize_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ not_error_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ number_to_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ number_to_time@Base 10.1.22
+ octet2hex@Base 10.1.22
+ opt_flush_ok_packet@Base 10.1.22
+ pack_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ pack_time@Base 10.1.22
+ plugin_list@Base 10.1.22
+ pop_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ print_defaults@Base 10.1.22
+ proc_info_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ pthread_dummy@Base 10.1.22
+ read_user_name@Base 10.1.22
+ reset_root_defaults@Base 10.1.22
+ resolve_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ resolve_collation@Base 10.1.22
+ run_plugin_auth@Base 10.1.22
+ safe_net_field_length_ll@Base 10.1.22
+ safe_net_store_length@Base 10.1.22
+ scramble@Base 5.5.36
+ scramble_323@Base 10.1.22
+ send_client_connect_attrs@Base 10.1.22
+ set_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ set_malloc_size_cb@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysql_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysql_extended_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysys_var@Base 10.1.22
+ set_prealloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ set_psi_server@Base 10.1.22
+ set_stmt_errmsg@Base 10.1.22
+ set_stmt_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_zero_time@Base 10.1.22
+ sf_leaking_memory@Base 10.1.22
+ soundex_map@Base 10.1.22
+ sql_protocol_names_lib@Base 10.1.22
+ sql_protocol_typelib@Base 10.1.22
+ sslGetErrString@Base 10.1.22
+ sslaccept@Base 10.1.22
+ sslconnect@Base 10.1.22
+ stage_waiting_for_table_level_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ str2int@Base 10.1.22
+ str_to_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ str_to_time@Base 10.1.22
+ strcend@Base 10.1.22
+ strdup_root@Base 5.5.37
+ strend@Base 5.5.37
+ strlength@Base 10.1.22
+ strmake@Base 5.5.37
+ strmake_root@Base 5.5.37
+ strmov_overlapp@Base 10.1.22
+ strnmov@Base 10.1.22
+ strxmov@Base 5.5.37
+ strxnmov@Base 10.1.22
+ system_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ test_if_hard_path@Base 10.1.22
+ thai_contractions@Base 10.1.22
+ thai_contractions_w2@Base 10.1.22
+ thd_lib_detected@Base 10.1.22
+ thr_set_sync_wait_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ timed_mutexes@Base 10.1.22
+ uca520_length@Base 10.1.22
+ uca520_length_w2@Base 10.1.22
+ ullstr@Base 10.1.22
+ ulonglong2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ unknown_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_fields@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_time@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_buff_has_data@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_close@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_delete@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_description@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_end@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_errno@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_fastsend@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_fd@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_get_normalized_ip_string@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_getnameinfo@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_io_wait@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_connected@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_no_name_error@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_keepalive@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_new@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_peer_addr@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_read@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_read_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_reset@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_set_wait_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_should_retry@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_connect@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_io_wait@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_shutdown@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_close@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_delete@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_has_data@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_read@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_write@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_type@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_was_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_write@Base 10.1.22
+ wait_for_free_space@Base 10.1.22
+ year_2000_handling@Base 10.1.22
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.hurd-i386 b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.hurd-i386
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a807a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.hurd-i386
@@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@ libmariadbclient18 #MINVER#
+ PSI_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ PSI_server@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_COND_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_KEY_mysys@Base 5.5.36
+ THR_LOCK_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_heap@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_myisam@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_net@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_open@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_thread_count@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_double@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_date@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_time@Base 10.1.22
+ _Z11my_net_readP6st_net@Base 10.1.22
+ _dig_vec_lower@Base 10.1.22
+ _dig_vec_upper@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_sig_remember@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_signals@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_thread_var@Base 10.1.22
+ add_compiled_collation@Base 10.1.22
+ all_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ all_mysys_stages@Base 10.1.22
+ alloc_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ alloc_root@Base 5.5.37
+ allocate_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ array_append_string_unique@Base 10.1.22
+ autoset_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ bchange@Base 10.1.22
+ bin2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ bmove_upp@Base 10.1.22
+ calc_daynr@Base 10.1.22
+ calc_days_in_year@Base 10.1.22
+ cant_connect_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ charsets_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ check_date@Base 10.1.22
+ check_datetime_range@Base 10.1.22
+ check_scramble@Base 10.1.22
+ check_scramble_323@Base 10.1.22
+ check_time_range@Base 10.1.22
+ cleanup_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_advanced_command@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_list_fields@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_binary_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_change_user_result@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_prepare_result@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_statistics@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_safe_read@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_stmt_execute@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_unbuffered_fetch@Base 10.1.22
+ client_errors@Base 5.5.36
+ compiled_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ convert_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ copy_typelib@Base 10.1.22
+ create_random_string@Base 10.1.22
+ curr_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ days_in_month@Base 10.1.22
+ debug_sync_C_callback_ptr@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2bin@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2double@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2longlong@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2string@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_actual_fraction@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_add@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_bin_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_cmp@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_div@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_intg@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_is_zero@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_mod@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_mul@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_result_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_round@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_sub@Base 10.1.22
+ default_charset_info@Base 5.5.36
+ default_client_charset_info@Base 10.1.22
+ delete_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ delete_dynamic_element@Base 10.1.22
+ delete_dynamic_with_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ dirname_length@Base 10.1.22
+ dirname_part@Base 10.1.22
+ disabled_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ do_mini_left_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ do_mini_right_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ double2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ dynamic_column_create@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_create_many@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_exists@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_get@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_list@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_prepare_decimal@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_update@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_update_many@Base 5.5.36
+ dynstr_append@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_mem@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_os_quoted@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_quoted@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_free@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_realloc@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_reassociate@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_set@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_trunc@Base 10.1.22
+ enabled_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ end_server@Base 10.1.22
+ error_handler_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ escape_quotes_for_mysql@Base 10.1.22
+ escape_string_for_mysql@Base 10.1.22
+ fatal_error_handler_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ find_set_from_flags@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type_or_exit@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type_with_warning@Base 10.1.22
+ find_typeset@Base 10.1.22
+ finish_client_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ flush_one_result@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_ext2@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_ext@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_format@Base 10.1.22
+ free_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ free_defaults@Base 5.5.36
+ free_old_query@Base 10.1.22
+ free_root@Base 5.5.37
+ free_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ free_vio_ssl_acceptor_fd@Base 10.1.22
+ freeze_size@Base 10.1.22
+ get_attr_key@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset@Base 5.5.36
+ get_charset_by_csname@Base 5.5.36
+ get_charset_by_name@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset_name@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset_number@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charsets_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ get_client_errmsgs@Base 10.1.22
+ get_collation_number@Base 10.1.22
+ get_defaults_options@Base 10.1.22
+ get_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ get_global_errmsgs@Base 10.1.22
+ get_salt_from_password@Base 10.1.22
+ get_salt_from_password_323@Base 10.1.22
+ get_tty_password@Base 5.5.36
+ get_tty_password_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ get_type@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_compare_strings@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_double2ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_double_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ll_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ull_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ulonglong2double@Base 10.1.22
+ globerrs@Base 10.1.22
+ handle_local_infile@Base 10.1.22
+ handle_options@Base 5.5.36
+ has_path@Base 10.1.22
+ hash_password@Base 10.1.22
+ home_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ home_dir_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ init_alloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ init_client_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ init_compiled_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ init_dynamic_array2@Base 5.5.37
+ init_dynamic_string@Base 5.5.37
+ init_glob_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ insert_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ int10_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ int2str@Base 5.5.37
+ intern_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ internal_str2dec@Base 10.1.22
+ is_prefix@Base 5.5.36
+ key_BITMAP_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_COND_alarm@Base 10.1.22
+ key_COND_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond_writer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_append_buffer_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_KEY_CACHE_cache_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_alarm@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_uuid_generator@Base 10.1.22
+ key_SAFEHASH_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_COND_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_heap@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_myisam@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_net@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_open@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ key_TMPDIR_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_WT_RESOURCE_cond@Base 10.1.22
+ key_file_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ key_file_cnf@Base 10.1.22
+ key_my_thread_var_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_my_thread_var_suspend@Base 10.1.22
+ key_thread_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ libmysql_api_funcs@Base 10.1.22
+ list_add@Base 5.5.37
+ list_cons@Base 10.1.22
+ list_delete@Base 5.5.37
+ list_free@Base 10.1.22
+ list_length@Base 10.1.22
+ list_reverse@Base 10.1.22
+ list_walk@Base 10.1.22
+ ll2str@Base 10.1.22
+ llstr@Base 10.1.22
+ load_defaults@Base 5.5.36
+ log_10_int@Base 10.1.22
+ longlong10_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ longlong2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ make_password_from_salt@Base 10.1.22
+ make_password_from_salt_323@Base 10.1.22
+ make_scrambled_password@Base 5.5.37
+ make_scrambled_password_323@Base 5.5.37
+ make_type@Base 10.1.22
+ mariadb_connection@Base 10.1.22
+ mariadb_deinitialize_ssl@Base 10.0.26
+ mariadb_dyncol_check@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_column_cmp_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_column_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_create_many_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_create_many_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_exists_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_exists_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_free@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_get_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_get_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_has_names@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_json@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_list_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_list_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_prepare_decimal@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_unpack@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_unpack_free@Base 5.5.37
+ mariadb_dyncol_update_many_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_update_many_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_double@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_long@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_str@Base 5.5.36
+ max_allowed_packet@Base 10.1.22
+ max_decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ memdup_root@Base 10.1.22
+ mpvio_info@Base 10.1.22
+ multi_alloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ my_TIME_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_assert_on_error@Base 10.1.22
+ my_atof@Base 10.1.22
+ my_az_allocator@Base 10.1.22
+ my_az_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_mb_varlen@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_str_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_ujis@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseinfo_cp932@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_mb_varlen@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_str_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_ujis@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charlen_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charpos_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charpos_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_8bit_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_big5_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_big5_chinese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_bin@Base 5.5.38
+ my_charset_cp1250_czech_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_cp932_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_cp932_japanese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_error_reporter@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_eucjpms_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_eucjpms_japanese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_euckr_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_euckr_korean_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_gb2312_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_gb2312_chinese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_gbk_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_gbk_chinese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_get_by_name@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_get_contractions@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_is_8bit_pure_ascii@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_is_ascii_based@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_is_ascii_compatible@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_latin1@Base 5.5.38
+ my_charset_latin1_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_latin1_german2_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_latin2_czech_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_loader_init_mysys@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_repertoire@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_same@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_sjis_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_sjis_japanese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_tis620_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_tis620_thai_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_croatian_mysql561_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_croatian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_czech_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_danish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_esperanto_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_general_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_general_mysql500_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_german2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_hungarian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_icelandic_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_latvian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_lithuanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_myanmar_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_persian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_polish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_roman_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_romanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_sinhala_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_slovak_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_spanish2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_spanish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_swedish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_ucs2_turkish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_unicode_520_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_unicode_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ucs2_vietnamese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ujis_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_ujis_japanese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_croatian_mysql561_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_croatian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_czech_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_danish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_esperanto_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_general_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_german2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_hungarian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_icelandic_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_latvian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_lithuanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_myanmar_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_persian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_polish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_roman_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_romanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_sinhala_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_slovak_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_spanish2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_spanish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_swedish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_thai_520_w2@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_turkish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_unicode_520_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_unicode_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16_vietnamese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16le_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf16le_general_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_croatian_mysql561_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_croatian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_czech_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_danish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_esperanto_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_general_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_german2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_hungarian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_icelandic_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_latvian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_lithuanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_myanmar_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_persian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_polish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_roman_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_romanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_sinhala_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf32_slovak_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_spanish_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8_unicode_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_croatian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_estonian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_german2_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_hungarian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_icelandic_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_latvian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_roman_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_romanian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_slovenian_uca_ci@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_charset_utf8mb4_vietnamese_ci@Base 10.1.22
+ my_cleanup_options@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_collation_8bit_simple_ci_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_any_uca_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_any_uca_handler_multilevel@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_get_by_name@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_get_tailoring@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_is_known_id@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_statistics_get_use_count@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_ucs2_uca_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_utf16_uca_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_collation_utf32_uca_handler@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_compress_alloc@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_context_install_suspend_resume_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ my_context_spawn@Base 10.1.22
+ my_context_yield@Base 10.1.22
+ my_convert@Base 10.1.22
+ my_convert_fix@Base 10.1.22
+ my_convert_using_func@Base 10.1.22
+ my_copy_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_copy_fix_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_date_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_datetime_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_default_record_cache_size@Base 10.1.22
+ my_defaults_extra_file@Base 10.1.22
+ my_defaults_file@Base 10.1.22
+ my_defaults_group_suffix@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_disable_copystat_in_redel@Base 10.1.22
+ my_disable_flush_key_blocks@Base 10.1.22
+ my_disable_locking@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_error_unregister@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_fileno@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fill_8bit@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_fread@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_ftell@Base 10.1.22
+ my_fwrite@Base 10.1.22
+ my_gcvt@Base 10.1.22
+ my_get_err_msg@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getcputime@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_error_reporter@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_is_args_separator@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_prefix_matching@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_print_errors@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_register_get_addr@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_skip_unknown@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getopt_use_args_separator@Base 10.1.22
+ my_getwd@Base 10.1.22
+ my_global_flags@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_delete@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_element@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_first@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_first_from_hash_value@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_init2@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_hash_iterate@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_hash_reset@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_search@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_search_using_hash_value@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_8bit_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_latin1_de@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_sort_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hash_update@Base 10.1.22
+ my_have_got_alarm@Base 10.1.22
+ my_hrtime@Base 10.1.22
+ my_init@Base 5.5.36
+ my_init_done@Base 10.1.22
+ my_init_mysys_psi_keys@Base 10.1.22
+ my_init_time@Base 10.1.22
+ my_instr_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_instr_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_interval_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ my_io_wait_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_is_symlink@Base 10.1.22
+ my_lengthsp_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_lengthsp_binary@Base 10.1.22
+ my_like_range_generic@Base 10.1.22
+ my_like_range_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_like_range_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_load_defaults@Base 10.1.22
+ my_load_path@Base 10.1.22
+ my_long10_to_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_longlong10_to_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_make_scrambled_password@Base 5.5.36
+ my_make_scrambled_password_323@Base 10.1.22
+ my_malloc@Base 5.5.37
+ my_mb_ctype_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mb_ctype_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mb_wc_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mbcharlen_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_memdup@Base 5.5.37
+ my_message@Base 10.1.22
+ my_message_stderr@Base 10.1.22
+ my_multi_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_multi_malloc_large@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mutex_end@Base 10.1.22
+ my_mutex_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_local_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_read_packet@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_set_read_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_set_write_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ my_net_write@Base 10.1.22
+ my_numcells_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_numcells_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_numchars_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_numchars_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_alloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_extra@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_memdup@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_root_block@Base 10.1.22
+ my_once_strdup@Base 10.1.22
+ my_open@Base 10.1.22
+ my_parse_charset_xml@Base 10.1.22
+ my_pipe_sig_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_print_default_files@Base 10.1.22
+ my_print_help@Base 5.5.36
+ my_print_variables@Base 10.1.22
+ my_printf_error@Base 10.1.22
+ my_printv_error@Base 10.1.22
+ my_progname@Base 5.5.38
+ my_progname_short@Base 10.1.22
+ my_propagate_complex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_propagate_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_pthread_create_detached@Base 10.1.22
+ my_qsort@Base 10.1.22
+ my_read@Base 10.1.22
+ my_readlink@Base 10.1.22
+ my_realloc@Base 5.5.37
+ my_realpath@Base 10.1.22
+ my_recv_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_register_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ my_rnd@Base 10.1.22
+ my_rnd_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_rnd_ssl@Base 10.1.22
+ my_scan_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_search_option_files@Base 10.1.22
+ my_send_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_setwd@Base 10.1.22
+ my_snprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_snprintf_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_ssl_read_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_ssl_write_async@Base 10.1.22
+ my_stat@Base 10.1.22
+ my_str_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_str_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_str_realloc@Base 10.1.22
+ my_str_realloc_default@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strcasecmp_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strcasecmp_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strcasecmp_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strdup@Base 5.5.37
+ my_stream_opened@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strerror@Base 10.1.22
+ my_string_metadata_get@Base 10.1.22
+ my_string_repertoire@Base 10.1.22
+ my_string_repertoire_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_string_stack_guard@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strndup@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnncoll_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnncoll_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnncollsp_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnncollsp_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntod_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntol_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntoll_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntoul_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntoull10rnd_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strntoull_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrm_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrm_simple@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_strnxfrm_unicode_full_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrmlen_simple@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrmlen_unicode@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strnxfrmlen_unicode_full_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strtod@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strtoll10@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strtoll10_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strxfrm_desc_and_reverse@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strxfrm_flag_normalize@Base 10.1.22
+ my_strxfrm_pad_desc_and_reverse@Base 10.1.22
+ my_symlink@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_count@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_dir_by_file@Base 10.1.22
+ my_system_gmt_sec@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thr_key_mysys_exists@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_dbug_id@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_destroy_common_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_destroy_internal_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_end@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_end_wait_time@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_end@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_reinit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_name@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_stack_size@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_var_mutex_in_use@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_to_wait_for_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ my_timeval_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_tmp_file_created@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_can_be_contraction_head@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_can_be_contraction_tail@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_contraction2_weight@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v400@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v520_th@Base 10.1.22
+ my_umask@Base 10.1.22
+ my_umask_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uncompress@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uni_ctype@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_default@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_mysql500@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_pages_mysql500@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_pages_unicode520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_turkish@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_unicode520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_use_symdir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vfprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vsnprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vsnprintf_ex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wc_mb_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wc_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_char_length_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_len_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_len_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_uca@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_unicode@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_error_lineno@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_xml_set_user_data@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_value_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ myodbc_remove_escape@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_affected_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_character_set_name@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_client_builtins@Base 10.1.22
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+ mysql_client_plugin_deinit@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_client_plugin_init@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_client_register_plugin@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_close@Base 5.5.36
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+ mysql_close_slow_part_cont@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_close_slow_part_start@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_close_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_data_home@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_data_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_debug@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_detach_stmt_list@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_dump_debug_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_dump_debug_info_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_dump_debug_info_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_embedded@Base 5.5.36
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+ mysql_errno@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_error@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_escape_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_field@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_field_direct@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_lengths@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_character_set_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_client_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_client_version@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_host_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_parameters@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_proto_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_server_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_server_name@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_get_server_version@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_socket@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_ssl_cipher@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_timeout_value@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_timeout_value_ms@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_hex_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_init_character_set@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_insert_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_load_plugin@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_load_plugin_v@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_more_results@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_net_field_length@Base 10.0.26
+ mysql_net_read_packet@Base 10.0.26
+ mysql_next_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_next_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_next_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_num_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_num_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_options4@Base 10.0.14
+ mysql_options@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_plugin_options@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_port@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_default_options@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_read_query_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_query_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_query_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_escape_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_reconnect@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_refresh@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_refresh_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_refresh_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_row_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_row_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_end@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_last_errno@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_server_last_error@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_set_character_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_character_set_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_character_set_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_local_infile_default@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_local_infile_handler@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_socket_vio_new@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_sqlstate@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ssl_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stdin@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_stmt_affected_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_attr_get@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_attr_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_bind_param@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_bind_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_data_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_errno@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_error@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_column@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_field_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_insert_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_num_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_param_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_param_metadata@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_result_metadata@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_row_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_row_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_sqlstate@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_end@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_safe@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_unix_port@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_use_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_warning_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysys_test_invalid_symlink@Base 10.1.22
+ mysys_usage_id@Base 10.1.22
+ net_buffer_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_clear@Base 10.1.22
+ net_clear_error@Base 10.1.22
+ net_end@Base 10.1.22
+ net_field_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_field_length_ll@Base 10.1.22
+ net_flush@Base 10.1.22
+ net_real_write@Base 10.1.22
+ net_realloc@Base 5.5.36
+ net_store_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_write_command@Base 10.1.22
+ new_VioSSLAcceptorFd@Base 10.1.22
+ new_VioSSLConnectorFd@Base 10.1.22
+ normalize_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ not_error_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ number_to_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ number_to_time@Base 10.1.22
+ octet2hex@Base 10.1.22
+ opt_flush_ok_packet@Base 10.1.22
+ pack_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ pack_time@Base 10.1.22
+ plugin_list@Base 10.1.22
+ pop_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ print_defaults@Base 10.1.22
+ proc_info_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ pthread_dummy@Base 10.1.22
+ read_user_name@Base 10.1.22
+ reset_root_defaults@Base 10.1.22
+ resolve_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ resolve_collation@Base 10.1.22
+ run_plugin_auth@Base 10.1.22
+ safe_net_field_length_ll@Base 10.1.22
+ safe_net_store_length@Base 10.1.22
+ scramble@Base 5.5.36
+ scramble_323@Base 10.1.22
+ send_client_connect_attrs@Base 10.1.22
+ set_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ set_malloc_size_cb@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysql_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysql_extended_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysys_var@Base 10.1.22
+ set_prealloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ set_psi_server@Base 10.1.22
+ set_stmt_errmsg@Base 10.1.22
+ set_stmt_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_zero_time@Base 10.1.22
+ sf_leaking_memory@Base 10.1.22
+ soundex_map@Base 10.1.22
+ sql_protocol_names_lib@Base 10.1.22
+ sql_protocol_typelib@Base 10.1.22
+ sslGetErrString@Base 10.1.22
+ sslaccept@Base 10.1.22
+ sslconnect@Base 10.1.22
+ stage_waiting_for_table_level_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ str2int@Base 10.1.22
+ str_to_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ str_to_time@Base 10.1.22
+ strcend@Base 10.1.22
+ strdup_root@Base 5.5.37
+ strend@Base 5.5.37
+ strlength@Base 10.1.22
+ strmake@Base 5.5.37
+ strmake_root@Base 5.5.37
+ strmov_overlapp@Base 10.1.22
+ strnmov@Base 10.1.22
+ strxmov@Base 5.5.37
+ strxnmov@Base 10.1.22
+ system_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ test_if_hard_path@Base 10.1.22
+ thai_contractions@Base 10.1.22
+ thai_contractions_w2@Base 10.1.22
+ thd_lib_detected@Base 10.1.22
+ thr_set_sync_wait_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ timed_mutexes@Base 10.1.22
+ uca520_length@Base 10.1.22
+ uca520_length_w2@Base 10.1.22
+ ullstr@Base 10.1.22
+ ulonglong2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ unknown_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_fields@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_time@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_buff_has_data@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_close@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_delete@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_description@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_end@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_errno@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_fastsend@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_fd@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_get_normalized_ip_string@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_getnameinfo@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_io_wait@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_connected@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_no_name_error@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_keepalive@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_new@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_peer_addr@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_read@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_read_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_reset@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_set_wait_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_should_retry@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_connect@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_io_wait@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_shutdown@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_close@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_delete@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_has_data@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_read@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_write@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_type@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_was_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_write@Base 10.1.22
+ wait_for_free_space@Base 10.1.22
+ year_2000_handling@Base 10.1.22
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.kfreebsd-amd64 b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.kfreebsd-amd64
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..83dd280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.kfreebsd-amd64
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+libmariadbclient18.symbols.Base \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.kfreebsd-i386 b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.kfreebsd-i386
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..956ce41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbclient18.symbols.kfreebsd-i386
@@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@ libmariadbclient18 #MINVER#
+ PSI_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ PSI_server@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_COND_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_KEY_mysys@Base 5.5.36
+ THR_LOCK_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_heap@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_myisam@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_net@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_open@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_LOCK_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ THR_thread_count@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_double@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_date@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ TIME_to_ulonglong_time@Base 10.1.22
+ _Z11my_net_readP6st_net@Base 10.1.22
+ _dig_vec_lower@Base 10.1.22
+ _dig_vec_upper@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_sig_remember@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_signals@Base 10.1.22
+ _my_thread_var@Base 10.1.22
+ add_compiled_collation@Base 10.1.22
+ all_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ all_mysys_stages@Base 10.1.22
+ alloc_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ alloc_root@Base 5.5.37
+ allocate_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ array_append_string_unique@Base 10.1.22
+ autoset_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ bchange@Base 10.1.22
+ bin2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ bmove_upp@Base 10.1.22
+ calc_daynr@Base 10.1.22
+ calc_days_in_year@Base 10.1.22
+ cant_connect_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ charsets_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ check_date@Base 10.1.22
+ check_datetime_range@Base 10.1.22
+ check_scramble@Base 10.1.22
+ check_scramble_323@Base 10.1.22
+ check_time_range@Base 10.1.22
+ cleanup_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_advanced_command@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_list_fields@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_binary_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_change_user_result@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_prepare_result@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_read_statistics@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_safe_read@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_stmt_execute@Base 10.1.22
+ cli_unbuffered_fetch@Base 10.1.22
+ client_errors@Base 5.5.36
+ compiled_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ convert_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ copy_typelib@Base 10.1.22
+ create_random_string@Base 10.1.22
+ curr_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ days_in_month@Base 10.1.22
+ debug_sync_C_callback_ptr@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2bin@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2double@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2longlong@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2string@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal2ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_actual_fraction@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_add@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_bin_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_cmp@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_div@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_intg@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_is_zero@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_mod@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_mul@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_result_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_round@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_size@Base 10.1.22
+ decimal_sub@Base 10.1.22
+ default_charset_info@Base 5.5.36
+ default_client_charset_info@Base 10.1.22
+ delete_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ delete_dynamic_element@Base 10.1.22
+ delete_dynamic_with_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ dirname_length@Base 10.1.22
+ dirname_part@Base 10.1.22
+ disabled_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ do_mini_left_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ do_mini_right_shift@Base 10.1.22
+ double2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ dynamic_column_create@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_create_many@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_exists@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_get@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_list@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_prepare_decimal@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_update@Base 5.5.36
+ dynamic_column_update_many@Base 5.5.36
+ dynstr_append@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_mem@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_os_quoted@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_append_quoted@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_free@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_realloc@Base 5.5.37
+ dynstr_reassociate@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_set@Base 10.1.22
+ dynstr_trunc@Base 10.1.22
+ enabled_my_option@Base 10.1.22
+ end_server@Base 10.1.22
+ error_handler_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ escape_quotes_for_mysql@Base 10.1.22
+ escape_string_for_mysql@Base 10.1.22
+ fatal_error_handler_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ find_set_from_flags@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type_or_exit@Base 10.1.22
+ find_type_with_warning@Base 10.1.22
+ find_typeset@Base 10.1.22
+ finish_client_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ flush_one_result@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_ext2@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_ext@Base 10.1.22
+ fn_format@Base 10.1.22
+ free_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ free_defaults@Base 5.5.36
+ free_old_query@Base 10.1.22
+ free_root@Base 5.5.37
+ free_rows@Base 10.1.22
+ free_vio_ssl_acceptor_fd@Base 10.1.22
+ freeze_size@Base 10.1.22
+ get_attr_key@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset@Base 5.5.36
+ get_charset_by_csname@Base 5.5.36
+ get_charset_by_name@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset_name@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charset_number@Base 10.1.22
+ get_charsets_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ get_client_errmsgs@Base 10.1.22
+ get_collation_number@Base 10.1.22
+ get_defaults_options@Base 10.1.22
+ get_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ get_global_errmsgs@Base 10.1.22
+ get_salt_from_password@Base 10.1.22
+ get_salt_from_password_323@Base 10.1.22
+ get_tty_password@Base 5.5.36
+ get_tty_password_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ get_type@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_compare_strings@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_double2ulonglong@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_double_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ll_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ull_limit_value@Base 10.1.22
+ getopt_ulonglong2double@Base 10.1.22
+ globerrs@Base 10.1.22
+ handle_local_infile@Base 10.1.22
+ handle_options@Base 5.5.36
+ has_path@Base 10.1.22
+ hash_password@Base 10.1.22
+ home_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ home_dir_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ init_alloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ init_client_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ init_compiled_charsets@Base 10.1.22
+ init_dynamic_array2@Base 5.5.37
+ init_dynamic_string@Base 5.5.37
+ init_glob_errs@Base 10.1.22
+ insert_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ int10_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ int2str@Base 5.5.37
+ intern_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ internal_str2dec@Base 10.1.22
+ is_prefix@Base 5.5.36
+ key_BITMAP_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_COND_alarm@Base 10.1.22
+ key_COND_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_cond_writer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_SHARE_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_IO_CACHE_append_buffer_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_KEY_CACHE_cache_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_alarm@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ key_LOCK_uuid_generator@Base 10.1.22
+ key_SAFEHASH_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_COND_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_heap@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_malloc@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_myisam@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_net@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_open@Base 10.1.22
+ key_THR_LOCK_threads@Base 10.1.22
+ key_TMPDIR_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_WT_RESOURCE_cond@Base 10.1.22
+ key_file_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ key_file_cnf@Base 10.1.22
+ key_my_thread_var_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ key_my_thread_var_suspend@Base 10.1.22
+ key_thread_timer@Base 10.1.22
+ libmysql_api_funcs@Base 10.1.22
+ list_add@Base 5.5.37
+ list_cons@Base 10.1.22
+ list_delete@Base 5.5.37
+ list_free@Base 10.1.22
+ list_length@Base 10.1.22
+ list_reverse@Base 10.1.22
+ list_walk@Base 10.1.22
+ ll2str@Base 10.1.22
+ llstr@Base 10.1.22
+ load_defaults@Base 5.5.36
+ log_10_int@Base 10.1.22
+ longlong10_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ longlong2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ make_password_from_salt@Base 10.1.22
+ make_password_from_salt_323@Base 10.1.22
+ make_scrambled_password@Base 5.5.37
+ make_scrambled_password_323@Base 5.5.37
+ make_type@Base 10.1.22
+ mariadb_connection@Base 10.1.22
+ mariadb_deinitialize_ssl@Base 10.0.26
+ mariadb_dyncol_check@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_column_cmp_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_column_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_create_many_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_create_many_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_exists_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_exists_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_free@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_get_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_get_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_has_names@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_json@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_list_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_list_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_prepare_decimal@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_unpack@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_unpack_free@Base 5.5.37
+ mariadb_dyncol_update_many_named@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_update_many_num@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_double@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_long@Base 5.5.36
+ mariadb_dyncol_val_str@Base 5.5.36
+ max_allowed_packet@Base 10.1.22
+ max_decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ memdup_root@Base 10.1.22
+ mpvio_info@Base 10.1.22
+ multi_alloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ my_TIME_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_assert_on_error@Base 10.1.22
+ my_atof@Base 10.1.22
+ my_az_allocator@Base 10.1.22
+ my_az_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_mb_varlen@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_str_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_str_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_casedn_ujis@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseinfo_cp932@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_caseup_mb_varlen@Base 10.1.22
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+ my_symlink@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_count@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_sync_dir_by_file@Base 10.1.22
+ my_system_gmt_sec@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thr_key_mysys_exists@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_dbug_id@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_destroy_common_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_destroy_internal_mutex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_end@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_end_wait_time@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_end@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_global_reinit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_name@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_stack_size@Base 10.1.22
+ my_thread_var_mutex_in_use@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_init@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_time_to_wait_for_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ my_timeval_to_str@Base 10.1.22
+ my_tmp_file_created@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_can_be_contraction_head@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_can_be_contraction_tail@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_contraction2_weight@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v400@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uca_v520_th@Base 10.1.22
+ my_umask@Base 10.1.22
+ my_umask_dir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uncompress@Base 10.1.22
+ my_uni_ctype@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_default@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_mysql500@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_pages_mysql500@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_pages_unicode520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_turkish@Base 10.1.22
+ my_unicase_unicode520@Base 10.1.22
+ my_use_symdir@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vfprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vsnprintf@Base 10.1.22
+ my_vsnprintf_ex@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wc_mb_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wc_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_char_length_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_len_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_well_formed_len_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_8bit@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_mb@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_mb_bin@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_uca@Base 10.1.22
+ my_wildcmp_unicode@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_error_lineno@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_error_pos@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_error_string@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_parse@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_parser_create@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_parser_free@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_enter_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_leave_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_user_data@Base 10.1.22
+ my_xml_set_value_handler@Base 10.1.22
+ myodbc_remove_escape@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_affected_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_autocommit_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_change_user_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_character_set_name@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_client_builtins@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_client_find_plugin@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_client_plugin_deinit@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_client_plugin_init@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_client_register_plugin@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_close@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_close_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_close_slow_part@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_close_slow_part_cont@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_close_slow_part_start@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_close_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_commit_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_data_home@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_data_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_debug@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_detach_stmt_list@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_dump_debug_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_dump_debug_info_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_dump_debug_info_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_embedded@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_eof@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_errno@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_error@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_escape_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_field@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_field_direct@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_lengths@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_fetch_row_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_field_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_free_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_character_set_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_client_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_client_version@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_host_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_parameters@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_proto_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_server_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_server_name@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_get_server_version@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_socket@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_ssl_cipher@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_timeout_value@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_get_timeout_value_ms@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_hex_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_info@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_init_character_set@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_insert_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_kill_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_dbs_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_fields_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_processes_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_list_tables_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_load_plugin@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_load_plugin_v@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_more_results@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_net_field_length@Base 10.0.26
+ mysql_net_read_packet@Base 10.0.26
+ mysql_next_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_next_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_next_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_num_fields@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_num_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_options4@Base 10.0.14
+ mysql_options@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ping_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_plugin_options@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_port@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_default_options@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_read_query_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_query_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_read_query_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_connect_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_escape_string@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_real_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_reconnect@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_refresh@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_refresh_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_refresh_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_rollback_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_row_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_row_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_select_db_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_send_query_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_end@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_server_last_errno@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_server_last_error@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_set_character_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_character_set_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_character_set_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_local_infile_default@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_local_infile_handler@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_set_server_option_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_shutdown_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_socket_vio_new@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_sqlstate@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_ssl_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stat_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stdin@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_stmt_affected_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_attr_get@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_attr_set@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_bind_param@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_bind_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_close_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_data_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_errno@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_error@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_execute_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_column@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_fetch_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_field_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_free_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_insert_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_next_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_num_rows@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_param_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_param_metadata@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_prepare_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_reset_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_result_metadata@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_row_seek@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_row_tell@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_send_long_data_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_sqlstate@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_stmt_store_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result_cont@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_store_result_start@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_end@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_id@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_init@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_thread_safe@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_unix_port@Base 10.1.22
+ mysql_use_result@Base 5.5.36
+ mysql_warning_count@Base 5.5.36
+ mysys_test_invalid_symlink@Base 10.1.22
+ mysys_usage_id@Base 10.1.22
+ net_buffer_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_clear@Base 10.1.22
+ net_clear_error@Base 10.1.22
+ net_end@Base 10.1.22
+ net_field_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_field_length_ll@Base 10.1.22
+ net_flush@Base 10.1.22
+ net_real_write@Base 10.1.22
+ net_realloc@Base 5.5.36
+ net_store_length@Base 10.1.22
+ net_write_command@Base 10.1.22
+ new_VioSSLAcceptorFd@Base 10.1.22
+ new_VioSSLConnectorFd@Base 10.1.22
+ normalize_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ not_error_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ number_to_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ number_to_time@Base 10.1.22
+ octet2hex@Base 10.1.22
+ opt_flush_ok_packet@Base 10.1.22
+ pack_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ pack_time@Base 10.1.22
+ plugin_list@Base 10.1.22
+ pop_dynamic@Base 10.1.22
+ print_defaults@Base 10.1.22
+ proc_info_hook@Base 10.1.22
+ pthread_dummy@Base 10.1.22
+ read_user_name@Base 10.1.22
+ reset_root_defaults@Base 10.1.22
+ resolve_charset@Base 10.1.22
+ resolve_collation@Base 10.1.22
+ run_plugin_auth@Base 10.1.22
+ safe_net_field_length_ll@Base 10.1.22
+ safe_net_store_length@Base 10.1.22
+ scramble@Base 5.5.36
+ scramble_323@Base 10.1.22
+ send_client_connect_attrs@Base 10.1.22
+ set_dynamic@Base 5.5.37
+ set_malloc_size_cb@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysql_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysql_extended_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_mysys_var@Base 10.1.22
+ set_prealloc_root@Base 10.1.22
+ set_psi_server@Base 10.1.22
+ set_stmt_errmsg@Base 10.1.22
+ set_stmt_error@Base 10.1.22
+ set_zero_time@Base 10.1.22
+ sf_leaking_memory@Base 10.1.22
+ soundex_map@Base 10.1.22
+ sql_protocol_names_lib@Base 10.1.22
+ sql_protocol_typelib@Base 10.1.22
+ sslGetErrString@Base 10.1.22
+ sslaccept@Base 10.1.22
+ sslconnect@Base 10.1.22
+ stage_waiting_for_table_level_lock@Base 10.1.22
+ str2int@Base 10.1.22
+ str_to_datetime@Base 10.1.22
+ str_to_time@Base 10.1.22
+ strcend@Base 10.1.22
+ strdup_root@Base 5.5.37
+ strend@Base 5.5.37
+ strlength@Base 10.1.22
+ strmake@Base 5.5.37
+ strmake_root@Base 5.5.37
+ strmov_overlapp@Base 10.1.22
+ strnmov@Base 10.1.22
+ strxmov@Base 5.5.37
+ strxnmov@Base 10.1.22
+ system_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ test_if_hard_path@Base 10.1.22
+ thai_contractions@Base 10.1.22
+ thai_contractions_w2@Base 10.1.22
+ thd_lib_detected@Base 10.1.22
+ thr_set_sync_wait_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ timed_mutexes@Base 10.1.22
+ uca520_length@Base 10.1.22
+ uca520_length_w2@Base 10.1.22
+ ullstr@Base 10.1.22
+ ulonglong2decimal@Base 10.1.22
+ unknown_sqlstate@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_dirname@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_fields@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_filename@Base 10.1.22
+ unpack_time@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_buff_has_data@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_close@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_delete@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_description@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_end@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_errno@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_fastsend@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_fd@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_get_normalized_ip_string@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_getnameinfo@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_io_wait@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_connected@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_is_no_name_error@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_keepalive@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_new@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_peer_addr@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_read@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_read_buff@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_reset@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_set_wait_callback@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_should_retry@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_connect@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_io_wait@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_shutdown@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_socket_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_blocking@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_close@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_delete@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_has_data@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_read@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_ssl_write@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_type@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_was_timeout@Base 10.1.22
+ vio_write@Base 10.1.22
+ wait_for_free_space@Base 10.1.22
+ year_2000_handling@Base 10.1.22
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbd-dev.install b/debian/libmariadbd-dev.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4608bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbd-dev.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbd18.install b/debian/libmariadbd18.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb5f477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbd18.install
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/libmariadbd18.lintian-overrides b/debian/libmariadbd18.lintian-overrides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5da74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmariadbd18.lintian-overrides
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# OK as the MariaDB package is not anyway allowed to use MySQL name
+libmariadbd18: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libmysqld18
diff --git a/debian/license-reconcile.yml b/debian/license-reconcile.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e9d015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/license-reconcile.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ rules:
+ -
+ Glob: storage/maria/ma_commit.c storage/maria/trnman.h storage/maria/trnman_public.h storage/maria/unittest/trnman-t.c include/waiting_threads.h unittest/mysys/waiting_threads-t.c mysys/waiting_threads.c storage/maria/trnman.c include/maria.h
+ Copyright:
+ - MySQL AB,
+ - 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
+ -
+ Glob: storage/tokudb/ft-index/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/install-sh
+ License: MIT/X11
+ -
+ Glob: storage/connect/*
+ Copyright: 1993-2014 Olivier Bertrand
+ -
+ Glob: client/async_example.c include/my_context.h mysys/my_context.c storage/connect/inihandl.c \
+ storage/tokudb/ft-index/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/lib/getopt.c storage/tokudb/ft-index/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/lib/ \
+ storage/tokudb/ft-index/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/lib/getopt1.c storage/connect/inihandl.c \
+ tests/nonblock-wrappers.h tests/async_queries.c sql-common/mysql_async.c
+ License: LGPL-2.1+
+ -
+ Glob: mysys/my_port.c
+ License: LGPL-2
+ -
+ Glob: debian/additions/innotop/*
+ License: GPL-2 or Artistic
+ -
+ Glob: storage/innobase/include/pars0grm.h storage/innobase/pars/ \
+ storage/xtradb/include/pars0grm.h storage/xtradb/pars/
+ License: GPL-2+-with-bison-exception
+ -
+ Glob: storage/innobase/fts/ sql/ sql/sql_yacc.h storage/innobase/include/fts0pars.h \
+ storage/xtradb/fts/ storage/xtradb/include/fts0pars.h
+ License: GPL-3+-with-bison-exception
+ -
+ Glob: storage/connect/inihandl.c
+ VerifyLicense: LGPL-2.1+
+ -
+ Glob: storage/tokudb/ft-index/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/m4/acx_pthread.m4
+ License: GPL-3+
+ -
+ Glob: plugin/auth_pam/testing/pam_mariadb_mtr.c
+ License: public-domain
+ -
+ Glob: plugin/locale_info/ plugin/qc_info/
+ License: BSD-3-clause
+ -
+ Glob: mysys/waiting_threads.c
+ Copyright:
+ - 2011, 2013, Monty Program Ab,
+ - 2008 MySQL AB,
+ - 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
+ -
+ Glob: storage/innobase/ut/ storage/xtradb/ut/
+ License: GPL-2 and BSD-2-clause
+ -
+ Glob: storage/oqgraph/graphcore-graph.h storage/oqgraph/graphcore.h storage/oqgraph/ \
+ storage/oqgraph/graphcore-types.h storage/oqgraph/graphcore-config.h storage/oqgraph/ \
+ storage/oqgraph/oqgraph_judy.* storage/oqgraph/oqgraph_shim.* storage/oqgraph/oqgraph_thunk.*
+ License: GPL-2+
+ -
+ Glob: include/maria.h include/myisamchk.h
+ License: GPL-2+
+ -
+ Glob: storage/maria/ma_rt_index.c storage/maria/ma_rt_mbr.c storage/maria/ma_sp_defs.h storage/maria/ma_rt_index.h storage/maria/ma_rt_mbr.h
+ Copyright: MySQL AB, Ramil Kalimullin, MySQL Finland AB
+ -
+ Glob: extra/yassl*COPYING
+ Contains: Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ CopyrightExtract: &extract Copyright\s+\([Cc]\)\s(\Y+[\w\s,]+)\.
+ License: GPL-verbatim
+ -
+ Glob: storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
+ VerifyLicense: GPL-2
+ -
+ Glob: storage/innobase/COPYING.*
+ CopyrightExtract: *extract
+ -
+ Glob: scripts/mysqlaccess.conf
+ MaxVersion: 5.6
+ License: GPL-2
+ Copyright: 1997
+ -
+ Glob: mysys/sha1.c
+ MaxVersion: 5.6
+ Copyright:
+ - 2002, 2004, 2006 MySQL AB
+ - 2001 The Internet Society
+ -
+ Glob: regex/regexp.c
+ MaxVersion: 5.6
+ CopyrightExtract: *extract
+ VerifyLicense: UNKNOWN
+ License: BSD-like
+ -
+ Glob: libmysqld/
+ MaxVersion: 5.6
+ CopyrightExtract: \s*\*\s*Copyright\s*\(c\)\s+(\Y+\s*\*\s+SWsoft\s+company)
+ License: SWsoft
+ -
+ Glob: debian/additions/mysqlreport*
+ MaxVersion: 5.6
+ Copyright: Daniel Nichter <>
+ -
+ Glob: include/
+ MaxVersion: 5.6
+ Copyright: 1996, 1999, 2001 MySQL AB
+ License: public-domain
+ -
+ Glob: cmd-line-utils/readline/COPYING extra/yassl/taocrypt/COPYING
+ Copyright: 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ -
+ Glob: s*.h
+ VerifyLicense: BSD (3 clause) GPL (v2)
+ License: BSD-3-clause or GPL-2
+ -
+ Glob: cmd-line-utils/readline* sql/* s*.sh
+ VerifyLicense: GPL (v2 or later)
+ License: GPL-2+
+ CopyrightExtract: &CE (?:(?:Copyright\s+\(C\)\s+(\Y+Google\s+Inc)\.\s*\R+)|(?:Copyright\s+\([Cc]\)\s+(\Y+(?:\s*\R\Y+)?\s*Free\s+Software\s+Foundation,\s+Inc)\.\s*\R+)|(?:Copyright\s+\(c\)\s+(\Y+Oracle\s+and/or\s+its\s+affiliates)\.\s+All\s+rights\s+reserved\.\s+\&\s+(tommy\@valley\.ne\.jp)\.\s*\R+)|(?:Copyright\s+\(c\)\s+(\Y+Sun\s+Microsystems,\s+Inc)\.\s*\R+)|(?:Copyright\s+\(c\)\s+(\Y+Innobase\s+Oy)\.\s+All\s+Rights\s+Reserved\.\s+\R+)|(?:/\*\ Copyright\ \(C\)\ (\Y+MySQL\ AB)\s*\R+)|(?:/\*\ Copyright\ \(C\)\ (\Y+MySQL\ AB)\ \&\ ([\w\ ]+)\s*\R+)|(?:(?:/\*|\#)?\s*Copyright\s+(?:\(c\)\s+)?(\Y+MySQL\s+AB),\s+(\Y+Sun\s+Microsystems,\s+Inc)\.\s*\R+)|(?:Copyright\s+\(c\)\s+(\Y+Oracle\s+and/or\s+its\s+affiliates)\.\s+All\s+rights\s+reserved\.\s*\R+)|(?:\s*This\s+program\s+is\s+free\s+software[\w\s;/\.,-]{620,680}\*/\s*/\*\s+Written\s+by\s+([\s\w\.]+),\s+who\s+has\s+a\s+shared\s+copyright\s+to\s+this\s+code))+
+ -
+ Glob: scripts/*.pl
+ VerifyLicense: BSD (3 clause)
+ License: BSD-3-clause
+ CopyrightExtract: *CE
+ -
+ Glob: cmd-line-utils/*
+ MMagic: text/plain
+ VerifyLicense: BSD
+ Matches: \s*[\#\*]\s+Copyright\s+\(c\)\s+(?:1989,\s+)?(?:1990,\s+)?(?:1992,\s+)?1993\s+[\#\*]\s+The\s+Regents\s+of\s+the\s+University\s+of\s+California
+ Copyright: 1989-1990, 1992-1993, The Regents of the University of California
+ -
+ Glob: zlib* storage/archive/azlib.h
+ MMagic: text/plain
+ CopyrightExtract: (?:(?:\s+Copyright\s+\(C\)\s+(\Y+Jean-loup\s+Gailly)\s+and\s+(Mark\s+Adler)\s*\R+)|(?:\s+\*\s+Copyright\s+\(C\)\s+(\Y+Jean-loup\s+Gailly)\.\s*\R+)|(?:\s+\*\s+Copyright\s+\(C\)\s+(\Y+Mark\s+Adler)\s*\R+))+
+ -
+ Glob: sql/* storage/* mysys/*
+ MMagic: text/plain
+ VerifyLicense: Public domain GPL (v2)
+ License: GPL-2
+ CopyrightExtract: *CE
+ -
+ Glob: s* plugin/* mysql-test/*.p[lm] tests/* mysys/* unittest/* include/* extra/* dbug/*.pl cmd-line-utils/readline*
+ VerifyLicense: GPL (v2)
+ CopyrightExtract: *CE
+ -
+ Glob: extra/*
+ MMagic: text/plain
+ VerifyLicense: UNKNOWN
+ CopyrightExtract: *CE
+ Matches: \s+This\s+file\s+is\s+free\s+documentation;\s+the\s+Free\s+Software\s+Foundation\s+gives\s+unlimited\s+permission\s+to\s+copy,\s+distribute\s+and\s+modify\s+it.
+ License: unlimited-free-doc
+ -
+ Glob: storage/ndb/src/common/util/md5_hash.cpp
+ MaxVersion: 5.6
+ MMagic: text/plain
+ Contains: |
+ /*
+ * This code implements the MD5 message-digest algorithm.
+ * The algorithm is due to Ron Rivest. This code was
+ * written by Colin Plumb in 1993, no copyright is claimed.
+ * This code is in the public domain; do with it what you wish.
+ *
+ * Equivalent code is available from RSA Data Security, Inc.
+ * This code has been tested against that, and is equivalent,
+ * except that you don't need to include two pages of legalese
+ * with every copy.
+ *
+ * The code has been modified by Mikael Ronstroem to handle
+ * calculating a hash value of a key that is always a multiple
+ * of 4 bytes long. Word 0 of the calculated 4-word hash value
+ * is returned as the hash value.
+ */
+ Matches: the\s+Free\s+Software\s+Foundation;\s+version\s+2\s+of\s+the\s+License.
+ License: GPL-2
+ Copyright: Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
+ Justification: Seems to have been taken out of public domain by Oracle.
+ -
+ Glob: mysys/md5.c
+ MaxVersion: 5.6
+ MMagic: text/plain
+ Contains: |
+ /* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+ /*
+ * This code implements the MD5 message-digest algorithm.
+ * The algorithm is due to Ron Rivest. This code was
+ * written by Colin Plumb in 1993, no copyright is claimed.
+ * This code is in the public domain; do with it what you wish.
+ *
+ * Equivalent code is available from RSA Data Security, Inc.
+ * This code has been tested against that, and is equivalent,
+ * except that you don't need to include two pages of legalese
+ * with every copy.
+ *
+ * To compute the message digest of a chunk of bytes, declare an
+ * MD5Context structure, pass it to MD5Init, call MD5Update as
+ * needed on buffers full of bytes, and then call MD5Final, which
+ * will fill a supplied 16-byte array with the digest.
+ */
+ /* This code was modified in 1997 by Jim Kingdon of Cyclic Software to
+ not require an integer type which is exactly 32 bits. This work
+ draws on the changes for the same purpose by Tatu Ylonen
+ <> as part of SSH, but since I didn't actually use
+ that code, there is no copyright issue. I hereby disclaim
+ copyright in any changes I have made; this code remains in the
+ public domain. */
+ License: GPL-2
+ Copyright: Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB
+ Justification: Seems to have been taken out of public domain by Oracle.
+ -
+ Glob: storage/ndb/test/include/getarg.h
+ MaxVersion: 5.5.30
+ Copyright: |
+ 2003 MySQL AB
+ 1997-1999 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
+ License: BSD (3 clause) or GPL-2
+ Justification: Check the actual file but this looks like a dual-license to me
+ -
+ Glob: dbug/*
+ Matches: Copyright\s+Abandoned,\s+1987,\s+Fred\s+Fish\s+\*\s+\*\s+\*\s+\*\s+\*\s+\*\s+This\s+previously\s+copyrighted\s+work\s+has\s+been\s+placed\s+into\s+the\s+public\s+\*\s+\*\s+domain\s+by\s+the\s+author\s+and\s+may\s+be\s+freely\s+used\s+for\s+any\s+purpose,\s+\*\s+\*\s+private\s+or\s+commercial\.
+ Copyright: 1987 Abandoned Fred Fish
+ License: public-domain
+ license: GPL-2+
+ rules:
+ -
+ Copyright: 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ License: GPL-2
+ Justification: This is taken from the README file.
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.README.Debian b/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.README.Debian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64f0f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.README.Debian
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Q: My <tab> completion is gone, why?
+A: You have "no-auto-rehash" in the "[mysql]" section of /etc/mysql/my.cnf!
diff --git a/debian/ b/debian/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e845566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.install b/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88c0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.install
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+debian/additions/innotop/innotop usr/bin/
+debian/additions/innotop/innotop.1 usr/share/man/man1/
+debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-client.cnf etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
+debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysql-clients.cnf etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
+debian/additions/mysqlreport usr/bin/
+debian/additions/mysqlreport.1 usr/share/man/man1/
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.links b/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.links
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a50496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-client-10.1.links
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+usr/bin/mysqlcheck usr/bin/mysqlanalyze
+usr/bin/mysqlcheck usr/bin/mysqloptimize
+usr/bin/mysqlcheck usr/bin/mysqlrepair
+usr/share/man/man1/mysqlcheck.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/mysqlanalyze.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/mysqlcheck.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/mysqloptimize.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/mysqlcheck.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/mysqlrepair.1.gz
diff --git a/debian/ b/debian/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ad800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# According to /usr/share/menu/ policy 1.4, not /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/
+?package(mariadb-client-10.1):needs="text" section="Applications/Data Management"\
+ title="Innotop" command="/usr/bin/innotop"
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-client-core-10.1.install b/debian/mariadb-client-core-10.1.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..199f979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-client-core-10.1.install
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-client-core-10.1.links b/debian/mariadb-client-core-10.1.links
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc31c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-client-core-10.1.links
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+usr/bin/mysql usr/bin/mariadb
+usr/bin/mysqlcheck usr/bin/mariadbcheck
+usr/share/man/man1/mysql.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/mariadb.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/mysqlcheck.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/mariadbcheck.1.gz
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-common.dirs b/debian/mariadb-common.dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aba956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-common.dirs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-common.install b/debian/mariadb-common.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..611c7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-common.install
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+debian/additions/mariadb.cnf etc/mysql/
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-common.postinst b/debian/mariadb-common.postinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a8037e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-common.postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+ configure)
+ # New packaging paradigm for my.cnf handling among MySQL variants
+ # Used in Ubuntu since Dec-2014 and in Debian since Jul-2015
+ #
+ # If the new mysql-common package does not provide
+ # the update-alternatives facility, notify user about manual fall back
+ if [ -f /usr/share/mysql-common/configure-symlinks ]
+ then
+ /usr/share/mysql-common/configure-symlinks install mariadb "/etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf"
+ else
+ # As configure can be called many times, don't re-create the symlink
+ # if it is there already
+ if [ ! -L /etc/mysql/my.cnf ]
+ then
+ echo "Notice: configure-symlinks trigger could not be called."
+ echo "Please manually create symlinks by running: "
+ echo " mv -f /etc/mysql/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf.old"
+ echo " ln -sf mariadb.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-common.postrm b/debian/mariadb-common.postrm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0bfa26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-common.postrm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+ remove|disappear)
+ # New packaging paradigm for my.cnf handling among MySQL variants
+ # Used in Ubuntu since Dec-2014 and in Debian since Jul-2015
+ if [ -f /usr/share/mysql-common/configure-symlinks ]
+ then
+ /usr/share/mysql-common/configure-symlinks remove mariadb "/etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf"
+ fi
+ ;;
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-common.preinst b/debian/mariadb-common.preinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84dfeee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-common.preinst
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+set -e
+if [ "$1" = "install" ] || [ "$1" = "upgrade" ]; then
+ if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl "10.0.20-3~" ; then
+ # revert fallback my.cnf symlink setup performed by mariadb-common
+ # from 10.0.17-1~exp2 upto 10.0.20-2
+ if [ -L /etc/mysql/my.cnf ] && [ -f /etc/mysql/my.cnf.old ]; then
+ if [ "$(readlink /etc/mysql/my.cnf)" = "mariadb.cnf" ]; then
+ echo "Reverting my.cnf -> mariadb.cnf symlink setup by mariadb-common"
+ rm /etc/mysql/my.cnf
+ mv /etc/mysql/my.cnf.old /etc/mysql/my.cnf
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-connect.install b/debian/mariadb-plugin-connect.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cce428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-connect.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-cracklib-password-check.install b/debian/mariadb-plugin-cracklib-password-check.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a424a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-cracklib-password-check.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+etc/mysql/conf.d/cracklib_password_check.cnf etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-gssapi-client.install b/debian/mariadb-plugin-gssapi-client.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9506cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-gssapi-client.install
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server.install b/debian/mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed09a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+etc/mysql/conf.d/auth_gssapi.cnf etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.install b/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28cea62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.install
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.postinst b/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.postinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70b8929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set -e
+# Install Mroonga
+# No user or password parameter is required with new MariaDB that
+# has unix socket authentication support by default.
+mysql < /usr/share/mysql/mroonga/install.sql || true
+# Always exit with success instead of leaving dpkg in a broken state
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.prerm b/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.prerm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f1a1c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-mroonga.prerm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set -e
+# Install Mroonga
+# No user or password parameter is required with new MariaDB that
+# has unix socket authentication support by default.
+mysql < /usr/share/mysql/mroonga/uninstall.sql || true
+# Always exit with success instead of leaving dpkg in a broken state
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-oqgraph.install b/debian/mariadb-plugin-oqgraph.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3025352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-oqgraph.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+etc/mysql/conf.d/oqgraph.cnf etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-spider.install b/debian/mariadb-plugin-spider.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82b3229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-spider.install
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-spider.postinst b/debian/mariadb-plugin-spider.postinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e43d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-spider.postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set -e
+# Install Spider
+# No user or password parameter is required with new MariaDB that
+# has unix socket authentication support by default.
+mysql < /usr/share/mysql/install_spider.sql || true
+# Always exit with success instead of leaving dpkg in a broken state
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-plugin-tokudb.install b/debian/mariadb-plugin-tokudb.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcef309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-plugin-tokudb.install
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+etc/mysql/conf.d/tokudb.cnf etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
+usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/ usr/share/doc/mariadb-plugin-tokudb/
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.NEWS b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b7f602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+mariadb-10.1 (10.1.20-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ MariaDB is now the default MySQL variant in Debian, at version 10.1. The
+ Stretch release introduces a new mechanism for switching the default
+ variant, using metapackages created from the 'mysql-defaults' source
+ package. For example, installing the metapackage 'default-mysql-server' will
+ install 'mariadb-server-10.1'. Users who had 'mysql-server-5.5' or
+ 'mysql-server-5.6' will have it removed and replaced by the MariaDB
+ equivalent. Similarly, installing 'default-mysql-client' will install
+ 'mariadb-client-10.1'.
+ Note that the database binary data file formats are not backwards
+ compatible, so once you have upgraded to MariaDB 10.1 you will not be able
+ to switch back to any previous version of MariaDB or MySQL unless you have a
+ proper database dump. Therefore, before upgrading, please make backups of
+ all important databases with an appropriate tool such as 'mysqldump'.
+ The 'virtual-mysql-*' and 'default-mysql-*' packages will continue to exist.
+ MySQL continues to be maintained in Debian, in the unstable release. See the
+ page more information about the
+ mysql-related software available in Debian.
+ -- Otto Kekäläinen <> Tue, 14 Mar 2017 16:21:58 +0200
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.README.Debian b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.README.Debian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a73c3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.README.Debian
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+First check the contents of syslog (or systemd journal) and then check the
+logs at /var/log/mysql/ for any hints of what might be wrong.
+From MariaDB 10.1 onwards the upstream mariadb.service and mariadb@.service are
+used to provide the full systemd experience. Some features available in
+traditional /etc/init.d/mysql have been changed. For details see
+Please note that the MariaDB packaging in official Debian repositories are of
+a completely new generation compared to the legacy packaging used in
+repositories. You cannot mix and match MariaDB 10.1 packages from official
+Debian (or Ubuntu) repositories with packages from repositories.
+Packages from the repositories include the revision string '+maria'.
+If a repository is enabled, learn to use apt pinning properly.
+Please do not file bugs in Debian regarding packages with '+maria' in the
+revision string.
+On new installs no root password is set and no debian-sys-maint user is
+created anymore. Instead the MariaDB root account is set to be authenticated
+using the unix socket, e.g. any mysqld invocation by root or via sudo will
+let the user see the mysqld prompt.
+You may never ever delete the mysql user "root". Although it has no password
+is set, the unix_auth plugin ensure that it can only be run locally as the root
+The credentials in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf specify the user which is used by the
+init scripts to stop the server and perform logrotation. This used to be the
+debian-sys-maint user which is no longer used as root can run directly.
+If you have start/stop problems make sure that the /etc/mysql/debian.cnf file specifies the root user and no password.
+The privilege tables are automatically updated so all there is left is read
+the release notes on to see if any
+changes affect custom apps.
+The MySQL manual describes certain steps to do at this stage in a separate
+chapter. They are not necessary as the Debian packages does them
+The only thing that is left over for the admin is
+ - creating new users and databases
+ - read the rest of this text
+For security reasons, the Debian package has enabled networking only on the
+loop-back device using "bind-address" in /etc/mysql/my.cnf. Check with
+"netstat -tlnp" where it is listening. If your connection is aborted
+immediately check your firewall rules or network routes.
+It is recommended you create additional admin users for your database
+administration needs in addition to the default root user.
+If your local unix account is the one you want to have local super user
+access on your database with you can create the following account that will
+only work for the local unix user connecting to the database locally.
+ sudo /usr/bin/mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON *.* TO '$USER'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED VIA unix_socket WITH GRANT OPTION"
+To create a local machine account username=USERNAME with a password:
+ sudo /usr/bin/mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'USERNAME'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION"
+To create a USERNAME user with password 'password' admin user that can access
+the DB server over the network:
+ sudo /usr/bin/mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'USERNAME'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION"
+Scripts should run as a user who have the required grants and be identified via unix_socket.
+If you are too tired to type the password in every time and unix_socket auth
+doesn't suit your needs, you can store it in the file $HOME/.my.cnf. It should
+be chmod 0600 (-rw------- username usergroup .my.cnf) to ensure that nobody else
+can read it. Every other configuration parameter can be stored there, too.
+For more information in the MariaDB manual in/usr/share/doc/mariadb-doc or
+ATTENTION: It is necessary, that a ~/.my.cnf from root always contains a "user"
+line wherever there is a "password" line, else, the Debian maintenance
+scripts, that use /etc/mysql/debian.cnf, will use the username
+"root" but the password that is in root's .my.cnf. Also note,
+that every change you make in the /root/.my.cnf will affect the mysql cron
+script, too.
+ # an example of $HOME/.my.cnf
+ [client]
+ user = your-mysql-username
+ password = enter-your-good-new-password-here
+If the MySQL server is acting as a replication slave, you should not
+set --tmpdir to point to a directory on a memory-based filesystem or to
+a directory that is cleared when the server host restarts. A replication
+slave needs some of its temporary files to survive a machine restart so
+that it can replicate temporary tables or LOAD DATA INFILE operations. If
+files in the temporary file directory are lost when the server restarts,
+replication fails.
+Unsupported. Period.
+You might get lucky downgrading a few minor versions without issued. Take a
+backup first. If you break it you get to keep both pieces. Do a restore from
+backup or upgrade to the previous version.
+If doing a major version downgrade, take a mysqldump/mydumpber consistent
+backup using the current version and reload after downgrading and purging
+existing databases.
+Backups save jobs. Don't get caught without one.
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.config b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7da26df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.config
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+set -e
+. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi
+${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE:+ echo "#42#DEBUG# RUNNING $0 $*" 1>&2 }
+# Beware that there are two ypwhich one of them needs the 2>/dev/null!
+if test -n "`which ypwhich 2>/dev/null`" && ypwhich >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ db_input high mariadb-server-10.1/nis_warning || true
+ db_go
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.insserv.conf b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.insserv.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb29a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.insserv.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+$database mysql
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.install b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7508238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.install
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+[linux-any] lib/systemd/system/mariadb@bootstrap.service.d/use_galera_new_cluster.conf
+[linux-any] usr/bin/galera_new_cluster
+[linux-any] usr/bin/galera_recovery
+[linux-any] usr/bin/mariadb-service-convert
+debian/additions/debian-start etc/mysql
+debian/additions/ usr/share/mysql
+debian/additions/echo_stderr usr/share/mysql
+debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
+debian/additions/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d
+debian/additions/ usr/share/apport/package-hooks
+debian/mariadb-server-10.1.insserv.conf => etc/insserv.conf.d/mariadb
+[linux-any] lib/systemd/system/mariadb@.service
+[linux-any] lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.lintian-overrides b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.lintian-overrides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b7faa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.lintian-overrides
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ash's buildin has no "-e" so use /bin/echo
+mariadb-server-10.1: command-with-path-in-maintainer-script postinst:154 /bin/echo
+# OK, path /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d is only used in check, executes are run without the path
+mariadb-server-10.1: command-with-path-in-maintainer-script postinst:17 /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d
+mariadb-server-10.1: command-with-path-in-maintainer-script postrm:15 /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d
+mariadb-server-10.1: command-with-path-in-maintainer-script preinst:31 /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d
+# False positive: unfortified calls have already been fully validated at compile-time
+# See full research at
+mariadb-server-10.1: hardening-no-fortify-functions usr/lib/*/mariadb18/plugin/
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.paranoid b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.paranoid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00cc5c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.paranoid
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists\!$
+/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-(extra-)?file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in$
+/etc/mysql/debian-start\[[0-9]+\]: Checking for crashed MySQL tables\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: $
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: Version: .* socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: Warning: Ignoring user change to 'mysql' because the user was set to 'mysql' earlier on the command line$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: started$
+usermod\[[0-9]+\]: change user `mysql' GID from `([0-9]+)' to `\1'$
+usermod\[[0-9]+\]: change user `mysql' shell from `/bin/false' to `/bin/false'$
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.server b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.server
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6e7f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.server
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: [0-9]+ processes alive and '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-(extra-)?file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in$
+/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists\!$
+/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-(extra-)?file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in$
+/etc/mysql/debian-start\[[0-9]+\]: Checking for crashed MySQL tables\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: ?$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*InnoDB: Shutdown completed
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*InnoDB: Started;
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*InnoDB: Starting shutdown\.\.\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*\[Note\] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*\[Note\] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*\[Note\] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*/usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: Version: .* socket
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: Warning: Ignoring user change to 'mysql' because the user was set to 'mysql' earlier on the command line$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: ?$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: able to use the new GRANT command!$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: ended$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: NOTE: If you are upgrading from a MySQL <= 3.22.10 you should run$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: PLEASE REMEMBER TO SET A PASSWORD FOR THE MySQL root USER !$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: Please report any problems at$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: See the manual for more instructions.$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: started$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: the /usr/bin/mysql_fix_privilege_tables. Otherwise you will not be$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h app109 password 'new-password'$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'$
+usermod\[[0-9]+\]: change user `mysql' GID from `([0-9]+)' to `\1'$
+usermod\[[0-9]+\]: change user `mysql' shell from `/bin/false' to `/bin/false'$
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.workstation b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.workstation
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0b4792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.logcheck.ignore.workstation
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: [0-9]+ processes alive and '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-(extra-)?file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in$
+/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists\!$
+/etc/init.d/mysql\[[0-9]+\]: '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-(extra-)?file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in$
+/etc/mysql/debian-start\[[0-9]+\]: Checking for crashed MySQL tables\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: ?$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*InnoDB: Shutdown completed
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*InnoDB: Started;
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*InnoDB: Starting shutdown\.\.\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*\[Note\] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*\[Note\] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*\[Note\] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections\.$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: .*/usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete$
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: Version: .* socket
+mysqld\[[0-9]+\]: Warning: Ignoring user change to 'mysql' because the user was set to 'mysql' earlier on the command line$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: ?$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: able to use the new GRANT command!$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: ended$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: NOTE: If you are upgrading from a MySQL <= 3.22.10 you should run$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: PLEASE REMEMBER TO SET A PASSWORD FOR THE MySQL root USER !$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: Please report any problems at$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: See the manual for more instructions.$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: started$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: the /usr/bin/mysql_fix_privilege_tables. Otherwise you will not be$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h app109 password 'new-password'$
+mysqld_safe\[[0-9]+\]: /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'$
+usermod\[[0-9]+\]: change user `mysql' GID from `([0-9]+)' to `\1'$
+usermod\[[0-9]+\]: change user `mysql' shell from `/bin/false' to `/bin/false'$
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql-server.logrotate b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql-server.logrotate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34ef638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql-server.logrotate
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# - I put everything in one block and added sharedscripts, so that mysql gets
+# flush-logs'd only once.
+# Else the binary logs would automatically increase by n times every day.
+# - The error log is obsolete, messages go to syslog now.
+/var/log/mysql/mysql.log /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log /var/log/mysql/mariadb-slow.log /var/log/mysql/error.log {
+ daily
+ rotate 7
+ missingok
+ create 640 mysql adm
+ compress
+ sharedscripts
+ postrotate
+ test -x /usr/bin/mysqladmin || exit 0
+ if [ -f `my_print_defaults --mysqld | grep -m 1 -oP "pid-file=\K.+$"` ]; then
+ # If this fails, check debian.conf!
+ mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --local flush-error-log \
+ flush-engine-log flush-general-log flush-slow-log
+ fi
+ endscript
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql.default b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql.default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d3bc80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql.default
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# NOTE: This file is read only by the traditional SysV init script and has been
+# available only in Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 and never in a official Debian release.
+# Debian 9 and Ubuntu 17.04 onwards do not normally read this file as they use
+# systemd by default.
+# For similar behaviour, systemd users should override ExecStart by dropping
+# files into /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/
+# See also:
+# Note also that MariaDB systemd does _not_ utilize mysqld_safe nor debian-start.
+# The delay in seconds the init script waits for the server to be up and running after having started "mysqld_safe" to run the "/etc/mysql/debian-start" script.
+# If the server is still not responding after the delay, the script won't be executed and an error will be thrown on the syslog.
+# Default: 30
+# The email recipient(s) of the output of the check for crashed and improperly closed MyISAM and Aria tables done at each server start by the "/etc/mysql/debian-start" script.
+# Default: root
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql.init b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c18ef8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mysql.init
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# Provides: mysql
+# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
+# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
+# Should-Start: $network $named $time
+# Should-Stop: $network $named $time
+# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+# Short-Description: Start and stop the mysql database server daemon
+# Description: Controls the main MariaDB database server daemon "mysqld"
+# and its wrapper script "mysqld_safe".
+set -e
+set -u
+${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG:+ set -v -x}
+test -x /usr/sbin/mysqld || exit 0
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+SELF=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd -P)/$(basename $0)
+MYADMIN="/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf"
+# priority can be overridden and "-s" adds output to stderr
+ERR_LOGGER="logger -p daemon.err -t /etc/init.d/mysql -i"
+if [ -f /etc/default/mysql ]; then
+ . /etc/default/mysql
+# Also source default/mariadb in case the installation was upgraded from
+# packages originally installed from repositories, which have
+# had support for reading /etc/default/mariadb since March 2016.
+if [ -f /etc/default/mariadb ]; then
+ . /etc/default/mariadb
+# Safeguard (relative paths, core dumps..)
+cd /
+umask 077
+# mysqladmin likes to read /root/.my.cnf. This is usually not what I want
+# as many admins e.g. only store a password without a username there and
+# so break my scripts.
+export HOME=/etc/mysql/
+## Fetch a particular option from mysql's invocation.
+# Usage: void mysqld_get_param option
+mysqld_get_param() {
+ /usr/sbin/mysqld --print-defaults \
+ | tr " " "\n" \
+ | grep -- "--$1" \
+ | tail -n 1 \
+ | cut -d= -f2
+## Do some sanity checks before even trying to start mysqld.
+sanity_checks() {
+ # check for config file
+ if [ ! -r /etc/mysql/my.cnf ]; then
+ log_warning_msg "$0: WARNING: /etc/mysql/my.cnf cannot be read. See README.Debian.gz"
+ echo "WARNING: /etc/mysql/my.cnf cannot be read. See README.Debian.gz" | $ERR_LOGGER
+ fi
+ # check for diskspace shortage
+ datadir=`mysqld_get_param datadir`
+ if LC_ALL=C BLOCKSIZE= df --portability $datadir/. | tail -n 1 | awk '{ exit ($4>4096) }'; then
+ log_failure_msg "$0: ERROR: The partition with $datadir is too full!"
+ echo "ERROR: The partition with $datadir is too full!" | $ERR_LOGGER
+ exit 1
+ fi
+## Checks if there is a server running and if so if it is accessible.
+# check_alive insists on a pingable server
+# check_dead also fails if there is a lost mysqld in the process list
+# Usage: boolean mysqld_status [check_alive|check_dead] [warn|nowarn]
+mysqld_status () {
+ ping_output=`$MYADMIN ping 2>&1`; ping_alive=$(( ! $? ))
+ ps_alive=0
+ pidfile=`mysqld_get_param pid-file`
+ if [ -f "$pidfile" ] && ps `cat $pidfile` >/dev/null 2>&1; then ps_alive=1; fi
+ if [ "$1" = "check_alive" -a $ping_alive = 1 ] ||
+ [ "$1" = "check_dead" -a $ping_alive = 0 -a $ps_alive = 0 ]; then
+ return 0 # EXIT_SUCCESS
+ else
+ if [ "$2" = "warn" ]; then
+ echo -e "$ps_alive processes alive and '$MYADMIN ping' resulted in\n$ping_output\n" | $ERR_LOGGER -p daemon.debug
+ fi
+ return 1 # EXIT_FAILURE
+ fi
+# main()
+case "${1:-''}" in
+ 'start')
+ sanity_checks;
+ # Start daemon
+ log_daemon_msg "Starting MariaDB database server" "mysqld"
+ if mysqld_status check_alive nowarn; then
+ log_progress_msg "already running"
+ log_end_msg 0
+ else
+ # Could be removed during boot
+ test -e /var/run/mysqld || install -m 755 -o mysql -g root -d /var/run/mysqld
+ # Start MariaDB!
+ /usr/bin/mysqld_safe "${@:2}" 2>&1 >/dev/null | $ERR_LOGGER &
+ for i in $(seq 1 "${MYSQLD_STARTUP_TIMEOUT:-30}"); do
+ sleep 1
+ if mysqld_status check_alive nowarn ; then break; fi
+ log_progress_msg "."
+ done
+ if mysqld_status check_alive warn; then
+ log_end_msg 0
+ # Now start mysqlcheck or whatever the admin wants.
+ output=$(/etc/mysql/debian-start)
+ if [ -n "$output" ]; then
+ log_action_msg "$output"
+ fi
+ else
+ log_end_msg 1
+ log_failure_msg "Please take a look at the syslog"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'stop')
+ # * As a passwordless mysqladmin (e.g. via ~/.my.cnf) must be possible
+ # at least for cron, we can rely on it here, too. (although we have
+ # to specify it explicit as e.g. sudo environments points to the normal
+ # users home and not /root)
+ log_daemon_msg "Stopping MariaDB database server" "mysqld"
+ if ! mysqld_status check_dead nowarn; then
+ set +e
+ shutdown_out=`$MYADMIN shutdown 2>&1`; r=$?
+ set -e
+ if [ "$r" -ne 0 ]; then
+ log_end_msg 1
+ [ "$VERBOSE" != "no" ] && log_failure_msg "Error: $shutdown_out"
+ log_daemon_msg "Killing MariaDB database server by signal" "mysqld"
+ killall -15 mysqld
+ server_down=
+ for i in `seq 1 600`; do
+ sleep 1
+ if mysqld_status check_dead nowarn; then server_down=1; break; fi
+ done
+ if test -z "$server_down"; then killall -9 mysqld; fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! mysqld_status check_dead warn; then
+ log_end_msg 1
+ log_failure_msg "Please stop MariaDB manually and read /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian.gz!"
+ exit -1
+ else
+ log_end_msg 0
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'restart')
+ set +e; $SELF stop; set -e
+ shift
+ $SELF start "${@}"
+ ;;
+ 'reload'|'force-reload')
+ log_daemon_msg "Reloading MariaDB database server" "mysqld"
+ $MYADMIN reload
+ log_end_msg 0
+ ;;
+ 'status')
+ if mysqld_status check_alive nowarn; then
+ log_action_msg "$($MYADMIN version)"
+ else
+ log_action_msg "MariaDB is stopped."
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 'bootstrap')
+ # Bootstrap the cluster, start the first node
+ # that initiates the cluster
+ log_daemon_msg "Bootstrapping the cluster" "mysqld"
+ $SELF start "${@:2}" --wsrep-new-cluster
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $SELF start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status|bootstrap"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.postinst b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.postinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43eed58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi
+${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE:+ echo "#42#DEBUG# RUNNING $0 $*" 1>&2 }
+export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
+# This command can be used as pipe to syslog. With "-s" it also logs to stderr.
+ERR_LOGGER="logger -p daemon.err -t mysqld_safe -i"
+# This will make an error in a logged command immediately apparent by aborting
+# the install, rather than failing silently and leaving a broken install.
+set -o pipefail
+MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP="/usr/sbin/mysqld --bootstrap --user=mysql --disable-log-bin --skip-grant-tables --default-storage-engine=myisam"
+case "$1" in
+ configure)
+ mysql_statedir=/usr/share/mysql
+ mysql_datadir=/var/lib/mysql
+ mysql_logdir=/var/log/mysql
+ mysql_rundir=/var/run/mysqld
+ mysql_cfgdir=/etc/mysql
+ mysql_upgradedir=/var/lib/mysql-upgrade
+ # If the following symlink exists, it is a preserved copy the old data dir
+ # created by the preinst script during a upgrade that would have otherwise
+ # been replaced by an empty mysql dir. This should restore it.
+ for dir in DATADIR LOGDIR; do
+ if [ "$dir" = "DATADIR" ]; then
+ targetdir=$mysql_datadir
+ else
+ targetdir=$mysql_logdir
+ fi
+ savelink="$mysql_upgradedir/$"
+ if [ -L "$savelink" ]; then
+ # If the targetdir was a symlink before we upgraded it is supposed
+ # to be either still be present or not existing anymore now.
+ if [ -L "$targetdir" ]; then
+ rm "$savelink"
+ elif [ ! -d "$targetdir" ]; then
+ mv "$savelink" "$targetdir"
+ else
+ # this should never even happen, but just in case...
+ mysql_tmp=`mktemp -d -t mysql-symlink-restore-XXXXXX`
+ echo "this is very strange! see $mysql_tmp/README..." >&2
+ mv "$targetdir" "$mysql_tmp"
+ cat << EOF > "$mysql_tmp/README"
+If you're reading this, it's most likely because you had replaced /var/lib/mysql
+with a symlink, then upgraded to a new version of mysql, and then dpkg
+removed your symlink (see #182747 and others). The mysql packages noticed
+that this happened, and as a workaround have restored it. However, because
+/var/lib/mysql seems to have been re-created in the meantime, and because
+we don't want to rm -rf something we don't know as much about, we are going
+to leave this unexpected directory here. If your database looks normal,
+and this is not a symlink to your database, you should be able to blow
+this all away.
+ fi
+ fi
+ rmdir $mysql_upgradedir 2>/dev/null || true
+ done
+ # Ensure the existence and right permissions for the database and
+ # log files.
+ if [ ! -d "$mysql_statedir" -a ! -L "$mysql_statedir" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_statedir"; fi
+ if [ ! -d "$mysql_datadir" -a ! -L "$mysql_datadir" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_datadir" ; fi
+ if [ ! -d "$mysql_logdir" -a ! -L "$mysql_logdir" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_logdir" ; fi
+ # When creating an ext3 jounal on an already mounted filesystem like e.g.
+ # /var/lib/mysql, you get a .journal file that is not modifyable by chown.
+ # The mysql_statedir must not be writable by the mysql user under any
+ # circumstances as it contains scripts that are executed by root.
+ set +e
+ chown -R 0:0 $mysql_statedir
+ find $mysql_datadir ! -uid $(id -u mysql) -print0 | xargs -0 -r chown mysql
+ chown -R mysql:adm $mysql_logdir
+ chmod 2750 $mysql_logdir
+ set -e
+ # This is important to avoid dataloss when there is a removed
+ # mysql-server version from Woody lying around which used the same
+ # data directory and then somewhen gets purged by the admin.
+ db_set mariadb-server/postrm_remove_database false || true
+ # Clean up old flags before setting new one
+ rm -f $mysql_datadir/debian-*.flag
+ # Flag data dir to avoid downgrades
+ touch $mysql_datadir/debian-10.1.flag
+ # initiate databases. Output is not allowed by debconf :-(
+ # This will fail if we are upgrading an existing database; in this case
+ # mysql_upgrade, called from the /etc/init.d/mysql start script, will
+ # handle things.
+ # Debian: beware of the bashisms...
+ # Debian: can safely run on upgrades with existing databases
+ set +e
+ bash /usr/bin/mysql_install_db --skip-auth-anonymous-user --auth-root-authentication-method=socket --rpm --cross-bootstrap --user=mysql --disable-log-bin 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
+ set -e
+ # Create the credentials file if not present. On all new installs the
+ # root account can be used directly for maintenance authenticated by
+ # unix socket and on new installs there is no need to define a
+ # separate Debian maintenance user account.
+ dc=$mysql_cfgdir/debian.cnf;
+ if [ ! -d "$mysql_cfgdir" ]; then
+ install -o 0 -g 0 -m 0755 -d $mysql_cfgdir
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "$dc" ]; then
+ umask 066
+ cat /dev/null > $dc
+ umask 022
+ echo "# Automatically generated for Debian scripts. DO NOT TOUCH!" >>$dc
+ echo "[client]" >>$dc
+ echo "host = localhost" >>$dc
+ echo "user = root" >>$dc
+ echo "password = " >>$dc
+ echo "socket = $mysql_rundir/mysqld.sock" >>$dc
+ echo "[mysql_upgrade]" >>$dc
+ echo "host = localhost" >>$dc
+ echo "user = root" >>$dc
+ echo "password = " >>$dc
+ echo "socket = $mysql_rundir/mysqld.sock" >>$dc
+ echo "basedir = /usr" >>$dc
+ fi
+ # If this dir chmod go+w then the admin did it. But this file should not.
+ chown 0:0 $dc
+ chmod 0600 $dc
+ # Update privilege tables
+ password_column_fix_query=`/bin/echo -e \
+ "USE mysql;\n" \
+ "SET sql_log_bin=0;\n" \
+ "ALTER TABLE user CHANGE Password Password char(41) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;"`
+ # Upgrade password column format.
+ # NOTE: $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP requires one SQL statement per line, semicolon at the end.
+ echo "$password_column_fix_query" | $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
+ ;;
+ abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-configure)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "postinst called with unknown argument '$1'" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+db_stop # in case invoke failes
+# dh_systemd_start doesn't emit anything since we still ship /etc/init.d/mysql.
+# Thus MariaDB server is started via init.d script, which in turn redirects to
+# systemctl. If we upgrade from MySQL mysql.service may be masked, which also
+# means init.d script is disabled. Unmask mysql service explicitly.
+# Check first that the command exists, to avoid emitting any warning messages.
+if [ -x "$(command -v deb-systemd-helper)" ]; then
+ deb-systemd-helper unmask mysql.service > /dev/null
+# Modified dh_systemd_start snippet that's not added automatically due /etc/init.d/mysql
+if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
+ systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
+ deb-systemd-invoke start mariadb.service >/dev/null || true
+# Modified dh_installinit snippet to only run with sysvinit
+elif [ -x "/etc/init.d/mysql" ]; then
+ if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ]; then
+ invoke-rc.d mysql start || exit $?
+ fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.postrm b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.postrm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c822d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.postrm
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi
+${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE:+ echo "#42#DEBUG# RUNNING $0 $*" 1>&2 }
+# - Purge logs and data only if they are ours (#307473)
+# - Remove the mysql user only after all his owned files are purged.
+# - Cleanup the initscripts only if this was the last provider of them
+if [ "$1" = "purge" ] && [ -f "/var/lib/mysql/debian-10.1.flag" ]; then
+ # we remove the mysql user only after all his owned files are purged
+ rm -f /var/log/mysql.{log,err}{,.0,.[1234567].gz}
+ rm -rf /var/log/mysql
+ db_input high mariadb-server-10.1/postrm_remove_databases || true
+ db_go || true
+ db_get mariadb-server-10.1/postrm_remove_databases || true
+ if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
+ # never remove the debian.cnf when the databases are still existing
+ # else we ran into big trouble on the next install!
+ rm -f /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
+ # Remove all contents from /var/lib/mysql except if it's a
+ # directory with file system data. See #829491 for details and
+ # #608938 for potential mysql-server leftovers which erroneously
+ # had been renamed.
+ # Attempt removal only if the directory hasn't already been removed
+ # by dpkg to avoid failing on "No such file or directory" errors.
+ if [ -d /var/lib/mysql ]
+ then
+ find /var/lib/mysql -mindepth 1 \
+ -not -path '*/lost+found/*' -not -name 'lost+found' \
+ -not -path '*/lost@002bfound/*' -not -name 'lost@002bfound' \
+ -delete
+ # "|| true" still needed as rmdir still exits with non-zero if
+ # /var/lib/mysql is a mount point
+ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /var/lib/mysql || true
+ fi
+ rm -rf /var/run/mysqld # this directory is created by the init script, don't leave behind
+ userdel mysql || true
+ fi
+# Modified dh_systemd_start snippet that's not added automatically due /etc/init.d/mysql
+if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
+ systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
+exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.preinst b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.preinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a76270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.preinst
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+# * <new-preinst> install
+# * <new-preinst> install <old-version>
+# * <new-preinst> upgrade <old-version>
+# * <old-preinst> abort-upgrade <new-version>
+. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+# Just kill the invalid insserv.conf.d directory without fallback
+if [ -d "/etc/insserv.conf.d/mariadb/" ]; then
+ rm -rf "/etc/insserv.conf.d/mariadb/"
+if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi
+${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE:+ echo "#42#DEBUG# RUNNING $0 $*" 1>&2 }
+export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
+MYADMIN="/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf"
+################################ main() ##########################
+# Check if a flag file is found that indicates a previous MariaDB or MySQL
+# version was installed. If multiple flags are found, check which one was
+# the biggest version number.
+for flag in $mysql_datadir/debian-*.flag
+ # The for loop leaves $flag as the query string if there are no results,
+ # so the check below is needed to stop further processing when there are
+ # no real results.
+ if [ $flag = "$mysql_datadir/debian-*.flag" ]
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ flag_version=`echo $flag | sed 's/.*debian-\([0-9\.]\+\).flag/\1/'`
+ # Initialize value if empty
+ if [ -z "$found_version" ]
+ then
+ found_version=$flag_version
+ fi
+ # Update value if now bigger then before
+ if dpkg --compare-versions "$flag_version" '>>' "$found_version"
+ then
+ found_version=$flag_version
+ fi
+# If an upgrade is detected, proceed with it automatically without
+# requiring any user interaction.
+# However, if the user attempts to downgrade, warn about the incompatibility.
+# Downgrade is detected if the flag version is bigger than $this_version
+# (e.g. 10.1 > 10.0) or the flag version is smaller than 10.0 but bigger
+# than $max_upgradeable_version.
+if [ ! -z "$found_version" ]
+ echo "$mysql_datadir: found previous version $found_version"
+ if dpkg --compare-versions "$found_version" '>>' "$this_version"
+ then
+ downgrade_detected=true
+ fi
+ if dpkg --compare-versions "$found_version" '>>' "$max_upgradeable_version" \
+ && dpkg --compare-versions "$found_version" '<<' "10.0"
+ then
+ downgrade_detected=true
+ fi
+# Don't abort dpkg if downgrade is detected (as was done previously).
+# Instead simply move the old datadir and create a new for this_version.
+if [ ! -z "$downgrade_detected" ]
+ db_input critical mariadb-server-10.1/old_data_directory_saved || true
+ db_go
+ echo "The file $mysql_datadir/debian-$found_version.flag indicates a" 1>&2
+ echo "version that cannot automatically be upgraded. Therefore the" 1>&2
+ echo "previous data directory will be renamed to $mysql_datadir-$found_version and" 1>&2
+ echo "a new data directory will be initialized at $mysql_datadir." 1>&2
+ echo "Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed." 1>&2
+ mv -f $mysql_datadir $mysql_datadir-$found_version
+ # Also move away the old debian.cnf file that included credentials that are
+ # no longer valid
+ mv -f /etc/mysql/debian.cnf /etc/mysql/debian.cnf-$found_version
+# If we use NIS then errors should be tolerated. It's up to the
+# user to ensure that the mysql user is correctly setup.
+# Beware that there are two ypwhich one of them needs the 2>/dev/null!
+if test -n "`which ypwhich 2>/dev/null`" && ypwhich >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ set +e
+# Now we have to ensure the following state:
+# /etc/passwd: mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/nonexistent:/bin/false
+# /etc/group: mysql:x:101:
+# Sadly there could any state be present on the system so we have to
+# modify everything carefully i.e. not doing a chown before creating
+# the user etc...
+# creating mysql group if he isn't already there
+if ! getent group mysql >/dev/null; then
+ # Adding system group: mysql.
+ addgroup --system mysql >/dev/null
+# creating mysql user if he isn't already there
+if ! getent passwd mysql >/dev/null; then
+ # Adding system user: mysql.
+ adduser \
+ --system \
+ --disabled-login \
+ --ingroup mysql \
+ --no-create-home \
+ --home /nonexistent \
+ --gecos "MySQL Server" \
+ --shell /bin/false \
+ mysql >/dev/null
+# end of NIS tolerance zone
+set -e
+# if there's a symlink, let's store where it's pointing, because otherwise
+# it's going to be lost in some situations
+for dir in DATADIR LOGDIR; do
+ checkdir=`eval echo "$"$dir`
+ if [ -L "$checkdir" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$mysql_upgradedir"
+ cp -dT "$checkdir" "$mysql_upgradedir/$"
+ fi
+# creating mysql home directory
+if [ ! -d $mysql_datadir -a ! -L $mysql_datadir ]; then
+ mkdir $mysql_datadir
+# checking disc space
+if LC_ALL=C BLOCKSIZE= df --portability $mysql_datadir/. | tail -n 1 | awk '{ exit ($4>1000) }'; then
+ echo "ERROR: There's not enough space in $mysql_datadir/" 1>&2
+ db_stop
+ exit 1
+# Since the home directory was created before putting the user into
+# the mysql group and moreover we cannot guarantee that the
+# permissions were correctly *before* calling this script, we fix them now.
+# In case we use NIS and no mysql user is present then this script should
+# better fail now than later..
+# The "set +e" is necessary as e.g. a ".journal" of a ext3 partition is
+# not chgrp'able (#318435).
+set +e
+find $mysql_datadir ! -uid $(id -u mysql) -print0 | xargs -0 -r chown mysql
+find $mysql_datadir -follow -not -group mysql -print0 2>/dev/null \
+ | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty chgrp mysql
+set -e
+exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.prerm b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.prerm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23eb7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.prerm
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+set -e
+# Modified dh_systemd_start snippet that's not added automatically due /etc/init.d/mysql
+if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
+ deb-systemd-invoke stop mariadb.service >/dev/null
+# Modified dh_installinit snippet to only run with sysvinit
+elif [ -x "/etc/init.d/mysql" ]; then
+ invoke-rc.d mysql stop || exit $?
+exit 0
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.templates b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.templates
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38f5889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.templates
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
+# team
+# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
+# for an advice to
+# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
+# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
+Template: mariadb-server-10.1/old_data_directory_saved
+Type: note
+_Description: The old data directory will be saved at new location
+ A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system.
+ The number indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically
+ be upgraded (or downgraded).
+ .
+ Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* and
+ a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql.
+ .
+ Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed.
+Template: mariadb-server-10.1/nis_warning
+Type: note
+_Description: Important note for NIS/YP users
+ Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on
+ the local system with:
+ .
+ adduser --system --group --home /var/lib/mysql mysql
+ .
+ You should also check the permissions and ownership of the
+ /var/lib/mysql directory:
+ .
+ /var/lib/mysql: drwxr-xr-x mysql mysql
+Template: mariadb-server-10.1/postrm_remove_databases
+Type: boolean
+Default: false
+_Description: Remove all MariaDB databases?
+ The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about
+ to be removed.
+ .
+ If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more
+ recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already
+ using it, the data should be kept.
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-server-core-10.1.install b/debian/mariadb-server-core-10.1.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dea038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-server-core-10.1.install
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-test-data.install b/debian/mariadb-test-data.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cd11e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-test-data.install
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-test-data.lintian-overrides b/debian/mariadb-test-data.lintian-overrides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d6c1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-test-data.lintian-overrides
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# OK, this file is part of test suite and only used for a test
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_myisam.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_7_innodb.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_innodb.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_6.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_3.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_myisam_innodb.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_11.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_5_innodb.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_4_myisam.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_7_myisam.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_14.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_8_myisam.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_8_innodb.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_5_myisam.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_exch_qa_4_innodb.result
+mariadb-test-data: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/plugin/oqgraph/oqgraph/
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-test.install b/debian/mariadb-test.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5603af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-test.install
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-test.links b/debian/mariadb-test.links
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884b25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-test.links
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/ usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/mtr
+usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/ usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/mysql-test-run
diff --git a/debian/mariadb-test.lintian-overrides b/debian/mariadb-test.lintian-overrides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83fe6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mariadb-test.lintian-overrides
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# OK, this file is part of test suite and only used for a test
+mariadb-test: arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/my_safe_process
+mariadb-test: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/lib/
diff --git a/debian/not-installed b/debian/not-installed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e9094e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/not-installed
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/Add_default_ExecStartPre_to_mariadb@.service.patch b/debian/patches/Add_default_ExecStartPre_to_mariadb@.service.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d18221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/Add_default_ExecStartPre_to_mariadb@.service.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:30 +0200
+Subject: Add_default_ExecStartPre_to_mariadb@.service
+ support-files/ | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/support-files/ b/support-files/
+index 02be006..183b68b 100644
+--- a/support-files/
++++ b/support-files/
+@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ ProtectHome=true
+ # Execute pre and post scripts as root, otherwise it does it as User=
+ PermissionsStartOnly=true
+ # Perform automatic wsrep recovery. When server is started without wsrep,
+ # galera_recovery simply returns an empty string. In any case, however,
+ # the script is not expected to return with a non-zero status.
diff --git a/debian/patches/armhf_mroonga_storage_fail.patch b/debian/patches/armhf_mroonga_storage_fail.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a57ef5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/armhf_mroonga_storage_fail.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: armhf_mroonga_storage_fail
+ storage/mroonga/lib/mrn_multiple_column_key_codec.cpp | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/storage/mroonga/lib/mrn_multiple_column_key_codec.cpp b/storage/mroonga/lib/mrn_multiple_column_key_codec.cpp
+index c7ef9dd..b6ad631 100644
+--- a/storage/mroonga/lib/mrn_multiple_column_key_codec.cpp
++++ b/storage/mroonga/lib/mrn_multiple_column_key_codec.cpp
+@@ -612,9 +612,10 @@ namespace mrn {
+ long long int long_long_value;
+ mrn_byte_order_network_to_host(&long_long_value, grn_key, grn_key_size);
+ int max_bit = (grn_key_size * 8 - 1);
+- *((long long int *)mysql_key) =
++ long_long_value =
+ long_long_value ^ (((long_long_value ^ (1LL << max_bit)) >> max_bit) |
+ (1LL << max_bit));
++ memcpy(mysql_key, &long_long_value, sizeof(long_long_value));
+ }
diff --git a/debian/patches/c11_atomics.patch b/debian/patches/c11_atomics.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7952eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/c11_atomics.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: c11_atomics
+ configure.cmake | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++--
+ include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h | 15 +++++++++++++++
+ include/atomic/nolock.h | 4 ++--
+ mysys/CMakeLists.txt | 4 ++++
+ sql/CMakeLists.txt | 4 ++++
+ 5 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.cmake b/configure.cmake
+index 0057c7f..43ad114 100644
+--- a/configure.cmake
++++ b/configure.cmake
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ IF(UNIX)
+ # Need explicit pthread for gcc -fsanitize=address
+@@ -1028,7 +1028,26 @@ ELSEIF(NOT WITH_ATOMIC_OPS)
+ long long int *ptr= &var;
+ return (int)__atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+ }"
++ ELSE()
++ int main()
++ {
++ long long int var= 1;
++ long long int *ptr= &var;
++ return (int)__atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
++ }"
++ ELSE()
++ ENDIF()
++ ENDIF()
+ ELSE()
+diff --git a/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h b/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h
+index 56a0323..044be2e 100644
+--- a/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h
++++ b/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+ #define make_atomic_add_body(S) \
+ v= __sync_fetch_and_add(a, v);
+ #define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \
+@@ -26,6 +27,20 @@
+ sav= __sync_val_compare_and_swap(a, cmp_val, set);\
+ if (!(ret= (sav == cmp_val))) *cmp= sav
++#elif defined(HAVE_GCC_C11_ATOMICS)
++#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \
++ v= __atomic_fetch_add(a, v, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
++#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \
++ v= __atomic_exchange_n(a, v, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
++#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) \
++ int ## S sav; \
++ ret= __atomic_compare_exchange_n(a, cmp, set, \
++ 0, \
+ #define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret= *a
+ #define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a= v
+diff --git a/include/atomic/nolock.h b/include/atomic/nolock.h
+index 2137445..2ad7d98 100644
+--- a/include/atomic/nolock.h
++++ b/include/atomic/nolock.h
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+ #if defined(__i386__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__x86_64__) \
++ || defined(HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS) || defined(HAVE_GCC_C11_ATOMICS) \
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+ # elif __GNUC__
+ # if defined(HAVE_SOLARIS_ATOMIC)
+ # include "solaris.h"
+-# elif defined(HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS)
++# elif defined(HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS) || defined(HAVE_GCC_C11_ATOMICS)
+ # include "gcc_builtins.h"
+ # elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ # include "x86-gcc.h"
+diff --git a/mysys/CMakeLists.txt b/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
+index eb7f75e..a9221d7 100644
+--- a/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ IF(HAVE_BFD_H)
++ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysys atomic)
+ IF (WIN32)
+diff --git a/sql/CMakeLists.txt b/sql/CMakeLists.txt
+index c34b22c..32feaa7 100644
+--- a/sql/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/sql/CMakeLists.txt
+ IF(WIN32)
+ SET(MYSQLD_SOURCE message.rc)
diff --git a/debian/patches/extend_default_test_timeout_for_tokudb.patch b/debian/patches/extend_default_test_timeout_for_tokudb.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a6dfb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/extend_default_test_timeout_for_tokudb.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: extend_default_test_timeout_for_tokudb
+ mysql-test/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/mysql-test/CMakeLists.txt b/mysql-test/CMakeLists.txt
+index 1c7cfaf..bc45177 100644
+--- a/mysql-test/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/mysql-test/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ ELSE()
+-SET(MTR_FORCE perl ./ --force)
++SET(MTR_FORCE perl ./ --force --testcase-timeout=30 --suite-timeout=540)
+ IF(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/mysql-test/suite/nist)
+ SET(TEST_NIST ${MTR_FORCE} --comment=nist suite=nist ${EXP} &&
+ ${MTR_FORCE} --comment=nist --force --suite=nist+ps ${EXP})
diff --git a/debian/patches/fix-FTBFS-on-GNU-Hurd.patch b/debian/patches/fix-FTBFS-on-GNU-Hurd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10cf800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/fix-FTBFS-on-GNU-Hurd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: fix-FTBFS-on-GNU-Hurd
+ cmake/dtrace.cmake | 4 +++
+ cmake/package_name.cmake | 3 +++
+ extra/mariabackup/ | 29 ++++++++++++++------
+ mysys/mysys_priv.h | 10 ++++---
+ sql/ | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++------
+ storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/config.h.cmake | 1 +
+ storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/com.c | 10 +++----
+ storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/grn_com.h | 24 +++++++++--------
+ 8 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/cmake/dtrace.cmake b/cmake/dtrace.cmake
+index 3edcdc4..c090d65 100644
+--- a/cmake/dtrace.cmake
++++ b/cmake/dtrace.cmake
+@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ MACRO(CHECK_DTRACE)
++ # On GNU/Hurd, dtrace is not supported
++ ENDIF()
+diff --git a/cmake/package_name.cmake b/cmake/package_name.cmake
+index 7681f78..2a9b1e1 100644
+--- a/cmake/package_name.cmake
++++ b/cmake/package_name.cmake
+@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ IF(NOT VERSION)
+diff --git a/extra/mariabackup/ b/extra/mariabackup/
+index 156e0b2..bb9c79c 100644
+--- a/extra/mariabackup/
++++ b/extra/mariabackup/
+@@ -623,11 +623,13 @@ static
+ int
+ mkdirp(const char *pathname, int Flags, myf MyFlags)
+ {
+- char parent[PATH_MAX], *p;
++ char *parent, *p;
++ int len = strlen(pathname) + 1;
+ /* make a parent directory path */
+- strncpy(parent, pathname, sizeof(parent));
+- parent[sizeof(parent) - 1] = 0;
++ parent = (char *)malloc(len);
++ strncpy(parent, pathname, len);
++ parent[len] = 0;
+ for (p = parent + strlen(parent);
+ !is_path_separator(*p) && p != parent; p--);
+@@ -636,19 +638,23 @@ mkdirp(const char *pathname, int Flags, myf MyFlags)
+ /* try to make parent directory */
+ if (p != parent && mkdirp(parent, Flags, MyFlags) != 0) {
++ free(parent);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ /* make this one if parent has been made */
+ if (my_mkdir(pathname, Flags, MyFlags) == 0) {
++ free(parent);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /* if it already exists that is fine */
+ if (errno == EEXIST) {
++ free(parent);
+ return(0);
+ }
++ free(parent);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+@@ -658,17 +664,24 @@ bool
+ equal_paths(const char *first, const char *second)
+ {
+- char real_first[PATH_MAX];
+- char real_second[PATH_MAX];
++ char *real_first, *real_second;
++ int result;
+- if (realpath(first, real_first) == NULL) {
++ real_first = realpath(first, 0);
++ if (real_first == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+- if (realpath(second, real_second) == NULL) {
++ real_second = realpath(second, 0);
++ if (real_second == NULL) {
++ free(real_second);
+ return false;
+ }
+- return (strcmp(real_first, real_second) == 0);
++ result = strcmp(real_first, real_second);
++ free(real_first);
++ free(real_second);
++ return result == 0;
+ #else
+ return strcmp(first, second) == 0;
+ #endif
+diff --git a/mysys/mysys_priv.h b/mysys/mysys_priv.h
+index 892e091..9bf44e0 100644
+--- a/mysys/mysys_priv.h
++++ b/mysys/mysys_priv.h
+@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
++#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #include <my_global.h>
+ #include <my_sys.h>
+ #include <my_crypt.h>
+@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ void my_error_unregister_all(void);
+ #ifndef O_PATH /* not Linux */
+ #if defined(O_SEARCH) /* Illumos */
+ #define O_PATH O_SEARCH
+-#elif defined(O_EXEC) /* FreeBSD */
++#elif defined(O_EXEC) && defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) /* FreeBSD */
+ #define O_PATH O_EXEC
+ #endif
+ #endif
+@@ -128,8 +132,8 @@ const char *my_open_parent_dir_nosymlinks(const char *pathname, int *pdfd);
+ return res;
+ #elif defined(HAVE_REALPATH) && defined(PATH_MAX)
+- char buf[PATH_MAX+1]; \
+- if (realpath(pathname, buf) == NULL) return -1; \
++ char *buf = realpath(NULL, 0); \
++ if (buf == NULL) return -1; \
+ if (strcmp(pathname, buf)) { errno= ENOTDIR; return -1; } \
+ return NOAT;
+ #elif defined(HAVE_REALPATH)
+diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
+index b6aee3a..df41594 100644
+--- a/sql/
++++ b/sql/
+@@ -318,13 +318,23 @@ int wsrep_write_cache(wsrep_t* const wsrep,
+ void wsrep_dump_rbr_buf(THD *thd, const void* rbr_buf, size_t buf_len)
+ {
+- char filename[PATH_MAX]= {0};
+- int len= snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s/GRA_%ld_%lld.log",
++ int len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/GRA_%ld_%lld.log",
+ wsrep_data_home_dir, thd->thread_id,
+ (long long)wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd));
+- if (len >= PATH_MAX)
++ if (len < 0)
+ {
+- WSREP_ERROR("RBR dump path too long: %d, skipping dump.", len);
++ WSREP_ERROR("snprintf error: %d, skipping dump.", len);
++ }
++ char *filename= (char *)malloc(len++);
++ int len1= snprintf(filename, len, "%s/GRA_%ld_%lld.log",
++ wsrep_data_home_dir, thd->thread_id,
++ (long long)wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd));
++ if (len >= len1)
++ {
++ WSREP_ERROR("RBR dump path truncated: %d, skipping dump.", len);
++ free(filename);
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -343,6 +353,7 @@ void wsrep_dump_rbr_buf(THD *thd, const void* rbr_buf, size_t buf_len)
+ WSREP_ERROR("Failed to open file '%s': %d (%s)",
+ filename, errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
++ free(filename);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -448,19 +459,29 @@ void wsrep_dump_rbr_buf_with_header(THD *thd, const void *rbr_buf,
+ {
+ DBUG_ENTER("wsrep_dump_rbr_buf_with_header");
+- char filename[PATH_MAX]= {0};
+ File file;
+ IO_CACHE cache;
+ Log_event_writer writer(&cache);
+ Format_description_log_event *ev;
+- int len= my_snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s/GRA_%ld_%lld_v2.log",
++ int len= snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/GRA_%ld_%lld_v2.log",
++ wsrep_data_home_dir, thd->thread_id,
++ (long long) wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd));
++ if (len < 0)
++ {
++ WSREP_ERROR("snprintf error: %d, skipping dump.", len);
++ }
++ char *filename= (char*)malloc(len++);
++ int len1= my_snprintf(filename, len, "%s/GRA_%ld_%lld_v2.log",
+ wsrep_data_home_dir, thd->thread_id,
+ (long long) wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd));
+- if (len >= PATH_MAX)
++ if (len >= len1)
+ {
+- WSREP_ERROR("RBR dump path too long: %d, skipping dump.", len);
++ WSREP_ERROR("RBR dump path truncated: %d, skipping dump.", len);
+ }
+@@ -498,6 +519,7 @@ void wsrep_dump_rbr_buf_with_header(THD *thd, const void *rbr_buf,
+ }
+ cleanup2:
++ free(filename);
+ end_io_cache(&cache);
+ cleanup1:
+diff --git a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/config.h.cmake b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/config.h.cmake
+index 8e3bdaf..bb2aa43 100644
+--- a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/config.h.cmake
++++ b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/config.h.cmake
+@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
+ #cmakedefine HAVE_STRING_H
+ #cmakedefine HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H
+ #cmakedefine HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H
++#cmakedefine HAVE_SYS_POLL_H
+ #cmakedefine HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H
+ #cmakedefine HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H
+ #cmakedefine HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H
+diff --git a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/com.c b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/com.c
+index a16a446..c796599 100644
+--- a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/com.c
++++ b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/com.c
+@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ grn_com_event_init(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_com_event *ev, int max_nevents, int data_si
+ MUTEX_INIT(ev->mutex);
+ COND_INIT(ev->cond);
+ GRN_COM_QUEUE_INIT(&ev->recv_old);
+-#ifndef USE_SELECT
++#if !defined(USE_SELECT) && !defined(USE_POLL)
+ # ifdef USE_EPOLL
+ if ((ev->events = GRN_MALLOC(sizeof(struct epoll_event) * max_nevents))) {
+ if ((ev->epfd = epoll_create(max_nevents)) != -1) {
+@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ grn_com_event_init(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_com_event *ev, int max_nevents, int data_si
+ grn_hash_close(ctx, ev->hash);
+ ev->hash = NULL;
+ ev->events = NULL;
+-#else /* USE_SELECT */
++#else /* USE_SELECT && USE_POLL */
+ goto exit;
+-#endif /* USE_SELECT */
++#endif /* USE_SELECT && USE_POLL */
+ }
+ exit :
+ return ctx->rc;
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ grn_com_event_fin(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_com_event *ev)
+ grn_msg_close(ctx, msg);
+ }
+ if (ev->hash) { grn_hash_close(ctx, ev->hash); }
+-#ifndef USE_SELECT
++#if !defined(USE_SELECT) && !defined(USE_POLL)
+ if (ev->events) { GRN_FREE(ev->events); }
+ # ifdef USE_EPOLL
+ grn_close(ev->epfd);
+@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ grn_com_event_fin(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_com_event *ev)
+ # ifdef USE_KQUEUE
+ grn_close(ev->kqfd);
+ # endif /* USE_KQUEUE*/
+-#endif /* USE_SELECT */
++#endif /* USE_SELECT && USE_POLL */
+ return GRN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+diff --git a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/grn_com.h b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/grn_com.h
+index e5ad589..63d50e7 100644
+--- a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/grn_com.h
++++ b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/grn_com.h
+@@ -66,13 +66,22 @@ GRN_API grn_com_queue_entry *grn_com_queue_deque(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_com_queue *q)
+ /******* grn_com ********/
+-#ifdef USE_SELECT
++#if defined(USE_SELECT)
+ # include <sys/select.h>
+ # endif /* HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H */
+ # define GRN_COM_POLLIN 1
+ # define GRN_COM_POLLOUT 2
+ #else /* USE_SELECT */
++# ifdef USE_POLL
++# if defined(HAVE_POLL_H)
++# include <poll.h>
++# elif defined(HAVE_SYS_POLL_H)
++# include <sys/poll.h>
++# endif /* defined(HAVE_POLL_H) */
++#else /* USE_POLL */
+ # ifdef USE_EPOLL
+ # include <sys/epoll.h>
+@@ -82,16 +91,9 @@ GRN_API grn_com_queue_entry *grn_com_queue_deque(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_com_queue *q)
+ # include <sys/event.h>
+-# else /* USE_KQUEUE */
+-# if defined(HAVE_POLL_H)
+-# include <poll.h>
+-# elif defined(HAVE_SYS_POLL_H)
+-# include <sys/poll.h>
+-# endif /* defined(HAVE_POLL_H) */
+ # endif /* USE_KQUEUE */
+ # endif /* USE_EPOLL */
++#endif /* USE_POLL */
+ #endif /* USE_SELECT */
+ typedef struct _grn_com grn_com;
+@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ struct _grn_com_event {
+ grn_com_addr curr_edge_id;
+ grn_com *acceptor;
+ void *opaque;
+-#ifndef USE_SELECT
++#if !defined(USE_SELECT) || !defined(USE_POLL)
+ #ifdef USE_EPOLL
+ int epfd;
+ struct epoll_event *events;
+@@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ struct _grn_com_event {
+ struct pollfd *events;
+ #endif /* USE_KQUEUE */
+ #endif /* USE_EPOLL */
+-#endif /* USE_SELECT */
++#endif /* USE_SELECT || USE_POLL */
+ };
+ grn_rc grn_com_init(void);
diff --git a/debian/patches/hurd_socket.patch b/debian/patches/hurd_socket.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..178a77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/hurd_socket.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: hurd_socket
+ mysql-test/lib/My/ | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/My/ b/mysql-test/lib/My/
+index 110cf8a..c49450b 100644
+--- a/mysql-test/lib/My/
++++ b/mysql-test/lib/My/
+@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ sub check_socket_path_length {
+ return 0 if ($^O eq 'aix');
+ # See Debian bug #670722 - failing on kFreeBSD even after setting short path
+ return 0 if $^O eq 'gnukfreebsd' and length $path < 40;
++ # GNU/Hurd doesn't have hostpath(), but no limitation either.
++ return 0 if $^O eq 'gnu';
+ require IO::Socket::UNIX;
diff --git a/debian/patches/innodb_simulate_comp_test_speedup.patch b/debian/patches/innodb_simulate_comp_test_speedup.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea5aec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/innodb_simulate_comp_test_speedup.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: innodb_simulate_comp_test_speedup
+ mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_simulate_comp_failures_small-master.opt | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_simulate_comp_failures_small-master.opt b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_simulate_comp_failures_small-master.opt
+index fae3205..2ac6dc5 100644
+--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_simulate_comp_failures_small-master.opt
++++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_simulate_comp_failures_small-master.opt
+@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+ --innodb-file-per-table
diff --git a/debian/patches/kFreeBSD-gettid.patch b/debian/patches/kFreeBSD-gettid.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..396a75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/kFreeBSD-gettid.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: kFreeBSD-gettid
+ storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/portability/ | 4 ++++
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/portability/ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/portability/
+index 19f445a..73dce92 100644
+--- a/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/portability/
++++ b/storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/portability/
+@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ toku_os_gettid(void) {
+ return syscall(SYS_gettid);
+ return pthread_getthreadid_np();
++#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
++ long lwpid;
++ thr_self( &lwpid );
++ return lwpid;
+ #else
+ # error "no implementation of gettid available"
+ #endif
diff --git a/debian/patches/libmariadbclient-rename.patch b/debian/patches/libmariadbclient-rename.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72dce9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/libmariadbclient-rename.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:27 +0200
+Subject: libmariadbclient-rename
+ client/CMakeLists.txt | 24 ++++++++++++------------
+ cmake/for_clients.cmake | 8 ++++----
+ libmysql/CMakeLists.txt | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
+ man/mysql_config.1 | 6 +++---
+ scripts/make_win_bin_dist | 8 ++++----
+ scripts/ | 6 +++---
+ tests/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +++---
+ unittest/mysys/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
+ 8 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/client/CMakeLists.txt b/client/CMakeLists.txt
+index e4643ad..523912e 100644
+--- a/client/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/client/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ COPY_OPENSSL_DLLS(copy_openssl_client)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysql mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysql mariadbclient)
+@@ -40,39 +40,39 @@ ENDIF(UNIX)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqltest mysqlclient pcre pcreposix)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqltest mariadbclient pcre pcreposix)
+ MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(mysqlcheck mysqlcheck.c)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlcheck mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlcheck mariadbclient)
+ MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(mysqldump mysqldump.c ../sql-common/my_user.c)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqldump mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqldump mariadbclient)
+ MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(mysqlimport mysqlimport.c)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlimport mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlimport mariadbclient)
+ MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(mysql_upgrade mysql_upgrade.c COMPONENT Server)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysql_upgrade mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysql_upgrade mariadbclient)
+ ADD_DEPENDENCIES(mysql_upgrade GenFixPrivs)
+ MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(mysqlshow mysqlshow.c)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlshow mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlshow mariadbclient)
+ MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(mysql_plugin mysql_plugin.c)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysql_plugin mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysql_plugin mariadbclient)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlbinlog mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlbinlog mariadbclient)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqladmin mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqladmin mariadbclient)
+ MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(mysqlslap mysqlslap.c)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlslap mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysqlslap mariadbclient)
+ # "WIN32" also covers 64 bit. "echo" is used in some files below "mysql-test/".
+ IF(WIN32)
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ENDIF(WIN32)
+ # async_example is just a code example, do not install it.
+ ADD_EXECUTABLE(async_example async_example.c)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(async_example mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(async_example mariadbclient)
+ SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (mysqlcheck mysqldump mysqlimport mysql_upgrade mysqlshow mysqlslap mysql_plugin async_example
+diff --git a/cmake/for_clients.cmake b/cmake/for_clients.cmake
+index dd79ea1..879da78 100644
+--- a/cmake/for_clients.cmake
++++ b/cmake/for_clients.cmake
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ # Generate LIBS and CFLAGS that third-party clients should use
+ #
+-# Use cmake variables to inspect dependencies for
+-# mysqlclient library (add -l stuff)
++# Use cmake variables to inspect dependencies for
++# mariadbclient library (add -l stuff)
+ SET(LIBS "")
+@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ MACRO(EXTRACT_LINK_LIBRARIES target var)
+-SET(LIBS "-lmysqlclient ${ZLIB_DEPS} ${LIBS} ${openssl_libs}")
++SET(LIBS "-lmariadbclient ${ZLIB_DEPS} ${LIBS} ${openssl_libs}")
+ SET(EMB_LIBS "-lmysqld ${ZLIB_DEPS} ${EMB_LIBS} ${openssl_libs}")
+diff --git a/libmysql/CMakeLists.txt b/libmysql/CMakeLists.txt
+index 8e60d26..6d29073 100644
+--- a/libmysql/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/libmysql/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux")
+ INCLUDE (CheckCSourceCompiles)
+- "VERSION {\nlibmysqlclient_18 {\nglobal: *;\n};\n}\n")
++ "VERSION {\nlibmariadbclient_18 {\nglobal: *;\n};\n}\n")
+ CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES("int main() { return 0; }"
+@@ -380,18 +380,18 @@ IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux")
+ # Generate version script.
+ # Create semicolon separated lists of functions to export from
+ # Since RPM packages use separate versioning for 5.1 API
+- # and 5.5 API (libmysqlclient_16 vs libmysqlclient_18),
++ # and 5.5 API (libmariadbclient_16 vs libmariadbclient_18),
+ # we need 2 lists.
+- libmysqlclient_18 {
++ libmariadbclient_18 {
+ global:")
+ " local:
+ *;
+ };
+- libmysqlclient_16 {
++ libmariadbclient_16 {
+ /* empty here. aliases are added above */
+ };
+ }
+@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux")
+ SET(CLIENT_API_5_1_LIST "${CLIENT_API_5_1_LIST}\t${f};\n")
+- SET(CLIENT_API_5_1_ALIASES "${CLIENT_API_5_1_ALIASES}\"${f}@libmysqlclient_16\" = ${f};\n")
++ SET(CLIENT_API_5_1_ALIASES "${CLIENT_API_5_1_ALIASES}\"${f}@libmariadbclient_16\" = ${f};\n")
+@@ -446,13 +446,13 @@ ADD_DEPENDENCIES(clientlib GenError)
+ SET(LIBS clientlib dbug strings vio mysys mysys_ssl ${ZLIB_LIBRARY} ${SSL_LIBRARIES} ${LIBDL})
+-# Merge several convenience libraries into one big mysqlclient
++# Merge several convenience libraries into one big mariadbclient
+ # and link them together into shared library.
++MERGE_LIBRARIES(mariadbclient STATIC ${LIBS} COMPONENT Development)
+ # Visual Studio users need debug static library for debug projects
+@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ IF(UNIX)
+- INSTALL_SYMLINK(${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}mysqlclient_r.a mysqlclient ${INSTALL_LIBDIR} Development)
++ INSTALL_SYMLINK(${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}mariadbclient_r.a mariadbclient ${INSTALL_LIBDIR} Development)
+@@ -484,9 +484,9 @@ IF(NOT DISABLE_SHARED)
+ ELSE()
+- # Name of shared library is mysqlclient on Unix
++ # Name of shared library is mariadbclient on Unix
+- OUTPUT_NAME mysqlclient
++ OUTPUT_NAME mariadbclient
+@@ -499,13 +499,13 @@ IF(NOT DISABLE_SHARED)
+ "${libmysql_link_flags} ${LINK_FLAG_NO_UNDEFINED} ${VERSION_SCRIPT_LINK_FLAGS}")
+ # clean direct output needs to be set several targets have the same name
+- #(mysqlclient in this case)
++ #(mariadbclient in this case)
+- # Install links to (client_r)
++ # Install links to (client_r)
+- "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}mysqlclient_r"
++ "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}mariadbclient_r"
+ ""
+ linkname)
+@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ IF(NOT DISABLE_SHARED)
+- "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}mysqlclient_r"
++ "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}mariadbclient_r"
+ "${ver}"
+ linkname)
+diff --git a/man/mysql_config.1 b/man/mysql_config.1
+index 47e8a3a..c699974 100644
+--- a/man/mysql_config.1
++++ b/man/mysql_config.1
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ supports the following options\&.
+ \fB\-\-cflags\fR
+ .sp
+ Compiler flags to find include files and critical compiler flags and defines used when compiling the
+ library\&. The options returned are tied to the specific compiler that was used when the library was created and might clash with the settings for your own compiler\&. Use
+ \fB\-\-include\fR
+ for more portable options that contain only include paths\&.
+@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ Usage: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config [options]
+ Options:
+ \-\-cflags [\-I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql \-mcpu=pentiumpro]
+ \-\-include [\-I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql]
+- \-\-libs [\-L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql \-lmysqlclient \-lz
++ \-\-libs [\-L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql \-lmariadbclient \-lz
+ \-lcrypt \-lnsl \-lm \-L/usr/lib \-lssl \-lcrypto]
+- \-\-libs_r [\-L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql \-lmysqlclient_r
++ \-\-libs_r [\-L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql \-lmariadbclient_r
+ \-lpthread \-lz \-lcrypt \-lnsl \-lm \-lpthread]
+ \-\-socket [/tmp/mysql\&.sock]
+ \-\-port [3306]
+diff --git a/scripts/make_win_bin_dist b/scripts/make_win_bin_dist
+index 2415d40..bfff308 100755
+--- a/scripts/make_win_bin_dist
++++ b/scripts/make_win_bin_dist
+@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ mkdir -p $DESTDIR/lib/plugin
+ cp sql/$TARGET/mysqld.lib $DESTDIR/lib/
+ cp libmysql/$TARGET/libmysql.dll \
+ libmysql/$TARGET/libmysql.lib \
+- libmysql/$TARGET/mysqlclient.lib \
++ libmysql/$TARGET/mariadbclient.lib \
+ mysys/$TARGET/mysys.lib \
+ regex/$TARGET/regex.lib \
+ strings/$TARGET/strings.lib \
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ cp storage/*/$TARGET/ha_*.dll $DESTDIR/lib/plugin/
+ if [ x"$TARGET" != x"release" ] ; then
+ cp libmysql/$TARGET/libmysql.pdb \
+- libmysql/$TARGET/mysqlclient.pdb \
++ libmysql/$TARGET/mariadbclient.pdb \
+ mysys/$TARGET/mysys.pdb \
+ regex/$TARGET/regex.pdb \
+ strings/$TARGET/strings.pdb \
+@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ if [ x"$PACK_DEBUG" = x"" -a -f "libmysql/debug/libmysql.lib" -o \
+ cp libmysql/debug/libmysql.dll \
+ libmysql/debug/libmysql.lib \
+ libmysql/debug/libmysql.pdb \
+- libmysql/debug/mysqlclient.lib \
+- libmysql/debug/mysqlclient.pdb \
++ libmysql/debug/mariadbclient.lib \
++ libmysql/debug/mariadbclient.pdb \
+ mysys/debug/mysys.lib \
+ mysys/debug/mysys.pdb \
+ regex/debug/regex.lib \
+diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
+index f2c27bc..9cf718b 100644
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -183,15 +183,15 @@ if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" )
+ my $linkpath = "$pkglibdir";
+ # user32 is only needed for debug or embedded
+ my @winlibs = ("wsock32.lib","advapi32.lib","user32.lib");
+- @lib_opts = ("$linkpath/mysqlclient.lib",@winlibs);
++ @lib_opts = ("$linkpath/mariadbclient.lib",@winlibs);
+ @lib_r_opts = @lib_opts;
+ @lib_e_opts = ("$linkpath/mysqlserver.lib",@winlibs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $linkpath = "-L$pkglibdir @RPATH_OPTION@";
+- @lib_opts = ($linkpath,"-lmysqlclient");
+- @lib_r_opts = ($linkpath,"-lmysqlclient_r");
++ @lib_opts = ($linkpath,"-lmariadbclient");
++ @lib_r_opts = ($linkpath,"-lmariadbclient_r");
+ @lib_e_opts = ($linkpath,"-lmysqld");
+ }
+diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+index f32e027..cb7e31c 100644
+--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DMYSQL_CLIENT")
+ ADD_EXECUTABLE(mysql_client_test mysql_client_test.c)
+-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysql_client_test mysqlclient)
++TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysql_client_test mariadbclient)
+ ADD_EXECUTABLE(bug25714 bug25714.c)
+- TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(bug25714 mysqlclient)
++ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(bug25714 mariadbclient)
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ FIND_LIBRARY(EVENT_LIBRARY event)
+ ADD_EXECUTABLE(async_queries async_queries.c)
+- TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(async_queries mysqlclient ${EVENT_LIBRARY})
++ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(async_queries mariadbclient ${EVENT_LIBRARY})
+diff --git a/unittest/mysys/CMakeLists.txt b/unittest/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
+index ad5195a..965df3c 100644
+--- a/unittest/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/unittest/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ MY_ADD_TESTS(my_vsnprintf LINK_LIBRARIES strings mysys)
+ MY_ADD_TESTS(ma_dyncol
+- LINK_LIBRARIES mysqlclient)
++ LINK_LIBRARIES mariadbclient)
+ IF(WIN32)
+ MY_ADD_TESTS(my_delete LINK_LIBRARIES mysys)
diff --git a/debian/patches/mips-connect-unaligned.patch b/debian/patches/mips-connect-unaligned.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e17f6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mips-connect-unaligned.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: mips-connect-unaligned
+ storage/connect/valblk.cpp | 41 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
+ storage/connect/valblk.h | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/storage/connect/valblk.cpp b/storage/connect/valblk.cpp
+index 5b98f3e..c6a520b 100644
+--- a/storage/connect/valblk.cpp
++++ b/storage/connect/valblk.cpp
+@@ -265,14 +265,14 @@ bool TYPBLK<TYPE>::Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check)
+ template <class TYPE>
+ char *TYPBLK<TYPE>::GetCharString(char *p, int n)
+ {
+- sprintf(p, Fmt, Typp[n]);
++ sprintf(p, Fmt, UnalignedRead(n));
+ return p;
+ } // end of GetCharString
+ template <>
+ char *TYPBLK<double>::GetCharString(char *p, int n)
+ {
+- sprintf(p, Fmt, Prec, Typp[n]);
++ sprintf(p, Fmt, Prec, UnalignedRead(n));
+ return p;
+ } // end of GetCharString
+@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValue(PVAL valp, int n)
+ ChkTyp(valp);
+ if (!(b = valp->IsNull()))
+- Typp[n] = GetTypedValue(valp);
++ UnalignedWrite(n, GetTypedValue(valp));
+ else
+ Reset(n);
+@@ -350,9 +350,9 @@ void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValue(PCSZ p, int n)
+ ulonglong val = CharToNumber(p, strlen(p), maxval, Unsigned, &minus);
+ if (minus && val < maxval)
+- Typp[n] = (TYPE)(-(signed)val);
++ UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)(-(signed)val));
+ else
+- Typp[n] = (TYPE)val;
++ UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)val);
+ SetNull(n, false);
+ } // end of SetValue
+@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ void TYPBLK<double>::SetValue(PCSZ p, int n)
+ throw Type;
+ } // endif Check
+- Typp[n] = atof(p);
++ UnalignedWrite(n, atof(p));
+ SetNull(n, false);
+ } // end of SetValue
+@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2)
+ ChkTyp(pv);
+ if (!(b = pv->IsNull(n2) && Nullable))
+- Typp[n1] = GetTypedValue(pv, n2);
++ UnalignedWrite(n1, GetTypedValue(pv, n2));
+ else
+ Reset(n1);
+@@ -478,10 +478,10 @@ void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetMin(PVAL valp, int n)
+ {
+ CheckParms(valp, n)
+ TYPE tval = GetTypedValue(valp);
+- TYPE& tmin = Typp[n];
++ TYPE tmin = UnalignedRead(n);
+ if (tval < tmin)
+- tmin = tval;
++ UnalignedWrite(n, tval);
+ } // end of SetMin
+@@ -493,10 +493,10 @@ void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetMax(PVAL valp, int n)
+ {
+ CheckParms(valp, n)
+ TYPE tval = GetTypedValue(valp);
+- TYPE& tmin = Typp[n];
++ TYPE tmin = UnalignedRead(n);
+ if (tval > tmin)
+- tmin = tval;
++ UnalignedWrite(n, tval);
+ } // end of SetMax
+@@ -510,8 +510,7 @@ void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValues(PVBLK pv, int k, int n)
+ CheckType(pv)
+ TYPE *lp = ((TYPBLK*)pv)->Typp;
+- for (register int i = k; i < n; i++) // TODO
+- Typp[i] = lp[i];
++ memcpy(Typp + k, lp + k, sizeof(TYPE) * n);
+ } // end of SetValues
+ #endif // 0
+@@ -522,7 +521,7 @@ void TYPBLK<TYPE>::SetValues(PVBLK pv, int k, int n)
+ template <class TYPE>
+ void TYPBLK<TYPE>::Move(int i, int j)
+ {
+- Typp[j] = Typp[i];
++ UnalignedWrite(j, UnalignedRead(i));
+ MoveNull(i, j);
+ } // end of Move
+@@ -536,7 +535,7 @@ int TYPBLK<TYPE>::CompVal(PVAL vp, int n)
+ ChkIndx(n);
+ ChkTyp(vp);
+ #endif // _DEBUG
+- TYPE mlv = Typp[n];
++ TYPE mlv = UnalignedRead(n);
+ TYPE vlv = GetTypedValue(vp);
+ return (vlv > mlv) ? 1 : (vlv < mlv) ? (-1) : 0;
+@@ -548,8 +547,8 @@ int TYPBLK<TYPE>::CompVal(PVAL vp, int n)
+ template <class TYPE>
+ int TYPBLK<TYPE>::CompVal(int i1, int i2)
+ {
+- TYPE lv1 = Typp[i1];
+- TYPE lv2 = Typp[i2];
++ TYPE lv1 = UnalignedRead(i1);
++ TYPE lv2 = UnalignedRead(i2);
+ return (lv1 > lv2) ? 1 : (lv1 < lv2) ? (-1) : 0;
+ } // end of CompVal
+@@ -586,7 +585,7 @@ int TYPBLK<TYPE>::Find(PVAL vp)
+ TYPE n = GetTypedValue(vp);
+ for (i = 0; i < Nval; i++)
+- if (n == Typp[i])
++ if (n == UnalignedRead(i))
+ break;
+ return (i < Nval) ? i : (-1);
+@@ -602,7 +601,7 @@ int TYPBLK<TYPE>::GetMaxLength(void)
+ int i, n, m;
+ for (i = n = 0; i < Nval; i++) {
+- m = sprintf(buf, Fmt, Typp[i]);
++ m = sprintf(buf, Fmt, UnalignedRead(i));
+ n = MY_MAX(n, m);
+ } // endfor i
+@@ -1332,7 +1331,7 @@ char *DATBLK::GetCharString(char *p, int n)
+ char *vp;
+ if (Dvalp) {
+- Dvalp->SetValue(Typp[n]);
++ Dvalp->SetValue(UnalignedRead(n));
+ vp = Dvalp->GetCharString(p);
+ } else
+ vp = TYPBLK<int>::GetCharString(p, n);
+@@ -1348,7 +1347,7 @@ void DATBLK::SetValue(PCSZ p, int n)
+ if (Dvalp) {
+ // Decode the string according to format
+ Dvalp->SetValue_psz(p);
+- Typp[n] = Dvalp->GetIntValue();
++ UnalignedWrite(n, Dvalp->GetIntValue());
+ } else
+ TYPBLK<int>::SetValue(p, n);
+diff --git a/storage/connect/valblk.h b/storage/connect/valblk.h
+index 38a7342..4737d9c 100644
+--- a/storage/connect/valblk.h
++++ b/storage/connect/valblk.h
+@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ class VALBLK : public BLOCK {
+ int Prec; // Precision of float values
+ }; // end of class VALBLK
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* Class TYPBLK: represents a block of typed values. */
+ /***********************************************************************/
+@@ -151,40 +152,41 @@ class TYPBLK : public VALBLK {
+ // Implementation
+ virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check);
+ virtual int GetVlen(void) {return sizeof(TYPE);}
+- virtual char GetTinyValue(int n) {return (char)Typp[n];}
+- virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n) {return (uchar)Typp[n];}
+- virtual short GetShortValue(int n) {return (short)Typp[n];}
+- virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n) {return (ushort)Typp[n];}
+- virtual int GetIntValue(int n) {return (int)Typp[n];}
+- virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n) {return (uint)Typp[n];}
+- virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n) {return (longlong)Typp[n];}
+- virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n) {return (ulonglong)Typp[n];}
+- virtual double GetFloatValue(int n) {return (double)Typp[n];}
++ virtual char GetTinyValue(int n) {return (char)UnalignedRead(n);}
++ virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n) {return (uchar)UnalignedRead(n);}
++ virtual short GetShortValue(int n) {return (short)UnalignedRead(n);}
++ virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n) {return (ushort)UnalignedRead(n);}
++ virtual int GetIntValue(int n) {return (int)UnalignedRead(n);}
++ virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n) {return (uint)UnalignedRead(n);}
++ virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n) {return (longlong)UnalignedRead(n);}
++ virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n) {return (ulonglong)UnalignedRead(n);}
++ virtual double GetFloatValue(int n) {return (double)UnalignedRead(n);}
+ virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n);
+- virtual void Reset(int n) {Typp[n] = 0;}
++ virtual void Reset(int n) {UnalignedWrite(n, 0);}
+ // Methods
+ using VALBLK::SetValue;
+ virtual void SetValue(PCSZ sp, int n);
+ virtual void SetValue(const char *sp, uint len, int n);
+ virtual void SetValue(short sval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)sval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)sval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(ushort sval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)sval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)sval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(int lval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)lval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(uint lval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)lval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(longlong lval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)lval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(ulonglong lval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)lval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(double fval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)fval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)fval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(char cval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)cval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)cval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(uchar cval, int n)
+- {Typp[n] = (TYPE)cval; SetNull(n, false);}
++ {UnalignedWrite(n, (TYPE)cval); SetNull(n, false);}
+ virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n);
+ virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2);
+ virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n);
+@@ -206,6 +208,17 @@ class TYPBLK : public VALBLK {
+ // Members
+ TYPE* const &Typp;
+ const char *Fmt;
++ // Unaligned access
++ TYPE UnalignedRead(int n) const {
++ TYPE result;
++ memcpy(&result, Typp + n, sizeof(TYPE));
++ return result;
++ }
++ void UnalignedWrite(int n, TYPE value) {
++ memcpy(Typp + n, &value, sizeof(TYPE));
++ }
+ }; // end of class TYPBLK
+ /***********************************************************************/
diff --git a/debian/patches/mips-groonga-atomic.patch b/debian/patches/mips-groonga-atomic.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d41c648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mips-groonga-atomic.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: mips-groonga-atomic
+ storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/CMakeLists.txt | 2 ++
+ storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
+ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/CMakeLists.txt b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/CMakeLists.txt
+index 2d8a59f..c1805a3 100644
+--- a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -234,6 +234,8 @@ endmacro()
+ include(build/ac_macros/check_headers.m4)
+ include(build/ac_macros/check_functions.m4)
++ac_check_lib(atomic __atomic_store_8)
+ ac_check_symbols(fpclassify math.h)
+ ac_check_lib(m fpclassify)
+diff --git a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+index 7825878..975bdd5 100644
+--- a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ endif()
+ set_target_properties(libgroonga PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "groonga")
+ ${RT_LIBS}
diff --git a/debian/patches/mips-innobase-atomic.patch b/debian/patches/mips-innobase-atomic.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc19189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mips-innobase-atomic.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: mips-innobase-atomic
+ storage/innobase/include/os0sync.h | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/storage/innobase/include/os0sync.h b/storage/innobase/include/os0sync.h
+index bb225c5..6520237 100644
+--- a/storage/innobase/include/os0sync.h
++++ b/storage/innobase/include/os0sync.h
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Created 9/6/1995 Heikki Tuuri
+ #include "univ.i"
+ #include "ut0lst.h"
++#include "sync0types.h"
+ /** CPU cache line size */
+ #ifdef __powerpc__
diff --git a/debian/patches/mips-machine.patch b/debian/patches/mips-machine.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc56fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mips-machine.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: mips-machine
+ cmake/package_name.cmake | 4 ++++
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/cmake/package_name.cmake b/cmake/package_name.cmake
+index 4930a6b..7681f78 100644
+--- a/cmake/package_name.cmake
++++ b/cmake/package_name.cmake
+@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ IF(NOT VERSION)
++ ENDIF()
diff --git a/debian/patches/mysql-test__db_test.patch b/debian/patches/mysql-test__db_test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9519429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mysql-test__db_test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: mysql-test__db_test
+## 50_mysql-test__db_test.dpatch by Christian Hammers <>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Patch 33_scripts__mysql_create_system_tables__no_test removes the
+## DP: rights for anybody to connect to the test database but the test
+## DP: suite depends on them.
+ mysql-test/ | 5 +++++
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/mysql-test/ b/mysql-test/
+index 2cd5d2a..8049d45 100755
+--- a/mysql-test/
++++ b/mysql-test/
+@@ -3199,6 +3199,11 @@ sub mysql_install_db {
+ mtr_appendfile_to_file("$sql_dir/mysql_system_tables_data.sql",
+ $bootstrap_sql_file);
++ mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "-- Debian removed the default privileges on the 'test' database\n");
++ mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "INSERT INTO mysql.db VALUES ('%','test','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','Y','Y');\n");
++ mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "INSERT INTO mysql.db VALUES ('%','test\\_%','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','Y','Y');\n");
+ # Add test data for timezone - this is just a subset, on a real
+ # system these tables will be populated either by mysql_tzinfo_to_sql
+ # or by downloading the timezone table package from our website
diff --git a/debian/patches/mysqld_multi.server_lsb-header.patch b/debian/patches/mysqld_multi.server_lsb-header.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4c7043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mysqld_multi.server_lsb-header.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: mysqld_multi.server_lsb-header
+ support-files/ | 20 ++++++++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/support-files/ b/support-files/
+index 75908a5..9e0dd79 100644
+--- a/support-files/
++++ b/support-files/
+@@ -14,8 +14,24 @@
+ # Version 1.0
+ #
++# Provides: mysqld_multi
++# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
++# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
++# Should-Start: $network $named $time
++# Should-Stop: $network $named $time
++# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
++# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
++# Short-Description: Start and stop multiple mysql database server daemon instances
++# Description: Controls multiple MariaDB database server daemon instances
+ if test -x $bindir/mysqld_multi
+ then
diff --git a/debian/patches/mysqld_multi_confd.patch b/debian/patches/mysqld_multi_confd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600a2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mysqld_multi_confd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: mysqld_multi_confd
+ scripts/ | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
+index c6515a3..f50f0fe 100644
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ sub list_defaults_files
+ '@prefix@/my.cnf',
+ ($ENV{MYSQL_HOME} ? "$ENV{MYSQL_HOME}/my.cnf" : undef),
+ $opt{'extra-file'},
++ </etc/mysql/conf.d/*.cnf>,
+ ($ENV{HOME} ? "$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf" : undef));
+ }
diff --git a/debian/patches/mytop-merge_src:mytop_improvements.patch b/debian/patches/mytop-merge_src:mytop_improvements.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f5799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mytop-merge_src:mytop_improvements.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: mytop-merge_src:mytop_improvements
+ scripts/ | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
+ 1 file changed, 132 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
+index 17a87e9..e8cc902 100644
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ mytop - display MariaDB server performance info like `top'
+ use 5.005;
+ use strict;
+ use DBI;
++use Config::IniFiles;
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ use Socket;
+ use List::Util qw(min max);
+@@ -76,7 +77,8 @@ sub cmd_q;
+ my %config = (
+ batchmode => 0,
+ color => 1,
+- db => 'test',
++ db => '',
++ database => '',
+ delay => 5,
+ filter_user => qr/.?/,
+ filter_db => qr/.?/,
+@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ my %config = (
+ mode => 'top',
+ prompt => 0,
+ pass => '',
++ password => '',
+ port => 3306,
+ resolve => 0,
+ slow => 10, # slow query time
+@@ -125,6 +128,37 @@ if (!defined($my_print_defaults=my_which("my_print_defaults")))
+ unshift @ARGV, split "\n", `$my_print_defaults client mytop`;
++## Try ~/.my.cnf first
++my $mycnf = "$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf";
++if (-e $mycnf)
++ my $cfgini = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $mycnf );
++ if ( not defined $cfgini )
++ {
++ foreach my $error (@Config::IniFiles::errors)
++ {
++ print $error;
++ print "\n";
++ }
++ exit;
++ }
++ my @sections = ('client', 'mytop');
++ foreach my $section (@sections) {
++ foreach my $param ($cfgini->Parameters ($section))
++ {
++ $config{$param} = $cfgini->val($section, $param) if exists $config{$param};
++ }
++ }
++ ## map database/password onto db/pass (long version gets precedence in .my.cnf)
++ $config{'db'} = $config{'database'} if $config{'database'};
++ $config{'pass'} = $config{'password'} if $config{'password'};
+ ## Read the user's config file, if it exists.
+ my $config = "$ENV{HOME}/.mytop";
+@@ -147,6 +181,9 @@ if (-e $config)
+ }
+ close CFG;
+ }
++ ## map database/password onto db/pass (short version gets precedence for historical reasons)
++ $config{'db'} = $config{'database'} unless $config{'db'};
++ $config{'pass'} = $config{'password'} unless $config{'pass'};
+ }
+ ## Command-line args.
+@@ -258,15 +295,15 @@ if (not ref $dbh)
+ my $Error = <<EODIE
+ Cannot connect to MariaDB server. Please check the:
+- * database you specified "$config{db}" (default is "test")
++ * database you specified "$config{db}" (default is "")
+ * username you specified "$config{user}" (default is "root")
+ * password you specified "$config{pass}" (default is "")
+ * hostname you specified "$config{host}" (default is "localhost")
+ * port you specified "$config{port}" (default is 3306)
+ * socket you specified "$config{socket}" (default is "")
+-The options my be specified on the command-line or in a ~/.mytop
+-config file. See the manual (perldoc mytop) for details.
++The options my be specified on the command-line or in a ~/.mytop or
++~/.my.cnf config file. See the manual (perldoc mytop) for details.
+ Here's the exact error from DBI. It might help you debug:
+@@ -294,9 +331,14 @@ foreach (@variables)
+ {
+ if ($_->{Variable_name} eq "version")
+ {
++ if($_->{Value} =~ m/-/)
++ {
++ my @tmp_db_version = split(/-/,$_->{Value});
++ $_->{Value} = $tmp_db_version[0];
++ }
+ $db_version = $_->{Value};
+ $db_version =~ /(\d+)/;
+- $db_release= $1;
++ $db_release = $1;
+ $server="MariaDB" if ($db_version =~ /maria/i);
+ next;
+ }
+@@ -419,7 +461,7 @@ while (1)
+ {
+ $config{mode} = 'qps';
+ Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
+- print "Queries Per Second [hit q to exit this mode]\n";
++ print "Queries Per Second\n";
+ next;
+ }
+@@ -429,8 +471,8 @@ while (1)
+ {
+ $config{mode} = 'cmd';
+ Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
+- print "Command Summary [hit q to exit this mode]\n";
+- next;
++ print "Command Summary\n";
++ next;
+ }
+ ## C - change Color on and off
+@@ -579,7 +621,7 @@ while (1)
+ {
+ $config{mode} = 'innodb';
+ Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
+- print "InnoDB Status [hit q to exit this mode]\n";
++ print "InnoDB Status\n";
+ next;
+ }
+@@ -947,7 +989,7 @@ sub GetData()
+ my $current_time = sprintf "[%02d:%02d:%02d]", $t[2], $t[1], $t[0];
+- my $host_width = 50;
++ my $host_width = 80;
+ my $up_width = $width - $host_width - 1;
+ Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
+ print RESET();
+@@ -959,7 +1001,7 @@ sub GetData()
+ $lines_left--;
+- printf " Queries: %-6s qps: %4.0f Slow: %7s Se/In/Up/De(%%): %02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f\n",
++ printf " Queries: %-7s qps: %4.0f Slow: %7s Se/In/Up/De(%%): %02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f\n",
+ make_short( $STATUS{Questions} ), # q total
+ $STATUS{Questions} / $STATUS{Uptime}, # qps, average
+ make_short( $STATUS{Slow_queries} ), # slow
+@@ -977,7 +1019,7 @@ sub GetData()
+ my $q_diff = ( $STATUS{Questions} - $OLD_STATUS{Questions} );
+ # print("q_diff: $STATUS{Questions} - $OLD_STATUS{Questions} / $t_delta = $q_diff\n");
+- printf(" Sorts: %5.0f qps now: %4.0f Slow qps: %3.1f Threads: %4.0f (%4.0f/%4.0f) %02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f\n",
++ printf(" Sorts: %6.0f qps now: %4.0f Slow qps: %3.1f Threads: %4.0f (%4.0f/%4.0f) %02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f\n",
+ ( $STATUS{Sort_rows} - $OLD_STATUS{Sort_rows} ) / $t_delta,
+ ( $STATUS{Questions} - $OLD_STATUS{Questions} ) / $t_delta,
+ ( # slow now (qps)
+@@ -1020,7 +1062,7 @@ sub GetData()
+ print RED() if ($Ratio < 50.0);
+ print MAGENTA() if ($Ratio < 20.0);
+ }
+- printf("%4.1f%% ",$Ratio);
++ printf("%4.1f%%$/",$Ratio);
+ if ($HAS_COLOR)
+ {
+ print RESET();
+@@ -1044,8 +1086,8 @@ sub GetData()
+ {
+ print RESET();
+ }
++ $lines_left--;
+ }
+- $lines_left--;
+ if ($t_delta)
+ {
+@@ -1099,15 +1141,15 @@ sub GetData()
+ $lines_left--;
+- my($data) = Hashes('show global variables like "read_only"');
+- if ($data->{Value} ne "OFF")
++ my($read_only) = Hashes('show global variables like "read_only"');
++ if ($read_only->{Value} ne "OFF")
+ {
+ print RED() if ($HAS_COLOR) ;
+ print " ReadOnly";
+ RESET() if ($HAS_COLOR);
+ }
+- ($data) = Hashes('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
++ my($data) = Hashes('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
+ if (defined($data->{Master_Host}))
+ {
+ if (defined($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master}))
+@@ -1210,6 +1252,11 @@ sub GetData()
+ # my $host = $thread->{Host};
+ my $host = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($thread->{Host}), AF_INET);
+ # $host =~ s/^([^.]+).*/$1/;
++ if ($host)
++ {
++ $host =~ s/^([^.]+).*/$1/;
++ $thread->{Host} = $host;
++ }
+ $thread->{Host} = $host;
+ }
+@@ -1233,18 +1280,19 @@ sub GetData()
+ ## break EXPLAIN if you try to explain a mangled query. It
+ ## may be re-enabled later as an option.
+- ## leading space removal
+- $thread->{Info} =~ s/^\s*//;
+ if (1)
+ {
+- ## remove newlines and carriage returns
+- $thread->{Info} =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
++ ## collapse newlines and carriage returns and whitespaces
++ $thread->{Info} =~ s/[\n\r\s]+/ /g;
+- ## collpase whitespace
+- $thread->{Info} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
++ # control symbols
++ $thread->{Info} =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]/?/g;
+ }
++ ## leading and trailing space removal
++ $thread->{Info} =~ s/^\s+//;
++ $thread->{Info} =~ s/\s+$//;
+ ## stow it in the cache
+ $qcache{$thread->{Id}} = $thread->{Info};
+@@ -1371,7 +1419,7 @@ sub GetInnoDBStatus()
+ }
+ }
+- my @data = Hashes("SHOW INNODB STATUS");
++ my @data = Hashes("SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS");
+ open P, "|$config{pager}" or die "$!";
+ print keys %{$data[0]};
+@@ -1722,7 +1770,7 @@ Help for mytop version $main::VERSION by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\@Zaw
+ e - explain the query that a thread is running
+ E - display current replication error
+ f - show full query info for a given thread
+- F - unFilter the dispaly
++ F - unfilter the display
+ h - show only a specifc host's connections
+ H - toggle the mytop header
+ i - toggle the display of idle (sleeping) threads
+@@ -1737,7 +1785,7 @@ Help for mytop version $main::VERSION by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\@Zaw
+ r - reset the status counters (via FLUSH STATUS on your server)
+ R - change reverse IP lookup
+ s - change the delay between screen updates
+- S - change slow quiery hightlighting
++ S - change slow query hightlighting
+ t - switch to thread view (default)
+ u - show only a specific user
+ V - show variables
+@@ -1745,7 +1793,7 @@ Help for mytop version $main::VERSION by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\@Zaw
+ ! - Skip an error that has stopped replications (at your own risk)
+ L - show full queries (do not strip to terminal width)
+-Base version from ${GREEN}${RESET}
++Base version from ${GREEN}${RESET}
+ This version comes as part of the ${GREEN}MariaDB${RESET} distribution.
+ ];
+@@ -1805,6 +1853,9 @@ sub Hashes($)
+ sub Execute($)
+ {
+ my $sql = shift;
++ $sql and $sql =~ s/\n/ /sg;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+ if (not $sth) { ReadMode($RM_RESET); die $DBI::errstr; }
+@@ -1861,7 +1912,7 @@ B<mytop> [options]
+-Base version from B<>.
++Base version from B<>.
+ This version comes as part of the B<MariaDB> distribution. See B<>.
+@@ -1875,6 +1926,7 @@ In order for B<mytop> to function properly, you must have the
+ following:
+ * Perl 5.005 or newer
++ * Config::IniFiles;
+ * Getopt::Long
+ * DBI and DBD::mysql
+ * Term::ReadKey from CPAN
+@@ -2016,46 +2068,49 @@ have two dashes `--'. Short arguments only have one '-'.
+ =over
+-=item B<-u> or B<-user> username
++=item B<-u> or B<--user> username
+-Username to use when logging in to the MariaDB server. Default: ``root''.
++Username to use when logging in to the MariaDB server. Default: ``B<root>''.
+-=item B<-p> or B<-pass> or B<-password> password
++=item B<-p> or B<--pass> or B<--password> I<password>
+ Password to use when logging in to the MariaDB server. Default: none.
+-=item B<-h> or B<--host> hostname[:port]
++WARNING: This is insecure as the password is visible for anyone.
++See B<--prompt> instead!
++=item B<-h> or B<--host> I<hostname>[B<:>I<port>]
+ Hostname of the MariaDB server. The hostname may be followed by an
+ option port number. Note that the port is specified separate from the
+-host when using a config file. Default: ``localhost''.
++host when using a config file. Default: ``B<localhost>''.
+-=item B<--port> or B<-P> port
++=item B<--port> or B<-P> I<port>
+ If you're running MariaDB on a non-standard port, use this to specify
+-the port number. Default: 3306.
++the port number. Default: B<3306>.
+-=item B<-s> or B<--delay> seconds
++=item B<-s> or B<--delay> I<seconds>
+ How long between display refreshes. Default: 5
+-=item B<-d> or B<--db> or B<--database> database
++=item B<-d> or B<--db> or B<--database> I<database>
+ Use if you'd like B<mytop> to connect to a specific database by
+-default. Default: ``test''.
++default. Default: none.
+ =item B<-b> or B<--batch> or B<--batchmode>
+ In batch mode, mytop runs only once, does not clear the screen, and
+ places no limit on the number of lines it will print. This is suitable
+-for running periodically (perhaps from cron) to capture the
++for running periodically (perhaps from B<cron>) to capture the
+ information into a file for later viewing. You might use batch mode in
+ a CGI script to occasionally display your MariaDB server status on the
+ web.
+ Default: unset.
+-=item B<-S> or B<--socket> /path/to/socket
++=item B<-S> or B<--socket> I</path/to/socket>
+ If you're running B<mytop> on the same host as MariaDB, you may wish to
+ have it use the MariaDB socket directly rather than a standard TCP/IP
+@@ -2070,7 +2125,7 @@ Default: none.
+ =item B<--header> or B<--noheader>
+-Sepcify if you want the header to display or not. You can toggle this
++Specify if you want the header to display or not. You can toggle this
+ with the B<h> key while B<mytop> is running.
+ Default: header.
+@@ -2096,7 +2151,7 @@ Default: idle.
+ Specify if you want to be prompted to type in your database password.
+ This provides a little bit more security since it not only prevents
+ the password from viewable in a process list, but also doesn't require
+-the password to be stored in plain text in your ~/.mytop config file.
++the password to be stored in plain text in your C<~/.mytop> config file.
+ You will B<only> be prompted if a password has not been specified in
+ your config file or through another command line option.
+@@ -2110,6 +2165,27 @@ with hostnames but toggling this option.
+ Default: noresolve
++=item B<--long> or B<--nolong>
++For large numbers print all digits (e.g. 10.000) instead of using a more
++compact approximation (e.g. 10.0k).
++Default: nolong.
++=item B<-m> or B<--mode> I<mode>
++Specify initial mode B<qps>(queries/second), B<top>(overview),
++B<cmd>(command summary), B<innodb>(InnoDB status) or B<status>().
++Default: B<top>
++=item B<--sort> or B<--nosort>
++Reverse sort order from ascending to descending using Idle time.
++Default: nosort.
+ =back
+ Command-line arguments will always take precedence over config file
+@@ -2153,6 +2229,13 @@ you want them to, of course).
+ You may have white space on either side of the C<=> in lines of the
+ config file.
++If present, mytop will also read mysql's default config file C<~/.my.cnf>.
++Values from both the [client] and [mytop] section are read, in this order.
++The long options I<database> and I<password> are preferred over the short
++versions I<db> and I<pass> to match mysql's syntax.
++These settings take lowest precedence and will be overwritten by either
++values in C<~/.mytop> or command-line options.
+ =head2 Shortcut Keys
+ The following keys perform various actions while B<mytop> is
+@@ -2204,8 +2287,8 @@ running queries appear at the top of the list.
+ =item B<I>
+-Switch to InnoDB Status mode. The output of "SHOW INNODB STATUS" will
+-be displayed every cycle. In a future version, this may actually
++Switch to InnoDB Status mode. The output of "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS"
++will be displayed every cycle. In a future version, this may actually
+ summarize that data rather than producing raw output.
+ =item B<k>
+@@ -2258,8 +2341,8 @@ Show only threads owned by a giver user.
+ The B<s> key has a command-line counterpart: B<-s>.
+-The B<h> key has two command-line counterparts: B<-header> and
++The B<h> key has two command-line counterparts: B<--header> and
+ =head1 BUGS
+@@ -2292,9 +2375,6 @@ width. If you have fairly long database/user/host names the display
+ may appear odd. I have no good idea as to how best to deal with that
+ yet. Suggestions are welcome.
+-It'd be nice if you could just add B<mytop> configuration directives
+-in your C<my.cnf> file instead of having a separate config file.
+ You should be able to specify the columns you'd like to see in the
+ display and the order in which they appear. If you only have one
+ username that connects to your database, it's probably not worth
+@@ -2411,12 +2491,12 @@ terminals don't freak out.
+ =item jon r. luini <>
+-Supplied a patch that formed the basis for C<-prompt> support. Sean
++Supplied a patch that formed the basis for C<--prompt> support. Sean
+ Leach <> submitted a similar patch.
+ =item Yogish Baliga <>
+-Supplied a patch that formed the basis for C<-resolve> support.
++Supplied a patch that formed the basis for C<--resolve> support.
+ =item Per Andreas Buer <>
diff --git a/debian/patches/remove-systemd-obsolete-target.patch b/debian/patches/remove-systemd-obsolete-target.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..440ecc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/remove-systemd-obsolete-target.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:29 +0200
+Subject: remove-systemd-obsolete-target
+ support-files/ | 1 -
+ support-files/ | 1 -
+ 2 files changed, 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/support-files/ b/support-files/
+index 6a307b2..7f40583 100644
+--- a/support-files/
++++ b/support-files/
+@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
+ [Unit]
+ Description=MariaDB database server
+ [Install]
+diff --git a/support-files/ b/support-files/
+index 410e743..02be006 100644
+--- a/support-files/
++++ b/support-files/
+@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
+ [Unit]
+ Description=MariaDB database server
+ ConditionPathExists=@sysconf2dir@/my%I.cnf
diff --git a/debian/patches/remove_rename_mariadb-server_files_in.patch b/debian/patches/remove_rename_mariadb-server_files_in.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38377ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/remove_rename_mariadb-server_files_in.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: remove_rename_mariadb-server_files_in
+ CMakeLists.txt | 6 ------
+ 1 file changed, 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index 1ff14c9..834e4e8 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -443,12 +443,6 @@ CONFIGURE_FILE(
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/info_macros.cmake @ONLY)
+- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/debian/
+- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/debian/mariadb-server-10.1.files)
+ # Handle the "INFO_*" files.
+ INCLUDE(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/info_macros.cmake)
+ # Source: This can be done during the cmake phase, all information is
diff --git a/debian/patches/replace_dash_with_bash_mbug675185.patch b/debian/patches/replace_dash_with_bash_mbug675185.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d8da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/replace_dash_with_bash_mbug675185.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: replace_dash_with_bash_mbug675185
+## 61_replace_dash_with_bash_mbug675185.dpatch by <>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: 61_replace_dash_with_bash_mbug675185
+## DP: A race in dash causes mysqld_safe to occasionally loop infinitely.
+## DP: Fix by using bash instead.
+## DP:
+ scripts/ | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
+index 027d062..98804cc 100644
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # Copyright Abandoned 1996 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
+ # This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind
+ #
diff --git a/debian/patches/scripts__mysql_create_system_tables__no_test.patch b/debian/patches/scripts__mysql_create_system_tables__no_test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f425651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/scripts__mysql_create_system_tables__no_test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:27 +0200
+Subject: scripts__mysql_create_system_tables__no_test
+## 33_scripts__mysql_create_system_tables__no_test.dpatch by <>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: scripts__mysql_create_system_tables__no_test
+## DP: A user with no password prevents a normal user from login under certain
+## DP: circumstances as it is checked first. See #301741.
+## DP:
+ scripts/mysql_system_tables_data.sql | 10 ----------
+ 1 file changed, 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/mysql_system_tables_data.sql b/scripts/mysql_system_tables_data.sql
+index 9556e7b..0783f3d 100644
+--- a/scripts/mysql_system_tables_data.sql
++++ b/scripts/mysql_system_tables_data.sql
+@@ -26,16 +26,6 @@
+ -- a plain character
+ SELECT LOWER( REPLACE((SELECT REPLACE(@@hostname,'_','\_')),'%','\%') )INTO @current_hostname;
+--- Fill "db" table with default grants for anyone to
+--- access database 'test' and 'test_%' if "db" table didn't exist
+-INSERT INTO tmp_db VALUES ('%','test','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','Y','Y');
+-INSERT INTO tmp_db VALUES ('%','test\_%','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','Y','Y');
+-INSERT INTO db SELECT * FROM tmp_db WHERE @had_db_table=0;
+-DROP TABLE tmp_db;
+ -- Fill "user" table with default users allowing root access
+ -- from local machine if "user" table didn't exist before
+ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_user_nopasswd LIKE user;
diff --git a/debian/patches/scripts__mysql_install_db.sh__no_test.patch b/debian/patches/scripts__mysql_install_db.sh__no_test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71e91cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/scripts__mysql_install_db.sh__no_test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:28 +0200
+Subject: scripts__mysql_install_db.sh__no_test
+## 41_scripts__mysql_install_db.sh__no_test.dpatch by <>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: scripts__mysql_install_db.sh__no_test
+## DP:
+ scripts/ | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
+index 364cc4f..d78c559 100644
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ then
+ fi
+ # Create database directories
+-for dir in "$ldata" "$ldata/mysql" "$ldata/test"
++for dir in "$ldata" "$ldata/mysql"
+ do
+ if test ! -d "$dir"
+ then
diff --git a/debian/patches/scripts__mysqld_safe.sh__signals.patch b/debian/patches/scripts__mysqld_safe.sh__signals.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a2fa94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/scripts__mysqld_safe.sh__signals.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From: Debian MySQL Maintainers <>
+Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 20:40:27 +0200
+Subject: scripts__mysqld_safe.sh__signals
+## 38_scripts__mysqld_safe.sh__signals.dpatch by <>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Executes /etc/init.d/mysql on signals
+## DP: Reported as
+ scripts/ | 10 ++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
+index e5708b5..027d062 100644
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ skip_err_log=0
+ syslog_tag_mysqld=mysqld
+ syslog_tag_mysqld_safe=mysqld_safe
+-trap '' 1 2 3 15 # we shouldn't let anyone kill us
+ # MySQL-specific environment variable. First off, it's not really a umask,
+ # it's the desired mode. Second, it follows umask(2), not umask(3) in that
+@@ -182,7 +181,7 @@ eval_log_error () {
+ # sed buffers output (only GNU sed supports a -u (unbuffered) option)
+ # which means that messages may not get sent to syslog until the
+ # mysqld process quits.
+- cmd="$cmd 2>&1 | logger -t '$syslog_tag_mysqld' -p daemon.error"
++ cmd="$cmd 2>&1 | logger -t '$syslog_tag_mysqld' -p daemon.error & wait"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Internal program error (non-fatal):" \
+@@ -919,6 +918,13 @@ then
+ fi
+ #
++# From now on, we catch signals to do a proper shutdown of mysqld
++# when signalled to do so.
++trap '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf refresh & wait' 1 # HUP
++trap '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf shutdown' 2 3 15 # INT QUIT and TERM
+ # Uncomment the following lines if you want all tables to be automatically
+ # checked and repaired during startup. You should add sensible key_buffer
+ # and sort_buffer values to my.cnf to improve check performance or require
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa861ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/debian/po/ b/debian/po/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..029c650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[type: gettext/rfc822deb] mariadb-server-10.1.templates
diff --git a/debian/po/ar.po b/debian/po/ar.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b61afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/ar.po
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# translation of templates.po to Arabic
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Ossama M. Khayat <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: templates\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-01 13:04+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ossama M. Khayat <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Arabic <>\n"
+"Language: ar\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n==0 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2: n%100>=3 && "
+"n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+": n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "ملاحظة هامة لمستخدمي NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+#| "directory:"
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr "عليك أيضاً أن تقوم بالتأكد من صلاحيات مالك الملف /var/lib/mysql: "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "إزالة جميع قواعد بيانات MariaDB؟"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr "الدليل /var/lib/mysql الذي يحتوي قواعد بيانات MariaDB ستتم إزالته."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"إن كنت تقوم بإزالة حزمة MariaDB كي تقوم لاحقاً بتثبيت نسخة أحدث أو إن كانت "
+"حزمة mariadb-server مختلفة تستخدمها، فيجب إبقاء البيانات."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr "هناك ملف مسمى /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag موجود على هذا النظام."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "هل فعلاً تريد التثبيط؟"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Such file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~| "version has been installed earlier."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "هذا الملف دلالة على أن نسخة أحدث من حزمة mariadb-server تم تثبيتها مسبقاً."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ليست هناك أية ضمانة أن النسخة التي تقوم بتثبيتها ستكون قادرة على استخدام "
+#~ "قواعد البيانات الحالية."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "تعذر تعيين كلمة مرور للمستخدم \"root\" الخاص بـMariaDB."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "حدث خطأ أثناء تعيين كلمة المرور لمستخدم MariaDB الإداري. قد يكون هذا حدث "
+#~ "بسبب أن حساب المستخدم له كلمة مرور معيّنة مسبقاً، أو بسبب مشكلة في الاتصال "
+#~ "مع خادم MariaDB."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "You should check the account's password after tha package installation."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr "يجب عليك التحقق من كلمة مرور الحساب عقب تثبيت الحزمة."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~| "more information."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "الرجاء قراءة الملف /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian "
+#~ "للمزيد من المعلومات."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "كلمة المرور الجديدة لمستخد \"root\" الخاص بـMariaDB:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "مع أنه ليس إجبارياً، ولكن من المستحسن أن تقوم بتعيين كلمة مرور خاصة "
+#~ "بمستخدم MariaDB الإداري \"root\"."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "إن ترك الحقل فارغاً، فلن يتم تغيير كلمة المرور."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "كلمة المرور الجديدة لمستخد \"root\" الخاص بـMariaDB:"
diff --git a/debian/po/ca.po b/debian/po/ca.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec1f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/ca.po
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# mariadb (debconf) translation to Catalan.
+# his file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 package.
+# Aleix Badia i Bosch <> 2004
+# Innocent De Marchi <> 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-20 17:55+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Innocent De Marchi <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Debian l10n Catalan <>\n"
+"Language: ca\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "El directori de dades antigues es desarà a una nova localització"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ja hi ha un fitxer amb el nom «/var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag» en aquests "
+"sistema. El número indica la versió de format binari de la base de dades que "
+"no és possible actualitzar (o tornar a una versió anterior) automàticament."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"En conseqüència, el directori de dades anterior serà renomenat a «/var/lib/"
+"mysql-*» i s'iniciarà un nou directori de dades a «/var/lib/mysql»."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Si us plau, importau o exportau manualment les vostres dades (p. ex. amb "
+"«mysqldump») si és necessari."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Nota important pels usuaris de «NIS/YP»"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Fer servir MariaDB sota «NIS/YP» requereix afegir un compte d'usuari MySQL "
+"al sistema local fent servir:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"També heu de comprovar els permisos i els propietaris del directori «/var/"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Eliminar totes les bases de dades MariaDB?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"El directori «/var/lib/mysql» que conté totes les bases de dades MariaDB "
+"està a punt d'ésser eliminat."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Si estau des-instal·lant el paquet MariaDB amb la intenció d'instal·lar a "
+"continuació una versió més recent o hi ha una versió diferent del paquet "
+"«mariadb-server» que l'està fent servir, cal mantenir les dades."
diff --git a/debian/po/cs.po b/debian/po/cs.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48693dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/cs.po
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
+# documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
+# this format, e.g. by running:
+# info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
+# info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
+# Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
+# /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
+# or
+# Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-29 08:58+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
+"Language: cs\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Důležitá poznámka pro uživatele NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Používání MariaDB pod NIS/YP vyžaduje, aby byl účet mysql uživatele přidán "
+"na lokálním systému příkazem:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Také byste měli zkontrolovat vlastníka a oprávnění adresáře /var/lib/mysql:"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Odstranit všechny MariaDB databáze?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Adresář /var/lib/mysql, ve kterém se nachází MariaDB databáze, bude "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Jestliže odstraňujete balík MariaDB za účelem instalace novější verze "
+"MariaDB, nebo pokud tato data souběžně využívá jiný balík mariadb-server, "
+"měli byste data ponechat."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr "V systému existuje soubor /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Opravdu pokračovat v degradaci?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "To znamená, že již byl dříve nainstalován balík mariadb-server s vyšší "
+#~ "verzí."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Neexistuje žádná záruka, že momentálně instalovaná verze bude umět "
+#~ "pracovat se stávajícími databázemi."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "Opravdu migrovat na MariaDB?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB je přímá náhrada MySQL. Použije váš současný konfigurační soubor "
+#~ "(my.cnf) a databáze."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB má některé pokročilé vlastnosti, které v MySQL neexistují a tudíž "
+#~ "návrat zpět k MySQL nemusí fungovat (alespoň ne tak autoamticky, jako "
+#~ "migrace z MySQL na MariaDB)."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "Nelze nastavit heslo MariaDB uživatele „root“"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Během nastavování hesla pro správcovského uživatele MariaDB se vyskytla "
+#~ "chyba. To se mohlo stát třeba proto, protože uživatel již měl heslo "
+#~ "nastaveno, nebo protože nastal problém v komunikaci s MariaDB serverem."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr "Po instalaci balíku byste měli heslo ověřit."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Více informací naleznete v /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README."
+#~ "Debian."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Nové heslo MariaDB uživatele „root“:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Přestože to není nezbytné, je silně doporučeno nastavit heslo u "
+#~ "správcovského MariaDB účtu „root“."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "Ponecháte-li pole prázdné, heslo se nezmění."
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Zopakujte heslo MariaDB uživatele „root“:"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "Chyba při zadávání hesla"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr "Zadaná hesla nejsou stejná. Zkuste to prosím znovu."
diff --git a/debian/po/da.po b/debian/po/da.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9434c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/da.po
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Danish translation mariadb-10.1.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 mariadb-10.1 og nedenstående oversættere.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 package.
+# Claus Hindsgaul <>, 2005, 2006, 2007.
+# Joe Hansen <>, 2014, 2016.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-09 22:41+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Joe Hansen <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Danish <>\n"
+"Language: da\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "Den gamle datamappe vil blive gemt på en ny placering"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"En fil navngivet /var/lib/msyql/debian-*.flag findes på dette system. "
+"Nummeret antyder en databaseversion i binært format, som ikke automatisk "
+"kan opgraderes (eller nedgraderes)."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Derfor vil den tidligere datamappe blive omdøbt til /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"og en ny datamappe vil blive initialiseret i /var/lib/msyql."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Eksporter/importer venligst manuelt dine data (f.eks. med mysqldump) hvis "
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Vigtig oplysning til NIS/YP-brugere"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Brug af MariaDB under NIS/YP kræver, at en mysql-brugerkonto tilføjes på det "
+"lokale system med:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Du bør også kontrollere filrettighederne og ejerskabet af mappen /var/lib/"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Fjern alle MariaDB-databaser?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Mappen /var/lib/mysql, der indeholder MariaDB-databaserne, er ved at blive "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis du fjerner MariaDB-pakken for senere at installere en nyere version, "
+"eller hvis en anden mariadb-server-pakke allerede benytter den, bør dataene "
diff --git a/debian/po/de.po b/debian/po/de.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86fc1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/de.po
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# German translation of mariadb-10.1 10.0.13-1
+# Alwin Meschede <>, 2006, 2007.
+# Thomas Mueller <>, 2009.
+# Chris Leick <>, 2014-2016.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb 10.0.25-1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-13 11:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-12 22:39+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Chris Leick <>\n"
+"Language-Team: german <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "Das alte Datenverzeichnis wird an einer neuen Stelle gespeichert"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Auf diesem System gibt es bereits eine Datei namens "
+"/var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag. Die Zahl gibt eine Binärformatversion der "
+"Datenbank an, von der nicht automatisch ein Upgrade (oder Downgrade) "
+"durchgeführt werden kann."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Daher wird das vorherige Datenverzeichnis in /var/lib/mysql-* umbenannt und "
+"unter /var/lib/mysql wird ein neues Datenverzeichnis initialisiert."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte exportieren/importieren Sie im Bedarfsfall Ihre Daten (z.B. mit "
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Wichtige Anmerkung für NIS/YP-Benutzer!"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls MariaDB mit NIS/YP genutzt wird, muss ein »mysql«-Benutzerkonto auf "
+"dem lokalen System hinzugefügt werden mit:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Sie sollten außerdem Besitzer und Zugriffsrechte des Verzeichnisses /var/lib/"
+"mysql überprüfen:"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Alle MariaDB-Datenbanken entfernen?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Verzeichnis /var/lib/mysql mit den MariaDB-Datenbanken soll entfernt "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls geplant ist, das MariaDB-Paket zu entfernen, um lediglich eine höhere "
+"Version zu installieren oder ein anderes mariadb-server-Paket die Daten "
+"benutzt, sollten diese beibehalten werden."
diff --git a/debian/po/es.po b/debian/po/es.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ff66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/es.po
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# mariadb translation to spanish
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Software in the Public Interest, SPI Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb package.
+# Changes:
+# - Initial translation
+# Jesus Aneiros, 2006
+# - Updated
+# Javier Fernandez-Sanguino, 2006-2007, 2012, 2016
+# - Revision
+# Nacho Barrientos Arias
+# Fernando Cerezal
+# David Martínez Moreno
+# Ricardo Mones
+# Carlos Galisteo
+# Javier Fernandez-Sanguino
+# Traductores, si no conoce el formato PO, merece la pena leer la
+# documentación de gettext, especialmente las secciones dedicadas a este
+# formato, por ejemplo ejecutando:
+# info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
+# info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
+# Equipo de traducción al español, por favor lean antes de traducir
+# los siguientes documentos:
+# - El proyecto de traducción de Debian al español
+# especialmente las notas y normas de traducción en
+# - La guía de traducción de po's de debconf:
+# /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
+# o
+# Si tiene dudas o consultas sobre esta traducción consulte con el último
+# traductor (campo Last-Translator) y ponga en copia a la lista de
+# traducción de Debian al español (<>)
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.1_5.0.24-3\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-30 21:26+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Javier Fernández-Sanguino <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Debian l10 Spanish <>\n"
+"Language: Spanish\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-POFile-SpellExtra: YP mariadb lib ej server flag mysqldump mysql var NIS\n"
+"X-POFile-SpellExtra: MariaDB\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "Se guardará el directorio antiguo de datos a la nueva ubicación"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Se ha encontrado un archivo «/var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag» en el sistema. "
+"Este número indica una versión de base de datos en formato binario que no "
+"puede ser subirse (o bajarse) de versión automáticamente."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Por tanto, el archivo de datos anterior se renombrará a «/var/lib/mysql-*» y "
+"se inicializará un nuevo directorio de datos en «/var/lib/mysql»."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Si lo necesita, tendrá que exportar e importar sus datos manualmente (p.ej. "
+"con mysqldump)."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Nota importante para los usuarios de NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Para utilizar MariaDB bajo NIS/YP es necesario añadir una cuenta de usuario "
+"mysql en el sistema local con:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"También debería comprobar los permisos y el propietario del directorio /var/"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "¿Desea eliminar todas las bases de datos MariaDB?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"El directorio /var/lib/mysql contiene bases de datos MariaDB que van a "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Debería mantener los datos si tiene planificado instalar una versión de "
+"MariaDB más reciente o si hay un paquete «mariadb-server» distinto que los "
+"está utilizando."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Existe un archivo con el nombre /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag en este "
+#~ "sistema."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Desea realmente continuar con la desactualización?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Este fichero indica que se instaló previamente una versión superior del "
+#~ "paquete mariadb-server."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No se puede garantizar que la versión que está instalando pueda usar la "
+#~ "base de datos actual."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Realmente desea migrar a MariaDB?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB es un reemplazo de MySQL. Utilizará su archivo de configuración "
+#~ "actual (my.cnf) y sus bases de datos actuales."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tenga en cuenta que MariaDB tiene algunas funcionalidades avanzadas que "
+#~ "no existen en MySQL. Por ello, la marcha atrás a MySQL no siempre "
+#~ "funcionará o, al menos, no será tan automática como la migración de MySQL "
+#~ "a MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "No se pudo fijar la contraseña para el usuario «root» de MariaDB"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se produjo un error mientras intentaba fijar la contraseña para el "
+#~ "usuario administrador de MariaDB. Esto puede haber sucedido porque la "
+#~ "cuenta ya tenía una contraseña o porque se produjo un error de "
+#~ "comunicación con el servidor MariaDB."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Debería comprobar la contraseña de la cuenta después de la instalación "
+#~ "del paquete."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Consulte /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian para más "
+#~ "información."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Nueva contraseña para el usuario «root» de MariaDB:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se recomienda que configure una contraseña para el usuario "
+#~ "«root» (administrador) de MariaDB, aunque no es obligatorio."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "No se modificará la contraseña si deja este campo en blanco."
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Repita la contraseña para el usuario «root» de MariaDB:"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "Error en la entrada de contraseña"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Las contraseñas introducidas no coinciden. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
diff --git a/debian/po/eu.po b/debian/po/eu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1f4662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/eu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# translation of eu.po to Euskara
+# Piarres BEobide <>, 2006.
+# Piarres Beobide <>, 2009.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eu\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-29 11:59+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Euskara <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "NIS/YP erabiltzaileentzat ohar garrantzitsua"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+#| "directory:"
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Honetaz gain /var/lib/mysql direktorioaren jabea eta baimenak egiaztatu "
+"beharko zenituzke:"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Ezabatu MariaDB datubase guztiak?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"MariaDB datubaseak dituen /var/lib/mysql direktorioa ezabatua izango da."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"MariaDB paketea beranduago bertsio berriago bat instalatzeko kentzen ari "
+"bazara, edo beste mariadb-server pakete bat berau erabiltzen ari bada, "
+"datuak mantendu egin beharko lirateke."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr "Sisteman badago /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag izeneko fitxategi bat."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Benetan bertsio zaharragora itzuli nahi duzu?"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Such file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~| "version has been installed earlier."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fitxategi honek aurretik bertsio berriagoko mysql-zerbitzari pakete bat "
+#~ "instalatu dela adierazten du."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ezin da ziurtatu instalatzen ari zaren bertsio honek dauden datubaseak "
+#~ "erabili ahal izango dituenik."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "Ezin da MariaDB \"root\" erabiltzailearen pasahitza ezarri"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Errore bat gertatu da MariaDB administratzaile kontuaren pasahitza "
+#~ "ezartzean. Hau erabiltzaileak dagoeneko pasahitz bat duelako edo MariaDB "
+#~ "zerbitzariarekiko konexioan erroreak daudelako gertatu daiteke."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kontuaren pasahitza egiaztatu beharko zenuke paketea instalatu aurretik."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file "
+#~| "for more information."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mesedez irakurri /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian "
+#~ "fitxategia xehetasun gehiagorako."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "MariaDB \"root\" erabiltzailearen pasahitz berria:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Derrigorrezkoa ez denean, oso gomendagarria da MariaDB administratzaile "
+#~ "\"root\" erabiltzaileari pasahitz bat ezartzea."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "Eremua hau zurian utziaz gero ez da pasahitza aldatuko."
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Errepikatu MariaDB \"root\" erabiltzailearen pasahitza:"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "Pasahitz sarrera errorea"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Idatzi dituzun bi pasahitzak ez dira berdina. Mesedez saiatu berriz."
diff --git a/debian/po/fi.po b/debian/po/fi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e3d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/fi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Finnish translations for mariadb-10.1 package
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 package.
+# Antti Järvinen <>, 2017.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-15 22:36+0200\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"Language: fi\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "Vanha datahakemisto tullaan tallentamaan uuteen paikkaan"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Järjestelmässä on tiedosto /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag. Numero osoittaa "
+"tietokantatiedoston binääriformaatin version, josta/johon päivittäminen ei "
+"automaattisesti onnistu. "
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Siksipä vanha datahakemisto tullaan siirtämään nimelle /var/lib/mysql-* ja "
+"uudet tiedostot luodaan hakemistoon /var/lib/mysql."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Tarpeittesi mukaan tuo tai vie tietokannan sisältö käsipelillä, esim. "
+"käyttäen mysqldump-ohjelmaa."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Merkittävä huomio NIS/YP -käyttäjille"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"MariaDB:n käyttäminen NIS/YP:n kanssa edellyttää, että järjestelmään luodaan "
+"käyttäjätunnus mysql:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr "Tarkista myös hakemiston /var/lib/mysql omistaja ja oikeudet:"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Poistetaanko kaikki MariaDB-tietokannat?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"MariaDB-tietokannat sisältävä hakemisto /var/lib/mysql ollaan poistamassa."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Jos poistat MariaDB-paketin asentaaksesi uudemman version tai jos joku muu "
+"mariadb-server -paketti jo käyttää tietoja, tiedot tulisi säästää. "
diff --git a/debian/po/fr.po b/debian/po/fr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ff610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/fr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Translation of mariadb-10.1 debconf templates to French
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Debian French l10n team <>
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 packages.
+# Translators:
+# Christian Perrier <>, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2013.
+# Baptiste Jammet <>, 2016.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: fr\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Baptiste Jammet <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French <>\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
+"Plural-Forms: Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "L'ancien répertoire de données sera sauvegardé à un nouvel emplacement"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Un fichier nommé /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag existe déjà sur ce système. Le "
+"numéro indique une version de base de données au format binaire qui ne peut "
+"pas être mise à niveau (ou rétrogradée) automatiquement."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"L'ancien répertoire sera renommé en /var/lib/mysql-* et un nouveau "
+"répertoire de données sera initialisé à l'emplacement /var/lib/mysql."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez exporter puis importer vos données manuellement si besoin (par "
+"exemple avec mysqldump)."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Note importante pour les utilisateurs NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"L'utilisation de MariaDB avec NIS/YP impose l'ajout d'un compte local "
+"« mysql » avec la commande :"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Vous devez également vérifier le propriétaire et les permissions du "
+"répertoire /var/lib/mysql :"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Faut-il supprimer toutes les bases de données MariaDB ?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Le répertoire /var/lib/mysql qui contient les bases de données de MariaDB va "
+"être supprimé."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous retirez le paquet MariaDB en vue d'en installer une version plus "
+"récente ou si un autre paquet mariadb-server les utilise déjà, vous devriez "
+"les conserver."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr "Un fichier /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag est présent sur ce système."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Faut-il vraiment revenir à la version précédente ?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cela indique qu'une version plus récente du paquet mariadb-server a été "
+#~ "précédemment installée."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il n'est pas garanti que cette version puisse en utiliser les bases de "
+#~ "données."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "Souhaitez-vous migrer vers MariaDB ?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB remplace à l'identique MySQL. Le fichier de configuration actuel "
+#~ "(my.cnf) ainsi que les bases de données existantes seront utilisés."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Veuillez noter que MariaDB fournit des fonctionnalités améliorées qui "
+#~ "n'existent pas dans MySQL ce qui peut interdire un retour ultérieur à "
+#~ "MySQL, tout au moins de manière moins automatique que la migration de "
+#~ "MySQL vers MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Impossible de changer le mot de passe de l'utilisateur « root » de MariaDB"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Une erreur s'est produite lors du changement de mot de passe du compte "
+#~ "d'administration. Un mot de passe existait peut-être déjà ou il n'a pas "
+#~ "été possible de communiquer avec le serveur MariaDB."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vous devriez vérifier le mot de passe de ce compte après l'installation "
+#~ "du paquet."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Veuillez consulter le fichier /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README."
+#~ "Debian pour plus d'informations."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe du superutilisateur de MariaDB :"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il est très fortement recommandé d'établir un mot de passe pour le compte "
+#~ "d'administration de MariaDB (« root »)."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "Si ce champ est laissé vide, le mot de passe ne sera pas changé."
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Confirmation du mot de passe du superutilisateur de MariaDB :"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "Erreur de saisie du mot de passe"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Le mot de passe et sa confirmation ne sont pas identiques. Veuillez "
+#~ "recommencer."
diff --git a/debian/po/gl.po b/debian/po/gl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d02a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/gl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Galician translation of mysql-dfsg-5.1's debconf templates
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mysql-dfsg-5.1 package.
+# Jacobo Tarrio <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-20 09:44+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jacobo Tarrio <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Galician <>\n"
+"Language: gl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Nota importante para os usuarios de NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "You should also check the permissions and the owner of the /var/lib/mysql "
+#| "directory:"
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Tamén debería comprobar os permisos e o propietario do directorio /var/lib/"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "¿Eliminar tódalas bases de datos de MariaDB?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Hase eliminar o directorio /var/lib/mysql, que contén as bases de datos de "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Se está a eliminar o paquete MariaDB para instalar despois unha versión máis "
+"recente ou se xa hai un paquete mariadb-server diferente a empregalo, "
+"debería conservar os datos."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr "Neste sistema hai un ficheiro chamado /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Quere pasar a unha versión anterior?"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Such file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~| "version has been installed earlier."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Este ficheiro indica que antes se instalou un paquete mariadb-server "
+#~ "cunha versión superior."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Non se pode garantir que a versión que está a instalar poida empregar as "
+#~ "bases de datos actuais."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Non se puido establecer o contrasinal do usuario \"root\" de MariaDB"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Houbo un erro ao establecer o contrasinal do usuario administrativo de "
+#~ "MariaDB. Puido ocorrer porque o usuario xa teña un contrasinal ou debido "
+#~ "a un problema de comunicacións co servidor MariaDB."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "You should check the account's password after tha package installation."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Debería comprobar o contrasinal da conta trala instalación do paquete."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~| "more information."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Consulte o ficheiro /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian para "
+#~ "máis información."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Novo contrasinal para o usuario \"root\" de MariaDB:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aínda que non é obrigatorio, recoméndase encarecidamente que estableza un "
+#~ "contrasinal para o usuario administrativo \"root\" de MariaDB."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "Se deixa o campo en branco, non se ha cambiar o contrasinal."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "New password for the MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Novo contrasinal para o usuario \"root\" de MariaDB:"
diff --git a/debian/po/it.po b/debian/po/it.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28fa0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/it.po
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# Italian (it) translation of debconf templates for mariadb-10.1
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 package.
+# Luca Monducci <>, 2006-2017.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1 10.0.13 italian debconf templates\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-083-20 20:29+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Luca Monducci <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Italian <>\n"
+"Language: it\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "La vecchia directory data verrà salvata in una nuova posizione"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Su questo sistema esiste già un file con nome /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag. "
+"Il numero indica una versione del database in formato binario che non è "
+"possibile promuovere (o retrocedere) a una nuova versione automaticamente."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Di conseguenza la precedene directory data verrà rinominata in "
+"/var/lib/mysql-* e verrà preparata una nuova directory data in "
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Se necessario eseguire manualmente l'export/import (per esempio con "
+"mysqldump) dei propri dati."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Nota importante per gli utenti NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Per usare MariaDB con NIS/YP è necessario aggiungere al sistema un account "
+"utente locale con nome mysql con:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Inoltre è opportuno verificare i permessi e la proprietà della directory /"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Eliminare tutti i database MariaDB?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"La directory /var/lib/mysql che contiene i database di MariaDB sta per "
+"essere eliminata."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Se si rimuove il pacchetto MariaDB per poi installare una versione più "
+"recente oppure se sono già in uso da un altro pacchetto mariadb-server, i "
+"dati non devono essere eliminati."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Su questo sistema esiste un file con nome /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Procedere realmente con l'abbassamento di versione?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Quel file indica che in precedenza è stata installata una versione "
+#~ "superiore del pacchetto mariadb-server."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Non è garantito che la versione che sta per essere installata sia in "
+#~ "grado di usare i database presenti."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "Migrare a MariaDB?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB è un perfetto sostituto per MySQL. Utilizzerà l'attuale file di "
+#~ "configurazione (my.cnf) e i database presenti."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Notare che MariaDB dispone di alcune funzionalità avanzate che non "
+#~ "esistono in MySQL, di conseguenza non sempre funziona la migrazione "
+#~ "all'indietro verso MySQL, o almeno non è automatica come la migrazione da "
+#~ "MySQL a MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "Impossibile impostare la password per l'utente «root» di MariaDB"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si è verificato un errore durante l'impostazione della password per "
+#~ "l'utente d'amministrazione di MariaDB. Questo può essere accaduto perché "
+#~ "l'utente ha già una password oppure a causa di un problema di connessione "
+#~ "con il server MariaDB."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al termine dell'installazione si deve verificare la password dell'account."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Per maggiori informazioni consultare il file /usr/share/doc/mariadb-"
+#~ "server-10.1/README.Debian."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Nuova password per l'utente «root» di MariaDB:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Anche se non è obbligatorio, si raccomanda d'impostare una password per "
+#~ "l'utente d'amministrazione «root» di MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "Se questo campo è lasciato vuoto, la password non viene cambiata."
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Ripetere la password per l'utente «root» di MariaDB:"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "Errore di inserimento della password"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr "Le due password inserite sono diverse. Riprovare."
diff --git a/debian/po/ja.po b/debian/po/ja.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a218b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/ja.po
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
+# documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
+# this format, e.g. by running:
+# info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
+# info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
+# Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
+# /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
+# or
+# Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
+# Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <>, 2013.
+# Takuma Yamada <>, 2016.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1 10.0.32-1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-01 11:27+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Takuma Yamada <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "古いデータディレクトリは、新しい場所に保存されます"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The "
+#| "number indicated a database binary format version that cannot "
+#| "automatically be upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"/var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag という名前のファイルがこのシステム上に存在しま"
+"す。番号は、自動的にアップグレード (またはダウングレード) することができない"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"そのため、以前のデータディレクトリは /var/lib/mysql-* にリネームされ、新しい"
+"データディレクトリは /var/lib/mysql に初期化されます。"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"必要に応じて、(例えば mysqldump で) データを手動でエクスポート/インポートして"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "NIS/YP ユーザへの重要な注意"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"NIS/YP 配下で MariaDB を使うにはローカルのシステムに mysql のユーザアカウント"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr "/var/lib/mysql の所有者権限をチェックする必要もあります。"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "すべての MariaDB データベースを削除しますか?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"MariaDB データベースを含んでいるディレクトリ /var/lib/mysql を削除しようとし"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"後でより新しいバージョンのものをインストールしようとするために MariaDB パッ"
+"ケージを削除しようとしている、あるいは別の mariadb-server パッケージを既に"
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "このシステムには /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag という名前のファイルが存在"
+#~ "しています。"
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "本当にダウングレードを実行しますか?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "このファイルが意味するのは、以前により新しいバージョンの mariadb-server "
+#~ "パッケージがインストールされていたことを示します。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "このデータベースを現在インストールしようとしているバージョンで使えるかどう"
+#~ "かは保証できません。"
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "本当に MariaDB に移行しますか?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB は MySQL をそのまま置き換えられる代替です。現在の設定ファイル (my."
+#~ "cnf) と現在のデータベースを利用します。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB には MySQL に存在していない機能の拡張がいくらか存在し、そのため "
+#~ "MySQL に再び移行する場合は、MySQL から MariaDB への移行のような自動での移"
+#~ "行が常にできるとは限りません。"
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "MariaDB の \"root\" ユーザのパスワードを設定できません"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB の管理者ユーザに対してパスワードを設定しようとした際、エラーが発生"
+#~ "しました。これは既に管理者ユーザにパスワードが設定されていたか、MariaDB "
+#~ "サーバとの接続に問題があったためだと思われます。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "パッケージのインストール後、アカウントのパスワードを確認する必要がありま"
+#~ "す。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "詳細は /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian を参照してくださ"
+#~ "い。"
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "MariaDB の \"root\" ユーザに対する新しいパスワード:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "強制ではありませんが、MariaDB を管理する \"root\" ユーザのパスワードを設定"
+#~ "することを強くお勧めします。"
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "この値を空のままにしておいた場合は、パスワードは変更されません。"
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "MariaDB の \"root\" ユーザに対する新しいパスワード:"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "パスワード入力エラー"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr "入力された二つのパスワードが一致しません。再入力してください。"
diff --git a/debian/po/nb.po b/debian/po/nb.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e70027a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/nb.po
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# translation of mysql_nb.po to Norwegian Bokmål
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Bjørn Steensrud <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mysql_nb\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-18 12:13+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Bjørn Steensrud <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Viktig merknad for NIS/YP-brukere!"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
+#| "planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
+#| "server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Dette skriptet skal til å fjerne data-mappa /var/lib/mysql. Denne mappa bør "
+"beholdes hvis det bare skal installeres en høyere MariaDB-versjon, eller "
+"hvis en annen mariadb-server-pakke allerede bruker den."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil nedgradere?"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates "
+#~| "that a mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed "
+#~| "before. It can not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ADVARSEL: Fila /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag finnes. Dette viser at en "
+#~ "mariadb-server-pakke med et høyere versjonsnummer har vært installert "
+#~ "før. Det kan ikke garanteres at denne versjonen kan bruke data fra den "
+#~ "høyere versjonen."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "Klarer ikke angi passord for MariaDBs «root»-bruker"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
+#~| "administrative user. This may have happened because the user already "
+#~| "has a password, or because there was a problem communicating with the "
+#~| "MySQL server."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Det ser ut til at det oppsto en feil mens det ble satt et passord for "
+#~ "MariaDBs administrative bruker. Dette kan være fordi brukeren allerede "
+#~ "har et passord, eller fordi det var et kommunikasjonsproblem med MariaDB-"
+#~ "tjeneren."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Nytt passord for MariaDBs «root»-bruker:"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
+#~| "administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Det anbefales sterkt at du oppgir et passord for den administrative "
+#~ "«root»-brukeren i MariaDB."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Nytt passord for MariaDBs «root»-bruker:"
diff --git a/debian/po/nl.po b/debian/po/nl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48290d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/nl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Dutch mariadb-10.1.24-7 po-debconf translation,
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 package.
+# Vincent Zweije <>, 2006.
+# Frans Spiesschaert <>, 2014, 2016.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1.24-7\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-13 11:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-18 20:55+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Frans Spiesschaert <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Debian Dutch l10n Team <>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "De oude data-map zal op een nieuwe locatie bewaard worden"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Er bestaat op dit systeem een bestand met als naam /var/lib/mysql/debian-*."
+"flag. Het nummer duidt op een versie van het binair database-bestandsformaat "
+"dat niet automatisch opgewaardeerd (of gedegradeerd) kan worden."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Daarom zal de vroegere data-map hernoemd worden naar /var/lib/mysql-* en zal "
+"er een nieuwe data-map geïnitialiseerd worden op /var/lib/mysql."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Gelieve uw data zo nodig handmatig te exporteren/importeren (bijv. met "
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Belangrijke opmerking voor gebruikers van NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Het gebruik van MariaDB onder NIS/YP vereist dat een mysql gebruikersaccount "
+"wordt toegevoegd aan het lokale systeem met:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"U moet ook controleren wie eigenaar is en wat de gebruikersrechten zijn van "
+"de map /var/lib/mysql:"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Wilt u alle MariaDB-databases verwijderen?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"De map /var/lib/mysql die de MariaDB-databases bevat staat op het punt om "
+"verwijderd te worden."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Als u het MariaDB-pakket verwijdert om later een meer recente versie te "
+"installeren of als een ander mariadb-serverpakket het al gebruikt, zou de "
+"data behouden moeten worden."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Er bestaat een bestand genaamd /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag op dit "
+#~ "systeem."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Wilt u echt een oude versie herstellen?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zulk een bestand geeft aan dat er eerder een pakket mariadb-server met "
+#~ "een hogere versie is geĩnstalleerd."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Er is geen garantie dat de versie die u op dit moment installeert de "
+#~ "huidige databases kan gebruiken."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "Wilt u echt overschakelen op MariaDB?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB is een volwaardige vervanger voor MySQL. Het zal de bestaande "
+#~ "configuratiebestanden (my.cnf) en de bestaande databases gebruiken."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Merk op dat MariaDB een aantal uitbreidingen heeft die niet bestaan in "
+#~ "MySQL. Daardoor zal terug overschakelen op MySQL niet altijd lukken, of "
+#~ "althans niet even automatisch als overschakelen van MySQL op MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kan het wachtwoord voor de MariaDB \"root\"-gebruiker niet instellen"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het instellen van het wachtwoord voor de "
+#~ "MariaDB-beheerder. Dat kan komen doordat het account al een wachtwoord "
+#~ "heeft, of omdat er een probleem was bij het communiceren met de MariaDB-"
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "U zou het wachtwoord van het account moeten controleren nadat het pakket "
+#~ "is geĩnstalleerd."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Raadpleeg voor bijkomende informatie het bestand /usr/share/doc/mariadb-"
+#~ "server-10.1/README.Debian."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord voor de MariaDB \"root\"-gebruiker:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hoewel niet verplicht, wordt het sterk aangeraden een wachtwoord in te "
+#~ "stellen voor de \"root\"-gebruiker (beheerder) van MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Als dit veld leeg wordt gelaten, zal het wachtwoord niet worden veranderd."
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Herhaal het wachtwoord voor de MariaDB \"root\"-gebruiker:"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "Fout bij het invoeren van het wachtwoord"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "De twee wachtwoorden die u invoerde waren niet gelijk. Probeer opnieuw."
diff --git a/debian/po/pt.po b/debian/po/pt.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a85406d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/pt.po
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Portuguese translation for mysql-dfsg-5.1's debconf messages
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Figueiredo <>
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mysql-dfsg-5.1 package.
+# Miguel Figueiredo <>, 2014
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-28 17:01+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Miguel Figueiredo <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
+"Language: pt\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Nota importante para os utilizadores de NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Utilizar MariaDB com NIS/YP necessita de uma conta de utilizador de mysql "
+"para ser acrescentada ao sistema local com:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Deve também verificar as permissões e o dono do directório /var/lib/mysql:"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Remover todas as bases de dados MariaDB?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"O directório /var/lib/mysql que contém as bases de dados MariaDB está "
+"prestes a ser removido."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Se está a remover o pacote MariaDB de forma a posteriormente instalar uma "
+"versão mais recente ou se um pacote mariadb-server já o está a utilizar, "
+"então os dados devem ser mantidos."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Existe um ficheiro chamado /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag neste sistema."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Deseja mesmo continuar com o downgrade?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tal ficheiro significa que anteriormente já foi instalado um pacote "
+#~ "mariadb-server com um número de versão superior."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Não existe nenhuma garantia que a versão que está actualmente a instalar "
+#~ "seja capaz de utilizar as actuais bases de dados."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "Realmente migrar para MariaDB?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB é um substituto para MySQL. Irá utilizar o seu ficheiro actual de "
+#~ "configuração (my.cnf) e bases de dados."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Note que MariaDB tem algumas funcionalidades melhoradas, as quais não "
+#~ "existem em MySQL e por isso a migração de volta para MySQL poderá nem "
+#~ "sempre funcionar, pelo menos não automaticamente como a migração de MySQL "
+#~ "para MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Não foi possível definir a palavra-passe para o utilizador \"root\" de "
+#~ "MariaDB"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ocorreu um erro enquanto era definida a palavra-passe para o utilizador "
+#~ "administrativo do MariaDB. Isto pode ter acontecido porque a conta já tem "
+#~ "uma palavra-passe, ou porque ocorreu um problema de comunicação com o "
+#~ "servidor MariaDB."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Deve verificar a palavra-passe da conta após a instalação do pacote."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para mais informações por favor leia o ficheiro /usr/share/doc/mariadb-"
+#~ "server-10.1/README.Debian."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Nova palavra-passe para o utilizador \"root\" do MariaDB:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Embora não seja mandatório, é fortemente recomendado que defina uma "
+#~ "palavra-passe para o utilizador administrativo \"root\" do MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se este campo for deixado em branco, a palavra-passe não será alterada."
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Repita a palavra-passe para o utilizador \"root\" do MariaDB:"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "Erro de introdução de palavra-passe"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "As duas palavras-passe que introduziu não são iguais. Por favor tente "
+#~ "novamente."
diff --git a/debian/po/pt_BR.po b/debian/po/pt_BR.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a33947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# Debconf translations for mariadb-10.1.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 package.
+# André Luís Lopes, <>, 2005-2007.
+# Adriano Rafael Gomes <>, 2015-2016.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-13 11:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-30 16:16-0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Adriano Rafael Gomes <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <debian-l10n-portuguese@lists.debian."
+"Language: pt_BR\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "O diretório de dados antigo será salvo em novo local"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Um arquivo chamado /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag já existe nesse sistema. O "
+"número indicou uma versão de formato binário de banco de dados que não pode "
+"ser atualizada (ou rebaixada) automaticamente."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Portanto, o diretório de dados anterior será renomeado para /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"e um novo diretório de dados será inicializado em /var/lib/mysql."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor, exporte/importe manualmente seus dados (por exemplo, com "
+"mysqldump) se necessário."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Aviso importante para usuários NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Usar o MariaDB sob NIS/YP requer que uma conta de usuário mysql seja "
+"adicionada ao sistema local com:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Você deverá também verificar as permissões e o dono do diretório /var/lib/"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Remover todas as bases de dados do MariaDB?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"O diretório /var/lib/mysql, o qual contém as bases de dados do MariaDB, está "
+"prestes a ser removido."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Caso você esteja removendo o pacote MariaDB para posteriormente instalar uma "
+"versão mais recente ou, caso uma versão diferente do pacote mariadb-server "
+"esteja sendo utilizada, os dados deverão ser mantidos."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr "Um arquivo de nome /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag existe no sistema."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Realmente proceder com o rebaixamento de versão?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A presença de um arquivo como este é uma indicação de que um pacote "
+#~ "mariadb-server com um número de versão mais alto já foi instalado "
+#~ "anteriormente."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Não há garantias de que a versão que você está instalando no momento "
+#~ "conseguirá utilizar as bases de dados existentes."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "Realmente migrar para o MariaDB?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "O MariaDB é um substituto para o MySQL. Ele usará o seu arquivo de "
+#~ "configuração atual (my.cnf) e os bancos de dados atuais."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Note que o MariaDB tem algumas características melhoradas, que não "
+#~ "existem no MySQL e, portanto, migrar de volta para o MySQL pode nem "
+#~ "sempre funcionar, pelo menos não tão automaticamente quanto migrar do "
+#~ "MySQL para o MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "Impossível definir senha para o usuário \"root\" do MariaDB"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Um erro ocorreu durante a definição da senha para o usuário "
+#~ "administrativo do MariaDB. Isso pode ter acontecido devido a esse usuário "
+#~ "já possuir uma senha definida ou devido à ocorrência de um problema de "
+#~ "comunicação com o servidor MariaDB."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Você deverá verificar a senha dessa conta após a instalação deste pacote."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por favor, leia o arquivo /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README."
+#~ "Debian para mais informações."
diff --git a/debian/po/ro.po b/debian/po/ro.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e3dfef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/ro.po
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Romanian translation of mysql-dfsg.
+# Copyright (C) 2006 THE mysql-dfsg'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mysql-dfsg package.
+# Stan Ioan-Eugen <>, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: po-debconf://mysql-dfsg\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-12-20 21:27+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: stan ioan-eugen <>\n"
+"Language-Team: romanian <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users!"
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Notă importantă pentru utilizatorii NIS/YP!"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The script is about to remove the data directory /var/lib/mysql. If it is "
+#| "planned to just install a higher MySQL version or if a different mysql-"
+#| "server package is already using it, the data should be kept."
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Scriptul urmează să şteargă directorul de date /var/lib/mysql. Dacă plănuiţi "
+"doar să instalaţi o versiune nouă MariaDB sau datele sunt folosite de către "
+"un alt pachet mariadb-server, atunci ar trebui păstraţi datele."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Do you really want to downgrade?"
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să instalaţi o versiune mai veche?"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "WARNING: The file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists. This indicates "
+#~| "that a mysql-server package with a higher version has been installed "
+#~| "before. It can not be guaranteed that this version can use its data."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "AVERTISMENT: Fişierul /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag există. Acest lucru "
+#~ "indică faptul că anterior a fost instalată o versiune nouă a pachetului "
+#~ "mariadb-server. Nu se poate garanta că versiunea instalată acum poate "
+#~ "folosi datele versiunii instalate anterior."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Unable to set password for MySQL \"root\" user"
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "Nu s-a putut stabili parola pentru utilizatorul „root” al MariaDB"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "It seems an error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL "
+#~| "administrative user. This may have happened because the user already "
+#~| "has a password, or because there was a problem communicating with the "
+#~| "MySQL server."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se pare că a intervenit o eroare în stabilirea parolei pentru "
+#~ "utilizatorul administrativ al MariaDB. Acest lucru se poate întâmpla dacă "
+#~ "utilizatorul are deja o parolă, sau a existat o problemă în comunicarea "
+#~ "cu serverul MariaDB."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Noua parolă pentru utilizatorul „root” al MariaDB:"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "It is highly recommended that you set a password for the MySQL "
+#~| "administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Este recomandat să stabiliţi o parolă pentru utilizatorul administrativ "
+#~ "„root” al MariaDB."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "New password for MySQL \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Noua parolă pentru utilizatorul „root” al MariaDB:"
diff --git a/debian/po/ru.po b/debian/po/ru.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e506a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/ru.po
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# translation of ru.po to Russian
+# Ilgiz Kalmetev <>, 2003.
+# Yuriy Talakan' <>, 2005, 2006.
+# Yuriy Talakan' <>, 2007.
+# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2009, 2014, 2016.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1 10.0.25-1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-13 11:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-04 18:56+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yuri Kozlov <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian <>\n"
+"Language: ru\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
+"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "Каталог со старыми данными будет сохранён в новом месте"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"В системе найден файл /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag. Число представляет версию "
+"двоичного формата базы данных, которую невозможно обновить автоматически "
+"(или откатить к старой версии)."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"В следствии этого, предыдущий каталог с данными будет переименован в "
+"/var/lib/mysql-*, а в /var/lib/mysql будет инициализирован каталог для "
+"новых данных."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Если нужно, выполните экспорт/импорт данных вручную (например, с помощью "
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Важное замечание для пользователей NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Использование MariaDB в NIS/YP требует добавления учётной записи mysql в "
+"локальную систему с:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr "Также проверьте права доступа и владельца каталога /var/lib/mysql:"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Удалить все базы данных MariaDB?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Запрос на удаление каталога /var/lib/mysql, содержащий базы данных MariaDB."
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Если вы удаляете пакет MariaDB для установки более новой версии MariaDB, или "
+"есть другие пакеты mariadb-server, использующие этот каталог, то данные "
+"лучше сохранить."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr "В системе найден файл /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Действительно установить более старую версию?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Это означает, что ранее уже был установлен пакет mariadb-server более "
+#~ "новой версии."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Нет гарантий, что версия, которая устанавливается сейчас, будет способна "
+#~ "работать с имеющимися базами данных."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "Хотите перейти на MariaDB?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB — современная замена MySQL. Будет использован ваш файл настроек "
+#~ "(my.cnf) и имеющиеся базы данных."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Заметим, что MariaDB имеет дополнительные возможности, которые "
+#~ "отсутствуют в MySQL, и поэтому обратный переход на MySQL не всегда может "
+#~ "быть выполнен, по крайней мере, не в автоматическом режиме как с MySQL на "
+#~ "MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "Невозможно задать пароль MariaDB пользователю «root»"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "В процессе задания пароля административного MariaDB пользователя "
+#~ "произошла ошибка. Это могло произойти, если у пользователя уже был задан "
+#~ "пароль, или из-за проблем соединения с сервером MariaDB."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr "Проверьте пароль учётной записи после установки пакета."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Подробности смотрите в файле /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README."
+#~ "Debian."
+#~ msgid "New password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Новый пароль для MariaDB пользователя «root»:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password for "
+#~ "the MariaDB administrative \"root\" user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Хотя и необязательно, но настоятельно рекомендуется установить пароль для "
+#~ "административного пользователя MariaDB «root»."
+#~ msgid "If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed."
+#~ msgstr "Если оставить поле пустым, то пароль изменён не будет."
+#~ msgid "Repeat password for the MariaDB \"root\" user:"
+#~ msgstr "Повторите ввод пароля для MariaDB пользователя «root»:"
+#~ msgid "Password input error"
+#~ msgstr "Ошибка ввода пароля"
+#~ msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
+#~ msgstr "Два введённых пароля не одинаковы. Повторите ввод."
diff --git a/debian/po/sv.po b/debian/po/sv.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81ce8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/sv.po
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# Translation of mariadb-10.1 debconf template to Swedish
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Martin Bagge <>
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 package.
+# Andreas Henriksson <>, 2007
+# Martin Bagge <>, 2009, 2015, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mysql-dfsg-5.1 5.0.21-3\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-23 09:20+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Martin Bagge / brother <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "Den gamla data-katalogen kommer att sparas till en ny plats"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"En fil med namn på formatet /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag hittades i "
+"systemet. Siffran indikerar ett binärformat på databasen som inte kan "
+"uppgraderas (eller nedgraderas)."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Därför kommer den gamla data-katalogen att byta namn till /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"och en ny katalog kommer att initieras på /var/lib/mysql."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Exportera/importera din data manuellt (exempelvis med mysqldump) om detta är "
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Viktig information för NIS/YP-användare"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"För att kunna använda MariaDB under NIS/YP måste ett användarkonto för mysql "
+"läggas till i systemet."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Du bör också kontrollera rättigheterna och ägaren av katalogen /var/lib/"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Ta bort alla MariaDB-databaser?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Katalogen /var/lib/mysql som innehåller MariaDB-databaser kommer att tas "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Om avinstallationen av MariaDB-paketet görs för att senare kunna installera "
+"en nyare version eller om en annan mariadb-server redan använder filerna ska "
+"de inte raderas."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr "En fil med namnet /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag hittades i systemet."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Vill du verkligen genomföra nedgraderingen?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En sådan fil är en indikation på att paketet mariadb-server med ett högre "
+#~ "versionsnummer har installerats tidigare."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Det finns ingen garanti för att den version som du håller på att "
+#~ "installera kommer att kunna använda de aktuella databaserna."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "Ska migreringen till MariaDB fortsätta?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB är en ersättare för MySQL som helt och hållet fyller platsen "
+#~ "efter MySQL. Den kommer att använda din nuvarande inställningsfil (my."
+#~ "cnf) och nuvarande databaser."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Observera att det finns ett antal förbättrade funktioner som inte finns i "
+#~ "MySQL, att gå tillbaka till MySQL är därför inte garanterat fungerande. "
+#~ "Åtminstone med samma automatik som från MySQL till MariaDB."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "Kunde inte sätta lösenord för MariaDBs \"root\"-användare"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ett fel uppstod när det skulle sättas ett lösenord för MariaDBs "
+#~ "administrativa användare (\"root\"). Detta kan ha skett för att "
+#~ "användaren redan har ett lösenord satt, eller på grund av problem med att "
+#~ "kommunicera med MariaDB-servern."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Du bör kontrollera kontots lösenord efter installationen av paketet."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Läs filen /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian för mer "
+#~ "information."
diff --git a/debian/po/templates.pot b/debian/po/templates.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4a319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/templates.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/debian/po/tr.po b/debian/po/tr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580e4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/tr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Turkish translation of mariadb-server.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-server package.
+# Gürkan Aslan <>, 2004
+# Atila KOÇ <>, 2015, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-16 13:16+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Atila KOÇ <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish <>\n"
+"Language: tr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "Eski veritabanı dizini yeni konumuna kaydedilecektir"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Bu sistemde /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag adlı bir dosya bulunmaktadır. "
+"Belirtilen numara kendiliğinden yükseltilemeyecek ya da alçaltılamayacak bir "
+"ikilik veritabanı biçimini işaret etmektedir."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Önceki veri dizini /var/lib/mysql-* olarak yeniden adlandırılacak ve yeni "
+"veri dizini /var/lib/mysql konumunda hazırlanacaktır."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr "Gerektiğinde verinizi elle (ör. mysqldump ile) içe/dışa aktarın."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "NIS/YP kullanıcıları için önemli not"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"MariaDB'nin NIS/YP ile kullanılması için yerel sisteme aşağıdaki komut "
+"çalıştırılarak mysql kullanıcı hesabının eklenmesi gereklidir:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"/var/lib/mysql dizininin sahiplik ve izin ayarlarını da gözden "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Tüm MariaDB veritabanları kaldırılsın mı?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"MariaDB veritabanlarını barındıran /var/lib/mysql dizini kaldırılmak üzere"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer MariaDB paketini daha sonra güncel bir sürümünü kurmak üzere "
+"kaldırıyorsanız ya da veritabanlarınıza başka bir mariadb-server paketi ile "
+"erişiyorsanız, veritabanlarınızı kaldırmamalısınız."
+#~ msgid "A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bu sistemde /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag adlı bir dosya bulunmaktadır."
+#~ msgid "Really proceed with downgrade?"
+#~ msgstr "Sürüm düşürme işlemine gerçekten başlansın mı?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Such a file is an indication that a mariadb-server package with a higher "
+#~ "version has been installed previously."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Böyle bir dosyanın varlığı daha yüksek sürümde bir mariadb-server "
+#~ "paketinin önceden kurulu olduğunu gösterir."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing will "
+#~ "be able to use the current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kurmakta olduğunuz sürümün var olan veritabanlarını kullanabileceğinin "
+#~ "garantisi yoktur."
+#~ msgid "Really migrate to MariaDB?"
+#~ msgstr "MariaDB geçişi gerçekten yapılsın mı?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It will use your current "
+#~ "configuration file (my.cnf) and current databases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB, MySQL yerine birebir geçebilen bir pakettir. Varolan "
+#~ "yapılandırma dosyanızı (my.cnf) ve veritabanlarınızı kullanacaktır."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that MariaDB has some enhanced features, which do not exist in MySQL "
+#~ "and thus migration back to MySQL might not always work, at least not as "
+#~ "automatically as migrating from MySQL to MariaDB."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB, MySQL'de olmayan ve daha gelişmiş özelliklere sahip olduğundan, "
+#~ "MySQL'e geri dönüş her zaman işlemeyebilir ya da en azından MySQL'den "
+#~ "MariaDB'ye geçiş kadar kolay ve kendiliğinden olmayabilir."
+#~ msgid "Unable to set password for the MariaDB \"root\" user"
+#~ msgstr "MaraiDB \"root\" kullanıcısı için parola oluşturulamadı"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred while setting the password for the MariaDB "
+#~ "administrative user. This may have happened because the account already "
+#~ "has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MariaDB "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MariaDB Sunucusu yönetimsel kullanıcısı için parola oluşturulurken bir "
+#~ "hata oluştu. Bu hataya, ilgili hesabın zaten bir parolası olması ya da "
+#~ "MariaDB sunucusu ile yaşanan iletişim sorunları neden olmuş olabilir."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You should check the account's password after the package installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Paketin kurulumundan sonra ilgili hesabın parolasını denetlemelisiniz."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README.Debian file for "
+#~ "more information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen /usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/README."
+#~ "Debian dosyasını inceleyin."
diff --git a/debian/po/vi.po b/debian/po/vi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ff478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/po/vi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Vietnamese translations for mariadb-10.1 package
+# Bản dịch Tiếng Việt dành cho gói mariadb-10.1.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the mariadb-10.1 package.
+# Trần Ngọc Quân <>, 2017.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mariadb-10.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-04-30 22:44+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-18 13:32+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Trần Ngọc Quân <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Vietnamese <>\n"
+"Language: vi\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid "The old data directory will be saved at new location"
+msgstr "Thư mục dữ liệu cũ sẽ được lưu tại vị trí mới"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system. The number "
+"indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically be "
+"upgraded (or downgraded)."
+msgstr ""
+"Một tập tin có tên /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag đã sẵn có trên hệ thống này. "
+"Con số chỉ ra rằng một phiên bản định dạng cơ sở dữ liệu không thể tự động "
+"nâng cấp (hoặc hạ cấp)."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* "
+"and a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql."
+msgstr ""
+"Do đó thư mục dữ liệu trước đây sẽ được đổi tên thành /var/lib/mysql-* và "
+"thư mục dữ liệu mới sẽ được khởi tạo tại /var/lib/mysql."
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:2001
+msgid ""
+"Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Vui lòng xuất/nhập dữ liệu của bạn bằng tay nếu thấy cần (ví dụ bằng "
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid "Important note for NIS/YP users"
+msgstr "Chú ý quan trọng cho người dùng NIS/YP"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on the "
+"local system with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Dùng MariaDB dưới NIS/YP cần một tài khoản người dùng được thêm vào một hệ "
+"thống nội bộ với:"
+#. Type: note
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:3001
+msgid ""
+"You should also check the permissions and ownership of the /var/lib/mysql "
+msgstr ""
+"Bạn cũng nên kiểm tra phân quyền và chủ sở hữu của thư mục /var/lib/mysql:"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid "Remove all MariaDB databases?"
+msgstr "Xóa bỏ mọi cơ sở dữ liệu MariaDB chứ?"
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about "
+"to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Thư mục /var/lib/mysql nơi mà chứa các cơ sở dữ liệu MariaDB chuẩn bị bị xóa "
+#. Type: boolean
+#. Description
+#: ../mariadb-server-10.1.templates:4001
+msgid ""
+"If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more "
+"recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already using it, "
+"the data should be kept."
+msgstr ""
+"Nếu bạn gỡ bỏ gói cốt để mà sau này cài đặt gói máy phục vụ phiên bản gần "
+"đây hoặc là một gói mariadb-server khác đang được dùng, dữ liệu nên được giữ "
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..707c3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+export DH_VERBOSE=1
+# enable Debian Hardening
+# see:
+export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
+include /usr/share/dpkg/
+BUILDDIR := builddir
+DEB_VERSION_REVISION := $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | sed -e 's/^.*-//')
+RELEASE := $(shell lsb_release -r -s) # Use changelog based DEB_DISTRIBUTION instead?
+# Parallel build support as advised
+# at
+ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ NUMJOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ # NUMJOBS cannot be empty as it is used as a parameter to mtr, default to 1.
+# Ignore test suite exit code on unstable platforms
+ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),mips mipsel alpha powerpc sh4 hurd-i386))
+# Skip TokuDB if arch is not amd64 (also disable for kfreebsd-amd64 as it FTBFS)
+# Skipped on the x32 ABI too; untested, but unlikely to work given i386 is not
+# supported.
+ifneq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),amd64)
+# Disable jemalloc on mips* due to #843926
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), mips mipsel mips64 mips64el))
+# Add support for verbose builds
+ @echo "RULES.$@"
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ rm -rf mysql-test/var
+ rm -f storage/mroonga/mysql-test/mroonga/storage/r/information_schema_plugins.result
+ rm -f storage/mroonga/mysql-test/mroonga/storage/r/variable_version.result
+ rm -f debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mariadb.service
+ rm -f debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mariadb@.service
+ rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
+ [ ! -f debian/mysql-test-unstable-tests.orig ] || \
+ mv debian/mysql-test-unstable-tests.orig mysql-test/unstable-tests
+ debconf-updatepo # Update po-files when clean runs before each build
+ @echo "RULES.$@"
+ dh_testdir
+ mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR) && cd $(BUILDDIR) && \
+ sh -c 'PATH=$${MYSQL_BUILD_PATH:-"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"} \
+ CC=${CC} \
+ CXX=${CXX} \
+ -DWITH_SSL=bundled \
+ -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release \
+ -DINSTALL_PLUGINDIR=lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mariadb18/plugin \
+ -DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql/mysql-test \
+# This is needed, otherwise 'make test' will run before binaries have been built
+ @echo "RULES.$@"
+ # Print build env info to help debug builds on different platforms
+ dpkg-architecture
+ cd $(BUILDDIR) && $(MAKE)
+ @echo "RULES.$@"
+ dh_testdir
+ # Skip unstable tests if such are defined for arch
+ cp mysql-test/unstable-tests debian/mysql-test-unstable-tests.orig
+ [ ! -f debian/unstable-tests.$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) ] || cat debian/unstable-tests.$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) >> mysql-test/unstable-tests
+ # Run testsuite
+ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ cd $(BUILDDIR)/mysql-test && ./mtr --force --testcase-timeout=30 --suite-timeout=540 --retry=3 --parallel=$(NUMJOBS) --skip-test-list=unstable-tests || $(TESTSUITE_FAIL_CMD) ;
+ @echo "RULES.$@"
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ifneq (,$(filter linux,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS)))
+ # Copy systemd files to a location available for dh_installinit
+ cp $(BUILDDIR)/support-files/mariadb.service debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mariadb.service
+ cp $(BUILDDIR)/support-files/mariadb@.service debian/mariadb-server-10.1.mariadb@.service
+ # make install
+ cd $(BUILDDIR) && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(TMP)
+ # Delete runnable files we don't want to have in the test data package.
+ # This avoids triggering multiple Lintian errors.
+ rm -rf $(TMP)/usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/plugin/tokudb/tokudb/*.py
+ rm -rf $(TMP)/usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/plugin/tokudb/tokudb/t/*.py
+ # nm numeric soft is not enough, therefore extra sort in command
+ # to satisfy Debian reproducible build requirements
+ nm --defined-only $(BUILDDIR)/sql/mysqld | LC_ALL=C sort | gzip -n -9 > $(TMP)/usr/share/doc/mariadb-server-10.1/mysqld.sym.gz
+ # rename and install AppArmor profile
+ install -D -m 644 debian/apparmor-profile $(TMP)/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld
+ dh_installlogrotate --name mysql-server
+ dh_systemd_enable --name=mariadb
+ dh_systemd_enable --no-enable --name=mariadb@
+# Disable dh_systemd_start due /etc/init.d/mysql messing with the automatic snippets
+ :
+# Start mysql at sequence number 19 before 20 where apache, proftpd etc gets
+# started which might depend on a running database server.
+ dh_installinit --name=mysql --no-start -- defaults 19 21
+ dh_installcron --name mysql-server
+ uscan --force-download --verbose
+ dh $@ --parallel --with systemd --fail-missing
+# vim: ts=8
diff --git a/debian/source.lintian-overrides b/debian/source.lintian-overrides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2141d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source.lintian-overrides
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# OK, used in the test suite
+source-contains-prebuilt-windows-binary mysql-test/std_data/ctype_upgrade/maria050533_xxx_croatian_ci.MYD
+source-contains-prebuilt-windows-binary mysql-test/std_data/ctype_upgrade/maria100004_xxx_croatian_ci.MYD
+source-contains-prebuilt-windows-binary mysql-test/std_data/ctype_upgrade/mysql050614_xxx_croatian_ci.MYD
+# Bundled snappy does in fact use these autotools files
+outdated-autotools-helper-file storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/snappy-1.1.2/config.guess 2012-02-10
+outdated-autotools-helper-file storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/snappy-1.1.2/config.sub 2012-02-10
+# TokuDB requires specifically xz-4.999.9beta, and bundled xz does in fact use these autotools files
+outdated-autotools-helper-file storage/tokudb/PerconaFT/third_party/xz-4.999.9beta/build-aux/config.sub 2009-04-17
+# libmariadbclient-dev contains usr/bin/mysql_config which will never be multi-arch
+# (and is not multi-arch in Oracle MySQL packages either)
+dependency-is-not-multi-archified libmariadbclient-dev-compat depends on libmariadbclient-dev (multi-arch: no)
+dependency-is-not-multi-archified libmariadbd-dev depends on libmariadbclient-dev (multi-arch: no)
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163aaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/format
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/tests/control b/debian/tests/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8059a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/control
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Tests: smoke
+Depends: mariadb-server-10.1
+Restrictions: allow-stderr needs-root
+Tests: upstream
+Depends: mariadb-test
+Restrictions: allow-stderr breaks-testbed
diff --git a/debian/tests/smoke b/debian/tests/smoke
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d463b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/smoke
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+set -ex
+# dep8 smoke test for mysql-server
+# Author: Robie Basak <robie.basak at>
+# This test should be declared in debian/tests/control with a dependency
+# on the package that provides a configured MariaDB server (eg.
+# mariadb-server-10.1).
+# This test should be declared in debian/tests/control with the
+# following restrictions:
+# needs-root (to be able to log into the database)
+# allow-stderr
+# This test:
+# 1) Creates a test database and test user as the root user.
+# 2) Creates a test table and checks it appears to operate normally
+# using the test user and test database.
+mysql <<EOT
+CREATE DATABASE testdatabase;
+CREATE USER 'testuser'@'localhost' identified by 'testpassword';
+GRANT ALL ON testdatabase.* TO 'testuser'@'localhost';
+mysql testdatabase <<EOT
+INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (41);
+result=`echo 'SELECT bar+1 FROM foo;'|mysql --batch --skip-column-names --user=testuser --password=testpassword testdatabase`
+if [ "$result" != "42" ]; then
+ echo "Unexpected result" >&2
+ exit 1
+mysql --user=testuser --password=testpassword testdatabase <<EOT
+mysql <<EOT
+DROP DATABASE testdatabase;
+DROP USER 'testuser'@'localhost';
diff --git a/debian/tests/upstream b/debian/tests/upstream
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5034df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/upstream
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# autopkgtest check: Build and run the upstream test suite.
+# (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
+# Author: Daniel Kessel <>
+# running the mysql testsuite as described in:
+echo "running test 'testsuite'"
+set -e
+WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+mkdir var
+mkdir tmp
+echo "using vardir: $WORKDIR/var"
+echo "using tmpdir: $WORKDIR/tmp"
+echo "Setting up skip-tests-list"
+cat > $SKIP_TEST_LST << EOF
+binlog.binlog_server_start_options : Requires writable /usr
+main.ctype_uca : Requires writable /usr
+rpl.rpl_gtid_mode : Requires starting server as root ref
+cd /usr/share/mysql/mysql-test
+echo "starting"
+perl -I. ./ --suite=main --vardir=$WORKDIR/var --tmpdir=$WORKDIR/tmp \
+ --parallel=auto --skip-rpl \
+ --force --skip-test-list=$SKIP_TEST_LST $@ 2>&1
+echo "run: OK"
diff --git a/debian/upstream/metadata b/debian/upstream/metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..692c316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream/metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Name: MariaDB
+Repository: git://
diff --git a/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc b/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaa63db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0027d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+uversionmangle=s/-(rc|beta)/$1/,pasv \
+[\d\.]*(?:-beta|-rc)?)/source/mariadb-([\d\.]*(?:-beta|-rc)?).tar.gz \
+# Added string "-10.1." in path as MariaDB has release series 10.0 and 10.1 in
+# parallel, and we want uscan to check for updates only in the 10.1-series.
+# Automated signature checking with pgpsigurlmangle has been available
+# only since devscripts version 2.13.3